#and a constant reminder of how she wasn't able to protect not just her mother but her soulmate as well
pineapple-frenzy · 1 month
Hello! If you are still taking prompts, literally anything from your flower soulmate au for Zutara 👀💜🌸
Aahhh this took quite a while but I had too many thoughts and ideas for what to draw
I went ahead and made another comic and I'm just gonna ramble for a bit qlfjlqkwqk
I think I mentioned this before, but Katara didn't like her soulmark flowers for a quite some time because they remind her too much of painful memories and her inability to protect those dear to her. So for the longest time she would pick them off her face and pretend they weren't there. It wasn't til she worked things out with Zuko that she started to accept the flowers as a part of her and she didn't feel the need to pick them anymore
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Hey guys! I'm back to talk about something that I've been thinking about for a solid week and I'm ready to info dump.
So, I've been thinking about just how much Percy and Luke are the same character. They are so much the same and it's really amazing just how much detail and thought Rick put into making it where Luke and Percy go through so many of the same things and life experiences.
Like, It's something that I had noticed from the beginning, but it wasn't until just recently when I reread some parts from The lightning thief, and the from The diary of Luke short story, that I realized just how similar Luke and Percy are.
Let's start with just the way both of their characters are written. They both have the same underlying anger towards their fathers for leaving their mother's alone to deal with terrible things. In Sally's case, that is Gabe. In May's case it's the curse of Delphi that has driven her insane.
Both Luke and Percy have the same feelings of self doubt. The way they treat and talk to their friends or people they consider important, are very much the same. They act the same towards people who they don't know and don't trust. They have that same underlying snarky humor. It was scary how when I was reading TDoL, that I thought I was just reading something from Percy's pov.
And that's far from all of it! Another thing that I realized that they have in common is that there is a character that represents the promises that they couldn't keep or fullfil. Let me explain.
With Luke, that character is Annabeth. In TDoL, Luke promises Annabeth that Thalia and he would be her family. Did he know how to even be a family given that he had never had one? No. But he was going to try for Annabeth. However, he wasn't able to keep that promise, especially with Kronos brain washing and manipulating him. Breaking that promise is something that he feels guilty for all the way to his death. It was a constant reminder that he had failed those he held dear.
With Percy, that character is Nico. In The Titans Curse, Nico makes Percy promise that he would protect Bianca and make sure that nothing happens to her. Percy says that he's not sure if he could do that. He had no idea he would even be able to protect himself, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try to keep his promise to Nico. Unfortunately, he's not able to and Bianca dies. He wasn't able to keep his promise and that guilt follows him. And Nico himself was a reminder for sometime of the promise that Percy wasn't able to keep.
So in short, Nico is to Percy what Annabeth was to Luke. A physical manifestation of their inadequacy and failure.
Both Percy's and Luke's stories have so many parallels to them and it's quite clear to see. Which is why I find it a bit funny when others say that, "Percy would've never done what Luke did!" To which I have to say, "are you sure?"
Because really, there would've only needed to be one major change and Percy could've easily ended up in Luke's position. If Sally wouldn't have been a strong pillar for Percy. If she would've ended up like May, it would've been quite easy to get Percy to change sides. Because it's quite evident that Percy loves Sally and would do anything if it meant making her happy and keeping her protected. If Kronos would've went to Percy instead and promised to help Sally and keep her protected, Percy would've joined him. Because let's not forget that Percy's fatal flaw being loyalty gets him into some rough situations if he thinks that he'll be able to help or save a loved one. It would've been easy for Kronos to manipulate him like that.
The only main difference with Percy and Luke, is that if Percy would've been the one that Kronos was able to manipulate into being his vessel? He would've won. With Percy's amazing power and strength combined with the power of Kronos, the gods would've never stood a chance. Not to say that Luke didn't have his strengths. He was cunning and charming. He had a fierce determination to see change. He was able to rally others to his cause.
However, Percy also shows those same attributes in his own journey. There is a reason why everyone else at Camp Half Blood so willingly rallied behind him and trusted him as leader, and it wasn't just because of the amount of times he had saved the world at that point. There was a reason why so many people were drawn to Percy, and not all of it was just Aphrodite playing with his love life.
Long story short, Luke and Percy are basically the same character with just how much they have in common, and I think it's time that we talk about it more 😌💜
(Ps. Sorry I wasn't on here for a good bit. I'm ok, life has just been... Rough. But I'm back to my usual delusional ramblings again 😌👌)
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
During Holly's sealing, did they experience more physical or mental trauma or both from the Radiance? How do they seem to cope with it?
A bit of both for sure, though I'm leaning more towards physical trauma being more difficult to cope with. She definitely used all her tricks in order to break their will, and she eventually succeeded - the constant "reminders" that their father does not care for them eventually overwhelmed them. Though a lot of those doubts she planted in their mind went away once they reunited with him, so the physical wounds were far more permanent. And she definitely tried her best to physically hurt them to break their will faster.
Of course, years of being tormented by a spiteful god doesn't just go away within a blink of an eye. They still deal with moments of doubt, and worry that deep down their father feels ashamed of them and holds failure to protect Hallownest from the infection against them. So they still need reminders that whatever The Radiance told them wasn't true, though they definitely cope with it far better than you'd expect. Having the blood of a plant-like being who isn't as deeply affected emotionally definitely helps here. Granted, they're far from being as cold as their mother, they noticeably want to be close emotionally with their family, but they also appear quite reserved - unlike Vyrm, they have the ability to put emotions aside and focus on the task at hand without significant trouble, which was very helpful here.
As for the physical damage, that's the primary focus of their recovery post-infection. Above everything, they take things easy, so as to not strain their weak body. They rest a lot, though light exercise is also something they maintain - they will never be able to fight with a nail again, but that doesn't mean they can't be physically active, at least to an extent that doesn't cause them pain. Their vision loss is also permanent, so they had to adjust to living with just one functioning eye. Some emotional support was needed, but like I said, they naturally handle these things better than most, so most of those adjustments were to everyday activities. Getting used to having no depth perception was a big one, they'd bump into things on a regular basis so that took time getting used to. It's definitely something Vyrm kept in mind when designing the renovations for their family home, which has large doorframes and a lot of open space for them to roam around without the fear of accidentally knocking something down and making a mess. And of course, the loss of their arm was very demanding on their body. Since their head is so large, the loss of a whole limb affected their whole sense of balance, so for a long time they had trouble even getting up, let alone walking in a straight line without collapsing. They had trouble with it for the entire time until their father returned and designed a prosthesis for them. And even then, that needed time to get used to as well.
In general having a family around helped them deal with their trauma greatly, both physical and mental. Learning to write was a huge step towards being able to properly communicate with them, and as a result, discussing their struggles and asking for help whenever needed. Thanks to their mother, they have the natural predisposition to handle emotions better, but they're still a living being that needs others around. And they were lucky enough to have that in the time they needed it the most. It doesn't take away all the suffering they went through, but it is a comforting thought, I think. That they eventually got a happy ending.
Anyway, sorry if this ramble went off topic. I guess I just wanted to talk a bit about them given the opportunity, since I rarely do.
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konigsblog · 1 year
I’m sorry but, I need a small break from the angst with domesticated!reader.
what if ghost saves her in a way?
just imagine it, him coming over more frequently, stealthily grabbing evidence of all the horrible things price has done. Even going as far as stalking the two of them, and eventually. He gets enough proof, that price isn’t treating her well.
he convinces the rest of the task force of this, and eventually, they overwhelm price. Defending the her.
and after so long of holding everything back, she makes sure her sons are somewhere safe, maybe at her moms, before she absolutely breaks down. Letting everything out.
she feels safe enough, that she can finally express her hatred, her sorrow, and her hurt. How she never wanted this. How she loves her boys, but she never wanted children, she wanted to be a soldier, no matter the costs.
Price seeing her lose her shit. Her once strong and capable body now frail and thin after months of self starvation, and the fat globs of tears that pool down her cheeks as she weary cries.
everyone watches as she finally lets everything out, prices eyes wide, and actually contemplating murder.
ghost of all people step in, pulling her into his side, and hushes her, soap and gaz shaking with adrenaline and anger. She was their teammate, those two loved her like a sister, and price had taken her away, for the sake of his own needs.
— —
after all of that, she begins to live with ghost. Her two sons living with her, and over time, she begins to look healthier. Her sunken eyes gaining life as she continues to experience what true domestic happiness is.
She’s still not allowed back in the military, but she’s away from price, and she’s happy.
her sons start to recognize her as their mother again, and they bond. They do normal mother and son stuff.
she may crave to go back into battle, and continue to be a soldier, but at the moment, she’s content at slowly building her and her sons back up.
ghost coming home, making sure to remind her to eat, and drink. Watching over her as she sleeps, making sure she doesn’t wake up in a fit of screams.
ghost eventually turning into Simon, for her. He begins to eat infront of her after some time. Only showing below his nose. he gets…comfortable around her, and begins to have a basic understanding of why price wanted her to himself.
he sees how loving she is, towards her sons, and eventually him.
tw; mentions of abuse
admiring the way her figure becomes fuller, healthier with muscle mass. her once bloodshot eyes and heavy eyebags being replaced with clear eyes, having life in your eyes for the first time in a while.
finally being able to treat yourself right after constant years of neglect and loneliness - being treated as if you were a psychopath, abnormal and disturbing.
her son's finally recognising their mother, becoming terrified of men like their father, and in the future wanting nothing but to protect their mother, protecting and guarding her.
but imagine if ghost married domesticated!reader. realizing her true kindness, her personality and opinions, her smile and her pretty eyes full of life and happiness. sleeping her side, comforting her when she woke up screaming; her dreams terrorising her, reminding her of what she'd been through, what she fought to get out of.
even when she wasn't a soldier, she still fought. she fought for her children, wanting them to grow up in a happy household, away from the abusive and neglectful man that she was supposed to call her husband, and who they were supposed to call dad.
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whumpbby · 2 years
I was just thinking about the Murder!verse and how I love Talia, but somehow managed to write her as a very antipathic character:(
I didn't have the "screen time" to fit everything of her that I came up with and it's a pain in the ass, because almost all that was left is her being a terrible mother and a violent alpha. Which isn't what her relationship with Jason and Damian was in the story that's in my head.
She was a degnified and caring alpha, a dedicated mother. She liked Jason. When Damian tells Dick that if not for Bruce, she'd mate Jay, it was the truth. I kinda missed the ship on showing that.
But I have this little story in my head of her returning to Gotham right after Jay has his son with Dick. After baby is born.
She makes her presence known to Jason and invites him to a dinner. Insinuates he should take his pup with him. And Jason does - he's his own man, it she was his alpha for a long time. Ra's was there, but he was more of a distant presence in their lives, Talia was a constant. Jay kinda hoped for a time she'd mate him, give him a permanent place in their family.
He's happy that she didn't do in in the end, happy that he didn't ask her to. They lives went astray the moment her sister came back and the Demon started to crumble.
Now, with Ra's dead, Talia slowly takes the League back in hand, slowly recovering from the torture at Nysa's hands and the madness that followed. Jason hated her back then, hated what was done to her and what it reminded him of - the months of madness after his own resurrection, the Demon inhabiting his flesh.
Now she's recovered. He sees her in the small alcove in a classy restaurant, bright and private. She looks as beautiful as ever, but the traces of the Pit are there to see - her skin too perfect, her eyes too bright, breathing too slow and her hands too steady. Jason hopes she'll be able to recover, in time, that her life wasn't extended unbearably. He has his son cradled to his chest in a wrap, protective hand over the baby's head when Talia motions for him to take a seat nest to her.
She really is beautiful, Jason thinks fleetingly.
They don't talk much. Just a few words here and there around the food. About Bruce. The family. The Demon.
He tells her about Damian, just a bit, just the common little things no one would be interested in but her.
She asks him about Dick, what sort of an alpha he is in bed (it's forward and a part of Jason is embarrassed, but it's an important thing in their clan and he is used to discussing performance of his lovers with her). She implies she knows his pregnancy was difficult and the birth even more so.
She implies that she knew and was there, ready to step in if anything went wrong.
Jason pretends he doesn't catch the implication of Lazarus waiting to be used if... No, he doesn't think about it. He's not yet strong enough to decide whether he'd be able to refuse it if his pup... He's a very different man than Bruce is, after all.
They share a meal and at the end ot it, the pup wakes up and starts to fuss, hungry. Jason opens up his shirt and let's it nurse - discreet, but unashamed. He sees Talia's nostrils flare at the sight of his scarred breast. He let's it go, it was a long time ago.
When the pup stops nursing, she's standing next to Jason and before he has a chance to close his shirt, her fingers trace the scar that almost bisected his nipple. It's strangely at the same time intimate and not, becaue she used to touch him so matter of factly, but this here is not an alpha that owns him. Not anymore. It feels like an apology, because Al Ghul alphas don't speak of their regrets.
He allows the touch and then allows her to lean down and observe his baby. This close Jason can smell her - sweet spices of perfumes and an acrid note of Lazarus underneath it.
He allows her to touch his son and scent him briefly, to run her fingers through his dark curls - so small and already a full head of curly black hair. Grayson in all the ways that count, it would seem.
She seems satisfied, and he's glad. He'd wasn't afraid she'd harm the pup, but after the fight where he'd almost lost Damian and Dick...
"It will take time to rebuild," she tells him at the end of the meeting. "The wounds to the clan are deep. Once it's done, you will know."
Only then, she'll welcome him back - he understands. Because they're Al Ghul, she won't allow their omega to come back to a broken nest. He'd earned that much respect from her, that he will not be asked to accept substandard conditions and a house that's still unsafe. Neither him, not his pup, not Damian. Jason is glad to hear it - and won't tell Dick about the open invitation to return to the League. Dick wouldn't understand.
She leaves first, her guards with her. The bill is paid and Jason is left to gather his things.
The box that was on the table when he arrived is still there, ornate and heavy for the size. Once he's alone, Jay pulls it closer and opens the lid. Then let's it drop, eyes closed tightly to keep the tears from falling.
The jewelled collar he'd wore in the League ever since coming of age is heavy and beautiful and expensive and somehow calls to him. He can't wear it now, not in Gotham, not in this culture. That's why he left it behind when escaping the Demon. That Talia returned it to him means more than the vague invitation.
It means he still belongs to her clan. That he still has place with her. That one day he may take Damian back and help him make peace with his mother.
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bluem00n007 · 2 years
ARTW Bois watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica
So Vanessa got her choose the movie privileges back after Alpheratz begged Spica to just give this one show a chance
Like last time they went to the mansion, set up a projector, snacks and blankets were brought and a ton of tissue boxes because no on is going to trust her if it's a cute cover
Oh ok, so the anime does start with a darker tone from the get go, oh it was a dream
Madoka has such a nice family! Reminds him of his own childhood, her friends are so nice and wholesome too
His favourite character is Mami, she is a good leader and looks like has a good head on her shoulders, definitely someone who will accomplish great things when she gets older, plus she is so kind and caring!
The magic system reminds himself of the constellations, so he is even more intrigued
Fate is cruel, life is cruel, destiny is cruel, the universe is a constant state of agony and there is no harmony, things tend to move towards disorder, as there are more ways for that then to be orderly and that shall be the death of Universe itself, that is what is called entropy (tendency to move towards disorder)
He can see kuybey's logic and doesn't feel like he is a villain, for that Kuybey would have to know what's good and what's not and all he knows is what must be done, he can respect that though he doesn't like it
So you wanna know why he begged Spica to let Vanessa pick on last show?
Vanessa told him the premise when he heard her and Vega talk about some wish granting white ferret and he was sold!
