#and all the little quirks she'd have would be ones i have too ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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rexscanonwife ยท 11 months ago
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Uhm uh uh...I have no excuse for this ๐Ÿ˜” PPG self insert who is secretly an alien! I imagine her intro episode would have her having a little romance with the professor when he comes into a bookstore she works at/owns and the girls being (rightfully, given the prof's dating history) suspicious of her. Wacky capers ensue where they try to prove that she's up to no good, only to find that she genuinely is just chilling and wants to live a normal life on earth!
Well, normal as she can, now that she knows this family! I think she'd fit right in ๐Ÿ˜‰
Taglistโ™ก: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @squips-ship @cherry-bomb-ships @miutonium
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summertaters ยท 2 months ago
Oh my gosh!! Iโ€™m gone for a week and you make a years worth of wonderful things?!? Thank you so much!!! The angst, the fluff, the humour!! Itโ€™s all so goood I donโ€™t know which oneโ€™s my favourite!!
I love more unhinged Hinata content, sheโ€™s such a little menace ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ She would totally be the kid that has lured some kind of creature into her room that eventually multiplies ๐Ÿ˜‚ Kacchako has to watch her like a hawk for sure
The soft doodles with silly faces mixed in always makes me smile. The range on your art from sweet gentleness to ugly goblin expressions is always amazing and I love it so very much!!
Villian Uravity is always such a fun concept, did you have any ideas about what lead her to this point or was it just pretty inspired by Arcane? I love the implication that sheโ€™s lifting up massive amounts of the Earth, her quirk has the potential to be so dangerous on a grand scale
I love the consistent return of your costume redesigns!! It makes me so happy to see your style and ideas incorporated into the little sketches and doodles you do. So glad you explored it more, itโ€™s still one of my favourite redesigns!!
Sorry about the little ramble and I hope youโ€™re doing well too!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
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Have a sweet kacchako doodle, anon~ You deserve it!
I think they'd eventually have to give in to Hinata's feral-ness on some level, and get her some kind of pet. I'm thinking a pair of rats, or mice, haha. Or maybe she'd find a stray animal that just keeps coming back.
Katsuki would be the most opposed to adopting it, but would eventually accept their new family member. He'd be the dad that says he doesn't want a pet, then have that pet favour him, and vice versa, LOL.
I have ideas rattling in my head about how/why she'd be acting villainous, but, you may just have to wait to get more info... Ehe!
But, YES. She has so much potential danger if she wielded her quirk for bad. I love playing with AUs, and 'what ifs'. I'm glad you enjoy when I play around with things!
Thank you anon(s) for all of your wonderful messages, comments, and compliments. I haven't had much time, or energy lately to respond to all of them, even though I want to! (I will try to eventually respond to them all eventually as I LOVE engaging with y'all)
Your messages always brighten my day, and I love your rambles! (Hello, fellow rambler here~)
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talkfantasytome ยท 3 years ago
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Cassian shows up to bring Nyx home and ends up staying for dinner when he finds out he won't be the only guest.
Warnings: Fluffy; Innuendo | Word Count: 2,108 | Read on AO3
Previous Piece | Hope for the Holidays Masterlist | Nessian Masterlist
a/n: Partially based on this request as a prompt.
Yep, still going. We'll be lucky to see Christmas in this AU by New Year's Eve. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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Nyx barreled through the foyer of the fancy estate Rhys and Feyre owned on the river in the middle of Velaris. Cassian had barely shut the door behind him before Nyx was out of sight.
Cassian could hear Feyre cooing slightly when Nyx found her and he felt himself smile softly as he walked further into the house. After all the complications with the pregnancy and labor, it still warmed his heart to know they'd all made it.
"There you are!" Ryhs mused, walking into the foyer. "You were out for a while."
"We were Christmas shopping," Cassian laughed, holding up the presents he'd helped Nyx pick out for his parents. After having hot cocoa with Nesta - an exchange that had been playing in his head on repeat since they'd parted ways - he'd taken Nyx back to his place to help him wrap the presents. Meaning Cassian wrapped them with the paper Nyx had picked out - a light blue paper that had bats in Santa hats.
"Ah, and how much sugar did that involve?" Rhys quirked an eyebrow up, following Cassian as he made his way into the family room to place the presents under the tree.
Cassian huffed out a small laugh. "Just a little hot cocoa."
It wasn't a total lie. Nyx barely drank half of his hot cocoa, and any chocolate or cookies he had at Cassian's apartment weren't his fault. Everyone knew Cassian kept his cupboards healthy. If Nyx happened to have something sugary there, wellโ€ฆsurely he brought it with him.
"Want a drink?"
