#and Steve won't be able to sit right for the rest of the day
callme-holly · 3 months
Hii thereee!! I was wondering if you could write smth Soda related. Maybe a first date with him like a picnic maybe? Or something like that. That's all!! Hope you have a great day/night and your writing is so scrumptious omggg🙏🏽😭
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 [𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - I apologise that this isn't exact! I started off following the ask and then everything kinda took a turn and this happened... Im also on a trip for a couple of days so I won't be able to post. Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy and as always
my asks are still open for requests!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 984 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none!!
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The sun was hot on your skin, and the warm breeze did very little to cool you off as you sat beside Soda on the front porch of the Curtis home. He has an arm draped around your waist, holding you close despite the oppressive heat, and a can of pepsi held loosely in his free hand. His usually greased-up hair is damp with sweat and sticking up at odd angles, the product of having been run through several times that day. He looks relaxed, seemingly somewhat content with sitting beside you, his fingers tracing idle patterns into your side. 
Normally, he’d be running about the front yard with the rest of the gang and a football, laughing loudly, until Darry called for them to “knock it off and come inside.” Today, though, Soda simply sits on the porch steps, watching with a grin as Two-Bit chases Pony with the hose, Steve jeering him on from the sidelines. Johnny’s standing a couple feet away, a small smile on his lips as he watches the chaos unfold before him, occasionally dodging a stray stream of water directed at him. 
You lean your head against Sodapop’s shoulder, ignoring the heat and the sticky fabric of your sundress, keeping your gaze focused on the group before you. Soda takes a sip of his drink, and you can tell by the way his leg bounces that he wants nothing more than to join the fray. 
A small smile tugs at the edges of your lips. You reach over and intertwine your fingers with his, his leg stilling almost immediately at your touch. He looks down at you, tilting his head much in the same way a dog might when curious, his brow furrowed.
“Everythin' okay?” His voice is impossibly soft, and you feel warmth bloom in your chest. You squeeze his hand and nod, your gaze straying over to where the gang is playing. The hose is now in possession of a very pissed-off and very wet-looking Dallas, whose blonde hair sticks to his forehead in dripping strands.
“You can go join them, you know.” Soda follows your gaze, nodding slowly. 
“I know,” He turns back to you, shrugging lightly as he squeezes your hand in return. “But I promised you a date, and if I can’t give you that, then the least I can do is sit here with you, right?” He gives you a lopsided grin, pulling you in closer so that you’re practically pressed against him. You let out a soft laugh and shook your head, tucking your face into his shoulder. Soda presses a kiss on your hairline, resting his chin against the top of your head and grinning like an idiot. 
The two of you were meant to go out today, taking advantage of his day off in hopes of catching a movie or taking a picnic to the lot. But the extremely hot weather meant that Darry didn’t want either of you out for too long, forcing you to spend your date out in the yard with the gang. 
You watch with fond amusement as Steve tackles Two-Bit on the lawn, the both of them struggling for control over the hose, sending water spraying in all directions. A chorus of yells and laughs fills the air, and Soda fidgets beside you, clearly desperate to join in on the fun but hesitant to abandon you. 
You reach over and gently pat his thigh. 
“It'll be fine,” You reassure him, giving his other hand a light squeeze. “Go join 'em.” He sighs heavily and stands, reluctantly letting go of your hand to walk towards the commotion on the grass. Within seconds, he's lost amidst the throng of boys, and you're left alone on the porch, listening to them scream and laugh amongst themselves. 
Occasionally, Soda turns to flash you one of those blinding smiles that you love so very much, before he's brought back to the game by Steve jumping on his back, the pair rolling about in the wet grass, mud staining their clothes. 
The scene makes you chuckle, and before you know it, you find Soda bounding towards you once more, arms outstretched, his smile just as bright as always. You grimace at his soaked state, wrinkling your nose a little as he tries to wrap his arms around your waist.
“Sodapop Curtis, don't you dare.” You threaten playfully, trying to swat his hands away as best you can as he advances on you. 
His grin turns mischievous. “Aw, Y/N, you're no fun.” He grins wider, grabbing one of your hands and pulling you up from the wooden porch step. You stumble, giggling as he twirls you around before encircling his arms around your waist and pressing his face into the side of your neck. 
“You’re wet!” You chastise him, pushing gently against his chest, trying desperately to wriggle free. He only holds you tighter, and you eventually give in, relaxing in his hold, a content smile tugging at the corners of your lips as he peppers kisses across your neck and face. 
When he finally pulls away, he’s got an impossibly bright grin on his face, his arms still slung securely around your waist. 
“I'm sorry I couldn't take you on that date I promised.” He says it softly, leaning down to press his lips against yours. It's sweet and chaste, and you melt against him, your fingers running through his wet hair.
“Don’t apologise,” You mumble, pulling back slightly so you can look up at him. You brush a few stray hairs from his eyes, and he blinks lazily at you, leaning into the touch. “We have plenty of other days for dates.”
His answering smile is wide, his eyes crinkling at the sides. “Yeah?”
You give him a nod, leaning in to press another kiss on his lips. “Yeah.”
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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sidekick-hero · 10 months
Until I found you
(steddie | 1.5k | mature | AO3 | Collection with wedding fics)
My dearest @thefreakandthehair, you were the first person I really interacted with in this fandom and your Winter Challenge was the reason I wrote my very first ST fanfic. You have a special place in my heart Lex and I am so glad, that I and all the others, were able to show you how much you mean to us with our wedding gifts.
I wish you and Billiam a life filled with love and happiness and the knowledge that you found something special within each other 💜
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Most of the time, Eddie doesn’t mind being poor. Hell, he grew up with no money to his name, and as with so many things, you can't really miss what you've never had.
But sometimes he wishes that he wasn't.
Not even for himself, but for Steve. Because Steve? Steve knows what he's missing.
Before he came out to his parents, involuntarily, when they caught them making out on the floor of their living room, and they kicked him out of their house and their family, Steve had money. He could buy anything he wanted and never had to worry about affording rent and groceries.
Now, Eddie and Steve were living together in a small but cozy apartment in Indianapolis with their cats, Merry and Pippin. Steve was studying to be an EMT, and Eddie was working as a bartender where his band played regularly. They got by just fine, even though most of their furniture was second-hand, and they went grocery shopping on a weekly budget.
Their life was good. Perfect, in fact, if you asked Eddie. They had everything they needed, especially each other, which was the most important thing, a fact Steve never tired of reminding him of.
But that never stopped Eddie from wanting to give Steve more. Steve deserved the world and Eddie hated that he couldn't give it to him. He couldn't even give him the honeymoon he deserved.
If he's honest, he still can't believe Steve said yes. Especially after Eddie proposed at the worst possible time. Not during sex, which would have been bad, but not the worst. No, he proposed during a fight.
Steve was yelling at him, probably about something inane because he was tired and frustrated at the time, Eddie doesn’t even remember. And all he could think was that he would do anything to have Steve yell at him and smile at him and kiss him and tease him for the rest of his life.
"If you don't care, fine, but some of us —"
"Marry me."
"What - are you kidding me?"
"No, I have never been more serious in my life. Marry me, Steve."
"Are you asking me to marry you so I’ll stop yelling at you? Because I won't."
"Oh, I know. You don't have to. Just say yes before you go on?"
Steve had stopped yelling at him after that, too busy kissing him. They fucked right there on their kitchen floor, and Steve bitched about it the whole next day when his knees hurt. It was perfect.
Eddie wants their honeymoon to be just as perfect. But even though his uncle pitched in as much as he could, their wedding ate up what little savings they had. So instead of going to a beach somewhere and enjoying the sight of his husband in nothing but his swim trunks and lathering his gorgeous skin in sunscreen, they stayed home.
"Come on, it's not that bad. You know us. We wouldn't have left the hotel room anyway." Steve tries to cheer him up as Eddie sulks on their bed, wiggling his eyebrows in the way he knows makes Eddie laugh every time. It has the desired effect when Eddie snorts, but the thought of letting Steve down still lingers on his mind.
"Seriously, Eds. I know we don't have much right now, but we can always go on vacation together later. Right now, I really want to enjoy some quality time with my husband. So could you please tell him to stop moping?"
It's said with a teasing smile, so Eddie knows that Steve isn't really annoyed with him. But he's right, this is their honeymoon, even if they have to spend it at home. He shouldn't sit around and mope. He's failing at being a husband. He should probably prepare himself for the inevitable moment when Steve realizes that too and asks him for a divorce. Maybe they can at least stay friends. The thought hurts, a pang in his chest that he knows has nothing on how much the real thing would hurt. Like a supernova imploding in his chest, a black hole that would suck the life out of him. But he would try anyway. Not right away, but maybe someday, because Eddie can't imagine a life without Steve in it, even if it won't be the way he hoped it would be —
"I see you spiraling from here, Eddie."
Steve's voice is soft, as is his touch, as he cups Eddie's cheek with the palm of his hand. When Eddie looks up into his eyes, they are soft as well, filled with nothing but love. They look exactly the same as they did when Steve said "I do.” Just before he kissed Eddie with so much tenderness that Eddie could feel it in his toes.
"I just want to make you happy, Stevie. I don't want to disappoint you."
It's painfully honest, but they both worked hard at being honest with each other. Even when they screw up or when they think it might hurt the other. Honesty is the foundation on which they built their relationship, along with trust, respect, and, of course, love. And fantastic sex.
Steve smiles at him, and something about the look on his face actually brings tears to Eddie's eyes and his heart clenches in his chest. Fuck. He never thought you could love someone so much that it physically hurts until he met Steve. "I know, baby. I know. Wanna know a secret?"
Eddie hums and presses a small kiss to Steve's palm. Steve's thumb reaches up to gently stroke his cheekbones, wiping away the wetness that has begun to gather. "You make me happy every day in so many ways."
Steve kisses the tender skin under Eddie's eye, first left, then right. "When I wake up in the morning, way before you, sleepyhead, and you always kiss me, even when you're not awake yet."
He kisses Eddie's nose next, adding a little nip to the tip that makes Eddie smile. "When you text me throughout the day, just to share your thoughts and hear mine. Just to show me you were thinking about me."
Next, Steve's lips find Eddie's forehead, lingering, pressing his love into Eddie's skin, wanting it to get through Eddie's thick skull. "When you come home after a long shift, tiptoeing through the apartment, and making a ruckus anyway because you couldn't be quiet to save your life. And you slide into bed next to me, wrap me up in your arms, kiss the side of my face, and tell me you love me.”
Finally, Steve kisses him on the lips, first taking his upper lip between his own, then his lower, before slowly dragging his tongue along the seam. Eddie opens his mouth and Steve's tongue slips in, just like that, just a tease, not as a prelude to anything, but because he can. Because what's Eddie's is his and what's Steve's is Eddie's. Everything he has and everything he is belongs to Steve. His husband.
"You made me the happiest man in the world when you asked me to marry you. When you said yes in front of our friends, our family." Steve whispers in the minimal space between their lips, and Eddie sniffles, too happy to be embarrassed.
"I love you, Stevie. So goddamn much." Another kiss, as gentle as the last.
Steve pulls away, both hands cupping Eddie's face, his thumbs wiping away the last of the tears. "I love you too. So how about we start with the whole honeymoon business, huh?"
"What do you have in mind?"
Steve's smile is sweet, innocent, but Eddie knows his husband well enough to see the gleam in his eyes. He's in for a treat, his stomach fluttering in anticipation.
"Well," Steve begins, letting go of Eddie's face to tap his chin, "I thought we'd take our mattress into the living room, put it in front of the TV and put on Lord of the Rings. Extended Edition." The words sound like music to his ears, the perfect way to spend the day in his book, but it's hardly a gift for the two of them.
Steve is not finished, however. "That's 686 minutes. Wanna show me how many times you can make me come in 11 hours?"
Standing up so fast he almost knocks Steve over, Eddie pulls Steve into a deep, heated kiss. "Marry me, Steve."
Steve laughs. "I already did, stupid. I take it you like the idea?"
"I love it. Almost as much as you." They kiss again, unable to keep their hands off each other.
Eddie wonders if the impromptu blowjob that follows on their bed can be added to the final count at the end of the day. If so, it's nine times. Not bad at all, if he says so himself.
Steve seems to agree as they cuddle on the couch, both naked, satiated and sleepy, their legs intertwined and Steve's head resting on Eddie's chest, their mattress beyond saving ("Good thing the new one gets delivered tomorrow.").
"Are you happy, Stevie?"
"Never been happier in my life, Mr. Munson-Harrington."
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
Katherine’s horny thought was sent to you: 💌
Now share something short but smutty with this promt:
“Where have you been, sweetheart? I’ve been waiting for you.”
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[No pressure bby.] 🤍
a/n: Hey, Kat, and fellow Readers!!! So sorry this took so long, it's been an intense couple of weeks... School has just started, and I'm already feeling the pressure. But, I'm happy to have written this for us. It calmed me down, and gives me great pleasure (innuendo not intended 😆) to know that I am capable, and getting better at writing dirty smut 🤭
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this, as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤️
Requested: Yes
WARNINGS!!! Talk of sex life, Steve being Steve, Dom!Captain!Steve, some possessiveness, some rough handling, major cursing, name calling (Y/n is called slut a couple of times), Smut with a plot, talks about sex and trusting your partner, MAJOR CUTENESS at the end.
DNI Divider by @firefly-graphics
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It all started when Steve caught the end of your conversation with Nat.
"And honestly, I wouldn't mind if things got a little heated, in a certain way with Steve." He heard you say.
"I mean it wouldn't be too hard. He's Steve..." You trailed off, the swoon clear in your voice.
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Sometime later, you'd be sitting in the comfiest corner of your room, when Steve, flushed and barely able to catch his breath, bursts into your room. Talking a mile, a minute.
"Okay, Doll. I've been thinking. And you're right. Our sex life should be exciting. So, sometime soon, I'm going to do something that you won't expect. We cool? Okay, talk soon!" He finished before hurriedly giving you a quick kiss, and rushing out of your door. Leaving you more confused, than anything.
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A few days later, Nat and Wanda had taken you out on a Girl's Night. It had become kind of a tradition for the ladies of the Avengers (including Pepper). Especially on days when either missions got too much, your S/O had left you at a loss, or just to decompress from life in general.
"So, basically if Tony is going to pester me about that paperwork one more time, Pepper is going to give him hell." Nat laughed, hands steady on the wheel of the car on the ride back to the Compound.
"Shame Pep couldn't make it." Wanda sighed, resting her head against her hand, with her elbow resting against the passenger side door.
"Having Morgan with us wouldn't have been too bad." She added.
"Everything we do is basically PG-13 anyway. Like Y/n's sex life..." Nat trailed off, the playful teasing tone at the end of her sentence evident in her voice.
"It's almost been a week, and still nothing?" Wanda asked, turning her attention to you, sitting in the backseat of the car.
"Nope. And he's been acting strange, all week!" You sighed, exasperated.
"Ever since he came bursting into my room, talking about how, I was right about our sex life needing a little more spice, and that he's got just the thing. But only when I least expect it." You huffed.
"I don't know... I know, I said that I wouldn't mind that we add more spice, but that doesn't mean that we have to. Being with him is more than enough." You said, eyes shining.
"Maybe you should tell him that, Y/N/N." Nat replied, reassuringly.
"Even Super Soldiers need a little assurance, every now and again..." She smiled, knowingly.
Wanda reached for your hand to give some more comfort, and the tension was lifted from your shoulders, almost like she used her skills to help you.
With your mind at ease, you were more than determined to assure Steve.
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It wasn't long before you arrived at the compound, and separated yourself from your girls to head up to your floor. But when you got off of elevator, something was amiss.
Your floor's lighting was suspiciously dim. And it had you cautiously approaching your room. Which you were successful, until you shut your door.
"Where have you been, Sweetheart? I've been waiting for you." A gruff voice said from within the space, making you jump right out of your skin.
In a panic, you went to grab the handle but it wouldn't budge, FRIDAY had locked you in!
"I-I'm sorry. We were caught in traffic... I don't have control over that, Steve." You gasped, as your boyfriend's form prowled towards you, before pinning you to the door. So, close to you that every breath you took, caused your chest to brush against his.
"You think I don't know what you've been out doing all night, slut?" He hissed into your ear, pulling you flush against him, one hand teasingly rubbing up and down your hips and ass.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Steve..." You trembled, unsure how to act or feel, but undeniably feeling the unmistakable sensation of slick building up between your legs. Steve's complete change in persona had its desired effect on you.
"Oh, don't play coy with me, Darling... A little bird told me how you played and danced with all those men, while you were out." He smirked against your cheek, after placing a tantalizing kiss on it.
"Did you forget that your Captain is waiting for you at home? Desperate to feel you, practically melt in my hands? Are you that desperate to have something in you, that you'd deny him his right?" Steve said, intense lust-blown eyes boring into your soul.
"No, Captain. I'm only desperate for you." You cried, needing friction between your thighs, sooner rather than later.
"Prove it." He growled, before pinning you to your door, one arm holding you up against it, the other hand shoved between your legs. Spreading your walls around his thick digits, cause you to moan loudly.
