#and also the users of gray mirror as well as the character who decided to purge everyone using gray mirror reflect twitter cancel culture
misclogarts · 11 hours
i think i like ptn's gray mirror event so much because it reflects how genuinely weird online culture is and how it can bleed into and affect reality (ultra long ramble in the tags. it cuts off abruptly because i hit the tag limit unwittingly and tumblr didn't warn me beforehand 😭👍)
#itlogthoughts#thinking about it again because i got recommended a video of chris-chan's arrest in my yt recommendations#and let me say. it's genuinely insane how little privacy she has like a crowd of people just knew she was#staying at that hotel? motel? and were waiting outside like vultures and taking videos of her arrest as it happened#and it makes me worry like why. do you have her current location. why are you monitoring her life like that.#i mean she isn't a good person by any means but if you look into her family history if she were given more positive#attention by her parents and treated more kindly by the people around her she wouldn't be like this 😭#it's horrifying to me how people were actively trolling her online just for fun 😭 that and the person who catfished her#into sending her sonichu medallion to them only for them to break it was pretty fucked up ngl#i am by no means defending her actions but at the same time people online scare me because genuinely it's like if you give some people#the option to be anonymous they'd spend their free time tormenting already clearly troubled people 😭 chris-chan#responding was only making it worse and while all of this could have been prevented if she just. didn't. it wouldn't even be a problem if#people didn't pester her either 😭#ok back to gray mirror it's also like. reminding me of twitter and cancel culture and how callout posts#circle online in an attempt to deplatform public figures. some deserved while others are ... not really warranted at all#in the case of gray mirror the aspect of the event that reflects this is the 'perfrct vote' system where users#can put people up for 'voting' and if they get enough negative (inferior) votes they will literally be killed irl#the best example of this is simon/hot toddy_815 who would use the gray mirror forum to 'purge' users who HE deemed#was a threat to the safety of eastside. and more often than not the people he purged were actually innocent people#and also the users of gray mirror as well as the character who decided to purge everyone using gray mirror reflect twitter cancel culture#the anonymity that social media provides has its ups (for example if you live in a homophobic/transphobic household while being a member of#the lgbtq+ community you can learn more about yourself and conmect to the same kind of people safely online) but of course it has its downs#(namely people taking on fake names and personas to harass other people)#back to how this bleeds into reality is like. once cheif's identity is exposed people start actively tormenting her irl#even one going as far as to hurl a rock at them. but in reality tey're just a coward as shown by them scampering away when they mention the#are being recorded. most of the things people say online would not be something they would say irl becauss their actions would actually hav#consequences. being anonymous gives them the protection they need to do or say the shit they do online#i've had this topic on my mind for a while now and i finally have the words to voice it so hi guys here's a long rant about it haha#it's hard to cite specific examples personally because lately i haven't been keeping up with online drama all that much#(and if i catch wind of it it's either a. i've already heard of the case beforehand and this is just an update or b. it just so happens to
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taeddybearkim · 5 years
The Hidden World // Part Seven
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Genre: Hogwarts!AU, occasional angst & comedy, fluff
Pairing: Jongdae x Female Reader, ft. EXO
A/N: Well hello there, it’s been a while. I started this series with really good ideas but now I’m kind of stuck. Oh well. The end is near.
Warning: character death
Series Masterlist
Y/N’s Point of View
The speed at which I dashed out of the library was truly incredible. Not only did I give neither of the twins a chance to speak, but I myself barely had time to take a deep breath before I ran out of the double doors, probably pissing off multiple library users that were present at that time. I decided to stop running once I was at the bridge that separated the main grounds from the outer grounds.
Trying to catch my breath, I looked down on the river and the countless trees that were surrounding it, all tinted with the slightest touch of the morning fog.
Well, there you have it Y/N, Jongdae is your soulmate.
For the first time in my life, I was mad at my inner voice for being right. 
I don’t feel ready for this.
My grip tightened on the railing as I closed my eyes, still trying to breathe at a normal pace, and gather my scattered thoughts. Even the blackness of my closed eyes was suffocating.
I was so zoned out that I didn’t even notice the footsteps approaching. “Bad day already? It’s only 8 in the morning.”
Professor Lupin landed on my line of sight, with his neatly combed hair and charismatic coat. He looked like one of those sad characters mentioned in books had come to life, but in reality, he didn’t look that sad at all. Just melancholic.
Book character or not, Professor Lupin was someone I knew that I could trust without doubt. Despite his past and his other self being exposed to the entirety of the school, the other teachers and the students had chosen to accept him, because all the good he had done outweighed whatever trouble he had gotten himself into.
“Just... a lot on my mind, Professor.” I tried to form a smile that would mirror his, but failed miserably.
“Oh dear, I know the feeling.” He nodded with a solemn expression. “Take a walk with me, won’t you? What time does your class start?”
“I still have some time.”
“Wonderful.” He cracked another small smile, before trudging up next to me so we could walk together.
“So tell me, what is going on inside that incredibly smart brain of yours?” he spoke after we had finished crossing the bridge towards the light areas of the forest.
“I think I may have found a way to reach out to my parents, to know what they were like,” I said, without giving much detail, but it wasn’t like he needed it anyway.
“Ah yes, I think Professor Trelawney mentioned that the other day while she was looking for Professor Slughorn. I am happy for you, dear Y/N.” Another smile, before he answered the question that had formed in my mind. “I overheard her in the Teacher’s Lounge. I think she may have your ingredients ready, so I would suggest you pay her a visit later today.”
“Thank you, Professor.” I was finally able to smile again.
“That can’t be all of it now, can it? The Y/N I know wouldn’t fuss over this.” He looked at me, an eyebrow raised.
“There’s... also other parts of my past that I have recently remembered. And that past includes someone that I was really close with.”
“An old relationship, I see. Is this person someone you care about?”
“A lot. In fact, he’s even my--” 
I stopped, realizing what I was about to say, and praying that Professor Lupin hadn’t caught on. To my dismay, the grin on his face told me he had.
“This person is your special someone, huh?” He winked, causing me to shift my gaze in embarrassment. I wasn’t ready for this at all.
“I see that you do not feel ready to bear this burden. But let me tell you, love is not a burden, dear Y/N.” He motioned with his arms for me to walk next to him again, as he led us down a path donned with vivid flowers and sweet trees.
“It may feel like a weird obligation at first, but nobody is telling you to jump into something that you don’t feel ready for. You have all the time in the world to make up your mind. But at the end of the day, if you and this person were truly meant for each other, you will regret not being there for them sooner.”
His gaze fell on one of the cluster of flowers as we came to a slow stop. I could tell that he was heartbroken before, too.
“I’m... so sorry, Professor, for whatever happened in your past.”
“How did you know?” His head shot back up at me, slightly surprised.
“You sounded like you were speaking from experience. I’m sorry. And also, thank you for sharing this beautiful insight. I will definitely consider it.” It was my turn to smile.
“I know you will, Y/N.” The smile on his face was back too, as we finally made it back to the bridge and started crossing it once more to the main grounds.
[Later that day]
Professor Trelawney was waiting for me when I walked into her class at the end of my schedule. My whole day was spent dodging any interaction with Jongdae and the rest of the boys, so I was pretty tired as I slouched onto one of her puff seats.
“There you are, Miss Y/N. Catch your breath for a bit, the potion is almost ready.” She looked up at me through her giant spectacles as she continued to mix a cauldron in front of her. I did as I was told, resting my back and my eyes before she announced that it was ready.
“Are you ready, my dear?” she asked, as she held a vial full of the potion in front of me.
No. Not at all.
“Yes. I am ready.”
The potion blurred my vision and shifted it into a haze. My mind raced at a million thoughts per second, before I focused on what I was specifically trying to remember.
“My parents,” I whispered to myself, and soon after, the blur faded into a clear view of a room with gray and blue walls, centered around a baby’s crib in the middle. On another bed nearby, a pale-looking woman lay on her side as she watched the baby in the crib with endless adoration and affection in her eyes. Her eyes were the same color as mine, down to the tone. She still had the small bump of having carried her baby inside for 9 months, so she must have recently given birth.
“Vera, we have to leave, quickly!”
A man burst in through the plain door, looking frantic. He had the same nose shape and hair color that I did; even his movements seemed similar to mine.
“What is it?” The woman stood up slowly, waiting for an answer.
“The town, they’ve gone wild. They’re hunting down every witch and wizard to execute them in the town square! We have to get out of here as quickly as possible!”
The woman barely had time to place her baby in a traveling basket before there were the sounds of knocks and shouting coming from another door nearby. The man and the woman shared a quick look and then, without even thinking, both of them jumped out of the open window, the woman clutching the basket close to her chest as the door to their room burst open upon the rowdiness of the mob behind it.
Both the man and the woman looked badly injured from the fall, while the baby simply watched without a single sound. It had no idea what was going on.
The couple began running at full speed, assisted by their magic, to get out of the town as quickly as possible. They managed to zoom through the mobs and entered the next town, then the next, then the one after that.
Nowhere seemed safe. All of the towns that they had passed seemed to house the same anger of the mob that they had escaped back in their temporary home. Temporary, because it seemed like they were moving around a lot, given that they had so little to pack and carry with them.
“We can’t keep running like this forever,” the man spoke, when they had finally come to rest on top of a hill. “They are catching up to us, I can feel it. We aren’t safe, no matter where we go.”
The couple shared a gaze before both of their eyes fell onto their baby, who was asleep in the basket.
“Our baby. We need to keep her out of this.” The woman choked back a sob, but her eyes were already filled with tears to the brim.
“We can take her somewhere nobody knows her, away from growing up with us and all the magic folk in town. Somewhere like...” His wandering gaze finally landed upon the building that was also located at the top of that hill. “... an orphanage.”
“But she’s not an orphan, Atticus!” The woman finally burst. “She’s our baby! She’s our daughter, Y/N!”
“I know, Vera, and she always will be. But this is for her safety.” The couple shared a sad hug and a short kiss, before they both stood up after the woman gave a small nod.
“For her future,” she whispered, and the man whispered it back.
They set the baby’s basket in front of a building that read Madam Rosemary’s Orphanage, giving her lots of kisses and hugs before the sound of a mob grew louder in the distance.
“Together?” Atticus asked, as they slowed their pace to a casual walk, still walking away from the mob but with a sense of surrender.
“Forever.” Vera replied, as they both held hands with the mob growing ever louder, closing the distance between them and the couple.
When my vision shifted back to normal, I was crying.
I was crying so much that my eyes felt like there were no more tears left inside, and instead I was crying out blood.
“Oh, my sweet Y/N!” I barely noticed Professor Trelawney wrapping me in a tight hug, but I returned it nonetheless, the tears showing no sign of stopping.
“Are you alright, dear? Do you need me to escort you back to the dorms?” Professor asked as she drew back a little bit.
Composing myself, at least in the slightest, I shook my head to say no.
“What did you see, dear? Would you like to talk about it?”
“They died,” was all I could mutter repeatedly. “They died to save me. They died because people were hunting them down.”