"Sure, but just the one," Cassian sighed. "I do have to drive home."
Rhys waved his hand in the air as if he were slapping the concept away and then handed Cassian a glass of whiskey. "You should stay for dinner. Would be nice to have you here."
"Oh, I don't th-"
"Rhys, not too much of that," Feyre interrupted, Nyx snuggled in her arms. "Nesta's coming over tonight and I'd rather you not get drunk beforeshe gets here."
Rhys shot his wife an innocent smile, Feyre responding with a knowing look before she pivoted and walked away again.
Cassian froze for a moment. Nesta was coming to dinner, and despite having had about two hours with her earlier, he was more than ready for another chance to see her. Talk to her. He doubted she'd need a ride home, but at the end of the night he could at least walk her to her car, maybe. Have even just a minute alone with her.
"So, you're busy?" Rhys assumed, having heard what Cassian had started saying.
"Actually, you know what, I'm free. I was thinking it's Wednesday, but it's still Tuesday, isn't it?"
This time Rhys raised both of his eyebrows, his violet eyes full of incredulity. "Yeahโ€ฆ"
"Yeah, totally free," Cassian cheered. "Would be happy to join for dinner. Save little Rhysie from the big, bad sister."
"You laugh, but wait until you meet her."
Cassian chuckled with Rhys as he took a sip of his whiskey.
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"Aunt Nesa!!" Nyx's high voice called out as he opened the door, his mother likely right behind him. He sounded like he hadn't seen his aunt in over a year, instead of a few hours.
"That's our cue," Rhys groaned. He downed the rest of his drink - his second glass - and stood. Cassian mirrored his actions, though still nursing his first, and shook out his hand to expel some energy.
"Do you actually have a problem with her?" Cassian knew Rhys wasn't Nesta's biggest fan, but he hadn't heard anything that made it sound like she was this difficult. Just that she was opinionated, sharp, and protective of her sisters.
Rhys let out a bit of an 'eh' sounding whine. "I mean, noโ€ฆshe and I, we have our moments. Like times we find the same thing funny or see things exactly the same way. And we can get along well. But, on the other hand, when we don't fall on the same side of an argument, I tend to wish I said nothing. Also, I'm pretty sure she still thinks Feyre's too good for me."
"Well, yeah, but that's common knowledge." Cassian laughed as Rhys slapped him softly on the back of the head.
"Come on," Rhys sighed, shoving Cassian out of the living room. "Time to meet Feyre's sister."
"About thatโ€ฆ"
Cassian didn't get any more words out as he practically stumbled into the foyer, two pairs of blue-grey eyes shooting up to him. He put on his easiest smile as Nesta's raised her eyebrows at him.
"Are you following me?"
He huffed out a scoff. "I was here first, sweetheart."
Feyre was looking between them, her brows furrowed, but Cassian could barely see the bobbing head. Not as he held Nesta's gaze, embracing the ice.
"I'm sorry, do you two know each other?" Feyre finally asked.
Nyx grabbed Nesta's hand as he looked up at his mom. "We had cocoa!"
"We did!" Nesta cooed, bending over to pick Nyx up. The toddler threw his arms around his aunt happily. "This oaf showed up with Nyx right before my shift ended at the market. Nyx invited me to join them for hot chocolate, and you know I can't say no to him."
"Well aware," Feyre chuckled. "He has that effect on all his aunts and uncles."
"Momma, can I sit next to Aunt Nesa while you eat?"
"No, baby. You have to go to bed. But you can sit next to her before we eat." Cassian watched Nyx's arms tighten around his aunt, Nesta laughing softly as Feyre then explained, "I hope you two don't mind having a bit of a cocktail hour before dinner. It's just easier to put him to bed before it's time to eat, but bedtime isn't for another half hour."
Nesta shook her head softly. "I don't mind at all. I'm always happy to get some extra Nyx time." She freed one of her hands and began tickling him in the stomach softly, pulling light giggles from him.
Cassian couldn't take his eyes off her. She was still in the same grey sweater dress, light and loose enough to appear comfortable, but still tight enough to show off her curves. The color brought out the grey in her eyes, and Cassian was surprised to find he rather liked that, the storm cloud coloring drawing him in like a thunderstorm on a summer's day. Her hair was only half down, the other half braided around her head. The loose, golden brown strands taunted Cassian, whispering to him to come play.
They followed Rhys back into the living room, Nesta taking a seat on one couch and placing Nyx next to her. Feyre sat beside her son on the other side. Across from them was an identical, dark grey couch. Cassian sat down directly across from Nesta while Rhys pulled out some wine and glasses.
