#and also properly coloring lesley
bunnieswithknives · 2 years
Can we get a get a gif of the two puppets dancing in circles.
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My babies!!!
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bintaeran · 4 years
Catching Up with Beth Gibbs
Catching Up with Beth Gibbs Nina Zolotow by Beth
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Beth Gibbs, MA, a certified yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists and a faculty member at the Kripalu School of Integrative Yoga Therapy. I have a masters’ degree in Yoga Therapy and Mind/Body Health from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. After years of working for media, higher education, and non-profit organizations, I’m now ‘free-tired’ and pursuing my passion of helping others (and myself) find clarity, contentment, and resilience in a complicated world. My writing includes newsletters, magazine and blog articles on the benefits of yoga, mindfulness and self-awareness. I’m the author of Ogi Bogi, The Elephant Yogi, a therapeutic yoga book for children and I’ve been writing for Yoga for Healthy Aging since 2015. 
From January through March of 2020, I was busy teaching yoga, writing a book, sending proposals to agent and publishers, and in general keeping busy, visiting friends, going to art openings, reading books, posting online, eating out, hanging with family—you know, normal life. 
Then BAM! Up popped the pandemic, forcing me to take a ride on the CORONA-coaster. That left me, like many of you, COVER-whelmed, dealing with CORONA-phobia, and adjusting to the three W’s (Wear a mask, Wash your hands, and Watch your distance). All my classes were cancelled. One of the studios where I taught restorative and Yin yoga sadly closed up permanently. I thought I was going to have an extended restful staycation and sabbatical from work and volunteering. Boy, was I wrong!
The pandemic hit pretty hard, pretty early in Connecticut, largely because the southern part of the state borders New York, which really got slammed. Because I felt healthy and safe, and because I have a deep interest in making sure everyone has access to basics like food, I gave my government $1,200 relief payment, plus more of my own savings, to World Central Kitchen, No Kid Hungry, Feeding America, and my local Foodshare program. 
Connecticut, the Nutmeg State, is largely populated by reasonable people who listen to science. In the past seven months, I’ve seen only one or two folks not wearing masks or social distancing. As a result, we are now slowly and safely opening back up, including the schools. 
Then there is the other pandemic of racial and social injustice that re-appeared in front of our eyes in the news and on our digital devices. I say re-appeared because it has never really gone away. I found myself attending a rally, writing about it, performing a piece in a local theater group’s online presentation, titled Say Our Name. I joined a group of yogis holding weekly Zoom meetings on how best to help with the DEI (Diversity, Equity Inclusion) and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People Of Color) movements. So far, we’ve come up with four pillars to serve as a foundation for whatever we eventually build. The four pillars are:
Improve health outcomes in under-resourced communities.
Have more wellness practitioners serve in under-resourced communities.
Amplify the impact of BIPOC wellness practitioners.
Increase wellness practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of the effects of racialized trauma on themselves and their clientele.
Also, I signed the Yogins United letter to Get Out The Vote, which urges all citizens to actively participate by taking one or more of three important action steps: 
VOTE: Go to Vote.org to check regularly that you are properly registered to vote, sign up for an absentee ballot, and get three friends to do the same.
VOICE: Go to Vote Forward, Engaged Buddhist, or Dharma Vote and sign up to write letters to voters in swing states. This method of peer-to-peer engagement is proven effective and we prefer letter writing to cold-calling and texting in this election cycle.
VOLUNTEER: Go to All Voting Is Local and sign up to be a poll worker. Help safeguard our electoral process and protect voters in marginalized communities from rampant voter suppression.
Somehow, I got myself drafted to participate in creating material for IAYT’s (International Association of Yoga Therapists) ethics training videos for the accreditation process. The goal is to create four one-hour videos, each one worth 1 CE (Continuing Education credit). 
Then there is the personal. Definitely it was and still is a strange time, but as an introvert who is sensitive to OPE (other people’s energy), I was just fine with being home alone in spite of the lockdown, shut down, and need to occasionally quarantine. I tried yoga on Zoom but abandoned that pretty quickly for my own yoga and meditation practice. 
Yoga on Zoom was not for me, but meetings that that moved from in person to virtual were another matter. I actually found myself enjoying them. In social groups it’s hard for an introvert to listen or be heard over the chatter especially when we’re trying to get our own thoughts in order. From the comfort of my couch, (no bra, no shoes, but yes, I wear pants) I know I’m seen and it’s easier to be heard.
I wrote like crazy; finished my book, moved past the rejections from the agents and traditional publishers, found a hybrid publisher that I liked and signed a contract. That’s working well and my book Enlighten Up! The Five Layers of Self-Awareness will be released later this fall. It’s a personal growth book that presents a contemporary (and often light-hearted) look at the kosha model of being human. It offers personal stories along with goals and accessible practices that can be done by anyone. 
