#and c!beeduo but i’ve only done that once
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cyncerity · 2 years ago
:0 part two to the karlnapity sizeshifter reveal fic? it was so good i'd love to see fluff or noms with them if you wanted too :D
This was literally like 5th thing in my inbox, and was asked the same day i posted the first part to this au, which means it’s been in there for well over a year.
Anyway i haven’t stopped thinking about it. It’s always just kinda been in the back of my mind, so i hope this anon is still around to see it actually get answered shsklssjshw
So, without further ado, here are some karlnapity soft noms 💖
tw: vore
“Sapnap, i’m fuckin tired. And hungry. Get me food.” Quackity said, burying his face further into Sapnap’s chest where he was laying and weakly slapping the “ground” below him to make a point. Karl weakly nodded in agreement from his place laying beside him. Sapnap sighed. “I would love to if you two would get up for 2 seconds and let me grab something from the fridge.” He responded, barely looking up from a comic book he’d taken earlier that day.
Ever since Sapnap had told his fiancés he was a shifter, it had opened up a whole new world for them, and the three of them loved it. Quackity and Karl could boss Sapnap around a bit and make him gather things cause it’s be “easier for him” and he has an “advantage cause he could blend in with the humans.” Which, to be fair, was true, but Sapnap had a feeling that his boyfriends were just lazy. Not that he minded, he preferred the teasing over them being scared of him (like he had expected) by a long shot. It made him happy to know that even if he didn’t feel 100% ok at his human size yet, they trusted him fully, even if he looked like something they were all taught to fear. They’d also taken to hanging out in the employee break room after the store closed. Even if they loved the traditional hole in the wall home they’d built together, the break room had a microwave, fridge, beanbag chairs, and other cool human things that it had taken the trio way too long to figure out how to use (especially the microwave).
Which led to where they were now; Sapnap at human size reclined on a beanbag with his two tiny fiancés laying half asleep on his chest at what had to be around 2 in the morning. And as much as he loved them and was internally awwing and screaming at how cute they looked and how much they trusted him (they were his boyfriends, all right? he was allowed to fawn and simp over them as much as he wanted), he was actually pretty hungry and also tired and was getting sick of their refusal to move and let him get them food so they could fucking sleep. He loved them but god could they be impossible.
“Just shift a bit more and reach the fridge, it can’t be that hard.” Quackity said, face still shoved down in the fabric of Sapnap’s hoodie. Karl once again just nodded in agreement, though Sapnap didn’t think Karl was actually processing anything. Sapnap groaned. “I fucking hate shifting that big. I don’t wanna.” “Oh so you’re gonna let your fiancés starve huh? Rude.” “Fine, ok, i’m not playing this game, but you owe me, alright?” “Yup, whatever you want.”
Sapnap smirked at that last bit. Since Sapnap had found out about some…other abilities, he and his fiancés had been testing those a bit more often. One in particular they’d only tested out a few times, but for Sapnap, the few times he’d done it had been absolute bliss, and now he had an excuse to do it again.
But he had to get to the fucking fridge first. Sapnap groaned obnoxiously just to show Quackity how annoyed he was (he assumed Karl had fallen asleep at this point, given that he had gone practically still and his breathing had evened after the last time he nodded) and began to turn around on the beanbag. He had been facing the fridge, so he had to shift so he could reach the other end of the room, and he had a grow a good bit in order for his arm to be able to grab the door. Without any more hesitation, he began to shift bigger.
He held back a grunt of pain. He didn’t shift bigger than human size often cause it took more energy than was worth it most of the time, and now that he was tired it was especially achy. He didn’t want Quackity to feel bad for suggesting it, though, and the thought of what Sapnap would get to do after kept him going. He moved agonizingly slowly and carefully to not disturb the two on his chest (and especially to not wake Karl), but eventually he managed to reach over to open the fridge and grabbed the first thing his hand touched, quickly closing it and shifting back, pulling the thing he grabbed back with him.
