#and all of those albums are good so like what're you gonna do
ilyasorokinn · 1 year
mary's song (oh my my my) , quinn hughes
note, this fic is part of the "taylor's version" series, but all the pieces in that series are stand alone. a side note, i might use the whole song or just a quote for the fic. i also might not use the entire verse. just depends. sorry if that's confusing. feel free to ask questions. another note, okay i haven't touched this series in literally a year, but i will try to write it more. i'm still excited about it and want to write it! so, i'm starting out with a popular player so you all get excited lol pair, quinn hughes x reader summary, a fic based on "mary's song (oh my my my)" from taylor swift's debut taylor swift album. warnings, none :) word count, 2494 words
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(gif not mine)
she said, "i was seven and you were nine" i looked at you like the stars that shine in the sky, the pretty lights and our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said, "oh my, my, my"
You lived right down from the Hughes family. Your parents were good friends so you spent lots of time with their family growing up. So, growing up you, your brother, and the Hughes boys would have tons of playdates and would go to the park together.
Growing up so closely with them, little Y/N did develop a crush on her neighbor Quinn. Everyone around you, all the adults, could tell. Kids weren't exactly subtle with their feelings.
One summer night, you were all in your backyard, post-barbeque. All the adults were sitting in lawn chairs, watching the five of you play. Well, it was more like Quinn, Jack, and your older brother Y/B/N, were playing and you were sitting in the grass watching all of them while baby Luke was asleep in his mom's lap.
They were trying to play a game of hockey, but the numbers weren't even. No one wanted to be goalie, so it was just one on one on one, "This would've been easier if you'd play, Y/N." Your brother pointed out.
"Leave her alone," Quinn spoke up in your honor.
"Yeah." You butted in, glaring at your brother.
Your dad chuckled as he watched you watch Quinn's every move, "What?" Your mom asked.
"Y/N. She's always watching Quinn." Jim and Ellen looked over and saw you watching Quinn.
"Can you imagine if those two ever got together?" Jim joked, sharing a laugh with your dad.
"That'll be the day." Your dad clinked his beer with Jim. Your mom and Ellen shared a look, before rolling their eyes and shaking their heads.
take me back to the house in the backyard tree said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me you never did, you never did take me back when our world was one block wide i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried just two kids, you and i oh my, my, my, my
"Come on," Quinn called after you. He knocked on your door one day after school and told you to follow after him. So, you did. You ran as fast as your legs could take you, but you still couldn't keep up with him.
"Come on, you're so slow." Quinn groaned, slowing down for a second, "If you don't run any faster, I'm gonna beat you up." You couldn't tell if he was joking, so you stopped running.
"Y/N, what're you doing?"
"You said you were gonna beat me up." You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Cause you're moving too slow." He whined, "I wasn't actually going to beat you up. I was just joking."
"Well, it wasn't funny." You started running again alongside him before you finally made it to the treehouse in the Hughes's backyard.
You and Quinn finally made it to the tree and looked up at the treehouse then looked back to each other, "You go first." You pushed him up in front of the ladder.
"No, you." He grabbed your arm and shoved you towards the ladder.
"You." You managed to get your arm back and push him back in front of the ladder. He finally cracked and began climbing up the ladder. Once he was halfway up, you began your descent up.
Once you were both up, you sat down on the ground together, "So, why did you bring me up here?"
"Just wanted to hang out." He shrugged, "We always hang out with Jack and Y/B/N. It's never just the two of us."
"Well, what do you want to do?" You asked, posing a good question.
"Truth or dare?"
"It's not fun when it's just the two of us." You frowned.
"Then we'll just have to think of really good truth or dares," Quinn stated.
"Fine." You crossed your arms, "I dare you to..." You pursed your lips as you thought about it, "... kiss me."
"Kiss you?" Quinn repeated.
"Yeah." You nodded.
"Well..." Quinn hesitated, "Okay." He shrugged and leaned in, lips pursed. When you realize he was serious, you quickly stood up and climbed down the ladder of the treehouse as quickly as you could.
