#and apparently my dad and his brothers used to use it to go bow fishing? or so i assume from the label
july-19th-club · 1 year
i say this every three months or so but i have GOT to get back into archery . my god i have GOT to find a fucking recurve bow
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
for @pink-lightsabre Prompt “Zuko and gaang+ “That was ONE Time.” (following last year's au HERE, but not directly) (really not as much Zuko as intended sorry) Being a prisoner of the Fire Nation was weird, Sokka had settled on.  Not that they were, officially, since it turned out the Prince was banished. Zuko didn't actually have much authority except on this particular boat, but he and his sister and the weird bald kid that they'd pulled out of the ice after said boat had crashed into a glacier were very much on the boat. So, as much as Katara and Aang--who was apparently the actual avatar, somehow Katara had known!-- were trying to pretend this was an adventure, Sokka did not let himself forget.  No matter how nice the old guy who kept making them tea was. Still, it was hard to be as terrified when General Iroh had kept promising him that no one was going to=separate them. It could all have been an act, though if it was, that didn't explain why no one had questioned him about Water Tribe locations or defenses. Not that they had any defenses, anymore. Sokka knew it was up to him, just like his dad had said. Get Katara out of this mess and back to the village. Protect her, and her secret.  The soldiers on board had followed the General's lead when it came to the three prisoners, which mostly meant leaving them alone and only really paying attention if it looked like they were trying to go somewhere like the captain's quarters, or the armory, or above deck, which still left a whole dining area, halls, and a couple of storage rooms. It meant that Sokka had managed to map pretty much the whole boat out in his head, and had gotten some real sailor gossip alongside.  They'd been 'invited' to eat the night meal with Prince Zuko and his uncle again. Well, Sokka was pretty sure they could have refused, but didn't want to push it until they'd figured out a solid escape plan, which was going poorly. Aang was convinced that the whole war could be ended just as soon as he had a Talk with the Firelord. Sokka was not eager to see that chat.  The food was good, steaming hot and spiced. Aang poked through his bowl of noodles as Sokka wolfed down the fish in his bowl. "I told the cook to make yours without fish," the General answered an unspoken question. "I should have known sooner that you wouldn't have enjoyed last night's supper. It was not very hospitable of me." "Oh," Aang said brightly. "Thank you." He nudged Katara, who was still wary of all this, even if she was more optimistic than Sokka was about how this was all going to end, eventually.  "See? The Fire nation can respect other beliefs." Sokka noticed how the General shifted a bit on his knees at that, lifting his cup of tea. He noticed how the Fire Prince scowled at his own plate. "Avatar Aang," Iroh said. "I think, perhaps you should guard your hopes. My brother does not listen to me." "You're his family," Aang said, frowning when the prince glared.  "The Firelord does not obey the whims of family. And the Fire Nation does not have to bow to --" he started, the candles shifting with his rising voice. "Easy, Nephew," Iroh said. "Now is perhaps a better time for discussions like this, but not the best."  "Then when?" Zuko asked. "I am bringing my father the Avatar. This isn't a Social visit for you." Sokka flinched. There went what little freedoms they'd had. In the corner of his eye, he saw Katara flick her fingers, back and forth, and saw the broth in the bowls move. Oh, no. He couldn't let her attempt at waterbending be noticed. They'd kill her, like his mother. "Maybe it should be," he said, bringing all the attention squarely on himself. "We could be allies." He did not want to ally himself with anyone on this boat, no matter how friendly the General seemed to be, but it was only fair to fight trickery with trickery. He lead with the only bit of gossip he'd heard that might have proved legitimately useful "I've heard, you spoke out against Fire Nation cruelty before."   "That was one time." Zuko spat, rising. His robes, shot through with gold, caught the candlight. "I will not make that mistake again. " Katara put her hand to her necklace. Aang stared up at Zuko from the eating mat, his gray eyes soft. He spoke quietly. "I don’t think standing up for your people is a mistake. I don't think you think so either.”
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Ok modern zuko would be an expert at breakdancing and sokka would be the guy who just bi-panicks whenever he does
(whoops, my hand slipped and I accidentally wrote a modern au headcanon turned zukka karate au one-shot) 
Okay but consider this instead: Zuko doesn’t know how to dance for shit and has horrible rhythm, but he is a GOD at martial arts. He’s been doing some type of style since he was a kid and is a full black belt by the time he hits high school. Martial arts was always something he excelled at, but it was also something that made him feel more secure. It was something he could work on to help him protect himself from his home life, even if it wasn’t enough most times. He specifically excels in weapons forms (I’m thinking twin sais) and you DO NOT want to spar with him. Because he may be skinny and shorter, but he’s quick and can hit hard at just the right spots. 
When he was younger he was obsessed mainly because he felt that belt rankings and trophies from competitions were a way to prove himself to his dad, but when he moved in with Iroh (who encouraged him to keep it up and was so proud of how talented and passionate he was about it), he basically used it in place of talking about his feelings. He didn’t talk about his home life or the shit Ozai did, instead, he put all his energy into his black belt levels, learning new weapons forms, and eventually into teaching new students as a junior instructor. 
At school, he’s awkward and asocial and just doesn’t have the energy for people. Zuko has little patience for asshole classmates who ask intrusive questions about his scar or spread rumors about where he got it. He eats lunch in his English classroom and would be a complete shut-in if Iroh didn’t get him to work part-time at the Jasmine Dragon. But in the dojo, he’s focused and is able to direct his energy into improving his forms and teaching younger teens. 
One of his newer students transferred from a different dojo after moving from a different state. He’s actually a freshman at Zuko’s high school but it’s not as if Zuko really interacted that much with him. This kid, Aang, is as talented and dedicated as he is, but has a long way to go to learn all the new katas. Zuko’s been dubbed the ‘scary’ trainer at the dojo. He’s the serious one who will yell if someone is goofing off and everyone’s seen that he has no problem using full force in a demonstration (little kids love him and he’s super nice to them, but he teaches the 12-15 age range). Plus there’s that scar, which doesn’t make him the most initially welcoming person. But this new kid Aang just latches onto Zuko immediately. He says hi to Zuko in the halls at school and works on his katas outside of regular practice times. At first Zuko thinks this sickeningly positive kid is annoying as crap, but warms up to him. He likes that Aang cares about martial arts and isn’t nice as a show, he’s just genuinely nice. 
And maybe he sees Aang hanging around school with a sophomore girl and her brother who just might be in Zuko’s calc class and English class. 
And maybe Zuko thinks this guy is insanely attractive and somehow incredibly funny even though most of his humor consists of the worst puns imaginable. 
But obviously, Zuko hasn’t attempted to ever actually talk to this guy. The most that he could classify as ‘talking’ to the cute, funny guy on the robotics club is the one day in English class when he had to respond to someone’s dumbass comment about Macbeth with what ended up being a ten minute spoken essay about obvious motifs and symbolism. To which Mr. Puns and Ponytail was very obviously paying great attention to and even gave Zuko a smile and thumbs up for. 
Zuko knows it’s pointless to engage. After all, he’s a senior and he doesn’t have any friends anyway. There’s no point in making any this year. Crushing on this guy from the comfortable position of the other side of the room is totally good enough for him. Totally. This is fine. He’s fine.  
Besides, he’s got competitions and if he doesn’t secure the regional championships this year he’s never going to get the chance after he goes to college. And he’s got his kids to train. Aang in particular is gearing up for his first debut into this area’s tournament. 
The tournament’s in October and usually, Zuko focuses on his own matches and performances, but Aang really wanted him to watch his set. So on this day, he stands on the sides of Aang’s zone instead of obsessively going through his katas in a corner.He’s not going to be able to watch the whole set because it overlaps with his own weapons portion, but he stands on the side and gives Aang a reassuring look that, ‘don’t worry, you’ll do great, you’re a talented kid,’ when his student looks over to him nervously. 
And wouldn’t you know it? Aang brought some friends to come watch. And one of them is Mr. Zuko’s Big Gay Crush. 
“Oh, hey Zuko,” are the words that come out of this guy's mouth that give Zuko a near-stroke. And damn if this guy’s eyes aren’t blue and pretty and he usually wears his hair in a ponytail at school, but now he’s wearing it down and Zuko wishes he could take screenshots with his brain because holy moly. 
“Hey.” Is the best that Zuko can get out of his dumb mouth. “You’re Sokka.” 
“Aang invited us to come watch,” Sokka nudges his head to indicate the ‘us’ includes his younger sister, who Zuko doesn’t know the name of. “How do you guys not get heatstroke during these things? It’s like a million degrees in here.” 
“Oh the gi’s pretty cold, I mean, it’s got air and stuff.” 
Zuko decided right there that he would be completely fine with being struck by lightning. Of course, that’s what his stupid brain would come up with. Of course, that’d be the thing he’d say in front of one of the smartest guys in his class. 
They watch Aang perform his set for the judges. Zuko recognizes that Aang took his advice when he said that he wasn’t putting enough force into his hits. He’s never seen Aang be as, well, aggressive isn’t the right word, but he’s definitely putting more power into his form. Zuko wouldn’t admit it, though, but only part of his attention was for Aang at the moment. The other part was for Sokka, who was smiling bright and pumping his fists when Aang completed a row of kicks. 
The small part of Zuko’s brain that wasn’t being taken up by watching Aang or trying to act normal around his crush noticed the clock on the wall indicating that the weapons portion would be starting in five minutes.  
“I’ve got to go do a thing so I’ll just, um, go do that now.” 
“Are you competing too?” Sokka asked. 
To this question Zuko just holds up his sais and raises his eyebrow as if to say ‘it’s a tournament, what do you think?’ Because yeah, he knows Sokka’s super smart, he’s seen him churn out calc answers at the speed of light and noticed his name on the robotics club awards update on the school’s website, but he’d also seen Sokka eat 5 packs of fundip at once on a dare and unironically wear a ‘women want me, fish fear me’ t-shirt for most of junior year. Somehow he had managed to fall for the smartest dumbass on earth. 
“Oh yeah, right.” Sokka eyes the sais and then looks right at Zuko’s face, “Aang says you’re really good.” 
Zuko decides that thinking about Aang talking to Sokka about him was something he didn’t need distracting him during his set. That was something he could anxious about later. 
“Hopefully good enough for those five assholes,” Zuko replies, gesturing to the panel of judges in the weapons section of the gymnasium. To his shock, Sokka laughs. It’s a nice laugh, too. And Zuko really hoped he could blame the blush that was one-hundred-percent creeping up his face on the lack of AC. 
“You know, you’re pretty funny man,” Sokka tells him. Zuko has no clue how to take that compliment, but he really does need to go. 
“Right,” he grins nervously and shifts his left foot around to bounce away, “well I have to go do my thing.” 
“Good luck!” 
That’s where Zuko thinks the beginning and end of his interaction with Sokka would be. 
The weapons portion thankfully goes by age. And since Zuko’s one of the youngest competitions, he gets to go first for his sai katas. This is what literal years of training have prepared him for. At regionals last year, the second advanced kata got him placed high enough to qualify for states. This is what he’s good at. He tells himself that a thousand times before starting his set. 
There’s not a thought in his head as Zuko goes through the form. The sais glide through his fingertips with every jab, block, and hook. The imaginary opponent doesn’t stand a chance. He’s cool and competent and graceful. It’s therapeutic in a sense. There’s enough adrenaline to make Zuko feel like he’s worth something, but more importantly, he knows he’s nailing this. Whatever the judges say about it, he knows that he’s perfected this form after practicing it at least a thousand times over three years. 
The judges agree with him. He’s the first competitor of the weapons portion but there isn’t really a doubt in their minds about who’s going to place. 
Zuko zones back in to the gym after bowing to the panel. He walks off, feeling lighter and letting a satisfactory smile take over his face. 
He expects the hug from Uncle and the proud smile from Sensei Piandao, but what he doesn’t expect is to see Sokka, eyes wide as globes, staring at him from the other side of the mat. 
Because what Zuko doesn’t know is that the second he turned his wrists in his first form during his hooks, Sokka’s brain went into Full Bi Panic Mode. 
And Zuko thinks the one conversation where he couldn’t talk like a human and wanted to die for most of it would be the only time Sokka would decide to willingly talk to him. Zuko is dead wrong. Sokka, in fact, has decided that this, this is the guy his Disaster Bi Brain has decided to latch onto. Sokka’s brain and all his squishy feelings have apparently decided to attach to this aloof kid with the scar who reserved his voice for eloquent, impassioned speeches about dramas and was apparently an actual god with weapons. Sokka decides that Zuko could roundhouse kick him in the side and he’d thank him. And right now Zuko’s looking at him with a dumbfounded expression, prompting Sokka to remember how to function so he can go over to congratulate Zuko and maybe ask if his dojo provides a free trial. 
So yeah, that one conversation ends up decisively not being the end of anything. 
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stressisakiller · 4 years
The Other Dursley (F.W.)
Pairing: Muggle Dursley x Fred Weasley
A/N: This was requested by and anon who asked for a muggle Dursley x Fred Weasley. It turned out longer than I expected but I hope that you like it.
Flashbacks are in italics. Fred lives AU
Warnings: None, Just fluff and like two curse words
Word count: 3.7k 
Part 2
It had been over a year since you had last seen Harry when you and your family had been sent away from your home. You had quickly left your parents home as soon as you turned eighteen and moved into your own flat, above the bakery where you currently worked. You loved working in a bakery, working with your hands, and creating amazing food, you couldn’t be happier. Scratch that you would be happier if you knew what had happened to Harry, you hadn’t heard from him since that fateful day.
You had everything packed in the car when your dad decided to tell your cousin Harry that you would not be leaving. That he didn’t believe that you were all in danger from some of, as your uncle put it, “his lot”. That this was in fact all a plot to get the house that you currently stood in. 
“Oh shove it, dad,” you said deciding to speak up, “Like Harry would want the house that you made feel like a prison, or did you forget that you literally put bars on his window?” He stared at you wide-eyed, you rarely ever spoke out against your parents, you preferred to stay in the background. You didn’t let him start speaking before you continued, “You may have treated him like a pebble in your shoe but even after all the shit that you put him through he still cares enough about you to make sure that you are safe. He wouldn’t lie about this certainly not to get this house from you. If Harry says that we are in danger then we are in danger so get your fat ass out that door into your car so we can get out of here.” Vernon’s face had turned cherry red and he stared at you with a look like a fish trying to breathe air.
 “I-wha-you…” He stopped trying to speak when the look you gave him showed that there was no room for debate so he turned on his heel and stomped out the door. Dudley paused and looked at Harry saying in a quiet voice 
“I never thought of you as a waste of space” To which Petunia lost her mind about how thoughtful Duddley was while you and Harry looked at each other. Rolling your eyes, you started shooing them towards the door. You turned towards Harry once you got to the doorway, and threw your arms around him,
 “Be safe, I love you, and please find me when this is all over.” You looked up at him with wet eyes, “Remember Harry, you deserve to be loved and you deserve happiness, hopefully, you will get that once this is all over.” He gave you a small sad smile before pulling you back into a tight hug. 
“You were the only person who loved me for most of my life and I will always love you for that, I’ll miss you and if I make it through this war alive I will do my very best to find you.” You took a step back-breaking out of the embrace, you gave him one last sad smile and walked out the door to join your parents and brother in the car. 
The owner of the bakery that you worked at had gone home for the day so you currently had the place to yourself. The owner was working towards having you help run the bakery, so she left you to run it by yourself often. Your ideas for new items were creative and she had no idea where you got the ideas for the looks of some of the goodies. You had gotten a couple of books from Harry over his years at Hogwarts that inspired you. You were currently in the back working on an idea for a new pastry when you heard the front bell ring.
“Just a second!” you called out, wiping your hands on your apron you walked towards the front counter, looking up as you walked through the doorway you froze. “Harry? Is that you?” you muttered not quite believing your eyes. 
“Hey cousin, I told you I’d find you.” That was all it took for you to run around the counter and throw your arms around his neck, you could see some new scars and he looked a little tired but he was alive and in front of you. “I have a favor to ask of you,” He stated, still hold you tightly in his hug, you looked up at him stepping away from the hug
 “Anything” you replied. He smiled
“I have someone I want you to meet,” He said turning, towards the door he called out “Ginny, you can come in now.” The door opened to reveal a beautiful redhead in overalls. Harry proceeded to introduce the two of you telling you that Ginny was, in fact, his girlfriend. You were overjoyed at the news and couldn’t wait to get to know her better. “I wanted you to meet her because you are my family and I want you to approve of the girl that I am in love with.” he told you, “With that being said I was hoping that you could join us for dinner tonight, I want you to meet the people that have been my family for the past couple of years when I wasn’t able to be around you.” You beamed up at him, 
“I would love that! I just have a couple of things to finish up here before I can go, would you like to come and sit in the back with me so that we can talk while I bake?” Nodding you all headed to the back and talked, you talked about everything that had happened in the past year. You couldn’t be happier, and you couldn’t wait to meet and thank the people that had loved Harry even when you weren’t able to be there for him. 
You were finally done with closing up the bakery so you brought Harry and Ginny upstairs to your flat so that you could get changed before meeting her family. You had decided that if you were going to make a good impression that you had to bring some food along with you as well. You finally decided on some cream puffs you had shaped like dragons and some custard tarts that had nutmeg sprinkled in the shape of fireworks on top. You finally decided to wear a cute flowy blouse and a pair of high waisted jeans with your converse, cute but not over the top. You placed your goodies into a bag and walked over to your cousin and his girlfriend. 
“Alright I’m ready,” you said, “sorry it took so long for me to finish up at the bakery.”
“It’s alright,” came the reply from Ginny, “we warned mom that we may not get back until a little later, so she should only just be finishing up dinner.” The way she spoke made you wonder how she could possibly be confident in getting there on time if you hadn’t even left the house yet. Harry saw your confusion and smiled.
 “Don’t worry cuz, we won’t be traveling there by car, we will be using floo powder, it’ll get us there much quicker.” He stated as if that cleared everything up. Instead of asking the obvious questions of, what on earth are you talking about and what is floo powder, you decided to just follow along and watched as he walked over to the fireplace. 
“Ok y/n just watch what Ginny does and then I’ll show you so that you can go before me.” You simply nodded knowing that you trusted Harry and he must have a plan. You watched as Ginny brought out a small bag and pulled some ash looking substance from it, she then handed it to harry before standing straight saying “the burrow” and throwing down the powder. In a puff of green smoke she vanished, you walked over to the fireplace, looked in then looked at harry.
 “So I guess that means that we are using magic to get there?” He chuckled at your reaction and nodded
 “That’s right, that was floo powder it allows you to travel between fireplaces in what is called the floo network, now it’s your turn.” You looked at him in concern 
“My turn?” 
“ Yes cuz, your turn, it’s very easy, you’re going to get in the fireplace, grab some of the powder then very clearly say, ‘The Burrow’ immediately throwing the powder down and you will be there in no time!” 
Following his instruction, you climbed into the fireplace with your goodies feeling a little stupid, and next thing you knew you were stumbling out of a completely different fireplace coughing. You tripped while falling out and were caught by a very tall, very good looking redhead.
“Watch it love, can’t have you falling over,” he stated smiling at you. You heard a whooshing sound behind you and turned in time to see harry calmly stepping out of the fireplace you had just vacated. He smiled when he saw Fred’s arm on you.
 “Great, you’re here!” Harry stated, “The first time I used Floo powder I ended up in the wrong place, so I’m glad to see that you didn’t make the same mistake.” You glared at him for a second, 
“You mean to tell me that I could have ended up in some random fireplace but you still had me do that?” The redhead whose arm was still on you laughed
“She’s got you there mate, why didn’t you just apparate?” Harry shrugged and you finally took a moment to look around you, it was a cozy house, you could see that the dishes in the sink were cleaning themselves, because why not, and the clock on the wall had faces on it, all of them currently pointing to a spot that simply said home. You were enchanted. You were quickly pulled out of your amazement by the man beside you calling out,
 “Oi, Harry, are you going to introduce us to this lovely lady or not?” You saw Harry blush and murmur a “sorry” before he walked over to you and started to introduce you to everyone.
“To start off the man that you stumbled into is Fred, he is one half of the twins and a real trickster, he and his brother own an amazing joke shop in Diagon Alley.” The man, who you now knew as Fred, bowed dramatically, and kissed you on the hand,
 “At your service,” he said smirking up at your blushing cheeks before he was pushed out of the way by someone who looked almost identical to him except that he was missing an ear, 
“Since Harry is doing a terrible job at it I’ll take the liberty to introduce myself, George Weasley at your service, I ear you are the only respectable Dursley.” He joked, getting a smack on the head from a shorter plump woman who hurried up to you 
“Molly Weasley, dear it is so wonderful to finally meet you, we have heard so much about you from Harry, I’m so glad he had someone to trust while he lived with your family. You must be hungry, come let us go to the table and you can meet everyone else there.” she rambled drawing you out of the crowd and towards the dinner table. You smiled and handed the desserts to her as you walked to the table, smiling softly at the way she tsked muttering something about not needing to bring anything and that they were just happy to have you here. You were soon introduced to everyone else as you sat at the table, Fred rushed over to take the spot next to you much to the chagrin of the other Weasleys. You smiled at their playfulness, it was so different than anything you and Harry had experienced as children, you could see why he loved it here so much. As the meal progressed you found yourself speaking more and more to the twin sitting next to you, you shared how different your experiences as twins were and he talked to you about the joke shop while you talked about working in the bakery. Fed couldn’t help but be fascinated by you, you were nothing like what he expected any of the Dursleys to be. You were sweet and funny and absolutely stunning. He could see some of the flour behind your ear that you had missed while getting ready and the spark in your eyes when you talked about baking. His admiration for you was cemented when Mrs. Weasley brought out your desserts. He just started at the tart and cream puff in front of him, could you be any more perfect? He was brought out of his thoughts by your voice,
 “Hey, Harry, want to tell them about the time we pranked Duddley into thinking he was a wizard?” Harry laughed loudly and began the story of how you worked together to find ways to make unexplainable things happen around Duddley to the point he ran crying to your parents because he thought that he was a weirdo like Harry. You had both gotten into the worst trouble of your lives that day. You thought Petunia might just kill the two of you but luckily it just involved being locked in your room with no supper for a week. It was so worth it. You didn’t notice how Fred looked at you the rest of the night but George and Harry did, and when they caught each other’s eyes they knew that they had to make a plan to get you together. 
