#and best believe the product produced is worthwhile
galfromearth-22191 · 4 months
Scenario: Hobie and his bandmates pulling all-nighters to make songs
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•Lyrics written on paper, napkins, and someone’s arm
•Everyone huddled around Hobie as he writes the final rough draft in a worn out journal (some touches may be added or removed in the future)
•a mock performance to see what they’re working with
•Cans of soda on the nearby table as they wait for a song name to appear in front of them. A homemade pizza fresh and ready to help keep them awake cause this song gonna get finished.
•Making sure the lyrics instilled a sense of hope and liberation for the people before they called it a night at 8:44 in the morning
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mmnazzar · 6 months
Mastering the Art of Being a Stellar Affiliate Marketer
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In the digital age, affiliate marketing has emerged as a lucrative avenue for individuals seeking to generate passive income. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer entails more than just promoting products; it requires strategic planning, relationship building, and a keen understanding of your audience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of excelling as an affiliate business, offering practical tips and insights to help you thrive in this dynamic industry.
Understanding Affiliate Marketing:
Understanding affiliate marketing basics is crucial before delving into success tactics. Fundamentally, affiliate marketing is collaborating with businesses to advertise their goods or services in return for a cut of purchases made via your referral link. Because it enables higher sales and brand exposure, this business model benefits both the merchant and the affiliate marketer.
Choosing Your Niche:
A key to becoming a successful affiliate marketer is choosing a niche that fits your target market, area of expertise, and interests. You may gain your audience's trust and position yourself as an authority in a particular field by concentrating on it. Make sure there is enough demand and competition in lucrative sectors by conducting in-depth research.
Building a Strong Online Presence:
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You must have a strong online presence on a variety of channels in order to market affiliate products. This involves setting up a polished blog or website where you may post excellent information relevant to your specialty. Utilize email marketing, social media, and other digital channels as well to connect and interact with your target market.
Creating Compelling Content:
In the realm of affiliate marketing, content is king. You need to be producing worthwhile, educational, and interesting content all the time if you want to draw in and keep readers. Blog entries, product reviews, guides, videos, and more can be used for this. With your content, put your attention on solving the issues and meeting the wants of your audience.
Selecting the Right Affiliate Programs:
With so many affiliate programs out there, it's important to pick the ones that pay competitive commissions and fit your specialty. To determine which affiliate network or program best suits your audience and objectives, do some research on them. Seek for programs that offer a variety of goods and services, prompt payouts, and dependable tracking methods.
Building Trust with Your Audience:
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The foundation of effective affiliate marketing is trust. You need to come across to your audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of advice and information. Be open and honest about your affiliate relationships, and only recommend goods and services that you sincerely believe in. Developing a lasting relationship with your audience is considerably more important than closing a deal right away.
Optimizing for Conversions:
As an affiliate marketer, you must improve your techniques for conversions if you want to maximize your earning potential. This entails employing convincing copywriting strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), and the strategic placement of calls-to-action (CTAs) across your content. To raise your conversion rates over time, evaluate your performance indicators frequently and make any improvements.
Diversifying Your Revenue Streams:
Although affiliate marketing can be a very profitable source of income, it's a good idea to diversify your sources of income in order to reduce risk. Consider looking at additional revenue streams like consultancy, digital product sales, and sponsored content opportunities. Not only may diversification boost your earning potential, but it also offers protection against changes in the affiliate marketing industry.
Staying Updated and Adaptable:
Affiliate marketing is a dynamic area that is always changing due to the frequent emergence of new technology, trends, and techniques. Make a commitment to lifelong learning and follow industry advancements to stay ahead of the curve. In the always evolving digital landscape, you must be prepared to modify your strategy and try out new approaches in order to stay competitive.
A systematic strategy, effort, and dedication are necessary to become a great Affiliate marketing You can fully utilize Affiliate marketing as a long-term revenue stream by selecting the appropriate niche, establishing a solid online presence, producing engaging content, and developing trust with your audience. Continue honing your tactics, keeping up with market developments, and never stop learning. In the fast-paced world of Affiliate marketing, you can succeed spectacularly if you have the correct attitude and perseverance.
To Becoming a Great Affiliate Mindset & Fokus E-Book! JOIN NOW
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
I'm really enjoying reading through your blog, and of course it has to do a lot with the fact that I also love to bits everything Taemin puts out. Unfortunately tumblr makes it really annoying to try and get to older posts, so sorry if you've already spoken about any of this T-T
A big part of why I love Taemin's solo work so much is his unique style, which shines through both technique and performance.
Taemin has many times spoke about how he's heavily involved in everything concerning his work: styling, picking out the samples, lyrics, themes, choreo, you name it he took care of it at some point. "The taemin genre" couldn't have emerged simply out of him being an above average dancer, his signature is on everything.
But surely, very often he can't do much more than express his opinion on something, and a lot of the end product is still created by other people? It would be silly to expect him to dance, sing, produce, write lyrics, style all at once, right? Or would it?
I very, very often hear people take pride in the fact that their fav is an "all-rounder", that presumably does most of the "creating" purely by themselves, or at least can shine all alone, even without the support of a group. But does that imply that artists that only do the performing part are somehow less "authentic", or worthy of praise? Or that idols comfortable in their position as a team player aren't talented or into what they do? To call yourself a master you probably have to spend a decade on just one skill, so why expect teens and young adults to be Da Vincis?
