#and Mulder's wearing his red and blue one with the yellow/white circles
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twogravesinsomecemetery · 1 year ago
sure the x-files is great anyway but when you're watching a top teir episode AND mulder is wearing his best tie ???? It's absolutely unmatched
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misslilli · 3 years ago
Whelp, with yesterday we're back at school. Teaching first grade is hard, man 😂 Thank you guys, again, for going on this adventure with me :)
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 17 - The Mulder Boys's Birthday Bash
[ DS ]
The Saturday of the Mulder Boys’s Birthday Bash, I find myself standing in front of my closet with the girls, frowning at my selection of dresses. “What about this one?” Holly fingers a yellow sundress.
“Nah, it’s pretty but she looks like she’s going to church in that one.” Sarah tugs on a dress with a daisy print on it.
“Are you joking? That one’s even more Virgin Mary than the yellow one!”
Alex reaches into my closet and pulls out a navy two-piece dress I bought on a whim a few years back, but have never worn since then. “How about this one?”
“A, that’s perfect! It’s classy, yet sexy, just what we’re going for!” Sarah shoves me towards my bathroom. “Go try it on, D! And wear those nude heels with it.” I take the dress out of Alex’s arms and the shoes from Sarah and change into the outfit quickly. The straps drape across my arms just below my shoulders and it’s low cut just enough for my comfort. My cross necklace gleams against my skin and I decide to keep it on for tonight. Since it’s a two-piece, there’s just a sliver of skin visible between the top and the skirt, which flares out and swishes around my knees.
Slipping on my heels I step outside and the girls gasp in unison. “Yes, that’s the one! How does it feel D?” Holly pulls me over and I twirl in front of the full-length mirror, smiling as the skirt billows out around my legs.
“It’s beautiful, I love it. Thanks, girls!”
“The Mulder boys won’t know what hit ‘em when you show up wearing that!” Sarah winks at me suggestively and I roll my eyes at her.
“You know exactly that that’s not why I’m wearing it!”
Now it’s Sarah’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yeah sure, just keep telling yourself that…”
“Come on guys, we’re already unfashionably late. I’ll just call us a cab, are you ready?”
I grab a shawl against the cold and my purse before we make our way downstairs to wait for the cab. When we arrive at the house, we can already hear faint party noises from the backyard and my heart’s beating hard against my chest when we walk up the front walkway to ring the doorbell. My gaze wanders around the front of the house, the glass veranda on the right catching my eye. It’s completely different from our beach house, but it’s beautiful all the same.
The door opens to reveal Principal Skinner with a glass of whiskey in his hand and he holds the door open for us. “Hello ladies, come on in! You look extraordinarily beautiful tonight! Follow me, the party’s out back in the yard.”
He leads us through the house and I notice that it’s got polished hardwood floors and is furnished with antiques, giving it a cozy feel. We walk past the glass veranda which houses the dining room on the right and the living room with a massive couch to the left, which opens into the kitchen. The wooden staircase to the first floor is tucked away in the back. Skinner points us to the bathroom as we walk past it before we step outside onto the back porch and my breath catches in my chest.
They really went all out on this party, there’s string lights twinkling all around the hedge and in the trees, catered food and a bar in one corner, round tables in the middle and a massive dancefloor with a DJ in the other corner. Holly whistles through her teeth. “Man, they sure know how to live it up. Why are our parties never this nice? Jesus, I think they invited half the town for this.”
“Well, that’s on me I guess, they don’t know many people around here yet so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to make new acquaintances,” Principal Skinner admits but I’m only half listening because my eyes are too busy scanning the crowd. Sarah nudges my hip and tilts her head over to the bar and I’m embarrassed that she knows exactly who I was looking for. There he is, deep in conversation with Skinner’s wife, laughing at something she said.
He’s wearing a dark blue suit with a white dress shirt and a crimson tie and while the sight of him in a plain t-shirt with jeans are enough to make my heart skip a beat, him in that suit is going to give me a heart attack.
“Would you look at that D, you color coordinated, matchsiiiesss.” Holly whispers in my ear and I give her a pointed look.
“Shut up, Holly!” I hiss at her.
Just then, he looks over at us standing on the elevated porch and I can practically feel the slight burn his eyes leave as they travel up and down my body, giving me the once over. I hope he has a defibrillator. He flashes us a smile and raises his hand in a small wave, then continues his conversation with Arlene Skinner.
