#and I think for Will we will see something similar
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keferon ¡ 1 day ago
I'm curious about what exactly is the state of human-mer relations in the au. Like, are humans just somehow unaware of how intelligent mer are? Are the powers that be aware of how sapient they are but the average person just thinks they're like regular fish? Actually thinking back to the simpatico au maybe some scientists (like perceptor) realize how intelligent they are and try to get reform in place but they face, like, a lot of pushback?
Alright hear me out on that one.
You know how humans and some monkeys have basically similar body shape and features. You wouldn't mistake one from another but if you show a human and a monkey to...uh..let's say an alien? They would likely think that those two are pretty close to each other and human is just bald for some climate reason?
So with that in mind. I think in order for the plot to happen we need some wild-wild mers that would look similar to the civilized ones but wouldn't be smarter than a parrot. Like they would be completely different species but they would look close enough ANnnd they would live in easily accessible to humans areas.
So humans would see them, capture them, study them and then confidently assume they know everything about all merfolks.
(Which certainly wouldn't be the first time they study something only on the surface and decide they know everything tbh.)
While the civilized Mers would live somewhere far far and deep deep. And also purposely hide from humans because humans "are stupid and trash and destroy everything".
Also. A bit of cartoon logic of course👌
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marauder-misprint ¡ 2 days ago
do you think you can write a part two to ‚He looks like his father‘? It’s just really great and I’d like to see how it goes on
Here it is! The rest of the day with Sirius and Percy! I 100% put some of Sirius' lines from canon into this - it wasn't planned but it fits.
Hope y'all enjoy ❤︎❤︎❤︎
Old school friends
part one
Sirius Black x fem!Slytherin!reader (mum reader)
3.3k words
cw: mention of war, y/n y/l/n, fluff?
You locked eyes with Narcissa the moment you and Sirius entered the Three Broomsticks. She gave you a small, knowing smile. With a quick glance to the side, you saw that Sirius was tensed up, his jaw clenched. Frankly, you’re not sure if he was scanning the gaggle of students looking for the boy who could be his son or if he saw Lucius and Narcissa and decided that this was a mistake.
“I know you said you were meeting them here, but ugh,” he mumbled as you weaved through the busy pub. 
So the latter. You laughed lightly and scanned the teenagers. You discreetly pointed toward the end of the table where Percy was sitting in between Draco and Theodore Nott.
“Percy’s next to Draco,” you said. 
Sirius looked where you pointed. He tried to see what you and Remus meant by the boy looking like him. He supposed the dark hair and light eyes could be similar, but he didn’t see it as strikingly as Remus did. Sirius’ eyes went wide when you turned for the parents’ end of the table instead of toward Percy.
“I thought I was-” Sirius started to say until you reached to grab his arm.
“I’m not going to interrupt him with his friends to introduce an old school friend,” you said, reminding him of who he was to Percy. “You will tolerate the adults for a few drinks. We’ll probably stop by Honeydukes or something after and you can meet him then.”
Sirius nodded and followed you to where the adults were sitting.
“Cousin!” Narcissa greeted Sirius brightly as you sat down next to her and Sirius next to you. “How is the Potter boy doing?” 
“Harry’s well. Brilliant as his parents were,” Sirius answered, although his answer sounded strained. He obviously wasn’t used to talking politely with the Malfoys or the other smattering of parents around you. 
You looked around the table and realized you recognized a few faces. It made sense that some of Draco’s friends’ families would’ve been invited to the Malfoy’s Christmas parties. 
“Gloria Greengrass! Were you at the game?” you asked a woman across the table. 
“Oh, Y/N, I thought that was your Percy down there,” Gloria responded, a saccharine smile appearing on her face. “Yes, I did attend. Since when has Percy been attending Hogwarts? I could have sworn you said he was at Durmstrang?” 
“He was,” you drawled. It was easy to fall back into the almost pretentious conversation that these pure blood-centric families doled out. “But a promotion brought us to this neck of the woods and, you know Dumbledore, can’t refuse legacy students. I must say, Percy jumped at the opportunity to attend with Draco.”
Gloria laughed and then turned her piercing gaze to Sirius. She gave him an obvious once over.
“And this is?” 
“Sirius Black,” you answered for him. “An old friend that I wasn’t expecting to run into today and we decided that we must catch up.” 
Gloria nodded and whispered something to the woman next to her. You looked at Sirius briefly, but he was trying to wave down Madam Rosmerta to get drinks brought over for you two.
Then Narcissa leaned over to you and whispered, “Gloria is next to Bridget Zabini. Then, you have the Boyles, the Parkinsons and Marcus Montague.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered back, placing your hand on top of hers. 
Between the Christmas parties and Percy’s occasional letters, you recognized some of the names. However, Gloria was the only you had ever really conversed with. You sat and listened politely to their conversations. Sirius got you both butterbeers. You felt less awkward at the table with a drink in your hands.
“Do you know any of them?” you asked Sirius in a low voice.
“Remus and I keep to the Gryffindor families. But I do know Marcus next to me. Parents were friends.”
“Ah, so you’re best friends,” you teased, earning an eye roll from Sirius. 
“Barely. He’s older than Bellatrix.”
“Maybe you have a thing for older men now. It has been a while since we’ve seen each other.” 
He scoffed and took a swig of his drink, the foam sticking to his upper lip. You handed him a napkin. 
“Good to know you still hate the foam,” Sirius muttered as he wiped it away.
“I don’t hate it. I just think it looks sloppy,” you corrected him.
Narcissa leaned forward and said, “She’s right. It does look sloppy. Anyways, Y/N, can I assume that you two have… caught up on big life occurrences?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. Narcissa had a certain kind of tact, that was for sure. 
“He is aware, yes,” you said firmly. 
Sirius looked from you to Narcissa to Percy and back to you. 
“And what of it? Where does that leave things?” she pressed.
“Cissa. We can discuss it over tea at a later date. Now is not the time, nor the place.”
She gave you an annoyed look. She wanted details and to know how things were going to move forward with this since Sirius now knew about Percy and you brought him to butterbeers. You were mildly amused that she thought it was something you’d be willing to discuss in front of people you barely knew. 
 Both you and Sirius opted to listen more than participate in the conversations around you. You shared low comments here and there and responded when spoken to, but that was about it. You felt like you were a little kid being allowed to sit at the adult table for once. You understood most of the conversations but not enough to contribute. From how rigid Sirius was, you assumed he felt the same way. Some pure blood families never changed. 
After a while and a few refills, you stood and signaled for Sirius to do the same. 
“It’s been lovely seeing you all, but I have some errands to run before I leave the village,” you told the adults before calling down to the end of the table, “Percy, we’re leaving.” 
Percy said a quick bye to his friends before joining you and Sirius near the exit of the pub.
“Percy, this is one of my friends from when I went here, Sirius Black.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” your son said, holding out his hand which Sirius shook. “Oh, I saw you earlier! After the match!”
“Yes. You were in quite a hurry to get to your mum. Can’t say I blame you,” Sirius said with a smirk. 
You elbowed him in the side.
“Ow,” Sirius hissed as you gave him a sickly sweet smile. 
“Wait, Mum, did you say Black? Sir, are you related to Aunt Cissa?” 
You could tell that Sirius wanted to gag or say something rude. It was instinct for him, but he swallowed the urge down. 
“She’s my cousin, yes.”
“Oh, and Sirius is fine. None of that sir business.”
“Perc, do you mind if he tags along? I literally haven't seen him since before you were born.”
“Yeah, whatever, Mum. Honeydukes?”
“Lead the way,” you laughed. 
Percy pushed open the doors. The warm afternoon air enveloped you as you stepped out into the sunlight. Percy wasted no time and headed toward the sweets shop. You and Sirius walked behind him. You couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips. It was amusing to see Sirius watch Percy, trying to see what similarities others saw and imagining everything he missed in this child’s upbringing. 
Just outside Honeydukes, Percy stopped and turned to face you.
“Sirius, sir, if you don’t mind me asking, which house were you in?” 
“I don’t mind at all. Gryffindor.”
Percy’s face lit up. “Oh! So you must’ve known my dad!” 
You froze.
“Mum says he was in Gryffindor. Any of your old mates dead?”
Embarrassment washed over you. Your son, despite all the respect and manners Durmstrang taught him, still was a teenager. You looked to Sirius to see how he would respond and you wanted to laugh at his expression. At least you did until he answered.
“Too many of them, Percy. Far too many of them.” His tone was grave. 
“The war,” Percy breathed in realization. “I’m sorry. That was insensitive.”
Okay, maybe Durmstrang did alright. 
“Ah, don’t worry ‘bout, kit. I like to think that the ones we love never really leave us. They’re always in here,” he said, patting his chest. “Anyways, what’s your favorite sweet? I’m buying. A thank you for letting me tag along.”
“Awesome! We’re so getting Shock-o-chocs!”
Percy bolted into the store to find his most frequented stand. You nudged Sirius’ as you took a step forward. 
“Thanks for… not being hard on him about the war.”
“Please, least I could do. And don’t think I’m not getting you Chocolate Eternals.”
Your heart fluttered. He had remembered your favorite after all these years. It must’ve shown on your face. 
As Sirius started walking toward the door, he said, “If I recall, you never could turn them down.”
You followed the boys into the shop. It wasn’t exactly as you remembered it. It felt more crowded with additional stands and a larger variety of sweets. Sirius and Percy were standing among the chocolate options, putting an ungodly amount of packages into a basket that Sirius was holding onto. You shook your head as you walked up to them.
“Not trying to drain his bank account, are you?” you asked.
“Mum, your friend insisted.”
You gave Sirius a soft glare. He had often been the recipient of your glares and knew every variation. Just like he did when you were students, he flashed you his most charming grin. 
“What? If he’s really your kid, then chocolate’s one of his most important food groups and Hogwarts is depriving him of it.” 
“I’m deprived, Mum,” Percy added, suddenly sporting an identical grin to Sirius.
Merlin, they were practically twins. Had this kid not inherited a single one of your genes?
“I mean, I’m not saying no. Just pointing out that Sirius is going to run himself broke.” You crossed your arms and popped your hip out. “I’m surprised you’re broke already.” 
“I’m financially responsible.”
You snorted as you tossed a few Chocolate Cauldrons into the basket.
“You and the word ‘responsible’ will never be in the same sentence.” 
He shrugged. “What’s life without a little risk?” 
“Go buy this before we end up buying the whole place out,” you told Sirius.
Percy gave you a wide-eyed look. “Can we do that?”
“No, Percy, no. You have to pace yourself.”
Sirius, despite being a short distance away as he stood in line, said, “Godric, he’s fifteen. Cut ‘im some slack, love!”
You pressed your lips together at the endearment. The apologetic look that crossed Sirius’ face showed that he noticed his slipup too. You glanced at Percy, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it. You sighed and slung an arm over his shoulder. 
“Let’s wait for Sirius outside,” you said, steering your son out of the store. “Classes going well?”
He nodded. “Bit easier than Durmstrang. Library’s better here. The moving staircases? Stupid,” he said, voice turning bitter at the mention of the stairs. 
You tried not to laugh. Those stairs have always been a struggle for certain students. If Percy had started here when he was eleven, he likely wouldn't be so irritated with them now. 
“Everything else is good though? Sleeping okay? Eating enough? Friends? Girlfriends?”
“Mum!” he whined. “Yeah, I’m good. All good. Got friends.” 
You smiled impishly as your son turned bright red. It was your motherly duty to embarrass your son every once in a while. The bell above the Honeydukes door tinkled, announcing Sirius’ return to you. 
“Where to next, L/Ns? Harry usually insists on Spintwitches, like he needs anything from there.”
“Harry?” Percy asked.
“Did I not mention? I’m Harry Potter’s uncle. You know, Gryffindor seeker,” Sirius answered. 
Percy made a slight face at the clarification. You chuckled. Your indifference-leaning-dislike of James was apparently being relived by Percy and Harry. 
“Not a fan, I take it?” Sirius said.
Percy tutted to buy him a moment before answering. He spoke slowly as if choosing his words carefully. “He’s not my favorite Gryffindor so far.”
“His father wasn’t mine either,” you told Percy, earning yourself an eye roll from Sirius. “Don’t think we need anything from Spintwitches… Uh, Percy, need any supplies? They got parchment, books, ink, quills, potion ingredients. Practically whatever you need.” 
“I know, Mum. Not my first Hogsmeade visit,” Percy said. “Can we stop by Dogwood and Deathcap? I checked the Magic Neep for dittany last week and they were out. Draco wouldn’t go to Dogwood with me.” 
You looked at Sirius, both of you nodding and then turning in the direction of the ingredients shop. Sirius kept looking at you with a smile on his face. You tried to ignore it and the way it sent butterflies into your stomach. You weren’t a teenager anymore. You were an adult with adult responsibilities and adult control over your feelings. Sirius should not have this effect on you anymore. 