Now, of course it's still amazing when an idol puts in the work and branches out. Taemin's vocal improvement undoubtedly gave him more creative opportunities and made his stages that much more impactful.
But even just being an idol and maintaining an attractive appearance (for criteria as harsh as it is in k-pop) would easily count as a full-time job, so I would go as far as to say that this expectation of total creative control is a little delusional.
haha it was really funny watching you go through everything! yea tumblr is really bad about that, but if you go to my blog on desktop/not the mobile version you should be able to page back through ALL my asks, which are all tagged by 'answers'. there are like probably around a thousand of those now tho.
i have kind of talked about this before, but i'm very happy to talk about it again, because i always think it's worthwhile to clarify what the actual process is like for creating a collaborative work.
you are right, taemin and every other idol who says they're 'involved' in the process in some way is most likely just picking options and expression opinions about things that designers and stylists have already curated for them. it is physically impossible for a single person to do EVERYTHING involved in something like creating a kpop cb, because there are just too many tasks. and if one person DID try to do it all on their own, it would take probably 100x as long to finish. let me use styling as an example: lots of idols have professed to have input on styling choices, but this can range anywhere from bringing in moodboards and having discussions about what styling they're interested in at design meetings, to just picking which thing they like best from a selection of clothes already provided by the designer. in NO fucking world is an idol:
taking measurements
shopping for fabric
shopping for clothing
sewing and altering clothing
doing the budgeting
labelling and collating all the pieces together
taking fitting notes
these are all extremely specialized skills that 1) take TIME to learn how to do and how to do well, and 2) just take TIME to DO. you want to know what i spend probably 40% of the total production time of a show doing when i costume design? fucking SHOPPING. an idol may contribute ideas to a design and make executive choices, but in NO way are they solely responsible for everything about styling. the only idol that i would believe to have a heavier hand than most in this regard is kibum, who does actually have a good knowledge of fashion and fabric and i could see him going shopping with a designer. but if you think that man is sewing anything? cmon.
and this is just for ONE aspect of a cb. you think an idol is also painting the set? shopping for props? setting up the lighting? most idols that are known for dancing aren't even choreographing their own work, INCLUDING taemin. it is absolutely and unquestionably delusional to say that an idol has total creative control over something. this whole idea doesn't originate in kpop (it's auteur theory's fault), but kpop does suffer from an acute version of it, because there's a general collective concensus that devalues the creative work of the labourer. basically, people will only classify you as a "true artist" if you're the one who comes up with the ideas, because ideas and concepts are given more importance and weight. it's a type of because 'being in charge'/'at the top of the food chain that's been perpetuated by capitalism and western postmordern art theory that intentionally places value of conceptual skills higher than those of craftspeople. no type of person is a ''true artist'' and most art takes many people with many different skills in order to create. i find it unintentionally very funny that you use da vinci as an example of an 'allrounder' (or 'renaissance man' as they used to be called) because he, like every other famous painter from the era, used apprentices to help paint his paintings!!!!! he was even an apprentice himself for verrocchio!! da vinci's legacy would not have been possible without all the other people who helped him create the work that he did!
what is the real kicker about this whole mess is that downplays the beauty of the fact that art is made collaboratively. an 'ideas' person cannot realize those ideas without a craftsperson there to help them. everyone who takes part in creating something is important, and it's fucked to only acknowledge specific people in that process.
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chennaitop10 · 2 months
The Rise of Organic Foods: A Comprehensive Guide
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Organic foods have become a significant trend in recent years, driven by a growing awareness of health and environmental issues. But what exactly does "organic" mean, and why are so many people choosing organic products over conventional ones? This comprehensive guide will explore the world of organic foods, including what makes them unique, their benefits, challenges, and tips for incorporating them into your lifestyle.
What Are Organic Foods?
Organic foods are produced using farming practices that prioritize environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and the avoidance of synthetic chemicals. To be labeled as "organic," foods must meet specific standards set by regulatory bodies, such as the USDA in the United States or the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) in India. These standards typically include.Explore the top 10 organic food shops in Chennai for the freshest, healthiest products. Discover the best places for organic groceries and wellness items in the city.
No synthetic pesticides or fertilizers: Organic farming avoids using synthetic chemicals, relying instead on natural alternatives like compost, manure, and crop rotation to maintain soil health and manage pests.
No genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Organic foods must be free from genetically modified ingredients.
No antibiotics or hormones: Organic animal products come from animals raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones.
Sustainable farming practices: Organic farming emphasizes soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity, often using methods like crop rotation, cover cropping, and reduced tillage.
Benefits of Organic Foods
Healthier Nutrient Profile:
Some studies suggest that organic foods may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. For example, organic fruits and vegetables often contain more vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus compared to their conventionally grown counterparts.
Fewer Chemicals:
Organic foods contain lower levels of pesticide residues, which is a major concern for those looking to reduce their exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
Better Taste:
Many consumers believe that organic foods taste better, particularly when it comes to fruits and vegetables. This may be due to the slower growth process and the absence of synthetic fertilizers, allowing natural flavors to develop more fully.
