#and by ‘you all’ I mean foreign fans local fans basically all idol fans I don’t care who anymore
ujuro · 2 years
You wouldn’t think that one of the most annoying parts about being an idol fan would be constant biphobia and bi erasure but somehow it keeps coming up
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dear-yandere · 4 years
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[ terror eyes ]
yandere! risotto nero x reader. commissioned.
› word count: 2.8k. › warnings: consensual kidnapping, delusions, dependency, implied familial abuse, graphic gore and murder. › art credit: 39805470.
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“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.” — Kait Rokowski, Alight
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he didn’t expect to feel this way. he didn’t expect to lose himself in you.
it’s the way your eyes shine when you look at him — the fleeting glances, the lasting smiles. it’s the way you say his name — the unexpected tenderness, the excitement on your face. it’s the way his heart beats wildly in your presence, the way he’s reminded of its existence. it’s the way you remind him that he is human, not the monster he’s made himself out to be. 
when he looks in the mirror, he sees a void, a blackness so thick he’s afraid it will devour him whole. of all the things risotto nero does not fear, he fears himself most. and yet, when you look at him, there is hope, light, the very opposite of what stares at him from the mirror. you look at him like there’s something worth adoring, something worth loving — emotions he never imagined could be directed at him. it’s a foreign feeling, something he hasn’t felt in years. nothing short of a nuisance at first, the way your gaze would pin to him like a fan adores their idol or a disciple worships their god. being the source of admiration is nothing new to him — many a man look up to him with a mixture of awe and fear, some groveling for mercy and others joining his cause. risotto nero is accustomed to being watched, to having eyes on him from every angle and direction: from diavolo, who both trusts and distrusts him; from the capos, who look at him with awe and scorn, and from his own underlings, who both fear and revere him. risotto nero is a force to be reckoned with, and yet, the way you look at him like a lover is enough to unravel his layers, as if there was nothing to fear at all.
it’s hard not to feel naked around you, to not feel vulnerable, as if you’ll figure out his deepest desires and worst fears if you so much as tried. vulnerability is not to be shown in his line of work, even you understand this much. despite the way you look at him with such ardor, you keep distance. whether it’s out of fear or respect, he doesn’t want to find out. it’s better this way, to keep you at arm’s length; you aren’t supposed to be alive. that thought rings true in the recesses of his mind, a reminder of who you truly are, who he truly is, of how this relationship was fated for end from the start. but even he isn’t immune to selfishness and desire.
“welcome home!” 
your voice holds the universe together, its stars and planets localized entirely to the house you both call home. there isn’t this urgent need to be careful around him — to feign happiness, to pretend your heart hasn’t been shattered so many times you’ve lost track of its pieces. there isn’t this urgent need to put your guard up around him, ensure it’s airtight, ensure it can take another beating. there isn’t this urgent need to be afraid around him. not anymore.
you don’t wait for a response, you never do. he never speaks without purpose, and you’ve grown accustomed to the way he wears silence like a mask. bounding up to him with a skip in your step, you attach yourself to his arm and lead him to the living room, the same conversation on your tongue as yesterday, the day before, and every day before that. 
“how was work?”
a trivial question, considering his occupation; work is never good nor bad, because to him, taking life is neither good nor bad. it’s normal, it comes as easy as breathing. but for a moment, he feels the normality of it all wash over him. the catharsis that an ordinary life brings, one where he is married to a loving spouse, someone who greets him when he arrives home, someone who dotes on him at his highest and comforts him at his lowest. for a moment, you are his home, and for a moment, this is normal.
but moments are fleeting.
his heartbeat reminds him that this is real, that you are real. but there’s an ache in his chest and a longing for something else — for something more. he wonders if this happiness isn’t enough for him. if he was good, would he be capable of love? if he was good, would he be worthy of love? of your love?
how foolish... murderers aren’t meant to dream.
“i was so lonely without you, even the little metallica got bored...” you rub the smooth head of the stand, a little part of his soul perched atop your shoulder. a means to keep track of you, but you insist on treating it like a friend. as much as he pretends to find disinterest in your affection, he feels your touch vicariously through the little being and silently revels in it. “you didn’t get hurt did you?” your eyes scan his chest, searching for any visible wounds. when you find none, you look up at him with a smile that reaches your eyes. “i know you have a high pain tolerance, but i know basic first aid, and...”, you hesitate, heat dusting your cheeks like stardust. should you finish that thought? it’d not like he particularly cares for what you have to say, or so he lets on.
“and i want to be of use to you.”
he stares at you, a sense of affection flickering through his gaze. his heartbeat quickens and he searches your eyes only to find that same brilliance, that same hope worn proudly like armor. a reminder that you are blameless in all this. there are still things you don’t understand, things you couldn’t possibly understand. the true nature of his job, the truth about his past, all parts of him remain shrouded with uncertainty, parts of him that will forever remain a mystery. never does he speak of the thoughts weighing him down. you wish you could understand and he wishes he could let you, but his heart does not allow it. you are better off in the light.
“aha, forget i said anything. i was just joking...” your laugh is sardonic and forced, and yet it is still music to his ears. “but rely on me if you need anything, okay?” the question is rhetorical, you don’t expect an answer nor do you expect him to ever need your help, but you offer yourself on a silver platter nonetheless. it’s the least you can do for the man who saved you.
risotto laughs through his nose and corrects that earlier thought: you may belong in the light, but you’re better off here. he tells himself that anyways, convinces himself that what he did was for purely for your benefit. and even then that sentiment feels foreign, his behavior like a man possessed. who is he? that day he saw you, that day he killed your parents, who did he become? he’s heard that some change when they meet a lover, that they become someone else. a sick yet romantic concept, to change into someone else entirely as easily as changing clothes, as if love is enough to change the depravity of humans. tragedy and hatred was never foreign to him, the better part of his adult years spent wallowing in contempt and resentment; a shameful part of him, one he looks back on with disgust. how he used to wish that were true, that the scum who killed his cousin would seek forgiveness and repentance. but life is no fairy tale. and yet, when he met you, he became someone different, someone better.
and it still isn’t enough to make him worthy of you.
you are not red. when he met you, you were pure, untouched, unsullied by the red that surrounded you. unaffected by the red of your parents who hurt you, by the red of your family who let them, by the red of your friends who left you. despite the sea of blood you used to live in, you were anything but. anything but that wretched color, anything but the color of blood. you were his realization, his epiphany: his world has been dyed red for so long, he’d forgotten the beauty underneath.
you make him feel alive again.
“you’ll tell me if something’s wrong, won’t you?” there is no need for words, but you speak in hopes of giving assurance. you want to be his shoulder to lean on and to cry in, even if that offer will forever go untouched. but he can’t. as much as he longs for that companionship, to fall apart in your arms and let you the collect the pieces, he can’t. he doesn’t know what he needs. he doesn’t even know if he needs you.
but you need him. “if it concerns you.” his reply is blithe, far too scathing a response for a lover’s concern, but you show no signs of quarrel. this isn’t the first time he’s brushed you off, especially when this false game of house has become commonplace: go to work, come home, be greeted a woman who’d happily be your wife if you asked, rinse and repeat. “i can take care of myself.”
you nod like you always do, but he knows you’ll fuss over him come his return from work tomorrow. a familiar smile is directed at him — a display which still feels foreign — and the gentle musings of a woman smitten with love follow as you guide him to the couch with the promise of dinner being ready soon. as he seats himself, the worries of the day roll from his shoulders like rain. how you fell for a man like him is beyond his understanding. even if he did save you from a far worse fate, from a family who would sooner be your undoing than the catalyst of your betterment, he is undeserving of your love. what he sees when he looks at you is hope and misguided truth — you’re too bright for him.
“we’re running low on groceries,” you call out from the kitchen, broaching the topic carefully, scared he’ll think you’re eager to leave. in this situation, you suppose most would assume that much, but you... you want to stay here. you want to be with him, to be around him more, not just when he returns from work. you want him, and you know he wants you too if only he’d let himself indulge. “i... i know you usually pick it up yourself, but i want to come with you,” you try to explain, confidence melting away like ice under his gaze. will your words get through to him? “n...next time, i mean, if that’s okay...” you meekly clarify.
if you didn’t admire him, the way he looks at you now would make your legs buckle. his eyes have never scared you, not like he expected they would, but there’s a certain terror they inflict when he looks at you as a nuisance rather than a lover. piercing red on black, the eyes of a demon rather than a human. and yet, he is your guardian angel, the only man who’s ever saved you. you know you’re safe with him, he wouldn’t hurt you like they did. the thought has flitted through your mind from time to time, memories of your abusers’ bodies mangled and torn apart from the inside. explanations don’t come easy to risotto, so you’re still left in the dark about your own parent’s deaths. not that you cared much for their passing, you were more concerned with the nature in which they died. tiny slits had opened on all corners of their body, as if they’d been instantaneously cut from the inside. you still remember their screams, guttural like the dying wails of animals, infused with the intense smell of iron permeating the air. you want to learn more about him, to understand him, and this... this power is the best place to start. why did he save you? why does he keep you? will there come a day where he leaves you too?
