#and at the end the artist was like “idk it's glaringly obvious that it's a horse and a bison”
fishsticksart · 1 year
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Elaine de Kooning, Red Bison/Blue Horse, 1985–1986, oil and charcoal on canvas
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barbieb0y · 9 months
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so i played through the whole of this game today. review incoming (i'll try not to spoil too much)
ive had this sitting in my downloads for a while now (no this isnt available on steam YET but it's free on itch.io so 👀👀) and i only got to it now. i initially got it bc of the whole tattoo artist x florist trope which is one of my fave tropes Ever and also bc i love tulips a normal amount (<- lying)
it's a kinetic visual novel, meaning theres actually no choices and it's basically just a bunch of clicking. and fangirling. the amount of times i thought Ya Allah during this was phenomenal. it was that cute
the mc, chrys (pronounced chris, it's supposed to be a reference to chrysanthemum) is this sarcastic white blonde twink who's so unlucky when it comes to romantic relationships and he just got out of a bad breakup and hes like I Am Never Dating Ever Again until one day the love interest, shay, who is this angelic tall hunk 6 pack-having guy walks into his flower shop then he thinks Nevermind I Am Going to Fuck the Living Daylights Out of This Guy
it's a bit of a slow burn i guess? they actually try to take it slow but like they end up getting together after a week so. and also another thing in the epilogue but i dont wanna spoil too much
the characters are all so goddamn loveable, from our beloved twink to even chrys' sister, daphne who only appeared for one scene. plenty relatable too. the amount of times i thought "they just like me fr" is insane. wish there were pets or animals or smth tho smh
the art is really nice, especially the character sprites and the flower shop itself but i find a few other locations a bit lacking, like the quality isnt that consistent. i mean i can kinda understand why? but it's just a bit of a nitpick. also i dont like granny's pose, it's weird, dont do her dirty like that
the voice acting is actually so good. sometimes it sounds a bit awkward but there are some moments that make up for the lesser moments. tho there were a few moments where i was like "why isnt this voiced??"
okay moving on to some of my actual complaints BUT i want to mention that i did download this a while ago like i said and i have no idea if my copy is the most updated one (it says 1.0 on the file so) so i wouldnt know if these issues have been fixed or not. but im gonna address them anyway
theres been a few times where the script/text looks... awkward? some dont align with the line delivery, some punctuations are just weird choices to make. and a lot of sentences end with a comma instead of a period
theres also this one scene where bea repeats a voiceline even tho the text is different. again, idk if they fixed it but it was glaringly obvious
but despite it all, it was a really really cute vn and i really do recommend it
(author's note: i like calling it bpd simulator bc both chrys and shay are so bpd-coded to me)
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titsthedamnseason · 3 years
I think aside from it being poorly written the biggest flaw of the like us series at least for me is how repetitive it got like i used to imagine what they’ll do next as careers or what their love interests would be like but i think what the authors chose imo was so boring and like i get it moffy falling in love with a bodyguard but all of them come one it’s ridiculous there are so many people in this planet i used to imagine like maybe theyll date actors or directors or artists or someone non famous ( i even had the idea of one of them falling for someone who works for the calloway docu series i guess i wasnt far of with that) also career wise like i also used to imagine if they’ll follow their parent’s footsteps or create their own what will they do and again moffy doing charity and thats it and jane trying to find her passion plot annoyed me so much im sorry if it was meant to be relatable like trying to find yourself but it really didn’t do anything for me and i wish when we got sulli’s story she didn’t retire from her swimming career idk i genuinely think the younger kids are so much more interesting at least from what we see im so sorry for talking so much i just got carried away because everytime i think about all the waisted potential of the series and how perfect addicted was and what the sisters are writing now it really makes me kinda sad and angry but its making them money so who am i to judge
i suppose i would agree that the repetition is the worst part because it’s so stupid and nonsensical but i also hate how half assed all the couples are. i’m fond of marrow for inexplicable reasons but i think most of the couples in the series don’t even feel like they love each other 😭 they were just paired together with no chemistry and no reasoning. (i think sulli, akara, and banks fall into this category the strongest for me with jane and thatcher lagging a little behind. i also find oscar and jack cute although i think maybe we’re seeing a pattern of the two couples that weren’t repeat stories taking the lead in my mind)
i definitely think while non-famous people they can trust are harder to come across in their lives, they’re better love interests? idk i feel like irl so many celebrities end up landing with someone who is apart from the chaos of their life and can give them a calmer lifestyle, although there are plenty of success stories with celebs marrying celebs and we didn’t see any of that in this series. it would have been fun for them to invent a celebrity love interest i think. i also think charlie is a dick but i think i’m so excited for his romance mainly because roxanne is so under the radar and he just wants an all consuming love it’s the perfect trope for me. i also love that beckett’s is ballet rivals to lovers i just hope they can execute the polyamory better than whatever it was they did to sulli bc girlie deserves way better than that shit show 😭
