#and I'm like ''thats the devil talking you cant fool me''
Me, having slept maybe 5 hours in the last 48 hours and trying to go to sleep rn despite the sun being up: But what if I worked on my fanfic
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hyotenhyakkaso · 3 years
Toshiro mains: (You do not have t be my main back fjadsf and mainly for my benefit)
Ichigo - @kurxsaki
Rangiku - @rangikuxmatsumoto
Senna - @forgottensoulreaper
Aizen - @mozoushakami
Hichigo - @whitx-dxath 
Homura -@accidentialsoulreaper
Hinamori - @ofhalcycn
Hanataro - @bleachintothemultiverse
Orihime - @auburniivenus
Rukia - @rukia-kuchiki-divided
Grimmjow - @musegalaxy (Main Ship)
Ganon - @daemoniumsmajesty (Main Ship)
Ulquiorra - @nihilonati (Main Ship)
#~Oh snap snap spark spark its time to light up the diggy diggy dark I'm the flame alchemist and i'm gonna be furher (Winter Speaks)~#~When passion colors everything the songs I sing from way out there to deep within the face I wear behind my grin the price I paid (Ichigo)~#~I can see the you under your second skin I can feel your heart beat quicken quicken theres nothing else I need to know (Rangiku)~#~Stand in the rain stand your ground stand up when it's all crashing down stand through the pain you won't drown (Senna)~#~Who's to know if your soul will fade at all? The one you sold to fool the world you lost your self esteem along the way (Aizen)~#~I'm inspired to find the liar I never noticed until I focused on everything you did you said you lit the fuse inside my head (Hichigo)~#~She's talking to angels counting the stars making a wish on a passing car she's dancing with strangers falling apart (Homura)~#~She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and her killer instincts tell her to be aware of evil men (Momo)~#~Do they complicate you because they make you feel like this? Of all the colors that you've shined this is surely not your best (Hanataro)~#~You are the dawn of a new day thats waking a masterpiece still in the making the blue in the ocean of grey (Orihime)~#~Sleep on me feel the rhythm in my chest just breathe I will stay so the lantern in your heart wont fade (Grimmjow)~#~One two three n four the devils knocking at your door caught in the eye of a dead mans lie show you life with your head held high (Ganon)~#~I breathe disaster ever after don't pull away from me now don't you move cant you stay where you are just for now? (Ulquiorra)~
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Kuramochi: Did you know that Sawamura have a crush on Sanada?
Miyuki: ...
Kuramochi: If only that one dumb person make a move now, he won't lose his chance to confess his love
Miyuki: I don't have feeling for Sawamura. I told you so many times already.
Kuramochi: Did I mentioned you, Miyuki?
Miyuki: Uughh! Shut up! Leave me alone!
Kuramochi: Well, don't come crying at me if Sanada snatch away your favorite pitcher later. I warned you already. Seriously speaking, Sanada is a good catch too. He's an Ace for his team, pretty good looking and tall. He respect people, unlike someone. I can't blamed Sawamura for falling for him, not you.
Miyuki: Leave me alone, Kuramochi.
Kuramochi: Oh well. Oh, by the way, Sanada invited Sawamura for a date this weekend. And Haruichi told me that, Sawamura agreed in a heartbeat. They will go for movie if I'm not mistaken.
Miyuki: Why are you telling me this? What for?
Kuramochi: Just saying. Since it was a huge rumors among members that Sanada was asking Sawamura for a date. Maybe he will be the first one to get a boyfriend among Seidou kids. Don't you agree?
Miyuki: I don't care. He's free to go out with anyone he wants.
Kuramochi: You should see your face in the mirror. Oh well, they will go watching movie at xxx Cinema. This Saturday at 5pm. In case you want to know.
Miyuki: Damn you Kuramochi!
Miyuki doesn't know why he's standing at xxx Cinema hall. He's cursing at Kuramochi in his mind. The idea of Sanada and Sawamura on a date was making him uncomfortable. But how do he will explain if they see him here. Suddenly Miyuki become panic.
Someone: Miyuki Kazuya?
Miyuki, terrified: *looking at someone who standing behind him* Sawamura
Sawamura: You're early. *blush*
Miyuki: Huh? What? Why are you alone? Where's Sanada?
