#and charged me $350 to do so
italianodamiano · 2 years
beth go see a specialist and don’t cry afterward challenge
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michibap · 21 days
okay so here me out. schlatt with reader who has constant allergies and their nose is always itchy and red, like all the time. their crying when they wake up bc their eyes create too much water bc of how dry it always is for them, and they're always sneezing
he'd definitely be polite and say bless you after the first sneeze, but after the 4th he's telling you to stfu already 😭
idk chat, I think I'm projecting rn
-def the type to be like “you get one bless you and that’s IT”
-sneezing like eight times in a row and looking over to see him staring at u in horror
-on your ASS about taking your medicine
-one of the things on the checklist he has for you before you leave your house
“Bye baby, love u. Phone? Keys? Wallet? Allergy medicine?”
-when you nod he’ll smack a wet kiss to your forehead and send u out the door with a lil pat to ur bum
-will ask ahead of time if there is going to be a furry creature at the function so he can make sure you take your meds beforehand
-bc he KNOWS your ass will be petting that animal whether it’s a detriment to your health or not
-refers to your tissues as snot rags and WILL NOT TOUCH THEM
“Eugh u have boogies”
-fine with runny noses or whatever but if your throat closes up or your eyes get too puffy he WILL freak out
“What the fuck?? Should we go to the hospital??”
“Nah, get me a Benadryl and I’ll be fine in 30.”
“I- Are you sure??”
-has 100% dragged u to the hospital against your will JUST in case
“And now we’re getting charged $350 for benadryl that we had at home for free. Really saved the day, babe.”
“Ya, sorry I didn’t want to see you go into fucking anaphylactic shock.”
-makes fun of u for your inferior genes
-bc wdym you’re allergic to OUTSIDE?? fucking loser
-hay fever probably makes him a little anxious at first bc like ARE YOU SICK?? DO U NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION??
-once you explain it’s just allergies he uses it as an excuse to baby u to the MAX
-bc he can coddle you without any concerns of getting sick 😋
“Dude get OFF me I already can’t breathe.”
“I’m healing you.”
-indoorsy dates when it hits peak allergy season movies, aquariums, art exhibits, etc.
-if you’re allergic to jambo it’s gonna be a problem.
-not rlly
-will try do everything in his power to keep the two of you apart
-but can’t help but melt when he walks into the room and finds jambo perched in your lap, purring as he presses his little head up into your palm
-cats ALWAYS choose ppl who r allergic to them don’t ask me why
-fucking FINE you can pet the cat. just wash your hands after
-takes special care to vacuum and wash his sheets before you come over so any fur on there doesn’t have ur allergies acting up
this was very cute. ty
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halsteadlover · 2 years
Eye For An Eye
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hi. I dont know if you have seen Greys Anatomy, but my request is if you could write Jay and the reader in the season 6 finale of Greys. With the reader being in Dereks place(she can be a surgeon) and Jay in Merediths. He doesnt have a gun on him when it happens, so he cant protect them. And instead of Christina, Its Will who does the surgery on Y/N. So I dont know if you have seen it, or if you are completly confused, but if you have, it would mean alot😊
• Warnings: blood, curse words, gunshots
• Word count: 7138.
• A/N: I think this is the longest piece I've ever written and as always it's shitty 💀 I'm sorry for how this turned out but I hope you'll like it. Let me know what do you think, like, comment and reblog if you want 💞 Love you all and thank you for your support.
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Each person has a different way of doing, of thinking, of acting. Each situation is different from another and for each one there is a different way of reacting. When you’re happy there are those people who jump of joy, there are those who cry, those who cannot stop laughing or clapping their hands. When you are sad there are people who withdraw into themselves, those who prefer the company of some friends or their partner, those who don’t let themselves be discouraged.
But when you lose a loved one, this is a very broad discourse, difficult to enclose in just few lines, but even in this case each person has their own reaction, their own way of dealing with pain. There are those who cry desperately, those who scream since the pain of the loss is so strong because this is a kind of pain that tears inside you, tears your heart out; there are those who seem impassive, just because they need to metabolize, they don’t cry, they don’t scream, don’t despair, they remain there sitting in a corner to mull over what happened, what was going on.
During your career as a surgeon you had – unfortunately you'd dare to say – the opportunity to witness all kinds of reactions from a family member to the loss of their loved one. You were always understanding, ready to do anything to try and ease the pain those people were feeling even though you knew they hated you at the time since you were the person who gave them the worst news of their life. You thought you had seen everything but, damn it, how wrong you were, how wrong you were in having taken the arrogance of being able to think you knew the human being in its complicated and absurd interest. As already mentioned, every person has his own type of reaction in relation to a certain situation but never in your life, not even for a second, you would’ve thought the death of a patient could also have been the cause of yours.
“Doctor Y/LN, the patient is in atrial fibrillation,” a nurse had warned. You were in the midst of a brain operation on a woman, Ellen Hopkins, a 50-year-old lady who had a meningioma, a benign brain tumor but which, given its location and size, was quite dangerous to remove and carried high risks.
“The patient has her skull open, a wrong movement and I could make her paralyzed for life” you replied, the forceps and the electric scalpel in your hands while you were concentrating on the patient’s brain. “Two milligrams of Amiodarone, fast!”.
“The fibrillation persists,” you commented, lifting your eyes for a moment and placing them on the monitor the patient was connected to. “Damn it!” you exclaimed, putting down the surgical instruments and approaching the patient’s chest “Let’s carry out a cardioversion!”
“Charge at 200!”
Still nothing, the fibrillation persisted as the patient’s values plummeted dramatically.
“350! And call cardiology!”
Not being able to use defibrillation again, you continued with the cardiac massage while waiting for a cardiothoracic surgeon to arrive in the operating room.
But Mrs. Ellen died on that operating table before someone even arrived.
“Damn it,” you cursed, taking a deep sigh and looking at the clock “Time of death, 16:33.”
Informing relatives was never an easy thing to do, you never got used to it, and that didn’t change even when you had to inform Mrs. Ellen Hopkins’ husband, Bill. You explained to him how the surgery had gone, you answered his questions, you told him you did everything possible to save his wife but that, unfortunately, she hadn’t made it.
Bill was petrified, speechless. Not a single sound came out of his mouth, not a single word, not a single tear came out of his eyes. He remained impassive, unable to process the information he had just been given. He just looked at you, straight in the eye, for a few moments before turning his gaze and walking away.
You watched him go and it was in vain to try to call his name and speak to him. You sighed deeply, running your hands over your face in frustration, blaming yourself for just ruining that man’s life. You couldn’t even imagine how he must feel at that moment, so you didn’t blame his reaction, as already mentioned, everyone had their own way of reacting to such devastating news.
As you used to do after surgery, you holed up in the doctors’ ward, ignoring everything and everyone and continuing to reflect on that surgery and what you could’ve done differently to save that woman.
And you stayed there all afternoon, until the evening, until your shift was over. They all tried to cheer you up, Connor, Will, April, to tell you it wasn’t your fault but right now you didn’t even want to hear those words, at least not from them. You just wanted Jay and one of his hugs.
Jay had been your boyfriend for almost four and a half years now and given your hectic lifestyles, being you a surgeon and him a cop, it was sometimes difficult for you to even see each other even if you were living together.
That evening it was enough for him to see you come out of the hospital doors to understand there was something wrong with you. He understood it from the way you walked at a slow pace, from the way you had your head down and your eyes on the ground.
“My love,” he began, getting up from his car on which he was leaning and walking towards you. When he finished his shift early, he always used to pick you up at the hospital or wait there until your shift ended too.
A small smile rose on your lips when you saw him, beautiful as the sun. The instant relief you felt when you saw him was something magnificent, it was amazing how even just that was enough to make you feel better.
“Hi baby,” you greeted him, immediately wrapping your arms around his chest and hugging him tightly. His arms encircled your shoulders and he too squeezed you tightly, knowing right away that you needed it right now.
“Baby are you okay? What happened?” he immediately asked in a worried tone as his hand gently stroked your head.
“Can we talk about this later? I just want to go home and forget about this day.”
Jay understood but didn't insist any further, leaving your space and knowing that when you were ready you’d tell him everything.
He slightly broke away from that embrace and with his hands he cupped your face, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. Without saying anything he kissed you, a chaste, sweet and delicate kiss you didn't even realize you needed until then.
“Has anyone dared to bother my princess? Do I have to beat the shit out of someone?” Jay asked in a menacing tone and expression, in an attempt to cheer you up. He smiled when you giggled, knowing he had succeeded and that, in reality, he was serious about this, as he wouldn’t hesitate even for a second to punch anyone who really dared to hurt you.
“No baby, no one has dares to do this wickedness,” you replied with a joking tone.
“It'll be better for them,” Jay joked, stamping a sweet kiss on your forehead that made your stomach lightly explode like fireworks. God, how much you loved that little gesture. “What do you say to go home and forget about this bad day? We can order something and watch a movie if you like.”
You nodded enthusiastically, looking forward to taking a shower and throwing yourself on the bed.
You and Jay were lying on the sofa, having dinner and watching a movie in the background that neither of you was really following. Your head was resting on his chest, your arm instead encircling his chest as he hugged you tightly, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead from time to time.
“I missed you so much today,” Jay said, making you smile even though he couldn't even see you right now.
“I missed you so much too baby, I really needed this.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, almost in a whisper. You let out a sigh, almost involuntarily, “You don't have to tough if you don't want to, I don't want to put pressure on you.”
“No sorry it’s just…” you started talking, putting yourself in a sitting position so that you could look at Jay “It's just... Surgery gone wrong, a woman died on the operating table.”
“Oh. I'm so sorry my love,” Jay replied, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly. “You don't think it's your fault, do you?”
