#and before anyone says it: YES I know about Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
twinklecupcake · 5 months
Magical girl who had wanted to be one so badly but never had that magical mascot/mentor encounter so she summoned a demon to contract with instead.
It's not a dark story or anything, the magical girl is just as cute and cheery and friendly as factory standard and never loses that faith and optimism, she's just Pact-bound to a frightening demon from the underworld instead of a cute teddy bear mouse.
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dentos-wife · 2 years
Tokyo Mew Mew New Analysis
I need to start this off by saying, Mew Mew Power was my Sailor Moon. Learning that actually came from Japan and watching it subbed on Youtube in 6 parts (anyone remember that? Boy what a time that was) is what introduced me to anime and magical girls. I am *insanely* nostalgic for Tokyo Mew Mew. It was my first manga, owned all the volumes. Then I watched Cardcaptor Sakura tried Sailor Moon again found more obscure magical girls (anyone know Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne? Mermaid Melody?) So when news of this remake came I was cautiously excited, I saw the Sailor Moon crystal fiasco but hey if it sucks I always have the og to go back to.
Now keep in mind season 2 could completely miss the mark and it’s not fully done but as of now, Tokyo Mew Mew New not only defied my expectations but I have no need to ever go back and watch the original again.
From someone as nostalgic as me that is some damn high praise
This girl?
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Is the better Ichigo. Making the pink haired one feel like a different version at this point
-Let’s stat with her. I’m going to admit, I liked Ichigo for her design she was cute was a cat (I love cats) and I rooted for her. She was pretty shallow though, always surprising for a show about the environment how little she cared for it. I’m all about that development but her relationship with Masaya never felt earned to me, she clearly didn't’ even care about his interests just thought he was cute she even says that at one point. But hey, my girl liked Masaya I’ll root for them, I support you Ichigo! She did eventually grow but with all the monsters of the day and original stuff thrown in the pacing didn’t feel right for her growth and it was so subtle you could miss it. So to me she was cute and fun to watch but it never went past there.
In New she was more honest right from the start and actually...seems curious about his interests she mentioned she wanted to find her purpose and it all culminates in episode 11, where she looks back on her life so far. She did find her purpose now, she wants to protect the environment she loves being a Mew Mew! She loves her friends, she loves Masaya and she wants to protect this planet it’s now of great importance to her. Better development in 11 episodes than a whole 52 episode season and that’s impressive. She’s no longer a Sailor Moon expy which to be honest after I watched Sailor moon I totally got all the comparisons, she’s the best version of her character yet.
-Masaya. I uh never cared about him in the original, I liked him with Ichigo because she liked him never went deeper than that. He was bland always there to give advice kind of perfect not as interesting as Ryo (hated him with Ichigo though lol) but the antithesis to Kish until...it we got Deep Blue it all clicked. But they did not do it well, I will defend him but in the original anime yes he was boring. He was better in the manga but the manga wasn’t a pretty moving picture so the anime version is what stuck with me.
In New? My god what a good character. He’s stilted, He has no idea how to deal with his feelings, he’s not the advice giver anymore he just let’s Ichigo feel, instead he dumps cat facts and environmental facts because Ichigo listens to him and wants to know more, he’s comfortable around her (and it appears only her) he’s smart, I’m pretty sure he figured out early she’s a Mew Mew and lets her be until she’s ready to tell him. He’s not perfect the bell thing was odd yes, he’s odd but he’s also super sweet, shows emotion and found something else he cares about as much as the environment and while Deep Blue was shocking in the original I had no feelings about it. It’s absolutely and utterly going to break me here. I love and care about both Ichigo and Masaya this go. I have become a true ichisaya shipper (before it was my girl likes him best so I do too) and he’s become my second favorite. I hope Ikumi is smiling down from heaven because I get the feeling the anime team did not like him.