“Come on, girls, let’s put the presents on the gift table and get something to eat and drink.” ‘Eat, drink and be merry for today you may die.’
At the bar we sidestep the wine for now, since we haven’t eaten yet and I don’t want to embarrass myself by getting tipsy and stumbling over my heels. With my luck, I’ll just faceplant at a certain someone’s feet. ‘Huh, maybe he’ll catch me in those strong arms of his, though, if you’re really lucky…‘
When he spots our little circle, Felix comes over to us wearing a boy version of his dad’s suit, only with short dress pants and sneakers better suited for running around with the other kids. He’s tugging a tall woman along, with wavy brown hair and a kind face that seems somewhat familiar, but I’m not sure where to place her. His face is flushed and he beams at us happily.
“You came!”
“Of course we came, happy birthday Felix!” Sarah raises her glass to him and we all chime in with our Happy birthdays. The woman he came over with also raises her glass and ruffles his hair affectionately.
“This is my teacher Miss Anderson, and Miss Carter and Miss Spencer and Miss Scully,” he introduces us while the woman takes her turn shaking our hands. She regards me curiously and her lips curve into a smile.
“I’m Sam, Fox’s sister and Felix’s favorite aunt!” His sister, that’s why her face seemed so familiar. “So you’re the enigmatic Miss Scully I’ve heard so much about. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She notices the surprised look on my face. “Only good things, I promise. Felix won’t shut up about you when we talk on the phone.” I laugh, mostly because of the exasperated look Felix gives his aunt at revealing his secret.
“Glad to hear it, we’re having a lot of fun with him during recess! Nice to meet you, Sam. I really like your dress, did you get it around here?”
“Thanks, but no, I got it back in LA, I’m only visiting for a couple of days, I just couldn’t miss my two handsome boys’s birthday bash!”
“Handsome, huh? You spoil me sis!” Her brother has snuck up behind her, throwing his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Hi ladies, thanks for coming, you look very lovely today!” We raise our glasses to him as well, wishing him a happy birthday and my drink spills over a little in my shaky hand. I pray that no one notices.
“Sam I’m so sorry to drag you away, but can you help me out and check if everything’s alright with the caterers?” They excuse themselves and we decide it’s time for us to check out what said caterers have prepared, our stomachs already rumbling. Hopefully, the butterflies in my stomach will make room.
[ Sam ]
After checking with the caterers inside, I return to the party, standing on the back porch to watch everyone have a good time and I’m secretly a little proud of myself. Planning the party from all the way across the country had been stressful to say the least, but it turned out great. My gaze wanders around the tables and it catches on the tiny red-head and her three friends, who seem to be having a great time, laughing and chatting at their table.
I’ve heard many stories from Felix over the last few weeks but what surprised me the most was the way my brother looks at her. When I saw the way his whole face lit up when she walked in, I realized that Felix was not the only one taken with Miss Scully. She’s not his usual type - not that she’s not pretty, she is, very much so - but she’s actually nice. A vast improvement from the piece of work that’s his ex-wife, let me tell you. I wonder if he’s thought about asking her out yet.
[ DS ]
After dinner, we’re treated to another visit from the little Mulder, who’s breathless from the game of tag with his friends. “Hey Felix! Are you having a good time?” He nods enthusiastically, trying hard to catch his breath.
“Yeah, auntie Sam did a really good job! I can’t wait for my cake, she said it’s really huuuge! And the DJ is playing aaaall my favorite songs, too!”
Suddenly shy, he shuffles his feet a bit and then, gathering all his courage, he looks up at me and holds out a tiny hand. “Miss Scully, will you dance with me?”
“Of course, birthday boy, come on.”
[ Sam ]
Once I’m finished making another round of checking that everything’s running smoothly, I spot my brother standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching the party. Stopping on the last step, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. “Great party, huh?”
“Yeah, you did a pretty good job sis. And Skinner’s managed to gather up quite a crowd. Almost everyone’s here tonight!”
“You know what I think? You’d be just as happy if it were only you and one other special guest here tonight.” He turns his head a little, frowning.
“What?” I motion my head to the woman who’s currently talking to Felix at her table. “Aah. Is it that obvious?” I snort derisively
“Are you kidding me, bro? I’ve known you all my life, I can see the hearts in your eyes from a mile down the road. Have you asked her out yet?”
