#and aur's other friendships and relationships are just as important
myreia · 4 months
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And we're done!! ✨
i. the first ii. lion-hearted iii. need | want iv. broken | trust v. raison d'être vi. stay | follow vii. the last
This was such a fun challenge, thank you so much to everyone following along with me and my silly hyperfixation on these two non-functional fools.
Shout out to the ever-wonderful @tsunael for making the prompt list and letting me tag along with the shenanigans! It was a joy to see Tsuna's story come to life (and I love your writing so so much).
time to sleep forever and also write a thousand fics because I still have brainrot
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kiddiechills · 10 months
The Ant and The Dove | Fakhta aur chunti ki kahani |Best Short Stories for Kids | Hindi Kahaniya |
In the enchanting landscape of childhood, there exists a timeless treasure trove — the world of kids' stories. These narratives, spun with whimsy, wisdom, and wonder, hold a unique power to captivate young hearts and shape the trajectory of growing minds. From beloved classics to contemporary tales, the magic woven into the fabric of children's stories transcends mere entertainment, leaving an indelible mark on the developmental journey of every child. Let's embark on a journey into this captivating realm and explore the profound impact of kids' stories on the canvas of youthful imagination.
1. Imagination Unleashed:
Children's stories are gateways to unexplored worlds where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. From the mischievous adventures of curious monkeys to the magical realms where wizards cast spells, these tales ignite the spark of imagination. Through vibrant characters and fantastical landscapes, kids' stories invite young readers to dream beyond the confines of reality, fostering creativity and a boundless sense of possibility.
2. Lessons Disguised in Narratives:
Beneath the enchanting narratives lie subtle threads of wisdom and life lessons. Aesop's fables, with their talking animals and moral allegories, impart timeless truths about integrity, kindness, and the consequences of actions. Modern tales, too, carry messages that resonate with the challenges children encounter, offering guidance on friendship, resilience, and the importance of embracing one's uniqueness. Kids' stories become not just sources of entertainment but also repositories of essential values that shape character.
3. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy:
Within the pages of children's stories, emotions come alive. Characters grapple with fear, celebrate joy, and navigate the complexities of relationships. This emotional spectrum serves as a mirror, reflecting the varied emotions that children themselves experience. As young readers connect with characters on an emotional level, they develop empathy — a crucial skill that forms the foundation for understanding and relating to others throughout their lives.
4. Language Development and Literacy Skills:
The rhythmic cadence of rhymes, the vivid descriptions, and the delightful dialogues within kids' stories contribute significantly to language development. Reading or listening to these stories enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Whether it's decoding the whimsical language of Dr. Seuss or unraveling the mysteries of a classic fairy tale, children are immersed in linguistic adventures that lay the groundwork for strong literacy skills.
5. Shared Moments and Bonding:
The act of sharing a story is a sacred ritual that transcends generations. Whether it's a bedtime tale whispered by parents, a teacher weaving tales in the classroom, or the camaraderie of friends discovering a new adventure together, these shared moments create bonds that endure. Through the shared joy of storytelling, connections are forged, memories are created, and relationships are strengthened.
In the rich tapestry of childhood, kids' stories are the vibrant threads that weave together a narrative of discovery, growth, and enchantment. Beyond their role as conduits of imagination, these tales shape the moral compass, foster emotional intelligence, and lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. As we celebrate the enduring magic of kids' stories, let us recognize their profound impact on the hearts and minds of the next generation, echoing the sentiment that every great adventure begins with the words, "Once upon a time."
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weddingvenuesinlucknow · 11 months
Wedding Shark, Your place to find the desired venue of your lifetime.
Title: Unveiling the Essence of Love: Indian Wedding Vows in Lucknow
In the heart of India, where history and tradition blend seamlessly, lies the enchanting city of Lucknow. Here, amidst the grandeur of Nawabi culture, we find ourselves embarking on a journey that's as old as time itself – our wedding day. As we stand on the precipice of this beautiful union, we can't help but delve into the deep-rooted Indian wedding vows that bind us together, celebrating love, commitment, and destiny.
The Grandeur of Lucknow
Lucknow, known for its regal charm and timeless beauty, provides the perfect backdrop for our union. As the city of 'Tehzeeb' and 'Nazakat,' it has witnessed countless love stories, each unique in its own way. Our wedding, too, is a testament to the rich traditions that have been passed down through generations.
The Wedding Shark
In Lucknow, the wedding season is much more than a mere celebration; it is a grand extravaganza, a cultural phenomenon, and a testament to the importance of family and tradition. From the magnificent Bara Imambara to the resplendent Rumi Darwaza, our wedding is a fusion of history and modernity, grandeur and simplicity.
Indian Wedding Vows
The Indian wedding vows are not just a mere exchange of words; they are sacred promises, a covenant between two souls. In Lucknow, we also invoke the blessings of our elders and the divine, affirming our commitment to each other.
The 'Saptapadi' or the seven sacred steps, signifies our journey together. Each step we take represents a vow, a promise to uphold the sanctity of our relationship. It's a dance of destiny that binds our hearts and souls, promising to stand by each other through the highs and lows of life.
Saat Phere
In the 'Saat Phere,' we circumambulate the sacred fire, with each round symbolizing a pledge to honor seven different aspects of married life: love, respect, fidelity, trust, loyalty, care, and friendship. These promises are etched into our hearts, marking the beginning of our life as a couple.
Mangalsutra and Sindoor
The Mangalsutra, a sacred necklace, and the Sindoor, vermilion applied on the bride's forehead, are symbols of marital commitment in Indian culture. As you adorn me with the Mangalsutra and Sindoor, [Your Name], you affirm your role as my protector and partner in this beautiful journey.
The 'Pheras' are a circle of life, each round reiterating our promise to stand together, no matter what. In Lucknow, we celebrate these rounds with grandeur, marking our devotion and understanding of one another.
Our wedding in Lucknow is not just a celebration but a blending of cultures, traditions, and destiny itself. The enchanting city serves as a backdrop to the beautiful tapestry of love that we are weaving. As we embark on this new journey, we embrace the Indian wedding vows with open hearts, promising to cherish and nurture our love in the most Nawabi style.
In the words of the legendary poet Mirza Ghalib, "Ishq par zor nahin hai ye vo aatish 'Ghalib', ke lagaye na lage aur bujhai na bujhe" (Love is not something you can control, Ghalib, it neither ignites by force nor extinguishes by it). Our love, our destiny, and our wedding in Lucknow are proof of this eternal truth, an unquenchable flame that will burn brightly for all time to come.
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cowtale-utau · 3 years
I know a certain Violet Queen who will be happy to see this go up ;p. Here are the basics of CT’s SwapFellPurple!Sans, aka Doc’s relationships.
Undertale Sans/Ace – These two ran into some conflict pretty early on. Doc is used to running things his way, and completely, where as Ace was not backing down. Eventually things settled down, as while Ace was the “leader” and would always have final say, he was also willing to let someone else do most of the work, so long as they worked in his allowed parameters. Doc deals with all the “menial administrative shit” that Ace hates. There is still a little of a grudge there but its at least a grudging acceptance. Undertale Papyrus/Lief – Lief is soft in ways Doc doesn’t always appreciate. While never needlessly cruel, Doc can be demanding, exacting, and abrasive. He expects people to do as they’re told and do so correctly. Lief is a much softer touch and often goes about “consoling” any “hurt feelings” after Doc has made his rounds. This is more than a little frustrating, and Doc often feels undermined. There have been arguments over it, and the two largely avoid directly interacting. Outside of “work” the two can be cordial, and while they will likely never be friends, there isn’t any animosity. Perhaps a little bitterness though.