“They died to give you a better future,” Professor Trelawney held me by my arms. “And look at you now. The top student in all of her classes. A marvel of the magical world at such a young age.”
Her praises snapped me out of my endless repeat of the phrase “They died” and caused me to crack a small smile. “Thank you, Professor. You overpraise me.”
“Nonsense,” she waved. “Now get back to your dorm, and take a nice, long nap. It will help you process things. Drink a cup of tea, if that helps. Or do anything that you do to relax your mind.”
“Thanks again, Professor,” I said as I got up shakily. “I will.”
“Off you go, then. Take care of yourself, will you?”
I nodded before leaving her class with a final wave.
The Gryffindor Common Room was not that crowded when I arrived, not that I cared anyway, because my mind was too preoccupied with what I had learned about my parents today. I didn’t even notice bumping into someone that was standing on my route towards the Girls Dormitories.
That sweet voice, the one that I had heard a click! with just this morning.
Oh, this is absolutely fantastic.
“I’m sorry, Jongdae, I really don’t have time for this right now.” I tried to push past him but the other guys had already surrounded us, looking equally concerned.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Junmyeon tried to reach out and touch my arm, but I quickly yanked it back and pushed past Kyungsoo and Sehun to reach the stairs.
“I’m sorry. I just want to be alone,” I muttered, before climbing up the stairs without a second glance. My tears had betrayed me once again.
“Y/N, wait!” I heard Jongdae shouting out, as well as his footsteps, before they were stopped.
“Let her go, Jongdae,” Chanyeol’s deep voice filled my ears before I finally reached my room. “She said she wanted to be alone.”
None of my roommates were back yet, so I took the liberty to kneel down on the ground as my sobs finally took over. I was crying again, so much that I was shaking against the floor. I managed to pull myself up and jumped right into my bed, hoping that suffocating under my blanket would distract me from the pain in my heart.
A few days had passed before I finally had the courage to speak with Jongdae and the other boys. I only spoke to Jongdae first, forgetting about the fact that we had felt the click of being each other’s soulmates, and thankfully, he didn’t bring it up either. I knew I would talk with him about that later, I wasn’t planning on completely overlooking it. But for now, it had to be pushed aside.
One night, I came down to the Common Room because I was cold and wanted to sit in front of the fire. I didn’t expect Jongdae to be there, sitting on the window sill all by himself. That was when I decided to talk to him again, and I told him the story of my parents. I teared up again, but Jongdae was there to wipe them and embrace me with all of his warmth. There was something exceedingly familiar about his embrace, yet distant at the same time. His arms felt like home, even though I didn’t know what that was, but they also felt like a completely foreign yet sweet sensation. We stayed like that for a while, the heat from the fire matching the warmness we shared between each other’s arms.
“I’m sure that your parents are looking down on us and smiling from Heaven right now,” Jongdae spoke, his voice softer than the feathers of a pillow.
“You really think so?” I asked, it was a childish question really, but I was too emotional to care.
“I know for a fact that they are. They sound like they were beautiful people, Y/N, and it reflects onto their beautiful daughter.”
Jongdae’s cheeks flushed red after realizing what he had said, but he seemed too locked into my embrace to run away and hide in embarrassment.
“On the inside or the outside?” I asked, slightly wiggling my eyebrows.
“You must already be fine if you’re in the mood to be cracking these kind of jokes,” Jongdae laughed. I was definitely feeling better, now that he was beside me. “I’ll say both.”
I smiled, before speaking again. “Aren’t you mad at me?”
He looked confused. “What reason would I have to be mad at you?”
“I completely ignored you and the guys for a couple days,” I looked down in guilt. “I’m sorry. This wasn’t your fault, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“Y/N, I’m not mad.” He tightened his arms around me. “And you don’t need to feel sorry. I’ll admit that I felt like a useless piece of garbage without you around, or being able to help you, but I know that it was because you needed to recover on your own. And here you are.” His smile shone brighter than the fire beside us.��“Besides, with people like Baekhyun and Chanyeol around, it’s so easy to get caught up in completely unrelated things.” We both laughed.
“I have so many things I want to tell you,” I told him, after finally catching his gaze.
“Take all the time you need.” He smiled, glancing at one eye, then the other. “I would love to hear every single word you have to say.”
I smiled, feeling lighter than before. Jongdae was such an understanding person.
“Even if I say ‘useless piece of garbage’? That’s solid, I might use that to insult somebody.” I grinned to myself.
Jongdae caught on as well, grinning along with me. “Oh yeah? I’ll have to find something in response then.”
“I’m sure you will.” A tiny yawn came out of me as I rested my head against Jongdae’s shoulder. We stood like that for a while, feeling each other’s body heat become one.
“Go back to bed. It’s getting late.”
“What about you?” I asked, looking up to his face.
“I have a little bit of studying to do.” He nodded towards the notebooks piled near the window sill, which I hadn’t noticed before. “I’ll go to bed soon, I promise.”
“You better.” Another yawn. Jongdae ruffled my hair as he helped me get back up.
“Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams.” We exchanged a final wave before I started climbing up the stairs, Jongdae’s eyes on me until I was out of his sight.
A/N: Greetings, my dear friends. I know this chapter was shorter than the other ones but the series is truly coming to an end. Be on the lookout for the finale soon!
Asks/requests are open!
-  ~.~
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Chapter 1
It was an average day just like any other. The weather was fair with a gentle breeze, traffic within the city was light, and even gas magically managed to avoid increasing in price. The only thing out of the ordinary was that Richard Cobble was at home instead of working at his office. He even managed to find a pair of faded jeans and a plain, light blue t-shirt to wear instead of his usual pressed suit.
Richard was on a step ladder in his living room trying to set up a security camera. He was having a tough time due to the fact that he had no idea what he was doing and the only instructions he was getting was via the phone from his secretary, Drew Mason. He had the phone smashed between his ear and shoulder, angling his head awkwardly so he wouldn’t drop it.
“Okay, okay. I have it secured to the wall,” Richard explained.
“That’s good, Mr. Cobble. Everything should be ready. Now all you have to do is set up the connection between the camera and your phone.”
Richard gave a grunt as his response and carefully stepped down from the step ladder. Keeping the phone on his shoulder, he quickly folded the ladder and gently set is against the wall to avoid tripping over it later. He used his hand to remove the phone from his shoulder and pressed the “home” button on his touch screen and tapped his surveillance app. The app made a tiny “ping” noise as it opened and the screen loaded with two empty white bars. One labeled “email” and the other “password” and in tiny print below the second bar read “new user.”
Richard explained what was on his phone screen to Drew, “The next step, Mr. Cobble, is to tap the ‘new user’ and create a new account.”
“Simple enough,” he replied and did just that. After putting in his email and desired password, he also added his and his secretary’s number in case of an emergency. “Now it says to ‘set up connection with security device.’ How do I do that?”
“One moment, sir,” came Drew’s quick reply. Richard could hear her fingers typing quickly on her keyboard. After a moment of silence she picked the phone back up. “What you need to do now is switch the connection option on your computer to ‘on’.”
“My computer? Why would I need to do that?”
“Mr. Cobble, the security system you just installed should have come with a disc to set up a program on your computer.”
“Oh, that,” Richard looked around on his desk to find the disk, but was stumped when he didn't find it where he thought he put it. Checking under the desk, Richard heard the soft chime of a bell. Leaning up to look at the direction of the noise, he saw his cat perched on the arm of the couch with the disc in her mouth. “I found it, but there’s a slight problem.”
“What is it?”
“Princess has it.”
“Oh dear,” Drew replied dreadfully. Her boss’s cat was a lovely social Persian, but once she had a hold of something, she became a vicious tiger when someone tried to take it away from her. Retrieving the disc wasn’t going to be easy, especially since she wasn’t declawed.
Richard’s brow began to sweat a little at the nervous prospect of trying to retrieve the disc. Princess didn’t notice her owner’s stare and started to chew on her new toy. Richard slowly stood up and set down the phone with Drew still on the line. Drew could hear the floor creak as her boss slowly approached the feline. As the steps started to fade away she could hear him talk to the cat, “Hiya, Princess! Who’s a good kitty kitty? Daddy is just going to take that disc from you . . .”
Richard’s words began to fade as he continued to walk farther away from the phone. For a few moments Drew couldn’t hear anything at all, but suddenly she heard a loud hiss and an ever louder “SHIT” followed by all sorts of banging. She could have sworn she heard something smash but she was more concerned over the running stomps.
These noises went on for a few minutes and Drew was entertaining the idea of leaving work to assist her boss, but she snapped to attention when she heard heavy footsteps rapidly approach the phone. “Screw it,” he gasped, clearly out of breath. “That monster can keep the damn thing. I’m heading over to Ted’s office.”
“Is everything alright?” Drew asked alarmingly. “Why do you need to go to his office?”
“Ted stole my house key a few days ago and catnapped Princess. I’m going to snoop around in his office and make sure he didn’t make a copy.”
Before Drew could change his mind he hung up. He knew going to Ted’s office was a bad idea, but it’s not like he could send anyone else to do it. They don’t know what the key looked like and he wasn’t going to hand over his only copy for a reference. He sighed as he pocketed his phone, hoping the noise would help motivate him to get started. He opened his front door and made sure to lock it behind him, jiggling the doorknob to double check the safety of his home.
Not feeling like driving, he walked down his driveway and turned right along the sidewalk. He continued in that direction for about a block when he spotted a taxi and quickly signaled it over. It only took a few moments for the cab to pull up next to him. He opened the door and sat inside with a huff and told the driver the address to Stone Industries. The cabbie nodded and pulled away, giving Richard the opportunity to relax and look out the window. Traffic was a little congested so Richard took his time looking at the city and letting his mind wander.
One of the first things he noticed was all the graffiti. A lot of the vandals clearly had talent and the vivid colors added life to the otherwise gray neighborhood. His favorite was an amusing caricature of his favorite childhood cartoon; a crime fighting duck with a purple outfit, complete with a mask. The caricature had the character’s hat just a little too big and the rest of the body looked like a child wearing adult clothes.
Richard remembered how he and Theodore used to watch the show every Saturday together when they were kids. Richard’s mother was an excellent seamstress and made the costumes of their favorite avian hero and his nemesis. Richard would be the hero and Ted would be the villain. For a nice kid, Ted had perfected the “evil villain”. voice and would often scare his own mother with it.
Richard chuckled at the memory and that giddiness soon became sadness. He and Ted were best friends all the way to college, but they had a falling out and haven’t spoken to each other since. Well, until a few days ago that is. Richard hadn’t heard from Ted in eight years and the first thing he does to get his attention was to break into his house and steal his cat.
He noticed that the cabbie was parking and quickly paid the man and included a nice tip. With a happy smile and words of appreciation, the cabbie drove off. Richard turned away from the road and looked behind him to stare at Ted’s building. He whistled his admiration and counted roughly thirty floors. He was here once before when Ted tricked him into visiting, but he never actually took a good look at the building. Richard’s building had 10 floors, but he knew Ted didn’t care about appearances. Ted cared about getting the job done and Richard really liked that about him.
