#and bruce needs his sugar daddy he's going insane
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theglidingbat · 1 year ago
Them fighting: (what they think they look like)
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Vs them "fighting" (the most childish hair pulling ever)
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It's a wonder anyone takes these morons seriously (I say as if I don't over analyze every moment they breath in the others direction)
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Also it's very important to me that people keep including this whenever they talk about the minhkhoa saving Bruce's crazy ass from jumping off a building as Minhkhoa just let's him slide on the wet rooftop ground like that after landing.
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They would've fucked if robin wasn't there. Yes in the rain. Yes with the masks and suit on-
But since they can't have disgusting sex in the rain and make out they resort to...well this...
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I love this one image so much y'all don't even know, I wanna print it out and stick it in my room.
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He's angry cause his husband doesn't let him do anything fun
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
NaNoWriMo fic, day one: obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
"You're working for Cadmus," Tim says slowly. "Cadmus, as in the lab that stole Superman's body and cloned him without his consent. Cadmus, which you had to break out of so they couldn't put mind control code words in your head."
"Yeah," Superboy replies like that's not literally insane. Tim stares at him.
"Why?" he asks incredulously.
"Food and shelter?" Superboy shrugs. "And I mean, I dunno, where else am I gonna go?"
Tim is not okay with this situation.
"What did Superman say?" he says.
"Just to like, keep an eye on things," Superboy says with another shrug. "Make sure they're not up to anything shifty."
Tim stares at him.
"Superman," he says. "Told you to just . . . 'keep an eye on' the dubiously ethical cloning lab. The specific dubiously ethical cloning lab that tried to put mind control code words in your head. Specifically."
"Yeah," Superboy confirms.
Alright, Tim is actually even less okay with this situation than he thought, apparently. Like, impressively less.
"Okay," he says. It is absolutely no kind of okay in any way whatsoever, of course, but he doesn't want to put Superboy on the defensive. That'd make effectively interrogating him a lot harder, for one thing. Cooperative subjects are best in these situations. "What are they paying you?"
"I mean, like, they gave me my own room and they're feeding me and whatever, so I don't really need much money," Superboy says. "There's a discretionary fund I can use if I need to go on an undercover mission or anything like that? But I'm not really the undercover type anyway."
"Sure," Tim says. So . . . no way for Superboy to save up to move out and get an out-of-lab life, then. Great. That's not fucked-up or crazy or horrible at all. "Do you like it there?"
"It's okay," Superboy says, shrugging again. "Better than literally everybody in Hawaii yelling at me every time they see my face, yeah?"
Tim wants to set the world on fire, but he's trying really hard not to go supervillain before he's thirty and he'd hate to throw out all that hard work.
"They just let me do whatever, mostly," Superboy adds. "They don't really care as long as I'm around when they need me."
He'll go supervillain as soon as Bruce dies, Tim promises himself. Just–he'll give his share of the eulogy at the funeral and then he'll blow up three-fourths of Arkham and the entire GCPD while Commissioner Gordon is on his lunch break. He can time that out, that'll be easy. And then he'll go and personally murder the Joker with the very specific combination of a rusty crowbar and a shrapnel bomb, and then he'll just . . . well, he'll just go with the flow from there, he figures. Do whatever feels natural.
Seriously, the world as it is does not deserve to exist. It really just does not.
Tim figures he can probably convince the rest of Young Justice to tag along for the whole supervillain thing and hopefully Dick and Steph and Barbara too, and ideally also Alfred, in the unfortunately likely event that he outlives Bruce. He's got time to lay the groundwork with them all and all, and also everything really is awful and horrible and really does deserve to burn.
"Are they sending you to school or anything? Or tutoring you?" Tim asks with what little scraps of hope he has left. Higher education would be . . . well, something, at least. And actually it probably wouldn't hurt for Superboy to learn a bit more about genetic engineering from the same place he got genetically engineered, just in case anything goes wrong with his DNA again. Cadmus should at least be good for that much, right?
"Ew, no, thank fuck," Superboy says, making a face. "Like I said, they mostly let me do whatever until something needs punched."
So . . . no furthered education or learning any usable job skills or making real money or literally anything that could, again, lead to Superboy ever getting any kind of an actual out-of-lab life established.
Just great.
"I see," Tim says.
