#and a little matchablossom being an old married couple in the background
myreygn · 2 years
Master of Consoling
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summary: Miya is a mean little guy and Reki is always in a good mood, but sometimes things aren’t how they’re supposed to be and when that happens, someone has to step up and make them right again.
an: ahem did i say this week? i meant this month. nvm, you and i both know i said “this week” but that was before i dropped out of university and cancelled my flat and also rewrote this whole thing... ANYWAY here is my third commission for the wonderful @wertzunge and honey let me tell you i had so much fun with this one! i really hope you like it and i apologize for straight up lying to you ^^’
wordcount: 2020
taglist: @parkersaysthings​
Many people thought Miya Chinen to be blind to the feelings and moods of those around him. They considered him too arrogant to pay attention and too inexperienced in social interaction to notice when someone wasnʼt doing so well. 
This was not true.
Miya was capable of feeling compassion and noticing changes in mood or behavior, and just fine too, thank you very much. Most times, he just flat out didnʼt care because, and that much was correct, he really was a little arrogant and too inexperienced in social interaction to comfort a stranger. His friends though? That was a different story.
So when Reki entered the Sia la Luce, he could immediately tell that something was off with the redhead. There were multiple signs for that. He didn’t barge through the door like an absolute maniac, as he usually did. He also didn’t yell “‘SUP GUYS!” at the top of his lungs or give them one of his bright signature smiles that always made Miya wonder whether it was his second birthday. (Or his third, or fourth, or fifth, or even sixth, because Reki did this often and it had the same effect on Miya every time.)
Not this time though. This time Reki barely made any noise walking in, aside from the small bell above the door ringing like its life depended on it when he entered. He didn’t even smile, on the contrary; he looked like his birthday had been canceled rather than doubled. Or tripled. Or quadrupled. Or whatever, this was too beautiful of a day to waste it on thinking about math. And also too beautiful to pull a long face.
“What’s up with you, slime?”
“Nothing.” Huh, Reki didnʼt even seem annoyed at the nickname. He just plopped down at the counter next to Miya, putting his chin in his hands and looking miserable. Strange.
“That doesnʼt look like nothing though, not gonna lie.” Joe had caught on too, furrowing his brows as he placed a lemonade in front of the redhead. “You sure you okay, kid?”
“Yeah, sure. Why do you all think thereʼs something wrong with me?!”
Cherry scoffed, his nose buried in a magazine. “Because of your bright smile.”
“Very funny.” And then, Reki rolled his eyes. Reki rolled his eyes. Miya had never seen him do that before and it was the famous last drop, so to speak.
Reki jumped nearly five feet in the air and let out the loudest shriek when two small hands tasered his sides. He lunged forward as if he was trying to crawl over the counter and turned to Miya, hugging his midsection and his lips pulled into a wobbly smile. “What the he-”
 “Ah!” Miya interrupted him with a smirk, “There are children here. You wouldnʼt cuss in front of a child, right?”
Reki gave him a look that was probably supposed to be threatening, but his blush and twitching lips just made for an expression of half-assed indignation. “Youʼd be surprised, you little-” 
“Reki, please.” Oha, Cherry had put on his best impression of an annoyed teacher and Miya grinned. He had them all on his side. Even Shadow, who was bound to go against Joe and Cherry at every possible opportunity, and Langa who was usually always always always with Reki, made no visible effort to step in on Rekiʼs behalf and Shadow even gave Miya a little wink. The odds were immaculate.
Reki huffed.  “I was gonna say monster! Monster isnʼt a curse word, as far as Iʼm concerned!”
“Itʼs still not very nice…” Langa mumbled, quickly looking in another direction when Reki shot him a glare.
“Yeah, well, Miya wasnʼt very nice to me eithEEK! Miyaha!”
 “Yes, dearest slime? What shall I be of assistance with?”
“D-dohonʼt tahalk like thahat!”
