#and a bunch of results came back and nothing is any clearer lol
vully-andthegoose · 6 months
in addition to dealing with my mom being terminally ill and progressing rapidly, I also get to deal with my own health bullshit! hooray !
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the boys in a haunted house
ft. shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto & kirishima eijirou
Note: This came to me in a vision... okay not really but SEVENTEEN’s GoSe episode on the ghost really inspired me to write this. Hope you enjoy!
Tags: fluff, real comedic geniuses here, vague understanding of haunted houses
Word count: 2.3k
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Now Shinsou isn’t really afraid of anything in particular, as in he’s not rattled by jump scares in movies
Instead, he has a penchant for psychological thrillers, because as much as he doesn’t use his quirk for villainous motives, he does like to fuck with people in general
So when you ask to go to a haunted house with him, he’s pretty indifferent, only letting out a non-committal hum as you tell him how this new set has been getting rave reviews from your friends
When you get there, Shinsou’s reminded of the time his class set up a haunted house for the cultural festival, and wonders if he could glean more ideas from this experience should they decide to hold it again this year lmao
As you enter, you’re relieved to know that Shinsou’s interested to at least a certain extent (but for the wrong reasons lol)
When the first jumpscare appears, Shinsou doesn’t so much as flinch, even as he feels your fingernails dig into his arm where you clutch him
He just stares, as if memorising the appearance of the zombie/mummy/ghost and wondering how he could replicate the look with the limited budget his class had for the festival
You didn’t hear this from me, but some of the haunted house actors were creeped out by Shinsou himself
I mean, his purple hair sticking up all ways like that of a mad scientist, coupled with his piercing unnerving stare, while the bags under his eyes carry even more bags and stand out against the pallor of his skin? Boy is setting himself up to look like a real zombie or vampire here
Anyway, if his s/o is more on the timid side, he doesn’t mind letting them hold onto him in any way as they walk through the set
Clutching his arm so tight he wonders if his skin will break under their hold, or the hem of his sleeve being tugged so hard it might tear, Shinsou just likes that you can depend on him and that he makes you feel safe
Though do not put it past him to mess with you even though you’re afraid
He won’t be pushing you toward the ghosts despite your shrieks and wails, or giving you a jumpscare of his own while in the house, but since he likes psychological thrillers so much, he’ll play a prank once the experience is over
‘Gee, Y/N, did you see that guy? He wouldn’t leave you alone at all’
‘... wait what do you mean’
‘You know, the one who followed you around with a knife in his hand? Don’t tell me you didn’t notice. Oh wait, you didn’t? Could’ve been my imagination then. Just it was so vivid...’
You’re scared shitless when you talk to the owner and there’s no such ghost, while Shinsou stands a ways behind you and winks conspiratorially at the owner
Cue you hanging onto his arm even on the way home, but Shinsou doesn’t mind one bit
Seems like he’s up for a night of suffocation where you’ll be holding onto him like your life depended on it
Maybe then he’ll tell you it was all a joke. Or that the man with the knife seemed to have followed you home...
Whatever he’ll do, he knows he’ll have fun as long as it’s with you (and as long as you don’t get too mad and kick him out of your room)
Now, if his s/o isn’t easily scared and is more of the playful sort, he’d like doing gag commentary with you as the ghosts show up one by one
Whether your laughter is a coping mechanism, or just the result of plain unadulterated fun, Shinsou’s having fun nonetheless
If you’re really playful, and Shinsou’s feeling it too, you two cook up a plan to scare the ghosts together
While it’s only semi-successful (in which you scare one or two of them and actually earn some human-like screams from them), the both of you can’t stop cackling on the way home
Overall, Shinsou has fun, and he isn’t afraid to tell you so
‘Maybe we should do it again next time, and make a record of how many we can scare individually’
You: ‘BET’
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Given his upbringing, it’s no secret that Todoroki has never had the chance to do things normal teenagers do
So naturally his first reaction to you suggesting a visit to a haunted house is pure curiosity
He knows they exist when class 1-C did it for the cultural festival but he didn’t get the chance to visit it the last time, so why not now?
As you tell him about it, Todoroki’s already whipping his phone out to do some research beforehand, but he relented when you tell him it’s better if it’s a surprise
He doesn’t show it on his face but he’s infinitely excited to be there, in a ‘I have no idea what to expect’ kind of way as he watches you buy tickets
Cue him thinking the whole thing is like the simulations in class and actually creates flames in his hands so you can see clearer in the dark
You have to tell him amidst your laughter that he’s not supposed to do that, and he’s bewildered alright, but he complies
Now Todoroki isn’t a big reactor by any means but since you know him so well, you can tell how the haunted house affects him
Like, he’ll pretty much react the same way he did during the test of courage during summer camp last time in that he’ll flinch silently, but you can see in the dim light how his eyes widen a minuscule fraction and how his shoulders tense up during jumpscares
It’s weird, because as a future hero nothing should faze him, but even when he’s expecting to be scared it does nothing to stop him from actually being scared
Halfway through his hand would automatically reach for yours,  and when more jumpscares occur he’ll tighten his grip on it
His grip varies; when he senses a jumpscare his fingers will curl around yours a little more but when he’s actually frightened expect a violent squeeze of your hand, but nothing too painful
If you’re the timid sort, Todoroki’s glad that you feel the same way in some sorts, and feels reassured that it’s the normal way to react to such things as haunted houses (poor baby doesn’t have a clue about social norms, so he’s always questioning whether he’s weird for being the way he is and not being typical in his reactions—the answer is, of course, that he’s loved either way)
If you’re the unfazed sort, Todoroki will admire you as you march through the haunted house hand in hand, his gaze on your small but strong back as you move towards the exit. How you don’t react to anything, and instead even exchange pleasantries with some of the ghosts makes him see you in a whole new light
And then when you’re finally out in the open, where you return to your usual caring self and ask if he’s okay, Todoroki thinks that he couldn’t fall in love with you more than he already has
Spoiler alert: he’s wrong
When you cheekily tell him you’ll protect the next time you visit a haunted house, he buries his face in your shoulders while he hugs you to him tight
‘Thank you.’ You can hear him whisper beside your ear, ‘but let’s not do that again for a while.’