“And who else could it be? I was the surgeon,” you blurted out “It was an operation that presented complications but it had 95% of possibilities to be a success, I promised her, her husband...”
“Baby, baby, stop,” Jay stopped you, letting go of your hand and grabbing your face with his hands and making you stop talking. “It’s. Not. Your. Fault. I wasn't there and I don't know how things went but I'm 100% sure you did everything in your power to save her and if there was a chance to do anything to keep her alive you’d do it. Complications happen, they happen, the surgery had a 95% chance of success but unfortunately that 5% is always there, it's hard, but it's always there and it's nobody's fault, much less yours. Don’t blame yourself for this baby, you are one of the most talented surgeons in the entire hospital…”
“Why can't I help but feel like shit then? Maybe I didn't consider some variables, I was too sure and a patient died,” you said, your voice almost broken by trying to hold back the tears. But from the way Jay wiped one, you could tell the attempt was completely in vain.
“Because we are human, it's in our nature to blame ourselves when something doesn’t go as planned and we always need to have an answer to the things that happen but the truth is that not everything has an answer, the universe operates in a mysterious way and I know for sure, I’d bet on it, there was nothing you could’ve done that you haven't already done.”
You sighed, then resting your head on his chest as he hugged you in an attempt to console you.
“I'm here for you baby, cry and let it go as long as you want, I won't let you go,” he continued to whisper, occasionally leaving sweet and delicate kisses on your forehead. He continued to hug you indefinitely, whispering words of comfort to you until you calmed down and stopped crying. You didn't know how to express your gratitude for having such a fantastic man like Jay by your side, you’d never have known how to do it without him. He was your rock, your backbone, what put you back together when your world fell apart.
In the next two days nothing special happened, you and Jay went on normally with your jobs, you operated, he arrested criminals.
It was Friday and it was now late morning while you were in the operating room after finishing an operation on a man with spinal problems. As usual, you washed your hands and left the operating room before going to write everything down on the patient's medical record.
Everything seemed to go on normally, lunchtime came quickly and as usual, Jay came to the hospital to pick you up and go eat something together. You were still busy in the last morning visits and Jay took the opportunity to exchange a few words with his brother Will, who was at the reception.
“Look who’s bere, I thought you died,” Will commented, jokingly.
“Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't show up but work has been killing me lately, it's like the criminals have all woken up at the same time,”Jay explained “How is everything going?”.
“It's okay. I’m fine, Maya is back in town tomorrow and I can't wait to see her again, work is going pretty well, in short, I have nothing to complain about and I can finally exchange few words with my little brother.”
Jay chuckled and was about to answer when a man's voice interrupted him.
“Excuse me,” the man said, getting attention “I'm looking for doctor Y/N Y/LN, where can I find her?”.
Jay immediately turned to the man after hearing your name being mentioned and looked him up and down, studying his appearance and making sure he wasn't some ex or, worse, a shady guy. He was a man who couldn’t exceed fifty-five, tall, slender physique, balding. He had his hands tucked into the pocket of his visibly ruined pants and his gaze totally absent.
“She’s finishing her last visits, you can wait in the waiting room and I will call you,” Will replied cordially.
“No, it's pretty urgent. I'm here for my wife and the doctor made an appointment for me today and at this time,” said the man, so calmly, a behavior that was not expected of someone who had a loved one hospitalized.
“I’m sure you can wait here too, the doctor will come down immediately and see you,” Jay continued, but the man insisted that the matter was urgent and he needed to see her right away.
“If the doctor told you that, you can go now,” Will said, going on to explain where to find you.
The man thanked him and started walking towards the elevator. By now he had memorized the way to your ward, which was only on the first floor.
Slowly, the man approached the ward where, however, a nurse stopped him.
“Sir, visiting hours are over, you can't stay here.”
“I'm looking for Doctor Y/LN,” he replied, completely ignoring the nurse's words.
“You can come back here at three in the afternoon, when visiting hours start again.”
Soon the situation plunged completely into the abyss, in a whirlwind of chaos and despair.
The man pulled a gun out of his jacket pocket and without any sign of remorse or hesitation, shot that nurse, making his body fall to the ground, lifeless.
The sound of the shot echoed throughout the entire floor and the terrified screams of doctors, nurses and the patients themselves began to spread. They all started running away at the speed of light fearing for their lives. There were, however, those who couldn’t even get out of bed, asleep patients who were unable to save themselves.
When suddenly Jay saw a wave of people running from the elevator, terrified, he knew immediately that something was wrong. He and Will quickly exchanged a worried look and Jay immediately tried to stop someone to ask for an explanation.
“Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on?!” he exclaimed aloud, but everyone ignored him, continuing to run away. He stopped a man, who in terror stammered a few words.
“A… A man… He has a… He shot… He has a gun.”
Jay’s heart stopped beating for a moment as he heard those words. His mind immediately understood what was happening, who was the aggressor and his first thought was you. That man had targeted you, he wanted you.
A feeling of panic took over him and his brain went completely blackout. His first instinct was to run to the elevator and try to find you before that man found you but Will stopped him.
“Where the hell are you going?!”
“What do you mean where the hell am I going? That man is looking for Y/N I have to find her!”
“Jay you need backup!”
“You get as many people out as possible, I call the rest of the team and look for Y/N,” Jay had replied and before Will could even answer, he run for the elevators. After quickly making the call and making sure the team and SWAT were coming soon, he put his cell phone in his pocket and reached for his gun.
At that precise moment a shiver went through his body as he realized he didn’t have his gun with him and that he had left it in the dashboard of his car.
“Fuck!” he whispered angrily to himself. That didn’t stop Jay, however, determined to find you before the madman did. He began to wander the corridors of that floor, constantly looking around. He felt the sweat tinge his forehead and his heartbeat greatly accelerated, not so much because of the situation but because he knew your life was in danger. He kept praying with every fiber of his being you were okay, that you were able to hide somewhere.
The anxiety and worry he was feeling at that moment were feelings he had felt a few times in his life and knowing that you, the love of his life, were in danger and, above all, he couldn’t do anything to help you, it destroyed him. Deep down he couldn’t even formulate a single coherent and rational thought.
The last thing you expected that day – and to be honest, you didn’t expect at all – was to find yourself face to face with an armed man pointing his gun at you.
“Mr. Hopkins…” you whispered, short of breath and heart pounding. Mrs. Ellen Hopkins’s husband, the lady who had passed away on your operating table a few days earlier, stood in front of you, with an absent look, and with the gun pointing straight at you.
“You killed my wife,” he said, his voice cold, aloof, as if a robot had taken possession of him.
“I… Mr. Hopkins I don’t…” you stammered, having no idea how to get out of that situation.
“You killed my wife!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, showing some emotion for the first time. His sudden change of tone made you jump with fear, and in pure instinct you raised your hands up, visibly trembling.
“Mr. Hopkins, please… Lower that gun, there is no need, I promise you I will answer any of your question.”
“Shut up!” he yelled again “There is no question you can answer! You killed my wife! The love of my life! You took her away from me and today you will die like her!”.
Your eyes filled with tears, but you tried in vain not to cry.
Fuck no, you didn’t want to die, not that day, not like that.
“Mr. Hopkins… I ask you please, let me explain how things went, I’m sure you will want to know why. I know this won’t bring your wife back and I’m terribly sorry about that, I know how much you loved her and how much she loved you, but I can help you find answers if you wants.”
“And what could fix this? She died!” he exclaimed, waving his gun at you and making you jump again.
Oh God please.
“Nothing, I know it won’t bring her back to life, but it might help you find some peace, I’m sure, in fact, I’m 100% sure Ellen would like you to be at peace, she doesn’t want you pining for her death.”
“I don’t want to hear you talk!” Bill continued, now taken by anger and resentment “I hate you! I hate you so much! You were the one who had to heal my wife, make her feel better and not kill her! ”.
Your heart tightened in a vise and you couldn’t not feel guilty. You rationally knew it wasn’t your fault but, subconsciously, you couldn’t help but think so.
“Okay, okay, but please Mr. Hopkins, this thing is just between me and you alright? No one else has to suffer from this tragedy, no family has to mourn their loved one, if you want to blame me that’s fine but leave the other innocent people alone.”
“I don’t care a damn about the others, they were just accidents along the way. I wanted you Dr. Y/LN, you ended my wife’s life and I will end yours.”
Your blood froze in your veins, your brain working hard to try to invent a way to escape from that situation.
At that moment your thought was only one, only Jay, and how much you wished him to appear through that door and take you away from there. You couldn’t stop thinking how that morning could’ve been the last time you saw him, how you wanted nothing more than to take refuge in his arms.
Bill clicked the safety of his gun and a feeling of panic took hold of you completely, fearing that these would be your last moments in life.
“Bill… Please listen to me,” you begged him “I know you aren’t a bad person, I know you are grieving terribly for the loss of your wife and I am so sorry, there has not been a moment when I have not thought of her and I don’t even dare imagine your suffering, damn it, I don’t even know how I would’ve reacted in such a situation. I know it’s just the sadness and anger that are talking now, and you are right to be angry with me, with the world, with whoever is up there who took Ellen away from you and I don’t blame you for that. I know I was the person you trusted most to save her life and I betrayed this trust and I will forever apologize for that, because I wanted Ellen to recover as much as you did. I am not a perfect being, I am human too and as such I can make mistakes but I am ready to pay the consequences,” you spoke, and noticing that he was listening to you you continued “I did my best and believe me when I tell you that if there was a single minimal thing I could’ve done to save her, I would’ve done it but I know you don’t see it that way now. Bill... I… I have a family too, I’m somebody’s daughter, sister, niece, girlfriend and like I said I know you’re not a bad person, I know you never want any family to go through what you are going through right now.”
“You’re wrong Dr. Y/LN,” he replied, suddenly calm, as if all the anger he felt until recently had magically vanished. “I want everyone to feel exactly what I’m feeling.”
