#and also i cant understand 90% of it because i dont know french.
radrobotz · 6 months
i need to post about the random shit i fixate on for like weeks at best more often. i think the random acadieman deep dive i did that one time might have almost exclusively been on twitter before i dropped that site again. that was the weirdest turn i took other than when i got sick and got obsessed with dnb until i got better and literally could not give a shit about it anymore
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blondecarfucker · 6 years
Bed of Roses (Last Chapter - 21)
Roger Taylor x Reader
BoRhap!Roger Taylor x Reader
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Fic Summary: It's 1971. You just moved to London to study, and you find a band on a local pub after a bad date. The encounter doesn’t go the way you expect it, and neither does what follows this evening as you try to deal with loving Roger Taylor.
Fic Note: So I’ve had this story in my head for the last three weeks and finally decided to write it down. It’s completely planned. It will have 21 chapters and it’s divided in three acts: Dusk, Night and Dawn. It’s will be a bit angsty in the future, and it will most likely have some smut as well. I hope you guys enjoy it! Tell me what you think about it in the asks/comments/messages. If this is your first time stumbling upon Bed of Roses, thank you for stopping by! The rest of the story is in my masterlist, the link is in my bio - can't put the link here or else the post will disappear from the tags.
Chapter's notes: THE LAST CHAPTER. I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE. i feel like before i start my thank yous i could give you some weird trivia on the story. i wrote the entire outline for the fic at a weekend shift at work, where i always have free time. i had some smaller ideas - them meeting at a bar and not seeing again, the whole kensingon-taxi-class thing from the beginning - but there was a sudden burst of inspiration and in like twenty minutes the outline was done, and very little has changed, i mostly just added some more details. also, i imagine the reader as alicia silverstone in the 90s?? idk. i just do. also, the reader thing with new york comes from the fact that i lived there for a while and i miss it so much, so thats why theres so much detail about places and stuff - its my form of revisiting my favourite spots there. also, will (REMEMBER WHEN) was written with sebastian stan in mind, and liv tyler (in her lord of the rings days) was poppy. i did too much research for this fic on queen history, and everytime i had to change something (especially in the first act) so the dates made more sense, it KILLED ME.
anyway, now the thank yous: SHIT THIS FIC IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER ON MY LIFE. its my first time writing such a long story without abandoning it, and my first time writing fiction in english, so i learned so much!! i was doing some research the other day, and the great gatsby is like 47k words long, and the first harry potter is around 70k words long - bed of roses is around 60k words long. this is crazy.
it's also my first story to get this many readers interacting with me, and i'm so grateful for you all!! i thought about thanking you all by name, but i dont want anyone to feel left out so i just want every and each one of you reading these words to know: if you read my story, thank you. thank you for giving me your time of the day, thank you for connecting with what i wrote, thank you for telling me in any way possible that you've enjoyed it. thank you. a writer must write, but theres not a lot of joy in talking to an empty room. you filled my small room with warmth and love and there's not enough words to express my gratitude for you all. thank you.
about my writing: i plan on FINALLY DOING THE MANY REQUESTS I HAVE IGNORED OVER THIS FINAL ACT OF BED OF ROSES - requests are still open, too! i'm also outlining a smaller roger x reader fic where she's one of the videographers on the news of the world documentary, so keep an eye out for that! i'm gonna open a permanent taglist for the requests (and eventual new fic), so if you want to be added, hit me up in the ask box/comments/inbox!
anyway i'll finally wrap up this chapter's note cause you have the final chapter to read. enjoy my loves
Words: nearly 4k
Warnings: none??? part of their dialogue is inspired by some of my favourite movies and books like her and the wife and almost famous and before sunrise and the fault in our stars and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and maybe more I DONT KNOW ITS BEEN AN EMOTIONAL RIDE OK I CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHERE DID I PULL THIS FROM EXACTLY. some errors too cause i didnt revise it completely my bad im crying ok
"It's the moment night time seems weaker and everything seems easier to figure out"
 Chapter 21
Roger lit a cigarette in the train cabin, and tried to open the top window, the one you can usually pull open.
"Rog, it's not gonna open, you know", you told him as you watched him fiddling with the glass.
"I guess you're right. Hope you won't be bothered by the smoke", he said, taking a puff.
"I won't if you share it with me", you answered, and with a half smile on his lips, Roger lifted the cigarette to your lips, and you breathed in the smoke while looking at him through your lashes.
"Don't look at me like that. Especially if the cigarette smoke is going to leave the cabin sultry and hot", he told you, and you laughed.
"Yeah, and we won't do anything about it", you said, trying to make yourself more comfortable in your seat.
"And why is that?", he asked, batting his lashes innocently at you, you you lightly elbowed his ribs.
"We need to do something else, something we've been ignoring the whole trip", you said, and he raised his brow. "We need to talk about us", you told him, and he breathed out, smoke coming out of his nose.
"I guess you're right again", he said, then slid a bit down on his seat.
You didn't think much about talking about your future with Roger while in Paris, so now has to be the time, on a train that will take you to London and to a whole month of Roger being away, promoting News Of The World.
While in Paris, you never talked to Roger about the future, and talks of the past where subtle - you talked about how you felt with the development Doctor Who took over the years, but didn't think much about the fact that you were separate during years of the show.
You enjoyed the city, but most of all, you enjoyed each other's presence, not only going to museums, churches and castles around you, following them up with fancy dinners and walks along the Seine, but you also spent time inside the room, in your pajamas, ordering take out from restaurants you found on the phone book, having a hard time trying to speak french as Roger tickled the sole of your feet and kept trying to distract you.
You would always remember the peace you felt as you ate cheap chinese food on Roger's shirt on the balcony at night, the Eiffel Tower shining over your meal and Roger's electric blue eyes as he hummed early David Bowie's songs under his breath, or how at home you felt sitting on the couch, Roger on the floor with his head on your lap, his soft strands on your fingers as you tried to braid them while watching re-runs of I Dream of Jenie, Roger focused, trying to understand the french dubbing until he noticed what you were doing.
