#and also a very sneaky electric monster to catch
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frog-in-a-dew · 2 months ago
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New girl new monster design
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sunmoonandeddie · 6 years ago
take it easy, romeo
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 4,086
summary: The Soldat remembers one person through it all.
prompt: “Take it easy, Romeo.”
warnings: swearing, violence, sassy!Soldat
a/n: This was written for @moonbeambucky‘s 5K Writing Challenge!  Congratulations!  Also, this was the fic that was meant to have a song attached to it, too, for the aesthetic that the Guardians of the Galaxy fight scenes and Thor: Ragnarok fight scenes have, but it didn’t end up happening.  If you feel like trying it, turn on ‘I Want to Break Free’ by Queen right when the flashback starts.  But like I said, it didn’t really end up happening.  Maybe next time.  Anyways, feel free to reblog and tell me what you think!
The Asset was fucking tired.  The mission should’ve been over by now.  Take out three dumbasses.  Easy enough, right?
Apparently fucking not.
There’s something vaguely familiar about the redhead, but he can’t quite place her.  Like he knew he definitely shot her at one point.  Hell, he could even see it in her face as she aimed her gun at him. She did not like him.
He really regrets not killing her as she shoots his goggles, rendering them useless.  He fell back, sitting on the ground before pulling off the goggles.  He tossed them to the side before getting back to his feet.
“Она у меня. Найди его,” he said to the HYDRA agent that stood beside him.  The sun was beating down on him, sweat on his brow.  His all black attire really wasn’t doing him any favors.
He barely registered the car he landed on top of as he jumped from the bridge, his focus entirely on finding the redhead.  Reloading his gun, he scanned the area ahead of him.  Civilians were running amuck, trying to get out of the warpath he was on and taking shelter out of his sight.
Civilians were a bitch to take out when they got in his way, when they tried to play hero.  What they realized rather quickly was that there was no stopping him.  He was a force of nature.  A hurricane.  A tornado.
The phone trick was smart.  He’d give her that.
However, he only grew more annoyed when she wrapped her thighs around his head, twisting until he could slam her against a car.  The metal creaked under the impact and he flipped her into the car on his other side.
And then the thing she threw at his arm?  The little electric thing that short circuited his arm?
Yeah, he was fucking ready to end this shit.
Once his arm was working again, it was easy enough to catch up with her.  The shot to the shoulder slowed her down, giving him enough time to come up behind her.
But then the star-spangled idiot had to fucking get in the way of his shot.  The sound of his metal fist meeting the infamous shield reverberated through the air.  To be honest, he didn’t quite understand the logistics of it.  Somehow, he kept blocking his bullets even though the shield was the size of a dinner plate compared to the sheer size of the blond man. It also surprised him how good he was at hand-to-hand combat.  It had been years since he met an opponent that was able to hold their own against him, and both the redhead and the blond had done just that.
The Asset stumbled as the blond flipped him, tearing off his mask in the process.  He turned back to the man, watching as shock and confusion rippled over his face.
“Bucky?” He said, his voice filled with wonderment.
“Who the hell is Bucky?”  He aimed to take a killing shot, cursing as, yet again, someone interrupted him.  This time it was the god damn bird man.  Once he was back on his feet, he raised his gun, only for a bomb to fly out of nowhere and hit a truck.  The explosion gave him enough cover to duck behind a few cars, watching the three targets look around in bewilderment.
He perked up at the sound of a familiar voice, watching as the blond turned.
The most beautiful woman in the entire world ran up to him.  He couldn’t look away as the three surrounded her.  His Y/N.  Even two wipes and being frozen hadn’t been able to tear her from his mind.  He still remembered her every time he came out of it.
Not that he ever let his handlers in on that bit of information.
“Y/N?!  What the hell are you doing here?!” The redhead asked, dropping the gun that was still in her hands.
She looked around the cars in front of him, and he knew that she was searching for him.  “I got a distress call,” she said, before turning to the broad man in front of her.  “You can’t hurt him,” she begged ‘Steve,’ and the way that she was clinging to the man’s arm made the Asset prickle.
“Why not?” The bird man demanded.  He was scanning the area with his eyes, standing protectively by his friends.
“Because I know him,” Y/N said, her nails digging into Steve’s arm.  “Please. You can’t hurt him.”
“I know him, too.”
He knew he needed to leave, but he found himself frozen to the spot as a he drowned in a world of memories.  He only managed to get himself to leave when he heard the sirens approaching, knowing that HYDRA had arrived.
The Asset looked up as the door of his cell opened, a fighting to drag a woman inside.  She was kicking and screaming, demanding that he let her go.  She was tossed unceremoniously to the cold concrete like a rag doll.
“You have your orders,” the agent said.  The Asset was familiar with him, recognizing his face even though he’d been wiped a few times since meeting him.
He’d found him to be the human personification of actual shit.
The woman scrambled up, trying to make it out the door, but it shut with a resounding slam before she could.  Her hands hit desperately against the steel door as she heard the lock flip into place on the other side.  “Let me out!”
“They can’t hear you.”
She whirled around, clearly a little startled by the sound of his voice.
He was sitting on the cot on the other side of the room.  His bloodied gear still adorned his body from the mission he’d gotten back from a few hours before.  He’d been more than a little confused when they’d stuck him in his cell instead of sending him to cryo.  He didn’t think he had another mission coming up or anything.
But maybe she was the reason for that.
“That door is reinforced steel.  Nothing gets in, and no one gets out,” he said.  His voice came out like gravel.  It’d been a while since he’d used English.  His eyes were locked on her, cold and brutal.  “Trust me, I’ve tried.”  When she just looked at him for a long time, he asked, “What orders did they give you?”
The woman swallowed, looking very much like a cornered animal.  “I-I’m supposed to look at your arm,” she said. Her eyes flickered to the metal appendage, the steel glinting in the harsh fluorescent light.
The Asset grunted and took off his jacket, leaving him in his tank top. It would give her much easier access to it, and the sooner she started the sooner she’d be done.
The sooner she could stop looking at him like he was going to snap her neck.
And, yeah, okay—he could.  All it would take is a flick of his wrist, and then she’d be dead.  She’d be left lying on the cold concrete of his cell before HYDRA agents stormed in to dispose of the body.
But that didn’t mean that he would.  Fuck, he still had some manners, for crying out loud.
When she didn’t move, he raised his eyebrows.  “Well?”
With a jolt, she moved to sit on the cot next to him.  She tentatively sat down next to him, though there was still a solid foot and a half of space between them.  Her hands reached for his left arm, though she stopped in midair.
He wondered if she realized that she was holding her breath.  “I’m not going to fucking kill you, you know,” he snapped.
A blush crept over her cheeks and down past the neckline of her sweatshirt. “I’m sorry,” she said.  Even so, it took her about another twenty seconds or so to actually find the courage to touch his arm.
It surprised him how gentle her touch was.  He hadn’t been touched kindly in so long.  As her hands carefully ran over the metal, his eyes roamed her face. He wasn’t even attempting to be sneaky about it.
