#and bmo probably calls simon ice king
boypussydilf · 9 months
rewatching stakes got me 2 thinking abt how marceline sees ice king as Just Simon… to the point that shes always expecting him to be More Like Simon and expecting him to know or remember things he just Doesn’t…. esp in contrast to how betty absolutely refuses to see any similarity or relation between simon and IK… but also just in general
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via-the-cryptid · 7 months
in celebration of the coming Fionna and Cake Season Two (fuck yeah), I present to you all a wonderful new petrigrof concept: the Madness Shared AU.
so we all know the winter king, right? bonkers fucking yonkers but offloading the bulk of his crazy onto Bubblegum? yes of course we know him. now imagine that Betty figures out that yep, offloading the Crown Madness onto some poor unsuspecting sod is, in fact, A Thing You Can Do, so what does she do? try it out herself! by which I mean try it out on herself.
it turns Ice King into an entity similar to the Winter King, but less manipulative and more nervous (and still a little bit deranged but he’s probably fine), and in turn? Betty gets turned into a batshit crazy ice witch that decides Chaos(TM) is her new favourite thing. she has little to no memory of Simon or Ice King, or anything else for that matter — she sort of acts like dinosaur Gunther or Simon when they first put on the crown? lotta cackling, lotta freezing everything in sight, lotta rambling and raving about broken pieces of her memory that even she can’t put together anymore.
at first, the Gang (Finn, Jake, and Marceline, maybe BMO and Bonnie if I’m feeling it) assume that it’s Ice King causing all this ice, because who else would it be, but then they finally manage to track the culprit down and… yeah, it’s definitely not Ice King. whoever she is, she looks weirdly familiar, though none of them can place it.
I’m thinking of calling IK and Betty Frost King and Frost Queen? or Frost Witch maybe? either way, I’ll probably add more to this later (also my asks are ABSOLUTELY open if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this new AU, just please specify which AU you’re talking about so I don’t accidentally give you a Snow Queen AU answer)
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anniemadeit21 · 6 years
Come Along With me: The Series Finale of Adventure Time. (The Synopsis and My Opinion)
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Last night, a television phenomenon ended making it one of the saddest happy endings since Regular Show’s series finale in 2017. That’s right. I’m talking about the series finale of Cartoon Network’s original show Adventure Time.
*SPOILER ALERT! : If you have not watched last night’s episode, then I suggest you look away and turn a blind eye.
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(credit: www.deviantart.com/kianamai)
The story was interlaced with a few twists in the four part special- Adventure Time: The Ultimate Adventure: Come along With me. It started off with a war between Gumbaldia and the Candy Kingdom which then, in a last ditch effort, Finn stops with a look inside the unconscious world where anything could’ve happened and gets Bubblegum and Gumbald to call a truce (which wasn’t entirely real, as Gumbald tried (yet again) to put the dum-dum juice on Bubblegum and Bonnie’s aunt, Aunt Lolly, saves Bubblegum by tripping him causing the juice to pour on him.)
After that was resolved, Normal man (you may know as Magic man) comes out of a portal of and expresses that Betty had “donked up” again and, not so long after,  an evil figure emerges that fueled on chaos and tried to kill everyone. Fusing with any touch by someone, it caused another great battle between the parent, a messed up gumball guardian and some banana guards and caused a real truce between Gumbaldia and the Candy Kingdom and them working together.
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(credit: www.deviantart.com/kamifish)
Meanwhile, Normal man recruits Ice King (and the tagalongs, Finn and Jake) to stop the chaotic creature (Golb) and Betty from destroying Ooo which leads Finn, Simon, and Betty to be eaten by said Golb and reverting to their original selves (no crazy Betty, no Ice King, and a heroic Finn is back) but are unable to escape.
After all of this, the treehouse is destroyed and leaves Jake very distraught.. for which, BMO (who survives but is cracked on his screen) helps him feel better and also gives everyone a weapon to stop Golb—by harmonizing with BMO  and his song cancels out the discord of Golb. Everyone sings which leaves an escape route for Betty, Simon, and Finn to get out of. But Betty sacrifices herself to stop Golb by using Ice King’s crown to make a wish—to have the power to protect Simon.
