#and also bumped maedhros up to third and sometimes second LEAST favorite character
squirrelwrangler · 7 years
Here’s a major character from the Silmarillion- please guess who I’m describing:
yep, it’s an Elf 
a lot of page time given to this character
for a time was High King of his people
 the oldest of several brothers
the next eldest brother had to take over leadership when said elf was unwillingly separated from his people
very very tall (was known for it)
very good-looking
with a rare hair color btw
attention is called in-text to the fey light of his eyes
has a temper but can sometimes control it
did have a scene where he naively believed in good intentions/did not see betrayal
has an on-screen personality; it has flaws and nuances
acknowledges his mistakes and repents
throws shade, makes dismissive comments, he’s sassy
Don’t need the Valar, thanks but no thanks
left Valinor, lives rest of his life in Beleriand
feared and hated by Morgoth
fights against Morgoth’s armies sent personally to destroy him or his family
Neither Morgoth nor any of the Dark Lord’s forces ever kill him
allied with the dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost and fought a large battle against Morgoth together
gifts were exchanged with the dwarves
Also allied with other elves
Finrod visits him
maintains a rather large network of political allies
including a deep personal friendship with another elven king
Said king dies in that large battle, was too late to come to his friend’s rescue
so instead he slaughters hundreds of orcs in revenge and then has to flee to safety
Also allies with humans
but doesn’t have as close a relationship with them as some other Noldor princes and their Edain
one human male will go live with him and be treated with love and honor
quasi-adopted mortal son
makes a terrible Oath involving the recovery of a Silmaril
eventually does gain possession of a Silmaril
this leads to his death
his brother survives him and spends the rest of his life next to a seashore
I’m describing Elu Thingol, btw. Not Maedhros
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