"It's a pretty sweet gig, considering," Superboy says, and grins brightly at him. It's a very nice grin. Normally being faced with that particular grin would make Tim need to beat down the highly unprofessional urge to kiss it.
Right now, though, he's a little bit more concerned with the fact that his teammate is just . . . living in and working for a fucking lab. As a matter of course. Just as a thing.
And Superman of all people thinks that's . . . fine, for some reason? Like, normal and ethical and okay? Somehow? In some way?
What the actual fuck, Tim thinks to himself.
"You said Superman told you to keep an eye on things?" he asks.
"Yeah," Superboy says, his grin widening. "He took me to his fortress and asked me to do it there. Showed me around a bit, too."
"That sounds really interesting," Tim says, wondering in vague disbelief if that means Superman had never taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude before. He must've, right? And just . . . inexplicably not shown Superboy around then.
Yeah. Sure.
"It was awesome!" Superboy says with more enthusiasm than Tim's seen from him since they met Nina Dowd's . . . endowments, seemingly forgetting the need to be "cool" for long enough to lean forward in his seat and outright beam at him. Tim is gonna need a minute to recover from the sight of that expression, probably. "It's seriously freaking freezing up there, but there's so much cool shit in the place. Like, from all over the universe, but from Krypton, even! The only thing I'd ever seen from Krypton before was kryptonite!"
Tim considers moving up his supervillain timeline after all. Like. Just possibly. Just a little.
Maybe he can convince Bruce to take an early retirement off-planet and just go from there.
What the hell is wrong with Superman?
"Oh, wow, really?" Tim says, simultaneously pretending he didn't already know what Superman has in his fortress and trying not to be screamingly obvious about the internal calculations he's running on figuring out how to weaponize red sunlight. Or like, maybe he could look into learning some magic. That's technically an option. Probably more time-consuming and harder to hide the process of, though. Still, it's on the table.
"Yeah. He showed me some of it. Told me some stories and stuff, even," Superboy says, and that excited grin turns just a little bit shy and soft and somehow even more distracting than usual. He ducks his head just a little, and then that soft grin is more like a soft smile, and Tim suffers. "And I, uh–and he gave me something, too."
"What did he give you?" Tim asks, praying to God that the answer is "an emergency contact number" or "an allowance that can cover a semi-decent Metropolis apartment" or "an offer to live literally anywhere but Cadmus, including in the thirtieth century or on a hostile alien planet or inside an active volcano". He's technically an atheist, so the praying thing is probably moot, but times of desperation are times of desperation.
"A name," Superboy says, and his smile widens helplessly. "Like, you know, a real one."
Tim might hate Superman, he thinks. That might actually be a thing now.
Yeah, he's definitely going supervillain after Bruce dies and doesn't need an emotional support sidekick anymore. Better start stocking up on the kryptonite.
"That's great," he says with a very carefully not-forced smile of his own instead of anything more along the lines of "wait, you've been alive and active as a superhero for all this time and no one ever actually named you?!" Superboy would probably take it the wrong way, not in the least because that genuinely never actually occurred to him as being a thing before. Like–he really did just assume Superboy was keeping a lid on whatever his real name was for personal reasons or Superman reasons or something. "Are you allowed to tell me it, or is that a no-go?"
"Oh, yeah," Superboy says with a sheepish laugh, rubbing at his arm. "It's like, a Kryptonian name? Not like a secret identity one. It's, uh, Kon-El."
Of course it's not even a damn secret identity, Tim thinks in absolute frustration and abject loathing. Of course not! Why would it be?! Fuck forbid!
"I like it," he says, because he lies to Batman and therefore there is no fucking way that he's going to let Superboy–Kon–see any sign whatsoever of the metaphorical 9.9 on the Richter scale that is currently happening in his psyche. "It suits you."
"You think?" Kon grins all the wider. Tim can't even calm down enough to want to kiss him, except in the sense that he always wants to kiss him.
"I do," he says, and smiles at him again.
Kon smiles back.
Tim hates everything. All the things. There is nothing that Tim doesn't hate right now, except maybe Alfred's snickerdoodles because he might be having a nervous breakdown but he's not, like, criminally insane or whatever.
"Yeah, it's kinda cool," Kon says, straightening up in his seat and then leaning back, clearing his throat and slipping his sunglasses back on like they're not in a literal cave right now. Tim doesn't call him on it, because he has a supervillain timeline to work out and that's much more important.