“Shuteth thy trap, thou hast not to regulate the way I talketh.” Miya saw Cherry cringe at his pretentious attempts at pompous language, but honestly, who even cared about Cherry when he, Miya, master of consoling (as of right now), was about to break through Rekiʼs moodiness like a wrecking ball broke through an old building? He wouldʼve given himself a pat on the back for that metaphor if his hands hadnʼt been buried under Rekiʼs arms, wiggling as fast as possible and making the redheadʼs squirms increase in desperation by the second. Heh. Off to a good start.
Reki let out a cackle and Miya could see his knuckles gripping onto the counter and turning white. “Miya, nohot thehehere!”
“Not here? But I think this is a really good spot.” Miya tweaked his fingers ever so slightly, making Reki squeak. “You’re ticklish there and you can still speak. I wanna know whatʼs up with you, but if I went for spots that are any worse than this, you wouldnʼt be able to answer my question anymore. Speaking of which, are you gonna answer my question now?”
“Ihi dohon’t even rehemembeher your stuhupid quehestion!”
“Wow, rude!” Miya gave Rekiʼs side a squeeze, making the older boy curl into himself. “But Iʼll repeat it once more, because I tolerate you. Whatʼs up with you?”
“Ihitʼs noho-”
“Itʼs not nothing. Wake up slime, weʼre already at the level where you tell me the truth.”
“I wahas gonnaha sahay thahat ihitʼs nohone of your buhusiness!” 
Miya could hear a soft “Oh damn” from somewhere behind him. It was probably Shadow, but right now there was no time to check. He gave Reki a bored look and clicked with his tongue. “Gee slime, you reaaaally want me to go there, hm?”
Reki barely had time to entirely grasp the meaning of the younger boyʼs words before Miya threw all mercy out the window and dug into his stomach, squeezing and prodding like there was no tomorrow. Reki screamed. 
Miya gasped. “Dumbass? I try to help you and you call me a dumbass? Very rude.” Reki banged his fist on the counter when two hands crawled under his shirt and tickled the bare skin of his stomach. “Now you’re in for it, Slime!
“Nope. Thatʼs what you get for being mean to me, your friend, whoʼs just doing his best to help you.”
“Donʼt kill him, please,” Joe chipped in from the side. “Dead children arenʼt exactly great publicity.”
Miya shrugged, not interrupting the tickling or slowing down for even a second. “Whether or not he dies is up to him. Right, Reki? If you wanna live, I suggest you start talking.”
Reki just shook his head and Miya couldn’t help but be a little impressed. The boy was flushed bright red, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and since he was trapped on the high bar stool, he couldn’t even go anywhere without getting hurt - and yet, he still didn’t give in? Whatever it was he didn’t want to talk about, it had to be something really embarrassing or bad. For a split second, ever so slight hesitation crept into Miya’s mind, but then he remembered the many times Reki had gotten him to actually talk about his feelings and how good it had felt to share his struggles with a friend. If Reki had to be reminded of his own wisdom forcefully, then this was how it had to be. And however great his stamina was, at some point he just had to crumble. Miya allowed himself a devious smile.
“Fine. Whatever happens now, I want you to remember that you brought this upon yourself.”
In retrospect, going for his friend’s absolute worst spot was probably not a good idea when said friend was seated on an object prone to toppling over when exposed to too much movement. In the moment, however, it had seemed like the right move to wiggle a single finger into Reki’s belly button, but, well, yeah, when the redhead spasmed hard enough to fall on top of him and take the stool down as well, Miya guessed he should’ve considered this outcome a little earlier.
“Oh, shhhhhrimps, are you guys okay?!” 
Joe quickly put the stool back into place and plucked the boys off the ground like two little kittens. Reki went back down immediately, his legs too wobbly to stand on, but he gave the green haired man a limp-wristed thumbs up. Miya nodded as well, ignoring the constant throbbing in his hip bone. “Yeah, I’m fine.” That would make for a nice bruise tomorrow, but it was fine, he’s had worse. He turned to Reki and offered him a hand. “Sorry. I… I didn’t overstep, did I?”
