#and ayyy finished this review within an hour of the show ending!!!
Oop problems with treating Kalu like a peer!
Or rather yk not like a peer
Like smth vs lack of smth I mean
OPE o.o!!
A seizure 😬😬 :(
Aww she looks really upset :((
I mean that's an upsetting thing but yk still xD she looks upset lol
Oope 😳😳
Yeah Kalu you're not in charge lol
Like yeah think outside the box but like xdd
Also, discuss things first lol
It was probably heat of the moment bc of like wanting to make them feel better but eh yk whatever
That's the tea 😳😳😬👀 o.o
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! I thought it was really enjoyable :D. Obviously I missed the other characters lol, and this did focus a fair amount on Joni, but it is her introduction to be fair :)). I think it balanced it out pretty well :D. And it was super cool to see in general :)). Especially with how respectful Shaun was of her, even from the beginning - he gets it :). Also he's just a nice person lol. And the case, all the little things they fought with, was really interesting :DD!
Now, time for the individual parts :)).
Which will only be the people we saw today xD. And, of course, everyone else as one.
*Deep breath* XD
Jordan, Perez, Asher, Morgan, Andrews, Lim, and as usual Jerome! Oh, and Kalu now! I missed you all 😭😭🥰🥰. This episode was a fun change of pace :D, but I still miss my babeys :')). Morgan got a name drop though lol! Good for her xD. Anyway, yeah, I'm sure they're all doing great at their jobs xD, and I miss them :)). I love them all 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️.
Lea! We didn't see much of her, but obviously I love how she supported Shaun :D. I also didn't think about people coming to court for them, but it was nice she and Glassman were there :)). Also her conversation with Shaun near the beginning was funny xD. Anyway, even just the little things, like things in the background (not technically in the background but like Shaun feeling her belly if I remember correctly while they were waiting for the jury's decision, and I think holding hands or at least walking together as they walked back in :)) ), they were adorable :'D :)) 🥰🥰. I'm sure Lea was good at her job also, today lol. Anyway! I love her 🥰🥰❤️.
Glassman! Even if he didn't believe in Joni (can't really blame him lol), I'm glad he tried to help Shaun :)). He immediately had him a lawyer and, to be fair, that helped Shaun find his lawyer! Lol xD. Again, it's nice he went to the trial as well :)), and I'm just glad he was there to support Shaun <33 🥰. Also, to give a little background on what's her face, the lawyer lady! Since they've known each other for so long :). We got little snippets of her life, and I thought it was interesting 👀. Plus, it provides two links between the series :D. Series plural lol. Anyway, I'm again sure he was great at his job lol. I love him 🥰❤️❤️.
Park! He was great this episode :D. He was there for Shaun, obviously, even if we didn't see it as much, but he also was good with testifying and all :). Or, well, yk, we didn't see the testifying in the trial, but we saw what he said lol. Also I just think it's adorable that him and Shaun were out for dinner 🥰. Like, they're friends your honor :DD!! Idk I just like it when people are friends 🥰🥰. Especially bc The Good Doctor's found family is a little looser than my other shows lol. We don't get as many out of work or group scenes (or both, especially both xD) often, so I really enjoy it when we do, even if it's just talked about :D. And, Park was out celebrating with them at the end too :)). Anyway, he was great at his job :D (which we did actually see this episode lol, unlike many of the others XD, even if it was technically in him being a Good Samaritan lol) 🥰🥰. I love him <33 ❤️.
Janet! I figured I would include her :). She was a bit harsh, but I don't think she was necessarily unkind :)). Not too much anyway. But she helped Joni when she needed it and she gave her a chance (even if she needed a nudge to do it lol) :DD. I loved her <3 :). And sure, I say that, but it doesn't really carry as much weight as with characters we've had for a while lol. Still, I'll say it :)). She was great at her job, too :)). But yeah, I'm glad she saw a bit more what Joni can do 🥰🥰. I definitely think it would be (when looking up her character's name I saw that it's like a potential spin off and I was like "oh yeahhh" lol) an interesting show :D.
Shaun! He was great this episode :D. I really loved how he respected Joni and her boundaries from the start 🥰🥰. Like I said earlier, he gets it :DD. And he's just kind :). Obviously, he was great at his job this episode (thank goodness lol), even if it was as a Good Samaritan :)), and though he made mistakes and admitted that, they weren't relevant :)). Also for some reason when he was walking down the hall in the beginning after the bathroom is as just like AAHHHH 🥰🥰🥰🥰 WEDDING RING!!!! Idk it just hits me sometimes :'D. Anyway, while we're on the topic, he and Lea were adorable <333. And he and Glassman were good too :). And, again, I really liked the relationship between him and Joni :D. Mutual respect :))). I hope they can be friends :DD. Anyway, he was great this episode 🥰🥰❤️. And yeah, as said in the trial, he's just straight up a good person :'DD. I love him 🥰🥰🥰 <3.
Joni! Yep, she's last :)). Besides Lea and Glassman being interchangeable this one was ranked pretty directly in order of importance/my level of thoughts lol. Anyway! I love her :DD ❤️. I thought she was great! Obviously she has a lot of obstacles, but she also has a lot of skills and talents :)). And I mean, hey, similar to what Shaun said: we all have obstacles :). I really liked that we got to see a bit of her backstory and personal life, too, not just the case. It worked well as an episode still about Shaun, but also with her as a character being introduced, who would be a main character of the other show :). The main character! Anyway, I think it balanced well :DD. But yeah! She was so cool, and I think she's a really interesting character :)). She was great at her job too :DD 🥰. Of course, lol :)). But yeah, I think she's a really cool character and I'm interesting to see where she goes from here <333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was a cool crossover/almost crossover, and a good introduction for what will hopefully be the characters of The Good Lawyer :D. Or, two of them anyway. Maybe more of the people we saw a bit of, like the judge or the other lawyer, but eh :). Anyway, the case was really interesting this episode! I'm talking about the medical one, but yk, also the legal one! Legal wise, there were a bunch of small things that were really cool :). Like, to see, to watch unfold and play out :). I just really enjoyed it :D. And again, the change of pace was cool and refreshing (lol is this a water or skin product commercial xD) :)) 🥰. Plus, the interactions between characters were really cool. And for an example of a relationship with only these new characters, I really loved Joni's relationship with her sister :'DD. They're really sweet 🥰🥰. Too bad they're not girlfriends though lol. I'm joking, I'm joking XD. But anyway, they were super cool :). I thought this episode was amazing :DD ❤️❤️!
So yeah! I loved this episode, it was really cool and interesting. Next time looks dramatic! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 16: The Good Lawyer
I thought it was great! I'm interested to see how everything plays out next episode. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 17: Second Chances and Past Regrets
See you then!
0 notes