Sadly the night ended and you had to head back to your flat, you did have work in the morning. Harry, was helping Molly clean so he called for “Freddie” to take you home. You saw the quick glare that Fred gave Harry, and wondered what he could mean by it, were you that bad of company. But you decided not to say anything, you had just met and there were a hundred reasons why Fred would glare at Harry. Fred walked to you and took your hand smiling said
 “If I’m the one taking you home then I am doing this my way. Think about your home very clearly in your mind.” you did as he asked leaning a little closer to him while you did, you heard a pop and felt your stomach flip over. “Perfect,” came a voice from above you, “We made it” You opened your eyes and were surprised to see that you were in your living room. You decided to make the most of having Fred here with you and asked if he would like to stay and have some hot chocolate. He agreed and you spent the next couple of hours sitting under a blanket on the couch drinking hot chocolate and laughing together. He finally had to leave around midnight since you had the morning shift the next day. Before leaving he gave your hand a quick kiss and muttered a soft thank you, you then heard a pop and he vanished. You smiled to yourself hoping that you would get to see more of the handsome redhead over the next few months. 
Your hopes were answered when in the morning you heard the front bell ding and looking up from your kneading saw the redhead that you had fallen asleep dreaming about the night before. You wiped your hands off and walked to the front, 
“And how sir, can I help you this morning?” you asked, putting on an over the top customer service voice.
 “Well,” Fred spoke with a slight smirk, “What I would really like is for you to go to dinner with me” You could see the nervousness behind his eyes as he spoke trying to look as confident as possible. You decided to tease him a little bit
“Are you asking me on a date, Fred Weasley?” He looks at you with thoughtful eyes,
 “Would you like it to be?” You tapped your chin as if you were thinking hard before replying with a smile, 
“I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you. I still have a couple of hours left in my shift. Would you like to join me in the back until my shift is over, I can show you how to make those custard tarts.” Without answering he marched over to you, grabbed your hand, and pulled you towards the back as you laughed at his behavior. He watched mesmerized as you worked, certain that there had to be some sort of magic involved for you to create the things you did. You assured him that you were in no way magical you just loved to bake. He joked with you about the flour that flew out of the mixer when you first turned it on, and you decided to get him back by throwing some in his face. Finally, around lunch the owner came in to relieve you and let you head home, she was very interested in the “handsome young man” that was helping you at the counter. You pulled Fred up with you to your apartment, the whole time he was making jokes about “not being that easy”, that he’s surprised at how forward you were and, “at least buy me dinner first love.” All of which you laughed at and shook your head letting him know that he would have to work a lot harder if he wanted to have sex with you anytime soon. Fred may have internalized that and thought to himself ‘challenge accepted.’ You left him in the living room as you cleaned up and changed into something cuter. He couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in his stomach when you walked back in the living room giving him a smirk and a twirl at his wide eyes. 
After that first date he would come over to the bakery all the time, most of the time you would end up going up to your flat and having dinner before staying up and talking until it got late. He would then give you a kiss on the cheek and say goodbye before apparating back to his flat. It became a sort of pattern for the two of you until one day when he showed up at your flat on your day off. Marching into your house he stated that you would be going with him to see Diagon Alley,  “Come on love, time for you to see my world.” he said with a flourish, bringing his arm up for you to grasp like a gentleman you giggled at how cheesy he was and grabbed onto his outstretched arm. Next thing you know there was a pop and you were in front of a dirty looking pub. You looked over at Fred and raised your eyebrow, he smirked at your confusion, “Trust me, love, not everything is as it seems.” he then led you though a large pub to a back courtyard and tapping the bricks with his wand the wall parted showing you the world behind it. You couldn’t help but let your jaw drop as you saw Diagon Alley for the first time. Smiling at your reaction Fred dragged you passed all of the shops until you stopped in front of the one with a giant animatronic man that looked suspiciously like the man standing next to you.
“So I’m guessing this is yours?”
 “What gave it away?” he asked with a laugh
 “Maybe the giant moving version of you at the front” was your reply. He dragged you into the door and you felt yourself gasp, there was so much to look at you knew that you could be here for days just looking at everything. 
“Freddie it’s amazing” He proudly walked you through the shop showing you the greatest hits, you’d have time to look at everything else later, he insisted. You paused in front of the love potion, 
“Does this really make you fall in love with someone?” you asked intrigued.
 “More like deep infatuation, but it is supposed to smell like the things you love. Want to smell?” You took a whiff and were surprised that one of the things you smelled was similar to the man standing next to you. You of course didn’t make this fact known to him instead, deciding to keep this revelation to yourself. He finally pulled you upstairs to his flat to have tea and watch a movie. As the movie progressed you felt yourself get more and more sleepy. You felt Fred’s warmth next to you and the blanket that you were sharing smelled like him and all you could think about was how much you wanted to snuggle close to him and fall asleep. A few minutes later you finally gave in to your inner thoughts and cuddled close to him He simply smiled and wrapped his arm around you to pull you closer. The last thing you felt before falling asleep was a light kiss on your head and Fred Whispering “Good night my love.” In the morning you woke up in bed… funny you don’t remember going to bed. You quickly realized that it wasn’t your bed and that you were cuddled up to someone. You turned your head and noticed Fred fast sleep behind you, you smiled and flipped around so that you were facing him. He cracked open an eye and muttered “Mornin, love” in a voice still deep from sleep. It was then that you realized just how far you had fallen for the man in front of you. You looked into his eyes and saw a look on his face that you knew was mirrored on your own. You leaned in, feeling him doing the same, you paused a handsbreadth away, glancing up at his eyes you whispered “kiss me, please.” Immediately his lips were on yours, soft at first but getting more and more hungry, you nipped at his bottom lip and the moan that he let out was the most amazing sound you had ever heard. You finally pulled away because, air, and you were both beaming like idiots. “Guess this means your mine now, eh love?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out smiling, “I guess it does.” You chuckled “I wonder what Harry is going to say to this.” 
“Harry? I bet he and George had a bet going, all I’m wondering about is who won.”
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
WIP #47
(Send me a number 1-60 [or a fandom/character I guess] for the corresponding wip) because I’m bored and brain-fried and have too many wips that’ll otherwise never see the light of day.
For @misssquidtracy who asked for “Number 47 - Thunderbirds (specifically da Gords)”.   Luckily, this happens to be a Gordon PoV wip, so it’s all Gordon!
It’s also a Scott!whump, because it’s me and I’m terrible and I have way too many of these lying around, so watch out for that.  There’s also a lot of this.  Nearly 6k words, so enjoy :D
Gordon hated it when his squid sense started to tingle for no discernible reason.  On a rescue, his squid sense was invaluable, warning him just in time that a building was about to topple, or that an aftershock was on its way.  Lives had been saved by his mysterious power – hardly a power, more an instinct honed by too many years of military precision combined with a predisposition for pranks whilst living in a house with three older brothers.  Alan joked about him being bitten by a squid, like that old superhero story about the guy and the spider.
It was easier to laugh it off than get into a debate with the astronaut about the biting habits – or lack thereof – of aquatic creatures his younger brother knew nothing more than the required basics about.
However, joking aside, Gordon’s sixth sense was particularly active, and while usually it was a life-saving boon, this time it was just a nuisance.  He was at home, safe and comfortable in the clean water of the pool. He’d opted for lazy backstrokes, taking his time to reach from one end of the pool to the other before executing a neat flip to repeat the stroke back the way he’d come.  None of his brothers were on missions, either.  John was as ever up in Thunderbird Five, but from the far end of the pool he could see the holographic form of his brother just visible in the den.  Alan was, last checked, also in the den – the two space mad brothers had decided to watch a documentary on, surprise, surprise, space, during what downtime they had – while Virgil had decided to do some maintenance on Thunderbird Two with Brains.
Scott was away on boring business, a stuffy CEO meeting that he couldn’t palm off onto the board of directors that were supposed to be handling that sort of thing for him, or even attend via hologram.  They had insisted on a personal touch – literally – and as it was, apparently, a big deal, that meant Scott had to ditch the blues, send one last longing look at Thunderbird One, and let Kayo escort him in Tracy One to the meeting place.
The meeting had been due to start about an hour ago, if Gordon was getting his timezone calculations correct.  Why Tracy Industries still had its headquarters in America, far too many hours behind Tracy Island, when there was a perfectly respectable landmass or two closer to home, he couldn’t quite fathom, but when he’d raised the point Scott and John had both fixed him with tired, don’t be an idiot looks, with just a hint of be glad you don’t have to deal with this nonsense to stop him from pestering further.
Kayo herself was who-knew-where, sneaking around in her sneaky Kayo way.  He’d seen Tracy One return several hours ago, Kayo’s taxi service duties over until Scott called for her.  Apparently, head of IR security did not equal anything in terms of Tracy Industries security, a fact that he knew grated on her.  Still, she and Lady Penelope had run multiple background checks on all the men and women that made up Scott’s official security, and were as assured as they could be with Kayo not amongst their number that he was in good hands.
So if his squid sense could stop tingling randomly, that’d be great, thanks.
It didn’t, and annoyance turned to dread when the emergency signal went off, summoning them all to the lounge.  A tingling squid sense, and an emergency?  Gordon had a really bad feeling about that.
He made it to the den in record time, more damp than not with a beautiful trail of drips across the carpet that Grandma was going to murder him for later, and still in nothing but his swimming trunks.  Alan made a face of disgust as he threw himself down onto the sofa next to him to face John.  The documentary that the two astronauts had been watching was paused on what his old school lessons told him was a supernova eruption.  The imagery of an explosion did nothing to help his jittery squid sense.
Virgil was last to join them, grease streaking up one sleeve and smearing onto the sofa he chose to sit on – at least he wasn’t the only one that would be facing the wrath of Grandma later.
“What have you got, John?” his eldest currently-home brother asked, looking far too laid back for Gordon’s liking.  Not that there was anything wrong with it – Virgil still was far from relaxed, alert and ready for the briefing before launching himself down the slide of death – but Gordon found himself tense in comparison.
“A plane’s gone down in America,” John told them.  “I intercepted a mayday call from the pilot; the GDF have already responded but it’s a bad one and they don’t have enough resources to get everyone out.   Gear up; I’ll give you the details on the way.”
One of those, huh? Gordon flew towards the fish tank that housed his launch tube, slapping his palm against the hidden sensor and feeling the familiar downwards rush towards the hangars, splitting off from the route to Four and instead making a beeline for Two.  He met Alan on the platform, his youngest brother jittering excitedly as always, just in time for Virgil to retract it, bringing them up into the cockpit.
Co-pilot was his chair, and the only person annoying enough to turf him out of it on ‘superiority’ grounds was Scott.  Even Kayo knew better than to steal his chair, so Alan settled happily enough into the navigation chair behind Virgil, pulling up the screens ready for John to transmit the data straight though.
“You alright?” Virgil asked him as the hangar door rolled down, revealing rows of palm trees ready to bow in homage to the green beast.
“My squid sense is going haywire,” he admitted, no point in lying.  Not on a mission.  He expected John to scoff – his second eldest brother always slightly more dismissive of it than the rest of them.  After all, there was no scientific explanation.  All joking about fish and gills aside, Gordon was one hundred percent human.  John didn’t scoff, and that made his squid sense reach an uncomfortable level.  In fact, John didn’t say anything at all, his hologram not paying them any attention at all as he fiddled with something invisible up on Five.
“Well, it’s a plane crash,” Alan pointed out, his voice somewhat subdued.  Virgil made a noise of agreement as Two’s engines roared to life behind them, punching them into the air.  She was no rocket, but Thunderbird Two could still produce a decent amount of Gs. Gordon wished that was it, but the tingle had started before John briefed them.
“Guys,” John finally said, once Two was cruising at full speed towards America.  “I’ve got hold of the flight details for the plane.  It wasn’t easy; turns out it was a top-secret flight even the GDF didn’t know about.”
“That sounds ominous,” Virgil observed.
“It gets worse.” John’s face was grim.  Really grim.  Bearer of terrible news grim.  “It was a private flight chartered for a top secret business meeting between the biggest aerospace companies in the world.  Four CEOs were on board, including-” his voice broke in a very un-John-like manner, and Gordon’s stomach dropped.
“Don’t say it,” Alan begged. In front of him, Virgil’s knuckles were white on the yoke, Thunderbird Two’s engines whining as they went just that little bit faster.
“Including Scott,” John finished, visibly pulling himself back together.  “In total there were thirty people on board, including the pilots. The reports from the GDF so far say that the rear of the plane is trashed but the cause isn’t yet clear. Two bodies have been recovered so far – neither of them Scott – but they can’t get into the main body of the plane. Scans suggest that approximately half of them survived the initial crash.  I’m picking up fourteen life signs; two of them in the cockpit area so they’re most likely the pilots.”
“Scott’s communicator?” Virgil asked as sea gave way to land beneath them, the American coast looking unfairly beautiful.
“I’m not getting a response,” John admitted.  “I’ll keep trying.”
“Anything from the telemetry?”  Alan was tapping away at the screen by his chair, clearly manipulating the data John was sending him.  Gordon envied him the distraction.
“It’s offline,” John sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.  “Seems like it was damaged in the crash.  EOS is attempting to reconnect but no luck so far.”
“Do you have any good news for us, Johnny?” Gordon asked hopefully.
“Colonel Casey is one of the GDF officers at the scene,” John offered, notably not rising to the bait. Well, Gordon supposed that was better than random officers, or worse, the ones that weren’t overly fond of International Rescue and didn’t fully co-operate.  “Kayo’s just launched in Thunderbird Shadow for the airport they took off from.  Lady Penelope is also on the way; she and Parker are already making enquiries to find out what happened.”
“They think sabotage?” Virgil asked.
“The CEOs of the four most powerful aerospace industries in the world were on that plane,” John pointed out.  “It’s suspicious, at least.”
“Do you think it’s the Hood?”  Gordon sent Alan a withering look.  Not everything was the Hood’s fault, even if it felt like it.
“I don’t know, Alan,” John said.  “Kayo thinks it isn’t his style.  He’d have been looking to get money from them, not kill them.”
“He killed Dad.”
Gordon flinched.  He wasn’t the only one.
“No-one said Scott’s dead,” Virgil said, voice steady even though Gordon couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked so tense.
“He’ll be okay, right?” Alan asked.  “I mean, it’s Scott.  If anyone can walk away from a plane crash, it’d be Scott, right?”
“Let’s hope,” John replied.
The co-ordinates John had programmed into Thunderbird Two’s navigation system flashed up, warning that they were on final approach.  Slowed to subsonic, they came to a hover alongside a GDF flier and got their first glimpse of the downed plane.  It wasn’t pretty.
The final third of the plane no longer resembled the tail of anything remotely flight-worthy.  Twisted and warped metal was crumpled and torn ragged. Men and women in GDF uniforms were hovering around the area, large lasers deployed to slice their way in. Gordon knew instantly that no-one who had been in that part of the plane could possibly have survived.
At the other end of the plane, the nose was also crumpled but not as far back as the cockpit windows. It looked as though whatever had downed the plane had occurred at the back, with the damage to the nose only made by the impact of the crash.  More GDF were swarming the cockpit windows, cutting their way in with infinite more care than their counterparts were cleaving the rear.
The area of most interest to them was the middle third.  While not the complete write-off of the rear, massive dents and warps in the metal warned of a serious crash.  Any survivors would be in that area, but the condition of said survivors was unknown. All of the emergency exits were untouched; from a distance, Gordon couldn’t tell if they were wedged shut by warped metal, or if there was another reason that none of them had been opened.
“International Rescue!” Colonel Casey flagged them down, guiding them towards a space just large enough for Thunderbird Two to land.  “You boys are a sight for sore eyes,” she greeted.  “The fuselage is too thick for our lasers to get through without endangering the survivors inside.  We’ve got the pilots under control, but we haven’t been able to make contact with any of the passengers.”
“F.A.B.,” Virgil answered her.  “We’ll get them out.  John said fourteen life signs?”
“Affirmative,” she said. “We have visual on both pilots. The other twelve are randomly positioned within the front half of the plane.”
“We’ll get them out,” Virgil assured her, and ended the call.  “Gordon, Alan, get as much cutting gear and first aid supplies as you can carry.”
“You didn’t mention Scott,” Gordon observed, and he sighed.
“No point worrying her. You two know we have to treat him the same as the rest?”
Alan frowned.
“But couldn’t he help us?”
“If he’s fit to help, then that’s one thing,” Virgil told them.  “But I don’t like that none of the doors are open.  Don’t get your hopes up; this is a nasty crash.”
“Come on,” Gordon muttered, grabbing Alan’s arm and tugging him towards the module.  “Faster we get in there, the faster we’ll find him.”
“I know that much!” Alan grumbled, yanking his arm back.  “I can walk by myself, Gordon!”  He stalked off ahead.  Gordon let him, hearing Virgil catch up with him from behind.
“You don’t think Scott’s okay,” he said, quietly.  It wasn’t a question.
“If he was, he’d have got word out somehow by now,” Virgil replied.  “Even if his communicator’s broken, there are GDF swarming the place. He’d only need to catch their attention through a window.”  He made a beeline straight for his exosuit, pulling on the heavy gear with the ease of practice and charging out of the lowering module door.  Gordon collected their last hand-held cutter and shouldered a medical pack before following alongside Alan, who was kitted out the same.
Virgil’s shoulder laser was powerful and made short work of the fuselage that the GDF had been too reluctant to touch.  A wrench with the claw arm and a thick wodge of metal slammed down on the ground in front of him.  The opening wasn’t huge, too small for Virgil with his suit to fit through comfortably, but it was the largest they’d been willing to risk with the unknown structural integrity of the fuselage.  Gordon slipped through first, hand laser in hand for any further obstacles, and let out a shaky breath.
“Woah,” he muttered, pulling his helmet on.  The air was murky, dust kicked up and swarming around from the warped metal. None of the seats were upright; sheered metal struts protruded from where they should have been, in a circle around what was once a table.  That had broken in two, the far end buried under the start of the truly warped area. “Hello?  International Rescue!”
Alongside personal effects and broken pieces of aircraft, the floor was strewn with bodies.  Some were obviously dead, impaled by shrapnel made from the very plane that should have been protecting them.  One in particular was grotesque, a metal strut that had once supported a chair stuck straight through his chest from where he’d been thrown on top of it.  Gordon recognised him as part of Scott’s security detail and had to fight to hold back the bile.
Scott.  Where was Scott?
Despite Virgil’s words, he wasted a moment looking around the scene, but there was no sign of his eldest brother.  Unable to justify hunting for him before checking for signs of life in those immediately visible, he crouched down by the nearest person not obviously dead and checked their pulse.  It was weak but there.
“Woah!”  Alan mimicked his own reaction upon entering.  “What a mess.”
“Alan, I’ve got a survivor here!”  Gordon called him over immediately.  “Mind your step.”  His youngest brother picked his way over to him.  “Find a way to get him out.  I’ll look for more.”
“Have you found Scott yet?” he asked, kneeling down and opening his med kit.  Gordon shook his head.
“No sign.  I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”  Alan nodded, and Gordon continued his search.  It was a grim one.  He’d suspected as such when no-one had responded to his call, but even when he found a warm body, they were unconscious.  Virgil joined him, exosuit stripped off and replaced with more medical kits and a small group of GDF personnel courtesy of Colonel Casey. Between them, it was a far more manageable task to carefully remove the survivors from the wreckage.  Those pronounced as dead were left for the moment as John’s countdown of life signs inside the remains of the plane slowly ticked down.
All in all, they’d so far found eighteen of the twenty eight passengers, including the dead pulled from the ruined tail section.  Ten to go, two of which were still alive according to Thunderbird Five’s scans. One of the ten was Scott.  Gordon felt cruel when he found another breathing body and mentally cursed her for not being Scott.  It wasn’t her fault; she was lucky to be alive herself, torso contorted in a way he knew meant a broken back.  He should be relieved to find any survivors at all, not cursing them for not being the one he wanted to be alive.
He flagged her up to one of the closest medics and moved on.  It was almost too dark to see at the back of the plane, up against the crushed wreckage.  His toe snapped on something soft and he tripped.  Landing in a crouch, he turned around to face the obstruction.  A dead body.  He didn’t even need to check the young man’s pulse; the poor guy had been caught in the mangled metal and torn in half.  His face was twisted in pain and terror, blue eyes wide and glassy with death.  It wasn’t Scott, but Gordon knew he’d be seeing those eyes in his nightmares nonetheless.