Sawamura: Huh? I think he's on a date with Raichi. Raichi told me that they went to amusement park today. Why?
Miyuki: Wait, he's on date with who??!
Sawamura: Raichi. Why are you yelling at me? And why are you so shocked about that?
Miyuki: I thought he's on a date with you!
Sawamura: Why the hell I'll go on a date with someone else boyfriend?! Miyuki Kazuya, are you dumb or what?!
Miyuki: Don't call your senpai a dumb, dumbass! What are you doing here?!
Sawamura: Are you trying to piss me off now?!
Miyuki: What?? What did I do?!
Sawamura: You're the one who asked me to meet you here! And now you're asking me why am I here?! Are you for real?!
Miyuki: I did? When? I didn't know about this either!
Sawamura, pressing his phone furiously: Then what's this?! You sent me an email asking me to meet you here! *close to tears*
Miyuki, surprised reading his own email: I sent that??
Sawamura: Oh God! You really pissing me off now. You know what? Forget about it. I'm out of here.
Miyuki, trying to reach for his phone: Wait Sawamura. *some email caught his attention*
"Yo, Kazuya. This is my present for you. A date with Sawamura. Since you're a coward so I planned this beautiful date with Zono and Shirasu. In case you're blurred, I sent an email to Sawamura asking him out for a date using your own phone, of course. I put the ticket in your bag. Enjoy your date!
-Kuramochi <3
Miyuki, chasing Sawamura: Sawamura
Sawamura: *ignored*
Miyuki: Sawamura, please listen to me
Sawamura: *ignored*
Miyuki: Eijun
Sawamura: *stop walking*
Miyuki: Okay, I'm sorry. My mistake. I feel like I owed you an explanation.
Sawamura: What? You're not the one who sent that email? Is it Kuramochi senpai?
Miyuki: Unfortunately, yes. I didn't know how he can hacked my phone but he did sent you that email. I'm so sorry for that.
Sawamura: So this whole date is not your idea then? I should know this. And yet I'm still hoping that this was not a dream.
Miyuki: Huh? What are you saying?
Sawamura: I like you, okay? I like you from the the day I met you. When I received that email, I know there's something wrong about it but I refused to believe it. I was hoping that, you do have feeling for me too. That's why you asking me out. But, I'm just a fool. I should know better.
Miyuki: You like me?
Sawamura: Are you really a dense person?! All my efforts to show you my feeling all this times were ignored by you completely. I can't believe I fell for you. I thought you're a genius, Cap!
Miyuki: Are you trying to confess of dissing me right now?!
Sawamura: I give up on confessing my feeling already. It's just a waste! I'm going back to the dorm. Sleeping or wrestling with Kuramochi senpai is better than this!
Miyuki, grabbed Sawamura's hand: You're not going anywhere. You will stay here and watch a movie with me.
Sawamura: Huh? What for?!
Miyuki: That's so brave of you calling me dense when you're the same. I'm asking you out for a date, dummy.
Sawamura, blushing: Thats already overdue
Miyuki: Says who? The one that already overdue is Kuramochi request. Now, it's me, the great Miyuki Kazuya, asking you out for movie date.
Sawamura: Ppff The Great Dense King is asking me for a date, like finally.
Miyuki: Shut up! Are you on or not?!
Sawamura: I'm already here. What else I'm going to do? Why are asking me out for a date suddenly. You know, I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to do.
Miyuki: The truth is, Kuramochi told me that you will go on a date with Sanada. I was angry at that and before I know it, I'm already standing here without any plans.
Sawamura: What are you going to do if I'm going for a movie date with Sanada senpai..
Miyuki: Maybe kidnapped you before you meet him or something? Or dragged you back to school and have pitching practice until you're dead tired so you wont thinking about dating someone else other than me.
Sawamura: You are a jerk. Or you should just confess to me that you like me. It's easier than all that, you know.
Miyuki: Yeah, I should do that. Well, I like you Sawamura. Be my boyfriend.
Sawamura, blushing: Oh God..you really are a jerk.
Miyuki: Well tell me something I don't know.
Back in the dorm
Kuramochi: Oh I got an email from Miyuki
"Cheetah, once I get back to the dorm, we seriously need to talk. You and me. Don't you dare to run away, you bastard.
