#and b) how could I cut out a single moment of Penny's emoting?
porcupine-girl · 2 years
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Penny Tai, Bibi Zhou, and Liu Yuning performing Rain Keeps Falling on Our Song S3
(But mostly Penny Tai)
13 notes · View notes
prince-toffee · 4 years
Season 1
Welcome to ‘Seasons’ dipshits. This might have four more follow ups, or this is the only one I’ll make, I don’t know, I get bored a lot. Anyway, the concept of this imprint is - ‘back during this season of Spop I had this outlandish crazy theory, and so now I write it’. Cause I thought it might be interesting. Plus canon sucks. This is set after the events of season one, so it’s kind of like episode 14. Forget everything we now know, pretend like all we knew was what season one showed us.
Also, special thank you to @tallysgreatestfan who was the one who gave me this idea for this canon divergence ball-pit. Enjoy, or don’t, I’m not your mom do whatever you want, I don’t care.
This took way too long.
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Beatrix scoffed and threw the brown ration bar and the rest of her food tray across the prison cell, she far preferred the grey ones. She gave a defeated sigh lowering her head down. She rubbed her fingers over the scratched part of her mask, in the spot where a chip of the Black Garnet used to reside. Her shoulders slouched down, all tension in her muscles left her as she gave up. She felt so powerless. So weak. Just a few days ago she was still one of the most powerful witches on the planet, every magic user feared her name.
Shadow Weaver.
Now, she sat in a prison cell, rank-less. She didn’t know if she should’ve felt honoured, or disgusted by the fact that the cell was specially attuned and adjusted for her specifically. Which meant it was probably designed and constructed, in secret, long before her treason. This place was full of secrets and surprises, usually unpleasant ones. Hec-Tor would’ve probably said it was an honour, he was an architect that truly thought of everything. And The Fright Zone was one of his most haunted creations.
Beatrix wasn’t disgusted, per say. She knew she didn’t have many fans, and plenty of enemies at every corner. This outcome was inevitable, she knew deep down she was getting too greedy for her own good. But the power felt too good to give up. What a fool she was. She saw it all clearly now. Where her addiction led her. Her very unsubtle disregard for orders, her greed peering through her emotionless, cold stature. She knew she was on thin ice with Hec-Tor, the control freak he was. He desired order and expected sub-ordinance. He always disliked her - everybody back home knew she was a wildcard, deceptive, insidious. Looking out for only herself - she never really cared about the cause.
Perhaps she should’ve been more surprised that he didn’t do it earlier. She knew he wasn’t fond of her, and vice versa of course - she couldn’t stand his patriotic and prideful attitude. Acting as if being apart of The Horde was a gift from god. He was an old blind fool. Beatrix wouldn't have thought twice before leaving this place and selling her loyalty and inside information to the most welcoming bidder - The Alliance, or even maybe try her luck with The Empire of Talon Mountain. So any choices to choose from, now if only she could manage to escape her imprisonment.
Unfortunately, if she knew Hec-Tor, and she did, the Hordak had probably thought of every possibility of escape she would think of, and countered it. He was paranoid like that. The spherical pure white containment cell she was unceremoniously thrown into was made out of Glowmoon-Dwarfstone, the surface layer anyway. A magical element only found on one of the moons of Etheria, able to absorb darkness itself - a favoured building material of BrightMoon, apparently. Bad news for the Weaver of Shadows, she was powerless here. She despised feeling weak, vulnerable. She was meant to be the predator, not the prey.
She had no shadow. The stone absorbed it. She felt two dimensional. She didn’t know if that made sense, but she heard the stone had negative effects on the mind if in close proximity for too long. Speaking of which, she had no idea how long she had been locked up, she lost the track of time. No windows. So no sky. No clock. No space. The spherical cell was the size of a small closet. At least they were still feeding her, but the food in there was never anything to gloat about.
She placed her face into her hands, she was loosing it. She couldn’t break! But she was close. She didn’t want anyone to have the satisfaction of seeing her beg, and pled. She was strong, stronger than them. She was going to win in the end, she just had to wait it out, play the long ga-
“Inmate-667. Place your forehead on the wall behind you and position your hands behind your back. The containment unit door will open, and a commanding official will commence your questioning. And Weaver, you’re gonna like this one, hehe.”
Beatrix narrowed her eyes and growled at the announcement. She recognised the voice, Force-Commander Grizzlor. She never liked him. The feeling was seemingly mutual. She did as she was ordered. A groan reverberated through her throat, she knew exactly what is was, she could tell from Grizzlor’s smug voice. Catra. She was back to berate her. It seemed like her former ward’s ego had grown three times the size, rather than her heart. Beatrix dreaded these visits. Catra came over from time to time, to insult and demean the dark sorceress, rub her victory into Beatrix’s face. Insolent little brat! She got lucky! Beatrix was weak when she caught her off guard, too drained by the toll the Black Garnet’s power took on her. If only- if only she could take hold of the Garnet’s power! S- She didn’t need much, just a little, it would’ve cleared her mind, beat her heart faster. If she had just a little more she could’ve had taken out Catra, and her two stooges. Everything would have been all better if only she had a little more. Damn that girl! And her mother!
The cell opened up. A side panel gave out a hiss as it dislodged, pulled out and off to the side. Weaver felt the colder air pour in. The closest shadow cast onto her was to weak for her to do anything with, the upper layer of the walls draining it’s ethereal cosmic weight. Or perhaps she was the one who was too weak. Catra loomed over her. The teen thought she could intimidate her, not a chance.
“Well? Come on then, you spoiled brat! Got anything to say? Came here to gloat and mock me, you think you have won, but one wrong move with Hordak and he’ll throw you to the dogs, he’s-”
The sorceress silenced herself. The voice that called to her was cold and smooth, in other words not Catra’s. The single word was followed by a pair of footsteps, metal boots clanking against the stone’s surface. The sound of cybernetics hissing as his joins moved. He was close now. The cell entrance slide back into place closing the cell. They were alone now. Beatrix had to admit, even though she knew Hec-Tor for most of her life, seen him at his most vulnerable, even shared some intimate moments with him, but still even after all that - he was terrifying.
She turned her head around, and there he was. He looked different in the light, stranger. She almost never saw him outside of his ThroneHall. Always cloaked in darkness and smoke. She sometimes wondered if he bought smoke machines on purpose to scare any kids that would accidently wonder into the room. Hec-Tor certainly had a taste for the dramatic. Beatrix turned around and seated herself comfortably looking up at the Overlord, well, as comfortably as possible. There he was, in all his glory, out of shadows - a glorified toaster. The same Hec-Tor that used to write poetry for girls that would never go out with him. The same Hec-Tor that dyed his hair blue, because kids from the neighbourhood made fun of him being ginger. The same Hec-Tor that beat his own father within an inch of his life, and conquered half of the galaxy...
Same old, same old.
She swallowed down quietly, she couldn’t show him she was weak. The mask helped hide most emotions, most weaknesses, she had to control the rest of her body language. Beatrix lifted one leg over the other and intertwined her fingers together, giving off a relaxed posture.