He is currently T-posing over Spica
So he believes in second chances
He likes the show so far, he really looks upto to Mami because she is a magical girl who not only fights witches but also takes care of school and her home all by herself, he wishes Madoka would be able to see her kindness as her strength and that is what the story is in his head
Thank god they brought the tissues the last flooding of tears was a disaster
"Wait witches are born from magical girls?"
"Well actually it's more so their trapped souls that transform into witches so they are pretty much still aware of everything going around them even after turning to witches"
He does like Homura, even if she creeps him out, he wants to have the dedication she did to protect Summoner from any harm, no matter how long it takes and not to mention she collected those stuff to fight Walpurgisnacht every single timeline too, he really wishes that she could keep her innocence, but such is life
He was just fawning over Mami's cool moves, he knows they aren't practical at all, but who cares if it looks cool!
Oh atleast there is Sayaka, he dislikes Homura a lot, she isn't nice and is really mysterious, brooding and dramatic and comes up out of no where! Wait is this deja vu?
So homura wasn't a bad person! Plus the entire fight sequence with Walpurgisnacht actualy made him love her! Wait Madoka don't do that or you won't be able to be with your family and friends!!!! NOOOOO Q-Q
Ah he remembers this show, he has a new found appreciation for seiyaku I mean Sayaka and feels like he understands her a bit better than he did when he was a child, Sayaka isn't a complete idiot, more so a naïve and kind person realising they weren't selfless when it mattered most
Episode 10 rolls in and Vanessa and Vega are laughing meanwhile the guide committee is terrified of them because Mami lost her head figuratively speaking, but they haven't seen or heard the masterpiece that is Mami TETRIS
"Wait so we got Charlotte's backstory?"
"Yeah, she wished for a cheesecake instead of curing her mother so she dies from the fact that Nagisa or Charlotte, chose to not save her because she was an absolutely horrendous mother to her and instead wished for her mom's favourite food"
"oooh so that's why her theme is where is the cheese and it's a replacement for love"
"What is wrong with the both of you?"-clearly people who haven't heard Mami Tetris
He just liked Homura from the beginning, he was having a kinnie moment, he really loves the artistic choices of the witches and their labryinths and the musical score is to die for
His favourite and last favourite moment simultaneously was when Madoka became Godoka, he likes it because she played the system like a fiddle and saved everyone, including herself, he dislikes it because all of that happened, Homura ran through how many years worth of timelines? 12? Wait what? That's even worse! All that pain she endured just lost like that in a fate worse than death (he would like rebellion, I just know it)
Ah but a bittersweet ending for his hopelessly romantic heart is just as good as an actual good end, though he really can't help but draw parallels to it from the play on Polaris Vanessa and him went to last time
He has started doing hair flips whenever he comes up from behind someone, especially if his hair smacks someone's face
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SU AU raised in corruption: Final Straw
"Oh Come on! You literally just saw me come out of his mane with a sword! Her sword!"
The small boy gestured furiously to the pink feline in question, who watched with concern. "Clearly Rose did have lion! Or did pink lions with pocket dimensions in their manes just start existing all of a sudden!?"
"You will watch your tone when speaking to me!" She snipped in her usual assertive tone, wagging a finger in the boy's face. However, this time around, it was notably more aggressive than usual. "I would have known about this that thing if she did! She would have told me about all of this!"
"Apparently she didn't!" Steven snaps back, gritting his teeth as he fought back a instinctive urge to bite the pale finger just inches away from his nose. He may have been able to withstand the Pearl's uptightness, but this particular show of aggression had him on the defensive. "Shouldn't you be happy that I, her son, had even discovered all of this about her?? Let alone TOLD you it now!?"
"Now you listen to me--" Pearl was about to retort when Garnet's voice came from behind her.
"Pearl, that's enough," Garnet must have caught Steven's hair bristling, so she quickly stepped up to intervene. "Rose has kept many secrets from us."
"But not from me," Pearl persisted, her voice becoming shrill as tears shimmered in the corners of her eyes. Something Steven had caught and made his glower soften just a little bit. "I was the one she told everything!"
"Yo, you're not the ONLY one who misses her!" Amethyst reminded, with an irritated edge in her voice.
"YOU can't understand how I feel," Pearl exclaimed, pointing to the purple gem furiously. "NONE of you had what we had!"
Steven knit his brow. Despite himself, he found himself feeling a vague sense of pity towards the pearl. "She... probably wanted to protect you, or something--" Steven suggested, taking a shot at offering comfort.
And it somehow backfired as he was met with a shrill yell that made him flinch back, surprised by the reaction.
She suddenly whirled around and struck the side of her fist against the doorframe beside her, creaking a loud THUNK that shook the wall.
Time slowed as the sound resonated in his head.
It was a relatively dull thud, but to him, it sounded like someone taking a hammer to the surface of a wooden desk.
At the same time of the thud, he felt something inside him break.
It has been several months since he's decided to try and follow through with this path. And during these past months, he has been subjected to near constant misery.
He had left behind his loving environment and life of liberation in the wild, to try and fulfill the legacy of someone he's hardly even known about. Not only for his "foster" family, but also himself.
He'd thought that if he were to learn more about his mother, his birth mother, he'd not only know how to be a hero to his feral kin, but maybe, just MAYBE he would earn some solace of respect from his teammates, more notably the Pearl, who seemed to see him as nothing but a nuisance. Perhaps if he showed that he was willing to know more about Rose, and actually look into her, he'd earn her respect?
But the when he discovers more about Rose, even more than the Pearl's even known, this is the outcome?
What do you know!?
His horns and spikes began to glow as he was dimly aware of the painting of the pink-haired perpetrator was shaken free from its placement, falling towards him. Her shadow casted over him, very much reminding him as to who set him up for this mess.
No. He thought.
Any and all forms of rational thinking snapped, and his feral rage struck him all at once.
This wasn't worth it.
With the speed of a cobra strike, Steven spun around with a feral snarl and lashed a pink hand at the falling painting, sending it flying into the wall opposite to the couch. The force of impact caused the wooden frame to splinter in a resounding BANG, the sound startling the three gems into silence, and causing the Pearl to suddenly drop the scabbard, clasping both her hands over her mouth. Lion backed away from him, alarm evident on his face.
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There was a moment of stunned silence as the three gems stood there staring at the fuming child standing before them. He was panting heavily, his face scrunched into a fierce scowl, his teeth gnarled like a rabid animal, with just a bit of froth leaking from the corners of his mouth. However what rattled them most her his eyes; normally a dark brown, or magenta in some cases of stress and annoyance, but this time...
They were a vivid shade of pink. Those eyes were glimmering, both in pure animosity and pain and from the tears that had gathered in the corners of his eyes, this was his last drop of patience.
Garnet moved to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but the hybrid jerked back with a hiss, and in a flurry of pink, Steven whirled around, and charged through the door, smashing the flimsy screen and wood like brittle glass and leaving it hanging haphazardly off its hinges.
Pearl could only gasp, stumbling forward a few paces, feebly reaching a hand in his direction. "Steven...!" Dozens of emotions ran through her at once. Mostly pain, hurt, betrayal... but mostly... fear.
Where could he have gone now?
How could he say something like that?
...what has she done?
Pearl's eyes welled up with even more tears as the realization slowly dawned on her. "Oh no..."
Behind her Garnet was lightly biting at her thumb with weariness and regret, knowing full well that this was the likely the last straw for the boy.
"Way to go, P." Came Amethyst's dry voice, as she picked up the discarded painted, wincing at the massive gash in the pink woman's neck, giving her the look of being decapitated.
"Now we really lost her."
Like I've stated previously, he ain't taking nothing sitting down.
Especially not a jab like that.
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I'd love to know more about LZWWTAU, WWXLZLXTT and MYIWWXM 😅
Oooh three! Okay, let's see....
LZWWTAU = Lan Zhàn Wei Wuxian....I actually forgot what the T stands for but I'm pretty sure the AU is just Alternate Universe lol
It's a "different first meeting" fic about Lan Wangji waking up in a cave in the burial mounds after getting injured in a night hunt, to see Wei Wuxian sitting by him. I haven't written past the first scene of them greeting each other after Lan Wangji wakes up but I do know, in this fic, the wen remnants somehow also live with Wei Wuxian.
( “I am Lan Zhan, courtesy name Wangji, from Gusu Lan.”
“Gusu Lan? Ah! The second young master Lan? Lan Wangji? The Hanguang-Jun?”
Lan Wangji inclines his head in agreement.
“Hmm, wow! I got to say I didn’t expect to ever meet you!” He smiled again, “It’s an honor Hanguang-jun!”
There was a silence then Wei Ying huffed a laugh, “They weren’t kidding when they said you were quiet.”
Lan Wangji felt the urge to defend himself to show this stranger he just met that he wasn’t as bad as people said he was. He wanted this stranger to like him. But before he could even think of how to do that, Wei Ying lifted up the bowl again.
“Here, it’s soup, I made it myself! And I didn’t add any spices! Though I don’t get why people hate it when I do.” Wei Ying pouted. )
2. WWXLZLXTT = Wei Wuxian Lan Zhàn Lan Xichen Time Travel
Just as it states above, it's a fic about the jades and WWX time traveling back to the past. (It's actually a WangXianXi fic because I had just read a really good fic about Wei Wuxian helping Lan Xichen through his seclusion and it made me enjoy the way the pairing can be written lol) I haven't touched it since I wrote the first few paragraphs tbh
( “I don’t want to mess up.”
Lan Zhan carded a hand through his husband’s hair, tugging lightly, “Then breathe. And focus.”
He glanced up at the two Lan’s meeting their soft gazes and breathed in and out, shooting them a weak smile, “Mn.”
He turned back to Lan Xichen, his finger continued brushing blood in an array that Wei Wuxian created himself, He had already done Lan Zhan and himself. The array was small, the size of a token on their hip, if this was done right, it would be marked into their skin forever. A constant reminder of what they had done. )
3. MYIWWXM = Madam Yu Is Wei Wuxian's Mom
I've seen so many fics where Jiang Fengmian is secretly Wei Wuxian's father but I haven't really seen it with Madam Yu.
It's an angst fic of course, it starts off with Madam Yu remembering how before she had Jiang Cheng, she was assaulted by someone and got pregnant with Wei Wuxian, she then gave him up to Cangse Sanren and Wei Changzi, unable to look at the child with anything other than shame and anger.
Of course, he ends up back in Lotus Pier, constantly reminding her of the worst night of her life and the way she wasn't able to protect herself despite being a powerful woman.
Wei Wuxian does know she is his mother, having found out via a letter (either he found it while exploring Lotus Pier on accident or his mother left the letter to him).
She makes it firmly known to him, that she will never consider him her son and that he must never let anyone know. He agrees.
She decides to teach him the Yu style of fighting as it technically is his "birthright" but mostly so he would be better prepared to protect her "real" kids.
( Somehow they end up having tea. Wei Wuxian is ten and has been with them for nearly two years already. He sits in front of her with a wary expression, an unfolded piece of paper laid in between them.
She holds herself stiffly and doesn't let any emotion show on her face. She won’t let him see how much this was affecting her. She flicks her wrist, forcing the trembling back, grabbing her tea.
“This does not change anything. You are Cangse SanRen’s son.”
Wei Wuxian nods, though his eyes lowered, voice soft as he says, “I know. It says in the letter you didn’t want-”
She cuts him off firmly, “I do not expect you to understand. Never bring this up again.”
Wei Wuxian looks at her for a long moment then bows in agreement “Of course, Madam Yu.” )
Thank you for the ask! ^^
WIP Title Game
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warriors-last-words · 2 years
A few Hailstar headcanons for my Crookedheart AU (some based on anonymous asks):
--He visited Stormkit in the medicine den when Shellheart wasn't able to in order to make up for whenever Crookedheart wasn't there.
--He's! a good uncle! But I can't decide if he always was, or if he was after the accident because the kits needed as many good adults in their life as possible, and grew on them then.
--Also remember that his own kits were in the nursery at the same time, so he could visit all of them.
--At first, he told himself that Rainflower was just scared, and maybe she didn't want to see her kit injured because then it would feel real, but eventually she would come around.
--He thought highly of her. She was his big sister, who he admired.
--When Rainflower told him that she wanted Stormkit to be renamed Crookedkit, he realized how cruel she really was.
--He was the runt of the litter and bullied often. As the stronger and more 'fight-me' one, Rainkit would often protect him.
--Because of this, she was extra angry at him for naming her Crookedheart.
--He did not like calling her Crookedheart. It was more one of those "things I'm not happy about, but know that I have to do."
--He may have eventually felt really guilty after the constant complaining from Crookedheart (she would have pulled a lot of 'I protected you so many times when we were kits! Why would you do this to me?').
--He asked Brambleberry if it was the right thing to do. She says that it is, but that she would ask Starclan to make him feel better. Starclan doesn't say anything. She tells him that they have no problem with it, and reminds him that she wanted to name her injured son Crookedkit, so renaming her wasn't unearned.
--His kits are only a little older than Storm and Oak. This would've made him extra horrified at Crookedheart's suggestion of renaming her OWN SON Crookedkit.
--Hailstar with Volekit, Petalkit, Beetlekit, Stormkit, and Oakkit sleeping on and around him.
--When Crookedheart has had her name for a while (when her sons become warriors), the guilt fades from Hailstar. She says something about it being unfair, or long enough that he made his point, and he SNAPS at her. He tears into her, telling her what a terrible mother she was for trying to do what she did, and how even now she never made up for it because she continues to neglect Stormshell. She was a terrible sister too by blaming it all on him.
--SHE was the one who ignored her kit when he was injured and in the medicine den for days.
--SHE was the one that made said kit have his own nest.
--SHE was the one that wanted to rename her own son Crookedkit right after he was able to return to the nursery.
--SHE deserves the name he gave her, because it describes her better than any other name could.
Please send or reblog with your own! I would love to hear them!
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quarthly · 3 years
Twilight characters as random animals that I think are oddly fitting
(Also yes, I am roasting the animals as well)
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Edward: He would be a Cheetah. Now I know, seems like a cop out just because of his speed but hear me out. Cheetahs are, at face value, pretty cool. They used to be my favorite animal as a child, but then I grew up.
Cheetahs, through no fault of their own, are severely inbred. Now thats mainly because of poaching, but the cheetas anxiety also comes into play. In captivity, cheetahs are usually given emotional support dogs. I will admit it is cute but it negatively affects the population. Excluding one in the wild, cheetas can be to anxious to breed and thats not good for conservation efforts.
Cheetahs can hit up to 80 miles per hour in a couple of seconds. They are designed for fast running and agility. Their claws are similar to that of a dogs for better traction and they have elongated spines for longer strides. They have a thin build, long legs and a long tail for balance.
This has downsides though. Many times after making a kill, it will get stolen for them by larger predators. Thats right, they get absolutely bodied by the other animals. I should probably make these shorter but I'm on a rant now, so I guess this will be semi educational.
Throughout the series, we see Edward over estimated his abilities and value, constantly getting bodied by others. He's essentially a perfect mormon, though thats on S'meyers. He constantly judges others, dehumanizing them to their baser flaws, without doing any self reflecting. Him viewing himself as a monster doesn't really count to me. While he definitely hates himself, the only thing he is truly demonizing is being a vampire.
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Bella: Picking up from Edwards, Bella is a Chocolate Labrador. Yes, she is his therapy dog. I feel like this is really fitting for her. I know Golden retriever would make more sense, as thats the most common breed for service animals. However, I kind of focused on her appearance. Only at first though! I just know that Edward raved about her human qualities and that would pass over as animals as well. Her chocolate eyes and brown fur, very average and boring. Thats essentially Bella. Even Edward wasn't into her until he got a wiff. Labradors a very loyal dogs and while they have more personality than Bella, I just couldn't shake it. Their also very stupid. Ok that's kind of mean, they're not stupid but when it comes to love, then yeah they are stupid.
