#and THEN 2007 happens i wanted to play the clarinet but when i was trying out the band director said i was ''a natural at the trumpet''
wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
this is gonna sound so corny but whenever i think about my upcoming violin classes my heart just feels so fucking full. like this is me righting all the wrongs in my life
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nextcomes-blog · 7 years
Hello and welcome. My name is Chloe and this is my personally public diary. There are many things that I hope to accomplish on this journey and with this blog, but those can be saved for a later post. For now, we begin with introductions and all the necessities of getting started. I feel that it might be more interesting to start with the current events of my life and work my way back, no one wants to read about something that happened when I was five.
First off, again, my name is Chloe and I am 22 years old. This past May 2017 I have graduated from The University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelors of Science degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Eventually, one day, in the future I will be going to graduate school to receive my Doctor of Audiology Degree, AuD. My passion is audiology and be warned, there will be times I'm sure that audiology related things will pop up in my posts. I already apologize because I can talk about audiology for hours.
Second. I have been in a relationship with a guy named Devon for a year and eight months (as of the date of this post being published). I know some of you all out there might roll your eyes at me, but I have met my soul mate. He has only been in my life for a short period of time, but I can't begin to tell you how much my life has changes, for the better, since I have started dating him. As stated in one of my favorite movies Juno 2007 "Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with." - Mac McGuff. He has been with me through a lot in the past year, and I don't know anyone else in the world that I would want by my side. So, if you come across his name in any posts, now you know who he is.
Third. I am blessed with a large family. My mother and father never got married when realizing that they were pregnant with me, and for a long time when I was little I struggled with having parents who weren't together. I was jealous of my friends who had both of their parents at home with them. As I got older I realized that I was actually very fortunate for the way my parents relationship with each other worked out. I can say that it's probably better than them being together and then getting a divorce, I can't imagine what that kind of heartbreak does to a family. My parents both married someone else, and I have many aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins, and even brothers and sisters that I wouldn't have if my parents stayed together. I was also born into a "young" family.On my moms side there is only a twenty year gap between each generation. So, my math friendly friends out there, that makes my great grandmother only about 85 years old. I have been blessed with not experiencing loss in my family until very recently.
Fourth. My Papa. This paragraph is probably something that is irrelevant to the purpose of this first blog post, but he's important to me and I feel he needs mentioning. His name is, was, Stephen Rodgers. He was one of the biggest influences in my life. He was kind, loving, smart, funny, and everything that a grandpa should be. In September 2015 he was hit by a car. They were inside of a neighborhood so they weren't going fast, but this individual flipped a U-turn without looking and hit my Papa while he was on his moped scooter thing. He wasn’t killed, just badly injured. He was in and out of hospitals, rehab centers, he had in home nurses, and was starting to get better. In January 2016 he collapsed suddenly in his garage while getting ready to leave for work, he was a professor at the local Everest University. Doctors didn't know what was going on. There was little to nothing that could have been done to help. I visited him shortly before he passed away and there are many things that I regret. I hated how scared I was to be in his room, hooked up to machines and unable to move and talk. I couldn't be in there for more than a few minutes and I should have stayed longer. I should have sat and talked with him, but I didn't. February 2, 2016 my Papa passed away. That was the first major family loss I have ever experienced and its still very hard for me to come to terms with. Its hard that there are so many things that I want to share with him and tell him about but I cant. I try not to be bitter about and toward the woman that hit him, but its very hard.
Fifth. I am not a Nevada native. I am originally from Colorado. When I was in 5th grad, my stepdad got a job promotion to move out to Las Vegas. I lived full time with my mom, and while I had the  option of staying in Colorado with my dad, I decided to move to Vegas. I used to play the what-if game. I know my life would be drastically different if I had chosen to stay in Colorado, but now that I am where I am, I'm glad I didn't stay. While I physically hated Las Vegas with a literal burning passion, I loved the life I had there. I love the friends that I made, and the opportunities that I had. I love that I got to go to college up in Reno. I love Reno. While I miss the cool and casual Colorado, and I one day hope to go to school there, I think I have found my home in Reno.
Lastly. I guess I should say something about me. I'm a Taurus. If you believe in the zodiac mumbo-jumbo like I do then you will know my personality right away. I am fiercely loyal, I like sleep and food. I can be a little crazy at some moments, but for the most part I am cool and steady. I don't like change, I am deeply rooted in my weird personal beliefs but I am very accepting to what other have to offer. I love learning, not in the conventional text-book way, but by experiences and doing. My element is earth, which I feel is very important to me and those around me. I am also House Gryffindor. Yes. I am a Harry Potter nerd, sue me. I love reading, and writing. I play clarinet and I love almost all genres of music. I wont tell you my political opinion because well, I don't have one. I am weird and quirky and have an unnatural love and obsession for potatoes. I hope that you guys start to pick up on my personality over the next few posts. I don't know how well it will convey over written messages but we shall see.
 Until next time, Chloe
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