“Lord Hordak. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
She looked over him - blood red eyes, and teeth, grey skin, military regulation hair cut, his two prostatic arms, which could crush boulders, his imperial purple cape, and the neon lit armour implants. She was actually curious as to what he was actually going to say. His eyes narrowed, anger was apparent, but an air of irritation was present too. He gave out a long tiresome sigh, as he moved his fingers to rub the bridge of his nasal cavity, even venturing as far as his eyes, she was in for it.
“Why? Why can’t you just follow orders? Beatrix Hallows, always struggling with adhering to reason and common sense.”
Shadow Weaver’s eyes widened she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, he actually had the audacity to school her, to talk down to her. This was almost worse than Catra, hearing her full name spoken out in a mocking tone, like lecturing a child, slapping them on the hand, this was humiliating. And from Hec-Tor too. When angered by her he’d usually give her the cold shoulder, take her off a mission, reassign command to someone else, like Catra. She thought he had given up on talking to her, and her, ages ago. But she wasn’t going to have it.
“Having fun? Look you’re not covering any new ground here. Catra already had multiple pitstops here to make me her new donkey. If you think you get to insult me like that, just remember your punk rear wouldn’t have made it back home if it weren’t there for me. You owe me. Several.”
It was true. Back on HordeWorld, back in Catrax, back on the streets. They had nothing. Had to rummage through trash, and steal for food. Stomach empty all day. Times were tough. They had to rely on each other. One distracted the passer-by and the other pickpocketed, on a lucky day, thanks to Hec-Tor’s puppy eyes the stranger would hand them some pennies on top of that.
But man, on days like these she wished she had never stood up to those bullies shoving little young Hec-Tor around, should have never allowed him to follow her. But how couldn’t she, he was so adorable.
“I am not here to appoint you my personal laughing stock. And I thought I told Catra talking to prisoners was forbidden. I’ll have a chat with her about the regulations... I am here to understand. Finally. I have been putting this off for far too long.”
This was curious, and unexpected. She would’ve lied if she said she wasn’t interested in what was about to exit that mouth. He had avoided her for years. Often said she was ‘not worth wasting words on’. The feeling was mutual. She heard that mouth declare rousing speeches, bone-chilling monologues, and the softest of kisses. Versatility was everything. He continued.
“We never saw eye to eye, never liked each other, you always went your own way. Chose to differ from others, always take the other path. You talk back to me, you waste resources on personal escapades, and often break protocol... But back there, at such a crucial point, disobeying my orders, for what? Just because of a child that did follow orders?”
Putting faith in that girl was going to be his undoing. Unless she was going to get to him first. Catra was always a nuisance, untrustworthy, going off on her own, not listening to what she was told. She had a rebellious spirit, that drove her away from Weaver’s lessons, she often managed to drag others away with her. She was too smart for her own good.
She’ll be biting down on Hec-Tor’s ankles soon enough. She supposed that an upside of being stuck in the cell was that he had to deal with Catra’s antics now. That was his mess to clean.
“How did she even get a drop on you? Was it the Garnet? I told you to tell me if the artefact displayed any negative effects-”
“Are you done? I know you didn’t come here to talk about my feelings. If you care to know your magic weapon is fine. And Catra. She’s nothing but a brat that you’re letting walk over you.”
She wasn’t having any of this, she had to speak up for herself. Call it a warning, that girl is not to be dismissed, she’s trouble - like her mother.
But deep down she felt a hint of embarassement herself, she was one of the most powerful sorceresses, years ago when she first drained the power of the Garnet she did it effortlessly. Even though Hec-Tor didn’t trust her, he handed her the responsibility, because he knew she was the only one who could hold its power. He knew she was mighty. But now, the Garnet rejects her, resists her, no longer bows down to her might. It hurt sometimes. But she could never show weakness.
The infamous Hordak stared down at her, judgementally, much like how he looked down at everybody. He looked off to the side at the thrown away tray, mashed potato and peas smeared on the floor, tray flipped over, and the brown rations crumbled on the floor.
“You’re not eating.”
What was that? She wondered to herself. Was that genuine worry? She noticed he stayed on the ration bars for a second too long, noting her preference perhaps. He seemingly had no idea where to go from there, so she helped him out, she asked.
“Why are you here Hec-Tor?”
This time using his real name rather than his title. More personal, it cut to the point. Plus he was always going to be Hec-Tor to her. That puppy eyed scaredy-bat, the one always picked on, by bullies twice his weight, the nerd allergic to flowers, and used to write poems for her. She dismissed them of course, just a bunce of nonsense if you’d ask her. The change never really quite settled in, even when the Council made the public announcement of picking the new Hordak. Even when Hec-Tor’s face came on every screen on the planet. Even when the death of He-Ro shocked the nation. Nothing changed.
Well, maybe not until that day at Vix’s Diner. It was the strangest circumstance. He was the one who called her over. She guessed it was just a nostalgic meet up, like in the old days. The Hordak was present, so they ate for free. Their conversation would be constantly interrupted by randos bowing and giving respects to the walking totem. He dismissed them.
But there was something different about the man that sat infront of her, he was colder, more stiff. Beatrix treated herself to the unlimited free breakfast meals, best she’d eaten in years. She half listened to his ramblings, something about the war with the Light and the Ones Who Won’t Be Named escalating, the Council was abolishing anti-terraforming laws, and Horde warships were launching on the offensive against the enemy. The wannabe poet gone, all that was left of the boy was a patriot, and a soldier. Well what do you do? That’s what the government spoon feeds people.
But the strangest thing was. He asked her to be his Weaver - his second in command. An honour placed apon who seen as worthy, or chosen by the Council. But this wasn’t an ask of desperation or of fear. This was an order. Firm, and powerful. That day in the diner, if Beatrix would’ve refused him, she didn’t know if she would’ve walked out of there with her head on.
The Hordak is no mere man you can refuse after all.
He is the Beast of HordeWorld.
And so, they set off. Boarded the warship: Annihilation, and rocketed into the stars. And the newly appointed Shadow Weaver pondered, that it was quite curious that HordeWorld was completely decimated only few days after they left. Curious indeed.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Couple of thousand years, some food shortages and dead bodies later: Etheria. Crash landing in the back fields of King Niro’s kingdom of Scorpion Hill. And it was through Weaver’s highly skilled dark magic on display, that the kingdoms bowed down to them, Mysticore even building a statue in her honour. They looked up to her, marvelled at her magical abilities. Her Horde magic was far more advanced than what the wizards held in their possession. She taught, and trained them. But good things never last. They turned on her.
“Like I said, Beatrix. I am here to understand.”
Now it was his time to use her name. She was still curious yet cautious. Whatever side-tracks Hec-Tor from the main mission, can’t be good. All this was strangely personal. Was the Beast infact capable of concern and closeness? She let him continue.
“We’ve known each other longer than most beings live. But in my quest into the unknown, I never even dared to explore what was nearest me. Tell me, why break, why snap at me at a point of victory? And why, why the girl? It’s that Magicat that sets you off at every moment. Why? Why do you hate the girl?”
“Well, you free me?”
“...No. We both know I won’t, I can’t. It is against the protocols, and I gave you too many passes, vouched for you too many times, I overlooked your actions for too long. And that’s why I am here.”
Well, that wasn’t going to work. No freedom, no deal, no talking. She was surprised by the fact that this entire situation was simply a genuine attempt at a heart to heart. But he knew nothing. And that’s how Beatrix liked to keep things. Much like Hec-Tor, she wished to be a bogeyman, imagination was always the greatest deterrent.