"I see. My girl, is more than desperate for her Captain... You're practically dripping, My Dear..." He sighed, looking at your ruined center. His expert fingers rubbing and brushing up against your walls and clit.
"Oh... Captain, please..." You gasped, the pleasure building and building, desperate for release.
"Are you desperate for your Captain?" Steve smirked, his lips mere inches away from your own.
"YES! I FUCKING AM!" You cried out, every sensation turning more and more intense, and you haven't been allowed to come yet.
"Then come..." Steve said in a low voice, causing you to release it all, with a wail, as his lips came crashing down onto yours to swallow every cry.
He pulled away to kiss, and suck on your sweet-spot. Wanting to mark you all over, but also, as a way to ground you, and bring you back down from your high.
"Are you alright?" He asked, looking right at you. His eyes wide and gleaming, ever so soft for you.
"Y-Yes... I'm fine, just need a sec." You breathed, unable to believe what just happened.
"Do you want me to stop?" Steve asked, softly.
"No. God, no!" You exclaimed, gripping his shirt by the front and pulling him for a messy kiss.
"Take me to bed, Captain." You sighed, before he ripped your shirt in two, and carried you with one arm to your bed, where you shared another messy kiss once more. A promise of the long night that was to come.
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You both finished with a roar, Steve tenderly kissing you, allowing you both to calm down, from your climaxes. He gently pulled out and rolled off of you. Walking into your En Suite to wash himself off, and prepare your bath.
He came back a few minutes later, gently picking you up, bridal style into your shower. Where he allowed you to lean on him, shaky legs unable to keep you upright for more than a few seconds.
His hands, gentle and warm, massaging your shampoo into your hair, lathering soap all over your body, and especially on your most intimate parts. You have never felt safer, or more loved than in that very moment in Steve's arms.
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Once he had given your exhausted body a final rinse, he grabbed your fluffy towel, wiped you dry, wrapped you up in it, before taking you back to the bed where, he had a shirt all ready for you to wear. Although, you definitely noticed that he hadn't brought out your own pair of underwear, instead had his own loose boxers for himself.
Steve asked if it was okay with you to wear his shirt. You agreed, as he slipped it over your head, and around your body, the gesture just as intimate as anything you've done that night with Steve.
He carefully laid you on a carefully arranged pile of pillows, and went to put on his shorts, before joining you in bed, gathering you up in his arms, and snuggling into you. Knowing that this is probably your favorite part after sex.
Rubbing your head softly, you let out a contented sigh, before pulling back slightly to look up at him, determination in your eyes.
"Steve, what was this? I-I mean, you said you'd do something to spice things up, and that I'll never expect this. And I definitely did not expect to be dominated by my Captain. But this is definitely out of the blue, what's the matter?" You asked, your face full of concern as you lovingly cupped his cheek.
"You said that you wouldn't mind if things heated up between us. And I wanted to prove that we can do more than just the regular old making love." Steve sighed. Gone was the strong facade he put up, in its place, the young boy from Brooklyn.
"I did, Steve. But I don't want you to escalate to a place you're not comfortable with." You smiled, using your hand to keep his eyes on you.
"Sex isn't just about love, or getting relief from some sexual tension, it's about communication, and telling your partner, what it is you do or don't like. And that means, taking baby steps if you want to live things up in the bedroom." You said, with a smile.
"So, I could just tell you what I want to try, and you can do the same. And it'll be alright?" Steve asked.
"Yes, Honey. We communicate, and find out together what works or what doesn't. It's about you and me. I trust you, full-heartedly, Steve. Do you trust me, too?" You asked in earnest.
"I do, Doll. I really do, you make me feel complete, and I feel safe enough with you, that I feel like I can ask, and you wouldn't judge me for it." He grinned, his smile getting bigger and bigger.
"Good. Because that means we can try bondage next time." You laughed, half jokingly.
"Slow down, Sweetheart..." Steve laughed, pulling you closer to him. Both of you, happy to have moved up a step in your relationship, and content in the safety the other provided.
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Hope that this was a good one!
Until next time!
❤️ Booky
Taglist: @nescavaneck @jiyascepter @royalwriteroftheuniverse @femefetalelevelingup
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thisapplepielife · 4 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles pop-up Spring challenge.
Holding Out For Spring
Prompt: Spring | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: M | CW: Alcohol Abuse | Tags: Eddie POV, Corroded Coffin, Future Fic, Struggling, Chronic Pain, Post Break-Up, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Gatorade: Not a Sponsor
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Eddie scratches his pen against the page, scribbling forth and scratching away the words that are spilling out onto the loose papers shuffled all around the desk. He reaches for the bottle sitting on the edge of the desk, and takes another long pull.
It was supposed to be a sober month, and he only made it eight days. That's two more than last month, he supposes. 
Writing drunk never gets him anywhere, not really, but he's doing it anyway. Because he feels too much right now. 
The door to the hotel room opens and closes, and Eddie ignores it. He doesn't want the lecture, not from any of them. He's heard it all before, and it doesn't bear repeating.
It's Gareth, and he's quiet as he gathers up the discarded empties, dropping them into the small trash can across the hotel room. Then, he's putting his hand on Eddie's, covering his fingers as they grip the pen, stilling his wrist. Stopping the flow of words.
"Let's get you cleaned up," Gareth tells him, and it's too soft. Too gentle, and Eddie fucking hates it. Hates him. Hates this godforsaken band. 
Hates the never-ending winter he's suffering through. Freezing him to the bone while he moves through the world.
Gareth can't fix that, nobody can, and there's nothing the three of them can scheme up to change this. No amount of babysitting, no amount of coddling, and no amount of treating him like he's fragile. 
He's not fragile. He's broken. There's a difference.
And Eddie wants to fight back, wants to snarl and bite, but he doesn't. He lets go of the pen, and watches as it rolls off the desk and onto the carpet. 
Gareth pulls him up off the chair, and leads him towards the bathroom, getting the water turned on and to the right temperature. Eddie just leans there watching it all happen, numb. 
"Can you stand?" Gareth asks, and Eddie nods.
It's too cold, this winter that's lingering. Steve left, and that saddled him with six more weeks of winter. Only, it's been six months now.
And he's still holding out for spring.
If spring would just come, then maybe he'd be able to breathe again, even if that feels impossible these days, without Steve. 
He gets in the shower, and sticks his head under the spray, trying to sober up. Scrubs at his sides, fingers digging into the scars there. The ones that have faded, but will never disappear. He's in constant pain. The nerve damage, the muscle loss. You can't get gnawed on by bats and just bounce back, at least Eddie couldn't.
Steve did.
But Steve's always been stronger than him.
He's not gonna be fixed, not ever, but they have a show tonight, and if they cancel any more gigs, shit's really gonna hit the fan. He's a goddamn mess, has been since Steve…took a break. 
It's just a break, not a break-up, Eddie tells himself. Over and over, because he won't survive, if this is permanent. Even as the days have turned into weeks, into months.  
He can hear the rest of the band arguing outside the door, Jeff and Goodie now involved. Throwing ideas around. The same old, same old. 
Rehab, again. Canceling the tour, again. Calling Wayne, again.
The last resort, calling Steve.
They can't do any of those things. Won't. None of them will help, will fix him. This is just the way he is, and they have to work around it.  
So, they'll get him sobered up for the night, for the week, and pretend he'll be better this time. He won't be. He never is. The pain will come back, and he'll turn back to the bottle. 
It's genetic. The Munson way. He's cursed, and there's no point in fighting it. 
When Eddie gets out of the shower, Gareth has his scribbled lyrics in hand, waving them around as he talks. Like Eddie isn't even here, listening. Eddie sees the bottle of yellow Gatorade on the desk, that one of them must have gotten from the vending machine, like it'd be enough to sober him up, and Eddie bats it away, sending it skittering across the carpet and into the wall, leaving a dent near the baseboard that they'll have to pay for. That's nothing new. But it shuts them up, just for a second, before Goodie picks the bottle up off the ground and hurls it back at Eddie. Eddie ducks instead of catching it, and it slams against the mirror, glass against glass, all of it shattering to the carpet below.
Eddie lunges towards Goodie, while Gareth and Jeff struggle to hold them both back, and the shouting starts, all over again.
Eddie comes off the stage, and a bottle of Gatorade is pressed into his fist, and he downs it. Ignoring that it's the wrong color. He prefers yellow, and Steve knows that. So does the band. But this stranger, this roadie, doesn't. So, it's red. 
It's fine, but it isn't right. 
Eddie still claps the kid on the shoulder in thanks, and walks away. 
Opening the door to his dressing room, there's a bottle of yellow Gatorade waiting on the coffee table, and Steve waiting on the couch. 
Eddie can't be mad they called him, can't do anything other than crumple in on himself at the sight of him. Steve shouldn't be here, shouldn't be trying to save Eddie from himself, yet again. It hasn't worked before, and it probably won't work now, either.
But Eddie wants it to work. Wants to be good enough for Steve.
"Why?" Eddie asks, and Steve stands. Crosses the room, takes Sweetheart off of Eddie's back, sitting her down gently. Then he pulls Eddie to his chest, those large, warm hands sliding up and down Eddie's back. Soothing him, warming him. 
"You know why," Steve says.
Eddie held out for spring, and he's here now. 
His sunshine, in a yellow sweater.
The start of the thaw.
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Inspired by the song Spring by Ed Sheeran.
I said I'd do a sober month, I failed, but tried, and wrote this drunk, Oh, what a state we're in, I'll keep holdin' out for spring Spring, Ed Sheeran
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
Steve Harrington Finds Out You Are Pregnant.
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem reader
Warning: pregnancy, angst, some cursing
Summary: Steve finds out his girlfriend is pregnant.
Word Count: 1,818 words
MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ account. You'll be blocked! 
Please don't translate or copy my work! You do not have my permission to copy or translate my work. Not Proofread. Feedback is always welcomed! Requests are open! Enjoy!
*not my gif*
You stare down at the stick in your head, your stomach feeling like an empty void, but also heavy like a massive rock rolling around. 
Wetting your lips, you try to let yourself think about how this happened to you. Steve has always let you know about his big dreams with the house full of kids and white picket fence. Hell, hearing him so happy about it made you yearn to give him a child, just not barely out of high school. Currently, you are sitting on your brother's bed, waiting for him to come home from work. The thought of telling your mom without your brother terrified you more than you'd like to admit. 
Suddenly, the front door clicks open followed by it shutting again causing fear to wrap its hand around your throat, squeezing, choking you. The bedroom door swings open, revealing an exhausted Jonathan.
"Hey, what are you- Y/N, are you okay? Why are you crying? Was it Steve? I'll fucking-" At hearing the mention of Steve, who you still haven't told, you stop holding back all the tears that were waiting to fall,  like a dark cloud over Hawkins. A sob crashes through you as you feel your brother's arms wrap around you.  What surprises you, is two more sets of arms wrap around you as well. Looking up through blurry eyes, you see Will and El looking at you with the same worry as your older brother. 
"Oh damn. I didn't know you two would be home too. I'm sorry." You wipe the tears off your face as Will shakes his head. 
"Don't be sorry. What's wrong? Did Steve do anything?" El questions, hand resting on your shoulder as she sits beside you. Ever since your mom took El in, you two have become close as you were the only girls. She felt like you truly were her family and to you, she is the best little sister you could ever ask for. As you take the time to look at her now, you find yourself hoping she is never in this situation. 
"I don't know how to say this. But…" Pausing, you decide to just rip the bandaid right off. You toss the test that you kept hidden in your hand onto the bed between the four of you, and your three siblings all gasp. Will's hands fly to his mouth in shock, looking between you and Jonathan, gauging his older brother’s reaction.
"Huh?" El questions, barely knowing what the plastic stick in front of her is. Your older brother just stares at the test, stunned, with tears falling over his waterline. 
"I don't even know what to say." He continues to stare at the plastic between you. 
"Does…Does Steve know?" You shake your head. Not being able to gather the courage, you've been avoiding him for the last three days, terrified that you'd slip up and tell him but also unsure as to why you won't tell him.
"I've been trying to figure out how but I'm so scared, J." Tears coat your cheeks. Will moves behind you, hugging you and El as she was still by your side. 
"It's going to be okay. Steve loves you. He loves kids. It will be okay because if he changes his mind, we will never change ours. We love you so we love this baby too." Will confesses. Your heart melts at your younger brother's words leaving you speechless as you look between the three curious faces surrounding you, all filled with love despite their worry. 
“Yeah, I have to tell him today.”
“Do you want our help?” Will questions. 
“No, thank you and I love you guys but this is something I have to do myself.” They nod, understanding.
“Well, if you change your mind, we are always here for you.” Jonathan reassures you, El chiming in with a soft ‘yeah’.
"You got to tell Mom tho. We don't love you that much." Jonathan jokes while he and your siblings get up, deciding to give you some space to process.
“Okay, but let me decide when to tell her.” You reply.
“Okay, but you have to do it soon.” His voice is stern, his features sharp and serious. Nodding, you agree.
“Tomorrow. Okay?” He nods before you ‘shoo’ them out. Closing the door behind them, you let yourself slide down the cold door.
How were you going to tell Steve?
How will he react? Would he hate you? Does he even want kids? It was something you two have never talked about. The relationship between you and Steve was still fresh, you two have only been seeing each other for ten months, even though you have been best friends. You loved each other but were still so new, way too new for a baby. It felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest when you think about telling Steve. Deciding to tell Steve tomorrow, you move to your closet and grab your pajamas to take a shower before bed. 
Today was the day you were going to tell Steve that you were pregnant. Sitting in your car staring at the doors to Family Video, your boyfriend’s job. Instantly, you regret coming to the shop to tell him, fearing that it was the wrong time. As you entertain the idea of leaving and telling him after work when you see his floof of hair pop out from between the glass doors, waving at you. Sighing, you gather your purse, throwing the test into your bag as you get out of the car and drag yourself to Steve who holds the door open for you.
“Hey, baby girl. What are you doing here?” He asks, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
“Just came to see you.” Pressing a kiss against your temple, he winks at you with a soft ‘oh’. Robin waves at you from the front desk as you and Steve make your way to the back.
“Hey, you got the store?” He asks Robin who nods silently, watching as her crush, Vickie walks into the store. Turning the corner, he gently pushes you against the wall, arms resting over your head with a smirk all over his gorgeous face.
 “So, You missed me, huh?” His voice is like velvet, smooth and sultry. Leaning over you, you felt dizzy and intoxicated with him, it almost made you forget why you came here.
“S-steve, we need to t-talk.” Stuttering, you stare at his feet, terrified. His smile drops as a confused look passes over his face like a dark cloud over a sunny sky, it makes your heart break seeing his mood change so drastically.
“What? Is everything okay? Has something happened? Are you okay?” Rambling, he throws out questions at you, anxious that you were hurt. Staring at him, you try to find the words but am unable to. 
“It’s okay, baby. Whatever it is, we will get through it, I promise.” His voice is soft and genuine, trying to get what was wrong with you. Tears fall down your cheeks at his words, unable to keep it to yourself any longer.
“I’m pregnant.” Whispering, you cry, falling into his chest. Shocked, Steve hesitates as you fall into him. Quickly snapping back, he wraps his arms around you, holding you as you cry. Processing what you said, it hits Steve.
He’s going to be a father.
A dad.
Joy lights up in his chest, spreading over his whole body. He never told you, but this was always his dream for you two. He has planned his future with you since the moment you said you loved him back. You were it for him and he knew it. Loving you was something he never questioned or doubted for the last two years he's had a crush on you. You matter the most to Steve and seeing you crushed like this killed him.
"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. Whatever we decide, we got this." He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair out of your face. 
"I'm not leaving your side. If you want to keep this baby, I am here. If you want to look at our other options, I'll still be here. I love you." Wiping your tears away, he smiles down at you causing your tears to fade and a small smile of your own to form. 
"I love you too, Stevie. I'm sorry. I just. I was so scared you'd be mad at me or that you'd hate me." 
"What? That would never happen. I would never do that to you. You mean so much to me. And if you want this baby, they will mean so much to me too…..Do you want the baby?" Timidly, he asks, wide-eyed. Thinking about it, you allow the thought that you so desperately pushed away since you got that positive test. You knew.
"Yes, but only if you are there the way you say you will be, I would love to have this baby with you, Steve." You cup his face as a wide smile cracks through his anxious demeanor. 
"Oh my god. We are gonna do this. Holy shit, we are about to be parents!" Steve holds your shoulders, jumping up and down like a kid himself. Reaching for his shoulders, you hold him firmly 
"No, we are parents, Steve." Grabbing his hands you press them against your stomach, holding your belly. Then he kneels on his knees, leaning his head against you.
"We are." He says, humming against your tummy, fingers drawing patterns into your skin. As you look down on him, running your fingers through his luscious hair, you realize that this is all the baby needs. Yours and Steve's love and determination to make it work. 
Hearing the doorbell rings upfront, you look around the corner, Steve lost in his little world, hugging your stomach. Seeing Robin talking to a customer, you laugh loudly as something hits you. 
"You have to be there to tell my mom." Steve's face shoots up, eyes darting around your face to find any signs of a joke. Realizing you were joking, he stands up holding your face.