i will say that i agree - i thought jane’s career plot was one of the most annoying choices they ever made and i found it torturous to read and then the end result ended up being so anticlimactic 😭 it almost feels like they just used it to give the characters excuses to be in fun/different places for scenes. however, i do actually think the series is going in the direction of moffy taking over hale co eventually rather than charity continuing to be his main focus
i also was disappointed that sulli wasn’t swimming in her books because i love sport books and i thought it would have been cool to see a competitive swimmer! they also made it GLARINGLY obvious that she missed swimming competitively which made their foreshadowing attempts shallow but i was very pleased with her decision at the end of fearless to go back into swimming. probably one of the very few moments of the book i enjoyed
i agree! as time goes on i find myself just wishing these books could be over with already in favor of the younger kids. they recently hinted on their patreon that the “billionaires and bodyguards” portion of the series is coming to a close so i’m thrilled with that. i’m looking forward to luna’s books because i’m obsessed with the hale’s and i want lo’s reaction but 3 still seems like too many to me 😭 praying that those will be the official end of the bodyguard romances but i’m not paying for the patreon this month so i have no more inside scoop
give me kinney’s wlw book! give me xander’s book where we can see his mental growth! give me the winonajesse book! give me vada’s silly little bike book! GIVE ME BEN FUCKING COBALTS BOOK! like dude i’m readyyyy
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holocene-days · 7 years
skam questions meme
hello!!!!!! i was tagged by lovely lauren @call-this-a-mask (thank youuuu !!! <3) to answer some questions about skam!! so here we go!!!!!
favorite squad: in terms of overall squad, i’m gonna have to go with the boy squad. the girl squad got too messy and there was a lot of messed up stuff that happened. the boy squad are just such bros and they’re so fun with each other idk man the boy squad is one of my fave parts of season 3
favorite character: if it’s not glaringly obvious by my lil avatar photo and my bio, my fave is my love, my life, eva kviig mohn. her character development and her story are my favorite of the whole show and i just really appreciate her a lot. (also lisa teige is so fucking beautiful so like, there’s also that)
least favorite character: the magnusson brothers are both really shitty ppl. but also i hate their parents as well because they were shitty and probably were a lot of the reason william and nikoli were such shitty ppl
most good-looking person: the skam cast is one of the most attractive casts i’ve ever seen so like this question is already flawed but if i had to choose, i would say eva (obvs) and even. like those two are the characters i remember seeing on screen for the first time and being like “woah hello okay hi <333333″
character you’d like to kiss: ummmm i don’t really feel the need or want to kiss any of them??? i more just want them to kiss each other???? like give me all the eva x jonas, eva x noora, eva x vilde, isak x even, vilde x magnus kisses like they’re in relationships, we have our headcanons about them, that’s what need to happen lol (although lbr, even has some beAUTIFUL lips that look very kissable)
character you’d like to cuddle with: same as the question above. pretty much the same as above. i would love another isak x even or eva x jonas cuddle scene tho because those scenes were all so nice and soft :’)) but i would absolutely love a hug from chris. she looks like she gives great hugs. like the hug she and sana share in episode 5 of season 4.. i was like wow what a hug that would be very nice.
character you’d like to have as a best friend: EVA PLEASE I WANT EVA AND ALSO SEASON 1 NOORA AS MY BFFS WOW
character you’d like to live with: sana!!!! she’s so cool and chill and i feel like we’d get along well. also, her room is so pretty with the blue walls and the posters and the flowy white curtains so i feel like our lil apartment or whatever would be very aesthetically pleasing haha
character you’d take with you on a deserted island: i’m gonna agree with lauren here and go with even. i think his mind is so beautiful and he has so many ideas about so many things. i also love even a lot because since i was like 5, i’ve viewed life as a movie. but instead of being the director of my own life, it’s like i’m the main character in my life (which makes sense because i’m an actor). i had never heard anyone else explain that before so when even said that in episode 5 i was like “hold the fuck up i love this show and this character so much now” so yeah i relate to even in that sense and would love to discuss that with him.
character you’d have tickling contests with: no.
character you resemble the most: both physically and personality wise, i’m most like eva. i relate to her and her struggles the most out of any character. 
favorite friendship: jonas and isak!!!! best buddies since grade school!!!!! they have such a strong and beautiful friendship. when jonas was there for isak in season 1 when his mom collapsed and his dad left like wow brotp right there. when isak told jonas that his crush wasn’t a girl and jonas didn’t even seem surprised and was super chill about it like wow brotp right there. when jonas was giving isak advice on texting even “straight up” like wow brotp right there.