Environmental Sustainability:
Organic farming practices promote soil health, reduce pollution, conserve water, and encourage biodiversity. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farming reduces the risk of water contamination and helps protect wildlife.
Animal Welfare:
Organic animal products come from animals raised in conditions that allow for natural behaviors, with access to the outdoors and organic feed. This is a significant draw for consumers concerned about animal welfare.
Challenges of Organic Foods
Higher Costs:
Organic foods are often more expensive than conventional foods due to the more labor-intensive farming practices and lower yields. However, some consumers view this as a worthwhile investment in their health and the environment.
Limited Availability:
Depending on where you live, finding organic foods can be challenging. While major cities and online platforms offer a wide variety of organic products, those in rural or remote areas may have fewer options.
Organic produce often has a shorter shelf life compared to conventionally grown produce because it is not treated with synthetic preservatives. This can lead to more frequent shopping trips and higher waste if not consumed promptly.
Label Confusion:
The term "organic" can sometimes be confusing, as different countries have varying standards for what qualifies as organic. Additionally, some products may be labeled as "natural" or "made with organic ingredients," which are not the same as being fully organic.
How to Incorporate Organic Foods into Your Diet
Start with the Dirty Dozen:
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes an annual list of the "Dirty Dozen," which highlights the fruits and vegetables most likely to contain pesticide residues. Prioritizing organic versions of these items can reduce your exposure to pesticides.
Shop Local:
Farmers' markets and local organic farms often offer fresh, seasonal produce at competitive prices. Supporting local farmers also helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances.
Grow Your Own:
If you have the space, consider starting a small garden to grow your own organic fruits and vegetables. This can be a rewarding way to ensure you have fresh, pesticide-free produce.
Read Labels Carefully:
Look for official organic certification labels, such as the USDA Organic seal or the India Organic logo, to ensure that the products meet organic standards. Be wary of products that use vague terms like "natural" without certification.
Prioritize Your Purchases:
If buying all organic is not feasible, prioritize purchasing organic versions of the foods you eat most frequently or those that are known to contain higher levels of pesticides.
The Future of Organic Foods
The demand for organic foods is expected to continue growing as more consumers become aware of the benefits of organic farming for health and the environment. Innovations in organic farming techniques, along with increased access to organic products, are likely to make organic foods more affordable and accessible in the future.
However, the organic movement also faces challenges, such as ensuring that organic standards remain rigorous and transparent, and addressing the needs of a growing global population. As the industry evolves, consumers will play a crucial role in shaping the future of organic foods by making informed choices and supporting sustainable practices.
Organic foods offer numerous benefits, from improved health to environmental sustainability. While they may come with certain challenges, such as higher costs and limited availability, the long-term advantages often outweigh the drawbacks. By understanding what organic foods are, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your diet, you can make more informed choices that align with your health goals and values. Whether you choose to go fully organic or selectively incorporate organic products into your lifestyle, every step towards a more sustainable and health-conscious way of eating makes a difference.Discover the finest organic food shops in Chennai, offering a wide range of healthy and natural products. Shop locally for fresh, organic groceries and wellness items.
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catchasta · 2 months
Capturing Your Professional Image: Headshots In Tweed Heads And Byron Bay
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In today's competitive professional landscape, a high-quality headshot is more than just a photograph—it's a powerful tool that can open doors to new opportunities and create a lasting impression. Whether you're an actor, a corporate executive, or a freelancer, a well-crafted headshot is essential. At Catch A Star, we specialize in providing top-tier Headshots Tweed Heads and Byron Bay, ensuring that your professional image is always at its best.
The Importance of Professional Headshots
A professional headshot serves as your visual resume. It's often the first impression potential employers, clients, and collaborators will have of you. A well-taken headshot can convey confidence, approachability, and professionalism, making it a critical component of your personal brand. Here are a few reasons why investing in a professional headshot is worthwhile:
First Impressions Matter: A high-quality headshot can set you apart from the competition, making you more memorable to potential employers or clients.
Building Trust: A professional headshot can establish trust and credibility. People are more likely to engage with someone who appears polished and professional.
Personal Branding: Consistent, high-quality images across your professional profiles can enhance your personal brand and ensure you are recognized and remembered.
Why Choose Catch A Star for Your Headshots?
At Catch A Star, we understand the nuances of capturing the perfect headshot. Our experienced photographers specialize in creating images that highlight your unique personality and professional image. Here’s what sets us apart:
Expertise in Various Styles: Whether you need corporate headshots, actor headshots, or creative portraits, our team has the expertise to deliver stunning results.
Personalized Experience: We take the time to understand your goals and tailor the session to meet your specific needs. From wardrobe advice to posing tips, we ensure you feel confident and comfortable.
High-Quality Equipment: Using state-of-the-art photography equipment, we guarantee sharp, high-resolution images that stand out.
Post-Production Excellence: Our post-production process includes meticulous editing to enhance your features while maintaining a natural look.
Headshots in Tweed Heads
Tweed Heads, with its picturesque coastal scenery and vibrant community, provides a beautiful backdrop for professional headshots. At Catch A Star, we leverage the natural beauty of the area to create stunning, memorable images. Here’s what you can expect from a headshot session in Tweed Heads:
Scenic Locations: We can shoot in various locations around Tweed Heads, utilizing the stunning beaches, lush parks, and urban settings to complement your headshot.