The sound of a gunshot boomed throughout your office room as it kept repeating in your mind. Suddenly the whole world around you fell into total silence, there was only a subspecies of hum that you could clearly hear with your ears.
You didn’t realize it right away. It took you a few moments to do it.
You didn’t realize right away he actually shot you. It was only when you looked down and watched the blood splatter spread across your uniform that you really realized he had shot you.
Your body fell into a trance state and you didn’t immediately feel pain, due to the adrenaline flowing through your veins.
You fell to the ground, without strength, the blood expanding rapidly under your body and soiling all your clothes. You had no idea what was going on, you didn’t know if you were dead, if you were still alive, if your attacker was still there, if it was all a terrible nightmare.
Your mouth was completely dry, your jaws so dehydrated as if you had just run a marathon. Your heart was beating madly as your chest rose and fell quickly even though each breath was like receiving a stab, one was more painful than the other.
At that point the pain slowly began to be excruciating, so persistent as to be almost paralyzing. It felt as if millions of needles were penetrating your skin with extreme and devastating agony.
Jay was right there, he had witnessed that frightening and horrible scene from afar, given the open door of your office. He had seen how that man shot you in cold blood and without the slightest doubt or hesitation.
It was Will who literally held him back by force, or he would’ve come to you, or he would’ve tried to save you. He would’ve even taken that bullet for you, he would’ve fought to try to save you, but he couldn’t have done it and now you were probably even dead.
It didn’t do any good to wriggle with all the strength he had in his body, try to escape Will’s grip, yell at him to let him go.
“Fuck Will, let me go!” Jay kept screaming, trying to run away, in despair he had never been in his life. His stomach was in a vise and a lump in his throat had formed.
But when that shot rang out within the walls of that hospital, Jay was completely paralyzed for a few seconds, as if for a moment he had feared he had an auditory hallucination.
He stood still as his mind processed what was really going on.
“No!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, freeing himself from Will and running at lightning speed to your office. He didn't have anything else in mind but you at that moment and he didn't even care that bastard had vanished, he just wanted to see you.
Seeing you poured into a pool of your own blood was an image that would never leave his mind again.
“Baby! Baby! Please wake up, don't leave me!” Jay exclaimed, immediately leaning over your body, not caring in the least he was soiled with blood. He took your face in his hands, breathing a sigh of relief when he noticed you were still alive, trying to mumble something.
“Shhh my love, don't talk, keep your strength okay? I'm here now, I won't let you go, please hold on tight” Jay begged, “Will!” his eyes blurred with tears and only then he realized he was crying “Please don't play tricks on me, you have to stay with your eyes open okay?”.
“J-Jay…” you muttered, struggling to keep your eyes open “It hurts so much...”
Jay cried even more to hear those words, knowing you were in terribly much pain and there was nothing he could do to end that pain. He continued to caress your face, your hair, noticing the paleness of your skin. He knew very well how you felt, he knew how a shot could be terribly painful.
“I'm so sorry I didn't come earlier baby, please don't leave me okay? I love you so much, I can't live without you…” he cried “Try to hold on for me, you'll be fine I promise...”
“I... I want to sleep Jay...”
“No, no, no, no,” he replied, panic in his voice. “Don't fall asleep, okay? You have to keep these beautiful eyes of yours open, can you do this for me my love? I know it's difficult but you are so strong, you are the strongest person I know... Don't do this to me, don't leave me baby…”
But at that moment you weren't strong at all, you weren't a fighter and you didn't have the energy and strength to fight. You just wanted to let yourself go and get some sleep, just for a little while.
The room slowly began to fade as black splotches appeared before your eyes and at that point you could no longer fight to keep your eyes open and found yourself sucked into a whirlwind of darkness.
“Will!” Jay yelled in utter despair again.
Will immediately walked into your office after rushing to get a stretcher and an emergency kit, and seeing the blood and you unconscious in Jay's arms he knew immediately that the situation was dire.
“I’m sorry I was finding these. We need to get her to the OR immediately. Jay help me put her on the stretcher,” Will ordered, trying to stay as cool and lucid as possible even though it was hard for him to see you like that too. You weren't just his brother's girlfriend, you were also his colleague and a very dear friend.
“Take her by the shoulders, I’ll take her by the legs. At three we raise her, okay?”.
Jay nodded, trying to wipe away his tears quickly and did what Will said.
“One. Two. Three.”
They placed you on the stretcher and all three of you immediately left the office, trying to go as quickly as possible to the operating room. It was a race against time, and both Will and Jay knew it, there was no room for mistakes, there was no room for hesitation.
“Will,” Jay called his brother, before seeing him enter the OR.
Will turned and immediately understood the words Jay was about to say.
“I can't be without her, save her please.”
Will's heart squeezed in a vise and never as in that moment he felt a huge weight on his shoulders because he knew if things went wrong he wouldn’t only lose you, a friend, a colleague, an exceptional doctor, but he would also lose his little brother.
He nodded before turning and walking into the operating room.
Jay didn't know what to do with himself. He never felt so helpless and at the same time cutting out from the world.
He didn't know the rest of his team had arrived there in the hospital, that the man was immediately found and arrested after killing that nurse and seriously injuring you and two other people but Jay didn't even care.
He didn't care where he was, he didn't care if he suddenly appeared behind him or even if he went around the hospital. He knew this wasn’t correct, his motto was to protect and serve but he didn’t give a fuck, he wanted nothing more than to know you were alive, safe and sound, that you were okay.
When it came to you, there was no criminal, job or any other matter that had a priority over you, there was nothing he wouldn’t have abandoned just to know that you were happy, that you were well and healthy. You had always been the center of his world since he met you and he didn’t even care how absurd it seemed, but it was the truth, you were his everything, all that was most important to him and knowing he had done nothing to avoid hurting you was killing him, devouring him inside.
The thought there was only a wall to divide you physically but an abyss mentally, was something that Jay just couldn’t understand and in the hours when Will operated on you, he thought he literally died a thousand times.
For the first time in his life he had understood the real meaning of fear and it was a feeling he never wanted to try again. It was horrible, devastating, debilitating, feeling that damned fear, that paralyzing and visceral feeling of anxiety that twisted his stomach in a tight grip. He was afraid of losing you, of never seeing you again.
How could he live without you?
How could he only think of living in a world where you were not there?
He wasn’t ready. He would never be.
This option had never even touched his head since you became a part of his world. He wanted to be with you forever, until his last breath and that was not even enough, because he knew that even in the afterlife your souls would be reunited and you would be together again.
What would he do if he never saw you again? What if he could no longer talk to you, hear you laugh at his sleazy jokes, hear you romp when you were happy, see you smile, hug you when you were sad and wipe your tears when you lost some patient on the operating table? What would he have done without your immense clumsiness, so much that he didn’t even know how you were a surgeon sometimes, without your disastrous cooking, without your hair ties thrown all over the place, without your obsessive way of disinfecting everything? What would he have done without your kisses, your hugs, your way of making him feel so pampered and loved, always, every day and every second?
“Fuck no, no, no, no,” Jay muttered to himself, as if to banish those horrible thoughts from his mind, “God please, please, save her, let her come back to me…”
After about an hour in which you were in the operating room, the rest of the intelligence reached Jay and in vain his friends tried to calm him down.
It was only when he saw Will come out the door of that damned operating room that he came back to breathe a bit and at the same time die of heartbreak and anxiety.
“So? How did it go? Is she fine? Please tell me she’s okay,” Jay spat out, immediately approaching his brother. He studied the expression on his face in the smallest details and a modicum of hope lit up when he didn’t see that typical expression you had when you had to communicate the death of a loved one, he didn’t seem sad, on the contrary.
“The surgery was a succes, I am 99% sure she will recover completely. The bullet had pierced the stomach but fortunately there was no major damage. Now I’m taking her to ICU and we’ll have to wait for her to wake up,” Will explained and couldn’t even explain the transformation Jay underwent. He noticed the precise moment when that veil of anxiety and worry finally disappeared, replaced instead by joy and happiness.
In a rush of happiness Jay hugged his brother, squeezing him like he had never done before. “Thank you Will, thank you so much.”
Will returned that hug, smiling. “You don’t have to thank me, she is very strong.”
“Yeah, she really is,” Jay replied through tears, only then realizing he was crying. “When can I see her?”.
“In a while don’t worry.”
Seeing you lying on that hospital bed was an image Jay would never have thought of seeing in his life, it was literally a blow to his heart. You had oxygen goggles inserted in your nostrils, your face was terribly pale but despite that you were still the most beautiful creature Jay had ever seen.
He stood next to you and he never took his eyes off you for not even for a second. His hand gently stroked your hair, as he used to do when you slept. It had now become a habit, stroking your hair and watching you sleep. Sometimes it happened that you smiled even in your sleep, snuggling closer to him, but this time it didn’t happen.
Your skin was cold under his fingers, as he stroked your cheeks and, God, he would’ve given anything to be in your place, so as not to see you hurt even for a minute.
Jay leaned over and gave a kiss on your forehead, as he kept caressing your face and hair.
“Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you? How do you make me feel? How important you are to me?” Jay began to speak, remembering the words you said to him once and that talking to patients asleep can have a positive effect on their awakening. He left another kiss on your forehead. “Do you have any idea how much you scared me today my baby? God, I've never felt so scared as I did today, not even while I was overseas. Seeing that son of a bitch...” Jay stopped, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat as he remembered the moment you were shot “I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him, I don't want to imagine how scared you were, I’ll never be able to forgive myself, I was there, a few meters from you, I have always sworn to protect you and keep you safe but I have failed and I am so sorry.”
“Please wake up baby, don't you dare leave me here alone okay? I can't be in this fucking world without you. I swear to you, I'll never leave you alone again, but now you just have to open your beautiful eyes alright? Can you do it for me? Show me those beautiful eyes that made me madly fall in love with you?”.