She was beautiful.  But, no. Because beautiful was too simple a word. She was striking, enchanting, radiant, bewitching, exquisite.
Heavenly. That was the word.  She was heavenly.
“What’s your name?” He asked, his words coming out much softer than he expected.
Her eyes flickered up to meet his, and he was startled by how vibrant they were.  “Y/N,” she said, before looking back down at his arm.  Despite the shakiness in her fingers, it was clear that she knew what she was doing as she figured out how to open it.  “This is a brilliant piece of technology,” she mumbled, more to herself than anything. He flinched as she touched a wire, her eyes lighting up.  “There it is.”
“How’d you know what to look for?” He asked curiously.  The Asset wasn’t allowed to speak unless spoken to with the other scientists that messed with his arm, let alone ask questions.  Something told him that she would welcome the questions, love them even.
And sure enough, a smile tugged at her lips as she continued to analyze the different aspects in the metal appendage.  “I was told that there was a glitch in the sensitivity on a few of your fingers. It wasn’t hard to figure out that there was a connection problem within the wires.  And honestly, I’m kind of surprised that none of their people figured it out.”
“You’re not one of them?”
The smile faded as she pressed her lips into a thin line.
Well, on one hand, it was a relief to know that she wasn’t a part of the demon organization that had turned him into the monster he was.  But on the other, he didn’t want her to be subjected to their torture.
“I’m sorry,” he said.  Something inside his chest constricted at the thought of what they both knew would happen when they didn’t think she was useful anymore.
She just cleared her throat.  “It’s fine. Things happen.  I knew that when I joined SHIELD.”  A fake smile plastered across her face.  “You know, you still haven’t told me your name.”
“I don’t have one.”  He winced a little as he realized how awful that sounded.
Y/N seemed more than a little taken aback as she scowled at the mess of wires.  “Everyone has a name.”
“I’m usually called Soldat or Asset.”
She leaned back, a pout on her lips.  “Well, that’s stupid.  I’m not calling you either of those.”
And okay.  That was kind of fucking adorable.
“What’s something you like?  I need a nickname or something for you.”
“I…”  He huffed as he tried to think of something.  He hadn’t been asked a question like that in such a long time.  Possibly never.  He’d been out of cryo long enough that if he thought hard enough, he’d get little flashes of memories.  It usually hurt too much so he didn’t attempt it.  His brows furrowed as the cover of a book flashed across his mind.  Romeo and Juliet.  “I…  I like Shakespeare.”
She paused, blinking up at him.  “Really?  What’s your favorite?  Much Ado About Nothing?  Taming of the Shrew?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” he admitted, a little sheepishly.
She looked at him for a long moment, a new sort of fondness in her eyes. “Okay, Romeo,” she said, grinning as his cheeks went red.
He didn’t even think he could blush anymore.  Thought he’d lost the ability sometime in the fifties or sixties.
But her presence was magic.
Time passed as it always did, the days turning into weeks, which turned into months, and her kindness never wavered.  Every day, they brought her to his cell, and every day, she greeted him with a warm smile.
It utterly astounded him, and it didn’t help that everything about her sent his heart racing.
Yeah, he didn’t care for that shit at all.
“Romeo, Romeo—Wherefore art thou Romeo?” She cooed as she was shoved into the cell once again.
“Y/N,” he said sternly, even though there was a grin fighting to take over his face.  At this point, he’d remembered his name, but he didn’t really care.  He liked hearing her little nickname for him.  It reminded him of the hopeless romantic he’d once been, how he’d take out girl after girl, hoping for a connection that never came.
Of course, it would come after he’d been brainwashed and turned into the world’s most feared assassin.
She sat on the bed next to him as she always did, opening up his arm. Her soft humming filled the room. Over the past few months, she’d made tweak after tweak, adjusting wires and gears to help his arm function the best that it ever had.
“I’m going to get you out of here.”
Y/N looked up at him in surprise, her eyebrows raising.  “Don’t be silly,” she said as she tested out a few of the gears near his elbow.
“I’m serious,” he said, his eyes glancing up towards the camera in the corner of the room.  It couldn’t pick up sound, he knew that much.  Otherwise, they would’ve gotten in trouble a long time ago.  “You don’t belong here.”
“And neither do you.”  She crossed her arms over her chest as she stared him down with glittering e/c eyes. “I’m not leaving unless you come with me.”
Well, isn’t that just dandy?
The Asset knew that there was no way the both of them would be able to escape.  His captors wouldn’t stop looking for him if he managed to get out.  But if he pretended to give into her one condition, then he could get her to a safe space.  He’d get her far enough that she’d be out of HYDRA’s clutches before returning to them. He’d tell them that she somehow got control of him and ordered him to get her out, only for him to break free of it and kill her.  They’d be none the wiser.  They’d praise him, their precious Soldat, for returning to them, for knowing where he belonged.
And knowing that she was safe would be enough.
He planned it to a ‘t.’  He knew exactly what would happen down to the last second.  Getting her out of the base was easy enough.  She was on a mission with him, since he’d the target of his last one to fuck up his arm enough that his handlers thought she needed to be with him to repair it.
“Close your eyes, sweetheart,” he’d whispered in her ear. He had waited until she did so to take out every agent with them, including the driver.  The crash that had resulted had been painless, more just a little jolt since they hadn’t been going very fast when they hit the tree.  Reaching into one of the agent’s pockets, he snatched the tranquilizer that was meant to be used on him if he got out of line, hiding it in his jacket before telling her it was okay to look.
“You’re good at that,” she said while peeking through her fingers.  Somehow, she still managed to find the time to tease him, despite being surrounded by dead bodies in a van that now smelled like iron and sweat.  Blood splattered the seats and windows in front of them.
He rolled his eyes as he put his gun back into its holster. After climbing out of the backseat, he takes a moment to help her out.  Even after her feet hit the ground, he doesn’t let go of her hand.  The soft skin of her palm felt too good against his to let go so soon.
“Where are we going?” She asked, a yawn tearing from her lips. She was clinging to his arm as her eyes took in the trees around them.  He’d made sure to kill the agents in the middle of the woods, under the dark of night.
“There’s a safehouse in the city we were in,” he said, having already located it during the mission he’d finished earlier in the day. It’d taken him an extra thirty minutes and hacking into the target’s laptop, but he’d found one.
What he didn’t tell her was that it was a women’s only safehouse, and that only she would be the one staying.
He could see the city lights up ahead as the woods began to thin out.  He knew that his time with her was coming to an end.  Stopping abruptly, he pulled her into his arms.
“Woah, take it easy, Romeo,” she said, though she sunk into his embrace as though they’d done this a million times before.
The Asset held onto her as tightly as he could without breaking her spine.  He was trying to memorize the feeling of her in his arms, so that he could remember it later, when he no longer had her close.
That is, if they didn’t wipe it from him.