“it’s dangerous.” his eyes peel away from yours and you allow yourself the luxury of relaxation. “passione is still looking for you. your parents had an outstanding debt that your disappearance alone isn’t enough to tide over.” he notices the way your shoulders slump in his peripherals. if his lies weren’t for your own good, he might have felt some semblance of regret. “things will settle down, it’s pointless to keep asking,” he adds with a tone of finality. he’s never been one for consolation, so he doesn’t dwell on the sadness that permeates your being. you’re safer here, even you realize that; you don’t put up a fight.
“i see...” you turn away, hands busying themselves with a nearly-finished dinner. the smell of a home-cooked meal imbues the air with warmth, a reminder of his childhood. how long has it been since he’s enjoyed the presence of another, a meal made by someone who loves him? even when he treats you harshly, keeping you in the dark about your own safety and the reality of your situation, it’s never held against him. the love you pour into his meals is palpable, carrying a certain sweetness even where the dish has no place for it. if he’s being honest, it’s... addicting. to feel normal again.
his earlier reasoning isn’t a complete lie, more of a... half-truth. upon learning of your home life, of how much abuse you endured at the negligent hands of parents who refuse to let you leave, he’d intended to kill you too. put you out of your misery. leaving the children of hits alive is problematic for a number of reasons, the biggest being that grief drives people to extremes. risotto has always been keen on finishing jobs thoroughly, but even he could see that something inside of you was... broken. the way you watched your parents being ripped apart, mauled by something you can’t see nor begin to comprehend... amidst the guts and gore, he wasn’t able to place an emotion to it at the time, only that it was visceral, animalistic. realization only came later: the look on your face was one of pure happiness. surrounded by the blood of your own family, you were happy, relieved, hopeful. to see them finally suffer as much as you had, to see them finally gone from your life; you were so much like him, and yet so far removed all the same.
regret is lost on him. he doesn’t regret ‘saving’ you. your parents had it coming; their presence in the underbelly of naples had become troublesome for passione, the pair even going so far as to try to escape their debt to the mafia. a last-ditch attempt akin to the behavior of animals who’ve been cornered, risotto almost felt pity upon learning of your existence. the onus of repaying their debt would have fallen on you, a tactic even he didn’t quite agree with. but passione was never known for their lenience; this was the life risotto had chosen, after all. a life of crime and of murder, a life befitting a monstrous stand like his. at some point, he’d lost all sense of sympathy for his hits, their faces replaced by that of the drunk driver who killed his cousin. that scum’s sentence was far too lenient, and risotto has seen first-hand the trouble leniency can bring.
but he felt sorry for you. coming to terms with the sudden onslaught of pity was nauseating enough, but he’d offered to hide you until things settle down. the don was enraged that you’d ‘escaped’ before risotto could finish you off, but it was easy enough to let it go: you’ll ‘turn up’ eventually, and the debt your parents owed is the back burner for the time being. and, whether or not you preferred to die at the hands of your savior, you still followed him without quarrel when he took you. under normal circumstances, perhaps it’s better to say he kidnapped you, but you’ve always insisted that he did just the opposite; he freed you. for the first time in his life, he saved someone. where he couldn't save his cousin, he could save you.
“i’ll stop asking, but... maybe we can go together one day?” you pipe up, already setting a fresh plate of food before him. a model housewife, if this had been under normal circumstances. despite your attempts to hide any sadness, you wear a blissful expression when you glance up at him, head curiously tilted with the weight of your admiration for him. when you speak, he feels your love for him in every word; when you speak, he feels like he can love again. “as a couple,” you suggest, your smile genuine.
no, he doesn’t deserve you. not in the slightest.
“...i’d like that.”
but maybe one day he will.
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dear-yandere, all rights reserved. 
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tetelfuentes · 4 years
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                            My Dream Place: South Korea
     South Korea has been one of my dream places that I wanted to travel to. It is the number one place that is on my bucket list. When I hear South Korea the one thing that comes to my mind is KPOP, I’m a die-hard fan of KPOP groups since when I was a child and I really wanted to meet my Idols there and attend their concerts and have a picture of them and it is always one of my dreams to meet them and had a chance to talk with them.
    The name Korea is derived from Goguryeo, which was one of the great powers in East Asia during its time, ruling most of the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, parts of the Russian Far East, and Inner Mongolia, under Gwanggaeto the Great. Its citizens enjoy the world’s fastest Internet connection speeds and the densest high-speed railway network. Since the 21st century, South Korea has been renowned for its globally influential pop culture, particularly in music (K-pop), TV dramas, and cinema, a phenomenon referred to as the Korean Wave and it is an extraordinary country filled with beautiful beaches, thriving cities, ancient temples, remarkable natural scenery and most importantly, friendly people with ancient history.
If you wanted to travel to South Korea here are the top 5 various attraction that I have been researched;
1.Big Buddha Monument of Sinheungsa Temple in Seoraksan National Park, it is the Great Unification Buddha in Seoraksan National Park, South Korea. The Buddha is the largest seated bronze Buddha statue in the world, at 14.6m high, excluding the halo, lightning rod, and pedestal.
2.Deoksu Palace, for a modern exploratory opener, begins your tour of Seoul at the central and historical Deoksugung, the Palace of Virtuous Longevity, whose gate faces City Hall Plaza.
3.Gyeongbok Palace, Gyeongbokgung, the Palace of Shining Happiness, was Taejo’s residence and the seat of power. He and his successors used it until 1592 when it was burned during warfare with Japan.
4.Changdeok Palace, between Gyeongbok and Changdeok palaces, is one of the city’s largest surviving areas of traditional Korean housing (hanbok).
5.Traditional markets, any foreign visitor to Seoul should venture into a proper market; if not one of the neighborhood markets, then certainly into one or both of the great central markets downtown.
Culture and Tradition;
    South Korean culture and tradition are really interesting to learn, including their language which is hangul. Hangul is the name of the Korean alphabet. Although the spelling, alphabet, and vocabulary differ slightly between the two countries. There are five major dialects in South Korea and one in North Korea. Despite differences in the dialects, speakers from different areas can understand each other. The Korean alphabet is easy to learn and Korea enjoys one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
     Despite the political unrest that resulted in the division of the region, these two countries still share the same culture and traditional values. Korea is divided by boundaries but still united by culture. Korea is greatly influenced by Chinese and Japanese cultures. This influence can be seen by Confucianism, which established many traditions that can be seen in modern Korea today. These traditions include the ethical code of conduct in social life and showing respect to the elders and family. Koreans also believe in sincerity and loyalty and follow certain codes of conduct while meeting, eating, praying, and even celebrating. At times when many other cultures would shake hands, Koreans bow. They bow as a sign of gratitude and respect to the person they are meeting.
    Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity are the main religions. Buddhism is the religion in Korea with the most followers and its teachings have a great impact on Korean lifestyle, culture, and art. Yungdrung is the main symbol of Korean Buddhism and can be found in all temples and religious places in Korea. The division of Korea has also caused a divergence in religious life in the two countries due to the different political structures. South Korea has been characterized by a rise of Christianity and Buddhism, while North Korea is considered a secular state.
    Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, noodles, vegetables, and meats. Some of the famous Korean dishes include bibimbap, bulgogi, and dakgalbi. The Korean culture is based on politeness and respect and this is evident in Korean table manners.
These are the Do’s and Dont’s when you travel to South Korea;
Take off your shoes when entering inside- It’s a basic courtesy to take off your shoes when entering someone’s house or even some restaurants. It is in most Asian cultures. You’ll be required to take off your shoes at some of the restaurants or even cafes but it’s completely natural in Korea so embrace it.
Do not sit on the elderly’s seat- A lot of Koreans still have a very Confucian mindset where the elderly should be highly respected. You will hardly ever see a young man or a woman sitting on the elderly’s seat even when the subway is crammed. The seats are called “priority seat” but somehow they are always occupied by old people in Korean subways.
Recycling is not an option- Did you know that South Korea is the world’s second recycling leader by achieving 59% of the recycling rate? Koreans do not toss everything in one bin and if you do, you will be frowned upon by someone right away. Koreans are super strict when it comes to recycling and even the trash bins on the streets are separated; recyclable and regular waste. Help the country keep its reputation as a recycling leader of the world and keep on recycling while traveling in Korea.
Some of the public toilets are unisex- Don’t freak out! Surprisingly enough, unisex toilets are not a rare thing in South Korea. It’s awkward for Koreans, too. It may be far from the unisex toilet you’re picturing right now because they are usually like one bathroom that men and women share at the same time. Coincidentally. There IS a door though, for the ladies toilet and outside there’s a urinal for guys, all inside one bathroom. It still means that someone could walk in while you’re doing your thang though, which would not be the most pleasant experience.
No need to tip your server- You don’t have to tip the server when you dine out at a restaurant. Even at a bar, tipping is not required and young Koreans would not tip the server or the bartender. In some fancy restaurants and bars, you might be expected to, but still not a must. In extreme cases, some servers might feel offended by getting tipped. Tipping can be perceived as pity or an arrogance since there’s absolutely no such culture here, so just don’t bother tipping when dining out.