“How close were you two?” Percy asked, catching you and Sirius in the act of making eye contact and then immediately looking away. 
“Ah, how do you kids say it these days? Frenemies?” you offered. 
Sirius barked a loud laugh. He knew it was a fairly accurate description, it just left out the ‘more than friends’ portions. 
“Frenemies?” Percy repeated.
“A very love-hate relationship. Don’t think your mum approved of all the trouble I got into,” Sirius confirmed. “She really didn’t like it when she got detention for something I did.” 
You groaned at the memory. 
“Sirius had me be his lookout while he stole from Professor Slughorn’s private stores. Potion master. And someone walked out of the closet when I clearly hadn’t given an ‘all clear’ signal.”
“I couldn’t hear you talking to Sluggy. I’ve apologized hundreds of times!”
“What other trouble did you get her into?” Percy asked eagerly. 
The stories you had told him about your days weren’t the ones that ended with you in detention. You left out the stories that involved stealing from professors and the dueling in the corridors and sneaking around with Sirius and any pranks that you happened to be a part of. 
Sirius hummed. “Did your mum ever tell you about the time she sent me flying into a wall? I was in the hospital wing for a week.”
“What? No? Mum?” Percy gasped. He looked between you. “What happened?”
“Your-ahem.” You cleared your throat. You had almost just called Sirius “your father” to Percy. That was a slip up you didn’t need happening. “Sirius was being an idiot and he ended up on the wrong side of my wand. It happens.” You hoped your nonchalance covered up your earlier mistake.
“The wrong side of your wand,” Sirius muttered with a shake of his head. “She hit me with Bombarda!”
“You deserved it.”
Sirius knew better than to argue with that point, especially since he didn’t fancy landing on a pumpkin in the field next to them. Sirius had been breaking up with you, again, when you sent him into the wall. You recalled it coming out of nowhere, but Sirius knew that James and Remus had urged him to get away from you. While he had been in the hospital wing due to his resulting injuries, you had nightly detention for a week. 
“You went around Bombarda-ing people?” Percy asked. 
“I did deserve it,” Sirius said before you could answer.
“Glad you admit it,” you told him before turning to Percy. “This is a ‘do as I say, not as I did’ situation. I’ve sat through more than my fair share of detention.”
“A whole new side to Mum… When did you stop being wild?” 
You scrunched the left side of your face in thought. “Let’s see, you’re fifteen so somewhere around fifteen years ago?”
Percy made a face at you. The three of you walked up to Dogwood and Deathcap. Sirius held open the door for you. The shopkeeper greeted you from behind the counter but only Sirius got named. 
“Do you have any dittany, ma’am?” Percy asked, leaning his arms on the counter to look behind her.
“That I do… Just let me grab it,” the witch answered.
As she turned to get it, Sirius stepped forward and pulled out his pouch of coins. Then you stepped forward, putting a hand over the pouch.
“I can pay,” you told him firmly.
“I want to.”
You glared at each other, each waiting for the other to back down. Somehow, you both missed Percy pulling out his own galleon and sliding it across the counter when the shopkeeper turned around with a package of dittany flowers. 
“Thank you, ma’am. Mum? Sirius? You ready?” 
You blinked and then looked at Percy. 
“Oh, yeah. How much was it?” 
“Just a galleon. Don’t worry about it. Money’s from Uncle.”
When you got back to the main street of Hogsmeade, Percy saw some of his friends heading back to the castle. He gave you one last hug and shook Sirius’ hand again before joining up with them. You and Sirius stood next to each other and watched him practically tackle Draco. Draco glanced back at you, offering a quick wave before they continued down the path. 
“Didn’t tell him much about me, did you?” Sirius asked, still looking where the boys had disappeared into the horizon. 
“He knows enough,” you said. “Sorry I didn’t tell him about the countless times you broke my heart.” 
Sirius sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“He knows his father was smart, kind and loyal. Stuck up for his friends. I told him that his father had the brightest smile and he got it too. And he does. He has your smile.” You took a sharp breath. “I’m not sorry for leaving certain aspects out so he can have a good image of who his father is.”
“Thank you, then. For making me sound better than I am.” 
You scoffed, or laughed. It was a mix.
“It’s all true, Sirius. The only lie I’ve told him about you is that you’re dead.”
“How did I die?”
This time, it was a real laugh that left your lips, full of warmth. It was the laugh that made Sirius fall in love with you time after time during your time at Hogwarts.
“At the hands of dark magic. If you had died in the war, it would’ve been the truth.”
“Ah, too bad I survived.”
You hummed. “Too bad.” You gave Sirius a kind smile. “I really should be going. And you should be finding Remus.” 
You made to step off to the side where the Floo network was connected, but Sirius reached out to stop you.
“Where are you living nowadays?” he asked rushedly.
“Um, London. Why?” 
“I told you, if you’d want to, I want to try again. Let me take you on a date. I’m in Godric’s Hollow, but I’ll go to wherever if you’re there.” 
You pursed your lips as you considered it. You had said you would talk about it later. Sirius had played nice with the Malfoys and other Slytherin families. He did well with Percy. It had been a nice afternoon.
“Do you have a phone?” you asked.
“No? That’s a muggle thingy, right?” 
You exhaled out of your nose. “Yeah. Then, I mean, I’m reachable by owl. We can grab a drink sometime.”
Sirius smiled widely and let go of your arm. You returned his smile, although yours was more polite while his was full of joy. You grabbed a handful of powder and vanished in a flash of green flames. Sirius waited a moment, staring where you had previously been standing. He had a son and the promise of a drink with you. He shook his head in disbelief as he turned to make his way back to the castle so he could find Remus. This really hadn’t been the day he was expecting when they arrived for the quidditch match, but he wasn’t complaining. 
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tags: @corawithfanfiction, @bruxa0007, @ayyeitssarahh, @jgdhmeynsgn
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raven-at-the-writing-desk ¡ 2 days ago
Aaaaa Yuuna is so cuuutee 💗😆 Her hair is so prettyyy. But with the addition of the new Yuu I’ve come up with a theory that with the pattern the mangas have taken so far, they’ll start switching back and fourth between male and female yuus for the rest of the dorms:
Heartslabyul - Yuuken (Male)
Savanaclaw - Yuuka (Female)
Octavinelle - Yuuta (Male)
Scarabia - Yuuna (Female)
Pomefiore - Male
Ignihyde - Female
Diasomnia - Male
Just something I came up with that i wanted to share with you ^^ Also who is the manga artist for Scarabia 🤔
[Referencing the Episode of Scarabia!]
Lots of Yuuna-related asks recently (and for good reason!) so I decided to lump them all into one post :DD
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Yes, Yuuna is very cute~ The alternating genders of the manga!Yuus has actually been a pretty popular theory for a while now, actually! Some believe this is meant to be the Yuus having the opposite genders as the Great Seven member of their respective books/dorms. But yeah, the pattern seems likely at this point.
The mangaka for the Episode of Scarabia is Majiko-sensei! They have previously contributed a chapter to the manga anthology. You can read more about their past works here.
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I'm not sure if "[taking] care of [one's] appearance" is the right phrase to use (as it unintentionally implies other Yuus are slobs/don't care about how they present themselves, when that's definitely not the case)? Maybe it would be more accurate to say, "Yuuna has stereotypically feminine aesthetic tastes", though it's more immature and preppy than Vil's is. I think Yuuna has a cuteness that's more characteristic of Cater than Vil--but all three of them definitely have overlap in their interests in makeup, fashion, social media, etc. I feel like Yuuna would get along with them both!! We do technically see her interacting with Cater (they take a selfie before he departs for winter break) and are assumed to have already known each other due to the events of books 1 and 2. Too bad we don't really get to see them interact in those books... and that we won't see Yuuna interact with Vil for the Episode of Pomefiore. We'll have a new Yuu by then (which gets into my disappointment with never being able to fully follow a single manga!Yuu and their character arc through to the end of the main story...)💦
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Yeah, it's nice to have variety in the manga!Yuus' personalities, skillsets, and interests! ^^ It makes them a lot of fun to follow, even if we know they'll only be with us for the length of one book/dorm.
I've personally really been loving Yuuta and Yuuna a lot. Yuuken and Yuuka are also nice, but I find that their general characters are kind of similar (athletic and level-headed) and don't differ enough to result in interactions unique from game!Yuu (with perhaps the exception of them being able to physically contribute to battles). This is not true of Yuuta and Yuuna, whose abilities extend to other areas and therefore have a larger impact on the world and its characters. For example, Yuuta's love of food + cooking skill has him shouting at Grim sometimes for not appreciating food, but it also becomes excellent leverage for sleeping over at Savanaclaw later in book 3. You can also see how Yuuna's outgoing personality would draw people to her and allow her to make connections.
The manga!Yuus also speak to the diversity of Yuus we see in the fandom. I know a lot of us were waiting for a girl Yuu (which we got with Yuuka), a Yuu of different body type (which we got with Yuuta), and a very femme presenting Yuu (which we got with Yuuna). Yuuken is also great because he was the first Yuu we got that actually had the ability and the confidence in his fighting capabilities to charge head-on into an OB fight.
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As I state in my pinned post, manga raws generally come from Monthy GFantasy, which publishes new chapters of the Twst manga online each month. You must PAY to access those raws.
In the case of the Episode of Scarabia, the full first volume was released in today. It is avaliable on Kindle through the Amazon JP store. This is still something you would need to PAY for if you're interested in seeing the full thing right away.
I cannot provide full chapters to the public, as this is paid content that I receive from my own friends who subscribe to GFantasy and/or who bought the first volume of Scarabia on Kindle. You can make your own decision whether or not you wish to purchase for yourself; however, there is most likely a scanlation team that will put out an English version sooner or later. Again though, this would surely take some time to get done, especially when there's 4 chapters of Scarabia to translate.
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thevibraniumveterans ¡ 2 days ago
Bucky’s choice of clothing and outfits this movie is a bit fascinating, actually.
(I don’t know if I’ve talked about this before but whatever)
First, a little flashback to the conversation he had with Sam in TFATWS Ep5 “Truth”:
Sam: “Let me ask you. You still having those nightmares?”
Bucky: “All the time. It means I remember. It means a part of me is still there. Which means a part of the Winter Soldier’s still in me.”
(Note, this is despite his mandated “I’m no longer the Winter Soldier” bit and his reluctantly-adopted moniker of White Wolf (that nobody outside of Sam and Wakanda knows), but this isn’t about that)
Flash forward to the Thunderbolts* trailers and promotional posters, we see that Bucky is in black-colored civilian clothing for most of the time.
In some shots we see him in a jacket. He accessorizes with a back/shoulder holster. I have no clue where he got that one from, we’ve never seen him with one of those before. There is a weapon, likely a big gun, in said holster.
In other shots he’s in a simple short sleeved t-shirt. This is actually pretty good of a development because he started wearing t-shirts (without the long sleeve shirt on the inside) in TFATWS, which means he doesn’t carry a super heavy burden with him anymore. Sure, it’s a black t-shirt, also likely the same if not a similar one he wore in TFATWS (Ep4, I think?). It’s kind of telling that he’s got full control over every action he takes but yet he still has a dark past that he can’t escape from.
Gloves. It’s not unusual for Bucky to be wearing gloves, it’s just that this is kind of the first time we see this specific combo of short sleeves and gloves. Kinda neat.
His utility belt. It is EXACTLY the same one he wore during his Winter Soldier days. Attached to said belt are some canisters, a pouch or two, and a thigh holster for his right leg. The fact that he pairs this utility belt with his casual civilian outfit — making him stand out against his fellow costumed antiheroes — suggests that it is, as Sebastian Stan said some time ago, “about acceptance and owning up to your actions, which is something my character has been dealing with for years.” It suggests that he, by that point, is leaning significantly in the direction of reconciling and accepting that not only is he James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, part of who he used to be, it is also true that “a part of the Winter Soldier’s still” in him. That even though he’s fully rehabbed and turning over all sorts of new leaves (running for Congress and winning? That’s new!), he still retains a very particular skill set and a history that he can’t never run away from. So if he can’t run, why run any longer?
He can be both Bucky (in person and mindset) and the Winter Soldier (in skill and ability, but in clarity and full control of himself), and the possibility exists that he may fully take on the moniker White Wolf, after he has 100% accepted that he is a sum of who he once was before the war, what he was made to be for decades, who he became after that, and who he can start being.
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alynnia ¡ 1 day ago
Sylus x Rafayel (x MC) ramblings
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The fujo came out of me with this one. After my little karaoke blurb I had an epiphany and had to get it out of my system. I'm no writer but I like to write. The below is litterally brain vomit of ideas and situations spilling out as they come and they're free to the public to play with. These two have quite a bit in common and potentially have chemistry? I dunno, could be my fujo goggles.