 Simon and Finn escape without Betty and Fern (who had helped all this time after being left by Gumbald,) disintegrated asking Finn to plant him where the tree house once stood. All of this marks the conclusion of BMO’s story to future characters who decide to make their own story after finding the new treehouse (who was Fern).
My Notes:
This was the most exciting episode of Adventure Time I had ever watched and it made me so sad to see it go. But it did give fan service with Betty kissing Simon, Bonnie kissing Marcy, and even gave an unexpected pairing between Lumpy Space Princess and Lemongrab kissing each other. It also gave an unexpected happy ending with everyone going on in their lives (with a montage by the one and only Rebecca Sugar singing the entire ending theme of Adventure Time as a character called The Music Hole).
Also, it was lovely how at every break, Cartoon Network explained cool things that you probably didn’t know about or you needed to catch up on.  I’m always gonna miss that weird show that was so exciting and fun. Thank you Pendleton Ward for blessing us with such an original show and loving us fans as a fandom. We won’t forget ya!
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(credit: www.deviantart.com/myetie)
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pennylogue · 6 years
ever so slightly
Marceline and Simon struggle to rebuild their relationship amongst the rubble of a thousand years of messy history.
On AO3 here
AN: Ayyyyeee who else got totally destroyed by that finale? And then went wrote 2.5k of fic the night before school starts because of it and it’s now 3 AM ayyyyyeeee.
After the war-that-wasn't, after Betty almost destroys the world and then saves it for the sake of one person, after she says goodbye to Finn and Jake and everyone who helped fight back Golb, and after kissing Bonnie for five minutes straight, Marceline finally peels herself away from a very pink, very inviting pair of lips and the princess attached to them.
Bonnie looks disappointed for a second, but nods. "We'll finish this later?" she asks, more gently than she's spoken to Marceline in...well, a really long time.
Marceline doesn't really know how to feel right now. A lot of emotions are swishing and swooshing and slopping around in her, mixing in a thousand weird ways. Still, she knows she very much wants to finish this up.
"Yeah," Marceline says. "But you have to get back to your candy citizens, and well..." Marceline looks back to where she'd briefly handed Simon off to the weird Ice King guy that used to be Gunther. (Golb--or Betty? Who knew anymore?--that crown was so annoying. Since it helped save the universe, though, she's willing to cut it some slack.) She sighs. "Simon needs me right now. He helped me so much, and I could never help him, all of these years."
Bonnie nods. "I can't believe Betty actually saved him. Her ingenuity was truly incredible, her devotion even more so."
Marceline can't help a snicker. Bonnie was, well, it was great to finally to be back on the "will they" of the whole "will they or won't they" thing, but she still was such. A. Nerd.
Waving her goodbyes, Marceline watches her new/old girlfriend troop off to rally her people and begin rebuilding.
And isn't she a pretty picture as she leaves.
"I just can't believe...she's really, well, gone and turned herself into Golb," Simon weeps. "We finally had the chance to be together! Finally, she'd worked so hard, and everything! And then she went and sacrificed herself? How could she do something like that?"
She'd flown them to her cabin, and Simon sits on her couch. It's impossible to believe he's here, honestly. She's seen one or two snatches of him in the past centuries, and she's never hoped for more. Not after the fifth time the Ice King crashed one of her parties and tried to pick up every princess there, nope--she'd never hoped for more.
And now, Simon is...back. Back, and miserable. And as the only person in Ooo who knew him before he got Ice King-ified, she has the best chance of helping him. Well, she wants to help him, but she doesn't know if she can. Yeesh, she was always bad with giving romantic advice.
"Yeah," Marceline replies. "It's...pretty awful."
"Yes!" Simon shouts. "How could she do it? Why would she? Doesn't she want to finally be together?"
"I mean, you couldn't really be together if the universe was all Globbed up."
"Well, yes...but still! Doesn't she want to be together?" He's sobbing again, and she moves closer on the couch and gives him a hug. Honestly, she should've known better than to try to use logic with this kind of situation. Instead, she gestures at the cup steaming in front of him. "Try some hot chocolate."