"Y/N? What the heck?" Quinn called down.
"I have to go!" You shouted, running all the way home and shutting the door loudly when you got home.
i was sixteen when suddenly i wasn't that little girl you used to see but your eyes still shined like pretty lights and our daddies used to joke about the two of us they never believed we'd really fall in love and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said, "oh my, my, my"
Somewhere in between the playfights, childish dares, and first days of school, the five of you grew up. Your brother and Quinn had graduated the year previous and were getting ready for college.
Y/B/N, being the responsible older brother, was in charge of driving you to school. So, on the morning of the first day of school, you both walked out to the car.
"Hey, Y/N, Y/B/N!" Ellen hollered, "Why don't we get a picture of all five of you together?"
"Mom," Jack whined.
"Just one photo," Ellen reassured. You all got into position and smiled, "All right, see, you're all done." She turned off the camera, "All right you three, have a great day." She kissed both her kid's heads before hugging both you and your brother.
"Bye, Q." You waved.
"Bye, Y/N/N." He waved back.
"So, what're you gonna do with all your spare time now?" Ellen asked, watching as the four of you drove off.
"Probably sulk 'cause Y/N's not gonna be around." Jim joked.
"Shut up." Quinn tried to hide his laugh as he made his way back inside the house.
"Y/N and Quinn, sittin' in a tree." Jim teased, following Quinn inside the house.
You smiled to yourself as one of the little girls in your neighborhood chased a boy around the yard, "Proposition for you." You jumped when you heard Quinn and quickly turned around to find him joining you at the picnic table.
"All right." You nodded.
"You go on a date with me."
"Oh, yeah? And what do I get in return?"
"An awesome free dinner paid for by me." He flashed you a smile.
You pretended to ponder it and think about it, "I guess that sounds nice."
"You guess?" Quinn balked.
"I guess." You shrugged watching his reaction shift from excited to confused, "I'm kidding." You then watched him break out into a nervous laugh.
"Oh, cool." He tried to play it off as if he wasn't freaking out inside.
Your parents were, once again, sitting in lawn chairs, watching you and Quinn awkwardly flirt, "Our babies are growing up." Your mom spoke dramatically.
"All grown up." Ellen nodded.
"Never thought he had in him, I gotta admit." Both your dad's kept talking and laughing about how you and Quinn were finally getting together.
take me back to the creek beds we turned up 2 a.m. riding in your truck and all i need is you next to me take me back to the time we had our very first fight the slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight you stayed outside till the morning light oh my, my, my, my
When Quinn would come back from school, he would always come over in the early hours of the morning and he would whisk you away to the place you had designated as your spot.
"Shooting star." You pointed up to the sky. You were both laying on the hood of his car, looking up at the sky. You looked over at him, only to find that he wasn't looking up at the sky but at you, "Why aren't you looking at the sky."
"Cause you're my whole world." Your heart soured and turned your head to the side so he wouldn't see the shy smile making its way onto your face.
"You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Quinn Hughes." You leaned into him. He only hummed, pressing a kiss to your head as you continued to look up at the sky.
You had little spats before, tiny disagreements here and there, but your first fight, it was something you never wanted to experience again.
"Are you serious right now?" You spat.
"I just don't get why you're making such a big thing out of this." Quinn shrugged.
"Quinn, this is big. I was gonna introduce you to all my friends and you just didn't show up."
"I'm sorry, I just lost track of time." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Anything!" You shouted, "I want you to give me a better explanation than you just forgot."
"It's the truth!" He raised his voice.
You scoffed, "I'm done." You raised your hands in surrender.
"What do you mean "you're done"?" Quinn asked.
"I mean I'm tired. We're going in circles and getting nowhere, so I'm gonna go home." You rubbed your eyes and headed for the door, "We can talk in the morning."
He stared at you, silent as he tried to figure out what he was gonna say next, but when no words came out, you walked out the door.
The next morning, you woke up and didn't want to move," Good morning." Your mother knocked before entering.
You groaned, turning away from her and trying to go back to sleep, "Before you fall back asleep, just thought you'd want to know there's someone waiting for you on the porch."