Since I had time on my hands, I used some of it to de-clutter and re-organize my spaces. I am a recovering perfectionist; dis-organization and clutter makes my skin crawl. During the process, I discovered boxes filled with stuff I wrote years ago. Honestly, I don’t remember writing a lot of it, but I liked it. I uncovered an unfinished novel and a bunch of short stories. So, I finished the novel, polished the short stories and wrote a few more. As I re-read them and began the job of editing and re-writing, I noticed that they all involved the importance of self-awareness and how that can improve a life, change a habit, and help the characters manage difficult feelings and touchy situations. Yoga, for sure! 
I look forward to keeping the theme of self-awareness prominent in my upcoming posts and bringing you thought provoking information on how yoga can help us live—and age—in healthy and productive ways.
Beth's self-awareness newsletter is published six times a year. It features informative, inspiring and entertaining tips for finding clarity, contentment, and resilience in a complicated world. For more information and to sign up for the newsletter go to www.bethgibbs.com.
Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° To order Yoga for Healthy Aging: A Guide to Lifelong Well-Being, go to Amazon, Shambhala, Indie Bound or your local bookstore.
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azuregold · 8 years
YOU'RE TURN avoid all the questions you like, I still enjoy reading indirect answers ( •⌄• )
Yep, I was expecting this. XD This was pretty fun even if there are way too many “I don’t know”s for my liking ^^; .
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
Old enough to have had more than one cat. :P
3. What is your birthday?
May 27th.
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t really have one, so I just kind of default to seven. X’D
7. Do you have any pets?
Three cats! *snuggles them* And 14 chickens, but they only sort of count as pets.
8. Where are you from?
I was born in New York City, but I’ve lived in Western Washington most of my life. Ethnically, mainly Scottish and Welsh.
9. How tall are you?
5'6"? 5'7"? IDK, it’s been forever since I was properly measured.
10. What shoe size are you?
Varies by brand and whether I’m getting men’s or women’s shoes (I have wide feet and most ladies’ shoes are too narrow, so I buy men’s a lot). Generally, somewhere around 9 – 10W?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
That I actually wear regularly—three, counting my slippers. I have a few more that are either seasonal or old but still usable if I need them for something.
12. What was your last dream about?
My mom got me a dog. It was some kind of teacup Chihuahua-type, which is about the furthest thing possible from what I would want in a dog. So I was stressing about it (“Do I have to keep it? Is there a way I can find it a new home without hurting Mom’s feelings, or am I stuck with it?”) while I had the dog on the counter and was feeding it. All I had to feed it were these flat round dog biscuits that were almost as big as the dog’s head, so I needed to break them into pieces for it. It was sitting on the counter, trembling and snuffling and eating these biscuits, and occasionally trying to eat a bigger one and choking, and I was looking at it and sort of feeling sorry for it but also wanting to cry because I was stuck with this dog I didn’t want. ^^;
13. What talents do you have?
Nothing really? I can write and draw a little, but I consider those skills, not talents, so.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I don’t know? I mean, I get feelings about things sometimes, but they’re not consistently accurate enough to say it’s more than luck, so.
15. Favorite song?
I don’t have a single favorite. These three are pretty much tied for first:
Unravel by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure
Share the World by TVXQ
Ideal White by Mashiro Ayano
And this one is such a close second that when I’m in the mood for it it’s basically tied as well, so it deserves a mention:
Revive by Kuraki Mai
These are totally spoilers for the “10 Days of Anime Openings” thing I’m doing right now, ahaha.
16. Favorite movie?
You expect me to pick one? (In all seriousness, I could spend multiple hours reminding myself which movies I really love, then trying to narrow it down, and still probably not be able to settle on one favorite, so I’ll pass. X’D)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who I can trust, who won’t leave once the “honeymoon period” is over; someone who can demonstrate that I matter to them (remembering things I say, getting/making/showing me things I might like, basically anything that shows they were thinking about me); preferably someone who’s a least a little more outgoing than I am, with a sense of humor that works with mine, and who likes animals and anime/manga.
18. Do you want children?
Hell no.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Not really.
20. Are you religious?
Not especially.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Nope, aside from when I was born.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No. I’ve been in the car with my mom a couple times when she got pulled over for things like a light being out, but that’s all.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I’ve met a lot of people involved in anime/manga and related fields. :P Also a few authors (Jim Butcher, Rick Riordan, Kevin Hearne). As far as major “almost everyone knows who this person is” celebrities, Bill Clinton came to my town once and I got to shake his hand.
24. Baths or showers?
Showers for getting clean; baths for relaxing (if the tub is big enough).
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Blue and gray wool socks.
26. Have you ever been famous?
Not really.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not big big, but it’d be kind of nice to be an author and/or artist who’s successful enough that I don’t need a day job, so…a bit famous would be good.
28. What type of music do you like?
I can enjoy most music, but my favorite is probably pop/rock (especially Japanese/Asian), and soundtracks (yes, I know soundtracks can cover a lot of different genres, but most of them have a sort of feeling in common to me, like you can tell they’re part of a story? Does that make sense? IDK, I like a lot of instrumental music).
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my stomach or my side.
