#Athrylis answers
suchabadtush · 3 years
3, 26, 30, 20!
Hi sorry I forgot to do this last night aah thank you
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
I don’t know if I get obsessed with songs that much lately but, umm here, this is really useless
Some (not all) of the openings and endings from Haikyuu
Dark Crystal soundtrack and also the Nouvelle Experience (Cirque du Soleil) soundtrack
All the tiny songs from Country Bears (the attraction)
there, bet you weren’t expecting that nonsense
26. three favourite non-English songs
Sorry for the cop-out, these are all Japanese, and I already talk about them all the time
我、闇とで. . . (Ware, Yami Tote...) - Dir en grey
白濁 (Hakudaku) - sukekiyo
カーラジオ(Car Radio) - Saito Kazuyoshi
30. three songs you really want your followers to know
Emily - Joanna Newsom
You Are on My Mind - Chicago
Hearts and Bones - Paul Simon
(I don’t know why, just at the moment that’s how I’m feelin)
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Audrey - Dir en grey
If You Were Here - The Thompson Twins
Asleep on a Sunbeam - Belle & Sebastian
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suchabadtush · 3 years
the tower, death, justice, strength and wheel! of! fortune!
Thank you, sorry I’m so slow to respond aah!
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
Greens and blues and greys, unsurprisingly. My closet is an embarrassing mess of the seafoam to dark teal spectrum. I guess I wear black too.
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
Ah geez. Travel, mostly. Perform. Have a Home with someone I love and a studio to make music and do art. Sorry if these are a bit general.
justice: favorite color of rose?
Hmm, something soft. I don’t know much about rose meanings or anything... Maybe like a light yellow or white or something like that? I’m sure they’re all very nice.
strength: what is your dream occupation?
Depends on how realistic a dream we’re talking about. I would love to sing for a living, do live musical theatre, or voice acting/singing for animated projects, etc. If I had all the means and the space and more realistically maybe I’d like to teach voice. Making/coloring art for someone else (I guess some super low-level animation job) would be enjoyable. These days I sometimes dream of working alone in an air-conditioned office with my own music on, just inputting data or checking something for mistakes or some other boring repetitive task like that.
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
Telephone Line - ELO 
In the Name of Love - the Thompson Twins 
Quantum Mechanic - Thomas Dolby
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suchabadtush · 3 years
vulgar, withering to death, marrow of a bone by dir / baby who wanders by decays :')
ok this is hard actually ‘cause 3 isn’t very many but
Asunaki Koufuku, Koenaki Asu
Sajou no Uta
Withering to death.
Jesus Christ R’n R
Kodoku no Shisu, Yueni Kodoku
Hikgeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu
Marrow of a Bone
Namamekashiki Ansoku, Tamerai ni Hohoemi
Rotting Root
Baby Who Wanders
Zero Paradise
Kireina Yubi
aaah ok thank you
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suchabadtush · 4 years
me, a broken record: wonder whose arms! you know why/we've talked about it at length/it is My Go-To Comfort Fic. but also that one about die being super loud was. hilarious and delightful and i think of it often and fondly lmfao. basically i love you and your work and you're very talented and have such an interesting worldview and creative ideas and wonderful ways with words that make things Feel Real and easy to read and leave readers (me) eager for more. you're the FAOAT. fave auother of all time💕✨
Um you will make me cry with this, what, you're the sweetest. Thank you, ahhh, this seriously makes me all blushy and heartwarmed. (And I'm glad you liked the one about Die and his noisy misfortune hahaha good times)
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suchabadtush · 4 years
the hierophant, justice, the hanged man, aaaand the tower :)
Aaah, I’m sorry, I always get so excited when someone sends me asks and then I forget to answer them!! Thank you!!
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts? I don’t know, I like the idea, but I don’t have any experiences with ghosts personally. I did hear some pretty convincing stories from a guy one time, from his experiences, so maybe ghosts are just more interested in some people than others!
justice: favorite color of rose? Hmm, I used to like peach. Now that’s kinda wrecked for me, so what. Yellow? Yellow’s nice, right?
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? ooh, umm. As in score or like... a movie with songs in it or something? I’m gonna go with score. Most Ghibli scores are great, my favorites are probably Mononoke Hime and Nausicaa. I also think the Black Beauty score is super underrated (Danny Elfman, v pretty) and obvs Lord of the Rings. Oh but hey Amadeus is great, too, if you like Mozart!
the tower: favorite colors to wear? *glances nervously at my huge pile of blue/green/teal clothing* Well... Just about everything I own is in that little family, or black or grey. Probably because of my hair color I really very very rarely wear most other colors like red/orange/pink. Yellow?? I might own one or two purple items, some white. It’s honestly embarrassing how everything I own is in the same color scheme.