I used to have a lab, loved him to death, but god he was something else. Very much danger prone, from their own stupidity or their lack of survival instincts. I know that labs are almost aquatic. They love water, swimming, all that jazz. We can just say that bella has a few screws loose in her dna and is just "not like other labs."
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Rosalie: Now she was hard. There are quite a few animals that I think would fit for her. I'll list the other ones, but that one I went with is the Swan. Like Edward, seems a little on the nose, but I have my reasoning.
I was going to pick a predator for her, as she is shown to be very vengeful and viscous. I would have pick some type of cat, most likely a purebred, from a rich family. It could still work, but the swan just speaks to me on this one.
Swan's are known for being beautiful, graceful, and are pictured as the symbol of love. They are also very vain. Edward constantly brings up Rosalies vanity. She was constantly valued for her beauty as a human, so of course that crossed over in the transformation. She was raised to be married into wealth, she was used as a bargaining chip to increase the family's standing.
Rose has a very strong character and makes her opinions known. She's assertive and aggressive at times. She's not afraid to get dirty.
Swans mate for life and like geese, are known for being great parents. I was also going to choose geese as an option for the maternal instincts. I was wary at first because swans can be really aggressive. Like actually, you think geece are bad? Yikes bestie...
I was conflicted because swans are known for drowning dogs and sometimes people. However, I can actually see Rose drowning Bella. It's not that unbelievable lmao.
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Emmett: Now this one is just ironic. I only associate him with bears. Its inevitable, but picking a Grizzly or Black bear is too obvious. So I went a slightly different route...
So I was going to pick the Sun bear just because of looks alone. Like, I'm not exaggerating, it looks like someone wearing a bear costume. I don't think it fits him but I know for a fact that he would dress up as a sun bear and sneak into a zoo to see if anyone would notice. I'll put a pic of it here
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Like look at this thing. I have no words...
Anyway, what I picked was a Sloth Bear. Now Sloth bears are mostly nocturnal, which either way works consider vamps don't sleep. Their diet is also odd but honestly so is the cullens. They're native to the Indian subcontinent, and are known for being aggressive towards humans. Its said that for the most part they're pretty calm, so I think its just fear of humans that make them act aggressively. Honestly, that's a good thing because they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list.
They have some similarities with sloths, which is where they get the name. They have long claws and unusual teeth. They are known to hang upside down from tree branches, and is described as having a messy appearance. Honestly, Emmitt has a messy personality. Sorry bestie but you're a lot of work.
Now heres the biggest reason for choosing this bear. Aside from Baloo from the jungle book being a sloth bear, they are known to run fades with Tigers. Honestly, how fucking badass is that!? Now I don't think there are recorded instances of a Sloth bear killing a Tiger, but when push comes to shove, they can hold their own and I find that incredibly impressive.
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Carlisle: This one was somehow the easiest as well as the toughest. I know Owl seems like the obvious choice, and I can see it. However, I believe Carlisle values emotional intelligence as much or if not more than academic intelligence. He is so charismatic and values other's above himself. He might not be as Saint like as Edward thinks, but he does try and I think he genuinely cares about others. For that reason alone, I choose a Elephant.
Elephant's are very social animals and are extremely intelligent. I could rave about them for ages, I love them so much.
Now elephants live in a familial unit and are usually matriarchal. Bulls usually are on the outer edges of the herd or form little groups with other males. Honestly, they're not that bad aside from when their in musk.
In the group of males, the elder ones will teach the younger where to get the best food, water, how to use things as tools, and every other thing that will increase their odds of survival. This is really cute to me tbh, they do this because the females usually choose the older males because they've proved that they are intelligent and strong, that they have survived and will continue to for awhile. Teaching the younger males these things are to make the odds of them getting chosen to mate more likely. The whole unit just reminds me of a father that has to deal with rowdy teens.
Carlisle likes to take in strays, he might not have a herd but he will make one and teach them to thrive. That's how he envisions it anyway. He just has a found family and is trying his best.
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Esme: Now this might seem like an insult, but I promise it's not! This is in no way misogynistic. I love cattle and ever since I took animal science in highschool, I have appreciated these grass puppies like they deserve. Call me Castro because I love cows.
Yup! I chose a Cow for her. Specifically a beef cow. That might sound weird but its because beef cows have higher maternal instinct than dairy cows. I'm thinking Scottish Highland based on vibes alone.
They are nicknamed the Gentle Giants of Scotland. Super maternal and sweet and ugh look how cute they are!
Esme came from a abusive marriage and had just lost her child, she was depressed and desperate. Her changing was, in a way, salvation. She just fits in. She adopts all these strays along with him and will protect them to the death. She might be gentle by nature, but don't fuck with her family. She lost her first one and she isn't going to lose this one.
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Alice: She's an odd one. There are so many possibilities and maybe I'm biased, but I feel like she would be a Crow.
Ok listen, I'm definitely biased but it just feels right. Crows get a bad rap, they are so cool! They are so intelligent and have the ability to actually sit and think about the past, prest, and future. I forget what its called, but this was only seem in humans! Maybe other apes, I can't remember exactly, but either way its awesome. They do live in groups, or murders, and remember people and faces. They remember locations and are able to pass down information through generations. They essentially have their own language! They are able to use tools too!
Alice's story is really sad. When we first meets her, it revolves around the death of her mother and her institutionalized. She was essentially tortured and forgot everything from her past. All she had was the future and even that wasn't constant. Crows a often viewed as omens, they are associated with death. I personally believe that instead of being the cause, they just know something is going to happen. They are very inquisitive and can be creative.
If you befriend a murder of crows, sometimes, depends or the group, they will bring gifts. Its can range from food to shiny metals and colorful plastic. Hell, I think I've seen a post of one stealing things from people just to gift it to their human.
Alice's love language is gifts. Even if they are focused around fashion, she still goes out of her way to get something that will look good and at least be a little comfortable. By that I mean she tends to forget peoples comfort zones, but she means well.
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Jasper: Honestly not to sure what to put for him. I know a predator would be more fitting, but for some reason I can see a donkey working. I know, seems like I'm clowning on the confederate. Fair, but I'm serious about the donkey thing. Honestly, it would be perfect if it wasn't a herbivore. Porcupine would also work.
Being a predator would make more sense. Given his backstory and his characterization, it wouldn't make sense for him to be a prey animal. Usually I wouldn't count this, but given his gore filled past and trouble with the diet, it seemed fitting.
I see him as a Big Cat. Honestly, vamps in general just give cat vibes. Jasper though especially have some cat like qualities, which originates from hunting and being a soldier.
I specifically see him as a Mountain Lion. Aside from him being blonde, he just has the predatory stealth to him. In midnight sun, we see him use his gift to make the nomads overlook him. He's honestly really powerful.
Mountain lions are known for being stealthy with an air of grace and power to them. They are stong animals. And I mean strong. They can jump 40-45 feet.
They're very elusive and quite. They stalk their prey and tend to attack from behind but don't think they won't hold their ground if need be.
Jasper was changed during the Civil War and forced to fight in the Newborn wars. He was a soldier as a human and as a vampire. He's able to feel and manipulate others emotions. He's covered in scars and is very intimidating.
He still struggles with the diet and honestly I hate how the others handle it. Like they have no room to talk. I don't want to defend the confederate but it just pisses me off. He has to deal with his hunger on top of everyone else's. Like damn, besties always on edge! Everyone doubts him which I don't think helps any.
Also, Mountain lions and Cheetahs can purr!
@aquanova99 I'll do a Volturi one too. That one will be fun lmao
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 17- Everything Changes
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n and Danneel talk which forces Y/n to share a bit of truth with Nova.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2934
Story Warnings: past cheating, Nova is not nice to Danneel, Nova is a very protective daughter
Danneel looks a little shocked. Not like she’s shocked to see me, but maybe that she’s shocked that I didn’t run away and hide. She shakes herself out of it and smiles back at me. “Hey, sweetie. I guess we had to run into each other eventually, didn’t we?”
I nod and look back toward the dressing rooms. “Yeah. Austin’s big, but not that big.” I feel a bit uncomfortable as I gesture at the dresses. “I’m getting Nova some nice stuff for the Out Youth Gala.”
“Oh, yeah.” She nods and fiddles with her purse strap. Seems she’s just as uncomfortable. “Jensen mentioned he was taking her. I told him I’d stay home for this one.”
"You don't have to sit it out. You could still-"
"It'd be pretty tense. Jensen and I haven't been able to be around each other for more than a few minutes at a time in...well, in years.” Well, that’s a confirmation of Jensen’s words that I never thought I’d get. “Besides...a young bi girl, she deserves to rub elbows with those people. I’ve already met most of them.”
“Thanks for...giving it up this year.” I want to rub the back of my neck. I want to hug myself. I want to tug on my hair a bit. I’m tense and I don’t like feeling like this. I don’t, though. I keep my smile and I stay polite. I learned this a long time ago.
“Of course, sweetie.” God, that makes me cringe.
“Can you…” How do I say this without sounding rude? “Not call me that?”
She nods, understanding immediately. “Sorry. Default. I…” She runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a soft scoff. “I’m not really good at this. I should have just walked back out when I saw you.”
“No, no, that’s…” I sigh. “This is awkward. For both of us. Last time we talked, I was so angry and sad and-”
“And now you’ve got Jensen back and everything is coming up for you.”
That hits a little bitter.
“Danneel...I…” I scoff and shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest.  “The fact that I’m with Jensen again has nothing to do with the upward mobility of my existence...and, you know, I’m sorry that you and Jay didn’t work out, but I stepped out after you got caught together. You had five years to get him back and make things work.”
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." She shakes her head. "No, well, I guess a little. I just always thought one day he'd stop pining over you and come home." Guess she's still in love. Jensen just isn't a man who's easy to get over, is he? "Guess that was wishful thinking."
"I tried, Dee. I told him...I told you. I stepped back at every opportunity so that I wouldn't ever be in the way of your love."
"I know. From the very beginning, you tried to stay out of the way but we didn't really want that."
I roll my eyes. "You both wanted to have your cake and eat it but that's not how the world works." Not my world, anyway. "That Happy Family Fantasy? I talked myself into that. I tried to be what would have made you and Jensen happiest, but I couldn't do it. Trying hurt me. That single night that ruined everything…and when I realized that it wouldn't ever work with me and him and you, I stepped away, just like I stepped away when I realized my involvement with him was harming your marriage. I did everything I could to make sure you didn't lose him and-"
"What do you think of this one, Mum?" Nova's voice stops me and I turn toward the dressing room. She looks gorgeous...and angry. "What's she doing here?"
"It's a free country, Nova. She can shop where she likes." I clear my throat, try to get the bitterness out of my voice. "Genevieve is the one who introduced me to this shop. I assume that she-"
"I expected Gen to have better taste in friends."
"Not the time for the attitude," I snap at her.
"I don't have an attitude." She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Yes, you do and you need to stop."
"I just don't understand why you're standing there, talking to the woman who ruined your relationship with Jensen last time. You can't just-"
"It's more complicated than all that, sweetie." Don't talk, Danneel. She's already about to go into fight mode.
"It's not," Nova practically growls. "It's not complicated. He was dating my mother and you were caught shoving your tongue down his throat. That's crappy but it's not complicated!"
"Nova. Stop!" Mom Voice better work. I don’t want anything to show up on TMZ about a fight between my daughter and Danneel in the middle of a damn dress shop.
"No!" She did not just stomp her foot and-  "What, you think that just because you let Jensen fuck around with her while you were married to him that she has to be okay with him fucking around with you?"
My eyes go wide as she leans forward, trying to intimidate Dee. My heart starts pounding and I step between them, look up into my daughter's eyes. "Go get your clothes back on. Right fucking now."
"But, Mum!"
"I don't know who you think you are right now, little girl, but I am your mother and you're going to listen. Go. Get. Changed."
She stomps as she heads back to the dressing room. My heart is still going a mile a minute as I turn back to Danneel. "I'm...sorry about her. She...thinks she knows things and she...does know some things and she's protective and…" I scratch at my brow. "She doesn't want to see me break again."
"None of us do, swee-...Y/n. She's not wrong to be upset at me. Jensen's still upset at me about it."
I shake my head. "No, he's not. Did he never explain to you…" He really doesn't talk to her anymore. "It's not that he's mad at you, Danneel. He couldn’t come back because he had to change. He had to stop being the man that would ruin his life over selfish desires. You were...you were a constant reminder of what that old man had done. He couldn’t come back...not on his own, anyway." I don't know why that last thought escapes but it does.
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Did you try to get him back?" I don't know why I'm asking this. Why do I care? "You asked me five years ago if Jensen wasn't worth fighting for. Did you fight for him? Or did you just sit at home, hoping he'd crawl back to you eventually? Did you fight?"
Because if she fought, if she tried, and he didn’t come back, that means he's really done with her. He really became a different man and he doesn't need or want her. He became a different man who just wants me.
"Are we leaving?" Nova asks as she hooks the hangers on the closest rack and approaches with her arms still crossed over her chest.
"Yeah. Grab the blue dress you tried on, take it to the register." She rolls her eyes and grabs the dress, walking toward the till.
"It was nice talking to you, Danneel." I start walking away to go pay for No's dress, but Danneel's voice stops me.
"I did fight. I tried. He wouldn't hear it." I look at her over my shoulder. "He was too caught up in the liquor and the loss." She tucks her hair behind her ear and gives a sad smile. "I fought for him. I lost him anyway."
I hate to acknowledge the elation I'm feeling, but it's there. He’s really mine. He's really mine and I won’t have to worry about her stealing his heart.
"I'm sorry, Danneel." It's all I can think to say. I know that losing Jensen couldn't have been easy. I walked away and it wasn't easy to lose him.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I never should have-"
"Things were complicated. They're less complicated now."
She nods. "For you."
Shit, I can't feel guilty about this. "Yes. Things are less complicated for me. I hope things get better for you." I head for the register and I pay for Nova's dress. Danneel is gone from the shop by the time we turn around to leave.
"Mum, I'm sorry, I-" Nova starts as we walk toward the car.
"Shut up."
She scoffs angrily. "That’s so rude!"
"Get in the car," I demand, tossing her dress in the back.
"Mum! I said I was-"
"And I said 'Shut up'." I drop into the driver's seat and wait for her to get in and shut her door. "First off, how fucking dare you say any words out of my mouth are rude with the way you spoke to Danneel in there? How dare you try to lecture your mother on how to speak to you when you obviously don't know how to speak to a woman who you probably don’t remember meeting and who did absolutely nothing to harm you.”
She opens her mouth to argue, but I keep talking. “I am fucking mortified that you would talk to her like that. You don’t know her. You met her once when we brought your little brother home from Vegas and you have no right to talk to her like that. She might not deserve your fucking respect, but I am not raising a disrespectful little brat. You can have your opinions and you can even voice them but you have no right to make her feel like shit about something that she’s been hammered about and called a homewrecker about for five fucking years. You wanna be a feminist, you wanna lift women up? You don’t fucking attack them for a mistake she made in the past. She fucked up and hurt me but you don’t even know the extent of it, because you are my daughter. You are not my manager, my bodyguard, or my fucking knight in armor, Nova. You are my daughter and I love you for trying to protect me, but I had that interaction handled and I didn’t need you flying off the handle at her. You weren’t even that bad with Jensen and he did worse than she did!”
She’s got tears in her eyes...and I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but...I’m right. She went too far.
“And while this is not something I ever thought I’d be talking to you about, you seem to think you know something about something so I’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter that Danneel and Jensen had an open marriage because that wasn’t what muddled everything up at the end and made them so bold as to be fucking around with each other while I was in Vancouver.”
“What? You--did something...happen before that?”
Again, not a conversation I thought I would be having with her...definitely not a conversation I’m going to have with her when she’s in trouble. “Doesn’t matter right now. What matters right now is that you’re fuckin’ grounded until the Gala. No electronics.”