"Babe, are you trying to braid my hair? Think I'd look better if I'd look more girly?", he said, moving his head back so he can look at you.
"Yeah. Always thought so, but I'll have to keep imagining, since your hair is too short to braid", you pouted, and he laughed.
"Don't you like my new hair, then?", he asked, pouting back, and you moved your head to his level so you could press a quick kiss to his lips.
"I love it, Rog. Especially cause since it's shorter, it looks even messier after I pull it", you said, and he smirked. "My favourite look of yours is when you're all dishevelled after sex", you winked, teasing him.
"That's my favourite, too", he said, turning completely around and pulling you in for a kiss, his hand on the back of your neck.
But now, while in the smoke filled train cabin, you needed to make a few things clear.
"I've been avoiding this for a reason", he said, looking out the window, and you raised your brow, waiting for him to explain. "I have this weird, innate fear of you telling me it's all good but you don't want to see me again, or something", he said, and you gave him a half smile.
"I don't want to do this, Rog. And I won't do it", you told him, and he sighed in relief.
"Even though loving you is a bit complicated, I'll admit. Especially if you're me", you shrugged, and he turned to you, confused.
"Let me explain. I loved your idea for a bed of roses, a few days ago, cause it can exemplify our relationship so well. The roses feel so good against the skin, the smell is so intoxicating, it looks so beautiful - maybe too beautiful, ethereal, even. But then there's always a few thorns here and there, and they hurt so much when they lodge themselves on my skin, but I'm so intoxicated by the whole experience that I don't mind - I convince myself that it's nothing, and even that it's already part of me already, cause the thorns fit so perfectly on me, on my little stabs made by myself, by my own insecurities", you say, and he stares at you.
"What I'm trying to say is that every minute that I'm with you always distract me from the issues that come with being with you - the fact that there's a few expectations that come with being your serious girlfriend, be them always travelling with you while we're young, or eventually staying home once we have kids, knowing that you'll eventually cheat on me with a younger version of myself, while I'm too tired of taking care of the babies to even think about my sexual needs", you said, and you watched him frown.
"I'm not sure where you're going with this-", he started saying, but you cut him off.
"Let me finish, I promise it will get better", you said, fixing your posture as you start again. "But the thing is, I love you. I always have, ever since I started talking to you, you always trying to outflirt me, always seeing me as your equal. You desire me, but you also listen and see me as another human being, you never back down or ignore me if I challenge one of your beliefs, and you never treat me as a trophy-wife-to-be", you say, and you can feel your eyes fill with tears, but you're smiling. That's what you always loved about Roger. He smiled back at you.
"And because I love you, I don't want to deny myself the pleasure of being with you. I'd rather be in a bed of roses than in an empty bed - or worse, a blank bed, someone being there just so it's less cold at night. I want to be with you, Rog", you say, and he pulls you in for a hug, and you hold him back for a few moments before pulling away and looking at him in the eye.
"But also because I love you and I want to be with you, Rog, I don't want us to try to fit into this type of relationship I just mentioned. I don't want you to make me the other woman, either, when you eventually find someone so you can settle down, if it's not me" you said, rubbing your nose. "I guess I want to settle down with you, eventually, as we planned before, but this whole thing - living together and cheating if we're away for too long - it kills me, and I think it kills you, too. I respect you too much to want to cheat on you again, cause if I ever do and you never find out, I'll lose respect for you, and the same thing will happen if you cheat on me and I don't find out. And these are ugly truths, but this isn't our first time together; we know each other, we need to think about this", you told him, and he nodded.
"And I need to make it clear that I'll never be a simple rockstar housewife - I'll never be able to quit my job and look out for the kids while you travel the world and I make them lunch. I'll never be able to sit down on a dinner table on some award show with you and when someone asks me what I'll do, I'll smile as I say I'm a king-maker. I'm not", you said, firmly.
"And I'll never be satisfied with dumb spa and shopping trips as you do the actual work when we travel. If I have to live this life, I'll resent you, and I don't want that. I like being domestic with you, but this type of forced domesticity will poison us again - we're both too wild, too career-focused, for this. We've always been similar", you said, and he gave you a smile as you sighed. "I guess that's all I have to say", you shrugged, and he laughed. "Not much, right?", he said, running his fingers on his hair, pulling the strands back.
"Guess it's my turn now", he said, and you nodded, encouraging him. "When I saw you again, at the pub, there was so much that I wanted to say. I mostly wanted to apologize - it got lost as I got infatuated with you again, and tried to get you in bed - you know, usual stuff", he winked, and you laughed.
"But yeah, I kept looking at you while you updated me on your life, your skin glooming under the stars and the moonlight, and I couldn't stop thinking about all the things I wanted to apologize to you for. All the pain we caused each other. Everything I put on you. Everything I needed you to be or needed you to say. Cause no matter what - even if you had decided on never seeing me again after all this - I'll always love you, because we grew up together. And you helped make me who I am", he said, moving strands of your hair behind your ear.
"I just want you to know that there will always be a piece of you in me, always. Whatever someone you become, wherever you are in the world, however this" he said, pointing his finger to the two of us "works out, in whatever form it might take", he said, sighing "I'll always send you love. Before being anything else to me - and I hope to God you're always something more - you'll always be my friend, to the end", he told you, and the tears were already streaming down your cheeks. His cheeks soon mirrored yours.
"And now, after you so eloquently told me all your fears about our future, I need you to know something else, too", he said, as you wiped the tears under your eyes. "I always loved you for being the way you are. You always challenge me, you always make me work harder, try harder, to be better. And it's not even something you force me to do; I just follow your lead. The way you look was what first got into me, I won't lie, but the way you are is what made me stay. It's what will always make me stay", he said, a genuine smile on his lips. He made you feel warm, like the sun.
"You're the smartest person I know, you're funny, you enjoy sex, you're unapologetic, you're proud of who you are, even proud of your insecurities. And you have such a huge importance in my life: you made me who I am. Whatever way you want to make us work, I trust you. I just want to be with you, in whatever form it takes", he said, smiling, and then getting up and opening his bag.
