#and always happy to talk abt them. sorry i went off a bit abt laud.na there...
finncakes · 2 years
Tell us about your favorite ashrym moments? Not sure if you've seen 38, but any thoughts on those? Orym finally giving Ashton the flowers they were clearly angling for from him?
it's pretty hard to pinpoint just one moment in particular. i like their general vibe an attitude with eachother! i do like to believe that when ashton yelled "lick salt fucker!" to the shade mother and liam lost his shit over it that orym did too. seems to line up with his sense of humor. plus i think it's cute.
i am fully caught up! no longer listening to podcast episodes and watching live cause i'm hyperfixating big time on cr rn. ep 38 was great and i am so so glad laudna is back (esp cause i have a very personal sorta connection to her! she reminds me of myself a lot and her dealing and working through her trauma is really comforting and helping me through mine despite the relapse haha). but rest assured i am going insane over those moments...they mean the world to me my leetle tanks.
also a lil unsure what the last question is...could you clarify?? i might've missed smth last episode while waiting for my bus home ;3;
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