Comfortable Environment: Our sessions are relaxed and enjoyable, ensuring you feel at ease in front of the camera. We guide you through poses and expressions to capture your best angles.
Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy lifestyle. Whether you need an early morning shoot or a weekend session, we’re here to work around your availability.
Headshots in Byron Bay
Byron Bay is renowned for its breathtaking beaches, eclectic culture, and artistic vibe. It's the perfect setting for creative and professional headshots. Catch A Star offers tailored Headshots Byron Bay, ensuring you receive images that reflect your personality and professional aspirations. Here’s what makes our Byron Bay headshot sessions unique:
Artistic Approach: Byron Bay’s artistic and bohemian atmosphere inspires us to take a more creative approach to your headshots. We experiment with natural light, unique angles, and dynamic compositions to produce striking images.
Iconic Backdrops: From the iconic Cape Byron Lighthouse to the pristine beaches and vibrant street scenes, we utilize Byron Bay’s iconic locations to enhance your headshots.
Personal Connection: We believe that the best headshots come from a connection between the photographer and the subject. We take the time to get to know you, ensuring your headshots truly represent who you are.
Preparing for Your Headshot Session
To make the most of your headshot session in Tweed Heads or Byron Bay, it’s important to prepare adequately. Here are a few tips to ensure you’re ready for the camera:
Wardrobe Choices: Choose outfits that reflect your professional image. Solid colors and minimal patterns work best. Ensure your clothes are clean, pressed, and fit well.
Grooming: Pay attention to grooming details such as hair, makeup, and facial hair. A natural, polished look is ideal for headshots.
Rest and Hydrate: Get a good night’s sleep before your session and stay hydrated. This will help you look fresh and energized.
Practice Posing: Spend some time in front of a mirror experimenting with different expressions and poses. This can help you feel more confident during your session.
A professional headshot is an investment in your future. Whether you’re in Tweed Heads or Byron Bay, Catch A Star is here to help you capture your best self. Our expert photographers, stunning locations, and personalized approach ensure you receive headshots that make a lasting impression. Contact us today to schedule your session and take the first step towards elevating your professional image.
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falisha-enterprises · 2 months
Get the Best Value: Leather Tray Set Prices in Pakistan
In the world of home decor and practical kitchenware, leather tray sets stand out for their elegance, durability, and versatility. They are not only functional but also add a touch of sophistication to any space. For those interested in adding these luxurious items to their collection, understanding the Leather Tray Set Prices in Pakistan is essential. At Crafts Emporium, we pride ourselves on offering a range of leather tray sets that represent the finest Pakistani Handicrafts, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
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The Appeal of Leather Tray Sets
Leather tray sets are a timeless addition to any home. They combine style and practicality, making them a popular choice among homeowners and interior designers alike. Here are some reasons why leather tray sets are a must-have:
Aesthetic Appeal: Leather tray sets are known for their luxurious look and feel. The rich texture of leather and the meticulous craftsmanship involved in their creation make them an eye-catching addition to any room.
Durability: Leather is a robust and durable material that can withstand daily wear and tear. Leather tray sets are long-lasting and maintain their elegance over time, making them a worthwhile investment.
Versatility: Leather trays can be used for various purposes, from serving drinks and snacks to organizing accessories and displaying decorative items. Their versatility makes them a practical choice for different settings, including homes, offices, and hospitality venues.
Easy Maintenance: Leather trays are relatively easy to clean and maintain. A simple wipe with a damp cloth is usually sufficient to keep them looking pristine. With proper care, they can last for many years.
Eco-Friendly: Many leather products are made from sustainably sourced materials. By choosing leather tray sets, you are not only enhancing your decor but also making an environmentally conscious choice.
Understanding Leather Tray Set Prices in Pakistan
The price of leather tray sets in Pakistan can vary based on several factors, including the quality of leather, the craftsmanship involved, the brand, and the size of the set. At Crafts Emporium, we strive to offer a range of options that cater to different budgets without compromising on quality.
Quality of Leather: The type and quality of leather used in the tray set significantly affect the price. Full-grain leather, which is the highest quality and most durable, is generally more expensive than other types such as top-grain or bonded leather.
Craftsmanship: The level of craftsmanship involved in creating the tray set also plays a role in its pricing. Handcrafted trays with intricate designs and detailing are usually priced higher due to the skill and time required to produce them.
Brand: Well-known brands or those with a reputation for high-quality leather goods tend to have higher prices. At Crafts Emporium, we offer products that combine brand reliability with affordability.
Size and Number of Trays: The size of the trays and the number of pieces in the set can influence the overall price. Larger trays or sets with multiple trays will typically cost more than smaller or single-piece sets.
Additional Features: Some leather tray sets come with additional features such as handles, decorative stitching, or unique finishes. These extras can add to the overall cost but also enhance the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the trays.
Affordable Options at Crafts Emporium
At Crafts Emporium, we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality, beautifully crafted leather tray sets. Our collection includes a variety of options to suit different tastes and budgets. Here are some of the affordable leather tray sets available in our store:
Basic Leather Tray Sets: Our basic leather tray sets are perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance. These sets are made from high-quality leather and feature clean lines and classic designs. They are priced competitively, making them an excellent choice for budget-conscious buyers.