“I—”  He broke off, the words catching in his throat.  He couldn’t say it.  He couldn’t say the three words that he wanted to because he knew that she would say them back and then he wouldn’t be able to convince himself to leave.  He’d stay with her and then they’d find her and more than likely kill her.  “You… You know I care about you, yes?”
She pulled away just enough, a frown tugging on her lips. “Of course, I do.”
“And…  You know how I feel about you?”
Her eyes softened and she nodded.  “You know I feel the same,” she murmured, before her brows furrowed as she took in his pained expression.  “What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, his hand grabbing the tranquilizer from his jacket.  The cap was flicked off and the needle was in her neck before she could respond.  Her mouth dropped into an ‘o’ as the liquid filled her veins.  Her eyes flashed with betrayal and hurt before they fluttered shut, and she fell limp in his arms.  “I’m sorry,” he repeated as he picked her up, carrying her bridal style.
The shelter was easy to find, though he knew it was hidden well from ordinary eyes.  It would be enough to hide her from HYDRA, since he would make sure that they wouldn’t be searching.
The woman who opened the door started to slam it right back in his face, no doubt terrified by the Winter Soldier gear he was still sporting, and the blood that covered it.
But he took a step forward, blue eyes flashing.  “Wait!” He said, his voice colored with desperation. He glanced down at the woman in his arms, the woman he’d fallen in love with after years of thinking he wasn’t capable of feeling anything other than anger and resentment.  It brought the older woman’s eyes down to her and she hesitated in shutting him out.  “Please.”
Maybe it was the way his voice cracked or the pure desperation in his eyes, but she nodded and opened the door wider to let him in. “Come on,” she said, shutting the door behind him before leading him down the hall.
The shelter was quiet, though he could hear sounds of life coming from behind the doors that lined the hall.  Someone was watching a movie, someone was humming.  Little things.  And he could see Y/N here, padding the halls and talking quietly with the other women.  Safe and sound.
The woman opened up a door, revealing an empty room.  It was small, but it had a bed and a dresser. He carefully set Y/N down on the mattress, taking in a shaky breath.  He knew he was going to have to say goodbye and leave her behind.
“I’ll give you a minute,” the woman said, closing the door to give him some privacy.
The Asset’s throat tightened as he brushed her hair away from her eyes.  “Hey, sweetheart,” he said, tears springing to his eyes.  “I’m really sorry about the whole tranquilizing you thing.  But I’ve gotta make sure that you’re safe, and I can’t do that if I’m with you.”  Her hand was soft in his as he rubbed his thumb across the back.  “I really, really don’t want to leave you.”  He was openly crying now, something he hadn’t done since HYDRA first kidnapped him, torturing him until his mind broke.  “But I’ve gotta go, okay?  I’ve gotta go, and you’ve gotta live your life.  You have to forget about me, because you won’t be safe if you don’t.”  There was a faint knock on the door, and he knew his time was up.  “I love you, Y/N.  I love you so much.  God, I hope you know how much I love you.  You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
The door opened and the woman stuck her head in, saying, “It’s time to go.”
He nodded stiffly, his lips lingering as he kissed her forehead.  When he stood on the front stoop, he turned back to her.  “Please, take care of her,” he said.  He knew his cheeks were red from tears and his eyes were puffy, but he didn’t care.
“I will,” the woman said, her own eyes swimming with unshed tears as she clutched onto the door.
And with that, he turned and disappeared into the night, leaving behind the love of his life.
The Asset tiptoed around Y/N’s apartment, his heart constricting in his chest as he looked at the pictures that lined the dresser in the bedroom.  There were several of her and the redhead from the bridge, a few of her and the blond he now knew as Steve.
He’d seen her, in the midst of the fight.  Had recognized his Y/N as she fought off HYDRA agents.  He’d felt a rush of pride when she’d taken down several men by herself, feeling a bit of comfort in knowing that she’d worked to learn how to defend herself since he broken her out of the HYDRA base.
He knew that he shouldn’t, but he’d found out where she lived.  It’d been easy enough to find her address, and even easier to get in without anyone noticing anything.  Needless to say, it worried him, and he made a mental note to talk to her about better security.
The front door opened quietly, and he stiffened. From the way she’d reacted when she first saw him on the highway, she wouldn’t kick him out, but there was no way to be sure. Or, she might have company.
Company that might include the bird man or the redhead, who would undoubtedly try to kick his ass if it meant protecting Y/N.
There was also the possibility of her not wanting him anymore.
He could hear her footsteps pause as she took in the living room.  He’d left his gear in a heap, leaving him in just his tight cargo pants and a black tank top.  He’d even toed off his boots, his socked feet quiet on the hardwood floor.
He’d left all his weapons in that heap, and he knew that she would see the amount of trust he had in her.  She would know that he remembered her, that he still felt safe enough to be vulnerable.
Okay, he didn’t really need knives or guns to kill someone, but it was the principle of it.
The Asset held his breath as he heard her come down the hall, heading for the only room with the light on.  There was only one set of footsteps, meaning that she was alone.  The cracked door opened with a whine and he froze as his eyes met hers.
She was just as heavenly as she had been four years ago.
“Romeo,” she breathed, taking a step towards him. “You’re here.”
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said, his heart hammering in his chest.  Clearing his throat, he glanced towards the window before looking back at her.  He really wasn’t sure what to say.  “You, uh…  You really should get better security.  It was a little too easy for me to find you.”
A smile tugged at her lips as she leaned against the doorframe, one hand resting on her hip.  “Maybe I wanted you to.”
And fuck, that was the best thing she could’ve ever said.  All his worries about her not wanting him anymore faded away.  “Yeah?”
She nodded as she moved across the room to embrace him. “Yeah.”
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friendlyfrat-boy · 4 years ago
The Straw-Hat Among Us, Ch.8
White: Smoker
This was it, then.
Smoker had actually insisted that they just do a double-kill once he picked off that slow-talking fellow, but apparently the Red-nose wanted to do this in a… different way. “Let’s get the second last guy voted off,” he’d said. “Having only one guy left to kill would be much easier than two.” Smoker never should’a taken advice from that clown. He was the sneaky sort, not the… murdering kind.
He’d done a good enough job on Sheep-horn, perhaps a bit too emotional, but it had certainly been a close one. If Green-hair hadn’t outed himself…
Oh well. That was over now. A single human left.
Judging by how Long-nose’s human face paled, he must have understood his situation quite well. “I-, uh, um… P-, please…”
Smoker really didn't care for talking to his victim. “Be quiet and you won’t suffer.” As Smoker reached for a hidden pocket in his own flesh, he soon realized he’d left the knife in the monkey-man. Damn it, Flamingo had really taken him by surprise there. Left with no other choice, Smoker let parts of his human form dissolve. After all, keeping up this form was… draining.
It was like holding your breath for a very long time, going beyond that moment where your chest hurt and your head started pounding. It felt natural, to simply release that breath, let his right arm open up into fleshy tendrils of teeth and claws and whatnot. If he were human in any way, this is the point where his white suit would get ripped apart, but not so, especially since the suit is also part of his body. In human terms, he was naked. But also not.