He laid a hand over his fiancés to steady them as he looked over the food in his hand. Huh. One of those meat and cheese snack packs. Could definitely be worse.
Quackity pushed one of Sapnap’s fingers away gently and looked up expectantly, tapping Karl to wake him. Karl hummed a bit but made no move to lift his head. Sapnap chuckled and removed the packaging from the snack and handed 2 little blocks of what he assumed were cheddar cheese and pepperoni to his boyfriends and watched Quackity eat both of his almost immediately and Karl take a few bites out of each before falling asleep again soon after. Quackity ate his fair share before looking up at Sapnap again, confusion clear on his face.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Sapnap just smirked. “Nah, I was hungry for something else tonight.” He grinned wider as he gently swiped a thumb across Quackity’s cheek, watching his boyfriends eyes widen face darken in color, freezing in place for a minute before he sighed, trying to hide a smile. “C’mon, Sap, really?” “Yeah, really, you owe me, remember?” “For fucks sake, do I have t- hey!!” Quackity was cut off by Sapnap reaching to his head and plucking the bandana he always wore off, taking joy in messing up his fiancés hair, and lightly tossing it into his mouth, swallowing shortly after. “You want that back, right?” Sapnap said slyly, a lighter blush forming across his cheeks.
“…fuck you.” Quackity responded, face deadpan but still the same shade of red, showing Sapnap that he wasn’t really as opposed to this as he’d like to seem. Quackity began to climb higher on Sapnap’s shirt before Sap just brought a hand under him and lifted him up to his face. “You ready?” “Again, fuck you.” “Q, be honest with me here, im not gonna do this without your permission.” Sapnap responded, a note of concern in his voice. Fuck, this was why Q fell for him. As much as Sanap was brash and kinda stupid, he was the most genuine and kind boyfriend a borrower could ever want. Even if he was a bit weird. So, he sighed and smiled, rolling his eyes before making eye contact with the giant in front of him. “Just get on with it already, you’re hungry, aren’t you? I’m good.”
Sapnap smiled at the fond look his fiancé gave him and began to lift him higher. He slowly brought his hand closer to his mouth and used his tongue to pull his tiny boyfriend in, gently shutting his teeth behind him with a soft click. After he felt Quackity get settled, he started to lick him, slicking him up for the journey down. He heard Quackity yell in disgust, but he simply stifled a laugh and kept going.
He tilted his head back gently, letting gravity pull Quackity farther back into the throat. He felt a few gentle pats on his tongue and took this as his que, starting to take small swallows to bring his fiancé down. He gently pressed a hand to his throat and felt the bulge that his lover made as he descended farther down past his collarbone and deep into his core, shifting and moving slightly the rest of the way down only because Sapnap had admitted to him once that it felt nice.
He soon felt a weight drop into his stomach, the organ giving a loud gurgle in response, making Quackity laugh from within. Sapnap flustered a bit and pressed down where he could feel his boyfriend for a few seconds to mess with him before releasing the pressure and starting to massage the area. “You alright in there, duckling?” “Santo mierda,” Quacktiy sighed as Sapnap felt him get more comfortable, “I forgot how tight it was on the way down. There is, like, no tension left in me at all, it’s like the worlds most constricting massage.” “So…you’re good?” Quackity chuckled a bit in response before patting on the stomach wall next to him. “Yeah, i’m good. And i got my bandana back, so, again, fuck you.”
Sapnap laughed as he continued to rub circles over where he felt his little fiancé, trying his best to ignore the consistent gurgles his stomach would make and the fact that Quackity seemed to find it hilarious, though he was trying to hide his laughter. Whatever, Sapnap knew he hadn’t eaten real food, he’d just ignore the noises for now. Unfortunately, someone else was having a harder time ignoring it.