Jay stood there at your bedside indefinitely, watching you sleep and hoping that sooner or later you would finally open your eyes. Will spent nearly every twenty minutes visiting you and it was in vain for him to try to get Jay to go and rest.
It was when he felt your fingers move slightly, after almost twelve years, that he feared he was truly hallucinating.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” he literally jumped up from his chair, holding your hands as he looked at you “Baby, can you hear me? Please answer me, give me a sign. Please, please, please.”
He felt your fingers move slowly again and at that point he made sure it really happened, it wasn't a joke his mind was playing on him.
It took you some time to understand what was happening, where you were.
Your head was pounding terribly as if you were being hammered, your vision was blurred and you had to blink several times to focus.
The first thing you saw were the artificial lights coming from the ceiling, which at the time were terribly annoying.
“Where am I?” you grumbled with difficulty, feeling weak and completely without strength.
“You're in the hospital, love,” replied a voice you recognized immediately. It was Jay, your Jay. “No, no, stay still, don't get up.”
Your eyes met Jay's and the joy he felt at seeing you awake was something that was minimally comparable.
“You finally woke up,” he said, almost in a whisper, as if he hardly believed it. He stroked your hair, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
Suddenly images of what had happened flooded your mind, the exact scene in which you were shot seemed to repeat itself in a loop in your head.
“Has... Has any other person been hurt?" you asked.
Jay nodded his head, sadly. “But they’re all fine. He was caught soon after, he surrendered without opposition.”
“And you? How are you?”.
He chuckled, taking your hand with his and letting a kiss on it. “You're the one on a hospital bed.”
You let out a faint laugh but it results in a painful twinge. “I guess I deserved it.”
Jay's face immediately turned serious and his heart tightened in his chest as he heard these words. “You can't really believe such thing. You don't deserve to be here baby, it's not your fault what happened, please, get it out of your pretty little head.”
“His wife is dead and I had to save her,” you whispered, your gaze fixed on the ceiling as you tried in vain to hold back the tears.
“His wife died of a complication, every surgery has it, you always tell me, and you did everything possible to save her. You don't have to pay for something you are not to blame for, please stop thinking this okay?”.
You were silent for a moment and you then returned your eyes to Jay.
“Baby... Are you crying?” you asked, alarmed. He shook his head slightly, wiping away his tears quickly and avoiding looking at you.
“No, I'm not,” he muttered but let go when you started stroking his face. He lowered his head and let himself go in a liberating cry, venting the frustration, the anger, the sadness but above all, the relief.
“Oh baby, it's okay, it's okay,” you tried to console him as best you could given your position.
“I was so fucking scared to lose you Y/N…” he whispered.
“I know, love, I know, I'm sorry.”
“You don't have to apologize, on the contrary, I’m sorry, I should be the one to console you,” he said, wiping his tears and then looking at you. Your heart skipped a beat to see his beautiful green eyes shine so bright, still shiny from crying.
“You don't have to apologize Jay, there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it and you don’t have to blame yourself for not being able to stop this from happening,” you spoke up, realizing you were crying too.
“What about we both stop to blame ourselves?”.
“We have a deal,” you faintly smiled “Do you have any idea how much I fucking love you too?”.
Jay let out a laugh, knowing you had actually heard his words as he spoke to you. He stood up again and leaned towards you before grabbing your face and pressing his lips against yours. There were no words to describe what he felt, what that contact caused within him, the relief to know he still had another chance to be with you, he still had he chance to kiss and hug you forever.
“Can you get close to me?” you asked.
“But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me, please baby, I need you now.”
“God, how can I say no to this beautiful face?” he said and you giggled, trying to ignore the pain that this entailed. Slowly and carefully, you tried to move in the bed, so you could make room for Jay and not make the stitches fit.
“Be careful baby,” Jay warned, helping you.
Jay positioned himself beside you, trying to be careful not to make any sudden movements, and he put his arm under your head. He printed so many kisses on your face and forehead, still unable to believe the luck of still having you there with him.
“I swear to god I’ll never let you leave the house again, I can’t risk someone taking you away from me.”
You giggled again. “Don’t make me laugh please, it hurts.”
“It’s not my fault you have such a funny boyfriend, it’s something you’ll have to live with.”
You hit him with that bit of strength you had, aching from the wound. “Can you stop it?”.
“Sure my love,” he kissed you on the forehead again. “Now try to rest, okay? You need to regain strength so I’ll get you home as soon as possible. I will always be here beside you, I won’t let you go.”
And with those words of comfort, you slowly slipped into a deep sleep, into the arms of the man you loved and with the hope, sooner or later, everything would be fine, everything would return back to normality.
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Buy me a coffee? ☕
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bambisnc · 5 months
hi bae - I’m so curious how do u think riize would act in a mehndi!! I just know taro would be cutting it up on the dancefloor 🤩🤩
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riize at a mehndi!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluff <3 cw/tw : food mention wc : i wanna say 350?
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you're so right about shotaro i definitely see him glued to the dance floor - bro is in his element and my god it completely SHOWS. there's probably a whole gaggle of people crowding around him to try to grab his attention but he's literally only here to dance man ,,
then, i see seunghan and anton as the ones who do errands for the bride and all her friends + basically whoever's getting mehndi - i'm talking holding their phone up for them, getting smol pieces of cut fruit (most wholesome thing EVER), water, pushing their away from their face when it gets a little too close to the eyes oof <3
oh and, sungchan and eunseok would fully accept their role of the "uncle who roams around telling people to eat." you know the pushy ones who're like "nah man you GOTTA eat . you can't leave without eating dude . we didn't make the rules y'know??" also they'd be like really popular with the dad-adjacent crowd (it's bc of the atrocious amount of dad jokes BOTH of them crack on a daily basis </3)
the one who'd be put in-charge of the elderly aunties would for sure be sohee because they all just adore him so much (everyone else does too but the cute grandmas just show it well with all their cheek pinching and head pats). very likely that you'd see him gossiping about someone's third cousin's best friend's daughter's boyfriend with them <3
lastly, wonbin would be the guy who looks all mysterious in a corner till someone tells him to babysit the little kids after which you'd see him sat down surrounded by littol kids who deck him out in cutesy hair clips and chunky jewelry (if this isn't something that seems like it'd happen at a normal mehndi ... then guys my bsf's cousins might be weird) probably ends up looking prettier than the bride and groom combined ngl
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notes : i researched for this btw (asked my bsf to take notes for me <3) + [m.list] song rec : mehndi laga ke rakhna from dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge (The Og >>>>)
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𐙚 . regulars : @nicholasluvbot @totheseok ⋆
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
I saw the below prompt and could easily imagine Aelin running a black market of printing services and I would love to see what kind of favors she’d take from a certain buzzard who is pressed for time.. especially if they’ve maybe been secretly pining after one another this whole time? 👀
Prompt: You’re the only one in our college dorm building that owns a printer so you run a black market of printing services for favors/money/food/etc. I don’t have time to walk twenty minutes across campus to the library, please help me.
Congrats on 500!
Okay so.....this is actually real-life me at my college 🤣🤣🤣 I own a desktop printer so I don't have to use the campus printing service all the time and half the people in my building want to use it. Naturally I charge a fee--either money or food or coffee, i'm not picky lol. Anyway this is literally me in real life except for the secretly pining part bc i'm very very single and I adore this prompt, thank you so so much 😁
Here you go!!
Word count: 870
Warnings: maybe some swearing
"Hey, Galathynius! Do me a solid?"
Aelin glanced over her shoulder to find Fenrys jogging after her, catching up to her before they made it to the dorm building they both lived in. "What do you want, Moonie?"
The blonde huffed a dramatic sigh. "First of all, stop calling me that, you know it doesn't fit my mature persona." Aelin snorted so hard she almost coughed. Fen just rolled his eyes. "Secondlyyyy," he groaned dramatically, "I need to print a paper. Lemme use your printer? Pretty pretty please?" He widened his big brown eyes irresistibly.
"Your sad puppy face isn't gonna get you free printing, Moonie," Aelin drawled. "A dollar a page, or $30 flat if it's more than 20 pages."
"Highway robbery!" he gasped.
She rolled her eyes. "It's the same price I've always charged and you know it."
"Ugh, fiiiiine," he grumbled. "Unless...how about I cover your coffee for the next week?"
"Hmm." She pretended to seriously think about it, knowing full well that she'd accept. Who was Aelin Galathynius to turn down free coffee, especially when she spent somewhere around 40 dollars a week on her precious caffeine. "All right, I accept. I'll text you my drink order, and I expect it delivered every morning as I leave for my first class."
Fen saluted her. "Yes ma'am!" he chirped.
She smacked his shoulder teasingly. "Cut the flourishing, drama queen." Fen flashed her a grin and jogged off towards his next class, while she swiped her student ID in the building's card reader and walked into the dorm. She, Elide, and Lysandra shared a triple room with an ensuite bathroom on the fourth floor, so she had to climb three flights of stairs to get to her room. As she opened her door, she noticed a sticky note stuck to the wood. It wasn't uncommon; people who wanted to buy her printing service often left notes stuck to her door. She gave the note a cursory glance.
HELP! Need to print 30 pages for 2pm class! -RW, #350
Aelin glanced at her phone. It was 1:15 pm, meaning whoever had left that note was probably pacing around their room in distress right about now. So of course, she decided to go pay Room 350 a little visit.
"Ah, shit!" yelped a male voice from inside the room when she knocked. There was a flurry of noise and stumbling, and a tall guy wearing a UTerr Hockey sweatshirt opened the door, his pale blonde hair a frazzled mess. "Um, hi?"
"Well hello there, Whitethorn," Aelin smirked, delighted to see the normally perfectly put-together Rowan Whitethorn, star defenseman of UTerr Hockey, all flustered over not having printed materials for class.
