#and also muffins and madeleines and brownies
hybbat · 9 months
It's so hard after going grocery shopping not to eat literally all the tasty things immediately
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thesbianxwaves · 3 years
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Founded and co-owned by Waves Bordeaux, the Teal Pumpkin Café is an allergy-friendly vegan bakery café and catering company located in downtown Roswell, New Mexico. The café prides itself on being a safe and inclusive place for all to enjoy. 
The café is completely free from 7 of the 9 most common food allergens as recognized by the FDA. The only two that can be found in the café and its products are gluten and select tree nuts.
All ingredients are clearly labeled with potential allergens bolded.
For blind and low vision individuals, Braille menus are always at the ready behind the counter. There is also a Braille catering menu available. 
There are two separate display cases of pastries at the front of the café: one is labeled gluten-free and the other is not. There are two distinct kitchens to keep the gluten-free products from being prepped alongside those containing gluten.
Any products containing tree nuts { cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, or pistachios } may only be custom ordered. These products are prepared in an entirely separate kitchen from those in the café to ensure no cross-contamination.  
Custom orders may be placed in person, by phone, or on the café’s official website { www.tealpumpkincafe.com }.
Due to the owner’s own allergies, there are limited to no products containing the following ingredients: cinnamon { seasonal only available in fall }, blueberries, acai, cherries, peaches { seasonal only available in summer }, melons, mangoes, kiwis, papaya, nectarines, apricots, sesame, onions, celery. 
Also due to the owner’s own allergies, there are signs posted both inside and outside the cafe that ask customers not to smoke on the premise or spray perfumes and other heavily fragranced items. 
In addition to the café and the catering company, the Teal Pumpkin also has a small bulk food selection featuring items such as all-purpose flour, gluten-free flour, cane sugar, allergy-friendly chocolate chips, allergy-friendly chocolate coated candies, sunflower seeds, and rainbow sprinkles. More will be added with time.
Since the founder is Deaf, there is some art depicting the ASL alphabet as well as some common signs on the walls of the café. There is also a ‘Deaf Owned’ sign on the door.
There is also a button on the counter that says ‘ring the bell for service’. This button sends a signal to a vibrating device worn by any Deaf/HOH employees to alert them to a customer. 
There are both indoor { dining room } and outdoor { patio } seating for customers to enjoy. There is also a closed off sensory-friendly room for seating for those who may need it.
The entire café is wheelchair accessible; and both the ramp leading up to the entrance and the ramp leading up to the bathrooms are ADA compliant. 
A first aid kit { featuring all the basics as well as epi-pens } as well as an AED box can be found both next to the front counter for both employee and customer use as well as in the break room for employee use.
The café also prides itself on being low-waste and using reusable options when able. It is also known that some disabled individuals do benefit from the use of plastics; so there are always those options as well if needed. 
The café is digital receipt only; so customers can choose to have their receipt emailed or texted. Or they can opt out of a receipt all together. If a receipt really does need to be printed for any reason, the café is able to print receipts upon request. 
Many of the employees are disabled in some way, shape, or form. The café wishes to give opportunities to those who may usually struggle to find jobs.
Employees, only if comfortable, have buttons on their aprons that share preferred pronouns as well as buttons sharing if the employee is Deaf, autistic, etc. 
There is no tip jar for the employees. Instead, they are all paid a very livable wage and given excellent benefits even under part-time status. In place of any sort of tip jar, the café has a donations jar that changes the charity in support every several months.
Service dogs are always welcomed; and there is a special menu just for pups as well as a water station set up near the outdoor dining for any pups who may be thirsty. 
Once a month, the café hosts a Deaf Night { third Friday of the month from 6pm to 10 pm } where Deaf/HOH individuals and their friends/family are invited to come to the café for coffee/tea, pastries, and games. Hearing individuals are also welcome to attend as it is a great opportunity to learn ASL and learn more about Deaf/HOH culture.
The café also hosts a bi-weekly game night { every other Thursday from 5pm-8pm } where everyone is welcome to come enjoy a limited menu and partake in an assortment of board games and card games. Attending the game night costs $3 per person over the age of 12 and $1 per person ages 3-12. The fee for attending this event is donated to local shelters and soup kitchens.
