#and also we r going out in public to a restaurant with a dress code
horrorsequel · 1 year
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Arthur Shelby Fluff Alphabet
as requested by @beautifulfigment​ ! 
Arthur is my absolute fave, and I’ve had a few requests to do the smut alphabet for him too :)))
Warnings: some mention of arthur’s issues (PTSD, alcholism) mentions of suicide attempt
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Arthur adores your laugh, the way your whole face lights up and your eyes twinkle. He especially loves it when you’re trying to hold back laughter, rocking silently with the giggles at the most inappropriate moments (normally when Tommy’s doing one of his lectures)
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He wants children. Aside from Finn, he’s the last of his siblings to have kids, even though he’s the oldest. there’s always the worry in the back of his mind, however, that he would be a terrible father, just like his own. You tell him, firmly, that that is utter bullshit, and he’d make a brilliant dad. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He is a GANGLY man, all long limbs. So long as he’s close to you, he doesn't really mind how you cuddle. His favourite way to cuddle is with his face buried in your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
He very rarely takes you to posh nightclubs or restaurants. They’re loud and busy, and he hates feeling like everyone is staring. Instead, he’ll take you on drives through the country, spread out a picnic blanket in a field and have a proper little picnic (thank God for Aunt Pol). 
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are his little angel.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
He knew he was head over heels in love with you when you kicked some bloke in the balls in the Garrison. He was behind the bar, pouring drinks, noticing the man bothering you. Until then, he had all of these feelings for you that he couldn’t put into words. But when the man tried to grab your waist, his anger flared and he was about to shout and jump over the counter when your foot made contact. You walked away as the man fell to the floor, brushing your hair out of your face, and ordered yourself a drink. Arthur simply stood staring, mouth slightly agape. Tommy grinned. “Oi, Arthur. Get the lady her drink and invite her to the pictures,” 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He is so gentle. He knows how much damage he can cause with his bare hands, so he makes every touch as light at possible. You have to tell him off eventually, saying that you’re not made of porcelain and would very much like him to hold your waist in public, as well as other public displays of affection. He also speaks much quieter with you as opposed to his normally booming voice- it often seems as though you two are in your own personal bubble as you talk
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Arthur ALWAYS grabs your hand when you walk by him, unashamed to hold it in front of everyone. You’re his girl and he loves you, so of course, he’s gonna hold your bloody hand (fuck off John, go see to your own woman). When he starts getting angry, you tend to slip your small hand into his, and it mellows him out fairly quickly. You both have a system of squeezing one another’s hands for encouragement, reassurance or a code for ‘shall we go home?’
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
That you didn’t belong in Small Heath. It was too industrial, too dangerous, too dirty for you. You seemed to innocent for the drunks and the whorehouses and the dodgy bookies like him. 
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes. If he’s sober, he’s more likely to close up and become distant as his brain goes into overdrive; what if you leave him? what if he’s simply not good enough for him? 
When he’s drunk, he’s more likely to speak up, though he doesn’t throw fists straight away, unless you’re clearly uncomfortable. More often than not, the situation defuses to him holding you proudly to his side saying (rather loudly) “That’s my girl! My YN!” 
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You initiated the first kiss. he was walking you home after your second date as an official couple, and it was clear he was apprehensive about something. He eventually admitted his true feelings, how he had loved you for a long time, yet he was nervous and didn’t want to wreck it. 
You cupped his cheeks in both your hands, forcing him to look at you. “You can’t wreck it, Arthur,” you had murmured. “Because I feel the same way about you,” the first kiss had been sweet, no tongue, and you stroked his cheek gently. 
In general, his kisses are tender, even the chastest ones filled with passion and longing. Often, he’ll be in a rush and press hurried kisses to your cheek or forehead while you’re in the middle of getting ready. 
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Arthur. He’s hungover and you get him water and aspirin, before settling next to him. He grabs your waist and snuggles close, kissing you (but missing your mouth slightly) and mumbling “I bloody love you,” 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
When he asked you to marry him. It was by no means a perfect proposal, and it took him ages to pluck up the courage but seeing realisation and happiness spreading across your face as he got on one knee was worth every second of apprehension 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Arthur loves to spoil you... the only problem is he’s useless at picking stuff out, always worrying whether or not you’d like it. He often ends up getting Ada and Polly to help him pick something out, though he always makes sure he goes with them. 
“What about that frock? She likes them pretty patterns,” 
“Arthur, that’s a maternity gown,” 
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
sky blue. It was the colour of the dress you wore on one of your first proper dates. He was speechless when he saw you, unable to believe how lucky he is
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Love, darling, my angel
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
He loves when you send him letters when he’s off for work- you never send telegrams, or use the typewriter for the notes. He keeps them in his breast pocket, and when he’s stressed, he holds the paper close to his heart, inhaling the wafts of your perfume to calm down
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Stay in bed with you, slipping in and out of sleep, All spft caresses and gentle kisses, huddled up under the blankets
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Whiskey and snow used to be his go to. But with you, he has other ways.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Anything and everything with you. He’ll ask questions, genuinely curious about all sorts, cooking, your family etc... one evening you ended up showing him how to crimp the pastry at the edge of your steak pie because he asked how you got it so pretty.
He talks about work, often glossing over the worst of it. Even with the glossing over, he feels much better, like he has someone who understands how the war and the business effect him, especially as his closest brother never seems to listen
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Laying in your arms, holding your hand... generally just being close to you makes him feel calm
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. You’re his girl, and he wants everyone to know it. If you tell someone to piss off, he’ll grin like mad, leaning to his brothers and saying ‘that’s my girl’.
He’s also proud of how far he’s come with you, how much more mellow he is as well
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He proposes a while after you start dating, once he is certain you’re the one. He proposes on your birthday (read this!!) and you have a quiet wedding, just close friends and family, in a quaint little church. Tommy let’s you use Arrow House for the reception, and Arthur stays sober the whole night
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ is every Shelby’s song.
But his song with you is Moonlight Serenade by glen miller (I know the dates don’t quite match up). He remembers being the last two in the garrison, slow dancing with you, your head on his chest as he swayed with you
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Once he is sure you’re the one, he knows he wants to marry you, and he wants to do it properly. Nothing arranged like John and esme, not because you’re pregnant like Tommy and Grace and Lizzie. He wants it to be because you love eachother deeply, wholly, truly.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Arthur wants a great big dozy dog who’ll just trot behind you and nearly knock him over when he comes through the door. He’d give it a human name too, like Dave. This makes you giggle like mad.
Tag list: @the-makingsofgreatness @peakyswritings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @theunderlier @soleil-dor @hiddensapphic @fckingpeakyblinders @snugleo @alittlebirds @satanxklaus @glamsaturn @thegirlwithoutaname87 @queenofmankind
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newstfionline · 4 years
Monday, January 11, 2021
The workers hit hardest during Covid-19’s first wave are getting pummeled again (Yahoo Finance) Since the beginning of the pandemic, one group of workers has been hurt far more than others: those working in the service industries, specifically in leisure and hospitality jobs. And in December after some progress, that industry lost jobs once again. “The most recent surge in coronavirus cases is once again battering the US labor market,” Indeed’s economic research director Nick Bunker wrote in a note. “The economic fallout from this wave of cases is hitting the industries and workers pummeled hardest by the initial damage before they fully bounced back from that first hit.” The latest hit isn’t as bad as the spring, as vaccines are rolling out and certain measures are in place, but restaurants, bars, and other jobs that depend on people interacting still cannot do business in a pandemic environment.
