#and any difficult sibling relationship in media
number1abbasupporter · 3 months
there's nothing I love more than difficult sibling relationships
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bluee08 · 1 year
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
DamiTim idea.
When Damian joins the family he never tries to hurt or kill Tim. In fact, he is distant and polite to him at all times. He develops a brotherly antagonistic relationship with Jason and the father figure relationship with Dick, but he goes out of his way to not form any kind of real relationship with Tim. He calls him Drake, never invites him to hang out or spend time one-on-one like he does occasionally with Jason or Dick or Cass, and in fact they rarely talk to each other at all.
Tim, and the rest of the family, aren't sure what to make of it. On the one hand, the fact that Damian treats Tim with the kind of distant politeness you would a casual acquaintance or co-worker isn't exactly great. But on the other hand, considering he was raised by assassins and Jason tried to kill Tim a couple times when they first met, it's honestly better than most of them were expecting. But the main issue is that Damian always make sure that people are very clear on the fact that he and Tim are not brothers. Not rudely, not maliciously, but firmly nonetheless.
If people comment about the two of them being brothers, Damian's usual response is something along the lines of 'While did indeed taken and adopt Drake, The two of us do not have anything resembling a familial relationship, which I am quite happy about."
It probably would have been more concerning if it had a negative effect on their night job, but it doesn't. Damian has never complained about Tim's ability to do his job, has never hesitated to be his backup or come to his aide. He just doesn't seem interested in having a personal relationship with him.
The day Damian turns 18 the whole family has gathered at the manor for a family breakfast before getting ready for a big celebratory gala in the evening. Damian is the last to arrive, and politely greets everyone like normal, before he turns and smiles at Tim with a "Good morning, Timothy. You're looking well." Before continue on as if nothing has happened. Everyone is pretty shocked, but considering everything that has to be done by the evening no one really gets a chance to talk about it.
Later, at the gala, once all the guests have arrived and food and drinks are being consumed, Damian gets everyone's attention to give a speech; he thinks the guest for attending, thanks everyone for the gifts and their kind wishes, and then turns to Tim.
Very formally he asks Tim if he would do him the honor of accepting his offer of courtship, with an eye towards eventual marriage. Shocked silence, followed immediately by a sea of loud voices: guest gossiping, Dick and Bruce basically screaming "WHAT?!?" at the top of their lungs, and Tim just completely frozen and shock and bewilderment.
After all the guests are quickly shooed home there is a family meeting where everyone tries to figure out what the fuck is going on, at which point they finally learned the reason behind Damian's odd treatment of Tim.
Before showing up and joining the family Damian had made sure to read up on every piece of information about the family that Ra's and The League had, in order to familiarize himself with everyone and plan his integration. That was when he came across Tim's file and he fell in love instantly. Not only was Tim absolutely lovely in appearance, but he was highly skilled in combat and vigilante related skills, as well as a wide variety of civilian skills, as well as being friendly, helpful, and intelligent. Damian had been worried about Tim developing familial/sibling feelings for him, which would make it quite difficult to convince Tim to court and marry him. He was also aware that some people, particularly in high society and the media might take issue with them being legally related via Bruce's adoption, as well as the age gap.
So in order to deal with all those issues Damian decided the best course of action would be to keep a polite distance from Tim in order to prevent any family feelings from developing, while waiting to come of age and making sure it was well known that he did not viewed Tim as a brother in any way. Now that he has of age, of course, Damian is planning to pull out all the stops in order to make Tim his.
Over the next few weeks he showers Tim with gifts; and not just normal romantic gifts like flowers and chocolate and jewelry. Every single gift is painstakingly selected to cater to Tim's interests and tastes: flavorful and elegant coffees and teas from around the world, professional high grade photography equipment, autographed and exclusive superhero and skateboarding merchandise, as well as smaller gifts and trinkets. Damian spends a lot of time with Tim, who was confused and slightly reluctant at first, but was quickly won over by Damian's thoughtfulness and attention to detail.
It takes less than 6 months for the two of them to announce their engagement. The ceremony is lovely, they are deeply in love, and then they spent the entire honeymoon fucking nasty. Damian worships and destroys Tim's body in turns, with a level of skill that Tim is incredibly confused about since he knows for a fact that Damian has never dated anyone (which he now knows is because Damian was in love with him). At the end of their two-week honeymoon, it's pretty much a guarantee that Tim is pregnant.
👀👀👀👀👀 damian planning from the get go to make tim his wife and officially courting him as soon as he was able to!!!
and despite the initial distance between him and tim damian manages to close it in a matter of months because unlike so many people, damian genuinely had an avid interest in tim and payed close attention to the things he enjoyed and liked which was why tim ended up returning his feelings!!🥺🥺🥺
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txttletale · 11 months
idk how to put this sorry if this comes off as rude/confrontational I'm not trying to be — when you say stories about forgiveness/reconciliation, do you mean more the type about forgiving & reconciling with family, or more generally (so like including - this isn't the best example but I can't think of any better rn - catra for example? where it's about being trapped in hurting people because of trauma and breaking out of that)? or is the thing you dislike more stories' framing of forgiveness as a moral imperative?
sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm just curious what you think bc you've raised some interesting points and would really like to see you elaborate on them
don't worry you don't come off as rude whatsoever! while i think my points apply broadly to how forgiveness is treated across media (rare actual example of cultural christianity) -- i obviously am not, like, against forgiveness or stories about forgiveness on principle. what i dislike about all the narratives about people forgiving their abusive parents is that:
like you said, it's always framed as a moral imperative. there is always an underlying assumption that forgiving the abuser is the 'right' and 'correct' thing to do, that not doing so would be wrong. this is tremendously insulting to survivors who have every right to not forgive their abusers!
in most of these narratives, the parent barely does shit to be forgiven. there's very often a narrative equivocation, in fact, between parent and child. like, sometimes the parent won't even be expected to apologize -- sometimes, even more grotesquely, both the parent and child apologize for their shared supposed 'wrongdoing'. this is also obviously insulting to survivors, who are not in any way responsible for their abuse or for having a poor relationship with their parents.
the reason why this in particular pisses me off so much is that it mirrors and in turn contributes to the cultural expectation on abuse victims in real life to maintain contact with their abusers, the constant casual pressure from everything from strangers to friends to acquaintances saying 'well, can't you just put it behind you?' or 'look, he's changed' or 'she's your mom' or 'you'll only have one chance to have a relationship with your siblings' or whatever the fuck. the sanctity of the family is a cardinal value across a lot of societies and this sanctity means a constant, neverending societal pressure to bow to sweeping abuse under the rug. i've seen many people i care about struggle deeply with feeling obligated to maintain relationships with family members who treat them like shit and make htem miserable every time they interact bc of exactly these sorts of sentiments being everpresent in their cultural environment. & these narratives always paint that sort of pressure as being well-founded and fair and ultimately for the better, which is absolutely repellent to me.
so, yeah. i am not against narratives where an abusive person actually confronts their actions and changes and repairs that relationship (that's another fucking thing, these narratives always put the onus and responsiblity on the character who was abused to forgive rather than on the abuser to earn forgiveness, just like in real life familial abuse victims are always fucking expected to be the ones to repair the relationship). i think such narratives can be powerful and compelling and explore questions of what the value of 'forgiveness' or 'redemption' even are, as well as dispel the mystique and exceptionalism often attributed to the 'abuser' as a holistic malevolent figure that can be cleanly separated from every other parent/grandparent/sibling/etc.
what i'm against is narratives where someone who is abused has their feelings delegitimized -- their rage is wrong, counterproductive, they need to let go and move on, they need to forgive their abusers and let them back int otheir lives because oh, they did something wrong too or oh, their abuser had a difficult life, or whatever the fuck. to which the answer should be a flat -- no. they don't. all the more power to people who choose to do that if that's what makes them happiest and safest but absolutely nobody has a moral obligation or need to forgive an abusive family member. obviously i am exaggerating slightly when i say every abusive parent subplot should end with the parent being killed with hammers, but i'm using the hammer murder as a synechdoche for a narrative treating an abuse victim's antipathy towards their abuser as something legitimate and justified and obviously reasonable rather than a flaw or something they need to move past.
