#and I still think [redacted] dying was probably motivated by the actress leaving
boneempress · 1 year
yellowjackets s2 finale spoilers~
I loved the fact that the hunt in the adult timeline wasn't actually cool or exciting but really kind of pathetic and sad. As a trauma girlie myself I loved that their actions had consequences and the biggest consequence was that they hurt one of their friends - the one who was farthest along in her recovery and acceptance, even, the one who was finally on her way to not just surviving but living, who was able to make different choices instead of being trapped in the same cycles of behavior forever - in a way they can never take back. Because that happens, that's life. Sometimes as a trauma survivor you lash out and it's almost always at the people who least deserve it - part of healing is recognizing and overcoming this, but this takes YEARS and it's a lot of work, a lot of pain, an ongoing process you will have to work on for the rest of your life because trauma can fundamentally change how you relate to other people. Tai hurting her family, Shauna imparting her violence on her daughter… Misty coming out of that sensory deprivation tank fully believing she'd done nothing wrong ever and that carrying around fentanyl so she could kill people if her friends needed her to should've been a BIG hint that the shit was gonna hit the fan for her in particular. I fully believe she and the rest of them are not too far gone yet but they've sure got some soul searching to do.
I love that Shauna, ever the realist, admits that "it" has always been them. It's their choices, their actions, the emotional damage they carry that enables them to hurt other people even if they don't want to, because they continue to play with lives like it's all just a game (Especially Misty. ESPECIALLY Misty!), they continue to suppress what happened to them and what they did, they give in to the worst of themselves. As much as the teen timeline increasingly feels like a horrific fairytale, the adult timeline is a depressing reminder that they are all still grounded in reality, still hurting from everything they suffered and still responsible for everything they continue to do.
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