Squelched by Twitter, Trump seeks new online megaphone (AP) One Twitter wag joked about lights flickering on and off at the White House being Donald Trump signaling to his followers in Morse code after Twitter and Facebook squelched the president for inciting rebellion. Though deprived of his big online megaphones, Trump does have alternative options of much smaller reach. The far right-friendly Parler may be the leading candidate, though Google and Apple have both removed it from their app stores and Amazon decided to boot it off its web hosting service. Trump may launch his own platform. But that won’t happen overnight, and free speech experts anticipate growing pressure on all social media platforms to curb incendiary speech as Americans take stock of Wednesday’s violent takeover of the U.S. Capitol. Facebook and Instagram have suspended Trump at least until Inauguration Day. Twitch and Snapchat also have disabled Trump’s accounts, while Shopify took down online stores affiliated with the president and Reddit removed a Trump subgroup. Twitter also banned Trump loyalists including former national security advisor Michael Flynn in a sweeping purge of accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory and the Capitol insurrection. Some had hundreds of thousands of followers.
Navy’s Priciest Carrier Ever Struggles to Get Jets On, Off Deck (Bloomberg) Aircraft takeoff and landing systems on the USS Gerald R. Ford remain unreliable and break down too often more than three years after the $13.2 billion carrier was delivered, according to the Pentagon’s top tester. The latest assessment of the costliest warship ever built “remains consistent” with previous years, director of testing Robert Behler said in his new summary of the program obtained by Bloomberg News before its release in an annual report. The Ford’s new systems—which propel planes off the deck and into the sky and then snag them on landing—are crucial to justifying the expense of what’s now a four-vessel, $57 billion program intended to replace the current Nimitz class of aircraft carriers. The continuing reliability woes with the carrier systems built by General Atomics of San Diego are separate from another continuing challenge: the installation and certification of elevators needed to lift munitions from below deck. As of November, six of 11 “advanced weapons elevators” that should have been installed when the ship was delivered in May 2017 are now operational.
In Central America, tensions rise as soldiers aim to stop migrants (Reuters) Guatemalan and Honduran soldiers will be deployed to prevent new U.S.-bound migrant caravans from advancing, military officials said, amid growing desperation among those seeking to cross and signs that some groups will depart later this month. Two devastating hurricanes late last year along with severe economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic have pushed millions of people in the already-poor region closer to hunger, leading to a steady rise in U.S.-bound migration through Mexico. In online forums, many Honduras have indicated they plan to leave next weekend in a new caravan, which has caught the attention of U.S. officials who have called on the region’s governments to stop them. Many migrants in recent years have chosen to travel by caravan because being part of a large group offers protection from criminals who might prey on them, even though traveling alone is often faster.
Johnson under fire as UK again faces onslaught of COVID-19 (AP) The crisis facing Britain this winter is depressingly familiar: Stay-at-home orders and empty streets. Hospitals overflowing. A daily toll of many hundreds of coronavirus deaths. The U.K. is the epicenter of Europe’s COVID-19 outbreak once more, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative government is facing questions, and anger, as people demand to know how the country has ended up here—again. Many countries are enduring new waves of the virus, but Britain’s is among the worst, and it comes after a horrendous 2020. More than 3 million people in the U.K. have tested positive for the coronavirus and 81,000 have died—30,000 in just the last 30 days. The economy has shrunk by 8%, more than 800,000 jobs have been lost and hundreds of thousands more furloughed workers are in limbo. Even with the new lockdown, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Friday that the situation in the capital was “critical,” with one in every 30 people infected. “The stark reality is that we will run out of beds for patients in the next couple of weeks unless the spread of the virus slows down drastically,” he said.
In the Cold and Rain, India’s Farmers Press Their Stand Against Modi (NYT) Under a rain-slick tarpaulin, half a dozen elderly women bake roti on a wood-fired griddle—flattening dough, flipping browned bread from dawn until the sun retreats into Delhi’s evening smoke. Anyone who walks in gets served rice and cooked vegetables and, to wash it down, a cumin-flavored yogurt drink. Across the road, Jagjeet Singh, a burly man with a large fanny pack and a light purple turban, churns a hefty pot of milk coffee from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. The scenes stretching for miles around the Indian capital don’t come from a fair. They make up one of the largest sustained protests the country has seen in decades, persisting through steady rains and dozens of deaths that farmers and the Indian media have attributed to the weather, illness or suicide. For six weeks now, tens of thousands of farmers have choked the city’s four main entry points. They are challenging Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has crushed all other opposition and stands as the country’s dominant political force, over his effort to reshape how farming in India has been done for decades. “They sold everything else. Only the farmers are left,” said 18-year old Ajay Veer Singh, who has been at the protest with his 67-year-old grandfather since it began in November. “Now they want to sell the farmers to their corporate friends too.”
China sees growing outbreak south of Beijing (AP) More than 360 people have tested positive in a growing coronavirus outbreak south of Beijing in neighboring Hebei province. The outbreak has raised particular concern because of Hebei’s proximity to the nation’s capital. Travel between the two has been restricted, with workers from Hebei having to show proof of employment in Beijing to enter the city. Almost all of the cases are in Shijuazhuang, the provincial capital, which is about 260 kilometers (160 miles) southwest of Beijing. A handful have also been found in Xingtai city, 110 kilometers (68 miles) farther south. Both cities have conducted mass testing of millions of residents, suspended public transportation and restricted residents to their communities or villages for one week.
Pompeo voids restrictions on diplomatic contacts with Taiwan (AP) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Saturday that the State Department is voiding longstanding restrictions on how U.S. diplomats and others have contact with their counterparts in Taiwan, another move that is expected to upset China as the Trump administration winds to an end. The Trump administration has sought to strengthen bilateral relations with Taiwan. It announced Thursday that U.N Ambassador Kelly Craft would go to Taiwan, a move that sparked sharp criticism from Beijing and a warning that the U.S. would pay a heavy price. In August, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar became the first Cabinet member to visit Taiwan since 2014. Pompeo said that the State Department has created complex restrictions when it comes to contacts between the two parties. He said those actions were taken to appease the Communist regime in Beijing. “No more,” Pompeo declared in a statement. “Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions.” The Chinese government maintains that mainland China and Taiwan are parts of “one China.” China has been stepping up its threats to bring the self-governing island under its control by military force with frequent war games and aerial patrols. It has been using its diplomatic clout to stop Taiwan from joining any organizations that require statehood for membership.
Japanese pray for end to pandemic in annual ice bath ritual at Tokyo shrine (Reuters) Men wearing traditional loin clothes and women dressed in white robes clapped and chanted before going into an ice water bath during a Shinto ritual at a Tokyo shrine on Sunday to purify the soul and pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a dozen people took part in the annual event at Teppou-zu Inari Shrine, scaled down this year due to the health crisis, compared to over a hundred in early 2020. After doing warming-up exercises and chanting under a clear sky with outside temperatures at 5.1 degree Celsius (41.18 Fahrenheit), the nine male and three female participants went into a bath filled with cold water and large ice blocks. Fewer participants at the Shinto ritual made the water extra cold, participant Naoaki Yamaguchi told Reuters. “Normally we have more participants and it makes the water temperature a little bit warmer. But this year, there were just twelve people, so it (the cold) was crazy,” the 47-year-old said.
Indonesian divers find parts of plane wreckage in Java Sea (AP) Indonesian divers on Sunday located parts of the wreckage of a Boeing 737-500 at a depth of 23 meters (75 feet) in the Java Sea, a day after the aircraft with 62 people onboard crashed shortly after takeoff from Jakarta. Earlier, rescuers pulled out body parts, pieces of clothing and scraps of metal from the surface. It’s still unclear what caused the crash. There was no sign of survivors. Fishermen in the area between Lancang and Laki islands, part of an archipelago around Thousand Islands north of Jakarta’s coast, reported hearing an explosion around 2:30 p.m. Saturday.