Open daily from 7am to 3pm, the café has quite the assortment of coffees, teas, smoothies, breakfast sandwiches, { vegan } quiches, yogurt parfaits, paninis, rice bowls, soups, fresh breads, seasonal fruits, spanakopita, cookies, brownies, tarts, cupcakes, and French-inspired pastries. 
While the menu changes daily as well as seasonally, some of the pastries one can always find at the café include but are not limited to:  
pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies, alien-shaped sugar cookies, galaxy cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzels, sunflower butter cups, mille-feuille, macaróns, chocolate chip/candy cookies, cosmic brownies, swirled brownies, chia pudding cups, black & white cookies, danishes, banana bread, seasonal fruit scones & muffins, profiteroles, pain au chocolat, croissants, kolaczki, petit fours, madeleines, palmiers...
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What are some things you like to cook/bake? 😁
Scones! I usually do slightly sweet scones with lemon zest because it goes well with English Breakfast tea, and the two go well with period piece dramas. I made savoury scones the other day that were amazing. I also love baking/cooking cookies, brownies, loaves, madeleines, cinnamon buns, muffins, meringues, cupcakes, bread (sourdough, multigrain, rye, pretzels, bagels, etc.), pizza, lasagna. Basically a lot of carbs. I like experimenting with baking and coming up with my own recipes. I used to veganize a lot of stuff, but mostly now I experiment based on flavour/technique/aesthetic. I’m not great at cooking. Or making cakes. But I do enjoy trying new recipes, especially if there’s a pretty picture. 🧁 
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sun-summoning · 6 years
harukaozawa replied to your post “if you ever wonder where the hell i am, the answer is i am out living...”
Would definitely be interested in any fave recipes you have to share
when i make anything with choux pastry i use this recipe. at first i would make eclairs bc they’re arguably prettier and seem fancier, but i prefer making cream puffs instead. rather than having an ugly crooked eclair, you get a cute little dollop!! and i’ll just use a star tip when piping to give it ~texture~ and add just a little bit to it. also it freezes very well after baked. i usually have a bag of pre-baked puffs in the freezer. when i need them, i just stick them in the oven for a few minutes so they can crisp up and then voila.
also this is going to sound douchey and i swear i’m not a snob, but i really do recommend mixing the eggs into your choux pastry by hand. and if you need a bit more egg than what your recipe calls for, then add it slowly. the recipe i use calls for four but sometimes the eggs are small or maybe i dried the flour clump out too much on the stove idk. but i’ve learned to just trust my instincts (obvs these must be developed) and drizzle in a bit more egg when necessary. and then if you have a bit of egg left over, you can egg wash (i never do that lol) or if you’re like me, eat scrambled eggs for dinner.
now for my pastry cream, i started off with this recipe. as a standard vanilla cream, it’s lovely! ngl i picked it bc it had the least amount of egg yolks required. some require like five yolks and that’s just too many egg white omelettes for dinner for me. 
anyway, i’ve since started playing around with that recipe as a base to make different flavours by infusing the milk at the beginning. when i want to make earl grey, i add maybe like three tea bags and let that sit when the milk is coming to a boil.
and then over the holidays, i was making peppermint bark but then my dumbass seized the freakin chocolate so i ended up with a clump of hard gritty minty chocolate. there���s not much to do with seized chocolate lol, but you can add it into something where it’ll be 100% melted. so in this case i added it to the milk!! um i added prob like 1/2 a cup of it and it made the cream a bit thicker. not that i’m complaining. but just saying.
i seized some chocolate like last weekend bc apparently i cannot do something as simple as melt chocolate. i’d like to try using that to make maybe a mocha filling? so i’ll just melt the chocolate when the milk is coming to a boiler with some instant coffee. 
i’ve been asked to bake earl grey cream puffs for my friend’s wedding. i was thinking of giving her a few flavours, one of which might be ube. one of my coworkers has already insisted on being my taste testers. my mom suggested using ube jam, but i think that might be a bit too strong, so i might make a basic pastry cream (sans the vanilla or maybe with just a dash?) and then mix the jam into that. idk i need to test this. fortunately the wedding is still in june. 
