#and Ina just staring at him before gesturing to literally EVERYTHING
screechingkroh · 1 year
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Did a whiteboard with my friend. The little blue lad is Zuzu, she’s a snow leopard kiddo teehee
Giant bird dragon is Ina. They practically adopted Zuzu and watch over them HAHAHA. I love them so much they hold my heart 😭😭
(Bonus drawing by my friend teehee)
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crownedallura · 6 years
mutual | 1.6k
written for @jamesandkeith week!
Day 6: Pining/Unrequited/Mutual
Watching James and Keith is like watching a soap opera. But this is real life, which means Nadia can actually intervene, Ryan and Lance can make bets, and  Shiro can cry about having to deal with all this.
Nadia loves James, okay? She loves James, even with his intense attachment to the rules and that stupid piece of hair that falls in his face all the time. And because she loves him, she wants to help him find someone for himself. Someone who isn’t part of their squadron, who doesn’t grate on his nerves like Nadia and who doesn’t need him to explain multiple times like  Ina and who doesn’t force him into silence like Ryan does.
That’s what makes it so much funnier once she realizes whom exactly he’s attracted to. Keith Kogane always gets on James’ nerves, never understands what he wants to say, and constantly forces him into long, awkward silences.
Unfortunate circumstances (i.e. invasion of their home by Sendak) make Nadia shove this information into the back of her head. However, once Keith is up and running again and things are somewhat normal again, it crawls its way to the forefront of her mind. Having someone he doesn’t need to lead would be good for James, she thinks.
“Nadia, do not,” Ryan says. They’re the first words he’s spoken to her this week, but she is going to happily ignore them.
“Do you not see this?” she hisses at him, gesturing frantically between James and Keith Kogane, who are currently facing off in the middle of the hangar. If you didn’t look at them too hard, you would think they were only angry with each other. James’ arms are crossed over his chest, and he’s glaring down at Keith. Keith, in turn, is yelling up at him. Nadia is just waiting for him to kick James in the shin. If you’ve spent more than five minutes in their presence, though, you’d notice little things. Like the way James is swaying towards Keith but catches himself and straightens up every time. The way Keith moves in two steps and then forces himself to take one back.
Ryan nods, but his face is still scrunched up in displeasure.
“Okay, out with it,” she orders. “What’s your problem with me intervening?”
“This is a choice they should make for themselves,” he answers.
Nadia watches the two boys out on the floor continue their little dance. James leans into Keith’s space; Keith takes a step back. James straightens up; Keith throws his hands into James’ personal bubble as he gestures. “What if that choice is inevitable?”
“It’s still theirs to make.”
The only reason Ryan told Nadia not to do anything is because he has a bet with the Blue Paladin about how long it will take their brave and valiant leaders to do something about their very obvious attraction to each other. Lance McClain is absolutely infuriating and his reasons for why Kogane and James will get together tomorrow are ridiculous and just plain wrong. Ryan has Ina’s analysis of the situation to back him up. He knows he’s right. This mutual pining will all come to a head by next week.
He just needs one more day to pass, and he can get that one day by making Nadia not intervene, goddammit. Luckily, she seems to listen to him, and the day passes without incident. Lance McClain has officially lost their bet.
Ryan sidles up to the Blue Paladin and holds one hand out. McClain frowns at him, dumps credits into his palm, and says, “Not fair.”
Ryan raises one eyebrow. What’s not fair, goes unsaid.
McClain crosses his arms and stares him down. “You stopped your teammate from intervening yesterday. She would’ve at least gotten James to realize that he’s pining.”
Ryan shrugs. The whole motion encompasses everything he wants to say: that their bet guidelines included preventing intervention whenever they saw it about to occur, that James probably wouldn’t have realized that he was pining anyways, that it’s not just about one person having that epiphany but two in order for them to engage in a relationship.
McClain hmphs, displeased. Ryan lets one side of his mouth tip up teasingly.
If Shiro has to hear one more complaint from Keith about James, he is going to snap.
Well, that’s not true.
The correct statement is, if he has to hear one more complaint from Keith about James and if he hears about one more betting pool on them that Lance thinks he should join and if he sees one more loaded glance between the MFE pilots as they watch James yell at Keith, he is going to snap.
The thing about two people very obviously pining for each other is that it’s hell on their friends. In a military group like the Garrison, it’s hell on the superior officers, too. Shiro just wants them to realize this now. He doesn’t want to go into another meeting where James and Keith stare each other down from across the table with gazes full of anger and underlying sexual tension. Not only has he had enough of it, he’s pretty sure that it makes Commander Holt and Commander Iverson uncomfortable too.
Shiro did not die and was not forcibly resurrected so that he could watch his best friend and brother get blue balls from all the unresolved history and attraction with his former enemy. So when Lance comes complaining to him about how Ryan Kinkade didn’t let Nadia Rizavi intervene with James and Keith, he snaps the pencil he’s holding in half and slams his head on the desk.
“Why,” he asks the table.