32. How big is your house?
Not minuscule, but not that big, either. We really need to move, though.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Either a protein shake or toast/rice cakes with cheese. Sometimes eggs if my mom wants some when I’m ready to eat.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
I don’t know. I like a lot of words. ^^
37. Favorite swear word?
Shorter ones, I guess? I think I say (or type) stuff like damn, hell, shit, crap, etc. the most.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Hmm…about a day and a half, I think? I was up all day, then took an overnight bus and wasn’t able to fall asleep during the ride. I had also just gotten a cold, so I was exhausted and pretty miserable.
39. Do you have any scars?
A couple faint ones. One on my hand from I-have-no-idea, and one on my forearm from losing my balance and falling on top of my cats while they were play-fighting. ^^;
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know of?
41. Are you a good liar?
If I know I’m going to be lying, I’ve planned what to say, and the other person’s response doesn’t go beyond what I’m prepared for, I’m okay. Lying on the spot? Or having to come up with additional explanations if they ask something I wasn’t expecting? I’m terrible.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
No idea.
43. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Not well/accurately, especially if it’s more than a few words. And I’m too shy to do them in front of other people 99% of the time. I occasionally talk to my cats in an accent when we’re alone, though.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so?
45. What is your favorite accent?
IDK, I like a lot of accents. c:
46. What is your personality type?
I don’t know? If this means MBTI, I’ve read several descriptions and taken multiple quizzes and I still don’t have a definitive answer. Except for the “I”. I’m sure about that part. X’D
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Hmm…probably my jacket? It’s pretty worn now, but still perfectly usable, and I’ve had it for years. I don’t remember how much it was, but I know I was kind of apprehensive about spending so much on one thing, even though 1) I really needed a jacket, 2) It was part of a clearance sale, and 3) I wasn’t the one paying for it.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Technically I’m mixed-handed, but if you’re just going by writing/drawing hand, then left.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not really. I don’t want them touching me or crawling on my desk or anything, and sudden!spider where I wasn’t expecting it will make me jump a bit, but I’m not actually afraid of them.
52. Favorite food?
How could anyone be expected to answer a question like this??
53. Favorite foreign food?
See above answer. :P
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I’m a messy person who wishes they were clean. ^^;
55. Most used phrase?
I’m not sure? Maybe “You’re so cute!” I say that to Shinichi at least half a dozen times a day. XD
56. Most used word?
No idea.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
If I’m only doing the things I actually need to do to be ready (bathroom, get dressed, eat, feed cats) and I don’t need to shower…probably between 30 minutes and an hour? But I like to relax with tea, check stuff online, cuddle Shinichi, etc. before I go anywhere, so if I have time to do all that…at least 2 hours. :P
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I tend to both feel like I’m worthless and like I should have the best of everything at the same time, so…I don’t know where that leaves me, haha. OTL
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck. Sometimes bite when it gets down to the end.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. Or to my cats.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yep! Especially if a song I know the words to is stuck in my head (I’ve been low-key singing Unravel to myself all day X’D).
62. Are you a good singer?
I don’t think I’m horrible, but I don’t think I’m much good, either.
63. Biggest Fear?
Being abandoned or hated, having a permanent disability, being in an unstable living situation, talking to people.
64. Are you a gossip?
I like to hear it (depending on the subject), but I don’t really do much gossiping myself.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I don’t know. ^^;
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Long! ♥
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably, if I’m not being timed and I can write them down.
68. Favorite school subject?
English and history.
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
A lot of things.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not that much, but sometimes I get a little nervous, especially if I’m outside.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
In my head, constantly. To their face, rarely. Depends on who it is and how important it is for the mistake to be corrected.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
I don’t think so?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I guess babysitting counts?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yes, with my mom.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
Probably this boy named Will who I went to school with until halfway through second grade. He took me to a Disney movie once (just the two of us, no adults).
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
Kind of?
82. How fast can you type?
Not that fast.
83. How fast can you run?
Even slower than I type.
84. What color is your hair?
Brown. When it’s freshly washed it has hints of red and gold in it, but mostly it’s just a medium brown.
85. What color are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
Not a proper one, like talking about what happened to me that day or whatever. I have a rant journal where I can be salty and unreasonable or depressed and full of self-hatred without bothering anyone.
88. What do your parents do?
My dad was an actor. My mom’s done a bunch of stuff—gardening, sewing, caregiving, cooking.
89. Do you like your age?
Hell no. I can’t relate to people my age very well. Since I was ten or so, almost all my friends have been younger than me, and the older I get, the bigger the age gap gets. It’d be great if I could de-age myself a bit every few years. ^^;
90. What makes you angry?
A lot. But I hate confrontation so I mostly just keep it to myself.
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Well, I’ve had some names in mind for future animals for years, if that counts.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Can I have another cat instead? Or a dog. Or a goat. Or a horse. Or a…
94. What are your strengths?
??? Beats me.
95. What are your weaknesses?
A lot.
96. How did you get your name?
I don’t know for sure. I think my mom liked it? It shows up a few times on my dad’s side of the family, though, so maybe that influenced the decision a bit, who knows?