Underfell Sans/Chisel – Doc doesn’t particularly care one way or another at this point. He doesn’t dislike Chis’s personality, in fact they do have some things in common, and can have decent conversations. There was a time Doc was very put off by the laziness of some of his counter parts, Chisel included, but has since let it go. Chis does work hard when he really needs to and his mechanical knowledge in invaluable. His opinion ultimately sits between appreciate, exasperation, and neutrality. Underfell Papyrus/Spur – These two did butt heads a fair bit at one point, but have since settled in to camaraderie. There was some issues with respective bossiness, both used to being in control. However Spur quickly caught on that he was never really “in charge” in any kind of practical way, and was in no way prepared to be now. While he was used to issuing orders, he had no expedience actually making people work. Once he acknowledged this, and that he had no interest in changing it, they got along much better. They often train and discuss techniques together when Doc has some down time.
Underswap Sans/Scout – Exasperation might be the kindest thing Doc feels for Scout. Very vaguely, distantly, fond exasperation. While he appreciates that Scout can work very hard, he is also frustrated by how erratic and easily distracted he is. It doesn’t help that Scout would sooner laugh than actually do any work he’s given by Doc. Underswap Papyrus/Piper – While there isn’t any particularly strong attachment here, Doc doesn’t mind Pip at all. He’s mostly quiet and largely stays out of Doc’s “circle”. He does his tasks well and is largely non-disruptive, which Doc appreciates.
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip – These two get along a lot better than most would expect. Doc has a surprising level of understanding of Whip’s mentality, and knows how to not only manage his moods but work with him on them. While neither would ever admit it, they can be found some mornings being catty gossips over coffee. Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote – Doc doesn’t mind Coy. When given a task, he does it well, and Doc appreciates that. Most would assume Doc would be annoyed by Coy’s “lack of initiative” but honestly he just see him as being rather ‘lost’ most of the time, something he can understand. While it was never really an issue for him personally, he does understand that the world and their place in it has rather been up-heaved and adjustment can be hard.
Horrortale Sans/Tender – They don’t interact one on one very often but they get along well enough. Doc pushes people and expects a lot, but he also actually quite reasonable and very understanding of different people’s limitations. He understands what Ten can and can’t do, and as the gang’s primary healer he makes sure to keep track of any changes. Tender is somewhat limited, but also very dedicated to what he can do, and Doc appreciates that. Horrortale Papyrus/Cook – Doc appreciates Cook. He has his role, and he does it to the absolute best of his ability without pushing himself too hard, important traits to earn Doc’s respect. They don’t have a ton in common, but they get along amicably.
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Doc is confident, self assured, and comfortable. He knows himself, and what he’s capable of. While Underground, Doc never gave much thought to his “self esteem”, keeping a single minded focus on making sure he and Flint had the best they could in any given circumstance. Upon reaching the Surface, he found he was quite satisfied with who he is. He does have the rare moment of insecurity, where he questions whether he actually deserves what he has and is, given his methods were not always the most morally upright, but it doesn’t take long for him to shake this. He did what he could and had to with what was available, and he refuses to apologize for it. Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint – Things have gotten much better for these two since surfacing. While they were always close, and often codependent, Doc was often also at odds with Flint over Flint’s addictions. It became a matter of “as long as it directly interfere in anyway, I’ll ignore it” for a long time. When reaching the surface, there was a fair bit of arguing but Flint has started getting it together, as many of the stressors he had previously are gone, and Doc is proud of his little brother’s efforts.
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Somewhere between solid friendship and grudging respect. There is a certain measure of playful competition between them, which as Fells can come off at times hateful to the outside eye. However it is something Doc has great fun with, and considers Haze a dear friend. Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus – Doc doesn’t mind how soft Cirrus is, but Cir does find him a bit intimidating. There is always an expectation that Doc will start bossing Cir around, and while at one point that may have been a possibility, Doc leaves Cir entirely to Haze. He appreciates Cir’s artistic talents, but has little time of his own for such pursuits. There is no dislike but Doc has firmly placed him in a “not my responsibility” box, so as to avoid any conflicts.
Underlust Sans/Shine – These two aren’t friends as far as Doc is concerned, but they do get along somewhat well. There are parts of Shine that grate deeply on Doc, but he is exceptionally clever in regards to all matters of the mind, and Doc can appreciate this. While confident in his own abilities, Doc does occasionally reach out to verify that his approach shouldn’t have adverse effects on the people involved. Underlust Papyrus/Calico – Calico is a strange and enigmatic sort, and Doc is largely ambivalent to him. While he doesn’t especially mind Cali, there is something unsettling to him that puts Doc, who much prefers the concrete to the esoteric, on edge.
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Doc and Shuff bond over their mutual like of children and teaching/guiding. They don’t have much else in common but will happily swap tips/stories. Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot – Fox is a bit much for Doc. He doesn’t hate him, but his energy is a bit off putting. While he would find his work ethic impressive, his tendency to ignore his own and others limits irritates Doc as it is inefficient. Doc usually just redirects Fox to elsewhere so as not to deal with him more than needed.
Outertale Sans/Saturn – There is no particular feelings either way here for Doc. They don’t see each other often enough for them to develop a bond or aversion. In the rare interaction, Doc doesn’t mind Saturn, and they can make comfortable small talk. Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – An amicable relationship. They don’t see each other often, but Doc doesn’t mind Mer at all, and will hold a decent conversation with him.
Farmtale Sans/Sage – Doc holds no animosity towards Sage. Doc holds not much of anything towards Sage. If his view could be defined in a singular word, it would be “disregard”. Most are surprised to find Doc cares not at all about Sage’s seemingly lazy and resistant nature. The fact of the matter is, Doc doesn’t care. He has completely dismissed Sage as being beneath effort or even notice. It’s not his job to fix Sage, and he doesn’t care to try. Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – There is a good bit of mutual respect here. While they are careful to avoid the topic of Thyme’s brother, they both greatly appreciate how hard the other works to keep everything moving smoothly in their respective areas. Both also appreciate matters of the home, and the wish they could indulge in the peaceful domestics more often. Doc does often chide Thyme for not balancing work/life more efficiently, and they are as close to friends as they can get given how infrequently they directly interact.
G!Sans/Aurum – This one is a mixed bag. Aurum is impulsive and often unthinking and it drives Doc batty on the rare occasion he has to deal with it directly. Even more infuriating is that things typically just “work out” for Aur, when by all accounts they should not have. Doc views Aur largely as an unruly barely-adult, and must constantly resist the urge to lecture. He normally just would, but Doc has found the task pointless, and it’s much more effective to simply set Vir on him. Despite all this, he can respect Aur’s drive and work ethic, even if he finds it’s direction often questionable. G!Papyrus/Viridis – Friendly, when they manage to see each other. Doc appreciates Vir’s calm and intellectual nature. They often compare research findings and enjoy discussing assorted healing techniques, mundane and magical.
(Two in a day, as I know a certain someone was excited to see this)
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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Specialists, suit up! Magic Transformation!
An update on the guys and on Specialists in general! Descriptions of each guy will be lifted from the older post describing them slightly updating them as well.
Specialists are a less-magically-focused version of Paladins, doing most of the same things but without direct supervision from the Order of Mana, not quite mercenaries but not quite military, either. their armor has wings that let them levitate and fly at high speeds, and when not in use they turn into a cape-like shape.
Sky, Riven, Nex, Brandon and Timmy share a dorm and are Team 3Q, and they’re all in their second year at the start of the series. Riven is older than them, as like Stella he failed his first year, though out of aggresion and an accident than just an accident like Stella.
Sky Calem Beaufort: Crown Prince of Eraklyon, pretended to be his squire Brandon for 2 years when entering Red Fountain due to the recent assasination attempts done on him when he was still unknown to the public by the rogue team of Yoshinoya. He’s sweet and courageous, and has formal training with swords and shields, but he has a habit of procrastinating important stuff and not wanting to talk about royal duties, which is the root of the issue with him, Bloom and Diaspro in S1. Was betrothed to Diaspro since they were both kids, but neither loved each other and was purely a political agreement. Ends up dating Riven at the end of S3.
