#and are. well. making me feel qyite fondly and soft for you hehe ^o^
angeltism · 6 months
Well, your knight seems to have good taste in favorite characters if they happen to be my Lady’s fragments. I also find it funny that out of ivantill, my lady’s vessel is complimentary to the one out of them I relate to more.
And well, in regards to how long I’ve liked you, that’s a complicated question. Your Knight started off having a mostly platonic crush (wanting to be friends, you know?) and it progressed to proper ‘crush’ territory eventually. When did this all happen? I can’t say for sure myself.
Fufufu, I definitely agree with you ! Your taste in characters truly is wonderful,, and ah ? How amusing and charming that we compliment each other, my dear knight ♡
Hmm, that does make sense, since.. well, romantic feelings do tend to base themselves in platonic attraction to some degree (like ideally, your partner should also be someone you feel is a very good friend of yours, and all that).. Very interesting, and I thank you for your answer, my dear <3
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