#and Radar from m*a*s*h as per usual
frogeye-pierce · 3 years
I was tagged by the endlessly thoughtful @goatmilkoatmilk to take this personality quiz and share my top ten assigned kin! I didn’t recognize a lot of mine but here are the first ten that I actually knew! 
1.) Johnathan Byers (Stranger Things) - 87%
3.) Will Graham (Hannibal) - 84% (actually LOSING it over this one) 
12.) Allison Reynolds (The Breakfast Club) - 80%
15.) Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) - 79%
18.) John Munch (SVU) -  78% (forget what i said about Will Graham. this is so much more damning) 
19.) Pete Martell (Twin Peaks) - 78%
30.) Dobby (Harry Potter) - 76% (what!) 
34.) Grandpa Joe (Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory) - 76% 
41.) The Tin Man (The Wizard of Oz) - 75%
44.) Davos Seaworth (Game of Thrones) - 74% (<3 <3 <3) 
i’m not sure who has already done this but i’ll tag these friends: @canyon-moon-lesbian, @plaid-nightmares, @topshelf2112-blog, @elderfrogboy, and @tallratboy (also it’s ok if you don’t want to do this! just think of this tag as me waving at you <3) 
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babyawacs · 4 years
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly 1145 on +-5 was it the main reasonwhy the mails failed allday itis heart murder trick day thegermans suffocat e gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more thousands oftimes then resuff ocate then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate then redamamge then r edamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge then replace the phone tbhen resuffocate red amamge what is the trick priorty heart backleg heart heart backleg h e a r t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t /// suffoca tion indicators and nox liek tricks: 1600 1620 gaserknows //// suffocaitongaser patho gengaser kilslheart bomboutthe cockroach  germancockroach murdertricks with gasin gs above above adjancent /// the v pn people maintain their servers around smtp or sth?! // since post app composition finds customers easily the mail sendout fails wahtsthe trick? destroywallisntalls /// 1522 say fangbar or gefang bar orso itis maybe prelude alibi to mess ahead prev ention by morons squeeze assmesser backlemgesser 1523 with abit luck they feel as k idnappers or sth use the chance to crrrrrr runkkkkkkkthe nuts of the authorities when the scums admit their alibis toteir crimes soon it becomes excess mosntrosity arbitrary implant tricks then murdering the cockro aches is the standard then they feel a yearlater insulted whentheyre cockroaches thatthey are cockroaches that try sth covered by authorites and an authroites caused mess quell immunisation trick quellfortune access trick and shuffle proxies and har ms d i r e c t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t accountabil tiy inthe f i r s t line the authorities whenthem andor their cockroaches try sth foolcockroaches admit their alibis? evenbetter wheres the ambiguity then acockroac h pretends sth and messes with that guy again //// check heart trombosis things fromdehydration // 1246 cautionwith supprot barely fixing whatcockroaches dmamgre ch amber ctaapulter chamber lymapbhtic aimer avove cockroachgerman gaser wallsintaller the lasers are red thecockroaches righthten typed and heartkiltlrick are the messer cautionwithsupprot /// 1244 mail didnt geotu still heart critical from earlier tr icks deedtyped /// 1235 dehydration heartkill tricks after suffocaitons and apthogen t ricks and backleg hearttrick on dehydration gutslock gutssubd ue h e a r t on edge mail blocked ////// 1228earlypahtic ai med is // 1227 suffocaitona ndor pathogen tricka ndor gutslockdehydraiton h e a r t effects andor backleg heart btw btw heart and pathogen relevant inhalerormess suffocat e email doesnt getout 1145 replacedphoen on whats teh trick //// replacedphone 1 145+-2 : this mail didnt getout 1155:  bysome theme some idddddiot pretends their ger man crimes are a matter of them quelling the anger with : behold: "so nicht" or sth ie pretend their crimes are ok whenthey quell it with a clear blunt message. som eone liekthat  cannot even grasp what they do? canthat be possible? frauded away b illions  treat worse like a dog rapes experimejnt mengele damages pedo orgies alldayt ime charged quelled asbatshitnuts to repeat not charging would continued which mix quell initiative fromwithinthe bubble eu humanrights a shitball nothing more thatthey c an continue which tricks tothis very year  tothis very week but they just