Brandon Ortiz: Squire of the Crown Prince, second oldest son of 5 siblings. He’s a very jovial person and prone to crack jokes and flirt, but he’s also the most responsible of the team and will hold them by the neck as if kittens if they misbehave. Son of a teacher and a guard, he’s a good cook and agile with his spear, and is one of the main frontliners alongside Riven. While he sticks with Sky due to his job, his friendship with him is real and he’s usually the first one to find out about his issues. Was dating Stella for a year before having to put their relationship on hold during S1, retaking it right after it.
Riven Altamura: Held back a year, he’s a grumpy Orc who’s trying to adapt to the situation. He got along horribly with his previous team, and he’s trying to see how his relationship with the rest will develop. While his face is almost always stuck in an annoyed look, he’s more experienced than the other 4 and tries to guide them whenever they seem to fail, but since he’s prideful and with a short temper, it almost always ends up in a small argument. His father died when he was little, and enrolled in Red Fountain to give some relief to his mom once they started to run into monetary problems. He’s the main frontliner of the team, and favors sabres and other curved swords to fight, though he also has a good handle on maces. He’s a Solarian, and being of age, as a tatoo of a red comet on his back. Ends up dating Sky at the end of S3.
Nex Arancelle: a particularly cocky half-elf, Nex is their second midliner alongside Sky and mostly fights with daggers or axes. He’s equally prideful as Riven and likes to argue, so they butt heads most of the time. He’s a genuinely nice person despite this, and will be the first person to try and defuse a potentially heated situation alongside Brandon when they arise. Everyone in his family are performers or actors, and has inherited their dramatics, which tend to bother everyone else. He translates his gymnastics and gestures into battle, however, and becomes a competent and flexible warrior. He’s from Magix, especifically from the Soraia District. He’s trans, and gets a girlfriend during the downtime in S4.5.
Timothy “Timmy” Ayton: A somewhat aloof elf, he’s their main gunslinger and long range fighter. Timmy is very smart and confident in his intelligence, and will gleefully correct everyone else once in a while, but he’s insecure in his social skills and sticks to his team most of the time, only occasionally talking to other classmates. He’s their fastest fighter and has a decent skill with daggers, but he sticks with his guns most of the time as none of the other guys are good with aim, especially aim from a distance. He comes from Dolona. Starts dating Tecna at the end of S5.
Helia Saladin: he’s the grandson of Headmaster Aure Saladin and is a dropout of Red Fountain. He’s a fervent pacifist and has been since a young age, but went to Red Fountain out of obligation and left the school after a heated argument with his family after the first semester, which he had passed with great scores. He works as a small-time traditional artists and lives in Magix City, but occassionally helps the guys whenever they ask him, thought only as support and healing. He’s the Witch of Alloys with powers over minerals and metal and appears as a Glamourix fairy from the start, earning Enchantix behind the scenes in S4 and getting Altheix at the end of S4. Lynphean-Esperian. Starts dating Flora during S2.5.
Nabu Grant Daithe: an Andrian noble, he was born and conceived with the sole purpose of marrying the soon-to-be-born Princess Aisha, and was raised since his youth to be king consort. He vehemently opposed the marriage, however, and shortly before their scheduled meeting, he ran away from home and went undercover as Ophir, a young performer working in Magix. We meet him at Charmix level, and earns his Glamourix near the end of S3 when finally confronting his parents alongside Aisha. He gets his Enchantix at the end of S4, and then gets Onyrix during S4.5. His title is Fairy of Shadows, with power over darkness. Gets a boyfriend during S5.
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
khkt 23.09.19 lb
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good lord rohit, you're so terrible at small talk.
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sona is me, when my doctor friends talk at me about their doctor-y life.... (’uh.... that sounds bad. or good, idk, i'm gonna wait till the tone of your voice gives me a hint about how to react.’)
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"itna toh kar hi sakti hoon tumhare pyaar ke liye." ohohohohohoh double meaninggg.
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clarification. she meant RAIMA. she doesn't love you or anything ok. she's not making eye contact coz the decor of this room really is quite exquisite, never noticed it before this, no other reason, nope.
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lmao toss kar lete hain. haan chalo bhai, yeh bhi kar lete hain.
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the hope in his eyes as he does the toss.
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toh yeh ‘ladies first’ funda pehle bhi toh apply kar sakta tha......
hein? what's this weird distracting music????
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spit it outtttttttttt girl.
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yaaaaaaas. lagi na dil ko? lagi na????? good. thoda sa tadap.
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"humein breakup kar lena chahiye."
shit. his face. it's mostly placid but he's fucking devastated. FUCK HOW IS HE DOING THIS WITH HIS FACE????
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"kuch bologe nahi?"
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oh crap, my heart. it hurtssssssss.
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seeing his reaction, she’s unsure if she did the right thing.
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lol yeah i don't think he's going to wanna say his thing now, sona.
uh huh sure, breakup waali cheez is what you wanted to talk about too. that's why you look like someone reached into your chest and tore your stupid heart out and stomped on it repeatedly.
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“it was nice dating you.”
pls, not even one orgasm out of this whole thing. khaak nice???? all the shit parts of a relationship and none of the fun, that’s what you two had.
you guys, yeh nakli waala breakup hai. itnaaaaa bhi kyun dil pe le rahe ho??
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oh boy, do pal has also started playing. kuch zyaada hi srsly le liya tum logon ne.
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nakli breakup se yeh haal ho rakha hai, jab raima naam ki bomb aa dhamkegi, tab kya hoga tum logon ka???
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ooooooooh yesssssss deepa chachi, read him for filth!!!!!
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"sudhar jao warna...."
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ohhhhhhhhhhh look who believes in the sanctity of marriage and family now!!!!!
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this is a deepa chachi fan blog from now on.
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omg chutku's here. yessssss, ab aayega mazza.
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i relate with ajit's bhaaaaaaaari frustration with his dumbass older brother. rohit, why are you like this?????
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lmao ajit's finally lost the last fuck he gives. time to scare the shit outta bhai with hypotheticals.
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aksdjhsakjfhdkfjdsh the look at the tummy hahahahaha
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ajit is on a rolllllllll. ainvayi mein thoda banda marketing mein hai, creativity uski rag-rag mein hai!
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“mama????” aflkjglkdjglkfdjglkjflgkjfglk
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iski shakal dekho, jaise abhi se maut aayi hui hai.
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"aap jo yeh kar rahe ho, woh hai nonsense!"
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coin dikhaaaaaaaaaaaa! coin dikha!!!!!!
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oh god. ohhhhhhh shit. this auntyji is bad news.
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pooja is me having to meet with random rishtedaar.
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abbe oh, abhi tak boyfriend banne bhi nahi ho aur abhi se "kis se baat kar rahi hai??"
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you're lucky you're cute rohit, coz you're kind of an overbearing shit.
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"toss main jeeta tha."
this fucking idiot, my god.
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lmaooooo a tiny break to exhort ravi and shankar to do apna apna kaam.
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"pata nahi kaisi feelings hain, par bohut achchi hain."
she was a goner the sec he touched her elbow, but my god, the hope shining in her eyes.
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"i like it. tumhare saath bohut comfortable hoon."
dude, she's a woman, not a nice, sensible pair of work shoes. maybe be a tad bit more romantic?!?
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"tum meri...... DOST HO."
ajkflksdfldkjlsfdsj ROHIT SAU JOOTEIN NA MAAROON MAIN TUMHEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!
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ravi bhaiyya is a wholeass mood.
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the hope dimmed a bit, but she's still willing to see where this word vomit is going.
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"not woh waala best friend ki chill kartein hain, movie dekhte hain... best se better friend. special friend."
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good on sona for standing firm on her decision and not falling for.... whatever the fuck this was, lol. if she has to change her mind, his confession has to be waaaaaaaaay more poignant than this.
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his face change at the mention of raima.
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yessssssssssss. dr. sippy is getting into his hyper element. ab aayegi dil ki baat zubaan pe. this calm, suljha hua front wasn't working anyway.
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oh boy, not starting off strong by gin-gin ke doing insult of her profession.
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"main kitna lucky hoon ki mujhe itni thoughtful... affectionate...."
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haan ab sahi track pe aaye ho. the hope is back in her eyes.