Speak basic Korean when asking for help- Some people from English speaking countries tend to speak English right in the face of a Korean. Like, I mean, you’re not in your country, you’re in South Korea where 99% of people speak the Korean language! A, not all Koreans are good at English, B, it’s not very polite to ask a local Korean for help as if the Korean should be able to speak the language for you. Most Koreans would still give you a hand but there’s a better, more respectful way. Keep this phrase in mind “Choisonghamnida, young-eo hal jul aseyo?” (죄송합니다, 영어 할 줄 아세요?). It means “I’m sorry, do you speak English?”
Do not write a name in red- It’s a taboo to write someone’s name in red color. The history of the reason is debatable and not clear but still, most Koreans find it offensive and unlucky. Just letting you know, number 4 is considered unlucky, too. Some buildings do not have a button for the 4th floor and just replace the number with the letter “F” which stands for “four”.
Do not blow your nose in public- I know you can’t help it, but Koreans do not blow their nose in the subway, at a restaurant, or in class! I have so much respect for Koreans holding it in so well but anyhow you will see zero Korean blowing their nose in public. Some older people do but not the young Koreans. They would just sniffle until they can go to the bathroom and blow the heck out of it. When having a meal, in particular, don’t even try to blow your nose on the table and just go to the bathroom and take care of the business.
Take advantage of Wi-Fi- South Korea is seriously one of the most technically advanced countries around the world. You will be stunned at how easy and convenient it is to use free Wi-Fi everywhere, including restaurants, malls, subway, bus, and even just on the streets. There is no data limit, time limit, nothing. Take advantage of it as much as you want. Every local does it.
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flowerspecial · 5 years
I.M meets a foreign noona
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In the past few months, your career has really taken off. You were an instant hit on the internet. Your calming nature yet your undeniable charm made for an amazing combination in a talk show host. Your guests also complimented you on how comfortable you made them feel. Not only did that make you feel extremely happy, it was considered one of the biggest compliments in the business. But it also meant that your guests were more likely to open up, meaning you would get more out of the interview.
Your boss had recently told you that your latest guests would be Monsta X. Monsta X were trying to crack the US, so they needed as much exposure as possible. Of course, you were more than happy to interview them. You were around the same age as the older members of the group, so you knew that you would have that instant connection with them. You always found it easier to bond with celebrities who were of similar age to you. You would also be lying if you said that you hadn't heard anything of Monsta X. You were a huge fan, you had listened to all of their music and you might even have an official light stick. You was excited to go full on fan person.
On the day of the interview, you followed your usual procedure to the dot. However, your colleagues noticed that you made a special effort with your outfit today. You always looked good on camera, but today you wanted to be feeling yourself. You had even gone the extra mile with your makeup. When you were on set, you scurried around making sure everything was ready. The set of your show was always very comfortable. You had an inviting looking sofa complete with plush cushions. During your interviews you always liked your guests to feel at home. But your interviews were not just having a chit chat with them for 20 or so minutes. Especially with your foreign guests, you liked to encourage them to try some local foods, and try to teach them some particularly hard English words. You knew how much their fans loved hearing their favourite idols speaking English. So in order to get the views, you have to appease the fans. It's basic logic.
You looked at your watch and saw that you only had around 10 minutes before your guests were expected to arrive. You quickly checked over your notes. You had little cue cards and what to ask them, and you may have even had a card on how to correctly pronounce their names. There is absolutely nothing worse than foreign interviewers pronouncing kpop idols’ names wrong. It's a level of professionalism that you never wanted tied to you.
The boys arrived promptly, and you walked over to them to greet them warmly.
“Hello! It’s great to meet you. I am so happy to be interviewing you guys!” You said excitedly. The boys all smiled at you in return and your boss guided the boys into the dressing room to get ready. As the boys walked past you, you felt a pair of lingering eyes casting their gaze on your body.
“I cannot wait to do this interview. I think you are so amazing.” Changkyun spoke lowly. He let your eyes connect with his and he held your gaze for a few seconds before walking off. You were stuck to the ground and your eyes followed Changkyun into his dressing room. He looked back at you, and noticing the effect he had on you, he licked his lips smoothly and smirked at you.
When the door closed behind Changkyun, you was shaken out of your trance like state. You was slightly taken aback by the confident persona of the youngest member in the group. But you can't deny that there was something about it that was oddly attractive.
“And now I would like to introduce my latest guests, Monsta X!” You exclaimed happily to the camera. You stood up from your seat as the boys walked into the shot. You shook Shownu’s hand as he was the closest to you, and you motioned for them to take a seat. “I’m so excited to have you guys on. I am a huge fan!”
“Thank you so much!” Shownu replied.
“We are huge fans of you too.” Changkyun added. His comment seemed innocent enough but you noticed the flirty undertone to his words. Your heart began to race slightly, and you had to remind yourself that you were still on camera.
“So first of all,” you pried your eyes away from Changkyun. “Your latest music video for Find You has got all of your fans guessing about the story. With it's close link to your previous music video for Dramarama, people are thinking that you might add more videos to connect the whole piece together. Is there any truth in that?”
“Well obviously we don’t want to give too much away.” Jooheon said. “To be honest we love the theories that our fans come up with. It shows how observant they are, they notice things that we don’t even notice. It's so cool.”
“We like to keep people on their toes.” Changkyun commented. “What’s the fun in giving everything away? I like to be a bit of a tease.” Now the other boys didn't really bat an eyelid at Changkyun’s comments. You however was taken back. The little switch between the pronoun ‘we’ to the pronoun ‘I’ did not go unnoticed by you.
“Wow you guys are not making my job easy. Sorry fans, it looks like these boys are keeping their lips sealed!” You laughed to the camera.
The rest of the interview pretty much went the same way that it had started. After every question, one of the boys would answer with quite a basic and straightforward answer. But then Changkyun would pipe up with a flirty comment, directed more at you than at the camera. The more comments he made, the quicker your heart rate raced. You weren’t normally overly attracted to younger guys, the social norms in the west don’t really advocate for relationships that way round. However, there was something about this cheeky, teasing yet oddly adorable younger guy that was making you reevaluate your beliefs.
“Now, your latest songs such as Love U, and Someone’s Someone, preach about your need to find someone special. So let me ask you, what do you want in your significant other?” Questions like these could always go one of two ways: either the artist would feel really uncomfortable and would give a really basic level answer; or they would be really open and tell you exactly what they are looking for.
“I guess I would want someone who is kind to me. Someone who is patient with me. Knows that my job is really important to me. I want a relationship where we are each other’s biggest fans.” Wonho smiled to the camera, making a heart gesture. You and the boys couldn't help but aw at his little revelation.
When the collective aw ended, Changkyun looked at you very deadpan and simply said, “you.”
“Don't you think I’m a bit old for you?” You said smirking. Honestly you was just trying to diffuse the situation. Last thing you wanted was a group of angry fans sending you hate mail for stealing their beloved.
“Nope. I like an older woman, And you are perfect.” His simple comment made all the blood rush to your cheeks, and you laughed awkwardly. The rest of the boys pushed Changkyun off the sofa while in fits of laughter.
“Well this took an awkward turn. I’m actually quite nervous for this next section.” All the boys looked at you with wide eyes. “Now it's time to try some local foods. But I’m worried that he,” you pointed at Changkyun, “is going to make everything flirty.”
“Don't worry, I’ll be on my best behaviour. Your wish is my command.” Changkyun smirked at you. You sighed at him and shook your head in defeat. Every comment that came out of his mouth was laced with sexuality.
You encouraged all the boys to try the food. They were all stood around you in a semi circle and you handed out the food. The rest of the boys took it happily but Changkyun just looked at you with puppy dog eyes. When he refused to take anything you would look at him and he'd part his mouth slightly.
“Seriously?” You questioned. Changkyun nodded eagerly and entwined his hands in front of his chest. You rolled your eyes but you decided to feed him anyway. His eyes lit up so bright and he took the food appreciatively.
He took a step closer to you, and bent down to get close to your ear. “Thank you, miss.” He whispered so lowly even you wasn’t 100% sure that was what he said. You really couldn't believe the nerve of this boy. He’s literally on camera and yet he’s whispering in your ear suggestively.
“Well that's all we have time for! I want to say a massive thank you for my guests, Monsta X. It has truly been an, interesting, interview. And thank you to everyone who has watched this!” You finished the interview with a small wave to the camera. Monsta X said goodbye in unison and your camera man indicated that the filming had finished. You started to disperse and the boys began to head back to their changing room
“Thank you so much for having us!” Joohoney smiled happily, shaking your hand. “I’m sorry about Changkyun, he’s young and a bit, erm, frustrated, I guess you could say.”
“No worries! I have to admit I was quite flattered. I’m not used to younger guys giving me that much attention.” You admitted. You and Joohoney shared a giggle at your comment. Changkyun noticed you guys sharing a moment and stood right in the middle of you two.
“What are you guys talking about?” He said. He looked between you two, not even remotely caring that he looks so jealous right now.
“Oh nothing. We were just sharing a moment.” Joohoney said, smirking at his younger brother. Changkyun glared at him fiercely and pushed him slightly so he could walk away. Joohoney took the hint and laughed at Changkyun as he walked away. Not before giving you a brief hug.
