#and I really hope she becomes a great and world renowned artist
reckless-rider · 2 years
Ok here are all of my thoughts, questions, comments, etc about Stars Align
This might be messy sorry lmao I'll try to keep it organized tho (Spoiler warning)
So starting off, I wouldn't have minded if they did this but I'm glad that Maki wasn't always cold and reserved (again I wouldn't have minded). It was refreshing to see him smile, laugh, and enjoy his time with the team. You can tell that he loves all of the people on the team and its fun to watch.
Also, I am pretty concerned about Maki after watching that ending. Yeah his father is a major piece of shit and I fucking hate him but I hope Maki didn't kill him. I just don't want anything bad to happen to Maki. Like all of the boys, I hope they get a hug and happiness.
So, Toma's brother brought up that they have another brother but where is he? Did he move out? How old is he?? From a passing comment it doesn't seem like this other brother wants anything to do with them judging by the fact that we never see him, but I could be way wrong.
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I really do hate Toma's mother, he's done nothing wrong and she hates him for no reason. She compares him to his brother but they are not the same person! And she hates him for that?
Speaking of Toma and Maki, from the tribute video that they dropped, it looked like they had a falling out :((( Maybe they become rivals, I kinda hope it becomes a Free! situation where Rin and Haru started out as friends when they were young, then became rivals, then became friends once again. I would be happy if something like that happens with Toma and Maki because they were such great friends but what happened?
Ok on the topic of rivals, I really liked that the rivalry with Oji was also really fun to watch because it wasn't like they had to have their rivalry on 100% of the time. Like they really enjoyed having him around during the BBQ and they even kinda cheered each other on (if they could) during the tournament. They even let him be apart of their hype ritual!
I feel that Rintaro definitely has good parents, at least from what we've seen. They really do care about their son and want what's best for him. I do also hope that Rintaro gets to meet his birth mother if he wants to and I hope she's good to him.
With Rintaro, I understand him feeling like he isn't good enough and he failed as the vice president. I mean it did seem like Maki took over his job and I wish that we got to see them talk about this issue and come up with a middle ground.
I also thought that Shingo's parents weren't that bad either, maybe a little overprotective but not as bad as some of the other parents. It seemed that they really cared about their children's safety, especially, their daughter (obviously lmao she's like 4).
I feel like Maki's mother did a great job honestly, she seemed like one of the best parents and it has to be very hard for her to be in a situation like that. But it seemed like she did a pretty good job.
The only other set of good parents imo is Taiyo's parents, they seemed like they were pretty supportive, even if they thought their son wasn't a great player at the time. Yeah maybe they went about the responsibility thing a bit wrong, everyone makes mistakes and they seem to try and correct themselves after he stood of for him and Nao. They still didn't have a problem with him playing even if Taiyo's pair didn't win.
Everyone else's parents fucking sucked, I do not need to get into why lmao.
I'm going to be completely honest, but at first I didn't like Soga and Ameno but they quickly grew on me! I was pretty sad that Soga couldn't play in the tournament. Him and Shingo worked so hard only for it not to happen, but at the same time they really did help Nao and Taiyo with their confidence which I think is important.
Speaking of Nao, in the tribute video we see that his knuckles are bruised and bandaged, which makes me wound what could have happened. Obviously something wrong is going on and I wanna know what! Let my boys be happy pls :(
I also want to mention that the art style is fucking gorgeous! And omg the representation is fantastic holy shit!!! Yu is non-binary and the show explicitly says it, which I haven't really seen done in an anime, especially a sports anime. I actually have some LGBT+ headcannons for some of the characters lmao
I think this is all I'll say for rn, this is already really long slkdjf I hope this made sense!
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 1^
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Y/N get's offered the opportunity of a lifetime, an apprenticeship at English Graffiti, world renowned tattoo artist, Eddie Chan's first American shop. However, an unnerving rivalry brews between her and one of Eddie's old apprentices and best artists, Harry Styles.
WC: 10k+
Fic Casting
Y/N had been waiting ages for an opportunity to get a tattooing gun in her hand and become a tattoo apprentice. Since she was a young teen she knew she wanted to tattoo. This interest and passion had been born from her aunt Julie who was heavily tattooed. And while she was considered the black sheep in her family, she had always been special to Y/N and her favorite aunt. She always told Y/N that one day she wanted to be tattooed by her and hopefully soon that dream would be coming true.
Y/N had gone to a tattoo convention to sell some of her prints and designs to artists or shops and also with the hope to get her foot in the door of the industry as an apprentice. It was hard to network while needing to just be stationed at her table for the three days of the convention, so she hadn't really had much luck yet. It was nearing the end of the final day of the convention and she was just doodling on a notebook when someone approached her table and asked about her art and when she glanced up to see her visitor she almost had a heart attack when she recognized the man before her. That was Eddie Chan, a very prominent tattoo artist, one she actually followed on social media for many years. She swallowed down the starstruck feeling that was practically paralyzing her and chatted with him and answered all of his questions. 
Eddie was so kind and on top of that, he really liked her art and even asked to see her portfolio. Y/N pulled it out of her tote bag and handed it over, allowing him to skim through the pages. If his facial expression were anything to go by in that moment, it seemed to be that he liked her work. He then asked her where she was working and she explained that she was currently working part-time as a design consultant for an interior design firm. And then he asked the fateful question, "So are you interested in tattooing?" And she could've sworn her eyes teared up as she nodded in confirmation.
He then explained that he was actually at the convention scouting talent because he was opening up a shop in L.A. with an all-star team. He shared with her that he wanted to have an apprentice there because there would be plenty of great and established artists to learn from. Eddie was Chinese-British and he lived in and had his shop in London, so hearing that he was expanding to L.A. was almost fateful. He got her contact information and promised he would call her soon. And a few days later he did and asked her if she wanted to visit the location of the new shop and to bring her portfolio, which of course she agreed to. The shop was beautiful and nearly finished. She even got to meet another artist he had hired, Aurelia Vega, a legend all on her own. They all started talking about her apprenticeship and what that would look like if she accepted. Y/N learned then that the shop would officially be opening in a month, which gave her plenty of time to ease out of her current job and get to be the shop apprentice full-time. And after a few hours she was heading out of the shop with Eddie at her side.
"Thank you for this opportunity, Eddie." She gushed and he smiled.
"Look, I wouldn't be standing where I am if someone hadn't given me an opportunity. You're an incredible artist and I'm sure you'll fit in well with the team we're going to have here." He assured her.
Y/N had been at English Graffiti for two months now and was doing incredibly well in her apprenticeship at the the shop. She had been shadowing, drawing, and being taught so many techniques and strategies from Eddie himself which was a dream scenario all on it’s own. He continued to be so kind, encouraging, and patient with her, though he assured her that it was no biggie because she was a natural. And the truth was finally having that tattooing gun in her hand did feel so natural. She felt alive as she got a shot at pursing her passion. And not only was being involved in any way great, but the team Eddie had assembled was really great. 
There were three full-time artists, Gerardo, Vy, and the guy coming from London, Harry. Aurelia, who went by Auree, also tattooed but would assume the role of shop manager once Harry got in. She was close to Eddie's age and she had hurt her arm in a car accident and couldn't tattoo as long or as frequently as she used to, so the managing aspect of things was right up her alley. They also had an assistant manager/receptionist who was in charge of bookings, deposits, and all of the front of the house stuff, her name was Rosa. Meanwhile Harry arrived, Eddie was helping run everything, essentially doing Auree's job and training Y/N. The new guy, Harry, was relocating from the U.K. and would be joining them the next week. Apparently he'd apprenticed under Eddie as well and was his top artist at his U.K. shop. Y/N was excited to work with and learn from this guy. When she checked out his page she was more than impressed, it seemed there was nothing he couldn't do. He definitely had talent and a myriad of skills and styles down, so she was eager to work with him and learn from him as much as possible.
Eddie had been working intensely and closely with Y/N, taking advantage of the fact that he was around to train her properly. The others had also offered support and some suggestions along the way, but Eddie was doing the most work with her before he headed back to London to manage his main shop. Before he left he wanted to see her work on real clients if possible; she had tattooed many oranges, grapefruits, and silicone mats, she'd even given herself a little tattoo, but she had never tattooed anyone else and regardless of her enthusiasm, she was a bit nervous to get into this next stage.
The week of Eddie's departure Y/N scrambled around to find people who were willing to let her practice on them and in exchange they'd get a free tattoo and thankfully, she was able to find two people who were interested in small to medium sized pieces that she had designed. Needless to say, Eddie was impressed with her affinity for working with the clients. He noticed it right off the bat with the first one; she was gentle but easygoing and was great at making people feel comfortable. Her second and final client had the more complicated design, despite it being the black and gray piece, but she was feeling pretty good about it. And when Eddie came to check out her work he was ecstatic with it.
"That's fucking good." He hummed as he inspected the finished tattoo inked into the client's thigh, also a tricky place to tattoo, "Auree, come look at this." He called out. She came over and inspected the work closely as well.
"Damn. You're a natural, girl!" She said with a grin and Y/N was over the moon.
"Don't forget to take a picture and add it to your portfolio." Eddie reminded, "Mate, do you mind if I snap a pic for our Apprentice highlight on instagram?" He asked the client who of course said he didn't mind. "Good work, Y/N." Eddie said with a big smile after snapping the picture and heading off to let her wrap up the appointment.
Both clients were really happy with the tattoos they got and left her a good tip, which she got to keep for herself. At the end of the day she stayed behind a bit later, as was customary, to tidy up and to take inventory as it was the end of the month. She thought she was alone, but then Aurelia came into their inventory closet.
"Almost done?" She asked.
"Yeah, just about." Y/N responded as she ticked off a few boxes and jotted down on the page that they needed to get paper-towels before the week was out.
"You did really well today." Auree said again and Y/N bit her lip in excitement.
"Really?" She asked and Auree nodded.
"Yeah, especially for today being your first time with clients. It couldn't have gone better." She assured and Y/N chuckled.
"Thank you, Auree. That means so much.”
"Of course, hon! But I will tell you, you tattoo so similarly to Harry, the new artist coming tomorrow?" Y/N nodded as she recalled, "I think that he'd be a good person to shadow and stick to for the remainder of your apprenticeship, both Eddie and I agreed. He apprenticed under Eddie too." She shared.
"Yeah, so I heard!” Y/N hummed.
"Yes, he's very versatile, but he's literally the king of the black and gray in London. He's got an eye for making things pop and come alive even in the muted tones. He's just such a cool and talented guy. You're gonna love him." She said with excitement.
"Oh my god, I can't wait!"
“Yeah, so I would suggest you study up on his work a bit more tonight just so that you can be a bit more familiar with it and we’ll properly introduce you two at some point tomorrow.” She suggested and Y/N nodded, “Well, I'm going to head out, but I'll see you tomorrow!" Auree said and Y/N thanked her before hearing the back door close and lock.
Now she was really excited for this guys to come aboard and learn even more from him. When she got home she spent hours looking through his page and hashtags with his name on them on instagram. She watched YouTube videos and was very excited to meet this famous Harry Styles. He seemed cool and he was so talented, she was impressed by him and couldn't wait to work with him and see him in action. He was definitely someone who she now looked up to.
The following morning Y/N showed up at 8:00am, her usual time, and she was surprised to discover that someone was already in the shop. She could hear some things being moved around as she set her things down in the employee’s lounge. She was thinking that it was probably Eddie, packing up some of his things. She walked into the studio area quietly and was met with a tall, thin man. He had a bright pink beanie on his head and a baggy t-shirt with some loose-fitting jeans and dirty Vans. There were a few plastic boxes and totes on the tattooing chair and counter at his station. She cleared her throat and he turned quickly.
"Good morning, I'm Y/N, the apprentice." She said with a smile. It widened when she saw it was him, Harry Styles! She was about to speak up again, telling him how excited she was to finally meet him when he beat her to it.
"I'm Harry the new artist." He said in a sort of flat tone, "Is there a reason my station wasn't prepped last night?" He asked her and she wanted to frown but kept her composure.
"Ummm, I prep the stations in the morning, not the night before." She explained herself.
"Well, it's morning and the stations still aren't prepped or sterilized I'm assuming, so..." he trailed off and she immediately felt irritated with him. She wanted to tell him that she had sterilized the stations the night before and that she had arrived two and a half hours early precisely to prep all the stations and the shop before opening, but she bit her tongue and took a deep breath before responding.
"I'll get on it right away." She assured and hurried over to the disinfectant cart and grabbed some wipes and the disinfectant spray and got to wiping down and then spraying all of the surfaces - even if she had done it the night before, "Do you want me to clean your station?" She asked him as she came up to his station. She wanted to check with him in case he didn't want her touching his things or maybe he had already done it and was just giving her a hard time.
"Of course, just move the boxes." He instructed before walking off and then she heard the backdoor shut. She scoffed and moved his stuff to the ground, wiped and sprayed the counter and his chair before going back to the cart and grabbing a clean rag and wiping down the first station and so forth. She was on the station before his when he came back in and sighed. "Why did you just put my things on the ground?" He asked her, an irritated tone saturating his expression and voice.
"Ummm, you asked me to wipe down your station." She said.
"Yeah, but not to put my stuff on the ground." He huffed in annoyance and placed the things back on the counter and sighed yet again, "Why's it wet?" He asked her with a furrow in his brow.
"Because I haven't wiped it yet?" She spoke to him like it was obvious now, not really caring to hide her irritation towards him this time.
"I was gone for five minutes and you weren't able to wipe down a counter? Jesus..." he mumbled and she hated the way she felt her throat knotting up and her eyes starting to get glossy. 
Y/N was so disappointed with how he was acting towards her when he didn't even know her. Her illusions of them getting along great and him becoming her mentor were gone. More than that, she felt her disappointment morphing into anger because really, from the moment she said hello to him he was already being a dick and she didn't do anything to make him upset.
“Well, you’ve clearly never bothered to read the back of the disinfectant bottles. It needs to sit for a few minutes to do its job properly. If you want to half ass the cleaning of your station you can do it yourself." She snapped and dropped the rag onto his counter and hurried out. 
Harry was flabbergasted. The last thing he heard was the heavy back door slam before it was silent all around. Harry felt his insides boiling with anger, who the fuck did this chick think she was talking to him like that? He wanted to follow her and ask her what her problem was, but he decided to just wipe down her mess and finish unpacking his things. 
Y/N had stepped outside to take a few deep breaths and fan at her eyes to avoid the tears she felt coming on and once she was calm enough again she decided that she needed to apologize to him. If he said something to Eddie or Aurelia they would surely let her go. With this new panic now festering inside of her she hurried inside and into the studio and Harry spared her a menacing glance before continuing with unpacking his boxes.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you. It was unprofessional." She said and he stayed quiet, "I've been here a few months now and I can assure you that I always do my job and I do it well. It may take some time for me to learn how you like things, but I'm willing to learn. Like I said, Ive been here for a few months and everyone else is really pleased with how I do things, so-" she was interrupted by his scoff.
"You've been here a few months, have you? You’ve just got loads of experience." He said sarcastically, not even bothering to spare her a look, “Look. Just finish prepping and stay out of my way and I won't mention your little strop to Eddie." He said and she bit her lip nervously.
"O-OK, thank you." She stammered and he didn't answer her so she just got to work again.
Y/N got through her tasks around 9am and then went to practice on silicone from the briefs and concepts Eddie would give her as homework. It was interesting that he never gave her designs to copy, just ideas. But he told her it was supposed to help her convey non-physical things through the art, help her find her style for these things, and collaborate better with clients, and it was true. Harry didn't say anything to her again while they were alone. When everyone else started filtering in closer to10am he started to look more cheerful and was greeting everyone as if the very sun shone out of his ass. It was incredible. Right at 10am Eddie came in with a box of donuts and a bright smile adorning his face.
"Morning team!" He greeted excitedly and everyone called out their greeting to him as they continued chatting and catching up, "Brought some donuts, I'll put 'em in the lounge." He announced and people started flocking over. 
In just a few minutes the smell of coffee was permeating the air in the lounge and Y/N was waiting in the line for the donuts. She grabbed a plain glazed one and quickly scurried off to the side where one of the other artists, Gerardo, stood. He was friendly with her, so sweet and welcoming from the moment she arrived. He was a newer artist to the field and understood the pressure and anxiety of getting on the same level as these veteran and experienced artists. He was always willing to help or give her tips and listen to her when she had a particularly rough time with something, so she definitely leaned towards him a bit more.
"Hey, G." She smiled and he returned the friendly gesture, bearing his teeth in a bright smile.
"Hey, Y/N! How's your morning going so far?" He asked her as she leaned on the wall beside him. She skipped out on the part of Harry being a total ass to her and just said it was good so far. She was about to ask him how his morning had been going when Eddie called for everyone's attention.
"Yo!" He exclaimed and everyone glanced over to him, "First order of business, I want to formally introduce you guys to Harry, he's the newest addition to the team. We've worked together for nearly ten years?" He asked looking to Harry who nodded with a smile, "Fuck, I'm getting old..." he mumbled and everyone chuckled, "I know Auree has met him before, but to the rest of you he's a new face. But he's a really incredible artist! H can handle anything you put in front of him, I fucking swear it. He's also an ace lad and I'm really excited that he agreed to relocate for this gig. Thanks mate." He said to Harry once again as everyone clapped a bit as Harry mumbled something to Eddie lowly as they hugged briefly.
"Second order of business,” Eddie continued, "as many of you know, Y/N is our apprentice at the shop and she's being doing a bang up job around here for the last several months. I think we’ve all seen how anything you give her she will get it done efficiently and exceptionally.” He said and everyone gave her little whoops of encouragement as she shook her head a bit bashfully, “Y/N, you’ve been a lot of help around here as we get the shop settled and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're thankful for your help and hard work." He said and everyone gave her a little cheer again as she smiled timidly, "I think you all know by now that Y/N did her first tattoos on clients yesterday…” Eddie reminded and once again, her coworkers cheered her on, “And well, she fucking smashed it. Did really exceptional work! Probably some of the best work I've ever seen from a first time artist!" He said and Gerardo elbowed her playfully as she shook her head as everyone whooped and as she looked around she caught Harry's gaze on hers, he didn't seem amused at all, "She did so fucking good that I received emails from both of her clients outlining what a great experience they had and how excited they were to hopefully get tattooed by her again.” Eddie shared.
"Oh my god, really?" She asked and Eddie nodded with a big smile.
"You did really well, Y/N. And after reading their stellar feedback I've decided that you can assist with walk-ins." Her mouth dropped open in shock.
"No way!" She exclaimed and he chuckled.
"You earned it! We can work out the details in a bit, but you've proved yourself." He said. And everyone clapped for her once more, praising her great work.
"Thank you." She responded meekly and then she bit her lip to suppress the huge smile threatening to split wide across her face.
"Those were the two biggest things I wanted to leave you all with. I will be leaving for London tonight, so tomorrow this is Auree's ship to run." Eddie finished and they all cheered again, encouraging Auree this time, “Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt more confident or at peace leaving something. I trust each and every one of you with this shop. You guys are going to kick ass." He said with confidence.
After a few more excited cheers and hollers everyone headed off to their stations and Y/N was following Eddie back to the office where he worked out the details of how her walk-ins would work. Apparently the walk-ins would be split 70/30 between her and Harry as he had no clientele in the area yet. Harry had first dibs because he was already an established artist, but once he had built up his customer base they would mostly fall on her shoulders. Eddie did outline that if clients specifically asked for her then that walk-in would go to her, but for the most part they should be fielded to Harry. She could understand that, he had moved transatlantically for this job and needed the money and also his tattoos would bring in money. She couldn't charge until her apprenticeship was finished, so anything she'd be doing would be "on the house" and if she got tipped enough she could put some of that towards the materials she used, but not every client tipped enough for that. Either way, this was a win for her and she couldn't wait to tell her aunt and her friends.
Working with Harry proved to be a pain. She initially chalked up his bad attitude to jet lag. But after a few days he was still being a jerk to her, so maybe he was really upset by her snapping at him or was hazing her a bit? So she apologized once again and tried to start fresh with him but he simply brushed her off and his bad attitude towards her persisted. After a couple weeks she just decided to keep her head down and compartmentalize the hurt and frustration. It was a huge bummer that he had some vendetta against her that she didn’t understand, but she was determined to make the most out of this new opportunity she was given, as he was determined to be a dick to her.
So even with Harry practically cursing her existence, Y/N was over the moon being able to work with clients. In her first week on walk-ins she had been able to tattoo four people. And during her second week three, and now, on this third week of her new role it was barely Wednesday and she was already on her fourth tattoo of the week! But this time it was different because the walk-ins coming in so far had been asking for her. Yes, Harry was an incredibly talented artist, but so was she and hers were free? It was kind of a no-brainer. She even had to give a few over to Harry and upon seeing his work the clients didn't always mind paying up. But for some reason, to Harry this had sparked a sort of competitive streak in him and he was upset that she was getting so much attention and clientele as an apprentice. This confused Y/N because out of of everyone, he should've understood because when Eddie took him on as an apprentice he was just 17 years old and shortly after he turned 18 Eddie got him started actually tattooing on clients and the same thing happened to him! Moreover, whether he or she tattooed, it was a win for the shop in her eyes! So she was having a hard time understanding and even trying to rationalize his frustration towards her.
Harry was simply jealous, though he’d rather die than ever have to admit that to anyone. Because why would someone as incredibly talented as him be jealous of an apprentice? When he started out right at 18 people saw his skill and knew he was doing it for free to gain experience and he was tattooing up to ten times a week! A great tattoo artist was a great tattoo artist regardless of time, time just made them get better. And he knew he was one of those special people that just took off. But it irked him so much that Y/N was heading there even faster than he was. He had never seen anything like it, it was impressive - another thing he’d choose death over admitting it aloud. He hadn't really gotten a chance to observe her while she worked, but something she was doing was working really well for her, she was like a siren of tattooing. So yeah, he was jealous that an apprentice was getting even more attention than he, an established and reputable artist was.
It was now Thursday of her third week tattooing walk-ins, but she was currently covering the front because Rosa was out sick. She glanced up from the sketch on her iPad when a client walked through the door.
"Welcome, do you have an appointment for today?" She asked with a friendly smile.
"No, I but I was wondering if Y/N was available for a walk-in?" The man asked and she perked up.
“Oh! I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you…?” She asked extending her hand to the man, waiting for his name.
"Ian." He said shaking her hand.
"Ian, thanks for coming in. If you give me a few minutes to find someone to cover I can take a look at what you're wanting to get done, alright?" He nodded and informed her he would pull up his reference photo with a big smile and she excused herself for a moment to head back to the studio and see who wasn't with a client. To her chagrin the only one sitting on his bum sketching at their station was Harry so she tentatively approached him, but he somehow already knew it was her.
"What is it?” He asked monotonously.
"Ummm, a walk-in just came in and asked for me. Can you cover the front for a bit?” She asked him and he sighed and silently stood up and headed off towards the reception area and Y/N followed behind him silently. The only sound was coming from the little beaded curtain serving as the door between the front of the house and the tattooing studio,"Thanks, Harry." She said to him with a smile when he plopped down on the stool behind the register and she scooted a bit further down the counter with the client to keep the register area clear.