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".... FRIEND mil gayi."
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'bc, iss friendship day pravachan ke liye beech sadak mein rok rakha hai? bada hi chutiya banda hai yeh.’
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lol ravi bhaiyya is getting mad. shankar toh is like kya faltoo aadmi hai, chalo tire badalte hain so i can take sonakshi madam away from him asap.
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"sona, kab tum meri life ka itna important hissa ban gayi mujhe pata hi nahi chala. dost se zyaada special. dost se zyaada, bohut zyaada."
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"dost se zyaada, matlab?"
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"matlab tum kitna bolti ho??!?!?" aslkdjdslkfjflkdsj dumbass, this is not the way to get the girl, by berating her!!!!
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"mera flow toot jaata hai, main kitna prepare karke aaya hoon!" awwww le, idiot.
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"ab main yeh naatak nahi karna chahta. tumhari bohut khaas jagaah hai mere dil mein."
finally. fucking finallllllllly.
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lol at him doing inventory of his own faults, to warn her about what she's getting into.
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"not like-like... like. just... like. y'know?"
no. we don't know. spit it the fuckkkkk out you dumbass.
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"main tumhe like-like nahi karti?"
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instakpop · 5 years
Jungkook scenario - Waste it on me
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Requested by anon
Genre: friends to lovers, smut, fluff, virgin
Lyric inspiration: So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time waste it on me
“Hey! I’m on my way over. I’m so glad you called! I feel like we haven’t really hung out in forever. We’ll talk soon, okay? Bye!”
I replayed the voicemail over and over. Adoring the sound of her voice. Y/n. How do I begin to describe her? Do I start with her looks? Her mesmerizing eyes, down to her beautiful legs. She’s gorgeous. And of all the people in the world to spend her night with. She chose me.
But to her, I’m Jungkookie. The purely platonic guy friend who always comes through for her. Especially when she got dumped by her now, exboyfriend. After two and a half years together, she truly thought he was the one, and it killed me. Honestly, he was an alright guy, but there were times when he didn’t seem fully invested in the relationship. She’d look at him with love in her eyes, but he didn’t return the same attention.
“I just hate that I wasted so much time and energy on him. I can never get that back.” She told me. The moment they broke up, she came straight to me. But after a few weeks, I couldn’t hear it anymore. I started coming up with lame excuses to get out of another sob story on my couch. He wasn’t worth her time, to begin with. If anything, I dodged the chance of meeting with her because I was afraid of confessing my feelings to her and ruining my fair shot of being with her.
But now today. Tonight I’m going to sit her down and tell her how I feel. Once and for all. I just had to get the words out. Then it’s all on her. I just can’t keep being just her friend. I’m in love with her.
Your POV
When you arrived at Jungkook’s house, you felt a sense of… relief? you’re always more relaxed around him. You don’t have to put on a brave face or fake a laugh, because he makes you laugh for real.
Before you could knock on the door, Jungkook swung it open, greeting you with a smile. “Hey! Come on in.”
He stepped aside, giving you a warm welcome. You went straight for his couch, missing the cozy comfort of it. Every time you came to visit, you both cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie, or have a lazy dinner or just talk about the troubles of life. It’s been a few months since that happened and you never knew why it stopped so suddenly.
“So, How are things?” You asked as Jungkook sat beside you. “It’s been a little while.”
“Yeah. I’ve been good, busy, exhausted, but good.” His smile was slightly unconvincing. But it was probably just a work thing.
“Yeah, among other things.” He held his head low. He wouldn’t even look you in the eye.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” You asked. “I haven’t heard from you in months and now you can’t even look at me.”
“Y/n. You did nothing wrong. I just… I can’t say it.”
You took a moment to process. His words and actions weren’t matching up. Why would he have you come here if he can’t tell you what bothers him?
“Is it about you and me? You don’t want to be friends anymore?”
His head shot up, looking at you with both alarm and grief. “No, it’s not that at all. I just… I’m having a complicated issue… with a girl I really like.”
“Oh.” You were relieved. He’s always had a hard time with girls. He rarely shows interest and when he does, he shies away from the subject altogether.
“Yeah. I’ve kinda been friend-zoned.”
“Well, take it from me. You don’t want to dive in too fast. If she was really special she’d see you for the great guy you are.” You rubbed his back, consoling him. “Wait… did you… do anything with her?”
He huffed in amusement and shook his head. “No, Y/n. I didn’t lose my virginity to her.”
“Good. Sex just complicates things even more. Your perfect girl will come. She just needs time to meet you.”
“So you’ve said.” He rubbed his neck, clearly exhibiting how uncomfortable he is.
“Well, let’s change the subject. Do you wanna order in? Pizza?”
“Sure. I’ll go order it. The usual?”
“Yes, please!” You replied, happily. You were glad you two were able to get that out of the way. Jungkook is so important to you to let him getaway.
YOU IDIOT! I thought. It was the perfect opportunity to tell her how I felt but instead, I just made someone else up. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why do I always shut down? I let every moment get away from me. Not anymore. I’m gonna go right back in there and just say it. This just can’t go on.
I almost turned the corner when my stomach rumbled. Maybe I should order food first.
When I came back into the room she went ahead and turn the TV on to the movie channel.
“Okay. The pizza will be here in 30 minutes.” This is it. Tell her what’s on your mind in the next thirty minutes.
I sat back down beside her and tried to relax. She scooted closer and rested her head on my shoulder. In an instant, it felt just like the last, nearly three years, never even happened. She was never someone else's and I could still be the shoulder she leans on. But, just like all the times before, I started to daydream. I pretended that she was mine, and she cuddled with me, not because I’m her friend, but because she loved me back.
I looked down at her sparkling eyes as she watched the film, her soft hair on my neck and her soft lips. God, I wanted to kiss her so badly. But I can’t.
“You know. I’ve always admired you for waiting for the right person.” She said abruptly. “I feel like I should have waited longer for my first time.”
“Yeah. Most guys would pounce on the opportunity to lose their virginity, but you’re different. You’re holding out for a girl you truly love.”
This is it. Say it! “Like you?” Oh god… I said it…
“What?” She lifted her head from y shoulder and looked me deep in the eyes.
“L-like you,” I repeated, feeling a little less confident. “I… I love you Y/n. I want it to be you.”
By heart is pounding in my throat. She’s just staring at me. Everything we’ve been through, everything we can be, depends on this moment.
With a soft sigh, she bows her head. “Jungkook.” Her she said with a small break in her voice. ”you shouldn't waste something like that on a mess like me.”
I grabbed her hand, reviving my courage within a second. ”Y/n you are not a waste. You're the only girl I've ever connected with. You're the first girl I've ever fallen for and those feelings haven't changed… you may have thought he was the one but I know for a fact that you are the one for me.”
She looked back up at me, tears threatening to fall. I didn’t want to make her sad. If I could take all the pain away I would. But first. I had to know how she felt about me.
“Please say something,” I begged
“Jungkook, I-” The doorbell rang, briefly breaking the tension in the room.
I groaned softly and Y/n let out a giggle. At least someone made her happy, if only for a moment. I got off the couch and grabbed my wallet. Quickly I paid the delivery person and hurried back to the couch, setting our dinner on the table in front of us.
“So, what are you thinking?” I asked.
“Well… I’d be lying if I said I never thought of you… in that way.” She said, avoiding eye contact. “But I’m just not sure. Your friendship means everything to me. I can’t just do this with you and have you regret it.”
I took her hands again, urging her to understand. “Y/n, this isn’t just about you being my first. Just sitting here on the couch makes me fall harder for you. I want a relationship with you.”
After what felt like forever, she finally looked up at me. The sadness and confusion in her eyes have faded away and I begin to feel like I really have a shot.
Your POV
The way he looks at you says it all. You’re not just a friend, you’re not a fantasy. You really are the girl he’s been waiting for. Not just to take his virginity, but to be his girlfriend, his partner, his lover. You wanted to say yes, you wanted to show him the ways of love, but for the first time in all your years of knowing each other, Jungkook finally made the first move.