Thank you for the questions!!
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suchabadtush · 4 years
for the fic meme, wonder whose arms! i mean i can. guess from the title alone bUt it's my favourite 😭
Chhhh, pff, okay, umm, ACTUALLY you know, of course the title came way late in the writing of it, I think... (That fic was such a mess, didn’t it take me like a year to post it?!) Mostly when I was writing it I just called it the Fake Dating fic, because that was the point of me writing it mostly, was for the sake of writing a Holiday Fake Dating fic. 
I’m trying to think if it even had a First Scene planned like that. I had to make them agree to fake date. And I knew I wanted something where Kyo mistakenly thought the guy was Die’s ex. Obviously I wanted the bed-sharing trope in there too, and I definitely wanted that progression from sleeping on opposite sides of the bed to accidental cuddling. 
The title of the fic of course comes frooom: What are You Doing New Year’s Eve? (That’s the version they play in the movie Mixed Nuts) which is a Christmas song kind of and I love it a lot aaand I wrote the scene with the line “wonder whose arms” in it to go with the title from the song because I wanted that to be the title of the fic?? Why???
I’m glad you like it though!! I’ve always been a little curious about why people liked it so much, hahaaa, I just felt so guilty for taking all year to finish posting an xmas fic whoops
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suchabadtush · 4 years
what's your favourite board game? if you could have a super power, what would it be? what are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?
Thank you for asking! <3
My favorite board game is called Dixit! I also used to be pretty into the Buffy board game but I haven’t played it in forever.
Superpower: probably telekinesis, ‘cause wow cool.
And hobbies umm I mean what counts as a hobby. I do a little bit of everything, especially creative stuff, like drawing, coloring, writing, playing ukulele, singing, origami, sometimes other papercraft stuff or sewing or embroidery or making little string bracelets. I don’t know how I got into any of that besides just doing it since childhood, or randomly deciding I was going to teach myself. Maybe my sewing came more from studying costuming in college, but I don’t have a sewing machine now so I don’t do that very much at all. Also making playlists/mix cds, and bingeing TV shows? And studying languages, though I’ve been slacking off on that lately too.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
A, E, X, Z~?
Thank you aah~!!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot.
Currently, huh? Well, we’re watching TNG, so Geordi and Data brotp is very strong. I don’t know if I’d say I like it, but Queliot from the Magicians makes me want to start crying basically every time I start thinking about them. Of course Die/Kyo is always in my heart and in my WIPs. Hmm that’s all for right now.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I guess that depends on how cracky and hilarious you think some of my fics are. I thought the Ohmiya/Kyo crossover fic was pretty cracky. I thought the cat fic was pretty ridiculous too. But none of my contributions are really widespread enough to be memes or anything, I just write unobtrusively in my corner. And tbh most of my ob fics were mostly just realistic and not cracky at all haha.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Found family, duh. Fic-wise, some classic cases of mistaken identity are fun (like you didn’t realize that cute guy from the coffee shop is the guy you’ve been having serious online flirtations with etc).
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
Oh dear, um, okay, you didn’t give me any guidelines here so I recently watched The Haunting of Hill House and I had just read the book umm maybe like last month, and I had a lot of problems with it, some of which were related to it as an adaptation, but not all of them, and I really feel like one of the biggest problems was how they tried to take significant things from the book and shoehorn them into the TV show by just handing them out to any random character, but it doesn’t make any sense and it doesn’t work, because in the book all these moments are Nell’s and they’re important because they show her character as someone who’s never gotten to have her own identity and is constantly absorbing things from people around her to try and build some kind of painted cardboard idea of herself, and sprinkling pieces of her story around to other people just makes every piece lose its impact (and the TV show Nell is left again with no character of her own, and no chance to even try to forge one). I really had a ton of thoughts about this show, I could ramble on Too Long, thank you.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
🎸for things on shuffle! but also! 🎸for uhhhhh the colour yellow (or gold). either has yellow (or gold) explicitly mentioned in the title/lyrics OR just. gives a golden/yellow-y vibe
 Oooooh, fun!! Thank you!! Okay here’s some stuff on shuffle~
Iowa - John Linnell
I Know, You Know - The Friendly Indians (That’s just the Psych theme song)
ヴィールス - Yapoos
Honni Soit - Tété
アドレナリン - 山崎まさよし
And a mini Yellow/Gold playlist for you!!