“No… I’m so nervous around her I can barely string more than a few coherent words together. She probably thinks I’m a huge idiot. I asked her if she believes in aliens, Sam!” We watch as Felix holds his hand out to her, asking her to dance with him. He’s so cute I can barely stand it.
“I’m sure that’s not true. You should take a page out of your son’s book though, boy’s got game!” My brother laughs as the somewhat mismatched pair sways on the dancefloor.
I release him from my embrace, an idea popping into my head. “You should go and cut in.” Now he fully turns to me and looks at me like I’m crazy.
“What? No…” He’s making his panic face.
“What yes! Carpe diem, right now!” I give him a gentle shove in the direction of the dancefloor. “Go! I’ll handle the music.”
[ DS ]
Of course, I can’t say no to the little charmer and we make our way to the dancefloor and I sway with Felix in time to the music, twirling him around until he giggles.
“You look really handsome tonight, Felix!”
He smiles shyly and narrowly avoids stepping on my shoes. “Thank you! You look really beautiful too.”
“You’re absolutely right, son. Mind if I cut in?” A tingle shoots up my spine at the sound of his voice and Felix nods, stepping back. His dad holds out his hand to me. “A dance for the other birthday boy?”
“Well technically, it’s not your birthday for a few days.” I tease him, but I slip my hand into his and he spins me against him, wrapping his right arm around my waist, clasping my left hand in his tightly. The DJ fades into a new song and I groan inwardly as Sonny and Cher’s “I got you babe!” starts droning from the speakers. We sway for a few beats before he whips me across the dancefloor in a quick waltz. Over his shoulder I can see countless pairs of eyes following us but for once, tonight, I don’t care because all I can feel is the burn of his fingers resting on the sliver of exposed skin of my waist and the tickle of the hair at the back of his neck against my hand. God, this guy can waltz.
On the last few notes, he twirls me out with a grin on his face, tugging on my hand to bring me back in and then he dips me back for the grand finale. Dips me. The move takes me by surprise and I laugh, breathless when he brings me upright again.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to dip your lady in a waltz!” I realize my Freudian slip a fraction of a second too late. ‘Your lady? What the heck, Dana.’
He just shrugs nonchalantly, still grinning. “If I fancy to dip my lady, I will dip my lady! Thank you for this dance, Miss Scully!” He bows his head and I chuckle, curtsying. “The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Mulder!” ‘Who ARE you?’
We step off the dancefloor and I return to our table, sitting down still a little bit out of breath, only to be met with three incredulous stares. ‘Here we go, 3, 2, 1…’
“What was that, D?” Holly.
“Oh my God, the two of you on the dancefloor!” Sarah.
“That was incredible!” Alex.
I shrug, picking up my glass, but I can’t hide the blush on my face and smile around my straw. “Mr. Mulder can waltz.” I’ll never live this down.
Sometime after the birthday cakes came out, Felix appears at my side again and leans against me heavily. I can tell he’s coming down from his sugar-high. “Miss Scully, remember how I told you about the encyclopedia on butterflies?”
“Yeah I do, what about it?”
“Would you like to see it?” He looks up at me hopefully and I agree, glad to get away from the action for a while.
“Okay, come on!” Together we climb the steps to the back porch and he tugs me inside into the living room where we sit down on the couch. I can finally slip off my heels while Felix runs to get the encyclopedia and after returning, places it on my lap curling up into my side. He opens the heavy book and shows me his favorite butterflies, explaining in great detail what’s so special about it.
His voice gets more and more quiet with each new butterfly until he stops talking altogether and looking down I realize that he fell asleep, completely wiped. Coming off my own sugar high, I scoot down lower into the cushions and lean my head back against the back, closing my eyes. Just for a second.
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years ago
Date scenario: the power goes out during dinner while going over case files and it quickly turns into a romantic date with the innovative use of their flashlights.
I like it: fic
The smell of garlic and onions has been scientifically proven to increase the appetite. Well, she admits as they enter the restaurant, maybe not scientifically, but he’s nodding and smiling broadly as he guides her with his hand to the small of her back to a table in the corner. She feels the pleasure of the familiar spread through her and he leans in to whisper, “I just go with my gut on these things.” He takes her hand and clasps it against his stomach, “and right now it’s saying, oh Miss Scully, I’m hungry, feed me all the garlicky things.”