Decorative Leather Tray Sets: For those looking to add a touch of artistry to their decor, our decorative leather tray sets are an ideal option. These sets feature intricate designs, embossing, and decorative stitching that showcase the craftsmanship of Pakistani artisans. Despite their artistic value, these sets are priced affordably.
Customizable Leather Tray Sets: We also offer customizable leather tray sets where you can choose the type of leather, design, and size according to your preferences. This option allows you to get a personalized tray set that fits your budget and style.
The Rich Tradition of Pakistani Handicrafts
Pakistan has a rich heritage of producing exquisite handicrafts that are admired worldwide. Leatherwork is an integral part of this tradition, with artisans passing down their skills through generations. Leather tray sets are a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that Pakistani artisans are known for.
Historical Significance: The art of leatherworking in Pakistan has a long history, with roots tracing back to ancient times. Leather goods were not only functional but also held cultural and symbolic significance.
Cultural Symbolism: Many leather tray sets feature designs and motifs inspired by Pakistani culture and traditions. These designs can range from geometric patterns to floral motifs, each carrying its own meaning and significance.
Support for Artisans: By purchasing leather tray sets from Crafts Emporium, you are supporting local artisans and helping to preserve traditional crafts. This not only provides economic opportunities for artisans but also ensures that these beautiful art forms continue to thrive.
Why Choose Crafts Emporium?
Crafts Emporium is committed to offering the finest quality products that represent the best of Pakistani Handicrafts. Here are some reasons why you should choose us for your leather tray set needs:
Quality Assurance: We ensure that all our products are made from high-quality materials and meet stringent quality standards. Our leather tray sets are crafted with precision and care to ensure durability and aesthetic appeal.
Affordable Pricing: We believe that quality craftsmanship should be accessible to everyone. Our pricing is transparent and competitive, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
Wide Range of Options: Our collection includes a wide variety of leather tray sets, catering to different tastes and budgets. Whether you are looking for a simple tray set or a decorative piece, you will find it at Crafts Emporium.
Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide excellent service. Our team is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns, ensuring a smooth and pleasant shopping experience.
Ethical Practices: We are committed to ethical business practices and fair trade. By purchasing from us, you are supporting a business that values integrity and social responsibility.
Leather tray sets are a stylish and practical addition to any home, and they also represent the rich tradition of Pakistani craftsmanship. At Crafts Emporium, we offer a diverse range of leather tray sets at affordable prices, ensuring that you can find the perfect piece that fits your budget and style. Whether you are looking for a simple storage solution or a decorative item, our collection has something for everyone.
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hnrcatering6 · 2 months
Restaurant Chopping Boards: Your Kitchen Essential
Are you Restaurant Chopping Boards driven person? We are proud to be your first choice for all kitchen accessories. A large selection of chopping board provisions demonstrates our dedication towards ensuring you receive the perfect precision tool for your kitchen. With round choppers to use as a pizza peel, rectangle high density and low-density cutting boards; we offer it all.
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What makes our Restaurant Cutting Boards special?
We know how important it is to have the right kitchen tools like silicone baking mats when preparing food. Our Wooden Restaurant Chopping Boards are designed to work well whilst adding a familiar feel in any professional kitchen. This is how we would make a difference; with our choice of Chopping Boards.
Quality and Variety
We have a large selection of artwork in all shapes and sizes. Whether you like high density plastic boards for their longevity or little round wood ones to show off, we have actually got something here. All boards are of a substrate quality that has been tested in the rigorous environment at your local restaurant chain, and then also looks & feels great over time.
A chopping board you can rely on – A worthwhile purchase for every catering establishment. They are made to last through lots of use, which means they will help you out for many years into the future.
Jazz Up Your Kitchen with our extremely durable chopping boards.
The clippings board that we have are just perfect for your galley and they have good utility. They add to give your eatery a certain identity that is more improved, hence it gives you a deeper sense of food preparation experience. If you use a good cutting board, it will greatly enhance the way your food looks and saves you during the cooking process.
Our Commitment to offer brilliant material
We have been working our utmost to give high-quality items for the customers. Our Restaurant Chopping Boards are no different. We think every kitchen must come with the best cooking necessities and we reflect it in our product line. Our boards also look great and will fit nicely into any kitchen.
We believe in providing exceptional solutions as  we think every customer is different and hence has unique needs.
Your kitchen is unique and your needs as a chef are specific – we get it. So, we give solutions that are tailored to your needs. We can supply chopping boards to be exactly what you need – tailored to the size, shape or even material.
A Fast Way to Submit Your Order with Great Customer Service
We believe in simplifying the process of acquiring high-quality kitchen supplies. Need help choosing the right chopping boards for your kitchen? You can rest assured our great customer service is our USP and we will do whatever it takes, from the time you place your order till  all the way through delivery!
Contact Us Today
When you want the latest Restaurant Chopping Boards visit today. View our vast selection now to see the difference only true quality and longevity can make. If you want to discuss your requirements and make a purchase, please speak with us today. Simply put, we are here to walk you through the process of filling your kitchen with just about everything that any cook can possibly need or want.