MDNI because the last section is lewd. Nothing explicit just options of how I think the sexual part of their relationship might be.
Both bonded to MC
•Sylus, through a shared soul and Raf through an eternal bond. Both of these continue through lifetimes. So imagine Rafayel's shock when courting MC he gets two instead of one. Does he just love half of her soul or all of it? Now we don't know the exact timelines of the myths if they all share the same universe and same Philos, but let's say they did. Sylus' soul sharing with MC came first so when Rafayel bonded with MC, he was unknowingly bonding with Sylus as well. He would be reluctant in this set up, believing that MC was the one he is tied to and only her (this is true of course but we are playing pretend here) but why does he feel a similar pull from Sylus? The fiend is nonchalant about it outwardly but I can see him teasing the fuck out of fish boy. " I guess that makes me your 'beloved' as well but...I don't bow to gods, puppy. I end them. " and then gives him a few smug paps on the cheek. This likely results in a fight MC has to break up and it happens often.
•They would both try and show each other up with showing affection to MC, but Sylus would always include Rafayel in his gifting. If he buys a dress for her, he's buying a suit for him. If she gets a ruby necklace, he gets ruby cufflinks. While MC can have any color jewels she wants, he defaults to red gems. After a while, Rafayel takes notice that the crow boy likes to "mark" them with rubies as a subtle way of telling the world the two of them are both his. It's hard to say if he's doing this as a show of dominance or something more but the way Sylus gives him a satisfied smirk/smile when he sees them both wearing matching onyx and ruby brooches makes his eye twitch and his heart skip. Sensing danger between them, MC would excitedly suggest that Sylus wear one too so all three could match, a subtle way on her part to say they are all equal here.
•When talking to MC about Rafayel, he uses "our".
"I think our husband is throwing a tantrum again~"
" I am NOT your husband. "
" Tch, aaw. Tough luck, you're stuck with us both. "
" Then I want a divorce. There's got to be some way to break out of this, a loophole or a spell to break this curse... "
" You hear that sweetie? Our husband wants to break up with us. Maybe he's not as devoted as he says. "
" N-not her! JUST YOU! You are the curse that defiles our sacred bond and I will not stand for it! "
" And how do you plan to do that? Hm? Rip our very soul asunder? That can't be good for either of us, puppy~ " And he's just smirking the entire time with an arm around MC. " But if you insist, I may know someone who can help you. Very experimental, has not had one survivor yet. But! You seem to be very set on tearing her apart...are you willing to take the risk~? " He just loves challenging gods and seeing Rafayel seething is just too precious.
Both rich as fuck
•As someone else here on tumblr mentioned, Rafayel is spoiled prince rich and Sylus is mafia rich. Raf seeing Sy spend money like it was nothing takes these acts as a challenge on his own wealth. He'll offer to pay for things with a smug smile and Sylus lets him do it without a fuss, merely raising an eyebrow then smirking. Neither let MC pay for anything. This ends up frustrating Rafayel after a while. Why doesn't he say anything? Is he just going to let him pay for it all? Greedy crow. ):< Finally fed up, he confronts Sylus saying that he should pay him back with interest. Raf doesn't need the money but it's the principle of the matter! Sylus is just…
"Alright, if it will shut you up." and points him to a page of restraunts on a tablet he was looking over. Rafayel figures he's being asked where he wants to eat on Sy's tab so he chooses the most expensive establishment. The kind you need to make a reservation for a year in advance. He's already planning to order top shelf, the highest priced items on the menu and exclusive private seating for all of them. Sylus looks over the selected place and scoffs, " Pompous. " A little later when Rafayel is expecting to go out, Sylus just slaps down paperwork in front of him and tells him to sign it. What is it? Essentially the transfer of ownership of that place he chose. Apparently it had already belonged to Sylus and now it's Raf's. " This should cover it, yes? "
Both are mythical creatures
• Raf being a mermaid (God of tides) and Sylus being a dragon (Bringer of Ruin) Gods create, fiends destroy. Sy is for the skies and Raf for the seas. They're both beings of power and forces of nature.
• Being the dragon he is, Sylus would likely keep all of the art he doesn't put away or keep track of. It comes from the need to hoard treasures and because the fish is terrible with leaving his work all over the place. Don't get him started on the paintbrushes he keeps stepping on. Thomas would think him a life saver for keeping things organized and available but Sylus would charge him every time he wanted to retrieve work from him. So Thomas is left with the choice of dealing with Rafayel or paying a stupid amount of money to Sylus to bypass the anguish.
•On the flip side, After Raf has seen Sylus' treasure trove of gemstones, he would also just so happen to pick up jewels from museums to add to his own collection. Ones Sylus possibly have never seen or heard of due to their connections with Lemuria. Sylus would make a comment about Lemurians crying pearls he heard once, baiting Rafayel and of course the mermaid can't help but confirm he's able to do this. (They both know what they are by this point) But isn't that a dangerous thing to admit to a greedy dragon? Perhaps Sylus should lock him up and force him to cry to obtain such beauties. But he figures he doesn't need to. Rafayel himself is enough of a rare treasure to keep after all. He would say this right to his face without flinching, as if it was just common sense. He pins another ruby trinket to his lapel to which Raf would find himself blushing then storming off somewhere. He would like to see those scales though. They sure are shiny and our Sylus likes shiny things.
• Sylus walks in on Rafayel in the bath and sees his mermaid tail for the first time. He's enamored but doesn't show it on his face. The mermaid is squawking, telling him he shouldn't enter when someone is in here without knocking but Sylus just ignores him, grabbing what he needs and is about to head out. The mermaid did catch those eyes looking at him in a particular way, wondering why he doesn't ask about the tail.
" So...you're not going to say anything about this? "
" Should I? "
" You've just bore witness to a rare sight, the scales of real Lemurian in his full glory. You would be a fool not to admire. "
" Oh, in that case do forgive me~ " turning around casually he takes wide steps and looms over the tub, his shadow cast over the Lemurian's form, " Then allow me take a closer look... " That's when Sylus runs his hands over the glistening tail, face unchanging as he studies it's quality. This envokes the wrath of Raf smacking his hand away, " No one said you could touch! " Sylus removes his hand but smirks in response. His gaze lingers on the glittering on the mermaid's face before rising up and heading back to the door, " I've seen better. "
" ......WHAT? Where?! No you haven't! Who else has-! " the door is already shut and he's gone.
• What if Sylus took MC's place in Rafayel's myth? A fiend finally captured, tied up and thrown into the ocean. We have hints that Sylus may not know how to swim so perhaps this is his weakness. Rafayel comes across this strange drowning creature who isn't quite human but curious to know more. He cuts him free and planned to just let whatever happens to him, happen but Sylus is quick, desperate to live and be out of this water. Having heard of the Lemurian tales he grabs hold of his savior and tries to steal his breath with a kiss, biting his lip in the process just like MC did. And you know the rest after that. Would make an interesting AU I think but would divert from the myth a looot from there. Still could be a fun ride. Raf can show him the ocean and Sy could show him the skies.
A weakness and a fear
•I don't think Sylus can swim. There's an Abyssal Chaos situation that hints at this and it's living rent free in my head but he does have a pool so who knows. I'm going with the idea that he can't swim for this. So...Sylus would almost always get the one-up on Rafayel, teasing and bullying him but when it comes to water, the fish finally has the upper hand here. Sylus would never admit this weakness out loud to anyone but MC. If they went to the beach he would just stay out of deep areas and Rafayel would take notice. Being a cheeky one and in his element, he'd somehow get the drop on him and pull Sylus over into the deep side to see what happens. Also for revenge. But Sylus isn't reacting the way he thought? This big tough guy is actually going to drown if he doesn't do something. He could be rid of him finally, let the man drown and have MC all to himself. He watches him sink, feeling a twinge of satisfaction but just as he's about to take off, the mark on his chest lights up. It can't be helped, can it?
After "saving" him, Rafayel tells him it's about time he learned how to swim. It's an essential skill and it's a crime to not beable to appreciate the beauty of the ocean. Sylus, surprisingly to Raf, agrees. " Then you should teach me. It's the least you can do after trying to kill me. " Not that it would work I think. How far does his immortality go anyway? Que montage of the two of them in the water together.
• Rafayel has a fear of cats. Sylus likes cats. After all, their beloved MC is their kitten and he's raised a lion cub before. The Lemurian god is offended that he would call MC such a horrid nickname as it's essentially calling her a demon. Sy quickly picks up on the fear and like the earlier scenario, tries to tease him with it. Though it's to a lesser degree in the form of just bringing strays for MC to take care of in front of him. If she's loving the cats, there's no way Rafayel can say no to her. Sylus knows this and pushes it further holding a kitten to his face, " To think a mighty god could be felled by such a small creature. " This prompts Raf to suck it up and slowly but surely start to confront his fear of cats, Sylus happily "helping". Que montage of the two interacting with cats from kittens to tigers.
Break out?
• Sylus doesn't believe beasts should be in cages and Rafayel hates the way humans treat animals. One night, after getting drunk and arguing which leads to a bet, they set local zoo animals free or something. They will never be caught.
•They would share playlists and talk shit about each other's taste but still give genuine listens. Sylus prefers records and buys one for him just to prove how much better it sounds in this format instead of digital.
•They go to the opera together. Sylus is enjoying himself but Rafayel has some harsh critisms. He can do better. Sylus would ask for a demonstration and he says it would kill him. Crow boy sees that as a challenge because well, he can't die. So perhaps he could be one of the few who could listen to his death song without dying and appreciate it. It'd still probably hurt, but maybe it's worth it? Would be funny to see Sylus wheezing in Rafayel's arms, bleeding from his ears and still tell him his singing was shit just to rile him up. It's a lie, but picking on him is too much fun.
•Singing together. See the Karaoke blurb.
If they were in a relationship (Lewd bits)
•OT3. MC is far too important to them and their own connections would be their shared loved for her. They'd prefer to be seperate with her at first but over time Sylus would be the first to invite him together with MC. Rafayel is going to say no the first couple of times (it's not offered often) but eventually warms up to the idea if only to prove to the other that he can perform better than him. Then it becomes another game of chicken when Sy leans in closer to Raf with MC in the middle. Sylus will give looks, light touches in passing but won't be the one to give in. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he wants Rafayel to be absolutely sure he's into it and he gets a kick at making him buckle. Which he will and of course, Sylus obliges letting Rafayel think he's the one that "won" in this. MC is happy to see them get along.
•The longer this OT3 relationship goes on, the more likely sometimes it would be just the two of them while MC is off on a mission somewhere in the world that takes days to complete. At this point they're used to it and the roughness becomes more gentle and tender. Well, Sylus almost always had been the more gentle one and Rafayel the more agressive and it only took them being alone for Rafayel realize it.
• They would be competative in bed but even when bottoming, Sylus more often than not has control and directing Rafayel. Telling him there's no need to go easy on him. Raf will always fight for control and sometimes "win" but he melts too easily and loses himself in the moment. His most dominant side comes out during a certain season which is a pleasant surprise for Sy. They're both waking up with scars but Sylus more so. He doesn't let them heal quickly just to show off the result to Rafayel when he wakes up.
" Are you not proud of your work? " Oh he is proud. Embarrassed seeing what he's done to him and the memories of the night flashing in the back of his mind, but proud. Another win for the fish, "conquering" such a large man. Snatching Sylus by the chin, he'd give a warning with a hint of slight concern for his bird boy, " It would be wise not to forget what I can do to you. "
" Do what? These little marks? " He brushes them away with his evol, " Oh no. Look, they're all gone. I guess you'll have to try harder. "
And now I wonder if Rafayel could end up leaving a mark on him that not even Sylus can heal through his god mode. 🤔
•Playing with the headcanon of Sylus' draconic habits and urges being active in his current life, I wonder if they would "sync" up. Honestly it sounds dangerous, Sylus may very well eat the guy. Literally. That's for the tragedy enjoyers. For the degenerates…4 swords, eh? Okay on the tamer side of things, I can see them taking it out on each other to spare the worst of it from MC. Locking themselves away just to go all out. But back to degeneracy, she'd probably end up peeking out of curiosity and end up dragged into it. Rest in Peace girlie. 🙏
•So what would a dragon/mermaid kid look lik-
OKAY OKAY I'M DONE. IT'S OUT OF MY SYSTEM. DO NOT PERCEIVE MEEEE!! But really though, this was fun. Is this 1k words? I have no idea.