“A little jealous there buddy?” You cockily said, looking Changkyun up and down.
“Maybe, but you should know something,” he started, getting closer to you. “I am better than any of these other boys. You might think that younger boys are lacking in some way. But one night with me, I will show you that I’m everything you need and more.” He handed you a piece of paper with his number on it and kissed you quickly on your jawline.
As he walked away, you were once again stuck to the ground. Your heart was racing and you felt a warmth spread through your body. Just like earlier, Changkyun looked back at you and smirked when he noticed the effect he had on you. But this time, he gave you a wink and gave you the hand gesture of ‘call me’.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where is the last place you had a kiss? My girlfriend’s couch. I normally wouldn’t kiss her inside her house but we were alone, so it just happened. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? I skipped breakfast yesterday and went straight to having a macchiato, which was a horrible idea considering I had a badddd hangover. My body made me pay for it soon enough when my stomach started unusually heating up, so I bought a sandwich by around lunch to help it feel better. When was the last time you were at an amusement park? 2013. I don’t like amusement parks so when my friends make plans I don’t go along with them. Two weeks ago I was at a school fair which kinda has the same amenities as an amusement park, but I guess it’s not the real thing so it doesn’t count. When was the last time you cried out of physical pain? Last Wednesday. My friend Leigh was trying to demonstrate for me the concept of just-noticeable difference by pinching the skin on my hand. I don’t like feeling pain anywhere on my body, so when she started amping up her pinching I had to yell out. Have you ever done anything to Support the Troops? No. Can’t relate.
Do you donate blood? Nooooo no nope. I just said I didn’t like feeling discomfort on any part of my body hahaha and getting pricked is the worst sensation for me. I wouldn’t be able to donate blood even if I wanted to either – as far as I know you have to be of a certain weight to be qualified, and I’ve never met that requirement. Are you wearing two shirts? No. It’s never too cold to be wearing two shirts here. The only time I had to really do this in a local sense was in Sagada. That weather was b r u t a l. It was the first time my dad turned on the heater in our car and I didn’t even know Filipino cars came with heaters lmaaaaaaao. This was a very long way of saying no. Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? Never have. What were you the last time you went trick or treating? I went as my best friend at the time, Sofie. I didn’t have time (and wasn’t as extroverted as I am now) to come up with a detailed costume, so I went as her – black dress, eyebags, winged eyeliner, and thick hair that was never combed. It had the least effort of all my friends’ costumes, but I got the most compliments on social media lol. What's your favorite morning activity? I am so not a morning person, and I just like sleeping/lying in whenever I can. Can you cook? I am hopeless in that department. Is there a lot of laundry in your hamper? No. My mom’s laundry day is Friday, so it’s basically empty the whole weekend. When do you think you'll have children? In a little less than a decade, honestly. I’m pretty firm in my decision to have kids; it’s my biggest dream if anything. I mean I’m also willing to wait until I’m in my 30s because god knows how expensive everything is rapidly getting these days, but I just know I’ll end up having kids one way or another. Can you point out constellations in the night sky? No. The only thing I can safely point out for you is Orion’s Belt, and that’s because it’s essentially a giveaway lmao. What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? Nothing. It’s one of my least favorite topics. The only thing that got me to enjoy them for a brief period was the Percy Jackson series, but when I finished the books my interest in that world waned fast. Have you ever eaten a gyro? Nah, but close enough – I’ve had shawarma. What's your favorite flavor of Tootsie pops? Mmmm not really a fan of Tootsie Pops, or like candy in general. What's the last thing you bought at a mall? If I remember correctly, I got a toasted siopao in Coffee Bean. Where did your mom go to high school? She went to Colegio de Santa Rosa in Makati. What's a subject you would never major in? Philosophy. My college curriculum required me to take one Philosophy elective, and not only was it the worst experience ever, but I got my second-lowest mark in college from that class. Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? No. I hate asking for money, even from my parents. When's the last time you took a bubble bath? A little over a year ago, probs. I love bubble baths when I manage to get settled in one, but because I’m usually in a hurry when I take showers, the concept of staying and relaxing in a bathtub is a little weird to me so I never do it haha. Have you ever swam in a river? I have photos of me when I was 1, my mom, her sisters-in-law, and their kids (my cousins) swimming in some river.  Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? No. I know I could be messy, but that’s just disgusting. What food do you love the smell of while it's cooking? Curry. What food do you hate the smell of uncooked? I just hate the smell of wasabi in general. Your #2--what's their occupation? Your #3--what color are their eyes? Your #1--what cartoon character would they be? Your #4--are they allergic to anything? All Myspace questions that I’m skipping, lmao. Has a bee ever stung you? No. That’s like one of my top 3 fears so I never allow myself to be near bees or wasps. If there’s any nearby I run the fuckkkkk away. Where did you last go camping? I have never been camping for real. In what month do you start Christmas shopping? Last year I had some stuff ordered by early November – but those were gifts for just my girlfriend. I bought everyone else’s gifts like a week before Christmas. Have you ever slept in a bed with someone with bad BO? I’m sure I have; I just don’t let it bother me because no one’s breath is supposed to smell great in the morning lmao. Do you have a favorite flavor at Baskin Robbins? I have never had Baskin Robbins and I dunno if I will, because it’s just so expensive. Philippine suppliers looove bringing foreign brands like Shake Shack and Baskin Robbins over here and slapping insanely high prices on them just so they’re seen as high-end lmao, it’s sad. Are there fast food wrappers/cups in your car? No not at the moment. If anything there are old receipts. Do you read the newspaper? Very seldom, but given that I’m a journalism student, I encounter newspapers a lot because they’re everywhere in the college. What search engine do you use? Google. Have you ever posted a question on Yahoo questions? Nope. But the website is useful and I just look for people asking the same question I have at the moment. Have you ever been on a dating website? I made a Tinder account a few years ago just to observe it and just for fun. I never needed it but I was curious, so I joined it but I used a fake name and a photo of a cat I saw in school as my profile picture so that no one knew who it was. Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? Save for CM Punk, I’ve only ever had crushes on female celebrities. What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? I dunno, I’ve never felt interested in growing flowers...or a garden, in general. Would you rather have a flat tire or overheated car? Flat tire. As far as I know that can be fixed a little more easily than a completely overheated car. What's the safest form of transportation? Private car, lmao. That’s really your safest bet in this country. Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? They can be taught about it so they’re aware of what it means and asks of them, but kids should also be reminded that at the end of the day it’s an option that they can choose to take or not. When's the next time you'll go to the grocery store? I only ever go when my dad is home because he likes having us along, so maybe in a month or two. When's the last time you went to Chuck E. Cheese? Never. What's your favorite cheese or cheese flavored food? Mozzarella sticks. Do you like black licorice? It’s decent, at best. I won’t spit it out, but it’s not my first candy of choice either. Can you count to 100 in another language? Two, Filipino and Spanish. We use Spanish when referring to currency, so that’s why it’s easy to memorize. Like I’d say I have labing-limang (fifteen in Filipino) notebooks, but when I have to say fifteen pesos, we say it as kinse (fifteen in Spanish). Idk, it’s a weird quirk with Filipinos but yeah. What's the nearest thing to you that can bounce? I don’t think there is anything bouncy in the living room at the moment. Do you hate cleaning? If I have to do it I get lazy. But when I actually want to clean, it can be relaxing. Do you clear dishes in the garbage disposal or in the garbage can? My mom takes out the garbage. Do you watch anything on the E! network? I don’t think our cable comes with E! so the only times I get to encounter it is when we’re staying over at hotels. I like having Keeping Up With the Kardashians on when we do have that channel. Have you ever tried out or thought of trying out for American Idol? I loved the show during its peak days, but I never had the desire to join it. Where's your car keys? Upstairs, on my bedside drawer. Did you keep any momentos of high school dances? From my high school ball, yes. I still have my old gown, photos with Mike, the instrument he used to ask me to ball (a Starbucks cup with the proposal written on it by the barista), and my old corsage. I like keeping stuff like that around so that I don’t forget, not because I still like him lmao. My prom could fuck off, and I have nothing from that night. Do you still have clothes from your high school dances? I have no idea. My high school prom dress disappeared after a while, but I still have my ball gown. The last person you laid in bed with said... I don’t know what you’re referring to but our last conversation was her telling me to drive home safe. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I can’t. Which celebrities would you want to hang out with at a bbq? The Friends cast. Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? I have never seen the movie. What are you doing on Superbowl Sunday? Isn’t it over already? I saw my aunts and uncles post about it on Facebook so I’m pretty sure it’s over. Anyway, I don’t care for football. Ever been to the original 13 colonies? No. Have you ever been to a concert that got out of control? Not really. The most ‘rebellious’ thing that ever happened was at my One Direction concert. The organizers made the stupid decision of holding the show on FLAT concert grounds and not a stadium, for a concert that probably held 10,000-20,000 people. Can you imagine holding that on just the GROUND??? Anyway, my sister and I had the third best tickets which was supposed to bring us to the semi-front, but it turned out to be so far from the stage. Everyone from my section all the way to the back resorted to standing up on the monobloc chairs which really isn’t allowed, but duh it’s One Direction and we wanted to see them. Harry had to call us out and ask us to get down from the chairs and just stand on the ground for our safety, but we kept protesting until they just gave up and continued the show. What's the last thing you watched on tv? Titanic, but we watched it on Netflix. I haven’t seen cable TV in a whiiiiiiile.