need to fr audyou more bluntly and then it works can this be s o m e of the germans? this is not acceptable idont accept this maybe not clear enough that is inacceptable fraud bastards maybe its the early mid2000s directly bank fortune access demand where spoken means nothing in germany judicially each and every single signed fax is judicially valid any email any spokenword arbitrary any promise laadeeedaaa fan of blunt? when there was o n e ppppppenny from realtime fortune daytime demanded and they treaty ouworse like a dog because you shouldnt know ormind that i s germany /// ccautionwith suppo rt makesure scums we jail incontrary tokill thesystemdooms e m usually preventionpreventionprevention and authroities infirstlineof accoutnabili ty /// dont blame the minors they use or a kid from stolensperm even abit prevent ion made miracles usually protectem example : russia document was humiliate wiht acc ount ayearago  /// jailassmesser enfo rcprecention /// lawyers no debt titles exist isit systemic if they continued afte r daytimepay ifiit is not systemic andthey ceased to exist itis fraud by decentralis ed entities or fraudby resale of ceased titles demystify and harden it the german s game on fraud it as debt bum forthem itslike a heavens gift to chain and quellthe ca se with s  o m e t h i n g thatthey betrayed and frauded the case into misery fo r decades with fortune and then used it to doexactly that  to fraud and chain and qu ellthe case is laaadeedaa forem sero tolerance with cockroachgermans that game fo r keepit as dayfool sowhat itworks that is mmmmmmmmmy fortune itis 92billion euro o r just 62billioneuro idaytime charged my immunsiation and eachwasted year bites them ?theygot chow and arranged themselces intheir fraudsystem they get no healthdamamges th ey whore their children through and or sellem only they arranged themselves intheir ge rman german german german german german german german getrman german german swamp th is very day who averted fortune access to starve as daybum they quell any incom e its  fraudsystem that sorts sheeple youcando nothing if blacklisted blackballed alli s exploitation and chains and waiting lines  any smartie from mensa makes their own project ifpossible but the germans quell any income of any penny imade already quelli mmunisation and expose thecase to fringe quell kill harm or just to sexual assault theygive eachother alibis and the only reasontheyre civilised is because we forced themto /// 0043 wallisntaller is // / ddestroy the catapults inchamber checkinjury from dozens udnerway too destroy gasvalv es gaser 0037 is cautionwithsupport ser obulshit with terror bs itis unusuallymildsafe for an afternoon cautionwithsupport /// support werenot the bloody french revolution prevention is key ifwe got a ve rdict on lets stay stolensperm wecanchoose to enforce or not enforce  minors a l w a y s rescue /// xraybeamtricckery /// caution with support scums usually a re theproblem not support tryigntofix afterwards whatscums do allthetime /// a m oron cockroach damamged backlegs odlwoudns nwoimin heartpains the fix is headimapct find the trick amybe its oneofthose cockroachgerman cockroaches from masseldorn and their gay prisonor fantasies suckercockroaches didnt evenknow me until 2001 thought i replaced myself as evil ameri can assassin orsth  the trickusually is  karbiovaskulaere erkankung making gefaes skrankheiten s amking that wa sthe theme fiveyears ago repeated harms thereis no reason why heart is inthat conditions they flatlined it thousands oftimes thousands oftimes wiht implants  just for fun or to demonstrate hwomighty theyare withimplanting after daytiemcharging it the suffocati ons interoxidaustausch arsenide and such were critical ontopofit verybad as finedu st aimed for cardiomypathy and sudden heartdeath and such /// imallday ina heav y radarbeam isitabove orwinodwoaimed orabove adjacent /// cautionwithsupport and min ors alwaysrescue bysome theme akidofmine is 18  or soon  wheeeeeeey!! yeeeey!! whats her name  i so dontevenhave a foto andwouldloveto /// heres howit works thegermans s huffle stigmas and shuffleproxies usually deceit shuffled between pedotricks momf ool suicideweenie hatenut satanicposession terrorist hobograndurenut pedothejuror jurio r trick  or incestdad bllah itsalljustadream transvestite fraudtrickster pinkelephan thalluzinatorsosososoyouseecolorsherethenalonecopquestionin yourenotyoutonaswinn doghum per weepyweenie prisonor generaillissimo prostitute prostituteworkfromhome murderer  itshuffles with scums