"Alright Ian, m’all yours!” She said charmingly and he chuckled, “What were you looking to get done today?" She asked with an easy smile and he handed over his phone.
"I've been wanting this piece done for a long time. It would be my first tattoo." He said as she looked over the reference image with wide eyes. It was a giant Japanese style dragon that wrapped around someone’s whole leg. "I just like the pose of that dragon, you can do it as a Chinese or Japanese dragon, whatever your preferred style and whatnot. And instead of the cherry blossoms I wanted some clouds like these." He said reaching over the screen and sliding it to another photo, "And I’d want it in black and gray.” He finished sharing his concept with a smile.
"Wow, that's really sick, Ian. You want it to wrap around your leg like that too?" Y/N asked and Ian confirmed with a nod. 
Upon hearing that Harry perked up, he was about to cut in and remind her that she wasn't allowed to work on big pieces like that yet.
“God, I really do love this piece but unfortunately as an apprentice I'm just not allowed to work on pieces of this magnitude yet. Especially if they're going to take multiple sessions to complete." She explained and Ian immediately frowned.
"Really? That's B.S. I've seen the tattoos you've done on other people and let me tell you, you don't tattoo like an apprentice!" He said and she giggled.
"Thanks, I appreciate that, but them's the rules." She said with a shrug. "I mean if you're really set on starting this piece as soon as possible Harry here is a phenomenal artist. King of black and gray back in London, or something like that, right Harry?" She asked glancing over to him in question with a friendly smile. He looked to her with a bit of shock but nodded.
"Ummm, yeah, that's it." He confirmed and she smiled at Ian now.
"You'd be in really good hands with him. What do you say?” She asked him, enticing him to consider the alternative.
Quite frankly, Harry was shocked that she had even recommended him. All they'd done the last few weeks were have squabbles, glare at each other, or give each other the silent treatment. He must admit that he was the aggressor in most of these unpleasant exchanges, but if the tables were turned he would do something petty like not recommend someone else to do the tattoo. It was extremely professional of her to set aside her personal feelings for him and really play up his work as a professional. And he got excited for a moment because it had been quite hard to build up clientele so far. In the past few weeks he'd only done one large-ish piece and a project like this would be exactly what he needed to get on the map in L.A.
"Ummm, I'm sure he's amazing. All the artists here are! I was looking at the instagram page before coming in! But I really want to get it done by you." Ian said and her eyebrows arched up, "I kind of have this feeling that you're going to blow up and it would be an honor to have you do my first tattoo and also for me to have one of your first big pieces." He said and she smiled kindly at him and was about to speak when Harry butted in.
"Well that's not possible at this time, mate. Like you heard, she's only an apprentice and she's not allowed to do that yet." Harry responded quite harshly, it made her frown. But he felt his body boiling with jealousy, he could've sworn his head would explode. Y/N was now desperate to soften the unnecessary blow Harry had just delivered to this potential client.
"Oh Ian, I truly appreciate your belief in me to pull something of that magnitude off but Harry is right, that won't be possible today. I really am sorry." She said and he sighed in slight disappointment but smiled none the less.
"Alright, I understand. Well it was worth a try to get in with you." He said and she smiled.
"I could still tattoo you. Do something on a smaller scale for you if you'd like?" She offered and he shook his head.
"Nah, it's alright this one means a lot to me. I'm willing to wait until you're able to tattoo at this scale if you've got like a waiting list or something? I’d like to join it?" He asked and Harry was completely shocked as he heard this. Y/N was too. Her jaw dropped to the ground and she then looked to Harry for some guidance.
"Just take his bleeding contact information, Y/N." He said dryly and she nodded a bit frazzled still, "Jesus..." He mumbled lowly enough that only she could hear as she hurried over to the register and grabbed a sticky note and pen. She wasn't sure why, but his reaction really put a damper on this monumental moment for her. This was huge. He was so unsupportive and rude, it really affected her morale.
"You know, Ian you are the first on my list and I'd be honored to have you be one of my first official tattoos!" She brightened up despite how she felt inside now, "I'm not really sure how long my apprenticeship'll last, but it means a lot that you're willing to wait." She said and he went on and on about how it wasn't an issue and that he was really thrilled for this. She still asked him to email her the inspiration pictures so that she could start practicing the drawing portion and they could start working out some ideas and he was more than willing to do that. After another few minutes and the promise of getting a call when her apprenticeship was over, Ian was leaving with a big smile and a wave goodbye. Once the front door shut she folded up the bright orange sticky note and put it in her back pocket. Harry then stood from the stool and brushed past her silently.
"This morning the bin under my station wasn't emptied out by the way.” He said before he left her.
"Oh, the custodian empties the trash. Must've forgotten, I can leave a note." She said to him and he turned to her with furrowed brows.
"Well if you notice it then just take it out, OK? S'not that hard, is it Y/N?" He asked her.
"Yeah, OK." She responded softly.
"Don't forget that you're still just an apprentice here, Y/N. You think because one loser with some cliche tattoo idea thinks you're the next big thing that you're suddenly too good for everything else that has to get done around here?" He asked her angrily and she turned away from him, he was being ridiculous. She had no idea why he was being such a dick out of nowhere, "Hey, don't ignore me. Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He demanded and she sighed and turned towards him again, "Know your fucking place." He snarled. The air between them grew eerily tense and then he saw a look in her eyes that almost made him apologize to her. Her eyes quickly diverted from his and he watched as her throat bobbed and she bit on the inside of her cheek and she just nodded.
"OK." She nearly whispered before turning back to the register. 
Harry bit on his lip as he just took her in for a moment. She was so tense and she suddenly appeared so small and he just shook it off before he could allow himself to feel bad and walked away.
As soon as he was gone Y/N's tears started to fall, she felt so utterly defeated. She had no idea what she had ever done to him to make him be so hostile towards her, but it was reaching a point that she couldn't handle anymore. Before she could even think about it she reached into her back pocket and blindly tossed the sticky note with Ian's information under the counter where the trash can was. She fanned at her eyes for a moment to stop the tears before someone came in, but she wasn't that fortunate.
"Oh my god, Y/N are you alright?" Auree suddenly asked as she came and rubbed at her shoulder and Y/N sniffled and nodded.
"M'sorry. I'm just on my period and have really bad cramps and I'm super emotional." She fibbed and Auree frowned.
"Oh hon, I get that. Look there's just a couple hours left in the day, why don't you head home early, get some rest." She suggested.
"Are you sure?”
"Yeah, of course. Besides, I don't think sobbing apprentice is a good look for us." She joked and Y/N sputtered on her tears as she chuckled and Auree giggled along."We'll see you tomorrow, OK?" She said and Y/N nodded.
"Thanks, Auree.”
"Of course. I'll get someone to cover." She assured her and with that Auree headed back into the studio and Y/N grabbed her tote bag from the coat hook hanging behind the counter and slipped out of the front door.
"Hey Styles, can you cover the front for the rest of the day? I've got a 5pm coming in." Auree asked, grabbing his attention.
"Where's Y/N?" He asked right away.
"She wasn't feeling well so I told her to go home." Auree said and Harry swallowed thickly and  just nodded.
He grabbed his sketch pad and pencil before he silently made his way over to reception area. He was settling himself in when his pencil rolled off of the counter and under the reception counter. He groaned in annoyance and got off of the stool and stooped below the counter to look for his pencil and he saw it stopped right against the trash can and beside it was a crumbled, neon orange sticky note, like the one he had seen Y/N fold up and put in her pocket not even ten minutes before. He grabbed his pencil and the paper as well. Harry bit his lip as he started to pull apart the little scrap of paper and just as he suspected, there in her too perfect penmanship was inked the name Ian Greene and his phone number and email right below it. That made a sinking feeling appear in his stomach and for his chest to kind of feel heavy. He had been really mean to her, hadn't he? So much so that he made her feel inadequate enough that she didn't even want to tattoo this guy anymore. For a second he let the remorse take a hold of him, but then he just shook it off and stuffed the note in his own back pocket. She needed to toughen up.
Y/N was all cried out. Her aunt even offered to order her favorite take out to cheer her up, but she wasn't up for dinner. She didn't tell her what really happened, she didn't want her to make a big deal out of what Harry had said to her. Being an apprentice at Eddie Chan's shop was a once in a lifetime opportunity. If she let this go she would probably never get another shot like this again. But on the other hand, she was miserable now that Harry had come on board, he treated her like she was beneath him, like she was the enemy. In his eyes she couldn't do anything right, he always found something to harp on her about, something to criticize, something to piss her off. She was just disappointed by his behavior and the longer she dwelled on their interaction that afternoon, the more she thought about quitting. 
She considered complaining about it to Auree, but the shop needed a full time artist more than an apprentice, so the logical step would be for her to part ways with English Graffiti. And as she laid in bed, staring at her ceiling she decided that she would give this option some very serious thought. She was just about to turn her Netflix on when her phone started ringing and she saw it was Gerardo FaceTiming her. She cleared her throat and sniffled before she picked up.
"Hey!" He said cheerfully, it looked like he was outside the shop, "Have you been crying?" He asked her with concern.
"I'm fine, G. What's up?”
"Nothing. I just overheard Auree say you weren't feeling too good so I wanted to check in on you." He said.
"Oh, that's sweet of you. But really I am feeling better now." She said as he settled himself into his car.
"Alright, Just being a good friend." He said and she smiled.
"Well, I appreciate it." She responded.
"Look, I know that starting out can be difficult. We can talk about it, if you want, whatever is going on." He offered and she really just wanted to get it off of her chest to someone who understood. And maybe G would just let her vent and not tell anyone anything.
"I do want to talk about it. I think you'd understand." She said.
"Well, I was about to just pick up some dinner, but if you want to meet me somewhere we can eat, have a few drinks?" He offered.
"I would but I'm too lazy to drive." She whined and he chuckled.
"I'll come get you." He offered and she sighed, "It'll be fun…” He sung and she smiled.
"Fine. I'll send you my address, OK?”
"Sounds good." He said before they hung up. 
She Didn't bother with doing herself up too much. She just put on some mascara and her glasses before throwing on some shorts and a t-shirt on. After about 15 minutes she was getting a text from him that he was outside. She called out to her aunt that she would be home late and hurried out to his car.
"Hey!" He greeted happily as she settled into the front seat.
"Hi." She smiled.
"So what's good around here?" He asked her and soon they chose a place and he took off. They talked about the rest of the work day as they waited to be seated and soon enough they were scooting onto some high-chairs of a local gastropub and he was watching her look over the drinks menu, "So are you going to tell me what's actually wrong?" He asked and she sighed.
"I need a drink for that." She said and he chuckled.
"Fine." He mumbled. Soon enough they had both ordered their drinks and he asked her again what was wrong and she sighed. He saw that suddenly her smiley demeanor was gone and she looked conflicted and sad.
"G, I'm ummm- I'm thinking of quitting the apprenticeship." She said and once again her lip was quivering because even the idea of quitting was so painful. She had worked her ass off for this, the amount of rejection she had faced from even small-time artists for then to be acknowledged and taught by someone as renowned as Eddie? It was truly heartbreaking.
"Oh my god, why?! You can't quit!" He immediately protested and she sniffled.
"I know how insane I would have to be to give up on this opportunity, but I just can't do it anymore, G." She said and he frowned and reached for her hand and she took it and squeezed, she didn't want to cry in front of all of these people.
"Can't take what?" He asked her gently.
"Promise you won't say anything? Because I don't want to make trouble and I don't want to appear ungrateful or like I'm being a baby to anyone." She said and he nodded, "I can't work with Harry anymore. He is the biggest asshole I have ever met. I have never felt so undermined and demoralized in my life. He treats me like absolute shit! And the worst part is that I really was looking forward to learning from him. Auree and Eddie were both excited to have me meet him and get to shadow him, but literally from the first day I met him he was a dick to me and..." and so she went off and told him about all of the petty remarks and micro-aggressions and finally what had led her to leave early that day, "-and he literally looked at me and told me to know my place." She sniffled as she dabbed under her eyes with her napkin as the tears inevitably fell.
"No fucking way..." G sighed with a frown and she nodded.
"That was the last straw. Like I feel so discouraged and I don't even want to tattoo in front of him ever again. Like I don't want to see his stupid face or hear his fucking voice!" She vented her frustration.
"I just don't get it... after you tried to get him an appointment for such a big and complex piece he goes and talks you down? Plus being rude to the client? What a dick." G huffed and Y/N nodded.
"I know... like I know that having him there is important and far more logical than having me there, but like Eddie believed in me and brought me on! That has to count for something, no? Like out of everyone there he should understand what it's like because he also apprenticed under Eddie! I just don't understand his beef with me.”
"Maybe he's just jealous that an apprentice is getting more clientele than he is.”
"Well that's not my fault either..." she said and G sighed, "But anyway, please don't tell Auree or anyone else and don't be weird with Harry, I don't want to make him more angry. I just need to figure out if I can manage this or not.”
"Yeah, of course. But you know that I'm always here for you and really, if you get to the point where you want to leave please tell me. I have homies who are also really successful and well known in this industry and I would more than gladly put a good word in for you. You've got real talent, Y/N. I would hate to see you give up on it." He said and she nodded with a small smile.
The next morning Y/N showed up a bit earlier to set up since Rosa was still out and she also needed to handle the front of the house. She was just about done prepping the stations when Harry came in. He had his headphones on and he spared her a look and despite the rage she felt as their eyes met she just offered him a half-smile before she finished setting up the final station. He liked to come early, so she now got his station done first so that he wouldn't have a reason to talk to her. She then walked past him to get to the drawing station and she noticed that his trash can was hidden between his counter and a big snake plant that served as the border between the drawing/stenciling stations and the tattooing station. Once again, his trash was not emptied out. It probably bugged him at his feet and so he'd move it, but the custodian couldn't see it there, she barely saw it.
Despite her irritation with Harry she was going to do her job and try her best not to piss him off any further. He couldn't hate her forever, especially when she was being cooperative with him. So she made her way over and crouched down and he glanced over to see her reaching for his trash can and picking it up. He watched her face and saw there wasn't a fussy look on it nor did she glare in his direction as she stood with the bin in hand and headed towards the back exit of the shop where the dumpster was. 
Harry just sighed and gnawed on his bottom lip as he continued sketching out some designs for a consultation he had to do later in the morning. Shortly after she returned with a new liner in the bin and she set it down exactly where he had left it before.
Harry continued feeling bad and it was growing worse. She hadn't ever really done anything to him. She hadn't ever been rude with him (unless he started it) or treated him poorly. He always gave her grief about how she'd prep his station even after she had learned how he liked things and did them that way, and now this. Going as far as doing something that was not her responsibility without so much as as complaint?
Surely, that hadn't been him when he apprenticed. He whined to just about anyone who would listen about how annoying the prepping and cleaning bits were, because for his first year with Eddie that's all he did. He knew from experience that it was tedious and grueling work at times, so that fact that he had not once heard her complain about it made him respect her just a little bit more. Around 9am more people started coming in and he took off his headphones, he had worn them thinking that Y/N would try to confront him about what he had said to her the day prior, but she didn't seem all that combative today. The vibe he was getting from her was weird, to be quite honest. He strolled into the kitchen and found G making some coffee.
"Morning, G. How's it going?" Harry asked with a smile and G just glanced over at him quickly.
"M'fine thanks." He said plainly. This was odd because usually G was the very friendly energetic one and he always sparked up conversations with everyone.
"Did you do anything fun after work?" Harry asked just to try and keep the conversation going and at this G turned towards him.
"Yeah actually, grabbed some dinner with Y/N." He said and Harry nodded and rolled his lips together before answering.
"That's cool. At least she's feeling better." Harry said and G just hummed before walking out of the lounge. Harry sighed as he went to make his own coffee. He just knew Y/N had said something to him about what had happened the day before and now G was upset with him. Fucking, Y/N.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but I was a dick to Harry." G said softly as he came through the beaded curtain and to the waiting area and Y/N sighed as she leaned on the counter.
"I'm sorry. I got one look at his face and I got angry." He explained, "Told him we went to dinner." He disclosed.
"Ughhh, fuck. It's fine, don't worry about it." She said and he apologized again, but then left her the coffee he had made for himself as a peace offering.
G actually had a really big appointment today and so she wouldn't be seeing him for most of the day and Vy was almost back to back all day. Aurelia was out supply shopping and Harry had a consultation scheduled for 11:30. She checked in G and Vy's appointments and they got started on their stuff and at around 11:35am Harry wandered out to front.
"Your client hasn't shown yet." She informed him, already knowing what he was coming for.
"Have they called or emailed?" He asked her.
"Nope, sorry." She said and he sighed.
"Fuck me..." he mumbled about to head back.
"Harry, you can have all the walk-ins, I don't feel like tattooing today." She said and he turned back to look at her, she wasn't even looking at him, she just continued doodling on her iPad.
"Why not?" He asked coming back closer.
"I just don't." She said.
"Well yesterday you were practically shitting yourself over that guy's tattoo and you'll never be able to tattoo him unless you get the practice." He said, baiting her and she smiled softly, still focused on her sketch.
"Oh I don't know if I'd want to tattoo that loser, as you so kindly put it, anyway." She said and he rolled his eyes and reached into his back pocket for the sticky note with the guy's contact info, he had every intention of just slipping it in somewhere discretely for her to find.
"Is that why you threw this away yesterday?" He asked slamming down the creased up paper over her iPad. She frowned and was about to respond when the phone rang and she reached for it.
"English Graffiti, this is Y/N how can I help you?" She spoke into the receiver their eyes still locked on each others in anger, "Oh hi, Jennifer." She said and Harry's eyes widened a bit, that was his 11:30, "Oh, well the consultation is just that, you don't have to decide today or even put a deposit down unless you-" the woman cut her off and she stayed quiet, "Are you sure? Ummm, OK. I'll be sure to let him know. Yeah, have a good one, bye." She said and hung up the phone, "She changed her mind about the tattoo." Y/N said and she saw his jaw clench, "Maybe you should keep this and try to convince Ian to let you tattoo him, seems like you could use the clients." She said smugly and she could see him trembling with anger.
"Fuck you." He gritted out as he left the sticky note before he stormed off towards the studio.
"If you're not going to call him should I just send you the walk-ins?" She called after him and he didn't respond and she smirked to herself in satisfaction. After about 15 minutes of feeling on the summit of success that feeling soon faded and made her feel bad.
He was the only person who knew about Ian, despite being a dick about it at the moment he saw the note in the trash or wherever it fell and didn't just leave it there. He intended to give it to her and that was at least a little bit nice of him. And as she thought about him she considered that maybe he was being such a prick because he was under severe amounts of stress and pressure. He had moved from another country for this job and had only been doing walk-ins here and there. For an artists of his caliber it was probably really discouraging and frustrating. 
When she had searched him up she saw that he was typically booked up months in advance and now he couldn't even land a single client. Maybe G was right and he was jealous of her to some extent? She sighed as she realized that revenge was not as sweet as people made it out to be. No one was due to be coming in until 2pm for Vy. So she stood from the stool at the register and went to lock the front door and left a sticky note reading "BACK IN 10!" That was visible if someone tried to look in. She then headed back and saw that Harry wasn't at his station and she walked back towards the lounge and the bathroom and they were both empty. So she then pushed her way out of the back exit and looked around and saw him sitting against the building wall and when he saw it was her he shot her a dirty look.
"Can you fuck off?" He asked her angrily and she sighed as she approached him.
"Please, Jesus... just leave me alone, Y/N. I'm not in the mood." He grumped.
"I just wanted to apologize to you for what I said. That was really low and uncalled for." She said as she looked in his eyes. Harry felt that it wasn't uncalled for, he had been such an ass to her that she didn't even want to tattoo, he deserved it. "I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it must be for you to go from being booked out months in advance to just... struggling to figure things out here. Seriously, I don't feel like tattooing, you can have all the walk-ins. At least that way you make money and the shop makes money too." She said and he scoffed.
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." He said and she shook her head.
"It's not that, I'm just saying that I understand that this is probably frustrating for you because this is literally your livelihood and I'm still doing this for free. So if you get the walk-ins it's a win for you and a win for the shop, that's all." She explained and he stayed quiet, "So do you want to take the walk-ins or what?" She asked him and he just looked at her.
"Why don't you want to tattoo?" He questioned and she sighed.
"I already told you, I don't feel like it, Harry." She responded.
"Is it because of me?" He asked and her eyes didn't waiver from his as she responded.
"It's cute that you think you affect me that much." She said flatly before walking back towards the back door, "I'm giving you the walk-ins, OK?" She called out before heading inside again and he let out a dry laugh. He was the apprentice’s charity case. Nice.
Y/N was a nice person and for some reason he had really honed in on her and made her miserable and despite that she still came out and apologized to him for finally snapping and saying something just as hurtful to him as he had said and done to her since he arrived. The entire time she kept her head down, stuck it out, and finally it seemed that he was wearing her down. She was right, he was frustrated and stressed and discouraged. He was literally starting to wonder if he had made a mistake in leaving London for L.A., even starting up things had never been this hard for him and it was... scary. He sat out there for a good half an hour before Vy popped out and let him know that a walk-in had come in and so he took a few deep breaths before heading inside and getting to work. 
That day he ended up seeing about 8 people, all tattoos were small and simple things. However, the shop minimum was $120, with Eddie's name tied to this shop they were on the higher-end of tattoo shops and charged a big pricey with good reason. His was actually the last tattoo of the night, a matching friends tattoo for two young women, he could hear them gushing about it and asking Y/N to take photos for them up front as he cleaned up his station, soon he heard the front door open and close before the loud latch of the lock. After a few moments Y/N was coming to the back with her tote.
"Here Harry, the girls left these for you." She said and Harry turned around and she placed $40 in his hand and a post-it note with one of the girls' number and he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and put the $40 in his pocket and crumbled the sticky note before tossing it in the trash and she laughed softly, "Told her you wouldn't go for it…"
"And how would you know that?" He asked.
"Because you're too much of a professional." She said and he hummed.
She then went over to the disinfectant cart and grabbed the wipes and spray and went over the chairs and counters. Harry moved his things to the light-up desk where he was working on a stencil without her having to ask. As the disinfectant cooked on the surfaces for a bit she grabbed the broom and started sweeping. He could imagine that she was exhausted, first to arrive and last to leave, but once again, he noticed that she didn't show her exhaustion, or whine or complain about anything or even mention that she was tired as she picked up whatever little garbage she swept up and then proceeded to wipe down the counters and chairs. She finished before him and after putting things away she grabbed her bag.
"Good night!" She called out to him and wasn't phased when she didn't get a response. But she was surprised to hear him rush up behind her as everything went dark and he hurried ahead of her to open up the back door for her and they both stepped out into the parking lot. She locked up with her keys, feeling a bit odd about him lingering beside her. When she looked up to him he was looking at her a bit expectantly.
"Why don't you want to tattoo?" He asked her again and she sighed and started heading to her car, "Hey, you're really fucking good, you know that right?" He asked and she kept walking as she unlocked her car, "Hey, Y/N-" He said grabbing her arm and she spun around with a perplexed look on her face.
"What Harry?" She asked through a sigh.
