#and also when informed that his useless maester was a) unable to formulate dreamwine properly and b) had his stores stolen
syndrossi · 1 month
Lowkey Lord Cox best character - imagine, you are just sitting around, it’s just another tuesday, and uh oh here comes a dragon that can’t be good! And the prince! Three princes?!? You get offered a marriage to a high family, two dragons hatch in your keep, then the keep gets set on fire. There is apparently a grand conspiracy that’s been right under your nose for months. One of the princes gets kidnapped and you are faced with the very real possibility of becoming harrenhall 2.0. Over the course of two days.
He handled that so much better than I ever could have. I think I would have cried.
Lord Cox is truly a legend. This man had an hour to throw something together fit for the king's brother, whose temper is legendary, and his traumatized children, and he didn't take any half measures.
He scoured the town for anything with the sigil of House Targaryen, immediately ordered the finest sweets from the best bakery for breakfast because if there's one thing children love it's sugar, remembered from some passed-down story that Targaryens prefer their baths hot, stole the three best beds in the house, leaving some of his own family forced to pile three to a bed for each remaining, kickstarted the investigation into the docks so that Prince Daemon could have his answers by the morning...
And all of that BEFORE the second attempted kidnapping and the heart attack of Daemon's threat. He threw together a caravan in record time, and when Daemon demanded two-thirds of his men-at-arms and one of his two knights as escort, he gamely expanded that caravan.
Lord Cox did better than probably 80% of lords from greater houses could manage with better resources and lead time.
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