Turning back around, he moved to stand before realising he was by part of the fallen table.  Various limbs had been protruding from beneath the large slab at intervals during Gordon’s search, but here there was a gap. A seat, wedged beneath it, had left part of the table at an angle.  It was too dark to see into it, so Gordon palmed a glowstick and snapped it, illuminating the area in an eerie green.  Immediately the silhouette of a body greeted his eyes.  Mindful of additional shrapnel, he reached in carefully, fumbling until he found their wrist.
Thump… thump…
Slow, but there.  At the same time, a GDF woman called in another survivor.  One more than expected.
“Virgil!” he called. “I’ve got someone under the table with a pulse.  Going to need some heavy lifting to get them out!”
“F.A.B.” his brother replied.  He raised the glowstick above his head with the hand not measuring the pulse and waved it around.  “I see you.” A moment later, Virgil and a trio of GDF officers appeared.  “How much of this are we going to need to shift?” he asked.  Gordon shrugged.
“I can’t see.  Got a silhouette but not much more.  Give me your torch.”  He dropped the glowstick and kept his hand open for Virgil’s gear. It landed in his hand and he carefully manoeuvred it down before turning it on.
A once sharp grey suit was covered in dust, but that wasn’t what caught Gordon’s breath in his throat. It was the dark brown hair, and the broken but unmistakable International Rescue communicator on his forearm, less than an inch from Gordon’s fingers on the slow pulse, that made him gasp.
“It’s Scott.”  He cut Virgil’s query off.  Behind him, the GDF murmured in surprise.
Virgil didn’t ask anything more.  Gordon stayed where he was, watching the limp form of his eldest brother with a lump in his throat as they moved around him.  His fingers didn’t budge from the pulse, a fear gripping him that if he stopped measuring it, it would stop altogether.  Orders barked and a concert of groans resulted in a large part of the broken table slab being cut up and lifted, letting what pitiful light had reached so far back into the cabin illuminate Scott’s body.
It wasn’t good.  Blood matted his hair, a mark of something striking him in the crash.  One leg was twisted almost completely around, a dislocated hip at best, and more blood stained his arm.
Virgil took charge, nudging Gordon out of the way.  He went willingly only because out of everyone in the world, he only trusted Virgil or Grandma to handle his brother in such a broken state.  He tapped his communicator.
“John, Alan?”
Both answered immediately, eager for news.  Inwardly he was glad not to be the bearer of tragic news, not sure he could have managed it.
“Found him; he’s alive.”
“How is he?” Alan demanded over John’s sigh of relief.  Gordon winced.
“Alive,” he repeated. “Virgil’s got him.  It’s too dark back here to tell past that.”  That was a bare faced lie; even as he spoke he could see Virgil attaching the medical scanner to him, still glowing glow stick highlighting the frown on his face.  Neither brother called him out on it.
“I’ll update the others,” John said instead.  “Keep looking for survivors; you’re on one more than our scans showed.  There might be more.”
“F.A.B.”  He ended the call.  “Virgil?”
“All in hand,” his older brother said shortly.  “Keep looking.”
Seven dead bodies later, all thirty crew and passengers were accounted for.  He exited the craft, removing his now filthy helmet, only to almost collide with Colonel Casey.
“You knew Scott was on board the flight,” she said without greeting.  Her face was displeased, and he figured he was the first Tracy she’d managed to collar.
“Of course we did,” he confirmed.  “But that didn’t change how we operated.”
“I can see that,” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”  He glanced back at the corpse of the plane, where Virgil was still inside with Scott, carefully transferring him to a hoverstretcher, last Gordon had seen.
“Because it didn’t change anything,” he repeated.  “Excuse me, Colonel, but my job isn’t over yet.”
He didn’t wait to be dismissed, heading towards Thunderbird Two’s open module to prep it for Scott’s transport.  The GDF might be taking the other injured to hospitals, but there was only one craft their brother would be travelling in, and that was their own.  He wasn’t naïve; Scott’s injuries were bad, beyond anything Grandma and Virgil could handle at home.  John and Kayo were already working to locate a hospital both capable of treating him, and with enough security that he would be safe from ill-wishers during his recovery.
None of them were convinced this was a simple accident.  Not with so many high profile individuals on board.  The Hood aside, there were many people that stood to gain from the deaths of the four CEOs.  Lady Penelope was already digging into the employees from the other three companies who stood to benefit from the deaths.  Regretfully, the only CEO still with a pulse was Scott.  All four of them had been towards the back of the cabin, all bar Scott caught up in the twisted metal that was the final third of the plane.
Scott had been lucky, for all that he wasn’t out of the woods yet.  Gordon wasn’t a medical professional, but Virgil’s face told him that much.
“The medical carrier is ready to leave,” Colonel Casey told him.  He assumed she’d followed him to Thunderbird Two, although had at least refrained from entering uninvited.  “As soon as Scott is on board, they’ll be on their way.”
“They can leave now,” Gordon retorted.  “We’ll handle Scott.”
“I know you are concerned, but this crash is a GDF investigation,” she told him.  “All casualties fall under GDF jurisdiction.”
Gordon was shorter than her – the only one of his brothers bar the still-growing Alan with that distinction – but inside the module bay he could still look down at her.
“Scott is International Rescue jurisdiction,” he corrected her.  “And as the CEO of the family business, also Tracy jurisdiction.  He’ll be treated at a location approved by us, not the GDF, and if the GDF have an issue with that, they can take that up with our head of security.”
“And your other employees?” she challenged.  Gordon pushed away the memory of a man impaled by a seat strut.
“None of them survived.” He turned his back on her, readying the finishing touches.
“I’m sorry for your losses,” she said, and he heard her walk away.  He’d barely known them, the six men and women wearing Tracy Industries logos, but Scott had.  John, too, and Kayo had hand-picked the four members of security.
Alan appeared beside him, putting away what remained of the medical supplies he’d taken out earlier and locking the hand-held laser back where it belonged.
“Is he going to be okay?” he asked, and Gordon shrugged, putting an arm around his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” he admitted.
“Do you think this was sabotage?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why would anyone do this?”
Gordon sighed.
“It might have just been an accident,” he reminded him, even if he doubted his own words.  Alan looked equally unconvinced.  “Come on, let’s get her ready to go.”
“F.A.B.,” Alan said quietly, and they headed out towards the loading platform, only to be brought up short at the sight of Virgil approaching them, hoverstretcher alongside. Immediately they got out of the way, letting their older brother brush past and secure the stretcher to the wall.
“Gordon, pilot,” he said. “John and Kayo found us a New Zealand hospital.  It’s a fair distance, but it’s secure.  Scott should hold on long enough to get there as long as you don’t dawdle.”
“F.A.B.”  Gordon wasn’t a fan of the implication that Scott might not, but had no choice but to trust Virgil as he jabbed the button to raise the platform.  Alan stayed behind – understandable, as he hadn’t seen yet seen their eldest brother – but Gordon didn’t say anything.  He could pilot Two solo.
There were many words that could be used to describe the speed they left the crash site and headed for the other side of the world at, but ‘dawdle’ was not one of them.  She was no rocket like One or Three, but Two was still one of the fastest planes in the world, and Gordon was determined to get as much speed out of her as he dared.  Virgil could take her faster, another Mach at least, but he wasn’t Virgil and didn’t trust himself to keep her flight smooth at top speed.  He just hoped it would be fast enough.
About halfway there, somewhere over the large expanse of water that Gordon would much rather be in than over, Virgil contacted him, a hologram flickering into life in his periphery.
“If I send Alan up, will you go faster?” he asked.  Gordon’s heart sank.
“Is he getting worse?” Please no, please not Scott.
“I’ve got him stable,” Virgil reassured him.  “But he’s still critical.  The sooner we get him to the hospital the happier I’ll be.”
“More speed coming up,” he confirmed, reaching for the throttle.  “Uh, yeah, send Alan up, would you?”  He could probably do with a co-pilot if he went any faster.
“Sure thing,” Virgil agreed. “He’s on his way.”
Sure enough, no sooner than his older brother ended the connection, the door opened and Alan stumbled through it, all but collapsing into the co-pilot’s chair.
“He hasn’t woken up,” the astronaut offered as he reached forwards to power up the co-pilot controls. As soon as the second set of lights lit up, Gordon accelerated the craft towards top speed.  “Virgil’s worried about the head injury.”
Gordon grit his teeth, remembering the red matted into the brown under the powerful beam of Virgil’s torch.
“Head injuries are tricky,” he agreed.  “But Virgil knows what he’s going, and John’s found a hospital that specialises in them.”
“I know,” Alan replied quietly.  “That’s what worries me.  They’re not telling us something.”
“The hazards of being the youngest,” Gordon groaned, unsurprised but as annoyed as Alan about it. Scott was their brother too, dammit. “So, what are they not telling us?”
“Have you seen the results of the scan?” Alan asked him.  Gordon shook his head.
“Nah, had to leave to look for other survivors once Virgil was dealing with him, and haven’t seen him since.”  Five seconds of hoverstretcher rushing past didn’t really count.  “What came up?”
“No idea,” Alan sulked. “Virgil’s been keeping it out of my sight all journey.  But I know John knows.”
Gordon growled and slammed the comm button.
“John, Virgil, I want the result of those scans,” he demanded.
“You’re piloting,” Virgil responded immediately.  “No reading while you’re controlling my ‘bird.”
“Then summarise for me,” he retorted.  “Starting with that head injury.”
“Just get us to the hospital,” Virgil ordered.
“Already doing that,” he ground out, hackles rising.  “Stop trying to keep us in the dark!  He’s our brother too!”  Thunderbird Two lurched under his grip before Alan hastily stabilised them.
“What are you doing up there?” Virgil demanded.  “Be careful!”
“Letting my imagination fill in the blanks,” he lied – he was, in fact, keeping his imagination carefully blank.
“Is it that bad?” Alan interrupted before Virgil could find a fresh retort.  “Is he dying?”
Silence filled the cabin, and Gordon’s temper flared.
“You said he was stable!” he yelled.  “Dammit, Virgil, don’t lie to me about that!”
“I said critical but stable,” Virgil corrected.  “He is stable, Gordo, but…”  He trailed off, and Gordon glanced over at Alan to see his own growing panic mirrored back at him in blue eyes.
“He’s comatose,” John said quietly.
“What?” Alan yelped. Gordon stiffened, hands threatening to crush the yoke in his hands before he forcibly relaxed them.
“You didn’t think I might like to know that?” he growled, flashes of hospitals and white coats and bodiless voices stirring in the back of his mind before he trampled them down ruthlessly.  Not now. Silence answered him.  Clearly both his conscious older brothers knew they were in the wrong, and that whatever nonsense they fed him about not wanting to distract him while he was piloting wouldn’t pacify him in the slightest.
Alan’s face had gone white, big blue eyes focused on him, and he knew his younger brother was remembering the last time he’d had a family member in a coma – him.  He forced a smile for his benefit, which had about as much of an effect as any pacifying words John or Virgil might have tried to use.
“Why?” Alan asked, voice shaking.  “Who would do that?”
“Kayo and Lady Penelope are looking into it,” John told them.  “Whatever happened, they’ll find out.  I’ve got EOS doing some digging of her own, too.”
“But… is Scott going to be okay?” Alan pleaded, looking back at Gordon, who was clearly the resident expert on comas.  He remembered the fight for consciousness, pleading voices turning to resigned ones as they talked about their day yet again.  He remembered wanting to respond so badly but being trapped by his own body.
The idea of Scott going through that filled him with dread – if he even did.  Comas were different for different people, he’d found out later, when he’d torn through everything he could get his hands on in a desperate attempt to understand what had happened to him.  He wouldn’t wish that on anyone, except maybe the Hood but then even only in his blackest moods.  Scott had done nothing to deserve that.
“He’s a fighter,” was all he could say.
The hospital staff were ready and waiting for them when they finally arrived, a two hour flight that had felt far longer.  No sooner had he touched down and opened the module than they were swarming, hurrying Scott inside with Virgil hot on their heels, presumably talking doctor-speak and filling in anything they hadn’t already been briefed about.
Gordon and Alan were left in Thunderbird Two’s cockpit, watching out of the windows as their elder brothers vanished into the maw of the hospital.
“Do we follow them?” Alan asked after a moment.  Gordon looked at the doors with no small amount of dread, and shook his head.
“They won’t be allowing visitors just yet,” he said.  “Virgil will have a fight to stay with him, and he’s our medic.  We’ll just get shoved in a waiting room with sympathetic looks and no news.”
At least, that was the stories he’d heard from his brothers, regarding his own accident. International Rescue might have more weight than merely the Tracy name had back then, but a patient was a patient.
“Come home,” John said, popping up from the dashboard and looking them both over.  He looked tired, too, and Gordon wondered how much worse it was for him, stuck up in space and fully reliant on holograms to see Scott. At least the rest of them had been able to see – and touch – him.  It didn’t take much for Gordon to recall the thump-thump of a faint pulse beneath his fingers as he clung to the sign that he hadn’t lost anyone else.
Not yet, a nasty voice whispered in the back of his mind.  He silenced it sharply.
“But-” Alan protested, clinging to the edges of his seat as though it was the hoverstretcher carrying Scott’s limp body.
“Come home and get cleaned up,” John said firmly, reminding Gordon that he’d spent several hours in a wrecked plane with dead bodies.  It was hidden slightly better on Alan’s uniform, but a glance at his own showed red drying into brown on his yellow baldric.  “By the time we get back there, they might have news for us.”
“We?” Gordon locked onto, and John crossed his arms.
“I’m not staying up here waiting for news to trickle in,” he snapped, and Gordon raised his hands in surrender.
“Never said you were, big bro,” he soothed.
“What about the investigation?” Alan asked, even as he started flicking switches and preparing the massive craft for lift off once more.
“I’ve got EOS on that,” John replied.  Following Alan’s lead, Gordon took control of the massive Thunderbird again, her VTOLs roaring as they peeled away from their landing spot back into the sky.  “I’ll let Virgil know where you are once he gets in contact.”
“F.A.B.,” Gordon acknowledged.
He pretended it didn’t hurt to turn their back on the hospital where Scott lay comatose, but even if it fooled his brothers (doubtful), he couldn’t fool himself.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Busted, but it’s ok pt 1 (Powerpack story)
If there was anything better then getting the house to yourself on a Friday afternoon, Alex Powers didn't wanna know about it. with it being the summer Julie had taken Katie out for a girl's day, and Jack was hanging out with Franklin Richards over that Baxter building after his morning summer classes. Toss in Mom and Dad still at work and it meant that from 1pm till 5, Alex had the run of the house and was free to do whatever he wanted, after he did his chores. This worked out well for Alex as it went semi hand in hand with what he was planning on doing today anyways, mainly indulge in his love of being a widdle sissy baby. Humming a nursery theme as he stripped, Alex then tugged out a lock box from under his bed and noted with amusement that Jack had been trying to get into it again from the way the combo's were all messed up. "Heh, he'll never learn will he?" he giggled to himself. the lock box was a gift from Mister Parker, who had also included a DNA scan so that Jack could maybe get the numbers right, but if it wasn't Alex thumbing them in, it was useless. Clicking the box open, the young blond sissy rubbed his chin for a second, thinking over his choices. He didn't wanna use the locking panties he had today, there had been a super close call the last time and he'd had to pin himself to the roof for half a hour waiting for his dad to leave so he could go and get the key. The bonnet was also out, while it helped him look cute and he liked it, it was WAY too warm when he was doing chores and he ended up sweating like a pig. In the end he went with a light pink top with puffy shoulders that had a white lace trim on the bottom and on the sleeve, leaving his arms mostly bare for doing dishes and 3 of his princess diapers, noting that he was starting to get low and would have to get Mister Parker to order him some more. (Peter had found out about Alex's little fetish by mistake and had calmed the bawling boy down by offering to help him with it, as long as he was safe and private about it, hence the lock box.) Since he was planing on wetting himself Alex made sure to use a razor and slit slots in two of the diapers then after powdering himself up, he taped them on, making sure that the uncut diaper was on the outside. as a few finishing touches Alex took out a pink pacifier that was on a cord and put it around his neck, and then fished out a purple hair bow and clipped it in his hair before waddling over to the mirror to look at himself, mentally gushing over how bulky his diapies were. "mothers, lock up your sons~" He giggled as he posed in the mirror, striking a few poses and blowing a kiss to himself. He didn't really think about boys a lot despite what he had just said, but the outfit and the diapers had him being a little bit of a silly butt. Half prancing and half waddling, he set upon the first chore of the day, getting all the landry gathered up and starting a load, though he did pause long enough to grab his MP3 player and hooked it on his top, putting the headphones in and turning up the volume.
Jack and Franklin had been having fun, playing around the Baxter building for a hour before they MAYBE let a game of tag get a little bit carried away. Sure technically Mr.Richards lab was off limits but as jack tried to argue, boys will be boys, and he should get a better lock for the door if he wanted to keep them out. That was the argument that Jack had made for the pair, even as Franklin face palmed, apparently knowing it wasn't going to work. "And besides, it's not like that negative zone monster did THAT much damage, you and Mrs. Richards took it down with ease!" Jack finished up. "..I think you need to go home Jack." Was all the seething Reed had said, taking in the wreckage of his lab. "Well about that, my dad isn't suppose to pick me up till fiveish and sooo I'm gonna need a ride ho-" Jack started before Reed yelled at him to leave now. "I'm sorry about this, he gets really cranky about his lab getting wreaked despite it happening ALL the time." Franklin said, walking Jack out of the building. "If Uncle Ben or Johnny were home they'd drive you..as is Mom's gonna be working over time to keep my butt safe." "Eh, it's ok. I'll just remember this the next time he need the help for me." Jack said, all full of swagger. "...when exactly has he ever-" Franklin started to ask, but got cut off. "There's a first time for everything! anyways, good luck dealing with mister grumpy pants. I've got a ton of stupid homework to do anyways, gonna see if I can trick Alex into doing it for me again." Jack said and waved bye. Jack walked the first few blocks on foot, then when he was sure no was was looking he ducked into a alley and used his powers to lighten his mass and fly up into the air, deciding to take the quick way home. 'on the plus side, at least I know Alex will be doing all the chores, He always does when he's left alone, he's gonna make someone a good wife someday' Jack thought and laughed to himself, not knowing how close to the truth he might of been.
With the landry in the dryer, Alex had managed to tidy up his and jack's room, and then Julie and Katie's, taking the time to play with a few of her princess crowns before putting them back. He toyed with cleaning the living room and leaving the curtains open, always a little thrilling but decided to get the chore he least liked finally out of the way and headed for the kitchen inside to get the pile of dishes out of the way. It wasn't hard to tell this was Jack's chore normally as the pile had built up with Jack claiming they needed to 'soak' over and over. 'oh well, at least I'm coming up on the Abra block for my playlist.' Alex thought, starting the water and sorting the dishes out into piles.
Jack landed down in the back yard, no one noticing because of the tree line and resumed his normal mass. "heh, I think I'm getting faster!" he said to himself as he headed for the back door, opening it and walking in. he was about to announce that he was home when he heard a girly voice badly singing a old song and winced. No two ways about it, Alex was cleaning and had reached his Abra section of his play list. "Somebody needs to tell that boy he can NOT sing." Jack said, covering his ears. He almost let Alex just keep singing, it was clear he was in the kitchen and thus likely doing the dishes for Jack and he wasn't the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then Alex;s voice broke  and he squeaked out the next line and Jack decided it would almost be worth having to finish his own chore if it meant not having to listen to THAT anymore. Coming around the corner and looking into the Kitchen, he was about to shout and get his brothers attention, when he noticed just WHAT Alex was wearing. the sissy top would of been enough to make Jack laugh, but the massive pink and purple diapers really sold it, and really not helping things was the way Alex was shaking his butt back and forth. "You can dance, You can jive, Having the time of your life!" Alex was singing, eyes closed and holding a wooden mixing spoon up like it was a microphone. it would be till he was almost finished the main chorus that he'd opened his eyes. "Ooh, see that girl, Watch that scene, Digging the dancing qu- JACK!" Alex squeaked out. Jack of course couldn't let something like this go by and while the sissy had been singing, eyes closed, and turning around, he'd taken his cell phone out and had started to record. "T-Tell me your not taking pictures!" Alex whimpered, turning crimson in the face and dropping the spoon, tugging uselessly on the hem of his top, in a vain effort to cover the diapers. "Good news. I'm not." jack said, and Alex started to relax. "I'm making a video. wave hi to YouTube." in the silence that followed as Alex let out a soundless shriek, a hissing could be heard as the little sissy wet himself.
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adam-is-suffering · 5 years
What I know of the trolls (pt 2)
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- Deadass? I thought at first these were just her eyes and not glasses and I was about to up her on the ranks of “best of the best” 
- So she likes to interrogate? Thats interesting.
- She’s the one who people ship with Nepeta
- Aaand I remember her from a convo with my sister’s gf about her horns I think
- The server is obsessed with Terezi, they have all right to be
- Know what else is interesting? Apparently she hangs her stuffed animals out the window and I strive to be that chaotic as a child
- God she fights with her walking stick? Goddamn respect, I’m gonna guess she’s blind then
- Apparently she licks things to see? Power move.
- She has the biggest dick energy I’ve ever seen
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- Does she even need a take on her character? I’ve heard the discourse, I probably read it unknowingly before, I know how she works.