“Because he wanted to win our bet!” Lance says. He’s in three betting pools which Shiro knows of. The one with Kinkade, which is over now; one with Pidge and Hunk; and another with Coran, Romelle, and Allura. He might be in more. Hell, he might be in one with Krolia, for all Shiro knows. He really wouldn’t put it past Lance.
“So they’re still not together.”
“Just how long am I going to have to put up with this?”
If Ryan thinks James hasn’t noticed the extra credits sitting on his desk and the text messages from the Blue Paladin popping up on his phone screen, he is so wrong. James knows perfectly well that he and Keith are the subjects of a betting pool, but he’s not sure what it’s about. Maybe how long it’ll take before they snap and punch each other?
The best way to get Ryan to talk is to ask him questions he feels obligated to answer out of the blue. So James waits for his roommate to get back from the shower, and as Ryan is about to take his towel off, asks, “What did you bet with the Blue Paladin about?”
Ryan stiffens. Gottem, James thinks triumphantly.
“Something trivial.”
“If it’s trivial, I can know about it, right?”
Ryan only hmms. James rolls his eyes. Clearly he feels that he can’t answer James’ questions, for whatever dumb reason. Thus he must resort to more extreme methods. Fortunately, Ryan is facing the closet, turned away from the bed and the door. James stands up from his chair, takes his teammate’s phone from where it’s lying on the bed, and calmly walks out the door. As soon as he’s out the door he sprints down the hallway. When Ryan notices, he’s going to be on a manhunt.
“JAMES!” he hears from the direction of his room. That is the loudest shout he’s ever heard Ryan give. He runs faster.
He finds himself outside a familiar door. He doesn’t know quite why it’s familiar, but he can hear Ryan’s feet pounding on the tile, so he knocks desperately on the door. When it opens, he pushes his way inside and slams it closed behind him.
“What do you want now?” Keith snaps. Because James forced his way inside, they’re standing very close to each other. At this distance, James can see all the little details of Keith’s face.
“I just needed to see what Ryan was up to on his phone,” he answers, and turns it on.
Lance McClain - How about another bet?
Lance McClain - About Keith and James, of course.
“What the hell are they betting on us for?” Keith’s face is right next to his own, reading the texts just over James’ shoulder. “Lance, I swear-”
Lance McClain - This time I bet they’ll realize they’re pining for each other in two weeks. I’ve got Pidge’s analysis on my side this time. What’s your bet?
When he finishes reading the text, James reads it again. And again. There’s no movement from over his shoulder. His hand is beginning to go numb, not from holding up the phone, but from the nerves that are coursing through him.
Everyone knows. Everyone has noticed. He’s been too obvious with the way he interacts with Keith. His teammates and the other paladins of Voltron have literally been betting on him. His only possible course of action is to retreat to the hangar and fly away in his MFE forever. There’s absolutely no way he can ever interact with anyone ever again-
“Are you seriously pining for me?” Keith asks, and it’s the disbelief in his voice that gets James riled up.
“Yeah, I am!” he retorts crossly. “What, am I not allowed to like brave and attractive guys with serious fighting and piloting skills? You’re the one who should be pining away for me!”
Keith scoffs. “There is absolutely no way I’d ever pine after some hot guy who can competently lead a defensive squad on the front lines of a Galra invasion. Don’t be ridiculous.”
James stares at Keith. Keith stares back.
“I really like you!” James yells at him.
“Well, I like you too!” Keith shouts, just as loudly.
Pidge stares down at the two figures making out on her screen. “What the fuck,” she says softly to herself. “What the fuck.”
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phemon · 3 years
After Our Lives
Aaaand part 3 is finished! sequel to “Reaping the Benefits”
Boy, it felt good to get this out. I have an update to that Hiatus statement I had a long time ago (aka the reason I stopped writing) that I’ll post sometime after this. I noticed that these fanfics got (literally) no traction on Tumblr, but massive amount on Ao3. Either Hololive isn’t as big on Tumblr? Or my account got shadowbanned, whatever. I’ll keep posting my random ideas here for the sake of keeping a record, in case Ao3 goes under.
Amelia and Gura never thought what happens when you go to the afterlife; but they realize now that it doesn’t really matter. It’s happening now. After getting transported via Calli Airlines, they’ve arrived in a cloudy, surreal area with large, imposing gates in front of them.
“You know, I always imagined pearly gates, but I never thought they’d ACTUALLY be made of pearls.” Gura remarks, staring up at the gates.
“They’re marble, idiot. C’mon.” Amelia rolls her eyes, taking Gura’s hand and head toward the gates. As they approach the gates, they notice someone sitting behind a pedestal of some kind, reading a newspaper. They’re an oni: red skin, horns, everything including a white robe. Along with a halo adorned on top his head. They stop for a second to notice that they too have halos.
They go up to the oni, and he stops reading his newspaper. He gives Amelia and Gura a long look, sizing both of them up, which they squirm under his gaze. He pulls out a slab of marble, which seems to have something written on it. 
“Amelia Watson?” He finally asks in a tired tone, looking over to the detective.
“Uh, present?” Amelia responds dumbly, kinda blown back by what’s happening.