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
THANK YOU I AGREE WITH YOUR AEMOND POST 1 MILLION %. Some of the replies are so frustrating, all you were doing is discussing the writers' decisions this season regarding Aemond, and how simplistic it would be for Aemond's motivations to betray Aegon to be based on the brothel scene. You put into words everything wrong with Aemond's arc this season and I tremendously agree! I feel that the writers are flip-flopping with Aemond and Aegon's relationship, first they were enemies as children, then Aemond lost his eye and they seemed to be on the same page, then AEGON'S SON WAS VICIOUSLY BRUTALLY MURDERED AND AEMOND IS (besides showing no character evolution driven remorse to speak of) BACK TO HATING AEGON AGAIN?! THAT'S HIS BROTHER. HIS NEPHEW. HIS SISTER'S KID. Aemond had zero fucks to give!
The fandom's reaction to Aemond has been so embarrassing! Why is he not held accountable for ANYTHING. EVER. I defended Aemond all through S1 and will always defend him from TB but HE'S A GROWN MAN NOW. He just doesn't show empathy for Aegon after Jahaerys' death, your brother is grieving and he swears Aegon is his King and he's his hitman and he will always serve his ass. IF THEY HAVE AEMOND MURDER AEGON BECAUSE HE TEASED HIM IN A BROTHEL WHAT EVEN IS THIS. Really bad writing. Really cringe too.
So don't worry there are some of us who whole heartedly agree with you and don't coddle Aemond a grown man, with the same standards season after season and hold him accountable for the sin of hoping he grows as a character even if he is heading for a darker turn.
thank you so much, anon, for this unexpected reply, as i'm hanging out at the airport with not much to do 😅
yeah, i think that, ON PAPER, aemond turning on his brother as a result of years of bullying is believable, sure, BUT. the bullying truly needs to be horrific to explain away the urge to commit basically three of the most grievous crimes in westeros: kingslaying, kinslaying and usurpation. like. no one takes those things lightly. and, i'm sorry, but teasing just doesn't cut it. i think that a lot of people may be kind of projecting their own personal grievances with school bullies onto aemond, which is natural to an extent, but they have to step back a little and realise that being rude or hurtful to someone just doesn't, in any way, merit a reaction so disproportionate that it amounts to soul-drenching crimes
in that regard, last season i was 100% on aemond's side as well, because, well, MUTILATION might warrant such an escalation in violence. compared to all that pent-up anger aemond felt for luke, the aegond rivalry is just not really well done. it COULD have been, but, without having seen ep 4, it feels very milquetoast and, most of all, unearned.
honestly, i think gwen emphasized really well the fact that we're in a fandom obsessed with their headcanons and brainrot, to the extent that it becomes difficult to separate the backstory one has created for some character with what has actually appeared on screen. what we've seen so far has only been mockery, and i get that, when you're a kid, it's very difficult to go through, but we are talking about murdering your sibling here. i mean, no, i don't think "it makes perfect sense". ALSO. pointing that out doesn't mean you're invalidating the trauma of bullying victims, let us please separate people's real experiences from fictional experiences, which 1. are fake and 2. can be improperly presented in media, which is what we are critiquing in the first place
on a final note, i have had people on my post clinging to this idea that, just because the writers had aemond say (in the most bored tone in existence) that he regrets "the business with luke" (or however the hell he phrases it) means that the writers want to communicate to us that he feels sorry over jaehaerys. please. they must either be aliens that are just now learning about human emotion OR they want to relay that aemond isn't really all that bothered fundamentally. his reaction is basically the stoned out version of this gif!
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but, anyway, as dumb as aemond's reasons are or aren't, what ultimately brings the whole rivalry down is that they really didn't invest in creating any dramatic tension between these two. think of the scene at storm's end, it's the literal version of "you could have cut the tension in the room with a knife" and it's only a few minutes long. so it can be done. they just don't care OR, because of this stupid trend of reducing the number of episodes in a season, aegond was just one of those things that hit the cutting room floor. so we can all blame capitalism for rook's rest. 😅
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crystallinestars · 4 months
Wow, it’s such a relief to find people who don’t like Haikaveh either. Was really disappointed when I read Sethos’s voiceline.. I am bisexual and I think that Haikaveh (along with many other pairings) is queerbaiting and some type of fetish. I’ve made a long written analysis on why I think it is and how I think it’s offensive, simply because I find it interesting and enjoy analyzing things. Really love their duo and they’re great parallels but they fit a sibling / platonic soulmate duo better than a romantic one 🤦‍♀️ It’s getting annoying at this point and I wish Hoyoverse would stop, but it earns them attention and money so why would they? Just want to enjoy my favorite character without him being used as an accessory for another. Disappoints me that other gay people don’t notice (or care) that they are being stereotypical themselves and that Hoyoverse is basically using our sexualities for accessories and money. Haven’t looked into the translation thing with Sethos’s voiceline but if it’s true it was more neutral in CN, then that’s interesting. The same Haikaveh defenders will yap about how “CN is the original!1!1!1” but if you bring something like this translation up they lose it. Hoyoverse has never been a “gay representation” company, it’s a queer-baiting one. 🤦‍♀️ But at the same time, I don’t really even care. I’m not a gay person who cares much about my sexuality or others, but things like this are frustrating. Wish there were more people who understand my view on why I think their presentation is harmful.
- 🪷 / 🪽
Hello 🪷/🪽 Anon! (Let me know if you want to go by both emojis or just one) Welcome to our small club of not being into Haikaveh (or most Hoyoverse queer ships).
I agree with you that Kaveh and Haitham have a very sibling/platonic dynamic. In fact, their bickering reminds me a lot of my younger siblings’ bickering, so I view them as brothers, as well. It’s just unfortunate that the fandom rejects any interpretation that’s not romantic.
I also wish Mihoyo would stop, but they’re obsessed with tossing ship crumbs, and only to the most popular ships. As you said, it makes them money, so they have no reason to stop.
There is definitely some queerbaiting in Genshin, but I would say it’s not as bad as in HSR. HSR sometimes made me very uncomfortable with the fetishization of some of their ships, and I wondered if a man wrote it for a straight male audience…
Mihoyo has always had a history of wanting to include same-sex pairings in their games. Honkai Impact 3rd has a confirmed lesbian MC, and also two other female characters who canonically kiss (but due to updated laws in China, they had to remove that scene).
It doesn’t surprise me that they want to do similar things in Genshin and HSR, but they never commit to the ships. They only tease and hint at them, ala “There might be something between these characters, but also not really, but what if…?” and this is pretty much exclusive to same-sex pairings. This teasing and hinting makes the fandom so much worse to be in. Lots of other gacha games don’t do this, but for whatever reason, Mihoyo does.
I suspect some of the employees working on the game may be queer or have a huge interest in BL and GL (though it’s probably a mix of both), which is why they make all these ship crumbs. There’s nothing wrong with having queer relationships in games and other media, but the way they go about it feels… fetishizing, I guess? It doesn’t feel genuine. I can’t quite put my finger on what feels so off about this. You would know about this far more than me since you analyzed this already, so if you have interpretations you want to add, I’ll gladly hear you out.
It sucks because they market their games as being for all audiences, but then do things with a heavy bias for certain ships. It makes it so difficult to enjoy characters the way you want when the developer and fandom constantly shove in your face that your favorite character has an implied relationship or some other such thing.
Regarding the Sethos voiceline… my friend in China, who also dislikes Haikaveh, complained to me about it the other day. She said the original Chinese text felt like it was implying something between Kaveh and Haitham. Of course, that is just her personal interpretation, and some people don’t see a deeper meaning behind the words. However, it goes to show that even the Chinese audience can tell something is up with the voiceline, so it might not be as neutral as we hoped.
I’m all for more media having queer rep, but Mihoyo doesn’t do it right. I really wish I could just play their games without having ship teasing slapped in my face, but alas, they won’t ever change. At this point, it’s better to not play any of their games (though maybe Tears of Themis can stay) and ditch the fandoms for your peace of mind.
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
taylor swift and joe alwyn composite chart houses
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7th house: the composite 7th house governs how you are as a couple, how much you’re focused on the relationship, how you move together as one, and the other people that you interact with together.
taurus 7th house : with the composite 7th house in taurus, you may be a pairing that interacts with others with great calm, or the people in your life may seem like calming forces. while the external face of the relationship may be intense, there can be an ease with commitment, and this can help buoy the partnership. if may be difficult for you to see together when you’re being stubborn and stuck, yet you may encounter others who are that way with the two of you.
