#and Victor and Alice getting some tender time on the couch helped make up for their glitchy date
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victorluvsalice · 11 months ago
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-->And then heard a weird musical sting, and looked over at Smiler to realize they were absolutely Hysterical from all this fun. AKA, one good giggle fit away from death. D: I quickly got them away from the games to chat with Victor, who laid a Heat Of The Moment kiss on them as a distraction. XD Once they’d gotten their flirt on a bit, I had Smiler go calm themselves down in the bathroom mirrors (never mind they have no reflection to do so) -- once they were safely just Very Inspired, I then let them hop on the DDR machine while Victor shot some hoops at the basketball machine. As my game threw out ANOTHER barista-related error. *grumbles* I don’t know if that’s the game, one of my mods, or what, but seems I’m gonna have to be careful playing for a while...
-->And then I looked at the date timer, saw that they only had thirty minutes left, and was like “crap, forget the games, finish socializing, do more cute things together!” XD Fortunately they were more than amenable to kissing and flirting some more, and the date ended with them having reached Gold level as well, yay! Not like I need those VIP buckets, but fuck it, we can recycle them or something. I just wanted my boy and my enby to have a good time.
-->With that date done, it was time to send the pair home, where I found Alice, still in werewolf form, sitting on the couch watching some classic Sims TV. Which gave me an idea – VICTOR had already fulfilled the “watch Romantic TV” tradition I slapped on the holiday a while back, but Alice and Smiler hadn’t. And despite the fact it was past midnight, the holiday wasn’t quite over yet (they don’t end until 2 AM the next morning). So I had Alice turn off the classics, let out a somber howl to keep her Fury down, change back into her human form, then put on the Romance channel before sending Victor and Smiler over to join her on the couch. Holiday ended with the three of them hanging out for a while, watching goofy medical dramas and doing a little bit of flirting, before Smiler got up and left Alice and Victor to it while they made a drink over at their bar in the party barn. XD At least they all had an extremely successful Love Day!
*whew* Yeah, that was a bit more chaotic than I wanted – at least for Victor and Alice, at any rate! Seriously – I can get that the problems with them getting their food was because the cafe’s probably a little too small and was built with form over function in mind, but the FUCK was with townies just randomly flirting with Alice?! Like I said, that didn’t happen on Victor and Smiler’s date – everyone just left them alone! Does Alice have some sort of setting on her that makes townies think it’s okay to get up close and personal on her, because I have GOT to turn that off if so. Talk about the most unAlice thing ever... But at least I got my two good dates in the end. Next time, we wrap up in-game spring with another trip to Van Liddelton Groceries! The gang filled the shelves, and now we have to empty them. See you then!
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