#and I’m def like overwhelmed and feel like I’m on the verge of a panic attack
raeathnos · 1 year
#I got new glasses for the first time in 8 years and I’m at the I hate everything stage#my head hurts from the prescription change#the person working didn’t seem to want to deal with me and they wouldn’t adjust the glasses to fit my face#so I’ve been fiddling with them since I got them and I’m annoyed about it#I also bought prescription sunglasses and they got the color wrong#and I got told ‘well they don’t come in that color’ despite the fact that when I bought them I was assured they did#anyways glasses are expensive and I’m poor as fuck and it cost $500 for the two pairs#and I’m like not happy about either of them really#I like the sunglasses better than my regular pair but they’re still not what I thought I was getting#I went to Pearle Vision and honestly I don’t think I’m going back there again#I used to go to like a private optometrist sort of thing but she retired :/#I’m debating about going back and telling them neither pair are working and asking for a refund#and then just taking my prescription elsewhere to get a different pair#but that’s a lot of work and I was trying to have the new ones before vacation which is in like a month#but also $500 is a lot to spend on something I’m not happy with#but also also it’s change and I don’t do well with change so it could just be that#I keep trying to tell myself to give it a few days and maybe I’ll get used to it and like them better#also also I just had like a terrible day so this was kind of the cherry on top of all the shit#and I’m def like overwhelmed and feel like I’m on the verge of a panic attack#and every little thing is setting me off#so I’m also trying to be like I need to think about the glasses when I’m more calm and less like on the verge of a breakdown 🙃#but I’m mad about it still#was excited to get new glasses and now it’s just another thing to fucking deal with
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adorzora · 3 years
Hi!! I hope you’re doing well! May I request headcanons of Draken, Mikey and/or Mitsuya with a shy s/o who basically just follows them around like a puppy? They just enjoy being in their company but make sure to stay out of the way thank you! <3
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Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
word count: 930
a/n: i hope you like them anon! 😚 i actually loved writing these because i’m basically the same as the s/o 🥴
please do not plagiarize my work.
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
He will secretly eat it up but of course he won’t show it.
He’s Tomans no. 2 he has a reputation to uphold.
He loves knowing whenever he looks beside or behind him he’ll see you there.
When you do attend meetings you barely say anything and just stand by draken quietly.
The one time you decided to not stand next to him was...interesting to say the least
All the guys in Toman were so curious to know the s/o of their no.2
They all asked you questions and wondered what draken was like outside of toman
To say the least you got flustered and was on the verge of a panic attack before Draken came to your rescue.
Long story short that's why you always stay by his side at meetings
He def wouldve at some point told you he doesnt mind if you do other things, he told you you not feel like you have to be around him 24/7
You told him being next to him is where you're happiest and if he doesn't mind you following him everywhere you'll gladly keep doing it!
He got so happy when you said this and he had to turn away to hide the blush on his cheeks.
Manjiro “Mikey” Sano
I feel like Mikey 100% loves that you follow him everywhere, he just thinks you're so cute!
Unlike Draken he doesn’t have a tough demeanor to uphold. He openly adores you in front of all of toman
Wherever mikey is, everyone can expect you to be there as well.
If he has something to do that you can't go to you're with Emma
As soon as he's back tho youre right back to being attached to his hip
Draken definitely third wheels you two a lot
Or i guess its you who thirdwheels them lmfao
People have gotten so used to you being with Mikey that sometimes they forget you're even there
You being quiet plays a part in that too
Since you are so shy i feel like Mikey is protective of you because he knows you're the most comfortable at his side and you get anxious when you aren’t
He always makes sure everyone at Toman knows and tells them to be careful to not overwhelm you
At meetings when Mikey has to be serious you always stand off to the side to make sure you don't get in his way
He has no problem that you follow him around all the time, he’s never mentioned it. He knows your favorite place is by his side and vice versa
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
can you do like a drabble of like— i’m thinking of how to word this.. the reader is sams kid (in game ofc :3) and is like best friends with tubbo, tommy, and ranboo. just like i want to be their friend 😭 - 🍦
Even though I am a 20 year old American woman, I so very badly want to be there friend lololol.
You would meet them through your father. I feel you two would just be on a walk down the Prime path when your father’s name was called out from behind you by three unique voices. You two turn around and find the two of you are now being charged by three boys. Not knowing who these boys are, you begin to hiss after all, you are part creeper. But the three stop dead in their tracks and their eyes all flicker to Sam in a panic. But Sam’s hand comes and rests gently on your shoulder, “Y/N” His soft and grounding voice fills your ears, “It’s alright. These boys are friends. There is no need to go in defense mode.” At his words, you let out a soft breath and stop hissing as your cheeks fill with heat in embarrassment. “Sorry” you murmur, slightly glancing at the boys, but then to the ground. “It’s alright darling. You didn’t know. You don’t have to apologize for that. Deep breath,” He hums before taking a deep breath himself, helping you take a deep breath with him, calming down all the way. Once you’re completely calm you look up and see the boys have gotten closer to you due to your father’s beckon. “Boys, this is my kiddo Y/N. Kiddo, these are the boys. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo.” He introduces. You shyly stick your hand out to them, “It’s nice to meet you.” Tubbo is the first one to grab your hand, “You too!” He cheers, shaking your hand enthusiastically. You also shake Ranboo’s hand who gives you a warm smile, and then you turn to Tommy but his gaze is focused on Sam. “SAM!! Why didn’t you tell us you had a kid? And a kid our age at that?!?!” He shrieks causing Sam to laugh. “Because I knew you would react like this. They’re a little shy, as you saw, and I didn’t want to overwhelm them” Tommy lets out a huff but turns to you and grabs your hand and shakes it. “It is nice to meet you. I wish it had been sooner, but I’ll take what I can get…. You want to hang out with us?” He asks. You look over to your father who gives you a small encouraging nod. So you look back to the boys and give them a small nod, “Yeah! I’d like that.” “Alright let’s go!” Tommy shouts, wrapping his hand around your wrist and pulling you along. “Hey wait! What did you guys need in the first place?” Sam calls out from behind you four causing them to pause for a moment. “We wanted to see if you wanted to hang out… But we’ve found someone better… Maybe next time!” The words cause Sam to laugh but gives you a wave and so off you go.