I think this is how you tag people? @crutoyu @turkeysamwichh
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tuffdwightwest ¡ 3 days ago
Doey x Player
First of all I don't really ship any of the x Poppy Angels ships. Cause frankly I'm asexual and I find I can't personally seperate myself enough from the player character yet. I wanted to make this cause I was seeing a lot of frankly cruel call out posts.
This is not pedophilia. Or disgusting.
The idea that Doey and the other toys don't age is a headcanon. To assume your headcanon is correct and then demonize others. Is put simply wrong. This isn't FNAF they aren't children souls. Their organs are literally taken out and placed into another body. The whole point is that they are 'living' toys.
You are fine to have that headcanon though. But you should not use it to attack others.
For Doey specifically I see people call out his mental breakdown at the end of the game. As evidence that he's 'still a child'. This however is not evidence. It is a mental breakdown from someone who has something almost similar to DID(obviously a more sci-fi version but the closest irl thing I can compare it too). In his breakdown he wasn't even making any sense. Repeating lines we've heard him say over the years. Crying out that he wants to go home.
These are all normal things that can happen in a mental breakdown. Actually learn about trauma triggers and read stuff about it. Doey regressing and just letting Kevin's anger take over is pretty normal for someone who just went through as much trauma as he did.
Besides this point though people say he talks like a child. And I really want to understand where. Throughout the story he seems very rational and reasonable. Even the brief moments that Kevin and what I assume Jack takes over.
Even Doey's last tape before the end of the game. He's scared there but seems like someone just trying to figure out what to do. Nothing about it made me think he's a child.
All this aside, I want to use this just for people to realize. The "they don't age" is a headcanon. They need to eat, sleep, etc. So why do you believe they don't age? This doubling down on this headcanon especially using his breakdown as evidence just seems ableist. Cause I've seen other people not even myself try to explain to others that using that evidence point is ableist.
I doubt this would change those in that echo Chambers mind. But for others that just never really thought about it. I hope this just makes you realize. Yeah either version is just a headcanon. And neither is Canon at the moment. What we do know for sure is that at least 10 years has passed since the hour of Joy. And Doey was made before that. Long enough to witness the guards making toys fight, to be through plenty of interviews, etc.
So by evidence of just time itself. He'd be like at the least 18-25(with the assumption Jack was 8 when he fell into the dough). And this is actually a low estimate cause it assumes that the hour of joy happens soon after he is created.
Stop calling people pedophiles over a headcanon and frankly pretty tame ship. Like ya'll scream about this one then turn around and praise the doctor one. When Doctor is clearly a sadistic childkilling monster. But you give that one a pass. Yet get upset at people when they want to date like the one person in the game that was genuinely kind and a protector.
Stop attacking other people over headcanons. You can debate them but pedophile should not be flung around at all.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
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the-bitch-in-the-tower ¡ 3 days ago
Quick question? What does posting this on Twitter, or whoever he posted it, do?
Are Trump and Elon going to see this and think "oh, the 'beloved' Bernie Sanders has spoken we must change our minds?'
Are the American people supposed to do something?
No one, and this includes Bernie, listened to us when we were calling and writing and emailing about Palestine, what makes anyone think the Trump Administration is going to listen to us?
Why isn't Bernie, and elected official, doing something? This is similar to AOC saying "trump does t care about the price of eggs"
Like we been knew that, where have YOU been?
Why are all these elected officials coming out crying to the Americam people to solve their problem (trump, Elon, fascism) but they won't do jack shit about our problems? (rent, wages, war, genocide)
If.i see one more stupid "help.us fight the fascists we helped put in office!" Post from anyone that didn't do anything to stop Trump from being elected I will burn this entire government down starting with ICE vehicles.
This was the dems easiest election to win and they handed it to Trump and Elon to punish leftists and Palestinians for not voting for Biden or Harris.
The dems own a good chunk of this blame, you won't bail us out? Why the fuck.should we bail you out?
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asofspades ¡ 3 days ago
Next post regarding the LU boy's adventure items
This time it's about shared items or items that are similar enough to lead to group "activities"
Okay, Pegasus boots, bothe Four and Legend have them, however Time might not have Pegasus boots but he has the rabbit hood, this has potential for them having races to see who's faster (and if Legend cheats a bit by using a Pegasus seed to run even faster no one will ever know), I can also see wind stealing the rabbit hood to race them.
The slingshot, I've noticed a lot of the Links have slingshots, Twilight has one, Sky has one that when upgraded shoots multiple seeds, Four has a slingshot (FSA), Time has a slingshot as well, Legend also has an upgraded slingshot (Hyper slingshot in OoS), potential for slingshot competitions, or their slingshots getting mixed up and due to being from different materials, sizes and qualities they have a hard time using the others slingshots. Twilight just casually pulls out the hawkeye to aim better and everyone laughs because he looks funny.
Magic boomerangs, basically most of them have regular boomerangs, however Legend (oracle games), Hyrule (Tloz 1), Four (MC) have a magic boomerang and Twilight has a magic wind boomerang (it has the wind fairy inside, why does no one ever talk about that).
Fishing rods, Time, Wind (Phantom Hourglass) and Twi can go regular fishing while Wild just bombs the hell out of the river.
Explosives, okay, hear me out, plenty of links have bombchus (Legend in OoA, Wind in PH, Time), Four has remote bombs (MC) like Wild, Twilight has bomblings (similar to bombchus but they're insect like) and underwater bombs, Time also has the Blast mask (MM) the destructive explosion potential of these guys (without counting the bombos medallion).
Arson gang, I know we usually think Wild and Wind are the arsonists, mainly because wind likes mischief and Wild is just Wild, and Four gets incorporated sometimes thanks to red and his fire rod (I'm just saying, I fully believe Four himself as a compound of the colours has potential to be a little shit and an arsonist, no red influence needed), but Legend has like 2 fire rods at least (alttp, albw), a magic rod that works like fire and the fire gloves, how is that dude not considered a part of the arsonist gang please, he's such a little shit as well no matter how much sarcasm and broodiness he's surrounded by, also, twilight literally blew up a bomb storage by setting fire to the place during his adventure, just saying... Hyrule can join with his own magic rod as a treat. And also, let Time join with Din's Fire, he was a menace in the war of ages, let him be a menace as a grown up. It turns out Warriors has a fire rod, he can join the arson activities to release stress. All links are arsonists confirmed.
Magnetism, hear me out, Wild has magnesis, Twi has the ball & chain (metal) and iron boots (magnetic), Time and Wind have iron boots as well (also magnetic), legend has his magnet gloves and Four has magnet gloves and in addition he IS magnetic (the logic behind that is besides me, maybe it's related to the elemental magic he has or something). The potential por Wild and/or Legend suddenly finding out Four is magnetic in the most anticlimactic and hilarious way (accidentally attracting him with their abilities). Wild using magnesis to mess around with Wind, Twi and Time when they have the boots on or using it to carry them around or get them places and obviously Wild using magnesis to steal the ball and chain from Twi. I've been told Warriors also has a chain & ball, wild definitely will mess with it when he fails at stealing it from Twi.
Legend and Four use flippers to swim and I think it's hilarious that Legend has apparently never learnt to swim because he used them in all his adventures, apparently Four can in fact swim in FS so he did learn how to swim in the end. Those two would drown without them. Also, I think Twi, Sky, Time and Wild are the only ones that know how to swim without any extra gear (they get things for breathing under water like the Zora armour or Water dragon Scale or Zora scale, or swim faster and climb up waterfalls in wild's case) wind knows how to swim but he gets no extra gear. Technically the only ones who can't swim and don't have gear to swim are Hyrule (yes, the guy who uses a raft to cross rivers) and Wars (I need people to not automatically give him swimming abilities unless I'm missing something from Hyrule Warriors).
Digging. There's Links who have used shovels, Legend has used one in the oracle games, Wind has one in Phantom hourglass and then two links have digging mitts with different capacities (Four and his mole mitts, Sky and his mogma mitts). Imagine you're just casually digging up something with a shovel meanwhile one buddy of yours is digging up a cave and the other one is digging tunnels underground, I particularly find it hilarious that it's both Links who have adventures above the clouds who have the best digging abilities. Four also has a shovel but the mitts are just superior.
And now, one of those things that further confirm the characters that can use light magic, Legend, Time, Wind and Four use light arrows in their adventures, in addition Legend, Time and Wind use fire and ice arrows. Hyrule just said "fuck you" and used silver arrows because he's just that cool.
I want Legend, Four and Sky to cause mayhem with their gust jars and gust bellows respectively, bonus points if Wind joins with his Deku leaf and Wild just pulls a deku leaf of his as well.
Hammer gang, Legend, Four, Wind and Time have hammers and Hyrule has a glove specifically for smashing blocks, they could be menaces. (Also, consider Four and even Legend have extra practice with hammers from being in the forge, they would be terrifying with a hammer). Bonus points for Time just casually lifting whole as columns and slamming them on the ground. It seems Warriors has a hammer as well, he can join the hammer gang.
Also, can you imagine the reaction of the guys who have a simple hookshot (Time, Wind, Legend, Warriors) to Twilight and Sky's double hook shots.
Final thing is, imagine in order to get up a ledge Hyrule casually pulls out the stepladder, wild starts climbing (they're used to that at least), and four makes a whole in the ground with a shovel and uses the cane of pacci to shoot himself upwards, then Legend says fuck it and pulls out the tornado rod. There's so much potential for fun moments in fics or full on crackfics.
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sweetdispatch ¡ 1 day ago
May I please have 9 pieces of wedding cake and warm apple pie with flavors of peppermint and vanilla topped with coconut flakes?
Vow renewal - C. Keller
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v' bakery pairing: Clayton Keller x fem!reader summary: You and Clayton got married in really young age and with time, both of you faced a huge problem in your marriage warning: none
It wasn’t an ideal scenario for both of you. You and Clayton started dating when you two were 20. Year later you found out that you’re pregnant and because of your parents' influence, you had to get married before delivering the kid. Both of you knew that you are too young to settle down, especially that you’ve been together only a year. To please your parents, you did it. 
At first, everything looked like a fairytale. You and Clayton were very much in love and when you gave birth, you two couldn’t be happier. You had a healthy boy and Clayton was more than happy to see his son being interested in hockey. The kid had your character but Clayton’ look. He was your little miracle. 
Because you two got married so young, two of you started struggling with keeping the feelings alive. Now, you and Clayton were 27 and the arguments had become your new reality. You tried to fight for this relationship but you felt like you’re in a lost position. Clayton was distancing himself from you and you couldn’t stop it.
The fights weren’t even hurting you anymore. As bad as it sounds, you got used to them. The only thing that was hurting you was the fact that your son was a witness of the screaming match between you and Clayton. This little 6 year old boy was hearing everything and you knew that you had to do something about it. 
It was another argument between you two but this time, you were tired. All you wanted was to know if you can rescue the relationship. You loved Clayton but you loved your son even more. 
“Do you regret it?” You asked Clayton in the middle of the argument. He was taken aback by your question.
“Regret what?” Clayton was confused about what you’re implying. 
“Listening to my parents and marrying me” You replied. You were tired of those constant arguments. You wanted peace for you and your son. 
“Yes” Clayton said and your heart broke. “I love you but I feel trapped in this marriage. If I could have a time machine, I wouldn’t marry you that fast” You could feel tears running down your cheeks.
“Is this your way of saying that we should get divorce?” You asked not to be ready to hear his answer.
“No, as I said, I love you but I think we need some time apart. You have to admit that those fights are not healthy for us, not to even mention our kid. I think separation is the best solution” Clayton admitted and all you could was to nod your head.
“Okay, if you think that might save us, I’m willing to try” You said sadly. 
“I’ll move to one of my teammates so you can have the house. I’ll be coming to see our boy when I’ll be having free time. Is it alright with you?” All you did was to nod. Clayton grabbed his clothes and left.
It’s been a week since you and Clayton made the decision. It was a quiet time at home without any arguments and screaming at each other. You missed him like crazy but at the same time you enjoyed the peace you had. Clayton felt similar. As much as he liked coming back without being bothered by arguments, he missed you by his side. 
Almost every single day, Clayton was trying to come home to spend time with his son. At that time, you two were acting like old times. No arguments, no screaming, just enjoying each other's presence. You two realised that this relationship is saveable but both of you were scared to bring up this conversation. 
Clayton knew that he’s the one who messed up and he had a great plan in his mind to win you back. He was aware that he hurt you by saying that he regret marrying you at such a young age, that’s why he wanted to propose to you properly and do vow renewal. The time you two got married, Clayton didn’t propose. You two had a small ceremony just to have the wedding rings. 
It was a sunday, Clayton had a day off and decided to pay you a visit. You were sitting at the table with your son and eating breakfast. He sat next to you two and ate in peace while listening to his son's stories. He started dreaming that this might be his everyday life if he managed to rescue what’s left between you and him. 