"Then you have to tell Robin." Your smile drops. Of course, Robin would love to be an amazing aunt, but Robin tends to ramble when she gets nervous, and babies make her nervous. With a sigh, you shrug.
"Fine. It'll still be easier than telling my mom." You laugh. Steve shakes his head and he leans in, connecting your lips. 
"I love you so much, baby," Steve says, leaning his forehead against yours, nose rubbing together. 
"I love you so much too, handsome. We got this."
"We do." He agrees, pulling you close.
You both were terrified, but together you can face anything thrown at you two.
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romanestuffsposts · 9 months
Hello !
Is it okay to ask for a stucky!daddies x little!reader who has internal problems?? Maybe they’re going through seasonal depression (summer depression is real😢) or maybe they had a hard day at work and one morning they wake up feeling big and daddies try all day to help them fall into little space but it isn’t until night that little has an emotional breakdown and tells daddies what they’re feeling.
Sorry if this is too much or not understandable, it’s my first request :((
It’s also okay to say no if you don’t feel like do it. I love all your stories anyways!!
Hi there love! 💜
I'm sorry it took long for me to write it but i wanted to do it perfectly. You're totally fine, you're request is perfectly written for me sweetie, do not worry! ❤️
I hope you like how i wrote it <3
Enjoy <33
Warnings : struggling reader, has a hard time feeling little, works, worried daddies, caring daddies, protective Daddies, paci, bottles,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : too much work cause stress which caused other things. Luckily, your Daddies always have an eye on you and a way to help you out.
You can't deny that you were busy since the beginning of the week. Steve and Bucky couldn't deny it either. They have seen you going through a lot of different emotions since then and they had hoped to see you letting yourself rest but you couldn't take your mind away from work.
They had tried everything to make you feel a little more little so you could relax and have a calm evening and night in your Daddies's arms. But you were too focus and too busy because of work that they hadn't tried the thing that work the more.
They had prepared everyhting. Steve had hidden your favorite paci in his pocket so he could get it out when the time is right, Bucky has already a warm bottle secured in between his side and the armrest of the couch.
They patiently wait for you to come down for your 8pm snack and toilet break.
After some minutes, they finally hear your footsteps coming from the stairs before seeing your pretty little face showing up. You rub your eyes as you enter the living room because of your computer which make your Daddies smile.
Of course they're sad and worried that you spend too much time in front of that screen for work but that tiny movement of yours just prove them what they needed to know.
"Hi babygirl" Bucky sweetly smiles at you.
You blink a few time to throw away the black hole you create in your eyes from the rubs and then look up at them "hi" you softly say with a tired voice
"you okay, sweetie ?" Steve asks as he frowns his eyes at your voice. You nod and sigh "yea, i just have a lots of work left and my boss can't stop email me to add me more work so i'm on it for a while"
Steve and Bucky shared a look before looking back at you "come here, baby" Bucky pats the space between him and Steve so you would come sit down but you shook your head "i can't. I barely have the time to take the breaks i fixed"
"I wasn't asking" he tilts his head "now come here, little one"
You drop your shoulders and walk toward the couch. Once you reach it, You fall into the comfy thing, between the warm bodies of your Daddies.
"don't be too hard on yourself, baby" Bucky sighs "we know you're doing your best and your boss knows it too but you can't destroy yourself" His hand gently starts to stroke your thigh in a circular motion.
"I know" You let out a whine and throw your head backward, letting it rest against the back of the couch.
"here. Why don't you lie down on our laps and get some rest. You don't have to fall asleep but just rest your mind" Steve suggests, knowing you won't be able to fall asleep if your mind is still in your work.
You hesitate for a moment but decide to lie down. Maybe they're right. Maybe you need to just have a break longer than the other ones and let your mind rest from work.
Once the side of your hear touches the comfy laps of your Daddy, you finally feel full again. You couldn't bear the fact that you weren't near them often. It's not something that happen often, being apart from them like that.
And you hate having to do it. The only things you wanna do is going to bed early and being with them, under their eyes and around their soft touches and words.
Your Papa starts to gently stroke the part of your legs that were on his laps and this sweet movement cause your muscles to relax instantly.
And it feels good, to finally start to feeling relax.
The fingers of your Daddy play with your hair as a sweet and delicate song is hummed in his throat.
"you're our cute little one, aren't you ?" your Daddy smiles. His sweet voice is music to your ears.
He chuckles when you hide your face in his skin so they wouldn't see you blushing. "show me that face, beautiful" he taunts as he grabs your chin. Your Papa smiles more at your face.
"yes, you really are" Your Daddy answers his own question with a serious tone, making you smile softly.
"I have something that might interest you here" he winks at you as he reaches his side. You frown and try to look at his hand but his body and the way you're lying are preventing you from doing it.
"stay calm, princess" your Papa chuckles as he gently pushes you back down so you would stay relax as much as possible.
"open up" your Daddy's voice ring in your ears. You do what he says and open your mouth. You soon feel something entering your mouth causing you to close your lips.
You suddenly feel warm milk sliding down your throat and your body relax even more if that's even possible. You close your eyes and let the warm liquid doing it's job as your Daddies's hands massage your skin.
"what if we make you a bath after ? With lots of soap and your favorite toys. We could also wash your hair" Your Papa says as he peers at your face
"Mhh no Papa, no washin' m' hair" you mumble through your bottle, your eyes still closed.
"okay" Your Daddy laughs as he looks at your Papa "no hair washed tonight then" He looks back down at you "are you feeling better if we do it that way ?"
You nod your head just as you finish your bottle. Your Papa takes the bottle away and quickly slide your paci in between your lips so you won't be too shaken up.
"good girl" your Daddy kisses your temple, making you sigh in contentement.
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babiemunson · 1 year
you're just a baby, honey, it's okay
eddie helps steve regress for the first time.
pairing: regressor!steve harrington x caregiver!eddie munson
word count: 1,278
content warnings: mention of blood, mention of a panic attack because of flashbacks to upside down related stuff, mention of old scars from bat bites, regressed steve is briefly upset
it's been a pretty stressful week for steve when eddie brings up his big idea.
monday and tuesday brought with them a barrage of rude customers at family video. wednesday carried flashbacks to bats and blood, which in turn induced a panic attack that had steve gasping for breath. thursday started out okay, but in the afternoon, steve's scars started hurting and he had to lie down for the rest of the day. friday wasn't bad per se, it was just busy - after steve's shift, he had to help wayne munson move some boxes, then he picked up the kids from hellfire and brought them to his house for dinner. he only got some free time after sunset.
so on saturday, when steve is sitting on eddie's couch and trying to unwind, eddie proposes something.
"so you know how i get small sometimes?"
steve looks up at him, blinking. ever since he'd walked in on eddie coloring, something had changed between them - something good. it's easier to be around each other now. not that it was hard before, but now it's... open. a couple times, steve has even been able to look after eddie when the latter has been small. "yeah. why?"
eddie sits on the couch next to steve. "it can happen when i'm stressed or upset. and it really helps. when i get... big... again, i feel better, and calmer." he bites his lip, then reaches out and rests a hand on top of steve's. "i was wondering if- if maybe you wanted to try? being small? it might help."
steve's eyes widen. "me? nah, man, i can't do that. i gotta look after people. who's gonna look after me?"
"i could," says eddie, shrugging. "you take care of me when i'm small, right? i can return the favor."
"i..." steve frowns, slumping a little. eddie's hand is warm; it's making it hard to think. "i mean... okay. sure. we can try. promise you won't laugh at me?"
eddie does laugh, but only at that notion. "harrington. you've seen me sucking my thumb, babbling like a baby, and playing with kids toys. i don't think i'm in any position to make fun of you."
so it's settled: steve is going to be small. or at least try to.
eddie leads him by the hand into the bedroom, where they sit down on eddie's bed. "since this is your first time," he says, voice soft and gentle. "you might need some help. okay?"
steve nods. the way eddie's speaking to him is making his head feel fuzzy.
eddie's lips curve into a smile, and he tucks steve's hair behind his ear. "alright, stevie. i'm right here with you, okay? just take your time. we can look at books if you want, or play with toys."
"uhm... toys. toys sound good." steve has to really focus to speak. it's getting so difficult all of a sudden.
eddie reaches under the bed and pulls out a faded teddy and a dragon stuffed animal. "which one do you want, honey?"
the nickname makes steve's heart melt into a little puddle in his chest. wordlessly, he reaches out for the teddy, and brushes his thumb along its fuzzy head.
"good pick," eddie praises. "hey stevie, can you tell me how small you're feeling? you can use your fingers if you want."
steve swallows hard. "d...dunno," he manages. "nineteen, but s'like... like things are fuzzy. feel nineteen but kind of like a kid. s'this what it feels like?"
eddie smiles knowingly. "i think you're getting there." he brings a hand up and pets steve's hair. "like i said, take your time. you're safe, okay? i gotcha. just let yourself go. that fuzzy feeling? let it spread. you're okay."
steve's eyelids are getting heavy. he leans into eddie's touch. everything feels like it's fading away. "feels good," he murmurs.
"why don't you lie down, sweetheart?" eddie puts an arm around steve's shoulders and helps him lie down with his head on eddie's chest. "c'mere. is this okay?"
steve nods, cuddling closer. "s'okay. i like it."
he's not really tired. it's a different sort of fuzziness in his mind. and it's welcome.
eddie is pretty proud of his bright idea. it seems to be working. they stay snuggled up together like that for almost an hour, eddie stroking steve's hair and whispering softly to him. after a while eddie takes steve's hand again.
"how old are you now, stevie?"
steve takes his thumb from his mouth and holds up one finger.
eddie presses a kiss to the crown of steve's head. "you're so tiny. my little boy. are you hungry? do you want a sandwich?"
"mhm." steve nods, and lets eddie sit him up.
"okay. well, you just stay right here and cuddle with teddy, and i'll bring you back a peanut butter sandwich, how does that sound?" eddie ruffles steve's hair.
steve lights up, and nods again.
it only takes a few minutes for eddie to prepare the food - peanut butter sandwiches were his favorite after school snack as a kid, so he's pretty fast at whipping them up. he brings it and a glass of milk with a straw back into the bedroom. "here you go."
steve reaches out and takes the sandwich. he's too small, though, and he drops it back onto the plate on accident, which bumps into the glass of milk and makes a few drops splash onto the floor. the mistake makes him wilt; tears well up in his eyes. "uh-oh."
"it's okay! it's okay, stevie, don't you worry. you're just a baby, honey, it's okay. no biggie." eddie sits next to steve and dries his tears.
steve gazes up at eddie with the sweetest look on his face. "no mad?"
"of course i'm not mad, baby boy. it was an accident. i can clean it up. god knows worse things have been spilled on this carpet." eddie rests his cheek on steve's shoulder, rocking him side to side a bit before sitting back up. "you're all good. i promise."
steve lets out a shuddering breath, and then smiles tearfully.
"there's that smile," eddie coos. "here. i can feed you, if it's too hard for you to do it yourself."
slowly, steve gets through the sandwich, eddie lifting it to his mouth for every bite. he washes it down with milk - which eddie holds up for him to drink through the straw. when they're done, eddie grins.
"good job, sweetheart." he kisses steve's forehead. "was that tasty?"
steve nods, then yawns.
eddie melts. steve's just so cute - when he's big and when he's small. "oh, is it time for the baby boy to have his nap?"
"nap," steve breathes. he yawns again.
"alright. i'll tuck you in." eddie carefully helps steve lie down again, and tucks the blanket securely around him. "do you want the light on or off?"
steve blinks heavily. "on, pease."
"as you wish." eddie leaves the light on and goes to get a wet cloth to clean up the spilled milk. when he returns, steve is almost asleep, breaths having evened out. his eyes are open just a crack.
"yeah, honey?" eddie scrubs at the spill and is able to get it fairly clean. he tosses the cloth in his hamper.
steve gives one last big yawn. "stay wif me? pease?"
eddie's heart gets so warm. he climbs into bed next to steve and holds him close. "it's okay, stevie. i've got you. i'm here, and you're safe. you just go right to sleep, okay?"
but there's no response, because steve is already fast asleep in eddie's arms.
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willowsnook · 9 months
Hi dear ❤️ I thought about an idea where you’re a technician and you get send to Wakanda to help Shuri with Buckys new arm. During the time there you get really close to Buck and he starts opening up to you and recovers really fast. One night he sees you then sitting at the lake where his cabin is, watching the stars, so he joins you and you end up sharing a meaningful kiss and maybe mooore? 😏😏😏 The next morning Shuri looks out for you and sees you both coming out of his cabin with a grin and barely clothed? (he's sooo Fucking hot during his time there, I couldn't resist to think about that idea haha)
Bucky Barnes x reader (Wakanda) 18+
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You'd watched Bucky come a long away since he first arrived in Wakanda. When you first met him, he literally grunted at you in greeting causing you to question how much you really owed Shuri. In your normal life, you worked in a bio-research lab in Virginia; Shuri had called you a couple of months back begging you to come help on a project in Wakanda. That project was Sergeant James Barnes.
The two of you had grown close since your rocky start, mostly due to being around each other all the time. You definitely didn't mind, Bucky was very easy on the eyes and his whole broody attitude was intriguing. At this point in the process, you and Shuri had managed to get the new arm connected. Now it was just a matter of him getting used to it. It had been hard; Bucky was getting frustrated about not being able to jump right back to where he was but he trusted you. Today had been a particularly difficult day that resulted in him storming back to his cabin. You tried not to take it personally but you seemed to be extra sensitive around him.
After dinner you found yourself wandering towards the glimmering lake lost in thought. You were terribly homesick. Sitting down on the dock's edge you let your legs hang loose above the water. After a while you heard someone else walking down the dock and take a seat next to you. You pulled your legs up and held your knees to your chest.
"I'm sorry about earlier," he murmured staring out at the water.
"It's okay," you said.
"I don't want to go back to what I was like before, but not being able to do basic things has been hard." You nodded at him, understanding and he went on. "I miss Steve, and I miss back home. In the real olden days."
"I miss home too," you sighed. "As much as I love Shuri and this project has been a once in a lifetime opportunity, I'm starting to miss my life." He looked at you sadly.
"I'm sorry to have taken you away from it," he said and you smiled up at him.
"Meeting you has made it worth it," you confessed, shocking him and yourself. He looked at you for what felt like forever before reaching over to push your hair behind your ear.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked and you nodded. You felt his lips softly graze yours and you reached up to cup his face. You deepened the kiss and moved over to straddle him, his hands resting on your waist. Breathing hard you pulled back and his mouth attached to your neck causing you to let out a small moan. Tangling your fingers into his long hair you pushed your body down trying to get as close to him as possible. This caused him to let out a shaky breath and his eyes came to meet yours.
"Do that again doll and I won't apologize for what happens next," he said. You thought about it for a second before grinding your hips into him once more. Before you knew it you were being flipped over and Bucky gently laid your back against the wooden dock. He pulled his shirt over his head in one fluid motion and tugged on the bottom of yours. Once it was gone his mouth attached to your nipple and you arched your back off the dock moaning. You could feel him pressed against the top of your thigh so you knew he was just as affected as you were. You pulled his head off of your chest.
"Please, I need you," you whimpered and his hands found the top of your pants, starting to shimmy them down. He kissed the inside of one of your thighs before moving towards your center.
"So wet for me doll," he mumbled, moving your underwear to the side before taking a long lick up to your sensitive clit. You squirmed as his new metal arm held you down while he assaulted you with his mouth. You could feel an orgasm coming on quickly but that came to a stop when he pulled his head up with a smirk.
"I want to feel you finish around me so just hold for a little bit." He pushed himself up and started to unbutton his pants, much too slowly for your taste. You sat up and pulled them down along with his briefs before taking him in your palm. Bucky let out a groan as you lightly stroked up and down. You liked seeing the effect you had on him.
He pushed you back onto the dock, lifted your legs up, and starting rubbing his head against you causing you both to moan. Your eyes were begging him and he got the message as he slowly pushed in. He was definitely bigger than anyone you had been with before and you felt your body tense.
"That's it baby, take a little bit more now okay," he coaxed in your ear, pushing until he was all the way in. His head dropped to your shoulder as he took a deep breath before moving. Slow and sweet he pulled out and pushed back in all while rubbing his hands up your shoulders and back. As he picked up the pace you started to moan louder and dug your nails into his back. This made him groan and start grunting as he would pull out and slam into you.
You were getting close and when he brought his lips back to your neck you were done. You clenched around him as you cried out, yanking on his hair. A couple of strokes later you felt him finish inside of you before slowly pulling out. He hovered over you staring into your eyes as you both tried to catch your breath. He slipped off of the deck into the lake and turned to you.
"Let me clean you up doll," he said holding his arms out. You let him gently catch you and wrapped your legs around his naked waist, lying your head on his shoulder. The two of you stayed like that for a while before you broke the silence.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" you asked him with puppy dog eyes. He smiled down at you.
"You can stay with me any night you want," he replied, kissing your lips gently. You waded out of the water and grabbed your clothes before heading to his cabin to cuddle up and sleep.
You woke up from your deep slumber to someone pounding on Bucky's door. The Winter Soldier groaned next to you and you slipped out of bed pulling on one of the shirts he had lying around. You opened the door to see a wide-eyed Shuri staring back at you.