“And Gura... Watson?” The oni makes a face at the last name, but addresses Gura the same way.
“Right here.” Gura also responds, giving Amelia’s hand a reactive squeeze.
“... You’re clear, go right ahead.” As soon as he finishes his sentence, the large marble gates open, signaling their admission.
“Uh... Thanks.” Gura thanks, eyeing the oni quizzically.
“Wait, you.” He stops Amelia, and heaves a long sigh. “We were wondering when you were supposed to show up, Mrs. Watson. Time-travelers always screw up the filing system.” The oni remarks then goes back to his newspaper. “That’s all I wanted to say. Enjoy the afterlife.”
“Uh, okay! Sorry for the trouble.” Amelia apologizes and gives Gura a shrug. They continue on through the large gates.
Amelia and Gura arrive at some type of plaza, and some large metal doors close behind them as they arrive. The architecture is very Greek; stone and clay buildings, tiled colored stone paths, an exit on the other side of the clearing, and  a large tree in the center of it all. And sitting under the tree, reading a book is...
“INA!!!” Gura and Amelia rush up to their old friend, giving her a hug.
“Amelia, Gura! I was wondering when you two were going to show up!” Ina reciprocates the hug. “I knew Gura was going to take a long time, but I didn’t think Amelia would take just as long!”
“Well...” Amelia and Gura relay the whole story.
“Aww, that’s so sweet, so you decided to die in each other’s arms together?” Ina remarks, which the two blush at. “Man, you two are still adorable. Hey Kiara, Amelia and Gura are finally here!”
Before Amelia and Gura can even react, they’re taken down by an orange blur and are faced with a hug from a (former) phoenix. “AME, GURA! I MISSED YOU TWO SO MUCH!”
“We missed you too, bird-brain.” Gura chuckles, hugging her back. “I kinda knew what happened to you after I couldn’t find you in the real world, but Calli never gave a proper explanation. You’re a phoenix, how the hell did you die?”
“Oh, that!” Kiara lets go of the two. “Well after Ina and Amelia disappeared, Calli lost her human body, and you stopped communicating with me...”
“I feel we both needed some time alone...” Gura defended sheepishly.
“Hmm. Well, I gave up Hololive and just flew around the world, trying to find something to occupy myself. Turns out, I wasn’t thinking well and died a couple stupid ways. Getting run over, hit by a plane, mauled by bears, tripped into a volcano...” Kiara sweatdrops.
“Geez, kinda morbid, don’t you think?” Amelia winces.
“Hey, we’re all dead. What’s the harm?” Kiara states matter-of-factly. “Well after the 15th or so death, Calli chastises me for dying so many times so quickly. She mentioned that my phoenix soul didn’t have enough time to rematerialize in the real world. She equated it to me losing all my lives, like in a videogame.” Kiara chuckles to herself. “I was kinda sad to leave Calli, but she mentioned I could keep Ina company until you two showed up! Plus she gave me a hug right before she reaped me! If I knew I’d get a hug after killing myself for realsies, I would’ve done it a long time ago!”
“Jesus, Kiara. Care a little more about your mortality, please?” A 5th voice appears behind the group, surprising all four of them.
“Hey guys. Sorry I had to be last to the party.” Calli apologizes. She’s in casual attire: no tiara, no jacket, no familiar scythe on her back.
“CALLIII!!!” Kiara practically takes down Calli, whom grunts from the impact. “How are you here? I thought reapers couldn’t go to the afterlife? Can I hug you more?”
“First off: No. Get off me, you stupid bird, and I’ll explain everything.” Kiara lets go reluctantly and Calli dusts herself off. “Well, to explain how I’m here: Reapers can’t hold feelings for any of the souls they reap. Ever since I had to reap Ina, my powers have slowly been diminishing since then and have completely disappeared once I reaped you two.” Calli motions towards Amelia and Gura. “Needless to say, you four made quite an impression on me during my career as a part of Hololive.”
“Aww, we love you too, Calli!” Gura exclaims, holding Amelia’s hand harder.
Calli smiles at this. “So I contacted Death Sensei and asked him about a reaper “reaping” themselves. He was surprised, as a reaper has never requested this before. But my request was accepted, on the grounds that I’d lose my powers altogether. I accepted that, and here I am.” Calli finishes her explanation and breaths in slightly. “And now that that’s done: Yes Kiara, you can continue hugging me.” Kiara squeals and latches onto the former reaper again.
“Aww, she’s finally being honest.” Ina remarks, staring at the two happy couples.
“You shut your face.” Calli retorts as she puts an arm around Kiara. “I was kind of worried I wouldn’t be able to find you four, but you didn’t even make it past the entrance.”
All five of them stare at the opposing exit. “Yeah, we were waiting for you guys.” Ina mentions as she stares at the exit. “I wonder what happens now...”
“Well it doesn’t matter.” Gura states. “Now that my wife’s back by my side, she ain’t leaving it!” She pulls Amelia closer, and Amelia pecks her cheek.