Steeling himself, Richard finally decided that it was time to head inside and walked through the revolving doors. The ground floor was a giant lobby and reminded him of an airport. There were people walking around everywhere. Not a single place seemed devoid of movement. It was very large with a high ceiling and there were luxurious couches and loveseats strategically placed against the walls. The floor looked like white marble and in the center was a large fountain with a small pool to collect thrown change. Instead of having an angel or Greek hero on the fountain it was a howling dog with a stream of water coming out of the mouth. The wallpaper was white with gold trim and there was even a giant chandelier hanging above the fountain. To his right, he noticed a map pinned neatly to the wall. He gladly approached it and noticed that on the 5th floor was an indoor pool. What kind of business was this?
“Can I help you, sir?”
Richard started at the sudden voice and turned to his left to see a smartly dressed young woman with black hair and blue dyed tips. He saw this woman before when he rescued his cat, but didn’t pay her much attention. Now that she was standing right beside him, there was something familiar about her. “Uh,” came his genius reply.
“Do you need help finding anything, sir?”
“No, uh, I was looking over the map to see how large this place really is.”
She gave him a kind smile, “This place is relatively new and the owner, Mr. Stone, is thinking of expanding and starting a chain.”
Richard paused at that and tilted his head slightly, “What kind of business is this place?”
“It’s a grand hotel, sir.”
That made him scrunch his face in confusion, “A grand hotel? Why is it named Stone Industries?”
The woman looked like she was trying her best not to smile at his expression, “The previous owner, Fletcher Stone, used to sell cars here, but when Mr. Stone inherited the business, he changed it into a hotel instead.”
Richard couldn’t believe why Ted would even want to run a hotel. The man hated hard work. “Thank you for the information.”
“Anything else I can help you with, sir?”
“No, thank you.”
With a polite nod, the woman headed toward the front of the lobby and sat behind a huge desk, leaving only her head and shoulders visible. She adjusted her glasses and answered a phone the moment it started to ring.
With a swift glance around the lobby, Richard spotted the elevator and headed inside. It was a large elevator with the top half of the walls covered in mirrors and the bottom half followed the same white and gold theme as the lobby. Richard expected someone to be working the elevator, but no one was present so he went ahead and pressed the button to the top floor.
The elevator shook slightly as it started to climb and Richard was delighted to notice that the elevator music was classical and not that garbage other elevators seem to have. The particular music being played was “Ave Maria” by Bach and Richard thoroughly loved this piece. To increase his mood, the elevator arrived to the top floor just as the music ended. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. The elevator shook once more as it stopped and the doors opened with a light “ding.”
Stepping out of the elevator, Richard was surprised to see how little staff was up here. He saw only three people and a fourth desk that was empty. He wondered briefly who usually sat there, but he decided that he didn’t care and headed toward Ted’s office at the end of the hall. As the walked past the three desk workers, he expected them to try and stop him, but they didn’t even look at him as he walked by.
He knocked gently on the door and when no one answered he poked his head in and scanned the area. Relieved to see it empty, he stepped inside and gently shut the door. He made a beeline to Ted’s desk and started to investigate every drawer he saw. He was able to look through half of them before he heard the door open. Cursing himself for not being more alert, he stood up slowly from behind the desk to see who came in and cursed himself again when he noticed it was a security officer.
“Hello, officer,” Richard managed to greet with a sincere tone.
“I’ve been following you since you came into the building. I need you to get on your knees and put your hands behind your head,” the officer replied as he produced a pair of handcuffs from his belt.
“Do you have any idea who I am? I am Richard Cobble, owner of Cobble Publishing.”
“Sure you are, please make this easy for the both of us and comply. I’d rather not make a scene.”
Richard was flabbergasted that this man had no idea who he was and that’s when he realized that he never changed out of his jeans and t-shirt. Cursing himself a third time, he was about to obey his orders when Ted walked into his office.
“There you are!” Ted greeted cheerfully. He quickly approached Richard with a concerned expression, “I told you to wait for me in the lobby! You could have gotten lost!”
Richard was too stunned to speak. The officer was just as confused, “Do you know this thief, Mr. Stone?”
“Thief! Why this man is my cousin! You’ve been working for me for a few months and I figured you knew how to recognize wealthy men by now.”
The officer had a deadpan look on his face, “Wealthy? This guy?” His gaze darted to Richard, judging his cheap shirt and dirty jeans, then to Ted, who was wearing a business suit.
Ted shook his pointer finger at the officer and “tsked” at him, “Mr. Huff, I asked him to dress casually. We haven’t seen each other in a long time so I wanted to take him out to dinner.” Ted paused for a moment and tilted his head to the side slightly, “Why did you call him a thief?”
“I caught him looking through your desk, sir,” he answered.
Ted looked at Richard and cocked an amused eyebrow, “I forgot my wallet up here and Richard was too impatient to wait for me so I assume he was looking for it. Right, cousin?”
“Uh, right,” Richard affirmed quickly.
The officer paled, “You just called him Richard. You don’t mean Richard Cobble do you? The new businessman that just moved his company here a few weeks ago?”
“The very same,” Ted nodded. Richard just flashed the officer a smug grin.
“I- I’m very sorry, sir!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Richard said cooley.
“Thank you for your vigilance, Mr. Huff, but I can handle it from here.”
The officer nodded once and hurriedly left the room. Ted and Richard were stuck in the office alone and Richard was embarrassed over the whole ordeal. “Sorry about the trouble, Ted.”
“I didn’t make a copy of your house key,” Ted chuckled.
Richard blinked a few times, “How did you know that’s what I was looking for?”
“Oh please!” Ted slapped Richard on the back playfully. “You’re so predictable!”
“I am not!”
“You are too,” Ted laughed. “I bet you’re dressed like that because you were installing security to keep me out of your house.” When Richard didn’t respond Ted laughed harder. “Why didn't you just change the locks? That would have been much easier and it would also make any copy key I might have had useless.”
Richard thought about what Ted said for a moment and slowly ran a hand down his face in irritation at himself. His day would have been much easier if he just did that in the first place. He looked at Ted and saw his smirk. Richard felt his cheeks burn with a small blush of embarrassment and looked away.
“I promise not to catnap Sunshine again, cousin.”
“Her name is Princess,” Richard grumbled. “And don’t call me cousin.”
“Well we have to pretend to be cousins now! Mr. Huff likes to gossip so I’m sure half the building knows we’re cousins.”
“But we’re not cousins!”
“Obviously, but my employees don’t know that. If you deny our blood then my security guard would wonder why I lied to him and that would make him doubt my story about you looking for my wallet.”
Richard sighed in defeat. Ted was right. Denying their false family ties would cause more trouble than it would solve. “So,” Ted began. “How about dinner? Consider it an apology for taking Mashed Potatoe Sunshine.”
Richard cringed at the full use of his cat’s annoying second name, “It sounds worse when you say the whole damn thing. You do realize that you misspelled potato on her collar, right?”
“Oh, did I?” Ted feigned ignorance and battered his eyelashes innocently at his former friend. He looked down and noticed that Richard had a fresh bandage on his hand. Ted pointed at it with a finger, “What happened?”
Richard followed his gaze and realized what Ted was referring to. “Nothing.”
“Did you try to take something from Sunshine?”
“No,” came Richard’s too quick reply and Ted laughed at his expense.
“So . . . Dinner?”
Richard just rolled his eyes. “How about Bananaflies? They have a steak special going on this week.” Ted just beamed Richard a huge smile and was practically glowing with happiness. He opened his office door for Richard to walk through and they both headed out to enjoy their first meal together in years.
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shalebridge-cradle · 7 years
Unholy Wrap-Up
I have spent far too much time thinking about this lesbian vampire fanfiction. Here’s several walls of text about it.
I would advise reading the fic if you want any of this to make sense. 
(Rough) Alliteration Count: 185
Least Favourite Chapter to Write: 12 (Do you know how long I spent trying to find a picture of an 80s heart monitor? Too long. That, and it’s hard for a character to wield their new-found confidence and inner strength when they’re stuck in a hospital bed, but that’s on me.)
Favourite Chapter to Write: 8 (It turns into a fucked up Scooby Doo mystery a third of the way through, and that’s great. Also, something fluffy happens to warm the reader’s (and my) heart, because I was going to rip it out next chapter.)
Favourite Line: “Fuck off, Dracula”
Least Favourite Line: “Fuck off, Dracula”
 Notes from Chapters that didn’t get their own post
Chapter 2:
The correct answer to Chandler’s question of “How many people are at that table?” is two, not one. Hi, Betty.
Chapter 4:
Chandler was originally going to put her fist through her mirror as a reference to a scene in the film, but I decided that she’s already broken one glass item of furniture, better not do that again. Besides, why take out your anger on your possessions when there’s a perfectly good person to use instead?
Chapter 6:
Hi, Betty.
Jason Dean is involved in the plot again. Everyone welcome back this well-intentioned murderer.
Chapter 7:
This chapter exists for two reasons: to establish Betty is dead, and for the Fuckbois to disappear. And so Ram’s pick-up line has some payoff. Three reasons, actually.
Duke made Veronica cry, so she takes V’s place in the ‘no-killing’ experiment. Still fucked up, but slightly less fucked up than straight up killing her. Or moreso, depending on your opinion.
Chapter 8:
Duke overheard something about about the expedition, and brought Chandler along with her so she could get V and H.Mac in trouble (and maybe distract everyone from how badly she fucked up).
I left it deliberately vague on what H.Mac and V were being chased by because I hadn’t finalised Kurt and Ram’s look yet.
Hi, Betty.
Chapter 9:
“Heather is done for come 3 P.M.” HA HA HA HA HA.
I chant, I pray, but God’s not there/so Steve, I’m ending our affair
There was a conscious effort to blend the worlds of the movie and the musical. Doing that opened up a few more avenues for minor characters and certain elements of characterisation (Duke not being completely unsympathetic, for one). The prime example of this is Schrodinger’s Betty – she either appears for a short time to provide insight into Veronica’s character, or is removed from reality and her personality incorporated into Martha Dunnstock. I had it so she did exist in the world, but wasn’t around for whatever reason.
The fic was originally called ‘Renfield’, with the tagline ‘real life sucks losers dry’. It’s still sort of present in the earlier references to Veronica’s questionable mental stability (“A record of her spiral into insanity”, “Clearly, she was going crazy”), but using either would have given away the first major twist. For this reason, puns on the phrases ‘this sucks’ or ‘this bites’ were also out. I went with ‘Unholy’ instead, and stuck some vague religious references in there to justify the decision to myself.
I was deliberately vague about whether or not this was set in the modern day or in 1989. You would not believe how happy I was when I found out Halloween was on a Tuesday in both 1989 and 2017. Pick whichever time period suits you.
There’s a lot of threes in this work. I have a habit of listing three things (adjectives or events), Veronica is accepted by her third college preference (Harvard, Duke or Brown) and I tried to have it so something significant happened every three chapters (3: HC kills a man, 6: HC and V start their relationship, 9: HC dies, 12: the two are reunited, and Betty appears). 