She lets a laugh rush through her nose and he pulls out the chair for her. As she sits he places the casefiles between the salt and pepper shakers that are shaped like cow horns, and the candle, sickly red in an unlabelled green wine bottle. The waiter pours water and takes their order for drinks. Two beers, ice cold. It’s humid and her hair is frizzing. She pats it down and he watches her, quirking his head to one side.
“I like it,” he says and picks up the menu so she can’t read his face. He’s been doing this lately. She thinks it’s flirting. No, it is flirting. He compliments her more. He stares at her for longer. He hangs around her apartment. He brings pastries to the office. She likes it. This lighter version of him.
She orders the salmon, he the steak, medium rare, with sweet potato fries “because you like them, Scully, admit it.” She does and touches a stray curl that catches the periphery of her vision. He leans over and tucks it back for her. The lights flicker, blink and go out. For a moment they spark back on again and she holds her breath. Maybe because of the power cut, or maybe because he’s still holding his hand to her hair. 
“Wow, Scully. You’ve got the power.”
She laughs despite the bad pun and the darkness settles around them. Through the window she can see the neon Vacancy sign flashing from their motel and the yellow streaks of passing car headlights. To the west, over the lake, the sky is blue with lightning. 
The waiter brings their beer and an apology. Steak and salmon can be flash-fried in a pan on the gas but the fries are out. “We can serve you a salad,” he says and Scully nods, knowing that stealing lettuce from Mulder’s plate won’t afford her the same gentle teasing. He lights the candle but Mulder has already fished out his flashlight and is shining it at the open file.
“All the victims were found in shallow graves with their tongues removed. You’ve confirmed that in the two latest cases, the instrument of removal appears to be the same. A hacksaw or similar.”
“Do we have to do this now?” she asks, nibbling a breadstick and feeling the first bubbles of sweat dotting her forehead. Air-conditioning is out. She fans herself with the menu and he watches her again, holding the arc of light just shy of her chin. Her cross glints in its beam. She touches it with her free hand, self-conscious under his strangely magnetic gaze. Must be the atmosphere, she thinks. 
“What do you want to do then?” He swigs his beer and lets the bottle pop from his mouth. He’s wearing that grin again, the one that makes her feel like a teenager on a first date. She dips her head away. She’s not a teenager. But this kind of feels like a date. She can’t pinpoint quite why.
“It’s just…an unsettling case,” she starts, but it’s not that. It’s not that she doesn’t want to commit to the job. The case is horrific. They can help the local law enforcement. They might be able to save lives. It’s not the case…it’s…She’s not quite sure she can articulate it. He dances the flashlight up to the ceiling and in the penumbra he’s brooding and dangerous, angles cut across his cheeks and jaw, nose triangular, eyes like onyx. She breathes in. It’s all she can do. If she exhales, he’ll see how her breathing judders and shakes and he’ll ask her about it. Examine her with his direct questions, his low voice, his tilting head.
Under the table his foot taps against hers. Footsie in a darkened room. She fans herself harder. He smirks and lets the light fall so that there’s a bright circle on the white tablecloth. It leaves rings behind her eyes. She blinks and the waiter appears, like a special effect, beamed up and bearing their meals.
Mulder cuts his steak into neat shapes and she flakes her fish. The salad is left untouched on his plate but he stabs a cherry tomato onto his fork and without warning lifts it to her mouth. She takes it between her teeth and it pops, yielding the sweet pips and sending a spray across to his face. He drops the flashlight and it rolls, sending light circles over her chest. She’s wearing a dark blouse and it turns into a midnight sky with a crescent moon over her heart as the flashlight stills. He’s laughing and she dabs his cheek with her napkin. He’s done that for her before, she’s never forgotten. He captures her hand and presses the serviette to his face. His eyes darken.
“You look mysterious in this light, Scully.”
She blushes so hard her top lip weeps sweat. 
“I like it,” he says for the second time that night. “I…like you, like this.” “Like what?” she says, mesmerised by a lightning display flaring across the simmering sky.
“Soft, damp at the edges.” He lets the waiter take their plates. “You’re like a Renaissance painting, curling hair and pink cheeks and blue eyes. You’re…”
“Mulder,” she says but it’s like a wisp of sound over her vocal chords, not quite words. 