Bah, humans and their arbitrary terms.
The Long-nose quivered, eyes widening at the sight of Smoker’s arm opening up like a blooming flower of teeth and flesh. Unlike Red-nose, Smoker wasn’t about to go around biting people. Well, he was about to bite the Long-nose, but using his arm. As confusing as human terms were, their own terms were hardly any better.
“H-, hiiiii!” Long-nose whimpered, taking a step back from Smoker and the pool of lava. A rational move, according to Smoker himse-,
A hand was placed on his shoulder. Turning his head only slightly, he saw Red-nose, an odd look in his eye. “Smoker,” he said, voice distorted somewhat as his human form changed slightly. “Hold on a moment.”
“The hell do you want?” Smoker asked back, his own vocal cords deepening as he no longer cared to keep his human form entirely maintained.
Red-nose glanced away, every facet of his human face showcasing doubt and confliction. “I just think-”
And then, Long-nose ran. He turned his back on the two killers, turned tail, and sprinted off into the darkness. Smoker cursed under his breath. He only had so much vision, he was only so fast, and right now, Long-nose had almost gotten too far. “Shit, Buggy, get to the cams, find him!”
Smoker couldn’t catch if Red-nose nodded or not, but he had to assume that he did. Left with no other choice, Smoker dove into a nearby tunnel, right beside a weather node and a forgotten snowman, letting the majority of his human form dissolve. Small, bony protrusions blossomed across his body, digging into the rocky tunnel, forcing his compressed body forwards at speeds far quicker than human running would allow.
His first destination was also the closest one. The chances of Long-nose running in here were low, but even then, he popped out into the Laboratory. Right in the stalls. Going by the placement, it seems one of the toilets collapsed into the tunnel.
The tunnel he was using.
...He’d chosen to ignore that long ago. A quick peek into the rest of the Laboratory ensured that the young boy hadn’t emerged here.
He hopped back into the tunnel. This trip would take a bit longer, but not enough to be a detriment.
Less than a minute later and he crawled out of the Tunnel inside the Office, the southern one through a little hallway of bookshelves. He couldn’t remember using this one. No, wait, he’d used it back then, to kill the Chief. It almost felt like a lifetime ago. It would all be over soon.
Smoker quickly made his way through the Office, barely stopping to check anything before he hopped into the tunnel right in front of the Meeting room.
Although this hadn’t been the primary vent he’d used a mere hour ago to kill monkey-man, he’d used it in combination with another tunnel and Red-nose’s expert distraction to complete the kill. Flamingo had been an unexpected but somewhat welcome change in plans. To Smoker, it didn’t really matter if the final human was Flamingo or Long-nose. It shouldn’t matter to Red-nose either, but somehow, Smoker could tell things weren’t quite so simple.
Either way, Smoker popped out of the tunnel beside Communications, took a quick look inside the mentioned cabin as well as Weapons and promptly returned to the tunnel.
His final stop for this tunnel would be the Storage. He didn’t expect Long-nose to be in here, and he wasn’t. Just a bunch of useless human trinkets. Smoker quickly exited the room. He’d assume for the moment that Long-nose hadn’t chosen to hang about in the Specimen room, meaning that he just had to check the West Wing.
Electrical was empty. Blood littered the floor in various places, most obviously in the Security Room, where blood still splattered the screen. Green-hair had left a rather impressive trail from O2 to the outside of Electrical. Smoker followed it into O2, but before he could open the door leading to (Red-nose really liked keeping all the doors closed for some damn reason), he noticed that he could hear something.
“I-, I don’t want to die-,”
“Shh, keep it down, idiot! He’ll hear us!”
“I-, um, sorry.”
“Look. We can just-, I’ll get you out of this. You don’t deserve this, okay? You’re a good kid. I’ve done bad things, I don’t care if you hate me for it, but I don’t want you to die for it. I want you to live. Our species might never get along, but we two, you and me, we can get along. If only for tonight.”
“Buggy, that’s… you are Buggy, right? I can’t-, I just-,” There was a quick sniffle.
“Hey, hey, cool it! Don’t cry now, man!” A slap. “Keep it together! I’m going to need you to-,”
Smoker stepped through the door. “To do what, exactly?” The two scheming bastards jerked around, Long-nose growing paler yet, his eyes as white and terrified as a rabbit could be, while Red-nose obviously struggled to keep his human form in the best shape it could be. Making an effort to look normal in front of the human. Pah. “Buggy, why don’t you dispose of the final human?”
He didn’t move. Neither did Long-nose for that matter.
Very well. If he wouldn’t, then Smoker had no choice but to do it himself. He bared his biological weapon of choice.
Red-nose grit his teeth, grabbed Long-nose and ran for it. Is that how they’d do it? Very well. Smoker didn’t mind being the last man standing. If winning meant taking out his fellow imposter, so be it. With that vow in mind, Smoker pursued.
It was a rather short run, ending where it had started. Right by that pool of magma.
Usopp stood huddled by it, Buggy situated right in front of him, clawed, alien arms stretched out to protect him. A pathetic display of solidarity between opposing species. He’d always been the emotional sort. He simply wasn’t suited for this sort of situation. Not to murder, and not to pretend, either.
Apparently, he couldn’t even pretend to like a human. He had to go and get personal about it. “If you do not step aside, I will assume you have chosen to betray me.”
“N-, no, I haven’t chosen to betray you! I just-, we can figure something out! We don’t have to kill all of them, do we?” Red-nose weakly defended.
Smoker let his human form dissolve fully. “So you have chosen death.” His voice was a bellow. A gravelly, inhuman sound that he couldn’t imagine the human could understand at all. His body, fleshy and restless with energy, heaving and moving and barely resembling anything human as he prepared to do away with a truly unwelcome surprise.
Red-nose growled. It wasn’t a human sound, but it didn’t quite line up with anything Smoker could understand either. It was simply a sound.
The right side of Red-nose’s body opened up, revealing jagged teeth and bloody bone. Long-nose whimpered, and in that short moment where Red-nosed glanced back, concerned and foolish, Smoker struck. A tendril, the tip of it crowned with a sharp tooth, shot out at Red-nose’s face, missing it by a mere inch when the face parted. Smoker pulled back his arm.
It started. The battle was no longer between human and alien. Smoker knew this and had to adjust his strategy accordingly. Flesh no longer bled, instead twisting and changing to avoid his projectiles, malleable as clay. The moon stood high, their battle painted red with both the little wounds they took and the luminous magma they battled beside. Their prize, the one to be spared or slain by the winner stood aside, watching with trembling limbs and trembling gaze as two monsters fought.
Smoker hated to admit it, but it was a standstill.
Smoker had the upper hand in strength and defence, but Red-nose was quicker. He easily evaded Smoker’s strong attacks, landing little ones that left Smoker with the tiniest of scratches. In turn, Smoker gave Red-nose a few wounds of his own, nothing big, nothing that could end this battle once and for all.
No, Smoker knew that if he wished to win, he would need to do something new. Something unexpected. Something… cunning.