I am from a country that uses British English. I cannot convince Microsoft Word that this is the case. No matter how many times I change the default language, it switches back to US English when I’m not looking. It doesn’t pick up Grey/Gray, however, and that’s why it’s spelt with an ‘e’ all the time.
 The Curious Case of Heather Chandler
I was picking and choosing different parts of vampire mythos, like many authors do, but I took primary inspiration from Victorian vampire fiction. Ya boi Dracula is certainly there, but most of it was from works that predated Bram Stoker’s.
One of the more important sources is Varney the Vampire, who is one of the first examples of a sympathetic bloodsucker (still the antagonist, though). He isn’t weakened by sunlight, rather, he is strengthened by moonlight. He has no aversion to garlic or religious symbols, and tends not to react well to normal food and drink.
The no sleeping thing was mostly me, though. It’s possible you’ve read or heard the phrase “Sleep is like death without the commitment”. Well, if you can’t die, you can’t sleep either. Them’s the rules.
The next issue was to justify to myself how exactly she was turned in the first place. The most likely culprit, goth boy Jason Dean, was out, because 1) it would mess with the whole vampire hunter vibe I was planning for him later on, and 2) because he has absolutely no reason to. Since Eastern European folklore indicates that anyone who dies an unnatural death is at risk of rising again, so I went with a combination of Romanian ancestry and the fact Heather Chandler technically committed suicide. That keeps that theme of the original work in there. Sort of.
The Players
Colour symbolism is getting its own section.
The key here was character motivation. Since the story is primarily character-driven, knowing why the characters do what they do is paramount. The main motive for everyone is as follows:
Chandler wants to be in control of herself, the school, and everyone in it. This is abandoned after she gets shot, and she suffers an identity crisis for some time afterwards.
Veronica wants to help people. This shifts over time to helping Chandler specifically.
Duke wants to be in Chandler’s position, or at least out from under her thumb.
JD wants to be with Veronica, and for the bad influences in both of their lives to be gone. In his defence, he tries to do this non-fatally after chapter 6, but gives up pretty easily.
McNamara wants everyone she cares about to be safe. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
Martha wants people to go back to like they were in kindergarten – when everyone was friends with everyone.
Betty wants to help Veronica and Martha. The question with her was how she could achieve that goal, when one of the two couldn’t see or hear her.
Everyone else’s characterisations were taken primarily from the lunchtime poll section of the movie. I love that story device like my firstborn child.
 It is important to remember one thing – ALL of the characters are intended to be sympathetic to some degree. Chandler obviously gets the most attention in this regard, but both JD’s and Duke’s actions are well-intentioned, if nothing else. JD wanted to free people from the influence of a vampire, and Duke wanted an end to Chandler’s bullying. JD’s decision to solve his problems with blackmail and murder, and Duke’s decision to frame Chandler, is what puts them firmly in antagonist territory.
In the same vein, all of the characters have flaws. There is no purity in Heathers – Betty is self-sacrificing to a fault and has a nasty passive-aggressive streak, and Martha is living in a dream for most of the fic. Almost all of them get better (or die), with one notable exception.
Tumblr user deanesque has already done a pretty good guide to most of the colours present in the film, so I’m including a link to their post on the matter. Since there are some shades that aren’t included in that list, here’s a comprehensive guide.
 Chandler – Red (passion, confidence, leadership), changes to grey (anonymity, lack of emotion, loss), then purple (nobility, creativity, magic, mystery, red and blue combined).
Veronica – Blue (intelligence, trust, stability, intuition), changes to red.
Duke – Green (wealth, ambition, growth, illness), changes to blue.
Martha – Pink (femininity, naivete, passiveness, tenderness), changes to white (purity, hope, peace, detachment)
JD – Black (secrets, intimidation, power, death).
McNamara – Yellow (happiness, caution, enthusiasm, loyalty).
Betty – White and grey.
That’s probably the last of it. If anyone has any specific questions, you are encouraged to send asks. 
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emperor-uncarnate · 6 years
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Old Ben: A Star Wars Story
Had some ideas for an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie I’d want to see... without Darth Maul in it. I’ve watched some Rebels and The Clone Wars but I’m gonna completely ignore them and most of the other expanded media (because let’s be real, Disney probably will too) and come up with a film synopsis that won’t end in just another lightsaber duel. I want a movie that’s gonna challenge Obi-Wan’s Jedi faith, and I think I came up with something that could be compelling. Read on and lemme know what you think: 
The film opens with the familiar sight of a Star Destroyer coming out of hyperspace above Tatooine. An Imperial shuttle descends from the capital ship’s hanger and makes its way down to Mos Eisley, flying over a bustling marketplace as it nears its landing site. Down in the streets we see an awestruck trio of human children watching the shuttle pass overhead: Luke, Biggs, and Camie. The kids are around nine or ten years old at this point and they’re enamored - albeit naively - with the Galactic Empire. Camie’s mother, who we’re going to tentatively name “Diane” (mostly because I imagine her played by Diane Lane and I don’t feel like coming up with Star-Warsy names for hypothetical characters), is looking after the children for the day while she shops. Luke and Biggs, who dream of someday becoming TIE Fighter pilots, decide to slip away from Diane’s supervision while she’s haggling with a trader and go check out the shuttle at the docks. The responsible Camie objects and threatens to tattle on them but best bros Luke and Biggs can’t be deterred. They sneak near the landed vessel and observe an Imperial officer trudging menacingly down its boarding ramp. The boys overhear the officer saying something about locating a fugitive of the Empire and something else about making a deal with some shady Tatooine locals.
As the officer departs, the boys try to get a better look at the shuttle and are caught by a few Stormtroopers. The soldiers mock them and push them around, intending to arrest or otherwise harm them, until Diane arrives. She puts herself at risk and tries to protect her daughter’s friends, frantically attempting to coax the Stormtroopers into looking the other way. She fails to sway the brutish Imperials, who care nothing for the innocence of curious children, and it seems like all of them are in deep trouble when a cloaked man arrives just in time. The not-so-mysterious figure drops his hood and we get our first look at a 47-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi. Dude’s looking grizzled with a little more than a touch of grayed hair. One Jedi mind trick later, the group is able to safely walk away and the Stormtroopers have no memory of the event. Diane thanks their rescuer and takes Camie and Biggs home while Obi-Wan, introducing himself with a smile as “Ben,” offers to take Luke home himself. Luke doesn’t know Ben very well but he knows him enough to trust him, and so they leave Mos Eisley together.
Luke is left pretty confused by the encounter. His first experience with the Empire leads him to conclude they’re not as great as he’d first thought, and Ben’s refusal to explain how he threw off the Stormtroopers left Luke with even more questions. Remember, Luke has no idea what the Force is until it’s explained to him in A New Hope. Ben delivers Luke to Owen and Beru Lars, who are grateful for Ben’s interference. At this point, Luke’s Uncle Owen has little reason to dislike Ben and is overjoyed that his nephew was returned safely. 
Luke goes to his room while the adults chat (it’d be cool if little Luke was playing with the same T-16 Skyhopper toy he has later) and Ben gets to telling Owen and Beru what happened at the spaceport. He explains that the Galactic Emperor suspected Tatooine might be a possible hiding place for a Jedi named Obi-Wan and that the Empire would send a battalion to their Mos Eisley checkpoint every now and then to scope things out. Ben recounts that Obi-Wan was killed around the same time Anakin was, and he warns that Luke shouldn’t be allowed near larger settlements when the Empire is visiting (and the Empire’s presence in town was why Ben decided to keep tabs on Luke that day in the first place). According to Ben, the Empire doesn’t know Obi-Wan is dead so they’re still circling the galaxy hunting for any sign of him. Owen and Beru heed his warning but they have no idea that Ben is in fact Obi-Wan himself, and this later mirrors the way Luke is told Anakin and Vader are two separate people. 
Ben goes on to offer to train Luke in the ways of the Force, stating the boy is at the ideal age to do so, but a protective Owen is hesitant to the proposal. Beru, who is much more open to the idea, convinces Owen to consider it. Owen agrees to think about it, and Ben leaves them both to ponder young Luke’s future. He mounts his eopie, a creature you might recall from the prequels, and rides off into the treacherous Jundland Wastes where he’s made his home. Unbeknownst to Ben, however, he has a follower...
Say what you will about the green milk scene in The Last Jedi but I really enjoyed the montage of self-exiled Luke’s daily routine. I’d want to see something similar here, showing us how Ben survives as a hermit in the harsh wilds of the Dune Sea. And while he’s rustling up some grub made from desert flora and fauna (maybe actual grubs?), he’s interrupted by an attractive human woman. She approaches him as a lost traveller, asking if she can take shelter in his dusty little hut for the night. She’s a little too nosy and flirtatious for Ben to trust, however, and his Jedi instincts lead him to concoct a plan. He invites her to join him in his home and share his meal before in some way calling on his classic Kenobi cleverness to reveal her true identity. Turns out she’s a Clawdite changeling, much like the one he and Anakin pursued in Attack of the Clones, and Ben’s trickery causes her to revert to her natural reptilian form. Maybe he dupes her into eating something spicy or sour and that causes her to lose concentration and shapeshift back to her real self. Something along those lines.
Ben interrogates her and tries to find out who she is and why she was trying to deceive him. The Clawdite woman explains that she was also there at the spaceport keeping an eye on the Imperials when she saw what Ben did to save Diane and the children. The changeling, who we’ll name... wait for it... “Changeling,” recognized his Jedi mind trick. Coupled with her intel that the Empire was looking for one such runaway force-user, Changeling suspected he was the one they were after. Ben is frustrated and perturbed that someone finally caught on to his true identity and asks if her intention was to turn him in to the authorities. Changeling denies this, claiming she’s in trouble with the Empire and he’s the only one who can help her (but she doesn’t say “you’re my only hope” because repeating little lines like that just feels shoehorned half the time). She only shapeshifted and lied about who she was so she could get to talk with him over dinner and confirm that he wasn’t some kind of lunatic. 
Changeling gathered a great deal of information thanks to her latent transformative abilities, allowing her to spy on the Imperial officer Luke and Biggs listened in on earlier. Apparently, members of the Empire’s leadership were growing tired of sending teams all the way to the Outer Rim to look for signs of Kenobi. The Imperial High Command or the Grand Moffs or whoever would be in charge of that disagreed with Emperor Palpatine’s decision to continue searching Tatooine. They believed they were wasting resources on this insignificant desert planet because of the “baseless” inklings and hunches of their monarch. Palpatine still suspected Obi-Wan’s presence there but the Moffs and Admirals weren’t big believers in the Force, so they decided to compromise instead. The Empire was going to give the job of monitoring Tatooine to a crime syndicate they were in talks with in (the Empire and the crime syndicate definitely have to meet at a cantina called “Club Mola Ram” as a reverse reference to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom). The crime syndicate, which would be comparable to the one run by the Hutts, would be able to more thoroughly keep an eye out for any Jedi activity while the Empire could spend its time and resources on efforts they considered more important. 