- I was shat on because I said Undertale’s Megalovania was from the game, and a Homestuck came up to me like “pussy, its Vriska” so yknow
- But I will sum up what the discourse said:
- She killed a few people, some are mad. But apparently others are apologists because of her upbringing and importance to the comic. And how she solves a big problem at some point to help others? But then she also killed, so yknow. I have no idea what to say about her until I read it, so I’ll keep this post fucking absent of opinion before I get mauled by hungry and starved Vriska discoursers.
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- Who the fuck uses this as the first image after searching for his name YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARDS
- So this was probably the worst thing to happen so far and I havent even started. Fucking goddamnit.
- So this is saggy tits, he was the first character I was introduced to on the server. Best friends with Nepeta, the diamond thingy.
- God great just fantastic
- But imagine I didnt see this, then I would assume he just loved being strong and playing with his bow and arrow. I saw a few pieces of fanart, and his dad … his dad is hot lemme just tell you
- Man.. fuck. Did he trip? Is that how he died?
- Well at least I don’t know when this happens.
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- Well youre crazy
- Or either you just got hurt, and you’re just trying to assure everyone that “I’m fine it doesnt hurt” in which case, of course, Gamzee. You look just fine.
- But I still think you’re a little crazy.
- And a clown (though probably a juggalo by the looks of things)
- Apparently clowns rule the government so hey, got that going for yourself
- I first thought he had a cow theme but was corrected of course
- This is a fave character of a few people, I think, while the others.. don’t like him? Understandable. Idk where I stand though.
- But I did read smth cursed on his character which I will not say bc even if I suggest this blog to be 18+, there’s still limits
- He also likes juggling
- Obviously what else did I expect from that? That he liked politics instead?
- And I think he drinks too goddamn it, theyre all alcoholics
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- Someone is very passionate about making Gamzee seem less of a crazy troll but hey, I’d read that if I didn’t want to be spoiled more
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- Okay who told you it was okay to ride a seahorse and hold a gun in the middle of a thunder storm while also being a fish who resembles that one guy from Danganronpa?
- A loser is what lol
- Nah real question, how are you even holding onto the seahorse? Like I get the saddle and the ropes, but the way its placed just seems like you can slip off at any given moment.
- Also people are putting him in dresses, idk if thats his interest or just a thing the fandom likes to do
- Honestly you never know tbh
- He’s literally just a hipster fish I’m not sure what else there is to say
- He gives douchebag energy? Is that what you want?
- Man, one of the tags on the search just says “Sad” are you okay fish Eridan? Do you want to talk about it?
- Oh and his brother Cronus? I just watched a video of him dancing shirtless and I haven’t been the same since
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- She can breath underwater, I can see that
- She also looks like she’s cute but hiding her trident behind her back ready to stab a bitch, probably thinking you won’t see the blatant weapon
- Thats what the evil look is for
- Maybe she’s that “im kind until ill stab ya” kinda gal
- Yknow, the usual
- I do like her skirt though, I think she’s the most colourful here. Everyone else is emo, especially Karkat
- Aw the squid in the back is cute tho
- Also why are you swimming with clothes and shoes in the first place? They waterproof?
- Idk much about her. Like there’s nothing at all. Why is there minimal info and art of this one lol?
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 2.2
Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Two – Aboard This Tiny Ship – Part 2 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1
Author: Gumnut
14 - 18 Dec 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 2576
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos we haven’t seen it yet.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D I hope you enjoy it.
This section is a touch shorter than the last one, but the next section will be much bigger.
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for cheering me on and their wonderful support through this craziness. And to @onereyofstarlight for geeking out with me over the setting.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
 Scott was ready to chew an arm off just to entertain himself by the time Gordon announced they were approaching L’Esperance Rock just after lunch. He’d seen it enough from the air to know it meant they were around halfway home. The thought did give him some relief and he stood at the bow of the boat watching the islet come into view.
A grunt behind him had him turning to find Virgil making his way forward, coffee in one hand, abdomen in the other. He darted in to help his brother up the steps.
“I’m okay.”
“I know you are. Just being useful.”
That earned him a stare and an arched eyebrow. “You’re bored shitless, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
“I’m okay.”
Virgil snorted. “I had a bet with John you’d last until tonight at least. You’ve shafted me fifty bucks, big brother.”
Scott grunted. “Well, that explains why he was so happy to steal my phone.”
“He stole your phone?” Brown eyes frowned up at him.
“Oh, yes. On Grandma’s orders apparently.”
“That’s cheating.”
“Heh, that’s between the two of you. I’m only the subject of the bet, not the umpire.”
“Null and void. He’s not getting a cent.”
Scott grinned as he held his brother’s elbow, surprised he hadn’t been shook off.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Virgil’s voice was wistful as they approached the railing. “Sometimes I think we get too busy or just take it all for granted. We do live in a stunning corner of the planet.”
“Dad always thought so. I wouldn’t have called him much of an environmentalist, but he knew what was important.”
“Hmm, I think you underestimate him. You were off the Island when Alan brought two rats home as pets.”
“He did what?!”
Another arched eyebrow. “Yes, he did, early on. Snuck them in. Dad went ballistic when he found out. The words he used had Grandma blushing. Let’s just say that Beau and Belle were deported rather abruptly and Alan now has an unofficial degree in environmental management.”
“Hmph, serves him right.”
Virgil smiled at him. “Sounds like you might be a bit of an environmentalist yourself.”
A tolerant glare at his brother. “I do what is necessary.”
Scott was surprised when Virgil’s response to that statement was a sigh. His brother’s expression was almost sad.
“You need to relax.”
“I am relaxing.”
“No, you’re not. You’re wired tighter than Two’s primary generator. You need to find a way to wind down. We’re on vacation.”
“We’re on mandatory lockdown.”
“Grandma is right. We need a break. Preferably before we break something we can’t repair.”
“It’s not just about us!”
“Yes, it is! You need to let go! Focus on you for a change.”
“Is not here! You have the right to a life, Scott. You have the right to look after yourself, to have a little fun, for god’s sake. When was the last time you read a fiction book? Flew a kite? Sat in front of the projector and binge watched an old television show?”
“There are more important things-“
“Importance is relative. It was you who blew my head off a matter of days ago about priorities, was it not? Our business forces us to prioritise according to lives at risk, I get it. I know it. I live it beside you. But you are my big brother, you are the leader of this team, your health affects our effectiveness. To put it harshly, some may die today, so many more can be saved in the future.” Virgil visibly swallowed. “I know International Rescue is important, but please, take the time, Scott. If you have to, do it for IR, do it for us or me or whatever gets you going, but most of all please do it for yourself.” Quietly. “I can’t lose you.”
What the hell? “You’re not going to lose me.”
“If you don’t look after yourself, we will!” He didn’t think it was physically possible for his brother to frown harder.
“If you don’t look after yourself, you’re going to blow your stitches.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you!”
“So, what are you thinking? Yell at me until I crack? I’m not finding this relaxing at all, Virg.”
“Well, it seems I need volume for you to actually hear me, because you certainly don’t listen otherwise.”
He couldn’t think of an immediate retort to that and to be honest he was worried Virgil was going hurt himself if he wasn’t careful, he appeared so uncharacteristically angry. “You’re that worried?”
“Of course, I’m fucking worried!”
Whoops, wrong thing to say.
“Virgil! Calm down. You’re the one who needs to relax.” He reached out and placed his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Take a breath.”
To his surprise, Virgil was actually trembling a little. He was that passionate about this? He hadn’t been doing that badly, had he?
His brother did as requested and took a deep breath. “You are so hard to look after sometimes.” It was breathy and full of exhaled tension.
“You don’t have to look after me, Virg.”
“Somebody has to.” He looked up and brown eyes caught his. “Because you don’t.”
Ah, shit. A sigh and Scott gently drew his brother into a hug. “Okay, I’m sorry, I’ll try to do better.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did lean in a little, one big hand reaching around Scott’s back and returning the embrace. “Please try.”
Virgil pulled away slowly, not looking up at his brother, but focussing on the coffee he held in his other hand. He brought it to his lips and turned away slightly.
Scott stared at the back of his brother’s head and frowned.
The boat slowed as they approached the Rock. As jagged as its distant cousin, the Rock was like a miniature version of their home, the very top of a huge undersea volcano.
“Are we stopping here?”
Virgil’s question echoed his own thoughts. He thumbed his comms. “Gordon, are we stopping here?”
“Only for a moment. Just grabbing a sensor snapshot for Mel.”
Melissa Fisher, their closest neighbour. Blonde and sharp, she would remind him of Penny if it wasn’t for her obsession with all things Kermadec. That and the twigs in her hair. Even Dad had been a little wary of stepping on anything living when visiting Raoul Island. And visit they had. They needed to keep up relations and the woman was a mine of information when it came to ecological stabilisation and rehabilitation. Tracy Island had its issues when his father bought it and ever aware of the ecological importance of the area, once Brains had built the necessary infrastructure, his father had attempted to re-stabilise the ecosystem.
Melissa had been very helpful.
Gordon had taken to her immediately, jabbering in biology terms. For a bit there, Scott had wondered if the two of them might get involved with a different kind of biology, she was a little older than Gordon, only a year younger than Scott, but that might just float his brother’s boat. But apparently, they were too distracted by what they were discussing to notice each other.
Scott hadn’t seen her in years.
The boat came to a complete stop not far from the Rock and a moment later, Gordon appeared on the starboard side and threw out his sensor buoy.
Virgil was staring at him.
Scott blinked. “What is it?”
His brother didn’t answer immediately, those dark eyes assessing him a moment longer before sipping his coffee. But then a decision flickered across his expression and his hand reached out and gently took Scott’s arm. “Come with me.”
His brother turned slowly and led him off the bow. He negotiated the stairs and walked Scott back into the living area where Gordon was once again staring at holographic fish.
“Sit down and wait a moment.” His brother disappeared off into the depths of the living quarters.”
Gordon’s jubilant yell made Scott jump. What?
His little brother was staring at a huge fish. A huge and weird looking fish. “What is that?”
“That, my wonderful big brother, is a sunfish or Mola mola, to be more specific.”
“And that is?”
Gordon glanced at him and frowned. “Heaviest bony fish on the planet. Came close to extinction twenty years ago. Saved by the World Council and its endangered species bill in 2039.” He turned back to the holographic display. “Though this one appears to have had some challenges.” Gordon’s fingers traced some gouges on the fish’s flank. “Old, but nasty.”
His brother snorted. “No. That’s net scar. It’s been caught in a fishing net at some point. I can’t see any trace of the net, so this has to be one of the lucky ones.” The giant fish drifted lazily across the table as Gordon grabbed his tablet and stabbed his finger into it several times. “It must be well travelled. We are quite a distance from the fishing zones here.”
“I thought I told you to sit down.” Virgil edged carefully back into the room carrying his keyboard.
“And I thought you weren’t supposed to be lifting anything.” Scott hurried over and took the instrument from his brother’s hands.
“It’s not heavy.”
“So I have to look after myself, yet you don’t?”
Virgil’s shoulders dropped. “Okay, okay. Give me a second.” His brother grabbed a couple of cushions and shoved them together on a lounge chair to support his back and lowered himself into it. “Put it here.” He gestured across the arms of the chair and his lap.
Wary, Scott put the keyboard, that, yes, actually was quite heavy, down where his brother told him too. “Be careful.”
Virgil frowned up him with an expression that plainly said, ‘What am I? Stupid?’
“Well, you did carry the keyboard out here, did you not?”
His brother muttered something Scott couldn’t quite hear and wasn’t sure he wanted to.
“Now, you sit down and close your eyes.” A pause. “No, actually, lie down on the couch and close your eyes.”
“Just do as I ask.”
Scott rolled his eyes, but lay down. “You didn’t used to be this bossy.”
“You didn’t used to be this stubborn. Call it evolution in trying times.��
“Smart ass.”
“Shut up and close your eyes.”
Scott muttered under his breath, wriggled where he lay and did as his brother told him. Anything to stop the man from freaking out.
His brother began to play, the keys soft and blending with the water lapping against the hull. With his eyes closed, his mind focussed on the sounds around him. Gordon’s fingers on his tablet, heard just under the music. The distant calls of seabirds. Actually, it wasn’t much of a step from the sounds of home. Virgil playing his piano. Gordon sitting on the lounge playing with his tablet. The balcony doors open to the breeze, the distant sound of the waves on Tracy Island rock, the distant call of the bird colony on Mateo. John would be in his room reading. Alan would be playing a video game in the kitchen while Grandma attempted to make dinner. Brains, as always, would be in his lab.
Virgil playing the piano.
Waves against the rocks.
Birds calling...
Virgil kept playing ever so softly. Gordon had stopped working and was staring at the two of them, frowning.
Scott started snoring.
Gordon’s eyes widened and he mouthed words at Virgil. ‘How do you do that?’
Virgil just smiled and kept on playing, drifting into a long, gentle piece his mother had taught him long ago.
At some point he closed his eyes, too, and let himself go with the music, let his fingers do what the music asked.
He woke to find both Scott and John sitting opposite him.
“That was dirty pool, Virg.”
He blinked. Someone had taken the keyboard away and shoved a few extra pillows into the chair to support him. “You knew what I was doing. I’m just your excuse. How long did you last?”
It was John who spoke up. “About twenty minutes. It was enough. Gordon had to get the boat moving. He woke up the moment the engine started.”
“You, on the other hand, have been out for over two hours.” Scott was smug. “You missed the active volcano.”
Virgil turned to John. “Anything worth looking at?”
His younger brother shrugged. “Looked like an island to me. Bigger than the Rock. No activity at the moment.”
Virgil turned back to Scott. “Sounds like I didn’t miss anything. Where are we now?”
“Anchored at Macauley Island.” Gordon strode across the room. “Hey, Virg. Good to see you awake. You might like to see this.” His fish brother’s grin was highly suspicious.
It took both Scott and John to get him out of the chair. He should not sleep sitting up with abdominal incisions. Ow.
For a moment there he thought Scott was going to send him to bed or demand he take painkillers, but he didn’t. His brother didn’t say anything, and even if he did, a familiar roar distracted Virgil enough that he wouldn’t have noticed if his brother said anything anyway.
He pushed himself forward, leaving his helping hands behind and stepped out onto the deck.
His beautiful ‘bird was roaring in from the north. She moved so fast, he blinked and she was coming to a halt some distance away, VTOL firing her into a hover.
He just stared as she dropped her module.
He blinked as Gordon and Alan suddenly started the engine of an inflatable dingy and tore off towards the module sporting its proud number four.
“Thunderbird Two to Virgil.” Kayo’s voice startled him out of his stare. “So how did I do? Score out of ten.”
The door to the module lowered and Gordon leapt out of the little boat and jumped on board.
“Oh, ten, I guess.”
“Ten?!” Gordon’s outrage yelped across comms as the aquanaut turned in the distance and put both hands on his hips. “I knew he liked you more than me. I haven’t managed anything higher than an eight and I’ve been trying for years!”
Kayo didn’t answer as his ‘bird turned and took off for home, but Virgil grinned. “Keeps you on your toes, bro.”
“You suck.”
Their sister snorted across comms as Alan turned the dingy around and headed back. Gordon glared a glare that made it across the ocean despite the distance and stormed off into the module.
Virgil’s grin just got wider. “Why did he call for Four?”
“Something about helping Melissa. A sensor malfunction in the Macauley caldera.” A glance at Scott found him grinning, too. “You know he’s not going to let that go, don’t you?”
“We’re stuck on a boat, captained by him, in the middle of the ocean and you want to set Gordon off?”
Virgil shrugged. “He’ll enjoy it.”
“We won’t.”
“We’ll live.”
“If I wake up with pink hair, you’re dead.”
“I love you, too.” Virgil was still grinning.
“You do know that you still have your comms on, don’t you?” His aquanaut brother’s voice was admittedly amused.
“Yes, Gordon, I do. Got some good ideas?”
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” And with that, Four’s rear thrusters fired and she shot out of the module and into the ocean.
“You got your uniform on?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Fly safe.”
End Day Two, Part Two
Day Two, Part Three
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
New Places, Friendly Faces Part 3 (Sanny)
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner (Sanny), lil bit of Danny/Ronnie but he's quickly swept away with Sam
Length: about 2.3k
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Diner AU, No band AU, fluff, some angst, awkwardness, first dates, you know the ones where person A's date is failing and person B comes and sits with them, sorry i forgot what its called but that, hand holding, flirting, Sanny
Summary: Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for *weeks* to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
Author's Notes: Yep! I've officially adopted an every Monday post schedule for this, so that's cool! Just an fyi about the ending of this chapter, I'm so sorry to disappoint of you're hoping for a magical portal but that's not it (that wpuld have been cool but this is a mundane story)
"Right... well, I'm officially off duty once I ring you up, so why don't you two get out of here and have some fun."
Danny fished into his pocket one handed, finding his wallet. He tried to open it and get a ten out while still holding on to Sam, but it was pretty difficult so he was forced to let go in order to pay. He thought it was a little overly dramatic of his heart, but it literally stopped beating out of disappointment for a second. God. He was already completely whipped.
Sam stood up and grabbed the keys, going back to his other table to put on his coat while Danny got his change back from Ronnie. She, now sitting at the table with her other brothers, waved them goodbye as they exited the cozy diner, stepping out into the frigid snow.
Sam immediately grabbed Danny's hand back, putting both of them in his pocket as he started to walk around the back of the building to the employee's section of the parking lot.
Sam suddenly stopped, turning to look at Danny. "Shit, wait, how did you come here? Do you have a car?"
"Uhh, my mom dropped me off."
Sam nodded and kept walking. Danny, for some reason, didn't want to leave it at that - Sam didn't seem overly judgemental, but he wanted to show that he wasn't a completely helpless dork.
"Usually I get her car on the weekends," he continued, "but she had some thing to attend over in North Star and she couldn't get a ride. She brought me here and gave me money for the bus to take home."
"Hey, well, now you don't have to take the bus!"
Sam grinned at him, unlocking the door to his sister's car and opening it for Danny. He smiled to himself and ducked his head, getting in. Fuck whatever societal expectations - not like they really applied to gay couples anyways - he loved to be treated sweetly, too.
Starting the ignition and carefully backing out of the parking space, Sam laughed, loud and happy. Danny looked at him curiously.
"Oh my god, I just picked up a total hottie and we're going on a rendezvous in my sister's car! This is crazy!"
Danny laughed, too, amazed at the situation. Like, holy shit, he was in this guy's (sister's) car that he had met less than an hour ago and they were on their way to who knew where. And he didn't even care! Never in his life had Danny been less concerned about the future; his music, his golfing, school, the world at large, none of it mattered when Sam was sitting next to him, singing along to Jimi Hendrix and looking absolutely stunning in the passing lamplight.
They drove for a time, speeding past cozy houses and dense acres of trees that outlined the starlit sky. Sam didn't seem to have a destination in mind any time soon, and Danny didn't really care if the car never stopped driving. The radio started to fuzz out as the got further into the woods, and nothing but an old talk show was coming in, so Sam had Danny put in his Clapton CD he'd left in Ronnie's car.
"I was looking for that! Figured I'd left it in here, but I don't get the car as often now that she's working more."
Danny nodded, enjoying hearing these little bits about Sam's siblings. It always interested him - learning small facts about people and getting glimpses into their lives, even more so when he was very interested in that person themselves, too.
"So, Ronnie is older than you, right?"
"Yeah, yeah she's a year older than me, she just started taking some classes at the adult school in Saginaw. She's been working at Gerald's for awhile, but she gets adult hours, now, which is good because we like to stay out late and go see her," Sam laughed.
"Oh, that's cool. What about your brothers, the twins? Are they your only other siblings?"
"Yes, fortunately. I don't know how Mom and Dad handled us, we're all within three years of each other. What about you, are you an only child?"
Danny had been right, they were all close in age. Four kids, two of them twins! He still couldn't wrap his head around how that could possibly work out for the parents, but they all seemed to be nice people and clearly got along well. It was pretty nice, actually, having a (potential) boyfriend with a good relationship with his family - Danny knew that it might of been a slightly unfair dating requirement, but he wanted someone who loved their family as much as he did.
"I have a younger sister, she's a freshman at Frankenmuth High. I'm a senior, by the way."
"Wait, what? Me too! I wonder why I've never seen you if we go to the same school. How have I never noticed you before?" Sam exclaimed, making a sharp turn and pulling off of the paved road onto a dirt track.
Danny contemplated that, too. How one Earth had he never seen Sam if they went to the same fucking school? Sam was, like, *magnetic* or something, it didn't make any sense.
Sam interrupted him, not meaning to, as he was about to speak. "Alright, we're here. Sorry, continue," he grinned at Danny, looking sheepish at cutting him off. Danny smiled in return, telling him it was alright.
They got out of the car, shutting the doors gently so as not to disturb the peaceful nighttime forest, and also not to dent Ronnie's car.
Danny resumed what he was saying as Sam led him around to the trunk and started rooting around. "About not seeing me at school, well, you didn't have a reason to until now. I mean, it's not like a lot of people know me, I don't have many friends and I kinda tend to stay to the side."
"I can't imagine how you don't have tons of people hanging off of you," Sam said, looking up at Danny with his foxy eyes glinting in the moonlight. (That was cheesy, Danny knew - but his eyes were beautiful) "Like, the only explanation I can come up with as to why you don't have half of the school constantly begging you to notice *them* is because everyone is crazy."
He blushed and grinned, enjoying the feeling of being the one flirted with for once. It was beyond comprehensible for Danny as to why Sam seemed so taken by *him*, but it wasn't something he wanted to give up anytime soon if he could help it, confusion or not.