"I forgot to give you something", he said, pulling a string out of the front pocket. You recognized the red glimmer. It was the heart necklace. "It's still yours to keep. Even though it's not in its original glory, it will always be yours. The necklace and my heart", he said, and you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Always so cheesy, Taylor", you said, joking as you moved your hair to the side so he could put the necklace on.
"You always loved it", he winked, and you laughed. "I do", you said, smiling.
"So, what does it all mean? Where are we?", you asked, and he shrugged. "Wherever you want us to be. I just hope that you keep me around", he told you sincerely.
"I will. So, we're not going back to our old ways, right? We're not back at sharing a flat and stuff", you said, and he nodded. "Sure".
"And you're going to spend a month away, all around the world. I don't want you to feel pressured not to cheat", you said, and he nodded again.
"Yeah, and you're back in London, starting a new job. I don't want you to be worried, too", he said.
"So, maybe no exclusivity, this time? At least not now. This is still debatable, in the future", you said, and he agreed.
"Makes sense. But I'll have a hard time desiring anyone but you", Roger said in a low voice, and you laughed to break any mood that might have settled. You needed to get things clear before making out in the train cabin.
"Me too, Rog. But I don't want to create any expectations of loyalty because we know each other too well, and I don't want a stupid fight to break this thing we're building together", you said.
"It's a good idea. So, no titles, too? I can't call you my girlfriend?", he said, and you laughed.
"You can, if you want to", you told him, and he pulled you closer to him.
"Good, cause I want to call you that on the News of the World launch party, that I'm hoping you'll go as my date", he said, pressing a kiss on top of your head, breathing in your fruity smell.
"Of course I'll go. I need to see the boys again", you told him, and he laughed.
"So you're not going for me, then?", he pouted, and you laughed again.
"No, I'm just going so I can meet Deacy's kid", you told him, and it was his turn to laugh.
Once you got to London, Roger offered to go to the airport alone - he had to get on his flight, and he was late. He knew you had to go home and get ready for work tomorrow, but you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.
He looked relieved when you got on a cab with him to Heathrow.
"Big day tomorrow, huh", he said, rubbing your arm.
"Yeah, I still can't believe I'm finally going to work at the British Museum. It's so surreal, it feels like a dream. Like I'm living someone else's life", you said, looking out at the window, the early sunday morning reminding you of fresh starts - you were in the middle of one.
"Well, it's your life, and it's your job, cause you deserve it, babe. I never met someone who worked so hard to get where they want", Roger said, smiling, proud.
"I did. You and the boys", you said, and he huffed. "Guess you're right. Me and that pack of idiots, we turned out okay", he joked.
Once you got to the airport, you followed him to his gate.
You were feeling nervous - you had him for a week, and now it's time to say goodbye again.
You're both aware that the rest of the band is already waiting impatiently in the jet, but you can't help it - you hug him, dropping your luggage on the floor, and he does the same, the hug soon turning into a kiss as you rub your hands on each other's body, as if you're trying to remember how every inch of the other feels like, as if you're both about to disappear.
But the airport worker clears her throat, and you break the kiss, looking at each other longingly.
"Don't say goodbye", you beg Roger, putting your hand on his lips as he opens his mouth.
"See you soon", he says between your fingers. You smile at him, grateful he found a way with words so you're not repeating the same old goodbyes.
"See you soon, Roger", you say, hugging him again for a few seconds, just trying to capture every detail - his smell, the feeling of his arms around you, his body against yours.
And once he has to go into the jet, you go to the glass wall, and you can swear you see some familiar faces from the windows of the jet.
But before you can focus, soon Roger's well known face takes over the window you're watching, and he puts a hand on the glass.
You can't help but think about the last time you did that with him, him being on your place as you were inside the plane, moving to another country, your heart weighing down on you, filled with doubts.
But now your heart warmed you up, filled with joy and love, and you could feel Roger's crystal heart on top of your chest. He was right. There would be always a piece of him on you, too.
Epilogue: News of the World Launch Party
"Y/N! You're back!" Brian's voice welcomed you to the ballroom.
You squeezed Roger's hand - it was the first time you saw the band in years, and you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about it.
"Darling, you're really back! We thought Roger was getting high too often and hallucinated a week in Paris with you. But I guess you did come back to him", Freddie said, hugging you by the side as he held a glass of champagne on his other hand.
"I'm back with him only so I can see you all again, of course", you said, winking at Roger as he pretended to be offended.
But then you heard Deacy and Veronica scream your name in unison, and you turned to see them.
"So you're really back!!" Deacy said, but your eyes were on the baby boy on his lap.
"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.", you said, trying to get his attention. Roger looked at you, adoringly, as you moved your eyes to Veronica.
"Ronnie!! You're so big!" you said, trying to hug her through her belly. "It's coming out in a few months! It's a boy, Michael. Someone our young Rob can play with", she said, and Roger frowned.
"I could swear it was a girl", he said, and John smiled. "Maybe next time", he said.
"Hey, Bob. Do you want to play with me? C'mon", you said, and he motioned to go to your arms. You picked him up as he started playing with your hair.
"You'd be a good mom, Y/N", Veronica said, and you got tense. "God, Ronnie, don't even joke about this", you said, and Roger chuckled. "It's a sensitive topic at the moment", he explained.
"The moment will take quite some time, you know", you told him, the youngest Deacon pulling your earring before playing with the crystal heart on your neck.
You talked to the boys and Veronica for a while, updating each other, but no one brought up how you and Roger got back together. It just felt natural - no need to question.
You stayed with Roger for the whole night - behind the cameras as he did press, by his side during dinner - where he was back at his old ways, teasing you lightly with his hand under the table. You felt good in his arms, getting back into his life.
He was interested in getting back into your life, too. He came back to London last night, and went straight to dinner with you. You were trying different food, and now was time to try Indian food.