these brown butter chocolate chip toffee cookies are delicious. i never have flaky sea salt on hand. also i’ve never made an effort to find it. i have shamelessly just used coarse. 
this is the almond biscotti recipe i’ve been using. i’m still trying to get all the bake times down properly. man do not cut the biscotti without a hefty first bake. it’s just a mess if the cookie is still too soft. i’m a dumbass. but i learned my lesson!
i like this macaron recipe bc it’s fairly foolproof and if anyone has ever made macarons before.....yeah. my first time was good. my second time they were chocolate and just ended up looking like little swirls of shit lol. they tasted good though!! but yeah i find with that recipe the cookies are always nice and chewy. i also find that they don’t really crack. rather, they stay true to the form that they went into the oven with. i’ve upped my egg white to about 75g, but i do want to see if adding some more will changed how it all turns out. 
ok so my mom loves cheese tarts and i love my mom for her birthday last year i got her half a dozen (that’s generally how they’re sold) from three different places and we kind of ranked them to pick our fave. love you uncle tetsu but i’m still sad that you closed your matcha store i loved those matcha madeleines so much. anyway, i made these tarts for the fam and everyone seemed to like it. i did find the filling to have a bit of a grainy texture. still delicious though. tbh i haven’t tried recreating them yet. my friends gave me a set of mini tart pans for christmas though so i’ll try again soon.
and madeleines!! ok plains ones are nice, but frankly i find them kind of lacking. my personal favourites are ones that have a good hint of lemon and some icing sugar dusted on top. i haven’t made them in a while, but i definitely have a phase. if you ever want to and you need to buy pans, i recommend not giving into the temptation of buying the baby sized ones where the madeleines are like the size of your thumb (prob smaller). they’re great, don’t get me wrong, but the i think the full sized ones are way better. also since they’re virtually little cakes, i have shamelessly put the mix into a greased muffin pan or tart pan lol. i ran out of space in my madeleines trays and wasn’t going to go through a second round of baking. my utilities yo.
and these chocolate cookies. a very simple recipe but somehow everyone i’ve ever fed them to absolutely loves them. they’re like brownies. also i’m a lazy fuck and will not be bothered with rolling out the dough and making shapes. i literally just make little balls, press my thumb into them, and then move on. and if i feel like making them pretty, i melt some chocolate, dip the cookies in that, then dip them in sprinkles.
AND TRES LECHES. i fucking LOVE tres leches cake. ok i don’t remember what recipe i use, but i want you to know i love it.
alright that’s all for now. if you made it to the end of this post, congratulations. 
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I got the Harry Potter cookbook for Christmas, and I’m so stoked to be able to throw a Harry Potter party for all of my friends who don’t exist. 
I’m 100% gonna make Mrs. Weasley’s fudge, though. 
Also there’s a recipe for “adult chocolate cake” and you’d think that would either mean there’s alcohol in it or it’s bitter/dark chocolate. NO it’s just that 95% of the ingredients are fruit. Like, all the fruit. Dates, currants, raspberries, prunes. I can’t remember off the top of my head, but like all the goddamn fruit. I’m not a baking expert but it sounds like it’s just a chocolate fruitcake rather than an “adult chocolate cake”. 
Also there’s a recipe for fondant in there so I can be like all the people on the baking competitions and make cool decorations out of it for the cakes that nobody will eat at the parties I can’t throw. Yay. 
Oh ALSO I made a custard this week, so that was neat. I’m nowhere near skilled enough to go on a baking competition show, but I enjoy baking and some kinds of cooking, so that’s nice, at least. And that part about me not being skilled enough isn’t a self-deprecation/depression/low self-esteem one, that’s just an honest evaluation of my skills. I’ve mostly just made cookies and brownies, and the brownies are almost always from a box mix. I’ve never made bread from scratch, or choux pastry, or madeleines, or palmiers, or a sponge cake, or even cake pops, and for the life of me I cannot frost a cake properly. But I like baking what I can, even if I can’t ever enter a competition to win a million dollars or anything. Also btw re:baking, you can replace one egg with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and it’s GODDAMN AMAZING. The mayo doesn’t flavor the baked goods or anything. I’ve mostly only used it in muffin mix. It makes the muffins, like... moister and fluffier but also denser, somehow? Richer? I don’t know how to explain it. But the texture all around is better with the mayo in it. And mayo is made with eggs, so, there you go. I assume the oil that’s in mayo contributes to the texture change. 