The whole day all three of you spent on playing games and laughing. It felt so natural like you two don't have any problems in life. Your son was the reason both of you wanted to fight for this relationship. None of you wanted him to go through the divorce. When your son fell asleep, you and Clayton sat down in the living room and watched a movie. 
“I need to tell you something” Clayton started and you were picturing the worst thing. 
“I’m all ears” You replied.
“I was thinking a lot in the past couple of days and I know that I want you in my life. I want to fight for it to be back to normal without any arguments. I want to be the best father and husband to both of you. I know I hurt you by saying that I regret listening to your parents but now…” Clayton took off the box with the ring in it and kneeled in front of you. “It’s my decision without any influence and I know that I want you as my wife. Will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to marry me and have the vow renewal?” He asked with hope in his voice. You broke down in tears.
“Yes, of course” You said excitedly. Clayton put a ring on your finger and you spoke. “I don’t even know what to say. I’m speechless. I’m just so happy that we have a second chance” 
Clayton smiled at you and put his lips on yours. This kiss was electric and full of the emotions that were hidden inside the two of you. This was a new start for both of you.
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miwiheroes ¡ 3 days ago
Hii, not really a question but I'm rewatching s2 and I noticed a parallel between the "we like steve... but we don't love steve" and Nancy stammering quite a bit to say "I- I do" and Mike having a similar response during his fight with El. I don't really know if you or someone else had already noticed that but felt the need to say it
Dropping Byler Evidence Every (Other) Day Until Season 5
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Day 32: Murray's Conversation w/ Jancy . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
@j-gvellthings hope u don't mind I hijacked ur ask to use for my post thing i just think this is uber interesting <3
Honestly, that whole conversation with Murray and those scenes could absolutely apply to Byler and Jancy at the same time. In some moments, I feel like what he says could actually apply to Mike more than Nancy.
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Jancy say they're "just friends" here ^^ and obviously,,, if you've watched literally any romcom or show with romance in, you'd know that if someone is a little two defensive about the two of them being friends, then the audience is supposed to imply that they could be something more than that -- which happens with Byler in S4, when Mike unnecessarily calls them friends. It's not in the same context obviously, but Mike takes it romantically.
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Murray also says that Jonathan and Nancy have 'shared trauma' which is apparently the 'real shit' (meaning the apex of the conversation and the most important thing). Now, this obviously applies to Jancy because they went through a lot and that's what creates this meaningful bond between the two of them. Steve does not understand what Nancy's been through -- Jonathan does. And vice versa i guess.
Byler also have this exact dynamic. Mike was with Will during S2 when all that shit happened - and the subsequent dynamic has shifted so Mike seems like the only one that really understands what Will goes through. They also both go through the same types of bullying, which is shown in S1.
Some examples of their 'shared trauma' dynamic are:
Will says that Mike shouldn't tell anyone else about his True Sight because 'they won't understand' - S2E02
Mike says that Will is quiet today and Lucas brushes it off, but Mike sees it as something deeper - S2E01
Will only tells Mike about D'art and Mike is the one to shout at the others and gets rid of his problem for him - S2E03
At the Snow Ball, Will looks at Mike when a girl asks him out, because he's so used to checking with him for things - S2E09
Mike asks Will if he's okay at the movie theatre because he's so in tune with Will's emotions surrounding scary stuff (they were about to watch a horror movie) - S3E01
I only really named ones in S2 because that's the season where Murray actually says that so I feel like it has more value when it's all in S2
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"Trust issues am I right? Something to do with your dad."
Obviously, we all know that Will's had issues with his homophobic father - so has Jonathan, so it can apply to both of them. Most of Will's internalised homophobia can be traced back to bullying which includes his father.
It is shown right from the beginning of the whole show that Lonnie calls Will slurs, and attempts to make him like things that any 'normal' boy should want. Jonathan counteracts this by telling Will that he shouldn't just like things because people tell you to and telling Will that it's much better to be a 'freak' than normal.
This homophobic bullying could arguably lead to trust issues for Will - his internalised homophobia from his dad is what is keeping him from telling Mike the truth. He's afraid that Mike 'won't like the truth' because of the things he's experienced in the past.
Now, the one where Murray calls out Nancy is way more interesting:
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"You. You're harder to read."
Nancy is of course, harder to read than Jonathan because she hides so much -- she's harder for the audience to figure out because she's in a relationship already. Even so, I think this applies to Mike even more than Nancy. We have Nancy's POV. We can often see what she's thinking and feelings, but with Mike, we haven't had his POV and private thoughts and inner conflicts since S2. For two whole seasons, there has been barely a moment of introspection for Mike. The audience has constantly questioned what the hell he's thinking and why he's acting this way.
It's simple -- he's supposed to be harder to read.
"Probably, like everyone, afraid of what would happen if you... accepted yourself for who you really are"
HELLO? I think when i rewatched this I was a little confused because the wording of this sentence does not really allude to Nancy's issues alone. She is, of course, afraid of accepting who she really is, but it's hard to see that as her main character arc. She's more afraid of leaving the safety of Steve, but this wording is just so oddly familiar to someone telling someone who's queer to accept themselves.
Literally Mike's arc - he's afraid of what would happen if he accepted himself. If he accepted himself - it would mean he realises he doesn't love El, which means he's failed her and has to break up with her. He might lose her if he accepts himself. Idk, the wording is just tooooo suspicious to just apply to Nancy here.
"retreated back to the safety of... Name?" "Steve"
This is kind of insane UM,,, so Nancy uses Steve as her safety blanket because he's a well-respected, popular person at school and has a lot of money, which is similar to her parents' situation. Being with Jonathan is the less secure option, but it aligns with her true feelings. Which means the audience should want her to be with the person she actually loves rather than someone she doesn't want to lose purely based on safety.
Mike literally does this returning to the safe option thing 3 times in the show...
Mike slowly realises that meeting Will was the best thing he ever did, not meeting El, not helping her etc. This happens over the course of S2, and Mike accepts that El is gone, placing her in the same category as Bob when talking to Max. When El comes back, he's torn between the two, and we can see this dilemma in the Snow Ball scene. Will is off with someone else - Mike is questioning why he's feeling like this and what he should do - so he sacrifices his true feelings for what he feels is the greater good and what he should just do, which is to stay with El.
At the end of S3, Mike realises something and is scared of what this could mean. He realises that he has been trying to change himself too much over the course of the summer and just wants things to go back to the way they were. In S4, he attempts to cover up his feelings and push them down because he's afraid of what would happen of he accepted himself, and pretends to be in a normal, healthy relationship.
During S4, Mike realises that his relationship with El is something that he's insecure about, and often confides in Will about this. He alerts to Will that he should have 'explained himself' to El, rather than telling her I love you, implying that he doesn't want to say that ever. He agrees with Will that the truth could hurt someone he cares about. He's worried that El doesn't need him anymore, and is happy when Will tells him that she'll need him no matter what - but he still has to be encouraged by Will's words to say I love you to her. This is for the greater good - what he thinks will keep her alive and what he thinks she needs.
So again, Mike and El's relationship is built on commitment and safety - being with Will is the least safe option because it would mean having to look inside himself, accepting himself, and possibly losing El, who he still cares about.
"We like Steve." "Yes!" "But we don't love Steve."
This one's pretty self-explanatory and was the original point of the ask above - Nancy has literally in this season told Steve the words 'I love you'. You can say those words even when you don't mean it, the writers aren't that stupid to be worried that the viewers will suddenly go "OH BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT ONE TIME-"
But, obviously, before Nancy went off with Jonathan, the last thing she talked to him about was their argument about her not being able to say I love you to him - in that argument, when asked to tell him, she stumbles and goes "Really?" before they're interrupted. Then she can't say anything. She can't say it because it's not true.
Sound familiar? - while there are many more nuanced aspects to Mileven's scenes in S4, it is arguably similar to the Stancy's plot that Murray is talking about. Nancy 'likes' Steve, but her feelings aren't deeper than that. She cares about him, but that doesn't have to necessarily mean she loves him romantically. In the same sense, Mike blurts out "I care for you" instead of "I love you" during their argument.
Nancy stumbles over her words trying to deny it - which is the same with Mike when he gets confronted about it in S4, leading to him trying to gaslight and become defensive, using words like "ruin" and "ridiculous".
All I'm trying to say here is that the Duffers aren't strangers to writing a plot where a character is repressing their feelings and using a relationship as protection in order to hide who they really are. And the lines are written to be so non-specific that we can't ignore that they can easily apply to Byler as well as Jancy.
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moonydustx ¡ 2 days ago
Hiiii!! I love your writing and was wondering if you’re still accepting requests? If so could I have one where reader is dressed in a similar outfit to Nami’s purple Zou outfit and there’s a big party happening and reader gets self conscious bc no ones talking to her during said party so she leaves to go back to her room that has a balcony and as she’s staring down at the party Law comes in to see why she left so she like tells him she feels ridiculous in her outfit and it turns out that Law was jealous that other people got to see her in such an outfit because he likes her so much that he was staring people down so no one would take her attention and he confesses how he feels under the stars on the balcony? and maybe there’s smut🤭🤭🤭 You can skip this request if you want!! I know i wrote a lot 😅
hello, anyone there?
Sorry for the delay in responding to your request and sort of answering your question, yes, I still accept requests, but I've been working kind of 10 hour days + responsibilities at home, which hasn't given me much time to write.
I made some small adjustments to your suggestion, I honestly hope you don't hate me.
my reach
info: what sensations can a pirate life bring? After a victory, a celebration can mean many things.
warnings: text not proofread, will possibly have some errors as English isn't my first language. a kittle bit angst, F!reader have some insecurities, smut, doing in open skies, a little dirty talk.
For those who haven't reached Zou, this is the reference dress.
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You didn't know what was echoing louder at that moment: the drunken voices, the singing or your thoughts. It was a party, you should have been happy or at least a little confident.
After so many fights and disputes, the alliance between the pirates had finally worked out and apparently you would finally have some time of peace. What didn't need many more reasons than this for Luffy, captain of one of the allied crews, to suggest a huge banquet, a party that would probably last for days and no one would question it. The good thing about having other crews together was that the reduced number of women - in the heart pirates it was the large number of two, you and Ikkaku - increased, even if not so radically, just enough to fill the fingers of one hand.
"You really didn't like it?" Nami turned you in front of a mirror, forcing you to look at yourself once more. "It suits you so much."
"I think it looks amazing." Robin added with a simple smile. "And it's a banquet between friends, there's nothing to worry about."
"I agree, but after being so stressed with so many events, I think we deserve a more dressed-up day." Nami added, adjusting one of the straps on your dress. "And also a little alcohol, a little flirting, seriously, being a pirate can't be just that and besides there are so many different people here."
"But don't you think it's a bit much?" Your voice wavered a little and you had to dodge the pillow Ikkaku threw in your direction.
"Don't listen to her. We've been underwater for so long and in our uniforms that I think she's lost her common sense."
"Don't talk nonsense." You shot back, laughing. "Okay, a little alcohol won't hurt." About the flirting part, you don't know how safe you would feel with that.
The main deck of the ship was something almost impossible to cross. Some people walked around each other, singing songs that were almost impossible to decipher, others toasted and competed over how many mugs they could down at once. You just went with the flow, keeping up with the others' hurried steps.
It wasn't long before a drink occupied your hand and you got lost in some almost frivolous conversations. The stress you had recently experienced seemed to prevent everyone from thinking about anything more serious and, to be honest, not even you wanted to get caught up in problems at that moment.
"Ladies." Sanji's voice came across the entire space, in his hand some appetizers and you tried hard to ignore the fact that he was almost drooling. "You are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen, I would write poems about you..."
In a somewhat strange juggling act, you saw him try to balance the tray in one hand and, with the other, twist to alternate between your colleague's hands, placing a kiss on each of them. Except for you, to whom he just smiled in your direction and headed in the opposite direction. Even staring at the other women present, that seemed like a common situation so you allowed yourself to ignore it.
With an almost lame excuse, your feet took you to the other side of the ship, where you could see your captain's sullen face while being disturbed by other crewmates.
"A good victory." You raised your glass, toasting first to Shachi, then Penguin and finally Law, who seemed to be immersed in something inside his own mind.
"Look, I don't think we've ever seen you so..." Shachi couldn't finish speaking before getting elbowed by his crewmate.
"Are you enjoying the party?" Law asked as soon as the two left with some excuse that you didn't try to understand what it was about.
"Yes, as much as possible."
You even thought about commenting on how you had become an outcast, even though in the hours before you had been trying hard to achieve the exact opposite result. However, for a flash, you were sure that Law was analyzing you. From top to bottom, inch by inch.
"Is there a problem, Captain?" A smile filled your lips as you saw him startled as he was pulled out of his own mind.