“What?!” she exclaims indignantly.
“Yeah and if you don’t take your punishment gracefully, I’ll extend it past the Gala, too. You’ll get one night and then you’ll be grounded again. You want that?”
“No,” she grumbles. Me either, No. I hate being the bad guy...but I’ve always been better at it than Nate.
"When we get home, I want you to gather up your laptop, game consoles, and the cable box for your TV and put them in the garage. You can read a few books for entertainment."
"Okay." She sounds so dejected but...it’s what I have to do to get the point across.
“I’ll talk to Dee,” Jensen volunteers. “I’m sure she’s not-”
I shake my head. “I just can’t believe Nova went so vicious...and I think I’m going to have to tell her what happened back then.”
“You don’t have to. She doesn’t have to know.”
“She doesn’t have to know. But...she knows enough to be judgmental and-” What if she judges me afterward? What if she judges me for pressuring myself? What if she decides that I was in the wrong? What if she thinks it wasn’t cheating because we had a three-way, even though they both knew I didn’t want them together without me? “It’s better if I’m honest with her. If she decides to hold the threesome against me, then that’s...well, that’s her prerogative, but I think it’s better for everyone if she knows the truth.”
“You want me there?” he offers and I bite my bottom lip. I’d love to have the support, but…
“No. I think it’d be a better conversation for just me and her. She’s still kinda defensive around you.”
“Okay. Let me know how it goes, okay?”
“Yeah, I will. Tell Dee I’m sorry.”
“I will. I love you, Baby Girl.”
“Love you, too, Jay.”
I hang up the phone and head for the kitchen. I make a cup of coffee and sit at the table to drink it. I start running through ways this conversation can go, pieces of dialogue in a story. The conversations never really go like they do in my head. But I rehearse them anyway.
I finish my coffee and head up the stairs to her room. I knock. She groans and calls me to come in. I walk in and sit on the edge of her bed. She’s slouching in the bean bag chair in the corner, a book in her grasp. “When I got together with Jensen the first time, he was still married. I know you know that.” I look up at her ceiling. “Danneel agreed to an open marriage...but Jensen fucked it up. He fell in love with me. So, I left. I started dating Tom.” She makes a disgusted sound, but I keep talking. “You know this. Whatever post or article you read, you know this, but you don’t know that I started hanging with Danneel after Tom tried to rape me. We got drunk and I kissed her.”
Nova’s eyes go wide. “I was shocked when I did it, too...and I immediately told Jay. I felt so guilty and confused and...as soon as I told him, he decided that I needed to sleep with her.” I lick my lips. “He was a bit selfish back then. Pretty much very selfish back then...and he wanted both of us again. He admitted to it...that he pushed for me and her to sleep together. I couldn’t...but he really wanted it, us together...so Danneel and I came up with an idea...all three of us together.”
“You slept with both of them?” she asked, her voice a bit squeaky and very judgemental.
“Just once. I woke up the morning after and I couldn’t...I couldn’t deal. I felt dirty. I’d pressured myself into doing something just for Jay and Dee and it was bad. It was bad for me. Dr. McCauliffe told me that I should tell them how it made me feel, but I couldn’t. Disappointing them was something I couldn't do. I probably would have convinced myself to do it again eventually...and it would have broken me even further. I would have let it happen because I didn’t care about my mental health. I cared about them."
I'm afraid to look at her. Is she judging me? Is she disgusted?
"They both knew I didn’t want them touching each other. Not without me. But they both knew that I was unlikely to let it happen again...that I was having trouble with the first time and it was going to be an issue to do it again. That's why they...did what they did. They didn't think they'd get caught. They didn't think it would destroy me if they did."
"That’s worse!" she exclaims and I look over at her. She looks livid. "They knew you were falling apart!"
I rub at the back of my neck and nod. "Yeah, but they really wanted-"
"What you wanted didn’t matter? What you deserved? I can't believe them!"
"There’s a reason I had to end it all, why I had to get five years of distance. There's a reason why Jensen had to become a whole new man." I lick my lips and sigh. "They both betrayed me, Nova. They hurt me and it's taken five years to get us all okay and that's why I can't abide the way you talked to Danneel, because she lost everything too. She was selfish and horrible and she lost everything over it. She doesn't need a teenage girl giving her all this attitude over it."
She looks away and scratches at the back of her hand. "She deserved it."
"You don't get to make that determination." I lean forward and take her hand in mine. "I know that my mental break and breakup hurt you, No, but I'm the one they betrayed. I'm the one they broke...and I've decided to forgive."
"But nothing. They've changed. I've changed. Things are better. Do you understand?"
She looks down and sighs. "I understand."
I pat her hand and stand. "You're still in trouble. But I love you, Nova."
"I love you, too."
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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emma-nation · 3 years
Follow Me Through The Dark (Cassandra Dimitrescu x OC AU) - Chapter 5
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Summary: After Mother Miranda's death, Cassandra Dimitrescu has been dealing with some unpleasant changes. When a stranger with a mysterious past arrives in the castle, she will realize her problems are only getting started. Pairing: Cassandra Dimitrescu x f!OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning: for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Notes: - English is not my native language. I apologize for any mistakes. - Your likes and comments are always appreciated!
Castle Dimitrescu, Office - November, 2021
The concepts of 'right' and 'wrong' had lost their meaning a long time ago. The human side of Cassandra would always be there, deep down in the realms of her memories, to remind her murdering was 'wrong'. However, it was in a constant conflict with her new instincts, that screamed for blood. She needed blood. Without blood, her mutated body wasn't capable of fully functioning.
Some humans would even agree to let them cut them open and take some blood, only enough to maintain their health, in some sort of wicked kink.
But she was a born hunter. An excellent predator. She liked the adrenaline of chasing her prey. She liked to hear them screaming, begging and struggling to escape from their imminent fate.
She liked death. It was her concept of fun. And, sometimes, 'wrong' was the best concept of fun.
The bruises on her skin suggested she was lacking blood again. Fresh blood. Bela's blood bags weren't completely effective for their bodies.
What were those freaks who attacked her back in the forest anyways? At first, she assumed Daniela was playing a prank on her. But those were not blowfly swarms. They seemed to be bees.
No one in the village had the same mutation as Cassandra and her sisters - so far. Maybe someone, devoted enough, took Miranda's job and started testing new experiments. Lady Dimitrescu should pay Salvatore Moreau a visit. He'd be the first suspect.
"Mother, have you been with the other Lords lately?" She asked during breakfast.
"I've been spared of this distasteful obligation, Cassandra," the woman told. "But I visited Donna a few times. Why?"
"Nothing. I was just... wondering if any of them could try to continue Miranda's work."
"Moreau has no intelligence for that. As for Heisenberg, he could be trying to obtain some new form of power. You're right. We should keep an eye on him."
Their conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Petrova. Luiza, a sort of leader of the villagers, invaded the castle for an emergency meeting with Lady Dimitrescu. The presence of her three daughters was also being requested.
"Any ideas of what this is about?" Bela asked in a low voice as they followed their mother and the hysterical woman to the main office.
Both of the youngest sisters shrugged. They really had no idea.
"Two villagers went missing last night! They were found dead this morning." The woman leaned against the table, lunging forward to be closer to Lady Dimitrescu while she continued to yell. "We had a deal, Alcina! The Lords would stay away from the villagers and we'd ensure your protection against the BSAA."
"What are you insinuating, Luiza?" Alcina crossed her long legs and raised an eyebrow. If they were, indeed, guilty for the incident, the villagers' remains surely wouldn't be found.
The woman started to pace around the office as if she was in some kind of tribunal, ready to point a culprit for her accusations.
"One villager, however, was able to escape. Do you know what he told? That he was chased and attacked by a swarm of flies! Your three daughters were in the festival last night. Isn't it a coincidence?"
At the same time, the three girls started to protest and voice insults at the woman. Alcina gave them a signal to stop.
"They were selling our wine. They were too busy for any games or entertainment. And they wouldn't violate our pact. They were present when it was sealed. Isn't that right, daughters?"
Their mother stared at them, expecting them to give an appropriate answer and prove the human female how wrong she was on her accusations. But at the same time, she didn't fully trust them. They had let her down many times in the past, breaking rules and disobeying her orders.
"I was working at the stall," Bela was the first one to speak. "The whole time. Everyone will be able to confirm it."
"I... I was mostly at the stall," Daniela added. Her cheeks blushed a little bit, she was certainly pursuing some affection around the festival. "I left for a while to attract... costumers. A few villagers can confirm that. I can give their names, if necessary."
"I only left for a couple of hours to have some booze," it was Cassandra's turn. She was spread on the couch, resting her legs on a coffee table as she stared at her nails. "Elena can confirm that."
"I've already spoken to Elena Lupu," Luiza announced, loud and firm. "She said you were last seen at the forest, with some girl."
And suddenly everyone in the room was staring at Cassandra again.
"I was, it's true. But it's not what it seems."
She'd have no problems to admit if she had been seen alone in the forest with any woman. But not that woman. She had a reputation to keep. Nobody could even dream she had already slept with Gabriela Rodriguez.
"I was giving my servant, Gabriela Rodriguez, some shooting lessons. And then, we were attacked by some creatures and ran back to the castle. This is what happened."
"What kind of creatures, Ms. Cassandra?" Luiza asked, questioning her story, in a tone suggesting she could be inventing it to get away with the crime.
The word sounded stupid to be said aloud. Especially when, accordingly to the BSAA database, she fell under that same category too.
"Bio-Weapons," she told. "Humanoid creatures who could shape into a swarm of bees."
Luiza let out a small and sarcastic laugh.
"Ironically, no?" She asked. "The only creatures known to have the ability to shape into a swarm of insects are you and your sisters."
"I've been harmed!" Cassandra exhibited her wounded arms. "Gabriela was attacked too. I'll call her, she will confirm it for me."
"She better. Or you'll be in serious trouble this time, Cassandra."
Lady Dimitrescu requested Mrs. Petrova's presence, she asked the housekeeper to bring their newest servant. Cassandra kept staring at her nails. What if Gabriela hadn't made back to the castle? She seemed injured and weak but... she was tough, right? She probably found a way to escape those monsters, just like she had escaped her claws back in her personal study.
"Ms. Rodriguez hasn't presented herself to her duties this morning," Mrs. Petrova returned with some news. "The other maids haven't seen her either. We knocked at her bedroom and obtained no answer."
Luiza stood up and gave all the four Dimitrescu women one last threatening gaze.
"You have until the end of the day," she declared. "Otherwise, I'll be calling a trial between the villagers and the other Lords. This will be the end for House Dimitrescu."
Castle Dimitrescu, Woods - November, 2021
"IN DETAILS, CASSANDRA," Alcina shouted. "Details! I want to know exactly why and when you were in the forest with some human girl"
Cassandra told the story once more. She told her family about their stupid shooting competition and how it attracted the attention of the humanoid creatures, who chased and attacked them in the woods.
"And where is she now? Why didn't she came home with you?"
"I... I..." her mother would kill her for sure if she knew the truth. Cassandra left Gabriela to die. She refused to help her out of revenge. "We split. I didn't see where she went."
"Go back to the forest," Lady Dimitrescu ordered. "Find this girl and bring her home. For your own sake, I hope she's alive."
"But... you do believe me, right? I didn't kill those mortals!"
"I believe you, daughter. But they won't. Not without proof."
The brunette rushed back to Gabriela's bedroom and unlocked the door. Maybe she was still asleep or too weak to leave the bed. Idiotic assumption. The bed was still done. She never returned home from the festival.
"Fuck!" Cassandra kicked the wall. "Fuck! Fuck!"
Without any hesitation, she shaped into flies and flew to the forest. If Gabriela was dead, she had to find her corpse before anybody else did. It would be only manner to obtain some evidence about the nature of the creatures who attacked them.
"Where are you, bitch?" She repeated, surrounding the area. "You can't be dead... you can't!"
A cell phone ringing caught her attention. She shaped back into her human form to collect the device, partially smashed under a rock.
"Samuel," that was the name written on the screen. It sounded familiar. That was the man Gabriela was speaking to the other night. Probably the one she referred as her adoptive father.
Cassandra shoved the cell phone on her pocket and kept following the trail her instincts pointed. Some markings on the dirt drove her straight to the lake.
And there was she. The small female figure lying on her stomach, right next to the water. To save herself from the swarms, she had probably jumped into the cold lake.
"There you are," Cassandra kneeled down, turning her around. The girl was unconscious. Her lips were blue and her skin completely pale and cold.
Severe hypothermia. She recognized those signals anywhere. She learned to live with them from the moment she became a vampire. Gabriela's pulse was very weak. If nothing was done fast, she'd definitely die. All she had to do was to feed her some of her blood. Her mutation would restore the human girl's health almost immediately.
The Dimitrescu daughter positioned her on her lap, holding her head steady. Then, she opened a gash on her own wrist, feeding her blood into Gabriela's mouth.
"Drink it..." she had never done that for a human before. She witnessed Daniela doing it countless times, when she attempted to heal the maids she accidentally harmed. Or even Bela, when she tried to save Aleena. "Come on... just... get fucking better!"
Cassandra noticed there was some blood on the hand she was supporting the girl's head. Not even the wound on Gabriela's temple seemed to be healing. Her blood properties were too weak right now. She hadn't even healed herself yet.
She had to find another manner to raise Gabriela's temperature. Right now.
Taking her into her arms, she moved to the castle as fast as she could, directly to her bedroom's window. Nobody could find out about that. They'd question, they'd judge her. Especially if the young servant died.
"Okay..." she removed Gabriela's wet clothes, replacing them with some of her own, clean and dry. Then, she wrapped her around some heavy blankets and placed her in front of the fire place. Just like Alcina did, anytime they were affected by the cold. "You will be okay now... You'll get better now, your foolish humanthing..."
The brunette sat down in front of her and waited, impatient. At some point, it was obvious Gabriela wasn't like her or her sisters. It wasn't being enough. She wasn't getting better.
She needed a doctor. Right now.
Eastern Europe, Road - November, 2021
It was the most stupid and crazy thing Alcina Dimitrescu's middle daughter had done in her entire life. She should've asked for help. She should've admitted her mistake.
But she didn't. Instead, she went to her closet and wore the clothes she kept from the last maid she murdered, Rebecca. For Cassandra's luck, they fit quite well. The hood of the jacket was enough to cover the scar on her head and those pants... well, they were way more comfortable than wearing fancy dresses all the time. She could finally understand Bela and Daniela's tastes for modern clothes.
Gabriela was resting by her side on the seat of Aleena's old truck. The villagers had repaired it for Daniela to use, after Bela's girlfriend gifted it to her. She rarely used it though. Alcina wouldn't allow it.
Cassandra obviously also didn't ask for permission.
"Okay..." she checked the map on her cell phone. They were almost reaching the nearest town. While it wasn't so big, it had a hospital where Gabriela would receive the care she needed. "Almost there."
She checked her pulse once more. It was a little bit stronger now, but still dangerously unstable. Her temperature hadn't raised enough to improve her body functions.
"Don't you even dare to die, do you understand?!" Cassandra yelled, as if Gabriela could hear it. "If you die, my whole family dies! Because of me! I need you... I need you to be alive."
The civilization started to show its colors through the truck's windows. Cassandra watched it mesmerized. She had seen pictures, videos or even heard stories, but nothing felt like the sensation of being in the real world. They had multiple different stores, buildings, houses... the streets were filled with cars and people. There was noise. There were many different smells in the air. There was some kind of agitation a life secluded in a castle could never provide. She smiled.
Following some next instructions, she parked at the hospital's parking lot. That was a hard thing to do. Why the fuck was she supposed to fit that old, huge piece of junk into a small square? Couldn't she just leave it anywhere? She had more important business to take care of! In the end, a security guard assumed she was too nervous about Gabriela's situation and offered her some help.