7th house ruler in 3rd house: circumstance: meeting them through social media, dating apps, online. meeting through one of your hobbies. meeting them when you’re gaining a new skill: learning something/ taking a class. meeting them when you’re in a really busy time of your life. a time when you’re socializing a lot. meeting on a trip or something to do with driving. person: someone who is talkative, childish, playful, witty, intelligent, or humorous. someone that has many different skills or hobbies. the kind of person to be communicative and opinionated. someone who can be sort of “gemini-like” union: a relationship that is like a friendship. a dynamic where you’re competitive together. can feel like a “sibling” dynamic. a union where you communicate together, exchange ideas and learn from each other. being on social media together.
moon in 7th: with the composite moon in the 7th house, this is the house of relationships, so this can be a good placement for virtually any relationship, personal or professional. you each can focus on the relationship a great deal, feeling more secure and confident when you feel the relationship is solid and strong. you can work extra hard to make sure you’re each putting in your fair share of work to maintain the relationship, but you also need to make sure the relationship doesn’t become an emotional crutch for either of you.
8th house: the composite 8th house shows how we use what we have together and share with one another. this house also governs intimacy and sex, so it can also show how we connect on a physical level in romantic partnerships (in a way that may be different from individually in the natal chart).
gemini 8th house: with the composite 8th house in gemini, you may come up with plenty of ideas for what you should do with the resources you have together, and you may be a little scattered as a result. information and knowledge can be powerful, so you can do your homework first before making decisions to avoid being impulsive and scattered. in a romantic relationship, physical intimacy may need to come after a mental connection is built.
8th house ruler in 3rd house: you often desire a certain level of unpredictability and instability once a commitment is made. to some degree you’re unstable and that can transverse as non-committal in the house of “commitment” which may cause the surrounding environment to wane and fluctuate in an unhealthy manner. the real issue here is that you secretly have a complex about the perfect romance and often times the more mundane and predictable sides of being committed secretly bore you. you want excitement of not really knowing whether or not your lover will be there the next day which often can be sad due to the fact that their are often two faces present here! the one that wants excitement and the one that actually wants to be committed to someone. the odd thing here is that often for these natives once the committed twin wins over they often can place a high value on communication and open emotional expression despite their logical approach to settling down. all this taken into account once they kill off the fickle twin they don’t just commit to their lovers...they submit to them fully. your lover could shy away during this phase though as they’ll feel like it’s either they keep up or get out..but once they survive that part they’ll adore the committed and often completely sympathetic backing. once commitment is established you can frolic like a child in a field across your lovers body! you become experimental but also a bit of a bi-polar off and on type-you’ll often initiate sex in multiple ways.
jupiter in 8th: with composite jupiter in the 8th house, you can find it easier to deal with the serious aspects of the relationship, and deal with serious matters together. the darker side to this house can be somewhat muted with jupiter here, and you can be less prone to struggling over power and control. you can help to transform one another and deal with deeply-held issues that you’d normally keep buried.
chiron in 8th: you help each other heal from wounds related to loss, sexuality and power. you may be instrumental in helping each other reclaim your sexual power or overcoming wounds related to manipulation. you can help each other create understanding and perspective surrounding losses, crisis and personal tragedies. it’s easy for you to both hold space for each other’s grief and fears. you may have to struggle to help each other find transformation but once you begin to turn pain and fears into empowering change, you’ll both be able to shift from seeing yourselves as victims to seeing yourselves as powerful healers and leaders.
pholus in 8th: you can help each other face dramatic transformation and work through major turning points together. through this relationship you both find empowerment and perspective. you help each other release past fears and insecurities. your intuition helps you both pick up on small details that have dramatic ramifications. you can both become obsessed with shared wealth, security and resources, especially during times of dramatic change. small changes you both make can lead to cataclysmic changes. you are called to help each other embrace transformation. you may also help each other navigate major changes and turning points that help you both to unleash your sexual power and find greater clarity on what you desire. your relationship to each other can bring courage and focus in the midst of dramatic shifts and upsetting changes.
pallas in 8th: you are both easily able to do your best problem-solving work when it comes to dealing with matters of the subconscious and secret desires. you are both able to blend your intellectual and intuitive gifts to advocate for others’ rights to sexual freedom and you may be strategic about helping others to share power in relationships. this relationship can be a source of intense inspiration and you may both be motivated and determined to help each other succeed in accomplishing your goals of helping others navigate through change and transformation. you may also both have a psychic sense about strategies for problem solving that bring empowerment and new focus to others.
9th house: the composite 9th house can show how we expand, explore, and experience life together. The composite 9th house can show how we share our wisdom as a pairing with the world, and how we find meaning.
cancer 9th house: with the composite 9th house in cancer, you may feel at home with expansion and exploration together, and find some degree of emotional comfort in it. if you live together or are family, you may give each other a lot of space, and demand more freedom. travel, expansion, and new experiences may bring emotional security to the relationship. there may also be a focus to explore more at home.
9th house ruler in the 7th house: financial luck and fortune from marriage, gains and profits after marriage unless afflicted, spouse could prove lucky and is likely a foreigner or someone you meet while traveling, likely to travel a lot after marriage with spouse, due to career, due to social work, spouse or business partners may teach you a lot, can be someone you look up to, you can worship your spouse or platonic partners, luck and profits in business and career, gains in career after marriage, higher education in law, communication, management, business, economics, aesthetic/design industry, fashion, spouse may be someone you meet through friends, introduced by someone influential and in public eye, known through elder sibling, luck in legal battles and court cases, great sense of justice and self righteousness, if unafflicted shows a lucky life in second half of life especially, can marry friend's sibling, absolutely loyal and against infidelity of any kind, religious and spiritual beliefs can be influenced by spouse or business partners, can spread their wisdom and teachings to a big audience, can be a teacher, foreign education, morals and ethics may impact business and negotiations, self righteousness can affect partnerships, can be a spiritual or religious preacher or a life guide helping others through life with advice and teachings, spouse may live in a foreign land and be of same culture, looks for soulmate or spiritual connection with spouse, father may be famous, is a teacher, interacts with many people, could bring you your spouse, may be your business partner, constantly improving yourself in relationships unless malefics are associated, spouse provides happiness and prosperity if unafflicted, spouse is ethical and moral, you are a knowledge seeker, loves traveling, is self righteous, enjoys learning and history, open minded and spiritual,relationship with religion and spirituality may be affected after marriage, spouse can make you more pious, great placement for people in public eye,father may live away, you prove lucky for your partner
mars in 9th: with composite mars in the 9th house, you can feel driven to expand your lives and have new experiences together, and this can be a good placement for traveling or learning together. you can debate over beliefs and outlooks, and you try to keep things light, but you may fight over your beliefs at times, so you have to remain open. if you have the same beliefs, this can be a strong link between you.
ceres in 9th: you can nurture each other’s philosophies and beliefs. with each other’s encouragement you can both find greater inspiration and expand your point of view. you may also help each other create abundance through encouraging each other to expand on your plans and ideas. you may stand out as a couple that nurtures others’ higher ideals and help each other to maintain hope in the midst of challenging times. you both understand that each other needs to enjoy changes of scenery, taking classes and writing or traveling abroad as a means of nurturing your own inner strengths.
10th house: the composite 10th house can show how you present yourselves as a pair, how you step out into the world together (your public life), and what you work toward together.
virgo 10th house: here we have a somewhat reserved couple with others, but extremely cheerful and expressive with each other. people see that they are serious about the relationship, that they see themselves being with each other for a long time, they see a future together and people trust that they are the right person for this. both stand out for being very hardworking and devoted in the relationship, people can highlight the effort, mutual support and attention they give each other. they see the relationship as something that came to put more order in both their lives and their feelings, they think that they both do well and push themselves to be the best version of themselves. people realize that you both accept each other's flaws and all, and are likely to see a quality of relief and rest in one or both of you when you're together. they give the impression of being able to count unconditionally on the other regardless of the circumstances.
10th house ruler in 3rd house: the activities of the 10th house serve the agenda of the 3rd house. building a reputation, gaining recognition for achievements and finding a vocation serve communication, information gathering and everyday interactions. the need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. you communicate like an authority figure. you communicate like a professional. you communicate like a parent. your profession is always on your mind. you write a blog for professionals. you keep a professional diary. you’d like your vocation to provide opportunities for making connections around town. you’d like to become known locally for the work that you do. you’d like to be a local celebrity. your vocation involves writing. your vocation involves conferencing, skypeing, phone calls, IM, facebook, twitter, email and other short correspondence. you get speaking engagements because of your professional status. your authoritative stance makes you stand out in the local community. you act like a parent to your siblings. you act like the parent of your neighborhood. you take your professional experience to the local level. you teach people how to do what you do. you teach at a vocational school. you pass on information about career placement. you are a school guidance counselor. you pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing. you become an authority on your local area. you become an authority on the written word. you become an authority on language.