whenthe brainwave readout fucksup likethinking of some impostor w easelmurderer blah its theconfirmation for eitherofthsoe sayhomersimpsoy walkby h ooker trick buzzword? younameit this is howitworks someone wason backlegs agai n annow itis heavyheart andother clown messed foreheadleft bloodvesse$mess thats a suicideweenie mess arbitrary harm on an unusualmildday only onetwo dozen hea dimapcts underwaymostly acouple here mild occasional assmolest instead hosted pedo trickery  /// there is old t oothpaste and old handcream readthaotutloud too usually trickslike greenmix went intothe cookingpot the onions anything else but inside the old toothpaste surely th eydidnt dare thattt had i only not dayt imecharged it sothey can nut the case /// this is what we do we let wheoverisn ew readoutloud jarmixes and the coffee and thesugar and the cupboard waterfiltuere s andthenwe comapreit with readoutloud whatsin redbag then we figureout what happ ened mysteriously in sixyears persistent intent upto suffocationkilltricks yesterday /// xraybeam radar is maybe baeue rchen burb inspired em orsth // jailassmesser ifnonhostile makes transparency usu ally its pedotricks or implant messes nonhostile isnot theproblem scums usually are // 7 headimapct hotspot houise99 101  two andbeforeliekly toowith copdriveby buttonpusher same as in my chamber? caution withsupprot minros always rescue but prevention of mess i s prevented mess a y+ + would be situationally adequate  even asupersafe reliable efficient clunker may have averted alotofmesses  but the harasswalks were intent allal ong so 6 headimapct locals or mos Ls402 is trickdec eit is conflciting  thenassmess 1516 thinktopic is some bs video about asicko impostor orsth  like bad intel hellhole d oom crews or sth 5 ihate the germans and itis notjust tzhe headimpacts of godknows what underway theyre cockroaches theyre rapers poisoners mengeles and fraud cockroa ches ifyoudont like em after halfothat they germancure you ihate emtheyre criminal s in a criminal shithole system that will always try anytrick and anything itis ho wthey hare and howthey arrangedthemselves their shitholeswamp 4 bombout assmesser 1510 this is mildsafety 3  sayhookerbuzzword t rickdeceit 1505 1504 isit timed t o a chav fraudcall the transponder mischief is having been prisonor or sth idiotic /// catapul t heaidmapct before sbhitcops driveby headimapct isit locals localpark or theshit cops usually they spend drivebys as were watching tothe clowns and mess  ie must sp end it as presence unlikelyits them //// dicktoymess 1456 is jailscums makesafety cautionwithsupport prevention whyletem
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly 1145 on +-5 was it the main reasonwhy the mails failed allday itis heart murder trick day thegermans suffocat e gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more thousands oftimes then resuff ocate then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate then redamamge then r edamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge then replace the phone tbhen resuffocate red amamge what is the trick priorty heart backleg heart heart backleg h e a r t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t /// suffoca tion indicators and nox liek tricks: 1600 1620 gaserknows //// suffocaitongaser patho gengaser kilslheart bomboutthe cockroach  germancockroach murdertricks with gasin gs above above adjancent /// the v pn people maintain their servers around smtp or sth?! // since post app composition finds customers easily the mail sendout fails wahtsthe trick? destroywallisntalls /// 1522 say fangbar or gefang bar orso itis maybe prelude alibi to mess ahead prev ention by morons squeeze assmesser backlemgesser 1523 with abit luck they feel as k idnappers or sth use the chance to crrrrrr runkkkkkkkthe nuts of the authorities when the scums admit their alibis toteir crimes soon it becomes excess mosntrosity arbitrary implant tricks then murdering the cockro aches is the standard then they feel a yearlater insulted whentheyre cockroaches thatthey are cockroaches that try sth covered by authorites and an authroites caused mess quell immunisation trick quellfortune access trick and shuffle proxies and har ms d i r e c t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t accountabil tiy inthe f i r s t line the authorities whenthem andor their cockroaches try sth foolcockroaches admit their alibis? evenbetter wheres the ambiguity then acockroac h pretends sth and messes with that guy again //// check heart trombosis things