And what was there to explain? Catra was a pain, undisciplined, and unwilling to learn. Beatrix wasn’t about to just let that brat walk over her, of course she snapped! Everything Catra got, every punishment, was because she deserved it. Though... no. No, he couldn’t know. Could he? Did he? Hec-Tor was a master tactician and strategist, he always researched and analysed everything before the attack - what if the Beast already knew the answer to his own question?
Did he know about Melendy?
Beatrix never spoke to anyone about her personal life, especially not her love life. And she had sure she was back for check-ins, erased her tracks, she was sneaky. She didn’t slip up often. How would he know? Could it be? Was the grand Lord Hordak jealous? A curious stalker.
But perhaps it wasn’t that outside of the realm of possibly. The Queen of Magicats. The Lord of the Horde. Hec-Tor set up many negotiations in the time before the war, people talk.
And what now, he expected her to sit here listen to him give her therapy? As if. If that bastard knew about Melendy’s choice... about her leaving, and didn’t say anything, just holding it over her head as bait - then damn him to the Light! But did he truly know? He couldn’t possibly understand. She was in love. Nothing ever came close to making her feel like that. Not even him. Beatrix loved her, and she chose to leave, just because of tradition, culture. To Light with it!
But what prompted him to care? Perhaps he looked back fondly on the past, reminiscing? Hordak and her didn’t sleep together often, but when the duty became too much, too stressful - they aided each other to settle the nerve. Heh, it took practice to get used to each other, their first time, wasn’t pretty.
She still remembered that night, or well, it was day actually. She always misremembered, since the skies over Catrax were always grey from the city’s pollution. Kids used to come over to their windows and watch the rare instances when sunshine would penetrate the dark clouds above. Very little hope shone down on the people of the lower levels. But the kids of the higher levels, the ones on the first floor, above the clouds, they had all the sunshine they wanted, and took it all for granted.
So when Beatrix and Hec-Tor pickpocketed and stole a little, just to keep living, just to have. It wasn’t that selfish. When the two crash landed on Etheria for the first time they ventured throughout the land, claiming everything they could, stealing and conquering, taking - just to have. Just because they couldn’t, in previous lives.
On that day, after Beatrix stole old Mister Scurvy’s wallet as Hec-Tor distracted him, they both ran off away from the yelling man. Ran faster than they ever ran before, too afraid that the man’s screaming would attract the attention of any local law enforcement, if they got them, it was Confinement for sure, no matter that they were teens.
She huffed and panted so hard she almost fell off her own feet. She had to lean herself on the side of a brick wall in the alleyway she ran into. Just as Hec-Tor joined her, the rain began to pour. He bowed down, arms holding his knees trying to support his upper body. His ears tilted down. His exhausted cough turning into a cackling laugh, which clearly infected Beatrix since she burst into laughter with him. She didn’t really know how it happened, but he got closer to her, with her pinned against the wall, looking straight into each other’s eyes. As their chuckles settled, her hand ventured down to his hip as her lips made their way to his own. And then, well, they were teenagers, you know what else.
Good memories.
Perhaps memories were just the advantage she needed, perhaps Hordak didn’t despise her as much as she had previously thought. Could it be? The All-Mighty Lord of The Horde feeling, lonely?
“Do you remember the alleyway?”
“Eh, there were... many alleyways.”
True that, after it felt so good, the first time, it sort of became a daily routine for them. Partners with benefits. They used each other to feel better, to feel something. There was nothing between the two, or so Beatrix thought. But perhaps she was wrong yet again. She wished to test that.
She took off her mask. The Weaver mask was a totemic symbol back on HordeWorld - representing strength and authority. And underneath that mask, was a woman. A broken woman, with scars and stiches, missing flesh. Something many would call a monster. But Hec-Tor Kur of House Kur saw nothing but beauty. A magnificent beast that saved him many a times. The girl he fell for so long ago. And Beatrix knew that, knew it the moment she locked her toxic waste green eyes with his blood red, which shimmered in the light of the cell. She knew straight away, his weakness.
“Look at me, Hec-Tor. So frail. I wasted away. So little of me left... The Council was right. No matter what power I aim to tame, I fail, I never amounted to anything, like they predicted. I know you’re disappointed to have me as a partner on this venture... But… I miss the alleyways. When we had nothing. Back when so little felt like so much.”
It worked. The seemingly cold and calculated persona cracked. His facial expression changed, from irritation, and anger to a certain softness, maybe pity. He breathed in heavy, and out through the nose. He took a step closer to her. The cell was a snug fit so he was leg was already brushing hers.
“We do have nothing, Beatrix. We are last of our kind. We have little, but we can have it all. You are not a failure. We are not failures. There is a reason why I haven’t just simply executed you like a common thug... I miss those days too. But we still have time.”
The Hordak kneeled down, lowered himself to be closer to her. This was it - the moment of truth. He clearly had no idea what to do with his hands, so one rubbed its thumb and pointing finger together in anticipation, while the other hovered in the air half open awaiting her permission to proceed. The Weaver of Shadows accepted it, took hold of the old vampire’s hand into her own, intertwining their talons. Old scared skin taking comfort in one another, in something familiar, in an unfamiliar world.
“We will have our people back. We will terraform this miserable planet! And we will be the new gods of a new utopia... And... though we never seem to see eye to eye... even if all it was, was physical, there is no one I would rather stand with and watch this world transform into hope, because you are my partner. This is our mission.”
Beatrix was the first to move forward. And Hec-Tor quickly followed suit, he closed his eyes and opened his fanged mouth. And the blissful moment was brief, but glorious, the space bat even let a pleasing hum escape him. And perhaps Beatrix would’ve let it go on longer, it wasn’t often that she had pleasures like these. But this situation was dire, and also, she was really tired of looking at the same white walls all day. She decided she earned herself a little walk to stretch her legs.
Hordak knew there was something wrong - his mouth became colder, and something wriggled inside that made him choke on his own breaths. Shadow Weaver rose up, straightening her legs completely, while Hordak bent down, onto his knees. The Dwarf Stone absorbed all darkness present on all surfaces, rendering her powerless, but the magic stone’s reach was limited. Cause Hordak’s entire inside of his body was nothing but darkness - so many shadows coating all of his vulnerable entrails. She wasn’t going to paralyse him permanently, she wasn’t that cruel - just because of their history, she could show mercy.
Hec-Tor’s face pale and sick, his body limp, blood pooling around his organs, he fell on the floor. Shadow Weaver took a good long heavy breath, perfect. She placed the mask back over her face, and approached the wall of the cell through which Hec-Tor entered. Firmly placed her palms on the stone and harshly blew onto the wall. The ethereal shadows twisted and morphed and drilled into the wall, she didn’t have much time. Every second the walls drained away the shadows, Hec-Tor had very little left in him, and the bright magic of the material weakened her, so little strength was left in her.
But there it was, the sound of the stone cracking. She wormed her fingers into the crack, enlarging it, chipping on it. The rock crumbled down, exposing the metallic layer underneath it. That was it, her window of opportunity. She commanded the shadows to bore into the mechanisms, and the dimensionless beast tore the panel wide open. The steel bending and ripping was extremely satisfying.