In exchange, the Empire agreed to construct a massive slave-processing facility for the crime syndicate. Slavery, which was outlawed by the Republic, was making a return in popularity thanks to the general shittiness of the Empire. And, wouldn’t you know it, the Empire was planning on seizing land from a number of moisture farmers in order to build it. You might be wondering why the Empire wouldn’t just pick a barren, unowned patch of land since Tatooine’s really just chock full of barren, unowned patches of land. They picked the part of the desert Changeling lives in because A, it’s within range of where the crime syndicate operates, B, it’s already equipped with the moisture farming infrastructure required to maintain it, and C, they can just turn the existing residents there into their first batch of slaves. The Empire and the crime syndicate wouldn’t lose a wink sleep over that, but Changeling and the moisture farmers in her community would suffer greatly.
Ben isn’t surprised that the Empire would stoop to that, but he does question why Changeling’s first impulse wasn’t to bring him in. If she captured Ben and handed him over, the Empire wouldn’t need to hire the crime syndicate and it wouldn’t need to build the “slave station” on her land. Ben is comforted to learn that Changeling, unlike most people at the time, is a supporter of the Jedi. She knows they’re the good guys, and she thought the right thing to do would be to tell Ben and at least try to work together with him. 
Ben reluctantly refuses. He can’t risk himself as one of the last Jedi and he certainly can’t risk Luke, and he assures Changeling that he absolutely cannot get involved. Still trying to protect himself and the Jedi legacy, Ben denies the allegation that he’s a Jedi and continues to pretend he’s just some aging vagabond. He apologizes to her and it’s clear that he has to resist his desire to help people because he thinks it’s for the greater good. Changeling states her disappointment that he wasn’t more willing to help, and it is at that moment Ben realizes the two of them aren’t alone. He steps outside his hut to find it is surrounded by armed moisture farmers. They’re kind of a pathetic band of desperate people, obviously unsuited to be threatening anyone. Maybe one of them isn’t even holding his blaster correctly. Ben can clearly see they’re not really fighters but after a short bout (not involving any lightsabers or Force abilities because Ben’s still denying he’s a Jedi at all) the scene ends with him being stunned and taken captive anyway. 
Ben awakens in an unfamiliar little house and slowly recognizes who was making sure he was alright while he was unconscious: Diane. Despite his grogginess, you can tell Ben’s happy to see her. He learns she and Camie also live on the endangered land before meeting a number of other farmers from their sector. So now we have Ben, Diane, Camie, Changeling, and room for a few other aliens or droids in their little crew. This is where the merchandise team has some real action figure opportunity. We’re going to name them “Huey, Dewey, and Louie” because Disney joke and also because they ultimately don’t matter much beyond comic relief or having cool/useful abilities. I’m not above throwing a few characters like this into a movie just to spice things up. Anyway, Ben learns that the half-dozen or so farmers he’s with are the only ones who know about him being there, although he still won’t admit he’s a Jedi. Changeling feels as if she isn’t left with much choice, so she finally sticks Ben with an ultimatum: help them stop the deal between the Empire and the syndicate or get knocked out again and be handed over to them against his will. Diane is a little taken aback by Changeling’s threat, protesting and claiming that the deal has already been struck and the Empire’s construction crews are already gathering in Mos Eisley. The way she says it, it seems like the slave facility is going to be built either way.
While Diane, Changeling, and the other farmers squabble, Ben quietly slips away and tries to escape them. But as he reaches his exit, he comes face to face with someone who had apparently been eavesdropping on the whole group. Ben is met with the violent screech-grunting of a Tusken Raider trying to assault him. Still avoiding the use of his fantastic Jedi abilities, Ben ducks and dodges as the enraged Sand Person swings wildly at him with his traditional gaderffii weapon. The other farmers hear all the commotion and run outside to meet them, trying to stop the fight, but Ben urges them to stay back for their own safety. He fights the Tusken Raider with his bare hands until he has no choice but to Force push his adversary away. The Tusken lands on his back while the onlooking farmers finally see proof Ben is indeed a Jedi, but the fight’s not over yet. “Tusk,” as I’m going to lazily name him, leaps to his feet and whips out a blaster, forcing Ben to finally ignite his blue lightsaber for the first time in the movie. He deflects the blaster bolts and Tusken, either in his native language or otherwise, reveals his motive:
Almost fifteen years earlier, Tusk’s people were murdered by a rampaging Jedi. He was just a Sand... Child (is “Sand Child” a thing? I don’t know how this works) at the time and was the only survivor. The one who murdered everyone else in his entire village, of course, was Anakin Skywalker during Attack of the Clones. The Tusken Raiders of other villages came to fear or worship Anakin as some kind of demon, but Tusk’s own village was wiped out and he subsequently grew up among the spacefarers and merchants of Anchorhead. The orphaned Sand Child grew into a Sand Man and eventually found a place as a farmhand on one of the threatened moisture farms, but his hatred for the Jedi who slaughtered his people never faded.
Tusk still had the image of a robed man with a blue lightsaber burned into his mind and suddenly there was one right in front of him. After he tells his tale in a little flashback, he angrily asks Ben if he was the one who did it all those years ago. Ben didn’t kill the Tusken Raiders, of course, but he knows Anakin did (somebody told him about it, but I’ll get to that). Still feeling guilty for failing Anakin ten years earlier, so to does Ben feel responsible for the deaths of Tusk’s people. And now here’s the kicker... Tusk senses Ben’s guilt with the Force. Tusk has no idea what the Force is and he thinks what he’s picking up is just his ancestors or something helping him seek the truth, but he can actually sense the shame Ben feels and that convinces him Ben is the murderer. Believing he’d found his chance at revenge, Tusk lashes out again with his gaderffii stick, forcing Ben to block with his lightsaber. That’s when we learn what Tusk has made his ceremonial weapon out of: cortosis. It hasn’t showed up in the films yet, but cortosis is a metal that can short out a lightsaber if it comes in contact with its energy blade. Ben’s lightsaber is extinguished and he can’t turn it back on right away, catching him by surprise and nearly costing him his life. But thanks to his Force powers and the help of Huey, Dewey, and/or Louie, Ben incapacitates Tusk and he’s locked up in some kind of storage unit as a makeshift jail cell. 
The jig is up for Ben, who is at last revealed to actually be the Jedi they thought he was. He assures the rest of the group that he didn’t kill all those Sand People, and they choose to believe him since he made no attempt to kill Tusk in the skirmish earlier. Ben learns from the farmers that Tusk is known to be hot-headed and aggressive at times but is also considered a decent member of their farming community. The other farmers seem to know he has a troubled past involving Jedi and they knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to have him meet Ben, so they excluded him from their meeting. They didn’t expect Tusk to show up at their door like that, and Ben wonders if it was Tusk’s Force-sensitivity that guided him there. The farmers thank Ben for refraining from utterly slicing and dicing Tusk and Ben finally agrees to help them with their Empire problem.
Ben is staying with the moisture farmers for the night but he just can’t manage to catch some sleep. Troubled and uncertain, Ben is visited by the ghost of his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn (and you know it’s gotta be Liam Neeson reprising the role). The spectral Jedi Master sought to console his doubtful former apprentice, who was reflecting on all the pain and destruction Anakin and Darth Vader had dealt to the galaxy (there would definitely be some echoes to Force ghost Yoda visiting Luke in The Last Jedi here). Even ten years later, Ben still wonders where he went so wrong with his padawan that Palpatine could so effectively turn him to the dark side. Also, were you wondering how Ben knew about what Anakin did to the Sand People? Anakin wouldn’t have told Obi-Wan about that, but it’s mentioned in this scene that Qui-Gon’s ghost told Ben what Anakin did before the events of the film. Continuity! Anyway, Qui-Gon tries to reassure Ben and give him some words of wisdom and encouragement just before Diane unexpectedly arrives. 
Qui-Gon’s spirit disappears and Diane says she came by because she saw the eerie glow of the ghost and wanted to investigate. She sees Ben can’t sleep and offers to make him some tea, or whatever they drink there, and the two stay up into the night talking. Diane eventually asks Ben about Luke and he momentarily lets his guard down to regale the story of his old friend Anakin Skywalker. Remember the story Ben tells nineteen-year-old Luke in A New Hope? She gets that same altered story but you can more obviously discern Ben’s censoring himself. He can barely keep the lie going but the subject of their conversation veers towards the celibacy of Jedi and how Luke came to be. During the conversation we learn that Camie’s father is no longer in Diane’s life and it leads Ben to question his sacred vows what with the Jedi Order as a thing of the past. Diane feels some type of way about Ben and they both know it, but he sees this as a test of his faith. Ben excuses himself before either one of them can make a move and says goodnight, finally getting a little sleep before he wakes up and learns...
...Tusk is gone. Guy somehow flew the coop in the middle of the night, hopping on his wooly Bantha steed and peacing the fuck out. The farmers kind of panic for a moment, realizing that he very well could’ve set off towards the Empire to report Ben. They figured Tusk would do that in an effort to simultaneously save their land and have his revenge, but perhaps Tusk overlooked the fact that the Imperials would kill them all for harboring a fugitive. They determine what time during the night Tusk must’ve left, and they realize that his slow-moving Bantha gave them a chance to head him off in time. Ben, Huey, and company board a landspeeder and go forth at blazing speeds across the desert with Dewey using his alien/droid abilities to track the Bantha (whatever those abilities may be). Take note - the farmers did have a ship at their disposal but Changeling said she had to stay behind and make repairs before they could fly it. Diane and Camie stay at the farm with her, leaving Ben and his inexperienced farmer companions to go out into the Dune Sea.
Unfortunately, a patrolling group of crime syndicate thugs catch them out in the open desert. A whole squadron of enemy speeders give chase, and I’m totally picturing Star War’s version of Mad Max: Fury Road. Imagine someone throwing Ben a blaster and asking “you ever use one of these before?” to which he casually replies “oh, once or twice.” Ben fights valiantly without using his Force powers until his landspeeder, driven expertly by Louie, is about to get wrecked. I’m imagining Ben would pull off some crazy maneuver with the Force, demonstrating the true mastery of his powers he’s refined over his years in solitude. He gets his lightsaber going too and it’d be quite the spectacle. I’d pay some seriously good money to see a scene like that, I dunno about you guys. I also wouldn’t say no to a scene where Ben hijacks one of the syndicate speeder bikes a la Luke in Return of the Jedi and I’m not going to pretend I don’t remember this awesome clip (I said I was gonna ignore Star Wars: The Clone Wars, never said anything about Star Wars: Clone Wars). Watch the clip, it’s great and Obi-Wan does the thing from Akira.
The chase scene ends with them entering a canyon, maybe even the same one from The Phantom Menace’s Boonta-Eve Classic if you want to throw in an extra easter egg. The criminals are killed or otherwise ejected from the chase one at a time until there are none left, you know how it goes. You see one of the syndicate thugs sending a signal to the Empire before it’s all over, letting them know Kenobi is located and is working with people from the farm. Ben on his stolen speeder bike and Huey, Dewey, and Louie in their landspeeder finally reach the wandering Bantha and are surprised to see it’s alone. Tusk’s not riding it, and that’s when Ben’s Jedi-sense gets tingling... Tusk’s not riding his Bantha because Tusk never left the farm. 