Simon breathes out in a sharp huff, but brings it to his lips. He takes a quick sip, and frowns, then looks down and inspects the stuff. "This tastes...interesting."
"Well, I mean, you did sort of...miss a thousand years, here and there." Marceline shrugs. "A lot of things have changed. Including cocoa beans."
"Fascinating," he murmurs. He sips again, then drinks more deeply.
Marceline drinks a bit from her own glass, draining the red from it. When she looks up, Simon's staring at her with wide eyes. "Don't worry, it's not blood or anything. It's fruit punch. And I just drink the red color."
Simon takes off his glasses and rubs the tears from his eyes. When he looks up again, well--well--he looks so normal, so human, it's almost unreal. "I know. I mean, I didn't know, but--well, I know you would never change. Not like that."
Simon's smile is slow and so, so warm. It makes her think of how he used to remind her of her mother. Something about the shape of his face, the slant of his smile.
Marceline flicks her tongue at him. "Well, you don't know that. I am the Vampire Queen, you know."
She takes Simon back to his cave, to grab any of his old stuff he might want to take. He can't live there anymore, not in the freezing cold. Humans weren't meant to spend so long in temperatures like that, she'd almost forgotten.
(Finn, well, he might be human, but he's a child of Ooo, and he understands how to survive it in a way Simon simply doesn't.
As Marceline hovers by the throne, watching penguins accompany Gunther/Ice King in a musical number, Simon stumbles around in a daze. "I really built all of this?" he asks her, over and over, looking at the furniture, the cages, the tunnels upon tunnels. She gives a noncommittal mmmm in response to pretty much everything he says. Like, he did, kind of? After all, Ice King was only sorta him.
Eventually, he finds his way down to the chamber where Ice King built some massive statues of those female versions of Finn and Jake he'd dreamed up. Yeesh. When she sees the look on Simon's face--
"Well, it's impressive work," she offers weakly. "Good detail."
Simon looks like he's going to explode. Like he's going to be sick. "But how could I be doing this? All of this, all of this for so many years?" He grasps his hair, fists bunched around short, dark, thick locks, so unlike the Ice King's brittle white hair. "What was I thinking! How could--how could this be me!"
Simon is freaking out, and honestly, it makes the part of Marceline that remembers being seven years old and needing Simon for absolutely everything rush out. She doesn't want to do this. She wants SImon to be happy he's back, happy he's here, that he can be with her, that he can do all of the cool architecture things he'd always told her about, except even better, because it would be in Ooo.
But right now, Simon is lost in the infinity between one-thousand-and-forty-five and forty-five, and, well...part of Marceline might still be seven, but vast majority of her feels every one of her one-thousand-and-five years, thick and heavy as the trunk of her old treehouse.
She reaches out, and grabs him, her blue hand strange against his darker one. Gray, that's what it had been back then. But it wasn't that way now.
"Yes, Marcie?"
"That was...it wasn't you. It was the crown. You have to understand that."
He looks so, so miserable. "I know, Marcie."
Simon living in the swamp with her should be great. It's everything she's ever dreamed of, after all.
But it's not.
He's so confused, having such a hard time grasping the massive time jump that feels, according to him, more like "some really abstract dream" than anything else. He's sad and tired, and he keeps talking about Betty. Marceline tries to talk back with him, tries to understand what he's going through, but after a while, it starts to grate on her. Betty sacrificed herself for him. She did it so he could live a good life! And now he's just drowning in sadness and going nuts over Betty, the same way Betty was about Simon.
Every time Marceline goes to visit Bonnie--now definitely her girlfriend again, yay--or Finn and Jake and BMO, or any of her other friends that are rebuilding their lives so very gradually rebuilding, she asks Simon if he wants to come. He refuses.
After two weeks of this, as she'd expected, Finn kicks down the door.
Well, sort of expected. "Where's Jake?" she asks, as Finn basically hoists a loudly-protesting Simon over his shoulder.