“I forgot you two got married...” Calli off-handedly mentions, then stares at the former phoenix still bear-hugging her. “Sounds like a good idea...” She murmurs under her breath.
“You say something, Calli?” Kiara pipes up, having her face inches away from Calli’s.
“You didn’t hear anything, you stupid bird.” Calli pushes Kiara’s face away in a dismissive gesture.
“I hope you two aren’t going to act like this the entire time.” Amelia teases, getting a death glare from Calli. “Almost flirting is going to get boring after a while.”
“Well, no time like the present, right?” Ina chimes in. She grabs Gura’s hand (who in turn is holding Amelia’s) and Calli’s hand (who in turn is still being overwhelmed by Kiara). “Let’s find out together! As a family!”
“Yeah!” The four others exclaim.
“It sure is going to be awkward when we find our actual families.”
“Oh god, don’t make me think of that!”
Amelia, Gura, Calli, Kiara, and Ina never thought about what happens in the afterlife; but they realize now that it doesn’t really matter.
Just as long as they’re a family.
0 notes
moonlightfiction · 7 years
Chapter 12 - Part 4
There is not much time left, our heroes should hurry ...
Start Here Previous Part
It was like the village was plunged in darkness. Not because the sun was not shining or there was no light. But the people had a dimmed smile, conversations were quickly hushed. Although the villagers were looking at the little group lovingly and trying to welcome them, Falenyo noticed the lack of light.
But this was nothing she could do against. The Goddess of Light’s powers were to heal and give life. Sure, as a priestess, Falenyo could bring some fertility and life to this place. However, as a low ranked cleric, she would not have enough powers. Also, this was a problem in the nature of this place, nothing, that could be fixed easily with magic.
Hence, she became even more interested in Zesa and what he would do.
For now, he was just standing with the groups while it was Shijira, who walked towards the people here.
“Please excuse me,” she started with her happy and friendly smile. “Can I talk to your chief, please? It is about the drought that is afflicting this place.”
The farmer’s eyes widen and he asked, “Are you from the capital? That was faster than we thought but yes, of course, please come with me.”
As he said that, Filian moved slightly forward.
Curiously, Falenyo looked at him and saw the slight frown. He was an official after all, wasn’t he?
“You have sent a report to the capital?” he inquired.
“Why, yes! Just a … few sunrises ago, in fact.” The farmer scratched the back of his head. Then he put down the pitchfork. While turning around to lead the way, he waved the small group.
Ina was the first to move. When she started walking, she shoved Filian to the side with her shoulder. Her following words made it clear, that it was intentional, “Well, well. How lovely it must be for the populace to be hoping for an answer, while the Grand Duke is away with his children and the sister Grand Duchess is trying to seize the throne. It’s a good thing you have Zesa helping you out.”
She only glanced back shortly to Zesa, but when she did, Falenyo saw, how many people were already staring at him.
Of course they would. He didn’t hide his animal descent after all.
But to her surprise, they were not taken aback. There was no disgust in their faces. Only curiosity. Maybe even something warm.
Falenyo was tempted to show her rabbit ears to hear better. Since she couldn’t, she just started concentrating to hear the low, low whispers.
“Oh, he’s handsome!” – “Do you think we can touch his ears?” – “A cat … I think I’ve heard of him …” – “Haven’t the other villages said something about him?” – “I’m glad I came here. Here is no discrimination at all.” – “Indeed, he must be from the capital!”
Hearing such kind words about an animal in human form made the girl feel all fuzzy inside her chest. It was so strange. Even in Egaios, the cradle of the most benevolent goddess, she had never heard something like that.
“Hey, everything alright?”
It was Ina, who tapped lightly on Falenyo’s shoulder and looked at the girl in concern.
If the cleric was honest, she would have believed Frecker to be the one talking to her. But her guardian seemed to be preoccupied with something else. Which was strange, since he was always so keen on keeping her safe.
So, she just looked at the man in confusion before smiling at Ina. “Ah, yes, it is … I just can’t believe it … how can … people accept so easily what … we are?”
“Is that what has been bothering you?” Zesa chimed in and smiled gently at the girls. “For us priests who put their god above anything, Gladisu seems like an unlikable place with beings that have forsaken the gods. But as you can see, they have found something else on contrary.”
He made a gesture towards the whispering villagers who quickly looked away in embarrassment. Yet, Zesa’s expression was gentle. “They have learned to respect everything else the world has. It is not sure but either the griffons have chosen this place because of the openness of the people here or they came here specifically to teach the people acceptance.”
Falenyo’s eyes widened and she looked back to the majestic beasts that have decided to graze in front of the settlement, looking through the sparse grass that they had to offer.
In the world of animals, some were seen as supreme, stronger than the others. Wise, powerful and beautiful. The priestess had always heard about them: griffons; dragons; phoenixes; unicorns; and such. Even though she had been forced to hunt a dragon on the Earth, having been told about the majestic beasts all her life, made her respect them so much.
Now, she could see why they were talked about so much.
It was even confirmed to her from a side she did not expect: During their little talk, they had reached the chief’s house. He had stepped outside to see what the commotion was about. Now he was smiling wildly at the group.