Also because the teammate he has an inadvisable crush on is in a much, much shittier situation than he ever realized and he has to reconcile that with his worldview and also his opinion of Superman. Tim doesn't especially idolize the man except in the sense of knowing he's one of the greatest heroes on Earth and a very, very good man that Bruce thinks incredibly highly of, one of the best men on the League and maybe even on the planet, but . . .
But if he's such a good man, then why the hell is Kon living in a lab that tried to mind-control him and why has he only just seen the Fortress of Solitude for the first time?
Why didn't he have a real name?
"So do we call you Kon or Kon-El now?" Tim asks, which is a bit of a senseless question but also at least a bit of a distraction. He wants to say this whole situation is a horrible idea, who the FUCK convinced you this situation was a good idea?!, but there is no possible way that Kon would respond well to that. Ever.
Also, Kon had a point. Where else is he gonna go?
Clearly not the Fortress of Solitude.
Seriously, would it be that hard for Superman to give him a room there? At least a place to stay sometimes, so he wasn't exclusively relying on the mind-control cloning lab for food and shelter and basic comforts?
"I think just Kon?" Kon says, frowning consideringly. "'El' is like Superman's last name, I guess? So I think just Kon."
"Makes sense," Tim says, internally seething. Superman gave him the "El" name but not a secret identity? A name from a dead civilization with a bit of sentimental value, maybe, but nothing usable on this planet? Fuck, you'd think Kon didn't already know his secre–
. . . Kon doesn't know Superman's secret identity, does he.
Tim had thought he was lying, when he'd said that stuff about Superman not having one, before. Thought it was supposed to be a cover or a misdirection or something. But Kon actually thinks that, doesn't he. And Superman has just . . . kept letting him think that.
Becoming a supervillain actually might be an underreaction, in retrospect.
"Just Kon sounds less formal anyway," Tim says instead of so just in theory, do you think tactile telekinesis could trigger a heart attack or stroke in a full-blooded Kryptonian, if you could REALLY concentrate on doing it? like not FATALLY, just dehabilitatingly?, because he still has some groundwork to do before they get that far into potential supervillainy. There's steps to the plan. The steps need to be followed. They're very important steps. "You don't want Bart full-naming you every time he's looking for the remote."
"Like he'd even bother, it's faster for him to turn the living room upside-down than actually ask anyway," Kon says with a laugh, dropping his head back on his neck. Tim has some thoughts about climbing into his lap and figuring out if the TTK makes him hickey-proof, and then buries them. Not appropriate. Not professional. Just not.
. . . technically, if Kon wanted a hickey, he could just let his TTK down and ask for–
Tim buries his thoughts deeper.
Much, much deeper.
"Point," he says. "So what time does Cadmus expect you back?"
"Dude, it's a job, not a boarding school," Kon says, giving him an amused look. "I don't have a curfew."
Tim, technically, hasn't followed his own curfew any way but accidentally once in his entire life, but for god's sake, is Cadmus even pretending to be raising a teenager or are they really just being that flagrant about ignoring all the child labor laws they so clearly do not give a fuck about? Like, there must be something illegal about this. There has to be.
If there's not, Tim will be adding "burn down Project Cadmus" to his list of supervillain plans to set up in advance. In red pen. Underlined.
God, why is the world like this. Why are people like this?
"I guess that'd be convenient," Tim says, internally ranking various methods of combustion. "Though I guess it depends on the cafeteria hours, too."
"It's whatever, I can always eat later," Kon replies with a shrug. "I think I've still got a couple protein bars in my room anyway."
"Just protein bars?" Tim asks, mentally upping the amount of explosives he was considering going with. Cadmus is going to be a crater by the time he's done with it. "Don't you need more calories than that?"
". . . well, sort of," Kon says, folding his arms and looking very briefly embarrassed. "Superman doesn't have to eat, apparently, but, uh, guess I'm not Kryptonian enough for that. Actually I kinda need to eat more than normal humans, it's weird. Like. A lot more."
"I'm ordering pizza," Tim says, upping his mental explosives count again. "What do you want on it?"
"We're the only ones here," Kon says, looking puzzled.