 favourite romantic pairing: isak and even 10000%. their love is so kind and pure and healthy. they’re the best relationship i’ve ever seen.
notp: noora and william. it was abusive and just an awful relationship. all you need to know about their dynamic is when noora tells william she wants to have sex and literally as they’re taking off their clothes william looks her in the eyes and says “i’d ask if you’re okay with this but i honestly do not care right now” when literally at the beginning of the episode she had told him the story of how she had sex way too young and was heartbroken by being dumped by the guy right afterwards. and literally 2 episodes before she thought she had been raped by his fucking brother. like are you actually fucking kidding me?!
favorite haircut/hairstyle: eva’s long mermaid waves, isak’s prince curls, and i know we never see sana’s hair because of her hijab but i love her yellow hijab at the end of season 2 and also the way she has styled her hijab in the karaoke scene. that was such a Look omg.
favorite outfit: eva’s entire season 1 wardrobe. chris’ pink 1-800-hotline sweater outfit from season 1 she looked so soft in it. sana’s outfit in ‘det beste fra islam’ i love her camo jacket so much. even’s outfit in the locker room scene. i love that turquoise jacket so much and i’m so glad it came back in season 4. isak’s julius ceaser halloween costume was a Look and made him look more of a prince than he already is. noora’s outfit she wore on her first date with william. the big cream sweater with the mom jeans and the short boots wow.
favorite location: the skatepark in season 1. the windowsill at hartvig nissens. kollektivet. eva’s house. the dock that sana and yousef go to in ‘mahgrib’. 
favorite season: season three. it is such an artistic masterpiece. from the writing to the pacing to the acting to the cinematography and the romeo and juliet parallels and the biblical references. experiencing it in real time was such a life changing experience. season one is also a super close second.
least favorite season: season two.
favorite episode: i’m gonna answer this in 2 parts. so in terms of episode, season 1 episode 8 is my favorite. the music and cinematography are so fitting and tell the low point of eva’s story so beautifully. the big plot point of eva’s backstory with ingrid and sara is revealed. it’s just so so good and lisa’s acting is otherworldly in it. but in terms of watching in real time, season 3 episodes 8 and 9 were the best to experience. episode 8 took us on just an upwards high and isak and even were over at isak’s for the whole week singing dumb pop songs in the kitchen, and playing fifa, and doing The Thing in the shower. it was just such a great week and then the hotel scene dropped and no one said anything. like every skam platform online was dead because everyone was dealing with it. and then experiencing episode 9 was the most i’ve ever felt connected to the use of real time. the frustration and sadness and urgency of that week was so powerful and every text and clip and the pacing of it all told the story so clearly. and kudos to tarjei for crying 3 times that week like his acting is so strong during episode 9.
favorite scene/clip: the first clip that comes to mind when i think of my favorite is ‘je elsker deg’ from season 1 episode 8, the scene where eva goes to the skatepark to tell her side of the story to jonas. the aesthetic and vibes of that scene are so strong with the fog and cloud and the city views and the graffiti. it just feels like a grey autumn city day. and eva’s outfit is is so nice and when eva walks into the skatepark and ‘lover where do you live’ swells as jonas is skating like wow it’s such a cinematic moment. and then they talk and eva is so honest and confused and conflicted and crying and jonas just wants to know who she is and what she stands for and leaves her there by herself. like fuck i can’t even put it into words but i love that scene so so much and i’ve seen it so many times. lisa and marlon’s acting is so strong in that scene too. shoutout to the cat walking around eva while she’s standing outside of jonas’ apartment. i also really love the bit in ‘o helga natt’ where isak is looking at the cross and puts the suicide text and the romeo and juliet thing together and there’s all the flashes of even laying in bed and the mania wikipedia page and romeo and juliet like the editing of all those flashes of what isak’s is thinking was so cool like i love that moment and the editing and the choice of clips there so much.
moment(s) that made you cry:  the only time i actually ever cried during skam was right after i watched the last clip. like i’ve never legitimately cried watching skam. i was so heartbroken after it ended like it finally clicked that it was over and i was also so overwhelmed because of how it ended with our perspective and it was a lot to deal with wow. i cried on and off that entire evening.
moment(s) that made you laugh: omg the scene with noora walking in on eskild getting blown while ‘circle of life’ is blasting in the background i was just like oh my gooooddddd. i laughed so much. in the easter episode in season two when it was revealed that sana and chris were playing eva and noora and vilde i laughed so much because eva was freaking out. also, when eskild was trying to flirt with vilde in season 2 episode 1 and was so obviously gay and trying his best it was just SO FUNNY wow i love eskild
this was actually really difficult and took like an hour to do lol. i tag @parallel-univers, @thatpretentiousdesignstudent, @athenaeyes, and @evennies  i can’t wait to see your answers if you decide to do it!!!!! <3
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