Weaver loved the look on Grizzlor’s face as he took in what just happened. The witch made quick work of him, throwing him off to the side with the dark mass. She sighed in relief, she wasn’t free yet, but she had plenty of material to work with. The shadows from smallest corner to the largest corridor converged around her, swirling like a vortex.
“Now this is something I can work with.”
21 notes · View notes
Since you mentioned Robyn hill x Winter, do you have any head canons for their eventual relationship?
So, I kinda started writing out this whole thing and then ran out of steam before I finished, so it’s incomplete.  The gist of it is that Robyn and Winter, in a timeline where Ironwood loses power, get on the Atlas Council.  Robyn as Mantle’s seat; Winter as the Headmaster of Atlas Academy.
I feel like Winter has enough authority to definitely take one of those (military/academy) seats.  I like her becoming the academy head because a) it gets her away from being directly influenced by the military and b) she’d be in a position to implement change for future generations. 
If Atlas Academy was Winter’s escape from a toxic environment, then she could further turn it into a place for others to escape to too.  On top of that, she could change it from being a pipeline into the military.  (I don’t think she’d come to this last idea herself, but, if she were to work in close proximity to Robyn while on the council, become friendly with her due to necessity, and then genuinely begin to value Robyn’s opinions, I think Winter would get there eventually.  With a lot of nudging (some of which is also from Penny).)
Anywho, my main headcanon is that Robyn and Winter end up having to work together on the council.  They disagree a lot in the beginning, begrudgingly respect each other, foster a genuine friendship, mutually realize they may have feelings for the other, promptly freak out about it/deny it for a while, and then finally get together.
I’m putting my original ramblings beneath the cut, just be aware they aren’t really edited (while I was reading through I realized I kept switching between tenses and finally got tired of trying to sort it out and just left it).
(that said, if anyone ever wants to talk about Schneewood Forest, just know I’m definitely game)
Winter arguably had the nicest of the Schnee childhoods (at least the longest time before her mother fully became an alcoholic).  She spent most of her childhood before her siblings arrived as a pampered heiress; cared for parents, tutors, a governess, and Klein.  The cracks in her parents’ relationship were always there, but she was too young to recognize them (and the manor staff did a lot to shield her from it).
Then, when things did finally come out when she was a teen, Winter felt like the happy life she’d thought she’d been living was stolen out from under her.  The realization that it had all been fake hit her hard.  She closed herself off (to everyone except Weiss, who she still didn’t exactly act warmly around), and began planning her escape to the military.  
Winter was disinherited as the SDC heiress when she refused an arranged marriage planned by Jacques and finally revealed her application and acceptance into Atlas Academy.
She figured out she was gay right before everything went down, but decided it was inconsequential.  Her feelings didn’t matter.  Not anymore.  All emotions, attachments, do is get you badly hurt.  She’s better than that now.  Winter threw herself into her career.
In a post-Atlas arc, I headcanon Winter as becoming the new Headmaster of Atlas Academy, and taking that seat on the Council.  An incomplete council votes that no one person will again be able to hold 2 seats like Ironwood did.  Winter has interim control of some aspects of the military to maintain stability while they secure a viable replacement for the general.
For the record, the Atlas Council then is:
Councilman Sleet & Councilwoman Camilla, who we met at the dinner party
Robyn as the representative for Mantle
Winter as the Headmaster of Atlas Academy
The seat for the head of the military is temporarily empty during the replacement process.
Penny is given an honorary seat on the Council, as the Winter Maiden (her role as the Protector of Mantle is folded into that title).  Normally, Penny wouldn’t be allowed to vote (her seat is mainly a nod of respect for being the Kingdom’s maiden and doesn’t hold much power overall, just the ability to sit in on important discussions), but when there’s an even number of council members, she can cast a tie-breaking vote.
This is a long, winding way of just saying both Winter and Robyn get on the council and have to spend time working together (sure, I could have just said that, but it would have been way less fun to do so).
Robyn and Winter, because of their new roles, have to learn to work together.  Robyn reaches out first.  She believes that, since they came from such opposing places, they have the most work to do to build trust between them.  Robyn invites Winter to have a cup of tea with her.  Robyn herself doesn’t really like tea (she prefers coffee), but she thinks that Winter will (since it’s more ‘refined’).  Winter agrees.
Their first conversation is terse and mostly just establishes that they’re willing to work together.  Robyn considers it a win.
A backstory I’m making up for Robyn (since there’s no canon one at the moment, but I also recognize canon can go in a completely different direction), is that she was raised in Mantle by a single father after her mother, a huntress, went on a mission out on the tundra and never returned.  Robyn’s father worked extremely hard to get her into an Atlas prep school.
Going to that school gave Robyn the chance to witness firsthand the stark difference between life in Atlas and life in Mantle.  Her teen years were shaped by recognizing the unfairness of it all.  She began to want to implement change.  At first, she struggled to figure out how (no one was going to listen to some kid like her) and eventually decided to become a huntress.  Huntsmen and Huntresses were revered, listened to, and attending Atlas Academy would get her access to people she had no chance of reaching down in Mantle.
Robyn and Winter were in the same class at Atlas Academy, but on different teams and hung around different social circles.  Robyn immediately took a disliking to Winter, who was very obviously favored by Headmaster Ironwood.
To Robyn, Winter represented everything wrong with their kingdom.  Winter was the daughter of a family whose fortune was made by breaking the backs of Robyn’s people.  Everything, from Robyn’s perspective, had been handed to Winter.  Sure, she rejected her inheritance, but Robyn doubted that would last.
Winter, for the record, developed a crush on Robyn from a distance.  She had little idea of Robyn’s identity or the fact Robyn intensely disliked her.  Winter just thought she was pretty.  However, Winter continued to bury her feelings deep inside.  Being at the academy was her escape.  She couldn’t afford any distractions that would mess things up.
Their background of being in the same class comes up over one of their talks over tea, which becomes a regular occurrence to them (solely because it would benefit the kingdom if they learned to work together).  Robyn admits that, back in the day, she had extremely strong negative feelings for Winter.
Robyn’s honesty causes Winter to open up about herself, about what her early life was like and how desperately she wanted to escape Schnee Manor.
That day is the first time they start to consider each other (almost) friends.
Their first show of true teamwork is when Winter supports Robyn in getting laws and regulations for better work conditions and safety requirements in the mines passed.  Winter doesn’t hold direct power over the necessary parts of government, but she is still a Schnee despite Jacques’s fall from grace.  There are those in Atlas who the name still holds weight for, and they have the power to stop Robyn’s reforms in their tracks.  Winter convinces them to agree with their cause instead.
This is a moment where Winter begins to understand more Weiss’s point of view that the Schnee legacy is theirs, not their father’s, to leave.  She has spent her life running and distancing herself from the Schnee name, but it’s still her name.  It occurs to her that she, like Weiss, can define what it means and how she can use it.
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kronk-is-launchpad · 4 years
Here in the Garden (Chap. 1)
Summary:  Della Duck didn't think of the possible consequences of leaving her unhatched eggs. Nor did she think of the pain she'd cause to her 3 yr old daughter. Donald takes the triplets in a fit of emotions, but doesn't think to take his only niece. After being forced to give up searching for Della, Scrooge now devotes all his time & affection to his youngest niece. Elliot has grown up unaware that she has brothers, and now that very fact is holding her up by the thread.