As he ate his Chicken Tikka Masala, dipping the naan in the sauce, you invited him for a party your bosses would be throwing next month to celebrate a new exhibit.
He gave you a bright smile. "I'd love to be your date, my love", he said.
And after the Deacons went home - Robert was asleep on his father's lap - the party got louder, the dance floor more full. You could swear you saw an angular face that could only belong to Bowie pick someone to dance - was this Princess Leia? - but before you could process the whole situation, Roger pulled you to dance.
"Thought you didn't dance, Mr Taylor", you told him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tried to slow dance to All The Young Dudes, by Mott The Hoople.
"I don't dance very well, indeed. But it's just an excuse to be so close to you in public, and God, I'm dying to call you Ms Taylor", he said, and you chuckled.
"Take it slower, Rog", you told him, and he leaned in to rest his head on the curve of your neck. "And why do you want to be close to me in public? Is it still one of your weird fetishes?", you joked, and you felt him laugh against your skin.
"No, it's just that you've been killing me with this dress of yours, and you've been killing a lot of the guys here, too. Could swear I saw Bowie checking you out", he told you, and you gasped.
"Taylor, don't even joke about this. I'd have a heart attack", you said, and he laughed. "You'd leave me here for Bowie, is that it?", he asked, and you laughed.
"Of course not. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he might acknowledge my existence", you said, and it was his turn to laugh. "The only eyes I really like to feel on me when I look away are yours, Rog", you said, and he gave you a quick kiss.
"Okay, had enough of trying to dance. Let's get some fresh air", he told you, and you followed him to the balcony.
As the cold, fresh air brushed against your exposed skin, you heard the first notes to Tiny Dancer, by Elton John. You walked to the balcony, leaning in and taking in the view of London at night.
Roger soon took you into his arms, hugging you from behind, and you felt safe, his body heart making you warm in the cold evening as he jokingly whispered "Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man" into your ear, and you scoffed. "Slower, Taylor", you told him, and he laughed.
"However you want it, babe", he said, now paying attention to the view, focusing on the feeling on you in his arms again. Finally.
 But oh how it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly
 "I could die right now, Y/N. I'm just... happy. I've never felt this type of happiness before. I'm just exactly where I want to be", Roger said in his husky voice, and you nodded lightly in agreement.
Because in Roger's arms, you feel home. You feel what you hoped to feel for years - what got you to move to London in the first place. You feel like you belong.
1988 Special
@taylorroger-s @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @its-nessi @anamcg317 @frenchieswiftie @queen-danielle-dani-dan @minihemo @shutup-sorry @theyrealllegends @killerqueenisthebest @ashagracelove @hardy-s @fuckinghurricanesoul @secretsweetscollectionblog @mrswinterhater @11mb0 @tamtam-go92 @derptatosaur @brianandthemays @phantom-fangirl-stuff @the-hysterical-queen @rogerofmylife @notevenlxvely @discodeakyy @x1975sos @16wiishes @jennycidesstuff @partydulce @melros-e @onevisionliz
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red-dia · 6 years
why do you think sensei doesnt pray for the lunarians? i really dont think its cause hes 'broken' since he's been shown helping shiro and the game pieces move on. i assume its bc he cant pray them away unless they're ready to move on but also dont know if the answer will really be that simple. i also have a theory that maybe he's literally tired from praying - the more he prays, the sleepier he gets. before praying the moonies away, he wants to prepare the gems for the day he might not wake up.
hmm i actually believe he hasn’t prayed for shiro, since he said shiro was “satisfied” or something like that. It sounds like shiro was unable to find peace before visiting sensei one last time, but after that he probably disappeared on his own…? (and speaking of that, I remember the french tl of vol 8 mentioning sensei was unable to pray for animals because his creator(s) made him as a prayer machine for humans only, and that’s why shiro was still there after all this time..  Still, I guess it could become an issue at some point, since ch72 confirms there’s still animals on the moon ..? Not sure where ichikawa is going with this tbh)And yeahh, I don’t know if the puzzle pieces would count as a confirmation that he’s able to pray; what are they even made of ? Can you compare them to human souls ? I feel like sensei had no control over those either, since he seemed really relieved when they disappeared and even thanked them, but they seem like some sort of abnomaly.
So, something like your theory may be possible : another similar theory I’ve seen a few times is that sensei may be keeping lunarians alive because gem society entierly revolves around them, so if they were to disappear gems would no longer have a reason to live, and they’d be bored for eternity.Both this theory and yours make sense, buuut i feel like they might be incoherent considering sensei’s speech around chapter 65, when Phos left for the moon with half of the gems. Sensei told the gems to keep going without him ; i don’t know what his plan was supposed to be, but since the lunarians are after him, the gems would have been left alone and it would be really counterproductive. Yet, sensei was ready to abandon the gems if that meant the lunarians would stop killing them, so it really feels like he won’t/can’t pray for lunarians for a really personal reason, and not something that would involve gems. 
Now, here’s my personal take : I think sensei could actually be broken, but it’s not a huge deal because living beings are still able to die without his intervention anyway. But still, the lunarians would want him to get to work because :1) they are ignorant and think sensei praying is the only way for them to die, 2) or, they want to die as soon as possible and finding peace by themselves would take them too long, or too much effort, 3) or, they’re literally unable to find peace like shiro because they’re troubled and restless (possibly because of their human nature?) - and sensei would really be their only hope.
Another possibility is that sensei may not be a prayer machine at all, or at least not in the way the lunarians think he is. To be fair, you have to keep in mind that the lunarians seem 100% different from humans (as in, i doubt they remember anything from their human lives), and they have no way to prove what they say, which means they may be wrong on many points without even realising it. Sensei told phos he was a “tool created by humans”, but unfortunately phos didn’t ask him anything else on that topic, so for all we know sensei could be a pasta machine or literally anything else.