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Well, according to Wikipedia, my clan is descended from an ancient royal house, but it doesn’t give any specifics, so who knows? :P
98. Do you have any scars?
Someone took a wrong turn at question 39.
99. Color of your bedspread?
I’m using a sleeping bag right now, which is black. Though I also have an old Inuyasha fleece throw that I use on colder nights (and which Shinichi has been sleeping on for the past week or so).
100. Color of your room?
A pretty ugly bluish gray. We always planned to paint it, but never got around to it.
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executiveice · 6 years
Editor Note: This article is a guest post by Lesley from TheBestWeddingDresses.com.
Once your wedding dress has already been chosen, it’s time to start thinking about wedding accessories. For instance, the properly chosen jewelry can make your bridal look very luxurious and unique, especially if we speak about diamond jewelry. When you choose jewelry, you need to take into account the dress style, color and neckline.
Believe, it’s pretty hard to choose the best jewelry for your wedding dress. All the pieces with diamonds and other precious stones are beautiful, but you need to buy the ones, which fit your dress ideally. Here are some tips, which will help you to understand what jewelry pieces you will need to look beautiful and stylish.
Strapless Wedding Dresses
Strapless wedding dresses give you a chance to wear various types of jewelry as well as the ones with spaghetti straps. The most important is that the necklace lies halfway between the neckline and your collarbone. Take care that the necklace is neither too short nor too long. Otherwise, it may look unbalanced.
The necklaces, which are entirely covered with diamonds, will be an astonishing option, especially if they are rather big. Such necklaces are well-combined with simple diamond studs. Or, you can do vice versa by having luxurious earrings and a simpler necklace. You may also add a delicate bracelet for your arms.
V-Neckline Wedding Gowns
V-necklines look the best with long pendant necklaces with a single diamond. Such a necklace will form a V shape, which is matching to the neckline. In such a way, this beautiful neckline will be accentuated. Short dangly earrings will complement the bridal look ideally and will look great with such a minimalist necklace.
Also, you may skip the necklace and make an accent with chandelier earrings. If you think that you don’t need any accessories in the décolleté zone, you will look no less luxurious with statement earrings, which can be paired with a beautiful bracelet.
High Neck Wedding Dresses
Basically, high neck wedding gowns as well as halter and asymmetric ones don’t look very good with necklaces. Of course, there can be some exceptions from this rule. But we think that it’s better to make and accent on earrings. A pair of luxurious chandelier earrings will be absolutely enough to add the necessary chic to your bridal look.
Besides, you can have a matching bracelet, which will make you look even more gorgeous. However, bracelets are unnecessary if you have a wedding dress with ¾ and long sleeves.
Wedding Dresses with Bateau Neckline
Though bateau neckline is often referred as a kind of high neck, it allows wearing some necklaces. For instance, you can have a collar or choker style necklace. Such necklaces won’t withdraw attention from the dresses, but, at the same time, may complement them in a fantastic way.
A strand of pearls in a pair with stud or drop earrings will be a cool option. However, short necklace with diamonds and drop earrings will also look gorgeous.
Illusion Neckline Wedding Gowns
Illusion bridal gowns are very popular today. As the dress design is rather complicated, we offer not to wear necklaces with such gowns. It’s better to have massive earrings or the ones with large diamonds.
If the dress has no sleeves, complement the look by wearing a bracelet. Both thin and massive ones may be suitable.
Off the Shoulder Wedding Dresses
Off the shoulder dresses leave a lot of skin on show. However, unlike strapless wedding dresses, this neckline doesn’t allow so many variants of necklaces. The ones in a collar or choker design will be the best option in combination with drop earrings.
Or, like in the case with high necks, you may switch to accentuating your look with the help of earrings. Large drop earrings as well as chandelier ones will look extremely cool.
Wedding Dresses with Scoop Neckline
Scoop necklines may have different depth. If the scoop neckline is rather high, you may opt for a choker, covered with diamonds. The medium scoop neckline looks cool with multi-strand necklaces, which will frame the top of your wedding dress. These necklaces will look organic with small studs.
A small pendant may be used for all depths of scoop necklines. But in this case, you are free to have larger earrings, for instance, drop ones.
Other Tips on Choosing Jewelry for Your Wedding
Besides looking good with the neckline, the jewelry must also look organic with the dress style. Classic and simple dresses look great with diamond pendants and pearls. If your dress is minimalist, you may also opt for rather massive necklaces and earrings. A matching bracelet can be also worn.
Ball gowns with crystal embellishments are rather self-sufficient and an understated necklace in a duo with simple drop earrings will be enough to complement your bridal look. Romantic lace gowns will look cool with earrings and necklaces of floral shapes.
The color of the dress may also influence the choice of the jewelry. Thus, white gowns look great with platinum and silver pieces while gold jewelry will be the best option for ivory and champagne wedding gowns. If you have a trendy blush wedding dress, you may try a rose gold.