"I know I've been...hard on you, but-" he said and she guffawed.
"Hard on me?" She scoffed incredulously, "Try a fucking nightmare, a jerk, a prick, a complete douche, a complete asshole, a-“
"OK Jesus, I get it!" He interrupted loudly.
"No, I don't think you do. I never did anything to you and from the moment you met me you started acting this way and why? I don't know and quite frankly I don't care to hear your excuses for it, Harry." She said and he frowned, "Why don't I want to tattoo? I'll tell you why." She said, "I'm so mentally drained from trying to deal with you and whatever vendetta you have against me every fucking day that I can't even think creatively anymore!" She admitted as her eyes started welling up, "And I get this whole "haze the new person" thing that people do and shit and I could deal with something like that but when Auree told me you'd be joining the team I looked you up and I was so excited to work with you! I was looking forward to shadowing you and learning from someone as talented as you. Someone who had gotten to where they are via the same trajectory I was on and man, what a fucking disappointment you turned out to be." She said sadly and his heart sunk and a large and uncomfortable lump formed in his throat.
”I have never felt so humiliated and belittled by another person in my entire life." she sniffled, "And it sucks because this is my dream. I have worked and struggled for years to even land an apprenticeship and you know what? I am so miserable here and I hate it." She said sadly and there was silence for a moment as she sighed, "I'm thinking about quitting." She admitted in a solemn tone as their eyes met, "And yes, Harry. It's all because of you." Her voice cracked and she kept walking. He swallowed down the lump in his throat and went up to her as she got into her car.
"Please leave me alone." She said as she shut the door and turned on her car. He knocked on her window a few times.
"Hey, c'mon, I really thought we were getting somewhere today!" He said and she rolled her window down.
"You really thought that just because I can put myself in your shoes and be nice to you?" she asked him like he was an idiot, "You're fucking delusional, Harry. I'm simply being professional despite how I feel about you. Even if I'm barley being paid to be here and don't have years of experience, this is where I'm working and I'm through playing this stupid fucking game with you. I don't want anything to do with you-“
"Y/N, you're too good to quit tattooing." He interrupted her.
"I fucking know that, you asshole! I'm not thinking of quitting because you make me insecure about my abilities! Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm thinking of quitting because I deserve better than this." She said and Harry was frozen, "I'll see you tomorrow." She said and rolled up her window before driving off.
Now Harry felt even more like shit about himself and during this entire conversation he couldn't even find it in himself to apologize to her. She was right, all he would do was make another excuse and avoiding getting to the root of the issue. It made him feel like shit that she, for a brief time, looked up to him and had the intent of learning from him. She was so talented and had an envious work ethic. He somehow needed to make this right.
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damonalbarn · 3 years
Hey I was wondering if you knew the article that Justine spoke about suzi in?!
It was in The Guardian in 2000. Here you go:
Sweet revenge
In the mid 90s, Justine Frischmann and Damon Albarn were the First Couple of Britpop. Then he used a Blur album to rake over their break-up, while she languished in obscurity amid rumours of heroin addiction. Now she's back with a new album, and it's her turn to exorcise her demons.
Caroline Sullivan
Friday March 24, 2000
As Alison Moyet once said, it's hard to write a decent song when you're happy. Rock bands thrive on romantic turmoil in their private lives, without which they would be reduced to padding out lyrics with football scores and the weather.
Thus it was for Blur's Damon Albarn in mid-1998 when he sat down to write what would become the 13 album. His eight-year relationship with Justine Frischmann of the chart-topping Elastica, whom he once described as **"the only person who's ever been completely necessary to me" **had just ended, at her instigation. Pained and humiliated, he decided to exact revenge by exposing their most intimate details to public scrutiny.
The outcome? Embarrassment for Frischmann, a number one album for Blur and a bit of a result for Albarn.
Break-up albums are by definition both embittered and yearning - in the case of Marvin Gaye's vindictive Here, My Dear, they're just plain nasty - but 13 got more up-close and personal than could be considered gentlemanly. Albarn portrayed his former partner as neurotic, even slipping apparent drug references into the single Tender: "Tender is the ghost, the ghost I love the most/Hiding from the sun, waiting for the night to come". Frischmann was the ghost, supposedly, who was on the verge of being consumed by what one music paper euphemistically called "the darkness at the heart of Elastica".
Frischmann's response can be found on a song called The Way I Like It, which appears on Elastica's first album in five years, The Menace (out next month): "Well, I'm living all right and I'm doing okay/Had a lover who was made of sand, and the wind blew him away".
This is unlikely to be her last word on the subject. As she ambivalently begins her first round of interviews since 1996, she's finding that everyone has the same three questions. Why did Elastica nearly sabotage a promising career by taking so long to follow up their million-selling debut? Had Frischmann taken leave of her senses when she walked out on Mr Britpop? And what about the drug rumours?
"One journalist said to me, 'Dahling, I heard you were on heroin - Mahvelous!' " she says with some amusement. "Drugs are around, but I'm not that interested and never have been, although there have been elements of party animal in my band. The rumours are a lot to do with rock'n'roll mythology, where people want to believe you're having a more exciting time than you are."
The only drugs on her person today, as she perches on the edge of an armchair in her publicist's north London living room, are Marlboro Lights. Her other indulgences are two cups of herbal tea and a Cadbury's Flake cupcake, which she nibbles with well-bred pleasure. Her dark eyes are clear, and her long, tanned body is a testament to the virtues of a daily swim in a pool near her Notting Hill home. Only Elastica know whether they really succumbed to heroin and hedonism after their self-titled debut made them more famous than they'd ever expected to be, but if they did, Frischmann, 30, seems little the worse for it.
Given the current predominance of damnable boy bands, the Britpop mid-90s are beginning to seem like a halcyon period for English music. It was a time when the underground went overground, and a self-described "little punk band" like Elastica could sell 80,000 albums in a week.
More than a few loser guitar groups saw Britpop as a licence to print money, but Elastica, led with cool elan by the androgynous Frischmann, were one of its gems. The Blur connection was a marketing godsend (Frischmann and Albarn met on the London indie circuit, she as guitarist in an early line-up of Suede and girlfriend of frontman Brett Anderson, he as a cherubic baggy hopeful), yet the spiky-haired Elastica LP embodied that euphoric time like nothing else.
Frischmann, guitarist Donna Matthews, drummer Justin Welch and bassist Annie Holland were unprepared for the album soaring to number one in its first week. When they signed their record deal, Frischmann, whose great-grandfather was a conductor of the Tsar's orchestra at the Summer Palace in Byelorussia, was five years into an architecture degree at London University. A liberal north London Jewish upbringing - her engineer father built the Oxford Street landmark Centrepoint - had instilled expectations of success, but the reality of being photographed in the supermarket and having her rubbish stolen was a shock. Fiercely independent, she also resented her unsought role as half of Britpop's First Couple.
There was more. Two of Frischmann's musical heroes, The Stranglers and Wire, decided that two Elastica songs were suspiciously similar to two of their own tracks, and won royalties. Meanwhile, there were malicious rumours that Albarn had done much of the work on the record. He hadn't, but he did find Justine's success in America, where she was substantially out-selling Blur, hard to endure.
"It was very hard for him to deal with and he's very confrontational," she says, with the flattering openness of someone who prefers interviews to be more like conversations. She admits she often says too much, but in an era of image control and spin, her honesty makes her a one-off. Not that she's likely to land herself in it too badly - she possesses the intellectual ammunition to look after herself, which must have been instrumental in attracting two of rock's more articulate stars, Albarn and Anderson.
She's been accused of being a professional rock girlfriend, though it was probably they who were lucky to get her. She spent the cab ride over reading the Sylvia Plath letters in Monday's Guardian, and muses on the irony of the poet's subjugating herself to Ted Hughes when she was the more gifted. (Her new boyfriend, by the way, is an unknown photographer, "though that'll probably change, because men seem to get famous when I go out with them".)
"I reacted the way a lot of women do, by being passive," she continues. "He put a lot of pressure on me to give up Elastica. He said, 'You don't want to be in a band, you want to settle down and have kids.' " In so many words? "In so many words. He kept putting on pressure till I started to believe him." She adds bemusedly: "I've met his new girlfriend, and one of the first things she said was that he wanted her to give up travelling with her work to stay home with the baby [Missy, born last autumn]. I'm surprised he's got away with being thought of as a nice person for so long."
After 18 months, during which they did seven American and three Japanese tours, Elastica came off the road to record company demands for an immediate second album. Annie Holland's response was to quit the group, while Donna Matthews became renowned for hard partying on the nocturnal west London scene. They lethargically recorded some demos, but their heart wasn't in it. By 1997, when a second album should have been ready to go, Frischmann and Matthews were barely speaking, and there was nothing useable down on tape.
Holland's replacement, Sheila Chipperfield (of the circus Chipperfields), was deemed not good enough and left by mutual consent. By 1998, their continued lack of productivity was being likened to the Stone Roses' lengthy and ultimately self-destructive holiday between their first and second LPs.
"I didn't think Elastica were going to continue at that point, and we did kinda split up," she says, absently stroking her publicist's cat. Frischmann is a cat person; she's owned a tabby called Benjamin since she was 10. "Unconditional love," she coos. The pet's place in her life is so assured that prospective boyfriends are subjected to his feline scrutiny before she'll go out with them.
On top of everything else, in early 1998 her relationship with Albarn was in trouble. Frischmann retains enough of the indie ethic to detest the phenomenon of celebrity couples, and was dismayed when they became one. "I really hated the tabloid interest, and I went out of my way not to be photographed with him. Only about three pictures of us together exist, I think. In many ways, I think the media interest broke us up, because it made me feel the relationship was quite ugly, and I had to get away from it. There were other factors, too, obviously, because we were together for eight years, and I finally felt it was better the devil you didn't know, really."
Albarn's ego seems to have been severely undermined by having a girlfriend who was nearly as successful as he was, and something of a sex symbol to boot. Despite adopting a resolutely boyish T-shirt-and-jeans uniform, she's thoroughly feminine, a mix that got her voted fifth most fanciable woman in a lesbian magazine.
"I'm completely heterosexual, so I didn't know how to take that. It scares the shit out of me, the idea of being with a girl. I'm glad I've narrowed it down to half the people in the world."
She seems to view Albarn with indulgent exasperation these days, simultaneously praising his intelligence ("The Gallaghers just couldn't compete") and ticking off his flaws. "Damon adores being in the press, and sees all press as good press. He orchestrated that rivalry thing with Oasis. He really wanted kids, and I didn't feel our relationship was stable enough. He was a naughty boy, and he wasn't the right person to have kids with. I had this cathartic moment..."
At which point they split up. Albarn wrote 13 and then met Suzi Winstanley, an artist. "She was pregnant within three months," Justine observes wickedly.
Of the acclaimed 13, she's tactful, describing several songs as "really lovely". She studies her cigarette for a while before adding, "but I'm cynical about selling a record on the back of our relationship". But you're doing the same now. "It's true, but at the time I had no right of reply."
Elastica finally pulled themselves together last year, just as the music industry was about to write them off (their American label had already "very kindly let us go", as she puts it). Holland rejoined, Matthews went to Wales to sort out her life and the band banged out an EP and played the Reading Festival. Things came together quickly after that. They spent the last £10,000 of the recording budget on re-recording a dozen tracks, finishing the album, after years of procrastinating, in six weeks. They've called it The Menace "because that's what it was like to make".
It's dark and resolutely uncommercial - all wrong for 2000's pop-oriented climate. It's unlikely to match the success of the first one, which is fine with them. Call it (though Justine doesn't) their White Album. Its 70s punk aesthetic brings to mind angry girls such as the Slits and the Au Pairs, although the defining mood isn't anger so much as catharsis. None of the songs is specifically about Albarn, she claims. "The dark feeling is due to the sense of isolation, tasting success and getting frightened by it. I was questioning whether I wanted to be in a band any more, and there was no one I could ask for advice. Getting success and everything you ever dreamed about is hard to handle, and makes you question everything."
She's better prepared for success, if it comes again, this time. Already the privacy-preserving barriers are in place. The next interview of the day is with Time Out magazine, which wants a list of her favourite restaurants. "I'm not telling them where I eat," she says reflexively. "I'm gonna lie."
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 16
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Chapter 16! When I have new chapters, I post it on Wattpad first then here then on AO3 as fast as I can. I watched Gang of Secrets yesterday, I fangirled greatly.
Adrien hoped that Ladybug wasn't too injured, she's far too valuable and important to be lost, especially at the beginning of, what looks like, Hawkmoth's new rise of power.
"Something tells me things are about to get a lot more serious from here on out"
"-ngel, Angel it's time to wake up" Marinette's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Damian's soft voice. She lifted her head off of his chest and sat up next to him, the green-eyed boy nuzzled her neck much like a cat. "Sorry for waking you but I do not wish to have your sleep schedule destroyed"
The girl giggled. "Kinda ironic that the true user of the miraculous of destruction doesn't want to have my sleep schedule destroyed" Then she shrugged. "Well I suppose you can't destroy something that's already destroyed"
"You should really get a full 8-hour sleep at least once a week" Damian grumbled as Marinette got up from the bed.
"Tell that to my cup of depresso- I mean espresso" she jokingly replied.
"In all seriousness, though" the green-eyed boy got up to sit in one of the armchairs in his hotel room. "How will you create a new team of heroes and who will you choose to uphold this responsibility?"
"Simple," she took a sip from her coffee, leaning on the wall. "I'll give each new member a miraculous, the first to join should be Adrien Agreste"
"The model?"
"Yep" the bluenette replied, popping the 'p'. "Believe it or not he was Chat Noir"
Damian raised one of his eyebrows. "They do seem quite different at first glance"
"I know right! Anyway, like I said, he was Chat Noir and he admitted to believing he was not the true owner of the miraculous. Though he might not think things through all the time, he's willing to listen and he's a good fighter"
"Admitting to that must have taken a lot of courage. He is attentive and skilled in combat" the black-haired boy hummed. "He sounds like an adequate addition to the team you are forming"
"You're just as important in this team as I am, Dami" Marinette reminded before putting a finger on her chin and thinking thoughtfully. "I was thinking maybe giving him the dog miraculous would work best"
Plagg scoffed. "The kid's gonna go from a cat to a dog eh? I know he doesn't make the wise decisions all the time but-"
Marinette rolled her eyes and continued as if Plagg hadn't said anything. "What's the power of the Dog miraculous, Tikki?"
"The Dog miraculous has the power of Location, it's ability is to retrieve and identify where any object or person is. The ability can locate them, hold them in place, bring them to the holder and/or rescue them possible captivity" Tikki stated, floating over to smack Plagg on the back of his head.
Marinette mumbled incoherently before humming thoughtfully. "I also think we should bring Alya into the team"
"Césaire? I understand she is your reporter now but what other significance does she have?" Damian questioned, trying not to offend his girlfriend's best friend.
"She's the first one other than Chat and I to join the heroes, she was Rena Rouge"
"Ah I see so you want to bring Rena Rouge back?"
The bluenette nodded as the green-eyed boy stood up from where he was sitting.
"Wanna come with me to get the miracle box?"
"Sure just... give me a minute" Marinette tilted her head in confusion as Damian went towards one of his cases and pulled, what looked like, a training mannequin. She watched as he then drew his katana and slashed at the poor mannequin, it was obliterated. The bluenette winced when the pieces hit the floor while Plagg barked a laugh.
"Now that's destruction" The black kwami then flew up to the boy and rested on his head. "Good job, kid"
Marinette giggled as he rolled his eyes and put his katana back. "In all honesty, I thought you were going to do a lot more damage in the battle. I'm surprised you're not that angry"
"Oh I am" Damian replied calmly. "Enormously so, I have just merely bottled my anger. If even the smallest ounce of it were to escape then, well, I don't think Hawkmoth would like a powerful Akuma whose only goal is to see him suffer"
The bluenette walked up to the angry vigilante, wrapped both of her arms on his left and rested her head on his shoulder. "No I don't think he would" she giggled as Damian kissed her temple. "You can use all that pent up anger in training later. For now, let's go get the miracle box"
"Lead the way, Angel"
The couple were on their way when Marinette heard a familiar voice, one that wasn't a friendly voice. She quickly pulled Damian and herself out of sight, leaning flat against the wall to safely ease drop.
"Is it true that you know the world-renowned chef Wang Cheng?" An unidentifiable voice asked.
"Yep! He actually gave me Master Class cooking sessions, that's how I've become an amazing chef myself!" The others awed at Lila's lies, Marinette felt her anger bubble, no one takes her Great Uncle's success and uses it for their own personal gain. "Actually, I was the one who helped him create his recipe for his signature dish"
"Oh my gosh, really?!"
"Yeah! I didn't help that much, he did most of the work" Lila's voice faded into the distance, Marinette was grateful that she didn't have to listen to the brunette anymore but she was also worried, 'How many lives is she willing to ruin just for popularity?'
The bluenette turned to glance at her boyfriend, only to be met with a visibly angry expression still looking at where they last saw the brunette. Marinette opened her mouth to start conversation but Damian beat her to it.
"Who does she think she is? Disrespecting Cheng Shifu in that manner" The green-eyed boy snarled. Marinette blinked in surprise.
"You know Cheng Shifu?"
Damian then looked at her, almost offendedly. "Of course! He is not just a chef, Cheng Shifu is an artist. We went to a grand opening of one of his five-star restaurants, arguably the place I was served the most exquisite food throughout my entire existence" He placed a finger on his chin in thought. "The best dish I was served had to be his signature recipe, Celestial Soup. Though, I think the name has changed to Marine-"
He paused and looked at his girlfriend's smug face, he presumed his face appeared to have an epiphany. This thought was confirmed when Marinette's giggles turned into proper laughter.
"Yes" she giggled, resting her forehead on his shoulder. "He's my maternal great-uncle"
"My god, your mother must be an excellent cook then"
"Yep! She's the best! Now come on, to my house!" Marinette dragged Damian towards the bakery and use her keys to open the front door. His eyes diverted to a wrapped package of cupcakes. "Oh that's for Nadja, she'll come by to pick it up in a few minutes" She then gestured for him to follow her. They both went up through the trapdoor and to Marinette's room.
Damian knew that his angel's favourite colour was pink so he presumed her room was drowned in said colour, when he entered he was greeted by the splash of rose as expected but he was also greeted with many rolls of fabric. It wasn't a messy mess per se, more of an organized and pretty one. It correlated with Marinette quite well in his opinion. The green-eyed boy sat on the girl's chaise as she brought a spotted box out of one of her drawers. Box in hand, Marinette sat next to Damian and pressed a button, opening one of the cabinets and out of the cabinet appeared a new kwami.
"Hello, Great Guardian" The kwami began. "Do you need my help?"
"Hello Barkk, there's really no need to address me so formally" Marinette replied to Barkk, fidgeting her fingers. "And yes, I believe it's time for you to get a permanent holder"
"Really? Great! But what happened for you to make this decision?" The kwami noticed how Marinette flinched at the question and flew closer. The kwami gasped. "Nooroo's energy... did Hawkmoth do something?"
"He did" The sudden appearance of Damian's sharp voice made the Kwami rise slightly.
"Lover-boy over here is my true chosen, Barkk" Plagg and Tikki appeared through the floor after eating downstairs.
"Hmm, he does seem to have your energy"
"Yes Barkk, Damian is the true user of the Black Cat miraculous. He's also my boyfriend" Marinette's cheeks were dusted with the lightest shade of pink, they grew deeper in colour as Damian pressed his lips against her skin. "We were thinking of having Adrien use your miraculous and Alya using Trixx's miraculous" The bluenette stated, half-glaring at the green-eyed boy for getting her flustered.
"I think he'll be a great fit for the Dog miraculous" Barkk replied, happy to have a new permanent holder.
"Alright!" Marinette took the collar necklace from the compartment, followed by the necklace. The bluenette turned to face Damian, the collar necklace in her palm. "You can give Adrien his new miraculous, I'll go find Alya and we meet at the Eiffel Tower. It'll save time"
"But shouldn't you give the miraculous? Considering you are the guardian after all" he questioned.
The bluenette shook her head. "Its a good way to get to know each other because, well, you'll technically be my partner meaning that you're one of the leaders of this new team. You need to know who you're working with and you need to trust them to save your life, if it were to come to that"
Damian slowly nodded, reaching for the collar necklace. "Meet you at the Eiffel Tower then"
A certain blonde was strolling down an empty street in Paris, in sun was setting and it was deathly quiet. Luckily, his schedule was cleared for the whole day. However, had no idea how to spend his last few hours of freedom. Usually he would go out as Chat Noir and jump from rooftop to rooftop. But he wasn't Chat anymore. Adrien winced at the reminder of the events that occurred early that day, he felt so useless. Thank god for Noir. 'That is his name right? He's incredibly attractive, the hero has only showed up once and he's giving me a run for my money' Adrien couldn't help the flash of red that appeared on his face before pushing it down completely. 'If Kagami talked to me the way he normally sounds then...'
His train of thoughts stopped when a figure landed in front of him. His first instinct was to get into a protective stance, which he did, but he recognised the figure as Noir, the mysterious hero that saved Ladybug earlier, so he dropped his stance.
"Hi Noir, what can I do for you?" Adrien questioned trying to act poised when he knew the only suave one here was Noir himself. He was totally not fanboying over the new hero, no way.
"Adrien Agreste" The black cat-themed hero began. "I'm sure you are aware of the... predicament that occurred earlier today, considering the fact that you were a witness of the whole ordeal"
"Yeah..." Adrien tried to look at anything other than Noir, but he sighed as he failed.
"Knowing that Hawkmoth has had an increase in power, Ladybug and I have come to the joint decision to have other permanent holders and form a team of superheroes." Noir looked at the blonde straight in the eye.
"And you want me to be a part of the team?" The blonde's eyes widened as Noir nodded.
"You were Ladybug's first choice"
"I- really?" Adrien stuttered out in disbelief, 'She still wants me to have a miraculous? Even though I couldn't do anything today?'
"You were Chat Noir, my predecessor, were you not? I have a lot to live up to" Though Adrien couldn't see most of the hero's face, he could see his eyes and the encouragement that shone through. "Do you wish to help us?"
"Absolutely" the blonde wasted no time in confirming.
Noir nodded and pulled out a box. "Adrien Agreste, this is the dog miraculous of Location. Ladybug has entrusted me to entrust this miraculous to you, you shall use it for the greater good. Can we trust you?"
Adrien carefully took the box and nodded with determination. He opened the box and, similarly with Plagg, a small peach-colored glowing orb spun around him. When the light died down, a dog kwami was facing him. "Hello, Adrien. My name is Barkk. To transform say: 'Barkk, to the rescue!'" He out the collar around his neck.
"Barkk, to the rescue!" The blonde was engulfed in peach-colored light, leaving a new superhero when it died down. Adrien now stood in a brown suit with a white belly reaching up to his neck, white boots, white gloves, brown floppy dog ears that contrasted well with his blonde hair. He also had a short, brown, metallic tail that which on command, would appear in his hand as a boomerang-shaped weapon. The blonde found out that it could be pulled apart into two separate rods and that with a flick of the wrist, the boomerang could snap into place like a baton, similar with his staff as Chat Noir. "Pawsome!"