"Civilized manthing," Cassandra nodded, as a form of praise. "Here. Take it."
She took a bill out of her pocket and handed it to him. The man's eyes went wide in shock.
"Do you need help to..."
"No," she took Gabriela in her arms and started walking, headed to the hospital's entrance. "Just go."
What was she supposed to do next? What would Bela do? Her older sister would act polite and ask someone for information. She wasn't like Bela. She was more like her mother. And what she did next, was exactly what Alcina would do for her daughters.
"SHE NEEDS HELP!" Cassandra shouted as soon as she stepped inside the hall. "RIGHT NOW!"
Everybody stopped to look at her. She didn't care. She attracted attention and that was really what she was aiming for.
"Miss..." a nurse came to her direction, "I need you to sit down and be patient. A doctor will be coming to see you soon."
"She's dying! She needs a doctor immediately!"
The nurse realized the situation was more serious than it seemed. She called for assistance. A group came and placed Gabriela on a gurney, moving her to a secluded area where a doctor would be seeing her.
Cassandra started to follow them, but she was stopped.
"Miss, I need you to wait here outside. Meanwhile, you need to fill some papers at the reception."
She did as told. The receptionist didn't look any friendly. In fact, she barely looked her in the eyes. She just started to shoot thousands of questions, making it seem more like an interrogation.
"You found her in the woods?" She asked, suspiciously.
"Yes. By the lake."
"And she was already unconscious?"
"Yes. I already said that."
"Why did it take you so long to bring her to the hospital? You should have called emergency."
"I live in a goddamn village in the middle of nowhere. There are no doctors there. It would take too long for help to come."
"And she is yours... I mean, the papers can only be signed by a family relative or a significant other."
"She's my..." Cassandra struggled, but the word eventually came out. Saying it aloud wouldn't make it real. It was an innocent lie. A lie to benefit both of them. "Girlfriend."
Eastern Europe, Hospital - November, 2021
Cassandra wasn't good at waiting, but wandering around the hospital's corridors was being quite an experience. She discovered a new passion, the coffee machines. They offered a diversity of tasty, warm and delicious drinks. If she ruled the castle, she'd fire all their servants, and replace them with a few of those.
Then, she stopped by the gift shop. She bought Gabriela a 'Frozen' themed card. It seemed insulting enough, considering her condition. She also took some magazines to occupy her time while she still had to wait.
At some moment, she stood by the nursery's glass observing the newborns.
"Gross," she thought. She'd never become a mother herself, which was good. She'd never be able to raise a kid.
Closing her eyes, she attempted to imagine how it used to be like being an infant. Unlike Bela, she never had any flashbacks of her human life. She imagined her younger brother and how she should spend hours mentoring him into hunting in the woods.
Such a depressing thought. She shrugged. Maybe she needed more coffee. Or one of those snacks the other machines had to offer.
Nobody seemed to be looking. Using a small group of her flies, she quickly snatched the snacks from inside the glass display. She'd need some extra. After all, Gabriela would probably be hungry when she woke up.
Did she even like chocolate? Everybody did. She shouldn't be different. Which one should be her favorite? Cassandra liked the one with peanut butter.
At the reception, the Dimitrescu daughter watched amused as a man started to yell at the nasty receptionist.
"My wife needs this ultrasound done, right now!" He was wearing a fancy suit. He didn't look like the kind who lived in that hellhole. He probably went to that town to spend holidays with his family, when his pregnant wife started to face some trouble.
"Sir, you need to calm down," the woman told. "Our machines are..."
"I have money," he threw a check at the counter. "She better get it done right now or my lawyers will be in contact."
Taking the opportunity, Cassandra followed right after the wealthy male left the counter.
"It has been hours," she said. "I want information about a patient. Gabriela Rodriguez."
"The doctors are running some exams, it may take a while before..."
"Right now. Or my lawyers will be in contact. I'm the heiress of a castle, you have no idea of what I'm capable of!"
She learned those rich people terms seemed to have some power over humans, because only a few minutes later she was invited to see Gabriela in her room.
The girl was still asleep, however, the monitors and wires plugged to her body showed her vital signs were normal again. Her temperature had also raised, according to a report near the bed, and the injury on her head had been treated.
The foreigner seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Her dark hair still looked shiny and glossy as usual, matching perfectly the tanned color of her skin. For the first time, Cassandra noticed the scars, all over her body. She had old needle markings on both of her arms, self-harming signs and other scars that suggested she had gotten in a lot of trouble before.
She brushed off the strand of hair that insisted falling over the girl's face.
Then, she sat down on the armchair, next to the bed, observing Gabriela for a while. She started reading the magazines she bought. She discovered many interesting things about the human world. One article in special, made her question whether her relationship with her mother would fall under the category of 'abusive' or not. After all, she killed her and forced her to accept her as a mother.
Bela was a brave and wise motherfucker for being able to leave that life behind and starting her own story. She envied her for that.
"Can't... stay... away from me," a weak voice mumbled from the bed, attracting Cassandra's attention. "Can you?"
"Being funny already, huh?" She stood up, crossing her arms. "So I guess you're not dying after all."
"Unfortunately for you, I'm not."
The corners of the brunette's mouth curled up in a smile. Before she could say anything else, a doctor walked into the room, interrupting the moment. She examined Gabriela briefly, to confirm that she had no signs of serious brain damage.
"Full name?"
"Gabriela Garcia Rodriguez."
"Date of birth?"
"April 14, 1997."
The information was correct, Cassandra remembered. She read all of that when she was exploring Gabriela's bedroom, searching for clues.
"Ms. Rodriguez," the doctor checked out the patient's chart, "do you remember the circumstances that lead you to jump into the cold lake?"
"I was being chased," Gabriela paused for a moment, still showing some confusion, "by a swarm of bees."
"And had you done any drugs before the incident?"
Before the female could even answer, Cassandra stepped in.
"Are you seeing THIS?" The vampire woman grabbed the chart from the doctor's hand violently. Gabriela's eyes went wide in surprise. "Her blood tests. Do you see any presence of drugs detected here?"
"No, but..."
"She has been clean for FOUR YEARS NOW. And if you make any more insinuations of this kind, you'll be facing my lawyers."
"My apologies, Miss. I didn't intend to cause any discomfort."
When the doctor left, Gabriela was laughing.
"Lawyers?" She raised her eyebrows. "I didn't know you had lawyers, Cassandra."
"It's something new I learned today," Cassandra told, holding a laugh herself.
Eastern Europe, Village - November, 2021
I was mostly in a catatonic state for the next few hours until I was dismissed from the hospital. After Cassandra's threats and yelling, the doctor never returned. She signed my dismissal and gave a list of instructions through a nurse. I couldn't remember them at the moment, but I registered the part I'd have to take a break from work for a few days.
I tried to walk, but I was still dizzy and weak. I couldn't tell if it was still due to the head injury or the medication they had given me.
The drugs. Definitely. Because at some point at the road back to the castle, my eyes were finally able to stay completely open and focus on something.
And right now, I was focusing on how gorgeous C looked. She wasn't wearing her usual black vests and hood. Instead, she was wearing jeans, a shirt, a puffed jacket and its hood to cover the scarred part of her scalp. The light blue color of her jacket highlighted even more the beautiful color of her straight brown hair.
"You look..." even speaking seemed like a big effort to my injured body, "different."
"Well," Cassandra didn't take her eyes off the road. Considering her nature, I never expected her to be such a cautious driver, "I couldn't take you to the hospital cosplaying an... Assassin's Creed protagonist, as you say."
I let out a small laugh.
"Oh, it reminds me. I have something for you."
She took something from her pocket and handed it to me. It was a card she bought from the hospital's gift shop. One with Olaf, from Frozen.
"Feeling under the weather?" I read what the character in card said. It was supposed to be sarcastic, cruel. And I absolutely loved it. I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay... I admit it. It was a great one."
"It seemed appropriate for your condition. You looked like a popsicle when I found you."
"Why did you come back anyways? You could've let me die."
She sighed deeply.
"Something happened, Gabriela."
That was the first time she called me by my name. For some reason, it sounded different coming out from her mouth. I couldn't tell if it was because of her heavy Romanian accent, or maybe because she was sounding too serious this time.
"Those creatures in the forest, they attacked three villagers. Two of them were found dead this morning. I'm the main suspect and I need to prove my innocence until tonight. You were my only witness."
"Oh," she didn't regret her decision of letting me die. Instead, she was being selfish again. Using me to save her own skin. A hint of disappointment suddenly struck me. I thought we were making some progress.
We were in silence for a long moment after that, until I decided to act like an adult for the first time in days. I had started it. I should be the one to put an end in the situation.
"I'm sorry I left the windows opened," I apologized. "I mean it. And I'm sorry I lied about the whole Agency thing. I had no idea."
She finally looked at me. I tried to figure out what she was thinking, as her golden yellow eyes gazed deeply into my soul. Her eyebrow arched a little and a small smirk appeared in the corners of her lips.
"What? I'm not taking it back this time, C. I mean it, I'm really sorry. I deserved a revenge."
"I'm sorry I left you behind," she finally spoke. "I was only trying to give you a lesson. I thought you'd be able to escape."
"Okay. Good."
This is what I was talking about. Progress. We'd eventually get there someday.
I reached for the radio's button. Cassandra tried to stop me.
"No!" It was too late. The mixtape had already started to play a cheesy American country song. "You shouldn't have done that..."
"What is... that anyways?" I asked, listening to the romantic lyrics.
"It belonged to Aleena's father, that son of a bitch. It reminded him of her deceased mother. This tape has been stuck in there for ages. She was probably conceived to this song or something."
We both started laughing, as we tried the impossible mission of making the radio stop.
Once we arrived, I tried to leave the truck by myself only to almost fall on my face, directly to the ground. Before that happened, Cassandra caught me. Her reflexes were too quick, I couldn't tell if she used her arms or her flies to prevent me from falling.
"Just let me handle this," she scolded me. "Would ya? Just... stay put, okay?"
She carried me inside the castle. The rest of the Dimitrescu family, as well as Mrs. Petrova and a woman I had never met, were waiting in the main hall.
"There she is," Lady Dimitrescu announced to the strange woman. At the same time, she directed a glare to her middle daughter. "Where the hell were you, Cassandra? You've been missing all day."
"She found me in the woods," I answered for her. "We were in the hospital, a couple of hours away from here."
"Cassandra did what?!" Bela asked in shock.
"I knew it!" Daniela started giggling for some reason I couldn't quite understand.
As we moved to the living room, the woman named Luiza started a full interrogation. It seemed to me she was looking for a scapegoat. Somebody to blame for the lost victims. And Cassandra was her perfect culprit.
"Are you sure you remember the facts clearly, Ms. Rodriguez?" She questioned. "After all you received a head injury. It may have affected your perception of reality."
She had no idea I was used to that. She had no idea I had been under arrest countless times.
"No, I hit my head after the creatures attacked us," I told. "They came to me after attacking Cas-... I mean, Ms. Cassandra."
"She could've taken the opportunity, the swarms you describe seem to be exactly like hers."
"They weren't. They were bees," and then I remembered. While I was running for my life, I was also obtaining the most precious piece of evidence I had found for my research. "Wait! I recorded a short video on my phone, but I must have lost it in the lake."
"You didn't," Cassandra quickly stood up from the couch she was sitting, next to her sisters. "I found it in the woods. Look, the screen is kinda broken but it still works!"
"I can plug this on the laptop," Bela suggested. "We can take a better look at the video."
Daniela returned from her mother's office and they did as told. The video clearly showed the humanoid creatures chasing me and shaping into swarms of bees.
"Well, it seems like House Dimitrescu is innocent after all," Luiza concluded before leaving. "But we still need a meeting with the other Lords. We have a big trouble around."
Castle Dimitrescu, Cassandra's Bedroom - November, 2021
"She's your responsibility, you look after her."
Cassandra was extremely disappointed and moody upon the argument she had with her mother, following the meeting. After I told my story it was obvious she had previously lied, hiding the part where she left me to die in the woods.
I needed someone to observe me through the night and Lady Dimitrescu thought it would be the most appropriate punishment for her middle daughter if she had to be the one assigned for the job.
"I know what you're thinking,' Cassandra snarled as she cleaned my wounds and helped me to get dressed after my bath. "Yes, karma has slapped me right in the face. Are you happy now?"
"Well, it has slapped us both," I let out a groan as she applied some antiseptic at some cuts I had all over my leg. "Do you think I'm enjoying this? I'm definitely not."
"Good for you. I was starting to think you were developing a crush on me."
"Me?! I was only nice to you back in the truck because I was high as fuck!"
After she put on a bandage on my head injury, we were done. Mrs. Petrova brought me a tray of food and Cassandra remained there, sitting on her comfortable armchair with a displeased look on her face. Her raven, Eveline, was finally warming up to me after I fed her some of my food.
"You have a lot of scars," C commented. "Are you always getting in trouble?"
"Yeah, trouble always find me somehow," I spoke with my mouth half full.
"It's not like you don't search for it."
"Sometimes. This one, for example," I showed her a scar I had on my side. "I got during an illegal bike race."
"Sounds cool, to be honest."
I lifted up my pants' leg, pointing to my ankle.
"This one I got running away from the police. But this..." I exhibited her a scar on my arm. "That was my ex. Last time he beat the crap out of me and sent me to the hospital. I had a surgery to fix my wrist."
Cassandra was in silence listening to the story.
"And that big one on my back, that was my foster dad. He assumed I had told my school teachers that he used to..."
"It's enough," she stopped me. "I didn't mean to pry. I just... noticed and I was kinda curious. That's all."
"This is okay. It doesn't bother me to talk about them. In fact, it helps. It's like a part of all of these bad memories leave my body everytime I speak it out loud, to the universe."
The Dimitrescu woman stood up and lowered the hood she was wearing. Then, she started to pace around the room.
"This one," she pointed to her own scar. The one in her scalp, big and gross. "I got when Lady Dimitrescu poisoned me and gave me to Mother Miranda to turn me into her daughter. She was a scientist. She opened my skull and implanted a parasite in my brain, named Cadou."
I understood. Cassandra was finally letting down her walls and trusting me, telling me the information I wanted to know from the moment I arrived in the castle.
"The Cadou turned me and my sisters into vampire-like creatures. But each body reacts differently to it. My mother, besides her height, she has long metallic claws that can cut literally anything. There's Heisenberg, who has electric and magnetic powers. Donna, who can induce hallucinations on her victims and Moreau, who's a fish-like creature who produces those enzymes and acids."
"The Four Lords?"
"Most of the people never survived Miranda's experiments," she sat down in front of me on the bed. "They either died or became monsters. Lycans, for example."
She showed me a picture of what was supposed to be a Lycan. And also, a Moroaica, another sort of monster seem around the village.
"This is awful, Cassandra," I wanted to break the tension somehow. I pointed to a small and shallow scar right above her eyebrow. "And this one? How did you get it?"
"My mother..." she paused and sighed. "My biological mother. She was telling me to stop running around, otherwise I'd trip and fall. I obviously didn't listen. I never listen, since I was a kid."
"You certainly don't. I don't blame you though, I'm exactly the same."
"At least this is how I like to imagine this scar happened, you know? My memories weren't preserved when I was turned."
In that moment, I realized we were not fighting in opposite sides. We were both victims. We had gone through the same traumatic events. Except that I was lucky enough to live and stay healthy.
"We're not so different," I concluded. "I was able to escape being infected but you didn't. You're a victim as much as I am. And my family and my people."
She sighed and revealed a hint of pain into her golden yellow eyes. I wondered what was their original color. I pictured they were blue, it'd fit her hair and facial features.