"You know I'm here because I was going to ask Bucky if he had seen you since you weren't in your room," she smirked and you blushed. "But I'll be on my way now." You hurriedly closed the door and joined Bucky back in his warm bed.
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"I'm liking this angle," Steve lilts.
Billy smirks as he shifts, straddling Steve's hips and flattening his palms against his chest.
"Mhmm." Steve rubs his lover's outer thighs. "I just love looking at you."
"God, you're such a flirt. It's making me wanna drag you to bed and put a sock on the door."
"Gross," Max interjects.
Steve chuckles when Billy casts a faux glare at his sister.
"If gay shit makes you uncomfortable, you can leave."
"If gay shit made me uncomfortable, I wouldn't have come over," Max retorts. "I reserve my right to get the icks from hearing you talk about sex stuff."
"Oh, does gay sex gross you out, shitbird?"
"Any sex that you have grosses me out." Max glances up from her homework. "No offense, Steve."
"None taken. Your brother's pretty gross."
Steve whines dramatically when Billy smacks him on the chest.
"So much for romance," Billy tuts.
"Aw, c'mon, I'm just teasing."
Billy sits up and crosses his arms. Pouting silently. Steve slides one of his hands up to his partner's waist and rubs softly from side to side.
"Can I have a kiss?" he coos.
His tone has the blond relaxing, leaning down and complying with the request after a moment. Their bodies are flush. Steve would never say it out loud, but the full weight of his partner on top like this feels comparable to being smothered.
In the best possible way.
Steve hums, smoothing his palms up and wrapping his arms around Billy's lower back. When they part, Billy shifts downward so he can rest his head on Steve's chest.
"Am I crushing you?"
"Mm, one of these days we're gonna be cuddling like this and you're gonna die in your sleep because you're too polite."
"Just be sure to put that I died doing what I loved on my headstone."
Billy chuckles and Steve spreads a smile.
"C'mon," Billy says.
He shifts off of Steve and lies on his side, opening his arm. Without the pressure, Steve is able to breathe deeper, and he can see a flush of heat cross Billy's expression when he sucks in a quiet breath.
Without protest, Steve rolls over to face his lover, moving into his chest and relishing in the feeling of strong arms wrapping around him.
"Y'know," Billy begins. He pets Steve's hair and noses a kiss on the top of his head. "If I'm seriously too heavy, it won't hurt my feelings if you tell me to get off. I know we joke about it but I really don't wanna make you uncomfortable."
"I love it, though," he coos.
"I know. I'm just saying."
"You're a big guy, sure, but I can handle you perfectly fine. I'm not scrawny, y'know."
Steve smooths his hand up and down Billy's back. Nuzzles into his chest and breathes in his scent.
"Okay, okay," Billy chuckles. "I just worry about it sometimes is all."
"I don't."
"I really like how it feels when you lie on top of me. Like, yeah, you're heavy, but it's like all of my stress is washed out whenever I’m under you, and I'm finally able to relax."
Billy is quiet for a moment. He presses another kiss to Steve's hair and squeezes him.
"Didn't know you felt like that," he coos.
"I thought if I told you, you'd only hear the part about you being heavy and not wanna do it anymore."
"Mm, we can still snuggle like that. Do I need to start giving you stronger hugs, Stevie?"
Steve sighs, closing his eyes.
"I'd like that."
Almost immediately, Billy wraps him up tighter in his arms and hugs him close, pulling an involuntary sound from Steve's lips.
Rather than say anything, Billy just continues cuddling like that. Keeps Steve pressed against him and smudges kisses on the top of his head. At least, he does for a little while. When he finally relaxes his grip, Steve sucks in another quiet breath and sighs deeply, his entire body going limp.
"That was nice," he hums.
"Mhmm," Steve sighs. "I love you so much, sweet thing."
"I love you too," Billy chuckles.
He pets Steve's hair. It's quiet for a beat until Max drops her pencil on the coffee table and leans back on her hands.
"Sometimes I wish I could just live here," she says.
Steve rolls over and raises his eyebrows.
"You kinda already do."
"No, I mean like all the time." She looks over at the couple and then back at the coffee table. "Being around my parents is exhausting, and they don't ever let Lucas come around because he's a boy. Not to mention that they don't even like each other, not like you guys do."
Billy props himself up on his elbow and dawns a sympathetic expression.
"You know you're welcome to come over anytime, right? And that it's okay to invite Sinclair," he coos.
"Mhm," Steve adds. "Just let us know, and we're fine with picking you guys up and stuff too."
Max nods to herself. Redness quickly overtakes her complexion and Billy and Steve are quick to sit up when she sniffles.
"It's just so different coming over here. Being around you guys when you talk about going on dates and how much you love each other, even your arguments, is making me realize how shitty things are at home."
Billy slides off of the sofa and sits next to his sister on the floor, reaching around her shoulders and pulling her into his chest. She complies almost immediately, buries her face into his shoulder and takes handfuls of his shirt as tears spill down her cheeks.
He shushes her quietly. Rubs her back and squeezes her tighter. After a few moments, her breath evens out, and she sighs.
Steve joins them on the floor and sets a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Do you want me to talk to Susan about it?" Billy asks softly.
Max nods. Squeezing her eyes shut and sniffling. Billy glances at Steve and the brunet offers a smile.
"Of course," he says.
"I'll talk to her about it tomorrow, then." Billy gives Max one last squeeze before he loosens his grip and she leans back to wipe her eyes. "How about you take a break from homework and we go out to eat somewhere? Would that make you feel better, Squirt?"
Max smiles and nods, giggling when Billy playfully nudges her shoulder with his arm as he stands up.
"You do give really good hugs, by the way," she says.
"Can it and go put your shoes on."
She giggles again and gets up as well, padding into her bedroom and sitting on the bed to lace her sneakers up.
Steve leans into his partner's side and smooths his hand over his chest, tilting his face up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"You're such a big sweetheart," he croons.
"Mm, you really don't mind? I know I was asking a lot just to have her live here sometimes, but this is like—"
He's cut off by Steve sealing their lips together. It lasts for a beat, and when they part, Steve is smiling fondly at him.
"I'm more than okay with it. I know you're worried about her, and I don't mind her living here with us at all," Steve says. He pats Billy's chest and smirks. "We're probably gonna have to get her noise-cancelling headphones, though. I can't really imagine you succeeding at being quiet."
"Oh my god, gross," Max groans.
Billy scoffs and nods towards the door.
"Go put your bike in the garage, brat, we'll be out in a second."
Max rolls her eyes and trudges to the front door, leaving it open behind her once she goes outside and Billy tsks as he snatches his keys off the hook.
"Wait, does this mean no more couch sex?"
Max runs back up the steps, swinging into the doorframe with a look of horror on her face.
"What? I am never sitting on that couch ever again!"
"Bike. Garage. Now," Billy hisses.
Steve clasps his hand over his mouth and resists the urge to laugh, especially when their sibling banter continues out on the porch. He simply shakes his head and grabs his coat before following them out the door.
This will be added to my things from tumblr series on ao3 here shortly under the title Big Brothers if you’re looking to save it on there <3
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
Daily Ficlet 3
I'm challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today's prompt is foggy mornings.
"Do you miss it?" El says as she pulls her legs up under her and leans more into Dustin's side as she sips at her hot chocolate.
Dustin takes a sip of his coffee before asking, "miss what?"
"Being a superhero. Saving the world."
Dustin snorts at that because he was never the superhero. Just a kid, friends with another kid who'd gone missing, and life was never the same after that. But, even not being the superhero, he can't help but admit, "kind of. You think that makes me a bad person?"
"No. I miss it, too," El confesses in a whisper.
He switches his coffee mug from his right hand to his left so he can slither his arm out from under El and around her shoulders. She snuggles in closer and they both let out matching sighs before deeply breathing in the morning air. The hotel balcony looks over the foggy sea, and it's a little chilly, but that's just fine. Maine is chilly this time of year. More reasons to sit so close and share their warmth.
"I think we miss it for the same reason," El continues, "and it is not a bad one. We were all together, back then."
She's certainly got a point. None of them ended up in the same college, much less the same state. Then getting jobs didn't exactly bring them together again. Will's in San Fransisco, Lucas and Max are in Florida, Erica is Washington, and Mike isn't even in America anymore (a semester abroad in Italy stole him away and he only returns for holidays occasionally). Dustin's fallen out of touch with Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle, so he's no clue where they are these days. Steve would be able to tell him.
Steve's still in Indiana, though it's Indianapolis now instead of Hawkins. Speaking of Steve and everyone being scattered, the last time they were all together was for Steve and Robin's lavender marriage two years ago. Robin got better school loans (she's going for that doctorate now) being married and Steve was happy to help. It was more a 'Congrats on Your Cheaper Education' party than a wedding.
Robin even convinced Eddie to get his band to do covers of wedding songs.
"Yeah. I miss everyone," Dustin agrees, turning to plant a kiss to the side of El's forehead. He gets a mouthful of hair for his trouble but it's worth it to hear her contented hum.
"Well. Good news is that we can probably get everyone together again next year," she says.
"You know something I don't?" Dustin asks.
"Spoke with Max last night. She is going to proposing to Lucas on Thanksgiving if he has not done it yet. She said I could tell you."
"Did she now?"
"Yes. She said 'go ahead and tell Dustin, since I know you can't keep a secret' so I am telling you."
Dustin smiles to himself as they fall into silence and listen to the ocean waves. He likes the ocean, and so does El. It's why they picked Maine for their vacation spot. They would have stayed in Boston but Dustin's been there four years now, and El for two, so they've seen most of the sights. They didn't want to drive all the way to a warmer climate.
He thinks they both prefer the colder weather anyway.
His thoughts turn back to Max and Lucas and their pending wedding. He would like to say he always knew they'd get married, but they were broken up for four years after high school, and managed to just find their way back to each other.
"Do you think you'll ever want to get married one day?" Dustin asks. he feels El's head shift and turns to meet her gaze.
"One day. Yes. I would like that," she smiles at him, and Dustin can't help but return it.
He thinks about the ring he has stashed in his underwear drawer back home. He's had it for almost four months now, but knows in his heart it's not something he can spring on El. No matter how sure he is that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He's taking his time. This won't be the last time he'll ask her if she wants to be married one day; just the first.
Dustin thinks he knows her pretty well after all these years. He'll know when her answer means 'I do' without her needing to say it. And right now, it's just a maybe. He can live with that, so long as he gets to share her warmth on chilly mornings.
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appocalipse · 2 years
real to me
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after saving the world together on numerous occasions, it's fair to say you and steve are good friends. not best friends or special friends, but friends nonetheless. and friends help friends, right? how hard could it be for him to pretend to be your boyfriend for your sister's wedding? even if he has to spend five days at your family's ranch... | fake dating + mutual pining + somewhat cowgirl!reader lmao | long fic | playlist
“You can't go alone,” your sister states firmly. “You'll be totally defenseless.”
She makes it sound like you're going to war instead of her own wedding.
You're sitting at a small diner somewhere in Hawkins, milkshakes half full forgotten on the table between the two of you — hers chocolate flavored and yours strawberry, as usual, accompanied by a large portion of fries equally forgotten. But beside them rests a third object, the real reason you are here: a wedding invitation. To her wedding; you're still staring at the damn thing as if it might suddenly grow a mouth and bite your arm off.
“It might not be that bad,” you try to sound optimistic and fail.
Lizzie, your much less single older sister, raises her eyebrows and looks at you across the table like you're crazy. “Do you remember the last time, before I started dating Dean? She introduced us to what, six guys at her birthday party?”
You pretend to think for a moment as if that wasn't an unfortunately vivid memory of yours. Nana had a handful of friends, all with grandsons conveniently around your age.
You try to be fair, shrugging. “Some of them were cute, though.”
You love your grandmother. You really do, without a doubt. The best of your childhood memories were made at her house, eating (and attempting to make) pie, or playing outside with Lizzie until the sun came down. Nana is far from a bad person. In fact, her problem is quite the opposite: she is too good, a walking beacon of light and happiness, and every time she saw you or your sister (before she met her current fiancé, of course), your grandmother made a point of introducing every guy around your age to the two of you.
Lizzie's wedding is the perfect event for her next attempt, as it's taking place at your grandparents' ranch, a good four hours flight from Hawkins; in other words, your grandmother will be in her element and you'll be lacking someone to have your back, seeing as Lizzie obviously won't be able to help when the time comes.
“You know what? Just bring a plus one,” she says, like this solves the issue. “She'll be pleased and leave you alone.”
That’s her idea of good advice?
 “Oh, right,” you sink into the seat; her suggestion is about as helpful as trying to dry an ice cube with a paper towel. “Because guys are throwing themselves at my feet.”
If the abrupt change of the volume in her voice — very loud — hadn't made you nervous, the size of the delighted smile that appeared on her face next definitely would.
Then, of course, there was also the absurd suggestion; you're about to let out a wry laugh and reply something like 'are you out of your mind?' when she starts to fucking wave.
Wave. Smile and wave, gazing over your shoulder with intent.
You follow her gaze and find, of course-
“Steve,” he's walking through the door — waving back, no less — still wearing his Family Video uniform, and panic is rising up your throat like a living thing. God. You wave too because it's too late now and he's unfairly handsome and it's not his fault; and then you turn to Lizzie and warn, in case it wasn't clear already, “Don't even think about it.”
She twirls a strand of soft hair around her finger innocently. “Why not?”
The time you have to try and change her mind is about how long it will take Steve to walk over to your table, and his legs are long.
“Because!” you whisper-shout. "We're not- we're friends, but not that close! I can't ask him that!"
Close enough to save the world together, but not close enough to pretend to be dating.
Sounds about right.
“Relax! Unless-” Lizzie leans on her elbows and lowers her voice as if telling a secret, though her excitement is still quite palpable, “Do you still have a crush on him?”
“I never did!”
“It's a small town,” she reasons. “At some point, everybody did.”
You hate that Lizzie is always right.
Too late.
“Steve!” she greets him again as the boy approaches your table, going all big sister mode, too happy for your liking. She is, as always, direct, “I need to ask you something.”
You'd like nothing more than to disappear from the face of the Earth.
You clear your throat probably louder than necessary, and still, Lizzie doesn’t spare a look your way.
“No, she doesn't,” you try.
Her eyes are pleading. “But he will be perfect, Y/N.”
“Would you be Y/N’s boyfriend?”
Please, let me die right here and now.
Steve's eyebrows rise so much they could have landed on the back of his head.
“Fake boyfriend, I mean,” she clarifies, not sounding the tiniest bit sorry about the mishap. In fact, she seems to revel in it.
Steve, on the other hand, looks too much like a lost puppy. “Fake boyfriend?”
Your response is muffled by Lizzie's.
"Yes," she says.
“Ignore her,” you offer, hopeful.
And with the cat out of the bag, there's little you can do, so you slide to the side, making room so Steve can sit down too. His thigh brushes yours when he does, though, and you immediately feel sorry for yourself — he smells good and there’s literally no way to escape now, under Lizzie's gaze and between Steve and the wall. Trapped. 
She picks up the wedding invitation from the table and hands it to a very, very confused Steve. “Be her date to my wedding. Our nana won’t leave her alone otherwise.”
“What?” she finally looks at you, hand over heart and looking all kinds of innocent. “Nana will buy it if it's Steve.”
“Nana can smell a lie thousands of miles away.”
“That’s why it’s more believable if you pick someone close to you, like Steve," she tilts her head in his direction to illustrate her already very clear point, "Plus, she met him at your birthday party last year and she absolutely loved him.”
"Did she?" there's a hint of pride in Steve's voice when he asks.
"Oh, yes. She was about ready to give Y/N's hand-"
"Okay," you cut her off, realizing she’s a lost cause and turning to look at him instead, more embarrassed than you've ever been before. “I’m sorry you have to put up with this,” you mumble.
But, apparently unperturbed, Steve leans over to reach for your abandoned milkshake and, bringing the straw to his lips, he shrugs and calmly announces, "It's okay. I'll do it."
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a/n: hi. this is it. this is the reason i was nervous. 😫 it'll be a long fic (10k at least me thinks) and idk if you guys are into this idea or not so feedback would be much appreciated. thank you, kiss kiss 💜💜💜
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maiyasuniverse · 1 year
I Love You
Bucky X Reader
Summary: You're worried about Bucky.
Bucky and steve had been on a mission for a month, with no contact, sleep, or peace. It felt like you were in hell, not knowing what to expect, no one would talk to you about where and how he was because who really knew, and if they did they wouldn't be able to disclose anything to you.
You found yourself sitting on the couch snuggled up in Bucky's leather jacket, the scent was comforting but didn't calm your nerves or tears. It took about five minutes for you to be full-on sobbing, you had let yourself get attached, you wouldn't admit it but you love him.
The sound of keys fiddling at the door pulled you from your thoughts and out of your seat. Bucky took you to get a gun from Alex's last popup at your place. You sat the gun on your lap after perching yourself on the couch. You were no longer afraid of anything, better yet anyone because you could protect yourself, especially inside your home.
The door opened to reveal an injured Bucky and concerned Steve.
"See, I told you she'd be fine, she was ready to blow our heads off." Steve joked with Buck trying to elicit some kind of reaction.