Reki took one more second to breathe through, then he let himself get helped up and sat back down on the stool. “No, don’t worry, it’s fine.” A soft smile pulled at his lips. “I guess I kinda needed that.”
“Yeah, to get back to the topic,” Shadow sailed in from his place across from Cherry and Langa, “why did you need it? What’s going on with you? The little gnome is right, you’ve been weird the whole time.”
The smile fell from Reki’s face and he sighed. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” Shrinking a little under his friends’ worried gazes, he went on to mumble something into his hoodie.
“What?” Langa, blunt as ever. At least one of them was being his usual self.
“It’s dumb,” Reki cried out. “It’s nothing to be dramatic about, really.”
“Reki, what. Is it.” Everyone in the room could tell that Cherry was rapidly losing his patience as the conversation went on and because no one wanted to repeat the birthday incident (note to future selves: Cherry did not appreciate people jumping out of the darkness and yelling SURPRISE), Reki finally explained himself.
“It’s just a grade, really! I’m kinda failing Japanese and my mother told me I won’t be allowed to meet my friends and go skating anymore if I don’t get a passing grade on my next test.”
Miya tilted his head. “That’s it? You can always improve a grade, right?”
“Not in Japanese! Have you seen my last homework?!”
“Hold up.” Joe put his hands on his hips. “That’s something we can help with. I mean, it’s literally Kaoru’s job to flex on illiterates.”
“That’s not what I do, actually.”
“I don’t care what you do, actually.”
“Point is,” Shadow interrupted the brewing fight between the two, “why didn’t you just tell us?”
Reki looked down at his hands, a slight blush climbing up his neck. “I don’t know, I… just… it’s kinda embarrassing. I didn’t want you to… to think I was stupid…”
The last part of his sentence was spoken so softly that they barely caught it and Miya frowned at his friend. “You’re not stupid. Why would you think that we’d think you are?”
“You call me stupid every day.”
Whoopsie daisy. He had never claimed to be perfect when it came to be a good friend.
“I’m just messing with you, sl- Reki! I don’t actually think you’re stupid, stupid people couldn’t make kickass skateboards! You have to know a ton of math for that too, right? And who cares about Japanese anyway? No one ever needs every single Kanji!”
Miya only realized how much he had gotten into his little speech when the others gave him wide-eyed looks. He quickly cleared his throat, trying to play his passion off. “I guess.”
A grin spread across Reki’s face. “You think I make kickass skateboards?”
“That’s not really a secret!”
“So you’d tell me again?”
“It’s okay if you appreciate me, kiddo.”
“Don’t call me kiddo!”
“Why not? Who wouldn’t want to be called a nickname by their idol?”
“You’re not my idol! And I don’t appreciate you!”
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over all the appreciation coming from your heart.”
“Shut up, slime!”
Reki laughed and it should’ve driven him even more up the wall, but Miya found himself to not really mind. After all, they were laughing together. And if that wasn’t evidence of him being the definite and absolute master of consoling, Miya honestly didn’t know what could be.
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So Sk8 the Infinity!
I'm going to complain and over analyze stuff in this post. Also, spoiler warning.
So I love Sk8. Absolute beauty. Mwah. However...
A second season is not out of the question, so here are some things I want to see in the new season, because the season 1 ending... it was really unfufilling.
Final spoiler warning.
-Let Shadow get the girl.
He was developing an obvious crush on her since day one, and seeing her end up in a relationship, right as Shadow plucked up enough courage to talk to her really bothered me.
-Let Miya get his friends back.
If there's a season two, this just has to happen. He definately grew as a person thanks to Reki, so he deserves to have a second chance. This is also coupled with the scene in the final credits when his old friend passed him, and said something that made Miya smile.
-Keep the rivalry between Joe and Cherry
Honestly, their petty rivaly is among the best parts of the anime. It showed no signs of stopping, and the ship was strong. Personally, I don't think Matchablossom will be canon, but wow I love the ship.