Noir nodded. "It would be best if we head to the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible, Ladybug and Rena Rouge are probably waiting for us" The cat-themed hero then used his staff to propel himself in the direction of the city's landmark, Adrien followed closely, his new powers allowed him to jump like Rena. Sure enough, both heroes arrived on the building where two heroine's were waiting.
"I was wondering when you were going to get here" Ladybug's voice rang out, stepping out from the shadows. Noir had transformed and left before Ladybug had but now he wished he was there to see it.
The spotted heroine's suit had changed greatly. The top part of her suit had changed to black, running down her arms fading to the familiar red. The bottom part of her suit remained the same red with black spots but she had matte-black along the bottom part of her legs, mimicking boots. The long ribbons in her hair remained the same except they faded to black at the tips. Noir looked away to stop his cheeks from getting any redder than they already were.
"Something wrong, Minou?" She asked teasingly.
"Tt, of course not"
Ladybug giggled while Rena and the dog-themed hero exchanged knowing glances. The spotted heroine turned to Adrien and gestured for him to introduce himself.
"Oh, I'm Le Chien"
"Well, Le Chien, Rena, Noir, we have some training we need to do"
By the end of their patrol and training session, Le Chien was exhausted. He bid the other heroes farewell and detransformed. Giving Barkk a sugar biscuit, which honestly smelt a lot better than Camember, Adrien ran down the Seine, hoping to meet up with two people in particular. Said figures appeared in the distance and when he was closer enough, Adrien pushed himself in between the two and placed one arm over each shoulder.
"Hey you two, what's up?" Adrien asked.
"We just wanted to watch the sunset" Kagami answered, "Right Luka?"
"Yes, the sky is very beautiful at sunset" The guitarist answered. Suddenly all three of their phones chimed. "Chloe's inviting us for a sleepover at the hotel"
"Did she say who would be there?" The bluenette asked.
"She invited us, Alya, Nino couldn't make it, Marinette and... Damian? Do you know who that is?" Luka looked between the blonde and the bluenette.
"No, never heard the name before" Adrien's oblivious self replied.
Kagami hummed, both boys looked at her in confusion. "You'll find out who he is later and before you ask, I know who he is. Now let's go get the things necessary for this sleepover"
When the trio arrived at Chloe's door, they were greeted by both the blonde herself and Alya.
"Hi Chloe, Hi Alya" Luka greeted the two.
"Just come on in already, the movie's about to start!" Chloe walked away from the door to sit on a space on her sofa out of the current view of the two bluenettes and blonde.
"What movie are we watching?" Kagami asked, entering the room first.
"Une Petite Frayeur, it was premiered just last week" Alya replied, "I don't know what the genre is yet, Chloe is refusing to tell" The brunette with glasses led them to the sofa, the coffee table decked out in snacks.
"Please don't tell me it's a horror movie" a soft voice whined.
"Oh, hi Marinette! We-" Adrien stopped mid sentence when he noticed Marinette sitting next to an unfamiliar figure. He walked up to the both of them and when he got close enough, he started spluttering. After a good minute, he managed to say words. "This man isn't doing anything yet he's a better model than me! You are waytoo attractive for your own good. Y-you're illegally attractive! I'm gonna have to take your good-looking license away"
Adrien held out his hand much like a police officer, one of Damian's eye brows shot up in amusement while Marinette giggled at the display. The bluenette looked Adrien in the eye, wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. "No" she deadpanned.
"Adrien, Luka, Kagami" Marinette got the other two's attention. "This is Damian, my boyfriend"
"Pleasure to finally meet you, Damian" Kagami held out her hand which the green-eyed boy took.
"Wait you two know each other?" Adrien asked, his mind thinking of many different things at once.
"That explain's why Melody's music has changed"
"Alright enough chit-chat, let's watch the movie already!" Chloe cut in through the conversation.
"What genre is it?" Marinette timidly asked.
Chloe looked straight into the bluenette's eyes and smirked. "Horror"
Luckily the film wasn't that scary, well actually it was but the teens were busy arguing about how stupid and unrealistic the plot was.
"The murderer manages to get from point A to point B going at legit 2 kilometers per hour before the main protagonist, who just so happens to be sprinting, and they're insisting that they're human?!"
"Now you understand my frustration!"
"Well... he could've been running off-camera...?!"
"Well that wasn't implied!"
The rest of the sleepover was relatively quiet, at around midnight most of them had fallen asleep. If Alya, who were awake, managed to get a picture of Marinette cuddled in Damian's arms while they were asleep, the couple wouldn't know.
All but Chloe left in the morning after breakfast, Kitty Section would be practicing on the Liberty and Kagami came to watch. Alya would be on a date with Nino and Chloe was going to spend time with her parents, leaving Damian and Marinette free for the day. They decided just to spend the rest of their free time at Marinette's house, she had some commissions she needed to finish and Damian wanted to paint on her balcony.
When Marinette went up to her balcony through her trapdoor, she saw Damian sitting on the floor with some watercolour paint next to him. The bluenette had never been able to master using watercolours but she loved the way the paint looked. Peering over his shoulder, Marinette saw a realistic piece of the Notre Dame Cathedral and the air nearly escaped her, it was incredibly detailed. From the piece of artwork itself, the bluenette envisioned many pieces she could create and rushed to her sketchbook so her ideas could be on paper.
In the end, Damian gave the artwork to her so she could get inspiration whenever she wanted. He kissed her goodbye, since she had school the next day, and went back to the hotel.
"Marinette! You're going to be late!" Tikki's voice echoed in the bluenette's ears.
"Oh! Thanks Tikki!" Marinette shot out of bed, got changed, grabbed a croissant and rushed out the bakery, eating the croissant on her way. Alya was there waiting as usual.
"Hey girl!" The reporter called out after noticing her best friend, the bluenette waved back.
"Hey Alya!"
"Wow, this is probably the first time you've been early in a long time!" Marinette huffed while they both went to their lockers.
They found the room empty when the two arrived, making it easier to converse. As Alya was about to mention the photo she took of Marinette and the green-eyed boy, the bluenette winced, clutching her chest. The reporter rushed to her best friend's side but the blue-eyed girl ran to the bathroom, Alya followed not far behind. When the girl entered, she found Marinette in front of the sink, double-over with tears of pain threatening to spill. Not knowing what else to do, Alya went over to inspect where Marinette's hand was clutching, presuming that was the source of her pain. It was in the space of her curves, 'Isn't that the...' Alya gasped and looked at Marinette. It was so obvious, why hadn't she seen it sooner?
The bluenette looked at her best friend with a look that told her to continue.
"...You're Ladybug, aren't you?"
Taglist: @little-bluestar,@miracleofadisaster,@frieddonutsweets,@jjmjjktth,@genderfluidmoma,@starlit-dreaming,@icerosecrystal,@lolieg,@kashlyn,@mochegato,@eggadoodle,@walkingthroughonautopilot,@toodaloo-kangaroo,@lady-bee-fechin
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miraculousholder · 4 years
We Belong Together ~ Chapter 1
Hey! Just wanted to say that I finally posted my second Miraculous Ladybug fanfic and I am so excited for you all to read it! Will be updated on here and on AO3 :)
We Belong Together - AO3
Summary: It has been years since Marinette Dupain-Cheng last saw Adrien Agreste when he broke her heart. Since then she has moved on and continues to pursue her dreams in becoming a renowned fashion designer. Adrien hasn't forgotten the girl who had stolen his heart, but never got the chance to see her after graduation. But when he decides to secretly have a career in singing and has an underground band, that's when he spots Marinette. The girl who got away in the crowd. Can they both see what went wrong in the past to make it right? Or will they ignore their feelings and completely move on?
Marinette Dupain-Cheng sighs in relief when she finished up her sketches for her senior project. While she still had to make the garnet, it was much easier than designing it. Putting it all together was the fun and best part.
She checks her phone, realizing she had a few missed texts from her friends and one missed call from Alya. Checking the time, Alya should be out from her own class so she decided to call back her best friend.
After a few rings, Alya answered. “Hey girl! By time you answered one of us.”
Marinette chuckles. “Sorry about that. I finally came up with a great concept for my senior project and I had to finish it before the ideas left my head. But I’m finally done with the first part.”
“Oh great! So we’re going out tonight?”
“I did not say that!”
“Girl come on! We’re seniors in college and not once do I ever recall you going out to the clubs or getting drinks with us. While I respect you for committing to the internships and your classes, it’s high time you let loose and have some fun. You won’t be twenty one forever you know?”
Marinette knew that her best friend was right. Her goal was to always become a fashion designer and while she loved what she did, it was definitely time consuming. It was a miracle she even still had friends who understood her busy schedule and made their plans based on her availability.
“I mean, I don’t have classes tomorrow so I guess I can afford to stay up-“
“Yes!” Alya yells and Marinette jumped from her friends loud voice. “Okay, sorry! I’ll text you the details and wear something...with a rockstar vibe.”
“Rockstar vibe?” Marinette questioned. “Are we going to a Jagged Stone concert?”
“Oh you’ll see.” Is all Alya said before she hung up.
Marinette was confused but decided not to question it any further or else she would regret accepting the invitation.
A few hours later, nightfall had fallen over Paris. Marinette ate some dinner since she knew that if Alya and the girls were coming over, there would be some pre-gaming happening before they left to whatever place they had in mind.
Her small pet dog, Tikki, laid comfortably on her Ladybug bed in the living room. Marinette walks over and leaves out a bowl of food for Tikki and refilled her water bowl as well. Tikki already ate but it was just in case she came home late and didn’t wake up on time the next morning to feed her dog.
The door bell rings and Tikki lifts up her head upon smelling familiar people nearby. Marinette puts her dirty dishes in the sink and walks over to open the door.
Alya, Juleka, Rose, and Mylene walk in. All of them wearing concert attire but matched it to their personalities.
“Wow you girls look great!” Marinette exclaims, closing the door.
“And you look good, Marinette.” Says Rose. “I love the jacket.”
“Oh this old thing?” She tugs on her jacket. “It’s just something I’ve had in high school.”
Alya walks over to Marinette’s secret stash of liquor, as Mylene plays with Tikki.
“How’s Ivan?” Marinette asked Mylene.
Mylene smiles when her boyfriends name was mentioned. “He’s doing great! You’ll actually see him tonight.”
“Oh? Is he going to meet us there?” Marinette wonders and before Mylene can reply, Alya hands her a shot glass and she walks over to join everyone by the counter.
Marinette chuckles. “Okay can one of you tell me what we’re doing tonight?”
“Underground concert,” says Alya and hands her a glass. “Nino told me about this band he has been producing songs for and he invited us to go check out them out. Apparently they’re really popular in the alternative scene.”
“Oh sounds like fun.” Marinette and the girls surround her countertop and take a shot. The liquid burning her throat a little but she ignores the feeling.
Rose nods excitedly. “It will be! Alya told me that some of the band members went to school with us!”
Now Marinette was even more curious. “Like who?”
Alya clears her throat. “Lets not ruin the surprise!” She says and changes the subject. “Mari, are you still seeing the guy from the visual arts department?” Mylene asks Marinette.
Marinette has been going out with a boy from the visual arts department as of recent. While she enjoys his company, she isn’t really into him. It just didn’t feel right, but she hasn’t had the chance to tell him they were better off as friends.
“I am but we’re not official,” she assures her friends. “I’m not really looking for anything serious anyways.”
“So if a guy comes up to you and asks you to go home with him, you’ll take it?” Alya wonders and Marinette thinks about it.
“I’ll consider it.”
Alya accepted her answer and they took one last shot before leaving to the club.
The club was in a weird place in the city that was populated with sleazy clubs and teenagers who looked for a good time where they shouldn’t be looking.
The girls go through a dark alley and Alya reads the instructions that her mystery man gave her. She stands in front of a black door and knocks four times.
A minute passes and the door opens, revealing a huge bodyguard wearing a white mask.
“Alya?” He questioned.
Alya nods. “Yup! Carapace told me to come through the back for VIP.”
The bodyguard looks at the girls, stepping aside to let them in. They each held one another’s hand so they wouldn’t lose each other as they entered.
The place smelled like cigarettes and hard liquor, a smell that Marinette wasn’t to fond of but can tolerate. They make it to a small section of the upper floor that had a great viewing of the whole dance floor and stage. The girls sat down and Alya ordered them all a round of drinks.
“Carapace? I thought it was Nino who invited us?” Rose asks Alya.
Alya shakes her head. “No it’s just a nickname that they go by here. You see, majority of these artists are undercover celebrities who like to play music by their own terms or just like to escape the crazy world that they live in. So they make up an alternative identity so they can party or rock out without worrying about the paparazzi.”
“Wait, then how will you know which one is Nino?” Marinette asks. While the concept was cool, she wasn’t sure if she would like to hide her identity from the people she was close to. Unless she really need to.
Alya shows her a picture of Nino wearing a green mask. She then shows the others and they start to be on the look out for him.
“Well I hope he passes by so we can thank him for this cool VIP experience.” Rose says excitedly. “And it’s been awhile since I’ve seen him so we have to catch up.”
Marinette smiles and their drinks arrive. They give a quick cheers before they start drinking.
After twenty minutes of talking and joking around with one another, the lights in their section went down and so did the ones on the stage. The crowd yells out in excitement and the girls get closer to the recliner to watch the show.
Marinette can see a group of boys walk out to the stage and the start of the guitar. The lights turned back on and everyone went crazy over the band on stage.
She can see the name of the band written on the drums, Cataclysm.
What an unusual name, she tells herself as the lead singer begins to sing. He was a fantastic singer and Marinette closes her eyes as she vibes with the loud music playing.
Her friends were clearly enjoying themselves and were maybe a little bit too loud compared to the other attendees who were watching the show in the first floor. She followed along with her friends, also dancing and laughing.
Marinette looked down again at the stage, the band finishing up their first song. The lights were finally on the lead singer and when her eyes stared directly at him, she froze.
(An hour before the show)
Chat Noir, or Adrien Agreste as his most of his close friends and family knew him by, fixing up his black eyeliner and mask. His bandmates were doing the same or sitting on the couch before it was time for them to go up.
Nino comes in and was beaming with excitement.
“What’s up with you?” Jared asks, fixing the strings of his guitar.
“Oh nothing just that Alya and the girls are finally coming to check out the band!” Nino announced.
“Yeah, Mylene texted me that she was here.” Ivan brought up.
Kim was stretching. “Any of them single?”
“Kim, these are our friends from school. Besides aren’t you still seeing Ondine?” Max brings up.
Kim shrugs. “It’s complicated.”
“Actually there is one girl who is single.” Nino answers Kim’s question. “Maybe big shot over here can finally get his first girlfriend.” He points at Adrien who was resting comfortably on the couch.
Adrien opens one eye and looks at Nino. “I can get a girlfriend if I wanted to.” He closes his eyes again and stretches his arms out as he sat up. “But I told you. If I’m getting a girlfriend I want them to fall for me, not Adrien Agreste.”
While he loved his life as the son of famous renowned fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste, it came with consequences.
The main one would be how he made friends. While he was home schooled for a good portion of his early childhood, he was able to attend a real school when he turned fourteen. It was a private school, but to him it was something. But based on how people treated him, he knew he was getting a weird taste of privilege that he didn’t want.
It started with how guys would want to come over only to his place and never bothered to invite him to theirs. Sure his father was strict, but he would’ve allowed it as long as it didn’t interfere with his studies. But no his friends at the time wouldn’t bother.
Then every holiday his locker would be packed with constant love letters or presents girls would leave for him. Not to be rude he accepted the small tokens of appreciation but he never liked it.
He hated this and when he would meet up with his friend Chloe, she convinced him to transfer to her school. It was closer to his place and not as crowded as his private school.
“I mean you’ll still be surrounded by peasants, but you’ll be with me Adrikins!”
And after one long and difficult hour of convincing his father, he agreed to let him transfer to College Francoise Dupont. There he met probably his closet friends and met the love of his life...
“Adrien? Oh Adrien,” Nino says his name in a song like tune. “Time for the show, let’s go.”
Adrien gets up and grabs his guitar. “Let’s do this guys!”
His friends chuckle and they do their backstage circle before they get on stage. While they usually start off the show with one of their classics, they decided to start slow before playing their more hardcore stuff.
As Adrien, he never could be on stage with people constantly watching his every move and wonder how he will fuck up his family name. But as Chat Noir, he belonged to no one. He wasn’t the son of a famous fashion designer. He wouldn’t be in the tabloids the next day. No instead he got to play till his hearts content and go home.
That was until he looked up at the balcony where a group of girls were cheering them on.
And that’s when he spotted her. Even though his eyes were slightly blinded by the bright lights, he can still see her raven black hair that can be mistaken for a dark blue. She blue bell eyes that he can stare at all day. There was only one girl who can ever have him in a trance such as this.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
The girl who stole his heart and the one who will forever be known as his first love.
He continued to sing into the microphone, not removing his eyes from her. “Just another day started out like any other. Just another girl who took my breath away.” He sang, continuing on with his performance. The crowd loved it, girls getting closer to the stage to get his and the others attention.
But Adrien can only stare at one girl.
The one who got away.
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emblem-fire · 4 years
Black Eagle!Dedue AU
Dedue starts classes in the Blue Lions House, but he isn’t totally loyal to Dimitri like he is in the canon. In this AU, he is bitter about the Murder of Duscur and about Dimitri’s refusal to do anything in terms of reparations.
Dedue spends two moons in the blue lions and in that time, he is consistently belittled and degraded by Felix and Ingrid for his heritage. He doesn’t get this treatment from his other classmates but they seldom defend him. This refusal to take action leads to a rift between the Dedue and the rest of his class. For a while, he feels totally alone.
One day, Ingrid gets exceptionally racist in the mess hall and it draws attention. Again, none in the Blue Lions stand up for Dedue but to Dedue’s surprise, quite a few Black Eagles come to his defense immediately. This leads to a spat between the the black eagles, Petra, Dorothea and Ferdinand in particular, and Ingrid and Felix. Seteth breaks up the argument but before they leave, the Black Eagles invite Dedue to their table. Dedue thinks on it a minute before he stands with his food and he goes to join them. He starts sitting with and just generally hanging out with the Eagles from then on, but it doesn’t push him to switch classes.
From then, Dedue builds relationships with most of the Eagles.
Petra becomes friends with him first, and they bond over their mutual feelings of homesickness. They become good friends doing cool friend shit like hunting and fishing together and kicking the shit out of racist monks and students. Idk I just want them to be bros, dude.
Dorothea becomes friends with him by asking him about the arts of Duscur. He’s wary of her initially, but he eventually warms up to her and he even sings the songs he remembers for her.
Ferdinand tries to be a protector to Dedue at first but that annoyed Dedue more than anything. Dedue tries to explain that he doesn’t need a defender and that while he appreciates the thought, he would rather not have Ferdinand stick his neck out like that. Ferdinand obliges, albeit a bit confused as to why someone would refuse a noble’s protection.
 Caspar becomes friends with Dedue because of how built he is. They train together all the time, and though Caspar is a bit too rambunctious for Dedue’s tastes, he indulges him anyways and he develops a friendship with him.
What pushes Dedue to leave the Blue Lions is his paralouge. Dimitri refuses to defend the Duscur rebels. He says that there are more important matters at hand, so he turns his back on the people who just want their homes back. Desperate and enraged, Dedue turns to the eagles and begs them for their aid. Without question, Byleth and Edelgard agree to help him and together, they help the Duscari rebels fend off the battalion of Faerghus soldiers. Afterwards, Edelgard offers the rebels a haven in Enbarr, so that they may live in peace. The rebels accept her offer and they go to Enbarr as temporary refugees, but with plans to take their lands back in one way or another.
Dedue is thoroughly shocked that Edelgard was so ready to aid his people who have been seen as lessers for so long and he’s even more shocked when she offers the people of Duscur her protection and a temporary home in Enbarr. It is here where Edelgard confides in Dedue that when she is Emperor, she wants to create a world of equals in terms of rights and protections. It’s vague but it’s enough for him to turn his back on Dimitri all together and join the Eagles because in this one act of aid, she has done more for Duscur than Dimitri has in his entire life.
Ingrid is predictably vindictive about his choice to leave, but everyone else is amicable about it, ranging from sad to indifferent.
When the war rolls around, Dedue doesn’t think twice about siding with the empire.
Dialogue vs former classmates
Dimitri: Dedue!
Dedue: Your Highness.
Dimitri: I don’t understand, how could you side with her? Can you not see the destruction that she has wrought?
Dedue: With her help, Duscur can reclaim what it has lost. She offers a future for my people, whereas Faerghus sees us as little more than a remnant of the past.
Dimitri: Faithless turncoat! Very well, then. If you fight for her despotic visions, then you’ll die too!
Ingrid: Duscari scum! I will rid you from the world for your treachery!
Dedue: No, Ingrid. You will only die trying.
Felix: Even if you’ve left the boar, you’re still nothing more than a dog. The only thing that’s changed is your master.
Dedue: I have no words for you.
Felix: Good. Come fight me and die.
Sylvain: So, this new world Edelgard wants to build is one where crests are insignificant?
Dedue: Yes. If you lay down your arms, I can promise you that you’ll have a place in it too.
Sylvain: Tempting, but I’m afraid I’ve already found a cause worth fighting for.
Dedue: Your sense of duty will get you killed.
Sylvain: I have the Lance of Ruin on my side, Dedue. I’ll take my chances.
Annette: I know I should hate you for siding with her…
Dedue: …
Annette: But, I don’t. I really do understand why you did.
Dedue: We don’t need to fight, Annette. Surrender, and I will see that you are treated with fairness and dignity.
Annette: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I will not lose my father again. Prepare yourself, I won’t go easy on you.
Ashe: I was hoping we wouldn’t have to fight.
Dedue: As was I. I don’t suppose I can convince you to lay down your bow and surrender?
Ashe: I’m sorry, but no. I have a duty to fulfill. Even if it means I’ll die fulfilling it.
Mercedes: Oh! It really is lovely to see you again. It’s a shame that it’s like this, isn’t it?
Dedue: I don’t want to fight you, Mercedes. Please, stand down.
Mercedes: If only it were so simple, Dedue.
Endings in Crimson Flower route
Solo Ending
After the war finally came to a halt, the people of Duscur were able to reclaim what they had lost and then some. Dedue was widely celebrated as a hero to his people and he became the first leader of Duscur. The people wanted him to rule as a king, but he proposed a more democratic rule. Even so, Dedue was never voted out of office and under his selfless leadership, Duscur was able to bloom into a wealthy nation with rich art and world famous cuisine.
Ending with Ferdinand
After the war had finally came to a halt, the people of Duscur were finally able to reclaim what they lost and then some. Dedue became a hero to his people and together with the aid of Ferdinand von Aegir, Duscur healed from the scars of it’s past and it blossomed into a vibrant nation which was rich in trade and art. Later, after both Dedue and Ferdinand had passed, letters between the two were discovered, the contents of which were described by poets and scholars as the most beautiful and intimate expressions of love and gratitude to ever be written.