"Oh, my. Oh, my god, Steve what happened?" You got up from the couch not thinking much about what clothes you were wearing not that you cared at the moment. You helped Steve walk Bucky the rest of the way to the couch, and looked at both of the men. Buck was beaten up pretty bad, you also noted that he hadn't said anything.
"We were cornered, the doctor says he'll be fine. He hasn't said anything to anyone since we've been back. I don't know if he's shocked or if his voice is still gone. All I know was that he wanted me to bring him here. Please, call me if you need help with anything the compound isn't far, any time of the day." You could steves words were sincere, he looked a Bucky with sorrow in his eyes, why, had it been his fault the situation happened? You shook the idea from your head.
Steve had seen himself out of the apartment, and you stood there quietly staring at Bucky. He didn't look back, his face was twisted in pain and you weren't sure what to do.
"Buck, I don't know how to help, I'll do whatever you tell me. I'll even drive all the way to that Mexcian place you like even tho it's across town. I'm so stupid." You began scrambling looking for a pen, for him to write with. You could feel the panic building up throughout your body, your hands shaking, and your breath being heavy.
Bucky's vibranium arm was cold against your skin, it made you slow down.
"Calm down Doll, I'll be fine. Just spend some time with me." You listened to his voice and sat beside him. Holding onto the same hand that pulled you from your attack.
"Wait," you turned to fully look at Bucky. "You're talking?" you couldn't help but laugh and he followed suit.
Your laugh turned into sobs, he held you for a while.
"I thought you died, that's why I was sitting in the dark, crying, in your jacket. Pathetic right."
"You're the first person to ever wait for me, I've never had that. I'm sorry, then steve, I don't know what's been going on with him but he wasn't at his job. We were almost killed, and I could only think about you, I couldn't do that to you. I won't. You're not pathetic, I made a promise to you. I'm never going to die on you. I promise."
"I love you." Your eyes went wide and your hand flew over your mouth.
He just chuckled, "I Love you more Doll."
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
for the fanfic name thingie: "guts" or "i know you think we are good" whatever inspires you the most!
there are still so many of these sitting in my inbox that I forgot about BUT HI ANON THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION MWAH this turned into less of a premise and more of a ficlet but what're you gonna do
Eddie Munson watches a girl be killed by supernatural forces.
He runs.
He hides.
He gets caught.
All that frenetic energy and anxiety, it's not enough for him to escape even the incompetency of the Hawkins PD, or maybe it's too much, a trait which has plagued Eddie from the moment he discovered stories and loud music and the places where those two things meet.
He's in custody when Fred crumples, when Patrick falls, but all it does is convince them that Eddie is covering for a partner and all it does is open up all these avenues and offerings of deals that Eddie can't even consider taking because none of it is true.
He sits in a windowless room with his hands cuffed to the table and wearing clothes out of the lost and found since his are evidence now.
They won't let him talk to his uncle because he's not a minor and Eddie is pretty sure he's legally allowed a lawyer but it's not like they'll be able to help him out of this no-exits situation.
They ask him again. Who are you working with.
They demand again. Tell us and you might get a lower sentence.
The yell and shout and go all quiet and intimidating and threaten him again, again, again and Eddie yells right back, frustrated tears in his eyes and a lack of anything even parading as rest in days hanging heavy on his aching back.
He maintains that he's innocent because if he's locked away for this he can only really keep this, he can keep his own knowledge of what happened, no matter how little he wants to.
Days pass.
The ground shakes.
The town, from what Eddie can understand of frantic whispers and more time spent left alone in that windowless room, is in crisis.
Everything falling apart, as if it hadn't already, Eddie lays his head down on the table to block out the glare of too-bright fluorescent lights.
His head swims, he drifts, he thinks about a life spent in isolation and he thinks about the electric chair and he thinks about Wayne, mostly, how much he's let his old man down.
Alone. Buzzing lights. Creaky chair.
And a soft clicking at the door.
When the knob turns and it pushes open, Eddie doesn't lift his head, too used to this same visit and this same conversation with these same cops--
"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, no time to lose."
Eddie's head shoots up because he's hallucinating and that's not a show he wants to miss. Not when Steve Harrington is bringing a-- a lock pick?-- to his cuffs and Nancy Wheeler is standing peering out the cracked door with a gun in her hand?
"What the fu--"
"Thirty seconds," Nancy says sharply, "are you sure you know how to use that thing?"
"I've got it, I've got it," Steve implores with hushed exasperation as he does, in fact, unlock Eddie's cuffs and free his wrists for the first time in what's probably been close to a week at this point.
That's. Not something a hallucination can do.
"We clear?" Steve asks as he joins Nancy by the door, Eddie still gaping from his seat, stunned shocked at the sight of them as he rubs his wrists, both of these kids bandaged to hell and with bags under their eyes to rival his own and-- "hey, snap to it man, if we fuck this up Henderson'll have all our heads."
"You're the one who made a pinky promise," Nancy clenches down on her jaw.
"You're the one who insisted on coming."
"You're the--"
"Am I having a psychotic break?"
Both of them whip around to look at him and Eddie both appreciates and shies away from the attention, no matter how brief it is before something is stealing Nancy's gaze back out into the hall and she's calling time and--and--and--
"Up and at 'em," Steve is muttering as he all but drags Eddie to his feet with an arm around him to force him to keep pace.
"I can't tell if you're delusional or if you have just have major guts," Eddie says just before the cross the threshold, just before he lets these two near-strangers potentially save his godforsaken life.
Steve Harrington chuckles, soft and surprised in Eddie's ear, and the look on his face, the shine in those eyes, is the kind of thing that might just make a life on the run worth the fuss.
"Guts, Munson," Steve grins, as hopelessness fades, "definitely guts."
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
jazz | one shot
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: Eddie always felt that jazz was not his cup of tea, so when Steve offered to devote one evening a week just to it, he wasn't convinced. Until he met you. After all, jazz may not turn out to be so bad, right? angst/fluff, strangers to lovers
TW: use of drugs
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
11 738 words
taglist: @i-me-mine and here I would love to thank you because you are the first person ever that have asked to be tagged under my work, it is crazy for me, and I really hope you won't be dissapointed 🙈
I really hope it is not too long or boring or cringe or too bad, in my head it looked much better, oh god
eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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When the small town of Hawkins was almost all pulled underground in 1986, many people lost their entire livelihood and left the cursed place in terror and desperation. Thus, the population of Hawkins was reduced by more than half. It took years to try to rebuild it however nothing could return to normal. This disaster, nevertheless, brought something good. People all over the world wanted to see the town absorbed by the earth, so over time tourism became the main income. The place where the trailer park used to be was now the biggest attraction, with people lining up to see the most damaged part of the city, around which many legends appeared. The official version was an earthquake, but many people said it was hell's gate and the damage that had been done was caused by Satan himself. In a way, these beliefs were true, but not everyone needed to know that.
After defeating Vecna, Joyce and her children returned to Hawkins and moved in with Hopper. The rest of the team didn't leave either. The traumatic experience, instead of propelling them to escape, the bond with this town prevented them from doing so. When Eddie miraculously survived an attack by demobats and was carried out of there in an unconscious state by Steve and Dustin he spent several weeks in the hospital. Fortunately, with Hopper's help, they were able to guarantee that all medical expenses would be covered by the government so as not to burden Wayne with it. In addition, they both received very generous compensation. 
When it turned out that the owner of the Hideout, the bar where Corroded Coffin played every Thursday, was leaving town Eddie and Steve decided to buy the place back and invest in its development. In addition, above the bar was the apartment in which the Munsons took up residence. It was much larger than the trailer. A large living room connected to the kitchen, a bathroom and two separate rooms.
The first few years were very tough, but the more tourists showed up in Hawkins, the more the Hideout made a profit. Eventually the income was large enough that they could afford to renovate the place. Every night since then, many passersby and locals have treated the Hideout as one of the main social spots in and around Hawkins. Of course, Corroded Coffin didn't stop giving their performances, but in addition to them there were many different artists.
"No way!" shouted Eddie, sitting down on a stool at the bar. "I'm not going to let this place turn into a retirement home!"
"It's only one evening a week! Why do you have to be so dramatic?"
"Besides, there are young people in the world who like jazz you wuss," interjected Robin standing behind the bar. Despite being a manager, she claimed that standing behind the bar was one of her favorite activities. This was especially true when her newly hired bartender, Laura, was with her on shift.
"Fine! But only once a week. We can't afford to go more days without doing anything." he rolled his eyes.
"You'll be surprised how there will be even more people than at your concerts." laughed Steve pleased with his friend's agreement.
"A blow below the belt Harrington! A blow below the belt!"
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To Munson's surprise, the Jazz evenings proved to be a success. Every week many people of all ages gathered there. He himself dreaded avoiding his workplace on this day, but today, exceptionally, due to the flurry of paperwork, he and Steve were stuck in the office, which was located in the back of the bar.
"I'm fed up, this paperwork is killing me." said Steve laying his head on the desk. "How about a little break?"
"It's totally like you're reading my mind, big boy." replied Eddie and quickly got up. When they came out, a large crowd of people appeared to their eyes. Almost all the seats were occupied. People were immersed in conversation sipping drinks and enjoying the pleasant sounds of trumpets, piano and other instruments. Scanning the room, his gaze settled on you. You were sitting at a two-person table bent over some papers and a red pen in your hand. He must have been looking at you for too long and it didn't escape Robin's attention.
"I told you that young people can like jazz too." she said patting him on the shoulder.
"Huh?" he replied exasperatedly.
"It's y/n. She moved to Hawkins a few months ago to teach at the high school. Ever since we started holding jazz nights she's been here every week in the same place loaded with tests. She says that with this music she concentrates best and grading doesn't get so tiring at all."
"Do you know her shoe size, too?" he asked sarcastically impressed by how much information Robin knows about you.
"Not yet." She winked at him. "Unlike you, instead of just staring at her I also started talking. I would advise you to do the same, I have a strange feeling that you would like each other."
"I can already see it, a teacher and a guy who repeated the last grade twice and was allergic to school?"
"Sounds pretty romantic to me." interjected Steve. "It would be a nice change in your life if you tried something more than being limited to quickies with random tourists in the back of a bar."
"Just shut up." replied an annoyed Eddie and walked away from them to make himself a drink. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew they were right. Many times, after "quickies" as Steve called it, he tried to ask someone out but no one was ever interested. No one ever wanted to get to know him better. He knew he was just a little adventure they would later tell their friends about when they got home. He found you attractive. That was a fact. Sipping a whiskey and Coke, he watched as you wrote something on a piece of paper in concentration and occasionally your focus shifted to the band playing on stage. In those moments, a gentle smile appeared on your face.
"Here." Robin said, approaching him with a colorful drink in her hand. Seeing his surprised face, she continued. "This is her favorite drink, go carry it and get a few words out." There was a moment of hesitation. He didn't know if he should listen to them. On the other hand, he had nothing to lose. He took the drink from Robin's hands and slowly moved toward you. When you noticed someone approaching you, you raised your eyes. You thought it was Steve or Robin. Since you started coming here you could tell that you had become so friendly with them that they always sat down to talk to you for a while. This time you didn't recognize the person walking towards you. It was a man dressed in black ripped jeans and a black T-shirt. He had long curly hair chaotically pinned up in a low bun. A few curls fell over his face. He was looking straight at you smiling slightly, by which you could see the slight dimples in his cheeks. In his hand he was holding one of your favorite drinks, which you had not ordered. At first you thought it was for someone else however when your eyes met you reciprocated the smile. The stranger was already opening his mouth to say something when he suddenly slipped on a napkin and in the next few seconds landed on the floor, and the drink spilled on the table and the sheets of paper that lay on it.
"Oh my god are you okay?" got up quickly from the chair to help him up.
"Shit!" he replied and looked panickedly at the soaked tests. 
Before you had time to respond anything Steve and Robin were next to you with a huge roll of paper towel. In confusion, you started wiping everything down, and an embarrassed Eddie took advantage of the moment when your attention wasn't on him and ran off to the office. When you finished cleaning you looked around for him, but couldn't spot him anywhere.
"I'll take them into the office and put them on the radiator maybe they'll dry out a bit." Steve said.
"Thank you." you said handing him the soaked papers. "And uh- Steve?"
"This is your new employee?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I've never seen him here, but if he is, don't be mad at him, okay? It could happen to anyone. I'm sure once these tests dry I can continue checking." Harrington just sent you a smile and moved toward the back room.
"Not a bad first impression, dude!" he laughed when he noticed Eddie who was sitting in an armchair and staring aimlessly out the window.
"Can you stop talking and get to work?" retorted a frustrated Eddie.
"Yes, sir!" he saluted. "But I still have to tell you that you have a chance. I guess you caught her eye since she wasn't even angry that you flooded her students' work."
"Work!" shouted Munson, trying with all his might to focus on the documents they had to fill out and forget the earlier situation, the memories of which had already haunted him until he fell asleep and caused a wave of embarrassment to wash over his entire body. 
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Since then, Eddie has avoided Thursdays even more than usual. As bad as it was, even if he wasn't there he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you were just sitting there probably bent over the next batch of tests. Steve and Robin tried many times to persuade him to come and try again but the vision of being humiliated once more was stronger and made him always refuse.
Friday nights were reserved for Corroded Coffin performances. The whole band, as always, gave an amazing show, but halfway through when Eddie was carelessly running around the small stage with his guitar he spotted you at the end of the room. You were sitting alone at the same table as always, but this time you looked different. Dressed this time in an airy dress, with your hair down and makeup on your face, you attracted his attention even more, so he didn't let you out of his sight for the rest of the performance. When your gazes crossed you sent him a shy smile and he looked away panicked. What happened to the confidence that always radiated from him when he performed? It evaporated.
When they finished and another band took the stage after them, he and the guys moved toward the bar. Robin was already waiting with ready, filled glasses.
"Another good performance, you guys deserved an extra ice cube as a reward." she said, causing Laura to laugh. Eddie just shook his head and gave a thumbs up as he saw his friend's face light up seeing her co-worker's reaction. Holding his glass, he walked behind the bar again returned his gaze to you. Each time the bar door closed your hopeful sight hung on them and then hope turned to disappointment. You sipped your favorite drink nervously looking around the room and checking your watch from time to time.
"The picture goes like this." Robin said, snapping him out of his reverie. "She's supposed to have a date here, but as you can see the idiot didn't deign to show up."
"How do you know?" how could anyone double-cross you? Knowing the reason for your disappointed face, he felt a slight sting of sadness.
"Because she told me? I asked her when she came to get a second drink."
"Are you just going to stand there and stare at her, or are you finally going to join her?" asked Gareth. "Unless you don't want to, in which case I'll be more than happy to do it and take the place of whoever she was supposed to be here with."
"Don't!" the metalhead snapped, seeing Gareth get up from the bar stool. Embarrassed by his reaction, he sighed rolling his eyes.
"Dude, I've never seen you like this," laughed Jeff. "What happened to Eddie, who was throwing his charm like some crazy spell?"
"I don't know!" he whined.
"This is your chance to at least make a good second impression. I'll prepare a drink for you, and you carry it to her this time without spilling it." Robin decided.
As she said so it happened. This time with extreme care Munson managed to reach his destination and put the drink in front of you without any accidents. All the time he felt the eyes of his friends on him, but the closer he got to you the more he managed to ignore it.
"May I join you?" he asked.
"Sure." You replied sending a slight smile. "You were great." you commented.
"Oh, thank you. We play every week, if you'd like to see us again sometime." He winked at you, smiling broadly while sliding his drink in your direction. "On the house."
"Steve won't mind?"
"Why would he?"
"I didn't know musicians could give away free drinks."
"Yeah, right. I think we didn't get a chance to get to know each other the right way." he laughed scratching the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson. And Steve and I are the owners of this place."
"Oh." You replied slightly shocked. "Now I feel quite strange, after our last meeting I thought you were the bartender and I asked Steve not to be angry with that situation."
"For which I am very sorry. I hope you didn't get in trouble because of it?"
"No, fortunately after drying off I was still able to read and finish checking."
"I'm glad. And it's very nice what you said to Harrington, I appreciate it."
"I'm y/n." you said suddenly extending your hand toward him. "Y/n y/l/n. I moved here recently to work at Hawkins High."
"Well, I'd love to get to know you better, if you don't mind."
"I mean...I've already been stood up anyway, so I'd be happy to spend time with someone who actually feels like it."
In this way, for the next few hours you sat getting to know each other better. At first everything was quite strange and awkward, until finally, unbeknownst to you, you found common ground. Eddie told you his story related to The Hideout, and also mentioned his other hobby, which turned out to be a fantasy board game. You listened with pleasure as he recalled the days when he ran Hellfire in high school. Meanwhile, clearly interested, he also asked questions about you and your life, which you happily answered. The hands of the clock were moving at an incredibly fast tempo when it came time to close the bar. You thanked Eddie for saving the evening and you both parted, feeling a flock of butterflies rise in your bellies at the thought of each other.
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That's how you became a regular at Corroded Coffin performances in addition to the Thursday jazz evenings (at which Eddie suddenly started appearing). Munson introduced you to his bandmates with whom you also caught on well. Eventually Hawskins was no longer a stranger to you. At first you felt very lonely in it, but now you looked forward to your weekly trips to the bar.