He glanced at Long-nose, an idea flitting through his head. It was his only choice.
Red-nose seemed too absorbed in the battle to even consider the possibility. Smoker’s eyes sharpened. He watched for a misstep, a stumble, a moment of respite where he couldn’t act. It didn’t come naturally. And so, Smoker chose to create it.
He let Red-nose get a hit in. A row of sharp teeth sunk into his back, surprise painting Red-nose’s features.
In this moment of surprise, Smoker struck.
Long-nose hadn’t seen it coming, either.
One moment he’d been standing in front of the lava, and the next…
He was missing an arm and a good part of his chest. Smoker grinned. A fatal wound. With this, Red-nose would be forced to submit himself, to agree to the death of the human, to-,
Something sharp punctured Smoker’s chest. He looked down, and found a bony spear lodged deep in his heart. Blood seeped from it. Was it human, or alien? Smoker couldn’t know. He coughed, red blood staining his white suit. Stumbled a bit. Passed by the stunned-silent Long-nose.
And fell into the lava.
His last thoughts lingered on the irony of it all.
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ticklybtswriter · 6 years ago
ler bts headcanons
author’s note: sclskmdclkscm this is going to kill me and i haven’t even started writing yet. -rosalie
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i like to think he’s soft yet ruthless
you know, like not quite full-fledged tickle monster (not until you piss him off, more on that later) but still knows how to wreck your shit
mostly does it when the two of you are just cuddling together
you’ll look really cute all curled up beside him and he can’t help himself
you are now victim to his tickles
he mostly goes for the soft tickles
he really just loves spidering his fingers over your stomach or nuzzling into your neck so you can squirm
likes to have you in his lap with his hands around your waist as restraints
“awww, where does my little lee think they’re going?”
“tickle tickle tickle ~”
little kisses across your stomach while you’re laying down
all i have to say about that
so, when you stupidly decide to piss this boy off
you are dead
he really enjoys tickling you so when you give him a reason to go all out, he relishes in that feeling
you’re on your back pinned down, he’s looming over you
you think he’s going to go for the rough tickles
but you’d be wrong
he just takes his fingers and softly trails them against your skin
after a few minutes of the agonizing softness, you’re practically begging him to just wreck you
“no, i think i’m good doing this. what do you think? maybe another thirty minutes of just this? yeah, sounds good to me.”
death hello?
see, a soft but cruel ler
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an evil ler
i don’t know what you want me to tell you
he will always let you know that you’re enjoying his torture
“what do you mean stop? i know you like this, and so do you.”
for the most part, he’s a silent-type ler
like, he doesn’t tease you THAT often
mostly because the end goal for him is to have you physically spent
he really just likes to listen to your laughter and watch your face get red or have it just be plastered with pure mirth
it does something to him, really brings out his ler
he doesn’t really smile along with you, but is constantly smirking
that smirk just exudes evil, let me tell you
he lives for the perfect mix of soft and rough tickles
he loves the soft tickles when he wants you to just squirm and loves the rough when he wants your sweetest belly laughter
he seems like the kind of person to come back from the studio, tired as all hell and he’ll see you sitting on the couch and he’ll just walk over to you and wreck you because it actually really relaxes him
those are his favorite kinds of tickles
favorite place to tickle you is your thighs and i’m sure you can all decipher the reason
i’d beware if you’re a bratty lee, though because yoongi’s a brat tamer
you said something wild and he stared at you a minute with his intense gaze
he takes strides toward you, effectively backing you up against the wall where he takes your arms in one of his hands and holds them over your head and says, “you’re going to regret that baby girl/boy”
his brat-taming mood consists of sadistic tendencies of rough tickles, sometimes bondage if you’re moving too much for his liking, and overall just making it his goal to get you as close to the edge of your limits as possible without breaking them so he can do it all over again
once again, an evil ler i really want as my ler omg
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a very very tease-y ler
i’d say his probably the most playful of the seven while also being one of the most deadly
here’s why
opposite to yoongi who’s all about making you physically worn out, hoseok is one to aim to make your face as red as he possibly can
he consistently comments on how adorable you are when being teased
“why is your face so red, precious? i haven’t even started tickling you yet!! you should have that blush for when i actually get my hands on those cute hips of yours!!
he’s all about anticipation if you couldn’t tell
hoseok doesn’t even see it as evil but you know damn well that it is
he likes laughing with you
honestly he just really likes seeing you with this smile on your face, which is why he tickles you so often
to him, almost any moment is a tickle moment
like, he really will just tickle you all of the sudden, if it’s just a quick tickle to your neck, he’ll do it
if he’s in bed and you pass by him to grab something, you best believe he’s grabbing your waist, pulling you down on the bed with him, staddling you and then spidering away at your sides
you’re sitting at the table eating? his fingers are fluttering in your neck
don’t let this fool you though
just because he’s a usually calm and loving ler DOES NOT mean that he doesn’t have the power to absolutely wreck you
i know you all know that this mf can be downright scary when mad
that still applies to when you decide to provoke him
pins you down and gives you this E V I L smirk (like you know him to be the adorable ray of sunshine that he is so this is terrifying almost) 
whatever your worst spot is, he dives for it with such vigor
your resolve to keep up the bratty act is washed away completely after he starts going to town on you
“awww, what’s wrong, cutie? you had such a tough act on earlier. where’d all that go, huh?”
his teases are 50x worse when he gets like this so good luck :)
all i have to say
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aha have fun perishing
because here’s the thing, he’s another evil ler but i don’t think he’d start out that way if i’m being honest
i’d say he starts off pretty shy at first
like, he worries about pushing you too far so the majority of tickles in the beginning were just really cute and soft
ahahaha not any more
the entire time we was tickling you before, he was taking mental notes of how to properly wreck you
noticed which spots with which touches made you respond the best, noticed which teases worked best to make you blush, noticed all of the little things that made you squeal so adorably
that entire period of soft tickles was a ploy so that he could investigate all of the ways to tickle you so that were nothing but a giggly puddle at the end of your sessions
he’s good at soft where soft tickles are due, but he LOVES being able to go at your skin
makes you beg for it (he learned that having to ask for tickles makes you even more embarrassed so it’s obvious that the only say you’re going to get what you want is by having to plead for it)
“sorry, prince(ss), but i can’t give you want you want unless i hear you say that you want... what was the word again, prince(ss)?” “t-ti...” “what was that?” “t-ti-tickles.” “good girl/boy ~”
his teases are absolutely killer
“you can’t escape this, baby girl/boy~”
also always tells you how good you’re being and how cute your laughter is
the master of “don’t make me tickle you” and “i’ll go for your worst spot if you keep acting up like that” when you’re being pouty or bratty
but truthfully, you don’t want to be bratty with namjoon
punishment tickles with him are just as bad if not worse than they are with yoongi
the same rules of bondage and sadistic-ness still apply, but how would you feel when you can’t see what’s coming?
