#and all u see is two dweeb ghosts tposing at the end of a hallway
dorkustm · 8 months
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@crisisbabe , for richie ! bros for afterlife amirite?
while the whole being dead thing isn't great, and pete still feels guilty about what happened-- how he played a part in richie and ruth's deaths, especially richie's, he tries his best to... enjoy it? it's a little weird, he doesn't know if he'll get used to being a ghost, but at least he had his best friends to spend the afterlife with, right?
"oh my god, dude. they managed to sell the waylon place, that's how they found..." he recalls with hushed excitement, although he falters before he says 'max.' max is gone for good, his own death made sure of that, but old habits die hard and he spares a glance over his shoulder, just in case. pete pushes on. "anyway, i dunno if whoever bought it is keeping it now, but... y'know. maybe we should check it out? i know it doesn't exactly bring back good memories, but..." they're dead. what's the worst that could happen?
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