Ending with Petra
After the war had come to a close, Petra was finally crowned as the Queen of Brigid. From the very start of her reign, Petra worked hard to establish strong diplomatic relations with not just Fódlan, but with Dagda, Almyra, Morfis and the newly rebuilt Duscur. Dedue, as the new leader of Duscur, would meet with Petra regularly to make sure that their two nations grew strong together, though later, these meetings would become more private affairs. Eventually, Dedue announced that he would not be running for another term and he left Duscur to be with Petra, to whom he was wed almost as soon as he arrived in Brigid. The people were initially skeptical of him but Dedue’s tireless devotion to his new subjects earned him their love and admiration. To this day, Dedue and Petra are revered in both Duscur and Brigid and the two nations enjoy a high degree of camaraderie.
Ending with Dorothea
When the war finally came to a close, Dorothea accompanied her husband, Dedue to Duscur. Together, they got to work rebuilding Duscur, though in two very different ways. Dedue became the first elected leader of Duscur and his policies made sure that the country was built strongly in terms of infrastructure and with its economy. Dorothea, on the other hand, became a patron of the arts and she oversaw the creation of a new Opera company in Duscur which took in talent from all over the world. This diversity of artists effectively revolutionized art itself, and before long, Duscur was known far and wide for it’s wide array of arts. For as busy as the couple was, however, they always made time for one another and it is said that no union was ever as happy and serene as theirs was.
Ending with Caspar
In recognition of his daring deeds during the war, Caspar was offered the position of Minister of Military Affairs, but he declined. Instead, Caspar accompanied Dedue and his people to help rebuild Duscur. Unfortunately, hatred for Duscur persisted in the north of Fódlan. This led to the creation of a military dedicated to the defense of Duscur, helmed jointly by Caspar and Dedue. Thanks to their tireless efforts, Duscur remained safe and in time, the nation was able to heal and bloom into a wondrous country of wealth and formidable military might. To this day, Dedue and Caspar are remembered as the greatest of all of Duscur’s heroes, even being called the sons of the War God by some.
Ending with Bernadetta
After the war had finally come to a close, Bernadetta was granted the Varley territory, but instead of taking over, she chose a more adept successor and relinquished all claims to the territory. From there, she became a traveling artist of great renown. She ventured far and wide, from Brigid to Sreng to Almyra, but eventually, she found herself in Duscur and she fell in love with the culture. Her paintings of Duscur and it’s denizens became beloved by the people to the point were Dedue, the new leader of Duscur, had to beg her to stay. She inevitably stayed and with her help, art museums were established in Duscur. In time, these became among the finest in the world, filled to the brim with the beautiful works of Duscur’s many artists.
This was pretty cool to write haha. If anyone is interested in me writing more endings for this AU or maybe even Dedue’s supports with the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer let me know!
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passionate-reply · 3 years
In this installment of Great Albums, we’re back to talking about albums nobody’s ever heard of! You might not know who Zaine Griff is, but you’ve probably heard of a guy called Hans Zimmer, and Zimmer is the real mastermind of this record: a masterpiece of New Romantic synth-pop made long before he made his name composing for the big screen! Not to mention contributions from Ultravox’s Warren Cann, YMO’s Yukihiro Takahashi, and even Kate Bush. Find out all about it by watching this video, or reading the full transcript below the break!
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! Today’s installment is going to feature an album that is most definitely towards the obscure side--but, like most of the more obscure artists and albums I’ve talked about, I think this one is every bit as good as the classics. Zaine Griff’s Figures is not only a forgotten album that I think deserves more acclaim, but also an album that, in many ways, feels like it could have been a huge success in its own time.
Zaine Griff grew up in New Zealand, and moved to Great Britain in the 1970s in the hopes of pursuing a career in music. His debut LP, 1980’s Ashes & Diamonds, would mark him as one of the many artists straddling the musical landscape in the aftermath of glam, in the long shadow of David Bowie. With keen visual panache, a suave way of slurring when he sang, and the requisite killer cheekbones, Griff fit in perfectly with the so-called “New Romantics,” as stylish and sophisticated as Visage, Ultravox, or Japan.
Music: “Ashes & Diamonds”
The real turning point in Griff’s career was his being “discovered,” so to speak, by Hans Zimmer and Warren Cann. Cann had already become a figure of some renown, as the percussionist for the aforementioned Ultravox. Despite his tremendous fame today, Zimmer actually had much less to show for himself at this point, aside from a somewhat dodgy stint in the Buggles. While geniuses in their own ways, neither of them were necessarily natural frontmen, and Zaine Griff seemed like the perfect missing piece to fit into their pop ambitions.
Even setting aside Zimmer and Cann, Figures is actually full of recognizable talent, and I think it may have the single most stacked list of album credits I’ve ever seen in my life! You’ll also hear contributions from Yellow Magic Orchestra’s Yukihiro Takahashi, backing vocals from Linda Jardim, who was also the soprano on the Buggles’ famous “Video Killed the Radio Star,” and a guest appearance by none other than Kate Bush. That’s really a lot of clout going around, which is one of the reasons I’m so surprised this album went nowhere. Anyway, that aside, the most dominant sonic footprint on display here is certainly that of Hans Zimmer. Zimmer is credited with producing the album, and his dynamic, expressive, perhaps “cinematic” work with digital synthesisers is surely the driving force behind Figures’s sound.
Music: “Fahrenheit 451”
It’s easy to imagine “Fahrenheit 451” is the thumping theme to some delightfully 80s adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s classic novel. Its theme of lustful but dangerous romance is a constant throughout the album, most notably on tracks like “Hot” and the haunting closer, “The Beating of Wings.” The song’s tense and dramatic mood is well bolstered by those soaring synths, courtesy of the Fairlight CMI. One of the most distinctive sounds of mid-80s synth-pop, the soft, breathy tones of the Fairlight hadn’t yet reached full saturation when Figures was made--Zimmer was an early adopter of this particular musical revolution. You might be surprised to learn that “Fahrenheit 451” only saw minor distribution as a single, exclusively for the French and Belgian markets. I think that sort of mismanagement on behalf of Polydor really shafted this album. Its lead single was actually its title track.
Music: “Figures”
The title track of Figures isn’t the worst song I’ve ever heard, but I do think it just might be the worst song on this album. With a strident, stabbing synth riff and a somewhat sparse and anemic soundstage, the title track is not particularly exciting, and also not particularly representative of what the rest of the album sounds like, with no indication of the lush and vibrant textures that dominate tracks like “Fahrenheit 451.” It also has less lyrics than the other tracks, and offers Griff little opportunity to demonstrate his pipes. Thematically, though, its imagery of wispy and mysterious personas, flitting in and out of substance in a world where appearance and identity are trifling and ephemeral, is something that resonates strongly with the album as a whole, as one might surmise from its title also being used for the album. “The Vanishing Men,” another song that easily feels like a better single than “Figures,” handles the same sort of subject in a more playful and upbeat manner.
Music: “The Vanishing Men”
The titular “vanishing men” are quite clearly the life of the party here, and in the world of this track, the insignificance of true identity is portrayed as an invitation to experiment and have fun with it--though not without a slight hint of danger as well. Perhaps it’s a good metaphor for the curated aestheticism of the New Romantic movement, decried by some as “style over substance.” New Romanticism really didn’t have much time left by the time *Figures* came out, being so strongly associated with trends in fashion that were on their way out by this point. Even Ultravox would find themselves pivoting towards more of a pop rock-oriented sound for their final classic lineup LP, 1984’s Lament. I can’t help but think that the changing landscape of musical trends is part of the poor reception of Figures, which is such a consummate New Romantic album, which basks in the full flush of the movement’s prior penetration into the mainstream. As stated above, “The Vanishing Men” is all about the glamour of mutable identity, but other tracks on the album seem to assign this theme a bit more weight, as in “The Stranger.”
Music: “The Stranger”
The titular character of “The Stranger” is described as “a stranger to himself,” but also “no stranger to anyone else.” This track seems to be more focused on the negative aspects of fashionable persona-play: losing the dignity and security of a true form, the people around you seeing through your charades, and becoming trapped in an existence defined by arbitrariness and artificiality. I’d also be remiss not to mention this track’s winsome pentatonic synth riff, which helps create a mercurial and ambiguous mood. It might be interpreted as a nod towards the rampant Orientalism of New Romantic music, which ran with the early 80s verve for all things Asian, and wasn’t shy about appropriating “Asiatic” musical motives like pentatonic scales to evoke mystery and wonder. Griff and friends’ use of such here is relatively subtle, though, and perhaps a bit more tactful than how many of their contemporaries approached other musical ideas associated with the East.
The unforgettable cover of Figures is as dramatic and infused with capital-R Romantic sentiment as the music contained within. Above the text relating the artist and title, which uses a V for a U for a touch of the classical, we see Griff splayed dramatically in a pond of lilies. With sharp makeup that emphasizes his lips, and a diaphanous, blousy top that turns translucent in the water, he seems to be the perfect tragic hero of some lost work of Shakespeare’s--complete with another flower stylishly pinned to his chest. As I mentioned before, Figures is an album that rides the wave of New Romanticism particularly hard, and I think its cover is yet another symptom of those sensibilities.
Speaking of Shakespeare, I can’t help but want to compare this image with a famous painting of one of Shakespeare’s best-known characters: Ophelia, by Sir John Everett Millais. Painted in the early 1850s, Millais’s Ophelia depicts the moment where Ophelia, driven mad by Hamlet’s romantic rejection of her, drowns herself in a river. It’s exactly the kind of story of wild, passionate, and doomed love portrayed on tracks like “Fahrenheit 451.” Ophelia is also associated strongly with flowers in the text, and features in a particularly memorable scene where she doles out various symbolic blossoms to members of the royal court. Besides the affinity of subject matter, even the composition of Millais’s work resembles the cover of Figures, contrasting its subject’s pale skin with the dark and murky natural surrounds, and emphasizing the drapery of their wettened attire. Ophelia is often considered the definitive masterpiece of the short-lived art movement, the “Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood,” who, as their name implies, sought to recapture the intuitive, colourful, and emotive power of art created prior to the High Renaissance. Not unlike New Romanticism, the Pre-Raphaelite movement would crumble after only a few years, but not without leaving behind a trail of masterpieces that would continue to inspire future artists and admirers, far removed from their own time.
After the release of Figures, Zaine Griff remained involved with Hans Zimmer and Warren Cann, and, as the supergroup “Helden,” they embarked on an even more ambitious musical opus together: Spies, a sort of synth-pop oratorio about immortal Nazi super-spies falling in love in a futuristic dystopia. Spies is about as out-there as it sounds, and brings the flamboyant musical excess of Figures into a suitably theatrical setting. It’s also got nearly as star-studded of a cast as Figures, featuring not only Zimmer, Cann, and Jardim again, but also Eddie Maelov of Eddie & Sunshine as a mad scientist, and the enigmatic French electro-cabaret chanteuse Ronny, in the role of a super-computer with a sultry female voice. Griff portrays one of the titular immortal spies, known only as “The Stranger”--which, of course, begs comparison to the track of the same name on Figures, and prompts the question, to what extent was Spies already in the works when *Figures* was being written and recorded?
Music: “The Ball”
We all know the rest of the story for Hans Zimmer, who began working with music for film in the mid-1980s, such as the queer cult classic My Beautiful Laundrette. But Zaine Griff obviously never became a household name. Despite being finished in 1983, Spies never got to see an official release, as it was a bit too out there for a label to take a chance on at the time, and it would probably be lost media today if it weren’t for a vinyl bootleg that’s thankfully fairly easy to find online. Griff decided to retire from music shortly after this, and recounts a story of having walked past an extremely talented street musician, and having a sort of epiphany about just how hard it was to make it in music. After all, if a true virtuoso could end up busking on the street, how fair and rewarding could the industry possibly be? Disillusioned with the world of pop, Griff returned to his native New Zealand and got a day job as a golf instructor. More recently, though, he’s also released several new solo albums in the 2010s, surprisingly enough, and attempted to push forward into some very contemporary-sounding pop rock. The world is, of course, a very different place nowadays than it was in the 20th Century, and particularly in the world of music distribution, so perhaps it makes sense that our brave new world has room in it for someone like Zaine Griff to return.
My overall favourite track on Figures is probably “Time Stands Still,” which I think is perhaps the most accessible, pop-friendly track to be had on the album, and the one I would’ve released as the lead single had I worked for Polydor. With a big hook and simple, repetitive lyrics, it’s a true pop song through and through--though, if an artist releases a commercial-sounding album in the woods, and nobody is around to buy it, is it still really “pop?” Anyway, I also love this track’s delightful outro, imitating a skipping record to represent a freeze in the flow of time...though I admit it’s a lot less harrowing to hear when listening digitally! That’s all I have for today--thanks for listening.
Music: “Time Stands Still”
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remuslupinfest · 4 years
Remus Lupin Fest 2020 Master List (Anon)
We're pleased to release this years Master List of fics, sorted by ship and alphabetically! There's 38 incredible works! Author and artist reveals are next week.
TITLE: First Year SUMMARY: I hope whoever prompted this in the first place is happy with the result. I know it's super messy but I was experimenting a bit with my style!
TITLE: On Talking SUMMARY: Five conversations Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall have during Prisoner of Azkaban and one they do not.
TITLE: One of Many Happy Moments SUMMARY: Remus has only come back home from one of particularly typical days of teaching in Hogwarts, but he couldn’t refuse Teddy to read the book together
TITLE: Remus Lupin Sleeping Peacefully SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus sleeping peacefully.
TITLE: Tousled SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus wrapped in a sheet/duvet going to the bathroom or kitchen after having had sex with someone. Maybe someone knocks on the door and he can’t find his trousers. He’s flushed, tousled and possibly has a hickey or two.
TITLE: A Heart Grows Warm SUMMARY: After the war, Remus is a single father and desperate for a job. Snape hires him to work in his potions shop, but Remus can't ignore the building sexual tension between them.
TITLE: Bad Moon Rising SUMMARY: James, Lily and Voldemort all died on Halloween night. Years later, Remus is working in the Auror Department on a confusing case of a transformed werewolf stalking a family outside of a full moon and is assigned a brilliant new Auror, Nymphadora Tonks, to work with him.
TITLE: Briseé SUMMARY: Death eater!Remus struggles to face his past after the death of his lover and the end of his freedom.
TITLE: Care to Share? SUMMARY: Remus had every intention of enjoying solidarity over the holidays. That may change now that he's not the only Slytherin staying behind.
TITLE: His Luck SUMMARY: Modern setting, model/photographer AU for Remus Lupin and Narcissa Black. Written for the Remus Lupin fest 2020.
TITLE: Hold Me While You Wait SUMMARY: Remus Lupin just needs someone to hug him.
TITLE: One Night In Barcelona SUMMARY: The chemistry was too much to resist.
TITLE: Readjusting SUMMARY: When Voldemort murders Frank and Alice Longbottom, their baby survives. Meanwhile, Lily moves into a flat in Muggle London. Alone. With baby Harry and the cat. Remus helps.
TITLE: The Paths We Take SUMMARY: Lily Evans Lupin is a detective, though her husband Remus' name is on all the paperwork. He writes incredible tales while she solves mysteries. All seems normal as the Second World War ends, and Lily is hoping for peace and eventual renown for her talents legally attributed to Remus. Her and Remus' entire world comes crashing down once more as Sirius O. Black, Remus' first love, enters their agency, with one request: to find his missing brother Regulus, who joined the Nazis and hasn't come home. Can Lily find the missing Regulus? Can Remus face his heartbreak?
TITLE: You keep messing with my brain SUMMARY: The awful truth was that when he had noticed Regulus Black he couldn’t exactly look away anymore.
TITLE: AMOR VINCIT OMNIA (love conquers all) SUMMARY: Remus, a servant boy to the cruel Emperor Voldemort, meets Sirius, a charming nobleman. Together they fight for freedom and love in Ancient Rome.
TITLE: An Endearing Portrait SUMMARY: At the beginning of their seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius fears that Remus’s mother and perhaps Remus himself, too, prefers someone else.
TITLE: Falling Into Place SUMMARY: There's always been something special about Remus Lupin, even if it's taken Sirius Black until his seventh year to realize it. Too bad he spends so much time agonizing over his changing feelings that he loses his chance. In which Remus acts like an idiot, Marlene is the snarky voice of reason, James is a mother hen, Peter is confused, and Sirius is seriously jealous.
TITLE: Fate and Other Ambiguous Notions SUMMARY: Truth be told, Sirius has never really paid much attention to Remus before... (Slytherin!Remus, Gryffindor!Sirius)
TITLE: Hold Me While You Wait SUMMARY: Remus Lupin just needs someone to hug him.
TITLE: If You’ll Be Waiting SUMMARY: Remus gets the Information that Sirius is probably still alive. He goes on a road trip to Germany with Harry to find him.
TITLE: In the Throws of You SUMMARY: Prompt 178: Sirius has a track record for picking bad BDSM doms, but luckily Remus is always there to provide the proper aftercare he needs.
TITLE: Ivory and Gold SUMMARY: Sirius Black is all Remus has been looking for and more. A muse, an inspiration, a theme he never wishes to let go. He’s magnetic. And Remus lets himself be pulled in.
TITLE: Let the Awful Song Be Heard, Bluebird SUMMARY: Prompt: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is really just a squeal of pain. – Vita Sackville West In some ways, they are still Padfoot and Moony.
TITLE: making a fool out of myself (for you) SUMMARY: Sirius and Remus have been friends for years. However, unbeknownst to the other, both of them have a secret life working as a clown. Over the years, Remus and Sirius have competed against each other in the clown/birthday party circuit, becoming actual clown enemies of each other without knowing their true identities... until now, that is.
TITLE: Meet the Moonies SUMMARY: Remus introduces Sirius to his parents for the first time.
TITLE: Renewal SUMMARY: Remus and Sirius return to Remus's cabin together after the events of Harry's third school year come to a close. Remus decides that Sirius would be much better off with a haircut and some TLC.
TITLE: Sanctify My Body (With Pain) SUMMARY: When Remus leaves for what is essentially a suicide mission, Sirius finds himself grappling with the realities of a life where he doesn't know if the love of his life is dead or alive.
Perhaps the most confusing question in these situations is: which is worse?
TITLE: Siren songs SUMMARY: Sirius had heard of mermaids before, of course. They were all over the songs bards performed at his parents' table and the tall tales sailors traded in every port. He had never given much thought to whether or not the stories were true, though. Imagine his surprise when he and his best mates found themselves shipwrecked on an unfamiliar shore, with a breathtaking and mysterious merman for their only ally.
TITLE: Sweet Nuthin’ SUMMARY: When the summer between third and fourth year begins, Sirius expects it to be nothing but lazy days, harmless pranks with James, and the occasional meet-up with the rest of his friends from Hogwarts. Those plans go out the window rather quickly when he gets a sudden glimpse of Remus Lupin, a mysterious boy who changes everything about Sirius Black's life and shows him that love will always win in the end.
TITLE: Teddy’s Wedding SUMMARY: Teddy's wedding brings about memories of the past and hopes for the future.
TITLE: That Iron Taste SUMMARY: In the middle of a particularly bitter winter, a new attendee starts showing up in Father Black’s congregation. He is entirely unfamiliar and wholly arresting. In his wake there will be confusion, horror, heat, bliss, blood, and perhaps the end of reality itself.
TITLE: The Great Gay Pornstar Twitter Feud of 2020 SUMMARY: “So what I’m hearing is that you’ve got a date with your hot, clever, fellow porn-star twitter nemesis, of whom you once said ‘I’d rather die than let that pretentious knobcloud touch my dick’... is that about right?”
“... Yes.”
Or; Remus Lupin forgets to turn the fucking camera on.
TITLE: The King I Could Become SUMMARY: Prince Sirius of Nox has one thing he cannot stand. Or rather it should be said, one person. Prince Remus of Lupos. They had never gotten along well, though their kingdoms are close allies, but a disturbance in the lands has brought them together on a quest. They'll be able to take down this threat...if they can survive each other's presence first.
TITLE: The New Sailing Master SUMMARY: Sirius is a pirate, Remus is a fugitive, Remus manages to get a lift aboard the Blithering Idiot and it's love at first sight…
TITLE: Things We Can’t Say SUMMARY: Prompt 18: Angst during the first war, based on being on opposite sides. Trying to convince them to join the light side maybe, or accidentally injuring each other or close friends of each other.
TITLE: Thoroughly Debauched SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus riding Sirius in a chair
TITLE: To Admit What Is Not More Illegal SUMMARY: On Valentine’s Day in their seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius tries to offer what Remus needs, and starts figuring out if he's ashamed of something, and if he is, what it is.
TITLE: You Would Be Calling Me Moony SUMMARY: A month after Sirius falls through the Veil, Remus starts seeing Sirius in his dreams. But they're only dreams...right?
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m0r1bund · 4 years
Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
So. If you’ve been here a year or more, you might know that I have this little journal from back in 2018 that I try to update every year with works from local indigenous artists / created in collaboration with indigenous folks.
It was once hosted on another site, but that one’s since gone to hell! So, I’m shuffling it over here and giving it a little TLC : -) Enjoy!
You can probably glean from my work that I owe intensely to the people of the Sonoran Desert and surrounding communities. Since it’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day, I’m going to share a few works from (mostly southwestern) native artists that have really impressed on me. If you enjoy anything that I do, I think you’ll enjoy their work even more!
Tyler Bighorse and Suite 104
I was introduced to the work of Tyler Bighorse in downtown Flagstaff, where he runs a gallery called Suite 104.
If you're ever in the area I really recommend dropping by! He sells prints and originals of his works there, as well as other local artists' work. (snagged this sick Legend of Zelda spread for my bro while I was up there.)
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  Mulaka, by Lienzo
Synopsis, from their website:
Dive into northern Mexico’s breathtaking landscapes with Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara. Renowned for their impressive running abilities, embark on the journey of a Sukurúame - a Tarahumara shaman - as you fight back the foulness corrupting the land, while drawing upon the powers of demigods.
Mulaka was developed by the Chihuahua-based game company Lienzo in conjunction with Rarámuri leaders and anthropologists. Lienzo also aims to keep their game dev local to Chihuahua, which I think is extremely badass.
And the music just. rules. ( Town of Paquimé / Nini Areware Ne Chunume )
Quantum Tangle (Grey Gritt and Tiffany Ayalik)
Quantum Tangle is really really good. Like, really really good. Blurb from their old bandcamp:
Fusing of old-world sounds and new-world flair, the Juno Award-winning group Quantum Tangle is embracing their blended background. Combining their talents of throat singing, haunting melodies and traditional legends, Grey Gritt and Tiffany Ayalik are excited to present pieces that look back through history to challenge, educate and encourage the next generation to be socially aware.
The unfortunate news is that their website went down earlier in the year : -( But the good news is their work is still floating around the internet. I believe you can find them on Spotify and other streaming services as well. Here is a favorite, a love ode of sorts called Igluvut:
My other favourites for first-time listeners are Love is Love pt. 2 and Tiny Hands : -)
Oral History of the Yavapai, by Mike Harrison and John Williams
Three tribes of Yavapai got together at Bloody Basin. Kewevkepaya, Wipukpa and Yavepe. Three of them. They get together and cook mescal, cook deer. Get together and eat, dance and have a good time. But the soldiers met them there and killed them. Then the White people called the place Bloody Basin. Called it after our blood.