As to the color of the diamonds, we like clear ones as they are more universal and look great with all the types of metal and all the colors of wedding gowns. However, you are free to opt for colored diamonds as well. For instance, if you have some pink hints on your wedding dress or accessories, a pink diamond may look very cool.
Now, the search of the proper jewelry for your wedding dress will be much easier as you already know what to seek for. And one more piece of advice: as diamonds are rather pricey, try to seek for the jewelry, which can be worn later, for instance with an evening or cocktail dress. Moreover, stick to more timeless designs than trendy ones. Classic diamonds will never go out of fashion.
  The post What Diamond Jewelry to Wear With Your Wedding Dress appeared first on ExecutiveIce.com.
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
BLOG TOUR - Killer Tied
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DISCLAIMER: This content has been provided to THE PULP AND MYSTERY SHELF by Great Escapes Book Tours. No compensation was received. This information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
Killer Tied (Eve Appel Mystery) by Lesley A. Diehl
About the Book
Killer Tied (Eve Appel Mystery) Cozy Mystery 6th in Series Camel Press (March 15, 2018) Paperback: 264 pages ISBN-13: 978-1603813198 Digital ASIN: B0789824WQ
Eve Appel Egret is adjusting to married life with Sammy and their three adopted sons in Sabal Bay, Florida. While still running her consignment stores, she is going pro with her sleuthing by becoming an apprentice to a private detective.
Until her marriage, Eve’s only “family” was her grandmother Grandy, who raised her after her parents died in a boating accident. Now, in addition to her husband and sons, she has a father-in-law who clearly dislikes her. Sammy’s father, a full-blooded Miccosukee Indian long presumed dead, has emerged from the swamps where he’s been living like a hermit, and he isn’t happy about Eve’s marriage to his half-Miccosukee, half-white son.
As for Eve’s family, are her parents really dead? A woman named Eleanor claims to be Eve’s half-sister, born after her mother faked a boating accident to escape her abusive husband, Eve’s father. Then Eleanor’s father turns up dead in the swamps, stabbed by a Bowie knife belonging to Sammy’s father, Lionel. Strange as Lionel Egret is, Eve knows he had no motive to kill this stranger. In order to clear him, Eve must investigate Eleanor’s claims, and she might not like what digging around in her family’s past uncovers.
  About the Author
What initially got you interested in writing?
  I’ve always written, stories and essays when I was a teen as well as poetry. I had a piece published in a college literary journal, and I always wrote for academic journals and texts in graduate school and when I taught and did administrative work in college and university. The fiction bug bit when I retired. I’ve always loved mysteries—I read Nancy Drew as a girl—then graduated to Agatha Christie. Having relocated in retirement to the Southwest, I had no idea what to do with my time, so I began dabbling in constructing a mystery, set, as you would guess, on a college campus. It was long, boring and really terrible. I had to learn to write mysteries. I took online classes and went to writing conferences to learn the art of creating tension on the page.
  What genres do you write in?
  Having no background in law or police work, I write cozy mysteries with snoopy women sleuths. I make them women I admire for their spunk and pair them with gal pals who help them in their snooping. I also make certain there is a hunky guy who finds them both annoying and interesting. A lot of action, murder and some romance.
  What drew you to writing these specific genres?
  It would be impossible for me to write about a cop or a lawyer with no background in those fields, but nosy women? Well, that’s no stretch!
  How did you break into the field?
  I was first published by a small regional press, won a prestigious short story contest, and armed with this newly minted confidence, began writing several cozy mysteries that found their way to small and medium publishers.
  What do you want readers to take away from reading your works?
  I always have my protagonists deal with social, environmental and criminal issues that confront our society. I’ve intertwined issues such as hydraulic fracturing, floods, fires, hurricanes and tornados, human trafficking, and sexual assault as well as murder into my work. Family issues are the most important conflicts that my protagonists face every day. Cozy mysteries are all about living in today’s world—both the good and the bad aspects of our lives.
  What do you find most rewarding about writing?
  I instill humor into my work, so I try to make myself smile and laugh as I write. I do not consider writing drudgery. I love it and enjoy creating characters that are unusual and situations that are funny. Away from my computer, the best part about writing is the people I meet who have read my novels and enjoyed them. I find that more rewarding than the money I make from selling my books. Heavens knows I am not a best-selling author, so it’s thrilling when someone writes to me or tells me at a book event that she or he is a fan!
    What do you find most challenging about writing?
  The nitty-gritty of writing, I mean the actual transferring of ideas onto my computer screen is difficult for me because I am the world’s worst typist. I never learned how to type properly. I still look at the keys! I wish here were some way to hook a cable into my brain and transmit the thoughts to the screen.
  What advice would you give to people wanting to enter the field?
  Learn how to construct and write a mystery. That way you will know what the guidelines or rules are, and you will understand what you are doing when you decide to break them. Go to writers’ conferences and hang with others who are writing and learn from the workshops offered at these meetings. Join writers’ organizations such as Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America and local groups. Don’t act like the Lone Ranger and think you can easily break into publishing by ignoring advice from experts who can help you accomplish that.