You quirked a brow before pushing the covers off and making your way out to the porch of your house where Quinn was laying, asleep, a couple blankets thrown across him.
You stared at him frozen, "He was here all night."
"How do you know?"
"Heard someone on the porch last night, came out this morning, and saw him." Your mom explained before closing the door and giving you both some privacy.
You sat down on the step next to him and just watched him for a second before gently waking him up, "Q." You whispered, shaking him gently.
He moved, rubbing his eyes, before opening them and locking eyes with you, "Hey." He yawned.
"Hi." You smiled, "Heard you were here all night."
"Yeah." He stretched a little before sitting up and giving you all his attention, "I didn't really like the way things ended last night."
"Me either." You sighed.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N. I really did lose track of time, and by the time i realized what time it was, the dinner was over, and I know it's a sucky excuse, but it's the truth."
"I might've been a little harsh. There's another get-together in like a week..."
"I'll be there." He cut you off with a firm nod of his head.
"I know you will." You smiled, reaching over and squeezing his hand.
a few years had gone and come around we were sitting at our favorite spot in town and you looked at me, got down on one knee
After you had graduated from college, you moved up to Vancouver with Quinn and got a job at a hospital. You both got into a nice comfortable routine.
During the break, you went home to visit family and celebrate the holidays. Before you could even breathe, you were both wrapped in a million hugs by both sets of parents.
"It's nice to see you too, Mom." You chuckled, hugging her.
"How's work? Tell me all about it." You were whisked off to the kitchen table where Ellen quickly followed and you were soon immersed in a deep conversation about all the gossip you had missed while you were gone.
After dinner, everyone retreated to their own spaces so you and Quinn headed out to the treehouse that was somehow still standing in the Hughes' backyard.
"I can't believe this is still standing." You laughed as you climbed to the top.
You laid back and looked up at the stars, "We used to come up here all the time, remember?"
"How could I forget? We'd come up here and you'd tell me all those crazy facts about the solar system."
"I knew you probably didn't understand anything I was saying, but you being there, it was sweet." You leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Listen, I have a proposition." You smiled.
"All right." You nodded.
"Marry me." He stated.
Your eyes widened and your mouth opened in shock, "Are you serious?"
"So serious." He nodded, pulling out a ring box from his pocket and popping it open.
"Quinn Hughes..." You couldn't find the words you were so speechless.
"What do you say? You and me forever?"
"God, of course. Is that even a question?" You tackled him in a hug, "You're crazy." You laughed, letting him slip the ring on your finger.
take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle our whole town came and our mamas cried you said, "i do", and i did too
Quinn felt like he was going to explode with nerves, "Dude, calm down." He looked out into the crowd and literally everyone you knew was there. Every grandparent, aunt, uncle, former coaches, current coaches, teammates, former teammates, everyone.
"This is worse than my first game." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"You're gonna be fine." Jack reassured, flattening his tie, "Just breathe." He took another deep breath, "There you go."
"All right." He shook off his nerves the best he could and stood straight at the front. The music started and the doors opened. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked in, then everyone stood.
He felt his breathing hitch as he saw you walk in. You smiled at him and every nerve in his body, he felt it disappear instantly. You met him at the altar, and kissed your dad on the cheek, watched him shake Quinn's hand, then handed your bouquet off to your maid of honor.
The reception felt like it went by too quickly, "Do you Quinn Hughes take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife?"
"I do." Quinn nodded.
"And do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Quinn Hughes to be your husband?" You could hear both your mothers' crying and being comforted by your fathers.
"I do." You nodded.
"Then by the power vested in me, you may now kiss." You couldn't help the smile on your face when you both leaned in for the first kiss. You linked hands as you made your way back down the aisle, big smiles on both of your faces.
my taglist: @huggybearmylove43 @jostful @papacarter @2manytabsopen @alo-delmar @radiantroope @annie170315 @hamilton160 @ohpuckyeah @prettytoxicrevolver @bowen-power @kidlnthedark @mitchymainer @bitchin-belle
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Hi Slug!