Experience the Difference
Find out why Restaurant Chopping Boards from HNR  have won over so many previous customers. Get a taste of what excellent quality, variety and service produce in your kitchen! Allow us to do the same for you and make a kitchen that works perfectly for all your culinary needs.
No matter whether you are professional chef or a home cook, our chopping boards will add plenty to your kitchening experience. Get in contact with us now and take the first step to a more effective yet sleek kitchen today, using our luxury cutting boards.For more information visit us - https://hnrcateringsupplies.co.uk/chef-kitchenware/chef-utensils/chopping-boards-and-racks/
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jeffgrant4real · 5 months
Thoughts on the new Vampire Weekend album Only God Was Above Us
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:08 PM
Okay, so I don't subscribe to any music streaming services. I'm a cheap person. Also whenever I have I always forget and then never listen to anything, you know how it goes. Maybe a year ago I decided I would just buy whatever music I wanted to listen to, because my consumption these says is pretty low and I just missed that old thing of owning music I liked. And yeah, I buy very few albums at this point.
All that to say when I saw Vampire Weekend was putting out a new album I PREORDERED it as soon as I could. This is probably my favorite current band, or the best one I know of as a guy who doesn't follow music as closely as he used to. They take like 5 years to put out an album and then when they do every single song is this perfect little masterpiece where every second of it has been deliberated over and from a production point of view it's just fascinating and inspiring. Or, you know, actually, after listening to the album I went back and listened to some of my own music I'm currently working on, that I've felt proud of, but all I wanted to do was toss it in the garbage. Ha. So maybe "inspiring" isn't the right word. Humiliating? Hmm.
Ezra Koenig is a songwriter I have a lot of admiration for. He writes the most thought-provoking lines over nonstop, earworm melodies. It's extremely catchy music filled with massive ideas. This new album is a lot about looking back at the old world you loved and maybe feeling disconnected to the current one but ultimately letting all of that go. It's a meditation on nostalgia and who gets to make the rules, how all of this is passed on generation after generation, and how things become "classical", to cite a specific song.
Sonically, this is a much more abrasive album than their 4 previous releases. Deterioration is a theme both lyrically and in the music. I think that could throw some listeners off but keep in mind this is all intentional and a part of what they're communicating here.
I got into this band around the release of their 3rd album, Modern Vampires of the City, after completely missing the first 2. MVOTC has been my favorite so far, a modern masterpiece in my opinion. After being so impressed by it I went back to their self-titled debut and Contra and was once again blown away. This is a band whose worst songs would be the best in another band's whole career. I will say I'm kind of glad I got into them late because I may have written them off early on if I only saw the preppy, Ivy League thing and didn't know it was partly a joke. I think that image is the first thing many people think of if you mention the band and I often want to tell them to take another listen. This is one of the great modern bands. If they keep going they're going to be putting out worthwhile music for a very long time. They've just got all the right parts and the creative talent is substantial. To put it more succinctly: if you think this is just some millennial hipster band you aren't seeing the full picture; these guys are lifers and we're lucky to get to listen to them.
Anyway, their previous album, Father of the Bride, was a change of pace after losing Rostam Batmanglij, a key band member and producer. It was more expansive, with 18 tracks, and more experimental after the tightness of the first 3 albums. I love probably have of it and like the rest. Some songs are some of the best they've ever put out but it's pretty uneven overall, I believe intentionally so. I think they wanted to try different things and poke around in directions they hadn't gotten into before.
Only God Was Above Us feels most connected to MVOTC, which for me personally is fantastic. I honestly don't know, after just a few days, which is my favorite but I'm pretty sure they're numbers 1 and 2 for me. I kind of over-listened to the 4 singles when they came out, almost to the point of burnout, so right now I'm trying to hear them in the context of the whole 10 songs and I think I'm in an adjustment period. Ha. Right now my favorite songs are "Ice Cream Piano", "Capricorn", "Prep-School Gangsters", "Mary Boone", and "Hope". I'm curious how the album will feel in a few months but I'm sure this will be one of my favorites of the year, if I even buy anything else. lol
0 notes
thefanstudioindia · 9 months
Why Customers Choose The Fan Studio for the Best Ceiling Fans in India
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When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of our living spaces, one aspect that often goes overlooked is the choice of ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are not just functional fixtures; they can also be a stunning addition to your interior design. This is where The Fan Studio comes into play. In this article, we will explore why customers prefer The Fan Studio for the best ceiling fans in India, and how their handcrafted, made-in-India fans have set them apart in the market.
The Fan Studio: A Glimpse
The Fan Studio is a brand that has redefined the concept of ceiling fans in India. Established with a vision to combine style, craftsmanship, and functionality, this brand has captured the hearts of customers seeking a unique and elegant ceiling fan experience. What sets The Fan Studio apart is its commitment to crafting fans that are made in India and designed with precision.
Craftsmanship at Its Best
One of the primary reasons why customers choose The Fan Studio for their ceiling fans is the exceptional craftsmanship that goes into each product. The brand takes immense pride in designing fans that are more than just cooling appliances; they are art pieces that complement your interior decor.
The Fan Studio employs skilled artisans who meticulously handcraft each fan. This attention to detail results in fans that are not only functional but also serve as statement pieces. The exquisite designs, intricate detailing, and superior quality materials used in the making of these fans make them stand out in the market.