it definitely makes the electric toothbrush buzzing in your belly button and the feather against your neck come as a welcomed surprise, that’s for sure
just a very, very evil ler you don’t wanna cross
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ahhhhhhhhhh this sneaky, mischievous ler
you are playing a deadly game with him my friend
a game in which you are the mouse and he is the cat
he is constantly toying with you while in public
“wouldn’t it be a shame if i were to just tickle you right here at this party? imagine how cute everyone would find your sweet laughter.”
the worst he’ll actually do though is flutter his fingers against your chin though
because what jimin likes to do is fluster you and get you in a lee mood and then leave you there
apparently the waiting “does you good”
takes you in his lap- after a bit of struggling to escape because you know what’s about to happen- and starts attacking you in every spot his fingers can reach while leaving little nibbles against your neck
he’s all for the soft tickles and teases like hoseok
mostly because he’s enamored with your light, melodious giggles as opposed to your loud belly laughter
if he removes his arms from around you, do not leave, it is a trap
this is where the cat and mouse thing comes into play because he pretends to let you leave but the moment you make it a few feet away, he’s chasing you like his life depends on it
he lives to chase you, seriously he does
he loves seeing you scramble for an escape even though you both know the inevitability of the situation
once he finally catches you, he drags you back to your bed and pulls you in his lap and is like, “that wasn’t very nice, running away like that!! i’d say this earns you a punishment.”
you’re going to be stuck there for quite some time, congratulations (i say that sarcastically and sincerely)
but cuddles after!! and lots of hugs!!
i wouldn’t say he’s as villainous as yoongi and namjoon when you provoke him, but he isn’t someone to trifle with either
like, sure, he’s one of the sweetest lers out of all of them, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be totally mean the second you test his patience
really, it’s a fucking switch between soft boi to menacing ler
“keep doing that, baby girl/boy, and i’ll keep you laughing for hours when we get home. hmm, i might even bring out the tools. let’s see how you keep up after i put a feather duster against that cute tummy of yours.”
you definitely keep misbehaving and it’s definitely worth it... at first
he kept true to his word before he made it infinitely worse than you imagined
yeah, don’t fuck with the mischievous ler that is jimin
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everyone underestimates tae but i think that he is the evilest ler
he’s unsuspecting
like, he has this facade of being this playful guy with his boxy smile and his cute laugh
but that’s just a cover-up because beneath all that is fucking merciless, torturous ler whose only goal is to make sure you’re an incoherent mess
imagine this: absolutely ruthless tickles while being genuinely smiled at. not a smirk, like a genuine smile. this boy loves- really really really loves- have you endlessly squirming and full-out laughing
there’s just something about seeing him so happy at your torture that makes you so red in the face
also, he loves your blush oh my god does he love it
“ahhh, y/n~ never stop that adorable blush!!”
he doesn’t tease as much as jimin or hoseok, but his teases are pretty fucking bad when they do
“it’s tickle time, my lee!”
attacks you every chance that he can get, even if it’s inconvenient for you while not doing anything to actually infuriate you
like if you’re on the phone with a friend, he can and will start pinching at your sides so you’re forced to hold in your laughter
don’t imagine them running up and down your sides, across the soles of your feet, softly grazing the skin of your neck, totally squeezing away at your sides while he’s just smiling at you
taehyung doesn’t give you tickles if you’re bratty
he knows that it’s what you really want so he’ll make you beg before he even considers wrecking you
he even got you to say, “i’ve been a bad girl and i don’t deserve tickles” just at the mention of possibly giving you what you want
it took a while and he finally gave in
but not without the price of your sanity, because unlike yoongi and namjoon, he will break you past your limits if you angered him enough
wow, i really just put myself in a mood with this guy i-
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a two-sided ler
one side, the soft, loving maknae
the other, the lee-wrecker
firstly, his soft side doesn’t mean soft tickles
he still wrecks you but he’s extremely playful and teasy
smiles with you
pokes you in the sides, then acts like he didn’t before he does it again, claiming that if you don’t stop squeaking like that, he’ll have to do something about it
“hey, stop trying to move away like that! i’m not finished with you yet!”
ALWAYS pins you down because he knows that the difference in strength between the two of you really makes you blush
he utilizes his strength often when tickling you
deals with pouts in a playful way, which, i know, is very different from the others but i just think he saves his dominating personality for his other kinds of tickles
his lee-wrecking side isn’t hard to come by
in fact, it isn’t even caused by you acting bratty; most of the time it’s after a particuarly draining or frustrating day that you’ll see his true tickle monster
did i mention that he makes him call you that all the time? because when he is tickling you, he is no longer jungkook and is now the tickle monster, sorry not sorry
“y/n~ the tickle monster isn’t pleased with how you’ve been acting. you know, he’s actually kind of hungry right now. come here, little bunny~”
b-back to the evil maknae
he doesn’t go all out when he gets in his moods like the others, but he definitely likes to let you know that he’s the one in control here
is pretty quiet these times save for a few teases here and there as well as a constant smirk
“i love you like this, you know. all ticklish and compliant”
goes to every spot EXCEPT your worst because he wants you to wait for the grand finale
when he gets there, it’s game over sorry
he’s very double-sided so good luck :)
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if you have all of them as your lers, i’m so, so sorry to say that i will be attending your funeral
seriously, when all seven of them know, there is not a moment in your time with them where you aren’t crying tears of mirth
because now, there are seven people with the same end goal: to have you tickled to absolute pieces
jungkook is the one who holds you down because that rule still applies even with six others
jimin and hoseok continuously tell you how much you love it as they scribble at your feet
jin and taehyung giving you the most wicked raspberries because of their vocalist lung support you know
OOF namjoon and yoongi? the ones who FIGURE IT OUT AGAIN
like i'm so sure that they're the ones who tell the others about your secret and spill all of your worst spots to the others rhwkennw
constant fights over who can wreck you best
cuddle nights while watching a movie quickly take a turn because jungkook decided to pull you into his lap and start going to town
this, of course, meant that every other ler in the room wanted in on the action
the movie is quickly forgotten and you are quickly at the center of the seven tickle-hungry men
“awww, look how red they are!!”
“wait, did you hear that little noise?” “yes!! jin, do what you just did!! i have to hear that again!!”
