#and I went from being real happy but fretting that I may crash post work and Dyke March
glompcat · 1 year
No time to stress about quitting my job, I guess, because I have an interview for an actual dream job lined up for Wednesday.
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hurt-spock · 4 years
Companion- Chapter 2
latest chapter. also posted on a03 This isn’t formatted for tumblr but it’s not too horrendous. 
Spock's return to consciousness was slow.
He was aware of himself and the physical condition he was in long before he opened his eyes to take in his surroundings.
Although he'd been conscious since the crash, he'd struggled to pay any real attention to what was happening around him. He'd focused mostly on finding a safer location than McCoy had repeatedly suggested, and moving forward.
He was all too aware of how much pressure he was putting on the Doctor just to keep him upright, but there was little choice.
When he finally opened his eyes, he saw the Doctor sat close by, keeping a wary eye out on their surroundings.
“Did you find water?” Spock asked, watching as the Doctor startled at Spock's voice.
“Gimme a heart attack why don'tcha,” McCoy said as he looked towards his friend. He let out an exhale that was dangerously close to a huff before answering. “No, I didn't want to leave you here alone while I wandered off, not when you were unconscious,” McCoy justified.
Spock wasn't disappointed. He hadn't meant to fall unconscious, but his body had other ideas. “I am well rested now. You should go,” Spock encouraged. It was important that they have enough fresh water to survive. Spock would do better than McCoy in a normal situation, but being injured, he would have to rely on McCoy to do more for him, which would also take a greater toll on McCoy's own health.
McCoy stood from his make shift seat on a log and picked up a sturdy stick, placing it within reach of Spock. He also put down a piece of fabric that clattered together when it landed. Spock opened the fabric parcel to find some stones. “Well, you got to be able to defend yourself, even if it is limited,” McCoy reasoned.
“Very considerate. Thank you, Doctor,” Spock said sincerely. “Spock indicated to the direction of the water. “You should head that way. The water is not too far away,”
McCoy nodded and took the two canteens with him, making sure Spock drunk a little first.
Spock watched the Doctor go and when he was out of sight, he tested his leg. Intense pain shot through his thigh with the slightest movement and he decided against trying to move any further. He would have liked to have been more upright. Perhaps when McCoy returned, he could help him to adjust the jacket underneath him to prop his head up a little more. He was flat on the ground and not only did he feel vulnerable, he looked it too.
If there were to be anyone who may stumble upon them, Spock would look to be prone. Spock's did appreciate his acute hearing ability then. He could still hear McCoy's distant footsteps and the water running however far away it was. He knew he'd be able to pick up on the sound of anyone approaching the campsite and despite how he looked, he was not defenceless.
That could easily work in their favour to anyone thinking Spock was vulnerable to attack. Because he could still defend himself. The sticks and stones McCoy gave him may scare off a primitive species or a hungry animal, but anything bigger would need more persuading that Spock wasn't a tasty meal to be had. And he had no concerns that he would be able to convince most creatures away from him. McCoy however, was not as strong. He was fine with a phaser and he wasn't a weak man by any standards, but he also was a healer and doing harm didn't sit well with him. Spock had his own misgivings about violence due to his Vulcan heritage, but joining Starfleet meant that at times, force could be necessary, although he did his best to avoid it.
Spock's biggest concern though, was a food source. They had no idea of what food they'd be able to find and eating anything would be a risk. Spock would check the packs but McCoy had left them both out of reach.
Perhaps, not an oversight by McCoy.
Spock had done a good job of finding a location close to the water but not too close. McCoy emptied one canteen into the other and tucked it back in his pack. Spock would have that one. McCoy then filled his own canteen up and attached it to his belt. He freshened himself up with the water.
He took a quick look around. He'd seen no signs of life which was a good thing. He headed back to where Spock was quickly, keen not to leave him vulnerable for longer than he had too. It took mere minutes to get back to Spock. He thought that if they yelled, they'd probably be able to communicate most of the distance. That wasn't a smart idea though.
He worried if there were hostile inhabitants on the planet and if they found them, what they'd do with them. He worried about a lot of things. He spent the whole damn night staring at Spock worrying about every damn bad thing that could happen. He worried about infection and food supplies. Getting rescued. He tried not to think about Spock's injury too much which just meant that he thought about it whenever he wasn't worrying about all the other things there was to worry about.
Spock didn't appear to have moved at all since he'd left and McCoy sat down beside him. He knew Spock wasn't unconscious, just resting. “I got water,” McCoy announced when he returned. He briefly touched Spock's temple for a gage in his temperature. He needed to check regularly for a fever.
“Good,” Spock replied. He opened his eyes but didn't looked at McCoy. The angle for him to do so wasn't the easiest.
“You should take a drink. I know Vulcan's don't drink much but, you've had a traumatic injury,”
“Very well,” Spock agreed. He propped himself up on his elbows and held out a shaky hand for McCoy to pass the canteen of water. McCoy looked away, ignoring the slight shaking even though they both knew McCoy saw it and had nothing better to do that fret over Spock.
Spock laid back down again when he was done and closed his eyes.
“You want to eat yet?” McCoy asked. They had rations. It would last a couple of days at most. Then that would become an issue as well.
“Soon, but not right now,” Spock replied. “You should if you desire it.”
McCoy was hungry. His stomach had been growling for a while now and he decided that it would be better for them both if he didn't wait for Spock to eat. He knew they differed vastly with the needs of a human compared to a vulcan and it wouldn't help matters to pressure Spock in any way to make him feel he should eat just because that's what McCoy needed to do.
McCoy opened the pack with the food rations in. He went through them all to see what exactly they had. He divided them up into two piles. As Spock was on this trip, some bars had been provided that would suit him and his needs better and McCoy made sure he didn't take any by mistake. He replaced the bars for Spock back into the bag and also put the canteen of water in it as well. He put the pack within easy reach of Spock so he'd be able to get what he needed himself.
McCoy ate half of his bar, before folding the packaging back up and putting it away for later. He really didn't want to try and find them food.
“Don't you have some Vulcan healing thing you can do?” McCoy asked.
Spock kept his eyes closed as he answered. “There is a Vulcan healing trance. However, it would not be ideal to go into that trance at this time.”
“Why not?”
Spock opened his eyes and looked at McCoy. “Although a Vulcan chooses to go into a healing trance, once in, it is almost like a human in an induced coma. I would be at your mercy. I would not even be able to come out of the trance without your assistance. If something were to happen to you, I would be trapped. Aware of everything around me, but unable to escape the trance. The risks are too great. I can focus all my energy into healing while we wait though. It is a safer option, although the healing process is not as fast as it would be in the healing trance.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” McCoy asked.
“You're doing everything that there is to do,” Spock said. “Taking care of yourself is vital.”
“Yeah, I know,” McCoy said. “What else should I do? I'm not great at this survival stuff.”
“While we have light, you should gather more fuel for the fire.”
“I'm not leaving you here alone,” McCoy protested.
“I don't suggest that you go far. And I remind you Doctor of how acute you know my hearing to be. I will hear anything long before you see it.”
McCoy sighed. He wasn't happy about the idea but even Spock agreed there was no need for him to go far. He'd stay close and Spock could call if anything came close. “Okay,” he agreed. “But you yell if you hear anything!” McCoy warned.
Spock nodded. He watched McCoy leave and resumed his rest.
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