"More pizza for us, then," Tim says.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years ago
oh damn bruce a/b/o! if you have another one in you, what about another sugar daddy one where he's married to a beta, but wants you as his omega and is willing to kill off his wife to do so?
holy SHITTTTTT we’re going DARK dark and I’m here for it
“Is it my wife?” he hissed as he pinned you against the wall, his chest to your back and your chest to his stupid fucking wallpaper, the gaudy one he had his bedroom done in for whatever reason.  “Is that why you won’t let me have you?  I can get rid of her.”
“You’re insane,” you hissed.  “I’ll never love you, I’ll never want to be with you, it doesn’t matter where your wife is.”
“Then I’ll save the money on a hitman and just fuck you now anyways,” he decided, grabbing you and tossing you onto the bed.  You tried to run but it was totally useless once he held your wrists and put his weight on you, forcing a kiss on you even as you tried to turn away.  
Unfortunately, the scent of him was starting to get to you, and the struggle was less and less important compared to the growing need between your legs.  He sensed it right away and grinned down at you hungrily.  
“There it is,” he purred, “you can’t resist very long, can you?  That’s why I need an Omega like you, honey, somebody who needs me.  I need you too, beautiful, more than you can imagine.  Need to be inside you... need to feel your sweet little cunt around me.”
You gasped and writhed beneath him but he was already pulling your dress up and opening his suit trousers, pressing his hard cock against your slickened entrance.  It took everything in you not to scream when he shoved in all it once, his own loud groan filling your ears.
“Fuck, Omega,” he sighed, “so tight, fuck, like you were made for me...”
He started to thrust into you right away, filling you completely each time.  “A-Alpha,” you stammered helplessly.
“Yeah, I know baby, I know you need my knot so bad,” he cooed, “you’re gonna get it, just stay still and let me use this tight fucking pussy, my god it’s so good...”
The praise made your back arch and your walls clench around him, unintentionally egging him on.
“You’ll love being my Omega,” he promised, “you’ll love being my sweet little wife.  Gonna fuck you like this every night, give you my seed like you need so bad...”
“Alpha, please,” you whined, clutching at his biceps through his shirt.  He smiled and leaned down to kiss you sweetly, much too sweet for how brutally he was fucking you.
“That’s all you’ll ever need to say, honey.”
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internalsealpanic · 4 years ago
It’s all a matter of chance really. Villains Masterlist
Read the warnings for these. Please.
Slade Wilson:
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part 1  2   3
summary: “Please what, Kitten? I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.” or my essay on why I want more Sugar daddy!Slade fics.
Part 1  2  3 4 5 6 
summary:  “Yanno, if you wanted to ogle hockey players, you could have just-” you twirled your hand “-yanno, watch them on TV,”
Contractual Obligations:
summary: To avoid the all out war going on in your family, you decide to hire the one and only Deathstroke to be serve as both bodyguard instructor. One problem: you are terrible at professionalism. 
Lesson Learned
Summary: Pinning exercises are a lot easier when you ask nicely
Old Guard AU
note: This is a poly Sladik/Reader. Sue me. 
Death Cannot Take You
Summary: You died. You should have died, yet here you are having the audacity to still be walking.
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One shots:
No Greater Sin did Walk the Earth
Summary:  Being a hero had been a mistake. A mistake you made twice.
An alternative part 2
Courtesy and Other Considerations
`Summary:  Your troupe comes to town and so do vikings. It’s gonna be fun. I promise.
summary: You prove to Slade that he can be a good boy.
warnings: pegging, praise kink, bottom Slade, and power imbalance
Summary: Bruce is concerned about your taste in men. You assure him it's no worse than his taste in women.
Bear with Me
Summary:  You want to figure out what your relationship is with Dr. Wilson but as per usual he avoids the topic. You use a creative method [read: inadvisable] to wring the answer out of him.
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All That Glitters
Summary:  Pandora’s box is a black box covered in silk and embossed with the initials R.S.
Summary: Roman tells you that he has a surprise for you after your meeting with Red Hood went so successfully
Summary: A deal with the devil goes smoothly.
Know What You Need
Summary:  “What do you think people will say when they see their good little hero begging for my cock?”
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Bad End Series:
Summary: You’re luck runs out when both Deathstroke and Blackmask take an unwanted interest in you.
Better Die Than Doubt
Summary:   You wince knowing he’s already noticed. You feel the tiniest bit more at ease as he approaches your booth but it didn’t stop your eyes from flickering and searching for something off in the environment. The creeping sense of being watched trails up your spine. You’re sure.