"Aelin, thank the fuckin' gods," Rowan gasped. "Did you get my note?"
"Mhmm," she hummed, intentionally vague.
"Ae," he groaned, his desperation showing, "can you print my articles? Please?"
"Got payment?"
"I--yeah, gimme a sec." He vanished into his room and banged around for another couple of minutes, rummaging through drawers and probably his closet as he tried to find cash. He reappeared with a sheepish, embarrassed blush staining his chiseled cheeks. "Uh..."
"No cash?" Aelin clicked her tongue softly. "Sorry, Ro. I don't take credit cards."
"Please," he begged, dropping right down to his knees in front of her. "Fuck it, Ae, I'm desperate! I'm fucked if I don't come to class prepared, the professor already thinks all athletes are dumb jocks who pass classes on daddy's money." He clasped his hands together and stared imploringly up at her, his deep green eyes wide and pleading.
A very naughty part of Aelin wanted to tell him all the sinful ways he could pay her for printing his articles. But because she was a mature woman, she kept that part of herself quiet.
"Well," she mused, "I suppose you could offer me a favor, but it better be worth thirty pages."
Rowan closed his eyes and tipped his head back, a soft groan slipping from his lips as he frantically tried to think up a worthy favor. That gods-damned little groan of his did bad, bad things to Aelin's naughty little inner voice.
Or maybe that was just her enormous little crush on him.
"Dinner." Rowan's voice broke through her traitorous wandering thoughts.
"I'll buy you dinner," he repeated. "Anywhere you want, as much food as you want. I swear."
Aelin couldn't have stopped her response no matter how hard she tried. "Like a dinner date?"
Rowan's face flushed a surprisingly endearing shade of vibrant pink. "Um...yeah?"
A tiny, pleased smile curled the corners of Aelin's lips, blooming into a full-blown smile the longer she made him squirm. "Okay, I accept. It's a date." Without waiting for his response, she waltzed off.
When she returned to his room, his articles in hand, he was waiting by the door. He took the papers from her with a slow, relieved smile that made a dimple in his left cheek pop out.
"Thanks, Ae."
"Of course." She waved him off. "Better not be late, Ro."
"You too." Her brows furrowed in confusion, and he winked. "Our date, darlin'. Seven o'clock tomorrow. I'll pick you up."
Gods help her, she could not wait.
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magickman1234 · 4 months
The Danger of Denial
God babe, look at you! How can you ignore what I’ve done to you? I know you come hard and long until you hurt it turns you on so much but is the obesity worth mobility issues? I know you enjoyed the freedom of giving in to obesity but you’re no longer 280, nor just 300 or 350. You’re over 400! You’re not just lightly inconvenienced now you really are experiencing your favorite weight gain stories now. You barely fit into normal chairs babe. You can’t fit in booths and I’ll need to start getting you a second chair if I’m honest. I see you pretend it’s not so and leaving it to me to fix. God is it worth it though? You’re dependent on me more and more but you pretend you aren’t. You’ve let denial be your main method and avoidance. Excuses and trying to pretend you’re in charge. I mean it’s hot to watch you slowly develop real mobility issues, get too fat for booths and barely fit through tiny hotel bathroom doors but it adds up. You’re totally helpless now. You just come harder when I’ve told you this and it’s like it’s a game to you. If we didn’t live in the USA you’d always be the fattest women hell person at every place or event we waddle you into. But fuck this last year it’s clear you’re so rotund you’re the fattest like 90-95% of the time. Yes our region isn’t as fat as others but it’s got lots of fat and super sized people. You seriously are so fat I have to take you to a buffet to guarantee you’re outclassed. I hate to say it but your now peers with even the ssbbws and smaller usssbbw. You’re over 400 now you’ll literally never be able to get your old body back and I catch you eating all the time faster when you realize it. I’ve made you so greedy you steal my food and you convince yourself you bring food for me that’s clearly for you. You’re in denial that you’re not a greedy sow like you are. I’ll be lucky if I can keep you from actually hitting 450 in the next six months to a year. We’ve both gotten in denial how turned on you get at the darkest shit in feedism. You’re seriously addicted to humiliation. I teased you about winning a free meal at that heart attack grill last month and when I brought it up again you went so wild. I’ve never seen you come so hard so long! You’re out of actual control between the pleasure of food, your gluttony for humiliation and your utter arousal when I catch a new roll/stretchmark/mobility issue I point out to you. You’re so in denial about the reality but the reality when I point it out turns you on more. You used to be so active more dominate sexually well a switch but you submit and give in to your gluttony without thought. Remember you used to be an accomplished feeder too? Maybe more of a feeder but once I got you set free yourself you slowly stopped cooking or actively focus on feeding others. You let me ply you with treats and lazing in our living room. Sure you might get busy or get things done still but it’s becoming it’s own denial as you’ve now can do it all without getting up much. You’re so hopeless now as rolls and belly fat escape your clothes to a humiliating degree but you stuff your fat face eagerly. You say nothing when I give you sweets or chips or whatever I know will turn to pure lard because honestly I’ve made you way too lazy. Lazy on levels that embarrass you when it’s just me and you let alone around others. The tasty denial of a fat girl turned utter butterball tries to pretend to be busy or uses real business to cover it’s getting hard or exhausting to do it herself. I can see it in your eyes the highly suppressed humiliation and fear when you reach for something or waddle your fat ass across “challenging” room or space that even to your average fat girl would never find restrictive or hard to pass through. You know. You lived at the nice crossroads of fat but not truly humiliatingly fat for year well then you met me. Now grazing and multiple desserts and snacks are the norm. You’re hopeless, helpless and literally blowing up with fat. You relish and fantasize about the next humiliation so hard you only come harder as you surpass each limit you hit.
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hornet-best-bug · 4 months
help appreciated
Hi, so, recently my situation hasn't been well, financially i'm unable to afford food and bills such as electricity, and my service charge for the place i'm currently living at.
I'd never normally ask anyone for help, but my support systems that used to be in place have fallen apart, and despite all my attempts at getting a job, it has been increasingly difficult. I keep applying to multiple places, but i'm either never a good enough fit, or i lack experience.
I'm only 19, and help would be extremely appreciated. I can if requested send photos of exactly what i've brought with the money. including recipts and images of what i've gotten in.
If you'd like art in return for helping in any capacity, you're welcome to check out my comissions here -> https://hornets-commisionss.carrd.co
My monthly expenses usually work out to around £300-£350.
This always has covered the following
travel expenses, food, electricity, subscriptions for the following, crunchyroll, spotify and phone bill.
any help is always going to be appreciated, even if its £10
This situation has been incredibly stressful, and the place i'm staying at hasn't been helping me at all, especially with my autism related struggles, which haven't been easy. i've had no help in learning new self-regulation methods (which i was assured they would do) and have been told again and again that it's all just excuses. again, even if its a tiny amount, it will always help.
my paypal is linked on my comissions, but incase you aren't interested and don't want any art, here's my paypal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/JadeHarman341
again, i will do art, share photos of what i buy with proof of purchase if requested.
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lesbii-enne · 1 year
(Part one)
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You didn’t mean to stumble across the covert, you merely meant to find new parts for your star cruiser and maybe a new gig as a mechanic.
Part two: part three:
Translations below
You stepped out of your cruiser onto the desert planet. The scorching sun met your helmet as you stepped out and surveyed the land. The sketchy buildings and market were the first to catch your eye.
“This looks like a shit hole,”
Looking back at my star cruiser you say
“Guess we’ll fit right in then, huh shit box?”
Walking through the market of the secluded planet people gawked, not exactly surprising considering most mandalorians have previously been wiped out. Only a few left to scourge the planets and do kriff knows what. You overheard some of the towns people speak of the ‘other mandalorians’ you nearly stopped right there and begged to know where they were. But you didn’t, you had to keep it together, no matter how much you had longed to be with your own kind. You were fine on your own. Kriff sake you hadn’t even seen another mandalorian since the purge. You continued walking; looking through the market you found some parts for your ship, though you did have to haggle a bit since you were a bit cheap.
“500 credits? Kriff no that part is barely worth 200 credits! I could get a better deal on kamino!”
Your voice modulator hummed
The shopkeeper mumbled something like ‘can’t have shit on Kamino.’ but you ignored it. You were lying your ass off but you were good at it.
“Fine I can do 400 credits.”
You handed over the credits and took your parts back to your ship. That part was worth 500 at the least but you got one hell of a discount for it. Seeing your ship in the distance you sped your walking. In a moment you heard shuffling and whipped around to a tall mandalorian in shiny beskar armor charging you. You flung your parts away from you and grabbed hold of your vibroblade and blaster. Aiming the vibroblade towards him swinging at him and catching his breastplate with a screeching noise. Leaving an ugly scar in his armor. Kicking his leg out you fell back landing on the ground with a ‘thud’ and had the air knocked out of you. He kneeled over you and demanded
“Who are you?”
You raised your leg wrapping it around the man’s torso you rolled the both of you over. Now you kneeling over him with your blade held at his throat
“A stormtrooper obviously.”
You could feel the glare of the man through his helmet. You began to get up grabbing him just above the wrist you pulled him up.
“We’ll if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to repairing my ship so I can get out of this shit hole thanks.”
You could feel his confusion and you turned back again
“Look I’m not trying to hunt you or the ‘other mandalorians’ that I heard about in the market. I just came to this planet to get parts and get back to work fixing ships.”
You began to walk again
“Come to the covert.”
You looked at him quizzically, tilting your helmet a little as you stared.
“I do not really have a choice in the matter do I?”
“Well may I at least put my parts in my ship?”
He agreed. You hauled your various parts back to your ship and put them in a storage unit in your ship. You debated ditching him and getting away from this planet but your ship was in no shape to escape with. You ultimately left your ship and followed the large burly man and you rejoiced at the thought of seeing your kind once again.
