#and billy’s like yeah good thanks mrs h wonderful cookies by the way
ickypuppi3 · 1 year
i wanna say billy to dustin
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losers-witch · 7 years
study sessions (bill denbrough)
requested by anonymous: “omg hi i️ love you can you write one where bill and you study and he tries to quiz you but he stutters like the angel he is!!! and it’s just cute and soft!!! thank you 💞💞💞💞💞”
bill is an angel, you’re so right! hope you like this!
pair: bill x reader
warnings: FLUFF
prompts | request here
it masterlist
“okay kids, don’t forget! final semester quizzes tomorrow!” mr. matthews announced right when the bell rang. you gather up your books and bag and start to walk out the class.
“y-y/n!” you turn around and saw bill coming out the class, as well. you instantly smile at the sight of him and you stopped walking so he could catch up to you.
“hey billy boy.” you say and continue walking with him to your locker. 
“s-so i w-was w-wondering, y-you w-want t-to s-s-study t-together? o-only i-if y-you w-want t-to,” bill asks and you notice his stutter got a bit worse and his cheeks were turning red. you open your locker and put your other books in there, purposely putting in your history book in there.
“yeah, of course! come to my house after-school?” you say as you close your locker, leaning against it.
“y-yes! i m-mean y-yeah, s-see y-you l-later.” bill broke into a grin and ran away, probably to stan or any of the others. as you walk to your next class, you were practically skipping down the hallways. just four more hours.
you probably dashed out ms. humphries’s classroom when the final bell rang and you knew you were going to get in trouble tomorrow by the way she screamed out your name but you couldn’t care less. bill’s coming over.
you hop on your bike and pedal your way home, throwing your bike by the perfectly trimmed bushes your mom sought to maintain every week. you flung the front door open and quickly closed it to dash to your room.
“hey honey, how was school?” you hear your mom ask from the kitchen, mixing some kind of batter.
“it was great! hey mom, bill’s coming over!” you shout from your room, shoving articles of clothing under the bed.
“that’s fine! i’m making cookies and i need to bring your little sister to her recital later, anyways.” your mom shouted back and you let out a sigh of relief, you’ll at least be alone later. less embarrassment and less disruptions.
you continue tidying up your room or in this case, shoving everything under the bed or in the closet. you finally finish and flop down on your bed, at least you’re ready. bill denbrough was a sweet and cute boy that you’ve been friends with for a while now but you always made sure you made a good impression everytime. 
“y/n? someone’s knocking!” you hear your mom yell and you jumped from your bed and walked to the front door.
“i got it!” you yell back and opened the door, “hey bill, come in!”
bill sheepishly said hi back and stepped into your house. you lead him to your room after saying a quick hi to your mom as well. once you got to your room, he sat down on your bed and brought out his history book.
“oh shit, i think i accidentally put my history book in my locker!” you fake exclaim, rummaging through your bag. you weren’t a terrible liar but you had to will your cheeks to cool down to not make it oh-so-obvious.
“th-that’s o-okay, y-you c-can b-b-borrow m-mine,” bill offered, pushing his textbook a bit closer to you.
“really? thank billy!” you lean into bill, placing your head on his shoulder before going back to how you were, a usual sign of gratitude from you. your eyes start scanning the book, reading highlighted words and the words surrounding them. when you went to turn the page, you accidentally touched bill’s hand and the both of you pulled away quick, faces getting red.
you swore that you felt a little spark but that may be a reach. you mentally tell yourself to not think ahead and focus on studying.
“y-you w-want t-to q-quiz e-each o-oth-other?” bill looked at you, his fingers drumming on his knee.
“sure! you quiz me and then i’ll quiz you. sound good?” you smile, pushing the book over to him. he grabs it and props it up so you couldn’t see what he was reading.
“o-o-okay, w-w-what w-was- sh-shit- h-h-ha-hamilt-t-ton’s p-p-p-lan f-f-for a-a-merica?” 
“to build a national bank and take the states’ debt and put it all into one, huge debt- bill, you can slow down, you know that right? there’s no rush.” you put your hand on his knee in an effort to comfort him.
“y-y-yeah, i kn-know. i j-just g-get n-nervous.” bill looked down at his lap, fidgeting with his thumbs. you take his cheeks into your hand and tip his head to look back up at you, your eyes connecting with his.
“why be nervous? it’s just me.” you whisper in the softest voice you could mutter.
“b-be-bec-cause- well i- fuck.” bill was struggling getting what he wanted to say out and you pressed your fingers into the hollows of his cheeks and shook his gently. your eyes softened and bill took comfort into that.
“b-bec-cause i l-like y-you.” bill said, his voice a little muffled due to your fingers pressing against his cheeks. you slowly lowered your hand and your mouth dropped ever-so-slightly. in the spur of the moment, you lunged at bill, engulfing his into a hug before pressing a soft kiss onto his lips. 
“you’re the cutest, you know that?” you bit the corner of your lip in efforts to stop the humongous grin forming on your face. not to mention the shade of red you and bill were in.
“n-not a-as c-cute as y-you,” bill smiled and it melted your heart completely.
who would’ve thought something good could come out of a study session?
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