11th house: the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. with the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision.
libra 11th house: with the composite 11th house in libra, you can be the compromising, pleasant pair in your friendships or groups you participate in, and can be easy to get along with together. you may want friends or groups that you feel are pleasant and won’t throw any drama into your lives together. you may spend time with many couples/partnerships. you can focus on change when balance is achieved.
11th house ruler in 3rd house: being versatile is something that characterizes these natives; they can fit in with any group, however they like to hang out with individuals who share their interests. astrology, drawing, digital art, having a blog, photography, traveling and playing video games are some of the hobbies that the native may have. they enjoy activities that challenge them somehow. some of them may encounter (and get along pretty well) either many people with gemini placements/3rd house placements/dominant mercuries in the course of their life. something that i have noticed in many of these natives is that they tend to be quite intelligent, and despite this, they do not study a lot or participate in class. they tend to like to learn on their own and hate wasting time studying, even feeling overwhelmed by the idea of ​​studying, unless they are studying on their own. these natives feel a very deep connection with their friends, coming to consider them family, to be more specific, they usually see them as brothers. they tend to interact in a friendly and witty way when wanting to forge new friendships. they tend to keep their friends from school regardless of the passage of time, however, remembering that astrology is ambiguous, i have also noticed the other side of the coin, and that is that it may have been difficult for them to make friends at school or feel that they fit in. with their classmates. their relationship with their siblings is usually somewhat complex and changing. the relationship can be a bit extreme, oscillating between getting along very well with each other and sometimes not wanting to see each other. siblings of the natives can have strong aquarius, saturn, uranus or 11th House energy or placements. something that perfectly describes them is their curiosity, being people who seek to find a deeper meaning to everything that is mundane or part of their day to day. they often have a huge desire to travel to know and explore or to have a job that allows them to travel. they are people willing and open to change. (if the ruler is badly aspected, their dedication to achieving their goals can give them a lonely life and perhaps fewer social contacts than they would like). do you want to get their attention? don't be afraid of being judged. something that they find admirable is people who are able to express their thoughts in a direct and unique way. abstract, complex and interesting minds will definitely catch their eye. these people are hardly understood by people, especially when others try to read what they write. i have noticed that the writing of these natives changes a lot and that they tend to write very fast. they speak and write with a unique, clever, entertaining, and easygoing style. they are quite social and have a remarkable ability to make new and helpful connections very quickly.
12th house: the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of.
libra 12th house: with the composite 12th house in libra, it may be difficult at times for you to find some pleasant compromise in the relationship, and restore balance and peace together. everything can smooth out in times of crisis so you operate in a calmer way, but this may cause a subconscious desire for more chaos. there may be karmic issues with lack of respect or commitment issues that need to be addressed, and some indecision may need to be let go of.
12th house ruler in 3rd house: shows intense passion towards certain skills or just lack in happiness if you feel dispassion or unhappy doing your skill, many people with this often are artistic and singers, they maybe into music, they are creative, and inherently talented, but also too obsessed that they can forget about real life, you may have felt detachment from family, neighbors, siblings, cousins, or just the immediate family, could be due to experiences or you felt you belonged somewhere else or with other crowd, you may have had sexual relations or possibly marry someone you know from school or they could be a friend first or introduced through cousin, sibling etc, you may be wise regarding education, learning, experienced in some skill, speech, social issues etc, could have hidden animosity from siblings, cousins, school peers, teachers, friends or neighbors, animosity could be due to talent, knowledge, brave and talk back bold personality, this only for malefic planets, or jealousy due to school matters, like going to a better school than others you know, could be due to grades, you can spend a lot on art, education, on friends, learning, if afflicted this could cause debt for you, you may manifest knowledge or skills or acceptance, can be intuitive or intuitively connected to friends, siblings, may live or did early education in a foreign land or with foreign people, may have felt imprisoned or claustrophobic in young age, with peers, in surroundings, may not be able to sleep when young, could have sleep disorders when young, you maybe troubled about your learning and education or not being able to learn a skill or not being able to speak, your speech mein reflect your subconscious, for people that hide stuff or are not able to express, your speech may be reflective of subconscious issues, restrictions in speaking, expressing or pursuing things of interest may put mind at distress, shows restrictions from mother or subconscious fear or animosity towards mother, lack of freedom of expression if afflicted, may have had difficult or life changing, teaching moments earlier in life, for some, there is lazy attitude towards things if interest, and lack of passion,you are subconsciously someone witty and a thinker, you enjoy learning and doing things with your hands, may enjoy traveling
pluto in 12th: with composite pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren’t obvious. it can be in a subconscious way, and you subconsciously want to have all of the power and control. this position can show one person makes all of the sacrifices and the other person takes everything selfishly, so you need to make sure you’re both giving and taking equally. you can transform in profound ways together if you can steer clear of secrets, lies, and cruelty.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard / 1H - 6H
7h + 7h ruler
8h + 8h ruler + composite chiron in house + composite pholus in houses + composite pallas in houses
9h + 9h ruler + composite ceres in houses
10h + 10h ruler
11h + 11h ruler
12h + 12h ruler
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otaku553 · 1 year
Hello! I saw your recent art of sabo, and in the tags you mentioned the big 3 of Shounen. I know it’s One piece and Naruto, but what’s the third? How come you like the character? Lovely artwork, it’s candy for the soul!! Thank you •u•
Ah thank you!!! The big three of shonen (for I guess the previous generation?) are Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Naruto and Bleach have already ended but it seems like One Piece is still going quite strong, despite the new generation of shonen anime (including Hero Aca, Demon Slayer, and the third spot is still debated! Probably JJK is my guess though that falls into its own sub genre of shonen dark fantasy I suppose)
Here are my favs! I’ll put the reasons why I like them in the read more because it’s quite long :)
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Despite watching Naruto first I could never actually finish it because it was so long so I kind of just osmosed the later parts of shippuden through fanfics and other such media ^^; I think it’s pretty difficult to pick a definitive fav for Naruto because I feel like it tends to fumble a bit of its character writing? I think if I had to pick one maybe young Kakashi but still kind of eh. Maybe I just didn’t watch far enough to get attached
As for Bleach, I picked it up years ago around middle school and then dropped it after the first hundred episodes or so because filler got boring for younger me but then I picked it up again in high school and managed to at least get past aizen! And then I dropped it there because I wasn’t interested in any continuation after what seemed like an already pretty strong ending.
Toshiro is my favorite because he falls into all niches of character tropes that I enjoy including but not limited to: child genius who acts responsible but is still somewhat immature, cold personality along with ice powers but fierce loyalty to close relationships. I especially enjoy child genius characters for the contradictory dichotomy of what is expected of them in terms of maturity and knowledge and the amount of pressure these kinds of characters face and how they handle it! That said, I enjoy him more for the tropes that he falls into and my personal interpretation of him rather than canon writing for him. I think that though canon is an alright base, he doesn’t get much time to shine (character-wise instead of combat-wise).
And Sabo. Oh my goodness I am brainrotting so hard over Sabo right now. The ASL siblings in general have a vice grip on my heart and really are not letting go. There is so much tragedy in the way that they are written, that works because there are three of them. Ace and Luffy spend so much effort trying to save the only brother they have left in the world not realizing that if they go they’ll be the first to go actually because Sabo is still alive, and Sabo could have done so much and changed so much if only he had regained his memories sooner. Why didn’t he remember sooner? I can only assume it’s because he didn’t want to remember, because he grew out his hair to cover a scar he wasn’t proud of, because he was running away from his origins when he lost his memories and maybe that stuck with him. I don’t even remember when Sabo was introduced as a character because I don’t think he was mentioned during Marineford? But he’s such a compelling character because he does so much to save the world and yet is unable to save his own brother! And he’s written to fit with Ace and Luffy incredibly well, being the voice of reason where they can’t be.
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bylerficrecweek · 2 years
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The themes are out! As a reminder, the event will be running from the 3rd of March to the 9th of March, so you have plenty of time to get lists together or go searching for that one fic you forgot to bookmark. Since the titles are a little vague, there's an in-depth explanation of each below the cut.
Detailed explanations of each theme
Day 1: Post-canon
Fics set after the hypothetical events of S5, where the canon plot has already been resolved. Examples include stories about their late highschool years post-Vecna, their college experience, and their lives in the current day.
Day 2: Season 5 speculation
Fics that follow on from the end of s4, where the canon plot has not yet been resolved. They can pick up directly after the final scene of s4 or be set after a timeskip. Examples include apocalypse Byler fics, some gate fics, and Vecnafication fics set after s4. The focus doesn't need to be on wrapping up the Vecna plot, as long as it's part of the setting.