You were sitting bent over a test when out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sitting down to you. Your first thought was none other than Eddie, who always sat down with you when you came in and you spent hours talking together. However, when you raised your head and noticed that it wasn't him the smile from your face quickly disappeared and was replaced by uncertainty.
"Can I help you somehow?" you asked the man.
"I figured a beautiful woman like you couldn't spend an evening alone, so I hope it won't be a problem for me to join you." he replied. You took a slightly better look at him. He looked a few years older than you, dressed in a black shirt and jeans. A watch that you would have had to work for over a year was shining on his wrist. He definitely made no secret of his wealth. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.
"Oh, no need." you said.
"I insist."
"Uhm... apple juice will do, thank you." you replied confused, and your new companion moved toward the bar. As Laura served him, Robin sent you a questioning look. You just shrugged your shoulders and shifted your gaze back to the test.
You didn't have time to check too much because after a while you had company again. The man's name was Dave and he was the owner of a fairly well-known company in a town near Hawkins. He had no problem telling you almost everything about himself over the next several minutes. You just nodded politely while sipping your juice. The funniest thing in all this was that he didn't even ask you what your name was.
At the same time, Eddie's attention did not escape the fact that someone had taken his place at your table. All day he had been gathering the courage to finally ask you out. The better you knew each other, the more he convinced himself that it was worth a try. He loved your conversations, loved hearing about how your day was going, how you spoke with amusement about your students' next crazy ideas. Your presence definitely brought a lot of light into his life, so now seeing someone else sitting across from you, he felt a pretty strong sting of jealousy. Did you date someone else here? Did he miss his chance? Resigned, he hid in the office, to which he left the door slightly ajar.
"What's this guy sitting with y/n?" asked Steve when he saw his friend.
"I have no idea." he replied, pretending to be unimpressed.
"I don't like him." Steve commented without taking his eyes off you.
The time in Dave's company passed... weirdly. His mouth wouldn't close and his self-deprecation and hearing about his company's utilities didn't interest you at all. You started to feel dizzy from the overload of unnecessary information. Wait a minute. You were really dizzy. You moved your gaze quickly to one of the sheets of paper, on which the letters suddenly began to move. What's wrong with you? You haven't drunk anything today, except for the juice you got from a stranger. Oh no.
"Are you all right? Why don't we go outside? Can I drive you home?" he began to propose. No way. The remnants of your consciousness screamed for you to run as far away as possible. With a shaky step, you quickly walked toward Robin. At the bar, you could barely stay on your feet.
"Jesus, y/n what happened?" she asked worriedly.
"I feel very strange... Everything around me is... blurry." suddenly speaking seemed much more challenging than usual.
"Are you okay dariling?" the voice of Dave reached you faster than his hand which after a moment landed on your back. "Can you give her a bottle of water for the road? We're about to leave." You were stunned.
"She's not going anywhere with you." Said Robin in a raised voice.
"Robin...very bad...I-I feel...bad." You mumbled out. As soon as Dave associated the facts that you knew this barmaid immediately began to retreat.
"Did you drink anything besides juice?" you nodded your head negatively.
Suddenly all the dots in Robin's head were connected. "You son of a bitch!" she shouted. "What did you give to her?!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"Bathroom." you whispered and hearing this, Laura immediately jumped out from behind the bar and helped you with getting there.
"What's going on here?" suddenly Steve's voice reached everyone.
"Your bartender put drugs into my friend's juice!"
"Dude are you crazy?!"
"The police will take care of it. Both of you to the office, now!" Steve knew that pretending to believe the man was the only option to keep him here until Hopper's arrival. "Eddie go stand behind the bar, when Hopper comes send him here," he said.
"What's wrong?" asked Eddie, seeing Robin sending a murderous look to the guy who was sitting at the table with you just a moment ago. Hearing his question she was already opening her mouth to answer, but Steve interrupted her right away.
"I'll tell you later, for now someone has to go stand behind the bar." Harrington was aware that your friendship with Eddie had grown significantly. He also knew that you meant much more than just a friend to him and he really didn't want to risk an additional ambulance call. Munson wordlessly left the room and did what Steve instructed. All the time, he was wondering what had happened. Many different scenarios were running through his head when suddenly Laura came running to him.
"Where's Steve?" she asked panicked.
"In the office with Robin and some dude. Why don't you tell me what happened?"
"Uh...This guy added something to y/n's juice and accused Robin of it. I took y/n to the bathroom, she probably returned everything she had in the system, but she's still too weak to move. She can't lie on the bathroom floor all evening." He added something to the y/n juice. These words rolled around in his head causing his rage to grow with each passing second. He was halfway to the office when he felt the barmaid grab his wrist. "She needs your help Eddie."
"Stay here." He replied and with a quick step moved toward the women's bathroom. You were leaning against the wall in a half-lying position. Your legs and arms suddenly became ten times heavier. Your eyes were bloodshot and tears were rolling down your cheeks. You didn't even have the strength to wipe them away. Everything seemed distant to you, as if behind a fog.
"Jesus Christ, what did he do to you y/n" suddenly a familiar tumbling curls appeared in front of your eyes. "I'll kill him, I'll kill the bastard" he muttered and quickly grabbed the toilet paper, ripped off a piece and wiped your face with it. Your condition made his heart ache. At the very thought of how Dave wanted to take advantage of your vulnerability he felt like going back to the office and really killing him.
"Eddie?" you whispered
"Yes, sweetheart, it's me," he said. When he looked into your unconscious eyes he immediately softened. Steve had called Hopper so he would take care of appointing justice. The priority was you and taking care of you.
"W-what's goin' on?" your voice was so weak it was barely audible.
"Some idiot put something in your juice, sweetheart."
"Oh." you heard his words but you were so stunned that they didn't reach you. Eddie was aware of that. He was also aware that when you get up in the morning and the events of the previous evening hit you in their entirety, in addition to shock, you may be hit by a whole range of negative emotions. Later you will be faced with giving a statement to the police, which will certainly not improve the situation.
"I'll take care of you, okay? Are you okay with it?" he asked grabbing your hand. You just nodded. "Are you able to get up?"
"I don't...know." The very act of speaking seemed to be awfully difficult for you. "I'm very h-heavy."
"I will help you, okay?"
"'kay" hearing the permission he put his arms around you tightly, resting all your weight on him, helped you up. He knew that you wouldn't get very far in this state, so he decided to take you to his apartment. When you came out of the bathroom a worried Laura informed you that Hopper had already arrived, and in the meantime she gathered all your things from the table and carried them to her locker. Eddie said he was taking you to his place and told her to tell the others.
To get to the apartment you had to go out the back exit. The change in the air was a shock to you compared to the warmth that prevailed inside. The worst was ahead of you. To reach your destination you still had to climb the stairs, which in your case was a huge challenge. After a few stumbles, you found yourself in a small hallway that led to a large living room. At the mere sight of the couch, your eyes began to close on their own. Eddie, seeing you fly off, quickly helped you pull off your shoes and led you deeper into the apartment. To your surprise you passed the couch you wanted and after a while you were in a small room, most of which was occupied by a huge bed. You were relieved to sit on it, but you felt the soft mattress attracting your whole body like a magnet.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" he asked, sitting down next to you.
"No." You muttered into the bedclothes.
"You know I don't want to hurt you right?" this question made you look at him with all the remaining power you had.
"I trust you, Eddie." you replied. The words meant much more to him than he expected. They went straight to his heart, crumbling the thick stone wall he had been building around him for years. He reached out his hand toward you and, after a moment's hesitation, brushed a few strands of hair away from your face, then stroked your cheek gently. "But I shouldn't," you laughed with sudden residual strength.
"What? Why?" he asked surprised. The second part of your statement slightly scared him.
"Robin told me that you don't like jazz." Feeling relieved, he only laughed. You were wrong. Eddie had enjoyed jazz a lot for some time. Eddie might even love jazz, but this was not the moment for such a conversation.
"Let me make you some tea okay? Fortunately, you got rid of the bad stuff out of your system fairly quickly, so you should be fine, but if anything call out. I'll be right back."
I trust you Eddie. Your words rolled around in his head making him smile to himself. The warmth that spread through his body was indescribable. He thought he would never feel like this again, but you gave him hope that things would be different.
When he returned to the room with a mug of warm tea in his hands you were already asleep. Not wanting to wake you, he gently covered you with a blanket that lay at the other end of the bed and turned off the light. He left the door open, just in case. He himself took a seat on the couch in the living room analyzing everything connected with you and your relationship with him.
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That morning when Wayne came home from work he found his nephew sleeping on the couch. Walking to his room, he noticed that the door to Eddie's room was unusually open. Curiosity won, so he looked inside and saw an unfamiliar girl sleeping on the edge. This was strange. Wayne was used to Eddie bringing girls here from time to time. Sometimes he would pass them at the door when he came home from work, sometimes a little later they would escape from the apartment in a hurry. Wayne did not approve of such behavior but had no intention of interfering. There was nothing left for him to do but pray in his soul that fate would eventually send someone who would be happy to stay for breakfast and, in time, even for dinner.
When the man entered the room there was a piece of paper lying on his bed.
Hi Wayne,
You've probably already noticed that we have a visitor. This evening was full of sensations. Remember how I told you about the girl who likes jazz? The one I recently befriended, and you laughed that you never would have thought that your nephew who is allergic to everything school-related would have a crush on a teacher? That's y/n. Some asshole put something in her drink. As far as I know there is no one in Hawkins who could help her, so I took it upon myself. I couldn't leave her there alone, I hope you understand. I don't know how much she will remember when she gets up in the morning, she will definitely be in shock so act calmly, okay? To be clear, nothing happened between us, I know what you're thinking, but she's not like the rest. You can also expect a visit from Hopper, I told him he would find her at our place.
It was one of the few moments in Wayne's life in which he knew that despite the problems his boy attracted to him like a magnet, he had raised him well. He was proud of him.
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The morning fell on you like a ton of rubble. The slightest sound tore your head apart causing terrible pain. The rest of your body was also not in the best condition to that you woke up very sweaty. When you opened your eyes you were horrified to see that the room you were in was not yours at all. When you raised yourself slightly in its corner you noticed three guitars lined up in a row. One of them seemed familiar to you. You started looking around further on the wall there were many posters of various bands, some of which you associated. Shifting your gaze to yourself, you were slightly relieved that you were wearing yesterday's clothes. At that moment a wave of memories also came over you, some more clear others terribly fuzzy. Dave. Dave who added something to your juice. Is Robin in trouble now because of you? Laura dragging you behind her to the bathroom. The icy white tiles and which you leaned against after vomiting. Eddie. Eddie came to help you. He said something to you, but you couldn't remember what. Cold air and then a lot of stairs. And darkness. You were in Eddie's apartment. It was his bedroom. You slept in his bed. But where is Eddie? You had to go to the bathroom. You sluggishly raised yourself from the bed and with arms spread so as to better catch your balance you left the room and walked to the living room where a metalhead was sitting on the couch and writing something in a thick notebook. Hearing footsteps he turned towards you and greeted with a smile.
"Mornin', how are you feeling?" he asked.
"I-I don't know." you answered honestly. You were now an emotional explosive mix. "Can I use the bathroom?" you asked quietly.
"Of course! I've prepared a towel for you there and some clothes to change into if you'd like."
"Thank you Eddie."
"You're welcome, the bathroom is over there." he said pointing to the door.
When you disappeared behind the bathroom door Eddie got up and started preparing breakfast. He stated that he would prepare scrambled eggs, but as an emergency, if you didn't like it he also prepared sandwiches. He didn't know whether you preferred coffee or tea, so with that he preferred to wait until you came out of the bathroom. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice when his uncle joined him in the kitchen.
"Hey, kid." he said quietly.
"Hey, Wayne, sorry-" he began.
"Boy, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm proud of you." replied the man putting his hand on his nephew's shoulder.
"Wayne..." Eddie didn't have time to say when they heard the bathroom door opening. You were overwhelmed. The sense of shame didn't leave you either. "y/n? Are you all right? Is something wrong?" he asked seeing your gaze quickly jump from him to Wayne. Silence. Silence was the only answer he got, so he repeated your name a few more times.
"I'm so sorry Eddie." you howled. "I feel so ashamed, I shouldn't be here, I'm sorry." your voice was breaking. You felt awful in every possible way. Used, naive, humiliated, scared, embarrassed. You couldn't contain your emotions, you still felt too weak for all this.
"What? what are you apologizing for?" he said slowly extending his hand toward you asking for silent permission to touch you. You, feeling yourself crumbling, came closer to him and hugged him tightly wanting his arms to stop the remains of you and prevent them from falling apart. After a moment's hesitation, you felt him reciprocate the hug. The warmth of his body made you feel safe, which ironically made you start crying. Still holding you in his arms, he began to gently rock you, whispering from time to time that you had nothing to apologize for and that everything was fine. The closeness you felt was very comforting, so when you calmed down and opened your eyes you saw the other man looking at you with a slight smile. Seeing the shock on your face he immediately introduced himself.
"I'm Wayne" he said. "Eddie's uncle."
"G-good morning Mr. Munson." you said embarrassed, pulling away from his nephew. "I'm so sorry about all this, I'll just get my stuff and get out of here." you could feel the panic rising.
"Won't you stay for breakfast? We're having scrambled eggs today."
"Oh, I-" You didn't know what to say.
"It's okay y/n." interjected Eddie. He wanted to assure you that you were welcome here. "If you want I can drive you home, but if you just feel like staying there's nothing stopping you. Yesterday I told them to tell Hopper that you will be here when it's time to write up the statements, I thought you didn't want to be alone with all this." He was right, you didn't want to. Sitting alone in empty four walls would drive you crazy.
"I... really don't want to be a trouble, you've done enough for me already Eddie, I don't want to overuse your kindness."
"Everything is fine. I promise, okay?"
Convinced by his sincerity, you decided to stay until the police arrived. The three of you sat down at the table and began to eat breakfast. The radio was playing quietly in the background and you listened to the men's conversation, trying not to think about the previous night. When you finished you wanted to help clean up that the table, but they both categorically forbade you to go near the dishes. Feeling your tiredness catch up with you, you retreated back to Eddie's room. You lay down against the wall covering yourself with a blanket. The material was very fluffy and pleasant, soothing.
"May I come in?"
"This is your room." you replied. Eddie sat down next to you.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked with concern.
"I don't know. I feel awful." You could feel tears coming to your eyes. "I have no idea how I could have been so careless."
"Hey, don't blame yourself for that. Luckily, you noticed pretty quickly that something was wrong and went to Robin with it. You acted very well." he said grabbing your hand.
"You saved me." you said quietly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He smiled. You saved me. Hearing these words, his heart beat faster and heat spread throughout his body. Your words very often had that effect on him. He looked at your face. Your gaze focused on your hands, which you were still holding. Despite your apparent sadness and fatigue you still looked beautiful. The most beautiful. He thought. He wanted to tell you this, but this was definitely not the time or season for such confessions. He noticed how you struggled not to close your eyes and fall asleep.
"Do you want to take a nap before Hopper comes?" he asked quietly.
"I think it would be good for me." you admitted.
"Would you mind if I stayed?" he asked uncertainly.
"Of course not." After all, it was his bed. Besides, in truth, you didn't mind. You felt safe.
As Wayne walked to his room through the ajar door, he could see you lying on the two ends of the bed, with your hands in the middle between you, still joined. The sight made him feel happy and hopeful. He wanted nothing more for Eddie than to finally find someone who would give him the love he deserved. And he deserved the truest and most beautiful one. Like any parent, he wanted the best for his son.
After two hours, you were awakened by the doorbell. The conversation with Hopper did not last long, Eddie sat next to you the whole time, supporting in silence. It turned out that you were not Dave's first victim. Fortunately, the first one who managed to be protected, from his intentions. Once you had made your statement, you and Eddie went down to the bar to get your belongings, which were left there, and then he drove you home, where, already alone, you had to deal with memories and thoughts that would haunt you for a long time.
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Two weeks have passed since that day. You still couldn't come to terms with the situation and the feeling of shame you felt every time you thought about it. You wanted to sink into the ground, and dissapear, which is why you were unwilling to leave the house. Aside from work and a quick shopping, you spent your entire days on the living room couch. Your absence in the Hideout was felt by everyone. Your regular seat was empty, and every Thursday Eddie sat at that table hoping you would show up at the door any minute. He didn't want to impose, he wanted to give you the space and time you may have needed, but he couldn't stop thinking about you and missing you. 
No matter how hard you tried to focus on something else, the smiling, handsome face surrounded by battered curls always returned to your thoughts like a boomerang, making your heart beat faster.
For the third Thursday in a row, Eddie was sitting alone at your table sending sad glances toward the door when someone joined him. Wayne sat down across from him, and Steve and Robin appeared on either side of him, pushing back chairs.
"Shouldn't you be at work right now?" asked the younger Munson.
"I have two days off, so I thought I'd go crazy and pop in for some good beer." the man smiled.