So yeah, my point is, it seems like a soul has to meet specific requirements to be able to die. So, i feel like sensei may not be a LITERAL prayer machine, but more like some sort of “guide”, or even a teacher, supposed to show the lunarians how they can meet these requirements or find peace or something like that - and since the lunarians don’t understand how he’s supposed to work, they keep doing shitty things to get him to pay attention and he situation keeps getting worse. I think it could make sense cause :
- it seems coherent considering the buddhist subtext ; buddhism tends to teach values like patience and bettering oneself, etc etc, and i think the lunarians being forced to live eternally sounds like some sort of punishment for their bad actions and the way they keep doing questionable things even in death. They’re pretty much stuck in a vicious circle producing nothing but bad karma, and i can’t see it stop all of a sudden because they received a few prayers. On the other hand, keeping them alive for a bit (…or lot) longer so they can learn how they should behave sounds more fair.- Sensei’s first decision when he found out about the gems’ existence was to give them “healthful and learned lives”, his primary attribute is servility, and it seems he literally named himself Sensei ? And yet, we know he tends to be limited by his nature as a robot, so either professor made a prayer machine and went “but what if it could also be a Dad”, either being a teacher/caretaker was another of his main attributes.- Honestly, so far 90% of the conflicts in hnk have been caused by people being awfully bad at communicating so i really feel like assuming the lunarians jumped to conclusions regarding sensei’s role and they accidentally doomed themselves
Or maybe that’s just a huge stretch, idk. But hey, since sensei seems to be unable to talk about anything related to his identity, it looks like we we’ll have to wait for a while before knowing what’s going on /:
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moldypieceoflasagna · 6 years
36 questions that nobody asked me
(except @lollipoppedchainsaw )
(the 36 questions that lead to love or whatever) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I hate going out to dinner so much i probably wouldnt be able to enjoy it properly
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
It would be interesting to see what it’s like for a short period of time, but i’d never be able to keep it up; i’d probably have an identity crisis
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
yes i have to mentally prepare myself 100% of the time
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
hanging out with the people i love is enough to keep me happy for a good while tbh. sitting around doing nothing literally nothing with them is endlessly entertaining to me even though sometimes i might make that hard to believe 
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
i sing to myself a lot, not so much to others- although i AM a slut for karaoke
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
body because i feel thats probably what old people complain about most. plus like,, 90 years of life knowledge? sounds great to me
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
probably an accident that’s almost statistically impossible
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
single rn (ladies) but i usually try to find friends with similar music tastes because scream-singing in the car is the most fun one can have
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
im most grateful for my dogs and for my friends! i love them and it means the world to me to have people that i can call family. also i would die without my dog juno, she is my rock (and my therapist)
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Not rly how i was raised, but i wish i had a closer relationship with my older siblings. Three of them had moved out before i was rly old enough to not be an asshole child, so most of them still see me as an asshole child and they never take me seriously. im glad i have an alright relationship with them, but that’s kinda all it is and i know i could do better
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Lived in Texas my whole life yeehaw. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; 2 of them dont like me, and my relationship with the other 2 is,, certainly not bad. Had a lot of physical and mental illness in the past, but 20gayteen is definitely my year, yeet
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
either speaking a different language or playing the piano. im very jealous of good piano players, and at some point i need to be able to speak a more useful language than french because so far in texas it’s proved absolutely useless (other than talking to my mom but that doesnt count)
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I’d wanna know wtf im supposed to do with my life because sweaty i still have no idea. passion? dont know her please introduce me
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
i wanna go skydiving bitch, no one wants to go with me! pussies!!! the lot of you
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
that one time i did an entire semester’s worth of work in the last three days of the school year
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
being able to put up with my huge fucking mouth. also honesty is super important, even if it’ll make me feel shitty
17. What is your most treasured memory?
when i went camping with a bunch of friends and they were bitter i got to be in the middle of the tent because they were all cold. either that or the time i was getting really bad sleep paralysis and @lonelywaterfall & @skity stayed over so my paranoia didnt render me completely useless,,, also the paramore concert lol ive never been more vulnerable in my life.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
coming out to my mom haha
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
i’d go on a trip around the world to explore/to see a few people, and i’d put extra effort into my gender expression
20. What does friendship mean to you?
comfortable silence is my kink. also emotional vulnerability and SAD BOY HOURS we cant forget those
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
I’m such a slut for physical affection yall have no idea please hug me as much as possible and play with my hair or my hands
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
i guess ill do the same with previous partners so.. i think being funny is probably the #1 thing i appreciate in someone. when you make me laugh so hard i cry, just know that’s like. peak. also stubbornness is strangely attractive to me, plus like,,, uh having an unexpected soft side? an appreciation of art is super important, too. also SPOON VERSATILITY.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
it was probably happier than a lot of people’s but there wasnt much to it. plus being the youngest in my ENTIRE family really sucked during my childhood because everyone picked on me and i think that’s probably what started a lot of my issues lol
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
better than it could be, but definitely not what i want it to be. we both love each other and i admire her work ethic, but she gave me a lot of anxiety problems (both genetically and not) and she isnt the most understanding person. i have hope though, people change
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling …
I’m hungry and sitting alone in front of my computer feeling like OVERSHARING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY MORNING, BOYS
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …
many, MANY animals and a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I’m REALLY insecure about my body xd
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
LOVE feeling safe. 
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
probably every time that i’ve ever worn a dress, because i really,, really dont like wearing dresses and that’s it
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
last cried by myself this morning and last cried in front of another person at my friend’s birthday party
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
no partner but if youre reading this im rly proud of ur attention span. gj buddy
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
i think most things can be joked about after a certain amount of time, but like,, it has to actually be funny and it has to come from someone i know isnt serious about it. if a joke is made just for the purpose of being offensive and edgy, it’s never funny no tea just truth. 