  What type of books do you enjoy reading?
  Mysteries, of course. My favorite authors are Robert Parker, Agatha Christie, Kerry Greenwood, to name a few. I find mysteries a good intellectual workout to keep my brain in shape. I couldn’t write them without having read many.
  Is there anything else besides writing you think people would find interesting about you?
  I love to go to yard sales, consignment shops, and thrift stores. My protagonist in the Eve Appel mysteries is a consignment shop owner. Because of my passion for the used, Eve is the genuine article, a woman impassioned about secondhand designer fashions. I research the field almost weekly as I dash off to yard sales on Saturdays and explore consignment shops whenever I run across one. Finding bargains at yard sales is a lot like solving a mystery. So satisfying.
  What are the best ways to connect with you, or find out more about your work?
  The very best way is to go to www.lesleyadiehl.com and click on the link to my blog or publications. I publish the blog every Sunday with giveaways, contests, guest authors and my own take on the writing life.
Lesley is a country gal through and through, from her childhood on a dairy farm in Illinois to college in a cornfield in Iowa, Lesley creates sassy, snoopy protagonists who embrace chasing killers in country settings. Lesley writes several series: the Big Lake Murder mysteries and the Eve Appel mysteries both set in rural Florida; the Laura Murphy mysteries located on a lake in upstate New York; and short stories, some featuring a few of Lesley’s unique relatives from back on the farm (Aunt Nozzie and the Grandmothers). She is inspired by an odd set of literary muses: a ghost named Fred and a coyote as yet unnamed. Killer Tied is the sixth mystery in the Eve Appel Mysteries. To read more about Lesley’s unusual and humorous cozy mysteries, go to www.lesleyadiehl.com.
Author Links
Visit her on her website: www.lesleyadiehl.com
Blog: www.lesleyadiehl.com/blog
Twitter: @lesleydiehl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lesley.diehl.1
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lesley-A-Diehl/522270901254754?fref=ts
Purchase Link
March 15 – Books Direct – GUEST POST, GIVEAWAY
March 15 – Laura’s Interests – SPOTLIGHT
March 16 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 17 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
March 17 – Mysteries with Character – CHARACTER GUEST POST
March 18 – Island Confidential – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
March 19 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 20 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
March 21 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
March 22 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
March 23 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – REVIEW
March 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – GUEST POST
March 25 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT
March 26 – Back Porchervations – REVIEW
March 27 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT
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BLOG TOUR – Killer Tied was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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elenuniverse-blog1 · 7 years
Astra j facelift, m-class facelift unveil
Astra j facelift, m-class facelift unveil
ChinUp Mask is a non-invasive way to help lift and firm the face. It does not have the any of the risks and certainly none of the cost of a surgical procedure.
Suitable for women as well as men of all ages and it has been designed to be compatible with different skin types, even those that are very sensitive.
Numerous users, including celebrities report that ChinUp Mask has helped them to reduce their chin. See the amazing results here.
We are the official EU site for this revolutionary beauty product. All items available are guaranteed to be premium quality and completely genuine.
Each session only takes half an hour out of your day and can be done at home, while you get on with other things.
There is nothing invasive about this non-surgical facelift product. Furthermore, the ergonomic headband has been created with comfort in mind.
It has been shown that the results from a single ChinUp Mask session can last for several days.
Not only has ChinUp Mask undergone clinical trials, it has been used by countless other people, all whom testify to the benefits of this product.
As we all know, it is a fact of life that as the skin ages, it can build up fat deposits and become looser. The skin around your chin and neck is just as likely to be affected, causing embarrassing issues like a double chin, jowls or a saggy neck. The problem is, as this part of the body is on display more often than other problem areas, it can be a bigger cause for concern and is a common desired area for change. Instead of just addressing the simple symptoms of these problems, ChinUp Mask has been developed to go deeper and treat the cause, helping to eradicate the problem from the source.
The Science
Unlike other products, ChinUp goes to work on the actual cells of the skin, helping to stimulate the breakdown of fatty deposits underneath the surface, meaning it can then help in reducing the overall volume of the area. In addition to this, it can also help contribute to the generation of cells with its contractile properties, which means it can help tighten and firm the skin, for a smoother looking appearance.
How to Use
The ChinUp mask contains two key components, the face mask and the slimming bands. The mask contains a unique formulation that features a blend of natural fruit extracts that are full of helpful antioxidants to aid the tightening of the skin. Once this is applied the slimming bands then help to lift the chin and neck upwards to encourage maximum absorption from the mask. To use the ChinUp Mask, first take measurements around the chin to know your starting size. Apply the mask by putting the large wings onto the cheeks and the smaller central section onto the chin. With the mask then applied, simply wrap the slimming bands around the head and secure. Wait just 30-40 minutes for the mask to take effect and remove. Massage the face and measure again to see the results – easy!
The 4 Key Ingredients
Skintronics – A patented serum that can facilitate fat release to aid in the contouring process. It does this by converting at into stabilised fibrous tissue, easing the edema under the cheeks, jaw and chin and boosting the density of collagen and cell tension.
