#and also sonic in universe didnt have any way of knowing all the details of shadow's creation and his insecurities surrounding it
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sonknuxadow · 9 days ago
ever since dark beginnings came out i keep thinking about how shadow was shown to be ashamed of his black arms dna and considered himself to not actually be a hedgehog but just another one of those monsters that happens to look like a hedgehog. and in sa2 we see his first interaction with another hedgehog ever and its sonic calling him a fake hedgehog ........
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fosermi · 8 months ago
Having an Insomnia filled writing attack upon you~
Shadow had never had an easy relationship with his brother.
Eclipse had been created to kill him, but then he couldn't and Shadow had destroyed the Black Arms. Which Eclipse felt he had to get revenge for. It had turned into an endless cycle of strikes and vengeance against each other. The two of them had always been stubborn and vicious. Neither one ever giving a single inch toward each other.
Except now, something had happened.
Shadow was a father.
He and Sonic had been granted two little babies.
There was something to be said about children, it was very difficult to hold a tiny child in his arms, to look upon their sweet, innocent faces and feel nothing but awe. To want to protect them.
It also made Shadow realized his children, these sweet darlings, could not see the cycle of violence he had with Eclipse. What if the two of them tried to emulate it?
He couldn't even bring himself to imagine them actually hurting each other. As siblings, he knew they would fight in the future, get annoyed with each other, but actually attempt to seriously cause each other harm?
Shadow didn't want to face his brother, so he just sent him a note, explaining that he was done fighting with him. Maybe in the future, they could work on something better, but to leave it as this right now.
For a long time, that's what was it. The two of them in a strange position of no longer being active enemies but also not working toward being better siblings either.
Shadow wasn't even sure if Eclipse was aware of the changes that had happened to him, but he didn't want the darkling to know either. What if he tried to use the twins against him?
For his part, Sonic just stayed out of it. The two of them were busy, they had young children that needed care. Their days will full of the joys and frustrations of being parents, there was barely any time to think about anything else.
He had told his kids about their uncle, but they didn't really know Eclipse. It was better that way.
And then one days, the twins slipped off to another universe. One where Silver and Shadow were children, cared for by a human. And Eclipse, also a child was there was well.
It was a shock to see him, especially a version that was so small.
Shadow couldn't help but be suspicious. What if this version of Eclipse was hiding something?
And then Shadow said something simple, just confirmed that this was his brother and the kid all but lit up like a puppy. His tail wagging, eyes shining.
How eager he was for a bit of his brother's love, it was so clear how much he wanted it.
Shadow couldn't help but pat the child on the head and saw plainly how deeply Eclipse loved that.
The night, after getting the twins to bed, Shadow lay up, thinking about his own brother. It had been a long long time since the two of them had seen each other. What was he doing, how had his life turned out?
Maybe it was time to see each other once again. See how Eclipse was doing. And maybe make up with him.
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Eclipse didnt know what to expect. He hadn't really heard from his brother in a couple of years and had been peacefully minding his life taking care of the dark arms in a secret chao garden.
The day he had received the letter had left him feeling lost. As though he lost his purpose. And in a way it was. But that gave him more room to focus on his dark arms. It had been good in the long run, he no longer had to go after the only family he had left and he got to live a peaceful life.
As peacefully as it gets when you're trying to raise 5 dark arms and two mobian orphans that appeared at your doorsteps all alone.
So when he received another letter from his brother, asking to meet up again. To talk. To catch up. Eclipse didnt know what to do. He didn't want to go alone to meet up with Shadow somewhere that could potentially be a trap for him. So he decided to send back a letter detailing that he wanted to meet at his own terms.
In a day, at the Chao garden he lives at. That way he would have the home field advantage in case of a stage up. Plus he could be assured that his kids were safe beforehand.
The following day eclipse had prepared. Made sure his kids hid and were safe with the dark arms ready to defend but hidden as well. They had strict instructions to take the kids away if things went south.
Eclipse waited. And waited. And waited.
By the time noon rolled in. Eclipse had gotten tired of waiting and was about to give up when he caught sight of his brother’s familiar form.
Eclipse had been completely stunned by the sight, not because his brother had changed, no, he stayed the same. It was because he had two kids at his sides, one a green hedgehog with pink highlights, the other a lavender hedgehog with darkling features. Oh, and the fact that shadow was smiling. That too. But mostly the kids.
Eclipse watched from his hiding spot as the three walked in, the green one excitedly babling a mile a minute about their uncle and how excited she was to meet him.
"Alright, Variscite, settle down," Shadow said, a light chuckle in his tone.
"Awww but dada! We get to meet our uncle! OUR UNCLE!!" The green one pouted, her excitement evident.