"Wow, you are a smooth talker, aren't you?"
Sam snorted. "Hardly. I'm telling you what I honestly think, and it's this: I've known you for maybe two hours, and you are the kindest, sweetest, smartest, most beautiful person I've ever met. Past maybe my mother, but that's different. You deserve all the friends in the world, and you could have any boy or girl you choose, I'm sure."
"Well, I'm choosing you," Danny said, blushing and grabbing Sam's hand. He didn't know what it was, but he was being particularly mushy today. Luckily, Sam seemed to really like it.
Sam led him away from the car after locking it up, one arm carrying a briefcase looking container, and the other's hand holding Danny's. They walked through the light snowfall and under heavy bows of trees, going along a path Danny couldn't see but that, apparently, Sam knew well.
Danny had the quick thought that Sam was going to murder him, and maybe he shouldn't ignore his survival instincts, but he decided that Sam would *never* kill him. He also asked, though, just to be sure.
"Are you planning on killing me out here?"
Sam laughed his donkey bray, swinging their hands and taking another slight turn around a large tree. "No, I don't think I'd be able to physically overpower you, you're probably way stronger than I am."
"Oh, yeah? But what about a gun? What's in the box, Sammy?"
Danny was grinning inside, though externally he blocked it so that his facade wouldn't slip. Sam stopped and stood in front of him.
"I'll show you what's in the box!" Sam said, holding it up in front of his crotch like that SNL sketch.
"Ooh, my favorite!" Danny wiggled his brows, staring at the box where, right behind it, was Sam's dick. They both laughed, faces rosy and eyes crinkled.
Danny was glad that he had chosen Sam over Ronnie, not only for the fact that Sam actually liked him back, but that he got along so well with him. Even if the romance was a bust, he could tell that they would be very good friends, the connection was that immediate. And, he liked the idea of being best friends with a guy and then also getting to fuck his brains out at the end of the day.
'I'm getting ahead of myself, he said he has standards.'
'*No*, he said that he won't fuck you in his sister's car, but he wants to.'
"Sam, dude, where are we going? What are we doing out here, like, really?" He choked out, dying to know and also hoping that the plans included at least a kiss.
Danny hadn't been this desperate to kiss someone in- possibly forever, really. He didn't know why he was so intent on getting Sam's lips on him (though, he supposed he did: like, *look* at Sam's mouth). It wasn't like himself to be this out of control - albeit on his own head - but Sam had this effect on him.
Logically, Danny knew that if Sam wanted to go slower he would totally respect that choice and not even be put out about it, he liked just being with Sam that much. But, a kiss.... He wanted just a taste, in case this was the only date he got to have with Sam.
"We're almost there, and then I'll show you," Sam said quietly.
They continued walking, going up a gentle slope and then around a giant boulder. When they came around the other side, Danny saw that the rock had been obscuring a pristinely white, snow covered clearing. All around them, flakes fell softly from the sky, some decorating the trees, and others landing on their heads.
Sam turned to look at him, grinning. "Isn't it pretty? I feel like, whenever I come here, I've entered another dimension or something."
Danny nodded, his breath nearly taken away by the delicate magic of the moment. Well, it wasn't completely perfect - his nose was running, his gloveless hands were both freezing and clammy in Sam's, and he had no fucking clue where he was - but Sam was so, so beautiful in this place he had brought them to.
They stood and stared at the scene, taking in everything, from the stars peaking out from in between the clouds to the feel of their thumbs rubbing back and forth over each other's knuckles.
After a few minutes of silence, Sam broke it, speaking softly, "This is one of my favorite places on Earth to be. We come here during all seasons, but there's just something more.... *special*, I guess, when everything is pure and damp and quiet."
"It's really nice, I can see why you like to bring people here."
"Actually," Sam paused, looking shyly at Danny, "I've never taken anyone else. As far as I can tell, my family are the only people who know about it."
"Really? I- thank you so much for bringing me to such a special spot for you," he gasped, grinning back at Sam's little smile.
Danny was floored, absolutely amazed with this moment in his life. Sam had, for reasons he couldn't understand but figured he'd better stop worrying about, taken him to a place that no one else had been to. It was an intimate, deeply trusting gesture that he'd made, and Danny received it full-heartedly. The scenery felt sacred, now, in a way that he couldn't quite describe but that filled him with content.
"This really does mean a lot, that you're letting me view your spot. I don't know how to say thank you enough for trusting me with this- can I, maybe, take you somewhere special to me next time?"
He was shooting his shot, and praying to whatever deity felt nearest in this winter forest that it would hit it's mark. Sam had decided to take him here right after meeting him, so it *would* work, right? Danny really fucking hoped that it did, and that he hadn't ruined the relationship they were building. It was newly born and a little confusing, but in a good way; they were already fused together somehow, a connection running through them to make it seem like they'd known each other for years instead if hours.
"I'll go anywhere you wanna take me," Sam answered. He looked aware of how cliche what hed said was, but he also didnt seem to care. Damny was internally screaming with joy. "I wasn't sure where I was driving, at first, but I ended up on the path here, and it felt right. You being here feels nice and right."
Danny was smiling openly, happiness on display. He swung their hands and looked up at the sky, where the snow clouds where starting to clear, the last of the flakes finishing their journey to the ground. Sam leaned into him slightly, a pleasurable warmth permeating into Danny's body through the many layers of their clothing.
"This is perfect! I was hoping the clouds would clear up, cause this wouldnt really be much fun without it. Now, c'mon, let me show you the inside."
Danny was completely confused, again. "The inside?"
@satans-helper @okietrish @karrotkate @lazingonsunday @lantern-inthenight @ryetheruler @oblvions @bigthighsandstupidguys @mountainofthesunn
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onefourjisung · 5 years
Ghosted (X1/Victon Han Seungwoo)
Prompt: When the new tenant, Han Seungwoo, was in dire need of help, Ghost!Reader came in to the rescue. (gender neutral reader, ghost au)
Warnings: a teeny bit of violence, mentions of death and being a ghost, nothing too graphic
Word count: 1.316
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How you died, you had no memories of. You just woke up one day in your bed, and everything was just.... silent. You called out to your mom and dad, to your brother, no one responded. The house was empty, ridden of any sign of living.
You noticed you weren’t breathing, your heart wasn’t beating, and I guess the coolest part was you can go through walls. You freaked out, obviously, but after a long while -a really, really, long while- you came in peace with the fact that you were dead.
You stayed at your apartment, physically -spiritually?- not able to get out. Years and years rolled by with no one in the house, you found peace within the loneliness.
So anytime someone even try to look around, you would scare the crap out of them. Traumatizing them and their kids to the point of never looking back to your place.
One day you heard yet another ruckus from the front door. Here comes another one, you thought. Frankly, you enjoyed scaring people. Maybe you've even grew to hate living human beings -maybe.
But that wasn't the case when you saw the young man hustling up a bunch of boxes through the front door. His hair went limp from the sweat dripping down his forehead, a small section of crinkles formed atop his eyebrows in frustration as his plump lips stayed ajar, groaning in struggle.
You couldn't help but stare as he barely managed to heave in the last box. He sighed in relief before removing the piece of white sheet covering the couch in the living room, careful not to cause any more dust to fly around the room. He then flopped down on the old dark blue furniture.
He fished his phone out of his pocket as you continued staring. He scrolled through the device for a while before stopping. He reached one of his hands to the back of his neck, that should’ve been your cue to leave, but you didn't -you couldn't.
He looked up, straight towards you -or should I say through you. You knew he knew something was off, but he couldn’t see you and so he shrugged the feeling away and continued with his scrolling.
The knock on the door startled both you and him. He hurriedly headed towards the sound, knocking in to a box on the way. He opened it to see an old man that you recognized to be Mr. Park, one of your neighbors even before you turned to a ghost.
"Hello," he croaked out, smiling kindly. "You must be the new neighbor."
"Ah, yes. Its nice to meet you." The young man bowed politely. "My name is Seungwoo, Sir. Han Seungwoo."
Han Seungwoo. A pretty name for a pretty boy. -----------
And before you know it, he settled in and you found yourself with a housemate -kind of. He would notice your presence every now and then but always shrugged it off as him being paranoid. You would watch him go about his day, not having the heart to scare him away. It goes on and on like that for months.
It was around 2 AM and you were bored out of your mind. Seungwoo was sleeping soundly, and since he moved in you have restrained yourself from playing with any objects around, afraid that he will see and run. So you opted to just float around the living room.
That is until you heard noises from the front door. You peeked your head towards the sound in curiosity. Not long after, the door opened and three men walked in all with caps over their head and black clothing.
If you had a beating heart, it would be beating incredibly fast by now -but you don’t. You panicked. As you watched them, frozen, they ever so quietly rummage Seungwoo's belongings, looking for valuables.
Upon hearing the noises, Seungwoo awoken from his bed, not thinking much of it, he headed out of his room. He opened the door and was faced with the gang of armed burglars, suddenly feeling small.
"Get him." One of them said.
And you snapped out of your frozen trance. You used your energy to flung a nearby lamp on to the man charging to Seungwoo.
"What the hell?!" He shouted in to thin air.
You pushed Seungwoo back to his room and locked the door, putting him out of harms way as you attacked the three culprits.
Seungwoo couldn’t do anything but stand in his room, staring at the locked door in front of him as loud crashes and bangs was heard from the other side of the door. Then suddenly it all ceased.
For a few seconds it was just eerie silence until you managed to muster up your courage and face the man you just protected. You unlocked his door and opened it slightly.
Seungwoo gulped but took it as a signal to head out. He opened the door slowly. The three burglars were now unconcious on the floor, their guns and knives piled in to a stack on the kitchen counter, a few of his fragile furnitures were shattered to pieces.
Then a voice was heard from the coffee table, "911, whats your emergency?"
Seungwoo was flabbergasted, he didn’t remember putting his phone there, and he most definitely hadn’t called the police.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" That pulled Seungwoo out of his trance and hurriedly grabbed his phone.
"Uh there has been an attempted burglary in my house, they're unconscious now but I don't know when they're gonna wake up." He explained shakily in to the phone.
"Okay, Sir. Please state your name and address and we will send someone as soon as possible."
He did as told and then hung up on the operator. He looked down and sighed. "I- I know you’re in here." He called.
"Just come out. Please." He whispered the last part brokenly, almost begging.
You decided it was now or never. You braced yourself before appearing across the room, hoping he wouldn't notice you, but he did.
He looked at you, mouth agape but silent.
You frowned. "Are you scared of me?" Your voice was dry, harsh, as a result of never talking for a good few years.
"What?" Seungwoo inquired, not quite getting what you meant.
"I'm dead. I'm a ghost, Seungwoo. Aren't you scared of me?" You repeated clearly this time.
"What's your name?" He asked instead.
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion but answered nevertheless, "Its (Y/n)."
He approached you slowly, step by step. "Well, (y/n), seeing as you practically saved my life, I don’t see why I should be afraid of you."
You couldn’t help but smile. Seeing this, Seungwoo smiled back at you. You always thought he had an attractive smile, but seeing him actually smile at you? You could've died right then and there (if you hadn’t already died).
"I guess I should thank you," he said, now right in front of you.
"Don't mention it-"
He cut you off. "Not just for that, you kinda are the reason I can live here in the first place."
Your head tilted slightly, "huh?"
"Well, apparently the landlord said this apartment was cursed, haunted, or whatever, that no one ever lived here for more than two weeks. I assume that was you." Seungwoo joked.
You lowered your head in embarrassment, and to this Seungwoo chuckled.
"Thanks by the way, because of that I got this apartment half the price it originally was."
You laughed along with him.
"I did wonder tho, why didn’t I experience anything?" He paused. "Why didn't you try to scare me away?" He looked directly in to your eyes.
You could do nothing but shrug and avoid eye contact. Because you're too cute, you thought to yourself.
Seungwoo smiled kindly as if he could read your mind. "I think you're pretty."
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angstymarshmallow · 5 years
not goodbye, just see you later.(cal lowell x mc)
[a little note: I wrote a little fic all in one night before bed. It’s nowhere polished but it’s just something while I was feeling inspired and very vaguely addresses a little of the latest Nightbound chapter. If you read it - thank you! If you leave a comment, bless you!]
[words counted: 2324]
[summary: after the night they’ve had, Wren (MC) knows her time with getting to know the man behind the wolf is coming to an end].
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The pitter patter sound of his heavy footsteps and the door closing behind him, alerts Wren that he’s back. She yawns, stretching for a moment and winces from bones still too tired to move. All the practice she’s had with Nik is finally to catching up with her and she wonders if there is another vigorous training session lurking in her future.
Still the rest of her is eager to get up. She wants to get a chance to say goodbye to Cal after all. With the impending doom in nearly every direction, she doesn’t think she’ll get another chance. At least, she can pretend her reason for the sudden burst of excitement is purely innocent and not because she’s been secretly waiting for a chance to be alone with him.
Ignoring the ache and abrupt protest from her limbs at the motion, she manages to swing her lanky legs to the side. She waits a beat, bracing her hands near the edge of the bed, pushing her palms into the sheets before finally willing herself enough strength to stand and fish for a pair of sweatpants.
The nap was supposed to help her recover – after the night they had. But all she wants to do now is get up and start moving again before her stiff muscles can stop her. She’s always been restless that way.
Avoiding the mirror, Wren tugs on a loose-fitting T before trudging towards the hall. She’s relieved to find it almost completely quiet – except for the slight creak in the floorboards beneath her feet as they bound towards the flight of stairs.
Guess there’s no way she’ll surprise him at this point. Knowing how unnerving it is that his ears can pick up almost any sounds, Wren gives up on being quiet and quickly hurries the rest of the way.
She smacks right into him in her swift walk towards the kitchen. Her eyes are everywhere except for in front of her and she feels the room rising several degrees higher as her palm touches his bare chest.
As she stumbles to remain on her feet, she feels one of his tawny arms reaching to steady her by the waist.
“Woah, careful.” His smooth voice is somehow louder than her own crazy heartbeat as she manages to tilt up her chin and meet his smile. “Mornin’” He drops his hand a fraction of a second later and Wren misses it almost immediately.
“Hey yourself.” Wren takes a step back, needing a little space to keep her thoughts or her eyes from lingering too long down his chest. What she wouldn’t give to run her fingers across his skin. They’re practically itching to touch him at the thought. “You’re up early.”
Geez, he takes up almost the whole doorway. The thought should be mildly alarming, but instead – it gives Wren all kinds of ideas that are still too early to entertain at this time in the morning.
As if reading her thoughts, Cal smiles apologetically and steps aside; allowing her to enter the quaint and homey kitchen of his house. It’s a burst of warm colours – brown, cream and yellow that reminds her of summertime at her grandparents’ cottage when she was a kid.
“I’m pretty restless in the morning.” He confesses, “and a jog is pretty good to clear my head.”
“Mm,” her answer is nothing short of a grunt. The rest of her is still waking up and pushing past the grogginess of not having enough sleep. She spots the sight of freshly made tea and an assortment of bacon and eggs on the table. “You made breakfast.” She blinks in surprise.
A slight flush colours his cheeks red and Cal glances away. “Yeah, I figured after everything last night….” He trails off for a moment, his eyes and thoughts elsewhere before he shakes his head and gestures towards the food. “Well, we could use a break.”
“Yes, we could.” Wren repeats; not really wanting to linger on the more depressing parts of the past few days.
Cal’s pack was in disarray. With no Kristof or Octavia - there was no clear leadership at the moment. The only thing Wren knew with absolute certainty - Nik and her aren’t welcomed anymore. Cal didn’t need her around anymore. 
It won’t be long before she has to say goodbye, and the thought suddenly sends a pang through her chest.She doesn’t want to linger on the subject - but she knows she can’t avoid it forever.
Snap out of it Wren. She chides herself; she can stave it off for now. Turning her attention back to the food, she forces a smile. “Well I can’t eat alone and I bet after your jog you’re probably feeling hungry.”
As if on cue, a grumble loud enough to startle Wren fills the air until Cal laughs. “Yeah, you got me. But I wanted to wait until Donny’s awake,” he hesitates and Wren saddles up next to him.
“He needs a break too.” Her expression softens as he watches the flash of worry in his eyes. He has nice eyes. She places a hand on his arm, pleasantly surprised that he’s still running hot – like a furnace. He’s like a warm blanket on a cold day. “He’s been through a lot, more than what I think a kid should have to go through his age.” She didn’t have the best of a childhood herself, but already she’s seen the turmoil in his eyes, the stress of being Donny’s only protector.
“Donny’s tough.” But his eyes tell her a different story. It tells her there’s been some close calls, even as he looks away.
“But he’s not made of stone and steel. Nobody is.” Though he’s a werewolf- made of much stronger stuff than herself, he’s also a kid – something Wren reminds him of as she adds, “he’s probably still knocked out cold.”
“Our dad grew us all to be tough.” But Cal heaves a sigh, running his hands through his hair as though conceding. “You’re probably right.”
“I usually am.” She smirks. Then her smile falters at the solemn look in his eyes and she sighs. “You’re just worried about him. That’s normal.”
“I am,” he admits. “He’s only got me now.” There’s a bitterness to his words as he says it and Wren eyes him questioningly, waiting for him to continue. He doesn’t. Instead, he steps away and gestures to the table, “ladies first.”
She snorts at the sentiment. She hasn’t been called a lady since she was a kid and even then, it was sparingly. Humouring him, Wren mock curtsies and barely holds back a snicker as he bows back just as exaggerated in return. She watches for a moment as he turns his back to her and grabs a shirt he’s left on the counter; his muscles rippling at the motion.
Something in Wren’s stomach flutters and she swallows back forcefully before darting her eyes elsewhere. She sits first, her stomach grumbling as the scent of freshly made bacon wafts towards her nose. “Mmmm.” She sighs in pleasure. “These smell so good.”
“Thanks,” He beams, showing perfectly white teeth. “After dad left, I had to do a lot more around the house. Cooking just became one of those things I kind of picked up.”
“And by the looks of it, you’re really good at it too.” Wren stabs a piece of bacon with her fork. She takes a moment to appreciate its flavor as its rich goodness touches her tongue. “God, you cook – clean, and play piano?” She shakes her head in playful disbelief, “is there anything you aren’t good at?”
His grin is wolfish as he takes a few pieces of bacon and eggs himself. “I’m not sure yet, but I’ll be sure to let you know if I ever receive a complaint.”
Snorting, Wren playfully steals a piece of bacon from his plate
“Apparently, you’re not fast enough to stop me though.” She tsks, “Mr. Lowell – what would your brother think if he saw you now? Unable to stop some normal and boring human from taking your food?”
His grin is in full force as he tries to catch her food before she’s able to bring it to her lips. “He’d say, you let her win.”
“Ha!” She’s barely able to dodge his half-attempt before he tries again, and this time their hands connect and suddenly food is the last thing on her mind. She freezes, eyes drawn to him inexplicably as her breath catches in her throat.
His gaze warms her all the way through; turning almost smoldering from its intensity as his fingers tentatively shift to capture her hand completely. “Besides, there’s nothing boring or normal about you Wren.”
Her pulse skyrockets. She can’t look away. “Oh, I don’t know about that.” She tries to laugh, but it ends up becoming a sqawk in her desperate attempt to change the subject. “I mean – you’re a werewolf. You can do pretty much anything. I on the other hand….” She trails off as his fingers slide to her slender wrist.
“In that fight to take Donny’s place– you saved me. Your words kept me going.”
“I – ” He rubs lazy circles around her wrist and her breath catches again. “I think whether or not I said anything, fighting for Donny – you would have done anything to win.”
“I would have done anything yes,” he agrees – eyes never leaving hers’, “but you made it seem all the more possible. I didn’t want to stop fighting until I could win.”
Her stomach does a little flip. She wants to say something witty, but the warm and earnest way he’s looking at her, takes her off-guard. It’s been a long time since anyone’s looked at her like this. And she doesn’t want to break the moment, she wants to savour every bit of him – of this, before she’s gone. “I think I’m going to miss you Cal.” The words slip out, within a heated rush before she can stop them.
The curve of his lips, momentarily grips her attention. It’s almost wistful, unlike the flash of longing in his eyes when she glances back up at them. “I think I’m going to miss you too.”
I wish I didn’t have to go. I wish we had more time. The words are so insistent that it stuns her. She barely knows him and yet something in her gut tells her it’s okay to want more – more than just sitting here, staring at each other.
She wants to kiss him, wants to give him something more than words to remember her by. And she can tell by the sudden hungry looks in his eyes – he wants it too.
Before she can second-guess herself, Wren does it. She breaks the distance between them, watching the way his pupils dilate in excitement before her lips crashes hungrily against him.
His response is immediate; his arms try to tug her closer – despite the table between them, until they’ve almost knocked the plates out of the way in there desperate need to be closer together.
There’s the sound of plates crashing and breaking, as her need to be closer outweighs food - she’s starving for a different kind of desire.
Wren doesn’t stop to even glance at the dishes now torn askew and broken. In her haste to get to him, she hauls herself over the wooden surface and utters a soft moan as his strong arms finally find her. They drag her the rest of the way.
She hears her name on his tongue, hears the growl of desire escape his lips as his fingers grip her tightly. It makes her stomach curl in anticipation for more.
His name is like a plea on her lips until his fingers drift between them, running small circles across her back as she manages to steady her arms and entwine them around his neck. She grounds herself against him.