In Old Yellowcake - Rasputina
Pale Yellow - The Ditty Bops
Golden Time Lover - スキマスイッチ
Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac
Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchell (I mean come on how can I leave it off a yellow playlist really...)
Streets of Gold - Oliver & Company OST
Yellow - On the Rocks (yes it’s the coldplay song but it’s a nice a cappella cover of it)
Thank you so much!! Making themes playlists is like. My thing, kind of. So any time you want one for any theme, go ahead and ask, haha!
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suchabadtush · 4 years
Oh my gosh, and the cat fic, I wrote because a friend requested both shapeshifting and kidnapping (although probably NOT meant to be in the same fic), and I thought I was being funny making a fic where Kyo got kidnapped when he was a CAT, by CHILDREN. But I definitely had the scene where Kyo eavesdrops on the rest of the band in mind from the beginning, where Die thinks that Kyo hates him. So that, and the literal children-taking-him-home-in-a-box.
Thinking about this stuff makes me realize just how much these stories develop organically though. I almost always start at the beginning and let the story unfold naturally, even if I have scenes planned in little bullet points before I have a title. I had no idea though that it was gonna end up getting so long and so angsty, that just happened.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
3, 9, 20, 24, 25 ~?
Oh man I completely forgot to answer this after you were so nice to ask me things I’m sorry I’ll do it now
3 - nostalgia-inducing possession?
Wow, like most of the things I own are probably nostalgia-inducing for different times in my life. Somewhere there’s a photo album of the first time I was in the musical Children of Eden when I was like eight years old. Also some things from my various trips to Japan, from the Space and Dinosaurs Road Trip or something. Or drawings/notes from various kids I used to work with. Hmm, all sounds so sentimental.
9 - happy song?
That’s so hard. Okay, just a few good ones are, “Dazzling Girl” by SHINee, “Mondai Nai” by Saito Kazuyoshi, “Suntown” by The Bonez, “Anything is Possible” from that weird Imaginaria animation, umm “Mambo De La Luna” by Kirsty MacColl, “Girls of Rock ‘n’ Roll” from that Chipmunks movie? Oh god this list is so weird. “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen???
20 - album?
Also difficult. Dir en grey’s Vulgar, Withering to death., and ARCHE. TMBG’s Flood. ELO’s Time. sukekiyo’s ADORATIO. Joanna Newsom’s Have One on Me. Various soundtracks.
24 - holiday?
It used to definitely be Christmas (I like decorations and Christmas music and movies a lot) but recently that has become such a stressful time of year and I don’t want to see my family, so I’m not sure. I like to celebrate Easter with my sister, where we watch JCS and eat candy and make each other Easter baskets?
25 - candy?
Lifesaver gummies. Red Vines. The purple bags of skittles?
Okay that was a lot thank you my friend sorry I forgot to answer it yesterday aah
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suchabadtush · 4 years
for the meme thing: green, be/side, tease/ing, smile/ing
Thank you xoxoxo
“Okay, got you the super-green-every-fruit-whatever-the-fuck-it’s-called smoothie,” he said, setting the large, and undeniably green, drink down in front of [X]. “And please share my mozzarella sticks, chicken tenders, and curly fries, ‘cause I... might have kind of overdone it with all these.”
Beside (it’s actually besides, which isn’t quite what you said but...)
“I’ve got a lot on my to-watch list right now,” [X] says at length. “I’ll try to get around to checking it out, but I don’t think we can count on our schedules lining up enough for us to—ah, watch it together.” He rubs at his nose. “Besides, you’d probably be insufferable, trying so hard not to blurt out spoilers that you wreck the whole atmosphere.”
[A] laughs, and [B] means to join him, but instead finds himself scowling at his music stand. It’s good-natured teasing, the same kind that the whole band has done to each other all these years, and [B] hasn’t had any issues with being around [C], so...
It really doesn’t make any sense. [B] can’t understand exactly what about it bothers him. He doesn’t think he’s offended by [C]’s comment, but he doesn’t find it so funny today, and hearing [A] laugh at it makes him feel othered, like an outsider, in a way that itches, has his shoulders tensing and his guard up.