He picks up the flashlight and shines it under his chin, pulling a face, so that he looks ghoulish. He smiles then sets the light down. The candle flickers, sending up a plume of grey smoke and an elegant cursive wax flourish down the side.
“I don’t mean to embarrass you,” he says, “but it’s the truest truth. Without you, before you, I was nothing, a spooky freak, a loser in the basement. But since you, it’s like I’ve been reborn. You’ve been my renaissance, Scully. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
A crack of thunder booms overhead and the windows rattle. She gasps and he grabs her hand, holding it safe between his palms. The room lights up with the lightning that follows. “Seems like there’s some kind of electricity between us, Scully.” She hangs her head and lets out a giggle that ripples between them. “Seems like it’s been there since the beginning. I like it…” His shoulders arch as his face moves towards hers. “Don’t you?”
The way his lips move as he says ‘you’, she imagines, is exactly how they would move if he were to kiss her. She likes it, that thought. She stretches her neck towards him and he presses his mouth to hers so she can feel the light bristle on his chin and the tension in his jaw. He’s still holding her hand and he flexes her fingers in his grip and the sparks that run up her arm end when the sky lights up again. Friction catches her hair. She wonders about her conductivity when she should be wondering about what his next move will be. It’s delicious, the not knowing, the not caring. He kisses her again, lips open, tongue dipping into her mouth. 
When he pulls away, a smile of wonder is captured on his face and she wants that image printed out and stood on her bedside in a silver frame. 
“The world still hasn’t ended,” he says. 
It hasn’t even started yet, she thinks.
Outside, the night is crackling with power. They hold hands and follow the flashlight trail as he dances it across the ground. 
“Thank you,” he says as they reach her motel room door.
“For what?”
“For kissing me back.” There’s a curl in his lips that speaks of relief.
“I liked it,” she says, energised by his expression and the storm that still rumbles outside. “And I’d like to do it again. If you don’t mind.”
You’d be forgiven for missing the slight nod of his head but there’s a gentle crease on his forehead that deepens as he bends down to meet her. The lights come on and he gasps into her mouth. The power’s back, she thinks as she kisses him deeper, but they’re no longer in the dark.
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serahsanguine · 7 years ago
New York; Fireworks And Snowflakes. (NC-17, NSFW)
A Map of Us: 50 States of Sex MSR Challenge!
Rating; NC-17, NSFW Tagging;  @viceversawrites, @softnow, and @peacenik0 @today-in-fic
It Can be found here at Ao3
Summary: I chose New York, Mulder takes Scully away to New York from Christmas till the new year. This story is based after season 9 but before IWTB but generally can be placed anywhere between seasons 9 and 10
Notes:   I have no knowledge of New York but I have always wanted to go around Christmas/ new year because it sounds magical (I live in the UK) Also, this is Scully’s Pov and speaks about herself in the third person like a running inner monologue well at least I hope that comes across.
Mulder had surprised Her with a romantic getaway for two from Christmas until the New Year. It all happened one evening sitting in the unremarkable house when Mulder told her to pack a bag as they were going to go somewhere special. She protested as she normally does thinking he was going to take her on some wild goose chase again but when they arrived at the airport and headed for the terminal for the flight to New York, her face lit up. It had been a dream of hers for so long.
She was now standing in the penthouse apartment, him laying there asleep. As she looked out of the floor to ceiling windows staring at the beautiful scene in front of her, the view now was different now that the sun had gone down, the sky was full greys and blacks. She could faintly hear cars rushing below her like whispers in the dark, the snow descending from the heavens like mini angels sitting on the freezing ground, each snowflake more beautiful and unique than the last. Looking down she could see the branches drooping and swaying in the breeze, skyscrapers even though barely visible were twinkling away against the white and creams of the clouds. They had spent eight days and eight nights in New York but tonight was special; tonight was the eve of a New Year... and new possibilities.
He had started the night by taking her to dinner in one of the most romantic restaurants, having booked a private table in the corner with views of both central park and Columbus circle. The restaurant was elegant and breathtaking. They sat down at the table and he ordered Scottish salmon and she orders the same; they talked, laughed and shared flirtatious looks.
They ordered dessert each was given a fork even though they only needed one.
A short while later they took a slow walk around central park, the air was brisk and cold and when the breeze blew past her, it sent goosebumps up and down her pale, delicate skin.