[DuckTales 2017]
[DuckTales OC insert]
Elliot was at a meeting with Scrooge & the 'penny pinchers', bored out of her mind. Though surprisingly, she'd rather be no where else. Scrooge is the only person she could trust, and she didn't plan on that changing anytime soon.
   On the limo ride back Scrooge was telling Elliot about how annoying Glomgold was, and she responded with the usual "hm" And "huh". As the gate pulled into view, she could see a station wagon. LaunchPad lurched to a stop, sending Scrooge & Elliot out their seats. Scrooge got up, mad as ever.
"Why aren't we movin?!" He shouted.
Scrooge immediately moves over LaunchPad to honk the horn and get out the limo.
"Ay!!" He yelled angrily, "Jettison that jallopy from my driveway this instance you deadbeat!!"
A familiar duck exits the station wagon and walks towards Scrooge. They meet halfway, glaring at each other with sheathed anger.
"Donald Duck." Scrooge seethed.
"Uncle Scrooge." Donald responded.
Elliot's eyes widen, and she slowly gets out the limo.
"Dona?" Elliot called out quietly, tears starting to fill her eyes.
"Ellie?" Donald whispered, taking a step towards her.
Scrooge cuts Donald off, glaring at him with the fierceness of a beast.
"JETTISON THAT JALOPY FROM MY DRIVEWAY THIS INSTANT YA DEADBEAT!!" Scrooge growled loudly, annunciating each word with a poke of his cane.
The two duck spiraled off into a pointless argument as Elliot shifts her attention to the 3 kids in the car who were filled with excitements. They were clearly triplets, with different color-coded outfits to distinguish one from the other. The one duckling wore a red polo shirt with a baseball cap to match. The duckling to the right wore a green hoodie, and to the left was a duckling in a light blue long-sleeve with a darker blue t-shirt over it.
'Dona had kids?' she wondered, 'did he really forget about me?'
She gets shaken out her thoughts by Scrooge's yelling.
"YOU'RRREEEE WELCOME!!" he taunted loudly, but then realizing what had happened, "wait what?"
Donald huddles the triplets out of the station wagon, and over to Scrooge.
"Huey, Dewy, Louie," he introduced, "meet Scrooge McDuck."
The ducklings looked like they were about to burst from the intensity.
"Remember," Donald warned, "no tricks, no lies, no trouble."
"Yes Uncle Donald," the ducklings responded in-sync.
"I wasn't talking to you," Donald corrected, his eyes narrowing at Scrooge, who returned the favor.
After Donald drove away the 4 ducks start heading back to the car, sending Elliot into panic.
'What do I do?!' She thought nervously, 'I don't know these kids?!'
Then the limo door opened.
"EEEEEEEEEEEE!" Huey squealed, "it's you!"
"It's me?" Elliot questioned nervously.
"THE Elliot McDuck is my Aunt!" He screamed, "this is the greatest day of my life!"
 Huey jumped up & down outside the limo,  giddy with glee. The other 2 looked at the teen with curiosity & amazement. Scrooge ushers the triplets into the limo, and Huey immediately start bombarding the young duck with questions.
"How do you create such innovative designs for your prosthetics? What 3D printer do you use for the models? Do you build them here or at the McDuck bin? How much work do you get done in a day?"
Before Elliot could answer, Scrooge was already blocking the red clad duckling.
"Leave the lass alone," Scrooge grumbled.
"No Coo, it's quite alright," Elliot interrupted, "curiosity brings discoveries.
I think of what people need in a prosthetic, and strive to make it happen. I don't 3D print as of now, but I do have a small lab in McDuck Manor for making models though the prototypes & final products are made in the McDuck laboratory. I can get a sketch & model in a 9-5 work day, but I do take days off to cool down. I hope I've answered all your questions."
Huey looked at the teen in awe, writing down everything she said. The limo lurched to a stop, causing the triplets to fall out of their seats. The partition rolled down to reveal LaunchPad.
"You're all home now Mr.McDee," he announced, "have a great day Elli!"
"Much appreciated LaunchPad," Elliot thanked as she exited the vehicle.
 She bolts to the door, Mrs. Beakly opening it automatically as she disappeared inside. Scrooge followed, walking normally. Once Scrooge made it through, the door is slammed shut on the triplets for a few seconds, before quickly being opened by Mrs. Beakly.
- - - - - -
'I didn't know Donald had kids,' Elliot thought as she made her way through the house, 'Did he really forget about me so easily?'
 She reached the garage, a wave of emotions fell over her. Seeing the souvenirs brought an old feeling of naivety, but it also brought tears to her eyes. Seeing all that happened while she was stuck to a garden with no social interactions outside of a butler. While lost in thought, she didn't notice 4 ducklings sneak in. As she ponders an old painting she hears a loud gong. She whips her head to see Webby being chased by a headless horse.
"*gasp* Ms. McDuck?" Webby blurted, "what are you doin in here?"
Before Elliot could counter there was another gong. The girls turn to see a ghost pirate chasing the triplets. Elliot runs past them, grabbing the kids and hiding.
"What are you 4 doing here?!" She shouted, "this isn't a playground!"
"We were bored!" Dewey responds frantically, "how was I supposed to know there were ghost pirates!?"
"And if we hear one more gong, an unspeakable evil will be set loose!" She screams.
"Not if I can help it!" Elliot growled, getting up.
She runs out, grabbing a sword and jumping on top of boxes.
"Hey Dorky Jones!" She shouted, catching the pirate's attention, "Where'd you get that hat? Party City?"
 The ghost let out a screech as it flew toward the teen at lightning speed. Elliot quickly dodges, flipping over the undead attacker and landing gracefully behind him. The pirate grabbed a glowing sword, ready to fight. Before either could charge a heavily accented voice rang out.
"What in Dismal Downs is going on here?!"
The 4 young ducks sheepishly turn to the elder one, as Elliot smiled nervously.
"Why good noon Coo!" Elliot greeted hurriedly, "What brings you here to garage?"
Before Scrooge could tear into the 5 ducks, another screech ripped itself free from the beak of Elli's opponent. Elliot quickly parries the glowing sword that was speeding towards her. She deflected it up, but the sword quickly turned itself around and was back to speeding at her face full-force.
"Aw phooey," she muttered tirelessly as she parried the endless attacks from the sword, getting pushed away from the group more and more.
"Could *pant* really use-woah! SOME HELP!" The teen shouted as the swipes got faster.
"The sword won't stop till it hits its target!" Webby shouted from the side lines as Scrooge is facing the ghost pirate and its new partner, the headless man horse.
'What do I do? What do I do?' Elliot thought frantically as she was growing tired from the persistent saber.
She could feel a lightbulb go off in her head.
'Ah-hA, That's it!'
After a final deflect she drops her sword, her stare calculated and confident as the sword was speeding back at her.
"Ms. McDuck what are you doing?!" Huey screeched out in terror as he covers his younger brothers eyes.
"Trust me!" The teen called out, her gaze still on the sword.
Just as the blade was about to impale her she quickly side stepped, ripping her sleeve and drawing a small amount of blood. The sword stopped glowing, dropping immediately. Elliot returns to the others to find the headless horse and ghost pirate gone.
