#and a middle aged man called simon will say it was ‘a pretty decent book’
booksandothersecrets · 2 months
One time I was talking to someone who told me they had listened to preacher’s daughter but only as background music. Personally I throw up and eat fistfuls of glass every time it plays but you know, its like, totally chill, whatever.
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thenextgeneration3 · 6 years
The missing link (part three)
Since before Anyone could remember it was always Clary, Simon and Y/n. Y/n was adopted by the Clary’s mom when she was just 6 years old. However, living in Brooklyn her British accent never left. They did everything together. Shared everything but that started to change after Clarys 16th birthday.
Warnings: non i think
Sorry for any mistakes
Hope you enjoy
Time lapse
Sitting in the library
“If you are a Blackstorm then how don’t I know about you. They were one of the top shadowhunter families.” Jace said while flipping through a dusty book
“So basically if I get this right. My blood means I’m part some cult that kills demons. Oh god Simon have you got me into a larping team. I’ve already told you in not into it. Also, Clary how are you so calm about all this. I’m about to call the but house for these people.” I said looking at both Simon and Clary.
“This is true Y/n. This is just like D&D. How aren’t you loving this?” Simon said excitedly getting a tut of Clary and Alec.
“Well I have had more time process and I’ve seen things. Also, it explains a lot of things. Like Luke and my mom . The whispering and the reason we haven’t got any family other than us.” Clary said while moving closer to Jace.
“Well I’m sorry but this is a lot of stuff to take in also is there anything else I can do to help find your mum.” I said changing the subject
“Well we are trying to find something my mom was hiding she hid from Valentine before she died. But I can’t remember anything.” Clary said while looking from Alec to Jace
“What do you mean she hid something? And if she did hide something wouldn’t she leave a clue maybe with someone maybe Luke or you. Someone she knows it’ll be safe with.” I said thinking about it
“That actually smart. Clary did your mom never leave you anything told you to keep it safe?” Jace asked placing down the book
“Wait Clary didn’t she give you some family heirloom for your birthday that pen thingy.”
“Oh yeah. This?” Clary said handing it over to Jace. “Yeah mom said she’d explain it.” She said shrugging.
“Okay is there any way we can find out if mum leave anything for you or a map.” I asked sitting next to Clary
“No I look back and it’s like all things to do with this world was whipped.”
“Yeah I’m surprised you didn’t notice those white scars on her body.” We both turned to wards Simon.
“What do you mean white scars.”
Those little white scars that were in her arms and legs. When we were at the lake and we went swimming. In her swim suit she had all those scars on her body.” Me and Clary looking puzzled
“It confirms she’s a shadowhunter but maybe she’s locked it away in her mind we could take them to the silent city. They could help”
Time skip
“Wow so the silent city is in a cemetery great not at all creepy.” I said wrapping my arms around me
“Who are the silent brothers?” Simon asked as we approached a fence.
“They are sort of librarians they help shadowhunter” Issy said while linking arms with Simon
“So why are you all scared of them if they are librarians. All give over due book?” Simon joked earning a scoff from Alec
“Right we stop here. Alec you patrol the perimeter. Issy you watch the mundi. Clary, Y/n and I will go in.” Jace have orders as we all we ready
We descended into the city of bones. Literally as everywhere was covered. There were words everywhere but in the shadow of the Witchlight it was hardly visible.
“What does that say?” Clary asked pointing at the scripture under the angel statue. Jace chuckled
“Shadowhunters looking better in black than the widows of our enemies since 1234”
“Really?” Clary looked confused looking over the words NEPHILIM: FACILIS DESCENSUS AVERNI.
“No it means the decent to hell is easy” I said walking past Jace not bothering to look back
“You speak Latin?” Jace asked surprised
“Yes and other languages. I have since I can remember.”
‘The Blackstorms are known to have spoken in various tongues.’ A voice inside my head said
“Okay. Am I going nuts or did someone just talk” I said while carrying onto a large room where symbol aligned the floor and a sword hovered from the ceiling
‘Welcome to the city of bones. We are the silent brothers we will help you recover what is lost. Clarissa Fairchild please step forward’ Clary walked towards the middle of the room. The sword came down and touched her and she cried out and hit the floor “Clary” I screamed Jace holding me back. She begins to write something in the dust.
“Magnus bane”
Time skip
In the institute they all were in the kitchen eating. I wasn’t hungry deciding to look around the place. The institute was massive. Every room designated to a different project. That when I ground the one room I was looking for the training room.
“Do you train?” I jumped not expecting someone to be there
“Alec Lightwood right ?” I said holding a hand over my heart
“Yes. Do you train?” He repeated
“A little. Wanna show me a few things ?” I asked removing the jacket.