- Oral History of the Yavapai I originally stumbled across this book (in reality a word-for-word chronicle of oral history told by Mike Harrison and John Williams, two Yavapai elders) through one of the sources cited in this blog post: The True Victims of “Bloody Basin” Were the Yavapai.
It really struck me, because to that point all major publications that I'd read had unquestioningly ran the old U.S. Army account of how Bloody Basin got its name (Check out the Verde Independent’s article here, and AZcentral’s take here.) It frames the massacre not only as a “punitive expedition,” but also incorrectly names the victims as Tonto-Apache-- The Dilzhe’e are a distinct people, though the Yavapai people were often conflated with them. It’s much harder to get folks into books, but if you have any interest in the history of the Salt River Valley or surrounding areas at all, this was an invaluable read to me. Be aware that it is vibrant and devastating in equal measures-- but if you can handle it, I highly recommend it.
10/14/19 Additions
The writing of Darcie Little Badger
The Whalebone Parrot and Owl Vs. The Neighborhood Watch were my introductions to Darcie's work and they are so, so full of wit, character, and ghoulish suspense... the kind of stories you would read to family and friends as Halloween closes in, this time of year. I am only familiar with her mystery and horror-adjacent short stories at the moment, but I hope to become better acquainted with her body of work in the near future. You can find a list here, many of which you can read online for free!
Anyway. Let me leave you with the Inherent Horror of Birds (from The Whalebone Parrot,) which I don't think I've seen any other writer capture so artfully:
I wonder if all parrots have dancing eyes. The pupils are in a state of constant flux, contracting and expanding. Big, small, big, small.
“What song is that?” I asked. Her pupils danced: large, small, large. She possessed parrot eyes and parrot songs.
10/12/20 Update: Darcie Little Badger recently published her first book, Elatsoe! Check it here : -)
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Imagine an America very similar to our own. It’s got homework, best friends, and pistachio ice cream. There are some differences. This America has been shaped dramatically by the magic, monsters, knowledge, and legends of its peoples, those Indigenous and those not. Some of these forces are charmingly everyday, like the ability to make an orb of light appear or travel across the world through rings of fungi. But other forces are less charming and should never see the light of day.
Seventeen-year-old Elatsoe (“Ellie” for short) lives in this slightly stranger America. She can raise the ghosts of dead animals, a skill passed down through generations of her Lipan Apache family. Her beloved cousin has just been murdered, in a town that wants no prying eyes. But she is going to do more than pry. The picture-perfect façade of Willowbee masks gruesome secrets, and she will rely on her wits, skills, and friends to tear off the mask and protect her family.
The pottery of Nathan Youngblood
I learned of Nathan Youngblood's work scarcely a week ago, during a visit to the Heard Museum, and it very nearly made me start hooting and hollering in the middle of the museum. It is, without exaggeration, unlike any kind of craft I've ever seen before. His work is something of a marriage between the Santa Clara pottery tradition with Asian ceramics and other traditions world-wide, and it's a coupling that is at once startlingly familiar and yet completely unique.
The art, writing, and games of Elizabeth LaPensée
Elizabeth is perhaps best known for creating Thunderbird Strike!
(synopsis from its website: )
In the 2D sidescroller Thunderbird Strike, fly from the Tar Sands to the Great Lakes as a thunderbird protecting Turtle Island with searing lightning against the snake that threatens to swallow the lands and waters whole.
But she has a very wide and rich body of work, and among my personal favourites are her visual art. She employs digital collage to create these sort of iconographic pieces, and to me there's a certain joy in the way her work employs silhouette and contour, tracing the shape of a body, the environment within that body, and its place in its environment. It's not something that I can really do justice by describing, so here's a favourite from her ("Thunderbird Circles") that I have on my wall:
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Josie and The Pussycats is the Spinoff Riverdale Deserves
This RIVERDALE review contains spoilers.
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 15
“Our story is about three young women bursting with talent.”
When last we saw Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray), she was in New York City trying to make her dreams come true on the ill-fated (and gone-too-soon) Riverdale spin-off Katy Keene. Often when characters are spun-off and their subsequent shows fail, they vanish into the pop culture ether — The Ropers from Three’s Company being the textbook case of this phenomenon. But not so for Josie. This latest episode debuts a new iteration of the character, one who has achieved her dreams but still finds herself wanting more. It is a decidedly more mature take on the previously underwritten character, and one that allows Murray’s considerable acting and musical abilities to shine.
In short, it is the Josie that fans have always wanted to see.
But what good is the character without the backing of her Pussycats? Drummer Melody Valentine (Asha Bromfield) and multi-instrumentalist Valerie Brown (Hayley Law) have been estranged from Josie since she blew off the Pussycats for a solo career when they were in high school. Seven years later and the wounds are still raw, even though Melody has since become a renowned author with movie rights optioned by Tyler Perry, and Valerie is a talented artist and actress.
When Josie returns to Riverdale to take stock following the sudden death of her father, she finds herself coming to terms with her past. More than that though, she has found her voice in every sense of the word. She dismisses Mr. Lodge, the show’s big bad in a hilarious kiss off that sums up many viewers’ opinions on the often irksome character. Better still, the episode allows her to get meta to discuss how Riverdale often sidelined the Josie character in her previous iteration on the series. “I didn’t have much to say in old times,” she plaintively declares, commenting on the problem that Riverdale had with diversity in its early seasons. She then accurately dismisses Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead not as old friends but as acquaintances. It’s a bold and surprising scene that takes responsibility for past sins that the series committed, further illustrating that it is aware that it can do better and has been attempting to do so.
After a steamy reunion with old flame Sweet Pea (Jordan Connor), Josie begins the work of reaching out to Valerie and Melody. It is here that the episode goes from great to an all-timer. The chemistry that Murray, Bromfield and Law possess is lightning in a bottle. As old injustices are aired and attempts to repair wounded hearts and egos are undertaken, these actresses embody the old friends they portray fully. But this backdoor pilot, fortunately, has zero interest in having its women of color tear each other down. The characters candidly discuss their shared past, and begin to repair the rift that will — if The Pussycats goes to series — lead them to becoming the global superstars they are destined to be.
Josie, Melody and Valerie are icons. They know it, and the world will soon follow.
Inspired by her renewed friendship with her once and future bandmates, Josie decides to do a concert with the Pussycats that will raise money to help reincorporate the town of Riverdale. It is a performance that highlights each of the women’s musical strengths, even if Josie does steal the spotlight for an emotional rendition of Nina Simone’s “Stars.” Despite being cut short when Toni goes into labor, the concert is enough of a success for The Pussycats to agree to go on the road together — playing in towns where Josie’s late father wanted his ashes scattered. The women consider themselves to be equals now, thus the “Josie and” is jettisoned from the band name. This still being Riverdale, a friend of Josie’s dad appears moments before she leaves town to tell her that her father may have been murdered in New Orleans, and that voodoo might be involved.
With this incredible/ridiculous plot development thrown at us, the full image of what The Pussycats will be as a series comes into view: A mixture of Fame and 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo that celebrates these characters and their comic/cartoon legacy in an unexpected way. (As an Archie comics historian even I was taken off guard by the last-minute introduction of the potential show’s mystery angle, and my mind reels at the possibilities).
Hopefully sooner rather than later a series order for The Pussycats will be announced. There is so much potential here to tell exciting, fun, music-packed stories featuring strong women of color that it feels like a surefire hit. “The Return of the Pussycats” is not only the best episode of Riverdale this season, but a perfect pilot episode. There desperately needs to be lots more long tails and ears for hats in our future, for these are the Pussycats we’ve been waiting for.
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Riverdale Rundown
While nothing has been officially announced as of yet, it feels ridiculous for The CW to not do a full series of The Pussycats, yes? This logo appearing at the end of the episode instead of the usual Riverdale bumper bodes well for things to come. Fingers crossed…
My guess is that this episode didn’t have Alexandra and Josie cross paths due to their Katy Keene past, which had the characters begin as enemies who were slowly forming a friendship before that series was cancelled. By not having them interact, the writers didn’t have to figure out where their relationship currently is — making this a narrative thread that The Pussycats could potentially pull on down the line.
The character of Alan M. briefly appears as Melody’s love interest, which indeed he is in the comics and fondly remembered 2001 movie.
Speaking of the Josie and the Pussycats movie, that film’s ever-growing cult continues to delight me. Thanks to multiverses, there’s no reason why that version of these characters and the ones of The Pussycats can’t co-exist in the same pop culture landscape.
Let’s give a special shoutout to Robin Givens, who not only reprises her role as Sierra McCoy here but also did a terrific job directing this installment.
Melody narrates this episode a la Jughead, except that her writing is bright and full of hope, a sharp and intentional contrast to her brooding counterpoint.
If you didn’t cheer when Josie and the Pussycats took the stage to their cartoon theme song, you are dead inside.
“Entertainment Tomorrow” enters the Riverdale fake product lexicon in this episode (which also includes the returning chestnut “Vanity Flair”).
Toni gives birth to a boy, Anthony.
Expect to see more about the franchising of Pop’s in upcoming restaurants, and Tabitha’s speech about the importance of the Chok’lit Shoppe being a black-owned restaurant in a time when Riverdale had no other such establishments was one of the most powerful scenes this series has ever done.
It’s worth noting that a franchise for real-life Archie restaurants did exist in the early 1970s. However the idea never really took off, and pictures of the three diners that were opened have never surfaced online.
What the hell was up with the Old Navy product placement in this episode, which felt like it was ripped from the Josie and the Pussycats movie, minus the irony.
Kevin’s dancing during the Little Shop of Horrors musical number was, unsurprisingly, everything.
Melody’s book being named Summer Storm is a sly reference to actress Asha Bromfield having a newly released novel called Hurricane Summer that was released in May.
Josie uses the alias Ms. Newmar to check into hotels. Julie Newmar famously portrayed Catwoman on the Batman TV series, which not only plays into Josie’s feline motif, but also is yet another of the show’s near-constant DC Comics references of late.
Mr. Lodge being called a “little bitch” was so unbelievably pleasing to watch. Josie is just SO OVER Riverdale’s bullshit.
In a nice character moment, Cheryl immediately leaps into action to help deliver ex-lover Toni’s baby.
Dr. Curdle Jr. being a Josie and the Pussycats superfan is comedic brilliance (as is the fact that nobody trusts him enough to have him anywhere near Toni’s delivery.
The post Josie and The Pussycats is the Spinoff Riverdale Deserves appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3BQYwym
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acdhw · 5 years
ACD meeting Oscar Wilde
From Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle, by Daniel Stashower:
Why, then, should he have wanted to make his detective a drug user? For the modern reader, the image of Sherlock Holmes plunging a needle into his arm comes as an unpleasant shock. To Conan Doyle’s way of thinking, however, the syringe would have been very much of a piece with the violin, the purple dressing gown, and the interest in such abstruse subjects as the motets of Lassus. With Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle intended to elevate the science of criminal investigation to an art form. To do so, he needed to cast his detective as an artist rather than a simple policeman. Conan Doyle himself, with his broad shoulders, muscular frame, and ruddy complexion, could easily have passed for a stolid London patrolman. Holmes offered a striking contrast. He was thin, languid, and aesthetic. He easily fit the pattern of a bohemian artist, with all of the accompanying eccentricities and evil habits—one of which, sad to say, was cocaine. “Art in the blood,” as Holmes was to say, “is liable to take the strangest forms.”
The image of the Victorian habitué would have been very fresh in Conan Doyle’s mind as he sat down to write The Sign of the Four. Only a few days earlier, he had met a young man he regarded as the very “champion of aestheticism.” In August of 1889, Conan Doyle found himself invited up to London for a literary soiree. The editor Joseph Marshall Stoddart, of Philadelphia’s Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine, had come to London to arrange for an English edition of his publication. While in Britain, he hoped to commission work from some of the country’s promising young writers. At the time, Conan Doyle’s work was receiving far greater exposure in America than in Britain, owing to the lack of American copyright protection for foreign authors. Several of Conan Doyle’s stories had appeared in pirated anthologies, which, he noted with dismay, “might have been printed on the paper that shopmen use for parcels.”
Conan Doyle may have regretted the lost profits from these unauthorized printings, but they brought him a substantial American readership at a time when his name was less well known in Britain. Now, with Joseph Stoddart anxious for a meeting, Conan Doyle had reason to feel warmly toward his American audience. “Needless to say,” he later wrote, “I gave my patients a rest for a day and eagerly kept the appointment.”
The dinner was held in the West End at the prestigious Langham Hotel, a setting that would feature in three future Sherlock Holmes adventures (SIGN, SCAN, and LADY—my note). Two other guests enjoyed Stoddart’s hospitality that night. The first was Thomas Patrick Gill, a former magazine editor who had gone on to become a member of Parliament. The second was Oscar Wilde.
At thirty-five, Oscar Wilde was already a notorious figure in London society. Though his great plays were still ahead of him, he had made his reputation with his early poetry and with essays such as “The Decay of Lying” and “The Truth of Masks.” From the first, however, his true fame owed less to his literary output than to his celebrated wit and flamboyant personality.
It would be difficult to imagine two men more unlike each other than Oscar Wilde and Conan Doyle, and their first meeting must have produced raised eyebrows on both sides. The hale and hearty provincial doctor, with his bone-crushing handshake and earnest, direct manner of speaking, had traveled up from Portsmouth in his best professional suit. The world-weary, languorous Wilde cut a rather different figure. “He dressed as probably no grown man in the world was ever dressed before,” the actress Lillie Langtry once wrote of him. “His hat was of brown cloth not less than six inches high; his coat was of black velvet; his overcoat was of green cloth, heavily trimmed with fur; his trousers matched his hat; his tie was gaudy and his shirtfront very open, displaying a large expanse of manly chest.” One assumes that such attire was not a familiar sight in Southsea.
The two men also differed in their literary views. Conan Doyle, the champion of historical realism, was a born storyteller, and took pride in his clear, unadorned prose style. Wilde, by contrast, had set himself up as the leader of a movement dedicated to “art for art’s sake.”
Even so, the two writers got along famously. “It was indeed a golden evening for me,” Conan Doyle said of his meeting with Wilde. “His conversation left an indelible impression upon my mind. He towered above us all, and yet had the art of seeming to be interested in all that we could say. He had delicacy of feeling and tact, for the monologue man, however clever, can never be a gentleman at heart.” Only eight years earlier, Conan Doyle had gone up to London to see Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience, which featured a thinly disguised parody of Wilde in the character of Bunthorne, the “fleshy poet.” Now he found himself sitting beside the “singularly deep young man” himself, while the pair of them basked in the attentions of a renowned American publisher.
Wilde impressed Conan Doyle with his “curious precision of statement,” as when he described how a war of the future might be waged: “A chemist on each side will approach the frontier with a bottle.” Not all of Wilde’s remarks showcased his famous wit. To Conan Doyle’s surprise, Wilde had not only read Micah Clarke but expressed enthusiasm for it. One must treat this report with caution. It is frankly difficult to conjure an image of Oscar Wilde, the archetype of Victorian aestheticism, with a lily in one hand and Conan Doyle’s robust epic in the other. In The Importance of Being Earnest, Lady Bracknell expresses her disdain for the “three-volume novel of more than usually revolting sentimentality” that she has found in a perambulator. One imagines that Micah Clarke would have brought a similar reaction from Wilde, though he may not have wished to say so to the author.
The evening ended with both men agreeing to produce a short novel for Lippincott’s. A few days later, Conan Doyle wrote to Stoddart to propose an idea. “I shall give Sherlock Holmes of A Study in Scarlet something else to unravel,” he declared. “I notice that everyone who has read the book wants to know more of that young man.”
Oscar Wilde also did well out of his association with Lippincott’s. His contribution was The Picture of Dorian Gray, one of the finest novels of the age. Upon publication, however, Wilde’s book came under attack for its perceived immorality. “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book,” Wilde declared, by way of defending himself. “Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.” Conan Doyle, who came to regard some of his own stories as a trifle risqué, would not have endorsed this sentiment. Nonetheless, he thought Wilde’s book was excellent and sent a letter saying so. “I am really delighted that you think my treatment subtle and artistically good,” Wilde wrote in reply. “The newspapers seem to me to be written by the prurient for the Philistine.”
To summarise, this excerpt supports the points previously discussed elsewhere:
1. The influence of the aesthetic movement and Wilde in particular on the image of Holmes. No wonder Holmes comes off as queer-coded. He is queer intrinsically.
2. Doyle admired Wilde and was vocal about it but chose to be more cautious in his own writing.
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Picture credits: londonremembers.com, hauntedjourneys.com
@garkgatiss, @sherlock-overflow-error, @sarahthecoat
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter One
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 2,058
Warnings: Language, big anxiety
A/N: So here’s chapter one! This is the first My Hero fic I’ve ever written and published, so I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it! Now, there’s gonna be a lot of chapters. I’m not sure how many yet, but it will be updated every week, so every Saturday (where I live) is when I will upload! There will also be a tag list, so let me know if you would like to be on it. I have a lot of ideas for this, and I hope I’m able to translate them through writing. Anyways, please enjoy!
UA Idol Masterlist
You anxiously picked at the number stickered onto your thigh. “Mina, I really don’t think I should be here, this is a lot,” you mumble, motioning your head to the camera crew in front of you setting up. “Oh shush, (Y/n/n). The only reason they’re interviewing us is because we’re cute and are friends and they’re hoping one of us will get through while the other doesn’t and there will be drama, and we both know that if that happens there will only be support. Although I think we’ll both get through. You especially.” You snort at her enthusiasm and shake your head. “Definitely not, but okay. Whatever you say.”
“Okay! Give us your name and where you two are from and if you have any specific reason you’re here.”
“Well, I’m Mina and I’m from Tokyo, and this is (Y/n) and she’s from (hometown). We’re actually roommates and best friends, not to brag, but I’m really here to support her! She’s amazing!”
“Literally shut up, Mina you’re better than me,” you mumble, rolling your eyes at your enthusiastic best friend. “I most definitely am not! Besides, this is a great fuck you to your ex. You know the one who told you that you would never be able to become a singer and shit on you every opportunity he got.”
“Yeah. Thank you for bringing him up.”
“Yes! Thank you for bringing him up! Could you talk about him a little more? If that’s okay?”
You stare at the producer and sigh. “Yeah. Sure, whatever. I had a boyfriend a while back who didn’t support me in my artsy ways. Since he was older, he would always make sure I knew that he thought it was a childish hobby, and that I should grow up and do something that I would actually be able to survive on. He kind of ruined my love for music, but after he broke up with me, I got it back since it was how I coped with it.”
“So, you’re here to get back at him? Show him what you’re made of?”
“Well, no... but that would be pretty dope, not gonna lie, he can go fuck himself,” you say, with a small smirk on your face. After a few more questions about your ex-boyfriend and yours and Mina’s crippling student debt, the producers wander off to someone else. “They are totally using your story for television,” Mina says, and you scoff. “They only use stories for people who they want the audience to vote for, I know how these shows work,” you say, glancing around and having your eyes land on the next poor soul the producers trapped. Looked like it was a very sleepy purple haired e-boy. Damn. He’d for sure make it through if this competition was based off of looks alone. How the hell were you supposed to compete with people who looked like that. “I don’t think I should be here, Mina,” you mumble, tearing your eyes away from him. Unbeknownst to you your gaze was replaced by his as his quick little interview ended. “What? (Y/n), stop with that! What were you just looking at that made you even think that?” Mina asks, frantically searching around. “Well the producers were-”
“Oh my god! Denki?! (Y/n), that’s one of the guys I was really good friends with when we were in high school, come on you have to meet him,” Mina cuts you off, literally dragging you over. “Mina?! Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here?! We have phones you know,” You watch the blonde with a black streak in his hair tackle your best friend in a hug with an unamused expression. You didn’t want to meet anyone. You were tired. The anxiety of this situation kept you up all night long. Then again, staying up all night was normal for you. At least you looked bomb though. You felt the burning sensation of someone staring at you, so naturally you turn your head in that direction. Your eyes were met with the back of the purple haired boys messy head, but no one was looking though, so you shrug it off. Probably someone just scoping out the competition or something. “Denki, this is-”
“Contestants number 14788 and 14789? Follow me please,” a producer cuts off Mina and you feel a wave of anxiety wash over you. You grip the neck of your guitar tighter than you had been gripping it before. It’s not performing that makes you nervous, it’s performing in front of the panel of world-renowned judges that makes you nervous. And try as you might you can’t hide it. “Oh, shit, sorry Denki, I’ll talk to you after, okay? See ya!”
“Break a leg, Mina,” Denki says as Mina links arms with you and pulls you along with her happy steps. “I’ll introduce him to you after we both make it, I wanna know more about his friend anyways, so he better not leave until I interrogate him,” she starts rambling and you laugh a bit. “Awww, does Mina have a crush on the purple haired boy? Pink and purple go well together, you know.”
“No, she doesn’t. She thinks that you would look great with him though.”
“No. Not happening.”
“Come on, (Y/n), you gotta put yourself out there! It’s been two whole years since he who shall not be named broke up with you, you can-”
“Mina. Drop it. Please.”
“…Okay. So, I’m going first. hopefully I come out with a golden ticket, but if I don’t don’t let that psych you out, okay? You got this you crazy talented bitch,” Mina says, trying to lighten the mood. She knows you don’t want to be in a relationship ever again after what happened with your ex, but she can’t help it. She loves playing matchmaker and she just wants you to be happy. Recently you’ve been a little sadder the usual, so she’s concerned. It was like she turned back time to when you two first moved into your apartment and you were dealing with school and your douche of an ex. She knows you find Denki’s friend attractive, he’s 100% your type and you two would look amazing as a couple. Not to mention that his friend just so happened to be staring at you at any moment you weren’t looking in his general direction. Not able to read her mind going 100 miles a minute, you just nod at her words as you come face to face with the most famous emcee there is. Hizashi Yamada. Better known as his stage name, Present Mic, PM for short. “HELLO!!! You two look amazing! You ready to become the next UA Idol or what?!” he says, way too enthusiastically. You always wondered just how loud he was in real life, and he rivals Mina. That’s saying something. “I’m totally ready!” she responds, and you laugh at PM’s face when he realizes she’s just as loud, if not louder, than him. “So, you’re both auditioning, right? Are you going together? Separate?”
“Separate, we’re just here to wait outside for moral support,” Mina responds, and he nods. “Awesome! Well, tell me your names! If you two get through to Hell Week there’s a good chance you’ll be televised, so I would like to just talk for a minute!” he says, and you both introduce yourselves again. “Amazing! I’m assuming you two are great friends, I mean you must be pretty important to each other to have it just be you two with no partners or family or anything coming. Reminds me of me and Aizawa!”