"Now what are you all doing in the ga-rage?!" The Scotsman shouted, slamming his cane to the ground.
"So it IS a garage!" Huey exclaimed.
"B-but what about all this treasure?" Webby asked desperately, "The garden hose of destiny, Montezuma's stack of old magazines?"
It takes the energetic duck a moment to realize her words, and she slumped her shoulders in defeat.
"Unbelievable..." Scrooge growled, "I invite you into my home-"
"You locked us in a room!" Louie countered angrily.
"You did whAt?" Elliot cried out in disbelief.
" I gave them marbles!" Scrooge shouted back."
"All we wanted to do was spend time with you." Huey explained.
"Well now you have," Scrooge grumbled, "and look at the mess it's got me."
"I guess family's nothing but trouble," Dewey muttered aloud, "right Scrooge?"
Elliot watched as Scrooge's face contorted into an anger she never saw often. She took a step towards her angered parental.
"Everybody out." He growled.
"Coo let's just calm down for a min-"
"OUT!" He screeched, hitting the gong with his cane.
Everyone gawked at the action, some covering their beaks in shock.
"Oh what are you gaping at?"Scrooge asked, "the curse is only activated if you ring the gong three times, and-and you already hit it two times didn't you?"
Then the statue started to crack.
The stone crumbled away to reveal a slithery golden dragon. It broke through the roof, letting out a mighty roar.
"Pixiu, the Gold-Hunting Dragon," Webby muttered out.
"Gold hunting? Sounds great!" Louie commented.
"Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!" Huey exclaimed.
"Aah! Me money bin!" Scrooge screeched in horror as he grabbed the dragon's tail, "Elliot! Take them inside!"
Elliot watched in awe as her legal guardian gets yanked into the sky. After minutes of shock pass, Webby starts to walk out of the garage with a mission.
"Where are you going?" Dewey called out.
"I'm gonna go eat a hamburger." Webby stated confidently.
"We're in!" Shouted the triplet
"Anything for Coo." Elliot said, joining the quartet.
"Cool!" Webby squealed, "and to be clear, I'm gonna go catch the dragon. The hamburger was a metaphor from before."
"Yeah, yeah, no, we get it. We get it." Dewy responded, "But how are we gonna get up there?"
Launchpad pops in out of nowhere, scaring the living daylights out the teen.
"I'm a pilot," He informed, an excited smile on his face.
"Well what are we wait for? To the Sunchaser!" Elliot shouted as they all ran to the large plane.
They quickly board the aircraft, Elliot buckling up the kids. She barely sits down when launchpad lurched the Sunchaser into the sky. Elliot struggles to look over her shoulder.
"You guys doing alright?" She calls out.
She here's a shaky chorus of "yeah!"s, along with one "We're gonna die!".
"Yeah they're fine," Elliot muttered reassuringly to herself.
Once the plane steadied enough Elliot hopped out of her seat and over to the kids, unbuckling them.
"Ok listen up team," Elliot commanded, "we need to form a chain to grab Scrooge. I'll be second in line while three of you support me. Who's grabbing him?"
"Step aside comrades," Dewey instructed, stepping out from the group, "I was born for this."
They all get in a line, linking arms with each other. The plane is becoming more unstable as they approach the flailing Scotsman.
"Launchpad now!" Elliot ordered, tightening her grip on Dewey's hand.
Launchpad opens the hatch, the air almost vacuuming Dewey out if not the duck-made chain. Dewey reaches out just as Scrooge looses grip on the golden dragon, grabbing the old duck's arm.
"Now heave!" the teen shouted over the thrashing winds.
The 5 ducks pull with all their might, dragging the Scotsman into the plane.
"I thought I told you to go to your-" Scrooge was cut off by Dewey.
"No time. We gotta work fast." He turns to the pink duck, "Webby, how do we stop it?
"It's mystical, so we need a mystical device," Webby stated, "like an oblivion mirror, or a medusa gauntlet, or-"
"Like this?" Louie suggested, pulling the gauntlet out of his pocket.
Everyone stares at the youngest duck, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"What? I was gonna give it back," He assured horribly, "Now, how do we get him down there?"
"Garden hose of destiny!" Huey chanted, pulling the makeshift rope out of thin air, "Launchpad, we need to swing him out. Nosedive towards the bin and get ready to pull up!"
"Yes, sir, random kid I just met!" Launchpad responded enthusiastically as the kids tied Scrooge to the makeshift rope.
"Any questions?" Dewey asked.
"Since when is Launchpad a pilot?" Scrooge questions as the hatch opens up again.
Elliot puts her hand on the Scotsman's should.
"Have a nice trip Coo," she said jokingly before pushing him out of the plane, "see you next fall!"
Launchpad nosedives towards the money bin, pulling up at the last moment and swinging Scrooge towards the mythical beast. Scrooge grips onto the tail with his gauntlet clad hand, reveling in his victory.
"You guys, our family is awesome!" Dewey cheered as they all held on to the garden hose of destiny.
The golden dragon upon realizing its predicament, started to thrash about, catapulting Scrooge high into the air. The ducks (minus Elliot) watched in horror as the Scotsman was free falling in the air.
"Ah for old times sake," Elliot mumbled before leaping out of the plane in a swan dive.
She caught up with Scrooge, who she gave a mischievous smirk to.
"See you in the gold," she shouted smugly, "old man!"
She accelerates past an offended Scrooge and dives gracefully into the money bin, the latter following suit. She comes up up for air, laying back onto the cold hard cash as faint cheering can be heard in the background. The cheering doesn't last for long as she then hears a loud crash. She lurches out of the bin along with Scrooge to help the kids.
"In the short time I've known you," Scrooge stared angrily, "you've wrecked my home and my money bin, unleashed several ancient evils, and almost got me killed, twice!"
"Four times if you count...each..monster...as an...individual..time," Huey corrects nervously.
Scrooge stomps in front of the 4 kids, Elliot gasping lightly as he does. Then in a turn of events he let's out a boisterous laugh.
"That was incredible! When you pulled me into the airplane and said 'No time!' And who would have thought of a Medusa Gauntlet?! Brilliant! Oh, and then you swung me out and pulled up just in time and..." Scrooge gets up, "You kids are nothing but trouble! Curse me kilts, have I missed trouble! I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you to teach you how to get into trouble properly."
Scrooge pulls out his golden flip phone as the kids look excitedly at him.
"You mean?" Dewey questioned hopefully.
"Beakley! Clear my schedule!" Scrooge commanded into the flip phone, "I'm taking the wee ones on a field trip."
He hangs up the phone, turning to the other ducks.
"Now," He says devilishly, "let's go find the lost city of Atlantis!"
The Ducks cheered out a great big yeah.
"And no one tell your uncle Donald!" Scrooge adds.
The Ducks cheer even louder.
"Wait who is that?" Launchpad asks.
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This show is just really afraid of playing out its super emotional scenes and I’m not really sure why. Miles Luna knows how to tug on fucking heartstrings- that whole “Delta’s logs” scenes from RvB still gets me to this fucking day. But when it comes to R/W/B/Y it’s like they’re afraid to let our characters really feel any kind of negative emotions. Like, we get the lead up, we get the context, we get album songs that detail just how hurt these characters are by each others’ actions, but when it’s time for characters to just fucking break down they just… don’t?