Whose show should be cancelled? 13 Reasons Why. Do you like Lindsay Lohan as a blonde? It doesn’t bother me. When's the last time you ate fruit? Last Friday I tried some of Laurice’s green mango with bagoong. Can you jump rope double dutch? Nope. I know jump rope but I never went that far.
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nomediaplay · 5 years
What is the difference between a handshake event and a fan sign?
eh, ok, I will try to quickly explain how things work:
Korean “fan-sign” such as done by SM etc:Normally for 100 fans and lasts about 1 hour. Sometimes it’s held in a space where public can watch (like malls) but usually it’s held in a closed small hall. The 100 fans sits as audience, and in turn go up to a table and meet member after member then go back to their seat. They get like 30 seconds per member to sign something and ask something. 100 fans x 30 seconds = 50 minutes it’s over quite quick. The event is done in cooperation with 1 single CD store. For example, every CD sold during Monday-Wednesday in that one store is a ticket to the draw made to be 1 of 100 to participate in the Saturday event. Many fans will purchase from that specific store, so maybe they sell 10,000 CDs in those 3 days and 100 will be given event tickets (typically announcing winners on maybe Friday). SM acts will normally do these events right after music shows. Like, if SBS Inkigayo ends at 17:00, the artists get a few minutes to go to the restroom and then they go right next to the fansign venue in their stage outfits/makeup for an event starting 18:00 before being done for the day. Rookie acts will typically do loads of such events. Established acts will just do like 3 events. They’d rather not do any at all, but if they’re not completely brainless they’ll understand that doing 3 such meeting events per year actually is a very effortless way to personally meet fans.
Japanese “high five events” (as done by many acts, such as JYP acts in Japan and most Japanese idols):Events are typically held in 2-6 cities on different days. All events are basically all day events in big halls/venues. Every single CD (no matter where you buy it and when (as long as you get it before the event)) contains a card that is the ticket to do a “high five” with the 1 member stated on the card. As in literally a “high-five” that takes 1 second to do. The ticket is valid in any city/event but only for one single high-five with that specific member. You can buy hundreds of CDs to get hundreds of tickets and try collect tickets for your favorite member. But all events are “first come, first serve” with separate lines to all members so after using 1 of your tickets for a 1 second high-five you must run back to again stand last in the line to meet a new member (or the same member again).
Japanese “hand shake events” (as done by all XXX4X events):These are basically the same as above, but (1) you get more like 8 seconds rather than 1 second per ticket and (2) you literally pre-order which member you want to meet when and where. As in, you have to pre-order CDs on a specific site and at the same time you book a specific time slot for your “hand-shake”.As in member AAA may have a 1 hour 15 minutes time slot between 14:00 and 15:15 on a Friday, and there are 500 CDs/tickets available for that slot. Each member might (depending on popularity) have 1~40 such “slots” in different cities on different days (but normally multiple slots per day in one city). And basically, if you alone go buy all the 500 CDs for one slot, then you basically have the entire 1 hour 15 minutes for yourself to meet your idol. Now obviously, for the really popular members it will typically be restricted so that one person can only buy max 20 CDs/tickets per slot (= no more than say 2 minutes of meeting time). But obviously that same stalker fan can buy CDs/tickets to many different slots.
The most extreme Japanese idol groups like XXX4X… Most of their CD sales are from their own online store to book “hand shake event tickets”. But all of their “normal” CDs sold in other stores instead contain tickets for “high five events” or similar. So their crazy fans go buy hundreds of CDs both from the XXX4X online store and from other stores.
Then obviously now and then “idols” and actors hold fan-meetings which literally are just extremely half-arsed concerts to which fans buy tickets as if it was a concert in order to say “ooooaaawwwhhh oppppaaarrrr” when oppar can’t even be bothered to perform.
Why girl groups don’t do Fanmeeting?
Well, there are dual reasons:
If you watch any male idol fan meeting (no matter what format from above) you’ll immediately see that every single attendee is a completely brainless zombie girl who has absolutely no interest in any actual music or performance but who is only interested in the public persona he is (because she is a brainless zombie). Female celebrities would typically not have such brainless zombie fans paying money for nothing.
Secondly, even if there would be a 17 y/o girl attracting hordes of 50 y/o men to pay to meet her… If she had any self respect whatsoever she’d refuse to do that. Now obviously the lines are very blurred between the Japanese idol girl industry and the Japanese AV industry… But why would any serious person want to be a Japanese idol???
Do you think Spotify will a have a fighting against Melon and the rest in korea?
Eh, the question is kind of dumb. Korea was pretty much the country worst hit by piracy in the world. The legal music market died completely. When ILLEGAL services like Melon and Soribada eventually had to become legal and start paying rights-holders for music, that was still very small amounts. It’s been growing since and today it’s regulated by law that they have to pay something like 54% of revenue to right-holders. Spotify on the other hand pays over 70% of revenue to right-holders. So… Right holders giving licenses to Melon is just exclusive for Korea. That’s why it’s illegal for Melon to allow people outside Korea to stream on Melon. While foreign services can’t really enter Korea, because rights holders wouldn’t approve of such low shares on Spotify and then Spotify would have to charge a much higher subscription price than local services in Korea so nobody in Korea would pay for Spotify. Not gonna change until ratios in Korea are raised more in line with international ratios.
How much sajaegi do you think happens on the Korean digital charts?
None of significance. As said before. I find it mind-boggling that people somehow still don’t understand that streaming a song is free and streaming services are interlinked with SNS, and instead people somehow still try to compare streaming data with when people actually had to physically go to a music store and buy a physical disc for $20 USD per disc. It’s not the same. Nowhere near the same.
Talk about trainee debt.
Not sure what I’m supposed to say. Trainees in any serious agencies don’t have trainee debt (as long as they fulfill their trainee contracts). It should kind of go without having to explain that the whole purpose of doing an audition is to show the agency that you actually have the raw talent required to make it in order to persuade them to invest money in training you (and then you’ll split the profit you make as a celebrity if you succeed per the contract you agree on). Now obviously there will be countless of shit agencies without money that can’t pay for training and will try make trainees agree to pay for training, and there will be countless of shit wannabe celebrities that don’t get accepted by proper agencies that still are desperate to try become celebrities and proceed to sign such deals.
What do you think about JYP and how they pay their singers? Is the margin for the “management” segment reasonable for their groups?
Not sure what you expect. Clearly all JYP celebrities throughout history are talentless puppets just humming to JYP’s basic but addictive melodies. Not sure why any JYP singer ever would possibly deserve to be paid more than minimum wage since they contribute nothing.
Even though bigbang have a concert attendance as high as tvxq, they do not seem to bring the same amount of revenue.
BIGBANG had much bigger attendance and MUCH MUCH bigger revenue than TVXQ ever did in a year or two. Not in Japan, but total, when they did their MADE/0TO10/MADE-VIP in 2015/16.
twitter* com/neoliveson/status/1131957008918306816 do you think this petition is gonna work?
Some tragic useless old man is trying to make youtube ad-money from all of BTS’ fangirls??? Color me surprised.
Will YG and JYP ever pay for their crimes?
Pretty sure they’ve not committed any (serious) crimes by law. Maybe you’ve somehow missed it, but during the last 20 years pretty much the entire world has been swept by political liberal influences with the goal that nobody should ever have to be responsible for anything. If you’re a “kpop-fan”, it’s probably very safe to assume that you’re in fact one of those to blame for this liberal fuctardism. No, you can’t both have your cake and eat it.
Look it up this video 아이돌 QnA 2탄! 궁금증 해결! [ENG].
Wayland Q&A part 2? I watched it and I’m not sure what you’re surprised with.
Are BigBang and TVXQ in the same level of recognition as Arashi in Japan?
Not sure if serious or trolling. TVXQ has possibly like half the recognition of Arashi. BIGBANG much less than that. Besides, all the members of Arashi (and SMAP) are extremely well known individually.
Is Blackpink the biggest GG right now or it is mostly mediaplay from YG?
Not really sure what I’m supposed to say. Pop groups overall has been pretty much dead for the last 20 years outside Korea/Japan. So being “the biggest GG right now” isn’t really that much of a feat. Secondly… “or is it mediaplay from YG”… I’m not sure if to laugh or cry. They’re ACTUALLY BIG BECAUSE OF YG’S MEDIAPLAY that you’ve swallowed long ago. That’s the whole point of mediaplay. All you dumb girls all around the world swarm around anyone who’s painted as big in media/SNS. YG is the masters of making you dumbfucks become “fans” of their puppets.
Why Japanese concert tickets are cheap in comparison to other countries?
Uhh, it’s a bit difficult to understand for me too. I mean, I quite appreciate the Japanese system where all tickets are the same price and you apply in a lottery system to get to buy a ticket. But what’s strange is how the very very popular acts don’t charge much much more for their tickets. Like, for example IKON might perform in a Japanese arena with 8000 tickets available for $100 USD each, but only 6000 fans actually apply for tickets to that show. At the same time, B'z may be on an arena tour and play in the same arena with 8000 tickets available for $100 USD each. But 200,000 fans apply for tickets to that show. Clearly they could have charged $300 instead of $100 USD/ticket and still sold out. I’m really struggling to understand why top acts in Japan don’t charge higher prices.