The two of you navigated the market and past the small village to wherever the ‘covert’ was. You decided to speak up
“Do I get to know your name or must I call you tin can ?”
He glanced down at you
“Din Djarin, but you may call me Din.”
“Alor Din Djarin?”
“You may just call me Din, what clan do you belong to?”
“I am of the Verde clan, though it isn’t much of a family now as I am the last of the Clan Verde.”
He nodded and the rest of the walk remained silent. You came to the top of a dune and saw the encampment below just past a large glittering lake. You saw children playing in their oversized mandalorian helmets. You two began to descend from the dune and towards the camp. Mandalorians began toward you, alor Din began to push through them until there stood a large man clad in Blue beskar.
Oh look another fic and it’s Paz Vizsla! Yay I have most of part two as a draft right now so it should be out soon. If there are a lot of errors let me know it’s a little late and I just wanted to push out something before I went to sleep lmao.
alor: leader, boss, basically anyone higher ‘rank’ than oneself.
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theclaravoyant · 4 months
I've been hearing the theory that Gerrard is going to captain the precinct for a while because something happens to Bobby?? Do you think you could write something about that? *prayer/please hands emoji*
AN ~ all aboard the Everybody Hates Gerrard Train!! whoo WHOO XD I am loving writing solidarity of these guys against that bench. I do have something angstier in the pipeline (ooof the buckbobby feels) but in the meantime I wanted to have a little fun with it.
tw for gerrard being ... Like ThatTM I may have dialed it up a bit for funsies. and because if Gerrard gets the Captaincy when Hen and Chim are sitting right there it might be dynamically interesting and whatever but imma still punch him tho
“What are you wearing?”
Buck grins, turning away from the oven with a smear of cheese on his nose, and gestures down at his newest favourite apron. Printed across the front it reads: In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
“Hen got it for me.”
Gerrard is distinctly not amused.
Buck's smile falters. Yeah, they warned him about this.
From the table behind, Chimney attempts an assist - “Buck's in charge of the kitchen when Cap's not here. It's kinda their thing.”
“Well.” Gerrard turns back to Chimney and gives him a bitter smile. “Then it's a good thing 'Cap' is here. So I'll decide whose thing is what. Wilson! Get in here!”
“Shocker,” Hen mutters, but she moves nonetheless.
“What was that, Firefighter?”
“I said, yes sir.”
At least Buck, who's been doing his best not to look like a kicked puppy, gets a snort out of that. Chim bites back a grin.
“Good,” Gerrard spits, glaring. “'Cause it'd be a shame to have to write you up.”
“Really?” Hen challenges. “'Cause it would be a joy to report you.”
Buck and Chim's expression turn from quiet glee to panic. Abort, Abort. Hen resists the urge to bite her tongue. She's put her foot in it, and Gerrard relishes the stumble.
“For what, hm?” he presses, closing slowly in on her. “For making one of my subordinates do something she doesn't want to do? Boo hoo.”
Hen takes a deep breath. She has to choose her next words quietly - She can't afford to make a wrong move, and set off the trap. But then a new voice interrupts from the top of the stairwell. Eddie.
“For putting the only woman on the team in the kitchen. Again,” he points out. His voice is clipped. Confident. Impatient. “When somebody else has clearly volunteered to do that task.”
Hen groans silently. She's pretty sure there's nothing Gerrard would love more than to fire them all in one fell swoop. And probably nothing Eddie would love more than to punch the guy and set that chain reaction going. But- it seems to work. Sort of. Gerrard stops closing in on her and throws his hands out as if this has all been an innocent mistake.
“Ohhh, so that's the problem! Why didn't you say so? Wilson. What's something Buckley hates doing then.”
“Uh... Laundry I guess?”
Buck flashes her a look - come on, man – but he gets it. She has to take the out.
“You heard the woman,” Gerrard orders. “Laundry. Stat.”
“Okay, um,” he waffles out some handover instructions - “It's on 350 degrees at the moment, if you wait about forty five minutes then dial it up for the last ten-”
Gerrard clears his throat. “Step to it, Buckley! I think the gym rags need doing. And you'd better not have that thing on when you get back.”
Hen mouths, sorry.
“Don't even worry about it. Happy to serve.” Buck forces a smile at their Captain, hands Hen the tea towel he's got draped over his shoulder, and jogs off down the stairs.
“Problem solved, then,” Gerrard resolves on their behalf. “Equality.”
He fixes Eddie with a shit eating grin. Lets his hands linger outstretched as if he's going for a big, weird bear hug. Eddie grimaces as the man goes for a half-embrace-half-shoulder punch instead.
“You've got balls, mi amigo,” he says. “I like it.”
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Everyone’s reaction if MC came to them and told them they spent $200 on an oil change and got premium air😂
Ren "O-Oh? I didn't know they sold premium air...! What was the name of this place again?" How dare they try to take advantage of you like that. If they don't mind tricking someone as kind and benevolent as you, then surely they wouldn't mind if he sets their business on fire.
[REDACTED] "Y'can just ask me to help fix your car next time. I don't mind, y'know." He gives you a soft smile before pulling out his phone and anonymously depositing $500 into your bank account. "Want me to take a look and see if they did a good job?"
Violet "Huh?!" Almost immediately, she's pulling off her gamer headset, grabbing her purse, and pushing you out the door. "Where's their garage located? I think they need someone to knock a few braincells or two into them."
Elanor "Oh? That's so cheap! I got charged $350 for my latest checkup." Elanor doesn't seem to understand that you both managed to get swindled by the same shitty auto service. "I refused the premium air though since I didn't think I needed it."
Moth "You... do realise you just got scammed, right?" They're sporting a giant shit-eating on their face, but you could tell they were concerned as well with how delicately they phrased the question. "And there's no such thing as premium air..."
Leon "Does it usually cost that much?" Leon shoots you a considerate look before pulling out his phone to compare prices. "Uh... Sunfish? I think you got scammed... Hey, why don't we go pay them a visit? You can hold the door open while I throw a volleyball at their face!"
Teo "$200? Where did you go to get your oil changed? The dump?" He doesn't bother looking at you when he speaks, though you were grateful you got a response out of him in the first place. "Just buy a new car if that annoying red symbol shows up. The fuck does it even mean, anyway? Whatever. Take one of my cars if you want."
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op81s · 5 months
f1 ask game
thanks for the tags @raapija and @oxygenpdf
Who is your favorite driver?
my pastry boy, my 🧍 boy, my 👍 boy, my polite cat smile boy, my f1 race winner boy.
Do you have other favorite drivers?
oh, too many to name but if you really want to know how i feel about a specfic driver feel free to ask and i'll probably write a whole essay on them 😅
Who is your least favorite driver?
current drivers?? ........................... danny ric. please don't come for me danny fans 🙏 i just feel like he's doubling and tripling down on making stupid comments instead of just saying 'i don't feel knowledgeable enough to speak on this' or 'i don't want to comment until we see what the proper authorities have to say about it'. former drivers?? nikita mazepin. that man should not have been anywhere near an f1 track.
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
definitely primarily drivers, that tends to be the case with me and most athletes really. (the biggest exception being t1 though i don't know how many of you are familiar enough with league to know who they are 😅).
If you like teams what teams do you pull for?
i'd say aston martin, mercedes and usually mclaren but i'm not to happy with mclaren at the moment so 🤷‍♀️
How long have you been into F1?
oh, *check's watch* for about 8 weeks 😅
What got you into F1?
just checking out the f1 tag when it was trending and getting interested in these weird ass sport blorbos who drive around 350+ kph death machines.
Do you enjoy fic/rpf?
i will die on the hill that sports rpf fics are some of the best writing i have ever read. i first got into it through hockey rpf and i actually needed to lie down to recover from some of those fics.
How do you view new fans?
...............well considering i'm the textbook definition of a new fan i think we're an excellent addition actually 😊
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, well if took over aston martin i'd get make sure they had some better social media moderation 💀 and if i took over mercedes i'd fix that fucking car 'cause just......... and i would love to retroactively take over mclaren 'cause let me tell you that fucking orange man would be nowhere near the mclaren garage if i was in charge 🙃
Are your friends and family into F1?
nope, but i don't let that stop me from terrorising everyone around me about it. i'm pretty sure my mom will be an f1 expert by the end of the season.
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
absolutely!! i am a BIG introvert and get very anxious about talking to/messaging new people but i am trying to push past that 😅😊
tagging: @oscar-piastri, @wisteriagoesvroom, @mecachrome, @lil-shiro
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not-poignant · 1 year
Alex 🤝 FFS Ef: trying to convince their healthcare providers to not provide a sliding scale fee
The healthcare providers like 'omg how do I deal with these guys, seriously.'
Look is it my dream for all of my healthcare providers to charge me less because they take one look at me and know I could do with a break? Yes. Yes it is. Do I get to repeatedly live that out in fanfiction? Yes. Yes I do.
Fictional worlds get to be (slightly) more merciful than the real world, when I'm writing them, lmao.
(Also honestly I have had healthcare providers do this. Not always, but enough that like... I know how that mercy feels. I once burst into tears because of it. We have *some* free healthcare and then some *very expensive* healthcare. This is a place where I get my cancer treatment free but have to pay $650 outright to see my psychiatrist for the initial appointment, and then $350 for every subsequent 15 minutes. Without insurance, that's just...painful - but like without it, I think I'd be dead maybe so).