Could you translate positive my life, please? 🥺🥺
Hello Slug. I hope this finds you well but may I ask if you may be able to translate Hifumis solo, “ポジティブ my life” from the Block Party album? Thank you very much.
Sure thing! Under a cut for length.
The playful tone is crucial to the source, so a similar goofiness is present in the translation. With that said, I'm not adding anything extra for silliness. Some light fluffing on vague lines to convey (what I'm understanding as) the meaning. No attention paid to line length, rhyme, or rhythm.
Heya, friendos! (Hey there, Hifumi!) Hm? Gosh, you seem like a bunch of gloomy Guses today. Wait, I have an idea! Let's play a game! I'm logging in to Buddy Quest and speedrunning character creation so we can get to the open world and goof off! (Heck yeah!) We gotta turn all those frowns upside down. So what're we gonna do? Set off on an adventure to make new friends! I may not be able to claim the hero's sword. I may not have it in me to smile all the time. But my friendships and the good vibes we make together are the best equipment I could ever ask for. Yeah, yeah, yeah! There's no one like my party! We're friends! (Friends!) And even if we lose at the end of the day, we still all have each other. I cast SMILE. It's super effective! Next thing you know, you're one of us--YOU have joined the party! A full, amazing party! (We! Are! Hoods!) If you're a top player? Sweet! Let's live it up tonight! Yeepers, that was a close one. Almost ran out of HP! (Positive! Up! My life!) Or if you're more of a novice? No sweat. We'll carry you! Either way, let's "positive up" my life! (And yours!) [1] All righty! We're kilin' it. Keep it up, gang! Next up: lemme run you through how I "positive up" my life. Step 1: Take a cool selfie, upload it to the character creator, and let the game handle the rest. See? Looks just like me. (Sure does!) Step 2: Forget the haters. If the vibes are rancid, I don't wanna hear it! (Yeah, yeah!) Step 3: We all have tough days sometimes. But you gotta try to smile anyway. Because you're braved and you're loved, y'know? Once you realize how much your friends care for you, I know you'll get back up and keep fighting that good fight! (Get 'em, Hifumin!) Step 4: Sometimes, you just can't get past that next level. But don't you ever give up. Hit that CONTINUE button, you hear? (Positive! Up! My Life!) Because we still all have each other and the good vibes we make together in our full, amazing party! (We! Are! Hoods!) Ah ha! So you're the final boss. [2] Say, you know what? You wanna be friends? (Positive! Up! My life!) We can still beat the game together, and no one has to get hurt this way. So what do you say? "Positive up" my life? (And yours?)
[1] There's a slight joke/nuance here that I'm a bit stumped as to how to convey naturally in English. The terms he uses to describe different playing styles (魅せプ) (lit. enchanting play style) and (姫プ) (lit. princess play style) are evocative of his host role as someone who "enchants" clients often referred to as princesses. This suggests he's speaking to a woman, which ties into the final verse of the song that uses the same format. [2] Not the same "you" he's singing to in the song. The difference in tone suggests it's Honobono.
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Written By: Freddie Mercury
Artist: Queen
Released: 1976
The song was the eighth track on their album “A Day At The Races” which was released in 1976. The song also appeared on “Queens First EP” released in 1977. The song is about how Freddie is an old-fashioned lover, taking his partners on old-school dates such as dancing or dinner, also hinting at the fact that he is a good lover.