What do you think of JYP saying that album sales are one of the best indicators for a group's success during his JYP 2.0 presentation?
Well, again, for JYP it’s very great with album sales as that’s how JYP make lots of profits.
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royalstage · 6 years
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FIXER is a Japanese Visual Kei rock band which was formed on 2013. Their music is a combination of rock with metal, hardcore, loud and EDM elements featuring a mixture of growls and clean vocals.
FIXER have been making their way up the musical scene and they want to spread more and more their music throughout the world! If you are not already a fan, don’t hesitate to check their music out! Please continue to support the band by buying physical CDs or downloading songs through legal sites. If you want to see them live in your city, make a request to your local event production companies!
First of all, could you please introduce yourselves to all the people who are not familiar with the band yet?
Jey: I’m Jey on vocals.
Yuhma:  I am Yuhma from FIXER. I’m in charge of playing the guitar and showing the abs.
Aika: I’m Aika, the FIXER’s guitarist on the left side of the stage (from the audience’s viewpoint). I love bread.
70.: I am the bassist of FIXER.
What is the band concept? Also, how would you describe the musical style of FIXER?
Jey: We basically create music that exposes the weak points or the hidden faces of the people.
Yuhma: There is no such thing as impossible to FIXER. Our music genre, the production of our concerts, everything is put into consideration in order to seek perfection and to be able to create innovative things.
Aika: Although the concept changes a little in every release, our music style constantly features a heavy sound with a catchy melody. Also, there is a lot of pain in it.
70.: We are currently working on the concept of an arbiter who holds a scale.
Do you take inspiration from any other artists?
Jey: Kyo from DIR EN GREY.
Yuhma: hide from X JAPAN.
Aika: If had to choose just one person, it would be MIYAVI.
70.: J from LUNA SEA.
Could you please talk about your new single “argentum”?
Jey: It’s about being in contact with my own reason of being and touching that deep part of a weak heart that seems to be strong.
Yuhma:  It is a song with a new element in it, a new component never used in FIXER before. Please enjoy the evolved sound of FIXER.
Aika: Even though the songs of FIXER have a lot of high tones, this time with “Argentum” we tried to make a catchy melody with no ups and downs from the first verse to the chorus.
70.: The story of “ARBITER” is about black and silver. The shape in which the silver branched from there is the “Argentum”.
The fans of FIXER are called “ERs”. What is the meaning behind this name?
Jey: FIX(ERs)
Yuhma: They are the goddesses of FIXER.
Aika: There is a strong implication that we have included the fans as a part of FIXER by using one part of the name of the band.
70.: FIXER→ERs. They are a part of FIXER.
Which artist would you like to share the stage with?
Jey: Slipknot!
Yuhma: All That Remains!!
Aika: Slipknot!!
70.: Limp Bizkit!!
What is your best feature? Conversely, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Jey: I obey my emotions. That’s also the thing that I would like to change about me.
Yuhma: Since I don’t look back to the past, I don’t have any regrets. I always do my best with all my strength.
Aika: It seems that I have good sense of melody.  I’ve been playing a lot of guitar solos lately, and so I would like to get better at it.
70.: I follow my instincts, which it’s something good and bad.
Is there any funny story during a live performance or while on tour?
Jey: Once I looked at Yuhma and he was doing a weird dance during the liveshow.
Yuhma: There was a time when Jey ripped his pants in a concert.
Aika: Something was wrong with a window of our cargo van so we couldn’t close it. All of us made a “window” with stuff like duct tape. It became a good memory now.
70.: Aika only eats bread.
What do you think about the current Visual Kei scene compared to the old one from the 80’s or 90’s?
Jey: I like both, but It seems that the term Visual Kei is disappearing because it’s been used widely and in a indiscriminate way.
Yuhma: It has become a scene with a wide range of expression where a great diversity of genres can be played with no restrictions. I think it is good.
Aika: I have the feeling that the idols have become stronger. However, the quality of the whole VK scene seems to be getting higher.
70.: At the present time, the quality of the songs is great thanks to the progress in recording technology. However, back in the day when there were not too many technological resources, there was a feeling of “How can I express myself being so limited?”, that desperate hunger for being able to accomplish something cannot be copied nowadays.
Are you aware that FIXER have fans from distant places like North America, Latin America and Europe? If you had the chance to perform in any of those places, what is the best distinctive attribute of FIXER that you would like to show to your fans?
Jey: I want to hit your emotions. I would like you to experience that FIXER that you will be able to feel only on that day in that certain place.
Yuhma: I am happy to see that international fans are increasing. Someday we will perform overseas, please wait for us.
Aika: I see the presence of overseas fans on Twitter and CD shops. I would like to see more and more foreigners at our shows. Don’t judge only by appearance, I want you to experience in the flesh our performances.
70.: I’m looking forward to meeting all overseas ERs who always send me warm messages on Twitter. I want to give you a concert that breaks the language barrier.
Lastly, please send a message to all your international fans.
Jey: Love
Yuhma: Thank you. I am doing my best to make you smile, please keep supporting us.
Aika: If we have the chance to perform overseas, let’s become one that day, ER’s and FIXER.
70.: Please wait for us.
OFFICIAL SITES fixer-net.com | starwaverecords.jp ‏
Interview with FIXER was originally published on Royal Stage - Noticias
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silvormoon · 7 years
Beppu headcanons: culture shock
Ever thought about how weird adjusting to Earth must have been for the twins? Like, not only did they live most of their lives in places other than Earth, they've been trained to be idols since the time they were like six years old. That means that the time that most kids would have spent playing in the sandbox, watching cartoons, and generally learning how to socialize with their peers, they were being taught how to sing, dance, act, and compete with other would-be stars for dominance of the airwaves. Trying to settle back into Binan and be "normal" ... well, it's probably not happening. It's going to be more like:
- Having weird inside jokes that nobody else gets. Aki randomly holds up two carrots in the grocery store and yells "Hey, Haru, look, I'm a lunar module!" and they both start cracking up, and nobody else knows what's so funny, because they're referencing a running gag from an old sitcom they used to tune in to every time they passed through the Crab Nebula.
- On the other hand, they get approximately zero cultural references on Earth. If they didn't see/hear it by the time they were six, it doesn't exist for them. The various regular and charter members of the Earth Defense Club have to start holding regular movie nights to get the twins caught up on everything they've missed, and the guys still have a habit of turning up going, "Listen to this cool new song I found!" and everyone goes, "Oh, yeah, I remember when that was all over the radio seven years ago..."
- And then there's schoolwork. They're obviously very bright, but boy have they missed out on a lot when it comes to history and social studies. They're really having to sweat to catch up on that point, and you still have these odd moments where someone will be like, "Yeah, my mom was a huge fan of Princess Diana..." "Who is she? Someone from a manga?" "No, the Princess of Wales." "So... like a mermaid, then?"
- Science, though, is an opposite problem. They've lived much of their lives on worlds where the science has advanced to the point of looking like magic from our perspective (obviously). Things that are common knowledge to them are things that our scientists are only just beginning to theorize. They eventually start handing their papers over to their friends to check before they turn them in, to make sure they haven't written something that is going to either make their teacher think they're making stuff up, or make the teacher try to nominate them for a Nobel Prize for scientific innovation. Like, seriously, what do you mean, humanity hasn't managed to build a stable wormhole yet? Come on, get with the program.
- Randomly lapsing into extremely foreign languages. There was that time Haru stayed up half the night working on a new set of song lyrics the night before a test, and filled out most of the answers in alien script out of sheer sleep deprivation and had to do it all over again. Talking to each other in space languages when they want to have a private discussion. "Is that some kind of, like, secret twin language?" "Er... yeah, let's go with that." Having those brain-fart moments when you just can't think of the word for something and going, "You know, the, um... those fluffy things you put around your neck to keep it warm that aren't a scarf. A gazarpnik!" "You mean a cowl?" "Well, that's what they call them on Planet Aknorth!"
- Those nights when one of them just can't sleep because they have a craving for those things, they used to get them every time they were traveling through the XJR7 system, they had a texture like chocolate but they were bright purple and smelled like gleeka flowers, and they had a sort of custard filling made from zebba fruits, and nobody on the planet has ever heard of them, much less sells them, and it’s driving them nuts.
- Having really skewed social mores, either because they grew up on a steadily rotating series of planets (wherever there were performances or acting work), or just because they were brought up to be idols instead of people. Sometimes they make the most absurd faux pas just because it was never a problem before. For example, their sense of privacy and personal space is warped, because they've always been taught that having people constantly watching them, trying to photograph or record them, asking them personal questions, is all just part of being an idol and a sign that they are successful and loved. They cannot believe that people as popular as, for example, Ryuu and Akoya are so lax about their personal space, and are surprised that more people don't take advantage of them. Like, how can they just leave their windows with the curtains open and not have people staring through trying to get a look at them?