At a Yemen hospital wracked by U.S. funding cuts, children are dying of hunger (Washington Post) Her infant son, weakened by hunger, needed a better-equipped hospital in the capital, Sanaa, roughly 30 miles away. But Hanan Saleh could no longer afford even the $30 taxi fare. Before, she depended on a Western aid organization, Save the Children, for funds, drawn from money donated by the United States, to cover the travel costs, said employees of the organization and hospital officials. But last year, the United States slashed its funding to United Nations groups and others such as Save the Children. So Saleh had to raise money to treat her son, Mohammed, in Sanaa until those funds ran out, too. Her last option was a small hospital in this northern Yemen market town, a 15-minute walk from their home. The staff tried to build up his skeletal, malnourished 9-month-old body. “He died two months ago,” Saleh recalled in November, breaking down in tears. Aid cuts by the Trump administration and other Western countries, intended to prevent Yemen’s Houthi rebels from diverting or blocking funds, are worsening the country’s humanitarian crisis, already considered the most severe in the world. Last year’s pledges totaling $1.61 billion were less than half of 2019’s funding, and hundreds of millions of dollars committed by donors have not yet been paid, according to the U.N.’s humanitarian office for Yemen. At least 15 of the U.N.’s 41 major programs have been scaled back or closed, and additional programs could shutter in the months to come, if more funds are not received, U.N. officials say.
The Tiny Satellites That Will Connect Cows, Cars and Shipping Containers to the Internet (WSJ) Scientists who track the health of Adélie penguins on the ice-covered wastes of Antarctica are managing their cameras from thousands of miles away—via tiny satellites orbiting above our heads. Energy companies are exploring using the same technology for monitoring hard-to-reach wind farms; logistics companies for tracking shipping containers; and agribusiness companies for minding cattle. It even helped National Geographic track a discarded plastic bottle from Bangladesh to the Indian Ocean. In the near future, it isn’t unreasonable to imagine this evolving satellite technology could put a distress beacon in every automobile, allow remote monitoring of wildlife in any environment on earth, and track your Amazon shipment—not just when it’s on a truck, but backward, all the way to the factory that produced it. And it could be done at a fraction of the cost of earlier satellite tracking systems. These novel networks of nanosats—aka cubesats—are a result of a number of factors. First, the satellites themselves are smaller, cheaper and more capable than ever. Just as important, there’s the rollout and adoption of new long-distance, low-power wireless communication standards that can work just as well in outer space as they do on the ground. In the next year, hundreds of satellites from more than a dozen companies are set to launch.
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oselatra · 6 years
McCain, and money better spent elsewhere
I had hoped to refrain from criticizing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) until after his corpse was delivered to the landfill, but, for all of your blathering about how wonderful the recently departed McCain was, you've seriously missed McCain's greatest legacy: President Trump.
McCain, and money better spent elsewhere
I had hoped to refrain from criticizing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) until after his corpse was delivered to the landfill, but, for all of your blathering about how wonderful the recently departed McCain was, you've seriously missed McCain's greatest legacy: President Trump.
The McCain wing of the Republican Party is what caused the populist revolt giving us Trump. While you guys bleat about his integrity, McCain was one of the biggest liars in the Republican leadership. He would show up in Arizona to tell his constituents how conservative he was then return to Washington and continue his work with the Chamber of Commerce to throw the borders wide open and destroy the value of American labor. Yes, McCain was first and foremost a globalist. His biggest recent lie? That he'd get rid of the ACA. He had his chance to follow through on that campaign promise, but instead confirmed that his word to the people who voted for him means nothing. Had McCain and the rest of his ilk governed as they campaigned there would be no President Trump.
On a side note: I keep seeing your appeals for support of your product through subscribing to your online publication. While I'm happy to pick up your weekly magazine for free at Kroger to check out the entertainment section and see what the proletariat is thinking these days, your open contempt for those of us who disagree with you politically kinda tells me I have better places to spend my money. It would be insane for me to financially support those who so easily call me a racist, homophobe, misogynist, xenophobe or anything else just because I didn't vote for the most incompetent candidate in recent history (that being Hillary the Great). Political disagreement isn't hate, and I'll continue to eat at Chick-Fil-A.
Brice Hammerstein
On minimum wage
I just finished your article in the Arkansas Times ("The wage divide," Aug. 23) and thought it was very concise and to the point. I especially liked the part about our "esteemed" attorney general. I plan to vote for the minimum wage increase and will pass the message to co-workers, friends, family and anyone that will listen.
I am not familiar with the other initiative's that will be on the ballot this fall and hope that you will publish each one. I have voted since I turned 18 in 1972 and always want to be informed about people and initiatives that I'm presented with. I vote Democrat most of the time, as I care about Arkansans and Americans and worry about the future for my 7-year-old grandson. Thank you for your many articles that hit home with Arkansans that truly care about each other.
David W. Byrd
Brain on sex
Good work to Autumn Tolbert ("Dress code bias," Aug. 23) for her explanation of the underlying bias of dress codes. Women do not cause the sexual response of men. A man's sexual thoughts and actions are entirely determined by his own brain. Bodies respond to the brain's interpretations of stimulus. It is not the body of a woman that "turns" a man on, it is that man's brain telling his body what to do. Another man might look at the same body and not be the least "turned" on. We have homosexual men to thank for proving this logical argument. It is well known in the psychology of stimulus and response. Because the brain determines sexual response, the brain can chose how to express sexuality. Many men kindly keep their sexual response to themselves except when they are with a willing partner. Many men do the hard work of interpreting all the tiniest clues to find out who is willing to share their sexual response. These men have not gotten the recognition they well deserve in the "Me Too" movement. They are the rule that proves the exception. They are my heroes by proving considerate restraint is possible, even when no one is watching.
Like all heroes, we must ask them to do even more and somehow explain how they deal with their sexuality to boys. Women have an equal responsibility to untangle sexual desire and social kindness, but men have the experience and authority to speak to boys about male sexual response. To all you kind men out there, please do.
J. Rain Mako
Hang up
My best friends are Liberals. I love them like I love biscuits and gravy, but they can be annoying at times. They're better informed on every issue, more culturally sensitive, and greener than I could ever hope to be. When I dine with my liberal friends I am constantly worried that my shoes were made by underage workers, my pronouns are out of date, and the chicken on my plate was raised in substandard housing.
You may have noticed that nearly all the Word Police are liberals. They defy you to try and keep up with the lexicon. Example: Zombies were Zombies for years. Then we were told they were to be called the Living Impaired. Now it's the Vitally Challenged. Who decides this stuff? Surely it's not the Zombies.
There is a scene in the movie "Moneyball" where Billy Bean, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics —played by Brad Pitt — is on the phone trying to make a deal with another GM. Pitt gets the answer he wants and hangs up immediately. Pitt's sidekick, played by Jonah Hill, points out that the other GM had more to say. "When you get the answer you want," Pitt explains, "Hang up."
These are desperate times, but in a way, much simpler. When vetting somebody, liberals no longer need to know what brand of bottled water that person drinks or which fast-food restaurant they've been boycotting. The only thing liberals need to know is if that other person is voting blue in November.
When you get the answer you want, hang up.
David Rose
Hot Springs
From the web
In response to Tolbert's Aug. 23 column:
Young women, at an early age, begin to learn of their power over the boys simply by the turn of an ankle, the wink of an eye.
Men are visual creatures; at an early age, creature aptly describes the boy brain. Girls are generally more focused, not as easy to distract.
Has nothing to do with some nebulous "misogyny," but on the basics of nature. For those few of us adults that remember, and are honest, girls at that age freely exploited their looks for quite a bit of gain. Their nature could be generously described as predatory.
Probably the best thing about uniforms is they take away all the distractions that kids use against each other, so teachers can focus on the important things, like teaching.
Those supposed calls for allowing individual expression forget that school is for learning, and for social engagement, but also for instilling some sense of discipline in how boys and girls grow to deal with each other on a truly level playing field.