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
i’d regret not spending enough time with people that i love, not traveling as much as i should have, and also i’d regret not formally coming out of the closet to my family (they probably already been done knew but like. yknow). i came out to myself & the people closest to me a LONG ass time ago, but i’ve kinda seen what it did to my immediate family so im not too excited to do that to my extended family. if i’m not too much of a pussy, ill probably do it in the summer when i see them next, bc ive been meaning to for a while.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
is it bad of me to say my computer? i feel like everyone else has a much more meaningful answer lol. it would probably either be that or the papers i keep on my bulletin board, bc most of them hold a lot of sentimental value (also my prescriptions  would be a pain to get copies of)
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
either of my parents because i dont want them dying before i reach the point where i can expect them to be happy for me when i marry a girl
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
personal problems? what’re those lmfao dont have any srry try me again later
 i’m too much of a pussy to tag certain people so if you see this and I've had any sort of conversation with you, do it coward
(also @skity  @drawinintherain )
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                                       AZZEDINE ALAIA
          The Worlds most respected fashion designer.
Alaia was born on June, 1939 In Tunisia's capital city, Tunis to wheat farmers. From a young age Alaia had a passion for the arts, eventually he was studying sculpture in the local Ecole des Beaux-Arts which he lied about his age to get into. He didn't excel in it but he would be able to put it into use in the coming future. His sister taught him to sew and he began making copies of couture dresses for his neighbours.
In 1957, he moved to Paris and began working for Chrisitan Dior, but only managed 5 days of sewing labels and was unfortunately fired. Alaia then moved to Guy Laroche, for 2 seasons he learned his craft while earning his keep as a housekeeper to the Marquise de Mazan.
In the late seventies, he finally opened his first atelier in his small apartment, in which he created gowns for Marie-Helene de Rothschild and Greta Garbo.
During the eighties he showed his first ready-to-wear collection, ‘in the same year Bergdorf Goodman buyer reportedly stopped someone in the street that was wearing an Alaia leather coat and demanded to know where it was from.’ This allowed the Notorious perfectionist Alaia being stocked in America and he also opened a stand-alone store. In 1984, he was elected Best Designer of the Year and Best Collection of the Year by the French Ministry of Culture. As we have all heard of the stretchy body-conscious silhouette well the famously shy Alaia popularized the accentuating bust and clinched waist garments.
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                         ‘Signature body-con silhouettes’
In the Mid-Nineties the death of his twin sister caused Alaia to withhold from the fashion limelight, he preddered to cater for his devoted clients out of his Marais workspace. During 1995, The supermodel Stephanie Seymour’s wedding dress was designed by the talented Alaia which apparently took 1,600 hours to make.
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                                                                     ‘1,600 hours to make’
In 2000 he signed a partnership with the Prada group which came with a huge recovery in his popularity but ‘he stayed loyal to his vision for his fashion house. When working with the group he still managed to retain a level of independence. During July 2007 he bought the Prada Group out of the ready-to-wear line of his business, which meant leaving them in charge only of footwear. The luxury group Richemont bought a percentage of the business. In 2008 he turned down the Legion D’Honneur France's most prestigious honour: "You know Sarkozy offered methe medal? I refused," he told the Business ofFashion in July 2011. "People said that I refused because I don't like Sarkozy, but that's ridiculous. I refused because I don't like decorations - except on women. My dress on a woman -that's a beautiful decoration."
In July 2011 the first catwalk show in 7 years by Alaia, for which he was given a standing ovation. It was announced in 2012 that Alaia was opening a store in Paris his first since 1992.
                            ‘The notorious Perfectionist’
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                                     Leather wrap bra top
The product that really caught my eye was the Leather Wrap bra top and that is because it looks trendy, quite risky reminds me of the style grunge. This top is very fashionable and can be worn with anything by looking at it. I feel it would look great over a white shirt or if your feeling rebellious and risky why not try without and solo. The cost of this professionally made top costs $3,420. When I clicked onto NET-A-PORTER website I saw the image above which was promoting the top.
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                            The Style of Alaias clothing
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     Ruffled printed cotton-poplin blouse - €1,025.38
I feel like the style of Azzedine Alaia clothing is sophiscated and professional but at times quite risky where abit of skin showing. The target market for Alaias clothing is more for like early 30s to 60s age. The clothing would really suit business women. 
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                LASER-CUT COTTON-BLEND SHIRT-£1,590
Azzedine Alaia products have a variety of products including Dresses, Blouses, Shorts, Tops, Skirts, shoes and accessories. The lowest price is $500 and that is for a pair of stretch-knit shorts and the most expensive Shearling-lined suede coat for $11,210 so the price range is $500-$11,210. I would say the promotion is good as different websites sell Azzedine Alaias clothing and accessories and with vogue being involved aswell that is a very big up.
                    Azzedine Alaia Fall 2011 collections
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                       The model Alaia Kostromichova
As soon as I saw this collection I fell in love, the colour scheme goes so good with the season fall. As the weather begins to get colder you can be more stylish then ever in Azzedine Alaia fall collection. I honestly think they are gorgeous. The look  of the material on the photographs above and below looks luxurious.
               ‘Showing his creations in his own time.’
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This garment is very trendy looking with the pattern, the collar gives it that smart sophisticated look. I would say that this dress would appeal in young female business women since it gives of that vibe. It would be very easy to dress down and dress up.
                          MY FAVOURITE ADVERTISEMENT
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This azzedine Alaia advert really caught my eye as its nothing like an advert ive seen before. The vibe it gives me is quite alien, it seems like once you buy it and wear you will feel out of this world. The splash of different colours gives the advert that dark, mysterious look.
Another Advert that I really like as it is unique and different. The style and colours work really well. One of the bags that are shown is black and it really stands out since the background etc is brightly coloured.
Watch below
PETRie. (2015). Azzedine Alaïa - AW'15 Special Film . Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QylnTUzMXOY. Last accessed 13th Nov 2017.
Azzedine Alaias clothing are worn by celebrities and are in certain films you have probably watched but haven't realised. Rihanna is seen on the red carpet wearing a gorgeous sheer red dress, created by Alaia.
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In the video below you can see how stunning the dress was Rihanna wore and it looked amazing her.