fromdehydration // 1246 cautionwith supprot barely fixing whatcockroaches dmamgre ch amber ctaapulter chamber lymapbhtic aimer avove cockroachgerman gaser wallsintaller the lasers are red thecockroaches righthten typed and heartkiltlrick are the messer cautionwithsupprot /// 1244 mail didnt geotu still heart critical from earlier tr icks deedtyped /// 1235 dehydration heartkill tricks after suffocaitons and apthogen t ricks and backleg hearttrick on dehydration gutslock gutssubd ue h e a r t on edge mail blocked ////// 1228earlypahtic ai med is // 1227 suffocaitona ndor pathogen tricka ndor gutslockdehydraiton h e a r t effects andor backleg heart btw btw heart and pathogen relevant inhalerormess suffocat e email doesnt getout 1145 replacedphoen on whats teh trick //// replacedphone 1 145+-2 : this mail didnt getout 1155:  bysome theme some idddddiot pretends their ger man crimes are a matter of them quelling the anger with : behold: “so nicht” or sth ie pretend their crimes are ok whenthey quell it with a clear blunt message. som eone liekthat  cannot even grasp what they do? canthat be possible? frauded away b illions  treat worse like a dog rapes experimejnt mengele damages pedo orgies alldayt ime charged quelled asbatshitnuts to repeat not charging would continued which mix quell initiative fromwithinthe bubble eu humanrights a shitball nothing more thatthey c an continue which tricks tothis very year  tothis very week but they just need to fr audyou more bluntly and then it works can this be s o m e of the germans? this is not acceptable idont accept this maybe not clear enough that is inacceptable fraud bastards maybe its the early mid2000s directly bank fortune access demand where spoken means nothing in germany judicially each and every single signed fax is judicially valid any email any spokenword arbitrary any promise laadeeedaaa fan of blunt? when there was o n e ppppppenny from realtime fortune daytime demanded and they treaty ouworse like a dog because you shouldnt know ormind that i s germany /// ccautionwith suppo rt makesure scums we jail incontrary tokill thesystemdooms e m usually preventionpreventionprevention and authroities infirstlineof accoutnabili ty /// dont blame the minors they use or a kid from stolensperm even abit prevent ion made miracles usually protectem example : russia document was humiliate wiht acc ount ayearago  /// jailassmesser enfo rcprecention /// lawyers no debt titles exist isit systemic if they continued afte r daytimepay ifiit is not systemic andthey ceased to exist itis fraud by decentralis ed entities or fraudby resale of ceased titles demystify and harden it the german s game on fraud it as debt bum forthem itslike a heavens gift to chain and quellthe ca se with s  o m e t h i n g thatthey betrayed and frauded the case into misery fo r decades with fortune and then used it to doexactly that  to fraud and chain and qu ellthe case is laaadeedaa forem sero tolerance with cockroachgermans that game fo r keepit as dayfool sowhat itworks that is mmmmmmmmmy fortune itis 92billion euro o r just 62billioneuro idaytime charged my immunsiation and eachwasted year bites them ?theygot chow and arranged themselces intheir fraudsystem they get no healthdamamges th ey whore their children through and or sellem only they arranged themselves intheir ge rman german german german german german german german getrman german german swamp th is very day who averted fortune access to starve as daybum they quell any incom e its  fraudsystem that sorts sheeple youcando nothing if blacklisted blackballed alli s exploitation and chains and waiting lines  any smartie from mensa makes their own project ifpossible but the germans quell any income of any penny imade already quelli mmunisation and expose thecase to fringe quell kill harm or just to sexual assault theygive eachother alibis and the only reasontheyre civilised is because we forced themto /// 0043 wallisntaller is // / ddestroy the catapults inchamber checkinjury from dozens udnerway too destroy gasvalv es gaser 0037 is cautionwithsupport ser obulshit with terror bs itis unusuallymildsafe for an afternoon cautionwithsupport /// support werenot the bloody french revolution prevention is key ifwe got a ve rdict on lets stay stolensperm wecanchoose to enforce or not enforce  minors a l w a y s rescue /// xraybeamtricckery /// caution with support scums usually a re theproblem not support tryigntofix afterwards whatscums do allthetime /// a m oron cockroach damamged backlegs odlwoudns nwoimin heartpains the