#and also requesting very complicated interlibrary loans which i HATE doing
dearmrsawyer ยท 2 years
ONE DAY of work left and then i'm on holidays for a MONTH ๐Ÿ™Œ i'm soo excited and ready to be on holidays. i've spent the last couple of weeks trying to make my return to work next year easier and have been doing all the preparation i can for the first batch of subject starting next semester. i can only prepare a certain amount and then need to wait for the academics to sort out their end - but my aim has been to get everything that isn't waiting on them done before Christmas, and then all i need to do is catch up on whatever progress they make in January while i'm on leave. I think i've ticked everything off my list!
I know that when i come back next year its going to feel mad because they'll all want the content they developed uploaded as soon as possible lol. But that's okay because a huge chunk of that work is already done. We're changing the schedule of our subjects next year and as a result a lot more subjects needs to be ready up front when the semester begins. So my responsibilities with subject prep are much more clustered, but it will mean I have more lulls throughout the year to focus solely on other things, and it'll benefit our students so overall i think its worth it!
I'm also excited because one of the people at work is leaving in January and i don't like him and he'll be gone by the time i get back ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽ‰
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