“Yeah, but we’re just best friends actually! And roommates, we moved here away from our families and we’re both single, so all we have is each other,” Mina says, pulling you into a quick little squeeze. Present Mic screams something about how adorable that was before wishing Mina luck and sending her in. Shockingly, you’re both quiet as you hear her audition begin, and unsurprisingly, she flawlessly hits all the notes in Lady Marmalade. Her voice isn’t only loud when she talks, after all. PM’s eyes go big as he points at the door, looking at you and mouthing “She’s really good!” You just grin and nod. This isn’t news to you. After hearing her blast Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey all the time and belting out their runs and matching their high notes for about three years, it’s not shocking to you how great she can sing this song. Eventually, her singing stops, and PM waits a minute or two before he begins talking again, not necessarily quiet, but quieter than before. “I did not expect that kind of soul to come out of that little body of hers!”
“Yeah, she can be unpredictable like that... now imagine living with her,” you mumble, half kidding and half serious, but he laughs at that. Loudly. Not even a moment later, Mina walks through the doors and violently shakes the ticket in her hand at you. “I DID IT! I DID IT, KICK ASS, TAKE NAMES, AND MAKE SURE YOU COME TO HELL WEEK WITH ME SO YOU’RE NOT ALONE AT THE APARTMENT FOR A WHOLE WEEK!”
“I won’t be alone; Nyx will be there she is great company.”
“(Y/n), she is a black cat.”
“She is our third roommate and you will treat her as such,” you point your finger at her before PM gives you the clear to go in the room. “Make sure to hit your mark! That’s the tape shaped like a T on the floor! Break a leg,” he says, giving you two thumbs up. You nervously make your way through the short hallway, eventually landing right smack in the middle of the room. You make sure to hit the mark, as PM instructed, and you need to tell yourself to calm down as you look at four of the most influential people in music. In front of you sat Shouta Aizawa, Keigo Takami, Nemuri Kayama, and Toshinori Yagi.
Better known as just Aizawa, a well-known singer-songwriter. He stays behind the scenes mostly, and the rumor is he’s written over 20,000 songs for himself as well as other artists. The majority of course go to other artists, as he isn’t a big fan of all the fame and things, but the few albums he’s put out have some of your favorite songs ever written. He’s genuinely someone you’ve been looking up to for years upon years.
Then there’s Keigo Takami, who is known as Hawks. He chose his stage name because he’s always admired the strength and freedom of hawks and he decided that he wanted to be the same way. And he is, he literally can do everything. Every song of his sounds different, varying from rock to country. A lot of people really support his country music considering he calls his fans his chickadees. People just think it fits. The genre he seems to gravitate toward the most is definitely more of a rock vibe, even having his own band. And yes, the band’s emblem is a pair of red wings.
Next to him is Nemuri Kayama, or Midnight. She’s a world-famous popstar, but she makes sure to include some soul sounding belts in every single one of her songs. She’s Mina’s literal idol, and the amount of times you’ve had to listen to Midnight’s songs? So many. So many times. Not that you were complaining, her voice is amazing. You just wished she didn’t sing about love and sex all the fucking time.
And finally, there’s Toshinori Yagi. People tend to shorten his name to Nori, but he’s the most famous judge here. Not only does he own the All Might Record Label, he has won 11 Grammys, his music is played everywhere all the time, and he manages some of the biggest stars today. Unlike his rival record company, Endeavor Records, it’s said that Toshinori is ridiculously nice as well as a little strange, but in comparison to Enji Todoroki? The nicest man to walk the planet. 100%. Not to mention he’s also a singer himself. His songs are instant smashes, and everyone loves his voice. Even if he isn’t mean, he’s so ridiculously powerful in the business.
To say you were intimidated was an understatement.
92 notes · View notes
carewyncromwell · 4 years
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Welcome back to the POTC AU! Sorry for the day-long delay -- I was out and away from my computer almost all of yesterday, so I wasn’t able to finish this up until today! XD; But yeah, moving on to the notes...
The information about the Chest and its locking mechanisms, honestly, was all stuff I had to kind of surmise and research, since to my utter shock, there were just about no sources I could find online discussing the process of designing the original Dead Man’s Chest for the Pirates films. There is concept art for it, showing some possible decorative designs for the outside, and there are prop replicas showing the different angles and the inside of the lid -- but there is NO discussion made about the Chest’s construction/locking mechanism or what kind of 18th century or earlier chests may have inspired it. And that kind of blows me away as -- for all of the films’ flaws -- I have to applaud them on taking a lot of historical influences for things, especially in the costume and prop design. I apologize in advance if any of my research on 18th century locks and lock-picking is flawed or incomplete, but I did try my best. XD;
The song “Fifteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest” was originally featured in the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, which was written in the late 1800′s, over a hundred years after the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, but it has since become entwined with the idea of pirates in pop culture, to the extent that it’s also referenced in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, where it’s sung by Joshamee Gibbs and of course it inspired the core concept that the movie is named after. The original song was likely about Blackbeard or a similar pirate marooning a bunch of his crewmates, but I changed the meaning slightly to better fit with this narrative.
This version of Davy Jones, who is in truth an AU!Finn McGarry, belongs to @theguythatdraws Ican’twaittotrydrawinghimsoon, while Juliette “Jules” Farrier-Weasley belongs to @cursebreakerfarrier...and the previous part of this AU is here, while the entire tag is here! Hope you all enjoy! xoxo
Cutler Beckett did turn out to be just as unpleasant as Skye and Orion had suggested. Pretty quickly Carewyn could suss out that this so-called “businessman” had no loyalty to or caring for anyone or anything besides himself and his vested interests, namely his own wealth and status.
Unfortunately Percy was not as quick to catch onto that, presumably because of Beckett’s stated interest in supposedly bringing all pirates to justice and (Carewyn suspected) the fact that Beckett had spoken on Percy’s behalf before he was named a Captain himself. Part of Carewyn wanted to chastise Percy for letting himself be blinded by Beckett’s attempt to manipulate him, but she knew she couldn’t risk doing so. Not only would it make Percy and therefore Beckett suspicious that she was more sympathetic to their enemies (namely, Orion, Bill, and other pirates), but she also didn’t want to come down too hard on Percy. She knew that Percy, being the youngest Weasley brother in the Navy, had a lot to prove, especially considering that his “older brother” (namely, Carewyn) was a well-respected Commodore and war hero. Even his real older brothers had gotten their fair share of glory while they were enlisted in the Navy and now were seen as wanted criminals...so it was little wonder that Percy was determined to stand apart from them, not just as great in his own right, but ultimately better because he didn’t “fall from grace” like they did.
Cutler Beckett stayed at Governor Farrier’s mansion for the next week and visited the fort just about every day in that time. Whenever he was there, he pretty frequently sought Carewyn out, engaging her in conversation and asking her about her experiences fighting the Spanish and in escaping from the crew of the Revenge. Carewyn didn’t enjoy his rather pointed attention, but she hid her discomfort and mistrust as best as she was able. As much as she really found herself disliking the man, she knew that Beckett trying to get to know her better could give her the opportunity to get some information on him too. And ultimately, her polite, charming affect did help her learn a few things.
“From there, it was simply a matter of applying the proper pressure to the cylinder with one of the hat pins, while pushing the pins into the proper alignment with the other,” Carewyn explained. “Once the padlock on my chains was properly unlocked, I was then able to adjust enough to still look like I was locked up, wait for one of the enemy soldiers to enter my cell, and then overpower him so I could take his uniform, weapons, and keys and escape.”
“You truly are quite an escape artist, Commodore,” said Beckett, his eyebrows raising approvingly. “I’m impressed.”
Carewyn offered a casual smile. “Thank you -- but I only learned those things out of necessity, Lord Beckett.”
‘Jacob and I knew we’d both have to know how to pick locks, if we ever had to escape the Revenge’s brig. And even before that, it helped keep Grandfather happy, for us to be able to open chests of loot we didn’t have keys for.’
“It’s not a skill set I like to use if I can help it, considering I’d much prefer to be the one locking others up, not vice-versa.”
“Yes,” said Beckett, “I suppose for one with such a strong moral compass as yours, it would be only natural for you to wish to enforce justice, rather than fight against it.”
“Just as I’d say it’s only natural for a gentleman such as yourself to work toward the protection of our realm and interests -- am I right?”
“Of course,” said Beckett airily. “Someone has to make sure that people get what they pay for and that business remains profitable -- make sure the world turns properly, as it were.”
“A difficult proposition for any one man to do,” said Carewyn lowly, “considering this wild, untamed world we live in.”
Beckett smiled -- unlike Carewyn’s, however, there was no warmth in it at all.
“Fortunately, Commodore, the world we’ve been saddled with will soon be a thing of the past.”
He and Carewyn looked out over the wall of the fort. Down below, at the western dock, several rows of newly arrived red-garbed militia were disembarking from a Man o’ War and marching into Port Royal.
“As the map is filled in, our hold around this world becomes better defined,” said Beckett. “Its treasures are collected, its value assessed...and with that, a new sense of order begins to take hold.”
Carewyn looked down at the Man o’ War, her eyes narrowing slightly. She hadn’t seen such a strong military presence in Port Royal since the War against the Spanish -- and yet, here they were, being used not against foreign countries, but against individual people -- some of them even British citizens. As much as she knew that there were plenty of pirates that weren’t as goodhearted as Orion, it still seemed bizarre to her to unload all this firepower to destroy and kill, as opposed to capturing.
“And hopefully, peace,” said the Commodore softly.
Beckett glanced at Carewyn with a discerning eye. “Indeed. Peace and order do go hand-in-hand, wouldn’t you say?”
‘Not if the order is being instilled by a tyrant,’ she thought, as Charles Cromwell rippled over her mind.
“Definitely,” she lied instead.
Carewyn glanced at Beckett out the side of her eye, before turning her gaze out to the ocean.
“...I only profess as much knowledge to this matter as one can acquire, fighting against the likes of Orion Amari and being in the captivity of a pirate crew like the Revenge’s,” she said in the hardest, least sympathetic voice she could, “but it seems to me that pirates know their existence is unsustainable. Regardless of how renown they are and how much they can terrify merchant sailors, they’re still only men, facing off against Empires and kings. And as the world is plotted out -- as you yourself pointed out, Lord Beckett -- there will soon be less and less havens where such criminals can hide...”
She then looked at Beckett with a cold look in her eye.
“...From the way things stand...it seems to me that it would be in their best interest to stand down while they still can.”
'It would be, if there was any true justice for those who turned themselves in.’
Beckett’s lips spread into a slightly wider, cold smile as he inclined his head in agreement. “Well said. There could always be clemency, for those who embrace that wisdom -- it’s just good business.”
With this conversation, Carewyn had gotten a proper fix on Beckett, and it made her feel more disconcerted. It only got worse when later that week, both she and Percy were summoned into Carewyn’s own office at the fort for a meeting with Beckett. Some might have been offended at the idea of someone coming in and stealing their office just to demand a meeting with the office’s owner, but Carewyn honestly couldn’t make herself care too much about that. She couldn’t help but think that Beckett being so forceful could only be a bad thing, and when she arrived in her office, Percy right behind her dressed in his shiny new Captain’s uniform and powdered white wig, she immediately got the feeling she was right.
Beckett had already made himself very at home in Carewyn’s office. A crystal decanter filled with red wine and several glasses had been laid out and an entire map complete with tiny soldier pieces plotted in different positions covered nearly all of Carewyn’s desk. There was also an even larger map that had been applied to the back wall, which an employee was currently adding more details onto with his paintbrush. Standing in front of Carewyn’s desk across from Beckett was a middle-aged woman with hair as ginger red as Percy and Carewyn’s -- when the two officers first entered the room, her sharp-lidded dark blue eyes ran over both of them, lingering on Carewyn critically.
“Ah,” said Cutler Beckett, his lips spreading into a smile as his eyes narrowed upon Carewyn, “Commodore and Captain Weasley. Good of you to come.”
Carewyn and Percy both saluted.
“Lord Beckett,” Carewyn greeted formally.
She glanced at the older woman out the side of her eye, to find that she was likewise still looking her over with narrowed eyes. Carewyn couldn’t help but look at her suspiciously in return -- Percy had said Beckett had a female associate...and, if Charles Cromwell was to believed, then this woman had to be  --
“Allow me to introduce my associate, Patricia Rakepick,” said Beckett smoothly. “Madam Rakepick -- this is Captain Percy Weasley, and his elder brother, Commodore Carey Weasley.”
Carewyn’s blood ran cold. Being face-to-face with the woman who tried to kill Jacob was like a dose of cold, shuddering poison to her system. It took everything in her to not look at Rakepick with wrathful, vengeful hatred -- instead, she tried to hide the bile she felt by bowing respectfully, her head slightly bowed to obscure her expression.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Madam,” she said softly. Somehow her voice came out levelly, despite the rage pulsing through her blood.
Rakepick’s eyes narrowed a bit more on Carewyn’s face.
“The pleasure’s all mine, Commodore,” she said, but she didn’t sound quite so convincing -- she almost immediately turned back to Beckett, looking noticeably impatient, “Lord Beckett, you can’t think that these -- ”
Beckett held up a hand to silence her and turned to the employee working on the map. “One moment -- Mr. Elliot, you may stop there, for today. On your way, now.”
The employee bowed his head respectfully, before descending from his ladder and quickly leaving the office. The door shut with a SNAP behind him.
“Now then,” said Beckett, as he rose to his feet, “Commodore...Captain...I invited you here to request a favor of you. Madam Rakepick has recently uncovered a rather unique and valuable artifact.”
Carewyn’s eyebrows furrowed. Even Percy looked startled.
“What artifact is that, your Lordship?” he asked.
Beckett poured some red wine and offered a glass to Carewyn. She accepted it to be polite, but did not drink it. He then similarly offered a glass to Percy, who took a sip, even if he still looked a bit confused.
“How familiar are you both with the legend of Davy Jones?” asked Beckett.
Carewyn’s eyes narrowed slightly. “The captain of the Flying Dutchman?”
“Well, I’ve...heard the stories, of course,” said Percy, glancing at Carewyn uncertainly. “We both have -- the silly things the soldiers would pass around, at sea...ghost stories, you know...”
Rakepick scoffed, crossing her arms. “‘Ghost stories’ -- and these two are supposed to be sailors? Any sailor worth their salt knows that these things are hardly just stories -- ”
“Madam, please,” Beckett cut her off very coolly, as Percy frowned deeply, clearly offended. “I’m afraid the stories are indeed real. We now have the Chest to prove it.”
He reached under his desk and placed an intricately carved iron treasure chest on top of Carewyn’s desk.
It looked older than anything Carewyn had ever seen, and yet also oddly beautiful -- the inset lock framed by the moon’s phases and stylized flames, and iron tentacles clutched at the lid as if keeping it shut.
Carewyn immediately put down her full wine glass on a side table so as to walk up to the chest, trailing a hand along the heart-shaped lock.
“This is the Dead Man’s Chest?” she whispered.
Percy glanced at Carewyn. “The Dead Man’s Chest? Like in the song?”
Carewyn shook her head. “‘Fifteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest’ was about this Chest, Perce. It’s said that Jones was so determined that no one know where he buried this treasure chest that he abandoned the entire crew who knew of its existence on that island with nothing but a bottle of rum to sustain them.”
“Leaving them to take the secret of its location to their graves,” said Beckett. He was idly playing with a silver piece of eight in his right hand as he spoke, his eyes resting on Carewyn. “Alas, it seems that the key needed to open the Chest may be in a location we cannot reach -- ”
He shot a cool look at Rakepick, who looked very affronted and opened her mouth to say something, but couldn’t before Beckett spoke again.
“ -- so I’d like to ask for your expertise on the matter, Commodore. Can this Chest be opened, without its key?”
Carewyn looked from Beckett to down at the Chest, unable to hide the trepidation completely from her face.
“...I can’t say for sure,” she said slowly. Her mind was working very fast as she regarded Beckett with a cautious look. “Were it an ordinary chest, I daresay it’d be easy enough to find a way to open it...but if there were any kind of curse placed on it or, more importantly, the treasure inside it...it might not be wise to try to break it open.”
“Curse?” repeated Percy disbelievingly. “Carey, you can’t be serious -- ”
“I saw the curse of Isle de Muerta with my own eyes, Percy,” she reminded him sharply. “If the Dead Man’s Chest has such a curse on it, it would not be worth the risk to open it, no matter how valuable its treasure is.”
Percy immediately quieted, looking a bit uncomfortable. Rakepick once again looked Carewyn over with a critical eye, even as she gave another light sniff.
“The treasure inside is not magical, so it would have no chance of hurting us, that is for certain,” said Rakepick dryly. “And from all the evidence I’ve gathered, I found nothing hinting that Finn McGarry -- pardon, Davy Jones -- was particularly adept at curses. All of the abilities he has now were a result of the role bestowed upon him by Calypso, as ferryman of the damned.”
Her face then turned much more serious.
“I will agree with the Commodore on one thing, though: Jones’s Chest will be too strong for the likes of a single man to break open. Look at the lid -- there are dead bolt locks around the entire Chest. The only way we’ll be able to unlock it is if I fetch the key from Jones myself -- ”
“And yet the Commodore thinks it’d be easy enough, to find a way to open the Chest without that key,” said Beckett rather coolly, raising his eyebrows as he once again shifted his gaze to Carewyn. “Commodore -- if you would?”
Carewyn looked from the Dead Man’s Chest to Beckett again, before glancing back at Percy. Percy gave her an encouraging nod, but it didn’t make Carewyn feel any better. She wished beyond reason that Charlie or Bill had been there instead -- they’d understand why she was so hesitant to help someone like Cutler Beckett.
But at the same time...she couldn’t refuse. She was put in the position that she had to open the Chest, if she wanted to stay on Beckett’s good side and keep the position that allowed her to protect Bill, Jules, Charlie, Jacob, and Orion. Even if she did refuse to open the Chest, then Beckett would no doubt find someone else who would...and would also likely not trust Carewyn enough to let her overhear any more information that could help her protect the others.
'If the treasure inside isn’t cursed, then there isn’t much reason to refuse,’ she thought grimly. ‘And lining Beckett’s pockets with a bit more gold would only help me help the others that bit more, by earning his trust.’
And so, swallowing back the ball of fear in her throat, Carewyn started looking over the Chest. She turned it around a few times, examining the hinges and the dead-bolts lining the base of the lid.
“What do you think, Carey?” asked Percy anxiously.
Carewyn’s eyes narrowed upon the Chest as she ran a hand over the top and pushed down on each of the iron tentacles one at a time.
“Its construction most resembles an armada chest -- some of the Spanish captains used them to hold their valuables during the War, and I’ve seen some pirates use them too, to hold their loot,” she murmured to him, though she could feel Rakepick hovering over her other shoulder as she worked. “On armada chests, the locking mechanism is actually built into the inside of the lid -- that explains the dead bolts around the edges. It also would prevent you from just unscrewing the hinges on the back of the chest and opening it from the back, like you can on a lot of wooden chests. But armada chests usually have a false keyhole on the front, with the real keyhole being hidden under a flap on the lid. This one does not. Judging by the construction of the keyhole, there looks to be a double cylinder design -- one that requires pressure on both sides of the keyhole, as well as the pins inside both cylinders to be in the proper position...”
She looked up at Beckett.
“...It’s easily the most complicated locking system I’ve ever seen on any chest,” she said grimly.
“Can you open it?” asked Beckett.
Carewyn steadied her jaw, her face blanching slightly as she inclined her head in a short nod.
“I think so.”
Beckett got Carewyn the tools she needed. Due to the two-sided nature of the keyhole, she enlisted Percy to help her -- he had far less experience with opening locks, but he followed Carewyn’s directions as closely as he could.
After almost an hour, there was a loud, booming CLICK as all twelve of the dead bolts around the lid popped out and the lid opened a crack, letting off a small gasp of dust.
“You did it!” said Rakepick.
Despite the seriousness of her expression, there was a slight echo of excitement and awe at the back of her voice. She was clearly impressed.
Carewyn stared at the slightly open Chest. Her heart was slamming up against her rib cage anxiously.
Nothing had happened, when she’d opened it -- so had the Chest not been cursed, after all? That was a relief. And Rakepick had said the treasure inside wasn’t cursed, so...
Tentatively Carewyn reached out a hand and slowly eased the lid open.
When she saw what was inside, though, she couldn’t hold back a sharp intake of breath.
The Dead Man’s Chest was devoid of any of the gold or jewels she’d envisioned. Instead, all it held was a slimy, reddish, pulsing, thumping thing about the side of a coconut.
It was a human heart, still beating lowly despite no blood rushing through it.
Percy squeezed Carewyn’s shoulder as he looked down at it too, visibly taken aback.
“The heart of Davy Jones,” finished Rakepick darkly, “first cut out when he was named captain of the Flying Dutchman -- for the Dutchman must always have a captain who’s left his heart behind in the world of the living. Only then can he truly be a subjective judge of the dead and dying at sea...and thus the souls of the damned will not haunt the seas and terrorize all those who sail it.”
Carewyn’s eyes were very wide. ‘Then...the treasure Jones locked away was his own heart?’
Rakepick’s dark blue eyes flickered down to the heart rather pitilessly.
“Not that Jones hasn’t done a fine job of terrorizing those who sail those seas all on his own, over the years,” she added very dryly.
“All the more reason for us to bring Jones into our enterprise.”
Beckett rose from his desk again. Taking a sip from his own glass of red wine, he came around to purposefully take a step between Percy and Carewyn and look down at the heart himself. His lips curled up in a dark smile as he reached out a hand and picked up the heart to get a better look at it.
“Whoever controls the heart of Davy Jones...controls the sea,” said Beckett.
He gave it a rather tight squeeze. Carewyn couldn’t stop herself from flinching.
‘If that thing is still beating,’ she couldn’t help but think, ‘then does that mean that it’s the only thing keeping Davy Jones alive? If so...’
She felt like her own chest was being squeezed.
‘...Beckett’s holding Davy Jones’s life in the palm of his hand.’
For all of the terrifying stories Carewyn had heard about Davy Jones over the years, both on the Revenge and in the Navy, she found herself feeling nothing but righteous anger and pain at this thought. What a disgusting, terrible thing to do to anyone -- no matter how awful a person they were...
There was a loud splash outside the window of Carewyn’s office.
Carewyn, Percy, Rakepick, and Beckett all looked up, to see a giant, terrifying ship erupting out of the waves just outside the fort. It was a sickly gray with torn sails and a bow cut into a set of massive, jagged jaws like a crocodile.
“The Flying Dutchman,” breathed Carewyn, hardly daring to believe it.
Beckett’s smile broadened, actually showing some teeth. “A rather fine addition to the fleet -- especially considering that it can go just about anywhere and travel in record time...”
Rakepick turned to Beckett sharply.
“If that’s the case, the first thing we should do is have him hunt down Black Jack Roberts. I know he made a deal with Jones -- he’ll have a way to track him down and kill him once and for all -- ”
Carewyn’s heart spasmed in horror, but fortunately no one else in the room noticed the fear flashing through her face.
“Didn’t you say you already destroyed the Tower Raven?” said Beckett coolly. “One can hardly see a pirate with no ship as a real threat.”
“Don’t underestimate Black Jack Roberts,” said Rakepick lowly. “By all accounts, he should’ve died, and he would have, if he hadn’t somehow managed to recruit a merman to his crew -- ”
Percy sputtered in disbelief. “‘Merman’ -- you mean, like mermaids? Those are real too?”
“Afraid so,” said Carewyn.