“…Sapnap?” Karl said, rubbing bleary eyes as he sat up from his position on the shifter’s chest, causing Sapnap to panic almost immediately. “Oh my god, Karl, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up.” “You didn’t, your stomach did.” Karl laughed, yawning and stretching his arms. “Did you forget to eat?” “Hmmm, not quite,” Sapnap smirked, laying a finger on Karl’s head and lightly messing with some of his hair, which the smaller man made no complaints against, “but isn’t someone missing?” At this, Karl looked up at Sapnap past his finger and then around the area where Quackity had been with him. He looked confused for only a moment before he registered what Sapnap had meant. “You two are weird.” Karl scoffed, pressing himself more into the finger in a headbutt-like form of affection.
“You wanna be weird with us?” Sapnap asked, licking his lips so Karl could know exactly what he meant. But while Karl’s face turned a light pink at this, he merely shrugged. “Not tonight, too tired for all that. I just wanna sleep.” Karl said, shifting himself to slide further down Sapnap’s torso. The shifter was confused for a moment until Karl reached the bottom of his shirt and tried valiantly to lift it higher, and Sapnap turned red, realizing what his boyfriend was trying to do. He reached down and pulled his shirt up higher since Karl was having trouble moving it by himself, and Karl wasted no time climbing back up until he was right above Quackity. Karl pressed against the top of the stomach from the outside and Sapnap saw his eyes light up as Quackity pressed back.
“Hi lovely!” Karl shouted, face practically pressed into Sapnap’s belly, which definitely didn’t fluster the shifter at all. “Karlos!!” He heard Quackity call back, shouting loud enough that Karl could barely hear him through the layers of muscle and skin between them. “Sorry we woke you up, mi amor.” “That’s alright, i’m gonna go back to bed, i just didn’t want you to fall asleep without knowing how much i loooove yooou.” Karl responded in a sleepy, drawn out syrupy voice, which made Quackity laugh loud enough for Sapnap to feel the vibrations. “I love you too, Karl, goodnight darling. Just one question, though: how flustered is Sapnap right now?” Karl looked up and, though Sapnap did his best to avoid eye contact, he couldn’t easily hide the bright red that shone through his cheeks. “I’m not, fuck off.” Sapnap retorted, looking back at Karl to see a cheeky grin on his face. He pressed his face back into Sapnap’s torso, the pride clear in his voice as he responded “Oh, very.”
“Ok, enough, this is bullying, this is harassment.” Sapnap said, picking up Karl with one hand and laying his free hand over his stomach, effectively blocking out Karl and Quackity’s communication. Nevertheless, now both boys were just trying to get Sapnap flustered, with Karl making kissy noises in his direction and Quackity rattling off some of the worst pick up lines Sapnap had ever heard.
He just laughed, blushing and sputtering excuses while the two he cared more about than anything in the world laughed with him. God, what did he do to deserve them? They were his world, his everything. He loved them. He loved them more than he could ever love anything.
Their laughter died down, fatigue finally catching up with them after what could only have been the past few minutes. Sapnap set Karl back down on his chest, where the smaller man immediately slid back down and rested himself above the hand Sapnap still had laid over Quackity. Karl was out like a light almost immediately after he was settled, and Quackity joined him shortly after. Sapnap stayed awake a bit longer, just looking down at them. He could feel Quackity’s calm, even breaths from within him, and Karl had a slight smile on his face, a light pink still brushing his cheeks. He felt like every time he looked at them, he fell in love all over again. How he got lucky enough to end up with the most caring, understanding partners in the world was beyond him, but it meant more to him when he saw them like this. Quackity trusting him enough to sleep literally within him, where he was fully at Sapnap’s will. And Karl not flinching away from him for a moment, even choosing to rest on his hand, trusting Sapnap not to grab him or hurt him. His heart swelled the more he thought about it. They trusted him. And, as he fell asleep, he promised himself that he’d make sure they always had a reason to.
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somedayillfindit · 4 years ago
C!Beeduo Actually Talk About Their Feelings
i know it’s crazy
they basically talk after the last lore stream where they like fought?? ish?? idk. they like communicate. 
slight warning because tubbo’s not the most canonically mentally sound, and so there’s so his pov is a little heavy on the self-hatred and catastrophizing
anyway enjoy!!
