#and Im just sad that it never got the representation in movie ofr shows that it deserved
veeva-i0i · 1 month
Shadowhunters has such weird differences from the books. For one, the story behind Valentine and the Circle was so much more interesting in the books. How he helped put people like Hodge and Luke, and how he betrayed the bond he and Luke had.
But the biggest shock to me was how they portrayed the institute. It wasn't supposed to be that modern with all the tech and shit, but more importantly, it wasn't supposed to be that densely populated. In the first book, it was literally just Hodge, Alec, Izzy, and Jace living there, because Robert, Maryse, and Max were in Idris. The teens were the only shadowhunters there who could actually leave, so they had to step up and go on the missions. Which left Hodge in the perfect position to canoodle against the Clave and help Valentine out. It was such a perfect setup for Hodge being on Valentine's side all along, and the show took that away.
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