#and azi did his signature beaming face and said “you really think so? I’m a bit rusty I haven’t practiced for-“
vileviale · 10 months
Hc that aziraphale has Jedi-level skills with his flaming sword and is surprisingly very showy with his technique
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onwesterlywinds · 8 years
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Ashelia Riot has walked a short distance away from the High Seraph in the middle of the night, though the atmosphere makes it difficult for her to discern the time. Edge Marbrand wakes at the sound of her movement and follows after her. Ashelia Riot: I hope I wasn't too loud. Edge Marbrand shakes his head. Edge Marbrand: Not at all. I figured you wouldn't be able to sleep, and I was sleeping light anyway. Ashelia Riot purses her lips, though she doesn't seem overtly distressed. Edge Marbrand is surprised he was able to sleep at all; it was impossible for him to feel safe here. Edge Marbrand: I suppose we can let Arae'sae know we'll take over the watch. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: ...My dreams have changed. Edge Marbrand: Changed? How so? Ashelia Riot: I'm dreaming of myself, for once. In Azys Lla. Edge Marbrand sits down on the cliffside overlooking the camp below, staring off into the distance. Ashelia Riot: It's never happened before. Perhaps once or twice throughout my life, but... Ashelia Riot trails off, then goes to sit down next to him. Edge Marbrand: Tell me about it? Edge Marbrand's voice is soft.
Ashelia Riot: It was only a few scenes, and only a few hours ago. But I was... walking through the research facility, and looking at all the things we'd slain in there. It wasn't so bad. I expected it would be far worse. Edge Marbrand: Hm. I suspect it's good that we put those things out of their misery. They've been in there for millennia, haven't they? Ashelia Riot: Five thousand years at least, by some estimates. Edge Marbrand: No wonder you hate this place. And the Allagans. Let's just hope none of them survived, or we'd have far worse things on our hands than Garleans and dragons. Ashelia Riot: The Garleans had to have gotten their ideas from somewhere. Edge Marbrand: Dalamud and the Ultima Weapon can attest to that. Ashelia Riot places a hand on his arm closest to her. Ashelia Riot: How are you holding up? Edge Marbrand: I don't know. I can't help but feel like I'm in over my head. In truth... I scarcely understand what's been going on. Ashelia Riot: What do you mean? Edge Marbrand: Talk of containment bays and energy signatures, things being “online”, the signatures we've been following... Edge Marbrand: And I also don't think a “firewall” is a literal wall of fire, the more I think about it. Ashelia Riot lets out a little chuckle but shakes her head; she rummages through one of her pockets and pulls out a little device that's linked to the computer at the Sandsea. Ashelia Riot: Here. Ashelia Riot holds it out to him: it contains a map of Azys Lla, with several large blinking lights concentrated at the Flagship. Edge Marbrand: Oh? Ashelia Riot: That device is meant to pick up on large concentrations of aether. That's what we call an aetheric signature. Edge Marbrand: So what do you think it's coming from? Ashelia Riot: Arae'sae said earlier that the only signatures he's seen that have been that large have come from primals. But up here? It could be almost anything. Edge Marbrand examines the device, frowning. Edge Marbrand: If it's a primal, then... Edge Marbrand seems lost in thought. Edge Marbrand: Remember when I said I wanted to tell you something? Ashelia Riot nods. Edge Marbrand: Just before we came to Azys Lla, I was in the library with some of the others. Baithin, Azi, Granny, Gogo, Yue.. and a few people I'd just met named Lini and Ndai. Well, and Cogflox and a moogle were there, too. Ashelia Riot: I'm acquainted with most of them. Edge Marbrand: Well... Granny was upset about Styrm leaving so we were trying to make her feel better, and something strange happened. Ashelia Riot: What was it? Edge Marbrand: We heard a song. It sort of came from everywhere and nowhere, but only the eight of us could hear it. And then I think we.. passed out, because the next thing I knew I was dreaming. Or, well, it felt like a dream. Ashelia Riot: What did you see? Edge Marbrand: We were floating. All eight of us, together, in a giant pit of nothing. And we turned, as one, and saw an enormous crystal. Bigger than I've ever seen before. Ashelia Riot’s eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing Edge Marbrand. Edge Marbrand: It was light. And warm. And it said three words to us - "Hear. Feel. Think.” Ashelia Riot: That's- Ashelia Riot gasps. Ashelia Riot: Edge, that's the Echo! Edge Marbrand sighs deeply, his shoulders falling. Edge Marbrand: ...We thought as much. I thought it felt a lot like your dreams. Ashelia Riot: I've... I've heard the voice only twice or so. First during the Calamity, though I thought I was hearing things. Then again as I was sailing to Limsa Lominsa for the very first time. Edge Marbrand: What does the Mothercrystal want with us? Ashelia Riot: I don't know. Edge Marbrand: Is it true that those with the Echo can resist a primal's influence? Ashelia Riot: It is. And they can do far more besides. Sylvan, for instance... she can tap into a power the likes of which I've never seen. Edge Marbrand: I see... then that means that if this aether signature is truly a primal, I can help fight it. Ashelia Riot beams with delight at Edge Marbrand. Ashelia Riot: ...There are times when I've wondered why. Times I've wished I never had the Echo at all. Ashelia Riot: But I know you are worthy of it. And you are not alone. Edge Marbrand: None of the others know what to make of it, either. After we came to, Gran and Baithin tried to guess what it was, suggesting the Echo... But Ndai and Azionne ran off. Ashelia Riot frowns. Ashelia Riot: I'm almost certain that that's what it was. Edge Marbrand: But now, it's like... I know where they are, you know? It's like we're connected. Ashelia Riot stiffens. Ashelia Riot: Yes. That I can understand. Edge Marbrand: In a way that made me think of you and your father. Ashelia Riot nods a little reluctantly. Edge Marbrand: But... gods, there are seven of them! Ashelia Riot sighs and rests her head on his shoulder. Ashelia Riot: If it's too much to think of now, then there's no use thinking of it now. Edge Marbrand sighs. Edge Marbrand: You’re right. But I really hope I don't share any of Granny's dreams. Ashelia Riot bursts out laughing at Edge Marbrand. Ashelia Riot: I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Edge Marbrand smiles. Ashelia Riot cups the side of Edge Marbrand’s face with a hand. Ashelia Riot: I'd suggest we go to bed, but we did agree to take watch. Edge Marbrand: Do you think you'd be able to get back to sleep? Ashelia Riot: I think so. How about you? Edge Marbrand: Dunno... It's a lot to think about. And in some ways, it's a bit distracting. Ashelia Riot frowns, knowing how dangerous a distraction can be. Ashelia Riot: I'll keep watch with you, then. Edge Marbrand: Yue is awake, sweeping the bar right now. Lini's sitting up in bed, thinking about all this too. The others are sleeping. As for Azionne... I'm not sure if I can “reach” her in the Palace of the Dead. Ashelia Riot nods. Edge Marbrand rubs his head. Edge Marbrand: I hope it's not like this all the time... Ashelia Riot: So do I. For your sake. Edge Marbrand: I love you. Ashelia Riot: I love you. So much. And I'm with you no matter what. Edge Marbrand: I know. And I'll find a way to turn this off sometimes. Otherwise we'll never have a private moment again. Ashelia Riot grimaces.
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