BlackTree TV. (2013). Rihanna rocks see through dress on the Grammy's red carpet. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlQkra8oz0Q. Last accessed 13th Nov 2017
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Remember this scene out of Clueless. Who cant forget it honestly, this scene is where Cher says her famous fashion quote "Oh, no. You don't understand this is an Alaia"
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This is Azzedine Alaias Instagram, He may not have more followers then Kim Kardashin but he is still a respected fashion designer, who has many celebrities wanting him to make them a garment. I love how his photographs are set out, it looks very professional and clean.
If you scroll through his feed you will see photoshoots, catwalks and even people that have worn his clothes.
 Harvard reference.
Kilcooley-O'Halloran, S. (2012). Azzedine Alaia. Available: http://www.vogue.co.uk/article/azzedine-alaia-biography.
 Last accessed 6th Nov 2017.
 90s Fashion. (2014). Azzedine Alaia. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXccvjhJpDQ.
 Last accessed 6th Nov 2017
 Fashionisima. (2013). You dont understand this is an Alaia!. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znsg-ysSAX8.
 Last accessed 6th Nov 2017.
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cowardlytrait · 7 years
☀ 100 questions no one really asks ☀
i was tagged by @batsysims , thank you ! 😊
i sleep with it closed !! it’s mainly so one of my younger sisters doesn’t go in there tbh 
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i’ve never actually stayed at a hotel so no djghdfgbd
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? out?? whenever i do sleep with a sheet on my bed, because i tend to not remake my bed so i generally sleep without a sheet for a while which i know isnt good for you so im trying to break that :/ 
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? i considered it once, bc i was walking to my friends place on new years eve and i saw a street sign that fell in a storm , and i almost took it.. except i still had 10 more mins until i got to her house , and i didnt want to have the possibility of getting caught . also ?? idk how  i wouldve brought it home on the bus 
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES?  y e! but i dont use them enough ngl 
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? nah, but my mom does that v often . and i often have a bunch of coupon reciepts / punch cards from different places that i always forget about 
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? i have a few !! primarily on my arms and legs, and a few on my face,, i never really had many until last year 
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? yes?? im p bad at smiling for photos tho ngl 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when someone asks me to do something, and then i say sure.. and then they repeat it like 2 mins later and im like.. fa m, now i dont wanna 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? sometimes ! a lot of the time i end up focusing on not stepping on cracks tho?? idk it’s a weird habit i started sometime last year that im trying not to do 
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? sometimes yeah ! i tend to if im dancing with one of my siblings tho , like just grabbing their hands and making them dance with me 
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yupyupyupyup :/
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? a single? i dk it’s small and sucks ng l 
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? u  h h h  h h h  , probably are we there yet?  - ingrid michaelson 
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yupyup! ! ! 
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? yup ! voltron is actually currently one of my favorite shows , but i also watch su and several other cartoons ! i also watch anime when i feel like it but not as often as i used to 
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? idek ?? defos not anywhere in this town that’s fo sure 
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? depends ! sometimes water, sometimes milk, sometimes juice. but generally i try to avoid drinking anything while eating and have a drink afterwards
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? i usually dont dip them in anything , but depending on my mood: mayo or ketchup 
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? u h h , titan ae , the fifth element, any barbie movies and more tbh 
27. LAST PERSON, YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? i cant remember? i probably kissed my brother on the forehead but idk 
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? i wrote a letter in my friends’ birthday cards. 
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? djhsd i dont even have my G2 yet and cant even drive so o o 
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? nope 
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? meat, pickles, and cheese 
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? toast + chocolate milk 
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? 11 or 12 (altho my sleeping schedule has been fucked for the past week) 
37. ARE YOU LAZY? lmao yeah 
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was once a goth fairy, a dead nerd and a lady bug ! those are the ones i remember off the top of my head fgjfdgd 
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? i can only speak english, but i have a vague understanding of french 
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? wtf are lincoln logs  update: i’ve never played with lincoln logs in my life so legos 
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? when i was younger and my mom would ,yup 
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? yup ! often when me and 3 of my friends hand out we will drive around and listen to musicals + other music ! 
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? if im listening to music yuppers ! 
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? same as 47 ^ 
50. EVER USED A GUN? nope
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? sometimes, but i still really enjoy them so !! 
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? oh boi yeah, esp because of all the kids in my house + my mom’s family, and this year i’ll be dog sitting around that time so this year is gonna be f u n 
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? not authentic ones, but yeah ! altho im allergic to potatoes so i dont eat them v much at all anymore 
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? i dont like pie actually :/
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? i always wanted to be a teacher ! since like grade 3, but now i want to be a graphic designer , but tbh being a history teacher would be fun as well ! 
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? yeah i do 
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? all the time 
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? nah :/  i probs should lmao 
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? justin bieber in grade 8 i think ?? 
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart bc there’s no more targets in canada.. otherwise, target
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? niether 
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? cheetos... idk what fritos are lmao 
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? i wanted to but never did “/
71. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? i dont think so ? 
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? i think i was in one once?? but i dont remember it ?? did i win who knows
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? nope,  but my dad owns a lot !  
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? my dad does ! 
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? nah, but my mom does ! 
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? i think so? ? 
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? real friends, hanson, set it off and more tbh 
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!! !! ! ! ! ! !
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? nah lmao im shit 
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? depends ! im p patient with kids, but have no patience when it comes to being late or waiting on someone. 
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? band probs
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? i once won a 4ft cat in the hat from my local short stop when i was 4 
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i learned how to crochet once?? but i forgot it so neither lmao 
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? livingroom or bedroom 
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? sort off? ?
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? uh  h h  m  , currently crushing on someone actually lmao 
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? nope 
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? yup ! ! 
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink !! ! ! ! !  !