[Verse 1] I can dim the lights and sing you songs Full of sad things We can do the tango, just for two I can serenade and gently play On your heart strings Be a Valentino, just for you [Chorus] "Ooh love, ooh lover boy What're you doing tonight? Hey boy" Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy [Verse 2] Ooh, let me feel Your heartbeat (Grow faster, faster) Ooh, can you feel my love heat? (Ohh) Come on and sit on my hot seat of love And tell me how do you feel, right after all I'd like for you and I to go romancing Say the word, your wish is my command [Chorus] “Ooh love, ooh lover boy What're you doing tonight? Hey boy” Write my letter, feel much better I'll use my fancy patter on the telephone [Bridge] When I'm not with you, think of you always I miss you (I miss those long hot summer nights) When I'm not with you, think of me always Love you, love you Hey boy where do you get it from? Hey boy where did you go? I learned my passion in the good old-fashioned School of lover boys [Guitar Solo] [Verse 3] Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine (One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock) precisely I will pay the bill, you taste the wine Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely Just take me back to yours, that will be fine (Come on and get it) [Chorus] Ooh love (There he goes again) Ooh lover boy (Who's my good Old-fashioned lover boy?) (Ooh ooh) What're you doing tonight? Hey boy! Everything's all right, just hold on tight That's because I'm a good old Fashioned (Fashioned) lover boy
Careless Whisper
Written By: Andrew Ridgeley & George Michael
Artist: George Michael/Wham!
Released: 1984
Although officially released by Wham!, this was George Michael’s first breakaway single. The song explores the guilt felt by George after he cheats on a partner, and his inability to “dance” with them in the same way after this betrayal. Despite the song’s ubiquity in pop culture since its arrival on the scene in 1985, George Michael has confessed to having no particular connection to the situation this song portrays. He wrote the song to pass the time on a bus, when he was just seventeen. In his 1991 memoir, Bare, Michael admits he regrets that it “was not an integral part of my emotional development… It disappoints me that you can write a lyric very flippantly—and not a particularly good lyric—and it can mean so much to so many people. That’s disillusioning for a writer.” Later in an interview with People magazine, he made similar remarks about the song. “I’m fed up with ‘Careless Whisper.’ I don’t know why it made such an impression. Is it that so many people have cheated? I have no idea. But it’s ironic that I wrote it when I was 17 and didn’t know much about anything. Certainly nothing much about relationships.”
[Intro] Time can never mend The careless whispers Of a good friend To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find Should've known better, yeah [Instrumental] [Verse 1] I feel so unsure As I take your hand And lead you to the dance floor As the music dies Something in your eyes Calls to mind a silver screen And all its sad goodbyes [Chorus] I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Verse 2] Time can never mend The careless whispers Of a good friend To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find [Chorus] I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend (Should've known better, yeah) And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Post-Chorus] Never without your love [Bridge] Tonight, the music seems so loud I wish that we could lose this crowd Maybe it's better this way We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say We could have been so good together We could have lived this dance forever But now who's gonna dance with me? Please stay [Chorus] And I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Outro] (Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone (Now that you're gone) Was what I did so wrong, so wrong That you had to leave me alone?
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the-halcyon-effect · 4 months
liveblogging thoughts on new bad omens (not gonna include live songs bc i don't like listening to those) (also not including intros & interludes unless something interesting happens)
van: honestly this is one of my favorite bo songs. i loved it already when it came out and i still love it now. good opener
the drain: good song! the only thing about this is that it just kinda sounds like a health song. like their production is so similar that putting the vocalist here makes it identical. however that's not really a problem bc it's a very good song still
terms & conditions: okay this is already VERY cool. i really like the trap vibe and i KNOW the chorus is gonna hit. it's bad omens
REALLY like the lyrics to this. gonna have to read through them later
okay that was VERY unexpected. EXTREMELY cool song tho and definitely a cool showcase of their skills
hedonist (recharged): the og song is already so good so we'll see how this does
LOVE the intro. VERY good start
OOH THE VERSE this is a VERY cool reimagining
tbh not a fan of the chorus. the voice is neat but not my thing. the production is amazing tho (as usual for this band)