Steven E
In response to an Arkansas Blog item about a committee's decision to move the Arkansas Governor's School to Arkansas Tech from Hendrix College, where it's been held for 38 years:
I've commented about this extensively in response to another article, but I'll add these practical considerations:
1) If it ain't broke, don't fix it. These suggestions of intellectual bias, favoritism to a certain college, or prejudice against certain viewpoints reflect culture war nonsense and jealousy.
2) Do not underestimate the value of holding the program on a campus that has no summer school for college students. Placing 300 high school minors in a five-week residential program is challenging enough socially. (I can think of no couple that lasted more than five minutes hiding behind a hedgerow or slipping into an opposite sex dorm without being rounded up and scattered by the campus staff at Hendrix).
Now add a significant population of college students to that mix, and consider the impact upon enforcement of very important rules. :)
So, the main thing is that Governor's School is for Dem/lib indoctrination and y'all are scared that won't be the case in Russellville?
R'ville is pretty sketchy, whut with them sex toy expos up thar at ATU.
Say, mebbee THAT'S why Jerry [Cox] is so keen to talk at the G school! He might want a coed or two (or three) to give a demo.
But really, y'all don't give a flip about college students being there. Total ruse. Be honest at least.
Justsomeguy — I can only speak for myself, but my daughter went to Governor's School in '91. Having the campus to themselves was a big deal. It made the kids feel they really were worth the effort. I never much thought about the safety issue until someone brought it up this week, but 1991 is more than 25 years ago, and it wasn't something we worried about. People DO care. You're just looking for an argument about something with which you apparently have very little experience. Did you go? Do you have a kid who went?
No, I did not. I have quite a few friends who did. Boys would wear drag just to be provocative. All sorts of things Democrats love. I don't think attending is prerequisite to having a valid opinion. For instance, many of the commenters here have strong opinions on Medicaid, war and race despite not being recipients, soldiers or minorities.
McCain, and money better spent elsewhere
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hey y'all, I've compiled a list of 50+ social start-ups that are trying to make the world a bit better :) In alphabetic order:Altruisto Altruisto.com is a browser extension that allows users to collect money for extremely effective charities while shopping online. It works with 1000+ shops including eBay, Booking.com, Barnes&Noble, Aliexpress, Etsy. For every $4.85 raised for Against Malaria Foundation two people are protected from malaria (via bed nets) and for every $1.19 raised for Schistosomiasis Control Initiative one child gets a year supply of antiparasitic medicine.Founders:Daniel WyrzykowskiAndela Recruits and manages African tech talent (developers) and integrates them into world leading tech companies. Backed by Chan Zuckerberg Iniative.Founders:Christina Saas Jeremy JohnsonArt Lifting Connects socially concious businesses to artist that are disabled or experiencing homelessness. Either for artwork in building spaces or work with licensing partners to develop co-branded merch.Founders:Liz Powers Spencer PowersAsarasi Sparkling Tree Water Mitigates water waste with the first USDA certified organic botteled water. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of would be disposed of water from the maple farming industry is resold and sparkled by Asarasi. The water mitigates waste and diversifies income for farmers.Founders:Adam LazarBarefoot College Barefoot College, aka The Social Work and Research Centre (SWRC) is a voluntary organization is a wide researching education empowerment organization. They provide classes to the "drop-outs, cop-outs, and wash-outs" in the village of Tilonia in India.Their efforts impact, education, skill development, health, accessible drinking water, women empowerment. They have prepared more than 3 million people for modern jobs.Founders:Bunker RoyBarefoot Power Provides affordable, reliable solar products to underserved energy communities. For profit social enterprise that provides families and small businesses access to power in Africa, India, Asia, and the AmericasFounders:Stewart Craine Harry AndrewsBayes Impact Bayes Impact is a Y Combinator-backed non-profit that builds operational solutions to the world's biggest challenges using data science. Uses data to create interventions for underserved people across the worldFounders:Paul DuanBogo Brush Bogobrush toothbrushes are beautifully modern, eco friendly, and made in the USA. With each toothbrush sold, one is donated to a person in need.Founders:Heather Mcdougall John McdougallBe my Eyes Free app that connects blind and low vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.Founders:Hans JØrgen Wilberg Christian ErfurtChange.org World’s largest online petitioning plaform that provides grassroots level empowerment for social change.Founders:Ben RattrayChange Heroes Video chat service that connects donors to nonprofits in education, housing, and global health.Founders:Taylor ConroyDefy Ventures This organization tackles mass incaceration and the related high recidivism rates by providing educational training to individuals with criminal histories.Founders:Catherine HokeDrinkWell Systems Developed a reusable arsenic absorbent to reduce the risk of arsenic poisoning and provide clean, safe drinking water world wide.Founders:Minhaj ChowdhuryDrops These apps let you donate spare change when you pay with your debit or credit card. They round up the price and automatically donate to one of the charities of your choice.Founders:Shea Rouda David MaliglowkaEcosia Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees with its ad revenue. Since it is based on Microsoft’s Bing, the results for most searches are as accurate as Google’s (it may be slightly worse for more niche searches or for languages other than English). It has been a certified B Corp since 2014.Founders:Christian KrollElephant Parade Open-air exhibitions of artist created elephants are placed in the streets of host cities to increase public awareness of the plights of elephants to support elephant conservation. At the end of the festival, the elephants are auctioned off with the proceeds going to NGO, Elephant FamilyFounders:Marc Spits Mike SpitsElvis & Kresse Creates stylish luggage and handbags from raw waste materials like fire hoses and donates 50% of profits to the Fire Fighters Charity.Founders:Kresse Wesling James HenritEnevo Waste manage company that uses sensor tech that allows business parters to know how much waste they're producing.Founders:Fredrik Kekäläinen Johan EngströmEverly Natural drink mixes - 1 for 1 - distributes a life-saving rehydration salt treatment for each pouch sold.Founders:Kyle McCollom Chris ColeFree Code Camp Free Code Camp teaches students to code in several languages for free, then partners them with nonprofit organizations to provide mutually beneficial web development. freeCodeCamp has donated US$ 1,400,000 worth of development work to nonprofits as of January 2017.Founders:Quincy LarsonFinnegans Finnegans provides food to food banks through their Good Beer arm which 100% of profits go to supplying food to under served individuals. They also engineered the "reverse food truck" which picks up food from donors instead of selling food for cash.Founders:Jacquie BerglundGlobal Giving GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots projects around the world. Donate to charity and see your impact with regular updates.Founders:Mari Kuraishi Dennis WhittleGrassroots Business Fund Actively supports economically movile people in developing areas throughout Latin America, Africa, India, and Asia.Founders:Harold RosenHand in Hand Soap 1 for 1 soap brand - for every product purchased they donate a month of drinking water and a bar of soap to a child in needFounders:Bill Glaab Courtney AppleHandup A platform for donors to give directly to people who are experiencing homelessnessFounders:Rose BroomeImpossible Foods This company creates meat and dairy products without the use of any animal parts. They're the creators of the "Impossible Burger" a meatless burger that bleeds just lilke the real thing without any of the cruelty.Founders:Patrick BrownJanji Running clothes where 10% of sale goes to funding clean water projectsFounders:Michael Burnstein David SpandorferKhan Academy Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan with a goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lectures in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators.Founders:Salman KhanKiva Kiva is a non-profit that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Kiva's mission is "to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty."Founders:Premal