He leaned right in, bringing his lips to yours in a chaste, gentle, loving kiss. Your heart melted at the feel of his kiss. You held his cheeks in your hands, kissing him back. You both sat there, pouring every emotion, every missed opportunity, every hope for what this could be into it.
You hummed to your self, smiling a little. You with you knew it sooner, but he’s actually an amazing kisser. His lips moved with yours, creating sparks and tingles throughout your body. He pulled you in closer by your waist, needing more of you. Under other circumstances, you would let him take you here on the couch, but he deserved more than that. He deserved something he’d remember fondly.
You broke away, unable to hide your smile. He pressed his forehead against yours, catching his breath and grinning right back.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He confessed.
“Then let’s continue this, elsewhere.”
You get off the couch, offering him your hands. He smirked at you and willingly accepted. You both walked hand in hand to his room, eager to capitalize on this turn of events. You turned back to him, kissing him again. There’s a very high chance that you’ll become addicted to his kisses.
“Lie down.” You instructed. He did as you said, hurrying to sit on his bed.
It’s happening. Y/n is about to be my first.
She stood in front of me, smiling confidently as she raised her top over her head, tossing it aside. She stared deep into my eyes as she pulled her skinny jeans down her legs. Skillfully, she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor in front of her. I watched every movement, hypnotized by her gorgeous body It was like a dream. A dream I’ve had so many times.
Slowly, she walked toward me, taking my hands in hers and placing them on the waistband of her cotton panties. I blinked a few times, both trying to enjoy this moment and hold on to the reality of it. I pulled them off, gradually moving down her smooth legs until they hit the floor.
It was as if my breath completely left my lungs. My mouth watered at the sight of her womanhood.
Y/n lifted my chin, meeting my lustful gaze. “Your turn.” She purred. This girl will be the death of me.
Your POV
You could tell he was relaxed. You wished your first time was more like this. You were so nervous, you couldn’t even enjoy it. To make things worse, your boyfriend at the time hardly lasted two minutes. He couldn’t have cared less if he was pleasing you… which he didn’t. At all.
Jungkook deserved more though. He needed someone who can make him feel comfortable in his own skin. After all, that’s all you have to wear in these situations.
He stripped out of his shirt, but his nerves began to set in again when he got to his belt buckle. His hands started to shake, making it difficult to unbuckle. You came forward quickly. Helping him with it. Straddling him, you unbuttoned his pants, His breath hitched when you grazed his growing bulge. He stared at your breasts, swallowing hard.
Smiling, you hung your arms over his shoulders. “Touch me.”
With a long breath, Jungkook cupped your breasts, gently massaging them. You hummed in pleasure; Loving his pure touch. Leaning forward, you kissed his temple. Nothing felt forced or awkward with him. He loves you for who you are, and now, you’ve come to realize that you love him too.
His lips pressed to the base of your neck, right between your collarbones. You are certain he could feel your pulse flutter against his lips. Holding his face in your hands, you lifted his head. The look in his eyes was exactly what you needed to see. It was a look you’ve never been on the receiving end of. Genuine, unconditional love. It was enough to take your breath away.
He leaned up and kissed you, hard. His hands traveled from your breasts to your hips. This was it.
You broke away briefly, lining yourself up to his erect cock. “Ready?” You asked.
“Now more than ever.” He answered.
Without another word, you sank down; slowly, carefully, gradually inching onto his lap. His sweet lips parted, his big brown eyes closed as he felt your wet heat take him in, little by little.
It’s completely indescribable. The feel of her had me seeing stars. She’s so… tight, and warm around me. Wait… am I hurting her?
My eyes flew open in a slight panic. “Are you okay?”
Judging by the look on her face, I seriously doubt she’s in any pain. Her head was tilted back, and her eyes were barely closed as her hips met mine.
“Mmm, Yes. I’m okay.” She said, almost in a moan. God, she’s sexy. She knows exactly what she wants. I just have to try and keep up.
I kissed her neck and she grinded on me, jolting, suddenly. The thought of me hurting her returned quickly but, once again, she moaned; louder this time.
“Oh, baby~,” She said in a seductive voice.
My confusion melted away when I realized, she found her g-spot… because of me. I smiled to myself and bucked my hips, making her moan out loud a third time.
“You’re teasing me now?” She said, staring down at me.
I grabbed her hips tighter, moving her up a little. She took the hint and started to move. Every time she came down, she grinded into me. I laid back on the bed, moving my hips up to match hers.
“Jungkook~” I loved the way she said my name like that. I wanted to make her feel like this all the time. She’s mine. No one else’s.
Your POV
After a while, you started to get a little harder with your thrusts. The sound of skin slapping as you bounced filled the room. Every time you looked at him, you felt your heart skip a beat. This was like nothing you’d ever experienced. Before it was just sex, but here, with him, you’re making love. It’s equally emotional and physical. You’re in love with your best friend.
You started feeling your stomach tighten. Your arms were covered in goosebumps and your palms went up in tingles. You were close. 
“Y-Y/n…” Jungkook was close too, but he was starting to worry.
“It’s okay, baby. Let go. Let it all go.”
Suddenly, your climax came at full force. You clutched his chests and your back arched. Jungkook held onto you as he came deep inside you. He quivered and growled under you. He has never been sexier. The sight of him caused a few aftershocks, but soon enough, your limbs went weak and you laid beside him on his bed.
My first time. It’s something I will remember forever. Because of her. It wasn’t just with anyone. It was with the one girl I’ve been in love with for years. My Y/n. I turned over, watching her glow under the dimmed bedroom lights. She looks angelic.
After a moment, she broke the silence. “You know… In a way that was a first for me too.” 
“Really? How?”
“I’ve been in intimate relationships but I’ve never truly made love like that.” She turned her head to look back at me and smiled. “Ever.”
“So, it was good for you too?” I asked.
She giggled at my seemingly ridiculous question.
“Of course.” Her hand came up to caress my cheek. “I love you, Jungkook.”
My heart swelled. Tears pricked my eyes but I blinked that away and replied, “I love you too, Y/n. Always.” I took her hand, pressing it to my lips.
She and I laid there for a while longer, passing a few sweet nothings before she fell asleep. I had a few minutes to gaze at her before I drifted to sleep as well.
Your POV
The next morning, you were rudely awakened by the sun streaming in. Normally you would fight the urge to wake up and fall back to sleep, but you wanted to see Jungkook. You opened your eyes, but no one was there.
You sprung up, terrified that he left. Oh, god. He regrets last night. You wrapped a sheet around yourself and rushed to the living room, hoping he was still here.
“Jungkook?” You called out.
“In the kitchen.” He hollered.
You released a long exhale, glad he hasn’t run away. You went into the kitchen, smirking when you spotted your marks on his chest.
“Morning, beautiful.” He walked over to you, kissing you sweetly.
“Hmm~ Handsome.” You responded.
“I’m glad your up. I was just about to serve up breakfast.”
“Since when do you cook?”
“I don’t, but the masterful people at the pizza place down the street do.” He pulled the reheated pizza out of the oven and grinned. “Leftovers, baby!”
You laughed at his goofy mood and took his hands. “Maybe after breakfast, we can experience another first time together.”
“What would that be?” He asked, inching closer to you.
You gave him a lust-filled smile and said, “...Sex in the kitchen.”
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★ Ali Abbas Zafar: If a superhero is selfless, half the battle is won..
Roshmila Bhattacharya | April 24th 2019
Ali Abbas Zafar explains what makes Salman Khan a crowdpuller; recounts his journey from biochemistry to Bollywood’s wonderland
In jeans and a Tee, Ali Abbas Zafar looks more like a guy-next-door than Bollywood’s A-list director. His Eid offering, the Salman Khan, Bhushan Kumar, Atul Agnihotri-produced Bharat, will open on June 5 and Ali is in the midst of post-production. But when he settles into his chair at a suburban studio, there’re no signs of rush. In fact, there’s a rare thehraav in his demeanour, a mathematical clarity in his thought process as he states that cinema is an applied art and not a fi ne art. Excerpts:
■ Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Gunday, Sultan, Tiger Zinda Hai, and now Bharat, you are one of the most sought-after directors today. Enjoying the high or does the pressure give you sleepless nights?