-Slow down Langa's attention and arc
There's no way to say this gently. Langa's ark went way too fast. In a matter of episodes, he was already a near pro a skating. Even if he did snowboard, it just seems unrealistic. If there's a season 2, I want to see Langa struggle a bit more. He also got way too much attention for a guy who's not the mc. The anime was basically all about him might as well make him the mc.
-Give Reki more attention and arc.
I love him with all my heart, but he was a really static character. Sure, he went through a depression phase, but he ended up right back where he started. In multiple ways. He came back to the happy, bubbly, and enthusiastic Reki we all know and love, but he also never gained any visible skill. He learned a few tricks, and that. was it. He's supposed to be the main character, but if I jumped in mid season, I could have easily mistaken Langa for that role. He easily beat all his opponents, got more camera time, and improved with little effort. Reki is supposed to be the main character. At the beginning, I was kind of happy that Reki never won. I showed that protagonists don't have to be prodigy gods at everything they specialize in. But then, over an ENTIRE SEASON, he didn't win one. He got better, moving from struggling to keep up with Shadow to almost winning against ADAM, but there were special circumstances to aid in that achievement. But his improvement was almost invisible. I didn't even realize it until I started to over analyze the anime (as I normally do).
-ADAM dies lonely in a trashcan under a bridge.
-Let Tadashi live his own life!
He may have like ADAM, both in the past and maybe even the present, but ADAM calls him his dog, and won't let him step out of line. Sure he gives him freedom, but that will only get you so far.
And last but not least
All in all, I love the anime, have become obsessed with the sun in human form that is Reki, and would murder Bone Studios if they even thought about taking it down.
But for season two, I would want there to be a big bad skater guy who comes rolling in, and when Langa and ADAM challenge him, they get obliterated. Langa gets hurt, and Reki, pretty mad, reverts back to their old problem of wanting to beat the person who hurt the other. But Reki knows Langa will disagree, just how he didn't want Langa to go up against ADAM, so he secretly plans to challenge him, and practices every waking moment he can so he can stand a chance against this new guy, even going as far as to miss some 'S' nights. Langa, however is just confused about why he got destroyed, and his injury stopping him from skating coupled with not thinking he needs to practice or improve, he just doesn't. Meanwhile, Miya is spending more time skating with his old friends just for fun and not bothering to improve, Shadow is trying to figure out who this guy is that's with his manager, and finds out he's just using her, so he goes on his own quest to get them to break up or show her proof that he's toxic, and Cherry and Joe are just arguing in the background, maybe throw in some financial dilemmas as well, like an episode or two. Building on financial problems, I want ADAM's family cred to go down the drain, not because of 'S', nononono, no one's touching 'S', but for different reasons. Tadashi reaches down to his inner friend and gives him support. Miya introduces his friends to 'S'. Anyways, Reki challenges the new guy, and people laugh because Reki is kinda known for being the less skilled one who hangs out with the big 6 (which is a thing that happened after the tournament), so yeah, Reki races him, beats him by literally an inch without using anything to disadvantage the guy. Langa is so freakin' excited that he tackle hugs him and pulls a Yuri! On Ice and kisses him in doing so. Season ends with , Miya goes on to the national team because his friends (both groups) encourage him to so as long as he kept doing it for fun, Shadow gets the dick away from his manager and he gets with her, Cherry and Joe staying single (but one day Cherry adopts a child and she calls both men a variant of 'dad' but the two legally aren't married, or even dating?), and ADAM, I guess he can open a small shop. Tadashi does most of the work though. He's basically ADAM's boss. I guess ADAM can have some happiness. AND FINALLY Langa and Reki get together .(Ms Hasegawa is in literal tears because not only did her baby get a friend but a boyfriend too!)
And that concludes my post about Sk8.
If you for some reason didn't watch it and scrolled all the way down here (doesn't matter if you read it or not, but there's a continue reading button...), then
Pirate it if ya gotta! But watch it!
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