- It also kind of shocks them that Ryuu is so casual in discussing his relationships, because they were brought up with the "Idols don't have significant others" rule. They were expected never to talk about any potential crushes, so as to encourage their fans to believe they were available. The fact that he not only talks about his flings constantly, but that people still want to go out with him after he has already publicly shown interest in other people, is kind of like suddenly learning that you've been living in a computer simulation this whole time. (They're still trying to figure out exactly how much is too much when it comes to discussing relationships. It is just so liberating to be able to finally admit they have a crush without worrying that the whole world will reject them for it that they want to talk about it all the time.)
- They also think Earth humans are kind of silly for making all these rules like "you aren't supposed to pair off with members of your own sex" or "you're only supposed to have one partner at a time". They have been on planets where there are multiple distinct sexes, where an entity of one sex reproduced with a whole hive full of members of another sex, where the locals change partners every mating season, and where everyone reproduces by way of a budding process, and everything worked about equally well, so why get hung up on details? The fact that you're having a relationship at all is more groundbreaking to them than what the specifics of the relationship are.
- Also, gender roles. Not really something they know or care much about. Makeup, jewelry, and elaborate stage costumes are part of their daily life, and the idea that men are not supposed to dress flamboyantly is just puzzling to them.
- They suffer from cultural mishmash. A large part of their star appeal is that they are from Earth, a planet most aliens aren't familiar with, so they're ~*exotic*~ and stuff. They were trained to capitalize on this, but they were trained by people who don't actually know much about Earth. So they got taught how to do things like calligraphy and bonsai because they came from Japan and that's a thing Japanese people do, right? But then there's a bunch of other odd stuff mixed into their upbringing because the aliens tend to think of Earth in rather the same way that some people think Asia or Africa are homogeneous, unified cultures where everyone speaks the same language and lives the same way. They have some little quirks that are basically internalized stereotypical Earth behavior, pieced together out of whatever bits and pieces of various cultures the aliens have glimpsed in passing and interpreted as best they could. They have no idea that this is not how most humans behave.
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rockrevoltmagazine · 7 years
Sabaton may not be a band many are familiar with, and we say that needs to change. The Swedish heavy metal kings are seriously one of the most talented band of dudes in the metal scene today. And we had the honor of sitting down with Chris Rörland (guitar) and Hannes van Dahl (drums) of Sabaton and chat about life, music, and having the support of government to keep doing what they love! 
Your songs are very historically charged, a lot of famous battles and units of war. Were you guys big history buffs before you joined Sabaton?
Chris: (laughing) No, no…
Hannes: We were not, or at least I wasn’t. I’ve always had the opinion that it’s very important though. Something you really shouldn’t forget, but history buff? No. Am I a history buff now? (laughing) Closer to it, yes.
Chris: It comes with the territory.
Hannes: It does, for sure. When joining a band where there’s a real genuine interest in these stories and you hear stories that you can’t fucking believe actually happened for real, and like we’ve said many times, it makes Hollywood look stupid. Like, why are you making up new shit? So yeah, for sure, very fascinated at least.
Chris: Yeah, same goes for me. I wasn’t that good a kid in school (laughing) and didn’t really like it, but we have a lot of history and some things I was really focused on, and some things I was just like, man… school, you know? But now that I’ve joined the band, it’s a totally different thing. It’s pushed on you and you have to grow into it, you know? But it feels better now. You can actually make a song and it’s about something important, so it’s totally different.
Who are some metal icons or inspirations that you guys really look up to?
Chris: Oh yeah, I grew up listening to 80’s Heavy Metal… Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, everything, but the biggest influence for me was Iron Maiden. Adrian Smith (guitar), that’s my idol.
Hannes: Yeah, we come from pretty much the same school, with a few people grooving into different bands. Judas Priest, Metallica, Iron Maiden, that kind of stuff for sure.
Chris: Yeah, but now, you and me anyway, we’re into heavier stuff.
Hannes: Yeah, it seems like the more I play, and the older I get, the more the spread gets bigger. I can enjoy Fleetwood Mac as much as I enjoy Death. For sure, a good song is a good song, you know? I don’t really care who made it.
Absolutely. I see a lot of your fans out there with Amon Amarth shirts on. I’m a big fan of them, too.
Both: Oh yeah! Yeah!
  So your last US tour was five years ago, back in 2012.
Chris: Yeah, that was my first headline tour with Sabaton.
Hannes: We did one in 2011, too.
Chris: It was very small clubs and bars, where the stage was (holds up hands) this big. But it was fun to do, actually, because it was so different. It was my first time in America as well. So different from Europe. It’s getting bigger and bigger, and we’ve done supports ever since, and we feel like we’re getting bigger and growing, and felt like “let’s do another headline tour; it’s time.”
I was reading some of your history online, and it said Metalyzer was actually your first album, is that true, or…?
Chris: I can’t remember!! Was it Fist For Fight, or was it Metalyzer?
Hannes: I’m pretty sure Metalyzer was the first one. (laughing)
When I was listening to it, it seems very very different from your later work. What was the catalyst that changed it?
Chris: When Sabaton started, they wanted to be a power metal band, singing about dragons and cool stuff, and hell and stuff like that. That was just in the beginning, and then they released Fist For Fight, and then when they were about to record the Primo Victoria album, they had the music written for it, and it was such a heavy song, they were like… ah, what should we do? It was such a heavy song, it needs a heavy topic, then they started leaning toward war history and it actually fit the song really good, and they were like “fuck, this is cool!” and it fit. We learned something in the process, and that’s how they started. It wasn’t a necessary evil anymore to write lyrics.
Yeah, there’s plenty of real evil out there, why sing about dragons and stuff like that?
Chris: Yeah, exactly!
Sweden is home to some real major kick ass bands. Is there any initial struggle to push past a lot of the breakout point? Getting noticed… getting above the noise level.
Hannes: It always is, I would say, but we also have a lot of opportunities to play music because it’s a government supported thing.
Really? That’s a completely foreign idea.
Hannes: Yeah, It’s a culture thing. It’s one of the best things, really. When you’re a kid, you know, 14 or 15, it’s easy to slip into some stupid shit instead, but if you want to start a band, or even a bird watching club, and you’re more than three people, you can go sign up for it and you’ll get a rehearsal space, help with rent, get a P.A., drum kit, drumsticks…
Yeah, over here in the U.S. it’s like “starve or be successful,” those are your only two options.
Hannes: And I guess it plays a big role in the music export, for bands that are from Sweden, and I hope that they will keep it because it helps a lot. It makes the kids do something good instead of stupid shit.
It must be nice to have a government that actually helps it’s citizens. I can’t even imagine what that’s like. Speaking of government… given the current political climate, and World War III possibly right around the corner, are you guys excited about having new content to write about?
Chris: (laughing) It’s not like we look forward to war to get something new to write about.
Hannes: World War III has been right around the corner since the fucking Cold War. So, we write about history, meaning something that ended, right? So if you start covering current conflicts, then you’re going into politics and we don’t do that, because we don’t take any sides. In history, everybody knows what happened. Germany lost the war, tough luck. That’s what happened, whether you like it or not. But whatever, it has to be history. In the best of worlds, war could just stop, and we could still write another 2 million albums. So we’re all good. We will never run out of material.
So, I’ve been meaning to ask, why’d you pick the name “Sabaton?”
Chris: It actually comes from the claw we have on the “S”.
And a sabaton is a knight’s boot, basically.
Chris: Yeah exactly, it’s part of the armor. Ankle protection. So that’s where it came from, it’s like “metal up your ass!”
That’s a lot cooler.
Chris: And the best part, is if you go to a record store and look under “S”, you’ve got an S, then A, B, another A… the first thing you see is Sabaton.
Hannes: That’s not… (laughing) We could have just named the band “A”…
Chris: Yeah it was just pure luck.
I’d like to tell you about my new band “Aardvark…” Haha. You guys have two shows left on this tour, including tonight. What’s next? A European tour?
Chris: We just came from one, actually, eight months, and then we came here for the headline tour. We’re back home for about two weeks, and then festivals. All of them.
Hannes: And then we celebrate that Sweden just won the fucking World Cup in hockey. Boom! Yes!
Chris: They did??
Hannes: Yes. YES! (laughing and high-fiving)
Chris: After that, I don’t know. Probably go to Japan, and then next year we’ll see what happens.
So when you aren’t touring, watching hockey and writing new music, what else do you do? What do you like to do when you’re not doing this?
Chris: I like to be home. Spend time with my family, my girlfriend. Cats, dogs. Playing video games. If I don’t do that, I do a lot of design jobs. I draw stuff and make artwork for bands.
Hannes: Pretty mortal stuff, I suppose. Fishing, drinking too much coffee, listening to music. Spending time with family, being out in nature and enjoying the silence, weirdly enough. Just chill out, listen to good music and hang out with these guys. It’s great to be able to play music locally without playing a show. Just being able to get together and jam. We love to fuck around and play covers and stuff.
I’d love to see that. Thanks for your time, and looking forward to the show tonight.