Anyway, yeah, living my fantasy life through these characters and I'm sure a few other folks who have dealt with needing to pay for healthcare are doing the same fsaldkjfdas
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Bryson Tiller Said (141 Crackfic)
Inspired by some dumbass shit I saw on Instagram and have been laughing at since. Could make more songfics if y’all want, I got ideas, but this one funny thing struck me the most. Enjoy the hilarity! (Seriously I looked up Texan radio stations for rap, different cars and British driving, I spent time researching this, please tell me how you feel about it)
Warnings: Swearing cause it’s military obvs, canon divergence, shenanigans, touching without knowledge (non-malicious), kind of suggestive but for comedy, short clothing is a warning? Bad/Incorrect military term use and imagery, but idgaf 
Bryson Tiller Said: 141 x GN! Reader (Crackfic)
Song: Don’t -Bryson Tiller 
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No one knew whether or not it could be considered ‘down time’ in any way since you all were technically in hiding and appearing as civilian as possible to meet up with other agents and military personnel like yourselves, but it was enjoyable for the most part enough that the edge of the ongoing mission wasn’t as hard to deal with. 
Communications had been cut off except for radio and very, very, secure messaging through military technology. You guys had to make it to the safehouse and gather with other operatives who were trying to deal with a threat- this time, from the inside. Price was already there, having been helping Laswell from the air with Nikolai when it all went downhill, and he’d ordered you all frantically to get to ‘Rockseller’s Point’, a fake place he’d made up, but it was a code word you all knew: the mission and team were compromised, meaning you all had to get to the nearest safehouse. 
Thankfully, Price was thorough in his briefing before missions, and let you all know the codeword for your safehouses and their locations, establishing a system of communication that made it possible for your little group to survive should any higher up or other group decide they wanted to try a hand at eliminating you. 
So, that’s how you all were here: travelling for three out of your eleven day long trip towards the safehouse. You all took turns driving (though Soap was permanently banned from sitting in the front ever since he nearly lost control behind the wheel because he got tipsy before his driving shift), and now Gaz pulled the Ford F-350 into a stop near a local gas station in the middle of fucking nowhere in Texas, trying to find the safehouse closest to the Mexican border as you got closer to meeting with Los Vaqueros for another mission in both Mexico and the States. 
All of the Brits had troubles with the road. You had to drive the first day for almost 4 full shifts of 6 hours of driving, as the roads were on the opposite side, and the driver’s seat was also on the different side in America, meaning that they had to adapt and it would only be possible to do so after someone else drove for a while in order to get them able to drive in this new situation. After almost 50 hours of driving over two days, the Brits finally got used to the traffic enough that they were comfortable driving, and now, into the third day, Gaz and Ghost had driven a few hours. 
Now, you were where you belonged, in your Passenger Princess seat, lovingly dubbed to you by popular culture which was technically your rightfully deserved throne at this point from carrying the entire 141′s asses to safety on the road and risking numb legs from driving. You had been reading a book as your phone charged, since everyone had to have at least one working phone just in case and you all took turns carefully charging one another’s phones to keep at least one personal device alive. You’d stopped for gas, and there was a convenience store as well that likely had overpriced sustenance, but you all would be able to make do with the 3K cash you guys kept on hand for missions just like this, located in a safe pocket known only to you and to be only used in emergencies. If had kept you guys watered and fed and still able to cover the needs for gas and any repairs you may need, thanks to you all (though mostly Ghost) keeping Soap from splurging on the drinks. Your gear in the back of the locked tailgate of the pickup truck you drove, and your friends with you meant you practically had everything you needed. Ghost was an especial help through all this due to his survival missions in previous years, and he was a godsend of help, since the other two were clowns, in every affectionate and damnable context of the word. With every stop, you all used the bathrooms (though the boys were unfortunately blessed with no social stigma or fear of their urinary systems when the bathrooms were bad enough that pig stys were cleaner) and gotten some food to keep your energy along with the MRE’s, even if the new food tasted blander than Texas sand, as Soap and you complained. 
Days ago, the heat had gotten to you enough that you’d opted to wear civilian clothing, consisting of shorts and a shirt, and due to the heat you all kept having to drink water which made it worse, but at least you were trained for hostile temperatures and knew how to survive this, even with all the complaints you’d made that’d send God himself into another fit of flooding rage. You sat in the passenger seat, reading your book as Gaz, Ghost and Soap made their rounds at the gas station to gather necessities and switch driving shifts. You were shielded from the intensity of the mid-morning sun by the tinted windows, kept cool by the ac on blast as the car was stagnant as the boys conversed and argued about food to buy and driving regulations. You brought out a bag of chips that a vendor yesterday had given to you after he’d pitifully flirted with you and earned the ire of Ghost, Soap, and Gaz, and threw in free food in apology for ‘messing with the military’, which was somewhat of a cultural taboo in America, especially in a place like Texas. You began to munch on the chips, enjoying the flavour coating your tongue as you distractedly repositioned the bag between your thighs while reading, the book getting interesting as the archaeologist was about to come face to face with the harrowing truth of what they’d discovered. You didn’t even hear Ghost open the door on your left, nor did you feel the truck shift as he settled his weight into the driver’s seat, but you did comically jump when he shut the door with a slam! that knocked you out of your vicarious fantasy for a moment. 
Ghosts’ eyes were full of puzzlement for a moment before his eyelids narrowed in a tell-tale sign of mild amusement, clearly finding your jumpiness funny. A dusting of red flushed across your cheeks as he teased: “Lost yourself in that book enough to let someone waltz into the truck and drive off into the horizon, hm?” making light of the trope of romance books usually being read on long trips though yours was not a romance book currently. 
You turned away, smiling slightly in embarrassment as you retorted, “Well I didn’t see you waltz in, and if anyone’s driving it’ll have to be me since you guys don’t know how to drive on these roads”. 
Ghost huffed, muttering a muffled ‘touché’ under his breath as he started the car up. “Buckle in, we’re leaving!” he called out to Gaz and Soap, his accented voice barking orders bringing them back to the present as you too scrambled to put on the seatbelt. Within just a few moments, you were on the road again with a full tank of gas and the wind on your skin. 
You ate sparingly, wanting to save the chips to make them last. You looked up at the road and noticed there was a sign on the highway for Dallas, meaning you guys were getting closer to the destination point calculated for a productive journey to the safehouse. Knowing that you were ahead of schedule and headed into the inner cities, your worries for preserving your chips were slightly alleviated. You were closing into the climax of the book, and since you had more than you’d expected left, you decided to offer some to the others since they were likely bored and wanting a snack. 
You reached towards the centre console to the cool water bottles stored in there, and took a swig, washing down most of the chips. You leaned your head on your shoulder and angled it to call out to Soap and Gaz behind you: “Hey, I’ve got chips, you guys can have some if you want, okay?” 
Soap’s enthusiastic ‘yes!’ resounded through the car as he reached towards you, his hand out asking for some nourishment. You reach into the bag and place a few chips in his hand, to which his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “These aren’t chips, they’re crisps,” he says in a hushed voice. 
You roll your eyes, remembering that the Brits of course had a different word for things. “Yeah, we just call them chips in Turtle Island AKA North America, just eat it Soap” you told him, knowing he’d go on a tangent if you let him feel like he had to defend his vernacular for some reason. Soap playfully huffed, and you both went back to doing your own thing. You barely opened the book when you heard Gaz ask for some ‘crisps’ too, and you handed some over, sticking your tongue out at Soap when he groaned at his unsuccessful attempt to grab Gaz’s chips for himself, and let them know they could help themselves to the chips, or crisps as Soap was insistent on, from the bag in your lap. 
You turned back to look at your book again when your eyes flickered to Ghost, the masked Lieutenant sitting proud and tall with steel posture to drive and fight the instinct to drive in the opposite lane. He was doing his best, driving on the empty scenic roads of Texas on the way to Dallas, and he must have skipped out on something in order to conserve resources, because the Lieutenant, as you’d come to know, was not as spectrally malevolent as the name sounds, as his concern for others lingers in his actions, and you wanted to make sure he was included in snack breaks. 
“Ghost, if you’d like, feel free to grab some chips whenever, okay?” you offer, your voice in a hushed whisper to speak privately to him with respect. 
He nods minutely, and it lets you know not only that he heard you but also that he acknowledged what you said. He kept driving. You turned back to your book. 
A few minutes later, a skeletal gloved hand reached out towards the chips, and you shifted the mouth of the bag towards him so he could eat. 
Ghost grabbed a few chips and you could see his hand move to the bag from your periphery before you turned back to the book, smiling to yourself that Ghost was actually eating something before your attention was fully tuned in to the book you were reading. 
The road was smooth, gravel and asphalt combined with the tires of the pickup being the best kind of white noise for reading while in Passenger Princess Mode. Every so often the bag of chips would rustle to alert you someone was eating, and even Ghost’s hand didn’t faze you as he grabbed more chips, apparently enjoying the flavour. He fed himself the chips before trying to fiddle around with the radio, wondering if there was any traffic updates on the local radios, with soft static cutting in and out, adding to the languid atmosphere. 
You were so engrossed in your novel that you didn’t see the envious look in Soap’s eyes as he looked at the chips, and you didn’t feel the bag being kidnapped from the security of your lap as Soap took the chips for himself and Gaz, the two soldiers crunching on the seasoned and fried potato slices to their heart’s content. 
You did, however, feel when something brushed along your skin, eager fingers searching for purchase only to find a grip on the flesh of your thigh just before the hem of your shorts, insistent fingers grabbing onto the skin before it realized what it was touching. 
You froze. So did the mystery hand. 
Your eyes traced the gloved hand resting between your thighs, just as confused and embarrassed as you are. You tilted your head up back to Ghost. 
The man was frozen in his seat, wide eyes flickering between his hand on your thigh, you and the road, the car barely moving. You could feel his hand tremble as he refused to meet your eyes. 
The poor man was utterly mortified. 
Silence reigned in the car, louder than any explosion you could recall as even Soap and Gaz sat stock still, wondering why the fuck Ghost’s hand was on your thigh. 
No one dared to move. No one dared to breathe. 