“you know that you’re having fun, prince(ss)!! stop trying to hold back that precious smile!!”
teases are never short in supply so neither is your blush
if they’re on tour or you’re just separated from them, you best believe that jimin was able to persuade the boys into bombarding you with tickle-related texts, voicemails, and pictures to get you in a mood
they love it because he makes seeing you again even more of a treat
it makes the drive to see you when they return all the more 
look, i’m going to give it to you straight
if you want to live, you will not, i repeat WILL NOT act like a brat with them
even if you act that way to just one of them, that person WILL contact all seven so that they can destroy you
“you were being bad sweetie?” “it’s going to be a very, very long night.”
now i want you to imagine getting gang-tickled by all of them
got that? good, now multiple that times ten
getting punished with tickles by them is G O O D B A D
the teases are soooooooooooo amazing but blush-inducing
constantly letting you know that the only person to blame for your situation is yourself and also constantly telling you that you’re the most adorable person on the planet
“you’re so cute like this, y/n, being tickled by me and my hyungs.” cue everyone nodding in agreement at jungkook’s words
there is no getting them to stop unless you use the safeword (there’s no fun in that though)
let’s end on a soft note!!
they love using nicknames in their tickle sessions with you, their favorite being “our little lee” and “our ticklish baby girl/boy” that last one hit me omg
overall, they love you so much and tickling you is just a big plus because they get to see you with a smile on your face nearly 24/7
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author’s note: ajdjjnjsdfnljsdfnk;jsdfn ahhhhhhh i might make some full fics of some of these scenarios if anyone’s interested (but i might be deceased after writing the ot7 headcanons so we’ll see if i survive) -rosalie
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tcoffin42 · 8 years ago
FINAL POST!!                                          Elvis Costello - My Aim Is True
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It’s graduation week.  Four years of sharing album-of-the-week are over.  It’s important to wrap this up with a special album.  I’ve decided to go with one of the best debut albums ever, by one of my favorite musicians, for whom I have the utmost respect.  With this last album, I want to affirm that this effort was to support my daughter’s personal and professional interests in music (my aim was true).  Also, I wanted the graduation album to welcome her to the grown-up world of working for a living (”Welcome To The Working Week”).  And finally, since I’ve tied politics to so many of these albums, it feels appropriate - as President Trump continues to bring the country and perhaps the world to ruin (this week, by backing out of the Paris Climate Accord) - to close this project with the track, “Waiting For The End Of The World.”
1    "Welcome to the Working Week" 2    "Miracle Man" 3    "No Dancing" 4    "Blame It on Cain" 5    "Alison" 6    "Sneaky Feelings" 7    "(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes" 8    "Less Than Zero" 9    "Mystery Dance" 10  "Pay It Back" 11  "I'm Not Angry" 12  "Waiting for the End of the World"
Last week, T Bone Burnett’s name was one of those in the collaboration, and I mentioned his Academy Award winning work on the “Cold Mountain” soundtrack.  Well, Elvis Costello collaborated with T Bone to write the track “Scarlett Tide” for that soundtrack.  The collaborations Elvis has been a part of are numerous and, I’m sure, will go on and on.  He has made so much music in genres outside his punk-pop, new-wave origins that it defies categorization.  I recommend a Wikipedia search to keep track of it all.  Of late, what I have been most impressed with from Elvis is the musically collaborative TV show he did called “Spectacle: Elvis Costello with...”  I only saw a few episodes, but they were brilliant.  Check it out if you're so inclined.  It’s all available on DVD or BluRay.
In closing, I’d like to thank everyone who read my foolish posts (with especially large portions of thanks to those of you who occasionally corrected me) and everyone who listened along with us.  As a postscript, here is the entire list of 194 albums we listened to over this four-year project, and the date we started listening.  We started a little late, so we did two albums per week through the first summer session to try to catch up on the total count.  With occasional exceptions, the albums were pre-1999 (the year my daughter was born).  We followed some themes here and there, but mostly we just rocked out!
Rumours - Fleetwood Mac  10/20/2013
Deja Vu - Crosby Stills Nash & Young  10/27/2013
Best of the Doobies - The Doobie Brothers  11/3/2013
Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 - The Eagles  11/10/2013
Greatest Hits 1974-1978 - Steve Miller Band  11/17/2013
American Beauty - Grateful Dead  11/24/2013
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground  12/1/2013
Loaded - The Velvet Underground  12/8/2013
The Monkees - The Monkees  12/15/2013
Jackson 5 Christmas Album - Jackson 5  12/22/2013
The #1's - Elvis Presley  12/29/2013
Legend from the Master Tapes - Buddy Holly  1/5/2014
The #1's - Diana Ross & The Supremes  1/12/2014
Singles 1969-1981 - The Carpenters  1/19/2014
16 Greatest Hits - The Mamas & Papas  1/26/2014
Greatest Hits - The Byrds  2/2/2014
Greatest Hits - Bob Dylan  2/9/2014
Greatest Hits - Simon & Garfunkel  2/16/2014
Greatest Hits - James Taylor  2/23/2014
Greatest Hits - Linda Ronstadt  3/2/2014
Greatest Hits - Janis Joplin  3/9/2014
Greatest Hits - The Doors  3/16/2014
Smash Hits - Jimi Hendrix  3/23/2014
Greatest Hits - Queen  3/30/2014
Legend - Bob Marley & The Wailers  4/6/2014
Mania - The Ramones  4/13/2014
Lennon Legend: The Very Best Of John Lennon - John Lennon  4/20/2014
The Hits - Johnny Cash  4/27/2014
A Quiet Normal Life: The Best Of Warren Zevon - Warren Zevon  5/4/2014
Gold - ABBA  5/11/2014
Greatest Hits - Cat Stevens  5/18/2014
The Best Of - Steely Dan  5/25/2014
Greatest Hits - Bruce Springsteen  6/1/2014
Greatest Hits - Elton John  6/8/2014
Endless Summer - The Beach Boys  6/15/2014
Hot Rocks - The Rolling Stones  6/22/2014
Led Zeppelin III - Led Zeppelin  6/29/2014
Rubber Soul - The Beatles  7/6/2014
Revolver - The Beatles  7/6/2014
Who's Next - The Who  7/13/2014
The Who By Numbers - The Who  7/13/2014
Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd  7/20/2014
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd  7/20/2014
One For The Road - The Kinks  7/27/2014
Pretenders - Pretenders  8/3/2014
Learning To Crawl - Pretenders  8/3/2014
Nevermind The Bollocks - The Sex Pistols  8/10/2014
Sound Affects - The Jam  8/17/2014
London Calling - The Clash  8/24/2014