Shah Chelsa BocciLifeStraw Water filter company. LifeStraw has been generally praised for its effective and instant method of bacteria and protozoa removal and consumer acceptability. For every LifeStraw product you purchase, a child in need receives safe water for an entire school year.Me to We For profit social enterprise that sells socially responsible products & services. They also donate half of their net profits to non-profit partner WE Charity.Founders:Craig Kielburger Marc KielburgerMud Love 1 for 1 mud based apparel, accesory, and mug company - each product provides 1 week of clean water to someone in need.Founders:Luke WrightNewman's Own CPG company that donates 100% of profits to charity. They have a variety of items from salad dressings to bottled wine.Founders:Paul Newman A.E. HotchnerPennies A platform that offers customers the chance for a microdonation when you pay by card in shops, online and in apps. It’s your choice every time, with no pressure, and no follow up.Pipeline Angels Network to match femme investors to entrepreneurs. They provide trainings to both new investors as well as entrepreneurs. The key insight is that investors provide funding largely to people like them. As white, male investors invest in white, males women and non-binary femmes provide funding to female social entrepreneursFounders:Natalia Oberti NogueraPulse Point Alerts CPR and AED trained individuals when someone nearby is going through cardiac arrest.Founders:Richard PriceRaise Me Provides microscholarships from colleges to high school students. For each achievement (like an A in a core class, or holding a leadership position in a sport), students can receive money towards a scholarship, redeamable once they attend that collegeFounders:Preston SilvermanRevivn Revivn collects excess hardware from businesses, secures thr data & repurposes unused tech for communities in need, provide a detailed hardware inventory & certify data destruction and ethical recycling.Round it Up America Restaurant partneres provide customers the opportunity to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar. Donations are given out quarterly to various nonprofitsFounders:Harald Hermann Jennifer WeerhelmSamasource Provides management and data services from a work source that uses "impact sourcing" which means they give work to people living in poverty. Thus far helped over 36k out of poverty. Has teams in US, Kenya, Uganda, and IndiaFounders:Leila JanahSevamob Aims to close the healthcare gap with a subscription based healthcare pop-ups in underserved communities. It provides comprehensive care including dental, vision, and nutrition education. The company’s tech platform also provides infrastructure for tele-health, healthcare IT, and point-of-care diagnostics to third-party clinics. The company currently facilitates 20,000 patient consultations per month in eight states of India and in South Africa, while about 500 third-party organizations are using the tech platform.Founders:Shelley SaxenaSevenly Sevenly is an apparel e-commerce website. Portion of the money from each purchase is donated to charitable causes.Founders:Dale Partridge Aaron ChavezSirum Supporting Initiatives to Redistribute Unused Medicine (SIRUM), as titled is a social enterprise to decrease medical waste in the US by destributing unused and unexpired druges to clinics. Using a tech platform, SIRUM allows manufactures, wholesalers, and pharmacies to easily donate rather than destroy meds.Founders:Adam Kircher George Wang Kiah WilliamsTabs for a Cause Donates money to charity every time a user opens a new tab. Through their sponsors, they have raised over $400k for charities.Founders:Kevin Jennison Alex GrothTeach For America Their mission statement is to "enlist, develop, and mobilize as many as possible of our nation's most promising future leaders to grow and strengthen the movement for educational equity and excellence." They essentially recruit highly educated individuals from top universities to teach at underprivledged schools. The organization serves 52 low income communities.Founders:Wendy KoppTerraCycle TerraCycle takes non-recyclable pre-consumer and post-consumer waste and turns it into a raw material to be used in new products.Founders:Tom Szaky Jon BeyerThe Soap Co Luxury, sustainable, and ethical soap company that comitts all of their provits to disadvantaged individuals (those with disability, visually impaired etc.)Toms Shoes The company designs and sells shoes based on the Argentine alpargata design, eyewear, coffee, apparel, and handbags. When Toms sells a pair of shoes, a new pair of shoes is given to an impoverished child, when Toms sells eyewear, part of the profit is used to save or restore eyesight for people in developing countries.Founders:Blake Mycoskie Alejo NittiUnited by Blue For every product sold they remove one pound of trash from oceans and waterways.Founders:Brian Linton Mike CangiWakaWaka One for One solar social enterprise. For every solar array sold, they donate a solar light to a family previously living without access to electricity.Founders:Maurits Groen Camille Van GestelWatsi Builds technology to finance healthcare costs like surgeris through crowdfunding.Founders:Chase Adam Jesse CookeWello Designed a water wheel at affordable prices that increases access to water. Allows users to get twice as much water in half the time vs head- loadingFounders:Cynthia KoenigWildHearts Office Donates a portion of office supply sales to the WildHearts Foundation. They provide price competitive office goods to major companies like Deloitte and Johnson & Johnson.Founders:Mick JacksonVision Spring Sells cheap eye glasses to people in the developing world. Also for every $5 donated to them, they can provide someone access to glasses.Founders:Jordan KassalowZidisha The first online microlending community that directly connects lenders and borrowers — no matter the distance or disparity between them. Allows users to fund people in developing nations capital for projects. For example, you could give $25 for a grocery stand or $100 to a beauty saloonFounders:Julia Kurnia
0 notes
aitaiparty · 7 years
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7/22 Tokyo International Party AlluCanDrink and Free Billiard in Roppongi
On Saturday, July 22, we invite you for the Exciting Fun & Friendly International Meetup Party in Roppongi Stylish ShellRoom Lounge !!!
ADMISSION are FREE (1,000Yen discount) when you order AlluCanDrink!!!
Meet lots of Cool people and make new friends, Click & Connect, Language, Cultures exchange, and opportunities for romance while enjoying All-You-Can-Drink and FREE Games (Billiards, Darts, Jenga etc!) & Snacks at Stylish ShellRoom in Roppongi. Tokyo #1 popular International city "Roppongi" that attracts the friendly crowd.
ShellRoom Lounge have agreed to give us Great Deal for this special event.
Are you looking to increase your circle of Japan Local & International friends?
Meet People & Make Real friends?
Or simply wanna enjoy a party!
------ Aitai Party Video ------
「国際交流, 英語を話す場所も欲しい、、」
と思うなら、まずは大人気のパーティー「 Aitai 」 に来てみよう☆
楽しく無料ゲーム(ビリヤード、ダーツ,Jenga 等々)に参加し、パーティーをもっと楽しくになります♪
【 Party Date】
◆ Saturday, 22 July 2017
◆ 19:00 ~ 22:30 (You Can Stay After Party to enjoy longer)
【Joining Fee】
◆ Admission FREE (1000 discount).
◆ AllUCanDrink: Ladies: 2000Yen. Gentelmen: 2500Yen.
※ AllUCanDrink time 7:30 ~ 10:30 ( 3hrs)
◆ Admission: 1,000¥
◆ Drinks : 500 Yen each one drink.
※ How to join : Click [ going ] on Facebook or [ RSVP ] on meetup.
★★★★★ Attention ★★★★★
Please say that you came from “Aitai” (
) at the reception.
◆ ShellRoom Lounge Bar
◆ Minato-ku Roppongi 3-14-8 下条ビルShimojo Bldg 4F
◆ 4 min walk from Roppongi Station Exit #3 or #5 on Oedo and Hibiya Lines. few blocks after DonkiHote Store.
【Dress Code】
◆ Dress Nicely to impress - Not too casual, Dress to impress. interpret this as you wish!
Note;This is a multi meetup event, more people will join us out of this group to expand our personal connections and happy time.
☆ No worries even if you can't speak Japanese or English. Feel free to come alone or with friends. Business, Expats, Tourists and students are also welcome to join us.
☆ Participation in the middle, exiting halfway, staying after party all OK !!
☆ And Lets Play FREE Games !
☆All You Can Have Fun🎉
☆All You Can Talk English/Japanese 話
☆All You Can Make Friends & People connections~👫~
☆ Snacks Free
☆ Games to play, Billiard and Darts, etc Free
☆ Stylish venue and great music in Roppongi
What Else Do You Like to Do?
After Party Happy time and more~ We will increase the music volume around 11:00 pm to have some dance before the last train!
~ All Cool Friends are waiting for you, come and join our growing happy family ~
Aitai has reserved the entire ShellRoom Lounge with great deal to Drink as much as you can for 3 hrs special low price. Meet and Fun talk with cool Japanese and Multinational friends, And you can stay after the party to enjoy 100% of Friday Roppongi night.