P/s: Thank you for the date. I owed you this one. I love you Cheetah!
Shirasu: Someone is happy.
Kuramochi: I'm happy for them but why do I feel like I just hand over my precious brother to a devil or something???? Why can't Sawamura like somebody else other than that dumbass.
Shirasu: You know Miyuki can make him happy more than others?
Kuramochi: I'm gonna kill that bastard if he dares to break my precious brother's heart.
Shirasu & Zono: We will help you
-The End-
I cant sleep so I wrote this.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Carls, what's good? Carly: me Ali: ooh, ok, love a bit of self-love Ali: ✝ or 😍 or 💊 or other good [please state] Carly: 🍆 Ali: 👌 noiceee Ali: anyone i know? Ali: nosy bitch i know but i'm living vicariously these days 😉 Carly: yea Carly: i cant tell tales outta school Ali: ugh Ali: boo! 😂 Ali: I'll have to stick to being excited Ro and Drew are back on... Carly: you can try Ali: 🔪💚 Ali: killing me Ali: need some good news gurl, if you can't tell me about your dickscapades then tell me something else for my posi vibes Ali: yeah? Ali: got a ☮ rep to maintain Carly: theres pills for that Carly: ill share Ali: aw, she really cares! 😘 Ali: i'm still attached to rio by the tit so can't Ali: bummer 😋 Carly: 🍼 her Carly: she old enough? Ali: breast is best baby and mine are spectacular Ali: depends on the kiddo, and whether you can or can't, if you can you usually do it to a year max tho, that's my goal so got a while yet Carly: dont rub it in 🔪 Carly: killing me now Ali: bitch please Ali: you're 😍 Ali: and clearly someone is loving it Carly: if youre trying something im tired Carly: wait Ali: i know you straight as hell, despite the bait honey 😂 you're good Ali: ? Carly: dont tell him that Carly: rep of my own Ali: how can I tell him? Ali: don't know who it is, do I? Carly: yea you do Ali: right Ali: what to do Ali: quandary man Carly: nothing Ali: I fear you're right Ali: not your fault, he won't listen and neither will she so Ali: but I should, yeah? what would you do Carls Carly: he listens to me thats far as i go Carly: keep out Carly: nobodys gonna thank you for sticking in Ali: and I'm not going to convince you arguing Ro's case, am I? Because- Ali: Yeah, I figured as much Carly: why Carly: she can talk to me herself if shes got something to say Carly: not your job Ali: she's not going to do that Ali: that isn't her, on so many levels Ali: its sister shit Ali: I'm supposed to at least try but its hard when I know they're wrong and that fighting it would be a losing battle Carly: i can not text him first Carly: but he'll text me Carly: not missing out i was here first Ali: I know Ali: Fun times, man Ali: can I ask you something? Carly: it is for me Carly: sorry for her but we have something Carly: yea Ali: that's what i wanted to ask Ali: kinda Ali: is it just the fucking and drug connecs? and there's no judgement there, that's enough if it is Ali: just curious honestly Carly: idk idc Carly: its good Carly: thats a shit word for it Ali: i get it Ali: it makes more sense than with Ro Ali: sorry, don't repeat that Ali: but I'm trying to work out the attraction Ali: collecting info like the nerd i am Carly: does he like her Carly: or just the chase cuz she dont put out Ali: I wish I knew Ali: There has to be something in it for him, doesn't there? Or, what the fuck is he doing Carly: id lie that its about me if thatd help Carly: but we arent that Ali: Nah? Ali: Maybe he don't fucking know either Ali: I'd ask but I'm not getting a straight answer so meh Carly: he doesnt use my name Carly: does he remember hers Ali: Like you said, she doesn't talk about that kinda thing, but I hope so Ali: I don't think Ro would deal if he didn't but what do I know Ali: you're cool with it? Carly: the answers there Carly: he must like her Carly: scared to wife her Carly: i dont have his tattooed on me either Ali: funny way of showing it Ali: fucking hell, more drama than my own 😂 Ali: good, i'm glad you're happy with it forreals, one less to worry about Carly: i miss him Carly: thats not for you to