I’m gonna start by saying they did a damn good job with Ruby and Yang’s reunion. That one didn’t even have to be heartwrenching, but instead they made it one of the most powerful and emotionally moving scenes in the fucking show. Ruby stammering and stuttering and sobbing as she tries to beg for Yang’s forgiveness, only for Yang to just wrap her arms around her little sister and say “I love you.” To this day I still sob about that scene. It didn’t even have to play out like that- honestly it was super unexpected- but they let it and it’s easily one of my favorite scenes in the show. Unfortunately, this is the outlier.
I will always be salty about the Bumbleby reunion. I think Yang and Weiss’ talk earlier that season was super unearned and just a really lazy way of airing out Yang’s justified anger and frustrations towards Blake so that when it came time for them to all be together again, they could just skip straight to the hugs and good times. I ship the bees as much as the next guy and I love seeing them happy together, but I really think that it did a huge disservice to Yang- and let Blake get away with a huge breach of trust- to not have Yang fall to pieces in Blake’s arms and leave all those feelings in All That Matters instead of letting them work themselves out on screen. “The way I feel/ To you is no big deal/It’s sad but it’s true/ That the one thing I can count on/ Is that I can’t count on you” you’re gonna give us lyrics that fucking hurtful, and when it’s time for the reunion just… smiles and hugs and that’s it? And obviously I was there for season 6’s whole “hey we’re both making each other feel awkward and we need to talk this out” subplot, but the focus of that arc was about “protecting each other” not “you left me behind!” Yang’s number one trauma is that she was abandoned by her mother and never learned why, and with all the parallels between Raven and Blake, the one thing they could’ve done after Blake fucking abandons her after she risked her life for her is to hear Yang out! Let her scream and cry- eyes red, hair on fire- as she vents and falls apart about the one fucking thing that she just can’t understand. Let Blake really hear her out and understand just how badly she hurt her- more than Adam’s dismemberment ever could- and realize that not only was Sun right about having friends that cared about her, but realizing that there was no way she could ever apologize to Yang for what she did. There was so much build up to the reunion- so much time where we as the audience and they as characters had to let these feelings build and reach potential breaking points. Again, All That Matters twists the fucking knife so hard I cried multiple times listening to that one song. And when the time finally comes- when amber and lilac meet for the first time in almost a year, they just… hug it out? That just seemed so lazy and anticlimactic and it’ll always be one of my biggest disappointments with this show.
Same goes for the Dolts. Ruby and Penny’s friendship has had the most on-screen growth of any platonic relationship in the show. The only relationships with similar or stronger growth come from characters that were teasing or currently in romantic relationships. Ruby shared more lines with Penny during season 3 than she did with fucking Blake and that’s her teammate. Ruby and Penny had a genuine, organic relationship with one another that was built on mutual trust and respect over three seasons. Then Penny dies. Like, dead dead. Ruby thought Penny was dead. Gone. Forever. Yes she knew she was an android but there was no reason for her to believe that she would ever or could ever be rebuilt. She watched Penny’s pieces get scattered and crushed by the Nevermore. She held one of Penny’s swords in her hands as one of the only pieces of her to survive that night. It’s been at least a year since Beacon fell, and we’ve had at least one reference to Penny since then. We know Ruby remembers her, we know Ruby cared about her. We know Ruby still carries that weight with her. But when the time came and we saw those green lasers cut those Grimm apart for the first time in years- when Penny Sailor Moon’s down and we see the woman we always hoped would return… there’s nothing. There’s a cute “sal…u…tations!” a jet powered hug and then… that’s it. The crew just… accepts that she’s back. I’ve read so many fanfics, seen so many art pieces that do the scene way more justice. We waited 3 seasons for this reunion, and instead of laughter and tears and all those desperate feelings that come with seeing someone she thought was dead after a year of shouldering the burden of believing it was her own fault because she was too slow to stop what was happening when she was the only one who could… she just… hugs her? And then lets her fly off into the night? Look, I know I’m the last person to be complaining about seeing Penny again- I literally shouted at work when it happened, I spent the better part of the past three years Pennyposting… but… idk… I just wish we’d gotten a more emotional reunion than “oh wow you’re back!”
All of this brings me to why I’m writing this post. I am… terrified… of what the Pyrrha reunion might be. If it’s centered nearly entirely around Jaune instead of being a moment for the whole crew. If it’s treated like a quick “oh wow you’re back!” If I don’t see tears from every single one of these characters who lost a friend during the Fall of Beacon as they desperately try to cling to this woman they all saw as a pillar of strength, the woman who fought Cinder fucking Fall imbued with the powers of a Maiden to a near draw- not because she had to, but because she had to, who sacrificed her life for the chance that her friends might survive the night… If they don’t play this eventual reunion out, I’m gonna be super disappointed
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douxbebearchives · 7 years
Author Profile: IWrite4Olitz
Stories on FFN; tumblr: @iwrite4olitz​
Your name/nickname/alias: 
Lynn, iwrite4olitz
How long have you been writing? 
Is “forever” too vague? Since I could properly grip a pencil...
How long have you been writing Olitz?
Since July 10th, 2015.
What drew you to Olivia & Fitz? 
Their combustible chemistry. Is there any other reason?
Outside of Olitz, where do you get inspiration to write? 
Everywhere. Anywhere. But my favorite inspiration comes from music. If I get stuck, I read a book. ;)
How do you describe your style of writing? 
::hyperventilates:: I...don’t have one compact sentence to describe it. I suppose it’s because I choose words and sentence structure to suit whatever tone I’m trying to convey, while also considering the “voice” of the character whose point of view I’m writing. So, for example, if I’m writing something romantic, I use more flowing sentences, but choose words that I think the character whose head we’re in would actually use. If I’m trying to convey something tense or urgent, I’ll use more concise, clipped language and structure. If I need to drive an emotion home, or incite a reaction of some kind, I choose visceral language. Ugh, this sounds so clinical! But I promise it’s not. It just happens naturally. I’ve been called “poetic” and “evocative” by readers. I’ve also taken this super fun quiz:
...the results of which told me I write like Stephen King, which contradicts the poetic thing. Haha. Love Stephen though. Do you guys follow him on twitter? Follow him. He’s one of my best friends in my head. And he’s woke.
Do you write (journal, pen/paper) or type first? Depends. If I have it clear in my mind how a scene should go, I type until my brain is empty. Then I edit until it’s as close to my mental picture as possible. If it’s not clear in my mind, my brain automatically goes on high alert, snatching inspiration from anywhere, at any time. That’s when I scribble things in notebooks or type notes into a document to piece together later. Dialogue, action, events, settings...
Do you have a special notebook or writing utensil? 
I have several notebooks, Evernote, and Baby (my touch screen computer). But I plan on replacing her with a Mac soon, because she’s prone to viruses and my tech medical bills have been piling up!
Do you incorporate visuals, music, and/or poetry to help you get into the writing mood? 
Yes! Music is the most powerful inspiration for me. I can get several scenes, or a chapter, or an idea for an entire story from one song. I love creating inspiration boards to visualize big scenes more vividly (and sharing them is fun). I don’t read much poetry, sadly. I have a book of famous love letters and poetry collecting dust on my bookshelf if anyone’s interested. It’s red, vintage-looking, really pretty...