Also you can replace butter with cream cheese in a baked good (I think it’s 1 tablespoon butter to 2 oz cream cheese). Apparently it’s fewer calories if you use cream cheese? It changes the texture a lot, so I usually don’t replace more than half the butter. It makes the stuff a light lighter and airier. 
Oh also you can replace some flour with cocoa powder to add an extra chocolate punch to your baked goods. How much to replace depends on what you’re making, but don’t do more than 1/4 a cup of cocoa powder as a replacement. The cocoa dries stuff out, so more than that will make your cookies or whatever too dry. You can add extra vanilla extract to help make your stuff gooier, anyway. 
I don’t know why this turned into baking tips. Also cocoa powder is really good on pork, but you have to do a salt water brine for a while to get the cocoa to not dry it out (also I mix it with other stuff - salt, pepper, garlic powder, thyme, cumin, red pepper, ginger, brown sugar... all of that at once. It’s good.)
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59 Sweet and Savory Gluten Free Pumpkin Recipes
New blog post! Fall is definitely here, and at least in my world, that means it's pumpkin season! I love cinnamon and apple, but I get even more excited about winter squash and pumpkin, which are even more versatile. In honor of pumpkin season, I thought I'd round up some of my favorite gluten free pumpkin desserts and savory pumpkin recipes. Whether you're looking for ways to cook fresh pumpkin, use leftover pumpkin puree or just get inro a deliciously fall mood, this round up has a gluten free pumpkin recipe for you!
So without further adieu, let's dig into these 59 recipes, which range from keto pumpkin recipes to vegan pumpkin desserts to classic desserts and dinners with a gluten free makeover.
1. Pumpkin Brownie Bites with Chocolate Frosting - Scratch to Basics
Because pumpkins and brownies are a match made for heaven.
2. Baked Pumpkin Doughnuts (Vegan) - Delightful Adventures 
"Donut" wait to try out this tasty pumpkin dessert!
3. Spicy Pumpkin and Carrot Soup (Vegan) - The Petite Cook
This vibrant soup will brighten up any cold fall or winter day.
4. Pumpkin Alfredo With Seared Alaska Scallops - A Calculated Whisk
I've never tried scallops before, but this pumpkin pasta recipe definitely makes me want to!
5. Pumpkin Spice Milkshake (Vegan) - Creative Green Living
No dairy needed for this cold and creamy dessert.
6. Pumpkin Brownies (Vegan) - A Sweet Alternative
Because the only thing better than baking with pumpkin is baking with pumpkin and cacao powder!
7. Award-Winning Pumpkin Cheesecake - Faithfully Gluten Free
Excuse me as I wipe the drool off of my computer keyboard...
8. Roasted Pumpkin with Brown Butter and Crispy Sage - Savor with Jennifer
Because sometimes simple is best when it comes to a pumpkin recipe.
9. Coconut Love Pumpkin Pie Bars (Paleo) - Nourishing Time
These gluten free pumpkin dessert bars are perfect for coconut lovers.
10. Maple Butter Pumpkin Hummus (Vegan) - Green Scheme
This is basically pumpkin pie, except in hummus form. Mind. BLOWN!
11. Quick And Easy Instant Pot Pumpkin And Plantain Curry (Vegan, Paleo) - Recipes From a Pantry 
Shake up your typical pumpkin dinner by adding plantains into the mix.
12. Pumpkin Madeleines (Dairy Free) - Fearless Dining 
These cake-like gluten free cookies will leave everyone swooning.
13. Wild Rice Stuffed Mini Pumpkins with Herbed Breadcrumbs - Crowded Kitchen
Homemade gluten free breadcrumbs take this stuffed pumpkin up a notch. 