"Dresses. You don't usually wear them." He seemed lost in his own words. "It looks..."
Beautiful? Interesting? God, the milliseconds of waiting before Law finished speaking seemed like a small infinity of possibilities in your mind. A place where he had a certain captive vacancy, but he wouldn't even dream of it.
"It looks different." He pointed out and you could only nod.
Different. Okay, it's not the worst answer but it's far from a good one. The relationship between the captain and the subordinate of the two of you was intrinsically... different. Strangely comfortable, uncomfortably distant. He would always prefer to discuss some decisions with you and to the jealousy filled with tantrums and laughter of some, he would insist that you were the best cook of the crew. On your side, you loved ask him for tips, from books to medicines, and whenever possible, you would insist on having him stitch you up after some battles. You hated scars and he was the only one who could prevent them. It was a different relationship, he occupied a somewhat different place in you, but that didn't need to be exposed.
Apparently, if the efforts to look even minimally pretty that night didn't affect him, it wouldn't make any difference anymore. With an almost invisible smile on your lips, you just nodded and left him there. You started talking to some, laughed with others, but it didn't seem to work. From the idea of ​​alcohol and flirting, apparently only the first part was working. Heavens, Brook hadn't even asked about the color of your panties.
Luckily, keeping the ships close to each other meant that it wasn't difficult for you to reach the empty deck of the Polar Tang. The sound of the party was getting a little more distant. The full moon illuminated the entire night and, in addition to reflecting on the sea, created an almost distorted shadow of your body. Was that what you were then? You let your hand run over your dress, analyzing every stitch. Nothing was out of place, nothing seemed wrong with the outfit. The problem must be you.
"I would invest a good amount of berries for your thoughts." Law's voice startled you, which made him laugh. "Did you need some time to breathe?"
"Yeah, I guess so." You leaned against the edge of the deck, drowning in your own frustrations.
"I still have some berries to invest." He tried to lighten the mood, leaning against your side. "I know my crew too well. What happened?"
"It's just... is that all there is to a pirate's life?" You turned around, frustrated. "Tonight I wanted to feel something different from all the stress we have. Something more interesting than the smell of gunpowder, than the sting of a blade."
"I think there's enough booze there for you to feel much more than that."
"It's not that, Law. Geez, I dressed in a way I've never dressed before. Makeup, heels, perfume and still, I'm an outcast." you said frustrated and saw a smirk escape his lips. "Man, this isn't funny. I mean, not even Brook cared about my panties?"
"About that..." he began, his fingers adjusting his hat that wasn't out of place, just like a nervous tic. "Maybe someone threatened to throw him into the sea before he could even speak."
"What do you mean?"
"And maybe I told Sanji that if he got close to you his balls would sink to the bottom of the sea too. And maybe I said something similar to Killer, but he's more rational so he didn't need that much of a threat. And I definitely punched Kid."
"You punched Kid?"
"He said some really disgusting things." Law spoke with a frighteningly ordinary naturalness.
However, for you none of that was ordinary. You just stood there, still, watching the little confessions that came out of Law's lips. So he had pushed you away from everyone? That wouldn't make any sense. Unless...
"Apparently I was brave enough to do all that, but I've been a coward in hiding what I feel. You don't look any different, you look beautiful and I can guarantee that I wasn't the only one who thought that."
"You just made sure I didn't know that, right?"
"Sorry." he commented still in a frustrated tone, but taking a few steps enough to stop in front of you. "I like you, I really do. It got to a point where I found myself reading more books just to know what to recommend to you, I found myself hating being a doctor because I have to stitch you up every time you get into a fight at the same time I wouldn't let anyone touch you for that." He sighed deeply. The short distance between the two of you made your fingers itch to hug him. "What you said makes sense, we're pirates, we shouldn't only feel war inside us."
"What else can we feel then?"
Your lips touched before his hands even reached your waist. It was hard to know what had given you goosebumps more: the cold wind against your bare skin, the way your body was leaning against the edge of the deck, making you imminent of falling, or the way he had advanced on you. Definitely the third option.
His tongue began to invade your space, tracing delicious routes through your mouth, a fight for space that you had no interest in winning. His hands traced your curves until they rested on your waist. Whoever invented the theory that two bodies occupied the same place would probably be a good spectator for the way the two of you snuggled together.
Law seemed to have no shortage of air since, when he gave you space to breathe, his lips simply slid to the hollow of your neck. Wet kisses mixed with small grunts that would be marked on your skin, drawn like a map just for him, just for Law.
His eyes met yours as his kisses continued towards the neckline of your dress. A loud request - but still silent - to explore you beyond where his lips could reach at that moment.
"We could go somewhere else." You suggested breathlessly and saw him bury his face in your breasts, sighing deeply. "I really don't plan on being naked here."
"Naked? Nah." Without even hesitating, he supported you on the edge of the deck, preventing you from falling towards the sea by slipping into the gap between your legs. "I've been looking at you in that dress for too long to want to see you without it now."
"You've been looking?"
"Tell me, wasn't that exactly why you put it on?" An involuntary sigh escaped your lips when one of his hands slid down the inside of your thigh. "You drive me insane normally, but this... do you want to know what I thought?"
The question was rhetorical since beyond the moonlight, lust illuminated the eyes of the man tied to you. A moan escaped your lips as his fingers trailed over the damp fabric between your legs.
"Shh, we need to be discreet, okay? Can you be a good girl and stay quiet?" His fingers intensified the pressure, small circles under the damp fabric sending your mind into a spiral. "I promise to take you inside, let you make all the noise you want. And then I'll leave you naked, have all my time just for you."
"What if I want to stay here?" The question sounded like a challenge and you could have sworn that behind the fabric of his pants something had pulsed. "You still haven't told me what you thought, about the dress."
"What I thought..." he gently pulled you down from the support and turned you back to him. Your body automatically leaned forward, seeking contact. "The first idea that came to mind was you like this, on my table. All beautiful ready for me."
His hands adjusted the fabric of your dress so that it was to the side. His nimble fingers traced an indecipherable pattern on the skin of your ass, outlining the thin fabric of your panties.
"May I..." He asked, still circling the piece and saw you nod. With a delicacy unfamiliar to you, you felt him pull the fabric aside.
"Fuck." The word came out of his lips involuntarily. The sight made him hungrier than any dish he had seen at the banquet.
"What else did you think?" You asked, hearing the sound of his zipper.
"You're smart, I believe you know very well what I thought."
Silent kisses ran down your exposed back. The cold night breeze made contact with your damp skin, causing shivers. The first touch of his cock against your pussy elicited a shy moan from you as his teeth scraped your skin, whispering a shh once more, even though thrusting inside you had forced him to press his face against the back of your neck. The almost inaudible sounds that escaped your lips were enough for Law to almost explode right there.
He should have stopped being a coward before. It was only the first time and he didn't know how he could consider staying without feeling you.
"I'm sorry." He said, moving slowly. "You deserved better than the deck of a submarine."
"We're under the stars. Do you want something even better?" You said breathlessly, stretching your hand to reach his dark strands of hair. Law practically put his head under your hand, sinking into your neck. "Law!"
"I told you princess, no noise." He thrust harder, watching you press your lips together and hold back another moan. "Such a good girl, my good girl."
"A p-princess, huh?"
"My princess, yes. All dressed up like that I couldn't think of anything better." You barely understood how he could form a coherent thought while he was thrusting torturously and deliciously inside you. "I could call it an angel too. The way this beautiful pussy is squeezing me is definitely divine." His laugh at your moan sounded almost devilish, however.
The thrusts began to intensify and you pulled his hand that was holding your torso to cover your mouth, vainly containing the moans that escaped. You could already be clawing at the stars when you felt him pulling out of you. An almost drastic fall from the sky you were in.
"I want to look at you, beautiful thing." He turned you around to face him, lifting you up again. "I want to see that beautiful face when you cum."
"Then come back here now." You locked your legs around him, feeling his delicious invasion of you.
His lips once again took yours, just as voracious - if not even more so - than the first time. His coming and going grew louder and louder as he felt your voice vibrate against his. Moans being censored by each other.
"Hold on to me." He pulled away just enough to ask and you readily complied.
The abyss was getting closer and closer, the knot in your belly getting tighter and tighter. You stuck your body to his at first for fear of falling, but each time it became even more of a need to merge. Your screams hid in the small gap between the two of you, your skin would surely be sore at the slightest since his teeth dug in there as he filled you with his seed.
"I think..." he supported you back, still holding your waist with one hand. With the other, he lifted the shirt he was wearing. Both your eyes and his were guided to where your bodies joined. "We made a bit of a mess."
"A bit?" Your finger caught some of your mixed cum, bringing it to your own lips. "Delicious mess."
"Keep it up and you won't be coming back to the party." A light laugh escaped him as he heard you grunt as he pulled out of you. "On second thought, we don't need to go back."
"Law, you're the captain of one of the crews that was more than essential to the conquest."
"Well, that's a good idea." He said as he adjusted his own clothes and then repeated the gesture with yours. "Some clueless people will be able to know that you are out of their reach."
"Am I?"
"If your captain says so, I believe you should agree." He pointed out.
Your hands comforted his cheeks, smoothing every inch you could touch. A calm, almost chaste kiss escaped you. Anyone who saw from afar would imagine it was just a simple kiss and would not even be able to consider what you were doing a short time ago.
"I - I mean, I really want to keep you out of their reach. Only within my reach." That was it, in so much time as captain and subordinate, you had never seen Law look so nervous.
"Sounds like a good plan to me, captain. However, I hope it is reciprocal." He nodded, stealing another kiss from you.
Going back to the party seemed different. As soon as Law led you back to the ship, you let go of each other's hands, a small agreement of secrecy silently negotiated between you. However, you could feel him in you, in unconventional - and delicious - ways. Occasionally, you could feel his gaze burning in your direction, with distant care.
"Can I talk to you?" Zoro's voice startled you before you even noticed his hand on your waist. "Would you like to have a drink somewhere more private?"
"I'm drinking..." You pointed to the mug in your hand, but it took you a few seconds to fully understand what he was saying. "Oh, no. I mean, thank you, but no. I'm accompanied."
"Accompanied? So your captain finally stopped being a wimp?" Zoro saw and glanced sideways, not surprised to see that whatever Robin was talking to Law about seemed like a distant subject. "Nami asked me to do this, to see if he would do something."
"Hey, swordsman." You could hear the irritation in Law's voice from afar and it was clear how unhappy he was at that moment. "Is there a problem with her?"
"No, Captain, everything's fine here." You smiled in his direction and waved at Zoro, who just ignored what Law had said and left.
"So..." You started, trying to give your best mischievous smile. Which was much easier after remembering everything. "My drink is gone and I think I'm tired. I'm thinking about going back to Polar Tang."
"Sure, I can accompany you." Law said in false modesty.
You could count on your fingers how many steps you took towards a more empty place before the starry night turned into a room you didn't usually visit. Your body soon found his bed, your dress turned into a pile of fabric on the floor. His kisses finally freed to explore every inch of your nudity.
"I think I need to make it even clearer that you're out of their reach."
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tkdbimagines ¡ 2 days ago
Hey so... Me Again lol (which one? You'll never know). I had to come back to your inbox since I enjoy reading your stuff A LOT! and I had a thought. Cockwarming... Who enjoys it, who can stay like this for hours, who can't and instead ends in boomshakala with, ect? Or just with one ghoul of your choice as a little os. Go wild. Go creative. I just love your stuff
A/N: alright yeah i can work with this, lets see what we got here
Cockwarming Headcanons
Stays For Hours
Jin: I'm a lil torn here actually but I think he'd definitely use it as some sort of punishment at the very least, and if that's the case he's got all the patience in the world. He'll probably snap at some point but he's making damn sure you do first and he'll still make you wait after.
Tohma: Probably the best at it honestly, he's nothing if not a patient man AND he likes annoying you and causing you problems. He just likes seeing your frustrated face and lil sounds and it just makes him want to make you wait even longer :c.
Alan: He's got better patience than I think even he will give himself credit for, honestly. Though, I think he's mostly in it for the intimacy's aspect, not the sexual one. He just likes how close you feel because of it. That being said, if you start squirming around and teasing him, I cannot guarantee your safety.
Sho: Oh he's a bastard sometimes, he'll do it just to tease you. This is a source of amusement for him, he thinks its hilarious seeing how worked up you're getting just by him being inside you. Don't think whining or complaining will help it just finds it even better. He'll give in at some point, but it'll be a while.
Ren: Honestly put a game in front of him he might even forget he's inside you to begin with. It's probably some sort of cute bonding activity except for the you know. cockwarming aspect but it's fine. However he is one you can easily goad into fucking you if you move around a bit so have fun!