"And I see you've found yourself some good company..." he sighed. "Buckley, shouldn't you be standing behind the bar right now? And you Harrington flirting with some lady in charge of liquor delivery, so that we can get a discount based on your beautiful eyes and charming personality?"
"That can wait, Eddie. We need to talk." Steve replied while rolling his eyes.
"About what?"
"We're sick of you wandering around the bar all day with the face of a sad puppy, dingus," said Robin.
"Apparently I haven't had reason to be happy."
"Son, if you miss her, just go and tell her so." interjected Wayne.
"How can you be sure it's about that?"
"For three Thursdays you've been sitting at the table where y/n sat all the time. What's more, every time the door opens you look at it as if Ozzy Osbourne is about to appear there." Robin concluded.
"That would be pretty metal." Eddie shrugged his shoulders. He wanted to pretend they weren't right, wanted to fool himself that he didn't care about you that much at all and your disappearance didn't affect him. But it had. He hated the fact that they were right once again.
"Go to her, invite this girl to a good dinner, buy her flowers, do something that will make her smile." continued the old man.
"Uncle Wayne is right." Steve backed him up. After several months of sitting together and keeping watch at Eddie's hospital bed, the entire group adopted Wayne as their uncle. Dustin was the first to do so, when he came to Eddie one day and greeted him with the words "hi Uncle Wayne." From then on, everyone started addressing him that way. At first it was a bit of a shock to him, but the more time he spent with the kids and the rest of the group he got used to it and had to admit he loved it.
"I can't just go and ask her out!"
"Why not?"
"Someone drugged her in my bar? Maybe she doesn't want to see me at all now because of it? I pretty much took her semi-conscious to MY apartment, maybe she thinks that I wanted to use her too? Maybe she doesn't want to know me anymore?"
"Son, we all know you would never hurt her, she knows that too." Wayne sighed.
"Okay, I have an idea!" exclaimed Robin and clapped her hands. "Since you don't want to ask her out on an official date, you'll do it by tricking her."
"Steve do you remember the last time a jazz band came here and told us that they would like to play at the Hideout one Thursday?" a mischievous grin appeared on her face.
"So, we all know that y/n loves jazz, after all, it brought her here to us. I think Eddie would love to handle auditioning a new band, but since unfortunately the poor guy doesn't know much about this kind of music, he'd be happy to accept help from someone who has a knowledge of the subject."
"Shit, Robin, this is good," said Steve.
"I know." she smiled triumphantly. "You'll sense the situation during the audition, in the meantime arrange something warm to eat, a romantic dinner for two, after a private jazz concert? The girl will lose her head for you if she hasn't already!"
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Eddie wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and took a deep breath. Stress was eating him alive however, after a few minutes of staring at the door of your house he got the courage to knock. Seeing the surprise on your face he felt like turning on his heel and running away, but your voice was quicker.
"Hi." you said quietly. The surprise quickly turned into a warm smile that made his knees soften.
"Hi." he replied. "I'm not disturbing?"
"No, come in." You said making a pass at the door for him. You were glad to see him, shyly you had to admit that you missed him a lot.
"If you are tired I can go." he said looking at you with a slight smile. In fact, his arrival woke you up from the little nap you had taken on the living room couch.
"Sorry, I wasn't expecting visitors." you suddenly remembered that you were wearing old stretched out sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt.
"You look very nice," he said seeing your embarrassment. "I just wanted to see how you were feeling, it's been a long time since you were at our place, I was worried. We were all worried." He said looking around the apartment. It was one room smaller than his. On a table set up in the living room was a large box of tapes that immediately caught his attention, so he moved toward it. On the windowsill was a player from which soft trumpet and piano sounds flowed.
"I thought you didn't want to see me after all that..." you confessed.
"What? Why?" he asked shocked. On the contrary, he wanted nothing more than to see you.
"I caused you some trouble...Especially Robin, she got it the most. Later you had to give up your plans for the evening to take care of me, for which I thank you very much and I am truly grateful."
"Nothing that happened that evening was your fault, Robin was fine, except that if it hadn't been for Steve she would have scratched that asshole's eyes out. Hopper said poor Harrington couldn't hold her." You laughed lightly imagining it. "As for later...I wanted to take care of you, after all, that's what sa friend is for, right?" he said grabbing one of the tapes in the carton. He focused on it to avoid seeing your reaction. Turning the small box in his hand, he noticed the inscription "Your smile is brighter than the sun" on it. Curious, he began to look through more. Each of the tapes had some kind of inscription on it. "For worse days" ,"Take it easy, baby" , "I'll always be there for you"
"They belonged to my grandmother." You said seeing his interest and sat down on the couch, taking the box in your lap. Eddie sat down next to you, close enough that your shoulders were touching. The warmth of his body made you feel comfortable enough to rest your head against his shoulder. You couldn't resist. "She met my grandfather at a bar. She worked as a waitress, and he and his friends sometimes played small concerts there."
"I bet they were famous for jazz?" he chuckled.
"Yes. Grandpa's best friend played the saxophone and infected him with a love of jazz, and since Grandpa was playing the piano from a young age it was a matter of time until they started playing together, and later other friends joined them."
"So this music flows through your veins?" 
"You can say that." You replied giggling while digging through the tapes in the box. "Got it!" you exclaimed. "This is my favorite," you said holding up a box labeled "Always in my heart"
"Your grandfather must have been a huge romantic."
"Oh, yes, he definitely was. Once a week Grandma always got flowers from him. Sometimes he would buy them, and when we didn't have much money he would pluck one from someone's garden on the way home from work." you laughed. "But, hush, it's a secret."
"Your secrets are safe with me." You are, too. He almost slipped up.
"On Sundays when neither of them went to work they always played this tape and danced to it. I still remember that sight. One of the most beautiful memories I have."
"It sounds really beautiful," he said.
"When I was younger I always dreamed of such love, theirs seemed indestructible. Even after the worst argument they were somehow able to find a way to reconcile. My favorite song is the third on the cassette, it's called "Lost In Your Eyes" He always played it for Grandma when she had bad days. It always calmed her down."
"Did you manage to find it?"
"That love" He didn't know why you were even being asked that question. Deep down, Eddie himself didn't know if he wanted to know the answer to that question. What if you answer that yes, that someone is waiting for you somewhere after all, or suddenly there is some secret fiancé you haven't had a chance to mention before? You quickly dispelled his worry.
"No, as you had a chance to see I don't have much luck with love, I'm a magnet for disasters." you said. "But that's not a conversation for the moment, because I think I'd burn with embarrassment."
"Okay, so maybe tell me more about your grandparents and jazz? Did you visit them often?"
"Oh, they raised me. My mother decided that motherhood was not her specialty so when I was two years old she ran away from home leaving me with my grandparents. And I don't know my father. It was always just the three of us. If I passed someone that my family on the street I wouldn't even know about it."
"Shit, when you said you didn't have anyone I thought it was just about Hawkins. I'm so sorry y/n."
"Don't be. It was very hard for me after they died, but I'm fine now. Moving here helped me. A change of environment, new people, a job I like. Although if I'm honest my favorite new thing is Hideout."
"I'm very pleased to hear that." he replied and winked at you.
"Especially on Thursdays, my grandfather would love jazz Thursdays, just like me." Why do you confide in him? You have no idea. Or maybe you do. Maybe it's because you feel wonderful in his company. That when he's close you feel safe and comfortable. Maybe it's because you're awfully thirsty for the closeness of another person, you're thirsty for the company of someone close in your life, and you terribly want Eddie to become your closest person. But won't that be crossing some boundaries? Does he want the same thing?
"I'm sure he always accompanies you during them. I hope he's not mad about some long-haired freak taking his place at your table." What he said melted your heart, touched every part of your body. After two weeks of isolation from the world and longing, you finally didn't feel so alone.
"Thank you Eddie." you said and you looked at him. His face very close to yours, beautiful big eyes gazed into yours and his lips formed in a small smile. You wondered what it would be like to kiss those lips. You were sure the feeling must be amazing.
"You don't have to thank me." he replied.
"I have. From the very beginning, I always waited for Thursday. Just to go to the Hideout. Even before we met, when I only knew Robin, Steve and Laura. It was a place where I never felt lonely, where I always felt welcome, and then you spilled a drink on my tests, and along with that spilled drink I found another person who makes living here easier and more enjoyable." emotions took over and words flew out of your mouth on their own, "I am so grateful for all of you and I miss it."
"We miss you too." He said and put his arm around you, you immediately accepted the gesture and after a while the embrace turned into a warm hug. "Your table looks so sad when it's empty. And my company is not enough for him." he said hugging you even tighter. You wanted time to stop and this moment to never end.
"I don't know if I can go back. I'm afraid to look Robin in the eye after that night."
"If we only let her, she would strangle that asshole with her bare hands for what he did to you. She misses you too, and she doesn't resent you, because nothing that happened that night is your fault, as I've said many times before."
"Do you really think so?"
"I know it." This time it was you who squeezed him tighter. Silence fell between the two of you. You were sitting on the couch snuggled into each other, jazz was quietly playing in the background, and Eddie was gently tracing shapes on your arm with his finger. You couldn't remember the last time you felt so good. The silence between you was not jarring. On the contrary, it gave a sense of peace. Eddie, on the other hand, could not control the thoughts running through his head at the speed of light. He had so many things to say to you, yet he didn't want to spoil the moment. He didn't want the bubble that had just surrounded you to burst and tear you apart.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" you asked after a long moment.
"With pleasure, what are we cooking?"
"I have no idea. You can think about it and I'll change in the meantime." you replied and reluctantly left the area of his arms.
You decided that you would make spaghetti. While you waited for the pasta to boil you told him more about your life with your grandparents. You even pulled out a photo album. Eddie absorbed the information about you like a sponge, he wanted to know everything you wanted to tell him. And you no longer defended yourself against the feelings that grew in you when your hands accidentally met, or the way your knees weakened when he sent you a smile. You were happy to let him into your life, hoping that he would want to stay in it.
You ate in front of the TV, laughing and commenting on some comedy that was on. The time flew by pleasantly, but also mercilessly. After dinner Eddie wordlessly helped you clean up and announced that he had to get to work.
"Thank you for coming." you said.
"It's me who thanks you for your hospitality and delicious dinner m'lady."
"Wait, I'll put some in the box for you for later! We made such a huge portion I won't be able to eat it myself." you said and quickly ran to the kitchen leaving Eddie alone. His gaze fell on the box with "Always in my heart" written on it. He knew what he wanted to do. The idea immediately popped into his head, so before he had a chance to think, he quickly walked over to the tape, took it and put it in his jacket pocket. Moments later, you returned to him with a box full of spaghetti.
"I put in a little more because I thought you'd want to share with your uncle." You said, smiling.
"Thank you." he said a bit nervously, fearing that you would immediately notice that the cassette was missing and it would turn out that he had taken it. "I have one more question for you, actually a request." he said quickly wanting you to focus your attention on him.
"What are you doing next week on Saturday?"
"I have no plans," you said.
" A jazz band that would like to try out on Thursdays has applied, and I need to audition them."
"I thought you didn't like jazz."
"Damn Robin and her unbridled tongue." he laughed nervously. "Actually, I admit that I was not fond of it, but that has changed. In fact, I'm starting to like jazz, even a lot. That's why I'm very eager to do an audition, but I thought I could use the help of a jazz expert."
"You mean me?" you asked surprised.
"Of course I do."
"I'd be very happy to help you."
"Great! But I hope to see you on Thursday? You don't want your table to crumble from nostalgia, do you?" his playful smile became infectious.
"You can tell my table that I also miss it and I'm already looking forward to sitting by it again on Thursday." You replied smiling widely.
When you were left alone in the air you could still smell the faint scent of his perfume. Feeling his presence still, the smile did not leave your face, making your cheeks start to ache after a while. The gray clouds from your sky slowly departed into the distance and the sun appeared again with small steps. Again you waited impatiently for Thursday.
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The week flew by quickly, the days passed by as you counted down to Thursday, and Thursday evening itself turned out to be wonderful. This time as soon as you crossed the doorstep of the Hideout you noticed that there was not only Eddie sitting at the table, but also Robin and Steve. You sat and caught up all evening laughing and enjoying each other's company. You felt happy.
For Eddie, the week was a bit busier. Stressed about Saturday and what he had planned for you, he kept wondering if he was doing the right thing. The cassette he took from your apartment was playing non-stop. Especially song number three. He spent every spare moment sitting at the piano and trying to learn it. On the night from Friday to Saturday, nerves and stress were eating him alive. He processed every possible scenario in his head as if tonight might turn out differently. Unable to sleep at five in the morning, he went downstairs to continue practicing. He could already play the song from memory, but the fear of getting something wrong was worse. Lost in a musical trance, he didn't hear when someone came inside.
"Eddie? What the hell are you doing here at this hour son?" A puzzled Wayne walked closer.
"Y'know, just practicing..."
"I didn't know you'd gone back to playing the piano."
"I never thought I'd go back to it either." He sighed, turning toward his uncle.
"You haven't played for a very long time, since..."
"Since mom died. I know." Eddie's love of music was inherited from his mother who taught him to play the piano. From a young age they spent hours at the instrument. Unfortunately, after her death it was too painful for him, but he was not able to live long without playing. That's why he started playing the guitar instead of the piano.
"What's going on boy?"
"Do you remember y/n?"
"Of course I do. What about her? Didn't your plan with the 'audition' succeed?"
"It succeeded and that's the problem. I wanted to do something special for her, something that made her feel special..."
"You wrote her a song?"
"Not really. The last time I visited her, she told me about her grandfather who played jazz. He recorded a lot of tapes and she showed me her favorite one, she even said which song from it she liked best, so I thought I'd learn and when we were left alone I'd play it for her, but the more I think about it the more it all scares me."
"Listen kid, feelings are not a simple thing. But you're one of the bravest people I know, so I'm sure you can handle it."
"What if I take it all wrong and she doesn't feel the same? What if she gets too upset that I stole her beloved souvenir of her grandparents and she doesn't want to listen to me?"
"You think too much. I understand that you have doubts, everyone has them, but you can't let them overshadow the purpose of it all. Even if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, we can handle it. I'll be here for you."
"Thanks, Wayne." The younger Munson felt a weight fall from his heart to some extent and be replaced by a slight flame of hope. Conversations with his uncle always have that effect on him.
"Which doesn't change the fact that I'm ninety-nine percent sure she'll appreciate the gesture and won't even get too angry about the stolen tape. I have a good feeling about this girl, and you know your old man is rarely wrong." The man laughed and sat down in a chair. "Now play this song, I want to hear it."
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Saturday evening came sooner than Eddie would have expected. Normally the Hideout would now be filled to the brim but this time there was emptiness and silence. Silence that seemed too loud for him. The black shirt he had buttoned up to his neck seemed to choke him, so he unbuttoned the first two buttons. The stress still made him incredibly hot. Suddenly he heard a door opening in which you appeared. At the sight of you, his heart sped up twice as fast, he became more and more aware that tonight would bring many changes, but he still wasn't sure if they were good ones.
"I know I'm a little early, but I couldn't wait." you said smiling broadly.
"That's okay, you look beautiful." he replied.
"You equally. It suits you in that shirt." It was a fact. It was the first time you'd seen him in a more elegant version, and you'd have to be lying if you said it hadn't crossed your mind what would happen if he undid a few more buttons. "It's creepy here without a crowd of people." you commented, wanting to dismiss those thoughts and change the subject. You sat down at a table opposite the stage. "This place is always full of life," you said.
"It reminds me of our early days when practically every day was like this." He responded by sitting down across from you. "Fortunately, it has grown more vibrant over time."
"I'm glad. I can't imagine life in Hawkins without this place."
Eddie wanted to reply that he couldn't imagine Hawkins without you now, but bit his tongue. Not yet. Before he had time to say anything the door opened again letting in a band of 5 musicians. They were in their early twenties. Excitedly, they introduced themselves to you and began to spread out on stage. Ironically, the most stressed person in the room was still Munson. When they started playing you focused all your attention on the performers, Eddie, however, was unable to. You listened to the performance with a smile on your lips, enjoying every note they played. The songs varied, some fast and cheerful, others a bit sadder or calm and soothing. You were absorbed in each of them, the emotions conveyed in the music flowing through you while painting different facial expressions that Eddie could read like a book. From time to time he forced himself to look at the stage, but then quickly returned his gaze to you. He was unable to think about anything else but how beautiful you looked. He had already seen you in various states and no matter what, you were always beautiful to him. He felt like stopping the show and shouting right in your face all the emotions that were blowing up inside him. But he had to endure for a few more moments. He had to be patient to tell you in the right way that every time you are close to him he feels a pain in his ribs which is caused by his heart, which wants to escape from its cage straight to you.
"Will you stay here with them for a while? I have to go upstairs quickly, I promise I'll be right back." he said nervously, when the audition finished.
"Is something wrong?" you asked worriedly.
"No, just wait here for me, okay?"
In the meantime, while the band was packing up the instruments he rushed upstairs where hot food prepared by Wayne, who had already left for work, was waiting for him. The portions were packed in boxes, and on one of them was a note saying "Good luck son!". The metalhead took a deep breath and, together with the food, headed back downstairs.
When he returned the musicians were ready to leave, he thanked them and said he would call on Monday with an answer and possible details.