He moans again – it’s a guttural sound. There’s a hunger to the way he deepens their kiss; like no matter how much she returns it with almost unquenchable thirst – his lips are more demanding - irater to have her. They press almost insistently against her softer ones, coaxing them wide open – tongue arrogantly finding hers’ as his hips shift to meet her tempo. Although his hands are gentle, they still slip beneath her shirt and she shudders at feel of his fingers scraping her skin.
Everything inside of her wants suddenly way more of him.
Then just as quickly as the world between them vanished, it quickly comes back into focus at the sound of footsteps steadily finding the stairs.
Wren breaks the kiss first; needing fresh air into her longs as her breaths turn embarrassingly heavy. She’s still fighting to breathe as Cal helps her quickly on her feet; his breath almost panting before he clears his throat.
His hands linger on her hips a moment longer while he turns his head and looks from the open door back to her, then towards the door again. “Damn.”
A laugh bubbles Wren’s throat. She manages to mask it with a cough at the last second as her hands quickly sift to fix Cal’s hair.
He extends the same courtesy. He bends slightly to run his fingers through her wavy hair, fighting a smile until their gazes’ lock on each other again.
“Guess this is goodbye, huh?” The thought makes her frown.
Cal smoothens the crease in her brow and the gesture makes her expression soften. “Not goodbye.” His words are emphatic as he lifts her chin. “Just see you later.” He says it with so much conviction that Wren wants to believe him.
She just doesn’t know if she can. Not trusting herself to speak for a moment, she nods. “Maybe I should hold you to that.”
The footsteps they’ve heard upstairs has finally caught up to them. They’re still locked on each other until Wren manages to break eye contact first.There’s the sound of a foul curse as a second set of feet stumbles in and they both glance up at Nik and Donny at the same time.
“Well, there goes breakfast.”
tags: @cora-nova, @universallypizzataco
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What the Rain Can’t Wash Away- Chapter 8
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Sixteen years after Lucifer rose, and Dean lost his wife he finds himself with a teenager, a Nephilim, an angel, and his brother living out a Full House rerun with some seriously dark undertones. How will he be able to raise his daughter, fight monsters, and deal with the loss of the love of his life? Sometimes moving on is the hardest part, but with the Winchester’s there’s always something harder around the corner. Isn’t there?
Chapter Eight, You’re the One
Seeing my mother standing in front of me, living and breathing was keeping me awake. I rolled over in bed to stare at the ceiling. "You're restless," Claire said with a yawn. "Turn out the light, babe." She reached over and ran her finger along the bridge of my nose.
"I can't."
"What's on your mind?"
"Other than the obvious?" I laughed dryly.
"More like, what’s on your mind specifically."
Clementine groaned in her sleep between us, and I reached down and scratched between her ears. She purred happily in response and cuddled closer to me. "More specifically... I have so many things bouncing around inside of my head." I rolled onto my side to look at Claire in the darkness. Her blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. "My Mom is back."
"She is."
"It's all I've wanted my whole life. I've wanted to know her."
"Now you get the chance,” she said quietly, pushing my hair behind my ear. "So what's really bothering you?"
"Things are never easy for us, Claire. Never. We don't get to just have happy endings. Micheal is still inside of Dad, and honestly, I don't know anything about Mom. What if she's a nightmare? You remember what it was like when Grandma Mary came back... How disappointed Dad was."
"You're worried she won't live up?"
"Kind of. Or that I won't live up won't live up to what she expected me to be."
"You're the best person I know, Ella. You don't need to worry about that."
"But I do," I said quietly, my voice breaking. "This has been my birthday wish my whole life. To see my Dad happy. To have a Mom, and fuck... what if it doesn't fix everything?"
"She's just a person, El. You can't put that much pressure on her. She probably won't fix everything, but that doesn't mean that you can't have the things you want. Plus, I know she will love you. If not, she's probably missing her soul."
"You're a pretty big softie, for a badass hunter."
"Yeah, yeah. You do that to people." She smiled widely. "It's hard not to be all gooey around Eleanor Winchester."
"Gross don't say my full name. I feel like I'm in trouble."
"Oh, sweetie, you are in trouble." Claire grinned, wrapping her arms around me. She pulled me to her, taking my lips against hers in an urgent kiss. She was warm, and soft. She was present. It was hard to feel like anything could be wrong in the world when I was this close to Claire. Her lips were still minty from brushing her teeth, and I breathed her in. My fingers tangled in her curls as I ran my tongue along her bottom lip.
"Mmmm. Punish me then."
"I wonder if this is what your parents are doing," Claire mumbled against my mouth, causing me to yank away from her.
"What? Gross! I can't believe you. Just said that!"
She busted up into laughter. "What did you expect to happen, Nel? You thought they were just going to hold hands? I'm sure that's why they're locked in that bedroom. What did you think they were doing?"
"Honestly? I don't know... talking. Figuring their shit out. God, you think they just jumped into bed?" I didn't know why the thought was so disturbing to me. Claire was right, it was what I wanted. I wanted my Dad to be happy, but more than anything I wanted him to have the love of his life back. I wanted him to have what I had with Claire. I just hadn't considered sex, not really.
"I don't know," she admitted, opening her arms back. "Don't think too hard about it."
"It's all I'm going to think about now," I complained. "You planted a seed."
"Aw, stop, you little perv." She smiled and wiggled her fingers in a come here way.
I rolled my eyes and cuddled back into her arms, back where I felt safe. "God, I can't believe you brought up my parents having sex."
Claire shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's kind of sweet."
"Maybe, but still really fucking gross."
I wanted to kiss her. Fuck. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to take her into my arms like she never left, and memorize her body all over again. I wanted to kiss her, but it wasn't about what I wanted. The playing field wasn't level. It was like we were meeting for the first time all over again. She was Ava. She was a fucking angel, beautiful, perfect, and I was a fuck up. I was some old guy that'd been through his fair share of shit storms in the last decade and a half. She deserved to know it all before she was back back.
"I...I've missed you, Ave. More than I thought I could ever miss another person, but I think you deserve all of the facts before you decide."
"Decide? What is there to decide?"
"If this is what you want. If I...fuck, I'm not the same Dean Winchester you left. I don't even know that guy anymore," I admitted through clenched teeth. "I just don't want you to feel obligated. To me, I mean. You have to see Nel... she's a fucking gift. Best thing I've ever done, Ave. You're gonna love her."
"So, what? You're going to lay out all the cards and then we just decide if we are going to stay married or get a divorce?"
"We've both been legally dead a few times over, Sweetheart, I don't think a divorce will be necessary."
"What do you want, Dean?" She asked me seriously.
"It doesn't matter."
She smiled slightly and rolled her eyes. "You say you're different, but you seem the same to me." She took my hand in hers. "It matters. If I want to stay and you don't want me to then I won't. You're not obligated to me, either."
My eyes met hers. A sea of blue. An endless sky. Looking at her was a fucking summer's day at the lake with Nel. Sammy teaching her to catch fish while I finish of a twelve pack by myself. It was s'mores in the night and stories dancing around the fire. Castiel telling us about the creation of the fucking world. Her eyes were home.
"I'm not obligated to you, Ava, I'm in love with you."
"After all this time?"
"What time?" I reached forward and brushed her cheek. "Time stopped when I lost you."
"It didn't stop, Dean. No time has passed for me," she murmured, her lips barely moving. "But for you... you've had an entire life without me. I want to know all about it."
"Okay." I ran my thumb across her cheekbone. "Fuck I don't even know where to start."
I caught a tear as it escaped her eye. "Start with Nel."
I smiled widely. "That's a pretty damn good place to start." I pressed my forehead to hers. "Come to my room?"
"Dean Winchester, are you trying to seduce me?"
"Actually, no." I smiled a bit. "I just have some things I think you'd like to see."
"Okay," she murmured, putting her hand in mine. I lead her through the hallway and opened my bedroom door.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
"It's..." She ran her fingers along my plain red comforter. "It needs a woman's touch." She turned and smiled at me. "Its very Dean."
"Thank you?" I raised an eyebrow.
She lowered herself onto my bed in a seated position. "What did you want to show me?"
I crouched down in front of the book shelf against the back wall and pulled out the baby books. "I tried my hand at scrapbooking," I explained with a dry laugh. "I sucked, but Cas was weirdly good at it. So... well we got this." I handed her one of the books and sat down next to her.
I couldn't say the words out loud. It was like I blinked. I blinked into another world. There I was, running my fingers over the front of a scrapbook that Dean Winchester put together. I wondered if the monsters knew that he cut letters out of patterned paper. I opened the book and sucked in my breath. "Oh, Dean."
Photos of me and Sam the day Eleanor was born.
Every page tore at my heart a little more. Hand written scribbles next to photographs of Dean holding a toddler Eleanor with teeth poking through her pink gums. Tiny pigtails and perfect braids. Bows in her hair.
"Is this the bunker?" I asked, looking at a picture of Eleanor sitting on Sam's shoulders with her arms in the air in front of a weird building that was half under ground.
"Yeah," he said quietly, his thigh brushing mine. "It's weird, but it's home."
"How did you find it?"
"It's a weird story, actually." He laughed dryly. "We came across a demon... a Knight of Hell actually and along with her came my Grandfather. Like through a portal." He raised an eyebrow.
"Weird, but not that weird for us. Go on."
He nodded. "Apparently back in the day there was a group of guys called The Men of Letters, kind of like hunters, but instead they read a lot of books. Kind of like Sammy."
"And this was, what? Their headquarters?"
"So you thought you'd move in?"
Dean shrugged. "Seems like as good of a place as any. It's safe, full of lore, in a good school district." He offered a bright smile.
He looked so good.
"What else?" I smiled, peeling my eyes away from him and back to the book. I flipped the pages. Stickers of angel babies, ketchup stains, Eleanor's kindergarten graduation. "What do the pictures not say?"
"She has a girlfriend."
I raised my eyebrows and met his bright eyes. "A... girlfriend?"
"Yeah. Cute little blonde."
"Huh. Is she nice?"
"She's great. Strong. A little edgy. She's a hunter."
"Dean Winchester!" I gasped, hitting his arm with an open palm. "You let her date a hunter? Are you fucking bananas?"
"No? Ow. Ave, she is your daughter. I can't stop her from doing anything. She's stubborn."
"She's a Winchester," I agreed with a sigh. "She would always be stubborn."
We looked at each other. There were years worth of pain behind his eyes. Pain that I wasn't sure I could heal. "Our girl is all grown up."
"She's amazing," he said quietly.
I pressed my lips together, trying to find the words. "Lacey was a demon, and I trusted her. It's all my fault that she got that demon blood, Dean. Has it..."
"Yeah. Yeah it has. Just manifested, actually. She's sort of... psychic, I guess. She can read minds sometimes. She pulled me out when I was stuck in a delusion."
"So she isn't..."
"Dark side?" He shook his head. "The exact opposite. She is the light, Ave. She's all light."
I covered my mouth to let out a sob that had been bubbling up inside of me. She's okay.
"Hey, shh." He pulled me against his chest, and I let it all go. Snot and all. "Ave, what's wrong?"
"She's okay... She's healthy, smart, happy. I'm so happy." I was heartbroken for missing her childhood, but Dean was a good father. He was everything I knew he could be. "I'm so glad she has you."
He kissed my hair gently, like he used to. "I was glad to have her. I think I would've lost it if I didn't have her to take care of."
"I know the feeling," I admitted, looking up at him. "You keep saying you've changed. That you aren't the same man I knew, but... But I know you, Dean. You're the same."
"I've just been through some shit, Ave."
"What shit?"
He let go of me and looked away. I could see the muscles in his back tense under his shirt. He was struggling. I reached forward and touched his shoulder, he flinched in response. "You can tell me," I murmured. I already knew what he did in Hell, what could be worse than that?
"The short version? I started the apocalypse, let Lucifer out of his cage, let him posses Sammy... Sam tossed himself into Hell to protect the world from Lucifer. He came back, with his soul gone. Fucking gone, Ave. He wasn't Sammy anymore. Cas went looney tunes a time and again. There were all of these Leviathan creatures that we had to take out. When we cut off the head, metaphorically, Cas and I got blown to Purgatory."
My head was spinning. "The Purgatory?"
"It was awful. I was there for a year, and Sam was here, playing Dad to Nel. That's probably the most normal her life ever was, but she was still pretty young."
I swallowed hard. "Are you okay?"
"It's been awhile,” he said with a smile that told me, no. He was not okay. "Then... then uh..."
There's more?
I tried to hold it together, and wait for him to gather his thoughts. "I got the Mark of Cain. Which made me this horrible killing machine..." His hands curled into fists as he tired to level his breathing. "I did it to kill Abaddon. The demon that came in with my Granadad?"
I nodded slowly and reached my hand out to him.
He took it willingly, and gave it a squeeze. "And then... then I died." His eyes flickered to mine. I didn't move. I remained emotionless. He died, but he was in front of me.
"What was the catch?"
"The catch... I woke up as a demon." He winced.
"You're not... now right?"
"No. Sammy cured me."
"A cure? For demons?"
"That's what you're stuck on?" He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, theres a cure for a lot of shit that we didn't know about before."
"Okay, we can come back to that later." I exhaled a shaky breath. "Is that... it?"
"No. I got rid of the Mark of Cain, and it let out darkness... which is Gods sister. Oh shit, Ave. You remember Chuck?"
"The guy who wrote the Supernatural books?"
"Yeah, him. Well... funny story... he's God."
I couldn't control my face anymore. "Like God God. The God?"
"What the actual fuck?"
"He was ridiculous! He was wearing a bathrobe when we met him."
"Sure was."
"You weren't kidding." I shook my head. "Wow, So wait. God has a sister?"
"Yup. She was locked away in my arm making me fucking bananas. So when Rowena, this bad ass witch we know, got the mark off of me it sent the darkness out into the world. It was pretty touch and go for awhile, but turns out that her and Chuck just needed some sibling bonding time."
"Okay?" I raised an eyebrow, feeling like he had to be downplaying all of that.
"She had a thing for me."
"The darkness?" I asked, and he nodded with a shrug. "Of course she did."
"So she gave me something when we got her back with Chuck." I watched his Adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed. "She brought my mom back."
I stared at him. I tried to take in everything he was saying. His mom. "Mary?"
"Yeah." He smiled wide. "She's staying at Bobby's cabin right now, for some R and R."
"Bobby! How is he?" I asked, brightly. "I bet he's feeling older than ever after all of this..." My eyes landed on Dean's. His jaw was tight and at the mention of Bobby his eyes were red along the edges. I knew that look. "He... he died?"
"I'm so sorry, Ave. During all the Leviathan shit. It's... it's been a long time."
"But your mom is at his cabin?"
"Oh... well shit, there's more."
"More?" I felt sick to my stomach.
"Not much," he promised, quietly. His forehead was wrinkled. He could see right through my skin. Into the cracks that hide below the surface. I feared that he knew I was about to break. "Lucifer had a child. A Nephilim, is what they call them. A half human half angel."
"The antichrist?"
"That's what I thought, but no. The kid is good. He came out as a full grown teenager." He laughed dryly. "Weird little fucker, but we are trying to raise him. Nel is such a good sister to him. It's pretty incredible."
My eyes flickered to him. Another child. "How old is he?"
"When he was born it ripped a hole in our world. Into another version of earth. One that I never existed in... one where Dad died a long time ago. Before he ever met my Mom. Mom got stuck over there with Jack, the kid, and when we got them out a bunch of others came through with them. An alternate Bobby, and a few others that we lost in our world. It's kind of bonkers, but I just didn't want you to be surprised when you saw him. He's not your Bobby."
I nodded and ran my tongue along my bottom lip. "What else?"
"That's it," he said, sucking in his breath. I could tell he was waiting. Waiting for the other shoe. Waiting for me to run, but I think he forgot, after all of this time, that I am a Winchester. We don't run.
"That's a lot," I admitted slowly, my eyes trailing from his lips, nose, eyes. I locked my eyes to his. "I know what I want, Dean."
"You. You fucking idiot. It's always been you." I grabbed his face in my hands. The scruff on his cheek scratched against my palm. "You've aged. You have scars that I don't recognize, but I'll learn them. I've memorized your body before. I've memorized your soul. I will memorize it again." I couldn't get enough of him. There was no more childishness in his face. He was a man, and fuck was he beautiful. "Thank you for staying alive. For waiting for me to find you again, because I believe that I will find always find my way back to you. Through distance, and through time. I'm here. I'm back, and nothing can keep us apart. Not anymore."
Chapter Nine, Never Let Me Go
Get caught up!
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sheyshen · 5 years
It’s been a while but I updated my fic!
It’s also posted under read more because it’s kinda on the long side. It’s a continuation of Koren going on his own mission with a pretty bad team up that’s working out for the time being.
Koren spread his arms wide as the doors whooshed open, "welcome to Port Nowhere." he grinned as he turned to face the rest of his team as they walked onto the station. "I have a contact I need to meet up with here and to give the-" he was cut off mid-sentence as Connor bolted past him. "Con wait, stay with us."
The kid skidded to a stop and turned to look at them, "but I wanna go say hi to Bowie."
"You can say hi after. It's dangerous to go off by yourself."
"I'll be fine!" Connor pulled something from behind him and held it up proudly, "I have this!" He grinned proudly at the look of surprise that crossed the mercenary's face as he stashed Arcann's lightsaber again and bolted into the crowd before anyone could say anything.
Arcann let out a heavy breath, grumbling quietly. "I'll go get him. Go ahead without me."
Koren nodded, "just be careful, who knows what will happen if someone recognizes you."
Nodding the prince made his way through the crowds toward where his troublemaker ran off to. The merc glanced back at his other two companions, noting the obvious look of relief that flashed across Vinn's face as soon as Arcann was out of sight.
"Let's go," he gestured toward the hall and then striding away.
It was surprisingly crowded, but the ragtag group blended in well with the various smugglers and bounty hunters that had stopped at the wandering cantina for a break in between jobs. The place had been cleaned up since the commander had gotten control back months ago, and a familiar roar from the bar made it clear that it was also left in trustworthy hands while Kara was busy with the Alliance.
Spotting Guss making small talk with a group of hunters, Koren did his best to avoid being noticed. The less chance of being recognized the better, especially by someone as prone to gossip as the wayward padawan.
Making their way through, they approached a table in the corner where a young woman sat sipping her drink. She looked unassuming, but Koren knew her reputation.
When she glanced up at them he gestured, requesting to sit, a gesture she returned in kind.
"Theron, correct?" She spoke sweetly, "it's a pleasure." She reached out toward him.
Taking her hand and kissing the back of it he greeted her. "Allana, it is wonderful to meet you in person. You look ravishing."
She blushed as she pulled her hand back, giggling at the compliment. "As do you, my dear." She propped her chin on her hands. "Now, what can I do for you?"
He fished around in his pocket before pulling out a box and placing it on the table and sliding it toward her. "I'm looking for information. I believe we discussed the topic over holo already."
She hummed as she reached for the box, picking it up carefully and popping it open. A quiet gasp escaped her as she shut it and pocketed the item and looked at the mercenary across from her, her eyes glittering in obvious entertainment. "Oh sweetheart, this couldn’t’ve been easy to get." She reached over and placed her hand on his and squeezed it affectionately before leaning back and pulling out a data chip and handing it to him. She glanced up at his companions, winking playfully at them before speaking up, "I knew you would come through with my request so I went ahead and pulled the information you asked for right away. I'm not sure what you have against this man, but if you require anything else don't be shy and seek me out again."
Koren pocketed the chip and gave her a grin, "of course my lady. And the same to you should you require anything from me."
She giggled and went to say something else but shouts of alarm caused the group to look to the bar. "Now what could the fuss be about?" She asked as she stood and they headed to investigate the cause of the commotion.
Pushing their way to the front of the crowd they found a man standing in the center of the ring of onlookers, holding Connor in his arm with a blaster pressed against the kid's head as he shouted at an obviously pissed Arcann.
Koren started forward but the scarred man waved him down before growling out, "put the kid down. He has nothing to do with this."
The man pushed at Connor's head with the muzzle, panic obvious on his face. "Don't move you monster." He glanced around at the onlookers quickly before returning his focus to the man in front of him. "Did you really think nobody would recognize you? That you could just stroll through here without anyone caring?"
"I said, put him down," Arcann repeated, his voice surprisingly calm considering how stressed he was. Connor was on the verge of tears and he would be damned before he would let anything happen to him.
"I heard you the first time." The man growled, "I'm surprised you care so much, you didn't seem to care when you wiped out my hometown. But suddenly you turn over a new leaf and expect everyone to just forgive and forget? Huh?"
Connor glanced up at the man while wriggling in his arm. He pulled at his arm trying to get him to let go while he moved his other hand behind him. "Let me go." He didn't like this, this fear was new but so was the absolute rage he saw on Arcann's face. He had seen holos from before they had first met, knew how terrifying he had been, but…
The man tightened his grip, shifting his grip so Connor couldn't move. "On your knees monster."
Arcann glanced between the two, growling in frustration. His pride demanded he refuse, but with Connor involved he didn't have much of a choice. The boy in question shook his head quickly. Arcann closed his eyes, sighing as he renewed the glare he had and gestured for Kara’s blaster. As soon as the device hit his hand he pointed it at the man, "put. My. Son. Down. Now."