Do you use mood boards/aesthetics/Pinterest? 
Yes! Here’s the one for Pas De Deux: https://www.pinterest.com/AuthorLynnTurner/pas-de-deux/
Favorite kind of music or podcasts to listen to before/while you write? 
I don’t listen to podcasts as part of my process. I find them too distracting. My taste in music is all over the place. I have the same affinity for jazz or soul that I have for pop or indie. That’s not very helpful, I suppose, but it just boils down to whatever moves or inspires me. Would you believe that Pia Mia’s “Do It Again” inspired the one-shot that became No Regrets? She was a 19 year old youtube sensation at the time, and it was her summer smash hit (possibly her only hit) about a one night stand. Hey, I’m not proud. “Locked Away” featuring Maroon 5 inspired the gala scene at the end of that story. “Garden” by Emeli Sande played as I wrote the garden love scene in Pas De Deux, and “Dreamland” by Emilia Ali was playing when I wrote the scene that opens PDD Chapter 10. :-)
Where do you like to write (Home, coffee shop, etc.)? 
I prefer to write in isolation. I love cafes, but I tend to spend my time there doing research, or outlining, or creating inspiration boards. At home, I tend to write very early in the morning or late at night when everyone’s asleep...or during “me time” when certain tiny humans aren’t around to tug at my proverbial coat tails. If I have my headphones, I can pretty much write anywhere.
How long does it take you to write a chapter? 
Oh gosh...Okay, in a vacuum, with a chapter fully formed in my mind, tons of coffee and wine coolers, I can crank one out in a single day. Outside of that vacuum, it could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. There are so many variables: mood, inspiration, time. I’m trying to be better at forming good writing habits. John Grisham says if you aren’t writing at least a page per day, you’re not writing a book. Stephen King writes 600 words a day. Stephen King is not human.
A favorite line or paragraph you’ve written. 
This changes all the time, and I have different ones for each work, haha. By the time anyone reads this, it likely will have changed again. (There are some things I’ve written for the next Pas De Deux update that might upstage this, I dunno)...but I think this paragraph from Olivia’s point of view in Chapter 9 is my current favorite, It shows their dynamic so well, I think, and is quintessentially the Olitz I recognize no matter the writer, or whether the story is AU or canon:
She shivered, unnerved to be in his head, to see for herself the irrefutable evidence that he knew her. He knew her and she hadn’t told him a single thing.
Describe yourself in 5 words/phrases: 
You could give me 24 hours and the fate of the universe on my shoulders and I still couldn’t do this, hahaha. In a perfect world, my self is constantly evolving, so how about, in keeping with the theme of fifths, I choose something in iambic pentameter?
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Suess
Favorite TV shows/movies: 
This question is a rabbit hole. You’d need a “read more” button, and once clicked, readers would be subjected to pages and pages...so I’ll just list the ones I’d grab in case of a fire, or the apocalypse.
TV: Gilmore Girls, House, Girlfriends, A Different World, Living Single, the travelogue adventures of Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain, Sense8, Queen Sugar, Greenleaf, Underground, House Hunters, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black
Movies I can watch repeatedly and not get bored: Pride and Prejudice, The Devil Wears Prada, Focus, Pretty Woman, Love Jones, Ever After, The Wedding Date, Trainwreck
Movies with romantic elements: The Proposal, Trainwreck, Maid in Manhattan, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Something New, Serendipity, While You Were Sleeping, Maid in Manhattan, The Proposal, Miss Congeniality, The Cutting Edge, A Walk in the Clouds, Return to Me, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Under the Tuscan Sun, Love Story, Beyond the Lights, Circle of Friends, Belle, Closer, Stompin at the Savoy, Memoirs of a Geisha, Dangerous Beauty, Cinderella (the one where Whitney Houston plays the fairy godmother), Coming to America, Juno, You Me & Dupri, Parent Trap, Overboard, Braveheart, The Preacher’s Wife, Palm Trees in the Snow
Favorite vacation spot: 
Favorite books: 
You’d think that, since my movie list is a rabbit hole, my book list would be a labyrinth, but even with all of the books I’ve read, I’m selective about what makes my favorites list:
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, Grin and Beard It by Penny Reid, Literally every book by Penny Reid, Hadassah: One Night With the King by Tommy Teney, The Twentieth Wife & The Feast of Roses by Indu Sundaresan, The Nonesuch by Georgette Heyer, Wildseed & Lilith’s Brood by Octavia Butler, The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer (YES, okay? It’s not literary genius but it’s very entertaining, if you skip book two), Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind, Master of the Game by Sidney, Sheldon, Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh
*With the advent of fanfiction, I’m much pickier about published books, which I’m sure you all understand. ;)
Favorite authors:  
I have a to-read list half a mile long, so I’m sure this will change, but these are authors whom I find consistently write entertaining stories, even if they don’t make my favorites list:
Penny Reid, Alyssa Cole, Alisha Rai, Nalini Singh, Philippa Gregory, Farrah Rochon, Stephen King, John Grisham, Octavia Butler
What do you like better? AU or Canon?
I enjoy both, so long as they’re written well. Writing-wise, I’m more comfortable writing AU. With canon, I’m constantly aware that these aren’t my characters, so I’m sort of hyper aware of the constraints. And I have control issues. Lol.
Favorite trope/scenario to read? 
Enemies to lovers, love at first sight
Favorite Olitz TV moment/conversation? 
Seriously??? Only one? How about top three? Top five? Okay, fine, since you’re twisting my arm, I’ll give you my top ten in no particular order. (You drive a hard bargain):
2. “You almost died.” “Yes.” “Don’t do it again.” (she went in there to get him to comply, but then she actually LISTENS to him, like, really listens...and he changes her mind. They show a united front in this scene that was gorgeous to watch)
3. “I hate you.” “I know.” ...which morphed into…”You are everything and I am nothing.” ::ugly, mucous-dripping crying::
4. “Sit with me and watch me earn you.” (and obviously the AMAZING sex that came after)
5. Can the entire episode of The Trail be one?
a.  “I got a guy.” “You got a guy? Another guy? Hell’s angel? Mobster? A kind hearted felon who owes you a favor?” “Technically, he’s on probation.”
b. Camp David. Allll the Camp David. They were so in love, cute and care-free.
c. Love scene from The Trail (It’s their best, IMO. Organic. Combustible. Raw.)
d.  One minute on the couch
6. Pre-State Dinner shenanigans, Post-State Dinner Navy t shirt
7. Literally every Olitz phone call
8. 503 Oval Office Kiss ::swoon::
9. Truman Balcony kiss, because he was so vulnerable
10. Fitz saying “I still want you” in the AU episode, because it was so real, and I *believe they’re destined to be together in every universe.
*Honorable mentions: Rose Garden, Deskgate, Constitution (These were gripping, but I have personal, nitpicking reasons why they’re not in my top ten), allll the Season 6 bedtime snuggles, and every hug.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Ava DuVernay is my other BFF in my head.
Someday, when I’m confident enough in my knowledge of the era I choose (which will take years and years of research and development), I will write a historical fiction with a WOC heroine...possibly with elements of science fiction.
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