"I know, but we need to wait. He might not even come today." That made the green one pout even more as they settled down for the wait.
Eclipse couldn't help but stare and watch for a couple of minute as they settled down and talked. His brother had kids with him. Were they his kids? Probably since they were saying something about an uncle.
It was actually the purple one that took notice of Eclipse first. The kid's gaze continually glancing in the direction of the darkling until finally eclipse decided it was time to approach.
"Didn't expect you to being hatchlings, brother." Eclipse couldn't help but sneer at Shadow who only sighed and crossed his arms.
"Brother," Shadow gave him a nod in greeting. "Glad to see you look well."
"Uh?" Eclipse had been taken back by that, blinking away the tears that had rapidly began forming at those first words. It implied that shadow cared enough to have wondered if he was ok. And he called him brother in a non derogation way. It didn't feel real for a moment.
But he soon found himself with an armful of kids. One babling a mile a minute and the other with the brightest expression in the world. Briefly, Eclipse looked up to Shadow. The black hedgehog's smile was encouraging. And Eclipse couldn't help but smile too.
It seemed like for once, they came to an agreement. These children didn't deserve to see the past animosity between them. They deserve much more than that.
It didn't take long before eclipse was introducing his own kids to Shadow’s kids, allowing both parents some time between themselves to talk.
"So... kids huh?" Eclipse started his gaze focused on the children that were playing with the dark arms and the various chao in the garden. "Didn't take you for a father figure."
"Neither did I," Shadow huffed his expression calm and relaxed as he watched the kids before turning to look at Eclipse. "Didn't take you for a parent either. Where did you get them?"
Eclipse shrugged and leaned back. "Found them at the entrance of the Chao garden, abandoned." The darkling turned to face Shadow, an eyebrow ridge raised in questioning. "And yours?"
"Chaos emerald," That didn't really make sense to eclipse and it showed. "We don't know how it happened either."
Eclipse blinked then just shrugged, accepting that explanation. They both turned to look back at the kids. The silence only bareable thanks to the sounds of the kids playing in the garden.
After a few minutes, Eclipse spoke up again. "This is nice..." He braced himself for nothing in response just in case, not expecting his brother to speak.
"It is." Shadow's gaze was far off but fond. "We should do this again. Meet up. Catch up... as brothers."
Eclipse really wasn't expecting that. Especially that last part. Shadow had given him an olive branch. His brother who killed their entire species. His brother who hurt him again and again. His brother who abandoned him. His brother who for the longest time he believed hated him.
Rage bubbled up in his stomach at the thought of shadow only now caring. Only now wanting to be brothers after rejecting Eclipse’s advances. All the words eclipse wanted to say died in his throat at the sight of his brother, his anger and rage leaving him.
Shadow's head was in his hands his breathing heavy and jagged and the slight scent of salt wafting in the wind. He knew this sight well. He's seen it many times on his kids when they cried. For a moment he tracked a single tear fall and looked away.
Eclipse was mad at shadow but he swore he would be better for his kids, so he wouldn't push shadow away like how he was rejected before. After a minute, Eclipse leaned his head on shadow's shoulder in comfort. He didn't say anything, knowing that his brother would like to get the attention of the kids. It would be hard and rocky for the both of them moving forward. But it was a start.
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lnfinitc · 6 years ago
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Welcome to MISSION BINGO in appreciation for all of YOU. Thank you for allowing me to reach this follower milestone and an additional thank you to everyone who has continued to support and keep me company. It means so much to me, more than I can ever express, so please allow me to show my appreciation to you. Complete missions, get loot, it’s that simple! More information below.
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                   Public BINGO Document | Main Art Blog | ENDS 8/19
Interested in playing MISSION BINGO?? It’s less bingo, more mission (But you didnt hear that from me!) There are 9 available missions to take, and you will earn 1 RED CUBE per mission that you complete. These missions must be completed in their entirety in order to obtain this item, but really, thats up to you to decide as you will be keeping your own score on a public document. You can take as many or as few missions as you would like. That means, if you complete all missions, you can obtain a total of 9 RED CUBES. 
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These cubes can be used in the shop below. You can turn them in and redeem specific prizes, or you can directly open them. Directly opening them has a good chance to fail, but there is also a chance that you will obtain more prizes than you can buy from the store in this way. 
PURPLE CUBES are given away randomly ONCE A DAY to people who have LIKED AND/OR REBLOGGED this post. You are entered into the raffle once, for a maximum of two times, for each time you like and reblog this post. These purple cubes give better quality, guaranteed prizes when you open them.