As soon as he said that Connor grabbed the lightsaber he had stolen, igniting it and swung at the man's arm. The man hissed in pain and surprise at the sudden injury and dropped Connor who took off as soon as he hit the ground, hiding behind Arcann, lightsaber held before him.
A blaster bolt hit the man in the side and he looked to see Koren pointing his blaster at him, Vinn and Ren drawing their weapons and taking a defensive stance around him.
"You should've listened. Now get out of here before I decide to shoot you again for harming my nephew."
Growling the man glanced between Koren and Arcann, before turning and shoving his way through the crowd.
"Alright, party's over," Allana said as she cheerily clapped her hands together, urging the crowd to disperse.
While they slowly went back to what they were doing before Koren turned to check on Connor. He found the boy clinging to Arcann, a sobbing mess. He didn't appear to be injured but he had been keeping himself from freaking out through sheer force of will alone. And now that he was for sure safe he broke down. Koren couldn't hear what Arcann was saying, but it seemed to be helping.
He glanced over at Allana as she spoke up, "well that was exciting."
Bowdaar made his way over, scooping up the still blubbering Connor, growling his own comforting words to him mixed with threatening ones toward Arcann.
Koren chuckled, "I'll see to my friends, thank you again for your help."
"It was my pleasure. I hope to see you again soon."
"Likewise my dear." He bowed slightly as she excused herself, returning to her table once more, likely waiting for another contact to arrive.
"That was a surprise," Ren spoke up, suddenly at his side making the merc jump in surprise. He thought he had gotten used to how quietly she moves but apparently he hadn't. Glancing over at her he cocked an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. "I'm glad that Connor is alright, but I'm just surprised at Arcann."
"That he didn't just break the guy's neck, hostage be damned?" Vinn replied earning a shake of the Jedi's head.
"Not that, he hasn't shown any signs of being nearly that quick to fight recently."
"Unless it involves your father." Koren interrupted. Ren shot him a glare that had no true anger behind it. "You have to admit, they're almost always picking fights with each other."
Ren sighed, "yes, well, dad can be… trying. But I meant what he said."
They watched as Bowdaar reluctantly put Connor down to return to the bar as customers started getting rowdy. The blonde had calmed down considerably.
Getting Arcann's attention, Koren gestured for them to follow and lead them out of the cantina toward the Ik'aad. Connor was quiet but kept shooting glances at Arcann as he did his best to keep pace with the others.
As soon as the door closed behind them he grabbed at Arcann's sleeve, making him wait a moment. Turning to look at him, he cocked an eyebrow. "Are you alright Connor?" When the boy didn't reply at first he turned his full attention on him. Putting a hand on his shoulder he tried his best to sound soothing, "it's alright to still be shooken up. It isn't easy to go through something like that."
Connor shook his head, looking down as he spoke. "No. No. I'm fine…. I was scared. Still scared." He paused, took a deep breath and then looked up, "you called me your son…"
The fact that he had indeed referred to Connor as his son had slipped the scarred man's mind. He hadn't meant to say that, but in the heat of the moment he had let it slip. He had hoped nobody had caught that, but clearly the kid in question had. Chuckling awkwardly, "you were hearing things."
The sparkle in Connor's eyes returned with renewed fury, "you called me your son." He repeated.
Arcann hummed, he obviously wasn't going to be able to play it off like he had hoped, Connor was too smart for that. And much like his mother, he was also stubborn. "I think of your mother, Theron, you and your brother as family, so I suppose you and Caleb are. If you are alright with that."
Connor looked like he was about to say something and then stopped, "I am, but I dunno about Cal. He doesn't like you still."
"And I can’t force him to, but maybe one day he'll change his mind." He gave Connor an almost awkward smile, "just…"
He was cut off by Koren shouting at him through the speakers of the ship.
"Ar! Get up here, we got trouble and I need you as copilot!"
"We can discuss this later," Arcann finished. When Connor nodded he hurried to the cockpit, noting the fire they had started taking. "Whos shooting at us?"
"I think it's your friend from the cantina." Koren grumbled, "I can't reach the switches over there and you know the ship better than the other two."
Arcann rose an eyebrow in response as he took a seat and got to work.
"What can I do?" Connor asked, gripping the pilot's seat, his voice wavering slightly.
"Go find Ren, and get one of them in the gun. I need to get this guy to back off if I'm gonna make a jump outta here."
Connor shouted. "Alright!" As he rushed out of the cockpit and down the hall. It didn't take long to find them, Ren had been at the workbench in the storage area of the ship. Running up to her, Connor pointed toward the door, "Uncle Kor wants you to man the gun."
"'Man the gun'?" Vinn replied, "why are-"
Ren cut him off as she headed out the door, Connor hot on her heels, "do you know who’s attacking us?"
"Uncle Kor thinks its the guy that…" he trailed off, he didn't want to admit it but he was still shaken up.
"Alright." She stopped next to the ladder up to the Ik'aad's gun, put her hands on his shoulders and looked him seriously in the eyes, "I need you to stay here and keep an eye on Vinn. Can you do that for me?" When Connor nodded she gave him a proud smile, "good, then in return I’ll show that jerk who he's messing with."
She turned, shooting a look Vinn's way as he strode over and dropped himself on the couch, and then hurried up the ladder.
Connor turned and watched the former horizon guard carefully before walking up to him. "You're staying here." He ordered, trying to appear in control. As in control as an 8-year-old can look anyway.
"I can't really go anywhere else can I?" Vinn shrugged.
Connor crossed his arms trying to look intimidating. With his messy hair and the cut of a scar still fresh on his cheek he didn't manage it well. "Good." He fidgeted, unsure of what to do. The sound of blaster fire hitting the shields that protected the Ik'aad caused him to flinch, but he collected himself as quickly as he could. Even still he was jumpy and started to fiddle with Arcann's lightsaber while staring Vinn down.
After a few minutes of this Connor finally spoke up. "You hurt my mom and dad." He stated it plainly, matter of factly.
"I don't know who your dad is, but the Commander destroyed my home."
"She did not." Connor practically whined, "and you stabbed dad."
Vinn stared at him a moment, the pieces clicking in place, "Theron betrayed me, shot me."
"I don't care." Connor gripped the hilt tightly, tears in his eyes, "you almost took them both from me. Took my family away, and you don't even care."
Vinn glared at the kid, once again regretting leaving his cell. He wasn't sure what the commander was planning with having him accompany Ren on this mission, but he had a feeling it was a test. For what, he had a suspicion. But if he was right, why? As the kid in front of him said, he tried killing two of the highest-ranking members of the Alliance, nearly succeeding with one of them, and almost unleashed a god that wanted to do nothing more than destroy the galaxy.
His thoughts stopped, that's why.
"I did what I thought I had to." He stated plainly. "The war with the Alliance took everything from me, Arcann took everything from me."
"Then why stay. You could’ve escaped at either of the places we stopped."
"I could have," he gave him that one, "and I’m sure Ren would have let me go too."
"You don't want to."
Vinn shrugged, "I don't know. I'm here and I’ll stay for now." He leaned forward, "are you scared of me?"
Connor shook his head, "no. I'm not. You're not scary."
Vinn hummed, "you'd do well at sabacc, I can barely tell you're lying."
"I am good at it. Even better than papa." The boy's expression immediately shifted to pride. it was almost funny how easy it was to distract him.
"You'll have to prove that claim." He leaned back again, went to speak but was cut off by a loud explosion from a shot that hit particularly close to where they were at. Before the sound even finished echoing through the halls Connor had tackled him, causing him to nearly hit his head on the wall the couch was attached to. "What are you doing?" He growled out.
Connor was shaking, hard, and clinging for dear life to Vinn's shirt.
"He's not going to win you know." Even with him saying that Connor didn't stop shaking. Another close explosion pulled a distressed sound from the kid, not quite a scream, but still full of fear. Vinn sighed, resigning himself to his fate, "you're going to be fine. Ren will stop him I'm sure. Why are you so scared?"
A hiccupped sob from Connor was his only reply.
Grumbling, Vinn put his hand on Connor's back. It was meant to be comforting, but it was more awkward than anything. Still, it seemed to settle Connor enough that he at least stopped shaking for the time being. Shifting on the couch, he moved so he could lay down. It was more for him to be more comfortable than anything. At least that's what he would claim if anyone would ask.
There were more explosions, these more distant, but the lack of reaction from the small blonde and his breathing starting to even out made it obvious that not only did Connor likely not hear it, but he was starting to doze off. It had  been a crazy day for him.
Vinn just laid there, not exactly sure what to do. He debated on trying to detach Connor, go see the state of the battle, but he doubted he’d be able to do so without waking him. So he just stayed there, running the possible reasons the commander had for giving him what looked to be freedom. Was it mercy? Like when she hadn’t killed him for what he did to Theron? Was it some hope he’d be an ally? Whatever it was it was foolish. But it gave him a chance to do what he wanted, within limits.
He was wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the ship shift as it jumped into hyperspace.
It was a short time later that Ren found them both asleep on the couch.
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Until I See You Again
— Midnight Dreams —
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Pairing: Choi San x Manager Reader
Genre: idol au | soulmate au |
Word Count: 2,351
Warnings: None as of yet
1 | 2 | 3
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It was him again, he appeared in front of you like a villain in a fairytale. You hoped that it would change each night you closed your eyes, but here he was, right behind you. You were scared to be near him because how he is in these dreams, but right now, your adrenaline kicked in as your feet hit the ground, looking for anywhere to hide. Your pace slowed as you came to a tall fence, knowing you couldn’t make it over, when a large hand gripped your shoulder and yanked you back. Warmth spread through your back from meeting his chest, his arm wrapped around you, holding you against him, “Don’t run from me, Y/N… Why do you push me away?”
“W-What…?” Your voice husked as he turned you around.
“You’re the only one who makes me this way… so… take responsibility…” His fingers wrapped around to the back of your neck, his thumb rubbing at your tender skin.
“Who are you…? What are you talking about…?”
“You’re telling me…” He leaned in, his tongue appearing to swipe over his lips, “You don’t remember?” You could feel his warm breath against your skin, he was close enough to taste, he was—
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Your eyes shot open to the dull morning sunlight pouring into your bedroom, the feeling of your heart pounding in your chest made you let out a sigh as you rubbed your eyes, “Again with this guy?” You hissed rolling over to grab your phone, the screen lighting up as you held it up to your face, “6:20…”
You sat up, running your hands through your hair, your thoughts beginning to wander back to the guy in your dreams. He had been loitering around in your dreams since you could remember, but his face doesn’t ring a bell to anyone in your life. You let the thought of him linger in your mind as you got ready for work, remembering his deeply sculpted features, the curl of his when his eyes fell onto you, the way he sent your heart racing with the barely there smirk. He was beautiful, you couldn’t deny that, but who is he?
You double checked your ensemble in the mirror before leaving, making sure that your off the shoulder shirt wasn’t showing too much skin to be considered inappropriate for work. Just as you were about to walk out the door your phone dinged.
[7:30 A. M.] KQEB: Hey, Y/N. Can you stop in before going to Seven Seasons?
[7:32 A. M.] You: Of course. I’ll be there in about 30.
You slid your phone back into your pocket, wondering why your boss would want to see you. You haven’t done anything wrong that you know of, matter of fact, managing Block B has been the best job of your life the past two years even after Zico chose not to renew his contract with the company. You’ve been keeping the schedule filled with events that would give them time with their fans, they’ve been on time to everything, and no complaints from the boys about you, so what could he possibly want from you?
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You walked into the KQ Entertainment building and made your way to your boss’s office, anxiety beginning to upset your stomach. You got onto the elevator and pressed the floor number as well as the “close” button when a voice called out, “Hold the elevator, please!”
“Oh!” You held your hand out to stop the closing doors for a guy with curly sandy blond hair to rush into the elevator.
“Thank you.” He breathed, bowing a bit.
“You’re welcome.” You pulled your hand back and let the doors close, you waited to see if he chose a different floor, but when you got to your floor, he followed you out. You glanced at each other, awkward smiles coming to your lips as you went separate ways ways down the hall; your heels scuffed over the carpeted hallway as you reached your boss’s office, your knuckles quickly rapping against the door.
“Come in.” The deep voice from the other side hummed. You opened the door to be met with dark eyes on the other side of the desk, “Ah, Y/N. Come take a seat, please.” You nodded and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, his fingers clicking and scrolling on the mouse, “So, I’ve called you here today to discuss your contract with Block B.”
“Oh…?” You raised an eyebrow as he pulled some pages off the printer.
“Since they’re doing some recontracting with Seven Seasons, they don’t need a manager from us. They’re going to hire one within—”
“So, I’m getting a reassignment?” You asked, annoyance clear in your voice.
“After Zico left, it left the future of the band in the air… so… we’re placing you with a new group.” He turned the stack of papers in front of you, your eyes falling down to them to see it was a new contract.
“They just debuted and they’ve become extremely popular within the couple of years they’ve been training. I think you would make for a perfect manager for them.” He smiled hoping this wouldn’t upset you too much, but watching you roll your eyes and sigh told him you were pissed.
“You’re telling me to tell my boys, that I’ve been with for over five years, that I’m being reassigned?” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“Well…” A weak smile passed his lips, “We’ve already spoke with them…”
“You what?”
“We had to let them know that they were getting a new manager—”
“You went behind my back and told them before letting me know? Wow.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes once more.
“It’s not like that—” A knock at the door cut him off, he stared at your rigid figure in the chair before offering an invitation to the person behind the door.
“I’m sorry for intruding…” The sandy blond haired boy walked into the room, your eyes turning to fall onto him.
“That’s okay, Hongjoong. You came at a good time. Y/N, this is the leader of Ateez, Kim Hongjoong.” You stood up to meet his gaze and he bowed to you.
“Ah, we met in the elevator.” You bowed your head to him as he stood back up, his warm sienna irises catching the sunlight.
“Hongjoong, this is Y/N, starting tomorrow she is your new manager.”
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“Aish, what does he think he’s doing reassigning me?” You whined while slamming your beer can against the table.
“Did you even see it coming?” You turned your eyes to the right of you, Seungyeon’s darkened eyes finding yours.
“Nope, absolutely not.”
“That’s completely messed up. You’ve done everything for Block.” Byungchan mumbled across from you before taking a drink from his beer can.
“It’s not like I had any say in it anyway. After Zico left, there wasn’t much Seven Seasons could do, and they haven’t put anything new out in a while…” You ran your finger around the rim of the can, getting lost in the warm buzzed feeling taking over your body.
“How is this baby group, Ateez was it?” Sungwoon’s voice coming from the left of you brought you back to the conversation; you shrugged your shoulders in response as you reached for another can of beer.
“I have no clue, yet. I meet them all tomorrow. Hongjoong, the leader, seemed pretty level headed… so I hope they’re good at what they do and they give me no problems.” You hummed, opening the can and taking a drink of the bitter liquid. Byungchan pulled out his phone and let his fingers tap over the screen before speaking.
“Apparently they’re a eight member group consisting of Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San…” Upon hearing the name San something sparked inside of you, as if you’ve heard the name before. You searched your mind trying to find the person this name belonged to when your head started throbbing. You ran your fingertips over your temples, attempting to soothe the pulsating pressure when a hand ran over your back.
“How did I know I’d find all of you here?” The familiar voice above you made you relax into your chair and let your head roll back to look up at the man next to you; soft features came into your vision, ones that you had fallen for since you could remember.
“Ah, Dongyeon to Y/N’s rescue, as always.” Sungwoon chuckled starting to get up out of his seat.
“How did you know I was here?” You asked, your words starting to slur together.
“When you, my dear, have a bad day, I can always find you drinking outside the store with these guys.” He leaned down wrapping an arm around you, pulling you up out of your chair, “Why don’t you come home with me tonight? Can’t let your dad see you coming home like this.”
“But I haven’t even finished my can yet…” You reached for your half empty can to watch Seungyeon pull the can from your reach.
“I think you’ve had enough tonight, Y/N.”
“Listen here you Monkey—” Seungyeon shoved a piece of cold fish cake into your mouth, hushing your protest.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed.” Dongyeon squatted down, “C’mon, let me carry you.” You took his offer and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your weight on his back. He wrapped his arms around your legs and stood up, adjusting his hold on you, “Goodnight guys.” Dongyeon dipped his head.
“Get home safely.” Byungchan laughed watching him turn around with you on his back, your eyes drooping closed as you rested your head on your arm. The walk to his apartment wasn’t far, but you wished it were, the fading fall breeze against your skin made you hum against his back. The warmth from Dongyeon alway made you feel at home, like you were safe every time you were around him, it was one of the few things you remembered.
“Yeonnie…” He smile at his whispered name.
“Do you know a San…?”
“San…? I don’t think so, why?” He questioned, walking up the steps leading to the apartment.
“Byung mentioned his name as a member of the group I’m going to manage…” Dongyeon was surprised by how much you were talking, you usually passed out on the walk to his house, but tonight you were eager for conversation, even if your words were slurred.
“Not off the top of my head, honey.” He approached the front door and opened it, the bright light from inside the apartment making your squint.
“Drunk again, Y/N?” You lifted your head to see Dongyeon’s brother, Jisoo, standing in the kitchen, his warm skin soaking in the light. You lifted a hand, giving Jisoo a thumbs up to his question, “Should I run her a bath?” He asked and Dongyeon shook his head.
“Nah. She’ll shower in the morning before she goes to work. She just needs to sleep off this buzz of hers.” He wandered to the back of the apartment to his bedroom and flipped on the light before sitting you down on the bed, “Don’t lay down yet, I need to take off your makeup.
“You’re such a good boyfriend.” You cooed watching him get into his dresser, your favorite shirt of his to sleep in appeared in his hands.
“Am I really?” He teased walking back to you, “Arms up.” You hummed in response and did as he asked, and lifted your arms up, Dongyeon soon removing your shirt and bra, and then sliding his shirt onto your body, “Go ahead and take off your pants while I grab the remover.”
“You trying to get me nakey, Yeonnie?” A laugh erupted from him as he walked out of the bedroom. You popped the button on your pants open and slid them off your body, exhaustion finally taking over. You laid down, closing your eyes, waiting for him to come back when something cold met your skin, a groan escaping your lips, “Cold…”
“I know, just endure it for right now.” Dongyeon whispered, cleaning the makeup off of your skin. He admired your beauty as your started to drift off into dreamland, his hands brushed wild strands of hair out of your face while making sure that he left no streak of makeup on your beautiful skin. He tossed the makeup wipe into the trash can and turned out the lights in the room; after changing out of his clothes, he crawled into bed with you, pulling the blankets over your sleeping figure. The dull moonlight danced past his curtains, casting a glow against your skin, he reached out to run his fingertips over your shape, “I love you, I hope you know that.”
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“You got this… stop freaking out, you’re their new manager, you just saying ‘hi’ and then you’re going to see their old one. Just a few minutes and then you’re out of there…” You breathed as you stared at the door handle to the dance practice room. Your shaky hand gripped the handle and opened it, the sound of music and feet scuffing over the floors poured out from behind it. Eight pairs of eyes turned to you as one of the boys walked over to turn off the music.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Hongjoong was the first to greet you, “Let me introduce each of the members to you.” Six of the boys lined up in front of you as the seventh one walked towards the back of the studio, “Here we have our rapper, Mingi, and next to him we have our line of vocals. Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho, Wooyoung, Yunho, and…” The last person joined the line up, your eyes resting on his face, “Last, but not least, San.” Dark brown, almost black, hair came into your vision as well as features that looked like the Gods had sculpted; you knew that face and the smirk that appeared on his lips: he’s the guy from your dreams.
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“Until I See You Again” Master List
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lovelikeelena · 6 years
Song of the Sirenas Review- Part 1/4
Firstly, I wanna say muchas gracias to my best friend, Becca, along with DisneyNerd, DisPrincess3 and others for helping me with some of the visual aspects of this awesome, incredible and amazing movie!
  As many of you know who read my tumblr, I’m almost blind.  That means this review will be unique.  While I’ll be touching on some important visual aspects, I’ll mostly be focusing on storyline and the friendships formed and established bonds between our favorite characters throughout the movie.  There will also be some shipping as well, just so you guys who aren’t Elenaomi shippers know ahead of time.  One more thing before we officially get started:  How cool was it that this movie premiered on international peace day?  This makes it even more timely and relevant than ever!  Okay, let’s dive in!  Pun intended wholeheartedly.
  We open with a spectacular view of the Turner’s boat skimming through the water.  The royal familia, royal guard Gabe and Naomi , along with her parents Captains Scarlet and Daniel Turner, are heading somewhere.  Hmmm?  Where could they be going?  Maybe they’re dropping the douche of Avalor, Esteban off on a deserted island and continuing without him.  Only one can hope.  (I DID NOT come up with that nickname for the chancellor.) Oh yeah, Mateo’s there too.  Well, Esteban isn’t being dropped off anywhere.  No such fortune is shining upon us.  Instead, Elena is stuck with her cousin for the entire journey.  It’s not long into her magical bow and arrow practice that Naomi gets Esteban right in the butt!  Elena giggles, even though she tries to remain stern.  Oops, Sorry!  never mind.  That’s my fanfic version of events.  Back to the actual movie. 