-Mint! In the OG anime she was a snobby rich girl stereotype that most magical girls have. In New while she still has shades of that she feels reworked for the better, just like Ichigo. She’s still I need my afternoon tea do not disturb me, but her relationship with Zakuro is better it feels more equal she’s the reason Zakuro decided to join because she saw Zakuro for who she is, she wants to grow and struggles with her big decision the culmination of “I don’t have to do it” like Ichigo’s arc of her finding her purpose; and ends with her finding the Mew Aqua saving Tokyo. I also love how she was actually the first one and not needing to be recruited like the OG anime it speaks to her character who is always wanting to be at her best and be someone to rely on. As someone who didn’t care much for Mint in the OG I’m very curious on her growth and quite enjoy her in this one.
-Lettuce feels more than the shy girl magical girl stereotype too now. She is coming into her own, can use her powers outside of her Mew form, reading the Aqua was really cool and her bond with Pudding’s brother was really cute. I also think her bond with Ryu feels a lot more natural than him picking on Ichigo all the time so hey might actually like this ship this go we’ll see
-I don’t have much to say on the others except Zakuro and Mint feel more equal and I really hope they canonize it this go, it again feels completely natural and they keep paralleling it with Ichisaya sooo. Pudding is pudding. Still excitable and cute I don’t see many differences but I always felt she was the most under utilized anyway.
There are of course things done better in the original though, it’s just I *personally* don’t care about them as much. I bet others do which is why they prefer the original and they’re valid as long as they don’t call New a vapid cash grab because boy if you think this is a vapid cash grab you don’t actually know what that is.
-Ryo. He’s just kind of...here. I’m sure he’ll do more in season 2 but at this point his purpose feels like it’s to force a love triangle. Ryo is such a better character when Ichigo isn’t involved and I understand some people love that trope but when the end game is that obvious eh. I’m still annoyed he knew what was going on with Ichigo and didn’t tell anyone, little shit. I look forward to his backstory in season 2 because that’s when he became interesting to me
Side note! back in 02 days Kish and Ichigo shippers were the most annoying and I don’t know why but it flipped here, The amount of Ryo and Ichigo shippers I had to block for bashing New and Masaya FANS over the character...kind of proves my point about if this is something you liked of course you’ll prefer the original. Stop attacking people, you aren’t 12 anymore :/
-Kish and the aliens are also very underused right now. But again I never cared about them, in fact I hated Kish back in the day lol, little consent problems creep. It might be because I’m seeing less of him which is why I didn’t put this in the positive section but I like him more in this one. He has some issues he has to work out but when he’s not antagonizing Ichigo and is a mean little gremlin he’s really fun. Also Kish fans I’m sorry about all the hate you see about your ship and boy in the tag, I may not ship it, but I respect you for putting up with it in a mature way. I’m assuming again in S2 it’ll pick up and they alien arc will get going, we know Deep Blue is coming after all (might mean I’ll dislike Kish again too we’ll have to see)
-Cat Super Girls isn’t as good as My Sweet Heart. That’s a high bar to pass though so I’ll let it slide. I hope season 2 has a new op and ending!
-Where is the MERCH?! I want plushes!!! The figure is a good start but the og had so much where is the MERCH I’LL PAY COME ON
All and all yes. New is better. The original wanted to be Animal Sailor Moon, giving only Ichigo the powerups for example? Having her go around and recruit everyone? I’m glad New followed the manga. I read Ikumi worked on this one and boy can you tell. The stuff that has been enhanced is something she passionately probably cared about and I think it shows and well.
Final note oh my god the My Sweet Heart cover. The full version is a true love letter and you could call it blatant nostalgia pandering but going from a slow version to the original tempo is creative and shows, in my personal opinion this is not a nostalgia grab like Sailor Moon Crystal. If it was it’d just be a bland cover. I fact I feel like this show saw Sailor Moon Crystal and said let’s not do that. This is a true love letter to Ikumi’s series and now a tribute to her so don’t screw it up season 2
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