"We can work together and do justice. I'm collecting evidence to expose the truth to the whole world. This is why I came to the castle."
"There's no justice, Gabriela. Powerful people and corporations are behind this. They'd kill us and blow up this place to pieces. Then, they'd invent another pathetic story and the world would believe. We're a minority. The world tends to reject, to crush minorities and you must know it way better than I do."
I knew that, I really did. But somehow the desire for justice and revenge still burned inside me. I had the urge to fight. To resist. To prevent another place to go through that same hell.
"Maybe there is," I placed my hand over hers. She stiffened at first, allowing herself to relax after a couple of seconds. She raised her eyes to meet mine. "We can fight together. We can survive. We can live, make new memories and rebuild our lives. I think this is also justice."
"I guess so. Look at Bela, she's not bitter and miserable as we are anymore."
She lay by my side in bed. We spent the rest of the night in silence. But I knew her thoughts were the same as mine. We were planning how we'd proceed with our justice. Our own justice.
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saskaykun · 4 years
Taka’s members’ bond with Sasuke. (For Taka team’s stans, this one’s for you.)
I don't think there's any point in introducing the Taka team again.
But as today's point is to prove the link as a point of complementarity with Sasuke. I'm going to take a look at the personal lives of each of them. 
Ps: sorry for the typos, english is not my mother tongue.
We are going to start with Suigetsu, like Sasuke, Suigetsu had a big brother, pretty strong and skilled because Mangetsu was the only one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist to master the 7 swords of Kiri. Suigetsu's dream was to become as strong as his big brother to enter the 7 swordsmen assassins club, whom he admired a lot, but Mangetsu died rather prematurely while protecting his little brother Suigetsu. Suigetsu trained hard to barely match half of his big brother's sword skills. He also comes from a known clan from the village of Kiri, the clan Hozūki, and owns a Kekkei Genkai, which allows him to liquefy his body from flesh to water. Pretty handy for a swordsman, isn't it?  No blade can pierce his body. That's also why Orochimaru was interested in him and kept him prisoner in his laboratories for so many years. Doesn't that remind you of Sasuke? The story of the big brother to be surpassed in abilities, even though he was so admired by the little one? Sasuke had to kill Itachi because he had to avenge his clan, Suigetsu had to become much better than Mangetsu because he promised him before Mangetsu died, that he would take back the title of "Kijin no Sairai" - "the second coming of the demon" (as far as my translation is concerned), so he got it into his head to collect all the swords from Kiri village, in order to take back his brother's inheritance. It's rather cute when you think about it. Suigetsu, in spite of appearances, is not a deeply evil person even if he spent most of his life training to become an assassin. Of all the times he made fun of Karin for her feelings towards Sasuke and Karin hit him, he never twisted back once. Suigetsu doesn't have a family anymore, like Sasuke, he's the last survivor of his clan. Moreover, I wanted to add that Suigetsu, sometimes appears like a coward but is actually very competent, and he is certainly a better swordsman than Sasuke. At the same age, (at 16 years old) Suigetsu had already done 2 - D rank missions, 33 - C rank missions - 40 - B rank missions, 13 - A rank missions and finally 4 - S rank missions originally reserved for jônin, can he be considered as such?
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What do we know about Karin?
At first, not much is said, except that she is a very competent sensory ninja, that Sasuke, with Suigetsu came personally to look for. He chose her, among many other competent ninjas. He acknowledged her as the best in her field. That's a canon fact. 
Another true thing, Sasuke, who came personally to pick her up, confessed that he needed her to reach his goal.
"I need you, Karin", really happened. 
He wasn't forced to do it, on the contrary, Suigetsu, who wasn't a big fan of Karin, spent his time dissuading Sasuke from going to pick her up and take her on the team, but Sasuke insisted.
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They saved each other's lives several times. Karin healed him with her "Heal Bite" and he during their fight against Killer Bee, awakened a new power from his Mangekyō Sharingan: Kagutsuchi. He was able to extinguish the flames of the Amaterasu that had touched Karin. His face, scared of losing his teammate, proves how much Sasuke cares about his Taka teammates but especially about Karin. After I will not go on betting that he cares about her, romantically or just friendly because that's not the point and nothing in the manga proves that he did it romantically or kindly, I just want to emphasize this point: he was willing to die, and put Juugo's and Suigetsu's lives in danger in order to save Karin.
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We learn a little more about Karin, during the Edotensei scene with Itachi and Sasuke against Kabuto. Kabuto then talks about Taka team members and reveals to Sasuke that Karin is indeed part of the Uzumaki clan, like Naruto, and that's why she has a huge chakra cluster. She regenerates quickly her own wounds but she can help others to regenerate and heal themselves by sharing her chakra, by biting her because it's the fastest way: in fact, the injured person drinks Karin's chakra and regenerates herself/himself in a few moments.
Besides the fact that Karin was used by Sasuke to locate Itachi through her powerful chakra and to warn him of his possible enemies, and of course to heal him in case he would be seriously wounded, she is not an exceptional ninja in combat, she must even very often be saved either by Sasuke or by Suigetsu. Sasuke knew that very well. He was never shocked that Karin might be a weight for them in their adventures. He chose her by himself, nobody forced Karin to be there and decided to protect her.
The scene where Sasuke "sacrifices" Karin to kill Danzō is totally a scene to be taken with extenuating circumstances. Sasuke finally being in front of the person who ruined his life, who ordered the massacre of the Uchiha clan, he couldn't do otherwise, he was forced by all means to kill him. Karin being in his field of action because she wanted to help him, was also pierced by Sasuke's chidori blade. Don't forget though, that he didn't really sacrifice her because she didn't die, since he didn't aim at Karin's vital points.
I still want to thank Sakura for helping Karin with her medical ninjutsu, she is still part of Karin's healing process, without Sakura's intervention, she might have had a hard time healing this time.
I also wanted to point out, on the scene following Karin's famous "sacrifice":
Karin thus finds herself on the ground, dying slowly, Obito then proposes to Sasuke to finish her off, properly because she knows too much about their plan. Sasuke doesn't even take the time to answer him. During this scene, Sasuke takes an exceptional time to load his chidori, giving Team 7 time to arrive on the scene, another proof that deep down he really didn't want to kill her. It is finally on Sakura that Sasuke decides to use his chidori, and not on Karin. Karin then dissuades him... but Sakura is really not far from being killed this time by Sasuke.
This scene is powerful, but it shows the total disinterest of Team 7 in the eyes of Sasuke, at least the disinterest he has in Sakura's life. Sakura being a burden, and considering her as the enemy, had to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was also never afraid to confront Kakashi. The only one for which he has doubts, a certain apprehension that he tries indirectly to hide, remains definitely for Naruto, but again, he does not hesitate to threaten him if Naruto still chases after him.
To finish with Karin, she is part of the Uzumaki clan, one of the oldest clans in the Shinobi world, and derived from the Senju clan, there are not many members of the clan left, at least to our knowledge except Karin, Naruto and Nagato. At the end of the war, only Karin and Naruto remain. She shares this fact with Sasuke. She also had lost her entire family during the previous war, her mother was used for medical purposes, literally having her chakra sucked until her death. She became an orphan at a very young age, left to live on her own, abused by others until she met Orochimaru. She has no one left.When she meets Sasuke, she falls in love with him for his beauty, he is pretty handsome, but as a sensory ninja, she found that he has a beautiful and attractive chakra, she realized right away that Sasuke is not as bad as he pretends to be. She took a close interest in him, and I think the interest was mutual.
Jūgo, is certainly the only member where we are poorly with information about him.
Jūgo is a deeply kind and loving boy but is possessed by a heavy weight that overwhelms him: the cursed seal. He is the first holder of the cursed seal, it is with his DNA that Orochimaru started his experiments. The poor man, being unable to control his murderous impulses, preferred to die rather than to leave his cell when Sasuke, Suigetsu and Karin came to get him. Sasuke promised to hold him, Jūgo, usually not confident, agrees to come with them because Kimimaro had acknowledged Sasuke. Jūgo, in addition to his incredible physical strength when possessed by the cursed seal, is able to communicate with the birds. Sasuke uses Jūgo through this ability so that his birds can locate the Akatsukis' hideout and that he can create a map from the information transmitted by these birds. Also, Jūgo is an orphan, and since Kimimaro died, he was literally alone in the world. He has no known family, and his affiliation to a particular clan is unknown. Another peculiarity that Sasuke shares with his teammates.
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I consider Jūgo as Sasuke/Suigetsu/Karin’s big brother. He took care of them. There also is a scene where he puts Sasuke in his futon after having treated him and bandaged him, because Sasuke had fallen asleep sitting, from exhaustion.
This boy is soooooo cute and gentle. His bipolar side contrasts enormously. His murderous personality with his soft and wise side.
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                 Well, Sasuke's plan was perfect and well thought out.
 To answer the question I was asked, "What do they do as Team Taka, besides help Sasuke enter into darkness?"
I, for one, don't hold Team Taka members responsible for Sasuke's entry into the darkness. Far from it. Sasuke was motivated by his hatred for killing Itachi, and after the final battle with his brother, motivated by revenge for those who led to his downfall. Don't get me wrong, I always feel that when it comes to Sasuke, the people who interact with him are responsible for his actions. No, Sasuke most certainly suffers from PTSD, living in unresolved grief since the death of his family, in hatred and constant pain, doesn't need anyone to think for him. He's an intelligent boy, he knows his purpose, he knows he would sacrifice himself to restore honor to those he has lost. His goal was just that. I sincerely think that deep down Sasuke wanted to change the Shinobi world, build new foundations, and achieve peace, so that what he experienced would never happen again, but it was a kind of pipe dream because he really thought he would die in his next confrontation with Naruto. He expected no less.
It really pisses me off that people think that Sasuke is acting according to the actions of others. I don't remember hearing Suigetsu, Karin or Jugo suggest a plan of action to kill someone or do something. He was the leader of this team. The others were acting on his behalf and not the other way around. He was the one who came to find them, he was the one who surrounded himself with these shinobis to help him achieve his goal. You let yourself be influenced by Naruto “talk no jutsu” in Gaiden who dares to tell the Taka team to mind their own business when he himself spent years to mind Sasuke's business, without even understanding the reason for his actions.
Gaiden makes the Taka team look like the villains who helped Sasuke carry out the actions of his hatred, but look closer, they did nothing so exceptional except help him find Itachi and obey Akatsuki's orders to attack Killer B.
It even seems to me that the Taka team were, in the end, the only ones who listened sincerely to Sasuke, to meet his expectations, to try to understand him. 
A non-canon fact unfortunately, in a novel about Sasuke, after Itachi's death, Sasuke makes a kind of pilgrimage to learn more about his brother, during his Akatsuki period, and then meets two brothers, who were preparing drops for Itachi's eyes, and they make him think about him and Itachi when they were kids. ... I'm going to skip over the real story of this novel, although it's very well written for a non-canon novel, and we find Sasuke on his scene, by the sea, where he desperately lets go of all his pain in a torrent of tears, and decides to rename Hebi team into Taka team.
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Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo were present during one of the worst moments of Sasuke's life: Itachi's death and thus the mourning of his older brother.
In spite of Itachi's terrible actions and choices to raise Sasuke's power, Sasuke still considers him as his beloved older brother who sacrificed himself for a village that never gave them the chance to live, properly...
Again, as I already said in another post, I truly think that all the people close to Sasuke tried to control his choices and his life, without asking his opinion.
Itachi made it clear that he tried to trace Sasuke's life from his childhood to what he became and finally disappointed to have failed... but what the hell did he expect?
Naruto, who absolutely wants Sasuke to go back to Konoha, but why? He knew very well that the people in Konoha would bully him for his actions, when he was already bullied enough to be an Uchiha in Konoha. So Naruto claims to know what's best for Sasuke. What?!
Sakura... is Sakura.
Kakashi and Jiraya tried to dissuade Sakura and Naruto from desperately pursuing a guy who clearly wanted to get the hell out of this village: Sasuke is not worth it.
Decidedly, Sasuke doesn't get much grace from people. Between those who think he's a sulky, who always makes moods because he has some problems in his life and those who judge him without knowing a second of his existence and his journey, he's really badly surrounded.
The Taka team is the only one that hasn't gone into the details and is following Sasuke, even before he decides to explain to them the reasons for this gathering.
I like their complicity. I like their dynamics. They help each other.
Team Taka is the one that Sasuke chose on his own, Team 7 is the one that was imposed on him. Don't forget that.
At least, I didn’t even use your post, but thank you again @justsasuke​ ! It was kind of you :)
                Ps: I found this pic very cute. They are all awesome. 
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skaylanphear · 5 years
Summary: Ladybug didn’t know how far one could stretch the abilities of the peacock miraculous. And quite frankly, she hadn’t wanted to find out. But when she and Chat Noir finally catch Hawkmoth--revealing him to be Gabriel Agreste, no less--they learn the truth about many things. About him, his wife, and the unnatural means by which the couple had recreated their dead son using the same power that Mayura had twisted into sentimonsters. 
And though Ladybug can’t figure out why Chat Noir seems to be taking the news so hard, his own identity soon makes it all clear. 
(just another drabble based on a new episode. Like, y’all knew I had to do it to him)
Part 1
Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth.
This was a reality that was slowly sinking through Ladybug's system. After all, there was no denying the truth. He was crouched on the ground before her, his miraculous in her hand while her other gripped her yoyo. He'd tried to escape through the secret elevator in his house, but she and Chat had followed him through. Weakened after their previous battle and without the help of Mayura—who'd collapsed upstairs—it'd taken only another moment to steal his miraculous, leaving him exposed before them.
Exposed in his lair, which Marinette was taking in as she quickly looked around. Long walkways, butterfly breeding grounds, and…
"What the hell is this place?!" Chat demanded, pointing his stick threateningly in Gabriel's direction. "Explain. Now!"
"What does it look like?" Gabriel asked shortly, slumping some as he looked up at them. "It's a tomb."
Flicking her attention back behind him, Ladybug finally took in the ignited figure at the back of the room. She was propped up behind a glass case—a case more akin to a coffin. She was holding a bouquet of flowers, expression peaceful.
Chat was looking between the encased figure and Gabriel as well, just as confused as Ladybug.
"Is this why you wanted the miraculouses?" Ladybug asked.
Gabriel sighed. "With the power of your miraculouses, I can heal her." His gaze dropped to the ground. "I can bring her back."
"What's wrong with her?" Chat asked. Well, it was less a question so much as a demand. And when Gabriel didn't immediately answer, he extended his stick harshly into his chest, knocking him onto his back. "Tell me!"
"Chat!" Ladybug scolded, but he ignored her.
Gabriel shoved the stick aside and propped himself up on his hands. "I don't see how the details of her condition are any of your business," he snapped.
Ladybug glared. "I don't think you're in any position to be making determinations about anything."
Gabriel eyed her for a moment, before clicking his tongue and looking to the side. "She abused a miraculous and so suffered the consequences."
Chat curled his lip. "A miraculous?" he asked. "How? Why?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because I want to know!"
Ladybug looked again to Chat, surprised at his ferociousness. But she had to admit that she, too, was curious as to how all this had gotten started. Not only because they'd finally caught Hawkmoth and she wanted details, but because this was Adrien's mother and father. Maybe it wasn't her business, but she still wanted to know.
"When you try to make a miraculous do something it's not meant to do, there are prices to be paid," Gabriel replied. "But Emilie was willing to pay that price, just as I'm willing to pay the price to bring her back."
"That's not an explanation," Chat growled.
"It's enough."
"It's not."
"Just tell us the whole story," Ladybug insisted. "And don't leave anything out."
Gabriel glared, but with Chat once again shoving his stick into his chest, he released another defeated sigh.
"It happened because of our son," he started, a statement that visibly startled both Chat and Ladybug. "Some years ago, he got… sick. Very sick. He'd always been… weak. That was why he had to stay in the house, and why we never let him go to school. Because his health… He just couldn't.