Tubbo is laying on the floor, sketching a design for some project he’s probably working on, and trying to ignore the dread coiling in his gut.
Michael is laying next to him, studiously coloring in every square on a piece of grid paper with a different crayon. 
Tubbo is trying to remember to breathe. 
There’s a familiar knock on the door. Three quick raps, more of a formality at this point. It’s Ranboo. 
“Papa!” Michael squeals, scrambling to his hooves and trotting to the door. He has to stand on his tiptoes to reach the handle. 
Tubbo takes a deep breath. 
Ranboo steps into the house. He does not look at Tubbo. 
Instead, he swoops Michael up, spinning him up towards the rafters as he shrieks with joy.
“I missed you,” Ranboo says, smiling, pulling Michael close and speaking into his hair. Tubbo considers crying.
“Hey,” Ranboo mumbles to Michael. “Can you run upstairs and brush your teeth? Dad and I need to talk for a bit.”
“Gotta brush Chickie’s teeth too Papa,” Michael explains. Ranboo nods.
“Yeah, gotta make sure Chickie’s teeth are brushed. I’ll be up to read you a story in a sec, ‘kay?”
“Promise?” Michael asks, his voice getting a little trembly. Ranboo’s eyes widen, before he pulls back to look Michael in the eye.
“Promise,” he says, serious. “It’ll just be a bit.”
Michael nods surely, let’s Ranboo kiss his forehead and set him down, and trots to the ladder. Tubbo is alone with Ranboo now, and he suddenly remembers why he’s dreading this visit.
“Hey,” Tubbo says, and cringes a little at how hoarse his voice is.
“You wanted to talk,” Ranboo prompts, and Tubbo winces again at how far from the soft voice he was using with Michael this is. Usually, Ranboo can’t help but be disgustingly fond with Tubbo, and while he teases Ranboo for it, he misses it achingly now.
“Yeah,” is all he says, and it’s a struggle to even get the monosyllables out. But he does it, and then he gestures towards the couch, silently inviting Ranboo to sit, even if it’s only to prolong the inevitable.
Ranboo sits, thankfully, and nods at Tubbo, as if to say “get on with it.” Tubbo takes a deep breath.
“Okay,” he says because he doesn’t know where to start. And Ranboo is avoiding his gaze, and Tubbo really doesn’t know what to do with that. He’s gotten so used to getting to look Ranboo in the eyes that the lack of it is palpable, and for some reason, that’s the final straw.
“I’m sorry, ok,” he blurts, “I’m sorry, I know you’re mad at me, and I know I fucked up, and I know I deserve it, but I don’t- fuck, I don’t know exactly why you’re mad, and I know that’s dumb, and I probably- I should know these things, but I’m not good at this whole- whole life partners thing, and I’m sorry, but please, if you’ll just tell me why you’re mad, I’ll fix it because I hate this. And- and I want to fix it, and I just- yeah.”
He stops talking then, because what else is he going to say? That he misses Ranboo? That it physically hurts thinking about life without him? No. Fuck no. He’s being stupid and gross and selfish, making this all about himself, about how he feels, when Ranboo is obviously upset. 
He doesn’t look up at Ranboo even though he’s done talking, because he doesn’t want to see if he’s angry. He wrings his hands instead. Usually, Ranboo would take his hands now, smooth his thumb over his knuckles, maybe press a kiss to the heel of his palm. He doesn’t. 
“Tubbo,” he says instead, and his voice sounds resigned and pained and soft all at once and Tubbo is going to cry. “Tubbo.” He says it again, like he can’t help it. “I’m not- I’m not mad. At least not mostly. I just- I think we’re on different pages. About this. Us. About us.”
The floor drops out from under him. 