Unique and Diverse Designs
The Fan Studio offers a wide range of ceiling fan designs, catering to various interior aesthetics. Whether you prefer a classic, rustic look or a more contemporary, minimalist design, you'll find a fan that perfectly complements your space. Their unique and diverse designs have made them a preferred choice for homeowners, interior designers, and architects across India.
From fans inspired by nature's beauty to those with a touch of vintage charm, The Fan Studio's collection has something for everyone. Their fans are not just cooling devices; they're works of art that elevate the ambiance of any room.
Sustainability and Quality
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, The Fan Studio ensures that their products are not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. Their fans are energy-efficient, which not only reduces electricity consumption but also minimizes the environmental impact. By choosing a fan from The Fan Studio, customers make a conscious choice towards a more sustainable future.
Moreover, The Fan Studio's commitment to quality is unwavering. Their fans are built to last, using materials that are durable and resilient. The brand believes in delivering products that stand the test of time, ensuring that your investment is worthwhile.
Customization Options
Every customer has unique preferences and needs, and The Fan Studio recognizes this. They offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the fan to your specific requirements. Whether it's choosing the right size, selecting the perfect finish, or incorporating unique features, you have the freedom to create a fan that's perfectly suited to your space.
The ability to customize your fan sets The Fan Studio apart from mass-produced options and ensures that your fan is not just functional but a reflection of your personal style.
Made in India
The "Made in India" tag is an important aspect that resonates with customers. By choosing The Fan Studio, customers are not just investing in a high-quality ceiling fan; they are also supporting local craftsmanship and promoting the "Make in India" initiative. The brand's commitment to keeping the production within the country has gained them trust and loyalty from customers who value indigenous craftsmanship.
Stellar Customer Service
Beyond the superior quality of its products, The Fan Studio also excels in customer service. They understand the importance of providing a seamless buying experience. From assisting with product selection to ensuring timely delivery and installation, their customer support team goes the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, The Fan Studio has become the preferred choice for customers seeking the best ceiling fans in India. Their commitment to craftsmanship, sustainability, customization, and the "Made in India" initiative sets them apart in the market. The Fan Studio's fans are not just cooling devices; they are a testament to the union of art and functionality. As homeowners and interior designers seek unique and stylish solutions for their spaces, The Fan Studio continues to make waves by providing handcrafted fans that are truly one-of-a-kind. So, if you are in search of a ceiling fan that is more than just a cooling device, but a work of art that elevates your living space, The Fan Studio is the brand to choose. Experience the difference that their made-in-India handcrafted fans can make in your home.
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erlynmae · 10 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to an end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitch, we produced the best that we could to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, and errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we felt like we'd never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make ends meet, and facing our fears to speak in front of the panelists, make the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to Ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermath of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple backup plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshine. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short period, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative.
A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who have your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
It's never been easy to craft a business venture, hence, I learned that good communication is the key to understanding. Without cooperation and unity, this business venture would have ended early and would never have existed, but thanks to my group mates, we made it 'to the finish line, I realized that building a business venture is not easy; it requires effort, patience, and sufficient knowledge in all aspects related to the venture you are creating. That's why I learned to be patient, listen to everyone's opinions, and accept that not every idea or opinion you want to contribute to the group is accepted in all situations. I also gathered some insights that if you lack interest in creating a business venture, you will not make it possible, and if you are not the type of person to accept rejection, you cannot grow. I also learned that we all need a helping hand, to help us make it, get through it, guide us on what to do, and give us knowledge on how to start a business venture and make it to the end, thanks to our beautiful instructor, Ma'am Lovely, who helped me grow. Lastly, I learned that it is important to learn and accept all the things, situations—you name it, for you to be aware next time, and to prevent the wrong actions from happening again.
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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Logo for our dear business venture, InkPrint VendoPro!💗
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This was the time we were planning what venture we should make 🤔 by performing interviews to students around CMU.
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Planning time 🥰
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The end.
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sanciapasok · 10 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only a hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
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With this journey coming to an end, I have come to realize the things that I should have given more attention to and matters that should be put to a pause to give more attention to more significant situations. We lackednlot of things that we should have knowledge about as business students. We learned that the hard way, unfortunately. But, as students we had a lot of things to do as we also have several subjects to take so maybe we were not able to divide our time equally to be able to cater all our activities as needed. Indeed, time management is essential in our lives, personally or professionally. Regardless of the results, I am proud of our team because despite being clueless of what to do in the beginning of this journey, as most groups, we were able to come this far. Them being understanding and cooperative helped a lot in building our chemistry as a group and supporting each whenever one needs it. Lastly, to our block mates that became our comfort as we are experiencing the same, whether in criticism or compliments from our instructor/s, I am also thankful to them for just simply being there and lifting up the spirit of others whenever they need every end of our presentations. We started this journey with a lot of worry as we are clueless of what to do but we are ending it with a lot of lessons and we thank our instructor for that, Ms. Lovely Tecson, for her guidance and patience towards us until the end. This has been a rough journey with a bit of cupcakes and rainbows but it was definitely worth it. This is Sancia Z. Pasok of InkPrint VendoPro, now signing off.