Smile (referenced self-harm (kind of) tw)
He seemed to not really notice [A] coming in as he sat there, shirtless, apparently lost in his own reflection, and for a brief moment [A] smiled, seeing him like that.
His smile fell away as he drew closer and saw what [B] was staring at, how he was running his fingertips lightly over the scars along his chest and ribs, just tracing them slowly, again and again.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
shining/shines, begin(s), something, black
Thank you! And everyone’s having so much fun redacting names I will too!
He wasn’t paying [X] any mind at all, leaning one pale arm on the shore as he used his other hand to finger-comb that long, shining hair, humming to himself still. At a glance he could have looked human, but for the patches of scales on his hands, the subtle gills on either side of his long neck. And his sheer unnatural beauty, which made it so he seemed to be glowing very softly in the dimming evening light.
It had been so easy for him and [A] to fall together, to find pleasure in each other, and it would be possible for them to still have that. [B] is sure that if he changed his mind, [A] wouldn’t refuse to take him back. He’d always seen it as something fleeting and casual to begin with.
He unlocked the front door and found the entryway and living room dark. It wasn’t all that strange; many times if [A] was home alone he would stick mostly to the bedroom or home studio, focused on work until something physically interrupted.
[B] called out, “Tadaima,” into the stillness of the house, and the “Okaeri” reply came, softly, a beat late.
[X] stood from his bed to look, too. He could just make out the shape of a little black and white cat hiding next to the dumpster in the building’s parking lot. “I’m sure she knows how to handle the world on her own,” he said, without conviction.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
sokka for the character ask
Okay!! I love Sokka!
favorite thing about them: I like a lot of things about him, his humor, his terrible art, he’s actually smart and has the good strategies.
least favorite thing about them: Starts out a little sexist doesn’t he?
favorite line: So hard to choose, everything he says is gold! Maybe “Come on! A day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I’ve been missing!” or every interaction he has with Momo and/or Appa. Or that part where he’s been drinkin’ the cactus juice that’s great. It’s the quenchiest!
brOTP: Him and Momo.
OTP: Him and Toph, but I mean, I guess Suki’s fine. But Tokka.
nOTP: Anyone else? Like I could get behind Zuko maybe. But the idea that he grows up and goes off and marries someone else is not acceptable really.
random headcanon: headcanons are so hard I don’t know! I drew some fanart where he would ride around on Toph’s shoulders so he can feel like he’s flying. I believe he would. Also duh headcanon that he and Toph get together later.
unpopular opinion: Again I dunno what’s unpopular. He’s the smartest person on the team? 
song i associate with them: "My Love was Like the Moon” lololol jkjk
favorite picture of them: I don’t know?
Tumblr media
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suchabadtush · 4 years
My Melody and PomPomPurin, please
Aah thank you!
My Melody: what’s your current favourite song? 
I don’t know I can only think of weird things like “Can’t Escape the Rhythm” from the movie Tap, or the second track of building music on the Sims, or “Under Pressure” by Queen/David Bowie, like what the heck is this, my music brain is having some malfunction at the moment, sorry.
PomPomPurin: what’s your favourite dessert/sweet food?
One time my friend made me this Apple/Pear cheesecake/pie for my birthday (because she knows I like cheesecake and pie better than regular cake), and it was cheesecake but with a pie crust? and it had the crumbly bits on top like a dutch apple pie or something and oh wow it was so so yummy. I don’t know if there’s anything better than that.
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suchabadtush · 4 years
11, 27, 59, 66~?
Oh, thank you for asking!
11. What you have for breakfast on an average day?
Breakfast, eh? A foreign concept. On an average day I do not eat it. If I did, maybe I would have like... fruit and yogurt, or a muffin or something, I don’t know.
27. Favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Hmm, maybe snuggle up in cozy socks and sweaters and do something fun like crafts or jigsaw puzzles or watch holiday movies (though tbh I would do that stuff in any weather probably). Baking is also good in cold weather. It’s never that cold where I live these days, but I’m sure outdoor things are nice too, like walking around all bundled up, or doing something snow-related.
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
What kind of video game is it? Like animal crossing, where I have like a one-word phrase, and it’s “Yikes”? Or am I a shopkeeper in a kh type game and it’s, “If you had enough more twenty centses, you could buy another whole bottle of thing!”? This is hard for me to imagine. “That’s online dating for ya!”?
66. favorite flower(s)?
Sunflowers, California poppies, and succulents, which aren’t flowers I guess but they’re cute.
Thank you!!
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