Day 3: Written pre-season 4
Fairly self-explanatory. Since the popularity boom Byler experienced when S4 released, most of the fandom's older fics have been buried beneath all the new content and can be quite difficult to find. The plotlines and backstories they show won't necessarily match up well with the current canon, but that doesn't devalue them as stories. Examples include any fics that began before Volume 1 released. Longfics that started before S4 but are still ongoing count for this category.
Day 4: Friends & family
Fics with a strong focus on the party, the Byers' family, the Wheeler family, or any other platonic relationships. Other ships still can't be a central focus, but it's okay if Byler takes a backseat in fics that fall under this category so long as it's there in some capacity. Examples include coming out fics, outsider POV fics, and sibling bonding fics.
Day 5: Full AU
Fics that place the characters in a completely different setting to canon, rather than adding AU elements to the canonverse. Their setting s and storylines are either completely original or follow the format of another piece of media. Examples include fantasy AUs, SpiderWill AUs, and historical AUs.
Day 6: Canon divergence
Fics that follow canon up to a point, before splitting. Examples of this could include S4 rewrites, fics based on popular theories and gates, Will/Mike gets Vecnaed fics... Fics that include an element of AU while still following the structure of canon, such as soulmate AUs or time travel fics, also fall under this genre.
Day 7: Free day, post anything you haven't already or self promote
Anything goes. Any fics that you want to rec but didn't think matched any of the other categories can go here. Alternatively, if there's anything you meant to rec on a previous day but forgot, then now is your chance. If you're a writer yourself, this is also the day to post your own works and have them shared by the blog.
There are plenty of stories out there that could fit the criteria for multiple categories. If there's a story you want to rec that fits the criteria for more than one day, just use your best judgement about what category it's the most like. For example: a full AU fic written pre-s4 is going to be much more focused on the AU elements than the time that it was written, so it's best to rec it on day 5. If you just can't make up you mind about what day you should rec a fic, either rec it on day 7 or shoot us an ask for advice.
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thetomorrowshow · 1 year
last words
empires superpowers au masterlist (currently out of date)
dedicated to everyone who asked what lizzie said that made jimmy stop trying to kill her :)
cw: past abuse, scars, reference violence
It’s been bothering Scott for a while, honestly. Several months. And now that he and Jimmy are . . . trying things out, it feels like the perfect time to ask him.
They’re in bed together, and it’s late morning on a day that Scott doesn’t have to work. Jimmy’s still staying at Lizzie’s place for the most part, but date night had gotten a bit . . . steamy, so Jimmy had texted his sister denying the need for a ride home and promising to return the next day. She had responded with a string of scandalized emojis that had made Jimmy blush and turn off his phone.
Jimmy’s been awake longer than Scott has, scrolling through his phone and snorting occasionally at whatever it is he sees. Scott watches him for a moment, eyes tracing across his bare chest and the scars found there.
He’d told Jimmy last night that his body was beautiful, perfect, gorgeous—even his scars. His many, many scars.
Most of the time, he can forget why they’re there. Some of them make that a little more difficult.
Even with the blanket pulled up nearly to his pecs, Scott can see most of the letters. Property of Xornoth, it reads. Somehow, it’s not even the one that makes him the angriest. The one on his back, the one that reads curious little bird, is one that he can hardly stand to look at, and the most confusing one is the small, even surgical scar just behind his ear. He loves Jimmy though, and loving Jimmy means loving all of him.
Impulsively, Scott presses a kiss to Jimmy’s shoulder. His partner starts, surprise quickly giving way to a smile.
“Hey, you, don’t go starting things again,” Jimmy tells him, poking Scott in the chest with his phone. Scott gestures to it, the question that had been nagging at him for so long coming to the front of his mind. He pushes it aside once again.
“When’s Lizzie coming by?”
Jimmy grimaces. “Don’t know. She didn’t much like me ignoring her last night, so she’s decided to ignore me.”
Scott had never had siblings, so he doesn’t know if this is a normal sibling relationship or not. Well, probably not ‘normal’, exactly, what with their past and their powers. But Jimmy doesn’t seem to find her behavior out of the ordinary, so Scott has to assume that it isn’t.
Which still, of course, brings him to his question.
“Can I ask you something? No obligation.”
No obligation is a system that works for now, but certainly has its flaws. They’d set it up on literally the second day of their relationship—if one of them asks a question with that clause, the other doesn’t have to answer if they don’t want to. Of course, Scott’s done his best to impress upon Jimmy that he has no obligation to answer any question, but that’s something they’re working on.
Scott never wants to pressure Jimmy into answering a question just because he forgot to add those two words that meant Jimmy didn’t have to answer. Hopefully, in time, they can progress beyond a need for it.
“Go for it,” Jimmy responds, and Scott can see on his phone that he’s closing the social media account he’d been browsing in favor of opening up his sketchpad app. He draws a couple of smiling turtles while Scott tries to figure out how to word his question.
He ought to have it figured out by now, seeing as he’s imagined asking it countless times. Now that it’s finally time for an answer, though, all proper words seem to have fled his brain.
“So . . . the fight. The big one, at the end of—everything. When you—and Lizzie—” Scott cuts himself off as he feels Jimmy stiffen beside him, finger frozen on the screen. “Sorry, it doesn’t matter,” he amends, reaching for his own phone.
“Wha—no, it’s fine!” Jimmy sits up, sheet slipping down to his waist, revealing the painful-looking ropey scar that curves down his side. He takes one of Scott’s hands in his, smiles with what appears to be a considerable amount of effort.
It feels stupid now, though. Stupid to bring up that day, or that time in general. Still, Jimmy wants to try to answer, so Scott makes himself finish the question.
“What did—well, you were fighting Lizzie, there at the end of the overall fight, just before—um, she said something to you. Can I know what she said?”
Jimmy starts to answer, stops. He doesn’t seem . . . distressed, so to speak, other than the crease in his brow and the tense grip on the sheets he has. He frowns, lips turning in an adorable little pout that Scott is struck by the urge to kiss right off his face. He restrains himself.
“When, exactly?”
He hadn’t wanted to specify. Scott has this terrible feeling that the moment he brings up any particular points of the fight, Jimmy will be thrown into a flashback or panic attack. Still, he asked, and the words on his back make Scott hesitate in spurning any question from him.
No obligation is a system that he needs right now, too.
“Um, well—they had ordered you to—you know—so you attacked Lizzie, and you had her on the ground—” he runs a hand down his face, trying to figure out the kindest way to word it— “Well, you were about to . . . take her out, and then—I was too far away to hear, but I saw her lips move. And you stopped the attack.”
He’s monitoring Jimmy for any signs that he should stop, but so far the man is relatively calm, nodding along with the story. He’s still frowning, though.
“I was told to kill Lizzie,” Jimmy says, and Scott flinches. Jimmy doesn’t seem to notice, because he continues his train of thought. “And then when I had her on the ground, and I went to hit her again, she . . . said something? And I stopped?”
“Yeah,” Scott tells him. “Yeah, she said something, and you, like—froze, almost, then jumped off her. And that’s when—you know. The next part happened.”
Jimmy doesn’t answer. Instead, he absently draws something on his phone, eyes lost in a distant gaze. Finally, his face clears and he nods.
“Right, right,” he says, adding a dot to his drawing. His face turns rueful when he looks up to meet Scott’s eyes. “I think I remember. She, uh . . . she didn’t say anything.”
That can’t be right. Scott saw it, he saw her speak. He opens his mouth to continue arguing his point, but apparently something in his face tips Jimmy off and he pats Scott’s arm gently.
“Maybe she did say something, but I didn’t notice. I wasn’t looking at her. It hurt too much to look at her. All—all I could hear was the rush of blood in my ears. . . .” Jimmy shudders, taps his phone a couple of times.
Scott really should stop pressing. He really should apologize and do something to help Jimmy feel safe. He really should get up, fix them both something to eat, and move on.
But he’s always needed to be right. One of these days, that arrogance is going to kill him.
“What made you stop, then?”
Jimmy squints his eyes shut, takes a deep breath. Scott starts to say something—an apology or retraction, he’s not sure—but Jimmy speaks before he can.
“I was killing her,” he says, voice utterly devoid of emotion. “And I knew I would do it. And I knew they would keep telling me to kill. For the rest of my life, I would just be a weapon. Killing the people I care about.”
He opens his eyes and stares out into the middle distance, expression unreadable. Scott doesn’t move.