“It was the griffons who taught us to see animals differently,” he immediately started to explain. “Even though they look different from us, even though they cannot talk or use some things like us; they are still sentient beings. With thoughts like ours, feelings like ours, lives like ours. So, be they in human form or not, animals are not different from us in any way.”
The elderly man nodded a few times to his own words. Then he continued, “We are all the same. Beings, that were thrown out of Elysium.”
Beings, that were thrown out of Elysium. Falenyo lowered her gaze a little bit as she heard those words. That was something she couldn’t say at all. She was still blessed by the goddess after all.
It was curious how easily Constance had accepted the cleric as a political ambassador. This was Gladisu after all. The place where one had turned away from the gods. Heretics as they would be called.
Wasn’t it Falenyo’s duty to proselytize them? To find more believers and followers for her goddess to strengthen the light? Yes, it was her duty. Only because she was in a foreign world, there was no reason for her to forget what she should do.
Hence, the little girl opened her mouth and stepped forward the moment the chief looked at Zesa and asked, “So, what brings you to us? I do have heard from some peddlers that some villages were able to recover temporarily until the capital could help. Was that your doing?”
“Yes, indeed,” the man confirmed while putting a hand on Falenyo’s shoulder.
The priestess flinched and shut her mouth again while looking meekly at her colleague.
“I have my ways with nature, so I should be able to bring some water back to you for a while. It won’t last long but if you want, I can help you.”
A smile appeared on the chief’s and on Falenyo’s face. A wide one on the elderly man’s face and a slight one on the girl’s face.
How heretic it was for a priest to say that they could use their magic with the nature’s force and not through the blessing of their gods. But since Falenyo used magic like that herself, she knew it was true. It was just that their own magic’s power was amplified by a blessing.
She peeked at Frecker as he was always so keen on the proper protocol on being a priest. As she had suspected, his mouth had become a thin line. Still, for once, he wasn’t interfering and just let it happen.
Maybe he was curious, too.
Meanwhile, the whispers of the villagers had become more excited. Not only them, even Ina was looking at Zesa happily. She and Shijira looked like they were about to drag him to the next well just for him to perform his abilities.
Since it was not hard to see that everyone was just waiting for something to happen, Zesa looked at Falenyo and nodded. He wanted to teacher her something after all, so she needed to be going with him.
The priestess followed and heard her guardian just right behind her. Ina and Shijira were just on the other side of the cat man. Just like before, Filian followed last.
Falenyo almost trembled in anticipation. When Zesa stopped in front of the well and put his hand on the stone, she could almost hear him starting his prayer.
I bow before the house of the titan of nature, directing my pleas to her … hmm, how many children does the titan of nature have? At least, he was the god of sea called Aruna.
The priestess cleared her throat as she caught herself reciting the prayer in her head. She was a priestess of the Goddess of Light. As Selena had said, she shouldn’t bow before any other god or pray to them.
But it was amazing to see Zesa work. She had also already seen her priest colleagues at work and it was the very same. Their demeanor became more graceful and their presence began to glow slightly. Did she herself also change like this when she was praying?
Anyway, now that Falenyo thought about it, Zesa surely must be a high-ranking priest. Gods did give their blessings to strengthen their priests but this was literally a miracle that was being performed. Gods only answered their most trusted priests in a direct manner like this.
Just when will Falenyo reach such a level? More importantly, would she ever reach a level like that?
She doubted it as she could not become a high priestess. That was why she needed to succeed in her role as an ambassador.
Before she knew it, Zesa’s glowing light faded and he stepped back from the well.
“Please, take a look,” he requested.
The villagers were already in awe before they could confirm whether there was water or not. The man, who had brought them to the chief, was the quickest to go to the well. With some quick movements, he let down the bucket.
“There is water!” he exclaimed as he started to pull the bucket up again.
Now more and more people hurried to the well and crowded around it. After they all could see the water in the bucket and hear it splash, they turned around to Zesa.
“Thank you so much!” – “We have water again, we can stay here!” – “What strong magic, it’s unbelievable.”
They praised Zesa’s magic and just couldn’t thank him enough. The people seemed so much more energetic again and their smile was contagious. They truly believed that the priest was a powerful mage.
That was not wrong at all. Zesa had already had a strong magic and his god amplified it when he answered the prayer. Thus, they believed in the magic that the cat boy had which was the god’s magic.
Falenyo’s face lit up, when she understood what it meant: Gods could gain power through this belief even without people who explicitly worshipped them! And it was the priest who would receive all the glory, the thanks and the recognition. All in all, it was really …
“Clever!” the girl shouted. Now she was the one looking in awe at Zesa.
He noticed her gaze and winked at her before his eyes wandered to Frecker.
When Falenyo saw that, she also looked up to her guardian. His face was still stern but his eyes had become soft. As soft as they always had been when he was looking at the animals surrounding the Tower.
He was about to say something when one of the villagers shouted, “Look! Soldiers from the capital! They are here to help us!”
“From the capital?”