0 notes
pogoyarabelajane · 10 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only a hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
For almost four months of entrepreneurial journey I am very grateful for having these teammates who taught me personal and professional growth. The challenges we faced as a team is definitely
0 notes
gapaskat · 10 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only a hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
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Documentation (August - December 2023)
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kwennnlandel · 10 months
Final Blog - Business Venture
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing.
She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only a hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable. It was with the effort of everyone that we are able to make it this far.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory!
[Documentations from the beginning to the end of our Entrepreneurial Mind journey: August-December2023]
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Ciao! Adios! 'til next time! <3
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delacruzrubyrosa · 10 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only one hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Throughout the InkPrint VendoPro entrepreneurial journey, I've undergone significant personal and professional growth. The challenges faced during the final pitching provided invaluable lessons in resilience and adaptability, teaching me the importance of embracing setbacks as opportunities for improvement. Navigating the intricacies of financial statements enhanced my understanding of the critical role financial literacy plays in shaping a sustainable business. The guidance and mentorship received, particularly from Ma'am Lovely L. Tecson, underscored the importance of listening to and learning from experienced voices. Collaborating within the team showcased the power of diversity in opinions and the strength derived from supporting one another. This venture emphasized that true success lies not only in achieving personal goals but in creating a positive impact on the community. This entrepreneurial odyssey has fostered humility, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to continual learning, enriching not just my entrepreneurial acumen but also my character.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
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[Documentation from beginning to the end of our entrep journey__August-December2023]
0 notes
thefanstudio1 · 10 months
Why Customers Choose The Fan Studio for the Best Ceiling Fans in India
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When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of our living spaces, one aspect that often goes overlooked is the choice of ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are not just functional fixtures; they can also be a stunning addition to your interior design. This is where The Fan Studio comes into play. In this article, we will explore why customers prefer The Fan Studio for the best ceiling fans in India, and how their handcrafted, made-in-India fans have set them apart in the market.
The Fan Studio: A Glimpse
The Fan Studio is a brand that has redefined the concept of ceiling fans in India. Established with a vision to combine style, craftsmanship, and functionality, this brand has captured the hearts of customers seeking a unique and elegant ceiling fan experience. What sets The Fan Studio apart is its commitment to crafting fans that are made in India and designed with precision.
Craftsmanship at Its Best
One of the primary reasons why customers choose The Fan Studio for their ceiling fans is the exceptional craftsmanship that goes into each product. The brand takes immense pride in designing fans that are more than just cooling appliances; they are art pieces that complement your interior decor.
The Fan Studio employs skilled artisans who meticulously handcraft each fan. This attention to detail results in fans that are not only functional but also serve as statement pieces. The exquisite designs, intricate detailing, and superior quality materials used in the making of these fans make them stand out in the market.
Unique and Diverse Designs
The Fan Studio offers a wide range of ceiling fan designs, catering to various interior aesthetics. Whether you prefer a classic, rustic look or a more contemporary, minimalist design, you'll find a fan that perfectly complements your space. Their unique and diverse designs have made them a preferred choice for homeowners, interior designers, and architects across India.
From fans inspired by nature's beauty to those with a touch of vintage charm, The Fan Studio's collection has something for everyone. Their fans are not just cooling devices; they're works of art that elevate the ambiance of any room.
Sustainability and Quality
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, The Fan Studio ensures that their products are not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. Their fans are energy-efficient, which not only reduces electricity consumption but also minimizes the environmental impact. By choosing a fan from The Fan Studio, customers make a conscious choice towards a more sustainable future.
Moreover, The Fan Studio's commitment to quality is unwavering. Their fans are built to last, using materials that are durable and resilient. The brand believes in delivering products that stand the test of time, ensuring that your investment is worthwhile.
Customization Options
Every customer has unique preferences and needs, and The Fan Studio recognizes this. They offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the fan to your specific requirements. Whether it's choosing the right size, selecting the perfect finish, or incorporating unique features, you have the freedom to create a fan that's perfectly suited to your space.
The ability to customize your fan sets The Fan Studio apart from mass-produced options and ensures that your fan is not just functional but a reflection of your personal style.
Made in India
The "Made in India" tag is an important aspect that resonates with customers. By choosing The Fan Studio, customers are not just investing in a high-quality ceiling fan; they are also supporting local craftsmanship and promoting the "Make in India" initiative. The brand's commitment to keeping the production within the country has gained them trust and loyalty from customers who value indigenous craftsmanship.
Stellar Customer Service
Beyond the superior quality of its products, The Fan Studio also excels in customer service. They understand the importance of providing a seamless buying experience. From assisting with product selection to ensuring timely delivery and installation, their customer support team goes the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, The Fan Studio has become the preferred choice for customers seeking the best ceiling fans in India. Their commitment to craftsmanship, sustainability, customization, and the "Made in India" initiative sets them apart in the market. The Fan Studio's fans are not just cooling devices; they are a testament to the union of art and functionality. As homeowners and interior designers seek unique and stylish solutions for their spaces, The Fan Studio continues to make waves by providing handcrafted fans that are truly one-of-a-kind. So, if you are in search of a ceiling fan that is more than just a cooling device, but a work of art that elevates your living space, The Fan Studio is the brand to choose. Experience the difference that their made-in-India handcrafted fans can make in your home.
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