All That Glitters
Summary:  Pandora’s box is a black box covered in silk and embossed with the initials R.S.
No Greater Sin did Walk the Earth
Summary:  Being a hero had been a mistake. A mistake you made twice.
An alternative part 2
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Harvey Dent/ Two-Face
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Toss a Coin
Summary:  It’s all a matter of chance really.
Zebra Plant
Summary: According to a reliable source (Harvey), you’re adorable when you hyperfixate.
Call It What It is, Tenderness
Summary: You ask Harvey for legal advice. It goes well.
You’re Insane Too
Summary:  You are Two-Face’s new doctor. The introduction goes as well as expected. 
note: Prequel to Call It What It is
Summary:  There’s a breakout in Arkham and Harvey does his due diligence and checks on his favorite doctor.
note: Sequel to Call It What It is
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The Night is Young:
Summary: Loose morals and looser commitments does not equal loose change
note: This is a weird smut series where Reader is involved with Slade, Bruce, Talia, or whatever combination I choose. I’ll label who is in what part. 
Part 1 (Bruce-ish & Talia)
Part 2 (Talia)
Part 3 (Slade)
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nickmpreg · 3 years ago
Love the coffee shop au here because I can just see Bruce hanging out with Selina and Edward while they complain about their god awful jobs like “how about you guys just live with me I’ll pay for you guys” and they’re like no we don’t need a sugar daddy so he goes “okay I’ll open a coffee shop, work there instead” not at all knowing how to run a coffee shop, he’s just dumb and in love. Alfred is so tired of his shit
the idea of the press going batshit insane because ‘bruce wayne has started up a coffee shop !!’ but the insaneness of that wears off just as soon as it comes because it’s very quickly replaced by ‘dear god even with 3 other employees all but one of them are incompetent’
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years ago
This Never Happened
Hello, this is @randomshadow85 who gave me a lovely request for some Cat Mom love, and that kind of has evolved into this so I hope you enjoy this multipart snippets! =)
Hopes for a Bastard Universe
Selina had soon learnt, upon saying vows with Bruce that she was now not only responsible for herself and Helena, but now she had willingly forged DNA report, legal documents, even a forgery worthy of the greatest praises stating she and Bruce had conceived and had a child named Jason Todd. Bruce had even drafted a statement about a hospital mix up and how Selina had thought she lost the baby. It wasn’t a stretch, Bruce was off floundering around with that bitch, and Selina had been in Gotham briefly; around Jason birth, so it wasn’t that far of a stretch. Leslie had helped with the forge, after she had secured Jason’s agreement, naturally.
Of course she already had Helena, and unwittingly she had adopted Terry because the baby had grown on her, which was what had her accepting this new reality.
Selina had adopted not one Bat but the four extras.
Dick, Cass, Tim, and Damian were all hers’ now. Hers, and she was seriously beginning to contemplate legally adopting all of them.
No matter, this brought her to the serious moment of her new motherhood, four months into her marriage as she bounced her knee and waited impatiently for her first Robin to notice her presence.
It’d been about four days since Dick and Kori had been forced to move here because Mar'i’s manifesting powers, and she had blasted the neighbor’s walls in one of her crying fits for food. Dick looked three steps from death and if someone didn’t intervene he was going to die next patrol. She sat there waiting for him to notice her as he blearily hunted for what she was guessing sugared carbohydrates, and milk.
Ten minutes later she decided he wasn’t going to notice her so she rattled the box.
“You looking for something?” she purred, and watched as a bedhead whipped around at her blinking his big blue eyes like an owl. He’d always been movie star handsome, she supposed, and staring at her with those big blue eyes she’d have thought he was B’s except that B had not had Dick in anyways until after Dick’s parents had died.
“When’d you get here?” he yawned, as he accepted the cereal from her then retrieved a bowl and spoon.
“Creature of the night,” she answered.
“Shit! Patrol!” he gasped and she caught his arm then and gently shoved him back as she stood and handed him his cereal.
“You are not going anywhere,” she stated.
“What!?” he sputtered.
“I’m putting my foot down, Boy Wonder, you are going to get someone killed. Probably yourself,” she stated.
“B!” he started.
“Has been doing this long before he adopted you and will be fine for a few nights,” she promised. “Eat, then you and Kori are going to bed and I’m taking Mar'i for a few nights.”