Her mind and heart were both racing, but she tried desperately to keep her cool. She couldn’t let them go after Jacob...or Duncan, either, if he was the merman who’d helped him like she suspected. Now that she knew the true power Beckett now had, thanks to her opening that Chest for him, she couldn’t stand by and let him use it to hurt her brother --
“...I can’t say I know much about Black Jack Roberts, aside from him being captain of the Tower Raven...” she said slowly, “...but it seems to me that attacking one man would be a poor way to use the weapon we’ve acquired.”
All three of the others looked at her. Beckett raised his eyebrows in keen interest.
“And what would you say would be a better way to use it, Commodore?” he asked, sounding intrigued.
Carewyn’s eyes drifted away from the others as she walked up to the window of her office and looked out, her arms crossed behind her back as she went. She tried to keep her face as stoic as possible, even with how scared she truly felt.
‘In order to pass up the chance to hunt down and kill one of the most wanted pirates in the world,’ she thought, ‘I have to offer an even more enticing option...’
The idea forming in her mind made her feel ill.
‘It’s been over two weeks since I saw Jules, Bill, and Charlie,’ she thought very quickly. ‘That’s more than enough time to have made the repairs to the Revolution and get some new crew members, especially if Orion and the crew of the Artemis is helping them. And...whether they’re just leaving or have already left...this way, they’ll know the true extent of the danger. All pirates will know what the Navy’s new weapon is...and can prepare for it.’
She closed her eyes solemnly.
“...I say we send a message to all pirates -- one that makes them tremble in their boots, the way they’ve made merchant sailors tremble at the sight of their black flags...by attacking them where they’ve always felt most safe. By arresting them somewhere they all gather together, in one place.”
She opened her eyes again, her gaze blazing as she turned back to Beckett.
“I say...we sack Tortuga.”
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dreamsofthescreen · 3 years
Alluring or Meaningless? - The Ending of Sorrentino’s La Grande Bellezza (The Great Beauty)
Renowned director Paolo Sorrentino's classic 'La Grand Bellezza' mixes the pathos of life with philosophical ideas, but does its ending even have the desired meaning that audiences were expecting?  
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Giusi Merli in ‘La Grande Bellezza’
Paolo Sorrentino’s renowned 2013 Italian modern classic, ‘La Grande Bellezza’ (The Great Beauty) was certainly one for the critics to praise highly, yet there is a certain quality to its largely masterful storytelling that can see it lacking in true depth. Where much of the film’s entirety soars, its value seems to get lost amongst its artsy attempt to create meaning, where it really can appear as overdone and quite hollow. If we look at the last 30 minutes of Sorrentino’s work, we as an audience can certainly debate whether there is awe-inspiring significance or just overplayed rhetoric in the ending of La Grand Bellezza. Where whimsical characters and moments are introduced, viewers can be very easily swept up in Sorrentino’s foreign fairytale, where it really can be deemed as just pretentious. Yet, this point is far from black and white, as ‘La Grande Bellezza’s’ meaning is up to the audience to interpret, still making it a favoured and beloved work.
Italian director Paolo Sorrentino’s works have garnered praise for their dramatic and striking visuals, as well as their convoluted plots. He has been compared to Federico Fellini, and certainly does seem to take inspiration from the 1960s film icon. But Sorrentino is certainly no copy of Fellini, as his culturally inspired films do reach audiences well. Yet where The Academy Awards gave it the win for Best Foreign Language Film, and where critics seem to kiss it’s feet, this doesn’t always mean that it is altogether an expert piece of cinema. You can say that the beauty of film is that it can be totally subjective, which, in hand, is what makes such great art. So us as an audience can ask whether we view the film as more so pretentious or philosophical?
‘La Grande Bellezza’ follows former writer & popular socialite Jep Gambardella, a sort of philosophical muse for Sorrentino. As Jep’s life in Rome is consumed by materialism, it isn’t until his 65th birthday that he begins to look inwards. This leads him on a search for ‘the great beauty’, which has him relishing in nostalgia and existential simplicity, audiences closely following behind on that journey with him. The greater part of Sorrentino’s film does successfully have us questioning our place in the world, and where our values lie. Through comparing and contrasting the superficial high life with what’s most important to humanity, we are reminded of our own perspectives on what does and should hold the most substance or meaning.
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Toni Servillo in 'La Grande Bellezza'
Yet as Jep has wandered around searching in different areas for beauty in truth and philosophy, his defining moment seems to be towards the end of the film, when he is introduced to Saint, Sister Maria. As Jep is told that she had ‘read his novel & loved it’ years before, we are left open to interpretation to who this Saint may be. Yet the answer in itself is somewhat disappointing. Again, it is not to say that the ending of Sorrentino’s film is wrong or terrible, but is surely very thought provoking.
This moment starts in the last thirty minutes of the film, and we are never given a backstory to Sister Maria when or before she is introduced. And she is introduced, literally, on a pedestal. As she sits there in silence, she wears a dusty, grey-blue nun’s habit, her olive skin lined with deep wrinkles, and expression truly dried out. Members of high society kneel to her, kissing her hands. In the chapel that she sits, there are priests, monks, African tribesmen and all in all, only established figures flocking to her, their eyes wide in honour of her presence. It is as though these figures are all awaiting an answer that they cannot find, and seek out from Maria. Though she is established as a wise old prophet with supposed life-changing aid, what makes her so respectable? She appears as though she has lived three lifetimes and has ‘only granted three interviews in all her life’, yet this alleged messiah altogether utters very little meaning. Sister Maria’s introduction has her appearing as a monumental figure, mostly due to the filmmaking aspects of the scene. In the chapel, lit with a chiaroscuro inspired light, along with medieval Roman Catholic music echoing throughout, with the purpose of warming our hearts. Contemplative looks from across the room, including a black priest, may be there to show the diversity that Maria is surrounded by, as those across the globe seem to adore her. The only interpretation gathered is that Sister Maria is an attempt to create a grandiose moment to close out the film in a profound sense. Yet what I’d gathered of this Saint, is that she lives so austerely that Sorrentino’s ending becomes muddled and pretentious.
As previously mentioned, we are never given a backstory to Sister Maria, but maybe that is the beauty of it that Sorrentino was trying to portray. This icon in the film is looked up to for her granted simplicity. But by portraying something so obscure, Sorrentino’s work doesn’t always appear as interesting, but as an attempt to do so. Is it her goodness or her stripped back way of living that those aspire to? And why does it need to be members of high society that only seek her advice? Wouldn’t Sorrentino’s inclusion of ordinary citizens make it all the more realistic, or relatable and grounded, rather than once again getting caught up in something so grand?
Her grandeur is never explained, to which we can be inspired or simply baffled by the mystery, seeing it as something that creates interest, or just remains pretentious. Yet even if her significance was explained, and made this supposed icon as meaningful as someone like the Pope or Mother Teresa, aren’t we supposed to be inspired by the ordinary and the beauty in simplicity. Isn't the point of 'La Grande Bellezza' to celebrate the simple things in life, rather than an established, worshipped figure? The portrayal of this kooky character tries to make a point towards being so well grounded, that it is absurd. As she speaks to Jep, she asks 'Do you know why I only eat roots?', to which Jep asks why, her response following as, 'Because roots are important'. Now Sister Maria's actions line up with her values and grounded nature, as she genuinely decides to eat roots. This can be seen by some as profoundly inspiring, but is altogether quite a weak attempt to deliver an overly-artistic message. And sure, it isn't all pompous, as there is a great reference to the Catholic influences in Italy and the holy hierarchy of Rome & it’s art. But it is the aureate expression  doesn’t sell it as being moving, but is instead simply too showy.
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When sat down at dinner with Jep and his fellow members of Roman high society, Maria is slouching at the head of the table with a vapid expression. The attempt at meaning that Sorrentino has so clearly tried to create is open to interpretation, yet it can be said that this is not one of the his finest writing moments. Sister Maria does not speak a word, and whenever she does, it is a brooding comment that is supposed to hold substance, but instead can be regarded as pretentious. The moment she lifts her head to comment on Jep's novel, all eyes are so enthusiastically on her. Sister Maria does not sleep in a bed, as she finds Rome’s 5 star Hassler hotel, ‘uncomfortable’. Her perspective on life can be seen as purely existential and somewhat nihilistic, or greatly generous. As she works alongside the sick and supports the Third World, her abandonment of any enjoyment and subscription to poverty has us question our place. Is someone really so empathetic that they’ll refuse any comfort, because others are worse off? Again, Sorrentino does succeed in communicating a message that has us asking questions like this, yet the point is too greatly emphasised through the worshipping and dramatically overdone expression of this holy character.
As Jep focuses on switching his hedonism for eudaemonism, his perspective on the finer things in life is the things he used to have, leading him to relish in nostalgia. Sister Maria seems to be an exaggerated symbol of his changing philosophy, as well as a turning point for him to once again write, after abandoning any such creativity for decades.
Something in meeting Sister Maria has Jep retuning to Giglio Island to report on a shipwreck, again, quite symbolic of Jep’s career position, having not written a novel in 40 years. Here, he remembers his first meeting with his first love, to which inspires him to write again. Apparently Sister Maria is the bridge between Jep’s despair & newfound hope.
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Paolo Sorrentino's expertly expressive film is a no doubt a masterful passion project that communicates the pathos and joy of the human condition, impacting audiences greatly. Yet Sorrentino's attempt to create something meaningful to close out an already wonderful film filled it with more vanity than it needed. It is an entirely subjective work that involves the audiences thought and we can all interpret it how we see it, which is assuredly a good thing. However, Sorrentino’s quite bombastic ending was just a questionable cliffhanger and didn't line up with the greatness that the first two hours of 'La Grande Bellezza' provided. Though a fantastic feature, Paolo Sorrentino seemed to get too lost in portraying a message so obscurely overdone, that it had somewhat lost it's original meaning.
visit at: dreamsofthescreen.com
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charmingmarchioness · 4 years
The Painter’s Masterpiece
Today is a fine spring day to celebrate a new beginning of life and a woman named Violet Evergarden blissfully watched the swaying leaves of the Bougainvillea trees that is located in the southern part of Leidenschaftlich.
The people who caught sight of her cannot help but admire the smiling figure of Violet. It is true that her charm increases every time she let out a warm smile. The cold beauty of hers resonated to that of a blooming spring and it was an art to be reckoned with.
One of the passerby who caught sight of her is a well renowned painter, an artist who is currently looking for an inspiration. His name is Artemis Bluemenville, a young man who is a little bit older than Violet. His eyes. He watched her with a great deal of admiration, cheeks that is dyed in red, and heart that seems to be malfunctioning.
Artemis knew who she was. No, more like most of them knew who she truly is. Violet Evergarden is a famous Auto-Memories Doll, not just in Leidenschaftlich, but also in various continent. She is a demanded celebrity who was able to touch an save the hearts of many.
And the inspiration that Artemis is looking for is right in front of him. He was feeling depressed recently because that previous art that he created lack brightness and vividness. Even if it was created beautifully, that painting still doesn't satisfy him. All because...It lacks meaning and dedication.
Artemis gathered some air and breathe heavily before he courageously went to where she is.
"Miss Violet Evergarden? May I talk to you for awhile?"
Although he is quite nervous and excited at the same time, he cannot let it ruin his delicacy. He was raised as a polite man and the over enjoyment might tarnish his image.
Violet was puzzled for a moment.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" A voice that is so pure and soft echoed throughout his mind and touched his anxious soul.
He clenched his fist and teeth to calm his overly excited and nervous self.
"My name is Artemis Bluemenville. I am a painter and I would like you to be my model for my first masterpiece."
Although he created a lot of paintings, none of it gave him the feeling of satisfaction so he basically cannot call it a masterpiece.
So here they are in the 'studio de Arte', showing off all his half hearted paintings. He had a hard time making her accept his offer and now, it feels like a dream come true for him.
"Your paintings are..." Violet paused and slowly spoke the next words, making Artemis a little bit sad. "...beyond wonderful."
"Ah, that's what everyone thinks too...but on the contrary, it lacked the essence of life.
Violet did not respond because she was completely nailed to a particular painting. Her eyes became dull and somewhat pained, as if she's trying to reminisce a distant past.
"Is there something wrong? Do you not like that painting?" He asked, quite troubled.
"My apologies. I didn't mean to put it that way. It's just that...I find it nostalgic for some reason."
"Is that so?"
"Yes." Violet once again stared at the painting.
The palette of the painting consists of blue, yellow, white, brown, and many more. It was a picture of a grand mansion in the middle of the flushy green trees and abundant field of flowers. The sea was just close by. The raging dark waves resonates to the brightness of the stars and moon.
"Can you tell me the story behind this painting?"
Artemis gave her a sad smile and nodded.
"I too, have no idea. Years ago, when I was still an amateur painter, I managed to discover a near impossible mansion in the middle of nowhere. It was actually a bazzare experience since I found it by accident. Despite its beautiful surrounding, this abandoned mansion gave me the feeling of chills and creeps. It felt eary and a bit sad but I end up painting it without releasing it to the public."
".....I see."
Is the only word she says while still eyeing that peculiar painting. Artemis suddenly remembered their conversation awhile ago.
"I...cannot accept."
Thud! His hopes went down after hearing her answer. Artemis, the well known painter was rejected for the first time. But, he simply cannot give up and tried to persuade her one more time.
"May I know the reason why? If it's about the payment, I can pay you triple times. You'll become much much more popular than you are now. Please think about it." The way he sound is quite desperate but if he was asked to kneel, he will not hesitate to do it.
"I don't need the money nor the fame. You see, I simply wish to live a simple life...even if it is impossible for a person like me. I am also not someone to be bought with money." She stated at a matter of fact.
Her doll like features shows nothing but an expressionless look.
"Oh no! Please forgive my insolence. That is not my intention at all. My only wish is to create a masterpiece and you are the one who inspire me, Miss Violet." Gaze that held no lies and ill intention made her a little bit interested.
Silence...No one was talking, not even the noises of the surrounding cound change the awkward and tense atmosphere between the two.
"...Very well."
(Flashback Ends)
Violet Evergarden was obediently sitting in a comfortable chair. The golden hair was spread out like a thin thread of silk while she wears a pure white ruffled dress with a glint of sparkly gold. If one would look at her now, she will be immediately mistaken as a mythological goddess or a princess from a noble kingdom.
"Is that the reason why you declined?"
Artemis asked while looking at her prosthetic hand with a symphatetic eyes. Violet lift up both of her hands and gaze it with a sad smile.
"Yes. I am not as beautiful as you think, nor did I have a decent life, so I technically believed that I do not deserve to be asked such things."
"I...I am sorry for asking." He let his head down, unable to utter a single word. He wanted to say a more appropriate word of comfort but still unable to do so.
"You are not at fault so please do not apologize."
Artemis continued to draw and paint her. This is actually the first time where he enjoyed doing his passion. He retained Violet's elegance and purity; beauty that is too perfect and unbelievably out of this world. When he looked at those mysterious blue eyes, he felt like being swallowed up by a black hole.
Few hours later, he finally managed to patch things up. He was covered in various colors of acrylic paint and paid it no mind because he was too endulged with the overwhelming result. 'This is it! Finally!' Is what he thought while gleefully laughing.
"Thank you so much, Miss Violet Evergarden! I am indebted to you!"
In the end, Violet did not accept the money that Artemis gave her, even if he kept on telling her that he only wanted to give her a credit. He was a disheartened but a silly idea came into his mind.
"Please choose any of those paintings and I'll gladly give it to you. I cannot accept a NO answer." He said while he shamelessly took her artificial arms to his and clapped it together.
Artemis' persistence is endless so Violet had no choice but to pick one. He picked the nostalgic painting that she's been eyeing all the time. The one where she felt an undescribeable feeling and maybe it was something that has a unexplainable connection with her forgotten past.
Soon after, a grand gallery opening was held in the glorious city of Leiden. Many Aristocrats, Celebrities and Ordinary Civilians flock into the event.  The security around the place is very tight. The military police wasn't alone to keep things in order. Some of the Leidenschaftlich army and navy were invited as well since the painter is the youngest son of the military prime minister.
Artemis Bluemenville, the genius painter of all time. Here, he revealed his very own first masterpiece, shocking the hell out of all people, particularly for those people who knew her and for those who are involved with her.
The woman in the largest painting is an outstanding embodiment of perfection and  gorgeousness. The white dress that she wore made her more sophisticated and demure.
Artemis also revealed another painting and that alone made a lot of people fell in love with the loveliness of the woman more and more.
A woman who is usually wearing her doll like clothes stood in the middle of the pinkish red bougainvillea trees, smiling blushingly while holding an emerald brooch in her chest. That sight alone makes it more bewitchingly beautiful. Everyone could really felt the simplicity and the happiness of the woman.
There is actually a particular man who can't keep his beating heart in check and that is no other than Gilbert Bougainvillea, an Army Colonel. He is also the lover of the woman who is being admired in the painting.
This is the magical painting of Artemis Bluemenville. It was Violet Evergarden who inspired him the most. She was also the sole reason why he is finally determined to do his very best.
Meanwhile, a golden haired woman was seen around the Fluegel Castle. She looked back, stared at the bluish sky and smiled.
"It was a nice day."
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ximcnadlc · 4 years
*·˚ ༘♡ (cindy kimberly, cisfemale) have you seen ximena de la cruz? ximena is in her senior year. the arts management major is 23 years old & is a cancer. People say she is indulgent, vibrant, temperamental and distrustful. Rumors say they’re a member of calloway society. I heard from the gossip blog that she’s recovering from a cocaine addiction that she abused to keep herself thin.
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hi everyone ! i’m marci and i’m super excited to present ximena to you all. i’m awful when it comes to writing intros so please bare with me lol. if you like what you read, feel free to like this post or message me so we can get to plotting !
stats !
FULL NAME ― ximena sofia de la cruz NICKNAMES ― xime BIRTHDATE ― june 25th, 1997 AGE ― twenty-three years old ZODIAC ― cancer GENDER ― cis female PRONOUNS ― she/her ORIENTATION ― repressed bisexual
background !
again i tried to write this up asap so it might suck absolute ass, but just ignore that and plot with me anyway :-) also drug and addiction tw
― so ximena and her twin brother were born in nyc, new york BUT were raised in a number of places ‘round the world due to their mother’s constant travel
― despite the twin’s father being permanently located in chicago, illinois they followed their mother wherever her modeling work took her because their father was too busy being the ceo of a conglomerate to take care of them properly
― this company is a longstanding business venture started by the twin’s great-great-great grandfather meaning the de la cruz family came from old money— at least on their father’s side
― their mother wasn’t a stranger to wealth as she earned it herself while working her way up to becoming a world renowned supermodel. considering her familiarity with the working class she made sure to keep the twins aware of their absurd wealth and privilege, which helped the two stay grounded (especially ximena)
— of the two, ximena’s older brother (by 15 minutes) was always their mother’s favorite child and is often referred to as the golden boy by ximena. unfortunately for her, their mother’s preference for her only son had always been clear due to the constant discrimination ximena received
— growing up, she was a fairly chubby girl who barely resembled her mother. her teeth were crooked, her clothes never fit right, she was awkward looking, shy, and not the natural beauty the public expected her mother to give birth to
— the constant criticism ximena received from the outside world never compared to that of which she heard from her own mother. their conversations never veered away from being told how to look, how to behave, what to eat, who to talk to… it was absolutely draining and despite eventually growing out of her ugly duckling phase (thanks to puberty) ximena never seemed to be good enough for her own mother
— this never-ending stream of disapproval really chipped away at ximena’s confidence. it became clear to her in high school that no matter what she’d do, her mother would always view her as a disappointment
— her revelation didn’t stop her from trying to gain her mother’s favor though. she continuously watched what she ate and worked out more than normal, which lead to a mental and physical exhaustion that ximena couldn’t stand anymore. so instead, she looked to ways that would help her maintain the slim figure her mother constantly harassed her about and quickly found that cocaine was the easiest way to go about it
— at first, she only did it recreationally with some friends, but eventually she saw the benefits it had on suppressing her appetite and it encouraged her growing addiction to the harmful drug. the peak of her dependency happened her freshman year at yates when she was found in some bathroom breathing uncontrollably at the brink of an overdose
— after this incident, her parents sent her to rehab immediately and forced her to opt out of her sophomore year at yates so that she could get a handle on her addiction
— it has now been three years since the incident and although she’s been clean since, her mother’s criticism has only grown worse. ximena only hopes that she can manage to keep her past addiction under wraps if not for her family’s sake than for her own
tl;dr — ximena is a wealthy socialite twin with an extremely critical mother. she’s criticized to the point of  acquiring a cocaine addiction to keep up with her mother’s insane beauty standards
extras !
— with a last name like de la cruz i just imagine them all speaking spanish especially with each other and especially bc their mother is actually from spain so, FLUENT SHE IS. i also imagine her with a cute lil accent because of it
— ximena is a total daddy’s girl and absolutely adores him despite not seeing him as often as her mom. in fact, when her addiction became known to the family, he was the one who constantly checked in on her to make sure his little princess was doing okay
— her relationship with her brother is a little rocky due to difference in treatment they received from their mother. she loves him, but can’t help feeling resentful as he got the love and praise from the one person she swears hates her guts
— her parents definitely paid off the person who found ximena in the bathroom and made them sign an nda to keep the accident under wraps. her dad may love her unconditionally, but at the end of the day a scandal like hers could negatively impact the family company and that’s just a huge no-no
— personality wise ximena is a sweet girl who just wants to feel appreciated and loved. she won’t go out of her way to make sure everyone likes her, but will try her best to be kind and accepting of everyone. however, at times she can be a bit erratic because of the cocaine’s lasting effects on her. so if you catch her in one of her moods, she’s sorry lol
— mommy issues call for her repressing the attraction she has towards women in authoritarian positions. be mean to her and she might just get ~secretly~ turned on by it
— during her time in rehab, ximena turned her focus towards her art and used it to distract herself from the withdrawal symptoms she often struggled with. she’s hoping that after yates she can pursue her dream of opening her getting her art displayed at museums and possibly opening her own art gallery
connections !
i usually write out more than this, but again i’m RUSHINGGGG
— ok so again someone who got paid off by her parents to keep hush hush about the accident in the bathroom. maybe they hold it over her head to get more money or maybe they try to make sure she’s actually ok ?? idk you tell me what you like
— she’s an ARTISTE so be her muse !! there’s something about y/c that intrigues ximena and she just constantly finds them sketching/paintaing/doodling her all over everything
— ahaha obviously need a girl that helps her explore her sexuality and attraction towards women. maybe it started off as a drunk one night stand and ximena tries to deny it ever happening but y/c is like “sike ! that shit happened and it was niiiiiiice”
— she. needs. friends. whether they’re just acquaintances or attached at the hip, she needs them !
— someone she has a huge crush on !! maybe they know and tease her about it, or they don’t and are oblivious to her advances. they could reciprocate or not, whatever you think fits
— possibly a second ex ?? they met at yates and maybe used each other for something idk
— also enemies. maybe they’re rivals within their major or bc of the societies thing or maybe they’re in the same society and they just dislike each other for some reason
— literally anything !! i want to plot with everyone !!
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