"He had a date with Lady Rainicorn he just couldn't miss." Finn gives her one of his little half-smiles. "Guess it's gonna be a human-only adventure, then? Unless you wanna come?"
"Nah," she says. "You boys have fun."
Simon shoots her a furious look. "Marceline, I thought you said I could stay with you as long as I wanted."
"I'm over a thousand years old. I have a complicated moral code."
Even so, when Simon isn't back a week later, she can't help but start getting worried.
Two weeks later, Bonnie and Jake are officially tired of hearing Marceline freak out to them.
They're in Bonnie's lab, watching the resident scientist try to figure out how to strengthen Neddy's candy juice enough to heal the Guardians. It's probably a lost cause, but in Ooo, you never know.
"I told you, Marceline, they're fine! Finn is an expert, and from everything you've told me about Simon--well, he was tough enough to survive the aftermath of the Mushroom War, wasn't he?" Bonnie asks.
Marceline knows Bonnie is right. Finn's awesome enough to work any kind of escort mission he wants, and Simon might not be used to Ooo, but it would be idiotic to underestimate him because of that. And he is a genius and junk, too.
Jake slumps over in his seat. "Hey, I miss my bro too, you know. We even called off finding a new place to live so he could go and help Simon out. I like living with Lady Rainicorn, I mean, but--" he shrugs. "You gotta have patience. They're a-okay. They got through Glob, didn't they?"
Marceline knows Jake is right. She still wants to snap at him or turn all demony and go berserk or something. But she's a grown-up now, so she manages to resist.
Simon and Finn come back two days later, bruised, muddy, and sporting two identical grins and a bundle of ancient human artifacts each.
The second Marceline sees them, all of her worries fall away like shedding a too-small shell. When Marceline flies up to greet them, Simon gives her a massive hug and burst out a story about a six-village conflict that he and Finn helped settle-- "Not bad for his first time," Finn whispers in her ear--then shows her his treasures. Old signs, musical instruments, a few twisted pieces of rusted metal furniture, and even a couple of old Christmas ornaments.
"I must admit, Marcie," he says sheepishly, "It's an interesting position to be in, to archealogize relics from an ancient civilization that I was part of."
"You're catching on," she replies.
"Yeah," Finn says. "All of this is old human stuff, right? Hey Simon, tell me about some of this junk." He can't hide it, though--he might seem as mellow as ever, but his eyes are practically sparkling with delight.
It's been so long since anyone talked about this kind of thing. Simon launches into stories from a world that he lived in much longer than Marceline ever did, and Marceline bobs in place, lounging comfortably on the air, and enjoys being in the same room as multiple people who know what Santa Claus is.
Simon comes to a few jam sessions with her and her friends. it's sort of embarrassing, kind of if she'd invited her dad along--well, if her dad wasn't a total jerk--but it's still nice. Simon got pretty good at the drums, at some point over the last thousand years.
One night, she and Bonnie are cuddling on the couch. watching Ice King perform a puppet play. In the kitchen, Simon and Turtle Princess pop popcorn. It's cozy. Very domestic.
She catches Bonnie staring at Simon and leans over. "Hey, girl. Eyes on the show, don't be rude."
"I know," Bonnie mutters. She wrenches her gaze away. "It's just--it's strange to see him like this."
"Talking to a princess without proposing to her?"
"No. Just...without the mood swings. I mean, he's just so happy."
Later that night, when most everyone is sound asleep, Simon finds her outside, playing herself a little lullaby.
"What's up?" she asks, pausing in her strumming.
He pulls a drumstick from his pajama pants and taps it idly against his leg. "It's very strange, you know, to suddenly be able to be able to play a musical instrument out of nowhere." He breathes deeply, and says in a rush,  "But it wasn't really out of nowhere, was it?"
Marceline thrums her bass without thinking. It's a nervous habit. The chords echo around them.
"That was me," he says. "In a way. And I need to accept that."
Marceline heaves a sigh. "This stuff is heavy, man."