The conversation started light and easy, Feyre asking Nesta about her day. Rhys then shifted to learn more about Nesta's upcoming book series - apparently her publisher is a mutual friend who won't tell him anything. Despite the non-disclosure agreement Nesta signed, there are tidbits she is allowed to share, as the author, and Helion has claimed that only she can decide who gets those tiny details.
It was fascinating to see Nesta speak about her book, even if she was being vague. Cassian could see her passion in the way she moved her hands and how her eyes began to sparkle when she brought up something she was particularly proud of.
Soon enough, Nyx had drawn everyone's attention again, relaying every detail about his day out with Cassian.
"After we got momma's present, Unca Cass took me to see Santa!" Nyx explained. "And he taught me new words!"
It was the wrong moment to take a sip.
Cassian snorted the wine out his nose, a burning sensation spreading through the center of his face as all eyes snapped to him.
He'd forgotten about what he asked Nyx to say to Nesta - before he knew who she was.
"Really, what words?" Rhys asked, an amused lilt to his voice.
"Nothing, nothing, I'm sure," Cassian rasped, but no one seemed to hear him.
It was Rhys's turn to snort, though he covered it quickly with his hand as Feyre coughed in shock. Only Nesta seemed fairly unaffected, just sitting in her seat and smirking toward Cassian.
He had no complaints about that.
"And how did Uncle Cassian teach you that word?" Feyre ground out, her eyes narrowing to slits.
Nyx thought for a moment, his mouth open enough so that his tongue could stick out as he concentrated. "Something 'bout telling the pretty camera lady that he's my favorite unca, and that he's kind, funny, and has good stamina."
Rhys lost it at that, a loud hissing sound coming through his fingers as he continued to try and hold in his laughter. Cassian, on the other hand, was dead silent, his eyes wide as he stared at Nyx in shock. He felt his cheeks and ears begin to heat, no doubt flushing bright red.
He couldn't look at Feyre, who was no doubt attempting to blow him up with her mind, so instead his eyes drifted toward Nesta. She had her lips pulled in as if she, too, were trying to hold in a laugh. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks just slightly rosy, and even while thin and tight her mouth was curved into a wicked smile.
"Busted," she mouthed toward him, her grin turning into something far more playful as she rested her tongue just slightly between her teeth, still visible beneath the curved lips.
Feyre let out a deep breath. "I think it's time we put Nyx to bed. But, Cassian, we will be talking about appropriate words for a toddler to know."
"I was just broadening his vocabulary," Cassian teased, letting out a fake laugh to try and appear far less embarrassed than he was.
The comment didn't amuse Feyre, nor did her husband's shaking body as he followed her up to Nyx's room.
That left Nesta and Cassian alone in the living room, and suddenly Cassian understood why people always said, 'Be careful what you wish for.'
"Soโ€ฆdid you tell Nyx to say these things after you saw that I was the camera girl?" Nesta wondered, crossing her arms in a quizzical fashion even as her tone depicted pure amusement. "Or were you just assuming the camera girl would be pretty and you'd want to hit on her?"
"That depends." Cassian twisted his own lips into a cocky half-smile as he leaned back in his seat.
"Whether or not you'd let me live this down if it were the first." Based on the way her eyes widened with delight, Cassian knew he'd said the right thing. Even if no one else would think it was.
"Oh, no. It wouldn't matter. I'm never going to let you forget."
Cassian laughed softly. "Well, if it makes you smile and light up like that, I'll gladly admit to having seen you first and survive through the life-sentence of taunts." He just wouldn't explain that he'd seen her prior to bringing Nyx to the market.
Nesta's entire face softened, her eyes never leaving his, as if they were just as addicted as his own were to her.
"You're so pretty, momma."
Both their faces snapped to the baby monitor sitting on the table to Nesta's left.
"Aw, thank you baby," Feyre gushed through the monitor.
"Momma, you're so pretty, you'd look good in nothing."
Another snort of laughter sounded through the fuzzy speaker as Nesta's moth dropped open.
Cassian felt his entire insides freeze over as Feyre shouted, "CASSIAN!" loud enough they didn't need the monitor to hear it.
"I really shouldn't have had that whiskey with Rhys first," he sighed, now on his second glass of wine and in definite need of food and time before he drove home.
Nesta's hand was over her mouth the same way Rhys's had been earlier, her shoulders quivering to hide the laughter.
"I did warn you about that," she hissed through stunted chuckles.
"After I said it," he argued. "You're just as culpable."
"For not knowing before hand that you would say something a two-year-old shouldn't be repeating?"
"No." He held the word for an extra sentence before completing his thought. "For inspiring such comments in the first place."
Nesta released a breathy laugh, a gentle yet cautious smile returning to her face. "I'll try to work on that."
"Please, don't."
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