14. Pumpkin Pie Scones (Vegan) - The Curious Frugal
I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for a good gluten free scone, so this is recipe is high on my to-do list.
15. Keto Pumpkin Cookies (Low Carb) - Wholesome Yum
If these cookies taste as good as they look, they'll be a new favorite pumpkin recipe of mine for sure!
16. Pumpkin Risotto with Bacon - Flavor the Moments
You can't go wrong with creamy risotto and crunchy bacon bits.
17. Pumpkin Cake - Gluten Free Palate
If you want a pumpkin dessert but don't feel like pumpkin pie, this gluten free cake recipe with cream cheese icing is just what you need.
18. Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Danish (Keto) - Keen for Keto
A gluten free danish has never looked so good.
19. Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Bars - Key to My Lime 
These are almost too pretty to eat...but I'd volunteer as tribute. ;)
20. Pumpkin Chipotle Cream Sauce - Boulder Locavore 
Give your typical tomato sauce pasta a fall upgrade. 
21. Easy Pumpkin Creme Brulee (Paleo, Vegan) - Wicked Spatula
You only need seven ingredients and fifteen minutes of prep to make this gluten free dessert.
22. Paleo Pumpkin Pie (Dairy Free) - Everyday Maven
Even if you're eating paleo, you can still whip up the best homemade pumpkin pie your family has ever tasted.
23. No Bake Healthy Gingerbread Pumpkin Pie in a Jar (Vegan, Paleo) - Abra's Kitchen 
Can you get more festive than pumpkin and gingerbread in one delicious dessert?!?
24. Pumpkin Caramel Sauce (Vegan) - Spabettie
This pumpkin dip is good in chocolate, on ice cream, drizzled over gluten free pancake, covering fruit and so much more.
25. Gooey Chocolate Pumpkin Bread (Paleo, Nut Free, Egg Free) - A Girl Worth Saving
I was sold as soon as I saw the chocolate drizzle...
26. Smokey Chipotle Pumpkin Hummus (Vegan, Keto Friendly) - Pink Fortitude 
Use gluten free taco seasoning to whip up this savory and protein-packed pumpkin dip.
27. Secretly Healthy Coconut Pumpkin Granola (Vegan) - Casey the College Celiac
No one will ever guess that this gluten free granola is also vegan and packed with hidden veggies!
28. Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake - Mom Foodie
For anyone looking for delicious keto pumpkin dessert recipes, this cheesecake is a delicious place to start.
29. Pumpkin and Chocolate Fat Bombs (Whole 30, Low Carb) - DIY Candy
This is one Whole30 pumpkin recipe that will win over anyone with a sweet tooth.
30. Snickerdoodle Pumpkin Muffins - My Gluten-Free Kitchen
When snickerdoodle and pumpkin muffins collide, you know it's gonna be a tasty time.
31.  Savory Vegan Pumpkin Pasta - Stacey Homemaker
As soon as my grad school schedule eases up, I'm making this gluten free pasta dish ASAP.
32. Pumpkin Pie with Praline Topping - All Ways Delicious
A crunchy-sweet praline topping takes this gluten free pumpkin pie to the next level.
33. Thai Pumpkin Curry (Vegan) - The Recipe Well 
Make sure you use gluten free red curry paste for this delicious gluten free dinner.
34. Pumpkin Pie Pudding (Low Carb) - Two Sleevers
All the goodness of pumpkin pie with none of the work it takes to make a crust. Plus, it's super easy to make in your instant pot or pressure cooker.
35. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies - Mommy Musings 
A classic gluten free cookie recipe got a pumpkin-y upgrade.
36. Quinoa Stuffed Pumpkin with Venison, Cherries and Squash - This Mama Cooks
You know I love stuffed vegetables of any type, and this stuffed pumpkin recipe is no exception!
37. Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Streusel (Grain Free, Dairy Free) - Texanerin Baking
I was sold as soon as I saw the streusel topping...
38. Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake (Paleo, Vegan) - Small Footprint Family
When you can't be bothered to turn on the oven, a no-bake pumpkin cheesecake is an ideal alternative.
39. Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting - My Gluten-Free Kitchen 
I'll admit - when I think about fall desserts, pumpkin dessert bars aren't the first things that pop into my mind. But I'd sure love to dig into these!
40. Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread - Hot Pan Kitchen
Because a simple pumpkin bread recipe is always a winner.
41. Creamy Pumpkin Soup (Dairy Free and Vegetarian Options) - Attainable Sustainable
This is an easy and comforting gluten free dinner for any cold fall night.
42. White Chocolate Pumpkin Truffles (Vegan, Keto, Paleo) - Whole New Mom
Pumpkin cream plus a white chocolate shell equals one delicious pumpkin dessert. 
43. Maple Pumpkin Pie (Dairy Free) - Allergy Free Alaska
No gluten or dairy needed to make one of the best homemade pumpkin pies.
44. Vegan Pumpkin Cookies with Chocolate Chips - Bohemian Vegan Kitchen
Because you can never have too many gluten free cookie recipes...
45. Instant Pot Pumpkin Chickpea Sweet Potato Curry (Vegan) - Moon and Spoon and Yum
A tasty curry in a hurry!
46. Mini Pumpkin Loaf or Muffins (Dairy Free) - Flavour and Savour 
Whether you make this pumpkin dessert in muffin or loaf form, it's sure to be a hit.
47. Sweet Potato Pumpkin Fritters (Paleo, Whole 30, Vegan) - Tasting Page
Hemp lime crema takes this pumpkin side to the next level.
48. Creamy Pumpkin Custard (Dairy Free) - Savory Lotus PIC
If you always eat the middle of your pumpkin pie before the crust, whipping up a gluten free pumpkin custard is gonna make your fall months even tastier.
49. Pumpkin and Ginger Jam (Dairy Free) - Fab Food For All
If you have a little pumpkin laying from decorations, turn it into a delicious jam with the help of some crystallized ginger, lemons and sugar.
50. Overnight Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding Parfait (Vegan Option) - The Flavor Bender
You can easily enjoy this parfait for breakfast or dessert.
51. Pumpkin Cookies (Keto, Vegan) - Diabetes Strong 
This gluten free cookie is as easy and quick to make as it is to eat. ;)
52. Pumpkin Pie Tartlets - Three Different Directions 
If you're looking for a simple gluten free pumpkin pie recipe, you'll love that this homemade crust only calls for three ingredients.
53. Mashed Pumpkin - Go Healthy Ever After
This fall, switch up your usual side of mashed potatoes with mashed pumpkin.
54. Pumpkin Oatmeal Crème Pies - Hunny, I'm Home
Oatmeal creme pies with a pumpkin-y twist.
55. Flourless Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins - Healthy Liv
"Muffin" better than a chocolate chip muffin. ;)
56. Mother-In-Law-Approved Pumpkin Spring Rolls (Zero White Sugar) - Mind Body and Spirit Wellbeing
These ain't your mama's spring rolls...but you'll love the mix of pumpkin, dried fruit, coconut sugar and cinnamon that help make them.
57. Pumpkin Curry with Apples (Vegan) - Vegan On Board
Pumpkin and apples combine to make an unusual but delicious dinner.
58. Easy Maple Pumpkin Butter (Paleo and Vegan) - The Rising Spoon
This thick pumpkin-packed dip is delicious spread on gluten free pastries, added to porridge or just eaten with fresh fruit.
59. Pumpkin Streusel Bread (Keto, Low Carb) - Beauty and the Foodie
Even if you're not searching for keto pumpkin recipes, this pumpkin bread will check all your flavor boxes.
Happy Pumpkin Season!
For pumpkin lovers, the best time of year is right now - and as this round up shows, there are countless ways you can make pumpkin the star of your menu. Hopefully these 59 recipes with pumpkin puree, savory pumpkin ideas and plenty of vegan, keto and paleo options give you a delicious place to start adding some pump(kin) into your life. So tell me in the comments...which recipe are you going to try first? And are you team savory or team sweet when it comes to cooking with pumpkin? via Blogger https://ift.tt/33xxR9g
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