"Marcie." His tone is stricter than she's heard from him in centuries, and when she looks up, he's--so focused. So intent. "I need to go and find Betty. And if I want to do that, I need to accept what happened to me. What she saved me from. There were good times, I mean. I made some friends. I had fun. The penguins were cute. But I was so, so lonely, and so confused, and I couldn't understand why."
Marceline closes her eyes and tries to focus on her strumming.
"I'm so proud of you."
Her fingers freeze on the strings.
"I've heard from Finn, what it was like. What I was like. It must have been painful." His eyes shade down. "I remembered some of it. A bit." A pause. "I tried to kiss you, Marcie."
Marceline wants to shrug it off, wants to say it's okay, wants to be strong. But she looks at him, so young and so old, and the truth comes out. "It was so hard."
Without thinking, they embrace, as easily as they used to. "I know," he says and brushes her cheek with his hand. "I know."
"I missed you. You were--but no matter what I said, I couldn't get the you that I wanted!"
They fall over each other, onto the rough planks of the porch. She curls up into his chest and hears him spit some of her hair out of his mouth. "I can imagine."
"I know were just trying to protect me, but the crown--that damn crown!" She punches the ground in emphasis, accidentally breaking a few boards. Whoops.
She cries, and he cries, and it feels awful, but to have someone to hold her when she cries again--well, she has Bonnie now, again, but she missed Simon. It's nice.
It's really nice.
They stay like that for a very long time.
(It's not a thousand years, but it honestly feels like it.)
The next morning, over breakfast, Marceline forces herself to ask the question she very much doesn't want an answer to.
"So, you said you're going after Betty?"
His gaze is sorrowful as he slurps his cereal. "She's my princess, Marcie. I miss her. So, so much. And she worked so hard to get me back--she might be even further gone than I was, but I have to try. At the very least."
Marceline understands. It burns her, that Simon won't just stay here and be happy with her and with new friends, but he and Betty, it seems, are definitely meant for each other. In that case... "Do you want my help?"
Simon appears to be almost surprised at the offer, but it seems to do him some good. He goes back to his cereal just a little bit more cheerful. "That's very generous, but I wouldn't want to take you away from your friends. They need your help, too, and God knows you've spent enough time looking after me. He looks back up, hesitant. "If I'm still searching in--I don't know, how long did it take Betty to free me?"
Marceline feels that warm feeling bubble up again, and against her will, she finds herself smiling into her morning cup of dyed-red coffee. (No, it doesn't give her a caffeine boost. It's the principle of the matter.) "A couple of years, I guess?"
Simon holds up his cup of normal coffee. "A couple of years, then?"
They toast. "It's a promise," says Marceline.
"Cheers," Simon says, then leaps for her bass. Playing a few slightly funky chords, he bursts out, "Making your way in the world today, takes everything you got..."
Marceline laughs more that morning than she has in a very long time.
Life happens.
Death happens.
One day, Marceline leaves her shack. When she comes back, it's been a very long time, and two weirdoes have taken up residence.
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boypussydilf · 9 months
Tell me youryour thoughts of details that don't effect anything please I'd love to hear more of your thoughts (No need to if you don't feel comfortable though!!!)
i am so brain full of thoughts to talk about all of the time, Until people ask, hey what are your thoughts, and my brain Evicts them with great prejudice. Let’s see what i can scrongune up. I meant scrounge, but okay. I’m inventing scronguning.
I think that Finn and Jake moved into the treehouse BEFORE their parents died. I base this exclusively off the fact that Joshua’s first holo-message for them in Dad’s Dungeon was in the attic of the treehouse. It’s entirely plausible that F&J were just taking some of their parents old stuff and went “sure bring this and shove it in the attic” and completely forgot about it. But I like to think that Joshua actually put it there while he was still alive, since like, going off how he looks in the scene at the end of the BMO Distant Lands special, Finn was really young when he & Jake started living in the treehouse, and I just prefer to imagine that Finn was not a literal toddler when his parents died because it makes me a little less sad. Jake probably moved out as soon as he was whatever-the-mutant-talking-dog-equivalent-of-18 is and just took Finn with him because they are Literal Honest-to-God Soulmates and could not be separated. Also what with the “being dogs” thing Margaret & Joshua were probably too old to have the energy to take care of a really young child by the time Jake and Jermaine were adults. Still, since Finn is 12 at the start of the show, and he and Jake are clearly not actively grieving by then, Finn still had to be pretty young when they died. Ten at most, I think.