“Cat, you don’t…”
“I’m taking my grandbaby,” Selina stated icily and Dick blinked up at her. Don’t get the wrong idea here kid, I’m not replacing your mama, but you’re one of my Robins and what’s mine is mine, and I love ya kid. So you’re family, which makes Mar'i my grandbaby proxy by marrying your dad.”
“You… I didn’t…” Dick surged at her and hugged her tight then, Selina wrapped her arms around him tight. “Thanks, Cat, you were always my second mom,” he whispered.
“I love ya kid,” she purred as she stroked his hair, and marveled at how much he had grown. He used to be this tiny bendy thing, now he was now less bendy, but he was no longer tiny. He was twenty-five, and she was so proud of him as she buried her nose into his shoulder and smiled. He was hers’, her little Robin all grown up and a daddy now, she was so insanely proud of Dick.
“You and B should have gotten hitched sooner,” Dick mumbled. She laughed and shoved him to his seat and he drooped into it bonelessly.
“It would have ended terribly,” she predicted as she sat with her eldest and smiled at him.
“Nah, you two would have had spats, sure, but I think… I think you’d have saved Jay, Tim wouldn’t have been so lonely, Helena and Dami would be the same age relatively, and B would have been happier. He’s happiest with you, always was,” Dick sighed. Selina blinked at his admission.
“Damian wouldn’t be,” she stated for him.
“If he ever cheats on me when we’re together, I’ll castrate him and nail his dick over our door, before burning all his shit on the lawn and robbing him of all his money, then destroying his reputation as Batman,” Selina assured levelly. Selina was not a second rate, cheap slut for that desert whore. No. She might be a street rat, but she sure as fuck would command loyalty from her lover because she gave him
“Ah,” Dick chuckled.
“How are you doing Dick?” She hummed.
“I didn’t think she’d have powers yet,” Dick sighed. “Seriously! She just floats all the time and shoots at me when she’s hungry, and she’s wonderful and amazing, but I want sleep Cat!”
“Which is why I’m taking her for the night.”
“When did you know, like really know, you loved B. Like full on head over heels, there’s no other love, know?”
She stared at the kid. “Are you second guessing what you and Kori have?” she demanded. She’d seen the way Dick looked at that alien princess there was no way that was fake love or puppy love like what he’d had with Barbara.
“I was twelve,” Selina snapped. “I was twelve years old and I was playing with some fancy vase as B dorkily explained it’s history. He was a dweeb, and scrawny, but he had this look in his eyes. It’s a look I’d never seen, he wasn’t looking at me like I was filth or a criminal or a hellion, he was looking at me like I was his equal. He reminded me of a broken bird in need of a bit of love, so I decided to protect him.
“I was sixteen when he saved me. I was seventeen when I took his virginity and he disappeared. I was twenty-four when I saw him again, and I loved him every bit as fiercely as I did when I was twelve, even more so. I love Bruce, just as fiercely as you love that princess, so don’t think to give it up, ever, Dick. You better fight for Kori, because it’s not a Disney romance, real life is messy and a bitch, she doesn’t fight fair, and she’ll kick you in the balls while whistling, but what you have with Kori isn’t just worth the fight, it’s worth the world.”
“I will, I’m just… I don’t know what I’m doing,” he admitted.
“You finish that cereal, get up, and go hug the mother of your child and I spoil my grandbaby and we never speak of this again,” she smiled.
“Thanks,” he smiled weakly. “Mom,” he tested it.
“Lets stick to Cat,” she offered.
“You are like my mom, just so you know,” he murmured.
“I love ya too kid,” she smiled.
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angstandhappiness · 8 months ago
Them fighting: (what they think they look like)
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Vs them "fighting" (the most childish hair pulling ever)
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It's a wonder anyone takes these morons seriously (I say as if I don't over analyze every moment they breath in the others direction)
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Also it's very important to me that people keep including this whenever they talk about the minhkhoa saving Bruce's crazy ass from jumping off a building as Minhkhoa just let's him slide on the wet rooftop ground like that after landing.
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They would've fucked if robin wasn't there. Yes in the rain. Yes with the masks and suit on-
But since they can't have disgusting sex in the rain and make out they resort to...well this...
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I love this one image so much y'all don't even know, I wanna print it out and stick it in my room.
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He's angry cause his husband doesn't let him do anything fun
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