Tusk sent his Bantha off alone, which would normally be a pretty serious offense in Tusken Raider culture. Sand People are bonded to their faithful Banthas for life, but Tusk sent his away so he could avenge his village and exact what he believed to be justice. He waited until Changeling had repaired her ship and taken off so he could kidnap Diane and Camie, knowing he could only do so if the other people in their group were led elsewhere. It was never his intention to go to the Empire because he desires to kill Ben himself.
Ben freaks when he realizes this and turns his bike around, zooming back towards the farm. Our trio of aliens/droids/whatever tries to go with him in their landspeeder but, conveniently, it breaks down and they have to wait for Changeling to swoop in for pickup with their ship. Ben makes it back to the farm and finds it empty. He discovers Tusk left a small tracking device behind for Ben to use, and so he immediately hops back on his bike and follows it despite knowing it’ll most likely be a trap. After Ben has left the farm again, Changeling and everyone on their ship make it back there too but they’re only inside for a few minutes before they hear the howls of incoming TIE Fighters. Their airspace is surrounded by several TIEs while that Imperial officer from earlier flies in on his shuttle. A platoon of Stromtroopers march out with the officer, who commands Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi exit the farmhouse. Little do they know, the real Ben is closing in on Tusk somewhere else entirely. Changeling decides to do something heroic, shapeshifting into Ben and making a daring escape. Diane’s farmhouse sustains heavy damage in the process but Changeling narrowly makes it to her ship, making sure to be seen in her Ben form and provoking the Imperial forces into chasing her. She pilots her small freighter away from the planet, drawing the Empire off the farm. Changeling thinks she can string them along and somehow make it back alive but she’s outnumbered and cannot escape them. Her ship is blown to smithereens, close enough to the planet’s atmosphere that the onlooking Huey, Dewey, and Louie see the explosion in the distance and cry alien/droid/duck tears. Sad time, but it leads the Empire to at long last confirm the fatality of the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
Meanwhile, the tracking device leads actual Ben to this craggy, desolate wasteland. He finds Tusk, who is waiting for him at the edge of a cave along with an ensnared Diane and Camie. Classic “you killed the people I love so now I’m gonna kill the people you love” situation. Ben tries to ease Tusk into standing down and giving up the innocent woman and her child, even offering up his own lightsaber for their safe return. The enraged Tusken Raider rejects the lightsaber before the desperate Jedi Master also offers to train him in the Force. Ben levitates his lightsaber into Tusk’s hands, promising he’d find peace in learning the ways of the Force, but Tusk is hell-bent on revenge and won’t give up. He goes against Tusken Raider culture yet again, this time removing his head coverings and baring his face (gross) and his dark side-tainted eyes. Now consumed by the dark side of the Force, Tusk roars into the cave and receives a roar in return from what sounds like a large creature. Ben suddenly regrets giving up his lightsaber just as a titanic Krayt Dragon, a monstrous reptilian behemoth native to Tatooine, emerges from the cave. The beast is about to chow down on Diane but Ben uses the Force to demand its attention. He keeps the ravenous dragon focused on him while he evades its many attacks (including its acidic venom) until he finally is able to use enough Force mojo to pacify it. 
Just when the hulking, hundred-meter lizard is calming down, a furious Tusk leaps into the fray, disrupting Ben’s attempt to placate it. This turns into a chaotic three-way battle between Ben, Tusk, and the overwhelmingly strong Krayt Dragon. Though already exhausted, Ben manages to get his lightsaber back but is careful not to let it connect with Tusk’s cortosis gaderffii stick. This proves to be challenging, pushing Ben’s middle-aged agility to its limits. The old Jedi Master eventually falters when his lightsaber is fizzled out by the brittle cortosis weapon and he drops it, leaving him open to be swatted away by the dragon’s whip-like tail. Then the monster disarms and pins Tusk down, ready to bite his fucking face off, when Ben uses the Force to lift the gaderffii and send the sharp end of it through the beast’s skull like a missile. The beast is instantly killed and collapses but an injured Ben can barely stand or defend himself anymore. 
Tusk picks up Ben’s lightsaber just as the cortosis’ disabling effect wears off and he turns it back on. Sure looks like Tusk is about to finish Ben with his own weapon, but instead he slashes at the Krayt Dragon’s side and makes a deep gash. Tusk reaches into the dead wyrm’s guts and retrieves a dazzling, almost luminous pearl. He hands it and the lightsaber back to Ben and expresses his newfound understanding. During the whole battle, there was no point at which Ben tried to kill Tusk, and Ben even saved Tusk from certain death in the end. It was then that the remorseful Tusken Raider could sense the truth, and that his opponent was innocent. Ben apologizes despite being vindicated, telling Tusk is was his failure as a mentor that led to the tragedy of his village. He kind of vents his guilt to Tusk, who turns around and reveals a glob of acid venom burning through his back, slowly killing him. With his dying breaths, Tusk forgives Ben and voices his regret for sending his Bantha away and for going against the traditions of his people. He urges Ben not to make that same mistake, not for anything, and he ultimately helps Ben reaffirm his faith in the Jedi. Quelling the dark side within Tusk makes Ben think of redeeming Vader and how possible or not that might be.
Everyone regroups and they mourn Changeling’s sacrifice. The Empire believes Obi-Wan has been eliminated so they pack up and leave Tatooine, forsaking their deal with the crime syndicate, which is left in shambles after losing so many thugs in the desert chase. Tusk’s Bantha, who was spiritually linked to Tusk, is found to have died right when his master did. Spooky. Ben gives the valuable Krayt Dragon pearl to Diane, Huey, Dewey, and Louie so they can sell it and use the profits for their farms. The farmers explain that slaying a Krayt Dragon and claiming its pearl are actual rites of passage for young Tusken men, so Ben and Tusk inadvertently completed that ritual in a sense. Anyway, the farmers consider hiring some enforcers of their own to stave off the remnants of the syndicate and decide to pay to rebuild Diane’s farmhouse. Owen Lars later comes to learn that Ben was responsible for the destruction of Diane’s property, not believing the explanation that it was actually Changeling posing as him (and it was really the TIE Fighters’ faults anyway). Owen refuses to allow such a dangerous individual around his nephew or the Lars family farm and so Luke doesn’t really see Ben again for another decade. And by the time they meet again in A New Hope, Ben’s perfected his Krayt Dragon call... I think?
At last, Ben is ready to say his goodbyes to Diane. She’s not upset with him about her farm, but she’s more upset that Tusk would so spontaneously give in to the dark side. Ben explains how quickly revenge can turn someone Force-sensitive to the path of violence, and it wasn’t so surprising someone who’d vowed revenge for all those years could succumb to it. “Revenge, anger, ...and attachment.” With that, she understands what Ben is having difficulty saying: they simply cannot be together. She agrees with him, expressing her newfound fear and misunderstanding of the Force and its vast influence. Diane says she can see how difficult it would’ve been to watch Anakin go through that, and she wishes one day Ben can do for Anakin what he did for Tusk. Diane kisses him... nothing intense, more of a “thank you” than anything else. I think she’d feel kind of sorry for him that she can see he’s such a noble person and he’s so devoted to his values but he won’t allow himself what would likely make him happy. With that somber gesture, Ben tells her his true name is Obi-Wan, gets back on his speeder bike, and goes back to his hut. The end! Can’t believe you made it this far. In my head this was gonna be one page tops but whoops I guess its nine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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lovers-instead · 7 years
Thoughts on “Shissou Word” from former tumblr user mekakushi-chord
obviously, i have a lot personally invested in this. let’s get down to it
first of all, i had no idea this was coming. i’ve been on vacation, and i’m also extremely unobservant
I understand what the song is going for-- a “new side” to Kido. However, I think it failed to achieve that in the end, and instead managed to give her a completely new character arc
I say this because it fails to mention ANY of her previous motifs/characteristics-- music, ghosts, her love of cats, the fact that she has chuunibyou, cooking. Instead, it focuses mainly on the motifs of “bud/flower” (never mentioned before aside from her name) and “mirror” (completely new)
We barely managed to get ONE mention of “disappearing--” even her central theme has been retconned. It now revolves around “speaking” and “words” (hence the title)
Essentially, her old character (”caring girl who tries to act tough”) has been completely replaced with “reserved girl struggling with her identity”
Kido now comes across as extremely introspective to the point of self-centeredness. The song fails to make a complete allusion to even one other character, much less her beloved “gang.” I love this, as it is both cool and relatable, and finally gives her some depth beyond her relationships with other characters
In The Old Days, I always defended Kido as “not being tsundere,” even though she definitely was (perhaps not in the seriously official material, but in most of her appearances such as the manga anthologies she was portrayed that way). Now she really isn’t! My long-awaited victory!
lesbian kido is canon king
I know, I know. the snake is talking to her or whatever. but why should that mean her self-doubt and internal turmoil aren’t genuine? examining the lyrics, one can easily extrapolate Kido’s severe psychological issues with identity and gender ever since she was young
“So that no one will ever know--!”
She’s always been distinctly butch, but this song does a lot to solidify her as a gay-coded character. Probably on accident.
Music-wise: all I’ll say is... I wish it was more like “Headphone Actor,” the best song of all time, than “Shounen Brave.” oh well. that’s just how kagepro is now. it’s growing on me, though
The video doesn’t really make any sense. Is street urchin Kido now chronologically before sister-fire-daze Kido?!?!?! It’s possible that the novels already established this, but like everything else from the novels, that’s just stupid and most likely contradictory. It looks pretty, though.
(Why not intersperse some shots of earbuds or something between all the flowers......?)
There is a real stumble in the execution, which is the absurdly extended period of time that the first Young!Kido is on the screen before any of the designs we know and love for this character. It also lessens the impact of the second new design at the end of the video. Speaking of which.....
Theoretically, if Kido is 16 in, say, 2012, then Adult!Kido is, perhaps, 21 in 2017. We can only hope.
I truly appreciate this quasi-intentional admission that most of the themes in kagepro are generally pretty childish.
Also, Adult!Kido looks pretty much exactly how I’d imagined “Kido’s sister” to look before Rin was revealed! Awww!
I am now legally allowed to admit that her old/standard design is ugly as HELL
(It’s hard to tell with all the filters, but it seems possible that Someone has forgotten that Kido’s hoodie is canonically light gray and not purple, anime notwithstanding)
I cannot stress enough how thrilled I am. For all those years, I’d chosen Kido as my “favorite” for... basically no reason. Now, she suddenly has extreme social anxiety, is self-obsessed, is alienated by “normal things,” and is horrifically ashamed of her own existence! She used to have basically no personality, but it turns out that she’s actually exactly like me! For some reason, Jin decided to give me this glorious gift.