“Fine. Now grab a staff” he said grabbing one himself
“Now I don’t want you to go easy on me” I said with a smirk as we begin to spar. I’ve never used a staff but it quickly adapted. Alec and I spared for a 30 minutes before he was able to trip me with the end of the staff.
“Not bad you need to keep an eye on your feet you leave them open. You also are very stiff from the waist down you need to move. Now again.” He said helping me up. It didn’t take long before I used his advice and was finally able to figure out his fighting technique. Then I was able to use my foot and trip him up and he landed on his back with my staff hovering over-his face. “Very good but you forgot something” he said before tripping me over. Landing on my back beside him. “Always look for a way out” he said chuckling while offering me a hand
“Omg is that Alec Lightwood laughing” Issy said from the door “you’ve got some skills Y/n. You sure you’ve never trained or known about shadowhunters because Jace was just saying you know a few languages.”
“I’ve spoken them since I was little and I made sure I use at least them all once a week. I also train in a dojo 3 days a week because it helps with balance and self defence. I live in Brooklyn after all. Now I’m off to take a shower.” I said putting back my staff
“Oh Y/n. We are going to Magnus you’ll need to dress pretty.”
“I don’t have anything with me?”
“Brilliant lets go to my room I can help with that.” Issy said linking arms and rushing off to her room.
Time skip
“Is do you have anything a bit more me ?”
“And what would that be”
“Well a mwah top would be nice I’m wearing my good bra and maybe a skater skirt. So I can wear my combats.” She began rooting throw her wardrobe.
“Like this?” She held a burgundy skater skirt with a complete mesh body suit with small velvet stars covering it.
“Perfect, fishnets ?” She was already holding them up. “Yes. Okay I’ll be two second.” I emerge from the bathroom looking older than I thought I had light make up on with my hair wavy and half up. Filling off the look with my beaten up combats. Issy, Clary and I emerged from the bedroom all dressed for the party “what you think?” Issy asked.
“I like” Jace said looking at me
“Wow” Simon said as he looked at Clary and I.
“Do you need a sheath? I have a few thigh ones you could borrow” Issy said to both Clary and I.
“Yes” Simon,Clary and I said at the same time.
“Does this mean I get a knife now?” I questioned raising my eyebrow at Jace and he handed up one of his many seraph blades
“Thank you”
Time skip
The music was so loud down the street it wasn’t hard to miss but I had the feeling I’d been there before. It was like I’ve been there many time. We knocked on the door a man with blue hair and black gothic clothes answered the door
“OMG. Please tell me you are all seeing him to ?” I questioned they all looked at me and Simon answered
“Yeah. The dude that looks like gay sonic the hedgehog crossed with the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang. Very much so” he said picking his mouth from the floor
“Thank god I thought I was going mad again?” “May we come in we have an invitation”
“I don’t remember inviting nephelm to my party” he said “however,I was pretty drunk so I could. Just don’t kill my guests and I’m only going it because of the pretty boy” he said moving aside and letting us all in. “Thank you” Jace said while stepping inside “I didn’t mean you. I meant him with the blue eyes.” He said giving Alec a wink.
“I ship it.” I whispered to Issy as we walked past warning a smirk from Magnus.
Magnus slips of into a room and Clary and I follow him. “I’m surprised you are both here and accompanied by shadowhunters no less.” Jace entered the room with Alec. Simon was with Issy.
“What do you mean do you know these two?” Jace asked as he stepped closer to us both. Alec coming up behind us.
“Of course I watched them nearly grow up. Your mom came to me ages ago because she didn’t want you both in the shadow world. Jocelyn was very specific on what she wanted me to do. I told her it was tricky and could be risky but she wanted it anyways. I wiped both girls memories. Though Y/n was the hardest you had so much more time in the shadow world. Clary was a baby only a year or two younger but you already knew loads of languages for a young age. Also, you were just this little confident child that wasn’t afraid of anything.” He said looking at me. “However, I did what she asked and you luckily kept all the languages you’ve learnt but your mind fought back you came here more than Clary did. Then you started sparing Jocelyn was worried that it’ll trigger something but she let you do it anyways.” He looked at Clary “ you however, were a little minx your mom was determined to hide all your shadowhunter parts. You liked to pick on the fairies in the garden and you even picked on my cat. Once he scratched you of course you screamed like a banshee. I of courses as if you were half. She said no that your father wasn’t involved and he won’t be. I asked who he was she said he died. Then she made up this story about the man in the army to protect you.” He said sitting down
“Wow that was an unload and a half. So do you know where Jocelyn is now ?” I asked. “So yo know how to get these blocks off our minds also?”
“Once they were implicated no one can take them off however,since you are both here and you’ve already seen thought one of my hardest glamour. It would should be wearing off. Not long now.” After he said that a scream came from outside. Issy ran in crying and breathing heavily
“They’ve... theyve... they’ve taken Simon” she cried
“Who has?” Jace asked
“Vampires” she replied
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