(Laughs) Oh, lots of sleepless nights but since I’m doing what makes me happy, the days are satisfying. The pressure increases when it’s a big Eid release for a pan-India audience. There are people who watch one-two films a year and measuring up to their expectations keeps me on my toes.
■ You were doing your masters in biochemistry at the Delhi University. What brought you to Bollywood?
I’m a filmmaker by accident. Kirori Mal College has an active theatre group, Players, whose alumni includes Mr Bachchan (Amitabh), Satish Kaushik, Kabir Khan and Habib Faisal. I wanted to join the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) but after becoming a part of this group, I realised this is what makes me happy. So, though I had no background in TV or film — my dad is in the armed forces and my mom is a teacher — your typical-small town boy came to Mumbai to tell stories.
■ Tell us about your first attempt at direction?
That was Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (the 2011 romcom). The simple story, told earnestly, grew out of real life. It was set in Dehradun where I’d grown up and Delhi where I was studying. My brother lived in London while I was a struggling assistant director in Mumbai, like Imran Khan’s character. It was a customised Bollywood film with a three-act structure, an emotional and musical graph. It struck a chord.
■ Did you get the girl in real life?
(Laughs) No, but you can live your dreams in films.
■ What kind of films did you grow up on?
In mid-90s Dehradun, we either played sports or watched movies. I saw many films with friends after school and on holidays. But the only film I saw at home was Deewar which my dad said balanced out right and wrong in a human way.
■ Would you like to remake Deewar?
Sultan was very close to Deewar in the way its protagonist’s self-esteem/ego swings between right and wrong, and his redemption happens when he hits rockbottom and comes from within. Islam says the strongest jihad is the one you fight within yourself.
■ Sultan could have played any sport, why wrestling?
He could have been a rock star too, but I chose to make him a sportsman because I’d played hockey and football. It was wrestling because hundreds watch you fall in the akhada, making a loss a public humiliation, and the rise a public celebration. Kushti is a centuries-old sport that rises from the grassroots and has the soul of Hindustan which made it easier for the mass audience to identify with.
■ Bharat is the journey of one man over six decades, reflecting the country’s history. How old are you to attempt a fi lm with an epic sweep?
(Laughs) I’m 36, but it’s not so much about experience. If you understand life, even if you haven’t lived it but seen it in those around, you can mirror it. This is my third film with Salman (Khan) and much of the maturity in my work comes from his experience.
Bharat is the story of every Indian, of togetherness and responsibilities. A line in the film goes, “Desh logon se banta hai aur logon ki pehchan unke parivar se hoti hai.” And as the nation is a family, that’s the metaphor Bharat hinges on without being preachy or political.
■ Why adapt a Korean film, Ode To My Father, to tell the story of Bharat?
Emotions are universal and what I liked about Ode To My Father was the coherency of the emotions and the text. We’ve added a lot of Indian cultural subtext, the film reflects the events and changes from 1947 to 2010. My dad believes if you pick the right story that says the right things, you can’t go wrong. While many Hindi films revolve around the mother and son, the father has often been portrayed as a hard disciplinarian. My relationship with my dad and Salman’s with his (Salim Khan) is different and at the core of the film. That’s why only Salman could play Bharat.
■ How did the title come about?
Since the film isn’t only about a father and son, I didn’t want to translate Ode To My Father. I was tossing in bed at 5 am when the title came to me. Hours later, when I met SK and Atul I told them I had a title, Bharat. They froze for two seconds, then Salman said “yes”. Since this man symbolises the nation what better than Bharat.
■ How do your parents view your phenomenal success?
(Smiles) My father is my hero and my mother my superhero. They’re simple people, have never visited a set, not even mine. They’re happy for me but still urge me to complete my education. My brother has two MBAs and a Masters in Social Work, my parents are both post-graduates, I’m the only uneducated one (Laughs).
■ Salman’s Tiger comes out of a room full of poisononous gas, guns blazing, and the audience cheers. How do you create this suspension of disbelief?
Whether it’s Gunday, Tiger Zinda Hai, Sultan or Bharat, you have to connect with the audience in the first 20 minutes by showing something the character does or believes in that makes them root for him. Once that happens, they are with him even when he single-handedly decimates an entire army. If a superhero is selfless, and you have a star like Salman Khan, whom the audience loves, playing him, half the battle is won.
■ What makes Salman a superhero?
His honesty and earnestness. His communication with his audience is very direct. And even when he lives a character, Salman Khan doesn’t disappear 100 per cent. Whether its Tiger, Sultan or Bharat, his magical presence in there in the characters.
■ Has he evolved through the three films you’ve done together?
He was very evolved in the first film itself. I was the one who learnt from him. SK is a deep, mature and beautiful actor/human being, and when he identifies with an emotion, it just flows. There’s a scene in Sultan when he takes off his shirt and looks at his slightly out-of-shape body in the mirror. He avoided doing it till the last day, then suddenly stripped and faced the camera. It was a one-take shot and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. He’s so spontaneous when he’s in character. A star needs to be an actor, or he’ll fizzle out soon. Salman has been around for 30 years and his stardom has only grown.
■ Katrina Kaif and you share a beautiful relationship and she came on-board just days before Bharat rolled; after Priyanka Chopra confi ded her secret in you in the “nick of time” and exited.
Priyanka was doing the film but things happened. As a friend, she shared it with me and I told that her life is most important. She’s still a close friend. We laugh and talk twice a month. I’m very happy for her.
And I’m grateful to Katrina for stepping in. I was honest with her and told her I was sending her a script. If she liked it, we’d discuss it further. She’s my closest friend in Mumbai, we come from similar middleclass backgrounds, our values are the same, and we discuss everything. But on the work front, we’re very transparent with each other. If she doesn’t like something I’m doing, she lets me know and vice versa. In an industry where friendships don’t last even for months, ours has continued for over a decade.
■ What was her reaction to Bharat?
She told me it’s one of my best scripts and she’d do anything to be a part of the film. She’s done a phenomenal job. She’s grown as an actor, has a better command over the language now. She was loved in Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Tiger Zinda Hai and even her performance in Zero was well received. She’s in top form and the maturity she has brought to Madam Sir’s character is commendable. There were times when on the sets, Salman would take me to a corner and say, “Sir, yeh scene to Katrina le gayi, ab mujhe kuch karna padega.” (Laughs) We are both very fond of her and together in a happy space, so he can crack such jokes.
■ Is your next with Ranveer Singh?
We’re friends, we keep meeting and discussing ideas, but there’s nothing concrete.
■ Sultan 2 or a Tiger 3 happening?
I have a couple of stories and I’d like to return with Tiger someday. I also want to do a love story.
■ With Salman?
(Smiles) There’s a possibility, he’s a big romantic hero. And I always narrate my stories to him first, he’s very objective. Aditya Chopra is another strong influence. In our field, it’s hard to find people you can trust, I’m lucky I have them as my first bouncing boards. But to get out of Bharat, a journey with many shades, I want to do a big action film next. But till Eid, my focus is Bharat.
Mumbai Mirror
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yehfihaideewani · 6 years
Episode 139: What is our love?
With no support from her family and Adiya being on their own she questions her importance and their relationship “Hum hai kaun aap ke? Kya rishta hai humaare beech?” (Who am I to you? What is the relationship between us?) It was her way of assuring herself with Adi’s response and to confirm the name of their relationship because thus far, only their love had been confirmed.