That… feels like a sad note to end that on. Oh dog family, you are sweet and I love you, and I kind of wish we got to actually see some Dog Family Moments from when the kids were still kids (and not babies) and Joshua and Margaret were still alive.
I was rewatching Elements and Finn has a line where he says “This is Simon, the Ice King,” and it finally clicked for me what’s actually going through his head when he switches between saying Simon and saying Ice King. He’s approaching it the same way he approaches addressing every other royal he’s friends with! He calls PB Bonnie, but he also calls her Princess Bubblegum (and variations thereupon) all the time. He calls FP Phoebe sometimes, but he also calls her Flame Princess, even while they’re dating, because to Finn - and to everyone in Ooo - titles and names are interchangeable things. A princess’s title is commonly used as if it is their name. And Finn does the same thing with Ice King. He goes “oh, I’ve learned the Ice King’s name now,” and starts calling him Simon sometimes, but also calls him Ice King sometimes, because in the society Finn was raised in, that’s what people do. This, truly, is a detail that affects nothing, but it was something I had not consciously thought about before, and it’s neat to me.
“Simon, the Ice King”… Finn, can we get more of your thoughts on this? Man I wanna see what their interactions were like not long after Come Along With Me.
On a tangentially related topic, I am fascinated by the Ooo systems of… government? I’d say that seems the wrong word, but they’d probably say it’s right. They just use it a bit different. I think that Bonnie might have been the first person to call herself a “princess” (I think this is true? but I can never remember the episode Bonnibel Bubblegum super clearly), and then she kind of… presumably-accidentally shaped the recovering world by doing so. She called herself a princess, and began to build a kingdom, and as more magic beings and mutants started to fill the world they went “oh, kingdoms, this is what we’re doing,” and organized themselves that way, and in most cases it does not mean the same thing as our idea of kingdoms at all. Raggedy Princess just rules a junkyard. It seems like anyone can call themself a princess as long as they have, like, a plot of land distinctive to them… and yet it’s treated like a special title, and lots of princesses have crowns with, like, Significant On A Large Scale jewels (for the Enchiridion multiverse-opening spell and stuff) so maybe there are more qualifications we just don’t see because why would that be relevant…
“Princess” and “King” are also terms that just refer to rulers, they’ve lost their gendered connotations in most parts of the world. Phoebe refers to herself as having become the Flame King, and King of Ooo becomes Princess when he takes over the Candy Kingdom. The Flame Kingdom is ruled by a King, that’s just how it works, a Flame Princess will become a Flame King, and the Candy Kingdom is ruled by a Princess, that’s just how it works, it will never have a King or a Prince.
Most of the major kingdoms are ruled by princesses, by God there are so many princesses, so like… Are the kingdoms ruled by kings (Flame Kingdom, Goblin Kingdom, I guess technically the Ice Kingdom but I have questions about whether or not it is considered an actual government and whether or not Ice King is actually considered a ruler of jack shit…) seen as like, outliers? Is that considered unusual by people?
Also what’s the economy like in Ooo. Finn and Jake don’t need to spend any money to get by, they just walk into a random treehouse and apparently don’t need to spend money on food or anything else because they just accumulate treasure and have an entire episode dedicated to them deciding to spend all the gold they never spend on anything. Is this part of the Adventuring Hero’s Lifestyle, or are there lots of people in Ooo who just walk into whatever unoccupied space counts as a house to them and live off of… food from not entirely clear sources? In F&C we see Simon paying with like, just straight up a regular dollar bill. Does everyone pay like that in the Candy Kingdom or is that a special thing they allow him to do. I don’t know. We don’t see people paying for things that often, I think. Not sure how money works in Adventure Time. It’s mildly interesting.
Okay I’m tired now and losing my trains of thought goodbye. Thank you
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