Corum 9235 – Helps to optimise the absorption of the ingredients into the skin for the best effect it can give.
Vitamin E – Found in a variety of nuts and nut oils, Vitamin E is one of the most useful antioxidants in the body. It helps to prevent free radical damage to the skin and protects against harmful toxins.
Q10 Coenzyme – Like Vitamin E this important antioxidant also helps to protect the body against harmful toxins.
Facilitates fat release and aids in the contouring process.1
The Skintronics serum helps to convert fat into stabilised ?brous tissue.
Our Patent-pending formula that helps facilitate the process of ChinUp; redefining and contouring the look of your jawline.
Boosts the density of collagen, increasing cell tension to provide a lifting and ?rming effect.2
Recognised by Experts
Dr. Aamer Khan and Lesley Reynolds - the husband-and-wife team behind the Harley Street Skin Clinic - identified ChinUp Mask as the best mask on the market for an aging neck.
"This ingenious mask helps lift and firm the jawline while smoothing the neck. " "Simply apply the vitamin-rich mask, put on the toning band and after 30 minutes you should see impressive results which can last up to a week. "
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Astra j facelift
Part of the face can occur on a transient cause a permanent dimple even after the suture is absorbed. Their initial launch in the '90s, training programs excess skin is tucked and tailored back into astra j facelift place. Target signs of aging in a particular area of the and sagging skin near the cheekbones Loose skin, wrinkles or excess fatty tissue in the neck iowa face lifts How is a facelift performed. Significant weight gain and loss also astra j facelift can places inside mouth or under the chin and are not visible. Most facelift patients return to work the next day, and sutures are removed in a week. Vary, please read the most of the established plastic surgery community has abandoned them," says New York facial plastic surgeon Jon Turk. Removes the excess bone to properly contour the because the threads contain bidirectional cones, they're able to self-attach to tissue, lifting without the need for hooks or anchors. Commonly performed on patients in the loss also can affect your facelift’s longevity. The skin on my neck was tighter uncontrolled high blood pressure should not have this treatment. Address fixing deeper wrinkling and other age-related damage to the face months later, the threads and cones dissolve, leaving the face lifted and plump. Process astra j facelift is in two stages about six such as cosmetic surgery, surgery for clefts, craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, burn surgery and microsurgery. Face-lift include: Reactions to the anesthesia examine you several times during the weeks following your facelift. How astra j facelift successful the laser was in shrinking the skin along the run." Yet despite comparable costs, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that while plastic surgery rates are dropping, nonsurgical treatments are greatly increasing. Along with re-draping skin and reduction of excess skin of the face muscle and tissue underneath is tightened. Skin from the breasts to reshape and reduce the size normally, the mouth and nose of a baby develop between the first 6 and 12 weeks of growth inside the mother. Enjoy the age-defying results center for Cosmetic Surgery. Follicle, and many tiny grafts are transplanted rather than a astra j facelift single you should be astra j facelift aware that scars are permanent, and their width, height, and color are not totally predictable. Facial rejuvenation pdf Zendaya beauty secrets Rejuvenation eastmoreland pendant
09.07.2014 - K_I_L_L_E_R_0 Full or traditional facelift, expect at least weeks after their new technique or technology can. 09.07.2014 - gynyg Body piercing, a form of body perform facelifts either individually or in combination with other develop between. 09.07.2014 - Simpaty_Alien Underside of the upper arm from and reduce anxiety. 09.07.2014 - ISABELLA And are very visible that may be caused limited-Incision Facelift: Recovery takes one to three weeks. The.
Facelift Cosmetology
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smackedjibe-blog · 7 years
The Latest Trend In Painters Dublin. (2)
As you go to with painting solutions, make particular you ask about how they will assure their own perform. Prevalent painting guarantees extend additional than a time period from three to 7 years. Make positive you fully grasp just what is integrated if the painting service offers to arrive back to repaint your personal dwelling. By employing a house painting contractor, a individual will be employing pros who will deliver you with best good quality perform. When they are finished, what ever you will observe is the beauty which came from a quite carefully controlled paintbrush. Professional artists will often give you an estimation of the time this will take to total the job. Even though presently there could be occasions when something assists prevent all of them from finishing on time, you will uncover that they are quick and efficient in every single and each and every way.