She was wearing a black floor-length velvet dress with a small slit in the side and a low but acceptable neckline that showed off her gold cross sitting on her neck, and a tiny dark purple cashmere shawl to keep her shoulders covered from the cold. He wore a dark grey suit, with a crisp white button up dress shirt that had little silver S-shaped cufflinks.
He gave her his jacket and pulled her into his embrace, she could feel the warmth radiating off of him as they walked along the grey marked path. She entwined her fingers with his as he swung her around dancing to only music they could hear, twirling and spinning until her hands rested on his broad and masculine chest, as he placed his lips on hers. It was sweet and caring, full of passion and adoration. She pulled away and carried on walking with a light rosy blush on her cheek and a smile upon her perfect lips.
Mulder had walked her back to the penthouse making her laugh, flirting openly and she was reciprocating threefold (her stomach fluttering with excitement).
She felt as light as a feather and he was the one keeping her from taking off. They walked into the building and to their private elevator, the ride only takes a few minutes but it felt like an eternity as they just stared into each other's eyes and through to their souls.
They stepped inside their hotel room, placing their shoes near the door. She walked in behind him and watched as he took off his jacket and placed it on the hook near the bathroom. She walked over to the large window and looking out upon the horizon the sky, watched as the colors changed before her very eyes into mixes of yellows, oranges, pinks, violets and blues cascading into each other.
Mulder went over to light the open log fire which sat in the middle of the room, it's light and warmth spreading across it. Making you feel soothed and comforted. Then he shuffled across the hardwood floor, in his socks to find a nice bottle of red wine, before laying down on the overly large cream shag rug just in front of the mantlepiece. She walked over and laid down next to him; taking her wine from his outstretched hand, she wrapped her right arm around his sternum as they sat there watching the flames flicker and crackle into the silence of the night.
Moments passed before She rolled over to face him, looking into his deep hazel eyes and wondered how she could love someone so deeply with every fiber of her being.
She brought her face to his, feeling his breath touch her skin as she brushed her lips against his that were so red and pouty, so succulent and soft. Their lips touched; he tasted of wine and strawberries, he smelled sweet but spicy... it was so very him. She rested on her elbow and entwined her fingers in his hair; heart was racing, stomach buzzing with excitement and anticipation. He deepened the kiss their tongues met, gliding back and forth; they weren't fighting for dominance but instead simply enjoying each others presence and passion.
His fingers started roaming all the way down her back landing on the curve of her ass, cupping it and then gently squeezing and kneading it. She broke the kiss, and could tell he was already missing her. She wanted to taste the flesh of his neck and she did, biting and suckling, tasting the salt of the sweat starting to form on his skin. His fingers slid the shawl off of her shoulders and down her left arm, she sat up taking her arm out of the hook of the shawl. To his delight (which was written in his facial expression) he found small spaghetti straps which she knew he liked, he gracefully and slowly took each strap down her arms and leaving the dress hung on her hips, rubbing the back of his forefinger against the hairs on her arm which caused her to shiver. His lips descended on her neck, stubble playful scratching the crook between her neck and shoulder as he suckled and nibbled leaving little red blotches in his wake. His fingers were now tracing lines back and forth across each one of her ribs, making their way up to her already taunt nipples that were so pink and perky... so ready for him to touch them.
He must have sensed what she needed because he brushed his finger lightly over her left nipple, making her gasp as he placed his mouth onto the other nipple toying and teasing it with his tongue. She couldn't think straight, her mind raced to try to anticipate his next move but he kept surprising her in the best ways, then his tongue moved to her other breast the one his fingers and been toying with, it was so bare and beautiful and so evidently ready for him.
Mulder's next move was to slowly and painstakingly travel a course down her tiny stomach with his slender fingers to her dress, silently pleading for her to lift up her hips so he could then take the dress down her legs and then place it on the sofa behind him. He moved his body so it was further down on the rug, placing warm and devout kisses on her ankles as he worked his way up her calf stopping at her knees then undoing the clasps to her left shoe, following the same process on the other leg and right shoe. She could tell her arousal was filling his nostrils ‘sickly sweet’ he once called, then he started placing moist and loving kisses on the inside of her thighs working up to the apex between her legs but stopping just before to remove her panties, prolonging her pleasure and making her squirm underneath his warm touch.