  As I was saying, it’s not long before we find out Scarlet doesn’t take any crap from anyone-including her husband!  She finds Daniel standing, using a barrel as a table.  Poor Daniel just wants to eat a sandwich, but instead he’s told to trim the sail.  He tries to get out of it by assuming bc his wife is captaining the voyage that he would get a well-deserved brake.  No such luck buddy.  Say adios to that break you were hoping for.  Turning, Daniel goes to complete the task.  Before leaving his post, he snatches up his sandwich, knowing his daughter too well, not to mention the fact that there are two hungry teen boys on the ship.  It’s then that Isa answers the question that’s been on our minds since the movie started-especially if you haven’t read the book companion that was released in June or kept up with spoilers before the movie premiered.  The royal familia is on their way to Nueva Vista on the west coast of Avalor.  Isa is excited to get there and her abuela feels the same way.  Louisa mentions sitting on the terrace of the summer palace and napping in the sun.  Esteban puts his two cents in, commenting that Francisco has gotten a head start, indicating him sleeping on a chair.  On another part of the ship, Elena is hanging out with Naomi and Gabe, practicing with her scepter.  Elena demonstrates a few powers we’ve seen in the past-including envision and glow.  Then she shows off a newly acquired power, which is making objects invisible by saying the word vanish.  She uses Naomi’s lasso for this test.  It works and Elena beams.  Gabe asks how many powers the scepter has.  Naomi chimes in by requesting teasingly if her girlfriend can test them on something else bc she wants her lasso back.  Unfortunately, this is the last time in the movie that we see Elena and Naomi treating each other with the love and respect we’ve come to know they possess.  Just knowing this makes me sad.  Hopefully, they’ll resolve things fully in Snow Place Like Home.  I love how Isa comes up to them and is fully welcome by Elena and not told to go away like most older siblings say to the younger ones when with their friends and significant others.  Isa tells them that Scarlet said they’re almost there.  Elena starts to reminisce about her and Isa’s first paternal cousin, Christobal, telling everyone how she remembers going fishing with him every summer.  Gabe is puzzled and says he thought Esteban  was the girls’ only cousin.  Naomi throws her usual jab at the Chancellor by stating “Leave it to Esteban to exaggerate.”  She lays a hand on Elena’s shoulder, initiating the only loving contact they have for the rest of the movie.    In making that jab at the douche, she exemplifies why I love her so much!  Mateo, yup, he’s there, tells Elena she’ll have plenty of time to reminisce when they arrive and it’s time to get back to practicing.  Come on, dude, give Elena a break!  Mateo encourages her to try to make herself vanish.  Elena protests that she only knows how to make objects vanish.  Mateo is insistent, so our favorite future Avaloran ruler obeys.  Elena, there’s no law that says you must listen to him!  You make the laws or will be doing so in three years!  After trying the power, Elena mildly succeeds.  Her body disappears, but her head is still visible.  Mateo makes a lame joke that doesn’t even make any sense by saying “You’re headed in the right direction.”  Leave the quips to Naomi, por favor.  Elena reforms just as all five of them hear a bell ring, followed by Scarlet yelling about approaching sirenas.  All four young adults have different reactions to Scarlet’s announcement.  Elena is confused, while Mateo is all excited and looking every which way like a puppy who is trying to find his new bone.  Apparently, he’s never seen a sirena before.  Gabe is also curious.  Naomi is ready to obey her parents’ instructions at a second’s notice.  Scarlet commands her to take the wheel, calling Naomi Nomes, which I despise!  Naomi does so while her parents ready the crossbows.  Elena shakes her head upon hearing this and asks why they need the weapons?  And this is where I get a little irritated with Naomi.  I know she’s panicking, but still.  She whirls around and snaps at her girlfriend for no reason.  “Sirenas are dangerous!  Everyone knows that!”  Excuse me, Naomi, everyone knows that?  Not everyone has traveled as extensively or has the knowledge you do.  Especially your girlfriend who was trapped in an amulet for 41 years!  Daniel explains to Elena that sirenas sing a song that put sailors into a trance, crashing their ships.  Even though he too is panicking, he doesn’t snap at her.  Take a lesson from your Dad, Naomi.  Elena points out the sirenas aren’t even singing and Mateo chimes in that he can’t remember the last time sirenas caused a ship wreck.  Still, the Turners go through with their defense plan.  Glancing down into the water, Elena locks eyes with a female sirena.  We later learn her name is Marisa.  In the moment their eyes meet, Elena is captivated in wonderment-never having seen a sirena before this.  I’d like to think  she’s also silently assuring Marisa that she knows Marisa isn’t doing anything wrong and that she, Elena, won’t let any harm come to her.  Meanwhile, Scarlet commands Gabe to get everyone below deck, which he does immediately.  Elena commands Scarlet to stop firing.  Instead of listening, Scarlet fires anyway.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s grounds for treason.  Scarlet defied Elena’s direct command.  Eighteen or not, Elena is in charge.  If she says stop firing, you stop firing-no questions asked.  Scarlet, you just keep slipping further and further down my like meter.  It looks like there’s one more in Esteban’s party on that deserted island if they find one.  Elena keeps her silent promise to Marisa and fires her scepter, knocking Scarlet’s crossbow out of her hands.  This affectively saves Marisa and her male companion from injury.  We switch points of view and see Marisa, her friend and seahorse dude in the water.  We discover that the male friend is actually Marisa’s twin brother.  Marisa is just as amazed by Elena.  She asked if her brother saw what Elena did, then must keep him from retaliating.  She calls him Marzel and tells him to stop!  Marzel argues that the people on the ship tried to fillet them to which Marisa points out,  “But the princesa stopped them with that magic thingy.”  Marzel advises they better leave before she decides to use it on them.  Their seahorse friend agrees, and they dive beneath the waves.  Meanwhile, back on the Turners boat, Naomi again turns on her girlfriend, demanding,  “Why did you do that!”  Elena doesn’t take her crap and shoots back with,  “I’m not going to attack someone who hasn’t attacked me first!”  As much as I love watching Elena stand up for herself, my heart breaks a little more.  I don’t like it when Elena and her future wife fight.  I know it happens in every friendship-whether it’s destined for romance or not.  Even so, it’s still hard for me to watch when it's Elena and Naomi. Meanwhile, under the sea, Marisa and Marzel are swimming towards the palace they share with their parents.  Marzel points out that “Sirenas haven’t sunken a ship since before we were born.  And still Humans come after us.”  Marisa counters with,  “That’s because no one has told them we’ve changed.”  Marzel doubts they would listen.  “Maybe the princess would.  You saw what she did.”  Marzel disagrees.  He shakes his head when he sees an all too familiar look in his Hermana’s eyes.  “I hate that look!”  Marisa ignores him.  “We can tell her, then she can spread the word to the rest of the Humans.”  Their friend tells her to keep dreaming.  Marzel reminds him that’s what Marisa does best.  Marisa declares she’s going to talk to their father.  Marzel tells her she’s wasting her time while watching her swim off.
And that’s where I leave everyone off for now!  Part 2 is coming in a few days!  Feel free to leave comments or send me asks!
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purintarts · 7 years
MC dying saving them from a sinking ship (Yoosung)
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­­­­­Okay tbh, the moment you said titanic, my imagination had gone wild and I had to do it. Thank you for the request!
To make it more ‘impacting’ and ‘feeling’, I shall do it individually in mini fanfics for all your sadistic angst-sters (like myself). I’m not sure when I’ll write the rest but let’s start off with Yoosungie!
Let’s begin sinking the ship into the sea of feels.
 You first met him when you were about to get on board. Due to the strong wind, your hat flew off from the top of your head and into the hands of a stranger.
He had blonde hair and beautiful amethyst eyes, you could feel something struck in you when his eyes met yours. Looking how he was carrying a bag on his back and another in his other hand, you assume he will be one of the passengers.
You went on board first and stayed at the side to wait for the stranger to come on board.
“Your hat, miss” the stranger handed your hat to you.
“Thank you, sir” you grinned as you put it on.
“Please, Yoosung is fine” he chuckled with a curt bow “After you, miss”
“Please, MC is fine” you repeated with a giggle, slowly walking away with him walking after you.
You found out that he was in the same class as you and it seems like his room was a couple of doors away from the one you’re staying.
He gave you another smile before he entered his room which makes you flushed.
“Just because he helped you with your hat, you didn’t have to stare at him until he entered his room” you muttered to yourself in frustration. You felt like a fool and not to mention, creepy.
You might meet him again in under two weeks on this small ship, better be on your best behavior.
  Apparently, you met him again during dinner. He was taking a plate to get his food from the buffet and you felt yourself blushing at your actions before.
Slowly taking a plate yourself, you were separated from him with another man in the middle of the line.
You held your ground as you began to take whichever food that caught your interests. When you were occupied with your selection, you didn’t realize the middle man went off.
You were about to take the spoon for the potatoes when you touched a hand instead. Looking up, you were met with amethyst eyes once more.
“Oh, here” Yoosung put the spoon down for you.
“It’s alright! You were here first, please”
“Thank you, MC” he picked the spoon up and scoop some potatoes on his plate before handing you the spoon.
“So, you’re with your family on this trip?” Yoosung asked as he went on to the next dish.
“Yea, you?”
“I’m with a couple of my friends. We got offered an employment on the other side, a bit nervous leaving home” he explained as he picked up a fork and a spoon and passed it to you before taking another pair for himself.
“Thank you. What kind of employment did you get?” you asked as you walked with him towards the drinks section.
“Oh, I get to work in a clinic” he said, passing a glass to you.
“Thanks- you’re a doctor?”
“For animals, yes” he chuckled and you wowed in amazement.
“You must love animals a lot”
“Yes, they are not that hard to love. Do you like animals?” he asked as he took his glass full of juice.
“Oh yes, I adore them” you nodded and took your own glass of juice.
You both walked away from the buffet selection while talking about what kind of pets you both liked. However, it turned awkward when he accidentally followed you to your table.
“Sir, Madam” he smiled with a curt bow towards your parents “I’ll see you around, MC” he said as he walked away to his own table.
You took a seat, ignoring the looks your parents were giving you.
“Such a fine man, who is he dear?” your mother asked as she sipped on her wine.
“Oh, he’s the man that caught my hat”
“Is he just a man that caught your hat?” your father huffed, raising a brow.
“Dad, please”
“What? Your father is right, you’re at the age of courting, are you gaining any interests in him perhaps?” your mother questioned.
This is going to be a long dinner.
On the other side of the hall, Yoosung sat down with red cheeks.
“What’s up with you?” one of his two friend, Jiho asked as he sipped on his drink.
“Nothing” Yoosung answered curtly.
“Liar” his other friend, Kyung, clapped Yoosung’s shoulder as he set down his plate “Man right here was caught up with a lady- a pretty one in fact- and followed her to her table! It was hilarious! You should have seen all their reactions!” he cackled as he sat beside Yoosung.
“Oh shut up, Kyung”
“Don’t tell me what to do idiot!” Kyung laughed “At least I can think clearly and differentiate my table! What a way to meet ya in-laws am I right?”
“They are not my in-laws!” Yoosung’s cheeks flared up in a deeper shade of red.
“Well not yet, don’t lie to me saying you’re not interested brother!” Kyung said as he popped a fish fillet inside his mouth.
“Damn it Yoosung, it hasn’t been a day and you already caught yourself a lady. Teach me your ways” Jiho asked.
Yoosung groaned as he took a sip of his juice.
This is definitely going to be a long dinner.
 The next time you meet again, you were looking out at the deck since you accidentally woke up earlier than your family. So you decided to look around the deck since they weren’t up even after an hour.
Yoosung bumped into you when he was on his way to get breakfast. You ended up slipping a note to your family and head out for breakfast with him.
“So you’re a party coordinator?” he asked and you nodded.
“I usually handle the guest lists and handle the people” you explained.
Both of your plates were empty but that didn’t end the breakfast session. It took another two glasses of two different drinks, a trip to the washroom and a walk back at the deck.
You laughed at a story he just told, touching his arm with a shook of a head.
“Yoosung, you’re ridiculous!”
“I would say I have ridiculous friends that make me do ridiculous things” he laughed.
You two settled down, leaning against a pillar as you both admired the sea.
“Say MC… are you by a chance… single?” he questioned.
“Why? Are you planning to court me?” you teased. A proud feeling spread in you when you saw how his cheeks turned red.
Now it’s your turn to blush.
“I am” you cleared your throat “No courts or suitors for now”
“For now?”
“Uh-huh. So you better hurry up if you want to court me” you said as you walked away teasingly.
Yoosung cracked a grin as he looked at your back, amused and determined.
“Is it just me, or does that sound like you just accepted a proposal that I didn’t ask yet?”
“It’s just you” you gasped playfully as you turned to look at him “You’re planning to propose?”
“Psh, of course not! It’s only been two days isn’t it?” he said as he walked ahead of you “Don’t watch princess movies too much, you can’t marry a person you’ve met a day”
“But we known each other for two!”
“My my MC, are you proposing?”
“Pshh, of course not. You can’t propose someone you’ve met for two days, don’t watch fairytales too much”
Yoosung rolled his eyes in amusement before looking at you. Your flushed cheeks, big grin and twinkling eyes.
Could he have found… the one?
   It’s been five days on the ship, while your family was fast asleep you thought of doing something unplanned.
Putting on a coat and shoes, you went off towards Yoosung’s room. Just as you knock, the guilt feeling sets in when you wondered if he was asleep.
What if he was sleeping and you woke him up?
You felt selfish but seeing how he didn’t answer, you just assumed that he was. Slightly glad that you didn’t wake him up nor anyone in the room.
Walking away slowly and quietly, you didn’t feel like going back to your room so you decided to go towards the tail of the ship. It was usually crowded in the day and empty at night except for a couple of workers and people who were taking a walk or enjoying the time with their companion alone.
You tapped your fingers on the railing when you heard a familiar laugh. Looking over, you saw Yoosung laughing with his friends as they walked up the stairs. Judging from the looks of it, one of them was drunk as Yoosung was supporting him up while the other was giggling.
The boys surely had a fun night.
They were about to walk passed you when the drunk one pointed at you.
“Buffet lady! Hi! Yoosung it’s your buffet lady!”
Yoosung looked over you before he hushed his friend “Hushhh Kyung, people are sleeping” before throwing you an apologetic glanced.
“I’ll take him back, Yoosung. Go meet up with the buffet lady” the other friend said.
“Thanks Jiho”
Jiho gave you a nod, before walking away with a waving Kyung. You awkwardly waved back as Yoosung walked towards you.
“Had a fun night?” you questioned.
“If you’re talking about how my friend over there got drunk and dance on the table, yes it was. They have good drinks too, very good” he chuckled.
His cheek was slightly flushed and you assumed it could be the alcohol he consumed.
“You’re awake” he stated.
“I am”
You looked down at your fingers, giving a tap on the railing as you bit your lower lip.
“…I wanted to see you”
Yoosung’s smile disappear for a moment. He looked at you as if he was processing something before a large grin spread through his lips.
“Well, here I am!”
“Here you are” you giggled “But I think you should get some sleep, you must be giddy”
“Nah, just slightly tipsy but I’m good! I’m the talkative kinda tipsy not the sleepy one. But I must warn you, I tend to speak my mind and do things that I’m won’t dare to do when I’m sober, well some of them” he said as he looked up as if he was remembering something.
“Yea” he nods.
“And for example? What things won’t you dare to do during sober but would do during you’re drunk?”
“I don’t know…Maybe kissing you”
That got your cheeks heated up.
“You won’t kiss me when you’re sober?” thinking back, that sounds kind of sad. It’s like he’ll only kiss you when he’s drunk.
“I would. If I was brave enough” he chuckled in embarrassment “Aah~ I’m such a coward, I can’t even tell you how I feel seriously. I like you a lot you know, I don’t want us to be separated after this trip. I wish I could tell you straight up that I wish to court you but we only known for a short while so I think you might run away instead”
You could feel your heartbeats faster and the feeling of excitement burst inside you. You felt so happy hearing that. It was short but you can’t deny the fact you felt happy with him.
“But you just did, Yoosung” you stated.
Yoosung looked at you and widened his eyes before slapping his mouth “Oh god, I did”
You didn’t know what came over you. He was supposed to be the tipsy one not you, he was supposed to be the impulsive and bold one and yet-
You leaned in and place a kiss on his cheek.
That was definitely unplanned.
Yoosung froze in shock as he felt your soft lips on his cheeks. Your scent filled his senses and when you pulled away. He could do anything except to turned into a bright tomato.
You, on the other hand, was shocked of your own action and all you wanted to do was to flee.
“Yea- uhh- um- Goodnight!” you turned around and walked away quickly. Face pink and your hands started sweating.
Yoosung recovered from his shock when he saw you walked towards the corner. Touching the sensation left behind on his cheek with his fingertips. He felt incredibly sober and happiness burst inside of him.
“Dammit, I want to marry her”
The ship shook with a loud sound, Yoosung quickly grabbed the rail as you trip and fell to the floor. It was a long 10 seconds of trembling and you could hear people gasping and shouting.
“What the hell?” you whispered to yourself as you heard running footsteps and Yoosung grabbed your shoulders as he helped you up.
“What was that?” you asked.
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good” Yoosung said, his eyes looked over the sailors who were running around in panic.
“Let’s get back to the room, if anything it’s best that we wake the others up” you said and he nodded.
You two walked hastily towards both of your rooms. You noticed that your mother was awake and she was waking up the rest of the family.
“What was that?” your mother asked.
“I don’t know but the crews are running around” you answered.
Your father got up and opened the door, looking out through the hallway like a few others. A crew walked down, calming them down and assure everything is under control.
“But what is it?” one of the guest said.
“Technical difficulties” they answered “Please get back to your rooms until further notice, thank you!”
Your father went out with a couple of other people, talking to the crew. You on the other hand, waited inside the room with the rest. Waiting anxiously of what’s to come.
“What now?” your mother asked as your father walked in.
“We’ll wait but I have a bad feeling about it. Just, prepared yourself. Put on your shoes and coats on just in case” your father said.
It took a full hour before another announcement came, at the meantime, your mother had told everyone to eat some snacks and drink some water.
The hall was filled with gasps, murmurs and questioning.
“What could it be dad?” You asked but he only shook his head “Let’s just get on the deck, come on” he stated.
In among the rush, you saw a blur of blonde hair before you ran off towards the evacuation area.
Reaching there, you realized the first class people were already there filling up the boats. There were men everywhere as the boats were filled up with women and children. You and your family waited and began talking amongst yourself.
“PLEASE, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ONLY” the crew shouted and you looked over to your father.
“When the time comes, just do as he said they said” your father said as your mother wrapped an arm around his waist.
You didn’t know how long it took but when the lights began to flicker, you knew something bad is coming. There were clacking and creaking sounds, it was faint but that doesn’t mean it’s good, not to mention, you could feel the ship slowly slanting.
“PLEASE HEAD TO THE OTHER DECK TO THE OTHER BOATS. HURRY ON! COME ALONG!”  one of the crew shouted and your family rushed away with the crowd.
However, due to the crowd you ended up separating with your family. You moved forward but the people were pushing you around which makes it difficult for you to stay on your feet.
You called out your parents but the sounds from the busy crowd was not helping and you doubt they realize that you were not with them at the moment.
Just as you were about to hit the wall from all the pushing, a pair of hand held your shoulders and it lead you forward.
“Come on!” Yoosung stated as he protected your back from the people pushing you behind. So instead, they were pushing and shoving him instead.
You followed the flow of the crowd with him, it was packed and you felt bad but touched by the fact that he protected you and took the shoving.
Just as you almost reached the other side, the lights went out and there were people screaming in the darkness.
“Keep moving MC” Yoosung said into your ear and you nodded as you pushed away the people to go forward.
You held his hand that was on your shoulder as you made your way towards the flare that was lighted up at the other side. The sound of creaking and clacking didn’t calm you down and neither did the screams but that doesn’t mean you’ll stop moving.
Yoosung pushed away the people as he followed you from behind. The people was shoving faster and harder when the sound got louder and then a loud creaking and snapping was heard.
Just in time, he and you made it out and saw what it was. Part of the ship was detaching itself and that made him push you further towards the boats. But just as he pushed you towards the wooden railing, a loud snapping was heard and he saw iron wire snapping towards him.
However, the iron wire was replaced by you as you jumped in front of him with a yelled of his name.
The iron wire hit you from the back, your blood splattering on his shirt and the people around you. The impact threw you off the railing and off the ship.
“MC!” he screamed as you fell off.
As if it was a slow motion, Yoosung tried to catch you but it was too late. He saw how you let out a smile.
Somehow, the image of you in a wedding dress smiling up to him fades as your eyes flutter close as you fall into the darkness, deep into the water.
Together with his hope.
He felt his ears going deaf from all the murmurs and screaming people. There were people pushing him away from the railing but he couldn’t feel it. He didn’t know how he got in front of a boat neither does he know how he got on it.
The next few hours, he sat quietly.
Someone saved him.
Someone died for him.
You’re dead, saving him.
He watched the ship breaking apart and sinking. He watched how everything was pulled under water. He wondered if you got hit by anything. He wondered if you felt any pain.
When he reached the refugee ship, it was the break of dawn. He gave them their name before sitting down at one of the corner. It truly was a different feeling to see someone you know died in front of you.
“MC, is there a girl name MC?!”
Yoosung’s ears perked up as he looked over to the way of the voice. Your mother was crying as she talked to the crew.
“She’s this tall! And and-”
The tears finally came and Yoosung burst into a wail. He kept apologizing and the people around him stared in confusion but understanding.
Your mother ran towards him, grasping his shoulders.
“You! You- do you know where my daughter is? MC! Where is she?”
“I’m sorry” Yoosung cried.
That’s all he said for her to understand.
This, was definitely, unplanned.
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