"We knew from the beginning that he was unlikely to live much past the age of twelve or thirteen. But even so, you can't… You don't just give up on your children. We talked with the best doctors in the world, got opinions from everyone, but no one could help us. So Emilie decided to look into… other options."
"The miraculous…" Ladybug determined.
"Yes. We got a lead that led us to Tibet, but the miraculouses we found weren't the ones we needed. What we needed were your miraculouses, but we got the peacock and moth miraculous instead.
"We started to give up hope. Adrien, he… he didn't have much time left. And so we decided that what little time he did have, we'd spend it… with him. Home. Together. As a family." He had to pause to take a shaky breath, his chin trembling as he visibly clenched his jaw. "He was everything good in the world. He knew he was—that he—he knew what was coming, and he was this… positive force through it all.
"He told us not to worry," he said, voice choked. "That everything would be fine. That he'd be fine, no matter what."
"You can't possibly know what it's like." He looked back up at them, heavy, dark grief apparent in his gaze. "To watch for months—years—as the one thing in the world you love the most slowly fades away."
Shaking his head, he tried to remain composed, but a single tear streaked down his cheek nonetheless.
"He died in my arms," he whispered, the words so strained it was amazing he could even say them. "Nothing but skin and bones, wasted away to nothing. He took his last breath while we held him, and then he was gone."
Despite herself, Ladybug blinked back her own emotions. None of it made sense, because she knew Adrien and he was strong and healthy. Yet, somehow, she realized that what Gabriel was saying was true as well.
"Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children," he continued brokenly, seemingly giving in to the fact that he wasn't going to be able to hold back his own despair. "Even though we knew it was coming, we could never have been prepared. It broke us both, losing him. But with Emilie it… it was like she just couldn't accept it.
"So she started experimenting with the peacock miraculous. At first, I thought she was just… grieving, creating these sentient creatures that looked like him, but never actually were. Because no matter how close to living the peacock miraculous makes these… things, they were never actually… But she kept going, thinking she was getting closer each time.
"But the peacock miraculous isn't the miraculous of creation—it doesn't have the ability to create life or restore it. Not within the typical parameters of how it's meant to be used. But Emilie, she… she was always the type to think outside the box. Like you." He nodded to Ladybug. "She always found a solution, even in the bleakest of circumstances.
"She became very skilled at creating these… fake copies of our son. I hated them, but they seemed to preoccupy her, so I just… kept my distance. Maybe if I'd been more attentive, I could have stopped her. But in the end, I was too late.
"She's kept a few locks of his hair, before we'd… As a memento. I don't know when she started using the hairs to create the creatures, but I suspect that was when the miraculous started siphoning off her own energy. Because with each attempt she made at making him real, the more there was that was required of her. Like I said, the peacock miraculous doesn't create life, so in order to do that, you have to get that life-force from someone else.
"She perfected him. She manipulated the genetics in those strands of hair, weeding out all the weaknesses and leaving everything else behind. But even so, he still wasn't… right. Which she knew, because she'd been practicing. Preparing herself for the real thing.
"So the time came when she felt she was ready. She took one of those single hairs and instead of keeping it, she created the… sentimonster, as you call them, around it. Protectively, so it could be born with free will that no one else could take or manipulate. And then she poured all of her life force into it.
"It shouldn't have worked, because that's not what the peacock miraculous is for. But I suppose we can't really know the true nature of the forces that reside inside those tiny jewelry pieces. They're beyond us. Her love, her memories, her desire, her grief, whatever it was she poured into him, it was enough to break the barriers that had defined what was possible with her miraculous.
"But it also shattered the miraculous, which in turn shattered what little remained of her. So here we are." He gestured out to the sides. "My wife is all but as dead as my son and all I wanted to do is bring her back."
To say that Ladybug was pale and shaky by the end of his story was a bit of an understatement. It was hard to believe, let alone rationalize. Because that meant the Adrien she knew, that went to school with her and her friends…
"But you have a son," she said sternly, as if needing to convince herself.
"Yes." Gabriel shrugged one shoulder. "I have the living embodiment of what Emilie thought our son was and want she wanted him to be. A perfect child that represents all that we loved without all the ill that stole him away from us. But though they share the same name, he's not the Adrien that died in my arms. He's perfect and unreal, just as Emilie intended him to be."
"But he's not unreal," Chat reasoned, sounding oddly desperate. "He's… He's a person. He has feelings and memories and—"
"And he is just as Emilie intended him to be," Gabriel replied flatly.
"You talk about him as if he's not your son at all," Ladybug pointed out.
"Of course he's my son," Gabriel snapped. "But he's not the son we lost and he never will be. Emilie's grief created something unnatural and she had to pay the consequences, while I live on with a constant reminder of everything I lost, loving it—him—because what else is there possibly left for me to do?" Once again, his expression broke. "He's perfect, but he's the only thing in my life that is."
"No one is perfect," Ladybug replied, finally beginning to regain her composure. "Your wife did an abhorrent thing, creating Adrien the way she did." Gaping, Chat whipped around to look at her. "But it's not his fault he exists, nor is it his fault that he now has to pay the price for you and your wife's mistakes."
"If you'd give me your miraculouses, he wouldn't have to know a thing about it," Gabriel growled out.
"What makes you think there isn't a price to be paid to use our miraculouses that way too?" she asked. "What you want to do is no more unnatural than what your wife did originally. You've created a life and ruined it all at the same time.
"You act like what your wife did was a mistake, but now you're trying to do the same thing. What makes you think your attempts will end any differently?"
"Because this time I'll have the proper tools!"
"No, you won't," she said firmly. "There are no right tools for what you're trying to do. No, all either of you have done was create a child that you've now orphaned. His mother is dead and now his father… You've done Adrien a horrible, horrible wrong and there's no way you'll ever be able to undo it."
"I'm doing this for Adrien!" Gabriel insisted.
"No you're not," Ladybug insisted. "You're doing it for yourself. Because you're just as steeped in grief as your wife was.
"This ends now," she said finally. "No more will you abuse any miraculouses. Or Adrien, for that matter."
"I love my son."
"That doesn't mean any of this is okay. I know Adrien. And I know that he'd never approve of anything you've been doing." She paused, swallowing hard. "And I hope to god that he never finds out the truth you just told us."
Gabriel glared. "Then you're not going to even try and help me."
Ladybug stood firm. "No."
And so Gabriel looked to Chat Noir. "And you?"
"I've already called the police," he said coldly, holding up his stick as he did. The phone adaptor was open, programmed to supply the authorities with their location. "You'll never be allowed to abuse a miraculous the way you and your wife have ever again."
Gabriel scowled.
"You're going to prison," he continued. "And if I have anything say about it, you'll be locked up for the rest of your life."
"It won't be that simple," Gabriel practically threatened.
"You're a terrorist that's murdered thousands. I don't think there's much to question," Ladybug replied.
"Thousands that you brought back!" Gabriel practically shouted. "How is that any different than what I'm trying to do?!"
"Because I only bring back the people who have died by the unnatural means of your abused miraculous!" she snapped. "I'm not bringing back people who die every day outside of your influence. I wouldn't even know where to start in doing that, because I know better than to question things like the natural process of life and death! Your wife… Your wife tampered with that line and I can't… I won't follow in her footsteps. And I'm certainly not going to allow you to do that either."
"You'd rather retain a status quo?" Gabriel asked. "Is that really the attitude of a hero?"
"It's the attitude of someone who knows their place in the universe," Ladybug replied simply. "And who has accepted their own mortality in the face of a universe I know is beyond my comprehension."
"Then you're a coward, unwilling to reach beyond your simple existence!"
"No, Gabriel," she said steadily. "You're the one unwilling to face reality. If anyone here is a coward, it's not me or Chat Noir."
Maybe he'd have had more to say. Maybe he'd have tried to do more than that. But if fate truly existed, it had something far different in store for Gabriel Agreste. Within the moment that Ladybug had quit speaking, they heard voices overhead, before a flashlight was shining down through the elevator shaft behind them. Snapping her yoyo out, Ladybug wrapped Gabriel up before he could finish standing, stranding him in place while Chat turned and marched back toward the elevator.
Soon enough, the police were all over the lair. And while Ladybug knew there was no hiding what was obvious, she hoped that perhaps she'd be able to keep a majority of the more sensitive details between only her and Chat Noir. Keeping both the moth and peacock miraculous hidden in her fist, she gladly handed Gabriel Agreste over to the authorities.
She wanted to find Adrien before things could get too messy. He had to be somewhere in the house. At the very least, she wanted to prepare him for what was coming. Yet as she attempted to retreat back up the elevator shaft, she was halted by the police for questioning. And so she ended up stranded for some time, explaining all that had happened and any details she felt were pertinent.
By the time she finally broke away and swung up the elevator shaft (the police calling after her), at least thirty minutes had passed. Hopefully—upon realizing that the police were swarming his house—Adrien had been barricaded away.
She really wanted to be the one to talk to him first.
And where had Chat Noir disappeared to?
Ignoring the police that continued to try and get her attention, she vaulted across Gabriel's study and out the door. Jumping to the banister along the stairs, she sprinted upward and over, deciding that the first place she would look was Adrien's bedroom.
The door was unguarded and unlocked, making it easy for her to press her way inside.
"Adrien?" she called as she walked in.
The room was dark, the night sky cloudy beyond the windows, the moon's light slightly hindered. But it was still light enough to see, and so she scanned the room.
There, sitting on the edge of Adrien's bed, was a single figure.
"Chat?" she asked, recognizing him immediately.
He didn't look up at her. In fact, it didn't even seem as though he had heard her. Hunched over, he was staring down at his hands, wholly indulged in his own thoughts.
"Chat," Ladybug said more firmly, making her way over as she did. "Have you seen Adrien?"
Still, he didn't answer. But he did twitchingly look up at her, the sight of his confused, distressed green eyes immediately jump-starting Ladybug's own concern.
"What's wrong?" she asked quickly. "Is everything okay? Are you okay? What about Adrien? Where is—"
The bright green flash of Chat's transformation disappearing was both startling and shocking, Ladybug freezing in place as her eyes went wide. But she didn't have time to look away, her gaze still zeroed in on Chat as his black suit disappeared to reveal…
Heart surging into her throat, she felt everything inside of her go numb as she stared into those familiar green eyes, both of which were now bordered in tears.
He swallowed hard, the tears overflowing down his cheeks.
"My Lady," he struggled to say, each word sounding as though he had to pry it free from hardened concrete. "I—I'm Adrien."
He gasped helplessly, a sob ripping from his throat.
"I'm a monster."
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toziersoneliners · 5 years
Losers! [Chubby Reader]
⛓ | summer |
For some, the last day of school could be sorrowful. However (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a little relieved. She wasn't worried about not seeing her friends until school started up again, Richie was her neighbor and she practically spent all of her time with either Eddie or Bill. Though recently she'd been hanging around the nice boy Mike Hanlon. Though a bit shy, he was sweet and gentle, something (Y/n) wasn't really used to. Though she was apart of the Losers Club and hung around all boys, she was never really a tough girl. Some could have said it was due to her abusive home, but nor her or the boys thought so. If it was really because of her constant abuse, then she'd be strong, not weak. Her mother was the villain in her story, and that woman scared the daylights out of the chubby girl.
(Y/n) feared nothing like she feared her own mother.
Usually you'd see the father being the abusive one, but that wasn't something (Y/n) could ever see happening to herself. Her father, Matthieu Snow, was the kindest man in Derry, Maine. No one could ever convince her otherwise, either.
Despite her horrid home situation, she was often finding herself distracted these days. Her best friend Eddie Kaspbrak had been locked up in his house for a few days, no doubt to the fault of his overprotective mother. (Y/n) was bored out of her mind. While Eddie sure wasn't the most exciting person to be around, she found the boy to be wholesome, reminding her of a lost puppy almost. Like mentioned before, she wasn't strong willed, so she didn't have the guts to show up at the Kaspbrak residence to go and ask to see Eddie. Sonya was terrifying to (Y/n), intimidation making her hesitant to even go near Eddie's house. It was extremely annoying, because she couldn't find Richie either. Her last bet was Mike, but then she'd have to take the risk of bumping into Henry Bowers, something that too, just like her own mother or Sonya Kaspbrak, scared the girl numb.
Instead, she went to find fun elsewhere, by herself. The arcade was the first place that jumped into her precious little head. Though she hated being alone, she knew that a good game of PAC-MAN or Street Fighter could cheer her right up, distract her from her loneliness. She should have known, of course, that Richie Tozier would be at the beloved arcade, training, as he called it.
The arcade was dark, but the neon lights from the various game machines lit up the place like a huge Christmas tree. The only adults to be seen was the owner of the arcade and a few man-children, ones her father would tell (Y/n) to stay away from in the future.
'Whether you marry a man or not, stay away from those boys who still live with their mothers past the age of twenty.'
She could see why, of course. As soon as she was able to understand the complexities of boys, she knew what kind of person she'd want to marry in the future. Whenever she thought about it, Mike ended up coming to her mind, as odd as it may have sounded. She wasn't interested romantically, or at least she didn't think she was. (Y/n) had no idea what love was, and wasn't sure if she really wanted to know. Love, according to some of the girls at school, entailed showing your private bits to every boy who asked, and (Y/n) knew for a fact that she wasn't that type of girl, in fact she was sure that she never would be.
The vulgar manner of speaking belonged to none other than Richie Tozier himself. The boy groaned to himself in irritation as he lost a battle in SF, pushing his large glasses up with one finger. He catches a hint of light blue and turns around only to see the chubby girl he'd come to know over the years. Richie wasn't sure what had made (Y/n) a loser, but she was one... a very cute one. He didn't give a damn about her weight, she was too cute and it killed Richie. Her sweaters and ripped up jeans, high top converse, it all made her so... LOSER. It didn't bother Richie in the slightest, damn he'd say he loved her weird sense of style.
He'd wanted to ask her to join him in the arcade just as school let out, but like always she had run off with Eddie. Was it disappointing? Yes. But did that really matter now? Not really.
Richie could guess from her bored expression and no one accompanying her, that Eddie Kaspbrak was indeed locked away in his house. She only ever wandered around when there was no one else from the Losers Club to hang out with. However, she always seemed to find one of them anyway, just as she'd found Richie in the arcade.
He smiles goofily, stepping away from the video game machine and walks towards the shy girl. Sliding his extra coins into his pocket, Richie comes up behind (Y/n) as she was momentarily distracted, staring at the greasy seeming floor of the arcade with slight disgust. She loved the arcade, she really did, but couldn't they make it a bit cleaner?
Sneakily, Richie wraps his arms around her shoulders, scaring the living crap out of her.
"HOLY FUDGE!" She squeaks out, looking behind her only to see the toothy smile of Richie Tozier. She really should have known it'd be him, after all, who'd just come up behind some girl and squeeze them like that?
"Gotcha! Where's Eds?" Richie asks, letting her go. He kind of already knew the answer, but the girl in front of him didn't know that. She huffs cutely, fiddling with the ends of her light blue sweater. Richie was of course the one who scared her, her neighbor.
"Mrs. Kaspbrak won't let him leave the house, so I came here." (Y/n) explains, looking a bit sad. Though she definitely loved all of the Losers, Eddie was by far her favorite. After all, she'd known him for such a long time, what was she supposed to do without him?
"I was going to find Mike, but then I'd have to pass Henry's house and that definitely wasn't going to happen. After all of that I was boredom so I came to the arcade."