"I thought a little snack wouldn't hurt us." he said turning toward you and began to take out the containers. "I'm sorry that I didn't prepare the porcelain crockery," he said.
"Whatever it is it doesn't need porcelain crockery to smell delicious." you replied and helped him lay everything out.
The meal passed you in a very pleasant atmosphere. You joked and talked about the audition. In your opinion, they should definitely give them a chance, and Eddie had no choice but to agree because, first of all, he didn't pay a bit of attention to the music they were playing because he was too busy melting at the sight of you, and secondly, he would do anything you wanted. There was also the third, he knew you wouldn't do him any harm. 
"So... do you feel like another little performance?" he asked when silence fell between you. Seeing your curious face he continued. "I'm saying in advance that I haven't done this in years." He walked toward the piano. When he sat down at it, nerves and stress took over completely causing momentary paralysis. He stuck his gaze into the keys and felt his palms flood with sweat and begin to shake. Come on, Eddie, you can do it. He repeated over and over in his mind, but it didn't help. He was so preoccupied with all this that he didn't notice when you got up from the table and slowly walked toward him, only to sit down next to him a moment later.
"I would love to hear you play Eddie." you said grabbing his hand. You didn't mind how wet with sweat it was. When you saw a smile creep onto his face along with that small gesture, you thought you'd like to hold it forever. When your touch eased his nerves and his fingers didn't shake so badly he began to play. At first his uncertainty made him barely touch the keys, but every time he glanced in your direction and saw your delight when you recognized the next moments of the song he became more and more confident. And with each successive note your heart grew.
"Lost In Your Eyes," you whispered when he finished.
"Yeah, so lost." he replied grabbing your hand. Now or never. He thought, Your faces were now very close together, Eddie rested his forehead against yours and took a deep breath. His eyes were big and dark. Beautiful. It was a beauty in which you could get lost and wander for the rest of your life. "I feel so lost right now that I don't even know how to say what has been going on in my head for a very long time," he said.
"Try it, I have a feeling that in our minds we think alike." you encouraged him.
"I've really liked jazz lately, y'know?" his voice was very quiet and low, but every word reached you with redoubled force.
"Well...I didn't think I'd ever become a metal fan, but recently I've found that metal can be very magnetic..."
"Do you think you could fall in love with metal? Because I think I've been falling in love with jazz for a while now."
You were just about to answer, when suddenly a loud bang came from the office. You both jumped up and looked away from each other, directing your gaze toward the source of the noise. Eddie slowly got up walking there, so you followed him. From a distance you heard muffled voices from behind the door, which became more and more clear the closer you got.
"I thought you were as stealthy as a nina, idiot. You weren't supposed to knock over a whole cabinet!" It was Robin.
"Oh I'm sorry I took away your role as a bull in a china shop!" Steve hissed back. "I don't hear anything, they are quiet, do you think they heard us?"
"Move your ass, dingus."
Eddie showed you to be quiet, but you had a hard time holding back the laughter that was gathering inside you. What the hell were they doing there? Suddenly Munson abruptly opened the door while yelling as loudly as he could. Surprised and somewhat frightened eavesdroppers fell to the floor.
"What the fuck dude?!" shouted Steve putting his hand over his heart. "Do you want me to have a heart attack?"
"Yeah Steve, what the fuck?" replied Eddie crossing his arms over his chest. "Can anyone know why you are spying on us? I thought you guys had enough spies, especially Russian ones."
"Oh come on! We were just curious how you were doing, you know very well how strongly we are rooting for you!" exclaimed Robin.
"And that was the reason for you to break in here through the window?" he asked amused, pointing to the open 'entrance'.
"Maybe it didn't work out so well, we just wanted to see how it was going and back out the same way." Steve tried to defend himself.
"Oh my God Steve, that sounds so much worse said out loud." sighed Robin and hid her face in her hands. "Come on creep, we should go now."
"Yes, you should, and this time PLEASE use the damn door."
"Yeah, we are sorry. Bye crab, bye y/n." said Robin, and on her way out she gestured that you should call her later.
"Bye stalkers!" you replied waving your hand.
When you were left alone again Eddie brought a tape recorder from the office. "I hope you won't hate me and forgive me, but last time I was at your place I borrowed something without asking." he said while putting the cassette inside.
"I connected the dots the moment you started playing the piano." You laughed lightly as you approached him. "I think I'm able to forgive you for stealing my favorite heirloom from my grandfather."
"That sounds awful, don't say it that way," he said.
"Then what way should I put it?"
"Maybe that I borrowed it without asking to impress you? And to ask you to dance now?" he pulled you to him putting his hands on your waist. You wrapped yours around his neck.
"Actually, it sounds better."
"So where were we before the two morons interrupted us?"
"You said you started falling in love with jazz..." you stepped closer to him, and his hands tightened around you. "And I was just about to answer you that metal and jazz is a very uncommon combination." A look of mild shock and sadness flashed across his face. He started to pull away when you pulled him as close to you as you could. Your chests touched and your lips were separated by millimeters. "But this very rare connection could turn out to be something really beautiful," you said.
"Do you really think so?" your proximity made it difficult for him to breathe evenly.
"That's what I hope for." you whispered and your lips lightly brushed his when you said it, and he put his hand on your cheek.
"I'd like to know what it's like to feel jazz all over me." he whispered while nudging yours with his nose.
"Nothing stands in the way." you replied and he finally brought your lips together in a passionate kiss. The music in the background enchanted the moment you were in and you felt that you would never have to feel lonely again. You had a feeling that with Eddie, Hawkins would become your home.
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Can you possibly write one where the reader decides to be a litte troublemaker and decides to try coffee? Maybe her daddy’s left the room and she snuck a sip 💖💖
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the lovely request for for being patient! ❤️
I hope you like how I turned your request :)
Enjoy <3
Warnings : bratty little reader, go against rules, fluff, story at bedtime, coffee, little reader become a troublemaker, cuteness
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky x Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : your Daddy is leaving for a mission and you try to find things to make him stay
You pout as you look up at your Daddy walking inside your room in his work clothes. You're so upset with him right now, even if it won't be for too long, you're still upset. He has to leave for a mission during all the night and you didn't liked that. You don't like when one of them isn't at home with you during the day so during the night ? unimaginable
He chuckles at how cute you look under the sheets with your stuffies all over the bed and your adorable little pouty face he loves so much. He takes a sip of his coffee as he walks toward the bed, once he reaches you, he sits on the edge of the bed and takes another sip making you frown "what is it Daddy ?" you ask with a fake pouty voice
He smiles down at his cup and shakes his head before looking up at you "this is coffee, little one" he simply answer in his sweet and lovely tone. You feel the other side of your bed moving which means only one thing ; Papa's here too!
You keep frowning at your Daddy but don't say anything. You watch him taking another sip again and try to understand what he told you about coffee one day.
When he doesn't hear you saying something else, he looks back at you and tilts his head knowingly "it's for helping me waking up. I need to be ready and concentrate for this night and this," he says pointing at his cup "will help me"
You cross your arms against your chest deciding that you don't like this coffee dude. He helps your Daddy so he can go out all night and leaving you and your Papa alone at home ? What if you have a nightmare and need the both of them ? What if the doors suddenly decided to stay close, trapping you in with your Papa ? Then your Daddy won't be able to spend times with you if that would happen and he’ll get tired by trying to get in with you.
He playfully rolls his eyes and rests his coffee on your nightstand, you feel both of their eyes on you so you look up at your Papa "what story do you want for tonight, princess ?" he asks popping your nose with his index making you smile a little
"I want "when do hippos play"" you say "pwease" you add. You watch them nodding their head "alright, babygirl. We'll go get it for you" your Daddy says kissing your forehead. They stand up and are soon outside of your bedroom, you let out a frustrate sigh. What can you do so your daddy will stay ?
There aren't many options and you already tried most of them so you let out a second sigh in defead. That until you turn your head and see the coffee of your Daddy still on your nightstand. You quickly sat up in your matress and bite your lip. You carefully grab the cup and bring it into your laps. It's not that hot now so it's perfect
If you can't make him stay or make him sleepy, you'll stay awake so you can be with him. This coffee dude will help you stay awake just like it does for your Daddy.
You smile at how genious you are. You take a sip and even if the taste is worser than everything you ever ate or drink, you still finish the cup. You put it back in the nightstand and lay back down on your pillow after drying your mouth from the leftover of coffee.
At their surprise, you're not as grumpy as you were when they step back inside the room with the book. They didn't thought more of it and went to take back their sit beside you but this time, they get more comfy than before. "you ready, sweetie ?" your Papa asks as you snuggle against his side. You nod and cuddle Bucksie as he starts reading
During the entire story, your Daddies shared the book until your Papa is the last one at reading the last words of the book. He quietly closes the book incase you're already sleeping but when he gets a closer look at your face, he can sees your eyes wide open
He sighs making you look up at him with your big eyes "why aren't you sleeping, princess ?" he asks tilting his head. Your Daddy peers down at you and sees by himself that you're still wide awake which annoy him a little.
He hoped you would fall asleep quickly because it'll be easier for him to leave if you're asleep and it'll be faster for you if you're sleeping.
" 'm not tired" you say shrugging and start playing with Bucksie's ears. Your Daddy sighs and grab his cup, he frowns at how light it is. He looks inside the cup and his frown fall when he sees it empty. He freezes for a second before looking up at you and your Papa. He watches your conversation with your Papa.
"Baby ?" he calls, interrupting your conversation. Steve looks up at Bucky and you turn your head toward him too. When you see the cup in his hands you try to look innocent. "you're still not sleepy ?" he asks tilting his head.
You start shaking your head but change your mind and finish by nodding your head making your Daddy narrowing his eyes. He lifts his cup more toward you and asks "did you drink what was in it ?"
You look up at him and shake your head which doesn't amused him at all "you know what happen when you lie, right ?" he sternly says
You stop your movement before dropping your eyes to your Papa and nod your head. Your Daddy intimidates you too much to look at him. You hear him sighing and feel him coming closer to you "why ?" he simply asks
You keep looking in your Papa's eyes with sad eyes and he tilts his head, you see his eyes changed and you understand that you have to answer your Daddy. So you turn your head back toward him and feel so small under his stare, he doesn't look angry but he doesn't look happy either.
"I don't want you to leave" you mumble with a shaky voice. Your Daddy's eyes soften and he goes to wrap his arms around you, he squeezes you tighter against him and sighs "I know babygirl but it's just for tonight and if you sleep it'll go faster. I'll be here when you woke up" he says kissing the top of your head. You feel your Papa's hand on your back and legs as your Daddy reassures you.
"You drink the coffee so Daddy would be tired ?" Your Papa asks and you shake your head "wanted to stay awake so I could go with Daddy" you say against your Daddy's chest. You feel him holding you tighter "it's not how it works, little one" he sighs "i don't want to leave you two tonight but I have to and the sooner i leave, the sooner I'll come back"
You whine and shake your head "want the both of you"
"I know, beautiful. I know" he says "but i promise you that tomorrow and for the rest of the week, it'll be just the three of us" he adds kissing your temple.
You look up at him to see if he's lying to you and then look at your Papa who nods his head. You pout and unwrap his arms from around you, you still accept the situation even if you didn't really had a choice and lay back down on the bed
"thank you" he sweetly smiles at you and even if you want to stick your tongue out at him, you smile in return. You Papa grabs your attention toward him when he slides his fingers in your hair "how about you sleep with me tonight ?" he proposes
Your eyes light up and you nod your head happily. He grins and stands up from the bed, he lifts you up and you curl your body against his with your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist and your head against his shoulder.
"i'll read you as many books as you need until you fall asleep" he whispers in your ears making you more happy
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
If requests are open I was thinking dad!steve or something along those lines
I love absolutely love ur writing btw babe 💖
Thank youuuu!! Gosh, I am SO soft for this idea 🥺
Gonna also go ahead and tag @harringtonswiftie for being amazing and constantly chatting with me about Steve ; we have gone back and forth for days about dad!Steve and ahhhhh so much of that has provided inspo for this!! Love youuu 💕
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You were nervous, beyond nervous to tell Steve that you were pregnant and you weren't sure why. You knew about his little dream with his "brood of Harrington's" so you knew he wanted kids, but you were both still so young.
But you had to know for sure first before you told him anything - you definitely didn't want to get his hopes up. So, you scheduled an appointment with your doctor and lo and behold, you were, in fact, pregnant.
It's not as if the two of you were trying or anything - it just... happened.
You decided to tell him right away, as soon as you got back home. There was no point in keeping it a secret, you wouldn't be able to hide it forever anyway.
When you get home, he's sitting on the couch nursing a beer and watching one of the many game shows he adores but when he sees you, he immediately smiles. One of those wide Steve Harrington smiles that makes you go weak at the knees and makes you feel like you're fifteen years old all over again.
"Can we talk about something?" you ask slowly, working up the nerve to really push through with this.
"Ye- yeah," he says, turning off the tv and focusing his attention solely on you. "Is everything alright?"
"I think so?" Guess we're about to find out. You seat yourself directly next to him, taking his hands in your own. "So, remember how I told you I was late?" He nods, eyes wide. "Well... I wanted to get confirmation before I assumed anything and, uh, well... I'm pregnant."
He's speechless, more speechless than you've ever seen him. Steve is never at a loss for words and you can feel your body beginning to tense all over. He's mad. He's scared. He hates this. He doesn't want a kid. He doesn't want a kid with me.
"We're gonna have a baby?" He asks softly, eyes flicking down to your stomach and then back up. "A real baby? You and me?"
"Are you... okay with that?"
"Okay?" Then his eyes light up and that thousand watt smile is back on his face. "We're gonna have a baby!"
He swoops in, capturing your lips in a deep kiss and it steals all the breath from your lungs. He's happy. We're gonna be okay.
And Steve is on it, from the very jump. As soon as he finds out you're pregnant, he wants to know everything and he wants to be part of everything.
He buys every single book he can get his hands on and he reads them all, cover to cover. He also likes telling you fun little pregnancy facts as he reads.
"Did you know the longest recorded pregnancy was 375 days?" He turns to you, eyes wide and mouth agape.
"I don't want to think about that."
"Did you know that the baby can hear you?"
"Mhm. The baby can hear you too. Do you wanna try?"
Steve jumps at the chance, ready and eager. He tosses the book he was reading aside and places his palms softly on your stomach. "Hey baby, it's your dad," he whispers as you brush his hair out of his eyes. "I can't wait to meet you. You're gonna be so loved and you're gonna have the coolest parents, don't let anyone ever tell you different."
He comes to every single doctor's appointment, won't miss any of them for the world. And the first time an ultrasound occurs, he cries. He gasps when he hears the baby's heartbeat and then breaks down completely when he's able to make out the little shape of your baby on the screen.
By the time your third trimester comes around, you've been ordered to take it easy and not push yourself too hard or get overly stressed. Steve immediately puts you on mandatory bed rest, ensures you that he has everything 100% taken care of because you and the baby need rest.
He gets you set up in bed with everything you might need: books, magazines, music, the tv remote, and a little bell. "Ring this bell whenever you need anything and I'll be here."
When he steps out of the room, you ring the bell and he comes running.
You stifle a laugh. "Just wanted to make sure it worked."
Once you start nearing the end of your pregnancy; however, you are ready for this baby to be here. You've had enough and decidedly, you never want to be pregnant again. So, and even though it hurts, once those initial contractions jolt you awake in the middle of the night, you're ecstatic because the baby is coming.
"Steve?" You nudge him and he groans. "Steve!"
He sits up in bed, turning on the bedside lamp. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"The baby's coming, we have to go."
You're standing by the front door, ready to go. You've had the essentials packed for weeks now but Steve wants to do one last run through of the entire house just to make sure you have everything you need. You're starting to feel impatient, the contractions stealing your breath every time they hit. And Steve? Steve is frazzled, frenzied.
"Babe," you say, stealing his attention. "We have everything, we need to go. Let's go meet our baby."
He smiles, eyes blowing wide with excitement. He laces his fingers with yours and helps you into the car.
After a few hours of screaming, crying and, let's be honest, cursing, your baby has finally entered the world and Steve has not stopped crying. To be fair, neither have you. It has been a night.
The nurse brings your new baby over and you cradle her gently in your arms. Steve climbs in the bed next to you, one arm draped around your shoulder and the other is counting your baby girl's fingers and toes.
"She's so tiny," he whispers, voice full of love and wonder.
"Do you want to hold her, daddy?"
Steve nods, taking her from you gently, and pulling himself back to a standing position. He cradles her against his chest and her tiny fist wraps around his finger.
"You're so perfect, little one, and we love you so much."
It's learned fairly quickly that Steve is the best dad. He is present for everything, ready to go with a camcorder. He films every milestone and even just the things he finds particularly adorable. He wants every single moment to be captured forever. You don't even want to know how much money has been spent on rolls of film for the camera. Steve takes pictures of it all: birthdays, holidays, vacations, every single moment of practically every single day.
Two years after the birth of your daughter, you both welcome your first son into the family and Steve is just as ecstatic the second time around as he was the first.
You love your family and Steve being ever endlessly himself makes you want to continue to grow this little family into a big family. Like Steve said, a full brood of Harrington's.
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