nerd over Ali: but he doesn't stop Ali: that's what drives me wild, he gets his cake and eats it too when he's with Ro too Ali: but preaching to the choir or whatever the fuck here Ali: sorry, wish I could tell Ro this, that's all Carly: hes not getting any cake from her Ali: is that what he's telling you? or just presumption? Carly: we dont talk about her Ali: okay well at least he's not bullshitting here Ali: 'cos nah girl Carly: not good shit k Carly: thats why he wants me so bad Ali: that's what i mean, so if he loves her and wants you, that'd be chill if Ro was cool with it but she ain't Ali: right Ali: know what I gotta do now at least Carly: but youre not ratting me out to him Carly: dont need that mood Ali: of course not Ali: like i said, you've done nothing wrong Ali: he's not trying to hide anything, i think she knows Ali: so its not gonna come back to you, it can't Carly: k Carly: i need him to come around Carly: whenever Ali: sounds like he will Ali: don't think anyone or thing is stopping him Ali: do you love him? Carly: no Carly: i Carly: we have fun Ali: alright Ali: good Ali: i hope he'll treat you better when all this shit gets sorted Ali: more fun, full time, what could be better? Carly: he's good to me Carly: 🍆 & 💊 Carly: no better Ali: you won't have to miss him Ali: for one Ali: or share Ali: 🍆 at least Ali: you'll have to always get in line for the 💊 Carly: there's always other girls Carly: get in line for him too Carly: sharing can be fun Ali: yeah? fairplay Ali: do you get to bring other boys Ali: or is it just other girls for him Carly: why would i wanna bring other lads in? he's the better fuck Ali: if you insist Ali: plenty of dick in the sea tho Carly: not for you Ali: but i'm wifey-ed Ali: that ain't you, like you said Carly: yea Carly: i know when im onto a good thing tho Ali: you ain't a good thing? Ali: or drew just a fool? 🤔���� Carly: no im not Carly: ask around Ali: why not? Ali: i don't listen to the town goss, heaven help my self-esteem if I did Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: yeah yeah yeah Ali: I know I'm annoying tf out of you but can't be tamed Carly: me too Ali: 😂 Ali: bitchfight in woodwork? Ali: really rock their worlds Carly: yea Ali: just no tools okay Ali: i don't want permanent disfiguration Carly: only the tat Carly: k Ali: oh, you're conservative on skin art now? 🤔 Ali: got a kid honey, if he chucks me, that's the real glaring awkwardness Carly: shit true Carly: & id go for some ink Ali: let me let me! Ali: i've convinced you that i'm dead sane and aren't going to brand you with a red A, yeah? 🤪😉 Carly: come over and do it Ali: yeah? Ali: lets do this Ali: think what you want Carly: draw what you wanna Ali: 🙌🙏 Ali: have you been sent by god herself?! Carly: or her boy Carly: isnt that who the devil is? her bf Ali: 🤨 Ali: imma give you a theology 101 whilst i'm there too Ali: the real story is lowkey better, trust Carly: idk the porno was good shit Ali: rule 34 baby Ali: i'll draw you that Ali: not on you Ali: unless you're REALLY vibing Carly: whats rule 34 Ali: if it exists, there is porn of it 🤓 Ali: fun game Ali: think of the most outlandish fucked up shit you think no one would think of, search it on pornhub Ali: drink if it exists Carly: ive done that Carly: it is fun Ali: high 🖐 Carly: tomorrow? Carly: bring the kid if its a thing Ali: fosho Ali: playdate! 😜 Ali: might have a gran on duty but cheers if not Carly: k Ali: imma sketch Ali: where do you want this Carly: idc Carly: use the space you wanna Carly: gotta have a 34 in there tho now Ali: absolutely Ali: lucky number Carly: yea Ali: do it in mandarin or something so you can be #deep and #classy Ali: keep 'em guessing gurl Carly: 🔪 im dead Ali: ☠ i'll write a beautiful eulogy on your corpse Carly: aw Ali: i ain't drew but want me to bring any goodies Ali: aside from aformentioned tits Carly: hitting with all the qs you know the answers to Ali: aw honey i'm flattered Ali: #whenshegoesbiforyou Ali: i'll see what i can do 😉 Carly: can't wait
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