Roppongi is a district located in the Minato Ward (
) of the Tokyo metropolis (
). Roppongi is known for its nightlife (bars, restaurants, and dance clubs). It's also become a shopping destination for travelers and locals alike and attracts a lot of foreign crowd mixed with locals.
ShellRoom Lounge is Stylish and conveniently located within walking distance to the heart of Tokyo Roppongi. Its very Stylish lounge and the atmosphere will be really friendly so easy to speak to fellow members while enjoying the music and the all of the drinks with new friends. Also you can play Billiard and Darts with new friends.
Lets spend 3 hrs of Meeting, Mingling, Fun, Chat, Culture, language exchange, make Friends, partner and business connections. Also you can stay after party for extended fun.
This event is standing/sitting/moving Free Style, so you can easily move and talk with a lots of ppl.
You can join us ANYTIME! But we advice you to come early to enjoy the full course of fun and making more friends.
Aitai パーティーでは東京をベースに生活する様々な人達と出会うチャンスがあります!
☆ フレンドリーな雰囲気のイベント
☆ 初対面でも会話しやすく、すぐに友達ができる♪
☆ チャットタイムがあるので、英語を学べるチャンス!
☆ スナックを無料で提供!
☆ とてもオシャレな雰囲気の広々とした会場!
☆ 六本木でリーズナブルなお値段!
◆ 7月22日 (土曜日) 19:00~22:30
◆ 無料入場 (入場料金1000 割引).
◆ 飲み放題: 女性: 2000Yen. 男性: 2500Yen.
※ 飲み放題の時間 7:30 ~ 10:30 ( 3hrs)
◆ 入場: 1,000¥
◆ 飲み物 : 500 Yen 各ドリンク.
※ 参加予約方法:事前に「Meetup」で[RSVP]をクリック、又は「Facebook」で[参加]をクリック。
★★★★★ お願い ★★★★★
毎回たくさんの人にご参加いただいており受付の混雑が予想されますので、よりスムーズな入場の為、受付で「“Aitai” からです。」と一言お願いします。
◆ ShellRoom Lounge Bar
◆ 東京都港区 六本木3-14-8 下条ビル 4F
◆ 六本木交差点より4分(六本木駅3番出口、5番出口)
(MAP image)
◆ カジュアル過ぎず、素敵にしてね♪
▼ 19:00~: 好きな時間にお店へ直接いらしてください。
▼ 簡単な自己紹介から始め、すべての人が簡単に繋がるようパーティーを進めていきます。
▼ チャットタイムとゲームをお楽しみください。
▼ 気になる人や、話すチャンスがなかった人がいればスタッフに声をかけてください。
「 Aitai 」とは
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
\ \ こんな方におすすめ / /
そして意気投合した人達で次のバーやクラブへ行ったり「 Aitai 」では素敵な出会いや仲間作りをしている人達で溢れています♪
「ShellRoom Lounge」はオシャレで雰囲気がとてもフレンドリー。
当日は「 Aitai 」の為、会場は貸切となっております。
※参加者の方に心地いい空間と時間を提供したいため、各種勧誘、、販売目的・ネットワークビジネス・宗教・強引ナンパやセクシャルハラスメントの方の参加はお断りしています。発見された場合や、その様に思われる場合はスタッフまで声をかけて下さい。 不適切と判断した場合は退場とさせて頂きます。
Organizers refrain from extracting and reprinting some of our party introductory texts or joining the party.
Network Business · Religion · Solicitation Purpose • Sales • Participation by persistent Nanpa or those who are sexual harassment is prohibited. Please notify the staff if found to take the proper action. Please manage your wallet management, physical condition management, all safety control for yourself.
Thank you for your understanding and corporation.
♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡
[Join AitaiParty and become member of this growing International community]:
[AitaiParty の大人気インターナショナルコミュニティーの仲間になってね]
※ Aitai FB Page (ライクLike)
※ FB Profile (友達につながってbecome FB Friend ”Aitai Sami”)
※ LINE (追加、Add イベント情報届く。LINEメンバーだけの特別な得もあります)
@ rik5545w
※ Meetup: (Aitaiイベント情報サイト、Join Aitai event site)
※ Instagram:(フォローしてね Follow us)
※ Public blog page:
※ 検索 Search:
Free Admission
Kid Friendly
インターナショナルパーティー 7 롯본기 롯폰기thingstodoinjapan 일본밤문화 tokyobar 国際交流パーティー 恋活六本木夜 彼氏募集 aitai イベント情報 酒吧 aitaipartyentertainment 会いたい japantravel 코요테어글리 独身roppongibar japantravelnight 六本木 彼女募集 恋人募集 英語婚活 japanclub 롯폰기볼거리 tokyointernationalparty
0 notes
newstfionline · 7 years
He patted a man’s butt in Dubai and faced months in prison—until a royal pardon freed him
By Cleve R. Wootson Jr. and Brian Murphy, Washington Post, October 23, 2017
The criminal offense happened as Jamie Harron was weaving through a Dubai bar in July, balancing a drink--his transgression so small that the British national didn’t know he’d committed a crime until he was almost in handcuffs.
Harron had lost his balance and grabbed a man’s shoulder to keep himself and his drink upright, according to the Associated Press. Apologetically, he claims, he patted the man on his behind.
But it was not over. Police were called. Harron was arrested and was well on his way to being featured in the latest anecdote about just how different things are in Dubai.
Harron, an electrician from Stirling, Scotland, was traveling to Afghanistan for a new job. But what was supposed to be a relaxing two-day layover in Dubai, on the western edge of the Persian Gulf--he’d snapped photos of himself swimming in the Gulf and standing in front of a skyscraper--morphed into a months-long legal battle as Harron was tried, then convicted of sexual assault. He was also accused of raising his middle finger to his accuser as police were en route to the bar.
Harron’s ordeal ended Monday, when the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktum, nullified Harron’s conviction and the three-month jail sentence, the Associated Press reported. Harron was called to the police station (a summons he briefly feared was a trap) and handed his passport, free to leave the emirate whenever he wanted.
While navigating the legal maze, he’d lost his job and accumulated more than $40,000 in legal and other expenses.
“I’ve lost my job, I’m in debt now, I may be going to prison and all this for a two-day stopover,” he told the Independent newspaper. “The whole thing is like a horrible dream and I just don’t know when it is going to end. I thought it would be over by now but it feels like it will never be.
Harron is detained in Dubai, and an aid group that has been working with him applauded the ruler’s move but said the incident illustrates systemic problems in the United Arab Emirates.
“Of course, a fully functional legal system would not require outside intervention, and a case like Jamie’s would never proceed in the first place,” the group said in a statement. “But we are enormously grateful to Sheikh Mohammed for stepping in and vindicating Jamie after months of hardship.”
Legal codes in the United Arab Emirates often ensnare expatriate residents and visitors lulled into assuming that the Western-style amenities--sprawling malls, five-star hotel bars and beach resorts--also mean relaxed rules on public behavior.
Dubai, one of seven emirates that comprise the United Arab Emirates and the hub of the UAE tourist industry, does allow far more latitude on dress codes and other aspects compared with neighboring Persian Gulf nations. But UAE laws are still widely influenced by tribal codes and traditions that leave little flexibility.
Bouncing checks can be punishable by jail time, and women who report sexual assault can end up in legal trouble themselves on charges of having sex outside marriage.
Travel groups and websites have made a cottage industry of listing how to avoid potential trouble in the UAE.
Among the cautionary tales is that of an unmarried British couple found guilty in 2008 of having sex on a beach in Dubai after leaving an all-you-can-drink champagne brunch at a luxury hotel. In another case, a British couple was ordered jailed for a month in 2010 after an Emirati woman complained that they had kissed each other on the mouth in a Dubai restaurant. A couple was once arrested for sending each other “sexy texts.”