RED CUBES (when opened)- ~ 60% NOTHING ~ 20% Mono-colored 2 Headshot Sheet ~ 15% Fully-colored 3 Headshot Sheet ~ 5% Fullcolor Headshot
PURPLE CUBES (when opened)- ~ 50% Mono-color, detailed binary-line bust ~ 25% Mono-colored 3 Headshot Icon Sheet ~ 15% Fully-colored 4 Headshot Icon Sheet ~ 10% Fullbody, Full-character (1 GUARANTEED)
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Grand prize is a full-color, full-body of one of your characters or muses in my “official” style! All other art will be done in my quick-binary brush style, which can be seen in all of the work I do on this blog. I can do animals, anthros, humans, mechs, ect. No explicit NSFW, but things like mild blood is alright with me! 
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                                                   HOW TO PLAY
You can start playing by LIKING and REBLOGGING to enter yourself in for the daily PURPLE CUBE raffle! From there, you can start working on completing the missions shown below. They are mainly writing, drawing, and mundane tumblr activities-with an honorable mention to the last one, where you can opt to play SONIC FORCES instead if you own the game. You can read more about the MISSIONS in the following section below.
The missions must be posted onto your blog with the tag ||MISSION or with my name tagged directly so I can see it! Please be mindful of your followers and put your missions under READ MORE if your post seems too long. You can put multiple, or all, or your missions in a single post. Some are done in a honor system-there’s no real way to prove that you have done some of these missions, only you will know that you did. I trust that you will, and if you don’t...SHAME. SHAME ON YOU :C 
After the game ends on the deadline posted at the top of this post, all players can start redeeming their cubes in the shops and/or opening what they have earned. You can message me directly with your decisions, and I will make a post that reads everyone’s results generated from random.org ‘s random thing generator.
The document is freely editable, all I ask is that you only mess with your own area. Please do not mess with anyone else’s inventory. You are free to trade things with other players, but only if they agree on it. Please be sure to make a note of this agreed trade somewhere in your part of the document, as I will go back at the end of the game and count everything that I was PINGED and was tagged accordingly.  
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FEAR -  You know dang well there is one person’s blog you have been eyeing for awhile now but have yet to interact yet. Stop waiting, go message them! Send a tumblr you have not spoken to, but would like to, a casual message! Alternatively, you can open up another starter call, just be sure to use the ||MISSION tag!
SUIT UP - It’s wartime and you need to get ready to battle the empire! What does your muse look like when suiting up for battle? Do they take any precautions or plan their tactics in advance? Draw an image of what you think they will look like. If you cannot draw, or are not in the mood to, you can also describe what they look like.
WISHFUL THINKING - Write or explain some thing or some scenario you have always wanted to write, give details as to why you haven’t written it yet or have plans to in the future. 
REFLECTION - Is there anything about your muse you have changed from canon? How well do you think your interpretation of the character is? Are you happy with it, and if not, how would you like to continue to grow as a roleplayer of this muse? If you are not playing a canon character, how has your character grown since you first started your blog? Have they changed, or stayed more-or-less the same?
SPEECH - What are some of your favorite words to use in writing? How does this effect the tone? Think about the answers to these questions, now think of the opposite. Try writing in a different way than you normally do with those things in mind. Alternatively, if you typically write in paragraph form, try writing something about your muse in prose.
COURAGE - Say one thing that you really like about yourself! In addition, say one thing you really like about your muse and something that your muse likes about themselves. 
ADMIRE - Send an ASK to someone you really like to see on your dashboard or interact with. Tell them how much you appreciate seeing their beautiful face! 
RALLY - Write a small blurb of no less than two sentences of you, or someone else’s, favorite alternate universe! If not a blurb, talk about why you enjoy the AU. 
VICTORY ! - The battle is won, the resistance is victorious! The world has been under Doctor Eggman’s rule for a long while, ruining entire cities as well as mentally/physically scarring many of the populace. Write about your thoughts on the aftermath of this world-changing event, or as an outsider looking-in, what your muse sees. If your muse is not from the sonic verse, write about about something life-changing your muse has gone through. You have one final alternative, and that is to play the game itself. Screenshot a S RANK you earned on Sonic Forces of STAGE 27. Infinite is defeated, all missions are cleared!
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                                      STORE (CUBE EXCHANGE)
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  Turn in your RED CUBES here for goodies! These are sorted LEFT to RIGHT.
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HERO’S SCROLL - 9 REDs Fully colored, 6 icon set. ARTIFACT CHEST - 6 REDs Mono-colored, 4 icon set FAREWELL LETTER -  3 REDs Fully-colored, 2 icon set LUCKY DICE - 2 REDs Simple headshot
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