The radio crackled to life finally, getting just enough of a frequency to announce no traffic but instead burst into song- 
“-Skrr, get in the ride, 
Left hand is steering, the other is gripping your thigh-”
-Which inevitably caused you to snicker, and decide that it was time to be the best damn comedian you could be. 
You put on the most pretentious look of surprise as you blatantly looked between Ghost’s hand and his eyes that looked everywhere but at you, and after a split second exaggerated gasp, you put your hand to your heart, clutching imaginary pearls. 
“We’re not even on a first name basis, Lieutenant! I see we’re getting tactically touchy?” you said, rolling the last syllable as you batted your lashes in a way that would make satirical comedians wheeze. You even threw in a wink. 
Ghost only blinked, confused. 
Then you slapped your hand atop his own, bit your lip in the most obnoxious way, and leaned in as though you were going to kiss him. 
The most feared Lieutenant Ghost reeled back at terminal velocity away from your pretend kiss and shrieked. 
The car swerved, and Ghost cursed, his voice back to its normal low pitch as all passengers held onto their door handles as Ghost maneuvered the car back into the lane, remembering after a second that he should be driving in the right lane instead. 
Soap and Gaz were getting squished by the displaced items from Ghost’s mistaken momentum but it did nothing to quell their laughter, as Soap fell onto Gaz’s lap as he wheezed from laughing so hard. Gaz was failing to hold himself upright as he slapped Soap’s back, laughing so hard his dimples showed and his stomach hurt. 
You? You could barely make out Ghost’s silhouette when your eyes glassed over with tears, your entire body shaking with your hyena-like laughter as you could barely squeak at times, laughing so hard you nearly deprived yourself of oxygen. 
Ghost’s shouts of ‘shut up you fucking idiots’ in between embarrassed mutterings and yelled threats did nothing to quell the laughter in the car, in fact it seemed to escalate it further, your laughter getting harder and Ghost’s shoulders hunching closer in embarrassment as he swore under his breath, his cheeks flushed a deep red with a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel under his gloved hands. Gaz and Soap kept laughing, the chips long forgotten as they kept laughing about the entire situation, with Soap and Gaz losing air as their faces flushed from mirth. The men began to tire from their oxygen depravation from laughing so hard, and the laughter quieted down to whispered jokes and shushed chuckles. 
Hours later, your book was finally finished, the ending being so heartbreaking yet cathartic at the same time that you closed the book and put it away, ready to start reading a different one later. You breathed a sigh as you leaned back in your seat, propping your one arm outside the window as wind from the sunroof flowed in to cool you down. Gaz and Soap had been so tuckered out that they fell asleep in the warmth of the sun and the steady pace of the car. You turned your body and leaned over the console compartment to grab the bag of chips back, a bit dismayed to find it nearing emptiness. 
You mentally shrugged and began to eat some more of them. You turned to see Ghost, the Lieutenant’s posture relaxed if not for the tenseness of his shoulders, clearly from being made fun of. The Lieutenant had been with the 141 since its inception and was probably used to them, so he likely didn’t give a shit about the antics the boys pulled about making fun of him. So why was he tense? It occurred to you that maybe...he was embarrassed about the fact he touched you without permission. 
You and the Lieutenant respected one another enough that you were well-acquainted with his mannerisms, his social cues, and his likes and dislikes enough that both on and off the field you could work together in relative ease. But his reaction to this situation now had you worried. Had any of you crossed an unspoken boundary? 
Your heart started to pound harder in your chest as you worried about whether or not something bad had occurred, and if you were at fault. Ghost was not just a man who built himself up to war but also knew how to hold a grudge, and no one ever, in their right mind, wanted to be on the receiving end. Especially if they considered him a friend. 
Gathering your courage, you regarded him for a moment then cleared your throat before you could chicken out. “Lieutenant?” you peeped up, your voice smaller than you’d intended. 
Ghost briefly turned to look at you, his focus diverting from the completely empty road to you after one odd car passed by. “Yeah?” he asked, his voice in a more curious and benign tone than you expected it to be. 
You looked down for a moment and took in a breath, causing Ghost’s eyes to flicker on you once more in a look that could be classified as nervous. 
“I’m...uh, I’m sorry, sir, if we’d gone too far. Are you okay?” you asked, concern etched on your face. 
Ghost grunted, nodding before turning back to the window. Silence reigned between you, causing your stomach to sink further. You pressed your lips together, eyes shifting before you heard him sigh after a beat. 
“I touched you without permission; I should have apologized earlier. ‘M sorry if it made you uncomfortable”, he says, and the tinge in his voice tells you enough. 
He’s not upset at you. He’s concerned if he made you uncomfortable. 
The Lieutenant is not just feared, but also respected. Because he gives that respect to others too. 
You smile, shaking your head softly. “I’m okay, sir. It was no big deal. I know it wasn’t intentional”, you said, feeling better now that the air was cleared. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Lt”. 
You can see the tension leave him, his shoulders no longer as tense, now that there was no reason for there to be any awkward tension. 
You smiled, more to yourself than to him, before settling down to sit more comfortably in the seat. Picking up your phone, you checked the percentage of power before finally unplugging it, checking through different apps to see if there was a message. 
“If it’s of any consolation, I’m okay with touch. I know you weren’t trying to hurt me,” comes out of your mouth absentmindedly. 
Ghost doesn’t answer. 
Instead, the lieutenant’s fingers toy with the controls of the radio, finally giving up and scrolling it back to the Texas radio station ‘The Trap’, and letting it play music softly so as not to disturb the sleeping soldiers behind him. 
You leaned on the centre console storage, arm laying on the armrest. 
Ghost’s right hand drops from the wheel, his forearm meeting your elbow. Heat radiates from him, emanating through the fabric of his sleeves. 
His wrist hangs over the console. Two gloved fingertips overlap your bare ones, warmth seeping into your skin as Future’s Turn on the Lights plays. 
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rolkstone · 11 days
so someone on dA is saying they will give me a bunch of money for some peices of my art as NFTs. he went on to give me a very basic, dictionary definition of NFTs when he asked me if I had ever dealt in NFT sales before and I said no. like...
he was very pushy during this entire encounter.
he asked me to get on telegram so we could discuss this further. i didn't like that but i did it. he said i'd hav to get a crypto wallet and mint the NFTs myself and it'd cost $350. when i said i can't afford to spend any money right now he was like oh but i'll pay half. i said i still can't spend any money. he agreed to wait till next month to further discuss this
but like...this feels like scam. what do you guys think? also, if he's got the money to spend on buying an NFT from me, why not cover the minting charge? it's a fraction of what he's offering. and he's willing to pay half, why not all? i didn't ask him this; i didn't want to be pushy him with himbut fuckin a man. i shouldn't even have to wonder that. really puts up red flags
of course i want the money and could use it but i dont't want to fucking get scammed. and i really don't think i should fork over money to get it started?
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doraminatook · 14 days
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I have struggled with mental health issues for the vast majority of my life, whether I knew it or not.
Because of that, it was difficult to hold down a job or even work enough hours to make any kind of living wage. If I spent longer than five hours at a place, being told what to do, I suddenly felt very claustrophobic and panicked. More than once, I unceremoniously left a job because I simply couldn't take the pressure.
Because of this, a part of me just assumed that I'd live with my parents forever, and while there is nothing AT ALL shameful about living with your parents, it was adding to my mental health problems (I love my mother very much but we cannot live together). I felt trapped.
I had lived in the dorms for two years of undergraduate career but when I ran out of money, I had to move back home for my junior and senior year. I moved out again when I was 24 and lived in the spare bedroom of my friend who charged me a mere $350 a month for really what should have been double that. HOWEVER, that only lasted six months after my car died and all of my money went into buying a new one. Back home I went.
Through a number of changes in my life (including finding the right therapist and the right medication), I eventually did fully move out when I was 27...with a lease and a security deposit and everything! It was a TINY apartment, but it was mine...shared with my roommate and best friend (who is low-key my platonic soulmate). After moving all my belongings into the building, I plopped down on the floor of my bedroom -- still without a bed at that time -- and just basked in the reality of it all. I had done it. I was living on my own. The thing I thought was so impossible had happened and I would work my a$$ off to make sure I never had to financially rely on my parents again.
I lived in that tiny apartment with my best friend (platonic soul mate) for seven years. SEVEN YEARS. Neighbors came and went. Friends constantly asked, "You're STILL there?" But it served us well, and both my BFF and I were in no rush to move somewhere that was outside our meager means.
The 31st of August marked out last official day in the apartment that had been our home through several break-ups, the pandemic, my BFF's cancer diagnosis and subsequent chemo treatment, an attempted break-in, the death of our beloved cat, and more.
As I removed the last of my belongings from my room, I laid on the floor (somewhat out of fatigue; moving is HARD) and once again simply basked in the reality of it all. This place had done a good job of housing me and helping me feel like "real" adult. It was a stepping stone to new adventures.
I was grateful for the tiny apartment that was never big enough to host parties AND the toilet seat that never fit right AND that creepy space behind the basement stairs that always fascinated the cats but I was too scared to check out.
Thank you, tiny apartment.
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dumplingsjinson · 11 months
Okay honest question because I have no idea how the pricing works for tattoos. Is 350 for a 1-5cm tattoo (taking roughly around 1 and a half hours to do), with colour, a reasonable price? It’s in AUD lolol.
Just wanted to ask for opinions, since I reached out to two other artists today and they got back to me pretty quickly. One of them is charging the price as mentioned above while the other one is charging 200-250, but I’m not sure how long it would take so I had to shoot back an email to ask them.
I do like the style of the one who’s charging 350 lol, but idk if that price is reasonable or a bit much?
If anyone works in this profession, I’d love to hear your opinion as you’d most likely know more than my first timer idiot ass does 🤣🤣
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