Hearing her explanation, Richie couldn't help but flinch. Earlier that day he'd seen Bowers walking around with his dumb goons, Belch and Vic. The freckled Tozier knew very well how scared they made (Y/n), and he had a sick feeling in his stomach telling him that they weren't too far away. It didn't matter though, Richie thought to himself cheerily. He would be there to protect (Y/n), because he was in every way, a man. He'd be damned if he'd let some dumb Henry Bowers scare him off. Still... it'd be good to stay away from the easily irritable teen. There couldn't be any harm in staying inside the darkness of the greasy arcade, right? Sure, it wasn't the best place to hang out with a cute girl, but shoot, she didn't seem to mind either.
"You're still here? I thought you'd at least go home for a nap." She says, snapping Richie out of his thoughts. He lets out a funny sounding laugh, that type of laugh he gave whenever he was nervous but trying to keep a good mask on.
"Yeah well, I might have seen Bowers outside of the arcade earlier, so I wasn't about to leave." Richie says, letting out another weird laugh. She was half expecting him to go back to his game, but he instead grabbed her hand and dragged her away from where they were standing. A soft squeak left her as Richie pulled her down underneath a dusty table, pushing her to the ground while holding a hand to her mouth.
He looked scared, she realized.
She also realized that Henry Bowers himself was snooping around the arcade, eyes glowering dangerously. She, of course, didn't know how long he'd been there, but he seemed like he knew what he was looking for. He didn't happen to see her enter the arcade, did he? A sudden feeling of guilt washes over (Y/n). Richie was just having a grand time before she decided to show up and ruin everything. There would hav been a huge chance that she was completely wrong, but she couldn't help the disgusting, slimy feeling.
The feeling she'd done something wrong.
Whimpering, she pulls Richie closer to her, her eyes wold as she watches the bully stalk through the dusty arcade. The neon lights of the games seemed to illuminate Henry's face, making the experience that much more horrible. He looked... terrifying.
Though he was trying to act brave in front of (Y/n), Richie was sweating, and he was sure she could feel it. His hand that was still covering her mouth was sweating. When he realizes this, he doesn't think much of it. Though he was sure if Eddie was there they'd get caught. The hypochondriac would flip his shit if he saw Richie touching (Y/n)'s mouth, it was, for some reason, a big no no.
Eventually, Henry passes.
Richie grabs his friend by the scuff of her light blue sweater and yanks her right out from under the dirty table, dragging her quickly out of the arcade.
"I'm sure he didn't just follow you into the arcade." Stan says, flipping through his bird book with an uninterested expression. Really, Richie brought out the worst in (Y/n). He brought out her paranoid side, and it was showing obviously right then.
The two eleven year olds were nearly screaming at Stan about their terrifying encounter with Henry Bowers. (Y/n) wasn't yelling like Richie was, and she definitely wasn't cussing like he was, but she still seemed panicked. If it had been just her that came to Stan, he would have believed her and tried to comfort her, but of course Richie was there. The trash mouth was always putting stupid idea into (Y/n)'s mind, and Stan was fed up with it. She was, unlike some of the Losers, a good kid. She got good grades, she was nice, and she was undeniably cute. She just seemed to choose to hang around with the wrong people.
People like Richie Tozier.
"Are you sure this actually happened? Or is this some stupid fantasy Richie put in your head?" Stan questions, rubbing the back of his neck hole looking at the wide eyed (Y/n) and Richie. The two of them were sweating, near tears, and motioning with their hands wildly. It was an odd scene, you could imagine. Suddenly (Y/n) stopped to stare at Stan with a monotone expression.
"Of course it happened!" She exclaimed, her eyes searching for any kind of doubt in Stan's expression. He sighed, pressing a hand down to close his bird book.
"Are you sure, though?" Stan asks, rubbing his eye slightly. He looked, above all, bored. His first day of summer break had been going pretty slow. He knew he was probably supposed to be studying for his Bar Mitzvah, but he wasn't exactly in the studying kind of mood. He had, initially, gotten himself into a better mood when he saw (Y/n), but this ridiculous story, or maybe it wasn't so ridiculous, had put him right back where he started.
She stopped to give Stan a look, that look. In all rationality, (Y/n) was the mom of the group. That look, it was the kind of look a scolding mother would give her young child for coming home too late or something similar. Stan never really payed attention to it, but he guessed that it wasn't just some fantasy Richie had put in her head. She only ever gave him that kind of look when she was serious about something, that Stan knew.
"Alright, I believe you."
"Didn't take too much to convince you." Richie muttered, wiping his sweaty palms on the material of his jeans.
Stan, Richie and (Y/n) had spent their first day of summer break walking around Derry. Running around with ice cream, soda, and several other things. They had caught Bill running around as well, and he had hitched with them too. Besides the encounter at the arcade, there had been no sightings of Henry Bowers or his stupid goons, and all of them were glad.
"I wonder... how long do you think Eddie will have to stay locked up?" (Y/n) asks, looking at Bill and Richie as the sun started to disappear from the sky, leaving the pink cotton candy to float around. Bill, handing her another cone of vanilla ice cream, lifted his lips up in a small smile.
"What? Can't deal with us by yourself?"
Richie snorts while (Y/n) takes a bite of her ice cream, it was her third one that night, but no one in the group was complaining.
"No... I just miss him."
Once again, Richie snorts.
"Hey, Marshmallow."
The Losers freeze.
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{I'm reading the book, so things may be different, but I've also watched the 2017 movie, so that's the character design I'm thinking of. Probably not going to go in when they're adults, I prefer the younger version just because. This book is a little bit of an AU, not a lot of major character death happens. Trigger warnings for death and abuse, but it's not really that bad.}
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Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Stark
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of Character Death, Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 2,235
Info: I entered @littledarlinhavefaithinme Sebastian Stan Summer Song Writing Challenge. I choose to do it based off of Lullaby by Shawn Mullins. So I loosely and I mean loosely based it off the song, where she grew up with Tony, and Bucky does quote my favorite line of the song at the end. Also big thanks to @coffeebucko for making my moodboard!
Synopsis: Bruce snaps everyone back into existence and Thanos is gone. 5 years have passed and many things have changed for Remedy Stark, she’s an older sister, her dads gotten married to her mother figure and she isn't sure where she fits in it all.
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Remedy Stark was born at the tail end of the ’80s, her father couldn't tell her much about how she was born but he could tell her about her mother and the story of how she was brought to him. Remedy could recount the story of being dropped off at her dad, Tony’s front doorstep by her mothers grieving friend. How Tony took one look at six-year-old her and cursed under his breath.
Remedy started showing her mutant abilities just a few months after she had moved in with her father. Tony had been working with some tools when he cut his finger open, feeling bad Remedy walked over grabbed her father's finger and kissed it. After telling him it was all better Tony looked down to find it healed with not even a scar left behind. That night they sat at the breakfast nook where Tony made Remedy promise she would keep her powers to them, and she did till she fixed Uncle Rhodey’s broken arm.
Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Bono, Mariah Carey, 2Pac, Elon Musk, Madonna, Michael J. Fox, Kevin Costner, Liv Tyler, Whitney Houston, Richard Branson, Steven Tyler, Bruce Springsteen, Celine Dion, and Leonardo DiCaprio were among the few who partied at the Stark mansion, getting to see Remedy Stark grow up. She learned to speak many languages, her best friend was an artificial intelligence named Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, or Jarvis for short, her father created, till she went to a private charter school.
Now Remedy, wasn’t as smart as her father, but she did skip a few grades here and there, graduating at the age of 14 in 2001. The same year Pepper Potts entered both her and her father's life, she watched them dance around each other in fawning, praying for the day when either her dad grew mature or one of them made a move. That was also the year her second mutation activated, all Remedy had to do was think of a place she wanted to be and she would end up there, unfortunately, it happened in front of both Pepper and her father. It became a family secret.
Years went by, she watched the only woman she ever saw as a mother figure dive in love with her father, while he became a superhero. Aliens it turned out were real, a frozen super-soldier her father spent his entire existence in the shadow was alive, assassins could have their own family and be a damn good friend, also Nazis it turned out were still around.
Being called an Avenger was pretty amazing, but what felt even more amazing to Remedy was saving lives. Fixing the wrongs in the world that you could. Remedy found a family in the Avengers. Wanda was someone who was her own and that could relate to the pressures of being someone with powers. Steve soon after the battle New York, became her best friend, a brother she never she wanted, along with Clint and Sam. Natasha, well she was another Aunt and another mother figure of sorts who brought along Bey. Bey was Natasha’s child, her pride and joy, but also Remedy’s best friend.
Turns out when you get shocked by Thor when trying to save a small nation, well it can awaken hidden powers where you can open portals. Soon everyone knows your secrets and governments well they don't care that you are a Stark, or that you save lives, they notice the fallout you leave behind.
Remedy knew Steve and her father Tony getting along was never going to last, they always had a fallout but they always came together in the end. This time Remedy wasn't able to foretell the destruction, Thunderbolt Ross would have on the group. Remedy left to go bury her Godmother Peggy Carter, then the next thing she knew she was a wanted fugitive.
Tony wanted her to hate Bucky, for killing her grandparents she barely knew, but she couldn't find it in her. It wasn't Bucky’s fault it was the men behind the controls. She could be angry at Steve for not telling her father but she could easily forgive him attempting to protect his best friend, she would do the same for Wanda and Bey.
When it was all over, said and done, T’Challa welcomed Remedy along Bey to lay low in Wakanda when they weren't trying to be vigilantes. Pepper would meet up with Remedy behind Tony’s back, updating her on her father as well as her godfather. Always going their separate ways with a hug and tears in their eyes.
Than Thanos happened and one moment she was assisting Natasha to get up after healing her broken arm, getting ready to open a portal, next she saw her body turning to ash before her very eyes. Next, she was standing between Sam Wilson, Bucky with Bey who was transformed into a Mammoth with both Princess Shuri and Spiderman on their back, as they were being portalled back to New York.
Remedy fought long and hard, the burning feeling in lungs, long since came a constant reminder she was alive. Working back to back with Wanda most of the fight, sending people her way, or defending Spider-Man, or well Peter, he had stopped to introduce himself and to apologize for the black eye back in Germany. Yeah, she could grow to like the kid and could see why her dad did too.
Seeing her dad again for the first time in what felt like forever, was crazy, especially when Remedy half expected him to yell at her, instead he hugged her. Remedy honestly couldn't remember the last time her father had hugged her. He held her tightly to the metal suit he had long lost his helmet it seemed, Remedy could have sworn she felt tears hit her scalp.
“You are so grounded young lady, I don’t care if you are 30 years old, you are grounded! No television, phone, no boys, we are going to have a long talk about what it means to be a vigilante and not talk to our parents.” Tony broke the silence that surrounded them, trying to make his daughter laugh, while she tugged him down to dodge a laser beam heading their way.
Remedy wasn't sure how long the fight even lasted but for her, it ended with her on Bey’s Polar Bear form a few yards away from Bruce Banner who was in possession of the gauntlet. Bruce snapped and the next thing she noticed was the aliens they had been fighting were turning to dust. Thanos was defeated and all of a sudden it felt like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. Exhaustion hit Remedy hard and it was expected so the last thing she remembered was the white fur, hitting her face before she was caught by Clint.
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The drive to wherever they were going seemed to drag on as Remedy got stuck between the two super soldiers, a guy named Frank Castle was driving and he wouldn't let anyone touch for stereo. Somehow Sam had won a coin toss and got to ride shotgun, while in the very back Bey was sharing their iPod with Wanda and Karen Page, was snoring.
When Remedy came to in the back of a truck that belonged to Castle, Pepper had been pushing her hair back. Tears had been cascading down her face even though she was smiling, Remedy had tried to smile but everything in her body has hurt. Pepper was in her suit of armor, Remedy remembered choking out the colors were far better than Dad’s, making Pepper laugh. Tony had leaned over the side of the truck kissing the crown of her head, reminding her favoritism sucked.
Soon they were invited back to Stark-Potts household because of course they got married, but it turns out they no longer lived in the city but out by Lake George. The two-hour drive listening to classic rock and alternative rock, barley any legroom, the constant sniff, and cough was starting to get to Remedy. Almost making her wish she had taken up the Peter Quill guy, or even Scott Lang offers up for a lift.
As Hozier’s voice crooned about how he should have taken better care of his lover, the road Frank had turned on to suddenly became bumpy. Steve sat up straighter, suddenly elbowing Remedy in the ribs with his sharp elbow, causing her to take a deep intake of breath. Bucky reached around Remedy smacking his best friend on the back of the skull, getting a laugh out of Wanda and Bey in the back. Steve gave her an apologetic look as they drew closer to a cabin that looked almost luxurious, right away Remedy knew this was one of her Dad’s places.
As the Range Rover came to a slow stop, Remedy noticed Happy, Pepper, and Rhodey standing on the porch together, with drinks in their hands. Remedy followed Bucky out of the car and saw the lake to her left, it's beauty was serene, she could see why Pepper and her Dad would settle here. Suddenly arms were around Remedy’s legs and holding on tightly to her, with no foreseeable plan to let go it seemed.
“Remy, Daddy said he would bring you home and he did! Mom said you would teach me how to play guitar and you’d Dutch braid. I’m so happy your home.” Remedy stared down at the little girl at her legs in confusion before she heard footsteps nearing, and a hand was placed on top of the little girls head. That hand is turned our belonged to her father and beside him was Pepper, both of which were smiling at her.
“Remedy, this is Morgan, we had her shortly after the snap. Morgan this is your older sister Remedy.” Tony was now holding Morgan in his arms, who continued to stare at Remedy was adoration.
“I know who Remedy is Daddy, I have her picture at my bedside, I tell her goodnight every night and I read to her. Well not her, the picture of her, but now I can read to her because you brought her home to us, as you promised!” Remedy felt her heart rate skyrocket, she had a sister, she had been gone five years and so much has changed. To the right, she could hear Bey screaming no, as Clint was saying sorry, everything felt louder, her breathing more shallow.
“Remy?” Pepper put her hand on her shoulder like she used to do when she was a teenager, and she felt the world was out to get her, but Pepper always reassured her, she was stronger than those who brought her down. Remy tried her hardest to smile at Morgan, but she felt perhaps it still came out more like a grimace than anything else.
“Morgan, it's so good to meet you. If you don't mind, I just need a second to catch my breath.” Remedy had reached over and squeezed her little sister soft delicate hand in a loving gesture before she turned away from her family. Her legs taking her out towards the edge of the dock of the lake, hands-on her hips she found herself struggling to breathe as her mind raced.
Where did she belong now? Why did she have to leave all those years ago, she should have come home with the tail tucked between her legs and signed the accords, they could have been a family. She had missed out on the wedding, the one she had wished for since she was a pre-teen, on her birthday cakes and falling stars. Tony had taken in Peter Parker, Spider-Man who was a pretty cool kid, but still, she missed out on seeing them interact. Here she was a big sister and she missed five years of bed life and yet she seemed to know everything about her, acted like she was the best thing in the world. What would Morgan think when she found out that she wasn't all that great?
An arm around her shoulder, the scent of metal, tea tree, sandalwood, amber, leather, and moss hit her nose, indicating Bucky was the one at her side. He ran his flesh hand up and down her arm, as he put his face in her hair shushing her as she began to cry. Remedy didn't need to be told that Natasha was also gone, along with Vision, people they lost in the war. Her family was falling apart and she felt so broken, yet here was a man she spent weeks on the run, months in Wakanda with, comforting her.
“I’m not sure about you, but I feel a little lost right now, but that's because we are in a strange place, but I promise you Remedy, you got me. You aren’t alone and we’ve got Sam and Bey as well as Steve.” Remedy kept her head in the crook of Bucky’s neck as the vibrations of his voice soothed her along with the smoothing up and down motions of him rubbing her back.
“Everything’s going to be alright.” Bucky kissed the crown of her forehead and looked out at the water while he just held Remedy in his. He vowed to keep her safe and maybe they could help each other piece themselves back together in this messed up world.
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