Ina and Shijira looked up, then to Filian. “Can you make the distance from the capital to here in a few days?”
“No … not really,” Filian started and took a few steps forward to have a better look at the soldiers. “And they wouldn’t really send soldiers for thi—” He went pale and whispered, “Those are Lady Ludis’ ancients. How could they get here so fast?”
Ina’s gaze went grim. She replied, “It seems like someone from your lady’s people is able to open portals. You don’t want to be seen here, do you?”
Before she had finished her sentence, Frecker had already stepped nearer to Falenyo. At the same time, the priestess stepped back to be at his side.
The villagers caught how the mood of the little group changed and looked at them in concern.
“Is everything alright?”
Before there could even be an answer, one of the higher ranked soldiers already shouted, “Bring us food and water! We are from the capital and need to keep on moving soon! Provide us with your best and you shall be rewarded!”
“If they have portals, they can arrive at the stronghold at any time. We need to reach His Grace soon,” Filian whispered.
But at that point, Falenyo’s ears picked up how they were already spotted.
“Hey … isn’t that the princess’ advisor? Maybe we don’t need to bother to go to the stronghold …”
“Filian?” the priestess meekly started. “I think you should leave first …”
“Hey!” In that moment, one of the captains walked over. “Aren’t you the stable boy Milan or something? Filon? Anyway, how come you’re out here, so far from the capital?”
The man had a hateful grin on his face and when his eyes flicked over to Falenyo, she flinched.
Cold eyes, strong body. Maybe they should just say, he had the wrong person. Or something like that. But they should leave.
Behind the captain was at least a company and the alchemist’s stronghold should really be prepared for such a meeting. Furthermore, the way they were mentioning Constance told Falenyo that they were not respecting the crown princess in any way.
They needed to get the Grand Duke as soon as possible.
But the captain’s eyes stayed on Falenyo and he examined her from head to toe. “Hmmm? That garb … could you by chance be … a prie—?”
He didn’t fully finish his sentence when he was suddenly sent flying by a hook from Shijira.
With a stern look, she shouted, “Zesa and me are going to handle this. Leave!”
Next Part
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lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 15: Shinobi does not rest!
Ryouma watched Ina hug Masayasu, maybe she had simply forgotten his presence, but he could not lose the chance to make some joke at that moment, after all they both seemed at one time.... romantic.
He cleared his throat and rested his elbow on his thigh and his face in his hand as he stared at the couple. "You look beautiful together, lucky your dear shinobi."
Ina blushed at Ryouma's comment, in fact she had forgotten that he was in the room, he was finally silent, did not seem to be his usual, but he seemed to be silent when it was convenient, as at that moment.
She moved away from Masayasu and put a hand on her cheek, looked from Masayasu to Ryouma and saw a wicked smile on his lips. He was literally watching them both in silence. She blushed and looked at Masayasu again and smiled at him affectionately.
Masayasu looked at Ryouma with a cold expression, what was he doing in that room? Would the three of them sleep in the same room? That sounded like a nightmare!
"I'll get you some rice, lay down, okay? I'll be back in a few minutes."
Ina spoke and Masayasu looked at her. She quickly stood up, both still looking at each other. Masayasu wanted to talk to her about some matters, but perhaps with Ryouma around it was impossible. He just stared at her in silence.
Ina realized that he seemed to want to say something, but would stay for later, he needed to eat something. She quickly opened the shoji door and left the room, closing the door behind her.
Ryouma followed her every move out of the room. Always graceful, he thought. Then after Ina left the room Ryouma looked at Masayasu and smiled wryly.
"Are you lovers? Or is there just sexual tension between you?" he asked directly.
Masayasu looked at him and frowned. He should not, but he sat down, making an expression of pain. He quickly put his hand on the wound and again looked at Ryouma.
"Listen, I do not know who you are, but stay away from her, okay?" he said dryly.
Ryouma shrugged and laughed a little. "I did not talk about myself, I talked to you about her. She's very beautiful and seems to like you. You did not see what I saw." He paused.
"This Milady crossed the field of the forest here with you, fainting in her arms. She took care of your wound, and stood by your side checking the beating of your heart and taking care of your fever."
He smiled wryly and then leaned against the wall. "I've never seen such a determined girl. She did not leave your side a single minute, and she must be exhausted, after all you're heavy, dear shinobi, carrying you here should not have been easy for her. "
Masayasu heard Ryouma tell him what had happened, but the way he counted it seemed he should do something about it, yes he was in debt with Inahime, but to pay his debt he would have to protect her even more. So he did not know where Ryouma wanted to go with this conversation. If he had any vague ideas, he preferred to ignore them.
Ryouma took his face from his hand and leaned forward, still watching Masayasu closely. He was a very handsome man, but he seemed a bit grumpy.
"And she was the one who killed the man who tried to kill you. I've never seen a girl so angry, she was ... cruel .. she hit four arrows on him, she was only pleased when she did not see him breathe anymore." he said with a growing smile.
Masayasu listened to everything in silence, Inahime in anger? He knew her in anger, he knew her like that. But the way Ryouma described it seemed worse, but ... What happened to her to lose her temper? His wound? He definitely needed to talk to her.