TL;DR: “Chuunibyou Team Mom” has been completely revamped into “A Story of One Who Can’t Speak Well” in the most acceptable continuity breach of all time
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plasmma-blog · 7 years
Composite stone worktops London have distinct makes use of especially for the internet site layout of a home
Cimstone Quartz worktops characteristic a composition of ninety three% quartz and 7% polyester resin binder and pigments, offering unparalled energy and longevity. Accessible in a various selection of variations and finishes, from bold statement colors. Cimstone has been accredited and licensed as an easy to thoroughly clean, microbiologically hygienic surface area properly secure for instant contact with all kinds of food by numerous global health and safety institutions. All of this, of course, makes it the perfect solution for worktops in any kitchen. With a high scratch and abrasion resistance (7 Mohs, practically as tough as diamond), cimstone worktops are incredibly challenging sporting. An really lower water absorption coefficient and large warmth resistance indicates Cimstone quartz is pretty much impervious to staining and warmth. An extremely reduced h2o absorption coefficient measurement guarantees cimstone worktops remain stain totally free and very resistant to use by way of alkalis or acids, these kinds of as vinegar, wine, olive oil, lemon juice and even nail polish remover - in contrast to many other surfaces. http://www.bizbangboom.com/articles/granite-worktops-london-477 http://www.tellanews.com/how-much-is-quartz-per-square-metre/ https://www.idleexperts.com/public/article/index/id/169275 https://plus.google.com/107228485677030870819 affordable granite and marble reviews https://uk.pinterest.com/granitex/ https://www.reddit.com/user/graniteworktopskent/ Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops is confirmed to be an simply washable and totally secure surfacing content with regard to microbiological hygiene. The quartz content in specific offers an unbeatable toughness for cimstone worktops, by offering them with a Moh hardness score of seven, which is only three levels lower than diamond. The ensuing substantial abrasion and scratch resistance is this kind of that a cimstone worktop can actually be utilised to reduce or slice meals without the want for a chopping board. Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops With 93% quartz content, Cimstone Quartz Colours have a large scratch and abrasion resistance. In distinction to numerous all-natural stones which have a micro porous construction quartz is almost impenetrable so it can make it a very hygienic floor to use for foodstuff preparation locations. Cimstone worktops are exceptionally effortless to treatment for. A straightforward wipe with a damp fabric and a tiny, preferably pH neutral, liquid or gel detergent will immediately restore the surface to its authentic shining elegance with out the need to polish. Cleansing up accidental spills straight away will minimize the chance of long lasting staining. With its nonporous structure composed of ninety five% all-natural quartz aggregates, Cimstone offers a non-h2o absorbing regularity and is very resistant to stains, scratches and abrasion. Stain, humidity, scratch, and heat resistant cimstone costs for countertops are best for kitchens, bathrooms, and other sensible working areas. Cimstone worktops have extensive-ranging assortment of sophisticated and trendy finishes that will compliment any kitchen area style, from minimalist, conventional to modern and extremely-modern location. https://www.feedsfloor.com/interior-decor/quartz-worktops-london http://www.makemyarticles.com/ArticleDetails/99506/kitchen_worktops_london.html http://www.freearticlesbase.com/business/business-advertising/business-advertising-multimedia/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/ https://www.olaladirectory.com.au/marble-worktops-london/ http://www.bizbangboom.com/chelmsford/business-services/granite-worktops https://www.facebook.com/Worktop-Factory-Ltd-140187776186932/ https://twitter.com/StarGalaxyGrani Cimstone produces fashionable kitchens with endless color and texture choices. Kitchens and bogs now shine with cimstone testimonials countertops reflecting the mastery of quartz. Endless colour and texture options, accomplished via a range of coloured pigments and specific consequences such as mirror, glass, basalt, or seashell parts to give it its distinctive search. Cimstone counter tops are produced by merging ninety three% real quartz granulates which were extracted from major locations around the globe, with a polyester type of resin.Colors and textures are accomplished by including pebble, quartz, glass and other fragments in distinct styles, colors, and dimensions to the foundation of Cimstone.The mixture of resin and quartz granulates outcomes in cimstone slab size being harder than any other granite (only some of the cherished stones are much better). Cimstone countertops are the two heat and frost resistant, with small rate of absorption. http://actuafreearticles.com/article466615.html http://sgimpact.com/sites/worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11489/pages/106253998-affordable-granite-hopkins-mn/review https://www.scutify.com/scuttle-info.html?sId=5a22536ab6d377175c37047e https://www.scutify.com/articles/2017-12-02-affordable-granite-and-stone-plymouth-mn https://www.devbattles.com/en/sand/post-7258-quartz_worktops_north_london_granite_worktops_north_london_affordable_granite_countertops_near_me https://www.universalhunt.com/articles/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/14078 Quartz is 1 of the most widespread minerals in the globe, second only to feldspar. This silicone-primarily based aspect has been utilised for producing jewellery of treasured gemstones considering that the beginning of man's heritage, thanks in huge element to its sparkling, multi-faceted physical appearance. Quartz acts as a prism, emanating a rainbow of shades when gentle is shone upon it. This is why 1 finds quartz worktops london in sophisticated kitchens and loos, and is also why craftsmen recommend them when advising clientele on inside patterns. Quartz crystals them selves can be found in a vast assortment of colours, which is another explanation they are so usually decided on for kitchen area and lavatory design strategies. Pure quartz is of a largely transparent or translucent nature, and the different other minerals that grow to be imbedded with quartz worktops north london lend a complete host of hues to the all round influence. Citrine yellow, rose, amethyst, black, white, and gray are the most standard shades in which quartz naturally appears. With the so numerous adjustments in property innovations only a single solution has stayed correct to character for many years. That merchandise is granite. Several house proprietors are not making an attempt to get nearer to becoming eco-friendly via what they do in modifications by way of out their homes. By way of possessing a granite worktops north london, this is anything you won't have to worry about, granite stays by natural means amazing, hence making it easier for people who do a good deal of cooking to be capable to established products on the floor and not be concerned about harm. Sure, it is accurate that marble can be relatively pricey, even so, there are numerous places exactly where you can discover marble worktops for your kitchen area. It does consider time to locate the correct place and of course the appropriate variety of marble worktops london that you are hunting for, nevertheless, when you are creating the alterations to create a more green atmosphere for your property, it is well really worth the research to discover the best. https://angel.co/worktopfactoryy https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/nwsexit.php?url=worktopfactoryy.co.uk https://www.spyfu.com/overview/domain?query=worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://adforms.citiservi.com/1.0/user/547242/business/4855435 http://www.pro-networks.org/index.php/business/articles/quartz_worktops_london http://articles.pubarticles.com/how-to-granite-worktops-near-me-look-amazing-in-any-home-and-kitchen-1509530721,1720590.html kitchen worktops london come in a assortment of variations and colours. There are grey tones, white tones, tans, blacks, greens even shades of blue. The worktops are very sturdy and can endure a whole lot of pressure and heat. This is wonderful for many residence homeowners who devote hours in the kitchen area but would like to cut back again on the variety of items that they might need to have in their kitchens. Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops With the standard stone worktops london, you need trivets to defend the finish. This is due to the fact the tops can not endure the heat very nicely due to the variety of chemical compounds that are utilized to make the tops. The warmth will trigger the material to bubble and crack or even at occasions end up with scorch marks from the bottom of a pan or any other scorching item that might have been unintentionally placed on the surface of a typical worktop. Have a peek at this site for acquiring far more info associated to Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops.
0 notes
Composite stone worktops London have different makes use of especially for the website design of a house
Cimstone Quartz worktops feature a composition of ninety three% quartz and seven% polyester resin binder and pigments, giving unparalled strength and durability. Offered in a various variety of styles and finishes, from bold assertion colours. Cimstone has been accredited and qualified as an simple to thoroughly clean, microbiologically hygienic area flawlessly protected for fast contact with all sorts of food by many worldwide overall health and security institutions. All of this, of training course, can make it the best answer for worktops in any kitchen area. With a high scratch and abrasion resistance (seven Mohs, virtually as hard as diamond), cimstone worktops are very tough donning. An incredibly lower h2o absorption coefficient and substantial heat resistance implies Cimstone quartz is nearly impervious to staining and heat. An extremely low h2o absorption coefficient measurement guarantees cimstone worktops continue to be stain cost-free and extremely resistant to use by way of alkalis or acids, this sort of as vinegar, wine, olive oil, lemon juice and even nail polish remover - unlike numerous other surfaces. http://www.bizbangboom.com/articles/granite-worktops-london-477 http://www.tellanews.com/how-much-is-quartz-per-square-metre/ https://www.idleexperts.com/public/article/index/id/169275 https://plus.google.com/107228485677030870819 https://uk.pinterest.com/granitex/ https://www.reddit.com/user/graniteworktopskent/ Cimstone Quartz Kitchen area Worktops is established to be an very easily washable and totally safe surfacing material with respect to microbiological hygiene. The quartz content material in particular supplies an unbeatable toughness for cimstone worktops, by providing them with a Moh hardness rating of seven, which is only a few degrees reduced than diamond. The ensuing high abrasion and scratch resistance is this sort of that a cimstone worktop can in fact be utilised to lower or slice foodstuff without having the require for a chopping board. With 93% quartz articles, Cimstone Quartz Colors have a substantial scratch and abrasion resistance. In contrast to numerous all-natural stones which have a micro porous structure quartz is nearly impenetrable so it helps make it a really hygienic surface area to use for foods preparation locations. Cimstone worktops are extremely simple to care for. A straightforward wipe with a moist fabric and a tiny, if possible pH neutral, liquid or gel detergent will quickly restore the area to its unique shining elegance without having the require to polish. Cleaning up accidental spills straight away will minimize the threat of permanent staining. With its nonporous framework composed of 95% organic quartz aggregates, Cimstone offers a non-drinking water absorbing consistency and is very resistant to stains, scratches and abrasion. Stain, dampness, scratch, and warmth resistant cimstone charges for countertops are excellent for kitchens, bogs, and other practical operating regions. Cimstone worktops have broad-ranging collection of classy and fashionable finishes that will compliment any kitchen area design, from minimalist, conventional to modern day and extremely-modern day setting. https://www.feedsfloor.com/interior-decor/quartz-worktops-london http://www.makemyarticles.com/ArticleDetails/99506/kitchen_worktops_london.html http://www.freearticlesbase.com/business/business-advertising/business-advertising-multimedia/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/ composite stone worktops london https://www.olaladirectory.com.au/marble-worktops-london/ http://www.bizbangboom.com/chelmsford/business-services/granite-worktops https://www.facebook.com/Worktop-Factory-Ltd-140187776186932/ https://twitter.com/StarGalaxyGrani Cimstone creates stylish kitchens with limitless color and texture alternate options. Kitchens and loos now shine with cimstone testimonials counter tops reflecting the mastery of quartz. Endless colour and texture alternatives, reached by means of a range of coloured pigments and unique effects which includes mirror, glass, basalt, or seashell pieces to give it its unique seem. Cimstone countertops are developed by merging ninety three% legitimate quartz granulates which were extracted from significant areas close to the world, with a polyester