Britain’s Foreign Office has put out notices warning travelers to be mindful of local rules while in Dubai.
Last week, Philip Parham, the British ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, issued advice to British travelers, politely and diplomatically reminding them that Dubai’s legal system can be a field of land mines.
“Our travel advice for the UAE explains that local laws and customs are very different to those in the UK and that there may be serious penalties for doing something which may not be illegal in the UK,” he said. “Both our travel advice and our Embassy’s many public awareness-raising campaigns cover some of the specific issues which may arise from differences in laws and customs.”
That travel advice includes such statements as “terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in the UAE” and “showing sympathy for Qatar on social media ... is an offense. Offenders could be imprisoned.”
It is a tricky balancing act for Dubai, the affluent municipality that seeks to boost its economy with tourism dollars from people like Harron. But as Detained in Dubai wrote on its blog, Dubai is also an extremely religiously conservative emirate “with an archaic corrupt legal system used as a corporate jail by the unscrupulous and vindictive.”
For many, Harron’s arrest has served as an unofficial travel advisory.
Harron told the Sun that the justice system in Dubai was in an “absolute shambles.”
But right now, he said, he has more pressing matters than pursuing legal reform in the Middle Eastern country. His flight back to Scotland is on Tuesday. He wants to see his mother.
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aitaiparty · 7 years
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4/21 Aitai Stylish-FunChat-All­uCanDrink&🍗Chic­ken@Roppongi👫 楽放題英語放題飲放題&焼き鳥🍸­
AitaiParty   4月21日(Fri)20:00 ~ 23:00
★*━━━━ ~🍷🍗 ~ FUN Chat Socialize plus AlluCanDrink & Chicken ~👫~ @ Stylish ShellRoom Lounge in Roppongi  
☆All You Can Have Fun🎉
☆All You Can Talk English/Japanese 話
☆All You Can Make Friends & People connections~👫~
☆ Chicken 🍗  Yakitori eat together & Snacks
☆Some Games to play
☆ Stylish venue and music in Roppongi
☆焼き鳥食べながら英語日本語他語おしゃべる放題、友達作り放題、ゲーム遊びながら、音楽ききながらパーティーを開催します! @六本木 のオシャレなShellRoom☆    
What Else Do You Like to Do?
After Party Happy time and more~
~ All Cool Friends are waiting for you, come and join our growing happy family ~
Aitai has reserved the entire JP Bar with great deal to Drink as much as you can for 3 hrs special low price. Meet and Fun talk with cool Japanese and Multinational friends, And you can stay after the party to enjoy 100% of Friday Roppongi night.  
Roppongi is a district located in the Minato Ward of the Tokyo metropolis. Roppongi is known for its nightlife (bars, restaurants, and dance clubs). It's also become a shopping destination for travelers and locals alike and attracts a lot of foreign crowd mixed with locals.
ShellRoom Lounge is Stylish and conveniently located within walking distance to the heart of Tokyo Roppongi. Its very Stylish lounge and the atmosphere will be really friendly so easy to speak to fellow members while enjoying the music and the all of the drinks with new friends. Also you can play Billiard and Darts with new friends.  
Lets spend 3 hrs of Meeting, Mingling, Fun, Chat, Culture, language exchange, make Friends, partner and business connections. Also you can stay after party for extended fun.  
This event is standing/sitting/moving Free Style, so you can easily move and talk with a lots of ppl.
You can join us ANYTIME! But we advice you to come early to enjoy the full course of fun and making more friends.
☆No worries even if you can't speak Japanese or English☆ Feel free to come alone or with friends☆ Business, Expats, Tourists and students are also welcome to join us☆
【 Party Date】:  
■ Friday, 21 April 2017
■   20:00 ~ 23:00  (You Can Stay After Party to enjoy longer)
【Joining Fee】:
■ Ladies: 2,000¥
■ Gentlemen: 2,500¥
※ Above fee includes entry fee & All You Can Drink Fee & Chicken Yakitori.
※ No extra fees. that's all what you pay with all the fun.
※  How to join : Click "going" on Facebook or "RSVP" on meetup.
☆☆☆Attention 注意☆☆☆
Please say that you came from “Aitai”  at the reception.
毎回たくさんの人に参加頂き、受付の混雑が予想されますので、より早くスムーズに入場して頂けるように、入場される際に受付で「“Aitai”  からです”」と言って下さい。  
【Access】 :
■  4 min walk from Roppongi Station Exit #3 or #5 on Oedo and Hibiya Lines. few blocks after DonkiHote Store.
■ ShellRoom Lounge Bar   ■ Minato-ku Roppongi 3-14-8 下条ビルShimojo Bldg 4F
【Dress Code】: ■ Dress Nicely to impress - Not too casual, Dress to impress. interpret this as you wish!
Note;This is a multi meetup event, more people will join us out of this group to expand our personal connections and happy time.  
~~~Aitai  ~~~ 
大人気!Aitaiインターナショナルパーティー! お洒落なラウンジで他には無い楽しく素敵なパーティを開催★
インターナショナル交流、友達作り、素敵な出会い、英語/日本語の交流、楽しくパーティーしたい人に。 もちろんその他の繋がり、ビジネス、パートナー、将来への繋がりなどなど、ネットワーク作り、人と人との出会いを通じて毎日の交流の枠を超えた新しいメンバーとの時間をご満喫ください。 当日は Aitai の為,貸切となっております。 パーティーはたっぷり3時間ございます。 もちろんその後そのまま残ることも可能です。
ShellRoom Lounge はオシャレで雰囲気とてもフレンドリー. 東京六本木の中心部に徒歩圏内という便利なアクセスです。 とても素敵で音楽を楽しんだり、新しい友達と一緒に飲み物を楽しんだりすることができます★
【日時】   ■ 4月21日 (金曜日)  20:00~23:00    (パーティー後に残って、もっと楽しんだり、踊ったり) ※途中参加、途中退出、居残りOKです!!
【会費】 ■ 女性:2,000円
■ 男性:2,500円
※  入場とドリンク飲み放題会費に込み、と焼き鳥。
※  それ以上費かかりません
※  参加予約方法:事前にMeetupで"RSVP"をクリック、Facebookで"参加"をクリック。
☆☆☆Attention 注意☆☆☆
毎回たくさんの人に参加頂き、受付の混雑が予想されますので、より早くスムーズに入場して頂けるように、入場される際に受付で「“Aitai”  からです”」と一言お願いいたします。
■ ShellRoom Lounge Bar  
■  東京都港区 六本木3-14-8 下条ビル 4F
■ 六本木交差点より4分(六本木駅3 や5番出口), ドンキホテーちょっと過ぎ。
[ドレスコード]: ■ カジュアルすぎないこと, 素敵にしてね。 自分を印象的が見えるものでお願いします。(この解釈は各自におまかせします)  
(MAP image)
【注意事項-Attention】 ※コンテンツ、内容は変更になる場合も御座います。予めご了承ください。
※貴重品の管理や体調管理、全ての安全管理は各自で行って下さい。 ※参加者の方に心地いい空間と時間を提供したいため、各種勧誘、、販売目的・ネットワークビジネス・宗教・強引ナンパやセクシャルハラスメントの方の参加はお断りしています。発見された場合や、その様に思われる場合はスタッフまで声をかけて下さい。 不適切と判断した場合は退場とさせて頂きます。
Network Business · Religion · Solicitation Purpose • Sales • Participation by persistent Nanpa or those who are sexual harassment is prohibited. Please notify the staff if found to take the proper action. Please manage your wallet management, physical condition management, all safety control for yourself. Thank you for your understanding and corporation.
♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡
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[AitaiParty の大人気インターナショナル­コミュニティーの仲間になってね]
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※  FB Profile (友達につながってbecome FB Friend ”Aitai Sami”) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012110051655
※  LINE (追加、Add イベント情報届く。LINEメンバーだけの特別な得もあります) https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40rik5545w
 @ rik5545w
※  Meetup: (Aitaiイベント情報サイト、Join Aitai event site) https://www.meetup.com/AitaiParty
※  Instagram:(フォローしてね Follow us) https://www.instagram.com/aitaiparty/
※  Public blog page:
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LINE Code: scan it & become our LINE friend.
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aitaiparty · 7 years
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🍸4/14 Aitai FriendsParty-FunChat AlluCanDrink&🍗 Chicken@Roppongi👫 楽放題英語放題飲放題&焼き鳥
AitaiParty   4月14日(Fri)20:00 ~ 23:00
★*━━━━━━━━━ ~🍷🍗 ~ FUN Chat Socialize plus AlluCanDrink & Chicken ~👫~
☆All You Can Have Fun🎉
☆All You Can Talk English/Japanese 話
☆All You Can Make Japanese/International Friends & People connections~👫~
☆ Chicken 🍗  Yakitori eat together
☆Some Games to play
☆ Cool venue and music in Roppongi
焼き鳥食べながら英語日本語他語おしゃべる放題、友達作り放題、ゲーム遊びながら、音楽ききながらパーティーを開催します! @六本木 の素敵なJPBar .    
What Else Do You Like to DO?
After Party Happy time and more~
~ All Cool Friends are waiting for you, come and join our growing happy family ~
Aitai has reserved the entire JP Bar with great deal to Drink as much as you can for 3 hrs special low price. Meet and Fun talk with cool Japanese and Multinational friends, And you can stay after the party to enjoy 100% of Friday Roppongi night.
Roppongi is a district located in the Minato Ward of the Tokyo metropolis. Roppongi is known for its nightlife (bars, restaurants, and dance clubs). It's also become a shopping destination for travelers and locals alike and attracts a lot of foreign crowd mixed with locals.
JP Bar is conveniently located within walking distance to the heart of Tokyo Roppongi. The atmosphere is very nice and friendly and It's so easy to speak to fellow members while enjoying the cool music.
Lets spend 3 hrs of Meeting, Mingling, Fun, Chat, Culture, language exchange, make Friends, partner and business connections. Also you can stay after party for extended fun.  
This event is standing/sitting/moving Free Style, so you can easily move and talk with a lots of ppl.
You can join us ANYTIME! But we advice you to come early to enjoy the full course of fun and making more friends.
☆No worries even if you can't speak Japanese or English☆ Feel free to come alone or with friends☆ Business, Expats, Tourists and students are also welcome to join us☆
【 Party Date】:  
■ Friday, 14 April 2017
■   20:00 ~ 23:00  (You Can Stay After Party to enjoy longer)
【Joining Fee】:
■ Ladies: 2,000¥
■ Gentlemen: 2,500¥
※ Above fee includes entry fee & All You Can Drink Fee & Chicken Yakitori.
※ No extra fees. that's all what you pay with all the fun.
※  How to join : Click "going" on Facebook or "RSVP" on meetup.
☆☆☆Attention 注意☆☆☆
Please say that you came from “Aitai”  at the reception.
毎回たくさんの人に参加頂き、受付の混雑が予想されますので、より早くスムーズに入場して頂けるように、入場される際に受付で「“Aitai”  からです”」と言って下さい。  
【Access】 :
■  4 min walk from Roppongi Station Exit #3 or #5 on Oedo and Hibiya Lines. few blocks after DonkiHote Store.
【Venue】: ■ JP Bar  ■ Minato-ku Roppongi 3-15-21   Yoko Central Roppongi Bldg 6F.   【Map】:   https://goo.gl/maps/AEzkEiCQDqF2   【Dress Code】: ■ Dress Nicely to impress - Not too casual, Dress to impress. interpret this as you wish!
Note;This is a multi meetup event, more people will join us out of this group to expand our personal connections and happy time.  
~~~Aitai  ~~~ 
大人気!Aitaiインターナショナルパーティー! お洒落なラウンジで他には無い楽しく素敵なパーティを開催★
インターナショナル交流、友達作り、素敵な出会い、英語/日本語の交流、楽しくパーティーしたい人に。 もちろんその他の繋がり、ビジネス、パートナー、将来への繋がりなどなど、ネットワーク作り、人と人との出会いを通じて毎日の交流の枠を超えた新しいメンバーとの時間をご満喫ください。 当日は Aitai の為,貸切となっております。 パーティーはたっぷり3時間ございます。 もちろんその後そのまま残ることも可能です。
【JP Bar とは...】東京六本木の中心部に徒歩圏内という便利なアクセスです。 とても素敵な雰囲気は、本当にフレンドリーで音楽を楽しんだり、新しい友達と一緒に飲み物を楽しんだりすることができます★
イベントスタイルは、立ったり、座ったり、全参加者と会話したり、自由に皆で楽しく過ごせるよう、イベントオーガナイザーも皆さんの素敵な交流のお手伝いをさせていただきます。 また、相談・ご意見などがあれば、お気楽にオーガナイザーへ声をかけて下さい。
【日時】   ■ 4月14日 (金曜日)  20:00~22:30    (パーティー後に残って、もっと楽しんだり、踊ったり) ※途中参加、途中退出、居残りOKです!!
【会費】 ■ 女性:2,000円
■ 男性:2,500円
※  入場とドリンク飲み放題会費に込み、と焼き鳥。
※  それ以上費かかりません
※  参加予約方法:事前にMeetupで"RSVP"をクリック、Facebookで"参加"をクリック。
☆☆☆Attention 注意☆☆☆
毎回たくさんの人に参加頂き、受付の混雑が予想されますので、より早くスムーズに入場して頂けるように、入場される際に受付で「“Aitai”  からです”」と一言お願いいたします。
■  JP Bar (Roppongi) 【アクセス】: ■  東京都港区六本木3-15-21   Yoko Central Roppongi Bldg 6F   ■ 六本木交差点より4分(六本木駅3 や5番出口), ドンキホテー過ぎて、信号渡ったところのビル6F。 ビルの1Fは”WaltStreet Bar"です。   【Map】: https://goo.gl/maps/AEzkEiCQDqF2   [ドレスコード]: ■ カジュアルすぎないこと, 素敵にしてね。 自分を印象的が見えるものでお願いします。(この解釈は各自におまかせします)  
(MAP image)
【注意事項-Attention】 ※コンテンツ、内容は変更になる場合も御座います。予めご了承ください。
※貴重品の管理や体調管理、全ての安全管理は各自で行って下さい。 ※参加者の方に心地いい空間と時間を提供したいため、各種勧誘、、販売目的・ネットワークビジネス・宗教・強引ナンパやセクシャルハラスメントの方の参加はお断りしています。発見された場合や、その様に思われる場合はスタッフまで声をかけて下さい。 不適切と判断した場合は退場とさせて頂きます。
Network Business · Religion · Solicitation Purpose • Sales • Participation by persistent Nanpa or those who are sexual harassment is prohibited. Please notify the staff if found to take the proper action. Please manage your wallet management, physical condition management, all safety control for yourself. Thank you for your understanding and corporation.
♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡__♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡_ ♡
[Join AitaiParty and become member of this growing International community]:
[AitaiParty の大人気インターナショナル­コミュニティーの仲間になってね]
※  Aitai FB Page (ライクLike)
※  FB Profile (友達につながってbecome FB Friend ”Aitai Sami”) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012110051655
※  LINE (追加、Add イベント情報届く。LINEメンバーだけの特別な得もあります) https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40rik5545w
 @ rik5545w
※  Meetup: (Aitaiイベント情報サイト、Join Aitai event site) https://www.meetup.com/AitaiParty
※  Instagram:(フォローしてね Follow us) https://www.instagram.com/aitaiparty/
※  Public blog page:
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