Before Masayasu had an answer to his own questions, Ina opened the door holding a bowl and a pair of hashi. She looked at Masayasu and closed the door behind her.
"I told you not to sit down." she scolded him and went to him and knelt beside him.
Masayasu felt her movements with his gaze, she looked so calm and so soft now that it was hard to imagine that she was angry in the forest. Ina noticed his gaze on him and then gave Ryouma a look of reproach.
"What did you tell him?" she asked.
"Everything." Ryouma said with a shrug. "He needed to know, I guess. I'll give you a few minutes to talk, I'll take my sake out."
After saying this, Ryouma got up and went out the shoji door and closed behind him. Ina waited for him to leave and then looked at Masayasu and felt him grasp her wrist. He had his gaze fixed on her. She did not want to talk about what happened in the forest.
"Are you okay? He told me that you were very angry and killed the leader with cruelty."
Ina was silent, holding the bowl with rice. She had been really cruel, but at that moment she could not think very well, just wanted to protect Masayasu. She looked at the rice and then looked into Masayasu's blue eyes.
"I've lost control, that's all." she stared into his eyes and then put a hand on his face. "When I saw you being hurt that way I lost control, I was afraid of losing you, I just wanted to kill the man who tried to kill you."
Masayasu saw in those violet eyes concern, mixed with sadness and confusion. She was being honest, he could see that. But why did she want to hide it from him?
"It's all right, but you do not have to hide it from me, Inahime, if you want us to be a team, trust each other, you have to share what you think and feel with me. You told me that yourself once."
He smiled a little, still feeling that warm touch on his cheek. He put his hand over hers. He wanted to feel the touch of her hand a little more on his cheek, he was beginning to appreciate every gesture of her affection.
Ina smiled at Masayasu fondly and nodded. "You're right, I'm not going to hide anything for you anymore. We're a team."
She continued to look into Masayasu's eyes, he was so handsome, although he was still pale because he lost a lot of blood he was still very handsome. Her heart pounded as he stared at her, her hand still on his face.
"I know you're in pain, but I'll help you eat some."
Ina took her hand from his face and picked up the hashi and took it to the rice. Masayasu looked at his own hand and saw that he was trembling a lot. He realized then that he had lost a lot of blood, he would have difficulty holding the hashi.
Ina saw his gesture, his tremors, and smiled a little. He would recover, he was strong, he had shown this, but fortunately his lung was not hit, or he would be dead now.
"I'll help you eat, I'd already thought of that."
She lifted the hashi and showed him smiling happily at him. She also wanted to smile again, after all the worst had already happened, and she wanted to show him that she was happy to be by his side.
Masayasu looked at Ina seriously. He wanted to tease her somehow and knew that with a serious expression it would work.
"Inahime, are you trying to pamper me?" he raised an eyebrow.
Ina giggled and grabbed a handful of rice with the hashi and brought it to his lips. "Who knows, after all, not every shinobi has the privilege of being pampered, am I right?"
She smiled happily. Her eyes coming back to life. Masayasu saw that bright, cheerful glow returning to her beautiful and sweet eyes. He smiled a little to see that face so beautiful and happy, she was so willing to take care of him. Why?
After eating the handful of rice that she carried to his lips he decided to ask.
"Inahime, why do you care so much about me? We met yesterday."
Masayasu saw those violet eyes look into his eyes and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. When he saw this he realized that maybe she was not going to respond, maybe she still was not sure, but one thing he was sure of, there were complex feelings involved.
"Masayasu-sama, I worry about you. I do not know how to explain it, but...I do not want to lose you, so let me take care of you now, I can do this, and when you're better you come back to take care of me, like my bodyguard... But for now just rest."
She smiled in amusement, as if she was making fun of him. Masayasu stared at that soft face, a slight smile appeared on his lips and he nodded.
"Okay, let's do it your way, Inahime, but I can not allow you to get hurt, I need to protect you. And a shinobi never rests."
Ina heard his words and nodded and then smiled a little. "But it does not have to be that way. We will have time to talk about it later. But for now I introduced you as Otsu to the couple and introduced myself as Chie."
She brought more rice to his lips. Masayasu ate nodding. It was a good idea she did not give their real names, after all they could identify Inahime, she should be known even among the peasants.
"You had a good idea and thought fast. It is better to they do not know about us, not so much about me, I can change my name when you want. But you need to use a false name, nobody can know who you are, much less the mercenary."
Masayasu spoke in a serious tone. Now he really was serious. He was worried about Ina's safety, especially near Ryouma. He still did not like the way he looked at her, and Ina had realized that.
"Can I sleep with you?"
She asked and catching Masayasu by surprise. For a few seconds he just stared at her. Her eyes were kind and watched him with care and concern. Maybe she was just worried about him, but her question had surprised him.
"I know you do not want me near Ryouma, so let me sleep with you, besides being better, because I can take care of your wound if you need to."