sort of resin.Colors and textures are concluded by introducing pebble, quartz, glass and other fragments in diverse styles, colors, and measurements to the foundation of Cimstone.The mixture of resin and quartz granulates benefits in cimstone slab measurement currently being tougher than any other granite (only some of the precious stones are stronger). Cimstone countertops are both warmth and frost resistant, with minimum charge of absorption. http://actuafreearticles.com/article466615.html http://sgimpact.com/sites/worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11489/pages/106253998-affordable-granite-hopkins-mn/review https://www.scutify.com/scuttle-info.html?sId=5a22536ab6d377175c37047e https://www.scutify.com/articles/2017-12-02-affordable-granite-and-stone-plymouth-mn https://www.devbattles.com/en/sand/post-7258-quartz_worktops_north_london_granite_worktops_north_london_affordable_granite_countertops_near_me https://www.universalhunt.com/articles/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/14078 Quartz is a single of the most commonplace minerals in the world, second only to feldspar. This silicone-based aspect has been used for creating jewelry of precious gemstones because the beginning of man's heritage, thanks in large part to its glowing, multi-faceted visual appeal. Quartz functions as a prism, emanating a rainbow of colors when light is shone upon it. This is why 1 finds quartz worktops london in stylish kitchens and bathrooms, and is also why craftsmen advise them when advising clientele on interior types. Quartz crystals on their own can be located in a vast selection of colours, which is an additional cause they are so frequently decided on for kitchen and bathroom design and style strategies. Pure quartz is of a mainly clear or translucent nature, and the numerous other minerals that become imbedded with quartz worktops north london lend a entire host of hues to the all round result. Citrine yellow, rose, amethyst, black, white, and gray are the most simple shades in which quartz normally seems. With the so several modifications in house innovations only one product has stayed true to character for numerous years. That item is granite. Several residence proprietors are not attempting to get nearer to currently being inexperienced via what they do in adjustments by way of out their properties. Via having a granite worktops north london, this is something you will not likely have to be concerned about, granite stays in a natural way awesome, therefore making it less complicated for individuals who do a lot of cooking to be capable to established items on the area and not be concerned about hurt. Of course, it is true that marble can be instead expensive, nevertheless, there are a lot of spots where you can find marble worktops for your kitchen. It does consider time to find the correct spot and of training course the right variety of marble worktops london that you are hunting for, nonetheless, when you are creating the changes to generate a far more inexperienced atmosphere for your property, it is well well worth the investigation to discover the very best. https://angel.co/worktopfactoryy https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/nwsexit.php?url=worktopfactoryy.co.uk https://www.spyfu.com/overview/domain?query=worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://adforms.citiservi.com/1.0/user/547242/business/4855435 http://www.pro-networks.org/index.php/business/articles/quartz_worktops_london Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops http://articles.pubarticles.com/how-to-granite-worktops-near-me-look-amazing-in-any-home-and-kitchen-1509530721,1720590.html kitchen worktops london come in a variety of types and shades. There are grey tones, white tones, tans, blacks, greens even shades of blue. The worktops are quite durable and can withstand a good deal of strain and heat. This is great for a lot of house homeowners who commit hours in the kitchen but would like to minimize back on the variety of objects that they may possibly want in their kitchens. granite worktops north london With the typical stone worktops london, you want trivets to shield the finish. This is since the tops can not face up to the warmth very effectively because of to the kind of chemical substances that are utilised to make the tops. The warmth will lead to the content to bubble and crack or even at instances finish up with scorch marks from the bottom of a pan or any other scorching merchandise that may have been unintentionally placed on the area of a normal worktop. Have a peek at this website for acquiring a lot more info related to Cimstone Quartz Kitchen area Worktops.
0 notes
Composite stone worktops London have different makes use of specially for the website design of a home
Cimstone Quartz worktops feature a composition of 93% quartz and seven% polyester resin binder and pigments, providing unparalled strength and durability. Offered in a assorted assortment of variations and finishes, from bold statement colours. Cimstone has been accredited and qualified as an effortless to clean, microbiologically hygienic surface area perfectly risk-free for instant make contact with with all types of foodstuff by a number of global overall health and security establishments. All of this, of course, can make it the excellent remedy for worktops in any kitchen. affordable granite and stone plymouth mn With a higher scratch and abrasion resistance (7 Mohs, nearly as difficult as diamond), cimstone worktops are really difficult putting on. An extremely minimal drinking water absorption coefficient and high warmth resistance signifies Cimstone quartz is pretty much impervious to staining and warmth. An very minimal water absorption coefficient measurement assures cimstone worktops stay stain free and really resistant to use by means of alkalis or acids, these kinds of as vinegar, wine, olive oil, lemon juice and even nail polish remover - as opposed to numerous other surfaces. affordable granite countertops near me http://www.bizbangboom.com/articles/granite-worktops-london-477 http://www.tellanews.com/how-much-is-quartz-per-square-metre/ https://www.idleexperts.com/public/article/index/id/169275 https://plus.google.com/107228485677030870819 https://uk.pinterest.com/granitex/ https://www.reddit.com/user/graniteworktopskent/ Cimstone Quartz Kitchen area Worktops is proven to be an easily washable and totally safe surfacing material with regard to microbiological hygiene. The quartz content material in certain gives an unbeatable toughness for cimstone worktops, by delivering them with a Moh hardness score of 7, which is only 3 degrees lower than diamond. The ensuing high abrasion and scratch resistance is such that a cimstone worktop can actually be utilized to lower or slice foods with no the need to have for a chopping board. With ninety three% quartz articles, Cimstone Quartz Colours have a large scratch and abrasion resistance. In distinction to numerous all-natural stones which have a micro porous construction quartz is nearly impenetrable so it helps make it a quite hygienic surface to use for food preparing locations. Cimstone worktops are amazingly effortless to care for. A simple wipe with a damp cloth and a tiny, ideally pH neutral, liquid or gel detergent will right away restore the surface to its first shining beauty with out the want to polish. Cleaning up accidental spills straight absent will reduce the danger of long term staining. With its nonporous construction composed of ninety five% natural quartz aggregates, Cimstone supplies a non-water absorbing consistency and is highly resistant to stains, scratches and abrasion. Stain, moisture, scratch, and heat resistant cimstone rates for countertops are best for kitchens, bogs, and other sensible functioning regions. Cimstone worktops have wide-ranging assortment of classy and trendy finishes that will compliment any kitchen area style, from minimalist, traditional to modern and ultra-modern day location. Cimstone Quartz Kitchen Worktops https://www.feedsfloor.com/interior-decor/quartz-worktops-london http://www.makemyarticles.com/ArticleDetails/99506/kitchen_worktops_london.html http://www.freearticlesbase.com/business/business-advertising/business-advertising-multimedia/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/ https://www.olaladirectory.com.au/marble-worktops-london/ http://www.bizbangboom.com/chelmsford/business-services/granite-worktops https://www.facebook.com/Worktop-Factory-Ltd-140187776186932/ https://twitter.com/StarGalaxyGrani Cimstone results in elegant kitchens with limitless colour and texture choices. Kitchens and bogs now glow with cimstone evaluations countertops reflecting the mastery of quartz. Limitless colour and texture options, accomplished by way of a variety of coloured pigments and special outcomes like mirror, glass, basalt, or seashell parts to give it its unique look. Cimstone countertops are developed by merging ninety three% authentic quartz granulates which have been extracted from major locations about the globe, with a polyester kind of resin.Colors and textures are completed by including pebble, quartz, glass and other fragments in various designs, colors, and sizes to the foundation of Cimstone.The combination of resin and quartz granulates final results in cimstone slab measurement currently being harder than any other granite (only some of the cherished stones are much better). Cimstone countertops are equally heat and frost resistant, with minimum fee of absorption. http://actuafreearticles.com/article466615.html http://sgimpact.com/sites/worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://sgimpact.com/profiles/11489/pages/106253998-affordable-granite-hopkins-mn/review https://www.scutify.com/scuttle-info.html?sId=5a22536ab6d377175c37047e https://www.scutify.com/articles/2017-12-02-affordable-granite-and-stone-plymouth-mn https://www.devbattles.com/en/sand/post-7258-quartz_worktops_north_london_granite_worktops_north_london_affordable_granite_countertops_near_me https://www.universalhunt.com/articles/cimstone-worktops-is-going-to-be-a-perfect-choice-for-your-project/14078 Quartz is one particular of the most commonplace minerals in the entire world, second only to feldspar. This silicone-based component has been used for producing jewelry of precious gemstones because the beginning of man's history, due in large element to its sparkling, multi-faceted appearance. Quartz functions as a prism, emanating a rainbow of hues when light-weight is shone upon it. This is why 1 finds quartz worktops london in elegant kitchens and loos, and is also why craftsmen recommend them when advising customers on inside styles. Quartz crystals by themselves can be identified in a broad variety of colors, which is one more cause they are so usually decided on for kitchen area and bathroom style techniques. Pure quartz is of a mostly transparent or translucent character, and the numerous other minerals that turn into imbedded with quartz worktops north london lend a total host of hues to the total influence. Citrine yellow, rose, amethyst, black, white, and gray are the most basic shades in which quartz in a natural way seems. With the so a lot of adjustments in residence improvements only a single item has stayed accurate to character for several years. That product is granite. Numerous home owners are not trying to get closer to currently being environmentally friendly through what they do in alterations via out their residences. Via getting a granite worktops north london, this is one thing you will not have to fear about, granite stays naturally great, as a result creating it simpler for these who do a lot of cooking to be capable to established things on the floor and not fret about harm. Of course, it is correct that marble can be rather pricey, however, there are several spots exactly where you can locate marble worktops for your kitchen area. It does get time to uncover the correct spot and of program the appropriate type of marble worktops london that you are hunting for, even so, when you are making the changes to develop a much more green environment for your property, it is nicely value the investigation to discover the ideal. https://angel.co/worktopfactoryy https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/nwsexit.php?url=worktopfactoryy.co.uk https://www.spyfu.com/overview/domain?query=worktopfactoryy.co.uk http://adforms.citiservi.com/1.0/user/547242/business/4855435 http://www.pro-networks.org/index.php/business/articles/quartz_worktops_london http://articles.pubarticles.com/how-to-granite-worktops-near-me-look-amazing-in-any-home-and-kitchen-1509530721,1720590.html kitchen worktops london arrive in a selection of designs and colors. There are grey tones, white tones, tans, blacks, greens even shades of blue. The worktops are quite sturdy and can withstand a lot of pressure and heat. This is excellent for numerous house proprietors who spend several hours in the kitchen but would like to lower back again on the number of objects that they could need to have in their kitchens. With the typical stone worktops london, you require trivets to safeguard the finish. This is because the tops can not stand up to the heat really well because of to the type of chemical compounds that are utilized to make the tops. The warmth will trigger the materials to bubble and crack or even at times stop up with scorch marks from the base of a pan or any other hot item that may have been accidentally positioned on the area of a standard worktop. Have a peek at this website for receiving much more data relevant to Cimstone Quartz Kitchen area Worktops.
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