“You were defeated, and I was about to kill my sister, and something broke inside. And finally, I decided that—that I’d rather die trying to stop them than kill so many people. They—they were going to make me kill so many . . . I killed for them without a thought and soon there would be no more thoughts to have . . . I had—I—”
A tear slips down Jimmy’s cheek, and Scott holds out a hand. Jimmy takes it instantly, collapses onto Scott in a hug.
“I’m sorry,” Scott murmurs into his neck, holding Jimmy as tightly as he dares. “I shouldn’t have pressed. I’m sorry.”
“Feelin’ floaty,” Jimmy mumbles, adjusting so that his hands curl around Scott’s shoulders.
“That’s okay. What do you need?”
Jimmy shrugs.
“Okay. Do you want to shower?”
The apprehension that ripples through Jimmy’s body is palpable, and he seems to shrink against Scott, nails digging into Scott’s shoulders. “No, n-no—”
Scott swallows, tears of his own building at the fear in Jimmy’s voice. “We won’t, then. Um—your journal is at Lizzie’s, but if you want to keep drawing on your phone—”
“Lizzie’s okay,” Jimmy mutters to himself, his grip loosening. “Lizzie’s okay and Scott’s okay and I’m okay.” He breathes deeply, clearly still upset, but beginning to recover.
There’s an almost imperceptible buzz through the air, and Scott braces himself—Jimmy gasps—the lightbulb in Scott’s bedside lamp pops out, bounces off the table and lands on the carpet with a soft thump.
“Mm, good job,” Scott praises, planting a kiss on Jimmy’s cheek. “Nothing’s broken, it’s all okay!”
For once, Jimmy seems to believe him, lifting his head to reveal a hopeful smile. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” Scott reassures him. “It was a good way to redirect your anxiety without hurting yourself. Remember that you feeling safe is a higher priority than any accident that occurs.”
Jimmy sighs, and Scott continues. “I’m sorry for pressing. I should’ve stopped when I noticed you were distressed.”
“No, I wanted to talk about it,” Jimmy says, picking up his phone from where he’d dropped it, hands still trembling. His smile turns sly. “Had to prove you wrong.”
“Oh, that’s—now I’m going to ask Lizzie about it, I know I’m right—”
Jimmy’s laugh isn’t quite right, and the tension in his jaw belies any attempts at acting calm, but he’s okay. And really, that’s all that matters.
Scott does ask Lizzie, later, when Jimmy isn’t around. She fixes him with the same blank stare that Jimmy had, confused until he goes into further detail. When she finally understands, she laughs, claps him on the back.
“Right. I don’t really remember saying anything, but maybe you saw me . . . I don’t know, moving my mouth for no reason? Spitting out blood? I was pretty out of it, Scott, but I didn’t say a word.”
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scarletttries · 1 year
ik it’s the last day to do it but i hope ur still taking wedding related requests!
i have 2 possible ones lol
first, Tom Wambsgans x Reader
It’s his second wedding and he’s incredibly nervous about round two of marriage. He invited Shiv, expecting her to not arrive, but ofc she did. (Kinda a loose concept but idk lol)
second, Greg Hirsch x Reader
He’s greg, but he’s still a Roy. So ofc the whole fam is invited to his over-the-top, subtle luxury (not subtle at all bc again, Roy family) wedding that he just let the wedding planner put together. Kinda just wondering HCs for how the Roy siblings behave themselves, the venue, greg being nervous etc lol. And whether his future wife/partner also works at waystar/atn or if they have a “normal” job, maybe a vet or something (totally not specific or anything)
regardless of if you take these requests, CONGRADUFREAKINGLATIONS!!!! I hope your wedding is absolutely wonderful 🫶
Thank you for this lovely message 🥰 and I love the two scenarios so thought i'd write a few headcanons for each of our boys 🥳
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Tom's Second Marriage X Reader Headcanons:
- It took Tom Wambsgans a long time to feel safe enough to open up to anybody after his divorce. A marriage founded on power imbalance and venom had left him scarred and scared, not sure if he was capable of sustaining healthy love without betrayal ripping it apart at the seams.
- And then he meets you. Kind and honest and straightforward and warm, and suddenly the thought of getting hurt again doesn't feel so bad. So he asks ATN's new weather girl out for dinner, and he doesn't try and pass it off as a work meeting, or make underhanded comments about being your boss, or any of the moves he might have pulled in the past. No, he's completely honest and tells you he's interested in getting to know you better, as a date, but he respects if it's too difficult a position because you work together. You can't imagine his relief when you accept his offer.
- Flash forward to a year of healthy communication, and supporting each other and building a solid foundation of trust that ensures your relationship could survive even the greatest quakes, and Tom would be back where he thought he'd never be again; down on one knee, holding a ring.
- Together you'd plan a small and intimate wedding, something close to your families, without any media coverage. Tom would lose sleep over whether or not to invite Shiv, until finally you tell him it's clear he needs to invite her to alleviate the guilt, assuming she wouldn't bother showing up.
- As the big days comes around, Tom waiting nervously at the top of the aisle, unable to contain his grin at the perfect summer day only you could have predicted, when suddenly a dark cloud shifts in front of the light in the shape of Shiv Roy. A cruel smirk is plastered to her face as she settles amongst his family, needlessly close to the front of the ceremony as the violins begin to pick up, signalling your arrival.
- As the two of you circulate the reception, overwhelmed with joy and well wishes on your perfect day, it would be you that took Tom's hand firmly in yours and dragged him over to address Shiv head on, genuinely excited to speak to a woman who had such an impact on his life. If Tom was caught off guard by her arrival, Shiv was flabbergasted by your genuine smile and friendly, straightforward tone as you thanked her for coming, and asked her about herself. She'd bluster about the amazing new guy she was getting very serious with, watching Tom closely to see him start to come unravelled, but instead all he'd be able to do is stare at you. His sweet, supportive, strong, intelligent bride, who sees the best in people but doesn't take their shit either. And he feels at peace, wishing Shiv all the best before leading you away to talk to his mother as she hands out glass after glass of their fancy wine, toasting to a marriage they all know is truly built to last.
Greg Hirsch x Reader Wedding Headcanons:
- Greg as a groom is absolutely hilarious to me, because it feels like something he has genuinely been dreaming of since he was a little boy. Yes he enjoyed his time as a disgusting brother, but meeting someone special, getting the chance to form a meaningful connection with someone other than Tom, and then having a giant party to show off how happy you two are, well than just feels like the best thing he could ever imagine.
- Working for a liberal online newspaper, you would have never imagined you'd be walking down the aisle towards the right hand man of the head of ATN news, but you know deep down Greg is not an unkind man, and being anything within his family is a daily struggle. So you love him for who he is, and accept him for who he's not, and know that his unwavering loyalty to you will continue to make him a better and better man as you spend more of your lives together.
- Despite being a very untalented public speaker, Greg will insist on writing and performing his own vows, a fifteen minute monologue about 'how dope you are' that he foolishly asked Kendall to co-author with him. Despite his generally cynical nature Kendall would be genuinely supportive of Greg's union, knowing how much joy and love a marriage can bring, and hoping his cousin doesn't repeat his mistakes.
- Roman would spend the wedding blatantly flirting with you in front of Greg to stir up trouble, but Greg has learned enough about Roman over the years not to be the least bit threatened, slipping a hundred dollar bill to the wedding planner at the last second to get his seat moved next to Gerri, a last gesture of kindness towards the strange little man, nothing in this world able to bring down his optimism today.
- Connor and Willa would be the life of the party, getting far too drunk and taking over the dance floor, getting to enjoy a much livier wedding than the one they ended up having, and being glad for a bit of fresh blood joining the Roy family, especially someone from outside their immediate social circle. Connor would insist on getting a gift outside the registry though, giving Greg an ornate antique sword that you actually kind of love and end up using to cut your cake that night.
- Oh Tom. He would be the worst kind of petty at your wedding. He's never liked you, for reasons he can't ever quite articulate but is clearly jealousy to everyone else, so seeing Greg publicly declare his love and commitment to you would have him turning into a complete bitch, backhanded complimenting everything about your day and trying to get in Greg's head every time you two have to part for a moment. Thankfully before Greg can get too rattled, Shiv would swoop in, sensing Tom's weakness and painting her affections as a way to make Greg jealous, which leaves Tom fawning over her all night long.
- Greg would be on the dance-floor until every other guest had gone home, gangly uncoordinated limbs wrapped around you for the whole night, clinging to the one person he trusts to actually have his best interests at heart, your loyal servant the rest of his happy life.
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imustbenuts · 2 months
Do u have any personal Kiran headcanons for your own Kiran?