Ina argued as she realized that Masayasu was struggling for an answer. She smiled a little, she understood his doubt, she was a noble, he did not know her, maybe he thought that later she would invent some story about the two of them for her father.
"Masayasu-sama, believe me, I just wish to be by your side. What happened here will not reach my father's ears."
She set the bowl with half the rice on the floor and grabbed his hand with both hands. He could feel her hand not so hot, it was cooling, she must be feeling cold, she must be exhausted. That day was long, a long trip that had a sudden break full of unforeseen events. He kept thinking, looking into her eyes, pondering her words.
"Okay, it's better this way. I'll keep an eye on him, and with you close to me I know he will not try anything."
He said and then surprisingly Ina hugged him tightly. He could still smell the scent of her hair. Even after that tiring trip, her hair still smelled of flowers. Ina always hugged him, what was he supposed to do with it? That scent, her heat ... Why was she that way?
Masayasu could feel her heart pounding against his chest. He knew she was feeling something, it was strange, but he was also confused. Her presence was so strong that his mind was confused. He suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her back.
Ina was a little surprised, but then she smiled. It was the first time he'd hugged her, or half a hug, but it was already a step. She had so many confused feelings for him. She wanted his trust, his admiration, his friendship...but her heart seemed to beat harder and harder for him. Why?
Ryouma opened the shoji door and Ina startled, moving away from Masayasu quickly. Ryouma saw her face startled and red. He quickly looked at Masayasu who was looking at Ryouma with a cold expression. Ryouma smiled wryly and closed the door behind him.
"I'm going to bed, you can continue what you started."
He walked over to the futon and sat on it, then lay down and pulled the blanket that had been handed to him. Ina did not look at Ryouma again, she was silent, she picked up the bowl with rice and looked at Masayasu.
"You need to eat some more, then try to rest."
She spoke with a soft smile. Masayasu could still see the blush on her cheeks. She had a shy look, perhaps because she had shown affection for him and he impulsively hugged her. But he could not deny that he had liked to feel her in his arms. So soft and warm. But he needed to avoid such contact.
Masayasu was not hungry, he had eaten enough that night, but he agreed to eat some more just because Ina was helpful.
"Just a little more and let's go to bed, you need to rest too."
He looked again at her dirty hakama with his blood. She really had not left his side, she was an admirable girl, he owed his life to her. He would pay with protection.
Masayasu looked at her face again. The room was lit only with two lamps in floor, but he could see her face, the blush was gone, and she returned the food to him on his lips. Never in his life did he get food on his lips, but as she was he was not bothering about it.
He could feel his weak body, he had to fight now he could not, would not have strength and agility. He needed to recover, he needed to be quick, he wanted to protect her, not only because he had been hired to be her bodyguard, but because that was his wish from now on. Protect Inahime of everything and everyone.
When Ina brought the hashi back to Masayasu's lips, he made a gesture with the hand that could not take any more, she understood and nodded. She put the bowl and hashi in a corner and helped Masayasu to lay down. She could see an expression of pain. He must be feeling a lot of pain.
"Are you sure you do not want something for pain?" She asked at the sight of his countenance. She looked at him worriedly.
"No, I'm fine, I just need to lay down a bit." and saying that he managed to lay down, it was a relief to his wound and body. His body was weak and lying seemed to soften this strange sensation.
Ina took the lamps and turn off one by one, then left beside the bowl of rice and lay next to Masayasu and pulled the blanket over them. She stared at his face. The room was dark, but she had fixed her vision on his face and still could see him lying still.
She touched his face, Masayasu turned his face to her side and saw her eyes looking at him. She began to caress his cheek softly, it was a comforting sensation to him, her gestures gentle and loving. But to his surprise she moved closer to him and laid her head on his chest as she still stared at him still caressed his face.
He could see those eyes shining in the dark, every gesture of her made his heart quiver. He should not allow it, but it was happening and he could not control it. He wrapped his arm around her body. Ina smiled as she felt his arm, her heart racing with the thrill of being so close to Masayasu.
Masayasu was feeling a certain comfort by having Ina so close to his body, she was still warm, and it warmed his cool body. He was still chilled for losing so much blood, but her body next to his warmed a little. And her caresses were comfortable to rest the body. Her presence was comfortable to relax, even if a shinobi should not relax, she could do it with him.
Ina and Masayasu stared at each other for some time and then Ina touched his lips and slid her fingers through it, making the outline of his upper lip and then the lower lip. Ina felt her heart beat so hard she could hear the sound. Masayasu stared at her, he could not reject any gesture from her. What was happening between them? It was the only thing that came into his mind, everything was so fast, is it just attraction?
Ina slowly brought her face closer, Masayasu looked into her eyes, and he felt his face tighten with her hand. He wanted this, he knew what would happen after that, but he did not care. She was important, and with every step in his direction that importance increased even more.
He brought his face closer to hers, he looked at her lips and then felt her lips touch his. She had soft and warm lips, his lips must be very cold for her, but she did not seem to care. They let their lips touch soft kisses. Then he looked into her violet eyes so bright and smiled a little. She had touched him in a place no one else had touched in years ... his heart.
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