But Adi responds so eloquently and beautifully leaving absolutely no doubt in Adi and Zoya’s mind who she is to him “Zoya tum woh ho jisne marne ke baad mujhe dobara jeena sikhaya hai. Zor se girne ke baad dobara vishwaas karna sikhaya hai. Tootne ke baad pyaar karna sikhaya hai. Zoya tum meri zaroorat ho. Meri zindagi ho aur main hamesha tumhe protect karoon ga” (Zoya you are that person who after dying, taught me how to live. Who taught me how to trust again after falling so hard. Who taught me how to love after breaking apart. You are my life and I will always protect you.) This perfectly encapsulated their relationship by exploring it and showing just how many layers and depth there is to it. It explains how it has built over time slowly but strongly and why only they could be perfect for each other.
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Roshnaq expresses worry for Zoya because she knows Anjana will make things difficult as she hates Zoya. However Arjun steps in and with the utmost belief and honesty comforts her “Woh sab se pehle meri dost hai. Main sirf uss ka hone walaa devar nahi hoon, auntie main uss ka bhai hoon. Main aap se vadaa karta hoon, main hamesha Zoya ke saath kadaa rahoon ga. Aap mujhpe yakeen karein, na karein, aap meri bhai pe yakeen zaroor ki jiyega. Kyun ke kuch bhi ho jaye, bhai Zoya ka saath nahi chodein ge” (She (Zoya) is first my friend. I am not just her soon-to-be brother-in-law, auntie I am her brother. I promise I will always stand by Zoya. If you believe me or not, you should believe my brother. Because come what may, brother will never leave Zoya alone). This reiterates Adi’s marriage vows to Waseem. It also highlights the selflessness, purity and belief in Adiya’s love that everyone around them sees too with utmost conviction. 
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As Adi and Zoya journey to Hooda house, Zoya is lost in her own thoughts and Adi becomes hesitant to clasp her hand as he reaches out but then retracts his hand. This is because their relationship still has no name and they are not married yet that Adi is respecting her boundaries and doesn’t want to push her too much all too soon. An eyelash falls and Adi asks her to wish something but she refuses as she believes it will not be fulfilled. So he wishes on her behalf; he wishes that he is able to bring a smile on her face through God’s help, to love her limitlessly to which she has a right, to give her a love-filled marriage to which she has a right, and with utmost conviction maintain both friendship and love to which she has a right. She asks him what he asked for and he says he will tell her as they get fulfilled. She smiles and he informs her that his first wish came true. Thus indicating that the rest of Adi’s wishes will be fulfilled too. This brings a hopeful tone for the future over the despair of the curse and family members being against them. This is further reinforced as Waseem gets rid of Zoya’s photo frames around the house but Noor stubbornly and emotionally admits that she will never let Zoya go suggesting she will be the driving force between things getting better for Adi and Zoya. 
Adiya reach the Hooda house. Anjana is infuriated and accuses Zoya of deceiving Adi to take advantage of the luxuries that the Hooda’s possess. Adi immediately steps protectively in front of Zoya and says she is here only at my behest so do not say anything to her. This shows that he is already fulfilling his vows that he made to Waseem. Adi calmly explains to Anjana that is has already taken him and Zoya so long to understand and accept their feelings, so to please accept them. There was no forcing or anger behind his words, just humble pleading. Contrasting to when he would get angry over the smallest of matters even though this is the biggest matter of his life, he is not being impulsive or filled with rage. 
Zoya speaks up wanting to express and defend her love. She was too emotional at her own house but now that she has calmed down she has the courage to voice her love, that too , to a woman she is aware hates her. “Hum bhi Aditya se utna hi pyaar karte hain jitna woh humse” (I, too, love Aditya as much as he loves me).  But when Anjana still does not agree only then Adi raises his voice angrily asks her to stop saying horrible and untrue things to Zoya. When Anjana asks what all this means Adi retorts “Iss ka yeh matlab hai ke Zoya mujhse pyaar karti hai!” (This means that Zoya loves me!). Now that Zoya has expressed her love and he is sure she loves him, he assures this completely with force and holds Zoya’s hand signalling that he believes her despite how the world does not. 
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The episode ends with Zoya smiling at Adi slightly but with pride. 
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Salman Khan's typically heart-breaking, hesitantly political, plodding trek by way of history- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/y6ldcqm5 Solid: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Sunil Grover, Jackie Shroff, Disha Patani, Sonali Kulkarni, Brijendra Kala, Kumud Kumar Mishra, Rajiv Gupta, Shashank Arora, Aasif Sheikh, Satish Kaushik, Nora Fatehi, Tabu (cameo) Director: Ali Abbas Zafar Language: Hindi Ranking: 2 (out of 5 stars) At a vital level in Ali Abbas Zafar’s new enterprise, the titular protagonist’s father seems to him and says: “Desh logon se banta hai, aur logon ki pehchaan unke parivaar se hoti hai. Tujh mein poora desh hai, Bharat.” (A nation is made up of individuals, and folks’s identification comes from their household. The entire nation resides in you, Bharat.) It’s a line that directly sounds profound however means little. It additionally encapsulates the essence of Bharat: a movie that wishes to be profound however finally ends up which means far much less regardless of its bull’s-eyes. Salman Khan in varied avatars in Bharat. Picture through Twitter Salman Khan partnered Zafar on the writer-director’s Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai with spectacular box-office outcomes. No matter their lacunae might have been, Zafar was profitable in mining Khan’s pure goofiness in each, the latter movie additionally enjoying up the actor’s trademark unembarrassed, unapologetic on-screen bravado to hilarious impact. Bharat sputters on that entrance however scores elsewhere with combined outcomes: it’s often heart-breaking, often humorous, typically political albeit hesitantly so, however by and enormous simply plain uninteresting. Primarily based on the Korean movie Ode To My Father, Bharat is a voyage by way of post-Independence India whereas strolling alongside a typical man whose identify is Bharat with no surname connected. The boy was a resident of Gaon Mirpur, Lahore, when, on the age of 8, his life was torn aside by the cruelty of Partition. His total existence since has been dedicated to conserving the promise made to his Dad (Jackie Shroff) that he would handle the household. After we first meet him he’s an previous man touching 70. Because the prolonged household gathers for his birthday, Bharat (performed by Khan) recounts his journey between 1947 and 2010 in flashback. Alongside the best way, a number of acquainted historic milestones are crossed. Submit-Partition refugee camps, Jawaharlal Nehru’s demise, India’s 1983 cricket World Cup victory, financial liberalisation within the 1990s, the 21st century tv increase and extra cross by parallel to Bharat’s preliminary wrestle to outlive in Delhi, his time as a daredevil bike rider in a circus, migration to the Center East for work, his life-long friendship with the banana-eating Syyed Vilayati Khan (Sunil Grover), his long-standing relationship with the federal government official turned TV anchor Kumud Raina (Katrina Kaif) and surprising excellent news. The voice-over within the trailer had introduced, “this nation was born 71 years again…” Why then does Bharat‘s story cease not at 2018 however at 2010 with the phrases “the start” on display screen? Therein lies a story. Clearly Zafar desires to make a political assertion but keep secure whereas doing so (the truth that he wants to guard himself is a tragic reflection on the present state of our nation, however that may be a separate dialogue). The 1990s are heralded within the movie with the narrator saying that the brand new decade was marked by the arrival of two new heroes, Shah Rukh Khan (that is very beneficiant of you, Bhai) and Sachin Tendulkar, “however the actual hero was (Finance Minister) Manmohan Singh” for remodeling India’s financial system. That is an surprising ode to the previous FM-turned-PM who has been a lot maligned, reviled and mocked within the public discourse prior to now 5 years, most not too long ago within the Hindi movie PM Narendra Modi. One other former PM a lot reviled in recent times is projected as a hottie earlier within the movie. Whereas each feedback in Bharat are in themselves courageous within the sense that they defy the mob, I suppose the choice to keep away from 2014 too will be deemed an announcement, its import presumably relying on which aspect of the political divide you stand on. Intelligent? Considerably. And if you concentrate on it, amusingly so. The format of this movie is brimming with potential, and has been tapped brilliantly by cinema prior to now, Hollywood’s Forrest Gump being a shining instance. For essentially the most half although, the historic occasions cited in Bharat serve extra as markers of dates slightly than having any fascinating or deep connotation within the context of the main man’s bio. Mix that with the absence of the same old crowd-pleasing Salman Khan insanity, and Bharat finally ends up being neither right here nor there. The humour, for one, is weak. I imply, c’moooon, Bharat’s Mummy says “Tonsil” for “Titanic” (the ship) and he corrects her, announcing the phrase as “Titonic” as an alternative. Aiyyo! Eye roll. Oddly sufficient, the comedy works in its most juvenile parts as a result of these elements are headlined by the inimitable Sunil Grover or Rajiv Gupta. The 2 ace their respective scenes. Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan in a nonetheless from Bharat. Picture through Twitter Khan and Kaif, alternatively, are off the mark and off color all through. Nope, even when Bharat addresses Kumud as “Madam Sir” with the actor’s signature cutesiness it falls flat. Kaif’s Hindi diction has at all times been problematic, right here it’s not even papered over with the by-now-standard her-character-grew-up-outside-India excuse and the best way she says the English phrase “retailer” greater than as soon as in a specific scene could be very distracting. Just like the duo’s performances, Bharat‘s songs too are lacklustre. Irshad Kamil’s lyrics for ‘Gradual movement’ are kinda entertaining, ‘Zinda’ is sorta catchy, however on the entire I discovered myself questioning when Vishal and Shekhar will subsequent give you a soundtrack to match the memorability they delivered in Dostana. Little question Zafar means properly with Bharat, however his writing typically unwittingly shows his social conditioning even when he’s trying a progressive message. That is epitomised by a scene wherein Bharat tries to persuade an African pirate that there isn’t a color prejudice in India, which is ironic contemplating that their dialog is contained in a scene that includes a racist joke a few black-skinned south Indian man. In contrast to the latest Bollywood launch Kalank, the villains of Partition in Bharat usually are not confined to the Muslim group. In a decade when the world and India have been engulfed by Islamophobia, that is vital. Nonetheless, Zafar’s choice to incorporate the nationwide anthem proper in the course of the movie needs to be questioned, figuring out as we try this the anthem has been a supply of rigidity in some halls in recent times with sure viewers members selecting to make use of it as a software to vent a sure nationalist aggression towards others. At one other place Zafar questions the necessity for marriage, which is a gutsy factor to do for a Hindi filmmaker – after which he pulls again. And the best way Disha Patani’s character enters then abruptly exits the scene turns into one more occasion of the dispensability of glamorous girls in business Hindi cinema. The very best of Bharat comes proper to start with after which nearly in the direction of the top. The preliminary portrayal of the Partition and later efforts to reunite households separated on the time could appear emotionally over-wrought to some, however I confess I used to be lowered to tears in each segments. Sadly, what comes between, although largely inoffensive is simply sporadically rewarding. Removed from being a Forrest Gump with Salman Khan, Bharat is generally a plodding trek by way of post-1947 to up to date India. Up to date Date: Jun 05, 2019 16:59:20 IST Your information to the newest election information, evaluation, commentary, stay updates and schedule for Lok Sabha Elections 2019 on firstpost.com/elections. Comply with us on Twitter and Instagram or like our Facebook web page for updates from all 543 constituencies for the upcoming basic elections. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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The Specialists plus 2 plus Roy retouched! Thoren will be handled in a different post. More on them below!
Not many big changes on the guys, their Specialist outfits got a slight retouch and the two magi got their full transformation line.
Sky, Riven, Nex, Brandon and Timmy share a dorm and are Team 3Q, and they’re all in their second year at the start of the series. Riven is older than them, as like Stella he failed his first year, though out of aggresion and an accident than just an accident like Stella. Nex is now a specialist from the start since I have specific plans for the Paladins in the AU. Riven has longer hair because his turnip ‘do was Bad, and Sky also has longer hair specifically to spite his S5 haircut. They still have the wings from the previous redesign in their armor, I just didn’t draw it. On each of them individually!
Sky Calem Beaufort: Crown Prince of Eraklyon, pretended to be his squire Brandon for 2 years when entering Red Fountain due to the recent assasination attempts done on him when he was still unknown to the public by the rogue team of Yoshinoya. He’s sweet and courageous, and has formal training with swords and shields, but he has a habit of procrastinating important stuff and not wanting to talk about royal duties, which is the root of the issue with him, Bloom and Diaspro in S1. Was betrothed to Diaspro since they were both kids, but neither loved each other and was purely a political agreement.
Brandon Ortiz: Squire of the Crown Prince, second oldest son of 5 siblings. He’s a very jovial person and prone to crack jokes and flirt, but he’s also the most responsible of the team and will hold them by the neck as if kittens if they misbehave. Son of a teacher and a guard, he’s a good cook and agile with his spear, and is one of the main frontliners alongside Riven. While he sticks with Sky due to his job, his friendship with him is real and he’s usually the first one to find out about his issues.
Riven Altamura: Held back a year, he’s a grumpy Orc who’s trying to adapt to the situation. He got along horribly with his previous team, and he’s trying to see how his relationship with the rest will develop. While his face is almost always stuck in an annoyed look, he’s more experienced than the other 4 and tries to guide them whenever they seem to fail, but since he’s prideful and with a short temper, it almost always ends up in a small argument. His father died when he was little, and enrolled in Red Fountain to give some relief to his mom once they started to run into monetary problems. He’s the main frontliner of the team, and favors sabres and other curved swords to fight, though he also has a good handle on maces. He’s a Solarian, and being of age, as a tatoo of a red comet on his back.
Nex Arancelle: a particularly cocky half-elf, Nex is their second midliner alongside Sky and mostly fights with daggers or axes. He’s equally prideful as Riven and likes to argue, so they butt heads most of the time. He’s a genuinely nice person despite this, and will be the first person to try and defuse a potentially heated situation alongside Brandon when they arise. Everyone in his family are performers or actors, and has inherited their dramatics, which tend to bother everyone else. He translates his gymnastics and gestures into battle, however, and becomes a competent and flexible warrior. He’s from Magix, especifically from the Soraia District.
Timothy “Timmy” Ayton: A somewhat shy elf, he’s their main gunslinger and long range fighter. Timmy is very smart and confident in his intelligence, and will gleefully correct everyone else once in a while, but he’s insecure in his social skills and sticks to his team most of the time, only occasionally talking to other classmates. He’s their fastest fighter and has a decent skill with daggers, but he sticks with his guns most of the time as none of the other guys are good with aim, especially aim from a distance. He comes from Dolona.
Helia Saladin: he’s the grandson of Headmaster Aure Saladin and is a dropout of Red Fountain. He’s a fervent pacifist and has been since a young age, but went to Red Fountain out of obligation and left the school after a heated argument with his family after the first semester, which he had passed with great scores. He works as a small-time traditional artists and lives in Magix City, but occassionally helps the guys whenever they ask him, thought only as support and healing. He’s the Witch of Alloys with powers over minerals and metal and appears as a Glamourix fairy from the start, earning Enchantix behind the scenes in S4 and getting Altheix at the end of S4. Lynphean-Esperian.
Nabu Grant Daithe: an Andrian noble, he was born and conceived with the sole purpose of marrying the soon-to-be-born Princess Aisha, and was raised since his youth to be king consort. He vehemently opposed the marriage, however, and shortly before their scheduled meeting, he ran away from home and went undercover as Ophir, a young performer working in Magix. We meet him at Charmix level, and earns his Glamourix near the end of S3 when finally confronting his parents alongside Aisha. He gets his Enchantix at the end of S4, and then gets Onyrix during S6. His title is Fairy of Midnight, with power over shadows
Roy Sean: he works for the Andrian Royal Family as their boat driver, and has known Aisha since she was a little girl, when he was still in training. He’s 6-7 years older than the rest of the guys, and makes his first appearance in S3 when ferrying the Winx to Mareia to save Ligea and the merfolk. He’s also a merman, and is a Sorcerer - the Sorcerer of Sea Brezees, with power over wind. He remains in Energix the entirety of the series, since he doesn’t take a very active role unlike the other guys.
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