Ritsu: I feel like he'd just check out and start thinking about the cases he's working on JHGHJKJHJK. Like he's a lil insane like that but it helps keep him calm and patient which is good because otherwise you might be driving him insane, it's so fine. Probably another one you can goad by moving around just not as easily.
Subaru: Sweet sweet boy just likes feeling close to you, this is definitely 1000% just for the intimacy aspect he's not trying to tease you or anything he just likes feeling you :c. That being said he will never deny you anything so if you want him to do something he will but if not he's perfectly content staying like this for as long as possible!
Haku: Kinda similar to Tohma and Sho here, he's definitely doing this because he likes teasing you KJHGHJKLKJHG. He'd be the type to whisper filthy shit in your ear too while running his hands across your body to really rile you up while he was at it. He's a lil insane sorry to say but don't worry even he has his limits KJHGHJKJH.
Ed: This annoying ass vampire pretends he's too old to move. You know he's not, he knows you know he's not, but he's just like this he's irritating. That being said he'll also hold you in place so you can't move, wrapping his arms around you because 'you feel so nice he doesn't want to let go'. He will not let you win and is probably the one most likely to go literal hours godspeed.
Rui: I'm a lil torn on him too because I'm not sure how much he's really doing this to begin with, but I think he could if you wanted him to. Living with Ed gives you a lot of patience after all but the second you want more he's all for it so he's really just going by whatever you want.
Jiro: I mean, are we really surprised by this? He's so chill about everything so naturally he'd probably have an insane about of patience regarding this as well. And if he gets to enjoy seeing you squirm and let out little noises because of him, well, that's just a bonus c:.
Gives In
Luca: I think he would give it an honest try. I think like Rui he wants to do whatever it is you want him to, and if it's cockwarming, well he might not quite get it but anything for you! However, the feeling of you wrapped around him is so... He apologizes but quickly asks if he can move pretty soon after, though he does last a little bit at least!
Kaito: Alright we all knew he was going here, I'm not sure he'd last even a minute before having to move. He'd want to give it a genuine try, he would, but well. You probably both knew how this was gonna end when you asked him it's fine. It's worth it in the end anyway you both get to enjoy it <3.
Leo: Okay much like Sho, he's a bastard, even more so actually. However, he also doesn't have a lot of patience. So what I think he does, is he talks big, acting like he's not gonna move for hours or that he'll edge you for just as long, but in reality he does just enough to drive you insane so that you'll beg for him to move and it'll look more like he's giving you what you want rather than him giving in.
Haru: Don't do this to him, he's already stressed out as it is. Plus, he's got so much energy I don't think he could sit still long enough for it if he tried. If you do try to do this expect him to try to work you up even more, to convince him to let him move that way he can make both of you feel good :c.
Towa: I don't think this is Towa's thing honestly. Maybe as a more relaxing thing than anything else but I don't think he gets anything out of it. He much rather prefers moving inside you or maybe you moving on him, the specifics don't really matter much just anything other than staying still.
Romeo: Ha. Another one to talk big only this time he actually tries to follow through but can't. It's not his fault you feel so good clenching around him! He'll blame you for him not being about to last without moving, thrusting into you roughly while complaining about how insane you drive him.
Zenji: I think he's like Kaito, he'd want to try it for your sake but in reality, he just can't do it. He'd apologize like a thousand times for not being able to give you what you want but well, it's not like you're mad at this outcome either. He'll more than make up for it with multiple rounds as well so ! Alls well that ends well.
Lyca: Oh, poor boy does not get what the appeal is. He'll tell you straight up too when you ask him, he does not see what's so great about it. Once he tries it he gets it even less, why would he torture himself like this when you feel so good and he could be moving right now to make you feel good too? Yeah the frustration takes over on this one but it's so fine.
Yuri: Romeo part two, he talks so big and acts so tough but like. He's giving in we all know he's giving in. Once again he's very frustrated with not being able to live up to what he was saying, but well. Now you get to make up for it since you've wasted his time he could've spent researching for this nonsense. Either way do you really lose?
Weird Taiga Category
Taiga: It largely depends on how Taiga's feeling at that exact moment. Sometimes he won't bother with it at all and just starts thrusting rapidly the second he's inside you. Other times, he's got you close to tears before he even so much as moves a single inch, laughing at how pathetic you sound. You really do never know what you're gonna get with him which is why he had to be in his own category.
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johannestevans ¡ 1 day ago
Using Epithets Effectively
For the use of epithets, where you're using something other than a name to refer to the character - the other man, the blond, her elder, the policeman, etc - it's good to think about WHY you want that epithet.
Why would you use an epithet instead of that character's name?
Firstly, does the POV character know that character's name?
If the POV character doesn't know it yet, they're likely to fixate on the most obviously unique or identifiable aspect of that person's character to use as an epithet, and then stick with that epithet.
(I'm going to focus on first- and second-person narration and limited third person, where we're generally either limited to one person's perspective, or we're "head-hopping" between different people's biased and individual perceptions of an outsider. I'll talk about omniscient narration later.)
A uniform or position of authority is often the clearest - the policeman, the nurse, the flight attendant, the postman, the grandmother.
When your epithet focuses on aspects of the physical, for a character that the narrator doesn't know yet, the descriptor chosen might depend on intimacy.
You might start at the most obvious identifiable aspect from afar. Why does that detail stand out to your narrator, and why is that the detail they use to describe them?
The tall woman, the very little boy; the man in red, the woman in the big hat; the guy with the cane; that prick in the hairnet.
When we start to get a little closer - when the camera "zooms in" - our narrator might focus on particular details. Why do those details stand out? Is our narrator attracted to, or enamoured by, or disgusted by, or angry with this person? Do they respect them? Find them strange, off-putting?
We often get "the dark-haired man" or "the blonde" or "the bald bloke" or similar; "the pale man", "the girl with the freckles". Then, we get even closer.
A narrator might notice a character's teeth or fingernails, the details of a tattoo, the dirt or grease on their body or clothes, their scent.
People often focus on a character's eye colour, but how often do you notice a person's eye colour unless you're very up close with them? It's worth considering the setting for this as well - a character's eye colour might really stand out in a very bright environment, but not in a darker one.
They also might notice dark eyes or light eyes, but not the particular colour. They might notice a character's jewellery from afar, but might not notice the particular details of that jewellery until they're much closer. Might see the colour of clothes, but not the fabric or the cut or the value.
The choice of epithet doesn't just tell us about the character being described - normally, we have the character described, and then a detail is picked out of that description that our narrator fixates on. It's that detail they use to earmark them in their head, and thus their narration.
An older man obviously wearing foundation, slim and in expensive clothes, who keeps touching his hair and glancing at himself in the mirror, adjusting his posture, glancing at his nails.
To one narrator he might become "the vain man". To another, "the ageing queen". To another, "the pretty one".
To the first narrator, perhaps there's an element of judgement there. Perhaps they think it's silly or pathetic or embarrassing to see a man wearing make-up and worrying about his appearance. To the second, there could be familiarity - they know gay men like this one, and they see the archetype. To the last, there might be attraction or desire, the narrator noticing the effort that man is going to fuss over his appearance, or there might be an element of envy and desire to emulate that man, wanting to be as pretty as he is, to age as he has.
These are mostly physical aspects - another detail a narrator might focus on, the most identifiable one, might be an extension of the uniform I mentioned before. They might focus on that person's position of authority - the cop, the priest - or personality - the chipper young thing, the miser.
Class or nationality or religion might come into it - the nobleman, the Greek, the Muslim.
We might slide into the realm of insults and slurs - who amongst us hasn't been referred to by a relative stranger as "the Jew" or "the homo"? - or otherwise a tone of disdain or adulation or what ever else.
When we use an epithet to refer to someone we don't know, one thing is ordinarily true - the characteristic we are using is unique enough to distinguish that individual from others nearby or in relation to them, including ourselves. I, a gay guy, won't think of someone as "the gay guy", am I?
What is the epithet for? To distinguish that individual from others.
If the narration is in our own head, we're unlikely to worry about what other people will think of our choice of words, meaning we might be offensive or show our desire obviously in a way we might not to an outside party.
If we're looking at a piece of epistolary, like a diary entry or a letter or a blog post, or a first-person narration where the narrator is considering an audience, their language might be a bit different, more edited. They might use kinder language, or show off with funnier language, etc.
All the above is if the narrator doesn't know the character's name. If we DO know the character's name, why aren't we using it?
The non-diegetic reason might be "I've used her name too many times in a short while but 'she' isn't going to distinguish her from other women in the scene".
And that's a perfectly fine reason to use an epithet from time to time - but we also want a diegetic reason for the epithet. Not just why we're using an epithet at all, but why are we using THAT epithet?
If I'm in bed with my fuckbuddy or lover or whatever, I'm not thinking of him as "the blond".
Presumably, I know that guy. Unless I'm going through a veritable parade of sexual partners of recent, all of whom happen to have every other hair colour imaginable, I'm unlikely to think of him as some fella with blond hair, am I?
In some religions and superstitions one uses an epithet to refer to a deity or demon, or other higher power, in order to avoid somehow drawing its attention by making use of its name. In some cultures or situations, a name might be considered too holy to use, and so you might use a title or epithet.
An epithet, in short, creates distance between the narrator and the so-titled; it might create distance between the described character and their own identity, OR forge connection between the describer and described.
The latter is easy - "the other man", "my fellow doctor", "my sister-in-arms".
In the first and second cases, why might that distance be desirable? "The professor" or "the bitch" or "the submissive" create distance in different ways.
The first might draw attention to authority - "the professor" might represent their university, or their area of study, or the narrator's kink.
"The bitch" is rather different - it might be used for humorous effect, or to indicate disgust or anger with the titled character, showing misogyny, especially if they're the one female character amongst men. "This bitch" or "that bitch" might add to the distaste indicated.
"The submissive" is all about the titled's position in the scene - their identity is in their action, and in their submission to the narrator, or within the narrator's awareness. Again, it might be the narrator's kink - we can add to that kink by using a more targeted piece of language.
In a BDSM scene or a fight between dogs, "the submissive" means different things - or maybe it means the same thing.
In a BDSM scene, you might use an epithet that in-context means "submissive", but carries higher or different connotations. Supplicant. Slave. Subject. Patient. Puppy.
And then, of course, there are epithets that carry elements of possession - "his lover", "his sweetheart", "his nemesis", "his coworker", "his neighbour", "her maid", "her enemy", "her mother", "her darling boy", "the pain in her fucking backside".
These latter can be useful for omniscient narration - depending on if you're head-hopping (as in Pratchett's Discworld) between different characters and a broader, more distanced narrator. In general, it depends on how much personality you like to inject into your omniscient narration.
How much does your omniscient narration / narrator like the characters involved? How much do you want the reader to like them, or distinguish between them? Do you want your narration to feel possessive of your characters, parental toward them, disgusted, superior, inferior? Etc.
A lot of people understandably get irritated when they read a sex scene between two characters and they're suddenly referred to as "the blond/e" and the "brunet/te" instead of by their names, and a lot of that comes from people focusing on what "the camera" would see.
This is the view of these two characters from the outside, the same colour, the same weight, two bodies in a sex scene that might be mistaken for one, or at least, you might not be able to tell at a glance where one body begins and the other ends, but their hair distinguishes them.
But that's NOT all that distinguishes them. Even if they're both white skinny pricks in their 20s with chronic samefame, one has a nicer arse than the other. One has freckles on his chest, or more hair on his body. One is prettier. One is more gangling, less graceful, or stronger, or whatever.
Epithets themselves aren't the enemy, though. People might be amateurish or clumsy about using them, and they're definitely easy to overuse - as with any other narrative or literary device, the best epithets are the ones where you don't even notice them unless you go back and really LOOK.
And honestly, that's just a matter of time, effort, study, and practice, again, as with any other narrative or literary device you might work to use and understand.
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random-arcane-fan ¡ 3 days ago
transcriptions below the cut
Arcane's relationship with League lore
I really don't know anything about LoR. The intent was to fill gaps in lore with Arcane, but stay mostly consistent. There's exceptions, certainly, we did have full support to tell the story we wanted and we wanted our characters' actions to feel consistent within Arcane.
Vi & Caitlyn
reply to AnComAlice: Ever since Vi came out in the game, I've always thought, "Why are you a cop?" Do you ever feel constrained by the source material?
Not in Arcane. I love telling difficult stories. Those are the best kinds.
reply to deebriedee: Will there still be "aww" moments between Cait & Vi even if a romantic relationship is established? So many shows have that one couple everyone ships but the moment they get together or the relationship is solidified by a kiss etc, nothing happens afterwards and I'd hate that.