Different pages. They’re on different pages because Ranboo doesn’t love him. What else could it possibly mean? Ranboo’s just in this for tax benefits, and for Michael. He doesn’t feel the same and Tubbo went and got all attached and clingy again, and he thought that the marriage was enough, that it was enough to get Ranboo to stay, but maybe now that he’s realized how pathetically needy Tubbo is he’s realized he can do better, and he’s leaving he’s leaving and it’s probably for the best. 
Tubbo breathes in. He breathes out. If Ranboo wants to leave, Tubbo isn’t going to stop him. He won’t cry or beg or manipulate, because Prime knows Ranboo deserves better than that. He nods.
“Okay,” he says, and his voice is so small. He can’t bring himself to try again. “If you don’t want me- or this, or whatever, that’s okay.” He tries for a joke, and it just sounds miserable, “I mean, divorce exists for a reason.”
Ranboo doesn’t laugh. Tubbo braves looking up at him through his fringe. He doesn’t look angry. More like confused. What?
“What?” Ranboo says.
“What,” Tubbo says.
“I don’t want a divorce?” Ranboo says, not sounding entirely sure. 
“You don’t?” Tubbo asks, internally cursing the swooping hope that he can’t quite tamp down in his chest. 
“No,” Ranboo says, sounding more certain this time. “I kind of though you wanted to divorce me?”
“What?” Tubbo says, because he’s not following this conversation at all anymore. “Why would I want a divorce?”
“Because,” Ranboo says, and now he’s the one wringing his hands. Tubbo resists the urge to reach out and hold them. “You sold the Cookie Outpost. And you seemed so, like, adamant that this was for tax benefits. And like, I get it if it is-” He sounds like he’s going to keep talking, but Tubbo isn’t going to let him.
“This wasn’t ever just for tax benefits, dummy, that was a joke,” Tubbo says. “We don’t pay taxes.”
“Yeah, but we might have to,” Ranboo says, like he’s not quite sure why he’s arguing. 
“Okay, maybe, but I wanted to marry you so you wouldn’t leave me,” Tubbo says, quietly, because he sort of hopes Ranboo won’t hear it. “I don’t even know how taxes work. And I’m sorry, because I kind of manipulated you into this, and if you want out, I get it, but I do really mean it now,” he says, and he tries, just a little, to meet Ranboo’s eyes, because he should know how serious Tubbo is. “I want to be married to you, and I want to spend my life with you.”
Ranboo looks up at him through his eyelashes. 
“Really,” He breathes, like it’s foreign and impossible.
“Really,” Tubbo says, because it’s so true. 
“Oh,” Ranboo says. “But you said- you said you’re happy now. Like more happy than you’ve been since L’manberg, now that you have this job with Quackity.”
“Yeah?” Tubbo says, because he doesn’t quite get why Ranboo would be upset about that, unless he had managed to convince himself that he didn’t make Tubbo happy. “Wait. Fuck. Ranboo.”
“That doesn’t mean you don’t make me happy,” Tubbo says, and he reaches out and takes Ranboo’s hands, just to drive the point home. “You make me so happy. You and Michael and our little family? I can’t- I don’t know how to explain how happy you make me. I’ve just been going fucking insane here, playing with Michael and building nukes. I needed something to do, to like put my energy into. Not because you don’t make me happy, but because I’m fucking bored. I’ve had too much time to myself, and that makes me all paranoid and shit. Get lost in my head. I just needed to get out. Not because of you. Because of, like, everything else.” He squeezes Ranboo’s hands, to make sure he’s listening. “You make me happy, okay?”
“Okay,” Ranboo says, a little shaky. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Tubbo says, because he is. 
“Okay,” Ranboo whispers. “You know you make me happy too, right?” He asks, in that fond, soft, sappy voice that makes Tubbo feel all melty. 
“Yeah,” he says, trying to pretend like he isn’t blushing. 
“Yeah,” Ranboo echoes, grinning at him. He meets Tubbo’s eyes, reaching up to push some hair off of his forehead. “Let’s go put Michael to bed?���
“Okay,” Tubbo says, and pulls him to his feet.
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