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? sort off?? i miss my old best friend and i feel sort of disconnected rn with everyone
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? uhhh , idk who’s done this so i guess @geekmoodlet @maimouth @applezingsims @simprising @shook-sims if you’ve already done it then just ignore this ! ! ! 😝
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lollipopprincess · 7 years
Get To Know Me
Get to Know Me
1. What is you middle name? Starts with an I and I share it with my grandmother. 2. How old are you? Just turned 23 3. When is your birthday? May 10th 4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus 5. What is your favorite color? Pink and Red 6. What’s your lucky number? 6 7. Do you have any pets? Yes, a dog (Clara) and 3 cats (Chili, Rachel and Marie) 8. Where are you from? California 9. How tall are you? Gosh umm....like 5′5 or so? 10. What shoe size are you? I feel like it always changes. Between a 7 and a half and a 9 lol.  11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I own more than I wear. I prob own 6 or 7 pairs and I only wear 2 or 3. 12. What was your last dream about? My baby cousins lol.  13. What talents do you have? People say im good at writing=) 14. Are you psychic in any way? I predicted that someone was going to have a baby and get married very close together for someone and both happened.  15. Favorite song? For now its “Light”- Sleeping At Last 16. Favorite movie? The new Cinderella or the new Beauty and the Beast 17. Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who is sweet, loving, funny, and loves me for exactly who I am, the good and the bad. Someone whos there for me when I need them the most.  18. Do you want children? Absolutely! 19. Do you want a church wedding? Yeah, I think so.  20. Are you religious? A little, I don’t follow a set religion though.  21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Oh sure.  22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope. 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Met Patty Duke when I was maybe 14/15? She was playing Madam Morrible in Wicked and our friends knew her so they arranged a meeting afterwards.  24. Baths or showers? Baths. 25. What color socks are you wearing? No socks. I WAS wearing pink socks earlier. 26. Have you ever been famous? HA! no.  27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Sometimes, I feel like it could be fun. But other times I think of how you’d have no privacy, you wouldn’t always know who your real friends are, and I would hate having my family and children getting bombarded by the media all the time.  28. What type of music do you like? Anything but rap and those teeny bopper bands. 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1 or 2. 31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach, only way I can sleep. 32. How big is your house? 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Nothing. On some weekend days, I make myself pancakes or french toast. 34. Have you ever fired a gun? BB gun, not real gun. 35. Have you ever tried archery? No but I’d kinda like to. 36. Favorite clean word? Enchanting 37. Favorite swear word? Feel like I use “shit” a lot lol. 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Uh 2 days maybe. 39. Do you have any scars? One on my back from a surgery. 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Not that I know of. 41. Are you a good liar? I can be. 42. Are you a good judge of character? I think so. 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? British sorta lol. 44. Do you have a strong accent? I dont think so but someone who isnt from Cali may think so. 45. What is your favorite accent? I don’t know lol=) 46. What is your personality type? INFJ 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Ummmm.....I think its an Anne Boleyn replica costume from the Tudors. Its prob 150 dollars....Maybe? 48. Can you curl your tongue? No. 49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie 50. Left or right handed? Right 51. Are you scared of spiders? YES! 52. Favorite food? Spaghetti and Meatballs 53. Favorite foreign food? I dont know. 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Somewhere in the middle. I’m not super clean and neat, but i’m def. not messy. 55. Most used phrased? “You know” 56. Most used word? “like”, although I hate to admitt it. 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 35/40 min.  58. Do you have much of an ego? Eh, not really. 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both. 60. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes when im trying to organize something.  61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes 62. Are you a good singer? I hope so, some people have said so. 63. Biggest Fear? Being alone or lonely. 64. Are you a gossip? Sorta lol. 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Uhhh...Hmmm... “My Girl” was pretty good, so was “Boy in the Stipped Pajamas”. The latter was a lot darker of course.  66. Do you like long or short hair? Long 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? California, Arizona, Nevada, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, New York, New Hampshire, Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C, Maine, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Minesota, Hawaii, Alaska, New York, Wyoming.....Now im blanking lol. Shit, I only got 33 lol.  68. Favorite school subject? English 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, cant swim 71. What makes you nervous? Pretty much everything lol. I don’t like being in groups very much because i worry i’ll say something dumb or people wont like me. I typically like to hang out one on one with someone. 72. Are you scared of the dark? Sometimes. 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Eh sometimes.  74. Are you ticklish? Prob.  75. Have you ever started a rumor? No. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Like maybe a line leader in Kindergarten lol.  77. Have you ever drank underage? No, not into that. 78. Have you ever done drugs? No, not into that. 79. Who was your first real crush? Guy named Tre in 4th grade. 80. How many piercings do you have? None.  81. Can you roll your Rs?“ I dont think so lol.  82. How fast can you type? Mom says I type fast but I only use a few fingers, I dont use my whole hands.  83. How fast can you run? Not fast.  84. What color is your hair? Brown 85. What color is your eyes? Brown 86. What are you allergic to? Pollen=(  87. Do you keep a journal? Yes. 88. What do your parents do? Dad’s a doctor, mom doesn’t work.  89. Do you like your age? Yeah, its okay I guess.  90. What makes you angry? When people cancel plans or are late OR when they are bad communicators. 91. Do you like your own name? I like my first and last name, not wild about my middle name.  92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Yes; Kayla Elizabeth, Esmerelda Victoria, Presley James, Julien Alexander 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? I feel bad saying this, but i’ve wanted a daughter since I was a little girl. I just feel like I’d connect better to a daughter and I would want her to grow up similar to how I did. I would love any child i’m ever lucky to have, but I do hope at least one of them is a girl.  94. What are you strengths? I’m really compassionate and understanding towards others.  95. What are your weaknesses? I get jealous and sometimes overanalys things. I also don’t stand up for myself because I dont want others to get upset at me.  96. How did you get your name? My first name is one of my great grandmother’s names, my middle name is my mom’s mom’s name.  97. Were your ancestors royalty? I had a distant uncle named Black Hugh, he was some king or duke, not entirely sure. My dad said he was really cruel but I researched him and from what little I found, he was one of Mary Queen of Scott’s closest friends.  98. Do you have any scars? Yes, you asked this already. 99. Color of your bedspread? Pink floral.  100. Color of your room? White for now, pink at our new house.
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