#and am confused when you ask how we got to USSR deficit shops from pebbles
coricomile · 19 days
As a note, because it was brought to my attention that sometimes my excitement/disappointment cycles can come across as very rude when interacting with others in the same fandoms- if I become negative about something, it's usually because I want it to succeed. I am so excited for the bones, but when the meal is delivered, the meat attached to them is just fat and gristle.
I also have a tendency to have very long and winding ideas but trail off in the middle because I get tired of typing/getting them out of my head/connecting all the dots on my internal murder board out loud, but still post what I have because I still want to say it and hope others can finish my thoughts with me.
I am trying to be more considerate when replying, but I am very blunt and tend to speak in what looks like absolute statements because in my head there's a lot of the conversation already filled in, so of course we're already on the same page. But sometimes we aren't even reading the same book.
So, apologies in advance if I come off as mean or talking over your points. I am a person that tells a story of similar pain when someone is expressing how they're hurting to show I understand and have felt the same way. Some people take comfort in that, some people think I'm trying to one-up them in their time of vulnerability.
I am excited! I am SO EXCITED to talk to people that enjoy/hate the same things as I do! I want to share thoughts and argue about the little details in a friendly way. Arguing without stakes is fun! Debating isn't about who wins or loses, but all the interesting points a different view can bring to all sides of the table!
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