it's really cool that they're not ignoring their first works and instead embracing them here. very few bands tend to do that and it needs to be more common
tbh i think i prefer the original overall but this is still good
even: okay this is gonna be a sad one i think
idk what noah is doing with his voice here but it's VERY nice. also those ELECTRONICS ARE SO GOOD EJRBJFKFF
this is a neat drop? verse? thing? whatever. REALLY like this tbh
i'm gonna have to send this to my brother, he really likes electronic stuff so he'd love this
this is like bad decisions v2 (ignore the actual remix later in the album). i like it. good song for my chill playlist for sure
loading screen: this one's short! no idea what to expect
okay this literally just sounds like loading screen music. it's real good tho
those strings are amazing honestly
okay this is an Experience but it's neat
anything > human: i've been SO excited for this. let's hope it delivers
jesse you are a beautiful man as usual
is jt gonna be in this? OH THAT'S THE CHORUS
OH WHAT THAT'S SO FUCKING GOOD HOLY SHIT this is one of the best choruses of the year
anyways as I was saying. i wonder if this includes jt. i would guess not bc the band is more known for jesse but it's possible
actually wait is jt doing backing screams? i can't tell who that is
this is exactly what i wanted from this collab. it's SO GOOD
i do wish we got a jesse guitar solo but i am NOT complaining. this song is amazing and is my new fav off the album for SURE
digital footprint: another intermission? already? i guess this is a concept album but still
actually wait it's really long. what're they doing
OH. hmm. this is COOL
all the production on this album makes me feel like i'm in a cyberpunk spaceship going to other planets. it's so neat tbh
also just noticed that the next song features iris.exe. VERY excited for that
honestly i might use this song as background music for my d&d campaign lmao
babadupbupbup whatever
nervous system: that's some chunky electronic drone. where's this going
that is NOT the verse i was expecting but it's good OH THERE'S THE GUITARS
oh this is a fucking VIBE
god her voice is so good. gender envy
i REALLY like this heavy production chorus thing. idk what it is but it's neat
well that's the end of part 1. let's see how part 2 is
artificial suicide (unzipped): idk what to expect for this honestly
oh he goin FAST
i have no idea what this is or how to feel about it. like it's just the original sped up. fascinating
i've heard this is actually an ost for something (idk what) so that would explain things like this. bc i don't think it's supposed to stand alone
the grey (unzipped): alright, sounds like it's basically the same thing as the previous one. idk what thousand below is doing on the track tho so we'll see
why is this called unzipped? i'm VERY confused about that. like it's just sped up with extra production added. it's not bad i'm just confused
tdopom (we are fury): oh! this one's an actual remix! good! i thought it was just gonna be sped up versions and i wasn't exactly excited for that
with that said this is a REALLY cool remix. this drop is FANTASTIC
i don't know if i like this more than the original or the sullivan king remix but it's still quite good
i guess we'll see what happens during drop #2
okay sounds pretty similar to drop 1 but that's not bad! it's really good and well done
neat! good remix
tdopom (so wylie): i never actually listened to this! we'll see what i missed
and it's sped up again
but at least it's just the vocals this time. the production around it is cool but i don't really like the sound of sped up vocals in general
honestly this is kinda eh imo. it's neat but it's really not my thing. i don't really like sped up vocals as i said and the production doesn't do much for me. objectively it's cool and good but i wouldn't listen to it regularly
bad decisions (lofi): i mean yeah. it's a lofi version of bad decisions. idrk what to say here (i'm not a huge fan of lofi)
just pretend (credits): idk either of the featured artists here but this one has a neat voice!
DEFINITELY sounds like a credits song. didn't know this was a remix you could even make but here we are
again. i have no idea what to say here. it's a remix of just pretend to be a credits song. what do you want from me (pun intended)
alright! final thoughts! i did not enjoy the second part. the first part, however, was FANTASTIC!! anything > human is one of the best songs so far this year. VERY cool collab, SO glad it happened. all the other songs there are also great, and i'm gonna return to most if not all of them.
that's all! Bye
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suchabadtush · 3 years
vulgar, withering to death, marrow of a bone by dir / baby who wanders by decays :')
ok this is hard actually ‘cause 3 isn’t very many but
Asunaki Koufuku, Koenaki Asu
Sajou no Uta
Withering to death.
Jesus Christ R’n R
Kodoku no Shisu, Yueni Kodoku
Hikgeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu
Marrow of a Bone
Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tamerai ni Hohoemi
Rotting Root
Baby Who Wanders
Zero Paradise
Kireina Yubi
aaah ok thank you
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