:x... uhhh......
okay. get ready.
my hc is that kiran is, objectively speaking, a demigod of sorts.
if you ever watched re:creators or read some stuff about the gnostics or even some christian studies level of stuff then it might make sense immediately what im talking about.
basically: kiran isn't human in the same way that everyone else in the FE verse is. i hc they're really just a regular everyday person, who happens to be a FE nerd with a good head on their shoulders whisked away into a the FEverse.
but kiran isn't really a god. in shorthand, they're similar to an angel or a deva. they dont partake in the creation of the FEverse (thats intsys' job), but they partake in the indulgence side of it all. and they might be interested enough that it becomes a media they happily consume. and that consumption of the media by the audience in turn supports the cycle of creation for more FE and thus FEverse gets expanded like that
very meta. and like in gnosticsm or even christianity the God that spawns creation and fate is unknowable. they are so unknowable that the creation they spawn doesnt even know if they are god or a creation capable of further creation, and creates more unknowing of the fact that these creation becomes actualized in some form out there in the vast infinity of whatever
so you know like. when we like blorbo/s so much we kinda. put them in situations. because. drama is fun. watching the blorbos struggle is fun. watching them overcoming stuff is fun.
and although i mention we partake as audiences, our combined taste does have influence over the process of creation. for example, awakening wouldnt exist if intsys didnt get desperate and shoved everything they think might appeal to audiences into the game, and thereby gain our approval, effectively granting the right for the rest of FE to exist.
so combine the two above and. isekai. oops.
kiran now looks like a psychopathic admirer of the FE heroes who gets their rocks off watching actual people struggle. woah! the bigger the struggle, the more entertaining it is, the better the payoff, and so it gets really difficult to be even normal about the heroes.
maybe kiran doesnt see FE characters as actualized people in the beginning. maybe they negotiate with themselves about the dissonance of it all. maybe at some point they realize, "this is fucked up, actually. i can't be gleeful about hearing these people talk about their troubles and worries while knowing what fates are in store for them."
but in some parts, that gleefulness doesnt ever go away. the fact that they know doesnt go away. the knowing in itself becomes a curse, and the distance is permanent. even if they like them, bc hey, the reason why they know all these info is bc kiran loves the blorbos enough to read up on all of them!
combined that with them being capable of summoning multiple copies of the same heroes. what does that mean for the relationship they might form? they know every marth, but does every marth know them? can the marths even begin to form a proper understanding or relationship? what if another marth comes? what then?
multiply that by like. 500. yikes.
the only exception to all of these are the Heroes natives ofc. alfonse and sharena is their strongest anchor because they can be normal with them. but, the siblings are not at all immune to the FEverse MC tropey fates that awaits, and so kiran's brain runs on predictive mode trying to avoid this and that.
but despite their best efforts, they cant prevent fate. they cant prevent gustav from dying and protect one of the few people they care about from getting hurt.
so they try even harder. bc their prev world has drilled in the idea of meritocracy so much, the idea of productivity at all cost under capitalism, and gave them the skillset to learn on the fly that failure is not an option.
kiran might have been a person with their life barely beginning back home.
in that world before, their identity was built up over 2 decades by the people surrounding them, blood or otherwise. and everything they interacted with there defined their identity. they can share and talk about things they encountered in games normally. there is normalcy here. logic here.
but once in the world of FEheroes, all that built up in 20 years becomes nothing and twisted. their identity folds into itself. their knowledge is a curse. their friendships are the weight of entire suns. there is insanity here, and indulgence and people with delicious dramatic stories to consume and hear at every corner if they so politely asked. in return, they would offer knowledge and counsel. (they wouldnt, ofc. so no heroes really gets to know them in full. look directly into the sun and be blinded, its kinda shitty like that)
and breidablik gives them power. to control, to contract, to plant suggestions. the heroes know, the specifics of the contract ofc, bc thats ethical. being morally upright to the heroic universe they love so much was never in question. so they play the part of the friendly summoner, let the heroes believe in their goodwill, bc the other option is to be truthful and get close and consume.
alfonse and sharena becomes their everything. jailer, god, summoner, champion, curse, blessing, friends, to protect at all cost, to give themselves to for whatever they desire. their reason for existing and continuing.
and if kiran fails, if alfonse or sharena gets twisted, then, well. the identity of evreyone's friendly cheerful summoner would have to get redefined, wouldnt it?
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Hello sex witch! Long time listener, first time caller, love how you do the teaching you do 😄
I was having a chat with my (college age) sibling, and I found she might have some... skewed views on the morality of being sexual. Think along the lines of purity culture, with a sprinkling of religious teaching, and a dash of how legality/morality must be intertwined. I know that sort of thing can lead to some unhealthy thinking, and honestly, I'm a little worried!
This is just background for context, I'm not asking you to solve or even unpack all that lol. But I really vibe with your stance on sex-neutrality, and it seems like a good concept to introduce her too. Like, a lil'nudge.
My personal sex-neutality mindset was gained over years of life experience and internet osmosis, which is really difficult to condense into a "quick-start guide," given I've never really had to educate on it before. I mean, I'll start with the definition, but she would probably prefer having sources other than just me talking for hours lol.
So. TL;DR. As an educator, do you happen to have any resources you could point me towards on sex-neuteality? Books, websites, podcasts, previous posts..? Things I could pass along?
Thank you so much sorry for the length
hey anon,
this is a tricky one because, as you said, sex neutrality is something that comes about from a lifetime of nurturing influences. adopting a totally new mindset is rarely something that can be adopted by one book or video essay, no matter how good they are. this is especially true in the face of religious influence, which can be very difficult to tactfully circumvent without making someone feel as if they're being criticized for being religious at all.
just having a figure in their life (that's you!) who's willing to start and engage with non-judgmental discussions about sexuality can be really helpful for people unlearning sexual stigma, so congrats to you for doing the hardest work just by being present!
having said that, you can't do everything and a recommended media list never hurts. there isn't a lot of work (that I'm familiar with, at least) that just sit you right down and say "hey. here's why sex neutrality good," so I'm going to drop work where that's sort of a powerful background radiation.
Emily Nagoski's book Come As Your Are is a pretty great guide for cis women learning to get comfortable with their bodies and sexualities and, more importantly, the possibilities of communication to find a relationship and sexual style that works for them! I really like the way Nagoski normalizes such a wide range of different needs and desires while assuring readers that there's no "wrong" approach; it's very comforting! if your sister is a podcast person, Nagoski also has an eight part podcast series of the same name where she debunks myths and answers more questions about sexuality.
actually hi as long as we're talking about podcasts Kate Lister, a historian who specializes in historical records of sex work, has a terribly fun podcast called Betwixt the Sheets that's nothing but sex friendly fun. it's got enough interesting historical meat to it that it's not even obvious sex neutral propaganda on the surface; some of my favorite episodes have Lister interviewing other academics about Queen Victoria's dietary habits and Hollywood portrayals of vodun.
if we want to talk about the 101 of getting comfortable with one's own genitalia and reproductive health, I must point to Dr. Jennifer Gunter's Vagina Bible. Dr. Gunter has made a whole career out of debunking medical misinformation, wellness scams, and Goop over on twitter. I think she should be allowed to attack Gwyneth Paltrow with a sword but I can't make that happen so I can at least promote her book.
if your sister starts feeling adventurous, Dr. Lindsey Doe's youtube channel Sexplanations has been a formative influence on me and has years worth of videos covering tons of topics in quick, unabashedly enthusiastic bursts of information. this video where Dr. Doe talks about her own instances of internalized sex negativity could be an excellent starting point, especially if you want to discuss it together like a lil youtube bookclub.
for a longer youtube dive, Khadija Mbowe's ruminations on sex positive feminism, its shortcomings, and which parts they see as worth preserving could also be a great point of conversation, especially for someone whose coming into the conversation not identifying with sex positivity. caveat that they do link to Christine Emba's book Rethinking Sex in the video description and I cannot in good conscience recommend or fuck with that at all, sorry.
Angela Chen's book Ace, about asexuality, is genuinely so so wonderful, and I think required reading for anyone trying to make sense of any kind of sexuality.
Meg-John Barker's book Rewriting the Rules is a maybe a more expansive version of Nagoski's book, less focused on sex and much more interested in expanding ideas of what relationships can look like and encouraging personal expression within them. honestly I think that's a really important part of embracing sex negativity - more compassion and less judgment for yourself can lead to more compassion and less judgment for others, right? right, hopefully.