Changesonebowie - David Bowie  8/31/2014
Ghost In The Machine - The Police  9/7/2014
I Just Can't Stop It - The English Beat  9/14/2014
Absolutely - Madness  9/21/2014
Talk Talk Talk - The Psychedelic Furs  9/28/2014
Hits - Joni Mitchell  10/5/2014
Rickie Lee Jones - Rickie Lee Jones  10/12/2014
Eyes Open - Snow Patrol  10/19/2014
The Best Of Joan Armatrading - Joan Armatrading  10/26/2014
Upstairs At Eric's - Yaz  11/2/2014
Blue Bell Knoll - Cocteau Twins  11/9/2014
Life's Too Good - The Sugarcubes  11/16/2014
The B-52's - The B-52's  11/23/2014 
Out Of Time - R.E.M.  11/30/2014
In My Tribe - 10,000 Maniacs  12/7/2014
Girlfriend - Matthew Sweet  12/14/2014
Joy: A Holiday Collection - Jewel  12/21/2014
Fumbling Toward Ecstacy - Sarah McLachlan  12/28/2014
Reading, Writing And Arithmetic - The Sundays  1/4/2015
Meat Is Murder - The Smiths  1/11/2015
Tragic Kingdom - No Doubt  1/18/2015
Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette  1/25/2015
Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers  2/1/2015
Siamese Dream - Smashing Pumpkins  2/8/2015
Ten - Pearl Jam  2/15/2015
Nevermind - Nirvana  2/22/2015
Live Through This - Hole  3/1/2015
Exile In Guyville - Liz Phair  3/8/2015
After - Lady Lamb the Beekeeper  3/15/2015
Garbage - Garbage  3/22/2015
Eight Arms To Hold You - Veruca Salt  3/29/2015
Rid Of Me - PJ Harvey  4/5/2015
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got - Sinead O'Connor  4/12/2015
Moondance - Van Morrison  4/19/2015
Joshua Tree - U2  4/26/2015
Fisherman's Blues - The Waterboys  5/3/2015
The Fine Art Of Surfacing - The Boomtown Rats  5/10/2015
To The Faithfully Departed - The Cranberries  5/17/2015
Sunshine On Leith - The Proclaimers  5/24/2015
Barricades and Brickwalls - Kasey Chambers  5/31/2015
Mars Needs Guitars - Hoodoo Gurus  6/7/2015
Kick - INXS  6/14/2015
Sometimes I Sit and Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit - Courtney Barnett  6/21/2015
The Iron Man - Pete Townshend  6/28/2015
The Wall - Pink Floyd  7/5/2015
Hair - Original Broadway Musical  7/12/2015
Quadrophenia - The Who  7/19/2015
American Idiot - Green Day  7/26/2015
Jesus Christ Superstar - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  8/2/2015
Grease - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  8/9/2015
Rocky Horror Picture Show - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  8/16/2015
Joe's Garage - Frank Zappa  8/23/2015
Graceland - Paul Simon  8/30/2015
So - Peter Gabriel  9/6/2015
Speaking In Tongues - Talking Heads  9/13/2015
The Cars - The Cars  9/20/2015
Boston Boston9/27/2015
Bachelor #2 or The Last Remains Of The Dodo - Aimee Mann  10/4/2015
Become What You Are - The Juliana Hatfield Three  10/11/2015
Verve Jazz Masters 51 - Blossom Dearie  10/18/2015
Come On Feel The Lemonheads - The Lemonheads  10/25/2015
Dizzy Up The Girl - Goo Goo Dolls  11/1/2015
Tiny Days - Scruffy The Cat  11/8/2015
Pills 'n' Thrills And Bellyaches - Happy Mondays  11/15/2015
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses  11/22/2015
Electric Honey - Luscious Jackson  11/29/2015
Becoming X - Sneaker Pimps  12/6/2015
Let Go - Avril Lavigne  12/13/2015
Personal Christmas Collection - Doris Day  12/20/2015
The Grey Album - DJ Dangermouse  12/27/2015
St. Elsewhere - Gnarls Barkley  1/3/2016
El Camino - The Black Keys  1/10/2016
The Good, The Bad, & The Queen - The Good, The Bad, & The Queen  1/17/2016
Little Broken Hearts - Norah Jones  1/24/2016
Avalanche - Thea Gilmore  1/31/2016
Born In The UK - Badly Drawn Boy  2/7/2016
Echo and the Bunnymen - Echo and the Bunnymen  2/14/2016
Central Reservation - Beth Orton  2/21/2016
Love Songs: Best of the Verve Song Books - Ella Fitzgerald  2/28/2016
The Sensual World - Kate Bush  3/6/2016
Arular - M.I.A.  3/13/2016
No Angel - Dido  3/20/2016
The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem  3/27/2016
White Blood Cells - The White Stripes  4/3/2016
Motown 40 Forever - Various Artists  4/10/2016
Running On Empty - Jackson Browne  4/17/2016
Purple Rain - Prince and the Revolution  4/24/2016
Raw Power - Iggy & The Stooges  5/1/2016
461 Ocean Boulevard - Eric Clapton  5/8/2016
Nick Of Time - Bonnie Raitt  5/15/2016
Damn The Torpedoes - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers  5/22/2016
Low Budget - The Kinks  5/29/2016
Making Movies - Dire Straits  6/5/2016
Look Sharp - Joe Jackson  6/12/2016
Live Killers - Queen  6/19/2016
Living In Clip - Ani DiFranco  6/26/2016
Live At Luther College - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds  7/3/2016
Carnegie Hall Live 1938 - Benny Goodman  7/10/2016
Bring On The Night - Sting  7/17/2016
The Secret Policeman's Other Ball - Various Artists  7/24/2016
Disraeli Gears - Cream  7/31/2016
Vol. 1 - Traveling Wilburys  8/7/2016
Down By The Old Mainstream - Golden Smog  8/14/2016
Monsters of Folk - Monsters of Folk  8/21/2016
Underachievers, Please Try Harder - Camera Obscura  8/28/2016
Horses - Patti Smith  9/4/2016
Under The Pink - Tori Amos  9/11/2016
Gordon - Barenaked Ladies  9/18/2016
#1 Record - Big Star  9/25/2016
Hello Starling - Josh Ritter  10/2/2016
Doolittle - Pixies  10/9/2016
Last Splash - The Breeders  10/16/2016
Star - Belly  10/23/2016
The Bends - Radiohead  10/30/2016
Medusa - Annie Lennox  11/6/2016
XO - Elliott Smith  11/13/2016
Meat Puppets II - Meat Puppets  11/20/2016
violent femmes - violent femmes  11/27/2016
Tidal - Fiona Apple  12/4/2016
Concrete Blonde - Concrete Blonde  12/11/2016
We Three Kings - The Roches  12/18/2016
Holiday Songs and Lullabies - Shawn Colvin  12/25/2016
Marquee Moon - Television  1/1/2017
English Settlement - XTC  1/8/2017
Pelican West - Haircut One Hundred  1/15/2017
Weezer - Weezer  1/22/2017
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel  1/29/2017
Car Wheels On A Gravel Road - Lucinda Williams 2/5/2017
Indigo Girls - Indigo Girls  2/12/2017
The Very Best Of Aretha Franklin - Aretha Franklin  2/19/2017
All For You - Diana Krall  2/26/2017
Collective Soul - Collective Soul  3/5/2017
The Trinity Session - Cowboy Junkies  3/12/2017
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain - Pavement  3/19/2017
Tuesday Night Music Club - Sheryl Crow  3/26/2017
The Darklands - The Jesus and Mary Chain  4/2/2017
Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman  4/9/2017
You're Living All Over Me - Dinosaur Jr.  4/16/2017
Sea Change - Beck  4/23/2017
Auf der Maur - Melissa Auf der Maur  4/30/2017
The Ballad of the Broken Seas - Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan  5/7/2017
Contraband - Velvet Revolver  5/14/2017
Mermaid Avenue - Billy Bragg and Wilco  5/21/2017
Raising Sand - Robert Plant & Alison Krauss  5/28/2017
My Aim Is True - Elvis Costello  6/4/2017
You read all the way to the end!  Thank you very much for your attention to my father/daughter project.  Much love to you, and keep on listening.....
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