I can't say anything about what may or may not happen. We are trying to tell believable stories based on characters' "lived" experience. That doesn't sound very believable to me?
reply to caitcupcakelyn: I have a question: Did Caitlyn falsify the release order on Jayce's behalf? Since when Marcus mentions it to Jayce he looks surprised, and also Mrs. Kiramman tells Kait that she has violated several rules...
Yes! She used the knowledge Jayce just told her about him becoming a Councilor, and the offer he made to become her "head of security" to falsify a release order.
not replies:
There are several moments in the season where Vi is surprised by Caitlyn and looks at her differently. The animators did a phenomenal job tracking that subtext with her expressions, but the storyboard artists also had a hand, giving Vi closeups in those key moments.
Vi mentions it in her first scene with Caitlyn, but the Warden was implying that they would beat Vi to punish her every time she would beat up one of Silco's goons that ended up in Stillwater.
reply to skyllianhamster: I was a bit taken aback by Vi's callousness at the kid Jayce killed. I imagine the context was regarding exposure to death, which Jayce hasn't seen much of, but I read it in the context of death as normal collateral damage, which sounded cold for Vi. Thoughts on that scene?
Vi doesn't show her real feelings about the boy's death because it doesn't help her make her point to Jayce. But when he's not looking you can see how upset she is.
Vi & Jinx
They were all children, even Vi. It was traumatic experience [sic] and no one can blame children for their trauma. What Jinx says is her own warped perspective. Honestly, they all need therapy.
Vi has put all her hope of saving Powder into defeating the villain she believes created her: Silco. She takes out years of pent up frustration and rage on Svika, whom she thinks is the only thing standing between her and Silco.
On why Marcus took Vi
Marcus felt guilty for how his dealings with Silco lead to the death of Grayson, and wanted to do something to make amends. Vi would've died if she went after Silco in that moment and he knew it.
On the words "god" and "hell" showing up in dialogue
I know there are beings in Runeterra that are revered like gods or goddesses so we are ok with characters using that terminology. That example wasn't in the script so it must have been added by Hailee and left in because the team liked what it brought to her performance so much.
On English being used
Practically, their writing is not English because our global viewers won't hear the show in English. Creatively, Piltover is a melting pot of cultures, the reason some things are written in it is similar to how we recognize words in other languages that have universal meanings.
How the hextech weapons work
The gemstone powered the rocket with Hextech augmented acceleration (similar to the Hexgates). It's not consumed, just like Vi's gauntlets and Jayce's hammer don't consume their gemstones.
Silco grew up working in the mines and has a little tolerance to the gas. He also knew it was coming, and the others didn't.
reply to Darkri97: I only have a few if thats alright 1) If the water itself is toxic and open wounds react the way they do like with Silco what happened to Vander's arm since it was cut? 2) Is there any concept art listing everyone's height? 3) could we ever see concept art of the whole cast?
1) The eye is a delicate organ, which is why Silco's reaction was so strong.
[nothing missing; if there were other answers, they're cropped out]
reply to thelittleworms: After Silco met and talked with Vi in ep 6. Did Silco really believe Vi didn't come for her sister. Or he told Jinx like that because h didn't want to lose her? Or another reason?
He lied to her to manipulate her feelings.
not a reply:
Silco wears make up in Act 2 & 3 to cover his scars. One way he tries to bury his trauma.
reply to TearsOfaStay: Hi Amanda. First, a bog [sic] thanks to you and all arcane staff for this fabulous show. I don't know you can still answer questions. Have you considered silco's character in kind of a father love for jinx or he just raised and kept her bcs of his aims for having zaun independent?
Silco has his own fear of abandonment issues and uses those to manipulate Jinx. Even though it comes from that twisted place, I think Silco believes what he says when he tells Jinx she's perfect and he loves her like a father.
reply to miliamalae: Hi Amanda! The writing for Arcane is stunningly observant in terms of mental health, trauma and how difficult experiences shape people. Did you rely on some pre-writing research, or is it mostly your own intuition? Either way - it is absolutely incredible! Thank you so much.
This was a big team effort of both research and intuition. It's certainly not everyone's experience with trauma, but hopefully believable in the heightened reality of a fantasy world? Glad you thought so, anyways.
Vander & the kids
Vander knew the girls before. Mylo and Claggor's parents also died on the bridge and Vander took them in like he took in Vi and Powder.
Vi and Powder snuck out when they weren't supposed to and followed Vander and their parents. I don't know their ages, but I think we were going for Vi being about the same age here as Powder is in act one.
We have a backstory for Viktor that wasn't made canon to explain how he got into the Academy. His parents saved their money to buy him a uniform and he pretended to be a student until he gained Heimerdinger's attention. Instead of punishing him, Heimer made him his assistant!!
Jayce's opinion on Heimer
reply to ELWINDS: hi amanda! when jayce decided to push heimerdinger off of the council, how much of that decision was based on what he ACTUALLY said in the council room (his inaction on fixing issues with zaun, etc) vs heimerdinger wanting to destroy his only hope for saving viktor?
This is my opinion, but in that moment Jayce was using all those things he mentioned as a tool, but all he really cared about was saving Viktor. If Heimerdinger wasn't going to use his power on the Council to destroy the Hexcore, I don't think Jayce would've done it.
not a reply:
Jayce has been dealing with the council through Mel to get his Hextech approved and to build the Hexgates for a long time. He's been frustrated with their inaction for longer than we see onscreen in the show.
Ekko is a little older than Jinx, I think he's like 19–20. After Vander died he went around helping Silco's victims until they had a little rag tag crew of people like him who wanted to help. They found the tree and were able to slowly expand into the Firelights.
I think Ekko beat Jinx in that fight because he learned from his mistakes in the childhood game, and was able to predict and dodge her moves.
reply to Ronie_6: Hi Amanda! Here is a question that I think I haven't seen: Ekko's parents are alive in Arcane? Or is he an orphan? (In the Universe page he has a short story called Lullaby that mentions them, but in Arcane he seem [sic] to live with the firelights) Thank you so much for everything! 💖
Sorry, I can't answer this for many reasons. None of which I can share.
Just a collection of what I feel were the more interesting tweets from Amanda Overton’s AMA: 
Arcane’s relationship with League lore: 
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(emphasis mine)
(I read the “consistent within Arcane” as “please stop bugging us over very minor nitpicks”)
Vi & Caitlyn:
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(no offense but I interpret that as cop!Vi is absolutely coming)
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Sounds pretty straight forward to me that yes of course Vi and Cait would still be romantic if they became a couple as she would consider the opposite to be not believable behavior. 
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Vi & Jinx: 
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On why Marcus took Vi: 
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(LOL, no offense to Amanda, but I still think that that is a terrible reason/character motivation, to translate “he felt bad” to “I’m going to put a teenager in prison without a trial for 6-7 years” )
On the words “god” and “hell” showing up in dialogue: 
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On English being used:
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How the hextech weapons work: 
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Glad to hear it, I was kind of worried they might rewrite him into somebody who was privileged somehow and hence being a hypocrite. 
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(I read that as a “no” on “he was just using/keeping her for crime stuff” but on a “yes it is unhealthy because he is manipulating her because he clings to her due to his own abandonment issues”)
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Vander & the kids: 
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Jayce’s opinion on Heimer: 
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Just a list of topics she went “sealed lips” on: 
- people asking about how the League character of Camille intersects with the story of Arcane - people asking about more details on Ekko and Powder’s relationship
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livvyandcaycaytakenselfies ¡ 17 hours ago
Like, user has been alive since the beginning of time, and had a family of their own before they were brutally destroyed and they couldn’t save them?
(User looks around 17is and is a second year in NRC)
So skip to when they are teleported into Twisted wonderland, and they see Diasomnia‘s happy little family of four (ex, Malleus, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek) and they envy it.
She grew close with the four Diasomnia members and after some prodding from Lilia, told them who you are and why your envy came into play.
You told them about the beginning, and how you had four other people with you. The four being based on things in the world they helped with. And how either the mortals or another being (your choice) killed them off.
As if Diasomnia wasn’t obsessed with you before, the Yandere behavior became worse.
It was Lilia who reminded you of Venti
When you look at Lilia, you see your beloved Wind/Anemo Archon of freedom. The man who’s mind is plagued by war but try’s to live his life in freedom through music and love and compassion.
The man who protects his loved ones at all costs (or try’s to) whether it be through blade or words, bone or mind. Lilia is flattered by this, considering all the good things you have said of Barbatos/Venti.
It was Malleus who reminded you or Morax
Malleus with his scary demeanor and dragon relations, the one who just wants to be loved and feel something for once reminds you exactly of your beloved Archon on Geo and Contracts.
Malleus smiles at this and loves it when you talk about how much similar he is to Morax/Zhongli.
It was Silver who reminded you of Tsaritsa
(Note: Reminds you of Tsaritsa before the happenings of the Fatui and since we only have little info on her for now, these are my own personal hc for her)
Silver who reminds you of Tsaritsa
Oh how you loved Tsaritsa…
The Archon of Cyro and Love, this man looks identical to her in features as well even if the colors are slightly different.
Hidden fear of losing the people he loves, had to stone himself to reach his goals, and always has that overwhelming feeling of security but fear wrapping around you in a sleepy hug.
Silver loves you. He loves the idea of you thinking of him being of someone who loved you as so.
It was Sebek who reminded you of Ei
Ah yes, you beloved Ei. The Archon of Electro and Eternity, the stoned face Ei.
Sebek may be a loud mouth, but he has a good heart at the end of the day just like Ei. He wishes to prove himself and honor a promise made (just like Ei) and secretly has that one little thing that bring him security that he loves so much..
Sebek really didn’t know how to react at first, but he did take it was a complement. He asks you to tell him mor of Ei/Beelzibub from time to time. He loves you.
Also let’s have a lil Drabble story here:
You: “Back in my world, they say that hair holds memories.” *que long ass braid going down her back to the floor Rapunzel style*
Lilia: *smiles from the ceiling* “That’s nice beastie, I’m sure it must be true with how long yours is.”
Malleus: *Smiles and pats your head* “What a wonderful thing to have, child of stars.”
Silver: *Smiles sleepily with his hand laced into your from where he lays on the couch* “That’s nice, starlight.”
Sebek: *Nodding his head and smiling in approval* “Such a wonderful thing to have, my lady! Always able to cherish you precious memories of loved ones!”
You: “…”
You: “So somebody get me some scissors, I’m cutting this shit off-“
*Que Mal Mal, Lils, Silv, and See falling from the ceiling, couch, and stumbling.*
everyone: “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!”
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raven-at-the-writing-desk ¡ 8 hours ago
Since the Yus of the Manga are (Maybe) meant to be foils to the OB characters. What do you think the foils of Vil, Idia, and Malleus will be like?
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I think there's a variety of ways Vil, Idia, and Malleus could be "mirrored", depending on which traits of theirs you focus on and how you interpret the "opposite" of those traits. This post only covers MY ideas; these are by no means the only ones, nor the definitive ones.
For Vil, I see his Yuu being someone that isn't conventionally attractive (scraggly hair, dark circles, imperfect skin) but has a very pleasant personality if you look beyond their appearance. Agreeable, generous, always willing to lend a hand and listen, etc. Or maybe his Yuu is someone who is similar n Vil's beautiful appearance but is humble about how they look or doesn't really care how others perceive them. This could parallel Vil/the Fairest Queen, who look beautiful but are made rotten and ugly by their envy. I’ve also seen people suggest a hypermasculine Yuu that has traditionally feminine interests or someone who is gender nonconforming in some way.
For Idia, I've seen a lot of joke posts about how his Yuu should be a fujoshi, two Yuus (siblings), or simply "a woman" because that's an otaku's greatest weakness 😭 and while those can be funny, I don't think the parallels to Idia would be on such a surface level. Since Idia's trauma is deeply related to that of his brother's passing, I wonder if his Yuu will be an older sibling (to parallel him) or a younger sibling (to parallel Ortho). Maybe it's someone who has already overcome the grief of losing a family member, or a Yuu that got isekai'd but the carriage while rushing in to protect their sibling from the truck or carriage.
For Malleus, I think it'd be neat if they did something "meta" to sort of tie everything together, since book 7 has had meta themes such as Lilia talking about dragons like Malleus becoming fairy tales, dream hopping, and Malleus himself likening the changes to the real world to the changes in Gao Gao Draco-kun's life cycle. What if his Yuu is a storyteller? Someone familiar with fiction tropes and can read others + situations well? That way we could wrap up the main story with something meta too, like how all the characters' stories have woven together to become one. Alternatively, it might be interesting to parallel Malleus with a Yuu that's a chunnibyou... because he is someone who relies on his magic to make people happy, yet is always alone--yet maybe his Yuu is someone who claims to have powers and broods, but is actually an average person that's a bit silly and attracts people to them.
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