Jaclyn Friedman's book Unscrewed is a delight, and does something similar to Mbowe's video linked above by highlighting ways in which commercialized #girlboss "sex positivty" is useless and then providing instances of real people doing actual, tangibly useful and positive work. Friedman highlights everything from queer youth shelters to orgs run by and for trans sex workers of color to reproductive justice organizations; it's a great dip into a lot of different radical causes without (hopefully) being too overwhelming.
I hope this serves as a good starting place for a lot of positive conversations with your sibling! good luck, friend xoxo
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mountainashes · 11 months
Washington Siblings Time lets goooo
Beth Washington
She likes instruments and can play quite a few different ones. (I feel like I saw a hc somewhere abt her playing guitar? It stuck with me).
She also plays some sports, but not as much as Hannah.
She was actually quite popular in school (based off her relationship stat with Jess being reasonably high).
She's lesbian.
Her 'role' in the group very much seems to be sort of like Sam's in that she's often trying to prevent trouble.
She's constantly looking out for her siblings, especially when they're in a big social situation like a party.
She wears beanies everywhere. Emotional support beanies.
Has a crush on Sam.
She's usually quite laid-back, but when she gets annoyed she's immediately furious. 0-100 real quick.
Hannah Washington
She likes insects a lot. Especially butterflies.
She can and will pick up spiders in her hands she literally does not fear any kind of bug or creepy crawlies.
She's quite artsy.
She's quite strong bc of all the sports she does. She, Sam and Matt often enough end up in weird little competitions and go on runs/hikes etc.
She was sort of the weird kid in most her classes, but wasn't often made fun of because of the people she was friends with and her siblings.
She's generally always a little caught up in her own daydreams.
She's trans.
She's neurodivergent. Idk what specifically but she is nd to me.
She's bi but it would take her forever to realise that.
As Beth describes her, she's often quite 'naive' and if it weren't for Sam, Beth and Josh she'd likely be the target of many jokes, some more harmless than others.
She's very optimistic, bright and chooses to see the best in people. She's not as social as her siblings and spends most her time with Sam. She likes being alone often, left to her own thoughts and fantasies and ideas.
Josh Washington
He's very into art and drama, especially horror of course.
He hangs out with Ashley and she helps him write scripts, while he draws things from her writing for her.
Despite this he is very jumpy and easily scared.
Because their parents are often super busy he very much took on the whole big-sibling caretaker role.
He's popular despite being really quiet and somewhat anti-social. He's the kind of guy who disappears off of any social media for weeks and is very difficult to get into contact with.
He likes playing pranks and jokes, but only when they're somewhat thought out. Like he isn't just going to jump out from behind a door and yell it's gotta be way more interesting.
He's trans (I don't have a specific hc for him I stick to I just know he's very genderfucky).
He's queer.
He hates Hannah's bugs and complains all the time about them but he'd never actually do anything to hurt them or upset Hannah.
He's quite pessimistic, sort of the opposite of Hannah. He's very paranoid of others and their intentions, and he often isolates himself because of that. This has a lot to do with his mental health though, he doesn't actually like being alone.
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librathefangirl · 10 months
9, 10 and 17 for your fic wrapped pls 🥺❤️
My pleasure! Here you go 💜
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Okay, so romantically speaking, this year I've only posted fics for Melizabeth in different constellations - Elizabeth/Meliodas, Goddess Elizabeth/Meliodas, Elizabeth Liones/Meliodas, and Liz/Meliodas. Out of those four, Goddess Elizabeth/Meliodas was the most fun to write. I just really enjoy exploring that era and that pairing to be honest. I mean, enemies-to-lovers in a holy war whose love story was so revolutionary that the gods decided to kill their own heirs?
Liz/Meliodas takes second place because Liz and the Danafor era deserves some more love - but I've only written one fic with Liz and it wasn't that much focus on her/her relationship with Mel in that one.
But if we're talking pairing as in two people with any kind of relationship (romantic, platonic, whatever) then it's hands down Meliodas & Zeldris. I mean, it's the demon bros, do I need to say more? I am, personally, a huge sucker for siblingship of any kind in media. (Maybe because I have a lot of siblings myself? Maybe because my aroace self feel a bigger connection to those relationships even tho I really enjoy romantic ones too). Plus, there is so much fun dynamics to explore with these two; Mel and Zel's childhood, the betrayal, reconciling after everything, or other stuff completely (<- I'm actually low-key working on an au where Mel and Zel are goddesses and Ellie is a demon and it's been really interesting to figure out the brothers' dynamic without the canon betrayal, also they're twins in that one fyi).
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Ooh now that's an interesting question. Let's see... The fastest ones were probably all written in February to be honest, because that was my most productive writing month (I was also doing Febuwhump which added pressure and motivation to complete the fics quick lol).
There All Along was probably the one I finished the quickest. It was written in February, within a day, and also one of my shortest fics.
My Love, It Burns was probably the quickest longer/multichapter fic I wrote this year. It was written during the end of February, also within a day I think, and, well, inspiration just struck. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to write, and was excited to try writing two different endings to the same fic. (Plus I wanted to write the endings close together so they matched up well).
But also telling how quick a fic is to write is hard lol usually I write down the idea and maybe even make the document but then don't actually work on it until days/weeks/months later...
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
This is actually a difficult question. Because while I do love writing about Meliodas (he's my blorbo, my baby - the only fic out out 25 that he wasn't tagged as a character still had him featured in the background and as a "topic"). But I also feel like I tend to write other characters' pov more than his (possibly because he's mostly the one getting whumped lol). So Meliodas is a character I like to write stories of, but if were talking point of view and all, I liked writing Merlin and what's-his-face... Gavin!
Merlin is actually a character I find hard to write (but hey it can be a fun challenge) but also fun to write. I especially love how she can be like a bridge of knowledge between what the other characters know of Meliodas/demons and the truth (that she knows). Writing from Merlin's pov also allows me to really tap into the age and history of Meliodas and her :)
Gavin (my oc from One Man's Beast, aka the Monster Sins AU) was fun to write because to be honest outsider's pov is really funny when the Seven Deadly Sins are involved (the chaos! lol). Also it allowed me to explore the AU in a better way. (<- speaking of, I'm playing around a bit with the outsider's pov in my next Monster Sins AU fic too, because a part of that one is from Dreyfus and/or Hendy's pov)
Anyway! ao3 wrapped (ask game) <- if anyone wanna send me more questions :)
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starry-skies-116 · 8 months
More Fun AU Facts!!
Due to Jack's personality being incredibly different in this AU, his dynamic with Arcee changes into a much different one. They have more of a sibling-esque relationship, with Arcee being the 'tired older sister' of the duo and Jack being the 'unhinged younger brother' that always makes her worry.
Miko, being from an obscenely rich family, has absolutely atrocious spending habits. Even when it’s a widely known fact that she’s the heiress apparent to Nakadai Industries, her purchase history is enough to give anyone a heart attack.
During this universe’s version of the episode ‘Con Job,’ Bulkhead discusses bolstering the base’s defenses- and much to the absolute mortification of the Wreckers, Miko ends up buying at least an entire warehouse worth of military-grade hardware right in front of them via disguising it under the mere excuse that “the company’s engineering department ran out of resources for next month’s operations.” Alarmingly enough, this purchase makes so little of a dent in her credit card that her usually incredibly strict father pays no mind to it.
Miko's very much touch-averse, and is very selective about who and what can physically interact with her. At the beginning of the series, she's very particular about everything- skincare, what she eats, what she touches, et cetera- and that's not because of her privileged upbringing, but because she's autistic. This puts her in a bit of a difficult situation since the Wreckers are a bunch that like to play rough with one another. They don't mind getting their hands dirty- while at the beginning of the series, she very much does.
Every time Bulkhead playfully gives Miko a nudge on the back or tries to attempt any friendly touch towards her, she smacks his hand away and shoots a clearly uncomfortable glare at him that says: "Do that again, and I'll end you."
In addition to being on the autism spectrum, Raf is diabetic- which is the reason he sometimes prefers to stay at the base on days where his fatigue is stronger. Ratchet, being the medic, takes notice and is sure to regularly provide Raf with insulin pens and patches.
Raf doesn't have any siblings in this AU- his family consists of two dads, one Brazilian and one Irish- he calls them 'Papa' and 'Dad' respectively. In addition to being a prodigious hacker and gamer, he's also a streamer and a social media influencer since he's happier and much more confident without dysfunctional sibling relationships in the picture. He's also a redhead in this AU, not a brunette- and he also has a pet greyhound named Cerberus, or "Cerbie" for short.
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