#and all three would have made her super uncomfy with all the likely interrogating lol
amuhav · 2 years
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     Mist was quiet for a long moment, then chuckled softly. “Y’know, I’ve always envied your self-confidence. All of you. One of the many Karaish traits I guess I don’t have.”      “You used to,” River said quietly. “Before...”      “...Yeah, guess I kinda did.”       “...Anyway, have you even given this guy a chance? Pretty rude of you to just assume he’ll be a dickhead about it, y’know? He might just be a regular old dickhead.”      “Har har, very funny. And... no, not yet. He asked if I wanted to go on a date sometime, and I... I said I’d think about it.”      “Well, don’t think about it. Just do it.”      “...Maybe. Uh, anyway, I better go. I promised Kay I’d meet her after her class, and I’m still in my jammies. Uh, thanks, River.”      “No, thank you, for forgiving me for being an arsehole. I’m sorry again.”      “Don’t worry about it. Uh, don’t tell the others about this part of the conversation, though, right? My threat remains; I will kill you.”      River laughed. “I promise, Missy. The last thing either of us needs is Bay dropping everything to interrogate some boy.”      “Exactly!”      “Bye—Oh! Don’t forget to hide that ‘no boys’ sign, eh?”      “I already threw it away, dickhead,” Mist grumbled as River laughed. “Laters, Riv.”      “Yeah, bye, Mist...”
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