If you’re an absolute horror junkie, you’ll try to convince Todoroki to visit with you again
If he’s still hesitant, you opt to getting him used to jumpscares by watching horror movies together
Sometimes Todoroki can’t help but question what you find so fun about them when you yourself squeal in half-horror and half-delight when you get scared by something on the screen
But if the way you cling to his side is any indication, he likes it anyway
Pretty soon he does get used to jumpscares, in that his heightened senses from all his hero training lead him to predict the right moments where jumpscares occur
Cue him telling you ‘There’s a jumpscare at this part’ and two seconds later a monstrous face appears on screen
At first you’re in awe at his sudden ability only after watching like three films, but pretty soon it gets old and you have to break it to him that it ruins the show for you
Your heart nearly melts when he murmurs in a low voice, ‘I thought I’d just warn you in advance so you wouldn’t be scared.’
In that moment you’re eternally grateful to have someone as awkward and kind as Todoroki as your boyfriend who constantly looks out for your well-being and does his best in making you happy
You kindly explain to him what makes horror movies so good and why jumpscares are supposed to be unpredictable, but not before leaning in to whisper a ‘thank you’ and plant a kiss to his cheek
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Now Kirishima’s usually game for anything you want to try, but just so you know, he wouldn’t exactly consider a haunted house as an ideal date spot
What’s so romantic about getting scared by a bunch of ghosts who are also paid actors in a small dark space? But hey, if it’s for fun and you want to, why not
But just because he’s the glue of class 1-A, he’ll ask if he can bring some of his friends along since ‘it’ll be more fun that way’
The thing with Kirishima is if he sees other people enjoying this kind of thing he’d like to invite them, and when he can’t picture something being just between the two of you he’s likely to call other people to join
You might be a little disappointed and exasperated about it, but knowing where he’s coming from you can’t really get mad at him
Though if you’re truly bothered about it, just say the word and he’ll change
Sweetie will do anything for you as long as it’s within reason and he knows where you’re coming from
But anyway, you’re not against the idea of having the rest of the Bakusquad join you, since they’re a fun-loving bunch and having them at a haunted house is bound to be ten times funnier
So there’s Bakugou in his usual black skull shirt and Sero and Kaminari, while Mina’s ready to snap away with her camera so she can get some funny reaction pics out of the boys
While lining up for tickets you’re surprised by Kirishima learning in from behind you and whispering into your ear: ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ll protect you from anything you find scary in there!’
Heat immediately rises to your cheeks when you think about the utter cheeseball he is, and when you turn around to face him Kirishima has his trademark toothy grin on his face as he looks at you
How could you even be disappointed about this not being a date when Kirishima is still being his caring, romantic self?
Mina, who’s behind the both of you in line, immediately scrunches up her face in mock disgust. ‘Ew, you two,’ she says in mock disgust and you know she’d heard Kirishima. ‘Get out of here and get a room.’ The three of you end up laughing it off anyway.
When you step into the haunted house, Kirishima naturally takes your hand in his, and an immediate sense of safety washes over you when you feel his hand encapsulating yours
Going through the haunted house with Kirishima is an absolute hitch, as he knows just how to react and still have fun with you
Kirishima isn’t the kind to be scared easily, but he always acts scared alongside you because he doesn’t want you to feel alone in your fear
Jokes on him because you can tell exactly when he’s scared or not, because laughing is his coping mechanism for these things
The louder he laughs, the more scared he is, and he laughs a fair bit while you’re walking through the haunted house
When he really gets frightened though, he accidentally activates his quirk so you feel his skin harden a little in your hand
Just as quickly he retracts his hand and forgets his fear in favour of worrying over whether he hurt you, the sweetheart that he is
But the highlight of the night is really when Bakugou nearly blasted Kaminari to smithereens when he appeared behind him wrapped in Sero’s tape like a mummy, but not without Mina’s acid melting through the tape so he looked like he’d just escaped from his ancient sarcophagus
The only reason Bakugou stopped himself from yelling ‘die!’ is when he hears a ‘whey~’ escape from the mummy’s mouth, which is when he drags the ‘mummy’ by the collar out through the exit while the rest of you rush after him in hysterical laughter
Whether it’s because Kaminari instantly sobered up when Bakugou threatens to blow him up, or that Kirishima notices that Bakugou’s palms and forehead are tinged with cold sweat, you all have a great time nonetheless
When you confront Kirishima about purposely faking his fear in front of you, an embarrassed blush immediately overtakes his face
‘I just thought it’d cheer you up, so you wouldn’t focus on your own fear too much,’ he says, and his face turns even redder when you laughingly point out his own tells
‘I guess I really can’t hide anything from you,’ he then smiles after looping his arm with yours on the way back, the Bakusquad squabbling a ways in front of you so they can’t hear his next words that make you swoon. ‘But I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
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