Interview by Chris Williams, RockRevolt Contributor
Connect with Sabaton
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INTERVIEW: Sabaton was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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itsleay · 6 years
HYYH BeiJing Live and connection to Burn The Stage
I’ll discuss why i think the incident in Beijing’s live is linked to the birth of Burn The Stage
So from all the fan accounts I've seen regarding july 23 2016 HYYH Beijing live, we can sum them up to:
1. RM fell ill; through BH's announcement he suffered a heat stroke and the company? decided to not let him back onto stage and proper medical care should come in first
2. Due to a loss of member mid performance, no one else in the team was able to fill RM's spot so part of the performance was lacking due to missing part. and BH / BTS did not seem to have a backup plan in case a member fell ill.
3. During the concert at one point the venue had a blackout (screen + lighting for 30 mins)
4. Venue also had very poor sound system so there was a lot of audio problem as well 
5. Weather was humid and it was an open arena 
6. Fans claimed poor fan/idol interaction, idols facial expression weren't well. Some ex-fans felt they were not respected and decided to leave the fandom 
7. Concert was cut short it was suppose to feature 26 tracks but in stead they only did 11 and the concert ended in an hour and half with a 30 min time frame where the venue wasn't even functioning 
8. Afterwards, fans sent their frustration towards the event holder and BH 
9. Couple days later, each member posted weibo selfies on BH's official china weibo account 
10. Fans demanded that BH should take responsibility and not let the idols themselves become their shield for their failure to put on a proper concert. Some ex-fans says the idol themselves are fakers because during the concert they showed poopy face and even worse expressions when the handshake event was held. the same idol was pointed out multiple times by different anonymous poster that he had the worst facial expression
11. The event holder said in their letter of apology, they'll send verified ticket holder photo card of BTS as a form of apology but apparently u have to pay ur own postage fee. 
12. Many fans cried at the end maybe due to sadness or frustration who knows?
Now....from a bystander POV...no comment actually
XD o wait I do have comments.. hmm I think the boys weren't  happy not because they belittle Chinese fans.. which some people claim because of the tension between Korea and China due to the installation of ZADD (I think that’s what it’s called) but due to the fact of how poorly the event organizer arranged the concert. Honestly, all the mishap will really annoy anyone plus on top of the  weather.. and the fact their teamie fell ill i think it puts alot of burden on the performer. Maybe if they were better at hiding their feeling or put on that professional smile then people wouldn't complain but... yeah. 
For example, if we look at a more recent event the Lotte Concert held back in June 2018 It’s similar situation happening again. Some people said did you not see how JJK look like he was so done and the members weren’t enjoying their performance, etc? Well the Lotte concert was a mess too. They got interrupted mid way. Asked to restart because, there are still audiences entering the arena. Then the stage for airplane didn’t get set up properly, the mic stand props were not in place. RM had to go grab it from the side mid routine. And then the staff asked them to cut their performance short. You could tell from some member's facial expression they weren't happy but, i don’t think it's due to the fans but to the situation and the lack of respect for performers in general. Now you can argue that the other groups who were there didn’t show a I’m so done face. Who knows? maybe some people are just better at hiding their discontent and others not so much, and we all know JJK is not someone who can hide his emotions well, to borrow many ppl’s word “that boy is like an open book” 
Now.. unto some .. common practice in china..so.. as u all know or don’t know 
Yes...basically if u're a foreign company.. person who wants to do something in china you cannot just waltz in there and be like hey book me this venue i'm gonna hold a concert and sell tickets. No it doesn’t work like that. The way the Chinese government set up its policy to protect local business and industry is... if you want a piece of this market? well guess what, you gotta work with the chinese locals. This is why u always see  X company along with some Chinese company whenever they venture into china. Correct me if i'm wrong on my international.. business knowledge department but i'm pretty sure i’m not too far off. So yeah..here comes the problem..some.. event holders..are SHADY AS HELLLi mean even Chinese artist could sometimes get scammed by the event holders if they ended up partnering with the wrong people and as much as i wanna say China is developing, improving, becoming better but.. to be honest..>.> <.< there's still a lot of stuff we're lacking especially when it comes to ethical.. business attitude.. and.. yeah ethics.....  let's not be reminded of how eggs can be made out of plastic and be sold on the market..or the poisonous baby powder/ milk incident..or small business food delivery .. yeah so many stories... Anyways i think when BTS held their concert in Nanjing the event holder was actually good but, the Beijing one..questionable..equipment failure is just i dunno lack of professionalism in my opinion? 
K now..about the fans complaining about BH and BH announcing why the concert ended early and the boys posting on weibo...
I see these type of scenario very often from various idols.
Incident A happens, in this case,  idol, the company's asset fell ill. 
Situation A: the show must go on !!!
Reaction A. idol still performs  B. the company ask the idol to put their health first and stops the show. Some fans feel they didn’t get their worth of content for the amount of money they spent for this trip others agree with the company that health takes priority. And some feels like mishap happens but you should have better PR management to try to resolve the discontent. Now maybe many years later something controversial comes up. Fan goes: Look at company A forcing their idol to keep performing when their health is in jeopardy, what blood sucking vampire evil company, inhuman working environment. They’re slaves for the company! Sometimes these are true accusation. 
Or look at company A compare to company B they let their idols take break they care about their health etc etc, they’re so good! 
Anyways both side of the argument will give u different stories but no one really knows the real truth and this is why... i think burn the stage came about. 
Because if you think about it, BH has always included lots of backstage clips for the fans to see, episodes, bombs, contents that comes with dvd etc etc etc but we usually see the before and after. But not the during. However, What did burn the stage showed us? they showed us the during portion Bts preparing for the contents, their situation during performance, the hectic transition backstage during lives. They even said it themselves we want to show more of us what we do and what goes on. Something even more revealing, even though we've always shared to our fans what's happening but we still don’t show a lot of the things because we choose not to. But this one we will show more maybe not all but we will show more. And i think burn the stage is an answer to the event that happened in Beijing. Because at some point some fans even doubted BTS did rehearsal for the show and just showed some before concert selfie and that's why all these falling ill, costume too warm, heat stroke, and technical difficulty happened.
Let's be honest no matter what the company or the boys themselves say, without video record ppl can always debunk them however they want. People can put words in their mouth and even with video ppl can still put words into other ppl's mouth but at least u have something physical to show for people to just see hopefully through an untainted lens. 
In burn the stage, we see what happened to kookie he also had a heatstroke/ lack of oxygen due to high altitude and the intensity of their live. He , himself decided that he wanted to keep performing because he didn't want to disappoint the fans because it could be the last time they get to see their fans since they don’t know if they will be coming back. Maybe he’s always thought like this or all the backlash from Beijing made him realize this, or it’s a combination of both? But lets’ assume they know about the comments that C-Army said after the poor live in Beijing, I’m pretty sure it has impacted him in some way or another. And in way, probably a good one, mild one that puts his health at risk.
We also see the dilemma RM faces: to continue or to call it. We also hear RM mentioned about his incident in Beijing. He didn't say it specifically in his interview. All i remember was he said it was the first time the concert got cancelled because of me. 
I didn't know what he meant back then until i researched into the reason why BTS stopped posting posts for their Chinese army on weibo and i came across this concert account from fans. To be honest the sub at that part in Burn The Stage sounded like he had a mental break down and he couldn’t stand on stage so the concert got cancelled. But now i think it was mistranslated..the msg was probably more like this: In the past a concert was cancelled because of me. Because i also fell ill and i was afraid to stand on stage again fearing that the same thing would happen again and that criticism might flood to the company and the group like last time. Who knows? I need someone to actually translate properly..to sub properly..o yeah and the Chinese army were so loud to the point that even Soompi and Allkpop posted articles on the Beijing Concert mishap, though not in detail. It doesn't leave a good impression for the group.
When the idols apologize the fans atk the company, when the company puts a statement the fans still attack the company. Maybe if BH had a better PR department then many there would be less controversy but oh well, what’s done is done.
To me burn the stage was the boy and the company’s way to give answer, their reply. They don’t try to explain themselves away. They try to just show it, this is what we do, this is what happened, Interpret it the way u want but this is what it is. You want to know why sometimes we look awkward on stage? well because we just had a fight 10 mins before the show started. You wonder why Jin looked kinda funny with his interaction with V or no interaction at all? Well there's your answer. Want to know why a member looked really tired in a one of the performance? Well because they did 4 dance routine and a solo routine right after. Which all members commented that your’e crazy for doing something liek this. How do you even do it? That and burn the stage was a good marketing product to be honest. Ppl always want to know what's going on back stage. So in a way it tells the fans what is going on, it tells the media what is going on. 
This is how I feel about Burn the Stage. It's a very bangtanie thing. It is similar to Cypher if u think about it. They don’t make announcement towards their haters, they don’t try to say hey you don’t say this. It’s defamation. No, they answer you from their music, from their actions. It's just like how Kookie said, “Twitter has many harsh words sometimes i want to say something but i know i can't. Same thing like what RM said, “I want to be more truthful I don’t want to pretend but my role and identity doesn’t allow me to do something like that. But this is their answer. They're sharing their stories and lives to help others to let others see that we're just like you, we may have different lives but the problem and hardship we face isn't all that different,they may come in different forms , different delivery but in the end their core essence of the hardship is the same.
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