You four are so chaotic together. Like a lot of the time you and Tommy are forming prank ides and stuff for others on the server and Tubbo and Ranboo are like “Tommy, Y/N no” but you two are like “Tommy, Y/N yes!” And egg each other on. Sometimes you guys get caught and you have to take the heat and convince who ever it was that you pranked that you four were not involved in anyway… Nope, no sir not you four. Whoever it was you pranked never really believes you but you’re so well liked on the server that they let it slide. Sometimes you four will pull pranks on each other. Just little things like hiding something from each other or stealing something. Using invis pots and following them around. Cutesy funny stuff like that that make you all laugh at the end of the day.
You four are always there for each other, both physically, emotionally, and mentally.
You help Ranboo with his memory issues. You’re always very patient with him, helping him remember the simple things he may have forgotten. Just simple things like where he put things or what he was planning on doing that day. You also spend a lot of time making sure that he never feels overwhelmed. But if he does, you’re always there to help calm him down. You can very easily bring him back to reality and bring him back to earth. Reassuring him that he’s okay and that he hasn’t hurt anyone and that you’re not going anywhere.
With Tubbo, it’s making sure that he is okay from his time as President, and even before that. His time with Schlatt had a big effect on him and then the whole weight of the country was put on him at a very very young age and then it blew up… Twice… So you always assure him that he did the best he could with the cards he was dealt and although looking back now, you don’t agree with all his decisions, you understood why he made them. You tell him he can’t change the past but he can shape the future and make sure the things that happened never happen again to anyone.
For Tommy, you spend a lot of time standing up for him. It seems everyone is always being mean to him or picking on him, calling him annoying and stuff. He tries to brush it off, let’s out a laugh and tries to let it run off his shoulders but you can tell it hurts. So you stand up for him. Tell the person, whoever it may be, that Tommy is not annoying, they just are a big baby. They can’t handle it. You would then go on and talk about how amazing Tommy is and how much he’s done for his friend’s and family. How he is a fighter, how he’s fought for the things he loves and that are important to him. You often run out of breath and the person that was picking on Tommy simply mumbles an apology before rushing away. You would then pull Tommy in a hug and assure him that he was not annoying and that he was the best friend you’ve ever had. He will never admit it, but after that he goes home and cries. Tommy just cannot believe that you would do that for him…
The boys always have your back too. Whenever you begin to hiss and seem on the verge of exploding, the boys will always calm you down. Whispering words of reassurance and calm trying to get you to calm down. Tubbo usually pulls you in a hug and is like “You can’t explode now… Or I’ll be in the blast and we can’t have that” which causes you to giggle and calm down. I feel like you would get a lot of headpats because Tommy and Ranboo are def both taller than you and they want to show you affection for calming down. If anyone ever makes fun of you, you can bet your ass they boys are prepping to throw down. Like there have legit been threats of war because someone called you weird. One time, the four of you were talking to Dream and he made a slide comment about you and Tommy legit had to be restrained by Tubbo and Ranboo because he was screaming curses at Dream and almost punched him the face. Sam just so happened to walk by and find the scene and he rushes up and grabs Tommy from the two other boys, he is a lot stronger than them combined lol. But he asks what’s happening and you reluctantly tell him and his demeanor shifts to a whole darker tone. He let’s go of Tommy and pushes him toward the three of you that had gathered side by side. “Kids, go play… Or go do whatever you kids do… Dream and I are going to have some words.” “Dad-“ you try to interrupt and stop him, but you are very quickly being ushered away by your best friends to go explore or something. You never have a problem with Dream after that.
You four can almost always be found together or broken off into pairs. Whenever someone is looking for one of you, they absolutely will have to find all of you. You can usually be found in Tommy’s house, in your house, strolling around what use to be L’Manberg, or Snowshire. Sometimes you for will just leave and go on adventures, only telling Sam where you were going. You four weren’t really ever going anywhere, you were just exploring. You might be gone for a few hours you may be gone for a day or two… Who knows. But you four just explore, taking in anything and everything. You’ve found so many biomes and villages on your journeys. Tried so many new foods and smelled so many new flowers. These would be the times where you four can just let go, be kids. No country to run, no wars to fight, no manipulative assholes to worry about. It’s just you four. And you’re best friends
This was so bad lol. But I hope you enjoyed either w
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