Taking her panties off, she could tell by the look on his face that the wetness she felt was visible and slick for him; he descends his lips to her sex, running his tongue along her labia swishing and lapping up the taste of her, his magical fingers entered her core and curled them upwards to find the spot he knew she liked. His tongue found her sex flicking, sucking and sliding against it, she had shut her eyes because of the intense pleasure overwhelming her senses. Her brain was sending messages to all of her nerve endings and firing off impulses to every part of her body, her skin felt like it was on fire. Suddenly, her orgasm took over so powerfully and explosive. so transcendent. She was so utterly lost for words, closing her eyes again at this point and trying to catch her breath.
When she opened them again, she looked up at him, to see him lying only in his boxer shorts. She hadn't noticed he had stripped because she was too focused on basking in her own afterglow, she couldn’t help but notice his tanned flesh as the moonlight hit his skin just right, eyes following the curve of his toned and muscular stomach it was so powerful and well defined. Her fingers ran down his sternum and followed the line between each ab muscle, it was like he was sculpted out of ancient marble just for her. She trailed her fingers down to the hem of his boxer shorts toying with the elastic before removing them completely, his arousal for her thick and finally free from its confines. His penis twitched when her fingers touched the tip, her tongue darting out as she licked her lips at the sight of him so open and carefree.
Before she could continue to make him feel as good as she did right now, he moved onto his back because the rug was tickling his side (she could tell by the little squirmy faces he pulled). She slowly stood up and then sat in-between his legs, straightening her back as she wrapped her delicate, soft right hand around his shaft, looking at him with mischievous, lustful eyes and then started slowly stroking him from root to tip before she brought her mouth down to him and she darted her tongue to lick the underside of his shaft. She swished her tongue around his tip before sitting back up and confidently stroking him again.
Her left hand started to tracing up her body, just like he had done moments earlier, stopping at every rib before she palmed her own breasts, her right hand got a little bit tighter around his member as she quickened her pace, the hand that had been teasing her own body now made it way south to her wet, heated center. He sat up on his elbows to watch her more efficiently, her finger carefully, and seductively moving in and out of her outer lips as it gathered up her juices before she brought it to her sex, his eyes suddenly didn’t know where to look whether it be at her hand on herself or her hand on him. It was overstimulating but in the best way. An intense feeling of euphoria started to build deep within her core.
He watched her as she took a deep breath in, the room smelling of burning wood and sex. Each one of her senses heightened, she could hear the crackling of the fire, mixed with grunts and groans from him it was like music to her ears, she knew he was getting close.
She rocked forward onto her knees at this point and onto his upper thighs, positioning him to her welcoming entrance. She slowly lowered herself on top of him so she could get used to the feeling of him inside her once again and as soon as he was fully inside her, she could feel how snug and tight was around him putting her hands either side of his head, she lent down to bring her lips to his; they were so full, swollen and lustful but content.
She took his bottom lip In-between her teeth, slowly rocking herself against him to create friction between where their sweaty bodies were joined together, skin gliding against each other. His hand moved down towards her lower back tattoo and he started to trace circles around the Ouroboros as she felt her walls begin to pulse and clamp down on him.
That was when he surprised her yet again, flipping her over onto her back while still very much inside her, moving her leg onto his forearm they had only really tried this position a couple of times but with this new angle, he could penetrate her more deeply. Mulder was hitting her cervix as he plunged in and out her, like a force to be reckoned with, locking his fingers with hers the feeling overwhelming her body. She closed her eyes listening to the snap, crackle, and pop of the fire spluttering away in the background, the sound of his skin slapping against hers.
‘Open your eyes’ he said with a grin, she complied. She looked so deeply into his eyes, that his heart skipped a beat.
The clock struck 12 and the fireworks started illuminating the room with all the colors of the rainbow and at that very moment he whispered ‘I love you’.
They fell into a mutually timed state of euphoria together, as her walls clamped down around him and he twitched and convulsed inside her. They lay there together as one, entwined in each other souls so deeply, and madly in love.
That was then, this is now. As she stood a few hours later looking into the luminous night, as the snow fell and the angels sang. Her body flush against the window pane. His body was slick and warm against hers, the fingers on his right hand interlocked with hers and his other hand was in-between her legs.
And here she stood... ready to start the journey all over again.
The End.
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