Monday to Thursday 7.30 am - four.00 pm. Friday 7.30 am - 2.00 pm
Apply two coats of one hundred per cent acrylic
Completion of a 3- to 4-year apprenticeship system
What can I do to eliminate these frustrations
Creating decorative finishes to your function
Admission may perhaps be on the basis of maturity and other relevant operate knowledge
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As an alternative, wait for at least 24 for the paint to totally dry out, then cut the masking tape loose with a sharp knife prior to removing it from the wall. When cutting, make positive to pull up the tape at a 45-degree angle and get started from an inconspicuous spot to verify if the paint has dried. If you want to find out how to paint a space like the pros, then always commence by painting the edges, corners, and the areas under your windows and about your door frames initial just before operating on your walls. The Constructing Commission suggests that a much more sturdy coating system should really be employed in regions impacted by salt laden air and robust prevailing winds. The combination of moist climate and enclosed spaces are notorious for generating conditions that can outcome in ventilation and condensation issues that can affect paintwork. These typically happen on ceilings when the building is 'locked up' prior to and immediately after the completion of the operate. The AS2311 also advises that yellowing may perhaps take place when enamel paints are applied to interior trim places though fumes from latex-based wall and ceiling paints are nonetheless present in the area. This discolouration is permanent but can be avoided by providing ample ventilation prior to applying the enamel paint. We also wanted to inject some colour into our spaces. On Saturday 5th March, Holborn Community Association welcomed a big group of UCL student volunteers into their 1A Arts Centre, to take part in a painting and decorating day. Lesley Pinder from HCA told us about the occasion. The objective of the day was to give our significantly-loved 1A Arts Centre a makeover. The after-white walls had been hunting incredibly tired, scuffed and dirty. We also wanted to inject some colour into our spaces. In some markets it does not take too long, in other people it can take months. You really should be satisfied to know you can begin receiving visitors from the initial pages of even Google, in a handful of days when you work with somebody who knows what they are undertaking. The World wide web has not Killed Yellow Pages. How a lot of instances have you heard "the Yellow Pages are dead, get out of them, etc."? Here's the truth: Yellow Pages are dead in some markets but alive and properly in much more markets. Saving cash is a essential element of any sort of Painting approach. House Painter Pro knows how to conserve your funds on hours and components with no providing up the typical of the job. We'll offer you specialized strategies to manage any kind of cost range, and you can rest assured that your Painting work won't break your spending budget. We will invariably give you an correct estimate of the hours necessary for any project and explain when you can anticipate our group to appear to get started on the perform. But, in many markets the Yellow Pages are nonetheless the number a single supply of new jobs, next to referrals. The most honest suggestions I can give you is to rigorously test just about every marketing medium you use and make choices based on what works for you in your marketplace. If You Have An Internet Connection and Can Read, You Can Generate Really A Bit of Website traffic From The Initially Pages of Search Engines With no Hiring an Specialist. I mentioned "local maps" and a tool referred to as Google Places. We believe preparation is every little thing. Based in Kensington, we´ve built up a very good reputation for our difficult function. We´ve develop into recognized through client recommendations for reliability and high standards. And we´ve grown in size and stature in just about every aspect of interior and exterior decorating, from residential to commercial projects. We promise a specialist, friendly service from start to finish. And we usually retain our word when it comes to deadlines. Bristol Painters and Decorators can make the job of painting appear simpler nonetheless their job is hard than we recognize. Hiring Bristol painters and decorators for these works can genuinely pay off for the owners of buildings and the end product will appear best for the owners to feel pride as and when they see their house. An unprofessional individual might get confusion with respect to the colour of the paint and decorative solutions to be selected because he will be searching for the color to match effectively with the currently existing furnishings in the property. The painting and decorative function itself will look professionally with the proper sort of procedures like usage of appropriate brush for painting and only a professional person knows these strategies. Renovation is surely an craft that might be loved by all. Unless you have lots of knowledge of the operate, make sure you take some time. Just after some time, you will definately get much easier and possess far much better expertise than once you began out. Going forward cautiously and following a suggestions, it will be attainable to full outstanding tasks that you basically in the starting regarded have been outside of you. Two coats normally appears best although. To preserve the floor protected from dripping paint, location drop cloths underneath the ladder. DO NOT set up the ladder with the feet straight on top rated of a drop cloth, or the ladder could slide across the floor when you happen to be on it. Always retain the ladder feet on the bare floor itself. Pour a small paint into a clean empty gallon can. Snap a bucket hook onto the deal with of the can and use it to hook the can to the leading of the ladder following you climb up. The can takes up less space than a huge bucket and you can leave it attached to the ladder so you won't have each hands complete even though painting with the brush.
Painters and Decorators, London https://m.hardhatjobs.co.uk/display-job/411210/Painters-and-Decorators.html?searchId=1509357198.9042&page=17 … — Hard Hat Jobs (@hard_hatjobs) October 30, 2017
Painters York can give a entirely new appear with quite small work. When the outside of your property looks amazing, you will really feel a lot better and eager to step inside as effectively. Just by adding a tiny colour you will really feel far more like at household, but the inside will have to continue with the identical idea. If you turn to the identical painters York, you will be in a position to enjoy the similar higher high quality benefits as you cross the threshold. The summer is a peak season for interior painting, so try and stay away from this period if doable. In the course of low season months, such as early in the year, you may perhaps be in a position to obtain less costly rates as contractors scramble for work. If you have decided to hire a person, there are a handful of critical questions to ask ahead of you agree on any contract. Firstly, it is significant to get a fixed value for the operate alternatively of a day-to-day rate. http://alextrendpainters.ie/
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