fix is headimapct find the trick amybe its oneofthose cockroachgerman cockroaches from masseldorn and their gay prisonor fantasies suckercockroaches didnt evenknow me until 2001 thought i replaced myself as evil ameri can assassin orsth  the trickusually is  karbiovaskulaere erkankung making gefaes skrankheiten s amking that wa sthe theme fiveyears ago repeated harms thereis no reason why heart is inthat conditions they flatlined it thousands oftimes thousands oftimes wiht implants  just for fun or to demonstrate hwomighty theyare withimplanting after daytiemcharging it the suffocati ons interoxidaustausch arsenide and such were critical ontopofit verybad as finedu st aimed for cardiomypathy and sudden heartdeath and such /// imallday ina heav y radarbeam isitabove orwinodwoaimed orabove adjacent /// cautionwithsupport and min ors alwaysrescue bysome theme akidofmine is 18  or soon  wheeeeeeey!! yeeeey!! whats her name  i so dontevenhave a foto andwouldloveto /// heres howit works thegermans s huffle stigmas and shuffleproxies usually deceit shuffled between pedotricks momf ool suicideweenie hatenut satanicposession terrorist hobograndurenut pedothejuror jurio r trick  or incestdad bllah itsalljustadream transvestite fraudtrickster pinkelephan thalluzinatorsosososoyouseecolorsherethenalonecopquestionin yourenotyoutonaswinn doghum per weepyweenie prisonor generaillissimo prostitute prostituteworkfromhome murderer  itshuffles with scums whenthe brainwave readout fucksup likethinking of some impostor w easelmurderer blah its theconfirmation for eitherofthsoe sayhomersimpsoy walkby h ooker trick buzzword? younameit this is howitworks someone wason backlegs agai n annow itis heavyheart andother clown messed foreheadleft bloodvesse$mess thats a suicideweenie mess arbitrary harm on an unusualmildday only onetwo dozen hea dimapcts underwaymostly acouple here mild occasional assmolest instead hosted pedo trickery  /// there is old t oothpaste and old handcream readthaotutloud too usually trickslike greenmix went intothe cookingpot the onions anything else but inside the old toothpaste surely th eydidnt dare thattt had i only not dayt imecharged it sothey can nut the case /// this is what we do we let wheoverisn ew readoutloud jarmixes and the coffee and thesugar and the cupboard waterfiltuere s andthenwe comapreit with readoutloud whatsin redbag then we figureout what happ ened mysteriously in sixyears persistent intent upto suffocationkilltricks yesterday /// xraybeam radar is maybe baeue rchen burb inspired em orsth // jailassmesser ifnonhostile makes transparency usu ally its pedotricks or implant messes nonhostile isnot theproblem scums usually are // 7 headimapct hotspot houise99 101  two andbeforeliekly toowith copdriveby buttonpusher same as in my chamber? caution withsupprot minros always rescue but prevention of mess i s prevented mess a y+ + would be situationally adequate  even asupersafe reliable efficient clunker may have averted alotofmesses  but the harasswalks were intent allal ong so 6 headimapct locals or mos Ls402 is trickdec eit is conflciting  thenassmess 1516 thinktopic is some bs video about asicko impostor orsth  like bad intel hellhole d oom crews or sth 5 ihate the germans and itis notjust tzhe headimpacts of godknows what underway theyre cockroaches theyre rapers poisoners mengeles and fraud cockroa ches ifyoudont like em after halfothat they germancure you ihate emtheyre criminal s in a criminal shithole system that will always try anytrick and anything itis ho wthey hare and howthey arrangedthemselves their shitholeswamp 4 bombout assmesser 1510 this is mildsafety 3  sayhookerbuzzword t rickdeceit 1505 1504 isit timed t o a chav fraudcall the transponder mischief is having been prisonor or sth idiotic /// catapul t heaidmapct before sbhitcops driveby headimapct isit locals localpark or theshit cops usually they spend drivebys as were watching tothe clowns and mess  ie must sp end it as presence unlikelyits them //// dicktoymess 1456 is jailscums makesafety cautionwithsupport prevention  whyletem
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly
1145 on
was it themain reasonwhy the mails failed allday
itis heart murder trick day
thegermans suffocate gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more
thousands oftimes then resuffocate
then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate
then redamamge then redamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge
then replace the…
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